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Ex 2

Photo A anxious ( lo lắng ) , frustrated ( thất vọng ) , miserable( đau khổ ) , stressed
( căng thẳng)
Photo B boy: content ( nội dung ) , thrilled(hồi hộp), upbeat(lạc quan);
girl: bitter(cay đắng), disappointed(thất vọng), envious(ghen tị)
Photo C frustrated(bực bội), irritated(cáu gắt)
Ex 3
Positive amused(thích thú), content(nội dung), thrilled(hồi hộp), upbeat(lạc quan)
Negative alarmed(tiêu cực), anxious(lo lắng), ashamed(xấu hổ), bitter(cay đắng),
disappointed(thất vọng)
Disillusioned(vỡ mộng), envious( đố kỵ ), exasperated(bực tức), frustrated(thất vọng),
furious(tức giận),
Humiliated(bẽ mặt), indecisive(thiếu quyết đoán), irritated(cáu kỉnh), miserable(đau
khổ ), stressed(căng thẳng)
Both hysterical( loạn trí), stunned(choáng váng)
Exercise 4 page 20
1 alarmed( hoảng hốt ), anxious( lo lắng), indecisive(thiếu quyết đoán)
2 content( nội dung), thrilled(hồi hộp), upbeat(lạc quan )
3 exasperated(bực tức), furious(tức giận), irritated(cáu kính)
4 bitter( cay đắng), furious( tức giận), humiliated (nhục nhã )
5 anxious(lo lắng), stressed(căng thẳng)
6 hysterical( cuồng loạn), miserable(đau khổ), stunned(choáng váng)
7 disappointed( thất vọng), disillusioned(vỡ mộng), frustrated( thất vọng)
8 ashamed(xấu hổ), humiliated(nhục nhã ), miserable( đau khổ )
Exercise 5 page 20
2 miserable – đau khổ
3 furious- tức giận
4 anxious- lo lắng / stressed – căng thẳng
5 irritated – bị kích thích
6 envious- ghen tị

7 humiliated- bị làm nhục

8 anxious – lo lắng / exasperated – bực tức / frustrated – thất vọng
9 indecisive- thiếu quyết đoán
Exercise 7
1 People who are always updating their status on social
networking sites. Emotional messages about how
somebody is missing their boyfriend or girlfriend
terribly and how miserable they feel.
2 People who are constantly eating popcorn in the cinema.
3 Because they got a new laptop for Christmas.
4 Taking part in more online forums.
Exercise 8 page 21
1 an annoying habit - thói quen khó chịu
2 future arrangements - sự sắp xếp trong tương lai
3 future arrangements
4 what is happening now - điều gì đang xảy ra bây giờ
Exercise 9 page 21
1 Because they get on his nerves.
2 They are offering free snacks for a week at the end of the month.
3 He’s taking his new laptop back to the shop tomorrow.
4 She’s reading an online forum about recycling.
Exercise 3 page 22
1 poorest 2 than 3 most
Exercise 4 page 22
1 most of his accidents could have ended a lot more seriously
2 And the older he got, the worse things became.
3 John’s life has been more accident-filled than you would think possible.
Exercise 5 page 22
1 more dangerous
2 the scarier
3 later, more concerned
4 more quickly
5 less optimistic
Exercise 6 page 22
1 US park ranger Roy Sullivan was even unluckier than Costis; most of his accidents
could have ended a lot more seriously
2 However, that’s nothing like as bad as Britain’s John Lyne ...
1 nowhere near 2 a lot 3 far 4 nothing like 5 a little
Exercise 7 page 22
1 is nowhere near as difficult as
2 are much safer than
3 nothing like as important as
4 more popular than it
5 older you get, the more

Exercise 2 page 24
1 stop to pick it up; try to find another seat; stop answering the phone; try being more
2 see someone drop; hear a shop assistant being rude
3 taking a risk; ignoring( bỏ qua ) bad behaviour
Exercise 3 page 24
1 Queuing – xếp hàng
2 argue – tranh luận (for a completed action) / arguing (for an ongoing action)
3 talking
4 to be
5 turn – lượt (for a completed action) / turning (for an ongoing action)
6 taking
7 to choose (refers to future time) / choosing (refers to past time)
8 whispering
Exercise 4 page 24
1 would rather not
2 Why not ask
3 You’d better
4 Would you sooner
Exercise 5 page 24
1 entering 2 Talking 3 keep 4 to clean up 5 hang up 6 spending 7 smash 8 wait

Exercise 1 page 25
He is worried that his best friend is spending too much time with older people who might
be a bad influence on him.
Exercise 2 page 25
under age; in common; Of course; in fact; at first; on purpose; in trouble
Exercise 3 page 25
1 in 2 under 3 On; on 4 for 5 in 6 in 7 by
Exercise 4 page 25
1 fault 2 once 3 stake 4 good 5 mistake 6 course
Exercise 6 page 25
1 by the 2 At the 3 on 4 in 5 By 6 in
Exercise 2 page 26
A 1 (I’ve got my eye on you!)
B 3 (Driven to crime)
C 4 (Feeling blue)
Exercise 3 page 26
1 B, C
4 A, C
7 B, C
Exercise 4 page 26
1 She possibly wanted to get teachers used to the idea of a picture being in that place. She
also probably used the picture of flowers as a control: would people respond to any
picture or a specific picture?
2 They might not want to believe it because it would mean that their crime-fighting
policies have had little or no effect.
3 The writer is suggesting that the psychologists’ explanation is just one possible
explanation and that there may be others.
Exercise 5 page 26
Verbs combat crime, cut crime, commit crime, deter crime
Nouns crime rate, crime prevention, crime wave
Adjectives violent crime, recorded crime, petty crime
Adjectives and verbs come before the noun; nouns come after the noun.

Exercise 6 page 27
1 crime rate
2 committing a crime
3 crime prevention
4 crime wave
5 violent crimes
6 recorded crime
7 deter crime
8 combating crime
9 petty crime
10 cut crime

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