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Official Report of the

One Hundred Eightieth

Annual General

of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

held in the Conference Center

Salt Lake City, Utah

April 3 and 4, 2010

Official Report
of the
One Hundred Eightieth
Annual General Conference

The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

held in the Conference Center

Salt Lake City, Utah
April 3 and 4, 2010

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
© 2010 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
English approval: 6/09
Report of the 180th Annual
General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The 180th Annual General Conference First Quorum of the Seventy: Mar-
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day cos A. Aidukaitis, Carlos H. Amado,
Saints convened in the Conference Center Mervyn B. Arnold, David S. Baxter,
in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, April Shayne M. Bowen, Gérald Caussé, Yoon
3, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. Hwan Choi, Craig C. Christensen, Gary J.
The general sessions of the conference Coleman, Spencer J. Condie, Lawrence E.
were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Corbridge, Benjamín De Hoyos, John B.
Saturday and Sunday, April 3 and 4, 2010. Dickson, Kevin R. Duncan, David F.
The general priesthood session was held Evans, Enrique R. Falabella, Eduardo
on Saturday, April 3, at 6:00 p.m. Gavarret, Carlos A. Godoy, Christoffel
President Thomas S. Monson presided Golden Jr., Gerrit W. Gong, C. Scott Grow,
at all sessions of the conference. President Bruce C. Hafen, James J. Hamula, Keith K.
Henry B. Eyring conducted the general Hilbig, Richard G. Hinckley, Marlin K.
priesthood, Sunday morning, and Sunday Jensen, Daniel L. Johnson, Kenneth
afternoon sessions. President Dieter F. Johnson, Paul V. Johnson, Patrick Kearon,
Uchtdorf conducted the Saturday morning Yoshihiko Kikuchi, Paul E. Koelliker,
and Saturday afternoon sessions. Erich W. Kopischke, Richard J. Maynes,
The conference was carried by satel- Marcus B. Nash, Brent H. Nielson,
lite transmission to thousands of Church Glenn L. Pace, Allan F. Packer, Kevin W.
buildings in many countries. In areas that Pearson, Anthony D. Perkins, Paul B.
did not receive this transmission, video Pieper, Rafael E. Pino, Bruce D. Porter,
recordings of the conference were made Carl B. Pratt, Dale G. Renlund, Michael T.
available. In addition, television and radio Ringwood, Lynn G. Robbins, Cecil O.
stations carried portions or all of the gen- Samuelson Jr., Joseph W. Sitati, Ulisses
eral sessions to large audiences throughout Soares, Gary E. Stevenson, Michael
North America. The proceedings were also John U. Teh, José A. Teixeira, Octaviano
broadcast live over the Internet. Tenorio, Juan A. Uceda, Francisco J. Viñas,
William R. Walker, F. Michael Watson,
General Authorities Lance B. Wickman, Jorge F. Zeballos,
Claudio D. Zivic, and W. Craig Zwick
First Presidency: Thomas S. Monson, Second Quorum of the Seventy: Wil-
Henry B. Eyring, and Dieter F. Uchtdorf ford W. Andersen, Koichi Aoyagi, Tad R.
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: Callister, Craig A. Cardon, Bruce A.
Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M. Carlson, Don R. Clarke, Keith R. Edwards,
Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Bal- Stanley G. Ellis, Bradley D. Foster,
lard, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Larry W. Gibbons, Spencer V. Jones, Won
Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, Yong Ko, Larry R. Lawrence, Per G. Malm,
Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, James B. Martino, Jairo Mazzagardi,
and Neil L. Andersen Wolfgang H. Paul, Kent F. Richards,
Presidency of the Seventy: Ronald A. Gregory A. Schwitzer, Lowell M. Snow,
Rasband, Claudio R. M. Costa, Steven E. Paul K. Sybrowsky, and Kent D. Watson
Snow, Walter F. González, L. Whitney Presiding Bishopric: H. David Bur-
Clayton, Jay E. Jensen, and Donald L. ton, Richard C. Edgley, and Keith B.
Hallstrom McMullin
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session


The first session of the 180th Annual The music for this session will be by
General Conference of The Church of the Tabernacle Choir, under the direction
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints convened of Mack Wilberg, with Richard Elliott and
in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Andrew Unsworth at the organ. The choir
Utah, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 3, opened this session by singing “Sweet Is
2010. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf con- the Work” and will now favor us with
ducted this session. “Come, Ye Children of the Lord.” The
Music was provided by the Tabernacle invocation will then be offered by Elder
Choir, directed by Mack Wilberg, with Yoshihiko Kikuchi of the Seventy.
Richard Elliott and Andrew Unsworth as
the organists. To begin this session, the The choir sang “Come, Ye Children
choir sang “Sweet Is the Work.” Pres- of the Lord.”
ident Uchtdorf then made the following Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi offered the
remarks. invocation.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Brothers and sisters, we welcome you President Uchtdorf
to the first session of the 180th Annual Brothers and sisters, we shall now be
General Conference of The Church of pleased to hear from our beloved prophet,
Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints and ex- President Thomas S. Monson. Following
tend a very special and heartfelt welcome his remarks, the choir will sing “There Is
to members and friends participating here Sunshine in My Soul Today.” After the
in the Conference Center and throughout choir has sung, we will hear from Presi-
the world, wherever you may be. President dent Boyd K. Packer, President of the Quo-
Thomas S. Monson, who presides at this rum of the Twelve Apostles, and he will be
conference, has asked that I conduct this followed by Sister Julie B. Beck, Relief
session. Society general president. Following her
We also acknowledge with apprecia- remarks, Bishop Keith B. McMullin of the
tion the General Authorities and the gen- Presiding Bishopric will address us.
eral auxiliary presidencies in attendance
at this conference.

President Thomas S. Monson

Steady Church growth for 180 years The Church has grown steadily since
that day in 1830. It continues to change
How good it is, my beloved brothers the lives of more and more people every
and sisters, to meet together once again. year and to spread across the earth as our
This conference marks 180 years since missionary force seeks out those who are
the Church was organized. How grateful searching for the truth. Once again we
we are for the Prophet Joseph Smith, who call upon the members of the Church to
sought for the truth, who found it, and who, reach out to the new converts or to those
under the direction of the Lord, restored making their way back into the Church, to
the gospel and organized the Church. surround them with love and to help them
feel at home.

Thank you, my brothers and sisters, for will be dedicated or rededicated. We will
your faith and devotion to the gospel of continue to build temples throughout the
Jesus Christ. Thank you for all that you do world as our membership grows. Each year
in your wards and branches, in your stakes millions of ordinances are performed in the
and districts. You serve willingly and well temples for our deceased loved ones. May
and accomplish great good. May the Lord we continue to be faithful in performing
bless you as you strive to follow Him and such ordinances for those who are unable
to obey His commandments. to do so for themselves.

Humanitarian assistance Frances Monson’s recovery

Since last we met, the Church has con- Many of you are aware that a short time
tinued to provide much-needed human- after October conference, my dear wife,
itarian assistance in various locations Frances, suffered a fall, which left her with
around the world. In the past three months a broken hip and a broken shoulder. After
alone, humanitarian assistance has been two successful surgeries and several weeks
provided in French Polynesia, Mongolia, of hospitalization, she was able to return
Bolivia, Peru, Arizona, Mexico, Portugal, home. She is doing well and continues
and Uganda, among other areas. Most re- to make progress toward a full recovery.
cently we have assisted in Haiti and Chile She was able to attend the general Young
following devastating earthquakes and Women meeting last Saturday and plans
tsunamis in those areas. We express our to attend a session or two this weekend. In
love to our Church members who have fact, at the last minute she said, “I’m going
suffered in these disasters. You are in our today!” And she’s here! She joins me in ex-
prayers. We express profound gratitude pressing our deep gratitude to our Heavenly
to all of you for your willingness to assist Father and to all of you for your prayers
with our humanitarian efforts by sharing and your well wishes in her behalf.
your resources and, in many cases, your
time, your talents, and your expertise. A variety of messages to be given
This year marks 25 years since our hu-
manitarian program became part of our Now, brothers and sisters, we have
welfare effort. The number of individu- come here to be instructed and inspired.
als assisted by this program could never We welcome those of you who are new in
adequately be measured. We will always the Church. Others of you are struggling
strive to be among the first on the scene of with problems, with challenges, with dis-
disasters, wherever they may occur. appointments, with losses. We love you
and we pray for you. Many messages,
Building of temples covering a variety of gospel topics, will
be given during the next two days. Those
The Church continues to grow and to men and women who will speak to you
move forward. The building of temples have sought heaven’s help concerning the
is an indication of such growth. Recently messages they will give.
we announced a new temple which will be It is my prayer that we may be filled
built in Payson, Utah. We also announced with His Spirit as we listen and learn. That
major renovations which will be made to this may be so, I pray in the name of Jesus
the Ogden Utah Temple. Within the next Christ, our Lord and Savior, amen.
three months we will dedicate new temples
in Vancouver, British Columbia; in the Gila The choir sang “There Is Sunshine in
Valley, Arizona; and in Cebu City in the My Soul Today.”
Philippines. Later in the year other temples
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

President Boyd K. Packer

“Every man in his place” The restoration of the priesthood
I speak to the fathers of the families and This “dispensation of the fulness of
to families everywhere in the Church. times” 9 opened with the appearance of
Years ago we began correlation under the Father and the Son to the boy Joseph
the direction of President Harold B. Lee. Smith. 10 Next the angel Moroni showed
At that time President Thomas S. Monson Joseph where the plates containing the
said: “Today, we are encamped against the Book of Mormon had been buried. 11 Joseph
greatest array of sin, vice, and evil ever was given power to translate them. 12
assembled before our eyes. . . . The battle During translation Joseph and Oliver
plan whereby we fight to save the souls of Cowdery read about baptism. They prayed
men is not our own. It [came through] the to know what to do. 13 There appeared to
inspiration and revelation of the Lord.” 1 them an angelic messenger, John the Bap-
During those years of correlation, the tist. He conferred upon them the Aaronic
whole operating face of the Church was Priesthood, “which holds the keys of the
changed. The entire curriculum was re- ministering of angels, and of the gospel of
structured. The objectives and relation- repentance, and of baptism by immersion
ships of the organizations one to another for the remission of sins.” 14
were redefined. The key word during those The Apostles Peter, James, and John,
years of correlation and restructuring was who were closest to the Lord in His min-
priesthood. istry, appeared next and conferred upon
President Monson also spoke of Gideon, Joseph and Oliver the higher priesthood, 15
a hero in the Old Testament. Gideon was or “the Holy Priesthood, after the Order
chosen to lead the armies of Israel, thou- of the Son of God.” 16 The priesthood, the
sands strong. But of them all, he chose scriptures direct, was to be named after
only 300 men. Melchizedek, the great high priest to
Gideon had an interesting way of se- whom Abraham paid tithes. 17
lecting his recruits. When the men drank This then became their authority.
water at a stream, most “bowed down . . . Through the keys of the priesthood, they
to drink.” Those he passed over. A few had access to all of the powers of heaven.
scooped up water in their hands and drank, They were commanded to carry the gospel
remaining completely alert. They were the unto all nations. 18
ones chosen. 2 It has never been easy to live the gos-
We live in a day of “wars [and] rumors pel of Jesus Christ. It was not easy when
of wars, and earthquakes in divers places.” 3 He lived, and it was not easy in the early
As prophesied, “the whole earth [is] in days of the Church. The early Saints were
commotion” 4 and “Satan is abroad in the subjected to unspeakable suffering and
land.” 5 He seeks to destroy all that is good opposition.
and righteous. 6 He is Lucifer, who was It has been over 180 years since the
cast out of the presence of God. 7 Against priesthood was restored. We now num-
all of that, we have very positive feelings ber nearly 14 million members. Even so,
about what lies ahead. we are a tiny fraction when compared to
Gideon’s small force succeeded be- the billions of people on earth. But we
cause, as the record states, “they stood are who we are, and we know what we
every man in his place.” 8 know, and we are to go forth and preach
the gospel.

The Book of Mormon makes it clear that everywhere. We have quorums of elders
we never will dominate by numbers. But and high priests worldwide. But distrib-
we have the power of the priesthood. 19 uting the authority of the priesthood has
The prophet Nephi wrote, “It came to raced, I think, ahead of distributing the
pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb power of the priesthood. The priesthood
of God, and its numbers were few . . . ; does not have the strength that it should
nevertheless, I beheld that the church of have and will not have until the power of
the Lamb, who were the saints of God, the priesthood is firmly fixed in the fam-
were also upon all the face of the earth; ilies as it should be.
and their dominions upon the face of the President Harold B. Lee stated: “It
earth were small.” 20 seems clear to me that the Church has no
President Joseph Fielding Smith said, choice—and never has had—but to do
“While it may be said . . . that we are but a more to assist the family in carrying out
handful in comparison with . . . the world, its divine mission, not only because that
yet we may be compared with the leaven of is the order of heaven, but also because
which the Savior spoke, which will eventu- that is the most practical contribution
ally leaven [or lift] the whole world.” 21 we can make to our youth—to help im-
We can and in due time certainly will prove the quality of life in the Latter-day
influence all of humanity. It will be known Saint homes. As important as our many
who we are and why we are. It might seem programs and organizational efforts are,
hopeless; it is monumentally difficult; but these should not supplant the home; they
it is not only possible but certain that we should support the home.” 24
will win the battle against Satan. President Joseph F. Smith made this
statement about the priesthood in the
The priesthood in the home home: “In the home the presiding author-
ity is always vested in the father, and in
Some years ago I gave a talk enti- all home affairs and family matters there
tled “What Every Elder Should Know: is no other authority paramount. To illus-
A Primer on Principles of Priesthood trate this principle, a single incident will
Government.” Later, when it was to be perhaps suffice. It sometimes happens
published, I changed the title to read that the elders are called in to adminis-
“What Every Elder Should Know—and ter to the members of a family. Among
Every Sister as Well.” 22 these elders there may be presidents of
I include the sisters because it is cru- stakes, apostles, or even members of the
cial for everyone to understand what is first presidency of the Church. It is not
expected of the brethren. Unless we enlist proper under these circumstances for the
the attention of the mothers and daughters father to stand back and expect the elders
and sisters—who have influence on their to direct the administration of this impor-
husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers—we tant ordinance. The father is there. It is
cannot progress. The priesthood will lose his right and it is his duty to preside. He
great power if the sisters are neglected. should select the one who is to administer
Priesthood is the authority and the the oil, and the one who is to be mouth in
power which God has granted to men on prayer, and he should not feel that because
earth to act for Him. 23 When priesthood there are present presiding authorities in
authority is exercised properly, priesthood the Church that he is therefore divested
bearers do what He would do if He were of his rights to direct the administration
present. of that blessing of the gospel in his home.
We have done very well at distribut- (If the father be absent, the mother should
ing the authority of the priesthood. We request the presiding authority present to
have priesthood authority planted nearly
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

take charge.) The father presides at the As the young man came forward, he
table, at prayer, and gives general direc- motioned for three brethren to follow and
tions relating to his family life whoever stand in for his ordination.
may be present.” 25 I noticed on the back row a carbon
copy of this boy, and I asked, “Is that your
“Your father should give the blessing” father?”
The young man said, “Yes.”
During the Vietnam War, we held a I said, “Your father will ordain you.”
series of special meetings for members And he protested, “But I’ve already
of the Church called into military ser- asked another brother to ordain me.”
vice. After such a meeting in Chicago, I And I said, “Young man, your father
was standing next to President Harold B. will ordain you, and you’ll live to thank
Lee when a fine young Latter-day Saint the Lord for this day.”
told President Lee that he was on leave Then the father came forward.
to visit his home and then had orders to Thank goodness he was an elder. Had
Vietnam. He asked President Lee to give he not been, he soon could have been! In
him a blessing. the military they would call that a battle-
Much to my surprise, President Lee field commission. Sometimes such things
said, “Your father should give you the are done in the Church.
blessing.” The father did not know how to or-
Very disappointed, the boy said, “My dain his son. I put my arm around him
father wouldn’t know how to give a and coached him through the ordinance.
blessing.” When he was finished, the young man
President Lee answered, “Go home, was an elder. Then something wonderful
my boy, and tell your father that you are happened. Completely changed, the father
going away to war and want to receive a and son embraced. It was obvious that had
father’s blessing from him. If he does not never happened before.
know how, tell him that you will sit on a The father, through his tears, said, “I
chair. He can stand behind you and put didn’t get to ordain my other boys.”
his hands on your head and say whatever Think how much more was accom-
comes.” plished than if another had ordained him,
This young soldier went away sorrow- even an Apostle.
About two years later I met him again. Awakening the power of the priesthood
I do not recall where. He reminded me of
that experience and said, “I did as I was While the priesthood is presently all
told to do. I explained to my father that I over the world, we call on every elder and
would sit on the chair and that he should high priest, every holder of the priesthood
put his hands on my head. The power of to stand, like Gideon’s small but power-
the priesthood filled both of us. That was ful force of 300, in his own place. We
a strength and protection in those perilous now must awaken in every elder and high
months of battle.” priest, in every quorum and group, and in
Another time I was in a distant city. the father of every home the power of the
After a conference we were ordaining and priesthood of the Almighty.
setting apart leaders. As we concluded, the The Lord said that “the weak things of
stake president asked, “Can we ordain a the world shall come forth and break down
young man to be an elder who is leaving the mighty and strong ones.” 26
for the mission field?” The answer, of The prophet Nephi also told of “the
course, was yes. power of the Lamb of God, that it de-
scended upon the saints of the church of

the Lamb, and upon the covenant people That the work of the Lord will prevail
of the Lord, who were scattered upon all is not a question. That we must marshal
the face of the earth” and said that “they all of our efforts and unify ourselves are
were armed with righteousness and with givens.
the power of God in great glory.” 27 The authority of the priesthood is with
We need everyone. The tired or worn us. After all that we have correlated and
out or lazy and even those who are bound organized, it is now our responsibility to
down with guilt must be restored through activate the power of the priesthood in
repentance and forgiveness. Too many the Church. Authority in the priesthood
of our priesthood brethren are living comes by way of ordination; power in
below their privileges and the Lord’s the priesthood comes through faithful and
expectations. obedient living in honoring covenants. It
We must go forward, confident of the is increased by exercising and using the
supernal power of the priesthood. It is a priesthood in righteousness.
source of strength and encouragement
to know who we are and what we have Perfecting individuals and families
and what we must do in the work of the
Almighty. Now, fathers, I would remind you of
The Lord has said, “I, the Lord, am the sacred nature of your calling. You have
bound when ye do what I say; but when ye the power of the priesthood directly from
do not what I say, ye have no promise.” 28 the Lord to protect your home. There will
Homes without the priesthood are to be times when all that stands as a shield
be watched over and ministered to by the between your family and the adversary’s
quorums of the priesthood. In this manner mischief will be that power. You will re-
no blessings will be found wanting in any ceive direction from the Lord by way of
dwelling within the Church. the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Years ago a family gathered at the The adversary is not actively disturb-
bedside of an aged little Danish woman. ing our Church meetings—perhaps only
Among them was her middle-aged, way- occasionally. By and large we are free to
ward son. For the past number of years he assemble as we wish without much dis-
had been living at home. ruption. But he and those who follow him
Tearfully he pleaded, “Mama, you’ve are persistent in attacking the home and
got to live. Mama, you can’t die.” He the family.
said, “Mama, you can’t go. I won’t let The ultimate end of all activity in the
you go.” Church is that a man and his wife and
The little mother looked up at her son their children might be happy at home,
and in her broken Danish accent said, protected by the principles and laws of
“But ver is yo powah?”—where is your the gospel, sealed safely in the covenants
power? of the everlasting priesthood.
Paul said: Every law and principle and power, ev-
“[We] are built upon the foundation ery belief, every ordinance and ordination,
of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ every covenant, every sermon and every
himself being the chief corner stone; sacrament, every counsel and correction,
“In whom all the building fitly framed the sealings, the calls, the releases, the
together groweth unto an holy temple in service—all these have as their ultimate
the Lord: purpose the perfection of the individual
“In whom ye also are builded together and the family, for the Lord has said,
for an habitation of God through the “This is my work and my glory—to bring
Spirit.” 29 to pass the immortality and eternal life of
man.” 30
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

I bear witness of the power of the priest- 13. See Joseph Smith—History 1:68–69.
hood given to the Church to protect us and 14. Doctrine and Covenants 13:1.
guide us. And because we have that, we 15. See Doctrine and Covenants 27:12–13.
have no fear of the future. Fear is the op- 16. Doctrine and Covenants 107:3.
posite of faith. We move forward, certain 17. See Doctrine and Covenants 107:2–4;
that the Lord will watch over us, particu- see also Hebrews 7:1–4; Alma 13:15.
larly in the family. Of Him I bear witness 18. See Doctrine and Covenants 42:58.
in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 19. See 1 Nephi 14:14.
20. 1 Nephi 14:12.
NOTES 21. Joseph Fielding Smith, in Conference
1. Thomas S. Monson, “Correlation Brings Report, Oct. 1968, 123.
Blessings,” Relief Society Magazine, 22. See Boyd K. Packer, “What Every Elder
Apr. 1967, 247. Should Know—and Every Sister as Well:
2. See Judges 7:4–8. A Primer on Principles of Priesthood
3. Mormon 8:30; see also Doctrine and Cov- Government,” Ensign, Feb. 1993, 7–13.
enants 45:26; Joseph Smith—Matthew 23. See Teachings of Presidents of the
1:23, 28. Church: Joseph F. Smith (1998), 141;
4. Doctrine and Covenants 45:26; see also Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis
Doctrine and Covenants 88:91. 14:28–31, in Bible appendix.
5. Doctrine and Covenants 52:14. 24. Harold B. Lee, “Preparing Our Youth,”
6. See Doctrine and Covenants 10:22–23. Ensign, Mar. 1971, 3; italics added.
7. See Revelation 12:7–9; Doctrine and 25. Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th
Covenants 29:36–37; 76:25–26. ed. (1939), 287.
8. Judges 7:21. 26. Doctrine and Covenants 1:19.
9. Doctrine and Covenants 112:30. 27. 1 Nephi 14:14.
10. See Joseph Smith—History 1:17. 28. Doctrine and Covenants 82:10.
11. See Joseph Smith—History 1:33–34, 29. Ephesians 2:20–22.
59. 30. Moses 1:39.
12. See introduction to the Book of Mormon;
Doctrine and Covenants 135:3.

Julie B. Beck
The value of daughters of God expectations, some indecision, and di-
minished feelings of self-worth. They also
In the past year I have met thousands reflect a deep desire to do what is right.
of Latter-day Saint women in many coun- There has grown in me an overwhelm-
tries. The list of challenges these sisters ing testimony of the value of daughters
face is lengthy and sobering. There are of God. So much depends on them. In
family troubles, economic tests, calam- my visits with the sisters, I have felt that
ities, accidents, and illnesses. There is there has never been a greater need for
much distraction and not enough peace increased faith and personal righteous-
and joy. Despite popular media messages ness. There has never been a greater need
to the contrary, no one is rich enough, for strong families and homes. There has
beautiful enough, or clever enough to never been more that could be done to
avoid a mortal experience. help others who are in need. How does
The questions sisters ask are serious one increase faith, strengthen families,
and insightful. They articulate uneasiness and provide relief? 1 How does a woman in
about the future, sorrow for unrealized

our day find answers to her own questions to guide when help is needed. For instance,
and stand strong and immovable against mothers can feel help from the Spirit even
incredible opposition and difficulty? when tired, noisy children are clamoring
for attention, but they can be distanced
Personal revelation from the Spirit if they lose their temper
with children. Being in the right places
A good woman knows that she does not allows us to receive guidance. It requires
have enough time, energy, or opportunity a conscious effort to diminish distractions,
to take care of all of the people or do all but having the spirit of revelation makes
of the worthy things her heart yearns to it possible to prevail over opposition and
do. Life is not calm for most women, and persist in faith through difficult days and
each day seems to require the accomplish- essential routine tasks. Personal revela-
ment of a million things, most of which tion gives us the understanding of what
are important. A good woman must con- to do every day to increase faith and per-
stantly resist alluring and deceptive mes- sonal righteousness, strengthen families
sages from many sources telling her that and homes, and seek those who need our
she is entitled to more time away from help. Because personal revelation is a con-
her responsibilities and that she deserves stantly renewable source of strength, it is
a life of greater ease and independence. possible to feel bathed in help even during
But with personal revelation, she can turbulent times.
prioritize correctly and navigate this life We are told to put our trust in that Spirit
confidently. which leads us “to do justly, to walk hum-
The ability to qualify for, receive, and bly, to judge righteously.” 5 We are also
act on personal revelation is the single told that this Spirit will enlighten our
most important skill that can be acquired minds, fill our souls with joy, and help us
in this life. Qualifying for the Lord’s Spirit know all things we should do. 6 Promised
begins with a desire for that Spirit and personal revelation comes when we ask
implies a certain degree of worthiness. for it, prepare for it, and go forward in
Keeping the commandments, repenting, faith, trusting that it will be poured out
and renewing covenants made at baptism upon us.
lead to the blessing of always having the
Lord’s Spirit with us. 2 Making and keep- Relief Society—teaching, inspiring,
ing temple covenants also adds spiritual and strengthening
strength and power to a woman’s life.
Many answers to difficult questions are Additionally, the Lord in His wisdom
found by reading the scriptures because the has provided a Relief Society to help His
scriptures are an aid to revelation. 3 Insight daughters in these latter days. When Relief
found in scripture accumulates over time, Society functions in an inspired way, it
so it is important to spend some time in the lifts women up and out of a troubled world
scriptures every day. Daily prayer is also and into a way of living that prepares them
essential to having the Lord’s Spirit with for the blessings of eternal life. This soci-
us. 4 Those who earnestly seek help through ety has at its very core the responsibility
prayer and scripture study often have a pa- to help sisters increase faith and personal
per and pencil nearby to write questions righteousness, strengthen families and
and record impressions and ideas. homes, and seek out and help others who
Revelation can come hour by hour and are in need. Through Relief Society, sisters
moment by moment as we do the right can receive answers to their questions and
things. When women nurture as Christ be blessed by the combined spiritual power
nurtured, a power and peace can descend of all the sisters. Relief Society validates
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

the true and eternal nature of daughters of distorted, it is important to seek apprecia-
God. It is a sacred trust, a guiding light, tion and affirmation from proper sources.
and a system of watchcare that teaches and To paraphrase a list found in Preach My
inspires women to be strong and immov- Gospel, we are doing well when we de-
able. Its motto, “Charity never faileth,” 7 velop attributes of Christ and strive to
is embodied in all good women. obey His gospel with exactness. We are
When a girl advances into Relief doing well when we seek to improve
Society or when a woman is baptized ourselves and do our best. We are doing
into the Church, she becomes part of a well when we increase faith and personal
sisterhood that strengthens her in her righteousness, strengthen families and
preparation for eternal life. Entrance into homes, and seek out and help others who
Relief Society signifies that a woman are in need. We know we are successful
can be trusted and relied upon to make if we live so that we qualify for, receive,
a significant contribution in the Church. and know how to follow the Spirit. When
She continues to progress as an individual we have done our very best, we may still
without receiving much outward credit experience disappointments, but we will
or praise. not be disappointed in ourselves. We can
The second general Relief Society feel certain that the Lord is pleased when
president, Eliza R. Snow, said this to the we feel the Spirit working through us. 9
sisters: “We want to be ladies in very deed, Peace, joy, and hope are available to those
not according to the term of the word as who measure success properly.
the world judges, but fit companions of the A revelation in the book of Joel states
Gods and Holy Ones. In an organized ca- that in the last days, sons and daughters
pacity we can assist each other in not only of God will prophesy and the Lord will
doing good but in refining ourselves, and pour out His Spirit upon His servants and
whether few or many come forward and His handmaids. 10 President Spencer W.
help to prosecute this great work, they will Kimball echoed this prophecy when he
be those that will fill honorable positions said:
in the Kingdom of God. . . . Women should “Much of the major growth that is
be women and not babies that need pet- coming to the Church in the last days will
ting and correction all the time. I know we come because many of the good women of
like to be appreciated but if we do not get the world (in whom there is often such an
all the appreciation which we think is our inner sense of spirituality) will be drawn
due, what matters? We know the Lord has to the Church in large numbers. This will
laid high responsibility upon us, and there happen to the degree that the women of
is not a wish or desire that the Lord has the Church reflect righteousness and ar-
implanted in our hearts in righteousness ticulateness in their lives and to the degree
but will be realized, and the greatest good that the women of the Church are seen as
we can do to ourselves and each other is distinct and different—in happy ways—
to refine and cultivate ourselves in every- from the women of the world. . . . Thus
thing that is good and ennobling to qualify it will be that female exemplars of the
us for those responsibilities.” 8 Church will be a significant force in both
the numerical and the spiritual growth of
Measuring success the Church in the last days.” 11
I bear my witness that the gospel of
Good women always have a desire to Jesus Christ is true. The Lord depends on
know if they are succeeding. In a world His daughters to do their part to strengthen
where the measures of success are often the homes of Zion and build His kingdom

on the earth. As they seek and qualify for 5. Doctrine and Covenants 11:12.
personal revelation, the Lord will pour out 6. See Doctrine and Covenants 11:13–14.
His Spirit upon His handmaids in these 7. 1 Corinthians 13:8.
latter days. In the name of Jesus Christ, 8. Eliza R. Snow, address to Lehi Ward
amen. Relief Society, Oct. 27, 1869, Lehi Ward,
Alpine (Utah) Stake, in Relief Society,
NOTES Minute Book, 1868–79, Church History
1. See Jacob 2:17; Mosiah 4:26; Doctrine Library, Salt Lake City, 26–27.
and Covenants 38:35; 44:6. 9. See Preach My Gospel (2004), 10–11.
2. See Doctrine and Covenants 20:77. 10. See Joel 2:28–29.
3. See 2 Nephi 32:3. 11. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
4. See 3 Nephi 19:24–33. Spencer W. Kimball (2006), 222–23.

Bishop Keith B. McMullin

Trials can awaken us to our duty In Ravensbrück, Corrie and Betsie
learned that God helps us to forgive.
This is a troubled world. Discord and Following the war, Corrie was determined
disaster are everywhere. It sometimes feels to share this message. On one occasion,
as though mankind itself may be hanging she had just spoken to a group of people
in the balance. in Germany suffering from the ravages of
Foreshadowing our day, the Lord war. Her message was “God forgives.” It
said, “The heavens shall shake, and also was then that Corrie ten Boom’s faithful-
the earth; and great tribulations shall be ness brought forth its blessing.
among the children of men, but my people A man approached her. She recognized
will I preserve.” 1 We should take great him as one of the cruelest guards in the
comfort in this promise. camp. “You mentioned Ravensbrück in
Though disasters completely disrupt your talk,” he said. “I was a guard there.
“the even tenor of [our ways],” 2 they do . . . But since that time, . . . I have be-
not have to leave our lives forever shat- come a Christian.” He explained that he
tered. They can “stir [us] up in remem- had sought God’s forgiveness for the cruel
brance,” 3 “awaken [us] to a sense of [our] things he had done. He extended his hand
duty to God,” 4 and keep us “in the path of and asked, “Will you forgive me?”
[our] duty.” 5 Corrie ten Boom then said:
“It could not have been many seconds
Story of Corrie ten Boom that he stood there—hand held out—but to
In Holland during World War II, the me it seemed hours as I wrestled with the
Casper ten Boom family used their home most difficult thing I had ever had to do.
as a hiding place for those hunted by the “. . . The message that God forgives has
Nazis. This was their way of living out a . . . condition: that we forgive those who
their Christian faith. Four members of the have injured us. . . .
family lost their lives for providing this “. . . ‘Help me!’ I prayed silently. ‘I
refuge. Corrie ten Boom and her sister can lift my hand. I can do that much. You
Betsie spent horrific months in the infa- supply the feeling.’
mous Ravensbrück concentration camp. “. . . Woodenly, mechanically, I thrust
Betsie died there—Corrie survived. my hand into the one stretched out to me.
As I did, an incredible thing took place.
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

The current started in my shoulder, raced of personal responsibility, integrity, and

down my arm, sprang into our joined courage. Doing one’s duty is a manifes-
hands. And then this healing warmth tation of one’s faith.
seemed to flood my whole being, bringing President Monson said of it, “I love
tears to my eyes. and cherish the noble word duty.” 10 For
“ ‘I forgive you, brother!’ I cried. ‘With members of the Church of Jesus Christ,
all my heart.’ our path of duty is keeping our covenants
“For a long moment we grasped each in daily life.
other’s hands, the former guard and the
former prisoner. I had never known God’s Our duty to God and to others
love so intensely, as I did then.” 6
For those who eschew evil and live To whom and to what are we duty
good lives, who strive for a brighter day bound? First, our path of duty is to God,
and keep the commandments of God, our Eternal Father. He is the author of the
things can get better and better even in plan of salvation, “the framer of heaven
the face of tragedy. The Savior showed us and earth,” the creator of Adam and Eve. 11
the way. From Gethsemane, the cross, and He is the fountain of truth, 12 the embod-
the tomb, He rose triumphant, bringing iment of love, 13 and the reason there is
life and hope to us all. He bids us, “Come, redemption through Christ. 14
follow me.” 7 Said President Joseph F. Smith: “All
President Thomas S. Monson has coun- that we have comes from [God]. . . . In
seled: “If we are to walk with head held and of ourselves we are but a lifeless lump
high, we must make our contribution to of clay. Life, intelligence, wisdom, judg-
life. If we are to fulfill our destiny and re- ment, power to reason, all are the gifts of
turn to live with our Father in Heaven, we God to the children of men. He gives us
must keep His commandments and pattern our physical strength as well as our mental
our lives after the Savior. By so doing, we powers. . . . We should honor God with
will not only achieve our goal of eternal our intelligence, with our strength, with
life, but we will also leave the world richer our understanding, with our wisdom, and
and better than it would have been had we with all the power that we possess. We
not lived and performed our duties.” 8 should seek to do good in the world. This
In the Holy Bible are these inspired is our duty.” 15
words: “Let us hear the conclusion of One cannot do his or her duty to God
the whole matter: Fear God, and keep the Father without doing likewise to the
his commandments: for this is the whole Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. To re-
duty of man.” 9 vere one requires reverence for the other,
for the Father has appointed that it is only
The meaning of duty in and through the name of Christ that one
can completely fulfill this dutiful charge. 16
What is this thing called duty? The duty He is our Exemplar, our Redeemer, and
of which I speak is what we are expected our King.
to do and to be. It is a moral imperative As men and women and boys and girls
summoning forth from individuals and do their duty to God, they feel impelled
communities that which is right, true, and to do their duty to one another, to their
honorable. Duty does not require perfec- family, to their church and nation, to all
tion, but it does require diligence. It is not things entrusted to their care. They are
simply what is legal; it is what is virtuous. duty bound to magnify their talents and
It is not reserved to the mighty or high in to be a law-abiding, good people. They
station but instead rests on a foundation become humble, submissive, and easily

entreated. Temperance conquers indul- it is the Father and the Son who promise,
gence; obedience guides their diligence. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and
Peace distills upon them. Citizens become ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
loyal, communities become benevolent, unto you.” 25
and neighbors become friends. The God I bear my witness that our path of duty
of heaven is pleased, the earth is pacified, is clearly marked by an undivided faith
and this world becomes a better place. 17 and belief in God, the Eternal Father, and
in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power
Knowing our path of duty of prayer. This path is to be traveled by
all of God’s children who love Him and
How do we know our path of duty in desire to keep His commandments. For
the midst of crisis? We pray! It is every- the young, it leads to personal achieve-
one’s sure way to know; it is everyone’s ment and preparation; for adults, it leads
lifeline to heaven. Said the Apostle Peter, to renewed faith and resolve; for the older
“The eyes of the Lord are over the righ- generation, it leads to perspective and
teous, and his ears are open unto their endurance in righteousness to the end.
prayers.” 18 It equips every faithful traveler with the
Humble, sincere, inspired prayer makes strength of the Lord, protects him from
available to each of us the divine guidance the evils of the day, and endows him with
we so desperately need. Brigham Young the knowledge that “the conclusion of
counseled, “At times, men are perplexed the whole matter” is to “fear God, and
and full of care and trouble . . . ; yet our keep his commandments: for this is the
judgment teaches us that it is our duty to whole duty of man.” 26 In the name of Jesus
pray.” 19 Christ, amen.
Jesus taught:
“Ye must watch and pray always lest NOTES
ye enter into temptation; . . . 1. Moses 7:61; italics added.
“Therefore ye must always pray unto 2. Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th
the Father in my name; . . . ed. (1939), 156.
“Pray in your families unto the Father, 3. Mosiah 1:17.
always in my name, that your wives and 4. Alma 7:22.
your children may be blessed.” 20 5. Helaman 15:5.
For prayers to be efficacious, they must 6. Corrie ten Boom, Tramp for the Lord
be in harmony with the plan of heaven. (1974), 54–55.
7. Luke 18:22.
The prayer of faith bears fruit when such
8. Thomas S. Monson, unpublished state-
harmony exists, and this harmony exists ment in possession of author; italics
when prayers are inspired by the Holy added.
Spirit. The Spirit manifests what our pe- 9. Ecclesiastes 12:13; italics added.
titions should be. 21 Absent this inspired 10. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
guidance, we are inclined to “ask amiss,” 22 port, Apr. 1996, 61; or Ensign, May
to seek only our will and not “Thy will.” 23 1996, 43.
It is as important to be guided by the Holy 11. See Doctrine and Covenants 20:17–19.
Spirit while praying as it is to be enlight- 12. See Doctrine and Covenants 93:36.
ened by that same Spirit while receiving 13. See 1 John 4:8.
an answer to prayer. Such prayer brings 14. See John 3:16; Helaman 5:10–11.
forth the blessings of heaven because our 15. Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report,
Father “knoweth what things [we] have Oct. 1899, 70; italics added.
need of, before [we] ask him,” 24 and He 16. See Moroni 10:32–33; Doctrine and
answers every sincere prayer. Ultimately, Covenants 59:5.
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

17. See Alma 7:23, 27. President Uchtdorf

18. 1 Peter 3:12.
19. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brothers and sisters, the choir and con-
Brigham Young (1997), 45; italics gregation will now join in singing “Guide
added. Us, O Thou Great Jehovah.” At the con-
20. 3 Nephi 18:18–19, 21. clusion of the singing, Elder Wilford W.
21. See Doctrine and Covenants 50:29–30. Andersen of the Seventy will address
22. James 4:3. us, after which we shall hear from Elder
23. Matthew 6:10. M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the
24. Matthew 6:8. Twelve Apostles. The choir will then sing
25. Matthew 7:7; see also Joseph Smith “He Sent His Son.”
Translation, Matthew 7:12–13, in Bible
26. Ecclesiastes 12:13; italics added. The choir and congregation sang
“Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah.”

Elder Wilford W. Andersen

Hope among the early Saints faith . . . [and] we felt to rejoice that the
day of our deliverance had come.” 1
Years ago I visited Nauvoo, Illinois, These early Saints were indeed home-
with my family. There the early Saints had less, but they were not hopeless. Their
come seeking refuge. Many had lost their hearts were broken, but their spirits were
homes and their farms, and some had lost strong. They had learned a profound and
their loved ones to the growing persecu- important lesson. They had learned that
tion. In Nauvoo they gathered and built a hope, with its attendant blessings of peace
new and beautiful city. But the persecu- and joy, does not depend upon circum-
tion was relentless, and by 1846 they were stance. They had discovered that the true
once again forced to leave their homes— source of hope is faith—faith in the Lord
this time in the middle of winter. They Jesus Christ and in His infinite Atonement,
lined up their wagons on Parley Street, the one sure foundation upon which to
awaiting their turn to cross the frozen build our lives.
waters of the Mississippi River into an
unknown future. Suffering and hope in Haiti
As we stood on Parley Street reflecting
upon their desperate conditions, my eyes Today another group of pioneers ex-
were drawn to a series of wooden signs emplifies this important principle. On
nailed to fence posts upon which were Tuesday, the 12th of January, a massive
etched quotes from the diaries of these earthquake struck the country of Haiti.
suffering Saints. As we read each quote, The earthquake left the capital city of
to our amazement what we found in their Port-au-Prince in shambles. Its impact was
words was not desperation and discour- devastating—an estimated 1,000,000 peo-
agement but confidence and commitment ple were left homeless, and over 200,000
and even joy. They were filled with hope, were reported dead.
the hope that is reflected by this quote While the world followed the unprec-
from the diary of Sarah DeArmon Rich, edented international response, another
February 1846: “To start out on such a remarkable and inspiring rescue effort
journey in the winter . . . would seem like was under way in Port-au-Prince—this
walking into the jaws of death but we had one directed by a committee made up of

local Haitian Church leaders organized “. . . Behold I say unto you that ye
according to the priesthood pattern and shall have hope through the atonement of
operating under inspiration. Members of Christ . . . , and this because of your faith
the committee included, among others, in him according to the promise.
the two stake presidents and the two stake “Wherefore, if a man have faith he
Relief Society presidents in Port-au-Prince must needs have hope; for without faith
and the mission president, who at age 30 there cannot be any hope.” 2
presides over 74 full-time missionaries in Hope comes from faith in Jesus Christ.
the Haiti Port-au-Prince Mission. All of He has already overcome the world and
his missionaries are Haitian, and miracu- has promised that He will wipe away our
lously not one of them was injured in this tears if we will only turn to Him and be-
devastating earthquake. lieve and follow. 3
Into the hands of these local inspired Some who at this very moment feel
leaders were placed the resources of the desperate or discouraged may wonder how
Church, resources which included the they can possibly regain hope. If you are
generous contributions of many of you. one of those, remember that hope comes
For these contributions, the people of as a result of faith. If we would build our
Haiti are profoundly thankful. Under the hope, we must build our faith.
direction of the committee, truckloads of Faith in the Savior requires more than
provisions arrived from the Dominican mere belief. The Apostle James taught that
Republic almost immediately. Within days even the devils believe and tremble. 4 But
of the earthquake, planeloads of food, wa- true faith requires work. The difference be-
ter purification systems, tents, blankets, tween the devils and the faithful members
and medical supplies arrived, along with of this Church is not belief but work. Faith
a team of doctors. grows by keeping the commandments. We
The nine chapels in and around Port-au- must work at keeping the commandments.
Prince were mostly undamaged—another From the Bible Dictionary we read that
remarkable miracle. During the weeks that “miracles do not produce faith but strong
followed the earthquake, they became shel- faith is developed by obedience to the gos-
ters for over 5,000 Haitians and bases from pel of Jesus Christ; in other words, faith
which food, water, and medical attention comes by righteousness.” 5
were distributed. Basic needs were met, When we strive to keep the command-
and order began to emerge out of chaos. ments of God, repenting of our sins and
Though the faithful Haitian Saints have promising our best efforts to follow the
suffered greatly, they are filled with hope Savior, we begin to grow in confidence
for the future. Like the early pioneers in that through the Atonement everything
1846, their hearts are broken but their will be all right. Those feelings are con-
spirits are strong. They too are teaching firmed by the Holy Ghost, who drives
us that hope and happiness and joy are from us what our pioneer mothers and
not products of circumstance but of faith fathers called “our useless cares.” In spite
in the Lord. of our trials, we are filled with a sense of
well-being and feel to sing with them that
Hope comes from faith in Jesus Christ indeed “all is well.” 6
I do not wish to minimize the reality
The prophet Mormon, himself no of clinical depression. For some, solutions
stranger to difficult circumstances, under- to depression and anxieties will be found
stood and clearly taught this doctrine: through consultation with competent pro-
“And again, my beloved brethren, fessionals. But for most of us, sadness and
I would speak unto you concerning fear begin to melt away and are replaced
hope. . . .
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

by happiness and peace when we put our an echo, a reminder of the constant com-
trust in the Author of the plan of happiness forting counsel from a loving Father to His
and when we develop faith in the Prince children since the world began.
of Peace. “Remember, remember that it is upon
the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ,
The rock of our Redeemer the Son of God, that ye must build your
foundation; that when the devil shall send
Recently a dear friend of mine passed forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in
away from cancer. He and his family are the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and
people of great faith. It was inspiring to his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it
see how their faith carried them through shall have no power over you to drag you
this very difficult time. They were filled down to the gulf of misery and endless wo,
with an inner peace that sustained and because of the rock upon which ye are built,
strengthened them. With their permission I which is a sure foundation, a foundation
would like to read from a family member’s whereon if men build they cannot fall.” 7
letter written just days before her father I testify of Him, that He has overcome
passed away: the world, that He will never forget or
“The last few days have been especially abandon us, for He has graven us upon
difficult. . . . Last night as we gathered at the palms of His hands. 8 I testify that
Dad’s bedside, the Spirit of the Lord was those who keep His commandments will
palpable and truly acted as a comforter to grow in faith and hope. They will be given
us. We are at peace. . . . It has been the strength to overcome all of life’s trials.
hardest thing any of us has ever experi- They will experience peace that passes
enced, but we feel peace in the knowl- all understanding. 9 In the name of Jesus
edge that . . . our Father in Heaven has Christ, amen.
promised that we will live together as a
family again. After the doctor told Dad in NOTES
the hospital that there was nothing left to 1. Sarah DeArmon Rich, in Carol Cornwall
be done, he looked at all of us with perfect Madsen, Journey to Zion: Voices from the
faith and boldly asked, ‘Does anybody in Mormon Trail (1997), 173–74; spelling
this room have a problem with the plan of modernized.
salvation?’ We do not and are grateful for 2. Moroni 7:40–42.
a father and mother who have taught us to 3. See Revelation 7:14–17.
have perfect trust in the plan.” 4. See James 2:19.
I speak to all who suffer, to all who 5. Bible Dictionary, “Faith.”
6. “Come, Come, Ye Saints,” Hymns, no.
mourn, to all who now face or who will
yet face trials and challenges in this life. 7. Helaman 5:12.
My message is to all who are worried or 8. See 1 Nephi 21:16.
afraid or discouraged. My message is but 9. See Philippians 4:7.

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Mothers and daughters 24 granddaughters, and ever-increasing
number of great-granddaughters have
Brothers and sisters, six months ago been asking for equal time. So today I
I spoke in the priesthood session of will speak primarily to the mothers and
general conference to fathers and sons. daughters of the Church.
As you might expect, my 5 daughters,

My dear wife, Barbara, has had an eter- advantage of your relationship with your
nally significant influence on our daugh- mother. And then I have a few thoughts
ters and granddaughters—and they, in to share with mothers about how they
turn, on her. Mothers and daughters play can maximize their influence with their
a critical role in helping each other explore daughters as well as the other members
their infinite possibilities, despite the un- of their families.
dermining influences of a world in which
womanhood and motherhood are being Daughters should look to their mothers
corrupted and manipulated.
Speaking to the women of the Church It is, unfortunately, all too easy to il-
nearly a century ago, President Joseph F. lustrate the confusion and distortion of
Smith said: “It is not for you to be led by womanhood in contemporary society.
the women of the world; it is for you to Immodest, immoral, intemperate women
lead the . . . women of the world, in every- jam the airwaves, monopolize magazines,
thing that is praise-worthy, everything that and slink across movie screens—all
is God-like, everything that is uplifting while being celebrated by the world. The
and . . . purifying to the children of men” Apostle Paul spoke prophetically of “per-
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: ilous times” that will come in the last days
Joseph F. Smith [1998], 184). and specifically referenced something that
Sisters, we, your brethren, cannot do may have seemed particularly perilous to
what you were divinely designated to do him: “silly women laden with sins, led
from before the foundation of the world. away with divers lusts” (2 Timothy 3:1, 6).
We may try, but we cannot ever hope to Popular culture today often makes women
replicate your unique gifts. There is noth- look silly, inconsequential, mindless, and
ing in this world as personal, as nurturing, powerless. It objectifies them and disre-
or as life changing as the influence of a spects them and then suggests that they are
righteous woman. able to leave their mark on mankind only
I understand that some of you young by seduction—easily the most pervasively
women do not have mothers with whom dangerous message the adversary sends to
you can discuss these issues. And many of women about themselves.
you women do not presently have daugh- And so, my dear young women, with
ters in your lives. But because all women all my heart I urge you not to look to con-
have within their divine nature both the temporary culture for your role models
inherent talent and the stewardship to and mentors. Please look to your faithful
mother, most of what I will say applies mothers for a pattern to follow. Model
equally to grandmothers, aunts, sisters, yourselves after them, not after celebrities
stepmothers, mothers-in-law, leaders, whose standards are not the Lord’s stan-
and other mentors who sometimes fill the dards and whose values may not reflect an
gaps for these significant mother-daughter eternal perspective. Look to your mother.
relationships. Learn from her strengths, her courage, and
Young women, your mothers adore her faithfulness. Listen to her. She may
you. They see in you the promise of future not be a whiz at texting; she may not even
generations. Everything you accomplish, have a Facebook page. But when it comes
every challenge you overcome brings to matters of the heart and the things of the
them pure joy. And likewise your wor- Lord, she has a wealth of knowledge. As
ries and heartaches are their worries and you approach the time for marriage and
heartaches. young motherhood, she will be your great-
Today I wish to give you young women est source of wisdom. No other person
some suggestions on how to take full on earth loves you in the same way or is
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

willing to sacrifice as much to encourage to what you think is the best part of your
you and help you find happiness—in this instruction. Let me assure you that even
life and forever. when you think your daughter is not lis-
Love your mother, my young sisters. tening to a thing you say, she is still learn-
Respect her. Listen to her. Trust her. She ing from you as she watches you to see if
has your best interests at heart. She cares your actions match your words. As Ralph
about your eternal safety and happiness. Waldo Emerson is believed to have said,
So be kind to her. Be patient with her im- “What you do speaks so loud that I cannot
perfections, for she has them. We all do. hear what you say” (see Ralph Keyes, The
Quote Verifier [2006], 56).
Mothers set the example for daughters
Teach daughters about nurturing
Now may I share a few thoughts with
you mothers about the special role you Teach your daughters to find joy in nur-
play in your daughters’ lives. We have a turing children. This is where their love
family friend who travels often with mem- and talents can have the greatest eternal
bers of her extended family. Her primary significance. Consider in this context
observation after each trip is how much President Harold B. Lee’s injunction that
the young women behave like their moth- “the most important . . . work you will
ers. If the mothers are thrifty, so are their ever do will be within the walls of your
daughters. If the mothers are modest, so own homes” (Teachings of Presidents of
are the girls. If the mothers wear flip-flops the Church: Harold B. Lee [2000], 134).
and other casual clothing to sacrament This is true for all of us, of course, but it is
meeting, so do their daughters. Mothers, especially powerful when considering the
your example is extremely important to relationship of mothers and daughters.
your daughters—even if they don’t ac- Mothers, teach your daughters that a
knowledge it. faithful daughter of God avoids the temp-
Throughout the history of the world, tation to gossip or judge one another. In a
women have always been teachers of sermon to the Relief Society of Nauvoo,
moral values. That instruction begins in the Prophet Joseph counseled, “The tongue
the cradle and continues throughout the is an unruly member—hold your tongues
lives of their children. Today our society about things of no moment” (Teachings
is bombarded with messages about wom- of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith
anhood and motherhood that are danger- [2007], 455).
ously and wickedly wrong. Following In recent years there has been a rash
these messages can put your daughters of articles, books, and films written about
on the path to sin and self-destruction. women and girls who gossip and who are
Your daughters may not understand that “mean.” Satan is always attempting to
unless you tell them or, better, unless you undermine the most precious element of
show them how to make good choices. As a woman’s divine nature—the nature to
mothers in Israel, you are your daughters’ nurture.
first line of defense against the wiles of A mother-daughter relationship is
the world. where a daughter learns how to nurture by
Now, mothers, I understand that it being nurtured. She is loved. She is taught
sometimes appears that our children aren’t and experiences firsthand what it feels like
paying attention to the lessons we’re try- to have someone care about her enough to
ing to teach them. Believe me—I’ve seen correct her while continuing to encourage
that glazed-over look that comes to the and believe in her at the same time.
eyes of teenagers just when you’re coming

Teach daughters about covenants they will learn to hear the voice of the Lord
and receive personal revelation. God will
Remember, sisters, God is the source truly hear and answer their prayers. The
of all moral and spiritual power. We gain Mutual theme for 2010 applies to our
access to that power by entering into cov- youth as well as to all of us: “Be strong
enants with Him and keeping those cov- and of a good courage; be not afraid, nei-
enants. Mothers, teach your daughters the ther be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy
importance of making covenants, and then God is with thee whithersoever thou goest”
show them how to keep those covenants (Joshua 1:9). This will lead them safely to
in such a way that they will desire to live the blessings of the house of the Lord.
worthy to go to the temple. Make sure they know that keeping cov-
In today’s world this means talking to enants is the safest road to eternal happiness.
your daughters about sexual matters. Your And if needed, teach them how to repent
daughters as well as your sons are coming and how to remain pure and worthy.
of age in a world that openly embraces
early, casual, and thoughtless promiscuity. A message to parents and children
Immodest, unchaste women are glamor-
ized and all too often celebrated and em- Now, if this has a familiar sound, my
ulated. While there are steps that we can brothers and sisters, it’s because I’ve been
take in our homes and families to minimize speaking to parents and their children for
our exposure to these unsavory elements three general conferences in a row. Last
of contemporary living, your daughters April I encouraged the youth to “learn the
cannot entirely avoid the blatant sexual lessons of the past.” From that talk I quote:
messages and enticements that surround “When you are willing to listen and learn,
them. You need to have frequent, open some of life’s most meaningful teachings
discussions during which you teach your come from those who have gone before
daughters the truth about these issues. you. . . . How much better your life will
For example, they need to understand be if you will follow the noble example
that when they wear clothing that is too of the faithful followers of Christ” (in
tight, too short, or too low cut, they not Conference Report, Apr. 2009, 29, 31; or
only can send the wrong message to young Ensign, May 2009, 31, 33).
men with whom they associate, but they Last October I spoke to fathers and sons
also perpetuate in their own minds the fal- in priesthood meeting, and today I have
lacy that a woman’s value is dependent spoken mostly to mothers and daughters.
solely upon her sensual appeal. This never In each case my message has been differ-
has been nor will it ever be within the righ- ent but similar. I hope you are listening
teous definition of a faithful daughter of and see a pattern and hear a steady, con-
God. They need to hear this—clearly and sistent message that in these last days it is
repeatedly—from your lips, and they need essential—even critical—that parents and
to see it modeled correctly and consis- children listen to and learn from one an-
tently in your own personal standards of other. These are not just ethereal concepts
dress, grooming, and modest living. about which I have been speaking. They
All youth will be more likely to make are the essence, the center, of God’s plan
and keep covenants if they learn how to for our eternal happiness and peace.
recognize the presence and the voice of the The Church will help wherever we can.
Spirit. Teach your daughters about things We are there to support and sustain you
of the Spirit. Point them to the scriptures. as parents and as children. But the home
Give them experiences that will help them is the most important place to prepare the
cherish the blessing of priesthood power youth of today to lead the families and the
in their lives. Through keeping covenants Church of tomorrow. It rests upon each
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

one of us as mothers and fathers to do all of our homes for the great work that must
we can to prepare our youth to be faith- be done by all of us now and in the future
ful, righteous men and women. It is in the is my prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus
home where we must teach the gospel by Christ, amen.
precept and by example.
I conclude my counsel with this pro- The choir sang “He Sent His Son.”
phetic summary from President Joseph F.
Smith: “Our [family] associations are not
exclusively intended for this life, for time, President Uchtdorf
as we distinguish it from eternity. We live
for time and for eternity. We form associa- We are grateful to the Tabernacle Choir
tions and relations for time and all eternity. for the beautiful music they have provided
. . . Who are there besides the Latter-day this morning and to all those who have
Saints who contemplate the thought that spoken to us.
beyond the grave we will continue in Our concluding speaker at this session
the family organization? the father, the will be President Henry B. Eyring, First
mother, the children recognizing each Counselor in the First Presidency. Follow-
other . . . ? this family organization being ing President Eyring’s remarks, the choir
a unit in the great and perfect organiza- will sing “How Firm a Foundation.” The
tion of God’s work, and all destined to benediction will then be offered by Elder
continue throughout time and eternity?” Erich W. Kopischke of the Seventy, and
(Teachings: Joseph F. Smith, 385, 386). the conference will be adjourned until
May God bless us to teach, nurture, 2:00 this afternoon.
and prepare one another within the walls

President Henry B. Eyring

Helping young people stay on the path She sat across from me at my bishop’s
desk. She spoke to me of her life. She had
Brothers and sisters, our Heavenly been baptized and confirmed as a mem-
Father wants and needs our help to bring ber of the Church when she was eight.
His spirit children home to Him again. There were no tears in her eyes as she
I speak today of young people already recounted the more than 20 years that fol-
within His true Church and so are started lowed, but there was sadness in her voice.
on the strait and narrow way to return to She said that the downward spiral began
their heavenly home. He wants them to with choices to associate with what she
gain early the spiritual strength to stay on thought were exciting people. She began
the path. And He needs our help to get to violate what at first seemed to be less
them back to the path quickly should they important commandments.
begin to wander. She felt at first a little sadness and a
I was a young bishop when I began twinge of guilt. But the associations with
to see clearly why the Lord wants us to her friends provided a new feeling of being
strengthen children when they are young liked, and so her occasional resolutions to
and rescue them quickly. I will tell you repent seemed less and less important. As
one story of a young person who repre- the gravity of the commandments she was
sents many whom I have tried to help over breaking increased, the dream of a happy
the years. eternal home seemed to fade.

She sat across from me in what she safety. Our most important and power-
called misery. She wanted me to rescue ful assignments are in the family. They
her from the trap of sin in which she found are important because the family has the
herself bound. But the only way out was opportunity at the start of a child’s life to
for her to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, put feet firmly on the path home. Parents,
to have a broken heart, to repent, and so brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts
be cleansed, changed, and strengthened and uncles are made more powerful guides
through the Lord’s Atonement. I bore my and rescuers by the bonds of love that are
testimony to her that it was still possible. the very nature of a family.
And it was, but so much harder than it The family has an advantage in the first
would have been to exercise faith early in eight years of a child’s life. In those pro-
her life on the journey home to God and tected years, because of the Atonement of
when she first began to wander. Jesus Christ, Satan’s use of the mists of
So we help God’s children best by pro- darkness to hide the path to return home is
viding ways to build faith in Jesus Christ blocked. In those precious years the Lord
and His restored gospel when they are helps families by calling Primary work-
young. And then we must help rekindle ers to help strengthen children spiritually.
that faith quickly before it dims as they He also provides holders of the Aaronic
wander off the path. Priesthood to offer the sacrament. In those
sacramental prayers, the children hear the
Guides and rescuers promise that they may someday receive the
Holy Ghost as a guide if they are obedient
So you and I can expect a nearly contin- to God’s commandments. As a result, they
uous opportunity to help travelers among are fortified to resist temptation when it
God’s children. The Savior told us why comes and then, sometime in the future,
that would be so when He described the to go to the rescue of others.
perilous journey home for all of God’s
spirit children through the mists which Strengthening Primary children
sin and Satan create:
“Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide Many bishops in the Church are in-
is the gate, and broad is the way, which spired to call the strongest people in the
leadeth to destruction, and many there be ward to serve individual children in the
who go in thereat; Primary. They realize that if the children
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow are strengthened with faith and testimony,
is the way, which leadeth unto life, and they will be less likely to need rescue as
few there be that find it.” 1 teenagers. They realize that a strong spir-
Foreseeing the needs of His children, a itual foundation can make the difference
loving Heavenly Father placed directions for a lifetime.
and rescuers along their way. He sent His We all can help. Grandmothers, grand-
Son, Jesus Christ, to make safe passage fathers, and every member who knows a
possible and visible. He called as His child can help. It doesn’t take a formal
prophet in these times President Thomas S. calling in Primary. Nor is it limited by
Monson. Since his youth President Mon- age. One such woman, as a younger per-
son has taught not only how to stay on the son, was on the Primary general board that
path but also how to rescue those who have helped create the CTR motto.
been led away into sorrow. She never tired of serving the children.
Heavenly Father has assigned us to She taught in the Primary of her ward, at
a great variety of stations to strengthen her own request, until she was almost 90
and, when needed, to lead travelers to years old. Little children could feel her
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Morning Session

love for them. They saw her example. They or address. He didn’t. They asked if he
learned from her the simple principles of knew his name. He did know that. They
the gospel of Jesus Christ. And above all, led him to the nearby place where they
because of her example they learned to lived. They found our family name in a
feel and recognize the Holy Ghost. And phone book.
when they did, they were well on their When I got the phone call, I rushed
way to the faith to resist temptation. They to the rescue, grateful that kind people
would be less likely to need to be rescued had been placed along his way home. And
and would be prepared to go to the rescue I have been ever grateful he was taught
of others. to pray with faith that help would come
when he was lost. That faith has led him
A boy’s faith in prayer to safety and brought him more rescuers
more times than he can count.
I learned the power of simple faith in
prayer and in the Holy Ghost when our Programs for young men and women
children were small. Our oldest son was
not yet baptized. His parents, Primary The Lord has placed a pattern of rescue
teachers, and priesthood servants had tried and rescuers in His kingdom. In His wis-
to help him feel and recognize the Spirit dom the Lord has inspired His servants to
and know how to receive His help. place some of the most powerful ways to
One afternoon my wife had taken him strengthen us and to put in place the best
to the home of a woman who was teaching rescuers as we pass through the teenage
him to read. Our plan was that I was to pick years.
him up on my way home from work. You know of two powerful programs
His lesson ended earlier than we had ex- provided by the Lord. One, for young
pected. He felt confident that he knew the women, is called Personal Progress. The
way home. So he started to walk. He said other, for Aaronic Priesthood holders, is
afterward that he had complete confidence called Duty to God. We encourage young
and liked the idea of being alone on the people in the rising generation to see
trip. After he had gone about half a mile, their own potential to build great spiritual
it started to grow dark. He began to sense strength. And we plead with those who
that he was still very far from home. care about those young people to rise to
He can still remember that the lights of what the Lord requires of us to help them.
the cars as they streamed past him were And since the future of the Church de-
blurred by his tears. He felt like a little pends upon them, all of us care.
child, not the confident boy who had be- The two programs have been improved,
gun to walk home alone. He realized that but their purpose remains unchanged.
he needed help. Then something came to President Monson put it this way: we must
his memory. He knew he was supposed to “learn what we should learn, do what we
pray. And so he left the road and headed should do, and be what we should be.” 2
toward some trees he could barely see in The Personal Progress booklet for
the darkness. He found a place to kneel young women makes the purpose clear
down. for them: “The Personal Progress program
Through the bushes he could hear uses the eight Young Women values to
voices coming toward him. Two young help you understand more fully who you
people had heard him crying. As they ap- are, why you are here on the earth, and
proached, they said, “Can we help you?” what you should be doing as a daughter of
Through his tears he told them he was God to prepare for the day you go to the
lost and that he wanted to go home. They temple to make sacred covenants.”
asked if he knew his home phone number

It goes on to say that young women neighbors in a congregation were touched

will “make commitments, carry them out, by the Spirit as they heard youth testify
and report your progress to a parent or how they had been strengthened. The
leader.” It also promises that “the patterns youth were lifted as they bore testimony,
you establish as you work on Personal and so were those who were trying to help
Progress—such as prayer, scripture study, them rise.
service, and journal keeping—will become The Young Women program has in it that
personal daily habits. These habits will same powerful pattern to develop spiritual
strengthen your testimony and help you strength in the young women and to offer
learn and improve throughout your life.” 3 the opportunity for us to help. Personal
The Duty to God program for young Progress helps young women prepare to
men in the Aaronic Priesthood has been receive the ordinances of the temple. They
strengthened and focused. It will be con- are helped by the examples of mothers,
tained in one simple book for all three grandmothers, and every righteous woman
Aaronic Priesthood offices. The young around them in the Church. I have seen
men and their leaders will receive a copy how parents helped a daughter achieve her
of this new book. It is a powerful tool. It goals and dreams by noticing and appreci-
will strengthen the testimonies of young ating all the good things she does.
men and their relationship with God. It will Just a few days ago I watched a mother
help them learn and want to fulfill their stand with her young daughter as they re-
priesthood duties. It will strengthen their ceived recognition for having together
relationships with their parents, among become examples of outstanding wom-
quorum members, and with their leaders. anhood. And as they shared with me what
Both of these programs put great respon- it had meant to them, I felt the Lord’s ap-
sibility on the efforts of the young people proval and encouragement for us all.
themselves. They are invited to learn and
do things that would be challenging for Traveling the path with our youth
anyone. As I reflect on my own youth, I
cannot remember being so challenged. Oh, Of all the help we can give these young
on a few occasions I was invited to rise to people, the greatest will be to let them feel
such tests, but only now and then. These our confidence that they are on the path
programs expect consistency, great effort, home to God and that they can make it.
and the accumulation of learning and spir- And we do that best by going with them.
itual experiences over years. Because the path is steep and sometimes
On reflection I realized that the con- rocky, they will at times feel discouraged
tents of these booklets are a physical rep- and even stumble. They may at times be-
resentation of the Lord’s trust in the rising come confused about their destination
generation and in all of us who love them. and wander after less eternally important
And I have seen evidence that the trust is goals. These inspired programs make
well placed. that less likely because they will lead the
In visits I watched Aaronic Priesthood young person to invite and receive the
quorums in action. I have seen young men companionship of the Holy Ghost.
following patterns of learning, making The best counsel for us to give young
plans to do what God wants of them, then people is that they can arrive back to
moving out to do what they have com- Heavenly Father only as they are guided
mitted to do and sharing with others how and corrected by the Spirit of God. So if
they were changed spiritually. And as I we are wise, we will encourage, praise,
watched and listened, it became clear that and exemplify everything which invites
fathers, mothers, leaders, friends, and even the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
When they share with us what they are
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

doing and feeling, we must ourselves have of thy lord.” 4 And we who help them along
qualified for the Spirit. Then they will feel the way will hear those words with joy.
in our praise and our smiles the approval I testify that the Lord loves you and
of God. And should we feel the need to every child of God. This is His kingdom,
give corrective counsel, they will feel our restored with priesthood keys through the
love and the love of God in it, not rebuke Prophet Joseph Smith. Thomas S. Monson
and rejection, which can permit Satan to is the Lord’s prophet today. I promise each
lead them further away. of you, as you follow inspired direction in
The example they most need from us is this, the true Church of Jesus Christ, that
to do what they must do. We need to pray our youth and we who help and love them
for the gifts of the Spirit. We need to pon- can be delivered safely to our home with
der in the scriptures and in the words of liv- Heavenly Father and the Savior to live in
ing prophets. We need to make plans which families and in joy forever. In the name of
are not only wishes but covenants. And Jesus Christ, amen.
then we need to keep our promises to the NOTES
Lord. And we need to lift others by sharing
with them the blessings of the Atonement 1. 3 Nephi 14:13–14.
2. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
which have come in our lives.
port, Oct. 2008, 65; or Ensign, Nov. 2008,
And we need to exemplify in our own 67.
lives the steady and prolonged faithfulness 3. Young Women Personal Progress (book-
that the Lord expects of them. As we do, let, 2009), 6.
we will help them feel from the Spirit an 4. Matthew 25:21.
assurance that if they will persist, they will
hear the words from a loving Savior and
Heavenly Father: “Well done, thou good The choir sang “How Firm a Foun-
and faithful servant: thou hast been faith- dation.”
ful over a few things, I will make thee ruler Elder Erich W. Kopischke offered the
over many things: enter thou into the joy benediction.


The second session of the 180th Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
General Conference convened in the Con- of Latter‐day Saints. President Thomas S.
ference Center at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, Monson, who presides at this conference,
April 3, 2010. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf has asked that I conduct this session.
conducted this session. We extend our heartfelt greetings to
Music was provided by a choir from the all who are in attendance or who are par-
Orem Institute of Religion. Ryan Eggett ticipating by means of television, radio,
and Allen Matthews directed the choir, and or the Internet, and to the many who are
Bonnie Goodliffe was the organist. watching in stake centers in various parts
of the world where the conference is being
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf carried by satellite transmission.
The music for this session will be by a
Our dear brothers and sisters, we wel- choir from the Orem Institute of Religion,
come you this afternoon to the second under the direction of Ryan Eggett and
session of the 180th Annual General Allen Matthews, with Bonnie Goodliffe

at the organ. The choir will open these President Uchtdorf

services by singing “Come, Listen to a
Prophet’s Voice.” The invocation will then The choir just sang “I Feel My Savior’s
be offered by Elder Lynn G. Robbins of Love,” and we certainly can feel His love
the Seventy. this Easter weekend and always.
President Monson has asked that I now
present the General Authorities, Area Sev-
The choir sang “Come, Listen to a enties, and general auxiliary presidencies
Prophet’s Voice.” of the Church for sustaining vote. After the
Elder Lynn G. Robbins offered the sustaining, Brother Robert W. Cantwell,
invocation. managing director of Church Auditing,
The choir sang: “I Feel My Savior’s will read the Church Auditing Department
Love.” Report. He will be followed by Brother
Brook P. Hales, secretary to the First Pres-
idency, who will present the Statistical
Report of the Church for the year 2009.

The Sustaining of Church Officers

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf It is proposed that we release the fol-
lowing as Area Seventies effective May 1,
It is proposed that we sustain Thomas 2010:
Spencer Monson as prophet, seer, and Jorge M. Alvarado, Homero S. Amato,
revelator and President of The Church of Manuel Araiz, Jorge D. Arrevillaga, Marcelo
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Henry Bolfarini, Fernando E. Calderon, Gabriel A.
Bennion Eyring as First Counselor in the Campos, Chu-Jen Chia, Flávio A. Cooper,
First Presidency; and Dieter Friedrich Ronaldo da Costa, John C. Dalton, Kevin R.
Uchtdorf as Second Counselor in the First Duncan, Randy D. Funk, Robert H. Garff,
Presidency. Those in favor may manifest it. Gerrit W. Gong, Frerich J. Görts, S. Horacio
Those opposed, if any, may manifest it. Guzmán, Ronald J. Hammond, Stephen W.
It is proposed that we sustain Boyd Hansen, Yu Chen (Philip) Ho, Patrick
Kenneth Packer as President of the Kearon, Christiaan H. Kleijweg, Larry R.
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the Lawrence, Robert W. Lees, F. Rene Loli,
following as members of that quorum: Juan A. Machuca, Per G. Malm, Carlos S.
Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M. Obata, Alexander A. Odume, A. Rolando
Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Bal- Oyola, Melvin R. Perkins, James C. Perry,
lard, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, John C. Pingree, Dinar M. Reyes, D. Chad
Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, Richardson, Maury W. Schooff, Hans T.
Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Sorensen, John C. Taggart, Donald P.
and Neil L. Andersen. Those in favor, Tenney, G. Perrin Walker, Johann A.
please manifest it. Any opposed may so Wondra, and Kazuhiko Yamashita. Those
indicate. who wish to join us in expressing our grat-
It is proposed that we sustain the coun- itude for their excellent service, please
selors in the First Presidency and the Twelve manifest it.
Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators. It is proposed that we release Sisters
All in favor, please manifest it. Contrary, if Cheryl C. Lant, Margaret S. Lifferth, and
there be any, by the same sign. Vicki F. Matsumori as the Primary general
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

presidency. We also release all members of Edson D. G. Ribeiro, Brad K. Risenmay,

the Primary general board. All who wish Mozart B. Soares, Carlos A. Solis, Norland
to join us in expressing thanks for the de Souza Lopes, Kouzou Tashiro, Omar
dedicated service given by these sisters, Villalobos, W. Christopher Waddell, Alan
please manifest it. J. Webb, Gerardo J. Wilhelm, Kevin J.
It is proposed that we sustain as new Worthen, Craig T. Wright, and Jim L.
members of the First Quorum of the Wright. All in favor, please signify. Any
Seventy Kevin R. Duncan, Gerrit W. Gong, opposed.
Patrick Kearon, and Juan A. Uceda, and It is proposed that we sustain Rose-
as new members of the Second Quorum mary M. Wixom as the new general pres-
of the Seventy Larry R. Lawrence, Per G. ident of the Primary, with Jean A. Stevens
Malm, and Jairo Mazzagardi. All in favor, as first counselor and Cheryl A. Esplin as
please manifest it. Those opposed, by the second counselor. Those in favor, please
same sign. manifest it. Any opposed.
It is proposed that we sustain the fol- It is proposed that we sustain the other
lowing as new Area Seventies: General Authorities, Area Seventies, and
Ian S. Ardern, Philip K. Bussey, René J. general auxiliary presidencies as presently
Cabrera, Renato Capelletti, Paul D. M. constituted. Those in favor, please mani-
Christensen, Rogério G. R. Cruz, Don- fest it. Any opposed may manifest it.
ald D. Deshler, George R. Donaldson, President Monson, insofar as I have
Ini B. Ekong, Christian Fingerle, Craig G. been able to observe, the voting in the
Fisher, Jerryl L. Garns, Jack N. Gerard, Conference Center has been unanimous
M. Keith Giddens, Brent J. Hillier, Jui in favor of the proposals made. Thank
Chang Juan, George M. Keele, Dane O. you, our dear brothers and sisters, for your
Leavitt, Alexander T. Mestre, Arayik V. sustaining vote and your continued faith,
Minasyan, T. Jackson Mkhabela, S. Gifford devotion, and prayers.
Nielsen, Valentín F. Nuñez, Jeffery E. We invite now the newly called General
Olson, R. Ingvar Olsson, Robert N. Packer, Authorities and Primary general pres-
Nathaniel R. Payne, Cesar A. Perez Jr., idency to come forward and take their
Fouchard Pierre-nau, Michael J. Reall, places on the stand.

Church Auditing Department Report for 2009

Robert W. Cantwell approved budgets and in accordance with
Church policies and procedures.
To the First Presidency of The Church The Church Auditing Department has
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints been granted access to all records and
Dear Brethren: systems necessary to evaluate the ade-
As prescribed by revelation in section quacy of controls over receipts of funds,
120 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the expenditures, and safeguarding of Church
Council on the Disposition of the Tithes assets. The Church Auditing Department
authorizes the expenditure of Church is independent of all other Church depart-
funds. This council is composed of the ments and operations, and the staff consists
First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve of certified public accountants, certified
Apostles, and the Presiding Bishopric. internal auditors, certified information
This council approves budgets for Church systems auditors, and other credentialed
departments and operations. Church de- professionals.
partments expend funds consistent with

Based upon audits performed, the practices, approved budgets, and Church
Church Auditing Department is of the policies and procedures.
opinion that, in all material respects, con- Respectfully submitted,
tributions received, expenditures made,
and assets of the Church for the year 2009 Church Auditing Department
have been recorded and administered in Robert W. Cantwell
accordance with appropriate accounting Managing Director

Church Statistical Report for 2009

Brook P. Hales and Joseph C. Muren, former members
of the Seventy; Sister Colleen W. Asay,
The First Presidency has issued the fol- widow of Elder Carlos E. Asay, an emer-
lowing statistical report of the Church as itus General Authority; Sister Jeanne C.
of December 31, 2009. Dunn, widow of Elder Paul H. Dunn,
an emeritus General Authority; Sister
Number of Church units Jelaire C. Simpson, widow of Elder Rob-
Stakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,865 ert L. Simpson, an emeritus General Au-
Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 thority; Sister Jacqueline Y. Lawrence,
Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616 wife of Elder W. Mack Lawrence, a former
Wards and branches . . . . . . . . . . 28,424 member of the Seventy; Sister Betty N.
Turley, wife of Elder Richard E. Turley
Church membership Sr., a former member of the Seventy;
Brother David S. King, former assistant
Total membership. . . . . . . . . 13,824,854 in the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement
Increase in children of record Association general superintendency;
during 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119,722 Sister Ann S. Reese, former counselor in
Converts baptized during 2009 . . 280,106 the Relief Society general presidency;
Brother Robert J. Matthews, an authority
Missionaries on the Joseph Smith Translation of the
Bible; and Brother Truman G. Madsen,
Full-time missionaries . . . . . . . . 51,736 Church scholar and former director of the
BYU Jerusalem Center.
Temples dedicated during 2009 . . . . . . 2 President Uchtdorf
(Draper Utah and Oquirrh Mountain Thank you, brethren.
Utah) It will now be our pleasure to hear
Temples in operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 from Elders L. Tom Perry and D. Todd
Christofferson of the Quorum of the
Former general Church officers and Twelve Apostles.
other prominent Church members who
have passed away since last April
Elder Royden G. Derrick, an emeri-
tus General Authority; Elders George I.
Cannon, W. Don Ladd, Douglas J. Martin,
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

Elder L. Tom Perry

A mother’s preparation it was ever used during the class, but I’m
just as sure that none of her preparation
I recently had the opportunity to travel was ever wasted. How can I be sure about
with Elder Donald L. Hallstrom to visit this? As I flipped through the pages of her
five cities in the great central area of the notebooks, it was as if I were hearing my
United States. In each city we visited, we mother teach me one more time. Again,
would hold a meeting with the full-time there was too much in her notebooks on
missionaries, followed by a meeting with any single topic to ever share in a single
the stake and ward leaders regarding mis- class session, but what she didn’t use in
sionary work. Between each of the two her class she used to teach her children.
meetings, the stake Relief Society would I believe it is even safe to say that while
prepare a light dinner for us to afford us my mother was an enormously effective
time to meet with the stake presidents. teacher among the sisters at Relief Society,
When we reached Milwaukee, Wisconsin, her best teaching occurred with her children
two young families appealed to the Relief in the home. Of course, this was largely
Society to let them prepare and serve the due to the greater amount of time she had
dinner. The two husbands manned the to teach her children compared to teaching
kitchen. The two mothers supervised the the Relief Society sisters, but I also like to
table arrangements and the serving of the think she prepared so thoroughly, first, to
food. Three young children handled the be an example to her children of diligent
table setting and the serving of the food un- Church service and, second, because she
der the supervision of their mothers. This recognized that what she learned from
was an opportunity for the mothers to have preparing her lessons could be used re-
a teaching opportunity with their children. peatedly for a higher purpose—teaching
It was very special to watch the children her sons and her daughters.
respond to every detail as they were taught
by their mothers. They carried out their Teaching in the home
assignments completely and fully.
The experience caused me to reflect Please allow me to reminisce for a few
on the training I had received from my moments and share a few of the lessons
mother. Like the prophet Nephi and also I learned from my mother about teaching
like so many of you, I was born of goodly the gospel in the home. My mother un-
parents (see 1 Nephi 1:1). derstood the value of teaching her chil-
One of my nieces recently shared with dren about standards, values, and doctrine
me four notebooks my mother had filled while they were young. While she was
with notes as she prepared to teach her class grateful to others who taught her chil-
in Relief Society. I would imagine these dren outside the home at either school or
notebooks—and there are others I have church, she recognized that parents are
not yet examined—represent hundreds of entrusted with the education of their chil-
hours of preparation by my mother. dren and, ultimately, parents must ensure
Mother was a great teacher who was that their children are being taught what
diligent and thorough in her preparation. their Heavenly Father would have them
I have distinct memories of the days pre- learn. My siblings and I were quizzed very
ceding her lessons. The dining room table carefully by our mother after we had been
would be covered with reference materials taught away from the home to be certain
and the notes she was preparing for her the correct lessons were reaching our ears
lesson. There was so much material pre- and shaping our minds.
pared that I’m sure only a small portion of

I used to think some days as I ran home widespread and he is attacking, attempting
from school that I was through learning to erode and destroy the very foundation
for the day, but this illusion was quickly of our society, even the family. Parents
destroyed when I saw my mother standing must resolve that teaching in the home is a
at the door waiting for me. When we were most sacred and important responsibility.
young, we each had a desk in the kitchen While other institutions, such as church
where we could continue to be taught by and school, can assist parents to “train up
her as she performed household duties and a child in the way he [or she] should go”
prepared supper. She was a natural teacher (Proverbs 22:6), ultimately this respon-
and far more demanding of us than our sibility rests with parents. According to
teachers at school and church. the great plan of happiness, it is parents
The scope of Mother’s teaching in- who are entrusted with the care and de-
cluded both secular and spiritual lessons. velopment of our Heavenly Father’s chil-
She made sure none of us were falling be- dren. Our families are an integral part of
hind in our schoolwork, which she would His work and glory—“to bring to pass
often supplement. She also would practice the immortality and eternal life of man”
her Relief Society lessons with us. We, of (Moses 1:39). On God’s eternal stage, it
course, received the unabridged versions is usually intended that parents act as the
found in her notebooks, not the abridged central cast members in their children’s
versions that had to fit in a single class lives. Fortunately, there are understudies
period. involved in the production who may step
Part of our learning at home also in- in when parents can’t. It, however, is par-
volved memorizing scriptures, including ents who have been commanded by the
the Articles of Faith, and the words of Lord to bring up their children in light and
prophets, seers, and revelators. My mother truth (see D&C 93:40).
was someone who believed a mind would Parents must bring light and truth into
become weak if it was not constantly ex- their homes by one family prayer, one
ercised. She taught us as we would wash scripture study session, one family home
the dishes, churn the butter, and help in evening, one book read aloud, one song,
many other ways. She did not believe in and one family meal at a time. They know
letting idle thoughts enter her children’s that the influence of righteous, conscien-
minds, even when they were engaged in tious, persistent, daily parenting is among
physical labor. the most powerful and sustaining forces
I am not using my mother as a role for good in the world. The health of any
model for parents in today’s world. Times society, the happiness of its people, their
are very different today, but while times prosperity, and their peace all find com-
may change, a parent’s teaching must mon roots in the teaching of children in
never be devalued. Many activities link the the home.
values of one generation to the next, but President Joseph Fielding Smith taught:
perhaps the most central of these activities “It is the duty of parents to teach their chil-
is parents teaching children in the home. dren these saving principles of the gospel
This is especially true when we consider of Jesus Christ, so that they will know why
the teaching of values, moral and ethical they are to be baptized and that they may
standards, and faith. be impressed in their hearts with a desire
to continue to keep the commandments
Parents’ responsibility to teach children of God after they are baptized, that they
may come back into his presence. Do you,
Teaching in the home is becoming my good brethren and sisters, want your
increasingly important in today’s world, families, your children; do you want to be
where the influence of the adversary is so
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

sealed to your fathers and your mothers “. . . By divine design, fathers are to
before you . . . ? If so, then you must begin preside over their families in love and
by teaching at the cradle-side. You are to righteousness and are responsible to pro-
teach by example as well as precept” (in vide the necessities of life and protection
Conference Report, Oct. 1948, 153). for their families. Mothers are primarily
responsible for the nurture of their chil-
The power of teaching dren. In these sacred responsibilities,
fathers and mothers are obligated to help
The example of my mother as a teacher one another as equal partners” (Ensign,
in the home invites another thought, more Nov. 1995, 102).
generally about teaching. The leaders of According to “The Family: A Proc-
the Church spend a great deal of time lamation to the World,” the principles I
thinking about how to improve teaching have taught about teaching in the home ap-
in the Church. Why do we invest this time ply to both parents, but they are especially
and effort? It is because we believe in the crucial to the role of a mother. Fathers most
immense power of teaching to increase often spend much of their day away from
the faith of individuals and strengthen home in their employment. That is one of
families. It is my belief that one of the the many reasons so much of the respon-
most effective things we can do to im- sibility for teaching the child in the home
prove teaching in the Church is to improve falls on mothers. While circumstances do
teaching in our homes. Our teaching in vary and the ideal isn’t always possible, I
the home prepares us to teach more ef- believe it is by divine design that the role
fectively at church, and our teaching at of motherhood emphasizes the nurturing
church helps us to teach more effectively and teaching of the next generation.
at home. Throughout the Church there are We see so many challenges today from
dining room tables covered with reference distracting and destructive influences in-
materials and notebooks filled with ideas tended to mislead God’s children. We are
for lessons to be taught. There is no such seeing many young people who lack the
thing as overpreparing to teach the gos- deep spiritual roots necessary to remain
pel of Jesus Christ, for gospel insights, standing in faith as storms of unbelief and
whether or not they are used during class despair swirl around them. Too many of
time, can always be taught in the home. our Father in Heaven’s children are being
overcome by worldly desires. The on-
The role of mothers slaught of wickedness against our children
The inspired document “The Family: is at once more subtle and more brazen
A Proclamation to the World” states: than it has ever been. Teaching the gospel
“Husband and wife have a solemn of Jesus Christ in the home adds another
responsibility to love and care for each layer of insulation to protect our children
other and for their children. ‘Children are from worldly influences.
an heritage of the Lord’ (Psalm 127:3). God bless you wonderful mothers and
Parents have a sacred duty to rear their fathers in Zion. He has entrusted to your
children in love and righteousness, to pro- care His eternal children. As parents we
vide for their physical and spiritual needs, partner, even join, with God in bringing
and to teach them to love and serve one to pass His work and glory among His
another, observe the commandments of children. It is our sacred duty to do our
God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever very best. Of this I testify in the name of
they live. . . . Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

William Tyndale and the Bible in hiding, under constant threat of ar-
rest. With the help of committed friends,
On October 6, in the year 1536, a Tyndale was able to publish English trans-
pitiful figure was led from a dungeon in lations of the New Testament and later the
Vilvorde Castle near Brussels, Belgium. Old Testament. The Bibles were smuggled
For nearly a year and a half, the man had into England, where they were in great
suffered isolation in a dark, damp cell. demand and much prized by those who
Now outside the castle wall, the prisoner could get them. They were shared widely
was fastened to a post. He had time to but in secret. The authorities burned all
utter aloud his final prayer, “Lord! open the copies they could find. Nevertheless,
the king of England’s eyes,” and then he within three years of Tyndale’s death, God
was strangled. Immediately, his body was did indeed open King Henry VIII’s eyes,
burned at the stake. Who was this man, and with publication of what was called
and what was the offense for which both the “Great Bible,” the scriptures in English
political and ecclesiastical authorities had began to be publicly available. Tyndale’s
condemned him? His name was William work became the foundation for almost all
Tyndale, and his crime was to have trans- future English translations of the Bible,
lated and published the Bible in English. most notably the King James Version. 1
Tyndale, born in England about the time
Columbus sailed to the New World, was ed- Importance of the scriptures
ucated at Oxford and Cambridge and then
became a member of the Catholic clergy. William Tyndale was not the first, nor
He was fluent in eight languages, includ- the last, of those who in many countries
ing Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. Tyndale and languages have sacrificed, even to
was a devoted student of the Bible, and the point of death, to bring the word of
the pervasive ignorance of the scriptures God out of obscurity. We owe them all a
that he observed in both priests and lay great debt of gratitude. We owe perhaps an
people troubled him deeply. In a heated even greater debt to those who faithfully
exchange with a cleric who argued against recorded and preserved the word through
putting scripture in the hands of the com- the ages, often with painstaking labor and
mon man, Tyndale vowed, “If God spare sacrifice—Moses, Isaiah, Abraham, John,
my life ere many years, I will cause a boy Paul, Nephi, Mormon, Joseph Smith, and
that driveth the plough, shall know more many others. What did they know about
of the Scripture than thou dost!” the importance of scriptures that we also
He sought the approval of church au- need to know? What did people in 16th-
thorities to prepare a translation of the century England, who paid enormous
Bible in English so that all could read and sums and ran grave personal risks for ac-
apply the word of God. It was denied—the cess to a Bible, understand that we should
prevailing view being that direct access also understand?
to the scriptures by any but the clergy Not long before his death, the prophet
threatened the authority of the church and Alma entrusted the sacred records of the
was tantamount to casting “pearls before people to his son Helaman. He reminded
swine” (Matthew 7:6). Helaman that the scriptures had “enlarged
Tyndale nevertheless undertook the the memory of this people, yea, and con-
challenging work of translation. In 1524 vinced many of the error of their ways, and
he traveled to Germany, under an assumed brought them to the knowledge of their
name, where he lived much of the time God unto the salvation of their souls”
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

(Alma 37:8). He commanded Helaman to existence. You will remember how im-
preserve the records so that through them portant it was for Lehi’s people to take
God might “show forth his power unto the brass plates with them when they left
future generations” (Alma 37:14). Jerusalem. These scriptures were key to
Through the scriptures, God does in- their knowledge of God and the coming
deed “show forth his power” to save and Redemption of Christ. The other group that
exalt His children. By His word, as Alma “came out from Jerusalem” shortly after
said, He enlarges our memory, sheds light Lehi had no scriptures, and when Lehi’s
on falsehood and error, and brings us to descendants encountered them some 300
repentance and to rejoice in Jesus Christ, or 400 years later, it is recorded that “their
our Redeemer. language had become corrupted; . . . and
they denied the being of their Creator”
Expanding of memory (Omni 1:15, 17).
In Tyndale’s day, scriptural ignorance
The scriptures enlarge our memory abounded because people lacked access
by helping us always to remember the to the Bible, especially in a language
Lord and our relationship to Him and the they could understand. Today the Bible
Father. They remind us of what we knew and other scripture are readily at hand,
in our premortal life. And they expand our yet there is a growing scriptural illiteracy
memory in another sense by teaching us because people will not open the books.
about epochs, people, and events that we Consequently they have forgotten things
did not experience personally. None of their grandparents knew.
us was present to see the Red Sea part
and cross with Moses between walls of Establishment of truth
water to the other side. We were not there
to hear the Sermon on the Mount, to see The scriptures are the standard for
Lazarus raised from the dead, to see the distinguishing truth and error. God uses
suffering Savior in Gethsemane and on scripture to unmask erroneous thinking,
the cross, and we did not, with Mary, hear false traditions, and sin with its devastating
the two angels testify at the empty tomb effects. He is a tender parent who would
that Jesus was risen from the dead. You spare us needless suffering and grief and
and I did not go forward one by one with at the same time help us realize our di-
the multitude in the land Bountiful at the vine potential. The scriptures, for exam-
resurrected Savior’s invitation to feel the ple, discredit an ancient philosophy that
prints of the nails and bathe His feet with has come back into vogue in our day—the
our tears. We did not kneel beside Joseph philosophy of Korihor that there are no
Smith in the Sacred Grove and gaze there absolute moral standards, that “every man
upon the Father and the Son. Yet we know prosper[s] according to his genius, and
all these things and much, much more be- that every man conquer[s] according to his
cause we have the scriptural record to en- strength; and whatsoever a man [does is]
large our memory, to teach us what we did no crime,” and “that when a man [is] dead,
not know. And as these things penetrate that [is] the end thereof” (Alma 30:17–18).
our minds and hearts, our faith in God and Alma, who had dealt with Korihor, did
His Beloved Son takes root. not leave his own son Corianton in doubt
The scriptures also enlarge our memory about the reality and substance of a divine
by helping us not forget what we and ear- moral code. Corianton had been guilty of
lier generations have learned. Those who sexual sin, and his father spoke to him in
either don’t have or ignore the recorded love but plainly: “Know ye not, my son,
word of God eventually cease to believe that these things are an abomination in the
in Him and forget the purpose of their sight of the Lord; yea, most abominable

above all sins save it be the shedding of in- and eternal life; faith in the Atonement
nocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost?” and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which
(Alma 39:5). animates this plan of happiness; faith to
In a complete reversal from a cen- make the gospel of Jesus Christ our way
tury ago, many today would dispute with of life; and faith to come to know “the
Alma about the seriousness of immoral- only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
ity. Others would argue that it’s all rela- [He has] sent” (John 17:3).
tive or that God’s love is permissive. If The word of God, as Alma said, is like
there is a God, they say, He excuses all a seed planted in our hearts that produces
sins and misdeeds because of His love faith as it begins to grow within us (see
for us—there is no need for repentance. Alma 32:27–43; see also Romans 10:13–
Or at most, a simple confession will do. 17). Faith will not come from the study of
They have imagined a Jesus who wants ancient texts as a purely academic pursuit.
people to work for social justice but who It will not come from archaeological digs
makes no demands upon their personal life and discoveries. It will not come from sci-
and behavior. 2 But a God of love does not entific experiments. It will not even come
leave us to learn by sad experience that from witnessing miracles. These things
“wickedness never was happiness” (Alma may serve to confirm faith, or at times to
41:10; see also Helaman 13:38). His com- challenge it, but they do not create faith.
mandments are the voice of reality and our Faith comes by the witness of the Holy
protection against self-inflicted pain. The Spirit to our souls, Spirit to spirit, as we
scriptures are the touchstone for measuring hear or read the word of God. And faith
correctness and truth, and they are clear matures as we continue to feast upon the
that real happiness lies not in denying the word.
justice of God or trying to circumvent the Scriptural accounts of the faith of oth-
consequences of sin but in repentance and ers serve to strengthen our own. We re-
forgiveness through the atoning grace of call the faith of a centurion that enabled
the Son of God (see Alma 42). Christ to heal his servant without so much
Scripture tutors us in principles and as seeing him (see Matthew 8:5–13) and
moral values essential to maintaining civil the healing of a Gentile woman’s daughter
society, including integrity, responsibil- because that humble mother would ac-
ity, selflessness, fidelity, and charity. In cept, as it were, even the crumbs from the
scripture, we find vivid portrayals of the Master’s table (see Matthew 15:22–28;
blessings that come from honoring true Mark 7:25–30). We hear the cry of suf-
principles, as well as the tragedies that fering Job: “Though he slay me, yet will I
befall when individuals and civilizations trust in him” (Job 13:15)—and professing,
discard them. Where scriptural truths are “I know that my redeemer liveth, and that
ignored or abandoned, the essential moral he shall stand at the latter day upon the
core of society disintegrates and decay is earth: . . . [and] yet in my flesh shall I see
close behind. In time, nothing is left to sus- God” (Job 19:25–26). We hear and take
tain the institutions that sustain society. courage from the determination of a tender
boy prophet, hated and bitterly persecuted
Strengthening of faith by so many adults: “I had seen a vision; I
knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and
The scriptures bring us to Christ, our I could not deny it, neither dared I do it”
Redeemer. In the end, the central purpose (Joseph Smith—History 1:25).
of all scripture is to fill our souls with Because they expound the doctrine of
faith in God the Father and in His Son, Christ, the scriptures are accompanied
Jesus Christ—faith that They exist; faith by the Holy Spirit, whose role it is to
in the Father’s plan for our immortality
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

bear witness of the Father and the Son 2 Nephi 32:3). I have studied the scrip-
(see 3 Nephi 11:32). Therefore, being in tures, I have pondered the scriptures, and
the scriptures is one way we receive the on this Eastertide, I bear you my testimony
Holy Ghost. Of course, scripture is given of the Father and the Son, as They are re-
through the Holy Ghost in the first place vealed in the holy scriptures, in the name
(see 2 Peter 1:21; D&C 20:26–27; 68:4), of Jesus Christ, amen.
and that same Spirit can attest its truth to NOTES
you and me. Study the scriptures carefully,
deliberately. Ponder and pray over them. 1. The following sources were consulted
for information about William Tyndale:
Scriptures are revelation, and they will
David Daniell, The Bible in English
bring added revelation. (2003), 140–57; Lenet Hadley Read,
Consider the magnitude of our bless- How We Got the Bible (1985), 67–74;
ing to have the Holy Bible and some 900 S. Michael Wilcox, Fire in the Bones:
additional pages of scripture, including William Tyndale—Martyr, Father of the
the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and English Bible (2004); John Foxe, The New
Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1997), 121–33;
Then consider that, in addition, the words Bible Dictionary, “Bible, English.”
of prophets spoken as they are moved upon 2. See interview of Richard Neitzel Holzapfel,
by the Holy Ghost in settings such as this, in Michael De Groote, “Questioning the
which the Lord calls scripture (see D&C Alternative Jesus,” Deseret News, Nov.
68:2–4), flow to us almost constantly by 26, 2009, M5.
television, radio, Internet, satellite, CD,
DVD, and in print. I suppose that never President Uchtdorf
in history has a people been blessed with
such a quantity of holy writ. And not only Thank you, brethren.
that, but every man, woman, and child may The choir and congregation will now
possess and study his or her own personal join in singing “We Thank Thee, O God,
copy of these sacred texts, most in his or for a Prophet.” At the conclusion of
her own language. How incredible such a the singing, Elders Koichi Aoyagi and
thing would have seemed to the people of Bruce A. Carlson of the Seventy will ad-
William Tyndale’s day and to the Saints dress us. Following their remarks, we will
of earlier dispensations! Surely with this hear from Elder David A. Bednar of the
blessing the Lord is telling us that our need Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
for constant recourse to the scriptures is
greater than in any previous time. May we The choir and congregation sang “We
feast continuously on the words of Christ Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet.”
that will tell us all things we should do (see

Elder Koichi Aoyagi

Helping hands, saving hands impressed by the wonderful example of
President Monson, who has spent his life
My brothers and sisters, I am deeply using his hands to help and save others.
grateful for the opportunity to speak at We live in a day when many people are
this conference. I am grateful for President faced with calamities and are in need of
Thomas S. Monson, and I testify that he is help due to the devastating effects of earth-
a prophet of the living God. I am deeply quakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and other

natural disasters. The Church is reaching day I received a postcard from a Church
out to these people through humanitar- member back home. She wrote that she had
ian aid. Church members faithfully give heard I was not attending Church meetings.
generous fast offerings each month and She quoted a scripture and invited me to
perform service in a spirit of love. They return to church. I was overwhelmed by
literally offer helping hands in the Lord’s the words of the scripture. This helped me
way. They follow the commandment of the realize that maybe I had lost something im-
Lord to “remember in all things the poor portant, and I pondered and struggled for
and the needy, the sick and the afflicted, many days. This also caused me to remem-
for he that doeth not these things, the same ber a promise the missionaries had made to
is not my disciple” (D&C 52:40). me: “If you read the Book of Mormon and
Today I would like to focus on hands ask in fervent prayer if the promise found
that help and save spiritually. The Lord’s in Moroni is true, you will know the truth
work and glory truly is “to bring to pass through the power of the Holy Ghost.” 2
the immortality and eternal life of man” I realized that I was not praying with
(Moses 1:39). Many around us need spiri- all of my heart and decided to do so. One
tual help. As we offer a saving hand to less- morning I woke up early, knelt in my small
active members, to part-member families, apartment, and prayed sincerely. To my
and to those not of our faith, we invite all surprise, the confirmation of the Holy
to “come unto Christ.” 1 Ghost came upon me as promised. My
heart burned, my body shook, and I was
A spiritual rescue filled with joy. Through the power of the
Holy Ghost, I learned that God the Father
As a new convert to the Church, I ex- and His Son, Jesus Christ, live and that
perienced a spiritual rescue through the They truly appeared to Joseph Smith. I
saving hands of a faithful member of made a commitment in my heart to repent
the Church. I grew up in Matsumoto, and faithfully follow Jesus Christ for the
Japan, close to where the Nagano Winter rest of my life.
Olympics were held. My hometown looks This spiritual experience changed my
very much like Salt Lake City, a valley sur- life completely! I decided to serve a mis-
rounded by beautiful mountains. When I sion out of gratitude to the Lord and to
was 17 years old, I met two American mis- the Church member who rescued me.
sionaries, Elder Carter and Elder Hayashi. Following my mission, I was sealed in
Though our ages were only two or three the temple to a wonderful girl, and we
years apart, the elders had something won- have been blessed with four children. Not
derful that I had never felt before. They coincidentally, this is the same girl who
were diligent, cheerful, and filled with saved me by sending a postcard to that
love and light. I was deeply impressed by lonely apartment in Yokohama many years
their qualities, and I wanted to become ago. I remain ever grateful for the mercy
like them. I listened to their message and of the Lord and the help of this Church
decided to be baptized. My parents, who member, who invited me to once again
were Buddhist, strongly opposed my bap- come unto Christ. 3
tism. Through the help of the missionaries
and the Lord, I received permission and Examples of service
miraculously was baptized.
The next year I entered the university I know many of you privately extend
in Yokohama. Living alone, far from my your loving and saving hands each day.
hometown and the people I knew, I became This includes a faithful Relief Society
lonely and strayed from the Church. One sister who cares not only for the sisters
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

whom she is assigned to visit teach but Seek out those in need
also any sisters who are sick or otherwise
in need of help. She visits often and for Sometimes we feel that we are weak
years has strengthened the faith of many. and lack the strength to rescue others, but
I reflect on a bishop who often visited the the Lord reminds us, “Verily I say unto
widows and widowers in his ward. This you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one
pattern of help continued for many years of the least of these my brethren, ye have
after his release. done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).
I know a priesthood leader who takes I close with a quote by President
time with a young man who has lost his Thomas S. Monson: “My brothers and sis-
father. He joins with him in activities, ters, we are surrounded by those in need of
teaches him the gospel, and gives advice our attention, our encouragement, our sup-
the way his father would. Another family port, our comfort, our kindness—be they
rejoices in sharing the gospel. The par- family members, friends, acquaintances,
ents and children each testify of the gospel or strangers. We are the Lord’s hands here
to those around them and are loved by upon the earth, with the mandate to serve
many. and to lift His children. He is dependent
As part of a Primary activity, my five- upon each of us.” 5
year-old granddaughter places a popcorn May we follow the counsel and ex-
seed in a large glass bottle each time she ample of the prophet and each day seek
does a good turn. She sings this Primary out those in need, that we might be the
song in a loud voice as she looks for good hands of the Lord in helping and saving
things to do each day: “Follow the prophet, His children, I pray in the name of Jesus
follow the prophet, follow the prophet; he Christ, amen.
knows the way.” 4 NOTES
I do not have time to tell you about 1. See Preach My Gospel (2004), 1.
all the good things I see Church mem- 2. See Moroni 10:4–5.
bers do. They follow the counsel of the 3. See Matthew 11:28.
prophet—not out of duty or responsibility 4. “Follow the Prophet,” Children’s Song-
but of their own free will, anonymously book, 111.
and joyfully. 5. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
port, Oct. 2009, 84; or Ensign, Nov. 2009,

Elder Bruce A. Carlson

An overloaded airplane Now, the sportsmen were not interested
in paying for a second round-trip. So after
The story is told of two outdoor enthu- a promise to pack tightly and a small bo-
siasts who hired a bush plane to fly them nus payment, the pilot reluctantly agreed
to a remote lake for their annual fishing to attempt the flight.
trip. Following a successful outing, the The fishermen grinned knowingly as
pilot returned to retrieve them. However, the pilot forced the aircraft into the air.
he quickly informed the fishermen that However, seconds later the plane stalled
his small plane would not support them, and crashed into a large, flat swampy area
their equipment, and the added weight of at the end of the lake.
the fish they had caught. A second flight The plane had stalled as it flew out of a
would be required. well-known phenomenon called “ground

effect.” Ground effect creates added lift Joseph.” 3 Jeroboam’s duties required him
on an airplane when air is compressed be- to travel from the mountains of Ephraim,
tween the aircraft’s wings and the earth’s where he lived, to the capital of Jerusalem.
surface—when they are in close proxim- During one of those trips, Ahijah met him
ity. In this case, as the bush plane inched along the road. Through Ahijah, the Lord
its way upward out of ground effect, it was said, “I will . . . give ten tribes to thee.” 4 He
required to fly on its own lift and power, also instructed Jeroboam, “If thou wilt . . .
which it simply could not do. walk in my ways . . . to keep my statutes
Fortunately there were no serious inju- and my commandments, . . . I will be with
ries, and after regaining their senses, one of thee . . . and will give Israel unto thee.” 5
the fishermen asked the other, “What hap- After hearing of Ahijah’s prophecy,
pened?” The second replied, “We crashed Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam, so Jer-
on takeoff—about a hundred yards from oboam fled to Egypt. 6 Upon Solomon’s
where we ended up last year!” death, Jeroboam returned from exile to
Like the two sportsmen, occasionally the northern part of Israel and began to
we believe that there must be an easier way, lead the northern ten tribes. 7
a shortcut or modification of the Lord’s However, Jeroboam’s plan to rule the
commandments that will accommodate kingdom involved a mixture of good and
our individual circumstances. Thoughts evil. He established Shechem as the na-
such as these fail to acknowledge that tion’s capital, a city of great religious
strict obedience to God’s laws brings His significance to his people. But sadly
blessings and failure to abide by His laws he introduced satanic rituals into their
leads to foreseeable consequences. worship. 8
At the time of his appointment as Presi- Jeroboam convinced himself that some
dent of the Church, Harold B. Lee said: of God’s commandments were not appli-
“The safety of the church lies in the mem- cable to him. As a result of his actions, all
bers keeping the commandments. . . . As of his descendants were slain, and because
they keep the commandments, blessings of the heathen practices he had introduced
will come.” 1 into their sacred ordinances, the ten tribes
of Israel were eventually driven from their
Reasons behind the choice to disobey inheritance. 9
Just as flying out of ground effect with
When we choose to disobey a com- more weight than an aircraft’s wings can
mandment, it is usually because (1) we sustain will lead to disastrous conse-
have convinced ourselves that the com- quences, our partial or selective compli-
mandment does not apply to us; (2) we do ance with God’s laws will fail to bring the
not believe that it is important; or (3) we full blessings of obedience.
are certain that it is too difficult to obey.
2. This commandment is not important
1. This commandment doesn’t apply to me
Decades later Naaman, a Syrian war
During the closing years of King Sol- hero, “a mighty man in valour,” 10 traveled
omon’s reign, the Lord informed him from his native country to Israel and ap-
through His prophet, “I will . . . rend the proached the king, Jehoram, to be healed
kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy of leprosy. 11
servant.” 2 Naaman was directed to the prophet
Shortly thereafter, the prophet Ahijah Elisha. “And Elisha sent a messenger unto
identified that servant as Jeroboam, an “in- him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven
dustrious” man whom Solomon had made times, . . . and thou shalt be clean.” 12
“ruler over all the charge of the house of
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

Despite this prophetic promise to be The Prophet Joseph Smith petitioned

cured, Naaman was offended that Elisha the Lord on two occasions, asking if a
did not greet him in person and even more prominent friend, Martin Harris, could
insulted with the prophet’s direction to take the first 116 handwritten pages of
wash seven times in the small and muddy translated material from the book of Lehi
Jordan River. His pride demanded some- from Harmony, Pennsylvania, back to
thing more noteworthy and grand, some- Palmyra. Each time, the Lord counseled
thing matching his stature and place in the Joseph to avoid entrusting the manuscript
community and nation. to Mr. Harris.
Fortunately for Naaman, his servants Martin was seeking to use the trans-
convinced him that regardless of what lated material as evidence to stop his
the prophet asked him to do, if obeyed, it associates from spreading rumors about
would bring the Lord’s blessings. Naaman his friendship with Joseph Smith. On the
washed himself in the Jordan River as di- third request the Lord granted Joseph’s
rected and, as a result of his obedience, appeal. 17
was cured of his leprosy. 13 Martin lost the manuscript, and as a re-
Obedience to the Lord’s commands, sult the plates were taken from the Prophet
in spite of how trivial or unimportant we Joseph Smith for an extended period.
believe them to be, will surely bring His This was a painful lesson for the Prophet
promised blessings. Joseph, who said, “I made this my rule:
When the Lord commands, do it.” 18 This
3. This commandment is just too hard should and can be our rule as well.
Following the Lord’s command, the The blessings of obedience
prophet Lehi led his family into the wil-
derness. During the first few days of the The Lord’s response when we obey His
journey, Lehi instructed his son Lemuel commandments is sure. He has promised
to be “firm and steadfast, and immovable us, “If you keep my commandments and
in keeping the commandments of the endure to the end you shall have eternal
Lord!” 14 life.” 19
However, when the prophetic require- Additionally He has counseled us, “I,
ment came to return to Jerusalem to retrieve the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto
the brass plates, containing a “record of those who fear me, and delight to honor
the Jews,” 15 the two oldest boys rebelled, those who serve me in righteousness and
saying, “It is a hard thing.” 16 in truth unto the end.” 20
Despite his older brothers’ murmur- Obedience to the Lord’s command-
ing, Nephi’s faith in and obedience to the ments provides us confidence in our cho-
Lord’s commands led to obtaining those sen path, qualifies us for His guidance
brass plates. A nation was built, a lan- and direction as we pursue our efforts,
guage was preserved, and the gospel of and offers us the potential to become like
Jesus Christ was taught for generations our Savior, Jesus Christ, and return to our
to come. Father’s presence.
At times we may rationalize that the It is my prayer that each day will find
Lord will understand our disobedience us striving to be more obedient to the
because our special circumstances make laws, ordinances, and commandments of
adherence to His laws difficult, embar- the gospel of Jesus Christ in order that He
rassing, or even painful. However, faithful may more fully bless our lives.
obedience, regardless of the apparent size I testify that obedience to God’s com-
of the task, will bring the Lord’s guidance, mands brings the blessings of heaven; that
assistance, and peace. our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus

Christ, live; that the Book of Mormon 8. See 1 Kings 12:25–30.

is the word of God; and that President 9. See 1 Kings 14:10, 15–16.
Thomas S. Monson is the Lord’s prophet 10. 2 Kings 5:1.
for our day, in the name of Jesus Christ, 11. See 2 Kings 5:5–6.
amen. 12. 2 Kings 5:10.
13. See 2 Kings 5:11–14.
NOTES 14. 1 Nephi 2:10.
1. Harold B. Lee, quoted in Stephen W. 15. 1 Nephi 3:3.
Gibson, “Presidency Meets the Press,” 16. 1 Nephi 3:5.
Church News, July 15, 1972, 3. 17. See History of the Church, 1:20–21;
2. 1 Kings 11:11. Doctrine and Covenants 3; 10.
3. 1 Kings 11:28. 18. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
4. 1 Kings 11:31. Joseph Smith (2007), 160.
5. 1 Kings 11:38. 19. Doctrine and Covenants 14:7.
6. See 1 Kings 11:40. 20. Doctrine and Covenants 76:5; italics
7. See 1 Kings 12:2–3, 20. added.

Elder David A. Bednar

Early warning signals Lehi was warned to leave Jerusalem
and take his family into the wilderness
Recently I was driving my car as drops because the people to whom he had de-
of rain from a thunderstorm began to fall clared repentance sought to kill him (see
on the windshield. On the side of the 1 Nephi 2:1–2).
road, an electronic sign displayed a timely The Savior Himself was spared through
warning: “Standing Water Ahead.” The an angelic warning: “Behold, the angel of
surface on which I was driving appeared the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream,
to be quite safe. But this vital information saying, Arise, and take the young child
enabled me to prepare for a potential haz- and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and
ard I had not expected and could not yet be thou there until I bring thee word: for
see. As I continued toward my destination, Herod will seek the young child to destroy
I slowed down and watched carefully for him” (Matthew 2:13).
additional signs of danger. Consider the language of the Lord in
Early warning signals are evident in the revelation known as the Word of Wis-
many aspects of our lives. For example, a dom: “In consequence of evils and designs
fever can be a first symptom of sickness or which do and will exist in the hearts of
disease. Various financial and labor mar- conspiring men in the last days, I have
ket indicators are used to forecast future warned you, and forewarn you, by giving
trends in local and national economies. unto you this word of wisdom by revela-
And depending upon the area of the world tion” (D&C 89:4).
in which we live, we may receive flood, Spiritual warnings should lead to in-
avalanche, hurricane, tsunami, tornado, or creasingly vigilant watching. You and I
winter storm warnings. live in “a day of warning” (D&C 63:58).
We also are blessed by spiritual early And because we have been and will be
warning signals as a source of protection warned, we need to be, as the Apostle Paul
and direction in our lives. Recall how admonished, “watching . . . with all per-
Noah was alerted by God of things not severance” (Ephesians 6:18).
yet seen, and he “prepared [the] ark to the
saving of his house” (Hebrews 11:7).
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

I pray for the guidance of the Holy these two factors—a focus on the Savior
Ghost as I describe a spiritual early warn- and the plainness of the teachings—pow-
ing system that can help parents in Zion erfully invites the confirming witness of
to be watchful and discerning concerning the third member of the Godhead, even
their children. This early warning system the Holy Ghost. Consequently, the Book
applies to children of all ages and con- of Mormon speaks to the spirit and to the
tains three basic components: (1) reading heart of the reader like no other volume
and talking about the Book of Mormon of scripture.
with your children, (2) bearing testimony The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that
of gospel truths spontaneously with your abiding by the precepts found in the Book
children, and (3) inviting children as gos- of Mormon would help us “get nearer to
pel learners to act and not merely be acted God” than any other book (Teachings of
upon. Parents who do these things faith- Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith
fully will be blessed to recognize early [2007], 64). Regular reading of and talk-
signals of spiritual growth in or challenges ing about the Book of Mormon invite the
with their children and be better prepared power to resist temptation and to produce
to receive inspiration to strengthen and feelings of love within our families. And
help those children. discussions about the doctrines and prin-
ciples in the Book of Mormon provide
Book of Mormon discussions opportunities for parents to observe their
children, to listen to them, to learn from
Component number one: Reading and them, and to teach them.
talking about the Book of Mormon. The Youth of all ages, even infants, can and
Book of Mormon contains the fulness do respond to the distinctive spirit of the
of the Savior’s gospel and is the only Book of Mormon. Children may not un-
book the Lord Himself has testified to be derstand all of the words and stories, but
true (see D&C 17:6; see also Russell M. they certainly can feel the “familiar spirit”
Nelson, in Conference Report, Oct. 1999, described by Isaiah (Isaiah 29:4; see also
88; or Ensign, Nov. 1999, 70). Indeed, the 2 Nephi 26:16). And the questions a child
Book of Mormon is the keystone of our asks, the observations a child shares,
religion. and the discussions that occur provide
The convincing and converting powers crucial spiritual early warning signals.
of the Book of Mormon come from both a Importantly, such conversations can help
central focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ parents to discern what their children are
and the inspired plainness and clarity of learning, thinking, and feeling about the
its teachings. Nephi declared, “My soul truths contained in this sacred volume of
delighteth in plainness unto my people, scripture, as well as the difficulties they
that they may learn” (2 Nephi 25:4). The may be facing.
root word plain in this verse does not re-
fer to things that are ordinary or simple; Spontaneous testimony bearing
rather, it denotes instruction that is clear
and easily understood. Component number two: Bearing testi-
The Book of Mormon is the most mony spontaneously. Testimony is personal
correct of any book on earth because it knowledge, based upon the witness of the
centers upon the Truth (see John 14:6; Holy Ghost, that certain facts of eternal
1 Nephi 13:40), even Jesus Christ, and significance are true. The Holy Ghost is the
restores the plain and precious things messenger for the Father and the Son and
that have been taken away from the true the teacher of and guide to all truth (see
gospel (see 1 Nephi 13:26, 28–29, 32, John 14:26; 16:13). Thus, “by the power
34–35, 40). The unique combination of

of the Holy Ghost [we] may know the truth as eager to listen intently as they are to
of all things” (Moroni 10:5). talk—can foster a supportive and secure
The knowledge and spiritual conviction environment in the home and encourage
we receive from the Holy Ghost are the ongoing communication about difficult
result of revelation. Seeking for and ob- topics.
taining these blessings require a sincere
heart, real intent, and faith in Christ (see Invitations to act
Moroni 10:4). A personal testimony also
brings responsibility and accountability. Component number three: Inviting chil-
Parents should be vigilant and spiritu- dren to act. In the grand division of all
ally attentive to spontaneously occurring of God’s creations, there are “things to
opportunities to bear testimony to their act and things to be acted upon” (2 Nephi
children. Such occasions need not be pro- 2:14). As children of our Heavenly Father,
grammed, scheduled, or scripted. In fact, we have been blessed with the gift of moral
the less regimented such testimony shar- agency, the capacity and power of inde-
ing is, the greater the likelihood for edi- pendent action. Endowed with agency, we
fication and lasting impact. “Neither take are agents, and we primarily are to act and
ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; not merely be acted upon—especially as
but treasure up in your minds continually we “seek learning . . . by study and also
the words of life, and it shall be given you by faith” (D&C 88:118).
in the very hour that portion that shall be As gospel learners, we should be “doers
meted unto every man” (D&C 84:85). of the word, and not hearers only” (James
For example, a naturally occurring 1:22). Our hearts are opened to the influ-
family conversation at dinner may be ence of the Holy Ghost as we properly
the perfect setting for a parent to recount exercise agency and act in accordance
and testify of specific blessings he or she with correct principles—and we thereby
received during the course of relatively invite His teaching and testifying power.
routine activities that day. And a testimony Parents have the sacred responsibility to
need not always begin with the phrase “I help children to act and to seek learning
bear you my testimony.” Our witness can by faith. And a child is never too young to
be declared as simply as “I know I was take part in this pattern of learning.
blessed with inspiration at work today” Giving a man a fish feeds him for one
or “The truth in this scripture always has meal. Teaching a man to fish feeds him for
been a powerful source of direction for a lifetime. As parents and gospel instruc-
me.” Similar opportunities to bear testi- tors, you and I are not in the business of
mony also can arise while traveling to- distributing fish; rather, our work is to help
gether in a car or bus or in a multitude of our children learn “to fish” and to become
other settings. spiritually steadfast. This vital objective is
The reactions of children to such im- best accomplished as we encourage our
promptu testimony bearing and their ea- children to act in accordance with correct
gerness or reluctance to participate are principles—as we help them to learn by
potent sources of spiritual early warning doing. “If any man will do his will, he
signals. A child’s expression about a les- shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of
son learned in family scripture study or a God” (John 7:17). Such learning requires
candid statement of concern about a gospel spiritual, mental, and physical exertion
principle or practice can be most illumi- and not just passive reception.
nating and help parents better understand Inviting children as gospel learn-
a child’s specific question or needs. Such ers to act and not merely be acted upon
discussions—especially when parents are builds on reading and talking about the
Book of Mormon and bearing testimony
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

spontaneously in the home. Imagine, for herself. Only in this way can our children
example, a family home evening in which be prepared spiritually for the challenges
children are invited and expected to come of mortality.
prepared to ask questions about what they
are reading and learning in the Book of Promise and testimony
Mormon—or about an issue that recently
was emphasized in a gospel discussion I bear witness that parents who con-
or spontaneous testimony in the home. sistently read and talk about the Book of
And imagine further that the children ask Mormon with their children, who share
questions the parents are not prepared ade- testimony spontaneously with their chil-
quately to answer. Some parents might be dren, and who invite children as gospel
apprehensive about such an unstructured learners to act and not merely be acted
approach to home evening. But the best upon will be blessed with eyes that can
family home evenings are not necessarily see afar off (see Moses 6:27) and with ears
the product of preprepared, purchased, or that can hear the sound of the trumpet (see
downloaded packets of outlines and vi- Ezekiel 33:2–16). The spiritual discern-
sual aids. What a glorious opportunity for ment and inspiration you will receive from
family members to search the scriptures the combination of these three holy habits
together and to be tutored by the Holy will enable you to stand as watchmen on
Ghost. “For the preacher was no better the tower for your families—“watching
than the hearer, neither was the teacher . . . with all perseverance” (Ephesians
any better than the learner; . . . and they 6:18)—to the blessing of your immedi-
did all labor, every man according to his ate family and your future posterity. I so
strength” (Alma 1:26). promise and testify in the sacred name of
Are you and I helping our children be- the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
come agents who act and seek learning
by study and by faith, or have we trained President Uchtdorf
our children to wait to be taught and acted Thank you, brethren.
upon? Are we as parents primarily giving We remind all the brethren of the
our children the equivalent of spiritual fish general priesthood meeting, which will
to eat, or are we consistently helping them commence in the Conference Center this
to act, to learn for themselves, and to stand evening at 6:00 mountain daylight time.
steadfast and immovable? Are we helping The nationwide Tabernacle Choir
our children become anxiously engaged broadcast tomorrow morning will be from
in asking, seeking, and knocking? (see 9:30 to 10:00 mountain daylight time. The
3 Nephi 14:7). Sunday morning session of conference
The spiritual understanding you and I will immediately follow.
have been blessed to receive, and which We thank the choir from the Orem In-
has been confirmed as true in our hearts, stitute of Religion for the beautiful music
simply cannot be given to our children. they have provided this afternoon and ex-
The tuition of diligence and of learning tend thanks to all who have participated.
by study and also by faith must be paid Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum
to obtain and personally “own” such of the Twelve Apostles will be our con-
knowledge. Only in this way can what cluding speaker at this session. Following
is known in the mind also be felt in the his remarks, the choir will sing “Nearer,
heart. Only in this way can a child move My God, to Thee.” At the conclusion of
beyond relying upon the spiritual knowl- the singing, the benediction will be of-
edge and experiences of parents and adults fered by Elder Craig C. Christensen of
and claim those blessings for himself or the Seventy.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

The problem of moral decay global cesspool of perceptions that could
blast a crater in their brains forever.
As Sister Holland and I recently disem- Remember that those young wives said
barked at a distant airport, three beautiful their husbands’ infidelity began with an
young women getting off the same flight attraction to pornography, but immoral
hurried up to greet us. They identified activity is not just a man’s problem, and
themselves as members of the Church, husbands aren’t the only ones offending.
which wasn’t too surprising because those The compromise available at the click of
not of our faith usually don’t rush up to a mouse—including what can happen in
us in airports. In a conversation we hadn’t a chat room’s virtual encounter—is no re-
expected, we soon learned through their specter of persons, male or female, young
tears that all three of these women were or old, married or single. And just to make
recently divorced, that in each case their sure that temptation is ever more accessi-
husbands had been unfaithful to them, and ble, the adversary is busy extending his
in each case the seeds of alienation and coverage, as they say in the industry, to cell
transgression had begun with an attraction phones, video games, and MP3 players.
to pornography.
With that stark introduction to my mes- The sin of lust
sage today—one it is challenging for me
to give—I feel much like Jacob of old, If we stop chopping at the branches of
who said, “It grieveth me that I must use this problem and strike more directly at
so much boldness of speech . . . before . . . the root of the tree, not surprisingly we
many . . . whose feelings are exceedingly find lust lurking furtively there. Lust is
tender and chaste and delicate.” 1 But bold an unsavory word, and it is certainly an
we need to be. Perhaps it was the father in unsavory topic for me to address, but there
me or maybe the grandfather, but the tears is good reason why in some traditions it
in those young women’s eyes brought tears is known as the most deadly of the seven
to mine and Sister Holland’s, and the ques- deadly sins. 2
tions they asked left me asking, “Why is Why is lust such a deadly sin? Well,
there so much moral decay around us, and in addition to the completely Spirit-
why are so many individuals and families, destroying impact it has upon our souls,
including some in the Church, falling vic- I think it is a sin because it defiles the
tim to it, being tragically scarred by it?” highest and holiest relationship God gives
But, of course, I knew at least part of us in mortality—the love that a man and a
the answer to my own question. Most days woman have for each other and the desire
we all find ourselves assaulted by immoral that couple has to bring children into a
messages of some kind flooding in on us family intended to be forever. Someone
from every angle. The darker sides of the said once that true love must include the
movie, television, and music industry step idea of permanence. True love endures.
further and further into offensive lan- But lust changes as quickly as it can turn
guage and sexual misconduct. Tragically, a pornographic page or glance at yet an-
the same computer and Internet service other potential object for gratification
that allows me to do my family history walking by, male or female. True love we
and prepare those names for temple work are absolutely giddy about—as I am about
could, without filters and controls, allow Sister Holland; we shout it from the house-
my children or grandchildren access to a tops. But lust is characterized by shame
and stealth and is almost pathologically
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Afternoon Session

clandestine—the later and darker the hour include you. Seek that help and wel-
the better, with a double-bolted door just come it. Talk to your bishop. Follow
in case. Love makes us instinctively reach his counsel. Ask for a priesthood bless-
out to God and other people. Lust, on the ing. Use the Church’s Family Services
other hand, is anything but godly and cel- offerings or seek other suitable profes-
ebrates self-indulgence. Love comes with sional help. Pray without ceasing. Ask
open hands and open heart; lust comes for angels to help you.
These are just some of the reasons that lock on affections, remember that the
prostituting the true meaning of love— only real control in life is self-control.
either with imagination or another person Exercise more control over even the
—is so destructive. It destroys that which is marginal moments that confront you.
second only to our faith in God—namely, If a TV show is indecent, turn it off. If a
faith in those we love. It shakes the pillars movie is crude, walk out. If an improper
of trust upon which present—or future— relationship is developing, sever it.
love is built, and it takes a long time to Many of these influences, at least ini-
rebuild that trust when it is lost. Push that tially, may not technically be evil, but
idea far enough—whether it be as personal they can blunt our judgment, dull our
as a family member or as public as elected spirituality, and lead to something that
officials, business leaders, media stars, and could be evil. An old proverb says that
athletic heroes—and soon enough on the a journey of a thousand miles begins
building once constructed to house morally with one step, 5 so watch your step.
responsible societies, we can hang a sign Н -JLFUIJFWFTJOUIFOJHIU VOXFMDPNF
saying, “This property is vacant.” 3 thoughts can and do seek entrance to our
minds. But we don’t have to throw open
Ways to guard against temptation the door, serve them tea and crumpets,
and then tell them where the silverware
Whether we be single or married, young is kept! (You shouldn’t be serving tea
or old, let’s talk for a moment about how anyway.) Throw the rascals out! Replace
to guard against temptation in whatever lewd thoughts with hopeful images and
form it may present itself. We may not be joyful memories; picture the faces of
able to cure all of society’s ills today, but those who love you and would be shat-
let’s speak of what some personal actions tered if you let them down. More than
can be. one man has been saved from sin or
Н "CPWFBMM TUBSUCZTFQBSBUJOHZPVSTFMG stupidity by remembering the face of
from people, materials, and circum- his mother, his wife, or his child waiting
stances that will harm you. As those somewhere for him at home. Whatever
battling something like alcoholism thoughts you have, make sure they are
know, the pull of proximity can be welcome in your heart by invitation
fatal. So too in moral matters. Like only. As an ancient poet once said, let
Joseph in the presence of Potiphar’s will be your reason. 6
wife, 4 just run—run as far away as you Н $VMUJWBUFBOECFXIFSFUIF4QJSJUPGUIF
can get from whatever or whoever it is Lord is. Make sure that includes your
that beguiles you. And please, when own home or apartment, dictating the
fleeing the scene of temptation, do not kind of art, music, and literature you
leave a forwarding address. keep there. If you are endowed, go to the
Н "DLOPXMFEHFUIBUQFPQMFCPVOECZUIF temple as often as your circumstances
chains of true addictions often need allow. Remember that the temple arms
more help than self-help, and that may you “with [God’s] power, . . . [puts His]

glory . . . round about [you], and [gives and lust, who will do anything he can to
His] angels . . . charge over [you].” 7 And counterfeit true love, to profane and des-
when you leave the temple, remember ecrate true love wherever and whenever
the symbols you take with you, never he encounters it. And I have spoken of his
to be set aside or forgotten. desire to destroy us if he can.
When we face such temptations in our
time, we must declare, as young Nephi
Remember the Savior did in his, “[I will] give place no more
Most people in trouble end up crying, for the enemy of my soul.” 12 We can re-
“What was I thinking?” Well, whatever ject the evil one. If we want it dearly and
they were thinking, they weren’t think- deeply enough, that enemy can and will
ing of Christ. Yet, as members of His be rebuked by the redeeming power of the
Church, we pledge every Sunday of our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, I promise
lives to take upon ourselves His name and you that the light of His everlasting gospel
promise to “always remember him.” 8 So can and will again shine brightly where
let us work a little harder at remembering you feared life had gone hopelessly, help-
Him—especially that He has “borne our lessly dark. May the joy of our fidelity to
griefs, and carried our sorrows . . . , [that] the highest and best within us be ours as
he was bruised for our iniquities . . . ; and we keep our love and our marriages, our
with his stripes we are healed.” 9 Surely society and our souls, as pure as they were
it would guide our actions in a dramatic meant to be, I pray in the name of Jesus
way if we remembered that every time Christ, amen.
we transgress, we hurt not only those we NOTES
love, but we also hurt Him, who so dearly 1. Jacob 2:7.
loves us. But if we do sin, however serious 2. See, for example, Henry Fairlie’s ex-
that sin may be, we can be rescued by that cellent The Seven Deadly Sins Today
same majestic figure, He who bears the (1978).
only name given under heaven whereby 3. See Fairlie, The Seven Deadly Sins To-
any man or woman can be saved. 10 When day, 175.
confronting our transgressions and our 4. See Genesis 39:1–13.
souls are harrowed up with true pain, may 5. Lao Tzu, in John Bartlett, comp., Fa-
we all echo the repentant Alma and utter miliar Quotations, 14th ed. (1968), 74.
his life-changing cry: “O Jesus, thou Son 6. See Juvenal, The Satires, satire 6, line
of God, have mercy on me.” 11 223.
Brothers and sisters, I love you. Presi- 7. Doctrine and Covenants 109:22.
dent Thomas S. Monson and the Breth- 8. Doctrine and Covenants 20:77; see also
ren love you. Far more importantly, your verse 79.
Father in Heaven loves you. I have tried 9. Isaiah 53:4–5.
to speak today of love—real love, true 10. See Acts 4:12.
love, respect for it, the proper portrayal 11. Alma 36:18.
of it in the wholesome societies mankind 12. 2 Nephi 4:28.
has known, the sanctity of it between a
married man and woman and the families The choir sang “Nearer, My God, to
that love ultimately creates. I’ve tried to Thee.”
speak of the redeeming manifestation of Elder Craig C. Christensen offered
love, charity personified, which comes to the benediction.
us through the grace of Christ Himself. I
have of necessity also spoken of el dia-
blo, the diabolical one, the father of lies
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session


The general priesthood session of the Brigham Young University, under the di-
180th Annual General Conference con- rection of Ronald Staheli, with Clay Chris-
vened in the Conference Center at 6:00 tiansen and Richard Elliott at the organ.
p.m. on Saturday, April 3, 2010. President We shall begin this priesthood session
Henry B. Eyring conducted this session. with the choir singing “God Loved Us,
A priesthood choir from Brigham So He Sent His Son.” The invocation will
Young University provided the music. then be offered by Elder Keith K. Hilbig
Ronald Staheli directed the choir, and Clay of the Seventy.
Christiansen and Richard Elliott were the
organists. The choir sang “God Loved Us, So
President Eyring opened the meeting He Sent His Son.”
with the following remarks. Elder Keith K. Hilbig offered the
President Henry B. Eyring
We welcome you, brethren, to the
priesthood session of the 180th Annual President Eyring
General Conference of The Church of The choir will now sing “Choose the
Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints. Presi- Right.” Following the singing, Elder
dent Thomas S. Monson, who presides at Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the
this conference, has asked that I conduct Twelve Apostles will address us, after
this session. which we shall hear from Elder Ronald A.
These services are being relayed by Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy.
satellite transmission to holders of the He will be followed by Brother David L.
priesthood gathered in many locations Beck, Young Men general president.
throughout the world.
The singing during this session will
be furnished by a priesthood choir from The choir sang “Choose the Right.”

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

In these times of worldwide turmoil, enlist the help of healing practitioners,
more and more persons of faith are turning such as physicians and surgeons, to re-
to the Lord for blessings of comfort and store health.
healing. I wish to speak to this audience The use of medical science is not at
of priesthood holders about healing the odds with our prayers of faith and our re-
sick—by medical science, by prayers of liance on priesthood blessings. When a
faith, and by priesthood blessings. person requested a priesthood blessing,
Brigham Young would ask, “Have you
Medical science used any remedies?” To those who said no
because “we wish the Elders to lay hands
Latter-day Saints believe in applying upon us, and we have faith that we shall
the best available scientific knowledge and be healed,” President Young replied: “That
techniques. We use nutrition, exercise, and is very inconsistent according to my faith.
other practices to preserve health, and we If we are sick, and ask the Lord to heal us,

and to do all for us that is necessary to be parents rushed her to the hospital. By the
done, according to my understanding of time she arrived there, her kidneys and
the Gospel of salvation, I might as well lungs had shut down, her fever was 107
ask the Lord to cause my wheat and corn degrees, and her body was bright red and
to grow, without my plowing the ground covered with purple lesions. The doctors
and casting in the seed. It appears con- said she was dying of toxic shock syn-
sistent to me to apply every remedy that drome, cause unknown. As word spread
comes within the range of my knowledge, to family and friends, God-fearing people
and [then] to ask my Father in Heaven . . . began praying for her, and a special prayer
to sanctify that application to the healing service was held in their Protestant congre-
of my body.” 1 gation in Waco, Texas. Miraculously, she
Of course we don’t wait until all other suddenly returned from the brink of death
methods are exhausted before we pray in and was released from the hospital in a
faith or give priesthood blessings for heal- little over a week. Her grandfather wrote,
ing. In emergencies, prayers and bless- “She is living proof that God does answer
ings come first. Most often we pursue all prayers and work miracles.” 5
efforts simultaneously. This follows the Truly, as the Book of Mormon teaches,
scriptural teachings that we should “pray God “manifesteth himself unto all those
always” (D&C 90:24) and that all things who believe in him, by the power of the
should be done in wisdom and order. 2 Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kin-
dred, tongue, and people, working mighty
Prayers of faith miracles . . . among the children of men ac-
cording to their faith” (2 Nephi 26:13).
We know that the prayer of faith, ut-
tered alone or in our homes or places of Priesthood blessings
worship, can be effective to heal the sick.
Many scriptures refer to the power of faith For this audience—adults who hold the
in the healing of an individual. The Apostle Melchizedek Priesthood and young men
James taught that we should “pray one for who will soon receive this power—I will
another, that ye may be healed,” adding, concentrate my remarks on healing bless-
“the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous ings involving the power of the priesthood.
man availeth much” (James 5:16). When We have this priesthood power, and we
the woman who touched Jesus was healed, should all be prepared to use it properly.
He told her, “Thy faith hath made thee Current increases in natural disasters and
whole” (Matthew 9:22). 3 Similarly, the financial challenges show that we will
Book of Mormon teaches that the Lord need this power even more in the future
“worketh by power, according to the faith than in the past.
of the children of men” (Moroni 10:7). Many scriptures teach that the servants
A recent nationwide survey found that of the Lord “shall lay hands on the sick,
nearly 8 in 10 Americans “believe that and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). 6
miracles still occur today as [they did] in Miracles happen when the authority of
ancient times.” A third of those surveyed the priesthood is used to bless the sick. I
said they had “experienced or witnessed a have experienced these miracles. As a boy
divine healing.” 4 Many Latter-day Saints and as a man I have seen healings as mi-
have experienced the power of faith in heal- raculous as any recorded in the scriptures,
ing the sick. We also hear examples of this and so have many of you.
among people of faith in other churches. There are five parts to the use of priest-
A Texas newspaperman described such a hood authority to bless the sick: (1) the
miracle. When a five-year-old girl breathed anointing, (2) the sealing of the anointing,
with difficulty and became feverish, her
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

(3) faith, (4) the words of the blessing, and Although we know of many cases
(5) the will of the Lord. where persons blessed by priesthood au-
thority have been healed, we rarely refer
Anointing to these healings in public meetings be-
cause modern revelation cautions us not to
The Old Testament frequently mentions “boast [ourselves] of these things, neither
anointing with oil as part of a blessing con- speak them before the world; for these
ferred by priesthood authority. 7 Anointings things are given unto you for your profit
were declared to be for sanctification 8 and and for salvation” (D&C 84:73).
perhaps can also be seen as symbolic of
the blessings to be poured out from heaven Faith
as a result of this sacred act.
In the New Testament we read that Faith is essential for healing by the
Jesus’s Apostles “anointed with oil many powers of heaven. The Book of Mormon
that were sick, and healed them” (Mark even teaches that “if there be no faith
6:13). The book of James teaches the role among the children of men God can do
of anointing in connection with the other no miracle among them” (Ether 12:12). 10
elements in a healing blessing by priest- In a notable article on administering to
hood authority: the sick, President Spencer W. Kimball
“Is any sick among you? let him call said: “The need of faith is often underes-
for the elders of the church; and let them timated. The ill one and the family often
pray over him, anointing him with oil in seem to depend wholly on the power of the
the name of the Lord: priesthood and the gift of healing that they
“And the prayer of faith shall save the hope the administering brethren may have,
sick, and the Lord shall raise him up” whereas the greater responsibility is with
(James 5:14–15). him who is blessed. . . . The major element
is the faith of the individual when that per-
Sealing the anointing son is conscious and accountable. ‘Thy
faith hath made thee whole’ [Matthew
When someone has been anointed 9:22] was repeated so often by the Master
by the authority of the Melchizedek that it almost became a chorus.” 11
Priesthood, the anointing is sealed by President Kimball even suggested
that same authority. To seal something that “too frequent administrations may
means to affirm it, to make it binding for be an indication of lack of faith or of the
its intended purpose. When elders anoint ill one trying to pass the responsibility
a sick person and seal the anointing, they for faith development to the elders rather
open the windows of heaven for the Lord than self.” He told about a faithful sister
to pour forth the blessing He wills for the who received a priesthood blessing. When
person afflicted. asked the next day if she wished to be
President Brigham Young taught: administered to again, she replied: “No, I
“When I lay hands on the sick, I expect have been anointed and administered to.
the healing power and influence of God The ordinance has been performed. It is up
to pass through me to the patient, and the to me now to claim my blessing through
disease to give way. . . . When we are my faith.” 12
prepared, when we are holy vessels be-
fore the Lord, a stream of power from the Words of blessing
Almighty can pass through the tabernacle
of the administrator to the system of the Another part of a priesthood blessing is
patient, and the sick are made whole.” 9 the words of blessing spoken by the elder
after he seals the anointing. These words

can be very important, but their content is words spoken in a healing blessing can
not essential and they are not recorded on edify and energize the faith of those who
the records of the Church. In some priest- hear them, but the effect of the blessing is
hood blessings—like a patriarchal bless- dependent upon faith and the Lord’s will,
ing—the words spoken are the essence of not upon the words spoken by the elder
the blessing. But in a healing blessing it is who officiated.
the other parts of the blessing—the anoint-
ing, the sealing, faith, and the will of the Will of the Lord
Lord—that are the essential elements.
Ideally, the elder who officiates will be Young men and older men, please take
so in tune with the Spirit of the Lord that special note of what I will say now. As
he will know and declare the will of the we exercise the undoubted power of the
Lord in the words of the blessing. Brigham priesthood of God and as we treasure His
Young taught priesthood holders, “It is promise that He will hear and answer the
your privilege and duty to live so that you prayer of faith, we must always remem-
know when the word of the Lord is spoken ber that faith and the healing power of
to you and when the mind of the Lord is the priesthood cannot produce a result
revealed to you.” 13 When that happens, the contrary to the will of Him whose priest-
spoken blessing is fulfilled literally and hood it is. This principle is taught in the
miraculously. On some choice occasions I revelation directing that the elders of the
have experienced that certainty of inspira- Church shall lay their hands upon the sick.
tion in a healing blessing and have known The Lord’s promise is that “he that hath
that what I was saying was the will of the faith in me to be healed, and is not ap-
Lord. However, like most who officiate in pointed unto death, shall be healed” (D&C
healing blessings, I have often struggled 42:48; italics added). Similarly, in another
with uncertainty on the words I should modern revelation the Lord declares that
say. For a variety of causes, every elder when one “asketh according to the will
experiences increases and decreases in his of God . . . it is done even as he asketh”
level of sensitivity to the promptings of the (D&C 46:30). 14
Spirit. Every elder who gives a blessing From all of this we learn that even the
is subject to influence by what he desires servants of the Lord, exercising His divine
for the person afflicted. Each of these and power in a circumstance where there is
other mortal imperfections can influence sufficient faith to be healed, cannot give a
the words we speak. priesthood blessing that will cause a per-
Fortunately, the words spoken in a son to be healed if that healing is not the
healing blessing are not essential to its will of the Lord.
healing effect. If faith is sufficient and if As children of God, knowing of His
the Lord wills it, the afflicted person will great love and His ultimate knowledge of
be healed or blessed whether the officiator what is best for our eternal welfare, we
speaks those words or not. Conversely, trust in Him. The first principle of the gos-
if the officiator yields to personal desire pel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
or inexperience and gives commands or faith means trust. I felt that trust in a talk
words of blessing in excess of what the my cousin gave at the funeral of a teenage
Lord chooses to bestow according to the girl who had died of a serious illness. He
faith of the individual, those words will spoke these words, which first astonished
not be fulfilled. Consequently, brethren, me and then edified me: “I know it was the
no elder should ever hesitate to partici- will of the Lord that she die. She had good
pate in a healing blessing because of fear medical care. She was given priesthood
that he will not know what to say. The blessings. Her name was on the prayer
roll in the temple. She was the subject of
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

hundreds of prayers for her restoration to and Politically Relevant (The Pew Forum
health. And I know that there is enough on Religion and Public Life, June 2008),
faith in this family that she would have 34, 54,
been healed unless it was the will of the pdf/report2-religious-landscape-study-
Lord to take her home at this time.” I felt full.pdf.
that same trust in the words of the father 5. See Steve Blow, “Sometimes, ‘Miracles’
of another choice girl whose life was taken Are Just That,” Dallas Morning News,
by cancer in her teen years. He declared, Jan. 30, 2000, 31A.
“Our family’s faith is in Jesus Christ and is 6. See also Matthew 9:18; Mark 5:23;
6:5; 7:32–35; Luke 4:40; Acts 9:12, 17;
not dependent on outcomes.” Those teach-
28:8; Doctrine and Covenants 42:44, 48;
ings ring true to me. We do all that we can
for the healing of a loved one, and then we 7. See, for example, Exodus 28:41; 1 Sam-
trust in the Lord for the outcome. uel 10:1; 16:13; 2 Samuel 5:3.
I testify of the power of the priesthood 8. See Leviticus 8:10–12.
of God, of the power of the prayer of faith, 9. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
and of the truth of these principles. Most Brigham Young (1997), 252; see also
of all, I testify of the Lord Jesus Christ, Russell M. Nelson, “Neither Trust in the
whose servants we are, whose Resurrection Arm of Flesh,” Ensign, Mar. 2010, 24;
gives us the assurance of immortality, and Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley (1997),
whose Atonement gives us the opportu- 474.
nity for eternal life, the greatest of all the 10. See also 1 Nephi 7:12; Doctrine and Cov-
gifts of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, enants 35:9.
amen. 11. “President Kimball Speaks Out on Ad-
ministration to the Sick,” New Era, Oct.
NOTES 1981, 47.
1. Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John 12. “President Kimball Speaks Out,” 46–47.
A. Widtsoe (1954), 163. 13. Teachings: Brigham Young, 68.
2. See Mosiah 4:27. 14. See also 1 John 5:14; Helaman 10:5.
3. See also Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43.
4. U.S. Religious Landscape Survey: Re-
ligious Beliefs and Practices: Diverse

Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Importance of missionary work into every city and place, whither he him-
self would come.” 1 Missionary work is the
Good evening, my dear brethren of the lifeblood of the Church and the lifesaving
priesthood. Tonight I would like to speak blessing to all who accept its message.
about missionary service. I direct my com-
ments to the vast army of young men who The divine call to serve
hold the Aaronic Priesthood who are gath-
ered throughout the entire world and to When the Master ministered among
their fathers, grandfathers, and priesthood men, He called fishermen at Galilee to
leaders who watch over them. leave their nets and follow Him, declaring,
Missionary work is a subject very close “I will make you fishers of men.” 2 The
to my heart, as it is to every member of the Lord extended those calls to humble men
eight Quorums of the Seventy, whom the so that through them others would hear the
Lord has appointed to go “before his face truths of His gospel and come unto Him.

In June of 1837, the Prophet Joseph As I interviewed them on their first day
Smith called Heber C. Kimball, an Apos- in the mission, I had a profound sense of
tle, to go on a mission to England. Elder gratitude for each missionary. I felt that
Kimball’s call came as the two sat in the their call to our mission was divinely de-
Kirtland Temple and Joseph spoke with di- signed for them and for me as their mis-
vine authority: “Brother Heber, the Spirit sion president.
of the Lord has whispered to me, ‘Let my
servant Heber go to England and proclaim Observing the assigning of missionaries
my gospel and open the door of salvation
to that nation.’” 3 After finishing our mission assign-
That whispering of the Spirit is an ex- ment, I was called by President Gordon B.
ample of how the call comes to servants Hinckley to serve as a Seventy in the
of the Lord to send missionaries to their Church. Part of my early training as a new
fields of labor. General Authority included an opportu-
Today missionaries go forth two by nity to sit with members of the Twelve
two as appointed by the Lord, carrying as they assigned missionaries to serve in
that same message, with the same divine one of the 300-plus missions of this great
call to serve from the prophet of God. Our Church.
prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, With the encouragement and per-
has said of those called to serve: “The mis- mission of President Henry B. Eyring, I
sionary opportunity of a lifetime is yours. would like to relate to you an experience,
The blessings of eternity await you. Yours very special to me, which I had with him
is the privilege to be not spectators but several years ago when he was a mem-
participants on the stage of priesthood ber of the Quorum of the Twelve. Each
service.” 4 Apostle holds the keys of the kingdom
The stage is yours, my dear Aaronic and exercises them at the direction and
Priesthood boys. Are you ready and will- assignment of the President of the Church.
ing to play your part? The Lord needs Elder Eyring was assigning missionaries
every able young man to prepare and re- to their fields of labor, and as part of my
commit, starting tonight, to be worthy of training, I was invited to observe.
a call from the prophet of God to serve a I joined Elder Eyring early one morn-
mission. ing in a room where several large com-
I remember fondly our entire family’s puter screens had been prepared for the
great joy when two of our children received session. There was also a staff member
their calls to serve as full-time missionar- from the Missionary Department who had
ies. Excitement and anticipation filled our been assigned to assist us that day.
hearts as they each opened their special let- First, we knelt together in prayer. I re-
ter from the prophet of God. Our daughter member Elder Eyring using very sincere
Jenessa was called to the Michigan Detroit words, asking the Lord to bless him to
Mission, and our son, Christian, was called know “perfectly” where the missionaries
to the Russia Moscow South Mission. should be assigned. The word “perfectly”
What humbling and thrilling experiences, said much about the faith that Elder Eyring
all at the same time! exhibited that day.
As Sister Rasband and I had the privi- As the process began, a picture of the
lege of presiding over the New York New missionary to be assigned would come up
York North Mission several years ago, I on one of the computer screens. As each
marveled as the missionaries arrived in picture appeared, to me it was as if the
New York City. missionary were in the room with us. Elder
Eyring would then greet the missionary
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

with his kind and endearing voice: “Good go?” I would name a particular mis-
morning, Elder Reier or Sister Yang. How sion, and Elder Eyring would look at me
are you today?” thoughtfully and say, “No, that’s not it!”
He told me that in his own mind he He would then continue to assign the mis-
liked to think of where the missionaries sionaries where he had felt prompted.
would conclude their mission. This would As we were nearing the completion of
aid him to know where they were to be that assignment meeting, a picture of a cer-
assigned. Elder Eyring would then study tain missionary appeared on the screen. I
the comments from the bishops and stake had the strongest prompting, the strongest
presidents, medical notes, and other issues of the morning, that the missionary we had
relating to each missionary. before us was to be assigned to Japan. I
He then referred to another screen did not know that Elder Eyring was going
which displayed areas and missions across to ask me on this one, but amazingly he
the world. Finally, as he was prompted by did. I rather tentatively and humbly said
the Spirit, he would assign the missionary to him, “Japan?” Elder Eyring responded
to his or her field of labor. immediately, “Yes, let’s go there.” And up
From others of the Twelve, I have on the computer screen the missions of
learned that this general method is typical Japan appeared. I instantly knew that the
each week as Apostles of the Lord assign missionary was to go to the Japan Sapporo
scores of missionaries to serve throughout Mission.
the world. Elder Eyring did not ask me the exact
Having served as a missionary in my name of the mission, but he did assign
own country in the Eastern States Mission that missionary to the Japan Sapporo
a number of years ago, I was deeply moved Mission.
by this experience. Also, having served as Privately in my heart I was deeply
a mission president, I was grateful for a touched and sincerely grateful to the
further witness in my heart that the mis- Lord for allowing me to experience the
sionaries I had received in New York City prompting to know where that missionary
were sent to me by revelation. should go.
At the end of the meeting Elder Eyring
“Where should this missionary go?” bore his witness to me of the love of the
Savior, which He has for each mission-
After assigning a few missionaries, ary assigned to go out into the world and
Elder Eyring turned to me as he pondered preach the restored gospel. He said that
one particular missionary and said, “So, it is by the great love of the Savior that
Brother Rasband, where do you think this His servants know where these wonderful
missionary should go?” I was startled! I young men and women, senior missionar-
quietly suggested to Elder Eyring that I ies, and senior couple missionaries are to
did not know and that I did not know I serve. I had a further witness that morn-
could know! He looked at me directly and ing that every missionary called in this
simply said, “Brother Rasband, pay closer Church, and assigned or reassigned to a
attention and you too can know!” With particular mission, is called by revelation
that, I pulled my chair a little closer to from the Lord God Almighty through one
Elder Eyring and the computer screen, and of these, His servants.
I did pay much closer attention!
A couple of other times as the process The most important work you can do
moved along, Elder Eyring would turn
to me and say, “Well, Brother Rasband, I conclude with the Lord’s words to the
where do you feel this missionary should Whitmer brothers, who had a profound

role in the early days of the Restoration. may rest with them in the kingdom of my
They were witnesses to the gold plates, Father.” 6
and their signed testimonies are included At this time in your life, a mission call
at the front of every copy of the Book of from the Lord, my young friends, is the
Mormon. They were among the first band most important work that you can do.
of missionaries called by a prophet of God Prepare now, live righteously, learn from
in 1829 to preach the gospel of the Lord your family and Church leaders, and come
Jesus Christ. join with us in building the kingdom of
In the preface to section 14 of the Doc- God on earth—accept your divine ap-
trine and Covenants, it states, “Three of pointment in “so great a cause.” 7 This is
the Whitmer sons, each having received my humble prayer in the name of Jesus
a testimony as to the genuineness of the Christ, amen.
work, became deeply concerned over the NOTES
matter of their individual duty.”
To John and Peter Whitmer Jr. the Lord 1. Luke 10:1.
2. Matthew 4:19.
said this: “For many times you have de-
3. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
sired of me to know that which would be Joseph Smith (2007), 327.
of the most worth unto you.” 5 4. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
I suppose many of you young men have port, Apr. 1995, 67; or Ensign, May 1995,
asked yourselves that same question. Here 49.
is the Lord’s answer: “And now, behold, 5. Doctrine and Covenants 15:4; 16:4.
I say unto you, that the thing which will 6. Doctrine and Covenants 15:6; 16:6.
be of the most worth unto you will be to 7. Doctrine and Covenants 128:22.
declare repentance unto this people, that
you may bring souls unto me, that you

David L. Beck
Magnificence of the Aaronic Priesthood than all of them. It’s just something you
feel; it’s not [something] . . . you see vi-
I am honored tonight to speak to the sually. You just feel it.”
amazing young men of the Church. I There is something very important
have been blessed to meet many of you that sets Luis and you apart from other
throughout the world. Your enthusiasm is young men. You have received the Aaronic
contagious. Priesthood. It is a sacred gift, and many do
You face your challenges with extra- not fully appreciate it. Tonight I will help
ordinary strength and courage. I express you see how you can discover for your-
my love to you and the confidence I have selves the magnificence of the Aaronic
in you. Priesthood.
You inspire the people around you
more than you can imagine. Listen to the God trusts you
words of a young man who is not of our
faith, trying to describe his friend who When God entrusts you with His sacred
holds the Aaronic Priesthood: “I do notice priesthood, He shows great confidence in
something different about Luis. . . . This you. He knows He can trust you to use
guy is nothing like . . . other people. It’s the priesthood to serve others, just as He
just something you see in him. . . . I don’t has trusted other young men to do some
even know what it is, but he’s different of His most important work.
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

For example, the world would not have to base your plans on your own needs,
the Book of Mormon’s powerful witness circumstances, and opportunities to serve
of Jesus Christ if it had not been for two others. This is a wonderful chance to take
young men whom God trusted. Mormon, responsibility for your own growth and
the prophet who compiled this sacred develop spiritual self-reliance.
record, was just 10 years old when he Then you share what you learn and ex-
was assigned to observe and later record perience with others. As you do so, you
the history of his people. At age 15, he will strengthen your testimony and build
was “visited of the Lord, and tasted and faith in those around you. You will increase
knew of the goodness of Jesus” (Mormon your ability to talk about the gospel with
1:15). others.
The Book of Mormon was translated I am grateful to a young man who
and published by Joseph Smith, who was shared with me the following experience.
called to his great work at age 14, when He and another Aaronic Priesthood holder
he was visited by Heavenly Father and were assigned to administer the sacrament
Jesus Christ. to a man who was homebound and very
President Thomas S. Monson has said: sick. They arrived at his home not realizing
“Great things are expected of you. . . . Like that recent medical treatments prevented
a clarion call comes the word of the Lord him from eating any food—even a piece
to you, to me, and to priesthood holders of the sacrament bread. After blessing the
everywhere: ‘Wherefore, now let every bread, the young man presented the sacra-
man learn his duty, and to act in the office ment to the frail man. He took a piece of
in which he is appointed, in all diligence’ the blessed bread, waited a moment, and
[D&C 107:99]” (in Conference Report, then held it against his lips. The young
Apr. 2004, 57, 61; or Ensign, May 2004, man said when he saw this faithful brother
54, 57). express his reverence for the sacrament,
he felt as though he were watching him
The new Duty to God program kiss the feet of the Savior. He could tell
that he loved Him.
To help you respond to that urgent call, The significance of the sacrament was
the Church is introducing a new Duty to impressed upon that young man in an un-
God program, as President Henry B. Ey- forgettable way that day. You will have
ring announced earlier today. I am excited sacred experiences, just as this young man
about this program. Materials will be sent did.
to your bishops and branch presidents be- Your parents, leaders, and quorum
ginning in June. You should begin using members play an important role in the
them as soon as you receive them. Duty to God program. Your Sunday quo-
As a deacon, teacher, and priest, you rum meetings will provide regular oppor-
will participate in activities that will help tunities to learn, act, and share. The new
you build spiritual strength and learn and Duty to God program will guide you on
fulfill your priesthood duties. Each activ- your journey to fulfill your duty to God
ity follows this simple pattern: and discover the magnificence of the
First you learn about a gospel principle Aaronic Priesthood.
or a priesthood duty. You discover what
Heavenly Father wants you to do, and you Fulfill your duty to God
strive to gain a spiritual witness about why
it is important. During the past year I have been on a
Next you make plans to act on what journey that has forever changed the way
you have learned. You are encouraged I view you and the Aaronic Priesthood. I

am excited for you to discover for yourself to the Church and a force for good on the
what I have discovered. You will learn why earth. This is what the Lord expects.
the Aaronic Priesthood is so important in
your life and how vital it is to the Church. Become a faithful priesthood man
You will appreciate why it is referred to as
one of the “grand heads” of the priesthood I testify that you will feel your heart
(see D&C 107:6). You will understand bet- changing as you become a faithful priest-
ter the meaning of priesthood keys, the hood man. You will seek to be completely
ministering of angels, and the preparatory clean and administer the sacrament wor-
gospel (see D&C 13; 84:26). thily. You will treat every young woman
Satan would have you think that you with kindness and respect. You will honor
are too young or that there are too few your parents. You will avoid offending the
of you to do significant things with the Spirit in what you think, say, or do. You
Aaronic Priesthood. None of that is true. will come to know the Lord, whom you
God’s words to Moses are for you to- serve, and you will ever strive to be like
day: “Behold, thou art my son; . . . and I Him.
have a work for [you]” (Moses 1:4, 6). I testify that your faithful service in the
He has given you His power to do great Aaronic Priesthood will change the lives
things. As you fulfill your duty to God, of those you serve. There are people who
you will strengthen and bless your fam- need your priesthood service. Your family
ily. This is your greatest priesthood duty. needs you. Your quorum needs you. The
Listen to a mother describe the impact Church needs you. The world needs you.
her son has on his family: “Leo has the There is an urgency for you to fulfill
priesthood in our home, and it’s a huge your duty to God. I am confident that you
blessing. He’s a good example to his sib- will.
lings; . . . he makes sure they always pray. On a cold morning a few weeks ago, I
He passes the sacrament on Sundays. His jogged along the Tagus River in Lisbon,
little brother sees him. He helps . . . with Portugal. I came to a monument dedicated
family prayer. I know that he will continue to the Portuguese explorers from centuries
to be a blessing as he gets older. He will past. I stopped as the sun rose and splashed
be able to baptize his younger brother. It’s its warm light on the imposing monument
a comfort and a gift to us.” and on me. I was inspired as I looked at the
As you fulfill your duty to God, you determined faces of the explorers gazing
will reach out to your friends who are not out over the water. These were men who
of our faith and help prepare them to join were willing to do things that very few had
the Church. Like a true brother, you will done. They left a familiar and comfortable
watch over and strengthen them. You will world and courageously went out into the
lead out in the rescue of other young men unknown ocean and discovered new lands.
who have lost their way. They changed the world.
As you fulfill your duty to God, you I see you when I think of that monu-
will be a force for good at all times and ment of courageous explorers. I see you
in every circumstance. Your righteous ex- on a personal journey that few in the world
ample and your faithful priesthood service today choose to pursue. I see you fulfilling
will be a powerful way to invite all who your duty to God.
know you to come unto Christ. I pray that we may all understand the
In their most critical time, the Nephites magnificent Aaronic Priesthood and trust,
looked to a young man, Mormon, for lead- as God does, those who bear it. In the
ership and inspiration (see Mormon 2:1–2). name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Today, we look to you to be a great strength
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

President Eyring Following his remarks, it will be my plea-

sure to address you.
The choir and congregation will now
sing “Glory to God on High.” After
the singing, we will be pleased to hear The choir and congregation sang
from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Sec- “Glory to God on High.”
ond Counselor in the First Presidency.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The marshmallow experiment Waiting can be hard
In the 1960s, a professor at Stanford Waiting can be hard. Children know
University began a modest experiment it, and so do adults. We live in a world
testing the willpower of four-year-old offering fast food, instant messaging, on-
children. He placed before them a large demand movies, and immediate answers
marshmallow and then told them they to the most trivial or profound questions.
could eat it right away or, if they waited We don’t like to wait. Some even feel their
for 15 minutes, they could have two blood pressure rise when their line at the
marshmallows. grocery store moves slower than those
He then left the children alone and around them.
watched what happened behind a two- Patience—the ability to put our desires
way mirror. Some of the children ate the on hold for a time—is a precious and rare
marshmallow immediately; some could virtue. We want what we want, and we
wait only a few minutes before giving in want it now. Therefore, the very idea of
to temptation. Only 30 percent were able patience may seem unpleasant and, at
to wait. times, bitter.
It was a mildly interesting experiment, Nevertheless, without patience, we
and the professor moved on to other areas cannot please God; we cannot become
of research, for, in his own words, “there perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying
are only so many things you can do with process that refines understanding, deep-
kids trying not to eat marshmallows.” But ens happiness, focuses action, and offers
as time went on, he kept track of the chil- hope for peace.
dren and began to notice an interesting As parents, we know how unwise it
correlation: the children who could not would be to indulge our children’s every
wait struggled later in life and had more desire. But children are not the only ones
behavioral problems, while those who who spoil when showered with immediate
waited tended to be more positive and bet- gratification. Our Heavenly Father knows
ter motivated, have higher grades and in- what good parents come to understand
comes, and have healthier relationships. over time: if children are ever going to
What started as a simple experiment mature and reach their potential, they must
with children and marshmallows became a learn to wait.
landmark study suggesting that the ability
to wait—to be patient—was a key char- Patience isn’t merely waiting
acter trait that might predict later success
in life. 1 When I was 10 years old, my family be-
came refugees in a new land. I had always
been a good student in school—that is,

until we arrived in West Germany. There cast in the grand theater of mortality in
my educational experience was a signif- which only they have the starring role.
icantly different one. The geography we How different this is, my dear brethren,
studied in my school was new to me. The from the standard the Lord has set for us
history we studied was also very different. as priesthood holders.
Before, I had been learning Russian as
a second language; now, it was English. Patience, a principle of the priesthood
This was hard for me. Indeed, there were
moments when I truly believed my tongue As priesthood bearers and represen-
simply was not made to speak English. tatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must
Because so much of the curriculum serve others in a manner consistent with
was new and strange to me, I fell behind. His example. There is a reason that almost
For the first time in my life, I began to every lesson on priesthood leadership at
wonder if I was simply not smart enough some point arrives at the 121st section
for school. of the Doctrine and Covenants. In a few
Fortunately I had a teacher who taught verses, the Lord provides a master course
me to be patient. He taught me that steady in priesthood leadership. “No power or
and consistent work—patient persis- influence can or ought to be maintained by
tence—would help me to learn. virtue of the priesthood, only by persua-
Over time, difficult subjects became sion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and
clearer—even English. Slowly I began to meekness, and by love unfeigned.” 2
see that if I applied myself consistently, The character traits and practices de-
I could learn. It didn’t come quickly, but scribed in these verses are the foundation
with patience, it did come. of godly patience and are inseparably
From that experience, I learned that connected to effective priesthood and pa-
patience was far more than simply wait- triarchal service. These attributes will give
ing for something to happen—patience you strength and wisdom in magnifying
required actively working toward worth- your callings, in preaching the gospel, in
while goals and not getting discouraged fellowshipping quorum members, and in
when results didn’t appear instantly or giving the most important priesthood ser-
without effort. vice—which is indeed the loving service
There is an important concept here: within the walls of your own homes.
patience is not passive resignation, nor Let us always remember that one of
is it failing to act because of our fears. the reasons God has entrusted the priest-
Patience means active waiting and endur- hood to us is to help prepare us for eternal
ing. It means staying with something and blessings by refining our natures through
doing all that we can—working, hoping, the patience which priesthood service
and exercising faith; bearing hardship with requires.
fortitude, even when the desires of our As the Lord is patient with us, let us be
hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply patient with those we serve. Understand
enduring; it is enduring well! that they, like us, are imperfect. They, like
Impatience, on the other hand, is a us, make mistakes. They, like us, want oth-
symptom of selfishness. It is a trait of the ers to give them the benefit of the doubt.
self-absorbed. It arises from the all-too- Never give up on anyone. And that in-
prevalent condition called “center of the cludes not giving up on yourself.
universe” syndrome, which leads people I believe that every one of us, at one
to believe that the world revolves around time or another, can identify with the ser-
them and that all others are just supporting vant in Christ’s parable who owed money
to the king and who pled with the king,
saying, “Lord, have patience with me.” 3
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

The Lord’s way and time the spiritual blessings that come imme-
diately from obedience to any of God’s
The children of Israel waited 40 years laws. Looking back, I know for sure that
in the wilderness before they could enter the promises of the Lord, if perhaps not
the promised land. Jacob waited 7 long always swift, are always certain.
years for Rachel. The Jews waited 70
years in Babylon before they could return Patience requires faith
to rebuild the temple. The Nephites waited
for a sign of Christ’s birth, even knowing Brigham Young taught that when
that if the sign did not come, they would something came up which he could not
perish. Joseph Smith’s trials in Liberty Jail comprehend fully, he would pray to the
caused even the prophet of God to wonder, Lord, “Give me patience to wait until I
“How long?” 4 can understand it for myself.” 5 And then
In each case, Heavenly Father had a pur- Brigham would continue to pray until he
pose in requiring that His children wait. could comprehend it.
Every one of us is called to wait in our We must learn that in the Lord’s plan,
own way. We wait for answers to prayers. our understanding comes “line upon line,
We wait for things which at the time may precept upon precept.” 6 In short, knowl-
appear so right and so good to us that we edge and understanding come at the price
can’t possibly imagine why Heavenly Fa- of patience.
ther would delay the answer. Often the deep valleys of our present
I remember when I was preparing to be will be understood only by looking back
trained as a fighter pilot. We spent a great on them from the mountains of our future
deal of our preliminary military training in experience. Often we can’t see the Lord’s
physical exercise. I’m still not exactly sure hand in our lives until long after trials have
why endless running was considered such passed. Often the most difficult times of
an essential preparatory part of becoming our lives are essential building blocks that
a pilot. Nevertheless, we ran and we ran form the foundation of our character and
and we ran some more. pave the way to future opportunity, under-
As I was running I began to notice standing, and happiness.
something that, frankly, troubled me. Time
and again I was being passed by men who Patience, a fruit of the Spirit
smoked, drank, and did all manner of
things that were contrary to the gospel and, Patience is a godly attribute that can
in particular, to the Word of Wisdom. heal souls, unlock treasures of knowledge
I remember thinking, “Wait a minute! and understanding, and transform ordinary
Aren’t I supposed to be able to run and men and women into saints and angels.
not be weary?” But I was weary, and I was Patience is truly a fruit of the Spirit. 7
overtaken by people who were definitely Patience means staying with something
not following the Word of Wisdom. I con- until the end. It means delaying immediate
fess, it troubled me at the time. I asked my- gratification for future blessings. It means
self, was the promise true or was it not? reining in anger and holding back the un-
The answer didn’t come immediately. kind word. It means resisting evil, even
But eventually I learned that God’s prom- when it appears to be making others rich.
ises are not always fulfilled as quickly as Patience means accepting that which
or in the way we might hope; they come cannot be changed and facing it with
according to His timing and in His ways. courage, grace, and faith. It means being
Years later I could see clear evidence of the “willing to submit to all things which the
temporal blessings that come to those who Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [us], even
obey the Word of Wisdom—in addition to as a child doth submit to his father.” 8

Ultimately, patience means being “firm love; exercise faith and hope in the Savior;
and steadfast, and immovable in keeping and never give up. The lessons we learn
the commandments of the Lord” 9 every from patience will cultivate our character,
hour of every day, even when it is hard to lift our lives, and heighten our happiness.
do so. In the words of John the Revelator, They will help us to become worthy priest-
“Here is the patience of the saints: here are hood bearers and faithful disciples of our
they that keep the commandments of God, Master, Jesus Christ.
and . . . faith [in] Jesus.” 10 It is my prayer that as holders of the
Patience is a process of perfection. priesthood of Almighty God, we will make
The Savior Himself said that in your patience one of our defining characteris-
patience you possess your souls. 11 Or, tics; that we will courageously trust the
to use another translation of the Greek Lord’s promises and His timing; that we
text, in your patience you win mastery of will act toward others with the patience
your souls. 12 Patience means to abide in and compassion we seek for ourselves; and
faith, knowing that sometimes it is in the that we will continue in patience until we
waiting rather than in the receiving that are perfected. In the holy name of Jesus
we grow the most. This was true in the Christ, amen.
time of the Savior. It is true in our time NOTES
as well, for we are commanded in these
latter days to “continue in patience until 1. See Jonah Lehrer, “Don’t! The Secret
of Self-Control,” New Yorker, May 18,
ye are perfected.” 13
2009, 26–27.
2. Doctrine and Covenants 121:41; see also
The Lord blesses us for our patience verses 39–45.
To paraphrase the Psalmist of old, if we 3. Matthew 18:26.
wait patiently for the Lord, He will incline 4. Doctrine and Covenants 121:2.
unto us. He will hear our cries. He will 5. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Brigham Young (1997), 75.
bring us out of a horrible pit and set our
6. Doctrine and Covenants 98:12.
feet upon a solid rock. He will put a new 7. See Galatians 5:22–23.
song in our mouths, and we will praise our 8. Mosiah 3:19.
God. Many around us will see it, and they 9. 1 Nephi 2:10.
will trust in the Lord. 14 10. Revelation 14:12.
My dear brethren, the work of patience 11. See Luke 21:19.
boils down to this: keep the command- 12. See Luke 21:19, footnote b.
ments; trust in God, our Heavenly Father; 13. Doctrine and Covenants 67:13.
serve Him with meekness and Christlike 14. See Psalm 40:1–3.

President Henry B. Eyring

Diligence in the Lord’s service One was my careful study of the re-
markable new booklet for the Aaronic
Brethren, I am grateful to be with you Priesthood, about which Brother David L.
tonight. And I am humbled by what I know Beck spoke. It is entitled Fulfilling My
of your faithful priesthood service. I speak Duty to God. As I read and pondered what
to you tonight of diligence in the Lord’s it expects young men to do and to become,
service. Recent experiences led me to that I realized that it was describing what
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

President Brigham Young promised to the near the row nearest the door where most
priesthood holder who is diligent over a of the people would enter for the sacra-
lifetime: “An individual who holds a share ment meeting. He got there early to be sure
in the Priesthood, and continues faithful to a seat was vacant. Each person arriving
his calling, who delights himself contin- could see his look of love and welcome,
ually in doing the things God requires at just as they did when he sat on the stand
his hands, and continues through life in the as their bishop. His influence warmed and
performance of every duty will secure to lifted us because we knew something of
himself not only the privilege of receiving, the price he paid to serve. His task as a
but the knowledge [of ] how to receive the bishop was finished; his priesthood ser-
things of God, that he may know the mind vice did not end.
of God continually.” 1 You have seen such examples of great
Just a few weeks ago, I saw a new dea- priesthood servants. Tonight, I will try to
con start on that path of diligence. His tell you about what I have learned about
father showed me a diagram his son had them. It begins with their learning to know
created that showed every row in their whose service they are in and for what
chapel, a number for each deacon who purpose. When that goes down into their
would be assigned to pass the sacrament, hearts, it makes all the difference.
and their route through the chapel to serve
the sacrament to the members. The father The magnitude of God’s trust
and I smiled to think that a boy, without
being asked to do it, would make a plan First, I will speak directly to the young
to be sure he would succeed in his priest- men of the Aaronic Priesthood. You will
hood service. become more diligent as you feel the
I recognized in his diligence the pat- magnitude of the trust God has placed in
tern from the new Duty to God booklet. It you. There is a message from the First
is to learn what the Lord expects of you, Presidency for you in that Duty to God
make a plan to do it, act on your plan with booklet: “Heavenly Father has great trust
diligence, and then share with others how and confidence in you and has an impor-
your experience changed you and blessed tant mission for you to fulfill. He will help
others. you as you turn to Him in prayer, listen
The deacon made that diagram to be for the promptings of the Spirit, obey the
sure that he would be able to do what the commandments, and keep the covenants
Lord had called him to do. At the start of that you have made.” 3
his priesthood service, the Lord was teach- John the Baptist returned to earth to
ing him to delight in continually “doing restore the priesthood you young men
the things God requires at his hands.” 2 hold. He held the keys of the Aaronic
The other experience that led me to Priesthood. It was John to whom Jesus
speak of diligence to you tonight was turned to be baptized. John knew who
watching a man near the end of his priest- called him. He said to the Lord, “I have
hood service in this life. He had been a need to be baptized of thee.” 4
bishop twice. His first call as a bishop, John knew that the priesthood of Aaron
years before I met him, had been when he “holds the keys of the ministering of an-
was young. Now he was old, released for gels, and of the gospel of repentance, and
the second time as a bishop. His increasing of baptism by immersion for the remission
physical limitations made any priesthood of sins” when the Lord sent him to ordain
service very difficult. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on May
Yet he had a plan to act in diligence. He 15, 1829. 5 He knew who called him and
sat every Sunday he could get to church for what glorious purpose he was sent.

Your priesthood allows you to offer “And he that receiveth me receiveth

the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to the my Father;
members of His Church today. That is “And he that receiveth my Father re-
the same privilege the Savior granted the ceiveth my Father’s kingdom; therefore
Twelve Apostles in His mortal ministry. all that my Father hath shall be given unto
He did it again when He called twelve him.” 8
disciples after His Resurrection to lead There is a pattern by which all priest-
His Church. hood holders are lifted to that glorious
The Lord Himself, as described in the blessing. One place in scripture where the
Book of Mormon, provided the emblems Lord gives the pattern for us is in the 107th
of His infinite sacrifice and administered section of the Doctrine and Covenants:
them to the people. Think of Him and “Wherefore, now let every man learn
how He honors you when you perform his duty, and to act in the office in which
your priesthood service. As you remember he is appointed, in all diligence.
Him, you will be determined to perform “He that is slothful shall not be counted
that sacred service, as nearly as you can, worthy to stand, and he that learns not his
as well and faithfully as He did. 6 duty and shows himself not approved shall
That can become a pattern in your life not be counted worthy to stand. Even so.
that will increase your power to be diligent Amen.” 9
in every priesthood service for which the We are to learn our duty from the Lord,
Lord is preparing you and to which He and then we are to act in all diligence,
will call you. That determination will help never being lazy or slothful. The pattern
you prepare for receiving the Melchizedek is simple but not easy to follow. We are
Priesthood, which was anciently called so easily distracted. Studying the daily
“the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of news can appear more interesting than the
the Son of God.” 7 priesthood lesson manual. Sitting down to
rest can be more attractive than making
Learn duty; act in diligence appointments to visit those who need our
priesthood service.
Now I wish to speak to those who have
been called and honored to serve in the Remember Him
Melchizedek Priesthood. Like the Aaronic
Priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood When I find myself drawn away from
is more than a trust to do what the Lord my priesthood duties by other interests
would do. It is an invitation to become as and when my body begs for rest, I give
He is. Here is His promise: to myself this rallying cry: “Remember
“For whoso is faithful unto the obtain- Him.” The Lord is our perfect example of
ing these two priesthoods of which I have diligence in priesthood service. He is our
spoken, and the magnifying their calling, captain. He called us. He goes before us.
are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renew- He chose us to follow Him and to bring
ing of their bodies. others with us.
“They become the sons of Moses and This evening I remember Him, and it
of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and stirs my heart. This is the Saturday night
the church and kingdom, and the elect of before Easter Sunday, when we remember
God. His Resurrection. I remember His exam-
“And also all they who receive this ple in the days before.
priesthood receive me, saith the Lord; Out of love for His Father and for us,
“For he that receiveth my servants re- He allowed Himself to suffer beyond the
ceiveth me; capacity of mortal man. He told us some
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

of what that infinite sacrifice required of would repent of their sins and receive the
Him. You remember the words: gospel.” 12
“For behold, I, God, have suffered Whenever we remember Him, it be-
these things for all, that they might not comes easier to resist the temptation to
suffer if they would repent; want a rest from our priesthood labors. We
“But if they would not repent they must must have remembered Him today, and so
suffer even as I; we are here to learn our duties, determined
“Which suffering caused myself, even to do what we are covenanted to do, in all
God, the greatest of all, to tremble because diligence. And because of His example,
of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to we will endure to the end of the tasks He
suffer both body and spirit—and would gives us in this life and be committed to
that I might not drink the bitter cup, and do the will of His Father forever, as He
shrink— was and is.
“Nevertheless, glory be to the Father,
and I partook and finished my prepara- Becoming ever more like the Lord
tions unto the children of men.” 10
From the cross on Calvary, the Savior This is the Lord’s Church. He called us
announced, “It is finished.” 11 Then His and trusted us even in the weaknesses He
spirit left His body, and His mortal re- knew we had. He knew the trials we would
mains were placed lovingly in a tomb. face. By faithful service and through His
He taught us a lesson by what He did in Atonement, we can come to want what
three days in the spirit world, before His He wants and be what we must be to bless
Resurrection, which I remember whenever those we serve for Him. As we serve Him
I am tempted to feel that I have finished long enough and with diligence, we will
some hard task in His service and deserve be changed. We can become ever more
a rest. like Him.
The Savior’s example gives me courage I have seen evidence of that miracle
to press on. His labors in mortality were in the lives of His servants. I saw it a few
finished, but He entered the spirit world weeks ago in the living room of a faithful
determined to continue His glorious work priesthood holder.
to save souls. He organized the work of I had known him as a deacon, a father,
the faithful spirits to rescue those who a bishop, and a member of a stake pres-
could still be made partakers of the mercy idency. I had observed for decades his
made possible by His atoning sacrifice. diligence in serving God’s children with
Remember the words from the 138th sec- his priesthood.
tion of the Doctrine and Covenants: His family was gathered around him in
“But behold, from among the righ- his living room. He was smiling, dressed in
teous, he organized his forces and ap- a white shirt, suit, and tie. I was surprised,
pointed messengers, clothed with power since I was there because I had been told
and authority, and commissioned them to that he was in the midst of painful medical
go forth and carry the light of the gospel treatments that had not yet cured him.
to them that were in darkness, even to all Yet he had greeted me as he must have
the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel greeted hundreds of other visitors over a
preached to the dead. lifetime of priesthood service, smiling. I
“And the chosen messengers went had come to help him in the trials he faced,
forth to declare the acceptable day of but as so often happens in priesthood ser-
the Lord and proclaim liberty to the cap- vice, I was helped and I learned.
tives who were bound, even unto all who We sat and chatted pleasantly. He told
me how his father had tended to my mother

as she approached death. I had not known over us. The keys of the priesthood were
that. I realized then that he had learned as restored by heavenly messengers to the
a boy from his diligent priesthood father Prophet Joseph Smith. They have been
how to give succor. That thought made passed in an unbroken line to President
me grateful for the times I had taken my Thomas S. Monson. Those keys are held
little boys with me on priesthood visits to by each of the living Apostles.
comfort and bless. I leave you my blessing that you may
After a few minutes, he asked quietly, come to feel by the Spirit the magnitude of
“Would it be appropriate to ask if you the trust and promises you have received
could give me a blessing?” His former as ordained priesthood servants in the
stake president, with whom he had served Lord’s true Church, in the sacred name
for years, anointed his head with oil con- of Jesus Christ, amen.
secrated by the power of the Melchizedek NOTES
As I sealed the blessing, I was taught 1. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Brigham Young (1997), 128.
by the Holy Ghost at least part of what
2. Teachings: Brigham Young, 128.
the Lord had already done for this faith- 3. Fulfilling My Duty to God: For Aaronic
ful priesthood holder. He was clean, his Priesthood Holders (booklet, 2010), 5.
sins washed away. His nature had been 4. Matthew 3:14.
changed to want what the Savior wanted. 5. See Doctrine and Covenants 13.
He had no fear of death. The desire of 6. See 3 Nephi 20:3–9.
his heart was to live to give service to his 7. Doctrine and Covenants 107:3; see also
family and to others of Heavenly Father’s Alma 13:1–9.
children who needed him. 8. Doctrine and Covenants 84:33–38.
I walked out into the night grateful to 9. Doctrine and Covenants 107:99–100.
have witnessed the Lord’s kindness to His 10. Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19.
unfailingly diligent priesthood servants. 11. John 19:30.
He changes their hearts to want what He 12. Doctrine and Covenants 138:30–31.
wants and to act as He would act.
President Eyring
Closing counsel
We remind you that the Tabernacle
I close now with this counsel to the Choir broadcast will be from 9:30 to 10:00
Lord’s priesthood servants. Ponder deeply tomorrow morning. The Sunday morning
and diligently in the scriptures and in the session will immediately follow.
words of living prophets. Persist in prayer We express appreciation to the priest-
for the Holy Ghost to reveal to you the hood choir from Brigham Young Uni-
nature of God the Father and His Beloved versity for the beautiful music they have
Son. Plead that the Spirit will show you provided and also thank the brethren who
what the Lord wants you to do. Plan to have addressed us this evening.
do it. Promise Him to obey. Act with de- It will now be our privilege to listen to
termination until you have done what He our beloved prophet, President Thomas S.
asked. And then pray to give thanks for Monson. Following President Monson’s
the opportunity to serve and to know what remarks, the choir will sing “The Iron
you might do next. Rod.” The benediction will then be of-
I testify that our Heavenly Father and fered by Elder Michael John U. Teh of
Jesus Christ live. They are resurrected and the Seventy.
glorified beings who love us and watch
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

President Thomas S. Monson

Brethren, you who are here in the Con- When he was old enough, he was called
ference Center in Salt Lake City are an to serve a mission. He did so in a most
inspiring sight to behold. It is amazing honorable fashion.
to realize that in thousands of chapels Young men, I admonish you to prepare
throughout the world, others of you—fel- for service as a missionary. There are many
low holders of the priesthood of God—are tools to help you learn the lessons which
receiving this broadcast by way of satellite will be beneficial to you as well as helping
transmission. Your nationalities vary, and you to live the life you will need to have
your languages are many, but a common lived to be worthy. One such tool is the
thread binds us together. We have been en- booklet entitled For the Strength of Youth,
trusted to bear the priesthood and to act in published under the direction of the First
the name of God. We are the recipients of Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve
a sacred trust. Much is expected of us. Apostles. It features standards from the
One of my most vivid memories is at- writings and teachings of Church leaders
tending priesthood meeting as a newly and from scripture, adherence to which
ordained deacon and singing the opening will bring the blessings of our Heavenly
hymn “Come, All Ye Sons of God.” To- Father and the guidance of His Son to each
night I echo the spirit of that special hymn of us. In addition, there are lesson manuals,
and say to you, “Come, all ye sons of God carefully prepared after prayerful consid-
who have received the priesthood.” 1 Let eration. Families have family home eve-
us consider our callings, let us reflect on nings, where gospel principles are taught.
our responsibilities, and let us follow Jesus Almost all of you have the opportunity to
Christ, our Lord. attend seminary classes taught by dedi-
cated teachers who have much to share.
Prepare to serve the Lord
Keep high standards
Twenty years ago I attended a sacrament
meeting where the children responded to Begin to prepare for a temple marriage
the theme “I Belong to The Church of as well as for a mission. Proper dating is a
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” These part of that preparation. In cultures where
boys and girls demonstrated they were dating is appropriate, do not date until you
in training for service to the Lord and to are 16 years old. “Not all teenagers need
others. The music was beautiful, the rec- to date or even want to. . . . When you
itations skillfully rendered, and the spirit begin dating, go in groups or on double
heaven-sent. One of my grandsons, who dates. . . . Make sure your parents meet
was 11 years old at that time, had spoken [and become acquainted with] those you
of the First Vision as he presented his part date.” Because dating is a preparation for
on the program. Afterward, as he came to marriage, “date only those who have high
his parents and grandparents, I said to him, standards.” 2
“Tommy, I think you are almost ready to Be careful to go to places where there
be a missionary.” is a good environment, where you won’t
He replied, “Not yet. I still have a lot be faced with temptation.
to learn.” A wise father said to his son, “If you
Through the years that followed, ever find yourself in a place where you
Tommy did learn, thanks to his parents shouldn’t ought to be, get out!” Good ad-
and to teachers and advisers at church, vice for all of us.
who were dedicated and conscientious.

Servants of the Lord have always coun- glycerin, he skillfully turned the pages of
seled us to dress appropriately to show one of the books which he had placed on
respect for our Heavenly Father and for the floor, thereby viewing the answers to
ourselves. The way you dress sends mes- the examination questions.
sages about yourself to others and often He received one of the highest grades
influences the way you and others act. in that course on business law. But the
Dress in such a way as to bring out the best day of reckoning came. Later, as he pre-
in yourself and those around you. Avoid pared to take his comprehensive exam,
extremes in clothing and appearance, in- for the first time the dean of his particular
cluding tattoos and piercings. discipline said, “This year I will depart
Everyone needs good friends. Your from tradition and will conduct an oral,
circle of friends will greatly influence rather than a written, test.” Our favorite
your thinking and behavior, just as you trained-toe expert found that he had his
will theirs. When you share common val- foot in his mouth on that occasion and
ues with your friends, you can strengthen failed the exam.
and encourage each other. Treat every-
one with kindness and dignity. Many “Be ye clean”
nonmembers have come into the Church
through friends who have involved them How you speak and the words you use
in Church activities. tell much about the image you choose to
portray. Use language to build and uplift
Be honest those around you. Profane, vulgar, or crude
language and inappropriate or off-color
The oft-repeated adage is ever true: jokes are offensive to the Lord. Never mis-
“Honesty [is] the best policy.” 3 A Latter- use the name of God or Jesus Christ. The
day Saint young man lives as he teaches Lord said, “Thou shalt not take the name
and as he believes. He is honest with of the Lord thy God in vain.” 4
others. He is honest with himself. He is Our Heavenly Father has counseled us
honest with God. He is honest by habit to seek after “anything virtuous, lovely, or
and as a matter of course. When a difficult of good report or praiseworthy.” 5 Whatever
decision must be made, he never asks him- you read, listen to, or watch makes an im-
self, “What will others think?” but rather, pression on you.
“What will I think of myself?” Pornography is especially dangerous
For some, there will come the temp- and addictive. Curious exploration of por-
tation to dishonor a personal standard nography can become a controlling habit,
of honesty. In a business law class at the leading to coarser material and to sexual
university I attended, I remember that one transgression. Avoid pornography at all
particular classmate never prepared for costs.
the class discussions. I thought to my- Don’t be afraid to walk out of a movie,
self, “How is he going to pass the final turn off a television set, or change a radio
examination?” station if what’s being presented does not
I discovered the answer when he came meet your Heavenly Father’s standards.
to the classroom for the final exam on a In short, if you have any question about
winter’s day wearing on his bare feet whether a particular movie, book, or other
only a pair of sandals. I was surprised form of entertainment is appropriate, don’t
and watched him as the class began. All see it, don’t read it, don’t participate.
of our books had been placed upon the The Apostle Paul declared: “Know ye
floor, as per the instruction. He slipped the not that ye are the temple of God, and that
sandals from his feet; and then, with toes the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? . . . The
that he had trained and had prepared with temple of God is holy, which temple ye
Saturday, April 3, 2010 Priesthood Session

are.” 6 Brethren, it is our responsibility to The Lord provides help

keep our temples clean and pure.
Hard drugs, wrongful use of prescrip- Whenever temptation comes, remember
tion drugs, alcohol, coffee, tea, and tobacco the wise counsel of the Apostle Paul, who
products destroy your physical, mental, declared, “There hath no temptation taken
and spiritual well-being. Any form of al- you but such as is common to man: but
cohol is harmful to your spirit and your God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
body. Tobacco can enslave you, weaken be tempted above that ye are able; but will
your lungs, and shorten your life. with the temptation also make a way to
Music can help you draw closer to your escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 9
Heavenly Father. It can be used to edu- When you were confirmed a member
cate, edify, inspire, and unite. However, of the Church, you received the right to
music can, by its tempo, beat, intensity, the companionship of the Holy Ghost. He
and lyrics, dull your spiritual sensitivity. can help you make good choices. When
You cannot afford to fill your minds with challenged or tempted, you do not need
unworthy music. to feel alone. Remember that prayer is the
Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, passport to spiritual power.
the Lord requires self-control and purity If any has stumbled in his journey, there
before marriage as well as full fidelity is a way back. The process is called re-
after marriage. In dating, treat your date pentance. Our Savior died to provide you
with respect and expect your date to show and me that blessed gift. Though the path
that same respect for you. Tears inevitably is difficult, the promise is real: “Though
follow transgression. your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
President David O. McKay, ninth Presi- white as snow.” 10
dent of the Church, advised, “I implore you Don’t put your eternal life at risk. Keep
to think clean thoughts.” He then made the commandments of God. If you have
this significant declaration of truth: “Every sinned, the sooner you begin to make your
action is preceded by a thought. If we want way back, the sooner you will find the
to control our actions, we must control our sweet peace and joy that come with the
thinking.” Brethren, fill your minds with miracle of forgiveness. Happiness comes
good thoughts, and your actions will be from living the way the Lord wants you to
proper. May each of you be able to echo in live and from service to God and others.
truth the line from Tennyson spoken by Sir
Galahad: “My strength is as the strength of Promise to a missionary
ten, because my heart is pure.” 7 Spiritual strength frequently comes
Not long ago the author of a paper on through selfless service. Some years ago I
teenage sexuality summed up his research visited what was then called the California
by saying that society sends teens a mixed Mission, where I interviewed a young mis-
message: advertisements and the mass me- sionary from Georgia. I recall saying to
dia convey “very heavy messages that sex- him, “Do you send a letter home to your
ual activity is acceptable and expected,” parents every week?”
inducements that sometimes drown out the He replied, “Yes, Brother Monson.”
warnings of experts and the pleas of par- Then I asked, “Do you enjoy receiving
ents. The Lord cuts through all the media letters from home?”
messages with clear and precise language He didn’t answer. At length I inquired,
when He declares to us, “Be ye clean.” 8 “When was the last time you had a letter
from home?”

With a quavering voice, he responded, I’m meeting with the missionaries; and
“I’ve never had a letter from home. Fa- one year from now we want to come to
ther’s just a deacon, and Mother’s not a California as you complete your mission,
member of the Church. They pleaded with for we, with you, would like to become
me not to come. They said that if I left on a a forever family by entering the temple
mission, they would not be writing to me. of the Lord.’” This young missionary
What shall I do, Brother Monson?” asked, “Brother Monson, does Heavenly
I offered a silent prayer to my Heavenly Father always answer prayers and fulfill
Father: “What should I tell this young ser- Apostles’ promises?”
vant of Thine, who has sacrificed every- I replied, “When one has faith as you
thing to serve Thee?” And the inspiration have demonstrated, our Heavenly Father
came. I said, “Elder, you send a letter hears such prayers and answers in His own
home to your mother and father every way.”
week of your mission. Tell them what Clean hands, a pure heart, and a will-
you are doing. Tell them how much you ing mind had touched heaven. A blessing,
love them and then bear your testimony heaven-sent, had answered the fervent
to them.” prayer of a missionary’s humble heart.
He asked, “Will they then write to Brethren, it is my prayer that we may
me?” so live that we too may touch heaven and
I responded, “Then they will write to be similarly blessed, each and every one,
you.” in the name of the Giver of all blessings,
We parted and I went on my way. even Jesus Christ, amen.
Months later I was attending a stake con- NOTES
ference in Southern California, when a
young missionary came up to me and said, 1. “Come, All Ye Sons of God,” Hymns, no.
“Brother Monson, do you remember me?
2. For the Strength of Youth (booklet, 2001),
I’m the missionary who had not received a 24, 25.
letter from my mother or my father during 3. Miguel de Cervantes, in John Bartlett,
my first nine months in the mission field. comp., Familiar Quotations, 14th ed.
You told me, ‘Send a letter home every (1968), 197.
week, Elder, and your parents will write to 4. Exodus 20:7.
you.’” Then he asked, “Do you remember 5. Articles of Faith 1:13.
that promise, Elder Monson?” 6. 1 Corinthians 3:16–17.
I remembered. I inquired, “Have you 7. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in Familiar
heard from your parents?” Quotations, 647.
He reached into his pocket and took 8. Doctrine and Covenants 38:42.
out a sheaf of letters with an elastic band 9. 1 Corinthians 10:13.
around them, took a letter from the top of 10. Isaiah 1:18.
the stack, and said, “Have I heard from
my parents! Listen to this letter from my The choir sang “The Iron Rod.”
mother: ‘Son, we so much enjoy your Elder Michael John U. Teh offered
letters. We’re proud of you, our mission- the benediction.
ary. Guess what? Dad has been ordained
a priest. He’s preparing to baptize me.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session


The fourth session of the 180th Annual direction of Mack Wilberg and Ryan Mur-
General Conference convened in the Con- phy, with Clay Christiansen and Andrew
ference Center at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, Unsworth at the organ.
April 4, 2010. President Henry B. Eyring The choir opened this session by sing-
conducted this session. ing “On This Day of Joy and Gladness”
The Tabernacle Choir provided the and will now favor us with “Christ the
music. Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy Lord Is Risen Today.” The invocation will
directed the choir, and Clay Christiansen then be offered by Elder Kenneth Johnson
and Andrew Unsworth were the organists. of the Seventy. Following the prayer, the
The choir sang “On This Day of Joy and choir will sing “This Is the Christ.”
Gladness” to begin the session. President
Eyring then made the following remarks. The choir sang “Christ the Lord Is
Risen Today.”
President Henry B. Eyring Elder Kenneth Johnson offered the
Brothers and sisters, we welcome you invocation.
this Easter morning to the fourth session The choir sang “This Is the Christ.”
of the 180th Annual General Conference
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐
day Saints, as we celebrate the Resurrec- President Eyring
tion of our Savior, Jesus Christ. President We shall now be pleased to hear from
Thomas S. Monson, who presides, has President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second
asked that I conduct this session. Counselor in the First Presidency. He will
We extend our greetings to those of be followed by Elder Richard G. Scott of
you who are participating in the Confer- the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, af-
ence Center or in stake centers throughout ter which we will hear from Elder Don-
the world, or by radio, television, or the ald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the
Internet. Seventy.
The music for this session will be by
the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, under the

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

A damaged statue to make new hands, but others wanted to
leave it as it was—a permanent reminder
A story is told that during the bombing of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the
of a city in World War II, a large statue of statue remained without hands. However,
Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the people of the city added on the base of
the townspeople found the statue among the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these
the rubble, they mourned because it had words: “You are my hands.”
been a beloved symbol of their faith and
of God’s presence in their lives. We are the hands of Christ
Experts were able to repair most of the
statue, but its hands had been damaged so There is a profound lesson in this story.
severely that they could not be restored. When I think of the Savior, I often picture
Some suggested that they hire a sculptor Him with hands outstretched, reaching out

to comfort, heal, bless, and love. And He “Canned-Food Mormons.” They resented
always talked with, never down to, people. these new members because they believed
He loved the humble and the meek and that once their temporal needs had been
walked among them, ministering to them met, they would fall away.
and offering hope and salvation. While some did leave, many stayed—
That is what He did during His mortal they came to church, tasted the sweetness
life; it is what He would be doing if He of the gospel, and felt the tender embrace
were living among us today; and it is what of caring brothers and sisters. They dis-
we should be doing as His disciples and covered “home.” And now, three and four
members of The Church of Jesus Christ generations later, many families trace
of Latter-day Saints. their Church membership back to these
On this beautiful Easter morning, our converts.
thoughts and hearts are drawn to Him— I hope that we welcome and love all
the Hope of Israel and the Light of the of God’s children, including those who
World. might dress, look, speak, or just do things
As we emulate His perfect example, differently. It is not good to make others
our hands can become His hands; our feel as though they are deficient. Let us lift
eyes, His eyes; our heart, His heart. those around us. Let us extend a welcom-
ing hand. Let us bestow upon our brothers
Our hands can embrace and sisters in the Church a special measure
of humanity, compassion, and charity so
I am deeply impressed by the way our that they feel, at long last, they have finally
Church members extend themselves to found home.
others. As we hear of your selfless sacri- When we are tempted to judge, let us
fice and overwhelming compassion, our think of the Savior, who “loveth the world,
hearts swell with gratitude and happiness. even that he layeth down his own life that
You are a shining light to the world, and he may draw all men unto him. . . .
you are known for your goodness and “[And] he saith: Come unto me all ye
compassion all around the globe. ends of the earth, . . . [for] all men are
Unfortunately, from time to time we privileged the one like unto the other, and
also hear of Church members who be- none are forbidden.” 1
come discouraged and subsequently quit As I read the scriptures, it appears that
coming to and participating in our Church those who receive the Savior’s strongest re-
meetings because they think they don’t proach are often those who hold themselves
fit in. in high esteem because of their wealth, in-
When I was a young boy, during the fluence, or perceived righteousness.
aftermath of World War II, Germany was On one occasion the Savior taught a
broken and in ruins. Many people were parable of two men who went into the
hungry, sick, and dying. I remember well temple to pray. One man, a respected
the humanitarian shipments of food and Pharisee, prayed: “God, I thank thee, that
clothing that came from the Church in I am not as other men are, extortioners,
Salt Lake City. To this day, I can still re- unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
member the smell of the clothing, and I I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all
can still taste the sweetness of the canned that I possess.”
peaches. The other man, a hated publican, stood
There were some who joined the Church “afar off, [and] would not lift up so much
because of the goods they received at that as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon
time. Some members looked down on his breast, saying, God be merciful to me
these new converts. They even called them a sinner.”
an offensive name: Büchsen Mormonen, or
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

And Jesus said, “I tell you, this man suffering. Easter Sunday is a good day to
went down to his house justified rather remember that our Savior willingly took
than the other.” 2 upon Himself the pain and sickness and
In truth, we “all have sinned, and come suffering of us all—even those of us who
short of the glory of God.” 3 We are all in appear to deserve our suffering. 6
need of mercy. In that last day when we In the book of Proverbs we read that
are called to the judgment bar of God, do “a friend loveth at all times, and a brother
we not hope that our many imperfections is born for adversity.” 7 Let us love at all
will be forgiven? Do we not yearn to feel times. And let us especially be there for
the Savior’s embrace? our brothers and sisters during times of
It seems only right and proper that we adversity.
extend to others that which we so earnestly
desire for ourselves. Our hands can serve
I am not suggesting that we accept sin
or overlook evil, in our personal life or in An old Jewish legend tells of two
the world. Nevertheless, in our zeal, we brothers, Abram and Zimri, who owned a
sometimes confuse sin with sinner, and field and worked it together. They agreed
we condemn too quickly and with too lit- to divide both the labor and the harvest
tle compassion. We know from modern equally. One night as the harvest came to
revelation that “the worth of souls is great a close, Zimri could not sleep, for it didn’t
in the sight of God.” 4 We cannot gauge seem right that Abram, who had a wife and
the worth of another soul any more than seven sons to feed, should receive only
we can measure the span of the universe. half of the harvest, while he, with only
Every person we meet is a VIP to our himself to support, had so much.
Heavenly Father. Once we understand So Zimri dressed and quietly went into
that, we can begin to understand how we the field, where he took a third of his har-
should treat our fellowmen. vest and put it in his brother’s pile. He then
One woman who had been through returned to his bed, satisfied that he had
years of trial and sorrow said through her done the right thing.
tears, “I have come to realize that I am Meanwhile, Abram could not sleep ei-
like an old 20-dollar bill—crumpled, torn, ther. He thought of his poor brother, Zimri,
dirty, abused, and scarred. But I am still a who was all alone and had no sons to help
20-dollar bill. I am worth something. Even him with the work. It did not seem right
though I may not look like much and even that Zimri, who worked so hard by him-
though I have been battered and used, I am self, should get only half of the harvest.
still worth the full 20 dollars.” Surely this was not pleasing to God. And
so Abram quietly went to the fields, where
Our hands can comfort he took a third of his harvest and placed it
in the pile of his beloved brother.
With this in mind, let our hearts and The next morning, the brothers went
hands be stretched out in compassion to- to the field and were both astonished that
ward others, for everyone is walking his the piles still looked to be the same size.
or her own difficult path. As disciples of That night both brothers slipped out of
Jesus Christ, our Master, we are called to their houses to repeat their efforts of the
support and heal rather than condemn. We previous night. But this time they discov-
are commanded “to mourn with those that ered each other, and when they did, they
mourn” and “comfort those that stand in wept and embraced. Neither could speak,
need of comfort.” 5 for their hearts were overcome with love
It is unworthy of us as Christians to and gratitude. 8
think that those who suffer deserve their

This is the spirit of compassion: that of His Church—without the substance.

we love others as ourselves, 9 seek their What good is our teaching without love?
happiness, and do unto them as we hope What good is missionary, temple, or wel-
they would do unto us. 10 fare work without love?
Love is what inspired our Heavenly
True love requires action Father to create our spirits; it is what led
our Savior to the Garden of Gethsemane
True love requires action. We can speak to make Himself a ransom for our sins.
of love all day long—we can write notes Love is the grand motive of the plan of
or poems that proclaim it, sing songs that salvation; it is the source of happiness,
praise it, and preach sermons that encour- the ever-renewing spring of healing, the
age it—but until we manifest that love in precious fountain of hope.
action, our words are nothing but “sound- As we extend our hands and hearts to-
ing brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” 11 ward others in Christlike love, something
Christ did not just speak about love; He wonderful happens to us. Our own spirits
showed it each day of His life. He did not become healed, more refined, and stron-
remove Himself from the crowd. Being ger. We become happier, more peaceful,
amidst the people, Jesus reached out to and more receptive to the whisperings of
the one. He rescued the lost. He didn’t the Holy Spirit.
just teach a class about reaching out in With all my heart and soul I give thanks
love and then delegate the actual work to to our Heavenly Father for His love for
others. He not only taught but also showed us, for the gift of His Son, for the life and
us how to “succor the weak, lift up the example of Jesus the Christ, and for His
hands which hang down, and strengthen sinless and selfless sacrifice. I rejoice in
the feeble knees.” 12 the fact that Christ is not dead but risen
Christ knows how to minister to others from the grave! He lives and has returned
perfectly. When the Savior stretches out to the earth to restore His authority and
His hands, those He touches are uplifted gospel to man. He has given us the perfect
and become greater, stronger, and better example of the kind of men and women
people as a result. we should be.
If we are His hands, should we not do On this Easter Sunday, and every day,
the same? as we contemplate with reverence and awe
how our Savior embraces us, comforts us,
We can love as He does and heals us, let us commit to become His
The Savior revealed the perfect prior- hands, that others through us may feel
ities for our lives, our homes, our wards, His loving embrace. In the name of Jesus
our communities, and our nations when Christ, amen.
He spoke of love as the great command- NOTES
ment upon which “hang all the law and 1. 2 Nephi 26:24–25, 28; italics added.
the prophets.” 13 We can spend our days 2. See Luke 18:9–14.
obsessing about the finest details of life, 3. Romans 3:23.
the law, and long lists of things to do; but 4. Doctrine and Covenants 18:10.
should we neglect the great command- 5. Mosiah 18:9.
ments, we are missing the point and we 6. See Alma 7:11–13; Doctrine and Cov-
are clouds without water, drifting in the enants 19:16.
winds, and trees without fruit. 14 7. Proverbs 17:17.
Without this love for God the Father 8. See Clarence Cook, “Abram and Zimri,”
and our fellowmen, we are only the form in Poems by Clarence Cook (1902),
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

9. See Matthew 22:39. 12. Doctrine and Covenants 81:5.

10. See Matthew 7:12. 13. Matthew 22:40.
11. 1 Corinthians 13:1. 14. See Jude 1:12.

Elder Richard G. Scott

The sacred season of Easter The Atonement in God’s plan
It is Easter morning, that holy day des- Members of The Church of Jesus Christ
ignated throughout all Christendom to of Latter-day Saints can understand more
commemorate the victory of Jesus Christ fully the breadth and depth of healing
over death. His Resurrection broke what to provided by His Atonement because we
that point had been the unyielding chains have the fulness of His doctrine. We real-
of death. He opened the path whereby ize that what He has willingly done with
each of Heavenly Father’s children born immense suffering and sacrifice will affect
to earth would have the opportunity to rise us not only in this life but throughout all
from death to live again. eternity.
How our Father in Heaven must have This Easter, as you remember the Res-
rejoiced that sacred day when His totally urrection and the price paid and the gift
obedient, completely worthy Son shattered given through the Atonement, ponder what
the chains of death. What eternal purpose the scriptures teach of those sacred events.
would our Father’s plan of happiness have Your personal witness of their reality will
had except it be made alive through the in- be strengthened. They must be more than
finite and eternal Atonement of His glori- principles you memorize. They must be
ously obedient Son? What eternal purpose woven into the very fiber of your being as
would have come from the Creation of a powerful bulwark against the rising tide
the earth, where intelligences tabernacled of abomination that infects our world.
with spirits would receive a body, if death The prophet Lehi declared a profound
were the end of existence and none would truth when he stated: “Wherefore, re-
be resurrected? What a glorious moment demption cometh in and through the Holy
that morning was for all who understood Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
its significance. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for
Easter is that sacred season when the sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto
heart of each devout Christian turns in all those who have a broken heart and a
humble gratitude to our beloved Savior. It contrite spirit; and unto none else can the
is a season that should bring peace and joy ends of the law be answered” (2 Nephi
to all who love Him and show it by obey- 2:6–7). That scripture indicates that for the
ing His commandments. Easter brings proud and haughty, it is as though there
thoughts of Jesus, His life, His Atonement, never were an Atonement made.
His Resurrection, His love. He has risen Jesus Christ lives. He is our Savior, our
from the dead “with healing in his wings” Redeemer. He is a glorious, resurrected
(Malachi 4:2; 3 Nephi 25:2). Oh, how we being. He has the capacity to communicate
all need that healing the Redeemer can love that is so powerful, so overwhelming
provide. Mine is a message of hope based as to surpass the capacity of the human
on principles embodied in the teachings of tongue to express adequately. He gave
the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ. His life to break the bonds of death. His
Atonement made fully active the plan of
happiness of His Father in Heaven.

Jesus administers the balance between children could return to Him. They would
justice and mercy conditioned upon our be forever banished from His presence,
obedience to His gospel. He is the light since there would be no way to repent for
for all mankind. He is the fountain of all broken laws and no unclean thing can exist
truth. He fulfills all of His promises. All in the presence of God. His Father’s plan
who obey His commandments will earn would have failed, and each spirit child
the most glorious blessings imaginable. would have been under the eternal control
Without the Atonement, Father in and torment of Satan.
Heaven’s plan of happiness could not Second, in His absolutely pure mind
have been placed fully into effect. The and heart, He had to personally feel the
Atonement gives all the opportunity to consequences of all that mankind would
overcome the consequences of mistakes ever encounter, even the most depraved,
made in life. When we obey a law, we despicable sins.
receive a blessing. When we break a law, Third, He had to endure the vicious
there is nothing left over from prior obedi- attack of Satan’s hordes while physically
ence to satisfy the demands of justice for and emotionally pressed to the limit. Then,
that broken law. The Savior’s Atonement for reasons we do not fully know, while at
permits us to repent of any disobedience the extremity of His capacity, at the time
and thereby avoid the penalties that justice the Savior most needed succor, His Father
would have imposed. allowed Him to shoulder the onerous re-
sponsibility with only His own strength
Understanding the Atonement and capacity.
I try to imagine what an intensely poi-
My reverence and gratitude for the gnant moment it must have been for our
Atonement of the Holy One of Israel, the Father in Heaven when the Savior cried
Prince of Peace and our Redeemer, con- out from the cross, “My God, my God,
tinually expand as I strive to understand why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew
more about it. I realize that no mortal mind 27:46; Mark 15:34). I don’t believe Father
can adequately conceive, nor can human in Heaven forsook His Son on the cross. I
tongue appropriately express, the full sig- do believe the cry was motivated when that
nificance of all that Jesus Christ has done Son felt removed the sustaining support
for our Heavenly Father’s children through He had always enjoyed from His Father.
His Atonement. Yet it is vital that we each His Father recognized that the Savior
learn what we can about it. The Atonement needed to accomplish the Atonement to-
is that essential ingredient of our Father in tally and completely on His own, without
Heaven’s plan of happiness without which external support. The Father did not aban-
that plan could not have been activated. don His Son. He made it possible for His
Your understanding of the Atonement and perfect Son to win the eternal fruits of the
the insight it provides for your life will Atonement.
greatly enhance your productive use of all None of us can ever adequately appre-
of the knowledge, experience, and skills ciate in mortality the full beneficial con-
you acquire in mortal life. sequences of the Atonement.
I believe that it is instructive to try to There is an imperative need for each
imagine what the Atonement required of of us to strengthen our understanding of
both the Father and His willing Son. Three the significance of the Atonement of Jesus
of the challenges the Savior faced were: Christ so that it will become an unshak-
First, an enormous sense of respon- able foundation upon which to build our
sibility, for He realized that except it be lives. As the world becomes more devoid
done perfectly, not one of His Father’s of foundational standards and as honor,
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

virtue, and purity are increasingly cast As you ponder—not just read but pon-
aside in the pursuit of appetite, our un- der and meditate—on scriptural passages,
derstanding of and faith in the Atonement the power of the Holy Ghost will distill
of Jesus Christ will provide strength and truths in your mind and heart as a secure
capacity needed for a successful life. It foundation in this uncertain time in which
will also bring confidence in times of trial we live. As parents, prepare your children
and peace in moments of turmoil. for the challenges they will encounter.
I energetically encourage you to es- Teach them truth, encourage them to live
tablish a personal study plan to better it, and they will be all right no matter how
understand and appreciate the incompa- severely the world is shaken.
rable, eternal, infinite consequences of This Easter, resolve to make the Lord
Jesus Christ’s perfect fulfillment of His Jesus Christ the living center of your
divinely appointed calling as our Savior home. Be sure that every decision you
and Redeemer. Profound personal pon- make, whether it be of a spiritual or
dering of the scriptures accompanied by physical nature, is guided by the thought
searching, heartfelt prayer will fortify “What would the Lord Jesus Christ have
your understanding of and appreciation me do?” When the Savior is the center of
for His priceless Atonement. Another your home, it is filled with peace and se-
powerful way to learn of Jesus Christ renity. There is a spirit of calm assurance
and His Atonement is through consistent that pervades the home that is felt by the
temple attendance. children and adults alike.
The best way to make a permanent
Teaching truth in the home change for good is to make Jesus Christ
your model and His teachings your guide
May each of us renew our determina- for life.
tion to teach true principles within the Should you have been disobedient to
sanctity of our homes. As we do that, we His commandments and feel unworthy,
will provide the greatest opportunity for recognize that this is why the Lord, Jesus
happiness for the spirits entrusted to our the Christ, laid down His life. Through
care. Use the Church as a righteous tool His Atonement He has opened forever the
to strengthen the home, but recognize opportunity to overcome such mistakes, to
that as parents we have the fundamental repent of improper choices, and to con-
responsibility and privilege to be guided quer the negative effects of a life contrary
by the Lord in the upbringing of the spirit to His teachings.
children He has entrusted to our care. The Savior loves each of us and will
The vital importance of teaching truth make it possible for our every need to be
in the home is fundamental. The Church satisfied as we qualify by obedience for
is important, but it is in the home where all of the blessings He wants us to have on
parents provide the required understand- this earth. I love and adore Him. As His
ing and direction for children. It is truly authorized servant I solemnly testify with
said that the most important callings in every capacity of my being that He lives,
time and eternity are those of father and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
mother. In time we will be released from
all other assignments we receive but not
from that of father and mother.

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom

Bitterness can destroy faith his sister. She married in 1946 and four
years later was expecting a child. There
Many years ago, I observed a heart- is something very special for parents to
break—which became a tragedy. A young anticipate a daughter (in this instance an
couple was nearing the delivery of their only daughter) giving birth for the first
first child. Their lives were filled with the time. No one knew that she was carrying
anticipation and excitement of this mon- twins. Sadly, she and the twins all died
umental experience. During the delivery, during childbirth.
complications arose and the baby died. My grandparents were heartbroken.
Heartbreak turned to grief, grief turned to Their grief, however, immediately turned
anger, anger turned to blame, and blame them to the Lord and His Atonement.
turned to revenge toward the doctor, Without dwelling on why this could hap-
whom they held fully responsible. Parents pen and who might be to blame, they
and other family members became heav- focused on living a righteous life. My
ily involved, together seeking to ruin the grandparents never had wealth; they were
reputation and the career of the physician. never among the socially elite; they never
As weeks and then months of acrimony held high position in the Church—they
consumed the family, their bitterness was were simply devoted Latter-day Saints.
extended to the Lord. “How could He al- After retiring professionally in 1956,
low this horrible thing to occur?” They they moved to Hawaii to be with their
rejected the repeated efforts of Church only posterity. The ensuing decades found
leaders and members to spiritually and them loving their family and serving in
emotionally comfort them and, in time, the Church, and mostly they just enjoyed
disassociated themselves from the Church. being together. They never liked being
Four generations of the family have now apart and even spoke of whoever died
been affected. Where once there were faith first finding a way to help them reunite
and devotion to the Lord and His Church, soon. Nearing their 90th birthdays and
there has been no spiritual activity by any after 65 years of marriage, they passed
family member for decades. away within hours of each other by natural
In the most difficult circumstances of causes. As their bishop, I conducted their
life, there is often only one source of peace. double funeral.
The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, extends The faithfulness of Grandpa Art and
His grace with the invitation “Come unto Grandma Lou, especially when faced with
me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, difficulty, has now influenced four genera-
and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). tions that have followed. Directly and pro-
He further promises, “My peace I give foundly, it affected their son (my father)
unto you: not as the world giveth, give I and my mother when my parents’ own
unto you” (John 14:27). daughter, their youngest child, died due
to complications caused by giving birth.
Turning to the Lord At 34 years of age, she passed away 10
My paternal grandparents had two days after childbirth, leaving 4 children,
children, a son (my father) and a daugh- 10 days to 8 years old. With the example
ter. After serving a mission and military that they had seen in the previous gener-
service in Hawaii, my father returned to ation, my parents—without hesitation—
the islands in 1946 to establish himself turned to the Lord for solace.
professionally and raise his family. His Throughout the world and among the
parents lived in Salt Lake City, as did membership of the Church, there is great
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

joy and great pain. Both are part of the opposition. Revealed to him while in the
plan. Without one, we cannot know the inhumane surroundings of the Liberty Jail
other. “Men are, that they might have joy” was this divine direction (which, in part,
(2 Nephi 2:25) and “for it must needs be, was a description of Joseph’s life to that
that there is an opposition in all things” point and also a forewarning): If “fools
(2 Nephi 2:11) are not contradictory; they shall have thee in derision, . . . if thou art
are complementary. In describing how he called to pass through tribulation; . . . if
felt when he turned to the Lord, Alma the thine enemies fall upon thee; . . . if thou
Younger said, “My soul was filled with shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the
joy as exceeding as was my pain” (Alma hands of murderers, . . . and all the ele-
36:20). ments combine to hedge up the way; and
above all, if the very jaws of hell shall
Spiritual decline of Symonds Ryder gape open the mouth wide after thee,
know thou, my son, that all these things
Some are overcome by major prob- shall give thee experience, and shall be
lems; others let small matters become for thy good” (D&C 122:1, 5–7). Then
big. Symonds Ryder was a Campbellite the profound statement: “The Son of Man
leader who heard about the Church and hath descended below them all. Art thou
had a meeting with Joseph Smith. Moved greater than he?” (verse 8). This is fol-
by this experience, he joined the Church lowed by clear direction and great prom-
in June 1831. Immediately thereafter, ises. “Therefore, hold on thy way, and . . .
he was ordained an elder and called to fear not what man can do, for God shall be
serve a mission. However, in his call let- with you forever and ever” (verse 9).
ter from the First Presidency and on his Over the ensuing years, Joseph Smith
official commission to preach, his name continued to righteously endure a life full
was misspelled—by one letter. His last of adversity. He offered this faith-filled
name showed as R-i-d-e-r, not the correct perspective: “And as for the perils which
R-y-d-e-r. This caused him to question I am called to pass through, they seem
his call and those from whom it came. but a small thing to me. . . . Deep water
He chose not to go on the mission and is what I am wont to swim in. . . . I . . .
fell away, which soon led to hatred and glory in tribulation; for . . . God . . . [has]
intense opposition toward Joseph and the delivered me out of them all, and will de-
Church. In March 1832, when Joseph liver me from henceforth” (D&C 127:2).
Smith and Sidney Rigdon were ripped Joseph’s confidence in overcoming con-
from home during the night by an angry stant opposition was based on his ability
mob and tarred and feathered, a voice was to continually turn to the Lord.
heard to shout, “Simonds, Simonds [sic], If you feel you have been wronged—by
where’s the tar bucket?” (History of the anyone (a family member, a friend, an-
Church, 1:262–63). In less than 10 months, other member of the Church, a Church
Symonds Ryder went from an eager con- leader, a business associate) or by any-
vert to a mob leader, his spiritual decline thing (the death of a loved one, health
starting with the offense taken over the problems, a financial reversal, abuse,
misspelling of his name—by one letter. addictions)—deal with the matter directly
No matter the size of the issue, how we and with all the strength you have. “Hold
respond can reset the course of our life. on thy way” (D&C 122:9); giving up is
not an option. And, without delay, turn
“Hold on thy way” to the Lord. Exercise all of the faith you
The Prophet Joseph Smith provided a have in Him. Let Him share your burden.
model in handling personal tragedy and Allow His grace to lighten your load. We

are promised that we will “suffer no man- morning star” (Revelation 22:16). I testify
ner of afflictions, save it were swallowed He will forever light our way, our truth,
up in the joy of Christ” (Alma 31:38). and our life (see John 14:6), in the name
Never let an earthly circumstance disable of Jesus Christ, amen.
you spiritually.
His most exemplary act, the Atonement, President Eyring
required Jesus to descend “below all
things” (D&C 88:6) and suffer “the pains The choir and congregation will now
of all men” (2 Nephi 9:21). Thus we under- join in singing “Rejoice, the Lord Is
stand the Atonement has broader purpose King!” Following the singing, we will
than providing a means to overcome sin. be pleased to hear from Sister Cheryl C.
This greatest of all earthly accomplish- Lant, who was released yesterday as the
ments gives the Savior the power to fulfill Primary general president. Following her
this promise: “If ye will turn to the Lord remarks, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the
with full purpose of heart, and put your Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will ad-
trust in him, and serve him with all dili- dress us. The choir will then sing “When
gence . . . , if ye do this, he will . . . deliver He Comes Again.”
you out of bondage” (Mosiah 7:33).
As we commemorate this Easter morn- The choir and congregation sang
ing, let us turn to the Lord, our “bright and “Rejoice, the Lord Is King!”

Cheryl C. Lant
Seeking the face of the Savior What does it mean to seek the face of
the Savior? Surely it means more than just
Several years ago I was teaching a recognizing His picture. Christ’s invitation
group of nursery leaders how to give a to seek Him is an invitation to know who
short gospel lesson to very young chil- He is, what He has done for us, and what
dren. One of the leaders had her young son He has asked us to do. Coming to Christ,
on her lap. I held a picture of the Savior in and eventually seeing His face, comes
my hand and, demonstrating how to speak only as we draw close to Him through our
to young children, began talking about faith and our actions. It comes through a
Jesus. The tiny boy slid off his mother’s lifetime of effort. So how do we seek Him
lap, toddled over to me, looked intently at in this life so that we might see His face
the picture, and touched the face. At that in the next?
point in the dialogue, I asked the question,
“Who is this?” With a smile on his face, Bringing children to Him
the child responded, “Jesus.”
This child was not old enough to really We have the account in 3 Nephi of a
even say his own name, but he recognized people who actually saw the face of the
the image and knew the name of the Savior. Savior in this life. And while we may not
As I watched this sweet response, I thought see Him now, perhaps we can learn from
of the words of the Savior when He said, their experience. After the Savior’s death,
“Seek the face of the Lord always, that in He appeared to these people, taught them,
patience ye may possess your souls, and ye and blessed them. And then “it came to
shall have eternal life” (D&C 101:38). pass that he commanded that their little
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

children should be brought” (3 Nephi Him because it gives us a pattern to fol-

17:11). low. First, we must love the Lord with all
It is our sacred responsibility as parents our hearts, and we must love our children.
and leaders of this rising generation of Second, we must become a worthy ex-
children to bring them to the Savior so ample to them by continually seeking the
that they might see His face and the face Lord and striving to live the gospel. Third,
of our Father in Heaven as well. As we do we must teach our children the gospel and
so, we also bring ourselves. how to live its teachings.
Again the question, how do we do this, Following this pattern to bring our chil-
especially in a world that is full of dis- dren to the Savior is a process. Let’s look
tractions? In 3 Nephi, the parents loved at the pattern again. First, we must learn
the Lord. They were believers. They had how to love the Lord and our families.
faith in the miracles Jesus performed. This takes time, experience, and faith. It
They loved their children. They gathered requires selfless service. Then, as we are
them to hear the words of the Lord and filled with the love of the Lord, we can
obeyed His commandment to bring the love. He might weep over what we do,
children to Him. but He loves us and is always there to help
After the children had been brought, us. That is how we must learn to love our
Christ bid the parents kneel down. Then children.
He did for them that which He has done Second, we must become worthy ex-
for all of us. He prayed for them to the amples. This is also a process. If we want
Father, and as He did, His prayer was said our children to come to Christ so that they
to be “so great and marvelous” that words might see His face, it is important that we
could not describe it (3 Nephi 17:16). By seek to see it as well. We have to know the
coming to the Savior and accepting His way in order to show it to them. We must
Atonement, these parents were strength- put our own lives in order so that the chil-
ened to do all that was necessary to “bring” dren can look to us and follow. We might
their children. ask: “What do my children see when they
Another of the things Christ asked look at my face? Do they see the image of
these parents to do is found in 3 Nephi the Savior in my countenance because of
22:13: “All thy children shall be taught how I live my life?”
of the Lord; and great shall be the peace Now, remember, none of us will be the
of thy children.” perfect example for our children, but we
And so, following their own experi- all can become worthy parents and lead-
ences with the Savior, these Nephite par- ers. Our striving to be worthy is an exam-
ents taught their children about Him. They ple in itself. We may feel as though we are
taught them to love the Lord. They taught failing at times, but we can keep on trying.
them His gospel. They taught them how to With the Lord and through Him, we can
live it. They taught them so well that there be strengthened to be who we need to be.
was righteousness and peace in the land We can do what we need to do.
for 200 years (see 4 Nephi 1:1–22). And third, we have the process of
bringing our children to the Savior by
A pattern to follow teaching them the truths of the gospel
from the scriptures and the prophets and
Now, I would ask you to look around by helping them to feel and recognize the
you at those you love. This is what mat- Spirit. Even very young children can un-
ters most—our families. I am sure that derstand and accept things of an eternal
more than anything, you want this fam- nature. They love the scriptures, and they
ily to be yours eternally. The account in love the prophet. They intuitively want to
3 Nephi can help us bring our children to

be good. It is up to us to help them keep How can our children experience bless-
that connection to heaven open. It is up ings like these today? Elder M. Russell
to us to protect them from influences that Ballard has said, “Clearly, those of us
detract from the Spirit. We can find help who have been entrusted with precious
and direction in the scriptures. Then we children have been given a sacred, noble
can teach our children to find their own stewardship, for we are the ones God has
answers there. We can teach our children appointed to encircle today’s children with
correct principles and help them apply love and the fire of faith and an under-
those principles to their lives. We can di- standing of who they are” (“Great Shall
rect them toward the Spirit so that they can Be the Peace of Thy Children,” Ensign,
receive their own witness of the truths they Apr. 1994, 60).
are learning. We can help them find the joy Brothers and sisters, we are the angels
of living the gospel. This will build a firm that Heavenly Father has sent today to
foundation of faith and obedience in their bless the children, and we can help them
lives that will strengthen them. to one day see the face of the Savior as
we teach the principles of the gospel and
Angels sent to bless the children fill our homes with the joy of living them.
Together we can come to know Him. We
Now, all of this does not come easily. can feel of His love and His blessings. And
The Nephite account says that those fam- through Him we can return to the presence
ilies had 200 years of peace. But surely it of the Father. We do this as we are willing
took great effort. It takes a lot of hard work to be obedient, faithful, and diligent in
and patience and faith, but nothing is more following His teachings.
important or rewarding. And the Lord will “Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall
help us, for He loves these children even come to pass that every soul who forsaketh
more than we do. He loves them, and He his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth
will bless them. on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and
You will remember that He blessed the keepeth my commandments, shall see my
Nephite children individually and by pray- face and know that I am” (D&C 93:1).
ing for them (see 3 Nephi 17:14–17, 21). Brothers and sisters, I know that God
Then “he spake unto the multitude, and lives. Jesus Christ is His Son, our Savior
said unto them: Behold your little ones. and Redeemer. He has invited us to come
“And as they looked to behold they cast unto Him and has commanded us to bring
their eyes towards heaven, and they saw our children, that we, together, might
the heavens open, and they saw angels de- see His face and live eternally with Him
scending out of heaven as it were in the and with our Father in Heaven. It is my
midst of fire; and they came down and prayer that we might all work to receive
encircled those little ones about, and they this great blessing, in the name of Jesus
were encircled about with fire; and the Christ, amen.
angels did minister unto them” (3 Nephi

Elder Quentin L. Cook

The events of Easter Saints across the world, who love our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We cele-
It is a significant responsibility to brate this morning His victory over death.
speak on Easter Sunday to Latter-day We cherish our understanding and feel
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

heartfelt appreciation for the Savior’s ous opportunity of entering back into the
willing atoning sacrifice on our behalf. presence of God. 6
His acquiescence to the will of His Father The Prophet Joseph Smith, speaking
won the supernal victory over death and of these Easter events, said, “The funda-
is the transcendent event in the history of mental principles of our religion are the
mankind. I appreciate this opportunity to testimony of the Apostles and Prophets,
speak about following the Savior. concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was
The final two days of the Savior’s buried, and rose again the third day, and
mortal ministry prior to His Crucifixion ascended into heaven; and all other things
are profoundly important and in some which pertain to our religion are only ap-
ways beyond comprehension. So much pendages to it.” 7
of what is essential to our eternal destiny While we rejoice in the supernal sig-
occurred on Thursday and then Friday, the nificance of Gethsemane and Calvary, our
day Christ was crucified. The Last Supper, focus has always been on the resurrected
a Passover supper, the “established me- Lord. Frederic Farrar, the English theolo-
morial of Israel’s deliverance from bond- gian and believer, testified that the earliest
age,” 1 was commenced Thursday evening. generation of believers in the primitive
Ordinances and doctrines of great impor- Christian Church celebrated the Savior
tance were initiated at the Last Supper. I as “the Risen, the Eternal, the Glorified
will mention just three. First, the Savior Christ” and “contemplated Him, not as on
introduced the ordinance of the sacrament. the Cross, but as on the Throne.” 8
He took bread, broke it, prayed over it, and President Gordon B. Hinckley taught
passed it to His disciples, saying, “This is that our message to the world is that He
my body which is given for you: this do lives! The symbol of Christ for the Latter-
in remembrance of me.” 2 In this manner day Saints will be found in the meaningful
He instituted the sacrament. Second, His expression of our faith and the way we
overwhelming emphasis was on doctrines live His gospel. 9
teaching love as a preeminent principle.
He taught, “By this shall all men know Our path of discipleship
that ye are my disciples, if ye have love
one to another.” 3 Third, through Christ’s As we ponder what it means to be
intercession or direction, “the Holy Ghost Christians today, think about what our
was promised to the apostles” as another path of discipleship will require of us. I
Comforter. 4 suggest that we contemplate and in appro-
The Savior subsequently accomplished priate ways emulate what the Savior did in
the Atonement. He took upon Himself the those last two days of His mortal life.
“burden of the sins of mankind” and the
“horrors that Satan . . . could inflict.” 5 In The sacrament
this process He endured the fraudulently First, consider the Savior’s introduc-
concocted trials and the terrible, tragic tion of the sacrament. The Savior knew
events leading to His Crucifixion. This ul- what was about to befall Him. His sacred,
timately culminated in Christ’s triumphant atoning mission, beginning with the War
Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Christ ful- in Heaven in the premortal existence, was
filled His sacred mission as Savior and about to unfold that evening and the next
Redeemer. We will be resurrected from day. Yet with the trials by His adversar-
death and have our spirits reunited with ies imminently before Him, there is not
our bodies. Based on personal worthiness, the slightest evidence He was preparing
we may through His grace have the glori- a defense against the untrue accusations.
The Savior instead introduced the sacred

ordinance of the sacrament to His disci- As we listen to the messages of this con-
ples. As I contemplate that solemn oc- ference, we will be touched in our hearts
casion, my feelings are deeply touched. and make resolutions and commitments to
Sacrament meeting is the most sacred and do better. But on Monday morning we will
holy of all the meetings in the Church. return to work, school, neighborhoods,
After His Resurrection, the Savior insti- and to a world that in many cases is in
tuted the sacrament among the Nephites. 10 turmoil. Many in this world are afraid and
If we are to be His disciples and to be angry with one another. While we under-
committed members of His Church, we stand these feelings, we need to be civil
must remember and reverence the sacra- in our discourse and respectful in our in-
ment. It allows each of us to express with teractions. This is especially true when we
broken hearts and contrite spirits our will- disagree. The Savior taught us to love even
ingness to follow the Savior, to repent, and our enemies. 13 The vast majority of our
to become a Saint through the Atonement members heed this counsel. Yet there are
of Christ. 11 The sacrament allows us to some who feel that venting their personal
witness to God that we will remember His anger or deeply held opinions is more
Son and keep His commandments as we important than conducting themselves as
renew our baptismal covenant. 12 This in- Jesus Christ lived and taught. I invite each
creases our love and appreciation for both one of us individually to recognize that
the Father and the Son. how we disagree is a real measure of who
we are and whether we truly follow the
Love Savior. It is appropriate to disagree, but
it is not appropriate to be disagreeable.
The Savior also emphasized love and Violence and vandalism are not the answer
unity and declared that we would be known to our disagreements. If we show love and
as His disciples if we have love one to an- respect even in adverse circumstances, we
other. In the face of the eternity-shaping become more like Christ.
Atonement He was about to undertake,
such a commandment requires our obedi- The Holy Ghost
ence. We manifest our love for God when
we keep His commandments and serve His The Savior’s promise of the Holy Ghost
children. We don’t fully comprehend the to the Apostles is of supreme importance
Atonement, but we can spend our lives try- in recognizing the preeminent role of
ing to be more loving and kind, regardless the Holy Ghost, the third member of the
of the adversity we face. Godhead. The Holy Ghost is a personage
The Savior’s charge to His disciples to of spirit, the Comforter, who bears witness
love one another—and the dramatic and of the Father and the Son, reveals the truth
powerful way He taught this principle at of all things, and sanctifies those who have
the Last Supper—is one of the most poi- repented and been baptized. He is referred
gnant and beautiful episodes from the last to as the Holy Spirit of Promise and as
days of His mortal life. such confirms as acceptable to God the
He was not teaching a simple class righteous acts, ordinances, and covenants
in ethical behavior. This was the Son of of each of us. 14 They who are sealed by
God pleading with His Apostles and all the Holy Spirit of Promise receive all that
disciples who would come after them to the Father has. 15
remember and follow this most central of We live in a noisy, contentious world,
His teachings. How we relate and interact where it is possible to be viewing or lis-
with each other is a measure of our will- tening to information, music, or even pure
ingness to follow Jesus Christ. nonsense virtually every waking hour. If
we want to have the inspiration of the Holy
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

Ghost, we must find time to slow down, wave coming far out at sea. He honked
ponder, pray, and live so we are worthy to his horn and stopped children on the road
receive and act upon His promptings. We walking to school and warned them to
will avoid major mistakes if we heed His run for higher ground and safety as fast
warnings. It is our privilege as members as they could. The children followed his
to receive light and knowledge from Him instruction. He frantically drove, reached
even to the perfect day. 16 his four-year-old daughter, put her in the
car, and then tried to get to his mother.
Facing the storms of life Before he could reach his mother, the wall
of water picked up his car and swept it
The atoning trials the Savior faced in over 100 yards, where it lodged in a tree.
Gethsemane and on the cross are a great He scrambled to secure his daughter on
example to us. He faced mental, physi- top of the car and then swam to rescue his
cal, and spiritual afflictions that are be- mother, who was clinging to a branch of
yond our comprehension. In the garden, another tree near their house. With great
He prayed to His Father, saying, “O my effort he swam with her to the car and
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass safety. Many were not as fortunate. They
from me: nevertheless not as I will, but did not have time to get to higher ground
as thou wilt.” 17 As His disciples, there and safety. Many lost their lives, particu-
will be times when we will be tried and larly the young and the elderly.
persecuted unjustly and mocked unfairly We told the Samoan families that mem-
and face temporal and spiritual storms of bers all over the world expressed love and
a magnitude that will seem unbearable to concern and had prayed for them and con-
us and experience bitter cups that we pray tributed fast offerings and humanitarian
would pass from us. No one is exempt aid for both the members and their neigh-
from the storms of life. bors. The same is true for the members
We are preparing for the Second Com- and their neighbors in Chile and Haiti. We
ing of the Savior. The scriptures are clear do this because we follow Jesus Christ.
that no one knows when this will occur. The
scriptures do tell us that in the last days, Higher ground
among the bitter cups we will face, there
will be “earthquakes, in divers places” 18 As we met with the families in Samoa,
and the “waves of the sea heaving them- the significance of spiritually going to the
selves beyond their bounds.” 19 higher ground, living a better life, and
Devastating earthquakes and tsunamis clinging to saving ordinances was abun-
have recently occurred in diverse places, dantly clear. The Savior’s example and
including Chile, Haiti, and the islands of life teach us to spiritually avoid the low
the Pacific. A few weeks ago Presiding pathway, where the things of this world
Bishop H. David Burton, Elder Tad R. dominate. As I shook hands with the mem-
Callister, and I were able to meet with the bers after our meeting, one sister told me
Saints who had lost family members as a her family had not been to the temple and
result of the tsunami that hit the eastern they had lost a daughter. She tearfully said
side of Samoa last September. The chapel their goal now was to prepare themselves
was full, and it was an emotional meet- for the sacred ordinances of the temple so
ing. We were able to assure these choice they can be together eternally.
members that because of the Atonement As I have pondered what this sister said
of Jesus Christ, they can be reunited with and the current condition of the world, I
the loved ones they have lost. have felt an urgency to counsel each of us
The stake president, Sonny Purcell, was to seek the higher ground—the refuge and
driving his car when he saw the enormous eternal protection of the temple.

On Easter Sunday, April 3, 1836, one 6. See 2 Nephi 9:6–24.

week after the dedication of the Kirtland 7. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Temple, the Twelve officiated in distribut- Joseph Smith (2007), 49; see also
ing the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to Doctrine and Covenants 20:22–25.
the members. After the meeting, following 8. Frederic W. Farrar, The Life of Lives—
solemn and silent prayer, the Savior ap- Further Studies in the Life of Christ
peared in majesty to the Prophet Joseph (1900), 209.
and Oliver Cowdery and through Moses, 9. See Gordon B. Hinckley, in Conference
Elias, and Elijah ushered in the restoration Report, Apr. 1996, 88–92; or Ensign,
May 1996, 65–67; Gordon B. Hinckley,
of additional priesthood keys, including
“The Symbol of Our Faith,” Ensign, Apr.
the sacred sealing power that unites fam-
2005, 2–6.
ilies throughout eternity. 20 10. See 3 Nephi 18:1–11.
Today on this Easter morning we re- 11. See Mosiah 3:19.
joice in all the Savior has done for us. He 12. See Mosiah 18:8–10; Doctrine and Cov-
has made it possible for each of us to gain enants 20:37, 77–79.
our salvation and exaltation. But we, like 13. See Matthew 5:44.
the Samoan children, must run as fast as 14. See Doctrine and Covenants 132:7.
we can to the high ground He has provided 15. See Romans 8:16–17; Ephesians 1:13–
for safety and peace. 14; Doctrine and Covenants 76:51–60.
One of the ways we do this is by adher- 16. See Doctrine and Covenants 50:24.
ing to the teachings of our living prophet, 17. Matthew 26:39.
President Thomas S. Monson. He is an 18. Matthew 24:7; Joseph Smith—Matthew
excellent example of one who follows the 1:29.
Savior. 19. Doctrine and Covenants 88:90.
On this glorious Easter morning I res- 20. See Doctrine and Covenants 110.
onate with the treasured words penned by 21. “How Great the Wisdom and the Love,”
Eliza R. Snow, a faithful servant in the Hymns, no. 195.
The choir sang “When He Comes
How great, how glorious, how com- Again.”
Redemption’s grand design,
Where justice, love, and mercy meet President Eyring
In harmony divine! 21
We express our appreciation to the
I bear my apostolic witness that Jesus Mormon Tabernacle Choir for the beauti-
Christ lives and is the Savior and Redeemer ful music they have provided this morning
of the world. He has provided the pathway and to those who have spoken to us in this
to true happiness. Of this I testify in the session of the conference.
name of Jesus Christ, amen. It will now be our privilege to listen to
NOTES our beloved prophet, President Thomas S.
1. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd Monson. Following his remarks, these ser-
ed. (1916), 594. vices will conclude with the choir singing
2. Luke 22:19. “He Is Risen!” The benediction will then
3. See John 13:34–35. be offered by Elder Wolfgang H. Paul of
4. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 603; the Seventy. The concluding session of
see also John 14:16–17. this conference will begin at 2:00 this
5. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, afternoon.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

President Thomas S. Monson

This has been a remarkable session. “If a man die, shall he live again?”
In behalf of all who participated thus
far in word or music, as the President of Among all the facts of mortality, none
the Church, I have chosen simply to say is so certain as its end. Death comes to all;
to you at this moment just two words, it is our “universal heritage; it may claim
known as the two most important words its victim[s] in infancy or youth, [it may
in the English language. To Sister Cheryl visit] in the period of life’s prime, or its
Lant and her counselors, the choir, the summons may be deferred until the snows
musicians, the speakers, those words are of age have gathered upon the . . . head;
“Thank you.” it may befall as the result of accident or
disease, . . . or . . . through natural causes;
A painting of a tragic story but come it must.” 2 It inevitably represents
a painful loss of association and, partic-
Many years ago, while in London, ularly in the young, a crushing blow to
England, I visited the famed Tate art gal- dreams unrealized, ambitions unfulfilled,
lery. Works by Gainsborough, Rembrandt, and hopes vanquished.
Constable, and other renowned artists were What mortal being, faced with the
displayed in room after room. I admired loss of a loved one or, indeed, standing
their beauty and recognized the skill which himself or herself on the threshold of in-
had been required to create these master- finity, has not pondered what lies beyond
pieces. Tucked away in a quiet corner of the veil which separates the seen from the
the third floor, however, was a painting unseen?
which not only caught my attention but Centuries ago the man Job—so long
also captured my heart. The artist, Frank blessed with every material gift, only to
Bramley, had painted a humble cottage find himself sorely afflicted by all that
facing a windswept sea. Two women, the can befall a human being—sat with his
mother and the wife of an absent fisher- companions and uttered the timeless, age-
man, had watched and waited the night less question, “If a man die, shall he live
through for his return. Now the night had again?” 3 Job spoke what every other living
passed, and the realization had set in that man or woman has pondered.
he had been lost at sea and would not re- This glorious Easter morning I’d like
turn. Kneeling at the side of her mother-in- to consider Job’s question—“If a man
law, her head buried in the lap of the older die, shall he live again?”—and provide
woman, the young wife wept in despair. the answer which comes not only from
The spent candle on the window ledge told thoughtful consideration but also from the
of the fruitless vigil. revealed word of God. I begin with the
I sensed the young woman’s heartache; essentials.
I felt her grief. The hauntingly vivid in-
scription which the artist gave to his work The Creation
told the tragic story. It read, A Hopeless
Dawn. If there is a design in this world in
Oh, how the young woman longed for which we live, there must be a Designer.
the comfort, even the reality, of Robert Who can behold the many wonders of the
Louis Stevenson’s “Requiem”: universe without believing that there is a
design for all mankind? Who can doubt
Home is the sailor, home from sea, that there is a Designer?
And the hunter home from the hill. 1 In the book of Genesis we learn that the
Grand Designer created the heaven and the

earth: “And the earth was without form, Not only would He atone for our sins, but
and void; and darkness was upon the face as a part of that Atonement, He would also
of the deep.” overcome the physical death to which we
“Let there be light,” said the Grand would be subject because of the Fall of
Designer, “and there was light.” He created Adam.
a firmament. He separated the land from Thus, more than 2,000 years ago,
the waters and said, “Let the earth bring Christ, our Savior, was born to mortal
forth grass, . . . the fruit tree yielding fruit life in a stable in Bethlehem. The long-
after his kind, whose seed is in itself.” foretold Messiah had come.
Two lights He created—the sun and the There was very little written of the
moon. Came the stars by His design. He boyhood of Jesus. I love the passage from
called for living creatures in the water and Luke: “And Jesus increased in wisdom
fowls to fly above the earth. And it was and stature, and in favour with God and
so. He made cattle, beasts, and creeping man.” 6 And from the book of Acts, there
things. The design was nearly complete. is a short phrase concerning the Savior
Last of all, He created man in His own which has a world of meaning: “[He] went
image—male and female—with dominion about doing good.” 7
over all other living things. 4 He was baptized by John in the river
Man alone received intelligence—a Jordan. He called the Twelve Apostles.
brain, a mind, and a soul. Man alone, with He blessed the sick. He caused the lame
these attributes, had the capacity for faith to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear.
and hope, for inspiration and ambition. He even raised the dead to life. He taught,
Who could persuasively argue that He testified, and He provided a perfect
man—the noblest work of the Great example for us to follow.
Designer, with dominion over all living
things, with a brain and a will, with a Gethsemane and Calvary
mind and a soul, with intelligence and
divinity—should come to an end when the And then the mortal mission of the
spirit forsakes its earthly temple? Savior of the world drew to its close. A
last supper with His Apostles took place
The Savior’s mission in an upper room. Ahead lay Gethsemane
and Calvary’s cross.
To understand the meaning of death, No mere mortal can conceive the
we must appreciate the purpose of life. full import of what Christ did for us in
The dim light of belief must yield to the Gethsemane. He Himself later described
noonday sun of revelation, by which we the experience: “[The] suffering caused
know that we lived before our birth into myself, even God, the greatest of all, to
mortality. In our premortal state, we were tremble because of pain, and to bleed at
doubtless among the sons and daughters of every pore, and to suffer both body and
God who shouted for joy because of the spirit.” 8
opportunity to come to this challenging yet Following the agony of Gethsemane,
necessary mortal existence. 5 We knew that now drained of strength, He was seized
our purpose was to gain a physical body, by rough, crude hands and taken before
to overcome trials, and to prove that we Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, and Herod. He
would keep the commandments of God. was accused and cursed. Vicious blows
Our Father knew that because of the nature further weakened His pain-racked body.
of mortality, we would be tempted, would Blood ran down His face as a cruel crown
sin, and would fall short. So that we might fashioned of sharp thorns was forced onto
have every chance of success, He provided His head, piercing His brow. And then
a Savior, who would suffer and die for us. once again He was taken to Pilate, who
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Morning Session

gave in to the cries of the angry mob: The empty tomb that first Easter morn-
“Crucify him, crucify him.” 9 ing was the answer to Job’s question, “If a
He was scourged with a whip into man die, shall he live again?” To all within
whose multiple leather strands sharp met- the sound of my voice, I declare, If a man
als and bones were woven. Rising from die, he shall live again. We know, for we
the cruelty of the scourge, with stumbling have the light of revealed truth.
steps He carried His own cross until He “For since by man came death, by man
could go no farther and another shoul- came also the resurrection of the dead.
dered the burden for Him. “For as in Adam all die, even so in
Finally, on a hill called Calvary, while Christ shall all be made alive.” 13
helpless followers looked on, His wounded I have read—and I believe—the tes-
body was nailed to a cross. Mercilessly He timonies of those who experienced the
was mocked and cursed and derided. And grief of Christ’s Crucifixion and the joy
yet He cried out, “Father, forgive them; for of His Resurrection. I have read—and I
they know not what they do.” 10 believe—the testimonies of those in the
The agonizing hours passed as His life New World who were visited by the same
ebbed. From His parched lips came the risen Lord.
words, “Father, into thy hands I commend I believe the testimony of one who, in
my spirit: and having said thus, he gave this dispensation, spoke with the Father
up the ghost.” 11 and the Son in a grove now called sacred
As the serenity and solace of a merci- and who gave his life, sealing that testi-
ful death freed Him from the sorrows of mony with his blood. Declared he:
mortality, He returned to the presence of “And now, after the many testimonies
His Father. which have been given of him, this is the
At the last moment, the Master could testimony, last of all, which we give of
have turned back. But He did not. He him: That he lives!
passed beneath all things that He might “For we saw him, even on the right
save all things. His lifeless body was hur- hand of God; and we heard the voice bear-
riedly but gently placed in a borrowed ing record that he is the Only Begotten of
tomb. the Father.” 14
The darkness of death can always be
“He is not here, but is risen” dispelled by the light of revealed truth. “I
am the resurrection, and the life,” spoke
No words in Christendom mean more the Master. 15 “Peace I leave with you, my
to me than those spoken by the angel to the peace I give unto you.” 16
weeping Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary when, on the first day of the week, A boy’s powerful testimony
they approached the tomb to care for the
body of their Lord. Spoke the angel: Over the years I have heard and read
“Why seek ye the living among the testimonies too numerous to count, shared
dead? with me by individuals who testify of the
“He is not here, but is risen.” 12 reality of the Resurrection and who have
Our Savior lived again. The most glo- received, in their hours of greatest need,
rious, comforting, and reassuring of all the peace and comfort promised by the
events of human history had taken place— Savior.
the victory over death. The pain and ag- I will mention just part of one such ac-
ony of Gethsemane and Calvary had been count. Two weeks ago I received a touch-
wiped away. The salvation of mankind had ing letter from a father of seven who wrote
been secured. The Fall of Adam had been about his family and, in particular, his son
reclaimed. Jason, who had become ill when 11 years

of age. Over the next few years, Jason’s In his letter to me, this father included
illness recurred several times. This father a photograph of Jason in his hospital bed,
told of Jason’s positive attitude and sunny with his big brother Kyle standing beside
disposition, despite his health challenges. the bed, holding his mission call. This
Jason received the Aaronic Priesthood caption was written beneath the photo-
at age 12 and “always willingly magni- graph: “Called to serve their missions to-
fied his responsibilities with excellence, gether—on both sides of the veil.”
whether he felt well or not.” He received Jason’s brother and sister already serv-
his Eagle Scout Award when he was 14 ing missions sent beautiful, comforting
years old. letters home to be shared at Jason’s fu-
Last summer, not long after Jason’s neral. His sister, serving in the Argentina
15th birthday, he was once again admit- Buenos Aires West Mission, as part of her
ted to the hospital. On one of his visits to letter, wrote: “I know that Jesus Christ
see Jason, his father found him with his lives, and because He lives, all of us, in-
eyes closed. Not knowing whether Jason cluding our beloved Jason, will live again
was asleep or awake, he began talking too. . . . We can take comfort in the sure
softly to him. “Jason,” he said, “I know knowledge we have that we have been
you have been through a lot in your short sealed together as an eternal family. . . .
life and that your current condition is If we do our very best to obey and do bet-
difficult. Even though you have a giant ter in this life, we will see [him again].”
battle ahead, I don’t ever want you to lose She continued: “[A] scripture that I have
your faith in Jesus Christ.” He said he was long loved now takes on new significance
startled as Jason immediately opened his and importance at this time. . . . [From]
eyes and said, “Never!” in a clear, resolute Revelation chapter 21, verse 4: ‘And God
voice. Jason then closed his eyes and said shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
no more. and there shall be no more death, neither
His father wrote: “In this simple dec- sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be
laration, Jason expressed one of the most any more pain: for the former things are
powerful, pure testimonies of Jesus Christ passed away.’”
that I have ever heard. . . . As his declara- My beloved brothers and sisters, in our
tion of ‘Never!’ became imprinted on my hour of deepest sorrow, we can receive
soul that day, my heart filled with joy that profound peace from the words of the an-
my Heavenly Father had blessed me to be gel that first Easter morning: “He is not
the father of such a tremendous and noble here: for he is risen.” 17
boy. . . . [It] was the last time I heard him
declare his testimony of Christ.” He is risen! He is risen!
Although his family was expecting Tell it out with joyful voice.
this to be just another routine hospital- He has burst his three days’ prison;
ization, Jason passed away less than two Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
weeks later. An older brother and sister Death is conquered; man is free.
were serving missions at the time. Another Christ has won the victory! 18
brother, Kyle, had just received his mis- As one of His special witnesses on
sion call. In fact, the call had come ear- earth today, this glorious Easter Sunday,
lier than expected, and on August 5, just I declare that this is true, in His sacred
a week before Jason’s passing, the fam- name—even the name of Jesus Christ, our
ily gathered in his hospital room so that Savior—amen.
Kyle’s mission call could be opened there
and shared with the entire family.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

NOTES 11. Luke 23:46.

1. Robert Louis Stevenson, “Requiem,” in 12. Luke 24:5–6.
An Anthology of Modern Verse, ed. A. 13. 1 Corinthians 15:21–22.
Methuen (1921), 208. 14. Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–23.
2. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd 15. John 11:25.
ed. (1916), 20. 16. John 14:27.
3. Job 14:14. 17. Matthew 28:6.
4. See Genesis 1:1–27. 18. “He Is Risen!” Hymns, no. 199.
5. See Job 38:7.
6. Luke 2:52. The choir sang “He Is Risen!”
7. Acts 10:38. Elder Wolfgang H. Paul offered the
8. Doctrine and Covenants 19:18. benediction.
9. Luke 23:21.
10. Luke 23:34.


The fifth session of the 180th Annual The music for this session will be by
General Conference convened in the Con- the Tabernacle Choir, under the direction
ference Center at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, of Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy, with
April 4, 2010. President Henry B. Eyring Bonnie Goodliffe and Linda Margetts at
conducted this session. the organ.
The Tabernacle Choir provided the The choir will open these services by
music for this session. Mack Wilberg and singing “Come, O Thou King of Kings.”
Ryan Murphy directed the choir, and Bon- The invocation will then be offered by El-
nie Goodliffe and Linda Margetts were der Christoffel Golden Jr. of the Seventy.
the organists. President Eyring made the The choir will then sing “Jesus, Once of
following remarks as the meeting began. Humble Birth.”

President Henry B. Eyring The choir sang “Come, O Thou King

Brothers and sisters, we welcome you of Kings.”
this afternoon to the fifth and conclud- Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. offered
ing session of the 180th Annual General the invocation.
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ The choir sang “Jesus, Once of
of Latter‐day Saints. We commemorate Humble Birth.”
with gratitude this Easter Sunday the glo-
rious Atonement and Resurrection of our
Savior, Jesus Christ. President Thomas S. President Eyring
Monson, who presides at this conference, We will now be pleased to hear from
has asked that I conduct this session. Elders Russell M. Nelson and Robert D.
We extend our greetings and bless- Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apos-
ings to members of the Church and many tles. Following Elder Hales’s remarks, we
friends everywhere who are participating will hear from Elder Bradley D. Foster of
in these proceedings by radio, television, the Seventy.
the Internet, or satellite transmission.

Elder Russell M. Nelson

Generations linked in love has done so from the beginning and will
continue to do so. He invites all to gain
Correspondence we receive at Easter or eternal exaltation for their family. His work
Christmastime provides refreshing memo- and His glory is to bring to pass the im-
ries of dear friends and relatives. Some of mortality and eternal life—the exaltation
those messages are enriched with precious —of His children. 2 “For God so loved the
family photographs. Here is one that really world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
caught my attention. that whosoever believeth in him should not
This is one of our great-granddaughters. perish, but have everlasting life.” 3
I’ll call her “Dear Ruby.” This picture re- The Atonement of His Beloved Son
minded me of her mother when she was enabled both of the Father’s objectives
about the same age. From my files I re- to be fulfilled. Without the Atonement,
trieved this photo of “Dear Ruby’s” moth- there would be no immortality. Without
er—one of our granddaughters. I took this the Atonement, there would be no return to
picture of “Dear Ruby’s” mother some 29 the presence of the Father and no continu-
years ago. Her eyes are still just as blue. ation of the family beyond the grave.
Fond memories surfaced from half a Because of the Atonement, these con-
century ago, when “Dear Ruby’s” grand- summate blessings can be realized by each
mother—one of our daughters—was then of God’s children who obey His eternal
the newest member of our family. This is laws. Through the ages, many of His
one of her baby pictures. Now she is a lov- children have had access to the blessings
ing grandmother, and I am “Dear Ruby’s” of the gospel, but many more have not.
great-grandfather. (I won’t show you my Before the foundation of the world, our
picture as a baby. That would not help.) Heavenly Father instituted the ordinance
These photographs suggest the love that of baptism for those who die without a
links our four generations together. knowledge of the gospel. 4 He loves those
When I think of the love I feel for each children too.
member of our family, I sense, to a slight He also provided a way for them to be
degree, the love that our Heavenly Father part of an eternal family. Every human
bears for His children. While the family being who comes to this earth is the prod-
is under attack throughout the world, uct of generations of parents. We have a
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day natural yearning to connect with our an-
Saints proclaims, promotes, and protects cestors. This desire dwells in our hearts,
the truth that the family is central to the regardless of age.
Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His Consider the spiritual connections that
children. “The Family: A Proclamation are formed when a young woman helps her
to the World” and our vast family history grandmother enter family information into
efforts are but two evidences of how this a computer or when a young man sees the
Church brings hope and help to the sacred name of his great-grandfather on a census
institution of the family. record. When our hearts turn to our ances-
tors, something changes inside us. We feel
Eternal families part of something greater than ourselves.
We teach that God’s love for His chil- Our inborn yearnings for family connec-
dren is infinite. Regardless of race, nation- tions are fulfilled when we are linked to
ality, or gender, He loves all of them. 1 He our ancestors through sacred ordinances
of the temple.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

Advances in family history work You first identify individuals for whom
you desire to do temple work.
Because of the importance of this work, Then you print out a Family Ordinance
the Church has built temples closer to the Request. This document provides the in-
people, 5 and family history research is be- formation needed at the temple and elimi-
ing facilitated as never before. Methods to nates the need to take computer discs with
find and prepare names for temple ordi- you.
nances are also improving. At the October From the Family Ordinance Request,
2005 conference, President Gordon B. ordinance cards are printed at the temple.
Hinckley announced an exciting step for- After an ordinance is performed, it is re-
ward in family history and temple work. corded and entered into new FamilySearch
He said: “One of the most troublesome on that very day.
aspects of our temple activity is that as Now, what about those of you who have
we get more and more temples . . . across no access to a computer or prefer not to
the earth, there is duplication of effort in use this technology? Don’t worry! Take
proxy work. . . . We therefore have been one step at a time. Start at home. Begin
engaged for some time in a very difficult with an empty cardboard box, as sug-
undertaking. . . . The solution lies in com- gested by President Boyd K. Packer. 11 Put
plex computer technology.” 6 in that box important information about
Since then, not only has duplication you and your family. Add data gathered
been reduced, but procedures have been from others of your family. Then avail
simplified so that virtually every member yourself of assistance from your ward or
of the Church can participate in temple branch family history consultant. The new
and family history work. Gone are the FamilySearch system enables a consultant
days when this sacred work was done to perform all needed computer functions
only by specialists. No matter your situa- for you, including preparing names for the
tion, you can make family history a part of temple. About 60,000 consultants serve
your life right now. Primary children can throughout the world. One in your ward or
draw a family tree. Youth can participate branch can be very helpful to you.
in proxy baptisms. They can also help the The new FamilySearch system changes
older generation work with computers. the dynamics of family history work by
Parents can relate stories of their lives to facilitating the creation of one common
their posterity. Worthy adult members can pedigree. In the past, a person worked
hold a temple recommend and perform separately, keeping his or her own fam-
temple ordinances for their own kin. ily records. One often worked without
The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “The knowing what other family members were
greatest responsibility in this world that doing. Now each person can contribute in-
God has laid upon us is to seek after our formation while coordinating with others
dead.” 7 New technology makes it easier in developing their family tree.
than ever to fulfill that responsibility. While the new FamilySearch is a giant
Temple and family history work is now step forward, it is still just a step. There
facilitated by a system known as the “new is more work ahead. Because the system
FamilySearch.” 8 This Internet-based sys- facilitates access to information submitted
tem helps members identify their an- to the Church over many decades from
cestors, determine what ordinance work many sources, new FamilySearch may
needs to be done for them, and prepare expose duplicate entries or errors that
their names for the temple. It can be ac- had not previously been recognized. This
cessed from home, a family history cen- feature is especially useful for those with
ter, 9 or wherever the Internet is available. early pioneer ancestry. Duplications and
The steps are easy to follow. 10

errors need correction, and no one can do us present in his holy temple . . . a book
it better than each individual for his or her containing the records of our dead, which
own family. shall be worthy of all acceptation.” 14
You may be frustrated as you work The preparation of that record is our
through these challenges. Please be assured individual and collective responsibility. As
that your concerns are well understood. we work together, we can make it worthy
The Church, under the inspired leader- of all acceptation by the Lord. That record
ship of President Thomas S. Monson, is enables ordinances to be performed for
working diligently to assist you in solving and accepted by our deceased ancestors,
these problems. Together we are striving as they may choose. Those ordinances can
to organize the family tree for all of God’s bring liberty to captives on the other side
children. This is an enormous endeavor of the veil. 15
with enormous rewards. Our children, grandchildren, “Dear
Ruby,” and all our great-grandchildren are
Helping to exalt families linked in love. They are also linked in love
to ancestors. Those links, welded through
This is joyful work. Look at this pho- sacred ordinances, lead to the exaltation of
tograph of new converts doing temple our families. 16 That this sacred goal may
work for their own kin. These dear Saints be realized for each of us is my prayer in
are from the San Salvador El Salvador the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Ilopango Stake and are attending the
Guatemala City Temple for the first time. NOTES
They are holding their temple cards, each 1. See 1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:28;
with the name of a deceased relative for 2 Nephi 26:33.
whom they have performed a vicarious 2. See Moses 1:39.
baptism. 3. John 3:16.
In order for the Church’s family history 4. See Doctrine and Covenants 124:33.
efforts to succeed, priesthood direction 5. President Thomas S. Monson said re-
and leadership are essential. Leaders teach cently that 83 percent of Church mem-
and testify of the doctrine undergirding bers throughout the world now live within
200 miles of a temple (see Conference
this sacred work. 12 They issue callings and
Report, Oct. 2009, 3; or Ensign, Nov.
see that instruction is available. 13 They 2009, 4).
view temple and family history activity 6. Gordon B. Hinckley, in Conference Re-
as a way to elevate the spirit of their ward, port, Oct. 2005, 3; or Ensign, Nov. 2005,
strengthen the spiritual roots of new con- 5–6.
verts, and bless the lives of all members. 7. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
While temple and family history work Joseph Smith (2007), 475.
has the power to bless those beyond the 8. Presently available in English, Spanish,
veil, it has an equal power to bless the Portuguese, French, and German. Will
living. It has a refining influence on those be available in Japanese, Chinese, and
who are engaged in it. They are literally Korean later this year.
helping to exalt their families. 9. We have more than 4,000 family history
We are exalted when we can dwell to- centers throughout the world.
gether with our extended families in the 10. If you have access to a computer, go to
presence of Almighty God. The Prophet To register for the
Joseph Smith foresaw our duty: “The great first time, you will need your member-
day of the Lord is at hand,” he said. “Let ship number and your birth date. You can
us, therefore, as a church and a people, obtain your membership number from
and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the your ward or branch clerk. Once logged
Lord an offering in righteousness; and let into the system, you can verify that your
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

ancestors’ information is in the system elders quorum president leads the way.
and what temple ordinances are needed. Many resources, printed and online, are
You can identify ancestors who are not available to help family history consul-
now known to you and add them to your tants and priesthood leaders fulfill their
family tree. Print out a Family Ordinance duties.
Request form to take to the temple and 13. Helpful new resources include Member’s
thus open the way for needed ordinances Guide to Temple and Family History
to be performed. Work (item no. 36795) and Instructor’s
11. See Boyd K. Packer, “Your Family His- Guide (item no. 35804) and accompa-
tory: Getting Started,” Ensign, Aug. nying DVD. These guides can be down-
2003, 12–17. loaded or viewed online at or
12. Under the direction of the stake presi- ordered through Distribution Services.
dency, one or more assigned high coun- 14. Doctrine and Covenants 128:24.
cilors oversee temple and family history 15. See Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; Doctrine and
work in the stake. On the ward or branch Covenants 138:18, 31, 42.
level, the high priests group leader or 16. See Doctrine and Covenants 128:18.

Elder Robert D. Hales

This afternoon I desire to encourage enough to see that film. He was puzzled
parents and all who are called to lead and until his grandmother explained to him
serve the youth of this world. The Lord that the rating system by age didn’t apply
revealed to Joseph Smith that we have to Grandpa. He came back to me and said,
“an imperative duty that we owe to all the “I get it now, Grandpa. You’re never going
rising generation” (D&C 123:11). to be old enough to see that movie, are
Throughout my life as a father and you?” And he was right!
grandfather, I have pondered the question,
what is my duty to God in relation to the Understanding the hearts of the youth
youth? May I share some of what I have
learned by way of personal reflection and Besides showing youth the way by ex-
testimony. ample, we lead them by understanding
their hearts and walking alongside them
Leading youth by example on the gospel path. To truly understand
their hearts, we must do more than just be
For all of us, doing our duty to God as in the same room or attend the same fam-
parents and leaders begins with leading by ily and Church activities. We must plan
example—consistently and diligently liv- and take advantage of teaching moments
ing gospel principles at home. This takes that make a deep and lasting impression
daily determination and diligence. upon their minds and hearts.
For youth, there is no substitute for see- For example, Church leaders regularly
ing the gospel lived in our daily lives. The plan priesthood activities and Scouting
stripling warriors did not have to wonder pow wows and encampments—but do
what their parents believed. They said, those activities always accomplish their
“We do not doubt our mothers knew it” most important purpose? I have learned
(see Alma 56:47–48). Do our children that what makes a priesthood or Scout
know what we know? activity most meaningful to a boy is not
I have a grandson who once asked just getting a merit badge but having the
me to go with him to a popular but inap- opportunity to sit and talk with a leader
propriate movie. I told him I wasn’t old who is interested in him and his life.

Similarly, mothers and fathers, as you to hear his sweet voice chattering on in the
drive or walk children to school or their background. Imagine my surprise when,
various activities, do you use the time a few moments later, he pushed himself
to talk with them about their hopes and between me and the paper. Taking my
dreams and fears and joys? Do you take face in his hands and pressing his nose
the time to have them take the earplugs up to mine, he asked, “Grandpa! Are you
from their MP3 players and all the other in there?”
devices so that they can hear you and feel Mother, Father, are you in there?
of your love? The more I live, the more Grandpa, Grandma, are you there? Being
I recognize that the teaching moments in there means understanding the hearts of
my youth, especially those provided by our youth and connecting with them. And
my parents, have shaped my life and made connecting with them means not just con-
me who I am. versing with them but doing things with
It is impossible to overestimate the them too.
influence of parents who understand the
hearts of their children. Research shows Participating with youth in programs
that during the most important transi-
tions of life—including those periods Recently I heard a mother recount how
when youth are most likely to drift away she had helped her first three daughters
from the Church—the greatest influence complete their Personal Progress require-
does not come from an interview with the ments by doing what was expected—stay-
bishop or some other leader but from the ing informed and signing off projects.
regular, warm, friendly, caring interaction Then she tenderly explained, tears flowing
with parents. down her cheek, “Recently I have been
With that in mind, when we sit down at working with my fourth daughter by ac-
the dinner table, is our whole family there? tually doing her projects with her. It has
I remember as a young man asking per- made all the difference in our lives and
mission to play baseball through dinner- our relationship. But oh, what sadness I
time. “Just put my meal in the oven,” I said feel when I realize what I lost by not doing
to my mother. She responded, “Robert, this with my other three daughters.” The
I really want you to take a break, come saddest words of tongue and pen are those
home, be with the family for dinner, and that say, “It might have been!” 1
then you can go out and play baseball until Adult members of the Church should
dark.” She taught all of us that where fam- understand that Personal Progress and
ily meals are concerned, it’s not the food Duty to God requirements are not just
but the family interaction that nourishes lengthy lists of items to check off. They
the soul. My mother taught that the great- are personal goals set by each young man
est love we give is within our homes. and young woman to help them become
For our interactions with youth to truly worthy to receive temple ordinances, serve
touch their hearts, we have to pay attention missions, enter into eternal marriage, and
to them just as we would pay attention to enjoy exaltation. But let it be understood:
a trusted adult colleague or close friend. for young men and young women to try to
Most important is asking them questions, accomplish these goals alone would be a
letting them talk, and then being willing to great loss and tragedy!
listen—yes, listen and listen some more— Fathers, mothers, and leaders of youth,
even hearken with spiritual ears! Several we urge you to participate in Personal
years ago I was reading the newspaper Progress and Duty to God with your chil-
when one of my young grandsons snug- dren and with the youth. Not only will
gled up to me. As I read, I was delighted they grow; you will grow too. And just as
importantly, you will grow together in a
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

bond of faith and friendship that will allow do. Wholehearted participation in ordi-
you to strengthen each other and stay on nances, quorums and auxiliaries, inspired
the gospel path forever, to indeed be an programs, and fortifying activities helps
eternal family. youth put on the whole armor of God. Will
we help them put on that armor so they can
Helping youth to know and to do withstand the fiery darts of the adversary?
To truly choose the Lord’s way, they must
An equally important part of fulfilling know His way. And to truly know His way,
our parental duty to God is teaching our we must teach and lead them to act, to
children the gospel and preparing them participate, to do.
to participate fully in the Savior’s re-
stored Church. Remember the lesson of Our greatest work
King Benjamin’s people. As a result of
his teachings, many of the adults had a The greatest missionary work we will
mighty change of heart (see Mosiah 5:2). ever do will be in our homes. Our homes,
But then it says that “there were many of quorums, and classes are part of the mis-
the rising generation that could not under- sion field. Our children and grandchildren
stand the words of king Benjamin, being are our most important investigators.
little children at the time he spake unto The greatest family history work that
his people; and they did not believe. . . . we will do will be within our own homes. It
And their hearts were hardened” (Mosiah is the spiritual preparation of our children
26:1, 3). in the rising generation that will, through
It is our imperative duty to help youth their obedience, ensure the eternal pres-
understand and believe the gospel in a ervation and perpetuation of our families
deeply personal way. We can teach them for the coming generations.
to walk in the light, but that light cannot The greatest rescue, the greatest acti-
be borrowed. They must earn it for them- vation will be in our homes. If someone in
selves. They must obtain their own light your family is wandering in strange paths,
of testimony directly from the source of you are a rescuer, engaged in the greatest
spiritual light—God Himself—through rescue effort the Church has ever known.
prayer and study and pondering. They I testify from personal experience: There
must understand who they are and who is no failure except in giving up. It is never
Heavenly Father wants them to become. too early or too late to begin. Do not worry
How do we help them? about what has happened in the past. Pick
When we have a family home evening, up the phone. Write a note. Make a visit.
a family council, or a meaningful gospel Extend the invitation to come home. Don’t
conversation with our children, we have be afraid or embarrassed. Your child is
the opportunity to look into their eyes Heavenly Father’s child. You are about
and tell them that we love them and that His work. He has promised to gather His
Heavenly Father loves them. In these sa- children, and He is with you.
cred settings, we can also help them un- The greatest faith we have will be
derstand, deep in their hearts, who they are within our homes as we remain strong in
and how fortunate they are to have come the trials and tribulations of parenthood.
to this earth and to our home and to par- To a small group of mothers, President
ticipate in the covenants we have taken in Monson recently said, “Sometimes we are
the temple to be a family forever. In every too quick to judge the effect of our suc-
interaction we share, we demonstrate the cesses and failures.” May I add, don’t look
principles and blessings of the gospel. at today’s trials as eternal. Heavenly Father
In these perilous times it is not enough does His work in the long term. “There is
for our youth to merely know. They must much which lieth in futurity,” the Prophet

Joseph Smith said. “Therefore, . . . let us understand the joy it is to be in a home and
cheerfully do all things that lie in our family where they can be loved, directed,
power; and then may we stand still, with and guided. It is my prayer that we may
the utmost assurance, to see the salvation have eternal families and be together for-
of God, and for his arm to be revealed” ever in the presence of God the Father and
(D&C 123:15, 17). His Son, Jesus Christ.
On this Easter Sunday I would hope that I bear my special witness that Jesus
we would have the opportunity of bearing Christ lives. He is the shepherd of the lost
our testimonies that we know that God sheep, the rescuer of the stranded soul,
lives and that Jesus is the Christ. I would the healer of the wounded heart, the hope
hope that we would bear our testimonies of all mankind. With Him as our Master,
so that our children will know where our let us fulfill our duty to God with faith in
hearts are and that we love them. The Him and His eternal love for each of us,
greatest love and the greatest teachings I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
should be in our homes. NOTE
I ask the Lord’s blessings to be with
the parents and with the youth who are 1. See “Maud Muller,” in The Complete
Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
brought up in faithful homes, that they will
(1876), 206.

Elder Bradley D. Foster

“Mother told me” no words, so Brother Pearson made up
words to the story.
The Lord has placed upon parents the “Paddy is in a hot-air balloon. He is
primary responsibility for the spiritual landing on an island now. He is dropping
nurturing of their children. Sometimes this a line over the side of the balloon.”
responsibility falls to a single parent. My Eric stopped him. “Dad, that is not a
own mother was relatively young when line. It’s a rope.”
my father died, leaving her alone with Brother Pearson looked at Eric and
four children. But she faced her adver- back at the picture book, and then he
sity with faith and courage, promising us continued: “Paddy is getting out of the
that if we stayed on the road of truth, the balloon and climbing down the tree. Oh
end would be better than the beginning. no! His coat is caught on a limb!”
Like the children of valiant mothers in the Again Eric stopped him. “Dad, that’s
Book of Mormon, “we [did] not doubt our not a coat. It’s a jacket.”
[mother] knew it” (Alma 56:48). Brothers By now Brother Pearson was some-
and sisters, I understand in a personal way what perplexed. He said, “Eric, there are
the great influence of mothers. no words in this book, just pictures. Why
My good friend Don Pearson shared an do you insist that it’s a jacket?”
experience that highlights this influence. Eric answered, “Because Mother told
One night his four-year-old son asked him me.”
to read a bedtime story. Eric had picked His father closed the book and said,
out his favorite book: The Ballooning “Eric, who do you think is the last word,
Adventures of Paddy Pork, a story about the ultimate authority in this house?”
a family who lived on the isles of the sea This time Eric thought carefully before
and traveled from island to island by hot- he answered, “You are, Dad.”
air balloon. It was a picture book that had
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

Brother Pearson beamed at his son. distraction doesn’t have to be evil to be ef-
What an exceptional answer! “How did fective—sometimes it can just be shade.
you know that?” After several hours of gathering up
Eric quickly responded, “Mother told stray calves and with sweat running down
me.” my face, I yelled to the calves in frus-
As President James E. Faust said: tration, “Just follow your mothers! They
“There is no greater good in all the know where they’re going! They’ve been
world than motherhood. The influence of down this road before!” Their mothers
a mother in the lives of her children is knew that even though the road was hot
beyond calculation” (“Fathers, Mothers, and dusty now, the end would be better
Marriage,” Ensign, Aug. 2004, 3). than the beginning.
As soon as we got the herd into the
A mother’s natural affection corral, we noticed that three of the cows
were pacing nervously at the gate. They
By divine design, nurturing seems to could not find their calves and seemed to
be part of the spiritual heritage given to sense they were back on the road some-
women. I’ve seen it in my daughters, and where. One of the cowboys asked me what
now I see it in my granddaughters—even we should do. I said, “I bet I know where
before they could walk, they wanted to those calves are. Back a quarter of a mile
carry and care for their little baby dolls. or so, there’s a stand of trees. I’m sure
In my profession as a farmer and a we’ll find them there.”
rancher, I’ve had a front-row seat to ob- Sure enough, just as I had suspected,
serve how a mother’s natural affection we found our lost calves taking a nap in
manifests itself even in nature. Each the shade. Our approach startled them, and
spring we take a herd of cows and their they resisted our efforts to round them up.
new calves up along Idaho’s Snake River, They were frightened because we were not
where they graze in the foothills for a their mothers! The more we tried to push
month or so. Then we round them up and them toward the corral, the more stubborn
bring them down a road that leads to the they became. Finally I said to the cow-
corral. From there they are loaded onto boys, “I’m sorry. I know better than this.
trucks that carry them to their summer Let’s ride back and let their mothers out
pastures in Montana. of the corral. The cows will come and get
On one particularly hot spring day, I their calves, and the calves will follow
was helping with the roundup by riding at their mothers.” I was right. The mother
the back of the herd as it moved down the cows knew exactly where to go to find
dusty road toward the corral. My job was their calves, and they led them back to the
to gather any calves that had wandered corral, as I had expected.
from the road. The pace was slow and
provided me some time to think. Turning toward Mother
Because it was so hot, the little calves
kept running off into the trees to find Brothers and sisters, in a world where
shade. My thoughts turned to the youth everyone is granted agency, some of our
of the Church who are sometimes dis- loved ones may stray for a season. But
tracted from the strait and narrow path. we can never give up. We must always
I also thought about those who have left go back for them—we must never stop
the Church or who may feel that the trying. Our prophet, President Thomas S.
Church has left their hearts while they Monson, has issued a plea for us to go
were distracted. I thought to myself that a rescue those of our loved ones who may

be lost (see, for example, Conference (Teachings of Presidents of the Church:

Report, Apr. 2003, 58–62; or Ensign, May Joseph F. Smith [1998], 36).
2003, 54–57). With the help of priesthood As in all things, the Savior set the
leaders, parents must continue to go back perfect example in the love He showed
and find their lost ones, assuring them for His earthly mother. In the final, most
there will always be a “home” within the pivotal moment of His mortal life—after
family and the Church, waiting for their the anguish of Gethsemane, the mock
return. We never know when a heart may trial, the crown of thorns, the heavy cross
be turned. We never know when a soul to which He was brutally nailed—Jesus
may be weary and worn out by the world. looked down from the cross and saw
When that happens, it seems our children His mother, Mary, who had come to be
almost always turn first toward Mother, with her Son. His final act of love before
with emotions like those expressed in a He died was to ensure that His mother
poem by Elizabeth Akers Allen: would be cared for, saying to His disciple,
“Behold thy mother!” And from that point
Backward, flow backward, O tide of on the disciple took her unto his home. As
the years! the scriptures say, then Jesus knew that
I am so weary of toil and of tears, . . . “all things were now accomplished,” and
Tired of the hollow, the base, the He bowed His head and died (see John
untrue, 19:27–28, 30).
Mother, O mother, my heart calls for Today I stand before you to bear my
you! . . . witness that Jesus Christ is the very Savior
and Redeemer of the world. This is His
Over my heart, in the days that are Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of
flown, Latter-day Saints. Our Heavenly Father
No love like mother-love ever has wants all of His children to return to Him.
shone; . . . I know this without contradiction because
of the witness of the Holy Ghost to my
None like a mother can charm away heart. I didn’t always know—when I was
pain younger I had to rely on my parents’ tes-
From the sick soul and the world-weary timony. My mother assured me that if I
brain. stayed on the road of truth, even when it
Slumber’s soft calms o’er my heavy seemed hot and dusty, even when there
lids creep; were distractions, the end would be bet-
Rock me to sleep, mother, rock me to ter than the beginning. I will be eternally
sleep! grateful that Mother told me. In the name
[“Rock Me to Sleep,” in The Family of Jesus Christ, amen.
Library of Poetry and Song, ed. William
Cullen Bryant (1870), 190–91; punctu- President Eyring
ation modernized]
The choir and congregation will now
The Savior’s love join in singing “I Know That My Re-
deemer Lives.” At the conclusion of the
Perhaps the reason we respond so uni- singing, Elders James B. Martino and
versally to our mothers’ love is because it Gregory A. Schwitzer of the Seventy
typifies the love of our Savior. As President will address us. They will be followed by
Joseph F. Smith said, “The love of a true Elder Francisco J. Viñas of the Seventy.
mother comes nearer [to] being like the Following Elder Viñas’s remarks, we will
love of God than any other kind of love”
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

hear from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The choir and congregation sang
“I Know That My Redeemer Lives.”

Elder James B. Martino

Facing adversity “All things work together for good”
When I was young I looked forward The Apostle Paul taught an interesting
to the spring of the year. As the weather lesson only a few years before the Saints
warmed, I was ready for baseball to begin. in Rome were to face some of the most
Like most young boys, I would wish that violent persecution of any Christian era.
I could become a great baseball player. I Paul reminded the Saints that “all things
am reminded of a story about a very young work together for good to them that love
boy with similar dreams. With the desire God.” 2 Our Heavenly Father, who loves
to become the next mighty ballplayer, he us completely and perfectly, permits us
decided to go outside and practice. He to have experiences that will allow us to
held the baseball in one hand and the bat develop the traits and attributes we need
in the other, and he threw the ball into the to become more and more Christlike. Our
air. With a wish to hit the ball as far as he trials come in many forms, but each will
could, he took a great swing, but the ball allow us to become more like the Savior as
fell to the ground without even touching we learn to recognize the good that comes
the wood of the bat. Not to be denied, he from each experience. As we understand
went at it again. As he was about to throw this doctrine, we gain greater assurance of
the ball in the air, his determination grew our Father’s love. We may never know in
as the thought of a powerful hit came into this life why we face what we do, but we
his mind. But alas, the results were the can feel confident that we can grow from
same. The ball lay on the ground. But the experience.
as any good ballplayer knows, you have Now, I realize that it is much easier to
three strikes before you are out. He con- look back when a trial is over and see what
centrated even more, threw the ball in the we have learned from our experience, but
air, and gave the mightiest swing he had the challenge is to gain that eternal per-
ever attempted. As the ball again fell to spective while we are going through our
the ground, the tears began to swell in his tests. To some, our trials may not seem
eyes. Then all of a sudden a great smile great, but to each of us who are passing
appeared, and he said, “What a pitcher!” through these experiences, the trials are
Each of us will face trials and tests, and real and require us to humble ourselves
as in this simplistic example, it is how we before God and learn from Him.
react to those difficulties that will deter-
mine our success and happiness. Each of Following the Savior’s example
us will face adversity no matter where we
are. We are taught in the scriptures that On this Easter Sunday, we remember
there “must needs be . . . an opposition the life of our Savior. It is He whom we de-
in all things.” 1 We will each face times of sire to emulate in all of our actions. May I
difficulty, and the question is not when we mention five things that we can learn from
will face them but how we face them. those last hours of the Savior’s life on earth
that can help us to face our own trials.

Trusting in God to this country where everything was new

to him; but in an amazing turn of events,
First, He sought not to do His will but the experience went from one of trial to a
only the will of His Father. He remained huge blessing in his life. He accomplished
committed to His sacred mission even this by changing his own attitude and de-
through the trial. As He fell to His face veloping a determination to succeed.
in the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked,
“Father, if thou be willing, remove this Becoming more earnest
cup from me: nevertheless not my will,
but thine, be done.” 3 Sometimes we pass Third, when we face our challenges,
through pain and sorrow that we might we must seek greater help from God.
grow and be prepared for potential tri- Even the Savior of us all found a need to
als in the future. I ask a question to you pray “more earnestly” as He was in the
mothers: “Would you ever do something Garden of Gethsemane. 5 We can learn to
that would cause pain and bring tears to gain great faith if we do this. We must
your children when they have done noth- remember that often the answers from our
ing wrong?” Of course you would! When Heavenly Father do not remove the trial
mothers take young children to the doctor from us, but instead He helps strengthen
to receive immunizations, almost every us as we pass through the experience. As
child leaves the doctor’s office in tears. He did for the followers of Alma, the Lord
Why do you do that? Because you know can “ease the burdens which are put upon
that a small amount of pain now will pro- your shoulders, that even you cannot feel
tect them from possible pain and suffering them upon your backs.” 6 In our trials, let
in the future. Our Father in Heaven knows us not become bitter or uncommitted, but
the end from the beginning. We need to let us follow the Savior’s example of be-
follow the example of the Savior and trust coming more earnest, more sincere, and
in Him. more faithful.

Learning to not complain Serving others

Second, when we are faced with trials, Fourth, learn to serve and think of oth-
we must learn to not complain or murmur. ers even in our times of trial. Christ was
Nephi, after a great vision of the Savior’s the epitome of service. His life was filled
atoning sacrifice, told us: “Wherefore they with examples of helping and serving oth-
scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they ers, and His greatest gift of all was what
smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit He did for us. As He said, “For behold,
upon him, and he suffereth it, because of I, God, have suffered these things for all,
his loving kindness and his long-suffering that they might not suffer if they would
towards the children of men.” 4 We must repent.” 7 We must repent and then follow
always attempt to correct the problem and His example of service. When we serve
overcome the trial, but instead of asking others, we forget our own problems, and
“Why me?” or “What did I do to deserve by working to relieve the pain or discom-
this?” maybe the question should be “What fort of others, we strengthen ourselves.
am I to do? What can I learn from this ex- In our last general conference, our
perience? What am I to change?” beloved prophet, President Thomas S.
Several years ago while my wife and I Monson, stated: “I believe the Savior is
were serving in Venezuela, our youngest telling us that unless we lose ourselves
son left the comfort of his high school to in service to others, there is little purpose
join with us. He did not complain, but it to our own lives. Those who live only
was obvious that he struggled as he went for themselves eventually shrivel up and
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

figuratively lose their lives, while those forgive one another. As we do this, “all
who lose themselves in service to others things [will] work together for good to
grow and flourish—and in effect save their [us] that love God.” 10 I bear a solemn and
lives.” 8 certain witness that our Father loves us
and He sent His Son to show and pave the
Forgiving others way for us. He suffered, He died, and He
was resurrected that we might live, and He
Fifth, forgive others and do not seek to desires that we “might have joy,” 11 even
pass the blame of our situation to them. in our trials of life. I say this in the name
Sometimes we like to say, “If they had not of Jesus Christ, amen.
done this, then I would not have reacted
the way I did.” There is a tendency for NOTES
the natural man to pass blame to someone 1. 2 Nephi 2:11.
else so as not to be accountable for his 2. Romans 8:28.
or her own actions. The Savior looked at 3. Luke 22:42.
those who had nailed Him to the cross and 4. 1 Nephi 19:9.
pled with His Father in Heaven to “forgive 5. Luke 22:44.
them; for they know not what they do.” 9 6. Mosiah 24:14.
Can we not be more forgiving? 7. Doctrine and Covenants 19:16.
8. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
port, Oct. 2009, 83; or Ensign, Nov.
That we “might have joy”
2009, 85.
As we pass through the trials of life, 9. Luke 23:34.
let us keep an eternal perspective, let us 10. Romans 8:28.
not complain, let us become even more 11. 2 Nephi 2:25.
prayerful, let us serve others, and let us

Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer

Exercising judgment because of limited information or because
we do not see beyond that which is imme-
We live in a world in which many situ- diately in front of us.
ations require us to make judgments that
are often difficult. Yet the Savior gave the The true character of Martha
commandment to “judge not” our fellow-
man. 1 How can we do this and still exercise By way of illustration, the story is often
good judgment in a world full of deception told of the time when Jesus visited the
and corruption? We must judge well when home of Mary and Martha, who lived in
making critical decisions in each phase of Bethany with their brother, Lazarus. It was
our life, such as choosing friends, finding a welcome place for the Master, where He
an eternal companion, or choosing an oc- could rest and enjoy the surroundings of a
cupation that will allow us to care for our righteous home. During one of His visits,
family and serve the Lord. Although the Martha was busy preparing a meal and
Savior asked us not to judge others, He still Mary elected to sit at the Master’s feet to
expects us to use excellent judgment. receive His instruction.
We may often find ourselves making “But Martha was cumbered about much
quick judgments about people, which can serving, and came to him, and said, Lord,
change or redefine our relationships with dost thou not care that my sister hath left
them. Often incorrect judgments are made me to serve alone? . . .

“And Jesus answered and said unto her, A lesson about quick judgments
Martha, Martha, thou art careful and trou-
bled about many things: On a personal level, as a young physi-
“But one thing is needful: and Mary cian I learned a great lesson about making
hath chosen that good part, which shall quick judgments. While I was working a
not be taken away from her.” 2 midnight shift in an emergency depart-
Many Sunday lessons have been taught ment, a young man and his wife came in
using this story which have cast Martha in because she was suffering some severe
a lesser position in terms of her faith. Yet pain. From their dress and hygiene, it was
there is another story of this great woman, easy to see that theirs had been a rough
Martha, which gives us a deeper view of life. His hair was ill kempt and very long.
her understanding and testimony. It hap- Their clothing had not been washed for
pened when the Savior arrived to raise her some time, and the effects of a rough life
brother, Lazarus, from the dead. On this were written on both of their faces.
occasion it was Martha whom we find go- After an examination, I sat down with
ing to Jesus “as soon as she heard” He was him to explain the problem and discuss
coming. As she meets Him, she says that the treatment. This man looked at me with
she knows that “whatsoever [He would] a deep clarity of love that is rarely ex-
ask of God, God [would] give [Him].” perienced and asked with all the love of
Christ then shared with Martha the great a caring husband, “Doctor, will my dear
doctrine of the resurrection, saying: wife be all right?” At that moment, I felt
“I am the resurrection, and the life: he the Spirit testify that he was a child of God
that believeth in me, though he were dead, and saw in his eyes the evidence of the
yet shall he live: Savior. This man truly projected love for
“And whosoever liveth and believeth in another, and I had misjudged him. It was
me shall never die. Believest thou this?” a lesson that left a lasting impression.
She responded with her powerful testi-
mony: “Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art Developing good judgment
the Christ, the Son of God, which should Good judgment is needed not only in
come into the world.” 3 understanding people but also in facing
How often has Martha been misjudged decisions that often lead us to or away from
as being a person who cared more for our Heavenly Father. As I look back over
the deeds of doing than for the Spirit? my own personal life, I can see many in-
However, her testimony in the trial of her stances in which a slight change of course
brother’s death clearly shows the depth of based on poor judgment would have led
her understanding and faith. me far from where the Lord wanted me to
Many a sister has often heard the first be—decisions like having a family while
story and wondered if she was a Mary or obtaining an education, being active in all
a Martha, yet the truth lies in knowing the aspects of the gospel, paying tithes and of-
whole person and in using good judgment. ferings when income was severely limited,
By knowing more about Martha, we find and accepting callings at difficult times,
she was actually a person of deep spiri- which helped me to understand more about
tual character who had a bold and daring sacrifice. Many blessings in life are missed
testimony of the Savior’s mission and His because worldly judgment was applied to
divine power over life. A misjudgment of what was really a spiritual decision.
Martha may have caused us not to know There are many characteristics of peo-
the true nature of this wonderful woman. ple who have developed good judgment.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

I would offer four guides for develop- can take time to ponder and hear the still,
ing such judgment in making important small voice. This peaceful environment
decisions. is both external and internal. Therefore,
First, put your own personal standards it is more than shutting off the music of
in alignment with the gospel of Jesus the world or the blare of other media; it
Christ. A person can never be a good judge is also shutting off the noise of sin that
without the gospel of Jesus Christ as a ref- is internal to our soul. This will open the
erence. The gospel has a long and success- communication with the Spirit, which is
ful record of guiding people to happiness. so badly needed.
Some of the world’s ideas leave mankind Christ said: “Peace I leave with you,
adrift to try to define their own standards. my peace I give unto you: not as the world
Because of this, we hear phrases like “a giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart
new morality.” This phrase is deceptive! be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 4 The
The standards of morality are eternal and peace that comes from listening to the
have not changed; neither should we try Holy Spirit removes the fear of making a
to discover a new interpretation of them. poor judgment in life.
For the youth these standards are written Fourth, keep the commandments. The
in the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. willingness to keep God’s commandments
These standards are clearly aligned with opens to us many promised blessings.
the gospel of Jesus Christ and are intended The Book of Mormon, in addition to be-
to continue through adult life. Perhaps it ing another testament of Jesus Christ, is
would be good for us as adults to study a book about the results of keeping and
and apply this pamphlet to our lives. not keeping commandments. The Lord
Second, listen to the messages of the said to Nephi in the second chapter of his
living prophet. How many poor financial first book, “Inasmuch as ye shall keep my
judgments would have been avoided had commandments, ye shall prosper.” 5
we listened to the years of advice given This same promise was repeated by
through our prophets about avoiding risky almost every major prophet in the Book
speculation and following a careful bud- of Mormon. A thousand years of history
get to avoid consumer debt? How many is then recorded which bears witness
marriages would have been saved by that these things are true. And the same
using good judgment in avoiding media message applies to us today. Good judg-
that lead to pornographic addiction and ment is best learned and practiced within
heartache? Each general conference and the bounds the Lord sets by giving us
Church magazine contains advice from commandments.
the prophets which, if applied, will lead I testify that when we face difficult de-
us to good judgment. We are left without cisions and follow these guidelines, we
excuse when we ignore them. can know better how we should judge. In
Third, cultivate with the Holy Spirit a the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
relationship of listening. We are given the NOTES
gift of the Holy Ghost after our baptism,
but often we leave this gift on the shelf, 1. Matthew 7:1. See also Matthew 7:1, foot-
note a, from Joseph Smith Translation,
forgetting that He will help us in the most
where the Savior commands us to “judge
important judgments of our lives. The not unrighteously.”
Lord gave us this gift, knowing we would 2. Luke 10:40–42.
face difficult decisions in life. Listening 3. See John 11:20–27.
to this voice is vital in developing good 4. John 14:27.
judgment. A relationship of listening often 5. 1 Nephi 2:20.
requires a quiet environment in which we

Elder Francisco J. Viñas

Destruction in Haiti is the “awful death [that] cometh upon the
wicked; for they die as to things pertaining
We are told in the Doctrine and to things of righteousness; for they are
Covenants that after the testimony of unclean, and no unclean thing can inherit
the servants of God, the testimony of the kingdom of God” (Alma 40:26).
earthquakes and the testimony of other Nephi taught this principle to his broth-
events will follow. “And all things shall ers, saying to them that those who “die in
be in commotion; and surely, men’s hearts their wickedness . . . must be cast off also,
shall fail them; for fear shall come upon as to the things which are spiritual, which
all people” (D&C 88:91; see also verses are pertaining to righteousness” (1 Nephi
88–90). 15:33).
As a member of the Caribbean Area Samuel the Lamanite prophet taught
Presidency, I was a personal witness to the that “whosoever repenteth not is hewn
faithful Saints who replaced fear with faith. down and cast into the fire; and there
Lessons learned in Haiti may be likened to cometh upon them again a spiritual death,
Book of Mormon illustrations. yea, a second death, for they are cut off
The impression of that terrible destruc- again as to things pertaining to righteous-
tion brought to my mind the words in the ness” (Helaman 14:18).
28th chapter of Alma: “This was a time The tragedy of dying as to things that
that there was a great mourning and lam- are spiritual has a greater impact for those
entation heard throughout all the land” who “have been once enlightened by the
(Alma 28:4). Spirit of God, and have had great knowl-
Forty-two members also lost their lives. edge of things pertaining to righteousness,
While their families and friends “mourn and then have fallen away into sin and
for the loss of their kindred, yet they re- transgression[;] they become more hard-
joice and exult in the hope, and even know, ened, and thus their state becomes worse
according to the promises of the Lord, that than though they had never known these
they are raised to dwell at the right hand of things” (Alma 24:30).
God, in a state of never-ending happiness” As parents and leaders, we need to
(Alma 28:12). watch over our members and families,
Immediate help was sent by the Church helping them to stay away from those
to members and nonmembers and was dis- things that could lead them to a spiritual
tributed under the direction of the local death. We also seek to rescue those who
priesthood and Relief Society leaders. are now dead as to the things that are spir-
They not only received medical aid, food, itual and help them to “be born again; yea,
water, and other basic supplies, but they born of God, changed from their carnal
also received counsel, guidance, and com- and fallen state, to a state of righteous-
fort from their local leaders. They have the ness, being redeemed of God, becoming
support of the members of the Church in his sons and daughters” (Mosiah 27:25).
all the world that “mourn with those that
mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand Things pertaining to righteousness
in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:9).
The spiritual healing of those who have
The tragedy of spiritual death been dead as to the things pertaining to
righteousness comes about through the
Different prophets in different times power of the Atonement, conversion to
warned us of another tragedy that is less the truth, and adherence to the principles
perceptible but not less important, and this of righteousness.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

Teaching our members and families It is interesting to notice that he taught

about the things pertaining to righteous- and gave his children their charge sepa-
ness is essential in the process of achiev- rately, adapting his instructions to each
ing an enduring conversion, since it can son, according to that son’s needs. He bore
lead them to obtain a correct knowledge testimony and taught them doctrine and
of the Lord’s commandments, the princi- principles, preparing them to preach those
ples and doctrines of the gospel, and the same principles to others.
requirements and ordinances with which In a time when the family is under
we must comply in order to achieve sal- attack from the forces of evil and when
vation in the Lord’s kingdom. the conditions in which we live are not
There are many examples in the scrip- so very different from those that Alma
tures that confirm the importance of teach- experienced, the First Presidency and
ing the “things pertaining to righteousness” the Quorum of the Twelve have set forth
to help obtain an enduring conversion. In in “The Family: A Proclamation to the
the account that is given of Ammon and World” that “parents have a sacred duty to
his brethren preaching the gospel among rear their children in love and righteous-
the Lamanites, we read, “And Ammon did ness” (Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102).
preach unto the people of king Lamoni; This includes nurturing, supporting,
and it came to pass that he did teach them and teaching children in all things per-
all things concerning things pertaining to taining to righteousness so that they may
righteousness” (Alma 21:23). remain firm, with their “loins girt about
We can see the results of diligently with truth, having on the breastplate of
teaching all things pertaining to righteous- righteousness, and [their] feet shod with
ness as we continue reading the account the preparation of the gospel of peace”
in chapter 23, where it says, “As many (D&C 27:16).
as believed, or as many as were brought Just as in the times of Alma, our lead-
to the knowledge of the truth, . . . were ers also watch over the members of the
converted unto the Lord [and] never did Church and nourish them with things per-
fall away” (Alma 23:6). taining to righteousness. Those things will
When Alma the Elder established the help us to achieve an enduring conversion.
Church, he consecrated worthy men as In the document “Leadership Training
their priests and teachers who “did watch Emphasis,” revised December 10, 2009,
over their people, and did nourish them the First Presidency and the Quorum of
with things pertaining to righteousness” the Twelve ask that both priesthood and
(Mosiah 23:18). auxiliary leaders “encourage each family
Parents play an essential role in help- member, parents and children, to study
ing their children to understand the things the scriptures, pray regularly, and live the
pertaining to righteousness. In the Book of gospel of Jesus Christ” (First Presidency
Mormon we find that Alma the Younger, letter, Dec. 15, 2009).
being grieved because of the iniquity, the Studying the scriptures, praying regu-
wars, and the contentions that existed and larly, and living the gospel of Jesus Christ
distressed by the hardness of heart of his are works of righteousness, and the Lord
people, “caused that his sons should be has revealed this wonderful promise: “He
gathered together, that he might give unto who doeth the works of righteousness
them every one his charge, separately, shall receive his reward, even peace in
concerning the things pertaining unto this world, and eternal life in the world to
righteousness” (Alma 35:16). come” (D&C 59:23).

Facilitating revelation consequences this has for those who, hav-

ing been enlightened by the Spirit of God,
In order to more effectively teach the fall into sin and transgression.
things pertaining to righteousness, it is Teaching the things pertaining to righ-
important to understand that, in addition teousness is an important element in help-
to imparting information, we must facili- ing people come to a knowledge of the
tate revelation. This way, the person being truth, be converted, and remain firm in
taught can feel the desire to know these the faith of Christ unto the end.
principles for himself or herself. Parents have the sacred duty to teach
The Lord revealed to Hyrum Smith their children regarding things pertaining
through his brother the Prophet Joseph to righteousness. Leaders and teachers can
Smith: watch over and nourish the members un-
“I will impart unto you of my Spirit, der their care, diligently teaching them all
which shall enlighten your mind, which things pertaining to righteousness.
shall fill your soul with joy; This can be achieved more effectively if
“And then shall ye know . . . all things revelation is facilitated during the teaching
whatsoever you desire of me, which are process, thus creating in the people the de-
pertaining unto things of righteousness, sire to be enlightened by the Spirit of God.
in faith believing in me that you shall re- Then as they exercise faith, the Spirit can
ceive” (D&C 11:13–14). make known to them the things pertaining
In conclusion, the scriptures warn us unto righteousness. Of these things I testify
of the danger of dying as to things per- in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
taining to righteousness and of the serious

Elder Neil L. Andersen

When you are assigned to speak at the best ever” 1 and has said to our youth: “You
end of the final session of general con- have come to this earth at a glorious time.
ference, you listen to every word, won- The opportunities before you are nearly
dering which parts of your talk will be limitless.” 2 But he also warned, “We have
given before your turn comes. There are been placed on earth in troubled times.” 3
no assigned subjects, no collaboration of “It is a time of permissiveness, with soci-
themes. The Lord’s way, of course, is al- ety in general routinely disregarding and
ways the best way. He takes the individ- breaking the laws of God.” 4 “We are sur-
ual prayerful efforts of each speaker and rounded by so much that is designed to
orchestrates a spiritual symphony full of divert our attention.” 5 “The adversary is
revelation and power. Repeated themes, using every means possible to ensnare us
principle building upon principle, pro- in his web of deceit.” 6
phetic warnings, uplifting promises—the We hold in our arms the rising gener-
divine harmony is a miracle! I testify that ation. They come to this earth with im-
in this conference we have heard and felt portant responsibilities and great spiritual
the mind and will of the Lord. capacities. We cannot be casual in how we
prepare them. Our challenge as parents
Preparing the rising generation and teachers is not to create a spiritual
core in their souls but rather to fan the
President Thomas S. Monson has de- flame of their spiritual core already aglow
scribed the rising generation as “the very with the fire of their premortal faith.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

“Tell me the stories of Jesus” our children know that Jesus stands ready
“with open arms to receive [them]”? 18
This afternoon I wish to emphasize the Do they take strength in the stories of
plea of a child from a Primary song: Jesus fasting 19—as we teach them the law
Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to of the fast?
hear, In their own loneliness, do our children
Things I would ask him to tell me if he know the loneliness the Savior felt as His
were here. 7 friends deserted Him and as He asked His
Apostles, “Will ye also go away?” 20
In our world today, each child, each Have our children felt the power of
young man and young woman needs his the Savior’s miracles? Jesus healed the
or her own conversion to the truth. Each leper, 21 gave sight to the blind. 22 He fed
needs his or her own light, his or her own the 5,000, 23 calmed the sea, 24 and raised
“steadfast and immovable” 8 faith in the Lazarus from the dead. 25 Do our children
Lord Jesus Christ, independent of parents, believe that “it is by faith that miracles are
youth leaders, and supportive friends. wrought,” 26 and do they pray for miracles
The stories of Jesus can be like a rush- in their own lives?
ing wind across the embers of faith in the Have our children taken courage from
hearts of our children. Jesus said, “I am the the Savior’s words to the ruler of the syn-
way, the truth, and the life.” 9 The stories of agogue: “Be not afraid, only believe”? 27
Jesus shared over and over bring faith in Do our children know about His per-
the Lord Jesus Christ and strength to the fect life, 28 His selfless ministry, His be-
foundation of testimony. Can you think of trayal and cruel Crucifixion? 29 Have we
a more valuable gift for our children? testified to them of the certainty of His
Are the life and teachings of Jesus Resurrection, 30 of His visit to the Nephites
Christ embedded in the minds and souls in the Americas, 31 of His appearance to
of our children? Do they think about the the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Sacred
Savior’s life when they wonder what to do Grove? 32
in their own lives? This will be more and Do they anticipate His majestic return,
more important in the years ahead. when all will be made right and every knee
Have our children visualized the pre- will bow and every tongue confess that
mortal council, 10 where Jesus—the greatest Jesus is the Christ? 33
of all—declared, “Here am I, send me”? 11 Do our children say, “Tell me the sto-
Do they see their own willingness to serve ries of Jesus I love to hear”? 34
as following His example?
Do they think about His humble birth, 12 Speak about the Savior
the Savior of the world lying in a manger? 13
Do His circumstances help them better To the youth and children: Live up to
understand the proper place of material your important responsibilities and great
possessions? spiritual capacities. Seek to know more
Do they know that Jesus often taught, about Jesus; open the scriptures. One idea
“Ask, and ye shall receive”? 14 Do His would be to read again the book of John
prayers of thankfulness 15 and His plead- and then discuss it with your parents,
ings to His Father 16 flow through our chil- teachers, and each other.
dren’s minds as they kneel in prayer with To fathers and mothers, to grandfathers
their own concerns? and grandmothers, and to those without
Have we told them of the love Jesus children of their own who lovingly nurture
has for children, how He held them in His children and youth, my counsel is to speak
arms, prayed for them, and wept? 17 Do more frequently about Jesus Christ. In His
holy name is great spiritual power. “There

[is] no other name given nor any other way children’s hearts. They will go to their
. . . whereby salvation can come unto the Heavenly Father in humble prayer and
children of men, only in and through the feel His influence through the power of
name of Christ.” 35 the Holy Ghost. A stronger personal faith
To mothers who are raising their chil- in Jesus Christ will prepare them for the
dren without a father in the home, I prom- challenges they will most surely face. 40
ise you that as you speak of Jesus Christ,
you will feel the power of heaven blessing Strength from faith in Jesus Christ
After her husband passed away, Sister I met Bill Forrest and Debbie Hutchings
Stella Oaks raised her three young chil- when we were students at Brigham Young
dren (including Elder Dallin H. Oaks 36) University. Bill had returned from his
as a single mother. She once said: “I was mission. He and Debbie fell in love and
given to know that the Lord loved me and were married in the Oakland California
that I would be made equal to my mission. Temple. They established their home in
I felt an encircling love . . . [and knew] he Mesa, Arizona, and were blessed with five
[would sustain] us through the opposition sons and two daughters. Bill and Debbie
that [would] arise.” 37 taught their children to love the Lord Jesus
I make a special appeal to fathers: Christ as they loved Him. Their son, Elder
Please be an important part of talking to Daniel Forrest, currently serving in the
your children about the Savior. They need Mexico Oaxaca Mission, said, “Every
the confirming expressions of your faith, morning without fail we were there at the
along with those of their mother. table before school reading and discussing
Although there may be times when a the scriptures.”
child does not listen with a believing heart, Their daughter Kara, now married
your testimony of Jesus will remain in his with two children of her own, still viv-
or her mind and soul. Do you remember idly remembers her father driving her to
the story of Alma, who had chosen the early morning activities in high school.
wrong path? Returning, he said: She said, “My dad enjoyed committing
“I remembered . . . my father [speak- quotes, scriptures, and poems to memory,
ing] . . . concerning the coming of . . . [and during those early morning drives]
Jesus Christ . . . to atone for the sins of we would practice reciting them.” One of
the world. his favorite scriptures was “Remember,
“. . . As my mind caught hold upon this remember that it is upon the rock of our
thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God,
thou Son of God, have mercy on me.” 38 that ye must build your foundation; that
If a child is not listening, don’t despair. when the devil shall send forth his mighty
Time and truth are on your side. At the winds, . . . [he] shall have no power over
right moment, your words will return as you to drag you down . . . , because of the
if from heaven itself. Your testimony will rock upon which ye are built.” 41
never leave your children. On the Friday before Easter Sunday
As you reverently speak about the in the year 2000, exactly 10 years ago,
Savior—in the car, on the bus, at the din- Bill Forrest was serving as bishop of the
ner table, as you kneel in prayer, during Estate Groves Ward in Arizona. On his
scripture study, or in late-night conversa- drive to work, only a mile from home,
tions—the Spirit of the Lord will accom- his car was struck by a large gravel truck.
pany your words. 39 Debbie and the children left home shortly
As you do your best, the testimony after Bill and unexpectedly came upon
of Jesus will gently distill upon your the tragic scene. Bill had not survived
the accident. The immortal spirit of this
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

beloved husband and father had suddenly name be praised forever and ever. 44 In the
been taken home to Him who overcame holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.
death, the Son of God, whose glorious NOTES
Resurrection they were to have celebrated
together that Easter Sunday. 1. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
port, Apr. 2005, 19; or Ensign, May
How did Debbie and her seven children
2005, 19.
(the youngest only 5) find the strength 2. Thomas S. Monson, “May You Have
they needed? Kara, 15 at the time of her Courage,” Ensign, May 2009, 123.
father’s accident, recently told me: “I am 3. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
grateful to my [mother and father] for port, Apr. 2008, 65; or Ensign, May
the ways that they taught me [about the 2008, 65.
Savior]. They opened the scriptures with 4. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
me, prayed with me, and were examples of port, Oct. 2009, 109; or Ensign, Nov.
[the Savior’s] charity, love, and patience. 2009, 109.
. . . Easter [is] a tender time in my life 5. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
each year as I reflect on the life, mission, port, Apr. 2008, 66.
and Resurrection of our Savior and am re- 6. Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Re-
minded of the life of my earthly father.” port, Apr. 2009, 111; or Ensign, May
Elder Daniel Forrest said: “I was 10 2009, 113.
years old when my father passed away. 7. “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” Chil-
It was a tough time. . . . My mother has dren’s Songbook, 57.
always been an example of the Savior’s 8. Alma 1:25.
teachings. I carry with me my father’s 9. John 14:6.
name badge from his mission to Spain. 10. See Abraham 3:2–28.
[Two] of my favorite quotes from my 11. Abraham 3:27.
father [are]: ‘Two men can do anything as 12. See Luke 2.
13. See Luke 2:7.
long as one of them is the Lord’ and ‘The
14. 3 Nephi 27:29.
Savior must be our foundation. Without 15. See Luke 10:21.
that we flounder.’” 16. See Luke 11:2–4.
Faith in Jesus Christ has filled the 17. See 3 Nephi 17:11–24.
hearts of the Forrest children. On this 18. Mormon 6:17.
Easter weekend, 10 years since their 19. See Luke 4:1–13.
father’s passing, they miss him deeply, 20. John 6:67. Speaking to the youth last
but the sting of his death is “swallowed year, President Monson said: “You will
up in Christ.” 42 They know, because of . . . be called upon to defend that which
the incalculable gift of the Savior, they you believe. Unless the roots of your
can be with their earthly father and their testimony are firmly planted, it will be
Heavenly Father again. difficult for you to withstand the ridi-
Tell me the stories of Jesus. cule of those who challenge your faith”
In a moment we will hear from the (“May You Have Courage,” 126).
prophet of God. In speaking of His 21. See Mark 1:40–42.
prophet, the Lord said, “His word ye shall 22. See Luke 18:35–43.
receive, as if from mine own mouth.” 43 I 23. See Mark 6:34–44.
testify that President Thomas S. Monson is 24. See Mark 4:35–41.
the Lord’s mouthpiece upon the earth. 25. See John 11:8–53.
I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior 26. Moroni 7:37.
of all mankind. His life, His Atonement, 27. Mark 5:36.
28. See 1 Peter 2:21–25.
His Resurrection, His awaited return are
29. See Luke 22:47–48; 23:32–46.
as sure and certain as the rising sun. His 30. See John 20:11–23.

31. See 3 Nephi 11–26. Heavenly Father will influence all that
32. See Joseph Smith—History 1:17. you do throughout your life. . . . Your
33. See Doctrine and Covenants 88:104. testimony, when constantly nourished,
34. “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.” will keep you safe” (“May You Have
35. Mosiah 3:17. Courage,” 126).
36. Elder Dallin H. Oaks once commented: 41. Helaman 5:12.
“When I was a boy, I spent most of my 42. Mosiah 16:8.
evenings reading books. One of my 43. Doctrine and Covenants 21:5.
favorites was Hurlbut’s Story of the 44. See Alma 26:12.
Bible . . . , [a] book [of ] 168 stories
from the Bible. I loved these stories and President Eyring
read them many times” (in Conference
Report, Oct. 1992, 51; or Ensign, Nov. As we conclude the conference, we
1992, 37). express appreciation to the Tabernacle
37. Stella Oaks, “Thy Will Be Done,” in Choir, the choir from the Orem Institute
Leon R. Hartshorn, comp., Remarkable of Religion, and the priesthood choir from
Stories from the Lives of Latter-day Saint Brigham Young University and their con-
Women, 2 vols. (1973–75), 2:184. ductors and organists for the beautiful and
38. Alma 36:17–18. inspiring music. We also extend thanks to
39. In our world today we need more than all who have participated in any way in
ever Enos’s words about his father to these proceedings.
be our children’s words about us: “The Our concluding speaker at this session
words which I had often heard my father will be our beloved prophet, President
speak concerning eternal life . . . sunk Thomas S. Monson. Following President
deep into my heart. And my soul hun- Monson’s remarks, the choir will sing our
gered; and I [knelt] down before my
closing hymn, “Abide with Me; ’Tis Even-
Maker” (Enos 1:3–4).
40. President Monson promised the youth:
tide.” After the music, the benediction will
“When firmly planted, your testimony be offered by Bishop Richard C. Edgley of
of the gospel, of the Savior, and of our the Presiding Bishopric. This conference
will then be adjourned for six months.

President Thomas S. Monson

Trust in the Lord An inspiring conference
This has been a wonderful closing ses- My dear brothers and sisters, we come
sion. I’ve seldom heard such fine sermons now to the conclusion of a most uplifting
taught in so few words as we’ve experienced and inspiring conference. After listening
today. We’re all here because we love the to the counsel and testimonies of those
Lord. We want to serve Him. Our Heavenly who have spoken to us, I believe we have
Father is mindful of us. Of that I testify. I been richly blessed and are all more deter-
acknowledge His hand in all things. mined to live the principles of the gospel
One brief scripture: of Jesus Christ. It has been good for us to
“Trust in the Lord with all thine be here. We express our gratitude to each
heart; and lean not unto thine own un- one who has spoken to us, as well as to
derstanding. those who have offered prayers.
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and The music has been magnificent. I am
he shall direct thy paths.” 1 reminded of the scripture found in the
That has been the story of my life. Doctrine and Covenants: “For my soul
Sunday, April 4, 2010 Afternoon Session

delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, I love the words found in Psalms:
the song of the righteous is a prayer unto “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress,
me, and it shall be answered with a bless- and my deliverer; my God, my strength,
ing upon their heads.” 2 in whom I will trust; . . .
Remember that the messages we have “I will call upon the Lord . . . so [I shall]
heard during this conference will be be saved from mine enemies.” 3
printed in the May issues of the Ensign and The Lord loves us, my brothers and
Liahona magazines. I urge you to study sisters, and will bless us as we call upon
the messages, to ponder their teachings, Him.
and then to apply them in your life.
I know you join with me in expressing Expressions of gratitude and love
gratitude to those brethren and sisters who
have been released during this conference. How grateful we are for the restored
They have served well and have made sig- gospel of Jesus Christ and for all the good
nificant contributions to the work of the it brings into our lives. The Lord has poured
Lord. Their dedication has been complete. out His blessings upon us as a people. I bear
We thank them from the bottom of our my testimony to you that this work is true,
hearts. that our Savior lives, and that He guides and
Now, we have also sustained, by up- directs His Church here upon the earth.
lifted hands, brethren and sisters who have Now, as we come to the final moments
been called to new positions during this of this conference, my heart is full and
conference. We want them to know that my feelings tender. I express my love
we look forward to working with them in and gratitude to you. Thank you for your
the cause of the Master. prayers in my behalf and in behalf of all
of the General Authorities of the Church.
The lighthouse of the Lord The Lord hears your prayers and blesses
us and directs us in the affairs of His king-
My brothers and sisters, today, as we dom here upon the earth. For this we are
look at the world around us, we are faced deeply grateful.
with problems which are serious and of As we leave this conference, I invoke
great concern to us. The world seems to the blessings of heaven upon each of you.
have slipped from the moorings of safety As you return to your homes around the
and drifted from the harbor of peace. world, I pray our Heavenly Father will
Permissiveness, immorality, pornog- bless you and your families. May the mes-
raphy, dishonesty, and a host of other ills sages and spirit of this conference find
cause many to be tossed about on a sea expression in all that you do—in your
of sin and crushed on the jagged reefs of homes, in your work, in your meetings,
lost opportunities, forfeited blessings, and and in all your comings and goings.
shattered dreams. I love you. I pray for you. May God
My counsel for all of us is to look to the bless you. May His promised peace be
lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so with you now and always, in the name of
dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, Jesus Christ, amen.
no mariner so lost but what its beacon light NOTES
can rescue. It beckons through the storms
of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends 1. Proverbs 3:5–6.
2. Doctrine and Covenants 25:12.
forth signals readily recognized and never
3. Psalm 18:2–3.

Bishop Richard C. Edgley offered the

The choir sang “Abide with Me; ’Tis benediction.


The Tabernacle Choir provided the A priesthood choir from Brigham
music for the Saturday morning, Sunday Young University provided the music for
morning, and Sunday afternoon sessions. the priesthood session. Ronald Staheli di-
Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy directed rected the choir, and Clay Christiansen and
the choir. Clay Christiansen, Richard Elli- Richard Elliott were the organists.
ott, Andrew Unsworth, Bonnie Goodliffe, Throughout the conference sessions,
and Linda Margetts were the organists. prelude, postlude, and interlude music and
A choir from the Orem Institute of accompaniments on the organ were played
Religion provided music for the Saturday by Clay Christiansen, Richard Elliott,
afternoon session. Ryan Eggett and Allen Andrew Unsworth, Bonnie Goodliffe, and
Matthews directed the choir, and Bonnie Linda Margetts.
Goodliffe was the organist.
Brook P. Hales
Clerk of the Conference

A Agency: we have been blessed with gift of

moral, 41; proper use of, invites influ-
Aaronic Priesthood: restoration of, 4; ence of the Holy Ghost, 41
need for young men of, to prepare for
missionary service, 51, 53; magnifi- Andersen, Neil L., 105
cence of, 53, 54; trust of God in holders
of, 53–54, 60–61; fulfilling of duty to Andersen, Wilford W., 14
God by holders of, 54–55; holders are
to help rescue other young men who Angels: adult Church members are the,
have lost their way, 55; young men’s sent today to bless the children, 79
faithful service in, will change lives of Aoyagi, Koichi, 34
others, 55; John the Baptist sent to earth
to restore, 60; the Savior honors holders Atonement (of Jesus): faith in, 14, 33;
of, by allowing them to administer the confidence that through, everything will
sacrament, 61. See also Duty to God be all right, 15; children under eight
program; Priesthood; Young Men; Youth protected through, 21; sharing with
others the blessings of, 24; gives us the
Activation: greatest, we do will be in opportunity for eternal life, 50; suffering
our homes, 94. See also Less-active that the Savior experienced as part of,
members 61–62; the Savior willingly took upon
Addiction: seeking help in overcoming, Himself the pain, sickness, and suffering
44 of all, 70; motivated by love, 71; plan of
salvation made fully active by, 72–73;
Adversary: seeks to destroy all that is need for understanding of, 73–74;
good and righteous, 4; battle against, Church members counseled to establish
will be won, 5; is persistent in attacking a personal study plan to better under-
the home and the family, 7, 29; sends stand, 74; temple attendance a powerful
dangerous message about seduction way to learn of, 74; has broader purpose
to women, 17; attempts to undermine than providing means to overcome sin,
women’s nature to nurture, 18; is mak- 77; accomplishment of, 80; blessings
ing temptation ever more accessible, of, 89; spiritual healing brought about
43; counterfeits true love, 45; desires through, 103. See also Jesus Christ
to destroy us, 45; can be rejected and
rebuked, 45; would have young men Auditing Department Report, 26
doubt their ability to do significant
things with the Aaronic Priesthood, B
55; spirit children would have been
under eternal control of, without the Ballard, M. Russell, 16
Atonement, 73
Baptism: Aaronic Priesthood holds keys
Adversity: can awaken us to our duty, 11; of, 4, 60; renewal of covenants made
overcoming, through hope and faith, at, 9, 81; of Jesus Christ by John the
14–16; supporting others during times Baptist, 60, 85; for those who die
of, 70; faith can be destroyed through without a knowledge of the gospel, 89;
negative response to, 75; turning to the participation in proxy, by the youth, 90
Lord when faced with, 75–77; how we
react to, will determine our success Beck, David L., 53
and happiness, 98; allows us to become Beck, Julie B., 8
more like the Savior, 98; and trusting in
God, 99; learning to not complain when Bednar, David A., 39
faced with, 99; serving and thinking
of others even in our times of, 99; and Bible: William Tyndale’s efforts to publish
forgiving others, 100 English translation of, 31

Book of Mormon: translation of, 4; personal study plan to better understand

family reading of and discussion about, the Atonement, 74; to be used as a tool
as component of spiritual early warn- to strengthen the home, 74; ways that
ing system, 40; power of, 40; is a book members of, can participate in temple
about the results of keeping and not and family history work, 90; members
keeping commandments, 102 counseled to speak more about the
Savior, 106–7; members counseled to
study conference messages, 110
Church leaders: young men counseled to
Callings. See Service
learn from their families and from, 53;
Carlson, Bruce A., 36 responsibility of, to help bring children
to the Savior, 78; role of, in Church’s
Charity. See Love family history efforts, 91; use of activ-
ities by, to sit and talk with youth, 92;
Children: critical that parents and, listen watch over members and nourish them
to and learn from one another, 19; with things pertaining to righteousness,
strengthening and rescuing of, 20–21; 104, 105
strengthening of, in the Primary, 21–22;
responsibility of parents to teach, Comforter. See Holy Ghost
29–30; use of Book of Mormon with,
40; reactions of, to impromptu testi- Commandments: faith requires keep-
monies from parents, 41; invitations to ing of the, 15; are protection against
act given to, as component of spiritual self-inflicted pain, 33; reasons behind
early warning system, 41–42; helping, choice to disobey, 37; partial or selective
to become agents who act and learn compliance with, will fail to bring full
for themselves, 42; preparing, for blessings of obedience, 37; blessings
challenges, 74; bringing, to the Savior, follow obedience to apparently trivial
77–79; being examples to, 78; teaching or unimportant, 38; perceived difficulty
truths of the gospel to, 78–79; taking of, can lead us to rationalize disobedi-
advantage of teaching moments with, ence, 38; patience means being firm in
92–93; influence of the stories of Jesus keeping, 59; keeping of, can help lead us
in the lives of, 106; counseled to learn to good judgment, 102
more about the Savior, 106; influence
Compassion: for others, 69–71
on, of parents’ testimony of Jesus Christ,
107–8. See also Family; Parents; Youth Conversion: teaching the things pertaining
to righteousness to help others obtain
Christofferson, D. Todd, 31
an enduring, 104, 105; each youth
Church: growth of, 2; members coun- needs his or her own, to the truth, 106.
seled to reach out to new converts and See also Testimony
returning members, 2; humanitarian aid
Cook, Quentin L., 79
provided by, 3, 35, 82, 103; changes in,
during years of correlation, 4; not to Covenants: renewal of baptismal, 9, 81;
dominate by numbers, 4–5; happiness Latter-day Saints’ path of duty is to
of families is ultimate end of all activity keep, 12; mothers counseled to teach
in, 7; supports and sustains parents and their daughters about, 19; keeping of,
children, 19; improving teaching in, is safest road to eternal happiness, 19.
30; members should welcome and love See also Baptism; Temples
all of God’s children, 69–70; members
should support and heal rather than Creation: purpose of, in question if death
condemn, 70; without love for God and were the end of existence, 72; of the
our fellowman we are only the form of earth and of man, 84–85
His, 71; members counseled to establish

D Eternal life: bringing to pass man’s, is

part of God’s work and glory, 7, 29,
Dead: salvation for, 89; new technology 33, 35, 89; Relief Society strengthens
makes it easier to fulfill responsibility women in their preparation for, 9, 10;
to seek after, 90 the Atonement gives us the opportunity
for, 50; counsel not to put, at risk, 66
Death: the Savior’s victory over, 72,
79–80, 86, 108; we will be resurrected Example: importance of mothers’, to their
from, 80; comes to all, 84; understand- daughters, 18; teaching the gospel by
ing meaning of, 85; spiritual, 103, 105 precept and by, in the home, 20, 30;
young women helped by, of righteous
Diligence: examples of, in priesthood women in the Church, 23; the youth of
service, 60; priesthood holders are to the Church need, of adults doing what
learn duty and act in all, 61; the Savior the youth must do, 24; righteous, of
is perfect example of, in priesthood Aaronic Priesthood young men is a way
service, 61–62 to invite others to come unto Christ, 55;
Discipleship: our path of, 80–82 need for priesthood holders to serve in a
manner consistent with the Savior’s, 57;
Doctrine: scriptures expound the, of the Savior’s perfect, 61–62, 69, 71, 85,
Christ, 33; family discussions about, 97, 98–100; becoming worthy, to our
as found in the Book of Mormon, 40; children, 78; leading youth by, 92
Latter-day Saints have fulness of the
Savior’s, 72; of great importance initiat- Eyring, Henry B., 20, 59
ed at the Last Supper, 80; leaders teach,
undergirding family history work, 91; F
that trials allow us to become more like
the Savior, 98; of the resurrection, 101 Faith: doing one’s duty is a manifestation
of, 12; in Jesus Christ is source of hope,
Duty: description of, 12; our, to God and 14–16; requires keeping the command-
to His Son, 12; our, to one another, ments, 15; importance of building chil-
12–13; knowing our path of, through dren’s, in Jesus Christ while they are
prayer, 13; blessings of traveling path young, 21; central purpose of scripture
of, 13; young men’s fulfilling of, to is to fill our souls with, in Heavenly
God, 54–55; parents’, to God in relation Father and in Jesus Christ, 33; scriptural
to the youth, 92–95 accounts of, strengthen our own, 33;
power of, in healing of the sick, 47; as
Duty to God program: strengthening part of healing blessing, 48; effect of
of young men through revised, 23; healing blessing is dependent on, and
learn, act, and share pattern featured in the Lord’s will, 49; and trusting in God,
revised, 54; new booklet for, 59–60 49–50; patience means to abide in,
59; can be destroyed through negative
E response to trials, 75; responding to tri-
als with, 75–77; greatest, we have will
Easter: season of, 72, 79–80, 83 be within our homes, 94; strength from,
in Jesus Christ, 107–8
Endurance: path of duty leads older gen-
eration to, in righteousness to the end, Family: importance of priesthood power
13; patience means active waiting and, in the, 5–6; happiness of, is ultimate
57; to the end of the tasks the Lord has purpose of all Church activity, 7; asso-
given us in this life, 62; of Joseph Smith ciations of, are for time and for eternity,
in experiencing adversity, 76; of one’s 20; our most important and powerful
conversion, 104 assignments are in the, 21; holders of
Aaronic Priesthood can strengthen and
bless, as they fulfill their duty to God,

55; learning to love our, 78; is central 32–33; central purpose of scripture is
to God’s plan, 89; being part of an eter- to fill our souls with faith in, and in the
nal, 89; exaltation of, through temple Savior, 33; love of, for us, 45, 89, 98;
and family history work, 91. See also will of, and healing blessings, 49–50;
Children; Family home evening; trusting in, 49–50; trust of, in young
Fathers; Mothers; Parents men of the Aaronic Priesthood, 53–54,
60–61; without patience we cannot
Family history work: advances in, please, 56; promises of, are fulfilled
90–91; challenges of, 90–91; role of according to His timing and in His
priesthood direction and leadership ways, 58; blesses us for our patience,
in, 91; refining influence of, on the 59; young men counseled never to
living 91; greatest, we do will be in our misuse name of, 65; allowed His Son to
homes, 94 accomplish the Atonement on His own,
73; invites all to gain exaltation for their
Family home evening: example of family, 89; allows us to have experi-
unstructured approach to, 42 ences that will help us become more
Father in Heaven. See God Christlike, 98; trusting in, 99; is mindful
of us, 109; lighthouse of the Lord, 110
Fathers: preside in the home, 5–6; exer-
cising of priesthood by, 6; have power Gospel: restored by Joseph Smith under
of priesthood to protect their homes, the direction of the Lord, 2; it has
7; importance of calling of, 74; spe- never been easy to live, 4; Latter-day
cial appeal made to, to talk to children Saints are to go forth and preach the,
about the Savior, 107. See also Family; 4; striving to obey, with exactness, 10;
Parents; Young men teaching, in the home, 20, 28–30, 78;
no such thing as overpreparing to teach,
First Vision: dispensation of fulness of 30; teaching of, in the home helps pro-
times opened with, 4 tect children from worldly influences,
30; Book of Mormon contains fulness
Forgiveness: restoring of priesthood hold- of the Savior’s, 40; first principle of, is
ers through repentance and, 7; and story faith in Jesus Christ, 49; helping chil-
of Corrie ten Boom, 11–12; happiness dren find joy of living the, 79; access to
lies in repentance and, through the blessings of, 89; teaching our children
atoning grace of the Savior, 33; miracle the, 94; aligning personal standards
of, 66; the Savior’s words concerning, with, 102; gratitude for, 110
while on the cross, 86; adversity and, of
others, 100 Gratitude: for proceedings of conference,
109; for service of those released during
Foster, Bradley D., 95 conference, 110; for gospel of Jesus
Christ, 110
General Authorities: prayers in behalf
of, 110 Hales, Robert D., 92
General Authorities present, 1 Hallstrom, Donald L., 75
General priesthood session, 46 Happiness: of families is ultimate end of
all Church activity, 7; keeping cov-
God: our duty to, 12; has placed directions enants is safest road to eternal, 19; lies
and rescuers along the path for His chil- in repentance and forgiveness through
dren, 21; scriptures help us remember the atoning grace of the Savior, 33;
our relationship to the Savior and to, 32; comes from living as God commands
uses scripture to unmask sin and error, and from service, 66

Healing the sick: by medical science, I

46–47; by prayers of faith, 47; by
priesthood blessings, 47–50 Immorality: many in world today would
dispute seriousness of, 33; not just a
Heavenly Father. See God man’s problem, 43; is among host of ills
afflicting many, 110
Holland, Jeffrey R., 43
Immortality: bringing to pass man’s, is
Holy Ghost: qualifying for influence of, part of God’s work and glory, 7, 29, 33,
9; guidance from, during prayer, 13; 35, 89; the Savior’s Resurrection gives
can drive from us “our useless cares,” us the assurance of, 50; without the
15; youth more likely to make and keep Atonement there would be no, 89
covenants if they learn to recognize,
19; emphasizing importance of, among
the youth, 23–24; studying scriptures J
is one way we receive, 33–34; nature
of Book of Mormon’s content invites Jesus Christ: Atonement of (see
confirming witness of, 40; role of, in Atonement); Church of (see Church);
personal testimony, 40–41; proper faith in (see Faith); gospel of (see
use of agency invites influence of, 41; Gospel); Second Coming of (see Second
cultivating, as way to guard against Coming); set example of overcoming
temptation, 44; inspiration from, to tragedy, 12; our duty to, 12; building
priesthood holders blessing the sick, our foundation on rock of, 16; sent by
49; promptings from, in assigning of Heavenly Father to make safe passage
missionaries, 51–52; help from, in home possible, 21; scriptures help
resisting temptation, 66; pondering on us remember, 32; central purpose of
scriptures can bring communication of scripture is to fill our souls with faith
truths from, 74; helping children feel in, and in Heavenly Father, 33; inviting
and recognize influence of, 78–79; others to come unto, 35; obedience to
promised to the Apostles anciently by commandments offers us the potential
the Savior, 80, 81; various roles of, 81; to become like, 38; Book of Mormon
living to be worthy of, 81–82; opening centers upon, 40; working harder to
communication with, 102 remember, 45; if we have sinned we can
be rescued by, 45; love of, for each mis-
Home: importance of priesthood power in sionary, 52; priesthood holders should
the, 5–6; is most important place to pre- serve in manner consistent with example
pare youth of today to lead families and of, 57; honors Aaronic Priesthood
Church of tomorrow, 19–20; teaching holders by allowing them to administer
in the, 28–30, 74; making Jesus Christ the sacrament, 61; is perfect example of
the center of, 74; parents’ greatest work diligence in priesthood service, 61–62;
done in, 94–95. See also Children; remembering, helps priesthood holders
Family; Family home evening; Parents; continue serving, 61–62; becoming ever
Youth more like, through faithful priesthood
service, 62–63; young men counseled
Honesty: keeping standard of, by young never to misuse name of, 65; died to
men, 65 provide gift of repentance, 66; we can
be the hands of, 68–69; reproach of,
Hope: among early Saints, 14; among for those holding themselves in high
Haitian Saints, 14–15; faith in Jesus esteem, 69–70; did not just speak about
Christ is source of, 14–16 love but showed it, 71; has given us the
perfect example of the kind of men and
Husbands. See Family; Fathers; Marriage; women we should be, 71; Easter brings
Parents thoughts of, 72; challenges faced by,
because of the Atonement, 73; as the
center of the home, 74; as source of

peace, 75; turning to, when faced with L

trials, 75–77; seeking the face of, 77;
bringing children to, 77–79; love of, Lant, Cheryl C., 77
for children, 79; significance of final
two days of mortal ministry of, 80–81; Less-active members: offering a saving
example of, in facing trials, 82; mortal hand to, 35
mission of, 85; suffering and Crucifixion Love: of mothers for daughters, 17–18;
of, 85–86; victory over death by, 86; erroneous teachings about permissive-
showed love for His earthly mother, ness of God’s, 33; reading of and discus-
97; how example of, can help us face sion about the Book of Mormon invite
adversity, 98–100; influence of the sto- feelings of, within families, 40; differ-
ries of, in the lives of our children, 106; ence between lust and, 43–44; of God,
adult members of the Church counseled for us, 45, 89; true, 45; of the Savior,
to speak more about, 106–7; parents’ for each missionary, 52; our, for others,
testimony of, has lasting influence on 69–71; true, requires action, 71; as the
children, 107–8 great commandment, 71; is the grand
Joy: both pain and, are part of God’s plan, motive of the plan of salvation, 71; our,
75–76; the Savior desires that we might for the Lord, 78; our, for our families,
have, 100 78; of the Savior, for children, 79; prin-
ciple of, taught by the Savior during the
Judgment: exercising good, 100; mak- Last Supper, 80, 81; showing, even in
ing quick, 100–101; and true nature of adverse circumstances, 81; generations
Martha from the New Testament, 100– linked in, 89, 91; greatest, and teachings
101; aligning personal standards with should be in our homes, 95
the gospel as a way to develop good,
102; listening to messages of the living Lust: difference between love and, 43–44;
prophet as a way to develop good, 102; destroys trust, 44
cultivating with the Holy Spirit a rela-
tionship of listening as a way to develop M
good, 102; keeping the commandments
as a way to develop good, 102 Marriage: as young women approach
time for, their mothers will be greatest
source of wisdom, 17; preparing for a
K temple, 64. See also Family; Parents;
Knowledge: faithful mothers have wealth Women
of, regarding matters of the heart and Martino, James B., 98
the things of the Lord, 17; testimony
is personal, that certain facts of eternal McMullin, Keith B., 11
significance are true, 40; and spiritual
conviction received from the Holy Ghost Media: as sources of immoral messages,
are the result of revelation, 41; tuition of 43; counsel to young men regarding,
diligence and learning must be paid to 65–66
personally “own” spiritual, 42; appli-
cation of scientific, in preserving and Melchizedek Priesthood: restoration of,
restoring health, 46–47; and under- 4; use of authority of, to bless the sick,
standing come at the price of patience, 47–48; anointing as part of healing
58; it is privilege of Church members to blessing, 48; sealing of anointing as
receive light and, from the Holy Ghost, part of healing blessing, 48; faith as an
82; teaching the things pertaining to important element of healing blessing,
righteousness is an element in helping 48; words spoken during healing bless-
people come to a, of the truth, 104, 105 ing, 48–49; will of the Lord as part of

healing blessing, 49–50; is an invitation O

to become as the Savior is, 61. See also
Priesthood Oaks, Dallin H., 46

Missionaries: go forth with divine call to Obedience: strict, to God’s laws brings
serve, 51; assigning of, to their fields of His blessings, 37; partial or selective
labor, 51–52; call to be, is most impor- compliance with God’s laws fails to
tant work that young men can do, 53 bring full blessings of, 37; brings bless-
ings in spite of how trivial or unimpor-
Missionary work: importance of, 50; is tant we believe commandments to be,
most important work that young men 38; brings the Lord’s help and blessings
can do, 53; greatest, we do will be in regardless of the apparent size of the
our homes, 94 task, 38; blessings of, 38
Monson, Frances: recovery of, from fall,
3 P
Monson, Thomas S., 2, 64, 84, 109 Packer, Boyd K., 4

Morality: scriptures establish reality Parents: critical that children and, listen
of divine code of, 32–33; problem of to and learn from one another, 19;
decay in, 43; counsel to young men responsibility of, to teach children,
regarding, 66; standards of, are eternal, 29–30, 74; spiritual early warning
102 system for, 40–42; preparing children
for challenges, 74; responsibility of,
Mortality: purpose of, 85 to bring children to the Savior, 78–79;
duty to God of, in relation to the youth,
Mothers: relationships of, with their 92–95; importance of influence of, 93;
daughters, 17–18; importance of exam- greatest work of, done in the home,
ple of, to their daughters, 18; are their 94–95; should not give up efforts to
daughters’ first line of defense against rescue loved ones who have strayed,
wiles of the world, 18; counseled to 96–97; play essential role in helping
teach their daughters about nurturing, children understand the things per-
18; counseled to teach their daughters taining to righteousness, 104, 105;
to avoid gossiping, 18; counseled to sharing of the stories of Jesus by, with
teach their daughters about covenants, their children, 106. See also Children;
19; need to talk to daughters about Family; Fathers; Mothers
sexual matters, 19; modesty to be taught
and exemplified by, 19; counseled to Patience: a precious and rare virtue, 56;
teach their daughters about things of requires more than merely waiting,
the Spirit, 19; L. Tom Perry’s memories 56–57; a principle of the priesthood,
of being taught by his mother, 28–29; 57; and waiting for fulfillment of divine
much of responsibility for teaching in promises, 58; knowledge and under-
the home falls on, 30; importance of standing come at price of, 58; a fruit of
calling of, 74; influence of, 95; natural the Spirit, 58; means being firm in keep-
affection of, 96; turning toward, by ing the commandments, 59; is a process
those who have strayed, 97; love of, of perfection, 59; blessings of, 59
typifies that of the Savior, 97. See also
Family; Parents; Young women Peace: faithful obedience brings, 38;
patience offers hope for, 56; forgiveness
brings, 66; understanding of and faith in
N the Atonement will bring, in moments
of turmoil, 74; blessing of, when the
Nelson, Russell M., 89 Savior is the center of the home, 74;
the Savior is often the only source of,

during life’s most difficult circum- R

stances, 75; that comes from listening to
the Holy Spirit, 102 Rasband, Ronald A., 50

Perfection: of the individual and the Relief Society: blessings of sisters’ partic-
family is ultimate purpose of gospel, ipation in, 9–10
7; patience is a process of, 59. See also
Eternal life Repentance: restoring of priesthood
holders through, and forgiveness, 7;
Perry, L. Tom, 28 God brings us to, by His word, 32;
happiness lies in, and forgiveness
Plan of salvation: God the Father is through the atoning grace of the Savior,
author of, 12; love is the grand motive 33; the Savior died to provide gift of,
of, 71; made fully active through 66; Atonement gives us opportunity for,
Atonement of Jesus Christ, 72–73 73, 74
Pornography: attraction to, husbands’ Restoration: of the gospel, 2, 71; of
infidelity began with, 43; young men the priesthood, 4; of the Aaronic
counseled to avoid, at all costs, 65 Priesthood, 60; of the keys of the priest-
hood, 63; of priesthood keys by Moses,
Prayer: knowing our path of duty through, Elias, and Elijah, 83
13; story of faith in, 22; of faith, in
healing of the sick, 47; help through, in Resurrection: of Jesus Christ, 50, 72, 80,
resisting temptation, 66; of the Savior 86, 108; reality of the, 86; doctrine of
during visit to the Nephites, 78 the, 101
Premortal life: knowledge about, 85 Revelation: receiving of personal, by
women, 9; study of scriptures brings,
Priesthood: was key word during years 34; knowledge and spiritual conviction
of correlation, 4; restoration of, 4; received from the Holy Ghost are the
importance of power of, in families, result of, 41; assigning of missionar-
5–6; awakening power of, in every ies by, 51–52; facilitating, in addition
priesthood holder, 6–7; definitions of to imparting information to those we
authority and power of, 7; patience is teach, 105
a principle of, 57; diligence in service
of holders of, 60; holders of, are to
learn duty and act in all diligence, 61; S
remembering the Savior helps holders
of, continue to serve, 61–62; holders of, Sacrament: significance of, 54; the Savior
can become ever more like the Savior honors Aaronic Priesthood holders
through faithful service, 62–63; holders by allowing them to administer, 61;
counseled to seek the Lord’s will and introduced by the Savior during the
to act, 63; direction and leadership in Last Supper, 80–81; remembering and
temple and family history work, 91. See reverencing, 81
also Aaronic Priesthood; Melchizedek Satan. See Adversary
Saturday afternoon session, 24
Priesthood session, general, 46
Saturday morning session, 2
Prophets: pondering in the words of
the living, 24, 63; blessing of having Savior. See Jesus Christ
words of modern, 34; teaching children
the gospel from scriptures and the, Schwitzer, Gregory A., 100
78; adhering to teachings of the living
prophet, 83; applying advice of, will Scott, Richard G., 72
lead us to good judgment, 102

Scriptures: importance of, 31–32; enlarge praying for help, and being found, 22;
our memory, 32; are standard for distin- of William Tyndale being martyred for
guishing truth and error, 32–33; bring translating the Bible into English, 31;
us to Christ, 33–34; and Holy Ghost, of Koichi Aoyagi’s conversion and the
33–34; blessing of having, 34; use of, help of a member when he had strayed
with children, 78–79. See also Bible; from the Church, 35; of two men on
Book of Mormon a fishing trip overloading an airplane
and crashing, 36–37; of three divorced
Second Coming: we are preparing for, 82 women telling of their former husbands’
path to infidelity, 43; of girl in Waco,
Self-control: exercising, in guarding Texas, being miraculously healed, 47;
against temptation, 44 of Henry B. Eyring receiving reve-
Selfishness: impatience is a symptom of, lation on where missionaries should
57 serve, 51–52; of young man taking the
sacrament to a homebound man, who
Service: helping others spiritually, 35; receives it with reverence, 54; of pro-
examples of Church members giving, fessor using marshmallows to test the
35–36; seeking out those in need, 36; patience of four-year-olds, 56; of young
priesthood, requires patience, 57; learn- Dieter F. Uchtdorf applying patience
ing to love the Lord and our families to learn in school after moving to a
requires selfless, 78; giving, to others new land, 56–57; of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
even in our times of trial, 99; Jesus wondering about Word of Wisdom
Christ was the epitome of, 99 promises during fighter-pilot training,
58; of new deacon making a diagram
Sin: God uses scripture to unmask, 32; for serving the sacrament in his chapel,
happiness does not lie in trying to 60; of released bishop continuing his
circumvent consequences of, 33; of lust, priesthood service by sitting each
43–44; we sometimes confuse, with Sunday where arriving members can see
sinner, 70; the Savior felt consequences his welcoming look, 60; of Henry B.
of all, through the Atonement, 73; shut- Eyring visiting a sick friend and giving
ting off noise of, within our souls, 102 him a blessing, 62–63; of Thomas S.
Monson talking to his grandson about
Smith, Joseph: gratitude for, 2; First a mission, 64; of student who cheats on
Vision of, 4; lesson in obedience an exam by turning pages with his feet
learned by, through loss of 116 Book of but whose day of reckoning comes, 65;
Mormon manuscript pages, 38; called of fulfillment of Thomas S. Monson’s
to his great work as a young man, 54; promise to a missionary that his parents
trials of, in Liberty Jail, 58; endurance would write, 66–67; of people adding
of trials by, 76; testimony of the Savior a sign, “You are my hands,” to a statue
borne by, 86 of Christ without hands, 68; of German
Saints receiving humanitarian assis-
Statistical Report, 27 tance after World War II, 69; Jewish
Stories: of Harold B. Lee counseling a legend in which two brothers secretly
young soldier to seek a blessing from give a portion of their harvest to one
his father, 6; of Boyd K. Packer inviting another, 70; of young couple turning
a young man’s father to ordain his away from the Lord and the Church
son an elder, 6; of woman forgiving after their first child dies at birth, 75;
a concentration camp guard, 11–12; of Donald L. Hallstrom’s parents and
of daughter recalling the faith of her grandparents remaining faithful despite
father, who died of cancer, 16; of wom- great trials, 75; of Symonds Ryder’s
an being in misery because she wan- spiritual decline after taking offense
dered as a youth, 20–21; of Henry B. over the misspelling of his name, 76;
of little boy recognizing image of the
Eyring’s young son getting lost,
Savior, 77; of Samoan stake president

rescuing his daughter and mother from 74; refuge and protection provided
a tsunami, 82; of Thomas S. Monson by, 82–83; being linked to ancestors
viewing a painting of a woman grieving through ordinances of, 89; finding and
for her husband lost at sea, 84; of fami- preparing names for ordinances of, 90;
ly losing a 15-year-old son and finding blessings of work of, 91
comfort through faith in Jesus Christ,
86–87; of Robert D. Hales’s grandson Temptation: family reading of and
asking him about going to a movie, 92; discussion about the Book of Mormon
of Robert D. Hales’s mother teaching invite power to resist, 40; ways to guard
the importance of family meals, 93; of against, in moral matters, 44–45; help
Robert D. Hales’s grandson interrupting from the Holy Ghost and from prayer in
his reading the newspaper to ask, “Are resisting, 66
you in there?” 93; of a mother enjoying
working with her daughter on Personal Testimony: strengthening Primary chil-
Progress, 93; of a young son telling his dren with, 21; spontaneous bearing of,
father that he knows what he knows as component of spiritual early warning
because his mother told him, 95–96; of system, 40–41; concerning the Savior’s
cows leading their stray calves back to Resurrection, 86; youth must obtain
a corral, 96; of boy practicing baseball their own light of, 94; bearing, to our
and finding a positive way to respond to children, 95; of Martha from the New
his failure to hit the ball, 98; of Gregory Testament, 101; sharing stories of Jesus
A. Schwitzer, as a young physician, strengthens foundation of, 106; influ-
learning not to judge others by their ence of parents’, on children, 107–8
appearance, 101; of a father’s consistent Thoughts: replacing unwelcome, with
teachings about Jesus Christ bringing hopeful images and joyful memories,
comfort to his children after his death, 44; controlling, in order to control
107–8 actions, 66
Summary of conference music, 111 Trials. See Adversity
Sunday afternoon session, 88
Sunday morning session, 68
Uchtdorf, Dieter F., 56, 68
Sustaining of Church officers, 25
Viñas, Francisco J., 103
Teaching: L. Tom Perry’s memories of
his mother’s, in the home, 28–29; in
the home, 28–30, 74; power of, to W
increase faith and strengthen families,
30; improving, in the Church, 30; of Warnings: examples of temporal and
the things pertaining to righteousness, spiritual, 39; system for early spiritual,
104–5 to be used by parents, 40–42

Temples: building of, 3; dedication of Wives. See Family; Mothers; Marriage;

new, 3; youth and blessings of, 19; Parents; Women
Personal Progress program helps young Women: enlisting attention of, regarding
women prepare for, 22, 23; attending, expectations for priesthood brethren
as way of guarding against temptation, 5; value of, as daughters of God, 8–9;
44–45; attending, as a way to learn receiving of personal revelation by, 9;
of Jesus Christ and His Atonement,

blessings that Relief Society brings to, Y

9–10; proper measures of success for,
10; influence of righteous, 17; inherent Young men: revised Duty to God program
talent and stewardship of, to mother, 17; for, 23, 54; most important work for,
contemporary culture presents distorted is a mission call, 53; counseled to
and erroneous views of, 17, 18, 19; have learn from their families and Church
always been teachers of moral values, leaders, 53; to be a great strength to
18; nurturing is a part of the spiritual the Church and a force for good, 55;
heritage of, 96. See also Marriage; counseled to prepare for missionary
Mothers service, 64; benefits to, of using booklet
For the Strength of Youth, 64; counsel
Word of Wisdom: warning given in, 39; to, regarding dating, dress standards,
blessings of obeying, 58 and friends, 64–65; keeping standard
of honesty by, 65; counsel to, regarding
Work: true faith requires, 15; patience language, media use, harmful sub-
requires, 57; bringing our children to stances, and moral cleanliness, 65–66.
the Savior takes, 79 See also Aaronic Priesthood; Duty to
God program; Fathers; Youth
World: the Savior has overcome, 15,
16; celebrates distorted and errone- Young women: relationships of, with their
ous views of womanhood, 17, 18, 19; mothers, 17; counseled to model them-
mothers in Israel are their daughters’ selves after their faithful mothers rather
first line of defense against wiles of, 18; than celebrities, 17; counseled to learn
teaching of gospel in the home helps from their mothers, 17–18; counseled to
protect children from influences of, 30; love, trust, and be kind to their moth-
some ideas of, leave people adrift to try ers, 18; Personal Progress program for,
to define their own standards, 102; has 22–23. See also Mothers; Youth
slipped from moorings of safety, 110
Youth: making and keeping of covenants
Worthiness: qualifying for the Lord’s by, 19; and blessings of the temple,
Spirit implies a certain degree of, 9; to 19; home is most important place
go to the temple, 19; of young men to to prepare, to lead families and the
receive a call to serve a mission, 51, Church, 19–20; Church programs for,
64; of young men to administer the 22–23; importance of adults traveling
sacrament, 55; striving for, as parents with, on the path home to God, 23–24;
and leaders, 78; personal, and the leading, by example, 92; understanding
opportunity to return to God’s presence, the hearts of, 92–93; adult participation
80; to receive and act upon promptings with, in Church youth programs, 93–94;
of the Holy Ghost, 81–82; and youth helping, to understand the gospel and
programs, 93 to participate in the Church, 94; and
distractions, 96; importance of prepar-
ing, 105; each, needs his or her own
conversion to the truth, 106; counseled
to learn more about the Savior, 106.
See also Aaronic Priesthood; Children;
Young men; Young women

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