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GROUP 1 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ● Since the Code of Commerce

Members: Jovan Bartolome, Harvey Jay D. is inherited law from the

Damiao, Michelle De Vera, Alicia Dela Cruz, Spanish times, upon transfer
Kristan Micho C. Dela Cruz, Rozell Joshua of sovereignty from Spain to
Ines, Jan Ray Macanas, James Gabriel N. the US and later on to the PH,
Pichay Article 14 must be deemed to
Topics: have been abrogated.
Preliminary Considerations and The State
● Where there is change of
sovereignty, the political laws
PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS of the former sovereign, are
automatically abrogated,
POLITICAL LAW unless they are expressly re-
enacted by affirmative act of
- Branch of public law which deals with the new sovereign
the organization and operation of the
governmental organs of the state and B. Basis of study of Philippine
defines the relations of the state with Political Law
the inhabitants of the territory.
● Constitution
A. Subjects covered by and included ● Decisions of the Supreme
in the study of Political Law Court
● Fundamentally derived from
1. Constitutional law American jurisprudence.
2. Administrative law
3. Election law CONSTITUTION
4. Law on public officers
5. Law on public corporations A. Definition
● Definition of the powers of
MACARIOLA v. ASUNCION the government
● Foundation of the entire legal
● The court pointed out that system, the bedrock of the
"although the aforementioned legal order
provision is incorporated in ● Supreme law of the land
the Code of Commerce which
is part of the commercial laws B. Philosophical View of the
of the Philippines, it, however, Constitution
partakes the nature of political
law as it regulates the ● Is a social contract whereby
relationship between the the people have surrendered
government and certain their sovereign power to the
public officers and state for the common good.
IN RE: JOAQUIN T. BORROMEO ● Constitution of Government

● It is said that a little learning

is a dangerous thing; and F. Principles used in construction or
that he who acts as his own interpretation of Constitution
lawyer has a fool for a client. ● verba legis - the words used
in the constitution must be
● Borromeo was found guilty of given their ordinary meaning
constructive contempt of except where technical terms
court for repetitive are employed.
disrespectfulness on the ● ratio legis est anima - the
resolutions and decisions words of the constitution
issued by the courts as well should be interpreted in
as issuance of circular accordance with the intent of
containing libelous and its framers.
offending accusations such ● ut magis valeat quam
as capricious; whimsical and pereat - the constitution is to
tyrannical against the be interpreted as a whole.
justices and employees of
the Supreme Court. CONDUCTO v. MONZON

C. Kinds of Constitution ● Respondent judge was found

● As to form: guilty of ignorance of law for
1. Written his failure to suspend the
2. Unwritten barangay chairman charged
● As to origin: with the crime of unlawful
1. Enacted appointment. Respondent’s
2. Evolved contention was that offenses
● As to amendment: committed during the
1. Rigid previous term are not a cause
2. Flexible of removal during the present
term and that reelection of the
D. Qualities of a good written barangay chairman
Constitution condoned the mistakes
committed during his previous
● Broad term. Settled jurisprudence
● Brief states this only applies to
● Definite administrative cases, not with
criminal cases.
E. Essential parts of a good written

● Constitution of Liberty
● Constitution of Sovereignty
SUPREMACY - during the period of interregnum, the
directives and orders of the
In the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. revolutionary government were the
supreme law since no constitution
Government Service Insurance System
limited the extent and scope of such
(GSIS), the Court expounded on the value of directives and orders. As such, the
a constitution government in power was a
revolutionary government bound
- A constitution is a system of without a constitution.
fundamental laws for the
governance and administration of - However, during the same period,
a nation. the basic and fundamental rights
of the people were still protected
pursuant to the country’s adherence
- The constitution is supreme, to international agreement,
imperious, absolute, and specifically the Universal
unalterable except by the authority Declaration of Human Rights and
from which it emanates. the Covenant on Civil and Political
- If a law or contract violates any norm
of the constitution, that law or
- The period of interregnum was
ended by the promulgation of the
contract whether promulgated by the Freedom Constitution which was in
legislative or by the executive branch force until the 1987 Charter was
or entered into by private persons for ratified by the people in 1987.
private purposes is null and void,
and without any force and effect. - The present Charter has been called
People Power Charter.
- The Constitution being the
fundamental, paramount, and - The current constitution applicable in
the Philippines is the one adopted
supreme law of the land is deemed
on February 2, 1987. It is a
written in every statute and document that was drafted by the
contract. Constitutional Commission
constituted by then President
- Notwithstanding the significance of Corazon C. Aquino following the
the Constitution, it does not EDSA Revolution.
necessarily mean that a state
cannot exist without it.
Interregnum PROVISIONS

• The one-month period from the - Unless it is expressly provided that a

successful overthrow of the Marcos legislative act is necessary to enforce
government to the adoption of a a constitutional mandate, the
transitory charter on March 24, 1986. presumption is that all provisions
of the constitution are self-
In the case of Republic v. Sandiganbayan:
In Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS,
2. Territory - As provided in Article I, the
- A constitutional provision is self- National Territory of the Philippines
executing if the nature and extent Comprises of:
of the right conferred and the
liability imposed are fixed by the ● The Philippine Archipelago with all
constitution itself, so that they can the islands embraced therein
be determined by an examination ● All other territories over which the
and construction of its terms, and Philippines has sovereignty or
there is no language indicating jurisdiction
that the subject is referred to the ● The terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial
legislature for action. domains including the territorial sea,
the seabed, the subsoil, the insular
- A constitutional provision may be shelves, and other submarine areas
self-executing in one part and non thereof.
self-executing in another. ● Internal waters
● Also includes those areas ceded
Examples of self-executing provisions: under Treaty of Paris
1. Provisions on the right to information
2. Provisions on the right to health Archipelago - includes both sea and islands
which geographically may be considered as
Examples of non self-executing provisions: an independent whole.
1. Provisions found in Article II (State
Principles and Policies) Archipelagic Doctrine
2. Provisions found in Article XIII (Social ● A concept which considers the entire
Justice and Human Rights) archipelago as one integrated
cohesive unit of territory, not as
comprising various disparate and
THE STATE separate islands
● For this purpose, straight baselines
● Community of persons more or less are drawn joining the outermost
numerous points of the outermost islands and
● Permanently occupying a definite drying reefs of the archipelago
portion of territory ● All the islands and the waters
● Has a government of their own to included within such baselines would
which the great body of inhabitants be considered as a single body.
render obedience
● Enjoys freedom from external control In the case of Magallona v. Ermita:

Essential Elements of a State: - The Supreme Court upheld the

constitutionality of R.A. 9522 an act
1. People - Inhabitants of a state, subjects to adjusting the country’s archipelagic
be governed. Capable of maintaining baselines and classifying the
existence of a community baseline regime of nearby territories
and to comply with with the terms of Functions of government
the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) ● Constituent functions - are those
which constitute the very bonds of
- The law did not decrease the society and are compulsory in nature
demarcation of our territory. In fact it
increased it. Under the old law ● Ministrant functions - are those that
amended by RA 9522 (RA 3046), we are undertaken only by way of
adhered with the rectangular lines advancing the general interests of the
enclosing the Philippines. society, and are merely optional

In the case of Regan v. Commissioner of In the case of Bacani v. National Coconut

Internal Revenue (Terrestrial Domain): Corporation:

- Clarified that the Clark Air Base, at - The Supreme Court ruled that the
the time when it was still occupied by National Coconut Corporation does
the U.S Military (pursuant to the not fall within the term of
Military Agreement), the Air Base “Government of the Republic of the
was still part of the Philippine Philippines” and was not exempt from
territory, therefore the tax laws of the payment of the fees of
country operated therein and still has stenographers.
- The principles determining whether
- The Clark Air Base did not become a or not a government shall exercise
foreign soil or territory; certain of these optional functions
- The Philippine Government merley are: (1) that a government should do
consents that the United States for the public welfare those things
exercise jurisdiction in certain cases which private capital would not
only. naturally undertake and (2) that a
government should do these things
3. Government - an agency through which which by its very nature it is better
the will of the state is formulated, expressed, equipped to administer for the public
and carried out. welfare than is any private individual
or group of individuals.
Governments according to legitimacy:
- National Coconut Corporation falls
● De Jure - signifies that the under government-owned or
government is rightfully and legally in controlled corporations
possession of powers
In the case of ACCFA v. CUGCO:
● De Facto - one who has the actual
exercise of power but not legally - ACCFA was a government agency
entitled to the same created under RA No. 821, as
amended. Its administrative
machinery was reorganized and its
name was changed to Agricultural - The Philippines being independent
Credit Administration and sovereign, its authority may be
exercised over its entire domain.
- The ACA is a government office or There is no portion thereof that is
agency engaged in governmental, beyond power.
not proprietary functions. These
functions may not be strictly what - Within its limits, its decrees are
President Wilson described as supreme, its commands paramount.
Inherent Powers of the State
- The growing complexities of modern
society, however, have rendered this 1. Police Power
traditional classification of the
functions of government quite - The power used to promote public
unrealistic, not to say obsolete. welfare by restraining and regulating
liberty and the use of property
In the case of Shipside v. Court of
Appeals: 2. Power of Eminent Domain

- The rule that prescription does not - The authority to take what it needs
run against the State does not apply provided that it is for public use and
to corporations or artificial bodies that there is payment of just
created by the State for special compensation.
purposes, it being said that when the 3. Power of Taxation
title of the Republic has been
divested, its grantees, although - The power of the state to impose a
artificial bodies of its own creation, charge or burden upon person,
are in the same category as ordinary property, or property rights for the
persons. use and support of the government

- The Bases Conversion Development

Authority performs functions which WEST PHILIPPINE SEA
are basically proprietary in nature.
The West Philippines Sea refers to the part
- The promotion of economic and of the South China Sea that is closest, and of
social development of Central Luzon, vital interest, to the Philippines.
in particular, and the country’s goal
for enhancement, in general, do not ● The proceedings were initiated by
make BCDA equivalent to The Republic of the Philippines
Government. against the People’s Republic of
China on January 22, 2013. When
4. Sovereignty - The supreme power of the the Philippines served the notification
state to command and enforce obedience and Statement of Claim under Article
287 and Annex VII of the 1982 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - are
UNCLOS, China rejected and areas of the sea extending 200 NM from a
returned it on February 19, 2013 and country’s coastline.
put a stand that they do not accept
the arbitration proposed by the Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) - is the
Philippines. This case attempts to continental shelf beyond the 200 NM
find rulings for the issues with
regards to the “historic rights” of Position of the Parties and Legal and
China over the waters, seabed and Historical Basis of China’s Claim:
subsoil within the so called “nine-
dash line”. Also, determining the ● China’s Position in the Tribunal is as
claims of both parties with regards to follows:
the maritime features, specifically the - Historically, China claims that
Scarborough Shoal and eight others they were already exploring
in the Spratlys Island and the the region for the past 2000
interference of China with the years and that they were the
sovereign rights and freedoms of the first to discover, name, and
Philippines over the WPS. exploit the resources in the
UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on - China does not and will not
the Law of the Sea) - is an international acknowledge the Arbitral
treaty and agreement adopted and signed in Tribunal’s decision nor the
1982 which establishes a legal framework for proceedings initiated by the
all marine and maritime activities. Republic of the Philippines,
as they believe that the
Arbitral Tribunal has no
jurisdiction and binding effect
- Their legal basis for their
● The position of the People’s Republic claim in the region is the Nine-
of China and The Philippines, as well Dash Line which was made
as if there is any legal basis and public knowledge to the
historical basis for China’s expansion people of China in 1947, but
and control of the region? was only submitted to the
● Are the islands in the West Philippine United Nations on 7 May
Sea capable of sustaining of human 2009;
habitation and economic activity;
● Are the islands capable of generating Nine-Dash Line - is a demarcation line used
their own Exclusive Economic Zone by the People’s Republic of China for its
(“EEZ”) and Extended Continental claim of the major parts of the South China
Shelf (“ECS”); and Sea.
- Also, historically, one of the
driving force for China’s
Expansionist ambitions was
brought about by what was that the southernmost
referred to as the “Century of territory extends no further
Humiliation” south than the island of
The so-called “Century of Humiliation” -
was a period during the Qing Dynasty which Even in the constitutions of the previous
resulted in successive losses in wars, Republican government of China (“KMT” or
rebellions and unequal treaties resulting in the Kuomintang), the territory recognized by
the annexation and occupation of certain the Republic of China continues to be the
territories in China by some of the powerful territory of the Former Empire (Qing
empires in the West and in Asia. Dynasty), which is the Hainan island.

The Tribunal’s Decisions:

● The position of the Republic of the
Philippines in the Tribunal: ● As to the the Tribunals authority to
settle the dispute:
- The occupation and - It is within the jurisdiction of
expansion of China’s territory the tribunal to lead the South
in the West Philippine Sea is China Sea arbitration. China
illegal; argues that Itu Aba, the
- That China not once had any largest island in Spratlys is
semblance of control in the capable of human habitation
region historically; and and entitled to a 12 nautical
- The Nine-Dash line claim of miles territorial sea and
China has no legal basis exclusive economic zone and
- That the Legal Basis of the continental shelf up to 200
Philippines for its territorial nautical miles, which results
claims are the 1898 Treaty of in an overlapping EEZ with
Paris, in which Spain drew a Palawan. China made a
line in the map and ceded the reservation in 2006 that in
Philippines to the United case of overlapping EEZ,
States, and the 1900 Treaty China will not submit itself
of Washington, which Spain with compulsory arbitration
clarified that they also ceded and the Tribunal at The
and relinquished all title and Hague will have no
claim of any and all islands in jurisdiction over the case.
the Philippine Archipelago, - After various investigations, it
including those lying outside was proven that Itu Aba is not
the lines in the Treaty of Paris; capable of human habitation;
and therefore, it is not entitled to a
- The historic maps of China 200 nautical miles of EEZ.
dating back to 1136 including Moreover, the Tribunal has
the entirety of the Chinese jurisdiction over the dispute
dynasties consistently show because there is no
overlapping EEZ between from any Chinese claims
Palawan and the features of which is larger than the total
Spratlys. land area of the Philippines.
But still, China had:
● As to China’s nine-dash line and a. Prohibited Philippine
claim to historic rights in the maritime vessels from fishing
areas of the South China Sea: within the Philippines’
- China’s historic rights prior to EEZ.
convention were an exercise b. Protected Chinese
of high sea freedoms rather fishermen from fishing
than a historic right. The within the EEZ of the
waters of the South China Philippines.
Sea beyond the territorial sea, c. Interfered with
which is the sea within the Philippines’ petroleum
nine-dash line or 85.7% of exploration with its
South China Sea, were EEZ.
considered part of the high d. Constructed artificial
seas where vessels from any islands that cause
State can fish and navigate. harm to the coral reef
- Moreover, there’s no proof environment.
that China had historically
exercised exclusive control ● As to China’s aggravation of the
over the waters of South dispute by reclamation and
China sea or prevented other construction:
States from exploiting their - China violated its role to
resources. The Tribunal is refrain from extending the
unable to identify any dispute during the pendency
evidence that would suggest of the settlement process as
that China historically China built an artificial island
regulated or controlled fishing within Philippines’ EEZ that
in the South China Sea, caused harm to the marine
beyond the limits of the ecosystem. Moreover, China
territorial sea. destroyed evidence of the
natural features in question.
● As to China’s activities in South
China Sea:
- China had violated the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nothing follows ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Philippines' rights with
respect to its exclusive
economic zone and
continental shelf. The
Philippines has an EEZ of
376,350 square kilometers in
the South China Sea, free

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