Ipe Perspectives International Trade and Economic Foreign Policy

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Dinamika Politik dan Pemerintahan di Amerika Latin

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, FISIP-UNPAS

Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2021/2022
Tino Rila Sebayang, S.IP., M.Si.
What International Political Economy (IPE) is?

IPE adalah sebuah kajian yang mempelajari interaksi negara dan

pasar – atau mempelajari dampak kebijakan terhadap
dinamika pasar, serta pengaruh pasar terhadap proses
pengambilan kebijakan (Robert Gilpin).
IPE adalah kajian tentang bagaimana faktor-faktor politik
mempengaruhi hubungan ekonomi antar negara (Stephen
GPE adalah kajian yang mempelajari bagaimana politik
membentuk pembangunan dalam ekonomi global, dan
bagaimana ekonomi global membentuk proses politik. IPE
Fokus terhadap aktor pertarungan politik antara winner dan
loser dalam dinamika ekonomi global (Thomas Oatley)
Core subjects IPE: International Money, International Financial,
International Trade and Market, International Monetary
System, Economic Foreign Policy, Sanction Policy,
Diplomacy, Labor, Industrialization, Corporations/Firms,
Environment, etc.

International Political Economy (IPE) is the study of how economic interests and political processes interact to shape government policies –
Thomas Oatley (2004)
History of IPE Dynamics?
State is Responsible for the State has Limited
People Need Each Other
People’s Welfare Resources

Many Actors in IPE/GPE IPE Dynamics Goes and

Involved: State, Running Fastest Emerging of Corporations
Corporations, Individual, (Globalization) in IPE Dynamics
and Interest Groups
IPE Perspectives
POLITICS AND The Nature of The
PERSPECTIVES ECONOMIC Main Actor Economic Economic
RELATIONS Relations Goals

Political Most Conflicted – Zero
Mercantilism State and National
Dominant Sum Game
Competitive and
Economic Runs by Cooperative –
Liberalism Non-State Individual
Market Positive Sum
Rights, and
Free Market

Class Exploitation Classes of

Classes in Exploitation –
Driven by Market
Civil Negative Sum
Interests -
Forces (Capitalist Equity and
Society Game
versus Society) Equality
IPE’s Perspective Assumptions


• to create wealth and power in order to • IPE issues mainly in terms of individual • Originated in the work of Karl Marx as a
preserve and protect their national interests: freedom, individual rights, and critique of capitalism
security and independence free markets • IPE issues: how classes, class interests,
• It is a viewpoint deeply rooted in political • Attempt to draw a strong line between and ultimately all of society are shaped by
realism, which looks at IPE issues mainly politics and economics the dominant economic structures.
in terms of national interest. (Balaam • Countries gain from trade regardless of • It sees IPE in terms of class exploitation
and Veseth; 2005) whether the balance of trade is positive driven by market forces (Balaam &
• Classical Mercantilism: National power or negative Veseth)
and wealth were tightly connected, • Focuses on the side of human nature that • The most political decisions are made by
Expansion (Colonialism), and Economic is competitive in a constructive way and large capitalist enterprises supported by
Nationalism (Oatley; 2004) is guided by reason, not emotion a political system controlled by the
• Modern Mercantilism: Trade is to be Resources should be allocated through capitalist class
valued for exports, but governments voluntary market-based transaction • The state exists to support and defend
should discourage imports whenever between individuals the interests of the dominant class of
possible (Protectionism), and State • States play limited role in this process bourgeois capital owners (Oatley; 2004)
should play a large role in determining (protecting ownership of property and
how society’s resources are allocated resources; ensuring judicial system;
(Oatley; 2006) resolving market failures (Balaam &
Three Traditional Schools of International Political Economy (Oatley; 2006)
Mercantilism Liberalism Marxism

the state individual classes (particularly the

Most important actor capitalist class

Intervene in the economy to Establish and enforce property Instrument of the capitalist
allocate resources rights to facilitate market-based class uses state power to
Role of the state exchange sustain capitalist system

Conflictual Harmonious Exploitation

Image of international

Enhance power of the nation Enhance aggregate social Promote an equitable

Proper objective of state in int'l state system welfare distribution of wealth and
economic policy income
Why People, State, and Corporations Trade Each Other?

Absolute Advantage Comparative Advantage

(Adam Smith) (David Ricardo)

International Trade

Faktor Intensitas Proporsi National Competitive Advantage

(Eli Heckscher Bertil Ohlin) (Michael Porter)
Theory H-O Theory Porter Diamond
International Trade Theories
• Suatu negara memiliki keunggulan mutlak dalam menghasilkan barang/jasa –
Absolute negara lain tidak mampu menghasilkan barang/jasa tersebut
Advantage • Situasi ini melibatkan dua negara dan faktor utamanya adalah tenaga kerja
• Padat karya

• Keunggulan komparatif adalah di saat dua negara atau lebih berada pada titik
yang sama-sama menguntungkan
Comparative • Satu negara secara efisien menghasilkan suatu jenis barang/jasa tertentu – dan
Advantage dapat berdagang dengan negara yang kurang efisien menghasilkan barang
tersebut, sehingga terjadi pertukaran dalam interaksi perdagangan
• Padat modal

• Di saat suatu negara mengalami produksi yang surplus

H-O Theory • Kebutuhan negara telah terpenuhi
• Barang/jasa yang diproduksi adalah untuk orientasi ekspor

• Perdagangan terjadi di saat suatu negara memiliki faktor-faktor penentu untuk

bersaing di tatanan pasar global
Porter Diamond • Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah; Factor Condition, Related and Supporting
Industries, Demand Condition, Chance (External), Government (Regulation),
Firm Strategy
The Law of Market – Supply and Demand Theory (Ceteris Paribus)

Supply Demand Supply Demand

Supply Demand
(Ketersediaan) (Permintaan) (Ketersediaan) (Permintaan)
(Ketersediaan) (Permintaan)

High Consumer
Production Behavior


Good Property of
Infrastructure Rights

Maka Harga Naik Maka Harga Turun Terkadang Harga Naik

Free Trade Versus Fair Trade

Economic Zone:
1. Industrial Park
2. Special Economic Zones HOW SHOULD ACTORS TRADE EACH
1. Latin America critics
4. Technology Park NAFTA
5. Innovation District 2. There is no Equality
3. Interdependency
4. Lake of Infrastructure
Free Fair 5. Pro Small-Business /
1. Competitiveness
2. Natural Resources Trade Trade 6. Lack of Technology
3. Human Resources 7. Transfer of Technology
4. Infrastructures 8. Subsidies
5. Tax Allowance 9. Need Restricts to Control
6. Tax Holliday Balance of Trade
7. Free Marketplace 10. Social Justice
8. No Subsidies
10. Economic Incentives
11. Pro-Capitalism
What Economic Foreign Policy is?

 Economic Foreign Policy (EFP) atau kebijakan ekonomi luar negeri (KELN)
secara sederhana berarti kebijakan-kebijakan yang ditempuh oleh suatu
negara dalam hubungan dengan lingkungan eksternalnya di bidang
ekonomi. Dalam era kontemporer, KELN pemerintah suatu negara harus
berhadapan dengan beragam wajah (multifacet) dari globalisi.
 Contoh bidang yang terkait dengan economic foreign policy:
perdagangan, investasi, kebijakan nilai tukar, dan imigrasi .
Theory of Economic Foreign Policy

External System-
(International Level) Centered

Two Level Games Theory – State- Society-

Robert Putnam; 1988 Centered Centered

Internal (Domestic Foreign
Level) Policy

Three Approaches of EFP – John G. Ikkenberry; 1978

Economic State-Craft

Economic statecraft has long been an important feature of international relations. Economic Statecraft
is about incentives and sanction that can be used by sender to achieve an interest – by either coercive
economic or political movements (diplomacy or military forces).
Baldwin, 1985).
Incentives Sanctions

Foreign Aid Military Force Tradeoff Considerations:

Strategy to Achieve Goals
Military Aid Embargo

No Trade
Tariff Barriers

There is no “Free Lunch” Dude!!

Sanctions; Stick and Carrot in International System


They said
Why states
Stick Carrots involved into free
system is free

That’s why, we always said that National Interest is the most important

 If nations gain from international trade, why do you think most of them
impose some restrictions on the free flow of international trade?
 Apakah perdagangan bebas ( free trade) benar-benar merugikan pihak
negara berkembang – khususnya Amerika Latin?
 Bagaimana kebijakan ekonomi luar negeri yang ideal untuk diterapkan
oleh negara-negara Amerika Latin dalam menghadapi persaingan ekonomi
global – di tengah situasi politik internal yang kurang stabil?
 Apakah penerapan Economic Statecraft hanya bisa dilakukan oleh negara
maju terhadap negara berkembang? Kenapa?


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