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Quantitative Methods 1

Levels of Measurements

Module 003 Levels of Measurements

At the end of this module you are expected to:

1. Discuss the Levels of Measurements
2. Recognize the importance of studying the levels of measurements
3. Identify the different levels of measurements

Levels of Measurements

Sociologies that has detailed study and investigation requires both precise and reliable
methods. It takes numerous forms collecting of facts and statistics within sociologies. It
consists of calculation of discernments, insights, sentiments, and additional idle that grows
which dismiss measurements.
In terms of determining individuals, observations and occasions, there are four main types
of measurement.

One mistake that most sociology investigators do is to collect enough for the task. Things being
what they are, it bodes well in changing the information from a bigger add up to a lesser
degree, yet under no circumstance a different way. Before gathering data for an
investigative paper, carefully examine the four particular information types you are about
to collect and how this information will be used once you obtain it.

The degree of extent refers to a relation between the values assigned to the characteristics/traits
for a variable. Confused, are we? Start with the variable possibility in this “party
connection” model. This variable has different traits. How about we presume that the main
pertinent qualities are “republican”, “democrat”, and “independent” in this specific
decision? For reasons of breaking down the result of this variable, the values 1, 2 and 3 are
subjectively distributed to the three qualities. The level of measurement shows the
relationship between the these three values. In this situation, we basically use numbers as
shorter placeholders for longer terms of content. We don’t mean that the higher values
mean “more” and lower numbers means “less”. We don’t assume the value of 2 means that
democrats are twice as much as republicans are. It doesn’t mean that republicans are in the
lead position or have the most astounding need because they have the value of 1. For this
situation, we just utilize the values as a shorter name for the property. In this, we would
depict the measurement level as "nominal".
Course Module
Figure 1: Example of Variables
Retrieved: September 08, 2018

Why is Level of Measurements Important?

To start with, knowing the measurement level will cause you to choose how to
translate the data from that variable. When you realize that a measure is nominal
(like the one simply portrayed), you realize at that point that the numerical values
are simply short codes for the names that are more drawn. Secondly, knowing the
level of measurement causes you to choose which statistical analyzes are
appropriate for the values that have been removed. On the off chance of a measure
being nominal, you realize that you would never be able to average the data values
or complete a data t - test.

Knowing the level of measurement of your variables is critical for some reasons. Every one of the levels of
measurement gives a different level of detail. Nominal gives minimal measure of detail, ordinal gives the
following most astounding measure of detail, and interval and ratio give the most measure of detail.

The 4 Levels of Measurements

The experimental (scientific) technique relies upon physically estimating things. The
idea of measurement was created in connection with the ideas of numbers and units
of measurements. Statisticians arrange levels of measurement. Each level compares
how numerically this measurement can be handled.

The measuring scales (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio) are methods for the
classification of various variables. As a matter of course, all these cited variables are
categorized in anyone of these methods. Having and in-depth understanding of their
Quantitative Methods 3
Levels of Measurements

characteristics and doling out variables is vital numerically For the very reason that
it helps us identify what scientific operations are permitted.

The four levels of measurements are characterized as pursues:

● Nominal: It only gives labels or names to several categories when nominal

data has no order
● Ordinal: The interval between measurements is irrelevant, whereas ordinary
data is ordered.
● Interval: There is no true beginning point (zero) when the interval data have
meaningful intervals between measurements.
● Ratio: When ratios between measurements as well as intervals are
meaningful, there is a starting point (zero). There is also the highest level or
measurement of ratio data.

The four levels of measurement examined above importantly affect the

manner through which you obtain information and how you investigate it
afterwards. Obtaining it at an erroneous degree shall result in the
termination of changing one’s study, strategy, and examinations. Ensure that
you carefully think through the level the degree wherewith you gather your
information, particularly the kind of arithmetic procedures you expect to
utilize after you acquire the necessary data.

The nominal scale (additionally called sham coding) just places individuals, occasions,
discernments, and so forth into classifications dependent on some basic quality. A
few data are normally suited to the nominal scale, for example, men versus women,
those with red hair versus those with fair hair versus those with black, and African
American versus Asian. The nominal scale is the least measurement type because it
does not capture data about the central item other than whether the item has a
place or doesn’t have a place with a class. The nominal scale frames the reason for
these exams as Variance Analysis (ANOVA) because these investigations require a
small classification to be contrasted with no less than one other class.

It is possible that one is a tobacco user or not, went to school or didn’t, an experimental
variable have little involvement with PCs, a normal measure of involvement with
PCs, or an extensive involvement with PCs. There are no data captured that can
place the calculated article on any type of measurement as a continuum from one to
ten. It is possible to code nominal scale data using figures, correspondences, names
or a variety of pictures that speak to a class in which an item can either have a place
or otherwise.

Numerical values simply "name" the property extraordinarily in nominal measurement.

There is no suggested request for the cases. For example, pullover numbers in b -
ball are nominal level measurements. A player with number 30 is nothing more than
a player with number 15, and is certainly not twice what number 15 is.

Nominal originates from the Latin root 'nomen' meaning name. Classification, nominative,
and chosen one are connected words. Sexual orientation is nominal. (Sexual
orientation is something you are brought into the world with, though sex is
something you ought to get a permit for.)

Nominal data just names something without doling out it to a request in connection to
other numbered items or bits of data. A case of nominal data may be a "pass" or "fall
flat" arrangement for every student's test result. Nominal data gives some data
about a group or set of occasions, regardless of whether that data is constrained to
insignificant tallies.

For instance, in the event that you need to realize what number of individuals were
conceived in Florida every year for as far back as five years, discover those figures
and plot your outcomes on a visual diagram. The data spoke to on the graph have no
regular positioning or requesting; the numbers essentially outline a reality, not
really an inclination, and are simply marks that answer the inquiry "what number
of?" These are nominal data.

It is a method assessment, in which numbers fill in as "labels" or "names" just, to recognize

or group an item. A nominal scale measurement usually only works with non -
numeric (quantitative) variables or where there is no value in numbers.

For example, one is mentioned below

Please choose the degree of disease discomfort:


1=Mild, 2=Moderate, and 3=Severe in this specific example, there is no value in numbers

Nominal scale has just the portrayal trademark which means it has one of a kind marks to
distinguish or designate values to the things. At the point where the nominal scale is
used with the end goal of the ID, an austere one - to - one connection exists with
concerning to an article and its numerical value. For example, on a hustling track,
numbers are composed of vehicles. The numbers are available to identify the
vehicle's owner and are not concerned with the characteristics of the said vehicle.

Be that as it may, when nominal scale is utilized with the end goal of order, at that point the
numbers doled out to the item fill in as labels to classify or mastermind protests in
class. For example, an individual can be sorted as either male or female due to a
Quantitative Methods 5
Levels of Measurements

scale of sexual orientation. All items in the class will have a similar number for this
situation, for example, all males can be No. 1 and all females can be No. 2. If you take
note of this, it would be ideal if the nominal is used for checking purposes.

From a statistics perspective, nominal scale is one of the easiest to understand

measurement scale. As previously mentioned, the nominal scale is relegated to
things not situated in quantitative or number.

For instance, we have 4 hues, green, purple, beige, and cyan. In any request we wish, we
can order these colors, perhaps in climbing or slipping request forms 1 to 4 or 4 to
1. Numbers are appointed here to differentiate hues. Another case of nominal scale
from point to point of view of a research action is YES / NO scale. It basically doesn't
have any organization.

Characteristics of Nominal Scale

Here, a variable can be divided into at least two classes, for instance, concur/dissent, yes or
no and so forth. It is a measurement system that can fall into either classification in
response to a specific inquiry.

Nominal scale in nature is qualitative, so numbers are used here only to classify or
recognize objects. For example, football fans will be truly energized, because soccer
world glass is around the bend! Did you see digits on a soccer player's shirt? They
have nothing to do with players ' ability, yet they can help identify the player.

Numbers don't characterize the characteristics identified with the article, so each number
is assigned to one item. The main passable angle identified in a nominal scale with
numbers is "checking."

Listed below are the examples of the topic which will aid you in having a deeper insight of
this method of calculation.

Identify your gender?


Describe your behavioral pattern

Describe your hair color.
1- Auburn
2- Black
3- Blonde
4 Brown
5- Other

As mentioned above, there is a subtype in nominal scale with only two categories: Gender
– Male/Female, or perhaps do you own an iPhone? To possible answers which could
be Yes/No. This is known as dichotomous nominal scale.

Figure 2: Example of Nominal Scale

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The arrangement of variables as indicated by quantifying them is helpful in closing which

investigative method is more important for an examiner.

In nominal scale, it is anything but difficult to create reactions utilizing close finished
inquiries, a great deal of reactions can be gathered in brief timeframe, which thus
expands dependability. In any case, there is a drawback to the scale, without a direct
scale, members can't express their degrees of reaction.


The ordinal scale has somewhere around one noteworthy preferred standpoint over the
nominal scale. The ordinal scale contains most of the data captured in the nominal
scale, but it also positions data from the lowest to the highest.Instead of essentially
arranging data by placing an article either in a classification or not, ordinal data
gives you some thought about where data are related to each other.

. For example, assume you're conducting a study on tobacco use and you're catching
how much cigars three tobacco users consume in a 24-hour period. The first one
smokes one pack per multi - day, the second one consumes two, and the third one
smokes ten. Using an ordinal scale, this would resemble your data

• Ten packs a day smoker

• Two packs a day smoker

Quantitative Methods 7
Levels of Measurements

• One pack a day smoker

The ordinal rank of scale asks the subjects how much tobacco they consume in one day.
Note that some essential data are missing in any case, despite the fact that one
chooses to use the ordinal scale to categorize the said variables; The main smoker
has a rank that is indistinguishable from the second smoker and the second smoker
has a rank similar to the third smoker. Therefore no data in the the the ordinal scale
to demonstrate the separation from the positioning of one smoker from the others.
More extravagant than nominal scaling, there is still some data misfortune in ordinal

The traits can be ranked in ordinal measurement. Here, there is no meaning in the
separation of properties. For example, you can code Educational achievement as
0=less than secondary school in a review; 1=some secondary school.; 2=high school
degree; 3=some school; 4=college degree; 5=post school. Higher numbers means
more instruction in this measure. Is 0 to 1 separate from 3 to 4 in any case? Of
course not. In an ordinal measure, the interval between values can not be

Ordinal data, in contrast to nominal data, includes some request; ordinal numbers remain
in connection to one another in a positioned manner. For instance, assume you get a
review from your most loved eatery that requests that you give input on the
administration you got. You can rank the nature of administration as "1" for poor,
"2" for underneath average, "3" for average, "4" for good and "5" for magnificent.
The data gathered by this review are instances of ordinal data. Here the numbers
doled out have a request or rank; that is, a positioning of "4" is superior to a
positioning of "2."
Be that as it may, despite the fact that you have appointed a number to your sentiment, this
number is certifiably not a quantitative measure: Although a positioning of "4" is
plainly superior to a positioning of "2," it isn't really twice as great. The numbers are
not scientifically measured or decided but rather are only relegated as marks for

Ordinal scale is the second level of measurement that reports the data's positioning and
request without setting the level of variation between them. The second of the four
measurement scales is the ordinal level of measurement.

"Ordinal" means "arrange." Ordinal data are quantitative data that usually have requests
that occur and and the difference between requests is obscure. It can be named,
grouped and positioned.
For example:
“How happy are you with the customer
“How satisfied are you with our products?”
1- Totally Satisfied
1- Very Unhappy
2- Satisfied
2- Unhappy
3- Neutral
3- Neutral
4- Dissatisfied
4- Unhappy
5- Totally Dissatisfied
5- Very Unhappy

Table 1: Shows Example of Ordinal Scale

Survey respondents can choose among these choices of satisfaction however the solution to
"how much?" Can remain unqualified. Various scale understanding helps
statisticians and researchers to consequently apply the use of knowledge analysis

Subsequently, as a correlation parameter, an ordinal scale is used to understand whether

the variables are more noteworthy or less than arranging one another. The ordinal
scale's central tendency is Median.

Likert Scale is an example of why it is not possible to finish to the interval difference
between ordinal variables. In this scale, for example, the appropriate alternatives
generally polar, "Fully satisfied" to "Fully dissatisfied"

The force of difference between these alternatives can not be identified with explicit values
since the difference between fully satisfied and completely disappointed will be
much greater than the difference between fulfilled and unbiased. If someone adores
Mercedes Benz cars and and is asked "How likely are you to prescribe Mercedes
Benz to your loved ones?" they will be harried to choose between extremely likely
and likely. A normal scale is used along these lines when the choice request is to be
concluded and not when the interval difference is to be built up in addition.

Ordinal Scale Characteristics

The ordinal scale shows the overall position of variables in addition to recognizing and
portraying the extent.

• The interval properties are not known.

• Measurement of non-numeric traits, for example, recurrence, fulfillment, joy and so
• In expansion to the data given by nominal scale, ordinal scale recognizes the
position of variables.

Using this scale, review creators can dissect the level of understanding between
respondents with regard to the variables ' distinguished request.

Ordinal Scale Examples

Quantitative Methods 9
Levels of Measurements

Ranking of high school students – 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th… Nth. A student scoring 99/100 would
be the 1st rank, another student scoring 92/100 would be 3rd and so on and so

Rating surveys in restaurants – When a waiter gets a paper or online survey with a
question: “How satisfied are you with the dining experience?” having 0-10 option, 0
being extremely dissatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied.

Considering the socio-economic contextual of the target audience

The frequency of occurrence –

Questions such as “How frequently do you have to get the phone repaired?”

o Not at all
o Not Often
o Often
o Very often

Evaluating the degree of agreement –

Identify the level of agreement with the policies of the company:

o Totally disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Totally agree

Understanding preferences: Conducting a survey to identify which laptop brand is mostly

preferred by the respondents, the ordinal scale can be used below:

Out of the five mentioned laptop brand, rate the order of preference –

1. Acer
2. Dell
3. Lenovo
4. Apple
5. HP
Advantages of Ordinal Scale

• The key advantage of using ordinal scale is the simplicity of correlation between

• Extremely helpful to group the variables in the wake of requesting them.

• Effectively used in reviews, surveys, and polls due to analytical and classification
effortlessness. Gathered reactions are contrasted effortlessly with making significant
determinations about the interest group intended.

• The results are more educational than the nominal scale, as the values are
demonstrated in a relative manner using a linear rating scale.


Not at all like the nominal scale that essentially places objects inside or outside a class, or
the ordinal scale that places questions about requests, the interval scale shows the
separation that a lone article is after an alternative. With regard to sociologies, on
this qualification there is a celebrated model that is regularly educated to pupils.

Assume one is close to the coastline of a loch and you observe three wooden stumps
standing above the water. Utilizing the lake as a kind of reference, it is anything but
difficult to which of them floats the highest along the lake . You can make a general
calculation of the height of the stumps from the w water's surface along these lines.
The primary stump, for example, can break the water by twenty - four centimeters,
the second by twenty - six centimeters, and the third by twenty - eight centimeters.
Unlike the nominal and ordinal scales, similar measurements of separation between
articles using the interval scale can be inferred.

Be that as it may, the separation the stumps they’re out of the lake doesn’t really give you
any idea of their true extent. One possible concept is that the water base makes the
highest stump look sporadically as it is only in connection with the lake. Using
interval scaling, you don't have any sign of the stumps ' outright length. All things
considered, there are more extravagant data in the interval scale than the two lower
scaling levels.

The interval scale is characterized as a quantitative measurement scale where there is a

significant difference between two variables. The interval scale is the third
measuring level. The variables are measured in actuals at the end of the day and not
as a relative way, where the proximity of zero is subjective. This means that a
genuine and equivalent separation is the difference between two variables on a
scale. For example, the difference between 68 ° F and 58 ° F is exactly the same as
101 ° F and 91 ° F. In this model, you can't say that that that the temperature of
"warmth" or "chilly" of 49 degrees F is twofold of 98 degrees F.

Remembering the goal of this scale as "interval" links to the interval or separation between
2 variables is anything but difficult. Another simple way to recollect the scale of the
Quantitative Methods 11
Levels of Measurements

interval is to characterize the subtraction between the two variables. This is not
normal for the scale of the ratio where division between two variables is
. Interval data can be discrete – with full numbers such as 8 degrees, 4 years, 2 months and
so on or nonstop – with partial numbers such as 12.2 degrees, 3.5 weeks or 4.2

This statistical strategy is otherwise called scale, quantitative or parametric.

Characteristics of interval scale

Interval scale characteristics of are the following:

• The interval scale is intended to be nominal or ordinal because the last two
are the interval scale is quantitative as the difference between values and
qualitative scales can be measured in it;

• Between 2 variables, you can deduct values that include the distinction
between a pair of variables.

• The interval scale permits to ascertain the mean and median of variables.

• This is a preferred statistical scale because you can relegate a numerical

value to any self - assertive assessment, such as feelings or different types
of logbooks such as Gregorian, Aztec or Buddhist timetables where the
variable sources of information are similar measurements.

Interval scale examples

The interval scale in a research study is the most commonly used type of inquiry. It is
essential that the inquiry requires the respondents to respond on a numerical scale
where the difference between the two numbers is equivalent to finding any solution

The accompanying scales used in a research study – assention, level of fulfillment,

probability or need – were most likely observed. The study must be designed in the
interval scale so that the measurement can also be properly scaled and
ideographically, numerically or verbally secured.

The inquiry types for interval scales are:

Likert Scale
One of the most commonly used interval scale question, the question is organized during a
five - point Likert Scale question wherever the variety denotes every feeling and

therefore the variables vary from very dissatisfied to very satisfied.

Figure 3: Likert Scale
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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

In this interval question, the inquiry is asked using a Net Promoter Score (NPS)
question where the respondents answer on a scale of 1 - 10 that they are so
inclined to refer a friend to an organization / item / administration and help
in computing how cheerful a client is or is not.

Figure 4: Net Promoter Score

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Levels of Measurements

Bipolar Matrix Table

Another interval question is where an object on a bipolar matrix table (using 5-point rating
scale) is evaluated by the respondent:

Figure 5: Bipolar Matrix Table

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The interval scale allows choices to be evaluated and differentiated. The nominal scale and
the ordinal scale are superior to anything because they do not represent
quantitative bits of knowledge. The interval scale includes variables that exist at
equivalent intervals along a typical scale. The scientific measures used to determine
the difference between the variables are extremely solid.

Despite the fact that the division of variables is beyond the realm of imagination in an
interval scale, as there is a non - appearance of the total 0 and it chips away at the
chief of a self - assertive 0. So while the interval scale takes a ton of data to be
broken down from an inquiry into consideration, it can not determine the ratios.

The scaling ratio is the scale that contains the most extravagant data about an item. This
contains the majority of the data of the aforementioned degrees. It also has an
absolute zero point. The ratio scale allows calculation of the stumps from the base of
the lake when using the precedent over ; the base of the lake speaks to the zero
point without a doubt.

In sociologies, refinement between interval and ratio scales is a must. Although these two
can capture endless data, you must be careful not to assume that the lowest
conceivable score in your data accumulation thus speaks to a flat out zero point.
Take extraversion caught using a solid psychometric review tool. The things that catch this
build may go from zero to ten on the overview, but there is no certification that a
zero score on the study will irrefutably place a subject at the zero point on the
extraversion. Indeed, you realize that a subject with an average score of eight is
more extraverted than someone with a seven - point score, but those numbers exist
for examining each other, not in contrast to some supreme zero extraversion.

The type of measurement variable scale is classified as a ratio scale under the quantitative
category. The fourth measurement level is the ratio scale and has a zero point that is
unique to the ratio scale. For example, when the outdoor temperature is 0-degree
Celsius does not indicate a surface's relative hotness or coldness

Given illustration below, ratio level of measurement is used to help understand the scale

Please select which age bracket do you fall in?

o Below 20 years
o 21-30 years
o 31-40 years
o 41-50 years
o 50 years and above

Ratio scale is in fact quite similar to the nominal, ordinal and interval methods of variable
measurement. Nominal variables are used accordingly: "name," or name a
progression of values. Ordinal scales give an adequately decent measure of data
about the request of decisions, for example, one would have the capacity to
comprehend from utilizing a consumer loyalty review. Interval scales give us the
request of values and furthermore about the capacity to evaluate disparity of each
A ratio scale is the most instructive scale as it will in general tell about the request and
number of the article between the values of the scale. The most well-known
instances of ratio scale are stature, money, age, weight and so forth. As for statistical
surveying, the regular models that are watched are deals, value, number of clients,
piece of the pie and so forth.

Characteristics of Ratio Scale

As discussed before, a ratio scale is characterized by an absolute zero trademark. The zero
point trademark makes it applicable or meaningful to state, "one article has double
the length of the other" or "is twice as long."

It simply does not hold a negative number, not at all like interval scale because of the zero
point trademarks. To measure any article on a ratio scale, examiners should initially
check whether the item meets every one of the criteria for interval scale in addition
to has an absolute zero trademark.

Ratio scale gives novel conceivable outcomes to arithmetic enquiry. Here, variables can be
deliberately included, subtracted, increased and divided (ratio). All statistical
analysis can be determined utilizing ratio scale. Additionally, chi-square can be
determined by utilizing the ratio scale variable.
Quantitative Methods 15
Levels of Measurements

It has ratio scale units which in themselves have a few extraordinary and valuable
characteristics. For instance, they permit unit transformation. In the case of
computation of vitality stream, few units of vitality happen like Joules, gram-
calories, kilocalories, British warm units. Nevertheless, various types of
measurements per unit time (control) exist kilocalories every day.
Ratio Scale Examples

The following are the most commonly used examples for ratio scale:

1. Identify your height in feet and inches

o < 5 ft.
o 5 ft 1 in – 5 ft 5 in
o 5 ft 6 in- 6 ft
o Greater than 6 ft

2. Identify your weight in kilograms

o Less than 50 kgs
o 51- 70 kgs
o 71- 90 kgs
o 91-110 kgs
o More than 110 kgs

3. Identify the number of hours you spend daily on tv

o Less than 2 hours
o 3-4 hours
o 4-5 hours
o 5-6 hours
o More than 6 hours

Let us take the example of speed to understand this scale better.

Advantages of Ratio Scale

Its scale has a point zero trademark, where the value of the variable has no value by any
means. Weight, stature and so on can be determined on ratio scale because they
have a genuine zero value. Notwithstanding, the temperature cannot be ascertained
on this method of measurement because zero degree celsius doesn't mean the
absence or presence of heat. In any case, a large portion of the systematic variables
can be measured on a ratio scale.

Point zero is a fundamental because in order to measure a ratio, one needs to have a pair of
variables for without a zero would it bode well to state, "Tom is driving at a speed of
100 km/hour, which is twofold the speed at which Thelma is driving, which is 50

This scale is utilized to figure all the scientific variables. Truth be told, without a ratio scale,
scientific variables can't be measured.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Liahna Gordon; 2015; Real Research: Research Methods Sociology Students Can Use;
London; SAGE Publications Inc.
2. Janet M. Ruane; 2016; Introducing Social Research Methods: Essentials for Getting the
Edge; UK; John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Online Supplementary Reading Materials
1. Applied Statistics;; September 08,
2. Levels of Measurements;;
September 08, 2018
Online Instructional Videos
1. When you do statistics, you need to know the level of measurement for your variables
in order to choose the proper statistical tests.;; September 08, 2018
2. Defines and discusses nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio-level measurement. The
implications for statistical analysis are presented;; September 08, 2018
3. The kind of graph and analysis we can do with specific data is related to the type of
data it is. In this video we explain the different levels of data, with examples.;; September 08, 2018

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