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Transactional Styles Inventory—Managers

Name: Dubaree Choudhury

Role: Student
Organisation: SIBM Hyderabad
Date: 24/10/2021
This instrument will help you to know more about how you interact with others, an
important part of your organisational role. There are no right or wrong answers.
You will learn more about yourself you respond to each item as candidly as possible.
Read each statement in the preceding sheets and write your response on this sheet,
against the corresponding number, according to the key given below. Answer serially.

Write 1 if you rarely or never behave this way.

Write 2 if you occasionally behave this way.
Write 3 if you sometimes behave this way.
Write 4 if you often behave this way.
Write 5 if you almost always behave this way.

1. ____5___ I assure my people of my availability to them.

2. ____2___ I delay doing things that I do not like.
3. ____2____ I raise questions with my people about what should or should not
be done.
4. ____1____ I communicate strong feelings and resentment to my
colleagues/seniors without caring whether this will affect my relationships with
5. ____5_____ I collect all the information needed to solve various problems.
6. ____5_____ I discuss new ideas with my people without working out the
details of these ideas.
7. ____5_____ I respect and follow organisational traditions that seem to give
the organisation its identity.
8. ____5_____ I provide my people with the solutions to their problems.
9. ____5____ I take up the cause of my department/people and fight for them.
10. ____1_____ I admonish my people for not acting according to my
11. ____4_____ I think of new and creative solutions.
12. ____4_____ I collect information and data even when these are not
immediately needed or used.
13. ____5_____ I help my people to become aware of some of their own
14. ____3_____ I avoid meeting my seniors and colleagues if I have not been
able to fulfil their expectations.
15. _____5_____ I help my people to see the ethical dimensions of some of our
16. _____1____ I champion my people’s cause even at the cost of organisational
17. _____5_____ I think out many alternative solutions to problems before
adopting one for action.
18. _____3____ I overwhelm my colleagues with new ideas.
19. _____5____ I accept others’ suggestions that appeal to me.
20. _____5____ I instruct my people in detail about work problems and their
21. _____5____ I zealously argue my point of view in organisational meetings.
22. _____5____ I give clear instructions to my people about what should or
should not be done.
23. _____5____ I try out new things.
24. _____5____ I go into all the details of the specific work to be performed.
25. _____5____ I reassure my people of my continued help.
26. _____5____ I do not express my negative feelings during unpleasant
meetings but continue to be bothered by them.
27. _____5____ I help my people and colleagues to examine the
appropriateness of proposed actions.
28. _____3____ I express strong resentment to my seniors or colleagues about
things that have not been done as promised.
29. _____5____ I continuously search for various resources from which needed
information can be obtained in order to work out solutions to problems.
30. _____5____ I try out new ideas or methods without waiting to consolidate the
previous ones.
31. _____4____ I accept help from others and appreciate it.
32. _____5____ I encourage my people to come to me frequently to seek my
advice and help.
33. _____2____ I express my feelings and reactions frankly in meetings with
seniors and colleagues.
34. _____4___ I clearly prescribe standards of behaviour to be followed in my
work unit.
35. _____4____ I enjoy trying out new ways and see a problem as a challenge.
36. _____1___ I work primarily on organisational tasks, sometimes at the cost of
sensitivity and attention to the feelings of people.
Style Items and responses Total OEQ

Nurturing 5 5 5

5 5 5 30 67

Regulating 2 5 5

1 5 4 22 90

Task 5 5 5

4 5 1 25 65

Adaptive 5 5 4

2 3 5 24 45

Assertive 5 5 2

1 1 3 17 56

Innovative 4 5 4

5 3 5 26 69

DS- Nurturing BS- Innovative Total Okay Not okay Okay+Not


52 48 144 392

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