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Next, think about and describe in writing two stories—one where you felt proud to be

a member of the one of the groups to which you identify, and the second where it was
especially painful to be a member of one of the groups with which you identified.

I was asked by my work to attend an annual fundraiser this past year. My company had paid for
6 tickets to attend this event. The annual fundraiser was established by the Catholic outreach
services. The event was called the Salt and Light dinner. The dinner provided numerous ways
to collect funds for this charity through basket raffles, silent auctions, and the general fee to
attend the dinner. This was the first time I had attended the dinner. With no expectations in
mind, I was quite impressed with the formal event. From the time you entered the room it was
clear to see the hard work of others and hours of service they must have completed to facilitate
such a grand affair. I recognized some familiar faces of people I had known in the community.
Mostly men and women from businesses and organizations in our area. The meal provided was
exceptional and the atmosphere just as elegant, however what impressed me the most was the
speakers. Men and women just like me, but talking about the works of this charity and how
many members of the community they were able to aid this past year. The donations that were
raised are utilized by the Catholic charities for the people that may fall between the cracks. The
people that are not eligible for other charity programs. Fathers and Priests spoke of the efforts to
provide aid and assistance to the people affected by drugs and imprisonment. Community
members received awards for their participation in helping others by their dedication to aiding
other members in our community. As I sat in this room, listening to the stories of the great men
and women of the Catholic program, I grew proud to be a part of a Christian faith and religion. I
grew honored to be amongst these outstanding citizens that work endlessly to provide service
for those in need. As the evening concluded, I was moved to tears listening to one Fathers talk
of helping others. He spoke of helping all people and not casting judgment on others, especially
people suffering from addiction. When the event ended, I went home for the night with a full
heart. A heart full of love, compassion, and pride for seeing the good works of my faith in action.

During the past few weeks, the names of hundreds of Priests were released to the media for
being involved with sexual abuses. My mind has been questioning why did the church not stand
up for the young children victimized. In some of the cases the church had paid off families for
keeping quiet. I am appalled by these findings. The church is a place of refuge of serenity. To
think that Christians could stand by idly while children were suffering and abused by their own
Clergymen is unexplainable. One of the names released had been a Father that visited my work
to provide communion to the homebound. He seemed very nice, a trusted member of the
church community. As a mother, and a Christian I’m deeply saddened and ashamed that the
members of the Catholic church didn’t do more to protect these children. I’m embarrassed by
the actions the church has taken to keep families from pursuing justice and possibly ending
these abuses sooner.

“Iam a woman but I am NOT someone that will sit around and look pretty, waiting for
others to speak for me.”

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