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Dictionary Skills Scavenger Hunt

Use a dictionary to answer the following questions.

What is the Find a word with Where in the body Find a word
definition of the no vowels. would you wear with more than
word ‘dictionary’? a gauntlet? seven letters.

Find the word How many words How many What is the
‘bagpipes’. What begin with ‘x’? definitions are definition of the
are the guide there for the word ‘antonym’?
words at the top word ‘bank’
of the page?

What religion Find three nouns What is the What does an

would that begin origin of the word optometrist
wear a kirpan? with ‘sp’. ‘pyjamas’? specialise in?

What does a What sport would What is a lexicon? What does the
geologist study? use a bail? prefix ‘re’ mean?

What are the What does an How many Where in the body
ingredients for omnivore eat? definitions are would you find
guacamole? there for the word the cornea?


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