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( 4th Year, 1st Semester )


Time : Three hours Full Marks : 100

( 50 marks for each Part )

Use a separate Answer-Script for each Part


Answer all questions.

1. a) Mention the design criteria that is following for an

embankment in highway construction.

b) How do you ensure the safety of embankment foundation

on saturated cohesive soil ?

c) Discuss the methodology for construction of embankment

in marshy area.

d) A 12M high embankment with 30M top width and slope

1V : 2H is to be constructed with a compacted cohesive
soil of bulk density 20 KN/m3. The subsoil properties are
given below :
[ Turn over
[2] [5]

Stratum Description Depth (M) Properties Determine modulus of sub-grade reaction for the
1 Brownish gey γ=18.5 KN/m 3
standard plate of 75 cm diameter. Detailed calculations
silty clay/clayey 0–3.0 NMC = 31% are to be shown in tabular from. All corrections are to be
silt Cu=40 KN/m2 mentioned including those which are not applicable in the
mv=0.004 m /KN present case indicating relevant reasons. 15

2 Soft grey silty γ=17 KN/m3 6. a) Explain how flakiness index and elongation index of
clay/clayey silt 3.0–14.0 NMC = 40% coarse aggregates are found out in the laboratory. 8
Cu=25 KN/m
b) Explain what bitumen is and discuss its requirements in
mv=0.006 m2/KN
view of pavement construction and illustrate its desirable
3 Stiff bluish grey γ=19 KN/m3
properties. 7
silty clay/clayey 14.0–17.0 NMC = 29%
silt Cu=75 KN/m2
mv=0.003 m2/KN

4 Very Stiff yellow- γ=19 KN/m3

ish grey silty 17.0–20.0 NMC = 28%
clay Cu=90 KN/m2
mv=0.002 m2/KN

i) Check bearing capacity and settlement.

ii) If not found O.K. design a suitable stage construction

scheme. 2+6+7+7+8=30
[4] [3]

PART - II 2. What are the different types of geotextile used ? State their
basic differences. How do geotextiles function in ground
Asssume reasonable data if it is not supplied
improvement ? Discuss with necessary sketches.
Answer all questions
No code etc. will be needed ans allowed to answer the
questions of this Part 3. a) What are the principal factors affecting overall stability of

Mobile phone is strictly not allowed with the student in any a reinforced earth embankment ?

circumstance during examination. b) Describe the mechanism of development of strain and

subsequent control by geosynthetics in an earthen
4. a) How fly-ash is produced? 2
embankment. 5+5=10
b) What are its different types and also dicuss about their
differences, if any. 5

c) Which one is used in Highway construction and why?10

5. a) Describe briefly the procedure of conducting CBR test in

the laboratory with the help of a neat sketch. 10

b) A plate load test was conducted on a soked sub-grade

during monsoon season using a plate of 30 cm diameter
and the following data were obtained.

Plote the load settlement curve indicating relevant salient

features. [ Turn over

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