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SESSION – 2021-22
CLASS – IX ______

Answer with reference to the context:

1. ‘Today Tommy found a real book.’

a. Who is the speaker? How do you think is Tommy related to the speaker?
b. What is the mood of the speaker when she refers to the real book?
c. Why was the thought of a real book weird to the speaker?
d. How was the real book different from the book that they had used?

2. ‘They had once taken Tommy’s teacher away for nearly a month…’
a. Who were they? Where had they taken Tommy’s teacher?
b. Why was the teacher taken away?
c. Enlisting two differences between Tommy’s teacher and your teachers, justify whom
would you prefer?

3. “A man isn’t smart enough Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher”
a. Who said this to whom?
b. Why did the speaker think that “My father knows as much as my teacher”?

4.Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed 17th May,
2157, shewrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”
It was a very old book. Margie’s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his
grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They
turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that
stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to . on a screen , you know. And
when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had when they
read it the first time.

i) What strange thing did Margie find one day?

a) A new computer b) A newspaper
c) A book with fixed words d) A new game
ii) How is the old book different from E-book?
a) Cannot be read on computer b) Has non-moving /fixed words
c) It plays music d) Has pictures in it
iii) Which word in the passage means the same as humorous?
a) Read b) Funny
c) Awful d) Wrinkled
iv) How long ago were the old schools around?
a) Centuries ago b) Fifty years ago
c) Thousands of years ago d) Ten years ago

Question 4 : ‘Gee’, said Tommy, “what a waste. When you’re through with the book,
you just throw it away, I guess. Our television scree must have had a million books on it
and it’s good for plenty more. I wouldn’t throw it away.”
“Same with mine”, said Margie. She was eleven and hadn’t seen as many telebooks as
Tommy had. He was thirteen.
She said “Where did you find it?”
“In my house.” He pointed without looking because he was busy reading. “In the attic.”
“What’s it about?”
i) Tommy calls this old book a waste because
a) it could not be stored b) it was costly
c) pages could not be turned d) did not teach anything
ii) The old book was about
a) movies b) paintings
c) school d) house
iii) Which word in the passage is antonym of ‘less’?
a) Million b) Slight
c) Plenty of d) Deficient
iv) What is a telebook?
a) It is made of pages b) Full of printed words
c) Book on screen d) Book on cartoons

Answer the following MCQs based on your understanding of the text:

Q1- To which world does the story take the readers to?
A) future worldB) past world
C) future world where computers will play a major role D)present World
Q2- What is Virtual Reality?
A) heavenly worldB) imaginary world
C) reality created by computer softwareD) none 

Q3- What is a Virtual Classroom?

A) class outside classroomB) class in the garden
C) where learning done is through computerD) class in the field
software and internet 

Q4- What is a Debate?

A) a contest to show ability in argumentB) contest to fight
between two people
C) contest to prove betterD) none 

Q5- Who is the main character of the story?

A) parentsB) children
C) MargieD) Tommy 

Q6- How old is Margie?

A) 10 years oldB) 11 years old
C) 12 years oldD) 13 years old 

Q7- Which year has the story been set in?

A) 2057B) 1957
C) 2157D) 2257 

Q8- Who is the author of this lesson?

A) Charles DickensB) Isaac Asimov
C) MiltonD) None 

Q9- Who are Margie and Tommy?

A) cousinsB) brother sister
C) friendsD) neighbours 
Q10- How old is Tommy?
A) 10 years oldB) 13 years old
C) 15 years oldD) 12 years old 
Q11- What did Tommy find?
A) an old book with yellow crinkly pagesB) a yellow pages book
C) a brand new bookD) a diary 

Q12- Where did Tommy find the book?

A) in a public libraryB) in a library
C) in his houseD) on the roadside 

Q13- What was strange about the book for Margie?

A) its titleB) its pages
C) its still words printed on pageD) its colour 

Q14- Who was teaching the students in the modern era?

A) a teacherB) parents
C) computerD) a mechanical robot teacher 

Q15- What is a telebook?

A) an e-bookB) an electronic book
C) book stored in a computerD) all 

Q16- Where was Margie’s school?

A) in a villageB) in a city outskirt
C) in her own houseD) in a room in her house where a computer was set up 

Q17- What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn?

A) MathematicsB) Arithmetic
C) GeographyD) All 

Q18- Where did Tommy and Margie read various books?

A) in the libraryB) in the school
C) on a computer screenD) none 
Q19- Who went to school?
A) MargieB) Tommy
C) TeachersD) Margie and Tommy’s ancestors 
Q20- Who was the regular teacher who taught the lessons?
A) human teacherB) computer teacher
C) mechanical robot teacher who teaches Margie D) who teachesstudents
and Tommy 

Q21- With whom is the mechanical teacher contrasted with?

A) with other teachersB) with old teachers
C) with human teachersD) with other robots 
Q22- Why did Margie’s mother call the County Inspector?
A) to repair a leakageB) to talk to Margie
C) to talk to Tommy
D) to check the fault in Margie’s teacher in the Geography section 

Q23- In which subject was Margie failing repeatedly?

A) ScienceB) History
C) EnglishD) Geography 

Q24- What did the County Inspector do to help Margie?

A) he reset the teacher to Margie’s levelB) he changed the module
C) changed the teacherD) changed the syllabus 

Q25- The section of which subject was completely deleted from Tommy’s computer?
A) EnglishB) History
C) Social StudiesD) Geography 

Q26- How much time was taken to repair Tommy’s teacher?

A) 15 daysB) 25 days
C) 20 daysD) one month 

Q27- Why did Margie hate school?

A) because of machine workB) no fun was there
C) no new thingsD) All 

Q28- What was the difference between old schools and modern schools/
A) old schools had many friends and modern school had no fellows
B) old schools had human teachers and modern schools had robots
C) old schools had playgrounds and modern school had only computers
D) All 

Q29- Did Margie have fixed hours of study?

A) No
B) she studied off and on
C) Yes she had fixed time and hours daily to study except Saturday and Sunday
D) None 

Q30- Why did Margie find the old schools interesting?

A) because of the fun
B) because of human teachers
C) because of many friends
D) all

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