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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with your hotel which I unfortunately chose to enjoy
my summer holiday.

To begin with, although we had booked a room for five nights from Monday 18 Octorber until Friday 22
Octorber when we checked in we found out that the place was available only until Thursday so we were
forced to cut our trip short and had to be moved to another room.

The room was certainly one of the older, un-renovated rooms located. To make matters worse,
throughout the four-day period we had no replacement for our bed sheets and towels despite our
asking for it after the first day. This was also really quite dirty and seemed to have been perhaps unused
for quite some time, there was a constant damp and mould like smell

Another unfortunate event was the view of the room. The central window overlooked a tall trees and
the building in the distance, nothing like the view of the beach was advertised on your website.

We feel this is a place where the bad experience, so I probably won't recommend it to any of my friends.

I hope that we can solve this matter amicably and that you will live up to the standards of your

Yours faithfully,
Trong Danh

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