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Choose the word which has the differently stressed pattern from the others.
1. A. opera B. hurricane C. mosquito D. handicraft
Some types of mosquito transmit malaria to humans.
Hurricane force winds are expected tonight due to an approaching storm.
Dong Ha city was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage.
2. A. infamous B. sensitive C. courageous D. probable
Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.
Da Nang is a city (that is) famous for its nightlife.
FAME (n)
RISE TO FAME (v) = become famous
LVS rose to fame in the 1990s as a TV presenter.
TO BE INFAMOUS FOR sth = famous for sth considered very bad
He is infamous for coming to class late/bullying other students in the school.
Sense of fun
Sense of humour
Common sense (n)
Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues in many Asian countries
My husband did not appear to be sensible of the difficulties that lay ahead of us.
It is probable that the online learning may continue for 2 weeks.
3. A. occupation B. vegetarian C. generosity D. interpreter
4. A. admir able B. desir able C. believ able D. renew able
The police did an admirable job in leading refugees to their homeland.
It is considered as a highly desirable job.
Renewable energy sources
5. A. overtax B. overcoat C. overcome D. overnight

Choose the answers that would best complete the following sentences.
1. In recent years, ready-made meals have ______ Britain’s eating habits.
A. amended B. adjusted C. transferred D. transformed
In line 2, the word “men” should be amended to “man”.
Make an AMENDMENT (n) to sth.
I wanted to make amends for the worry I’ve caused you
As a teacher, you should adjust your teaching methods to suit the needs of slower children
Why don’t you adjust the chair to suit you? It is too high.
He adjusted his tie, took a deep breath, and walked into the director’s room.
The lifestyle in HCM city is very different from here, so it takes a long time for me to adjust.
He has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital
TRANSFORM sth INTO sth else
2. A few hours after the injection, the feeling of numbness in your arms will ______.
A. wear off B. fade out C. drop down D. fall through
The extreme cold numbed her face and hands.
The children are still numbed by their dad’s death.
3. ______, I stayed with my roommate's family during one spring break.
A. For being away in college B. When I had been away in college
C. While I WAS away in college D. Be away in college
4. When you meet him, just take ______ with a pinch of salt. He tends to
exaggerate everything.
A. what does he say to you B. that everything he says to you
C. that he says to you D. whatever he says to you
5. Jack’s score on the test is the highest. He ______.
A. should have studied very hard B. ought to have studied well
C. must have studied very hard D. need have studied well
6. Ross: “Jacob, could you handle this suitcase too?” – Jacob: “______”
A. Ok, I’ll help her with a hand. B. How many hands do you think I have?
C. Really? Why not you do it? D. Please look at me. I will show you.
7. Mrs. Miller: “______” – Mrs. Nelson: “Thank you. We are proud of him.”
A. Your child is just adorable! B. Can we ask your child to take a photo?
C. Your kid is naughty! D. I can give your kid a lift to school.
8. David spent part of ______ afternoon telling them the news he couldn’t tell them on ______
A. the - the B. an - Ø C. an - the D. the - Ø
9. Where’s that ______ dress that your grandma gave you?
A. lovely pink long silk B. lovely long pink silk
C. lovely pink silk long D. lovely silk long pink
10. I thought you said Laura was going away the next Sunday, ______?
A. wasn’t she B. didn’t you C. didn’t I D. wasn’t it
11. The whole ______ from my town to the metropolis is only about two hours.
A. travel B. tour C. trip D. journey
12. Their office is not in the low building. On the ______, it’s in the tall one.
A. IN/BY contrast B. IN reverse C. other side D. contrary
13. You have to write a/an ______ of the accident in detail.
A. description B. coverage C. account D. consideration
14. We couldn’t get past because there was a ______ car ______ our way.
A. broken-down / in B. broken-up / in C. broken-up / on D. broken-down /
15. Unfortunately, we cannot ______ to go on holiday twice a year. We just don’t earn
A. devote B. provide C. spare D. afford
Provide s.o with sth
Provide sth for s.o
Devote sth TO sth
Spare sth
Spare s,o sth
Afford sth
Afford to do sth
I don’t have enough money to buy this car.
 I can not afford (to buy) this car.
 this car is not AFFORDABLE to me.
16. ‘I don’t know the rules of the game.’ ‘Don’t worry. It’s as easy as ______.’
A. a cake B. a rope C. pie D. peanuts
A piece of cake
17. The government are afraid that another rise in food prices may ______ in strikes and
A. lead TO B. cause STH C. result D. provoke STH
18. The teacher advised that every student _____ for the new course before January 10 th.
A. register B. registered C. registers D. was registered
19. You smell awful! It's (about/HIGH) time you _____ a bath.
A. have B. will have C. had D. to have
20. She argues _____ me _____ almost everything.
A. with / about/OVER B. with / on C. on / about D. A
and B
Part 1. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of
the rest by writing your answer A, B, C or D in the numbered box.
1. A. highlands B. celebrations C. generous D. towards
2. A. environment B. documentary C. deforestation D. planet
3. A. exciting B. exact C. exaggerate D. exam
4. A. conservation B. consequential C. conscientious D. consideration
5. A. learned B. wretched C. figured D. contributed

Part 2. Choose the letter A, B, C or D next to the word whose main stress is placed differently
from the others. Write your answers in the space provided.
6. A. sewage B. conserve C. faucet D. nuclear
7. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Japanese
8. A. tsunami B. spacecraft C. tornado D. museum
9. A. environmental B. conservatively C. approximately D. considerable
10. A. precision B. enthusiast C. spectator D. solidarity

Part 3. Choose the answers that would best complete the following sentences. Write your
answers in the space provided.
11. The forecast predicted ______ weather with snow, sunshine, wind and thunder and that is just
what we have had.
A. differing B. various C. variable D. fluctuating
12. That's a nice coat, and the colour ______ you well.
A. fits B. matches C. suits D. couples
13. The teacher put the crayons on the bottom shelf to make them ______ to the young children.
A. accessible B. receptive C. visible D. edible
14. He has impressed his employers considerably and ______ he is soon to be promoted.
A. nevertheless B. accordingly C. however D. eventually
15. Mary is ______ of the twins.
A. taller B. the more tall C. the tallest D. the taller
16. “Do I have to take that French course?” - “No, you ______.”
A. haven’t B. don’t have C. mustn’t D. needn’t
17. It is highly recommended that you ______ up the data on your computer, because it might get a
A. back B. store C. copy D. save
18. The coastguard boarded the ship and found ______.
A. four injured alive men B. alive four men injured
C. four injured men alive D. injured four alive men
19. You’d better mix the ingredients well, ______ you might get lumps in your cakes.
A. unless B. provided C. otherwise D. supposing
20. Rescue teams continue to search for the people who got lost during the avalanche, but after so
many days hopes are ______.
A. dying away B. disappearing C. fading D. flying away
21. ______ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.
A. Did B. Were C. May D. Should
22. You have tricked me many times. ______ you say now, I don’t believe in your words any more,
A. No matter how B. No matter what
C. Despite of what D. In spite of the fact that
23. Two of the boys in the art class were doing self-portraits by looking at ______ in the mirror.
A. each other B. themselves C. oneself D. one another
24. The completion of the new Town Hall has been held up ______ a strike.
A. with a view to B. according to C. owing to D. in relation to
25. Beneath the streets of a modern city ______ of walls, columns, cables, pipes and tunnels required
to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants.
A. the existing network B. exists the network
C. the network’s existence D. where exists
26. White phosphorus, a substance ______ in matches, is so flammable that it bursts into flame upon
contact with the air.
A. is common B. which being common
C. common D. which common
27. ______ that distinguish human beings from other primates are related to the ability of people to
stand upright and walk on two legs.
A. Many of the physical characteristics B. Of the many physical characteristics
C. The physical characteristics are many D. There are many physical characteristics
28. The Mona Lisa, painted in Florence in 1504 by Leonardo da Vinci, is a name which is perhaps
more recognizable to people throughout the world ______ of da Vinci himself.
A. as that B. than C. than that D. more than
29. Buy the new ______ of soap now on sale: it is softer than all others.
A. model B. brand C. mark D. manufacture
30. He could find a teaching ______ in Vietnam without difficulty.
A. work B. occupation C. post D. employment

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