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Unit – 3: Divide and Conquer Algorithm

1. Prove or disprove that f(n) = 1 + 2 + 3 + .... + n ∈ Θ(n^2).

2. Solve following recurrence using recursion tree method:
T(n) = 3T(n/3) + n^3.
3. Write standard(conventional) algorithm and Strassen's algorithm for
matrix multiplication problem. What is the recurrence for Strassen’s
algorithm? Solve it using master method to derive time complexity of
Strassen's algorithm.
4. Give any two sorting methods which are based on divide and conquer
5. Check the correctness for the following equality. 5n3 + 2n = O(n3)
6. Briefly explain multiplying large integer problem with suitable
7. Explain binary search with the suitable example.
8. Enlist various method(s) to solve recurrence equation and explain any
one in brief.
9. Explain the use of Divide and Conquer Technique for Binary Search
Method. What is the complexity of Binary Search Method? Explain it
with example.
10. Write a program/algorithm of Quick Sort Method and analyse it with
11. Discuss matrix multiplication problem using divide and conquer
12. What is recurrence? Solve recurrence equation T (n) =T (n-1) + n
using forward substitution and backward substitution method.
13. Write an algorithm for quick sort and derive best case, worst case
using divide and conquer technique also trace given data
14. Define Feasible Solution.
15. Solve following recurrence using master method
T(n) = 9T(n/3) +n
16. Solve following recurrence using master method
T(n) = T(2n/3) + 1
17. Multiply 981 by 1234 by divide and conquer method.


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