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CFC Youth for Christ

Metro Con / RYC 2011

Who wants to be a Millionaire?
(Workshop on Financial Stewardship)

“And other seeds fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and
yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” -Mark 4:8
For the past years we have been growing and growing as a ministry. One of the
contributing factors in our growth as a ministry is the events that we attend to. Because of
all these activities we have been nourished and fell in love more with God. But in order for
us to attend the said conferences we usually spend money for our registration. Knowing
that most of us don’t earn or doesn’t have a source for their own income, we sometimes
struggle in producing money for our registration. Because of this we sometimes fail to
attend our conferences. This workshop aims to teach us about proper handling of money
and at the same time give us an idea on how we can earn money in an easy and Christian

1. To educate the participants about the proper handling of money.
2. To teach the participants how to enlarge their psychological wallet.
3. To give the participants an entrepreneurial mindset.

1:30 – 2:00 Gathering
2:00 – 2:15 Opening Worship / Prayer
2:15 – 2:30 Gatteing to Know You Activity / Icebreaker
2:30 – 2:35 Introduce Speaker
2:35 – 4:00 Workshop Proper
4:00 – 4:30 Final Spiels / Closing

1. After the registration, gather all the participants and make them find a place
where they can settle.
2. Emcees comes in and makes some spiel. After the spiel, the emcees calls on the
worship leader/prayer leader.
3. After the Prayer, emcees comes in and conducts the Getting to Know You
Activity. A short processing of the activity will be given after that.
4. Emcees introduces the Speaker.
5. Speaker Comes in and gives the workshop.
6. Speaker follows the Talk Outline.
7. After the workshop proper, the emcees comes in and wraps up the entire
8. Thank the speaker and the participants.
9. End with a closing prayer.


1. A community member who is an entrepreneur or a business man or woman.

2. His or her business has been running for quite some time now and it is also supporting
charities or other organizations that supports the Church.
3. Someone who shares the same mindset which is “Earn to Give” or someone who has a special
relationship with the Lord. He/She can share insights on the struggles and how great the Lord
has blessed the business as well.
4. Has a wide knowledgeable on business managing, financial decision making, investing and
accounting matters.
5. Open for short consultation after the workshop if ever there are YFCs who would like to ask
for his/her opinions regarding on opening a business or whatsoever.
CFC Youth for Christ
Metro Con / RYC 2011
Who wants to be a Millionaire?
(Workshop on Financial Stewardship)
I. Introduction
Many of us want to be rich. We wish to have more money so we can do the things we
want and buy all the things we need. But because most of us are still studying and are still
depending on our parents to give us money for our daily expenses, we can’t do anything. This
gives us so much frustration. The good news is that we can do something about it.

II. Changing the Mindset

In order for us to achieve our goal and change our circumstances into something better,
we have to first change our mindset reagridng money and richness.

A. Rich is bad
There are several people who are trapped in poverty because they believe in one
mindset. They have a great desire to get rich, pay their debts and get incredible income.
However they are also trap in the zone where they are hesitating to take risk and make a
bold move to earn money and do business. They also have a subconscious belief that the
rich people are evil, money is bad and business is dirty.
People have become what they have repeatedly think of. People have become poor
because they have the poor man’s habits. We are what we do. However, we can change
all these. After all, we create our own life. We always have a choice to choose our own
thoughts, behavior, habits and psychology. We can always to choose to find wealth over
poverty. We have the power to change our own mindset.

1. Enough with the blame

-Most Filipinos blame the government why they are poor. They curse the
government for its corrupted officials. They curse the police men for injustice
and bribery. People are hungry of salvation. They are waiting to be saved.

- People blame their family why they are poor. They have grown in a poor
family. His family lineage is poor. People have instilled a mindset that once your
are born poor, you will remain poor.

- People blame God why they are poor. They have come across with the thinking
that it is their fate to become poor. God placed them in a situation whey they
are born in slums and squatters area. It is their destiny.

This is a terrible mindset. Deadly, even. People are consuming themselves with the
thinking that the only way to solve their problems is to blame the circumstances that
surrounds them. If they keep on blaming their financial condition outside themselves,
they will never get rich. Think that the answer to a financial problem is determined by the
choices we make in life. Until they stop blaming the others and take responsibility with
their own actions, they will remain poor. If people want prosperity, we have the sole
power to create it and make it possible.
2. Psychological Wallet

-A psychological wallet is how we highly think of ourselves when earning money.

Are we really comfortable in seeing ourselves who earns one hundred thousand
a day? Are we settled in seeing ourselves earning a normal wage every month?

-Money problems are mind problems. Many people are poor because they think
they are not worthy to be rich. They think earning millions in 5 years is

Unless we change how we picture ourselves earning a large income, it will be impossible for us
to get rich. Start enlarging your psychology wallet. See yourself earning double or triple of what
you are currently earning now. Think highly of yourself.

B. Plan your future

We are always given a choice to sketch our own future. To see what lies beyond the
present. To dream and forecast our desires and wants in life.

People constantly fail in life because they lack commitment with what they truly want. People
are eager to get rich however it takes a tremendous of effort and energy to be one. We should
not just dream, wish and wonder of being rich. We should committed with it.

1. Focus and Attract

“The universe conspires with what you want in life”-Paulo Coelho
Apply law of focus and law of attraction are parallel to each other. Remember that
both laws are impossible to bend. This is like law of gravity. No exceptions, it’s there
and it will happen. This is a powerful fact and the secret of the universe, attract
positiveness in your life and it will come to you. Attract negativeness in your life and
it will consume you. Your own thoughts create life.

Bottomline, this reflects how you think. If you see yourself as a poor person then
the universe will give you the situation that you’ve been constantly thinking. You
will be trapped in poverty. However, if you start thinking of yourself as a rich and
wealthy person enjoying prosperity and abundance then the universe will grant
your deepest desires.

See yourself earning great amount of money and enjoying wealth.

See yourself giving generously to God each month.
Feel comfortable in sharing your wealth and being committed to your dreams and

III. Gain Financial Knowledge

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more
profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.”-Proverbs 3:13-15
A. Financial Literacy is Earned
According to the research study of Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor
Dad: “We are not taught financial literacy in school. It takes a lot of work and time to
change your thinking and to become financially literate.”

We are taught we the idea that we should study hard, finish our studies, look for a
job and get employed in a well-known company. But never study hard, finish your studies
and make your own business. So how do we really gain financial literacy?

1. Start Reading Books about Finance and Attend Seminars on Money

2. Start reading the business section of the newspaper

Although you cannot understand any terms on that paper and everything seems
like a jargon when reading it, start researching and get familiar. Find someone whom you
can ask and let them explain you the terms.

3. Start volunteering in a business

Ask a friend, a tita or anyone you know who has a business and ask if you can
volunteer and help in the business. You will ask no payment but just plain experience. In
this way, you will be able to see how a business works, how to entertain a customer and
the nitty-gritty of handling a business.

4. Look for financial mentors. Be an apprentice

“Study anyone who’s great, and you’ll find that they apprenticed to a master or
several masters. Therefore, if you want to achieve must apprentice to a
master.”-Robert Allen

Look for people who are successful financially. Mingle, talk and converse with them.
Know their aspiring stories, their lifestyle, opinions and advices. Ask their stories of
success. Ask them if they can tour you in their business and know the ups and downs of it.
Expose yourself.

5. Start a small business

As young as we are, of course, it won’t require a real-time business. This is basically

just for the experience of it. During your breaks and summer vacations, sell sandwiches,
lemonades, phone cards or sell anything under the sun that interests you! Organize a mini
concert, conduct theatrical plays or have a dance for a cause. It won’t matter if you fail.
It’s the experience that counts.

B. Take advantage of your core potential and Earn Money

“Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful.”
-Malcolm Forbes

1. Your greatest potential is your number one asset

Each of one of us has a unique talent. Whether that’s dancing, singing,
writing, blogging, cooking or communicating. We can always use it in our
advantage. Just be creative with how are you going to use it because you can
definitely earn from it.

According to Bo Sanchez:

Out of all the millionaires of the world...• 1 percent are top celebrity stars—
singers, actors, athletes • 5 percent are top salesmen• 10 percent are top
specialists like doctors and lawyers• 10 percent are top executives of mega
corporations• And 74 percent are entrepreneurs.

According to statistics, the most common way people become millionaires is

by becoming a business owner.

But do you know what’s common between successful stars and successful
entrepreneurs? They both use their core gift. And they have incredible passion for
what they do: using your core gift with passion in your own business.

2. Get Paid

“Ask and you will receive” -Matthew 7:7

Earn from your core gift. Whether that’s making a poster for your friend,
choreographed a dance, photographed an event for your Auntie or car washed a
friend’s car, get paid.

3. Learn to Sell

Sell anything! Practice your skills. If you really want to earn money, take away
that shyness and go out from your box. Talk and communicate with people. Expand
your connections. Widen your experience. Recruit, Motivate and Train yourself.

C. How to Properly Handle your money

1. Avoid Bad Debts

Stop impulsive buying. We are often enticed with the beauty of goods that we see
in the mall or stores. Sometimes our decision making is clouded by the urge of our want
and not with the fact whether we really need it or not. We should create new ways of
pleasure. Instead of having dinner everyday and spending money on high-end restaurants,
why not just enjoy quality time with family eating home made foods. Find the same
happiness and pleasure in the most simple ways like picnic in the park, reading in the
library or walking around the neighborhood.

2. Don’t Borrow when you can’t afford it

Always control your urge to buy something that is not a need. If you don’t have
money right now then do not buy it. It’s also one way of disciplining yourself.
3. Spend your allowance or income wisely

Divide your income that your are allotting a percentage for an investment or
emergency fund and another percentage for God.

IV. Develop the Entrepreneurial Mindset

A. Profits are better than Wages
This is the principle you have to remember when you want to be rich: Profits are
better than wages. Reality check? If you want to be rich then develop an entrepreneurial
We Filipinos, we are born and taught with a thinking that we should study hard to
be employees.

We are trained to study hard, find a job and earn wages. But that’s as far as we can
go. We can get promoted every year and have a 20 to 30 percent increase but that’s
basically it.

However, when you are in a business, you control the game because you determine
your own profits. If you want an increase of 100%, then go. Meaning, you decide with how
the business works.

B. Marketing is Power
The life of a business is marketing. Spend 80% of your time marketing your
business. You must communicate and obtain loyalty with your customers. Build customer
relationship and value. This is the key towards a successful business.

1. To introduce to the youth the concept of intimately seeking God on a daily basis.
2. To help the youth understand why prayer is so important to our Christian Life and why it
should be a priority.
3. To help the youth develop a habit towards a meaningful and devotional prayer life. This
can be encouraged through providing quiet time with God thru prayer, reading the
Bible, singing or listening to songs of praise, and in your personal journal.

V. Give your Best

A. Failure will always come your way
“Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is
a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”-Jim Rohn

Nobody said that the road to success is going to be a smooth one. There will be
several failures, rejections, embarrassment and frustrations. But the most important thing
there is that you stand up, act and fight again. Prominent personalities like Michael Jordan
did not become a basketball legend right away. Michael Jordan is on the list of the
Guiness Book of Records that has the most number of Baskets in NBA. However, he’s also
in the Guiness’ list who has the most misses. Simply because he made the worst attempts.

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty
six t imes, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over
and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.— Michael Jordan

B. Give it all you’ve got

“Excellence is not an act but a habit. We are what we repeatedly do.” — Aristotle

Make things happen. Make it possible. Make it real. If you really want to succeed,
stop murmuring and wishing around. Take a bold massive move. Make an action. Allow
yourself to fail. Give your best shot out there!

C. Give it back to Him

“Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands...”
-Deuteronomy 30:9

VI. Conclusion
And finally, the root of all this. Become a millionaire, be rich and have an enormous
amount of income. However, remember this: We earn to give.God will bless the giver
more than we can imagine.

Our point here is not to drown ourselves with money and abundance. This is about
creating a life where we are open with money and wealth yet we are freeing ourselves
from greed and materialism.

Let’s build a mindset that we are not contented of earning “just enough.” We want
to earn “more than just enough” because we want to help the Church and the ones in
need. We are not just millionaires. But God’s millionaires.

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