Portfolio Project 5 Education History Timeline

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Education History by Alexandra Olmedo

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On May 17th, the U.S. Supreme Court On November 1st, first grader Ruby McCarver Elementary School in Michael Hart, founder of Project The Education of All Handicapped The report of the National Commission on Excellence in Education, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), civil rights law prohibiting On January 8th, the No Child Left
Chief Justice Earl Warren, announces its Bridges was the first African Tacoma, Washington becomes the Guttenberg, invents the e-Book. Children Act (PL 94-142) becomes A Nation at Risk, calls for sweeping reforms in public education and discrimination against those with disabilities in all areas, including Behind Act (NCLB) is approved by
decision in the case of Brown v. Board of American to attend William Frantz nation's first magnet school. federal law. It requires that a free, teacher training, creating a great national debate began on how to education – becomes law. Congress and signed into law by
Education, ruling that "separate educational Elementary School in New Orleans.
1968 1971 appropriate public education, suited improve the quality of schools.
1983 1990 President George W. Bush,
facilities are inherently unequal.” 1957 1960 to the student's individual needs,
and offered in the least restrictive
mandating high-stake student testing,
holding schools accountable for
Texas Instruments introduces the setting be provided for all student achievement levels, and
The Civil Rights Act becomes law "handicapped" children. The Emergency Immigrant Education Act is enacted to provide Minnesota passes the first "charter school" law. A year later, City
On October 4th, The Soviet Union The Elementary and Secondary first in its line of electronic hand- providing penalties for schools that
prohibits discrimination based on services and offset the costs for school districts that have Academy High School, the nation's first charter school, opens in St.
launches Sputnik, the first satellite Education Act was amended held calculators, the TI-2500 Data do not make adequate yearly progress
unexpectedly large numbers of immigrant students. Paul, Minnesota.
to orbit the Earth. race, color, sex, religion or national
origin. 1964
with Title VII, the Bilingual
Education Act, providing
1972 1984 1991 (AYP). 2001
The National Association of
federal aid to low-income Bilingual Education is founded.
children “of limited English- The Common Core State Standards, is
“Education is our first line of defense.” speaking ability.” In the case of Wallace v, Jaffree, the U.S. Supreme Court finds that launched. To bring uniformity to a
“Jacqueline and Martin Brooks' In Search of Understanding: The Case
The Indian Education Act becomes Alabama statutes authorizing silent prayer and teacher-led voluntary “patchwork quilt” of state standards.
for Constructivist Classrooms is published. It is one many books and
- Vice Admiral H.G. Rickover’s establishes "a comprehensive prayer in public schools violate the First Amendment.
approach to meeting the unique 1985 articles describing constructivism, a view that learning best occurs 48 states join, not including Texas
Education and Freedom (1959) On July 20th, Apollo 11 was the needs of American Indian and
through active construction of knowledge rather than its passive and Alaska.
reception. Constructivist learning theory, with roots such as the work of
first spaceflight that landed Alaska Native students" Dewey, Bruner, Piaget, and Vygotsky, becomes extremely popular in the
On April 9th, the Elementary and humans on the Moon, by Christa McAuliffe is chosen by NASA from among more than
On September 2nd, the U.S. passed
the National Defense Education Act
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is
passed per Lyndon Johnson's "War
Commander Neil Armstrong
and lunar module pilot Buzz.
11,000 applicants to be the first teacher-astronaut, but her mission
ends tragically as the Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds
(NDEA) which authorized increased on Poverty," providing federal funds Title IX of the Education after its launch, killing McAuliffe and the other six members of the
funding for scientific research as well to help low-income students. 1969 Amendments Act, stated that “no crew. 1986
as science, mathematics, and foreign 1965 person in the United States shall,
on the basis of sex, be excluded On April 20th, two Columbine High School students go on a killing
language education.
1958 ARPANET (Advanced
Research Projects Agency
from participation in, be denied the
The University of Phoenix establishes their "online campus," the first
spree that leaves 15 dead and 23 wounded at the Littleton, Colorado
benefits of, or be subjected to school, making it the nations' deadliest school shooting incident. Though
Network), the first "packet- to offer online bachelor's and master's degrees. It becomes the schools tighten safety procedures as a result of the Columbine massacre,
Project Head Start, a preschool discrimination under any education
education program for children
switching" network and
program or activity receiving
"largest private university in North America."
1989 school shootings continue to occur at an alarming rate.
The ACT Test is first administered. from low-income families, begins as
precursor of the internet, is
created by the U.S. Defense
Federal financial assistance.” 1999
1959 an eight-week summer program. Department, funded by NDEA. 1975 The Carnegie Council, on adolescent development, report turning
“…no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from
Its first message is sent points, recommends the creation of learning communities and a core
October 29, at about 10:30
academic program for middle level student participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial
President George H. W. Bush convenes education summit meeting
for 50 state governors assistance.”
- Title IX of the Education Amendments Act (1975)

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