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Students’ Strategy in Learning Vocabulary at English

Department of STKIP PGRI
Nanik Sulastri1
Padang State University, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Recieved: March 28, 2019
Final Revision: May 04, 2019 This research was conducted to: (1) To examine the
Available Online: May 23, 2019 vocabulary learning strategies (2) To find out the most and
the least vocabulary learning strategies that used by the (3)
KEYWORD To analyze the factors affect the students in choosing the
vocabulary learning strategy of English Language Education
Students’, strategy, learning, vocabulary Program at STKIP PGRI Sumbar. The research applied a
descriptive research; the population of this research was
KORESPONDENSI the eighth-semester students in academic year
E-mail: 2017/2018. The samples of this research were 49 students
chosen by using total sampling technique. The data were
analyzed by using descriptive analysis and used Power score
and estimate stage for Academic vocabulary. The research
result showed that (1) the students’ vocabulary proficiency;
it was classified as late gradation. It can be said that most of
the students are in late gradation in percentage 60.71% and
only less students who get early gradation. (2) the most
learning strategy mostly used by the students was
Consolidation learning strategies in learning vocabulary on
percentage 40,81% students . (3) Some factors affect the
choosing of vocabulary language learning strategies were
found. It was found that the late gradation students chose
Memory learning strategies as their strategy in learning
vocabulary because of believe, motivation and learning
experience. It can be concluded that the students’ learning
strategy affected their proficiency in vocabulary.

I. INTRODUCTION They are timid to speak because their

limitation in grammar and vocabulary. On the
Vocabulary is important thing in learning
contrary, the students who realize how
process, but some students in English
important the vocabulary will consider study
department in STKIP PGRI Sumbar do not
vocabulary deeper. They who have attention
have any attention to increase their ability in
in developing vocabulary have learning
vocabulary. It is evidenced when speaking
class. Students who have limited in their strategy to expand their vocabulary. A more
recent study conducted by Nirattisai and
vocabulary are just silent in the discussion.
Chiramanee (2014) was used to investigate

DOI: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. Some rights reserved


vocabulary learning strategies employed by have learned easier because some aspects of
Thai university students. The relationship English learning need vocabulary in
between the students’ vocabulary strategies understanding the meaning. Takac (2008)
and their vocabulary size also was explored. explained that the benefit of strategic training
It could be concluded that language learners in the fact that most of vocabulary learning
who use language learning strategies more strategy can be applied in all learning stages.
than others generally achieve greater Then vocabulary learning strategies are
language proficiency, and good language intended mental strategies that language
learners used strategies more frequently and learners employ to enhance vocabulary
appropriately to enhance their target language learning and retrieve easily new words.
learning. Therefore, in order to help language Language learners attempt several ways to
students to learn the target language more use different vocabulary learning strategies. It
successfully, and effectively, the relationship is impossible for learners to memorize all the
between the employment of language learning words in any language, and they cannot
strategies and language proficiency should be master the vocabulary of the target language.
further explored on a worldwide scale. As a result, they need to use the techniques
mentioned before at different stages of
In addition, to help learners function well in learning in order to advance their vocabulary
language learning, they need to know acquisition and remember these vocabulary
strategies that may help them acquire English items. Moreover, vocabulary learning
vocabulary. Vocabulary learning strategies strategies vary from one learner to another in
refer to what learners do to achieve their terms of different variables such as age,
learning tasks. These strategies are used by gender, language proficiency level. Asgari
them when they learn grammar, literature, and Ghazali (2011) examined the type of
vocabulary and others. Students might have vocabulary learning strategies used by
problems in their communication and cannot Malaysian ESL students majoring at Teaching
write when they want to convey their opinion English as a Second Language (TESL)
or idea unless their vocabulary size is whereby ESL students at University Putra
adequate. Liu (2010) have conducted a Malaysia is a population that has been rarely
research on learning beliefs of Chinese included in any previous studies on
university learners with regard to rote vocabulary learning strategies. Based on the
learning as a vocabulary learning strategy. aim of the study, it was decided that the best
The results show that the learners had a strong method for this investigation to better
Chinese cultural belief rooted in understanding the use of VLSs by these
Confucianism and preferred practicing, particular students is to adopt the qualitative
memorizing, reviewing and repetition. The research design.
findings further imply that this learning
culture among the Chinese English Foreign There are several experts who have explored
Language university learners can be attributed learning strategies of vocabulary through
to cultural learning tradition in China, which some researches. Most of them state that
have their roots in Confucius teachings. developing vocabulary is an essential and
continuing challenge for language learners.
In learning vocabulary, the students have Language learners need to use strategies to
various strategies. They learn based on their help them acquire new lexical items and to
enjoyment in its learning process. Learning have rich vocabulary. The use of suitable
strategies in vocabulary are different among strategies makes a distinction between
the students. Those strategies will influence experienced learners and beginners in many
their result in English achievement. Students learning areas. It is a necessity for language
who have good strategy in learning learners to increase their vocabulary
vocabulary can understand about what they knowledge and to understand words to use


them correctly. In order to achieve this II. METHODS

purpose, emphasis has to shift from language This research was categorized as a descriptive
instructors and teaching to language learners research since the researcher involved
and learning (Sadighi and Zarafshan, 2006). collecting data about the student’s learning
strategies in vocabulary at STKIP PGRI
Some vocabulary’s taxonomy is developed by Sumatera Barat to answer questions about the
several experts related to their findings. These opinion of people about learning strategies
classification systems contribute vitally to the problem.
knowledge of vocabulary strategies such as
Cohen, Gu and Johnson, Schmitt, Cook and
As stated in problems of the research, this
Nation. However, Schmitt’s taxonomy of research was conducted to describe
VLSs is a comprehensive inventory of vocabulary learning strategies that are used by
vocabulary learning strategies. Schmitt took students at the second year. Dealing with the
social, memory, cognitive and meta-cognitive term of assessment in this research, the
strategies established by Oxford, and invented researcher also tried to find out the influences
a new category that is determination
of vocabulary learning strategies by assessing
strategies. Schmitt’s vocabulary learning the correlation of those variables to examine
strategies (VLSs) are divided into two groups: the result in term quantitative data. The
strategies used to define the meaning of new descriptive study focuses on the collection
words and strategies used to consolidate the and analysis of non-numerical data such as
meaning of the new words when learners observation, interviews, and more discursive
come across them again. As social strategies
sources of information. It can be said that in
can be employed for both purposes according the process of collecting the data, the
to Schmitt, he includes these strategies in both researcher will involve fully in the context of
groups. The first group contains research and interact with the participants.
determination and social strategies and the
second contains cognitive, metacognitive, and
memory. The group of discovery strategies
includes determination (such as analyzing Students’ vocabulary gradation
part of speech, affixes and roots) and social The data of this research were students’
strategies (such as asking teacher for an L1 achievement of Vocabulary. The vocabulary
translation). It is stated clearly that students test was done two times. The gradation of the
choose their own learning strategies in students’ vocabulary proficiency is suggested
expanding their vocabulary mastery. Learners by Power score and estimate stage for
use this category to discover the meaning of Academic vocabulary. The students’ results
new words without asking from another were tabulated in table 1.
person. Consequently, learners attempt to find
out the meaning of a new word by using the Table 1. Frequency Distribution of vocabulary
context, structural knowledge of language,
and reference materials. Some studies about Number of percentage Category
the vocabulary learning strategy aim to give students
information about the diversity of learning 34 students 60.71% Late gradation
strategies can cause different result of the 14 students 25% Middle gradation
students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, it 8 students 14.29% Early gradation
can be assumed there is specific learning
strategy can be powerful for some students. The number of the students showed that more
Different students’ character, motivation and than half students had good achievement of
intention make they choose different learning vocabulary test. From the number of students
strategy to be used. who got high competence in vocabulary, it
can be said that the students were had mastery


in understanding words. The result of

vocabulary test indicated that 60.71 % The descriptive statistics show that the most
students are categorized into late gradation frequent employed vocabulary learning
student. It can be seen that and 25% students strategies by Late gradation of vocabulary of
are categorized into middle gradation and STKIP PGRI was Memory strategies. As
14.29% students are categorized into early mentioned earlier, in relation to scoring
gradation students. It can be said that most of system the VLSs were used moderately by the
the students are in late gradation and only less participants. Indicates the overall strategy
students who get early gradation. used by the participants with mean of (3,296)
70 indicating they are medium.
50 4

40 3
30 2
20 1
0 Det Soc Cog Met Mem
Early grade Middle grade Late grade
Fig. 2. Illustrate the VLS mostly used by late
Fig. 1. The students percentage of the vocabulary gradation student.
The graph above shows that the VLS mosly
Data Description of vocabulary learning used by the late gradation students in mean
strategies mostly used by the students score 3,54 on category high use is Memory
There were several description data of strategy. The second one, mostly used by the
students’ vocabulary based on the students’ late gradation students is cognitive strategy in
gradation of vocabulary. The gradation of mean score 3,45 on category high use. The
students vocabulary was high gradation, next strategy mostly used by the late gradation
middle gradation and early gradation. The students is metacognitive strategy in mean
category of students gradation of vocabulary score 3,38 on category medium use. After
learning strategies were classified into that, social strategy is in mean score 3,33 on
frequency of the five categories of VLS used category medium use. The least VLS is rare to
by Late gradation, middle gradation and be used as the students’ VLS is determination
learly gradation participants frequency. strategy in mean score 2,78 on category
medium use.
Descriptive statistics for the frequency of
the five categories of VLS used by Late The data imply that most of the late gradation
gradation participants students use group words together as their
learning strategy. They do not use words that
Table 2. VLS used by Late gradation participants they get separately. They tend to use the
No Strategies Mean Frequency Rank words by grouping them. The strategies in
score category Memory learning strategy exposed that the
1 Memory 3,54 High use 1 students often used this kind of strategy in
3 Cognitive 3,45 Medium 2
their learning. As knowing a word is not
strategy use merely memorizing its dictionary definition,
4 Metacognitive 3,38 Medium 3 the learner has to learn how to connect it in
Strategy use related context, how to use it in actual
5 Social 3,33 Medium 4 communicaton in its correct form and also
strategy use
6 Determination 2,78 Medium 5
how to use the known word in different
use sentences. The relatively high means showed
Mean score 3,296 Medium this group of students did well in this respect.
use The students were clear that the purpose of


vocabulary learning is to use a word gradation students is metacognitive strategy

appropriately. in mean score 2,84 on category medium use.
After that, cognitive strategy is in mean score
Descriptive statistics for the frequency of the 2,81 on category medium use. The least VLS
five categories of VLS used by Middle is rare to be used as the students’ VLS is
gradation participants determination strategy in mean score 2,55 on
category medium use.
Table 3. VLS used by Middle gradation
participants It is clear that the participants were familiar
No Strategies Mean Frequency Rank with these techniques in Memory strategies.
score category Word form knowledge includes the
1 Memory 3,41 High use 1 knowledge of word’s parts, spelling, and
3 Social strategy 3,10 Medium 2
sound. Regarding word meaning knowledge
use refers to the concept of the word, what it refers
4 Metacognitive 2,84 Medium 3 to, which words can be associated with. This
strategy use list of word knowledge can be achieved by
5 Cognitive 2,81 Medium 4 using Memory strategies. Alternatively, the
strategy use
6 Determination 2,55 Medium 5
students can create their own mental images
strategy use of a word's meaning. It is believed that
Mean score 2,942 Medium imagery has been shown to be more effective
use than more repetition for the new words and
The descriptive statistics show that the most
frequent employed vocabulary learning Descriptive statistics for the frequency of
strategies by Middle gradation of vocabulary the five categories of VLS used by early
of STKIP PGRI was Memory strategies. As gradation participants.
mentioned earlier, in relation to scoring
system the VLSs were used moderately by the Table 4 VLS used by early gradation participants
participants. Indicates the overall strategy No Strategies Mean Frequency Rank
used by the participants with mean of (2,942) score category
indicating they are medium. 1 Social strategy 2,76 Medium 1
3 Metacognitive 2,3 Low use 2
4 Memory 2,22 Low use 3
5 Cognitive 2,18 Low use 4
VLSs of… strategy
6 Determination 2,04 Low use 5
1 strategy
0.5 Mean score 2,3 Low use
Det Soc Cog Met Mem
The descriptive statistics show that the most
Fig. 3. the VLS mostly used by middle gradation frequent employed vocabulary learning
strategies by early gradation of vocabulary of
The graph above shows that the VLS mosly STKIP PGRI was Social strategies. As
used by the middle gradation students in mean mentioned earlier, in relation to scoring
score 3,41 on category high use is Memory system the VLSs were used moderately by the
strategy. The second one, mostly used by the participants. Indicates the overall strategy
middle gradation students is social strategy in used by the participants with mean of (2,3)
mean score 3,10 on category medium use. The indicating they are low.
next strategy mostly used by the middle



VLSs of early grad


Det Soc Cog Met Mem

Graph 3. VLS mostly used by early gradation student.

The graph above shows that the VLS mosly The factor affecting the late gradation
used by the early gradation students in mean students in choosing vocabulary learning
score 2,76 on category medium use is social strategy
strategy. The second one, mostly used by the Some factors affect the choosing of
early gradation students is metacognitive vocabulary language learning strategies were
strategy in mean score 2,3 on category low found. It was found that the late gradation
use. The next strategy mostly used by the students chose Memory learning strategies as
early gradation students is memory strategy in their strategy in learning vocabulary because
mean score 2,22 on category low use. After of believe, motivation and learning
that, cognitive strategy is in mean score 2,18 experience. They had high motivation in
on category low use. The least VLS is rare to enriching their vocabulary through their own
be used as the students’ VLS is determination learning ways. It was proven from their
strategy in mean score 2, 04 on category low statement that they usually interested in
use. repetition. From four respondents, 100%
respondents thought about their next quality if
The description of the data above show that they repeat and practice their vocabulary. they
the students are good enough in using social prefer to believe on their own ability rather
strategy as their vocabulary leraning strategy. than depend on their friends to know the
It can be seen that most of the students are meaning of the words found.
often use this strategy as their learning
stratagey. Only few students who do not use The factor affecting the middle gradation
this strategy as their vocabulary learning students in choosing vocabulary learning
strategies with some specific reason such as strategy
they preffered to learn vocabulary with their
own way. Theiy prefer to choose to take in Some factors affect the choosing of
order to interact with other learners or native vocabulary language learning strategies were
speakers of the language. Eventually the found. It was found that the middle gradation
strategies can act in specific ways to foster students chose Memory learning strategies as
certain aspects of that competence, such as their strategy in learning vocabulary because
grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse and of field of study, learning environment and
strategic elements. class level. They had high motivation in
enriching their vocabulary through building
social relationship. It was proven from their
statement that they usually interested in doing


cooperative learning. They prefer to ask and the learning strategy that is most frequently
imitate what other students do to learn used is social strategy. This result is
vocabularies. consistent with the findings of Huang and
Naerssen (2007) in which it reported that
The factor affecting the early gradation social strategies were highly used by middle
students in choosing vocabulary learning to poor learners as opposed to other strategies.
strategy The students were also learning much from
other students.
Some factors affect the early students in
choosing vocabulary learning strategies were Contrary with the findings of Huang and
found. It was found that the early gradation Naersen (2007), Wharton’s (2010) found that
students chose Social learning strategies as middle to poor language learners tend to use
their vocabulary learning strategy because of memory strategy as their learning strategy. As
many factors such as field of study, course the STKIP PGRI students are categorized into
type and class level. It was proven from their middle to poor language learners , it is
statement that they usually ask someone help believed that memory strategy is the most
for difficult words. They prefer to count on common strategies to be used since middle or
others rather than develop their own efforts to poor language learners usually depend on
learn. learning aids in learning . Metacognitive
strategies were found to be the least frequent
IV. DISCUSSION strategies of the VLSs to be used by the
participants. The reason why Metacognitive
Based on the research findings that have been
strategies were the least frequent strategies
collected from three subjects, the researcher
might be that learners have much exposure to
knows that students who have medium grade
English in classes so they learn it consciously.
in their result in English have strategy in
Another reason might affect their usage of this
learning vocabulary. This learning strategy
strategy is that they rely on language
carry them in successful when learning
instructors in classes. It might also be that
process. As Mehrpour (2008) revealed in his
learners are aware of the learning process
research that second or foreign language
even if language instructors adopt the
students who possess good word power or
communicative approach in classes.
knowledge of vocabulary are usually more
successful language students. It shows that the
Other reflects different findings in which
ability of students in mastering vocabulary
students’ actual strategy use do not rely on
influence their result in learning language.
students’ beliefs. For example, students
There are some kinds of strategy that are used
believe that the ability to use a word is to use
by subjects in learning their vocabulary. The
it in real communication appropriately.
researcher takes the learning strategy
However, the students rely too much on word
classification by Schmitt’s taxonomy. As
form. This implies that students may lack the
Schmitt (2002) revealed that there are two
opportunities to use vocabulary in their real
kinds of learning strategy generally, those
language situation. This is consistent to
learning strategies are discovery strategy and
Maesin, Mansor, Shafie and Neyan (2009)
consolidation strategy. Discovery strategies
who state that “in second language learning,
consist of determination strategy and social
students find difficulties to utilize the
strategy. Consolidation strategies consist of
language skills outside the classrooms as
metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy,
there are fewer opportunities to do so due to
and memory strategy.
poor language environment.” This seems to
hinder their goal in vocabulary learning.
By conducting interview and distributed
Regarding attitude, motivation and language
questionnaire to the subjects, the results are
learning experience, all these factors seem to
compared with five learning strategies above,


positively correlate with learners’ Vocabulary students in the lower classes lack so that the
Learning Strategy use. The more highly teachers can promote Vocabulary Learning
motivated students also employ a wider range Strategies to them and encourage them to use
of Vocabulary Learning Strategies than the a wider range of Vocabulary Learning
less motivated ones. We may conclude that Strategies. Rabadi (2016) on English
attitude, motivation and language learning Vocabulary learning strategies employed by
experience appear to affect learners’ Undergraduate EFL Jordanian students. This
Vocabulary Learning Strategy use in the same research was a descriptive research which
manner. This may suggest that the use of employed both quantitative and qualitative
Vocabulary Learning Strategies should be method. The population Undergraduate EFL
taught to students with negative attitudes, or Jordanian students which consisted of 356
those with low motivation and less students. The sample for this research was 36
experience. These students need to develop students (10% of the population). The data
the skill of using Vocabulary Learning were collected by using three kinds of
Strategies so that they can make full use of instruments: questionnaire, test, and
these skills to deal with new or unfamiliar interview. The findings reveal that the
vocabulary items. students’ preferences of strategies are
dominated by cognitive, followed by social
The situational and social factors mentioned and metacognitive strategies. Learners’
in this paper include field of study, class level, learning outcomes are dealing with language
course type, gender and language learning achievement, language proficiency, and
environment. Starting with the field of study, vocabulary knowledge.
it is possible to conclude that it has been found
to be related to the strategy preferences of The findings from previous research works
students. This implies that students in seem to indicate that successful learners
different fields of study are likely to have employ a larger number and a wider range of
different styles of learning vocabulary. Wu Vocabulary Learning Strategies than the less
(2008) investigated the language learning successful language learners. Successful
strategy use of ten vocational English second language learners often apply Vocabulary
language learners from a vocational institute Learning Strategy in quite intricate ways to
in Hong Kong. The result shows that the help them acquire new vocabulary items.
learners favored the use of social affective However, it seems quite risky to infer that the
strategies more than cognitive and higher language learning outcomes are the
metacognitive strategies. In this research result of a larger number and a wider range of
social affective strategies consist of learners’ Vocabulary Learning Strategy use.
questioning for clarification, co-operation and The relationship between learners’ learning
positive talk, cognitive consist of grouping, outcomes and learners’ Vocabulary Learning
note-taking, summarizing, and translation, Strategy use may be described as bi-
then, metacognitive consist of organization, directional. In other words, it can either be
advance preparation, organizational planning that the learners’ Vocabulary Learning
and self-management. Strategy use resulted from their learning
outcomes or that their learning outcomes can
Regarding class level, it emerges as a clear be the result of their Vocabulary Learning
factor affecting learners’ Vocabulary Strategy use.
Learning Strategy choice. The findings seem
to reflect the fact that the higher class level the V. CONCLUSION
students are in, the lesser rote memorization It can be concluded that the learning strategies
method they use. Therefore, it is important for can help the learner to become more self-
language teachers to know what type of directed and contribute to the learning
Vocabulary Learning Strategies do the process. However, the students may not have


the appropriate tools for doing that even should enhance the meaning of learning
though they may acknowledge the meaning of strategies and offer the opportunity to get to
vocabulary in language proficiency. know and try out the different strategies so
Mastering the use of learning strategies the that each learner can find the best strategies
learner can more easily achieve his goal, for them.
successful learning. Therefore lecturers


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