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Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class

1. He believes that the 2. A philosopher who 3. Explains this

human mind at birth is a states that "I act, therefore statement, "I think,
"tabula rasa" I am." therefore I am."
Jan Angelo Heide Dyna Munoz Doria Jefferson Daoatin
John Locke was a Gilbert Ryle Thus statement shows
philosopher and that never doubt in your
physician and was one own capability, every
of the most influential one of us has its own
Enlightenment thinkers. ability to do something,
He believes that the no one is absolutely the
human mind at birth is a same from the other, we
tabula rasa, which are unique in many
means that knowledge is ways.
derived from
experience. Also, Locke
insisted that a person
could only be held
accountable for
behaviors he/she can
remember. Thus, the
person who cannot
remember his/her
behavior is the same as
the state of the person
who never committed
the act, which meant
that the person was

Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class 1

4. Knows the philosophy 5. Discuss the 6. Recite the three kinds of
of Immanuel Kant. philosophy of Hume. being by Plato
Shan De Guzman Rosemarie De Guzman Enrico Dungca
"Theory of knowledge" David Hume, a Plato argues that the soul
which means ethics and Scottish philosopher, comprises of three parts
aesthetics greatly and regarded as one of namely rational,
influence all the the most influential appetitive, and the
subsequent philosopy. English language spirited.
They said the knowledge philosopher, as
is Power so it means that opposed to Descartes'
knowledge is the Rationalism, believes
foundation of learning. in Empiricism which is
the idea that
knowledge is gained by
experience through our
senses. Hume believes
that the mind is just a
collection of
perceptions gained by
experience. Hume
divides these
perceptions into two
groups namely:
Impressions and Ideas,
with the difference
between them being
the "force and
vivacity". This is
basically how
powerfully the idea or
impression imposes
itself on you.
Impressions have
greater force and

Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class 2

vivacity while Ideas
have less.

7. Explain the "Socratic 8. Give an 9. Explain this phrase,

method." example/personal physical body is an
Valentine Uchendu experience of the important part of self.
Socratic Method is a phrase "I act, therefore Michael Jay Pagal
method commonly used I am."
We are humans, who
by teachers and students Mark Robert Cruz just like any other
whenever they My own personal existential being, have
communicate. Teachers experience of the needs to be met in order
ask students questions to phrase "I act, therefore to survive. Our physical
know and understand the I am" when I'm about bodies is the vessel of
views of their students to accomplish some our souls. And so it is
tasks and that phrase very important to remain
applies to my situation healthy because our
because it reminds me physical bodies greatly
to just don't think but affect how we can
doing something to continue living and
accomplish my task or being ourselves.
my goal. Sometimes
thinking lead us to
opinions, and other
strategies but doing it
by taking actions will
be more effective
making your goals

10. Know the life of John 11. Discuss the statement, 12. Differentiate between
Locke. "I sense, therefore I Descartes' and Gilbert
am." Ryle's views about the
Mark Christian Cruz
Know the life of John Jefferson Daoatin
Locke. Cogito ergo sum is

Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class 3

- Philosopher, often regarded as the Sheryl Roque Dela Vega
Physician, Political fundamental element The Difference about
theorist of Western thought Descarte's and Gilbert
- Founder of Empiricism that laid the grounds Ryle's opinion about self
- Father of Liberalism for rationalism, is that Descarte's
- One of the most scientific progress and philosopy is all about the
influential enlightenment modern dichotomies: I responsible part of our
thinkers think, therefore I am. body is the mind, and it
- He believes that human controls the emotions of
mind at birth is a tabula all people, and in other
rasa, which means that hand Ryle's Philosopy is
knowledge is derived about the behavior of
from experience. humans, who controls
- Locke believed that the the body and actions, the
“self” is identified with main difference between
consciousness and this the two is that Descarte's
“self” consists of is all about the brain, and
sameness of Ryle's is about the
consciousness. bahavior of human's that
1632 – Born at controls our body
Wrington, Somerset,
1652 - 1658 – He
graduated at Christ
Church, Oxford, with a
bachelor’s and master’s
degree of arts.
1667 – Locke became a
1695 – His famous work
entitled “An Essay
Concerning Human
Understanding” was
originally published
1704 – John Locke died
in High Laver, Essex.

Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class 4

13. Tell who Augustine is. 14. This philosopher 15. Give the background of
Felicity Vegas states that reason is Descartes.

Augustine is remarkable the final authority of Shan De Guzman

for what he did and morality. Descartes was a French
extraordinary for what he Rosemarie De philosopher,
wrote. If none of his Guzman mathematician, and
written works had Immanuel Kant scientist. Rene descrate
survived, he would still are considered the father
have been a figure to be of modern western
reckoned with, but his philosophy. descartes is
stature would have been often regarded as the
more nearly that of some first thinker to emphasize
of his contemporaries. the use of reason to
However, more than five describe, predict, and
million words of his understand natural
writings survive, phenomena.
virtually all displaying
the strength and
sharpness of his mind
(and some limitations of
range and learning) and
some possessing the rare
power to attract and hold
the attention of readers
in both his day and ours.
His distinctive
theological style shaped
Latin Christianity in a
way surpassed only by
Scripture itself.

Philosopher's Gallery Walk | Class 5

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