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Civil Engineering Department

Fall 2015

Geotechnical Design of structures
Session B
Submitted To:
Dr. Lema M. Dakssa

Table of contents

1.0 Case1:
 γ=16.6 kN/m3 ( from lab experiment : bluk density )
 The unit weight of concrete (γconc) to be 24 kN/m3
 Cohesion C= 0

1.1 Part 1 : The Eurocode 7 GEO limit states.

1.1.1 Combination 1: Partial safety factor sets A1 + M1 + R1
From the table determine the partial safety factors γG; unfav= 1.35; γG;fav = 1.0;
γQ = 1.5; γϕ’ = 1.0 .
step1 : Design material properties.
ϕ’ d = tan -1( tan ϕ’/γϕ’) = 35/1.0 =35o
1−sin ∅ 1−sin 35 0.4264
Ka = = = =0.271
1+sin ∅ 1+ sin 35 1.5735
Step2: Design actions.
a) Permanent favorable forces
 Self-weight of the stem

Area 1 = 0.4 x 1.0 x γconc x γG;fav =

Area 2 = 5 x 1 x γcon x γG;fav = 5x1x24x1.0 = 120 kN .

 Self –weight of base
Area 3 = 1x 6.4 x γcon x γG;fav = 1x6.4x24x1.0 = 153.6 kN
 Soil on heel: 4.3 x 7 x γsoil x γG;fav = 4.3x7x16.6 x1=499.66 kN
 Total Rv = 9.6+120+153.6+499.66=782.86 kN

B) Permanent unfavorable forces Active earth pressure behind the wall

 Lateral earth pressure (Pa )

Pa;d = 0.5 x Ka x γ x h2 x γG;unfav = 0.5 x 0.271x16.6x8x8 x1.35=194.34 kN/m

 Lateral thrust from the surcharge is a variable unfavorable force

Pq;d = 10 x 8 x Ka x γQ = 80 x 0.271 x 1.5 = 32.52 kN

Step3: Design effects and resistance

 Overturning:
- Destabilizing moment about the toe Md = Pa;d (h/3) + Pq;d (h/2) = 194.34x( 8/3) +
32.52x (8/2)= 518.24+130.08=648.32kNm
- Stabilizing moment Ms = (Area stem) X (center steem)+ ( Area base)x center base )+
( soil on heel x center of soil) = (9.6+120)x1.6+(153.6x3.2)+ (499.66x4.25)=
- The GEO limit state is satisfied as Md less than Ms .
Ms 2822.435
The ( factor of safety overturning) ODF = = =4.35 ok
Md 648.32
 Sliding:
-Vertical load = 782.86 kN/m, which is the same as the vertical reaction at the
base of the retaining wall (Rv ).

- Active horizontal thrust causing sliding = 194.34+ 32.52=226.86 kN/m

- Design resistance = Rv tanδ = 782.86tan35o = 548.16 kN

- Total lateral (horizontal) thrust = 226.86 kN The GEO limit state is satisfied as
design resistance is in excess of destabilizing forces.

- Factor of safety against sliding (Fs ) ODF =
∑ Rv 782.86
=3.45 OK
∑ horizotal 226.86
Step4 : bearing capacity failures.
- Calculate the maximum bearing pressure due to the loadings.
o Pmax = (Rv:d /B){1+(6e/B)}
Rv:d =( stem +base+soil) x γG; unfav+( length of soil x q)x γQ

= (782.86 )x 1.35+ (4.3x10)x 1.5=1121.361 KN

e= −× :;;
MS−Md 3867.01−6 48.32
X= =
Rv :d 1121.361
MS= {(9.6+120)x1.6+(153.6x3.2)+ (499.66x4.25)}x γG; unfav+ 43x γQ =
( 201.6+491.52+2123.555) x1.35=3802.51+ 43x1.5=3867.01kNm
Md= 648.32kNm
3867.01−6 48.32
Substituing x = =2.870 m
B 6.4
e= −× = e= −2.87=3.2−2.87=0.33 m
2 2
o Pmax = (Rv:d /B){1+(6e/B)}
o = 1121.36/6.4)x(1+(6x0.33/6.4)=229.42 kpa.
As the Pmax is less than the bearing resistance (300 kPa), GEO limit state is satisfied.
Bearing pressure . 300
ODF = = =1.31
Pmax 229.42

1.1.2 Combination 2: Partial safety factor sets A2 + M2 + R2

From the table determine the partial safety factors: γG;unfav = 1.0; γG;fav = 1.0; γQ;dist = 1.3;
γϕ’ = 1.25 .
step1 : Design material properties.
ϕ’ d = tan -1( tan ϕ’/γϕ’) = 35/1.25 =28o
1−sin ∅ 1−sin 28 0.531
Ka = = = =0.36
1+sin ∅ 1+ sin 28 1.47 .
Step2: Design actions.

A ) Permanent favorable forces

 Self-weight of the stem

Area 1 = 0.4 x 1.0 x γconc x γG;fav = 0.4x1.0x24x1.0 = 9.6 kN

Area 2 = 5 x 1 x γcon x γG;fav = 5x1x24x1.0 = 120 kN .

 Self –weight of base

Area 3 = 1x 6.4 x γcon x γG;fav = 1x6.4x24x1.0 = 153.6 kN
 Soil on heel: 4.3 x 7 x γsoil x γG;fav = 4.3x7x16.6 x1=499.66 kN
 Total Rv = 9.6+120+153.6+499.66=782.86 kN
b) Permanent unfavorable forces Active earth pressure behind the wall
 Lateral earth pressure (Pa )

Pa;d = 0.5 x Ka x γ x h2 x γG;unfav = 0.5 x 0.36x16.6x8x8 x1.0=191.232 kN/m

 Lateral thrust from the surcharge is a variable unfavorable force

Pq;d = 10 x 8 x Ka x γQ:dist = 80 x 0.36 x 1.3 = 37.44 kN

Step3: Design effects and resistance

 Overturning:
- Destabilizing moment about the toe Md = Pa;d (h/3) + Pq;d (h/2) = 191.232x( 8/3) +
37.44x (8/2)= 509.95+149.76=659.71kNm
- Stabilizing moment Ms = (Area stem) X (center steem)+ ( Area base)x center base )+
( soil on heel x center of soil) = (9.6+120)x1.6+(153.6x3.2)+ (499.66x4.25)=
- The GEO limit state is satisfied as Md less than Ms .
Ms 2822.435
The ( factor of safety overturning) ODF = = =4.28 ok
Md 659.7
 Sliding:
-Vertical load = 782.86 kN/m, which is the same as the vertical reaction at the base of the
retaining wall (Rv ).

- Active horizontal thrust causing sliding =191.232+ 37.44= 228.67 kN/m

- Design resistance = Rv tanδ = 782.86tan35o = 548.16 kN

- Total lateral (horizontal) thrust = 228.876 kN The GEO limit state is satisfied as design
resistance is in excess of destabilizing forces.

- Factor of safety against sliding (Fs ) ODF =

∑ Rv 782.86
∑ horizotal 228.87
Step4 : bearing capacity failures.
- Calculate the maximum bearing pressure due to the loadings.
o Pmax = (Rv:d /B){1+(6e/B)}
Rv:d =( stem +base+soil) x γG; unfav+( length of soil x q)x γQ

= (782.86 )x 1.0+ (4.3x10)x 1.3=838.76 KN

e= −× :;;
MS−Md 2822.435−Md
X= =
Rv :d Rv : d
MS= {(9.6+120)x1.6+(153.6x3.2)+ (499.66x4.25)}x γG; unfav+ 43x γQ =
( 201.6+491.52+2123.555) x1.0=2816.675+ 43x1.3=2872.575kNm
Md= 648.32kNm
Substituing x = =2.64 m
B 6.4
e=( −× ) e= ( −2.64 ¿=3.2−2.64=0.56 m
2 2
Pmax = (Rv:d /B){1+(6e/B)}
= 838.76/6.4)x(1+(6x0.56/6.4)=199.86 kpa.
As the Pmax is less than the bearing resistance (300 kPa), GEO limit state is satisfied.
Bearing pressure . 300
ODF = = =1.50 ok
Pmax 199.86

1.2 Part 2: Traditional approach

Step1 : Check for overturning
1−sin ∅ 1−sin 35 0.4264
- Ka by Rankine’s method (for ϕ’ = 35o ) = Ka = = = =0.271
1+sin ∅ 1+ sin 35 1.5735
- Calculate the overturning and stabilizing moments as in the following table.

Table 1: Calculation of moments

Stabilizing Magnitude kN/m Moment from toe , m Moment KNm/m
Stem (0.4*1)x24+ (1*6)x24= 1.1+0.5= 1.6 153.6*1.6=245.76
Base 1*6.4*24=153.6 6.4/2=3.2m 153.6*3.2= 491.52
Load on heel soil+ 4.3*7*16.6+10*4.3 4.3/2+1+1.1=4.25 2306.305
surchange =542.66
Sum 849.86 3043.585
Backfill soil Pa = 0.5 x Ka x γ x h2 h/3= 8/3= 2.67 2.67*
= 0.5x 0.271x16.6x8x8 143.955=383.88
= 143.955
Surcharge q*h*ka= h/2= 8/2= 4 4* 21.635= 86.72
Sum 165.635 470.6

 Factor of safety against overturning, Fo = Ms /Mo = 3043.583/470.6 = 6.5 OK!

1.2.2 Check for sliding
- Vertical load ( Rv) = 849.86 kN/m, which is the same as the vertical reaction at the
base of the retaining wall (Rv ).
- Active horizontal thrust causing sliding = 165.635 kN/m.
- Force resisting sliding = Rv x tanδ = 849.86 x tan35 = 595.1 kN/m . (i.e., δ=ϕ’)
- Factor of safety sliding (Fs) =

force resisting sliding 595.1

= =3.59
Active horizontal thrust causing sliding 165.635

1.2.3 Check for bearing capacity failure ;

- Calculate the maximum bearing pressure due to the loadings.

Pmax = ( Rv /B){1+(6e/B)}

- Calculate the eccentricity, Rv*x = resisting moment – overturning moment

= 3043.583- 470.6

849.86 * x =2572.985

x= 2572.985 / 849.86= 3.03m

- So, e =(B/2- x)= { (8/2) – 3.03} = 0.97 m Substituting,

- Pmax = (Rv /B){1+(6e/B)}

= ( 849.86 / 8 )*{ 1+ (6*0.97/8) }= 106.2325*{1.7275}= 183.52 kPa

- Factor of safety against bearing capacity failure (Fb ) is

Fb = safe pressure / Pmax = 300/183.52 = 1.6 OK!

2.0 Case 2 :

between the upstream and downstream Equipotential the total head loss is 5m, In the flow net 3
flow line( Nf) and 10 equipotential line ( Nd) .
 The quantity seepage under the dam Q=Kh
= 2.5x10-5*5*
= 3.75x10-5m3/s
 The uplift pressure on the base of the dam = H/Nd = 5/10 = 0.5 m.

Point ∆ h ( m) Z (m) h-z (m) Pressure head( KN/m2)

ɤw x z
1 0.5 -0.8 1.3 1.3x 9.81= 12.75
2 1 -0.8 1.8 1.8x9.81=17.66
3 1.5 -1.4 2.9 2.9x9.81=28.45
4 2 -1.4 3.4 3.4x9.81= 33.35
5 2.5 -1.4 3.9 3.9x9.81=38.26

Uplift pressure distribution

Grave ; uplift pressure distribution

Case 3

1STEP 1: pile acting individually

Determine Qu = n1n2 (Qb + Qs )

n1n2 = 3x3=9
Qb = Ncx Cbx Ab =9x86x ( xd 2 = 3.17/4x( 316) 2)
= 9x86x0.078= 60.372KN
Qs = α X cu X p x L = 0.54x86x(3 x 0.316)x20=880.5KN

Cu 86
= =0.86 ¿the table 2 find the α=0.54
100 100
Qu = n1n2 (Qb + Qs )
= 3x3 ( 60.372+880.50)= 8467.87KN

3.2 STEP2: Pile acting in group as block

- Determine Qu = (Qb + Qs )

Qb =LgxBgxCbxNc

- Lg=2d+s = 2x0.6 +0.316 =1.516m

- Bg= 2d+s=2x0.6 +0.316 =1.516m
- Cb=Cu=86 KN/m2
- Lg / Bg = 1.516/1.516 = 1 ( show the figure (
- Nc= L/Bg= 20/1.51= 13.24 ( from figure fined the value of Nc ) = 9
- Qb =Lg x Bgx Cb x Nc = 1.516x1.516x86x9=1849.25
- Qs= 2(Lg + Bg)xCu x L= 2(1.516+1.516)X86X20=10430.08
- Qu = (Qb + Qs )={ (Lg x Bg x Cb x Nc)+( 2( Lg + Bg) x Cu x L)} = 1849.25
+10430.08 =12279.3

- Taken the less between two ( Qu ) so the less is part 1
= 1739.32
- Hence, Qu = =2822.62 KN .

CASE 4: Slope Stability Analysis :

 From result of the lab unit weight of soil ( γ=16.6 kN/m3 ) .
 Standard unit weight γsat =18.26 kN/m3.
 The cohesion c= 0
 The effective friction angles= ɸ = 35 o

Slice Slice width ( m) Depth Z ( m) Depth of water( hw) m Angle α

1 1.0 0.76 0.6 -11.2
2 1.0 1.8 1.2 -3.2
3 1.0 2.73 1.65 8.4
4 1.0 3.4 1.85 17.1
5 1.0 3.87 1.74 26.9
6 1.0 3.89 1.15 37.2
7 1.0 2.94 0 49.8
8 1.0 1.1 0 59.9


Slic W=
(w- ( 4+5) secα
e (γ*h+ysat*h)* cxb ub)*tan coulme 1+( tan ∅ xtanα )/FS COLUME(6 x 7)
b ɸ s
1 0x1= F.S= 1.5 F.S=1.08
13.612 -2.64 5.41 5.41
0 1.123 1.696 6.075 6.32
2 31.872 -1.78 0 14.074 14.074 1.028 1.0392 14.47 14.626
3 48.057 7.02 0 22.32 22.32 0.946 0.923 21.12 20.61
4 59.511 17.5 0 28.962 28.962 0.915 0.8722 26.50 25.261
5 67.1304 30.372 0 35.053 35.053 0.907 0.844 31.80 29.585
6 66.483 40.2 0 38.654 38.654 0.927 0.841 35.83 32.523
7 48.804 37.28 0 13.978 13.978 0.998 0.877 13.95 12.26
8 18.26 15.8 0 5.23 5.23 1.1045 1.105 5.776 5.774
TOTAL 143.748 155.52 146.96

 F.S = =1.08.
 F.S= =1.022

Case 5: An anchored sheet pile

1−sin ∅ '
k a= =0.30 7
1+sin ∅ '

γ sat =γ soil ×1.1

¿ 18.7 ×1.1

¿ 20.57 K N

Figure8: An anchored sheet pile

Table 5 : Active earth pressure

No Active Moment… P1 × M A 1
1 1 1 2 29.39 ×1.067=39.187 KNm
P 1= γ h2 Ka= × 18.7× ( 3.2 )2 × 0.307=29.39 KN × ( 3.2 ) −0.8=1.33
2 2 3

2 P 2=γ K a h1 h 2=18.7 ×3.2 × 4.8 x .307=88.180 KN 1 279.55 × 4.84=423.264 KNm
× ( 4.8 ) +2.4=4.8
3 1 2 38.054 ×5.6=213.1024 KNm
P 3= ( 20.57−9.81 ) × ( 4.8 )2 ×0.307=38.054 KN × ( 4.8 ) +2.4=5.6
2 3

4 1 1 2 113 ×5.6=632.8 KNm

P 4= γ w h22= × 9.81× ( 4.8 )2=113 KN × ( 4.8 ) +2.4=5.6
2 2 3
Σ M a =1308.3534 KNm
∑ fx ( active )=268.624 KN


1 1
 P5 = γ w h22= ×9.81 × ( 4.8 )2=113 KN
2 2

113 KN 113 KN
= =56.5
Factor of safty 2

M . A= × ( 4.8 ) + ( 2.4 ) =5.6 m

Mom ent =56.5 ×5.6=316.4 KNm

 P P × × ( 3.8 ) + ( 3.4 )=5.93 × P P
1308.3534−( 5.93 × P P+ 316.4 ) =0
1308.3534−5.93× PP −316.4=0
991.9534=5.93 × P P
P P= =167.277 KN

* Minimum passive earth pressure = 167.277 KN/m

∑ fx=0
−T −Pp−P 5+ P 1+ P2+ P 3+ P 4=0
T + Pp+ P 5=P1+ P 2+ P 3+ P 4
T + 167.277+56.5=29.39+ 88.180+ 38.054+113=0
T =44.847 kN /m



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