LDS Conference Report 1969 Annual

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APRIL 4, 5, 6, 1969


Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah

of the






held in the
Tabernacle on Temple Square


Salt Lake City, Utah

April 4, 5, 6, 1969

+ + +

Published by

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Thirty-Ninth Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Thirty-ninth An- America, Africa and parts of Asia re-
nual Conference of The Church of ceived broadcasts of the proceedings
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints con- over the Church-owned international
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple short-wave Radio Station WNYW,
Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, Fri- with studios in New York. Audio tape
day, April 4, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. and sound on film recordings of this
The general sessions of the confer- conference were translated into twelve
ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 different languages and sent to the
p.m. Friday, April 4, Saturday, April 5, countries of Europe, South and Central
and Sunday, April 6. The General America, and the Far East.
Priesthood meeting was held on Satur- Re-broadcasts of all sessions of the
day, April 5, at 7:00 p.m. conference were sent over KSL Radio,
President David O. McKay was not KIRO Radio at Seattle, KMBZ Radio
present at any of the meetings of the at Kansas City, Missouri, and WRFM
conference. Under orders of his doctors in New York City, beginning at mid-
he remained at home during the con- night on Friday, Saturday and Sun-
ference sessions, where he received the day, and were heard in many parts of
proceedings of the conference by direct the United States and the world.
wire television. President McKay pre- The General Priesthood meeting
sided at all sessions. Under his direc- held on Saturday evening was trans-
tion his counselors, Presidents Hugh mitted over closed circuit from the
B. Brown, N. Eldon Tanner, Joseph Salt Lake Tabernacle to approximately
Fielding Smith, and Alvin R. Dyer con- 150,000 men of the priesthood assem-
ducted the services assigned to each of bled in 500 buildings throughout the
them. United States and Canada.
Elder Robert R. McKay, son of Presi-
dent McKay, read the President's ad- General Authorities of the Church
dresses to the conference in the opening Present
session on Friday and in the closing
sessionon Sunday afternoon. His son, The First Presidency: Hugh B.
Elder David Lawrence McKay, read Brown, Nathan Eldon Tanner, Joseph
President McKay's message in the Gen- Fielding Smith, Thorpe B. Isaacson,
eral Priesthood meeting on Saturday and Alvin R. Dyer.
evening. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
The proeeedings of all sessions of the Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
conference were given extensive cover- Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,
age in the United States and Canada Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley,
over many television and radio stations, Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Richards,
coast to coast, originating with KSL Richard L. Evans, Howard W. Hunter,
Radio and Television in Salt Lake City. Gordon B. Hinckley, and Thomas S.
Countries in Europe, South and Central Monson.

Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G. General Officers and Other

Smith. Authorities Present

Assistants the Twelve: Alma

to Church Historian and Recorder:
Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen, John Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. Wil-
Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Henry D. liam Lund and Earl E. Olson, assis-
Taylor, Franklin D. Richards, Theo- tants.
dore M. Burton, Boyd K. Packer,
Members of the Church Board of
Bernard P. Brockbank, James A. Culli-
Education, Church educational authori-
more, and Marion D. Hanks.
ties and supervisors.
The First Council of Seventy: Sey- Presidents of Stakes and their
mour Dilworth Young, Milton R. counselors, Presidents of Temples,
Hunter, Bruce R. McConkie, A. Theo- Patriarchs, bishoprics of wards and
dore Tuttle, Paul H. Dunn, Hartman presidencies of branches, quorum presi-
Rector, Jr., and Loren C. Dunn. dencies and members of the Melchize-
dek and Aaronic Priesthoods.
The Presiding Bishopric: John H.
Vandenberg, Robert L. Simpson and Auxiliary officers, General, Stake and
Victor L. Brown. Ward, from all parts of the Church.
FIRST SESSION the welfare and development of the
children of the Church. May God
The opening session of the confer- bless them for their devotion and
ence convened in the Tabernacle on
Temple Square in Salt Lake City on All of the General Authorities of
Friday morning April 4, 1969, at 10 the Church are in attendance this
o'clock a.m., with President David O. morning. Weextend to them, to the
McKay presiding. President Hugh B. presidents of stakes, mission presidents,
Brown, first counselor in the First temple presidents, bishops, and all of
Presidency, conducted the services. you who are here in attendance, a
greeting and a welcome, and also to
The Ogden Institute of Religion
all who are listening in. No doubt
Chorus, under the direction of Ladd R.
Cropper, furnished the choral music there are millions.
for this session. Alexander Schreiner We are pleased to announce that
was at the organ console. the proceedings of this General Con-
President Hugh B. Brown extended ference will again be given extensive
the following greeting to the con- coverage in the United States and
ference: Canada over many television and
radio stations, coast to coast, originat-
ing with KSL Radio and Television in
President Hugh B. Brown Salt Lake City.

At this joyful Easter time we join Countries in Europe, South and

with Christians throughout the world Central America, Africa, and parts of
in celebrating this epochal event. Asia, totaling nearly two-thirds of the
Easter signifies the triumph of the world, can receive broadcasts of these
human spirit over darkness and death.
proceedings over international short-
wave Radio Station WNYW,
Members and friends of The Church studios in New York.
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are
meeting in the 139th Annual Confer- Audio tape and Sound on film rec-
ence of the Church in the Tabernacle ords of this General Conference will
on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. be translated into twelve different lan-
President David O. McKay will pre- guages and sent to countries of Europe,
side at all sessions of the conference, South and Central America and the
although, acting on the advice of his Far East.
physician, he has reluctantly con- Re-broadcasts of all sessions of the
sented to view the proceedings from conference will be received over KSL
his apartment. He has asked that I Radio, Salt Lake City, KIRO Radio at
conduct this meeting. Weare grate- KMBZ Radio at Kansas City,
ful that his health has been such that Missouri, WRFM in New York City,
during the past six months he has and WNYWover international short-
been able to carry on with his heavy wave beginning at midnight tonight,
responsibilities and high office. and on Saturday and Sunday, and
During the past two days, the gen- can be heard in many parts of the
eral officers and teachers of the Pri- United States and the world, including
mary Association have been convened Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Europe, South
in their 63rd Annual Conference. We and Central America, and the islands
have only praise and commendation of the Pacific.
for what these sisters are doing for We are grateful to the owners and
Friday, April 4 First Day

operators of the radio and television invocation will be offered by President

stations for their cooperation in mak- Alma P. Burton of the Sharon Stake.
ing possible such an extensive coverage
of the proceedings of this conference.
We should like to express our appre- The Ogden Institute of Religion
ciation for the lovely flowers which Chorus sang the number, "God of Com-
decorate the rostrum. For the beautiful fort, God of Courage."
white calla lilies we are indebted to Elder Alma P. Burton, president of
the Oakland-Berkeley Stake high priests the Sharon Stake, offered the opening
quorum, and to Brother Irvin T. Nelson prayer.
and his for handling and
arranging these flowers, and also the
beautiful display at
floral the rear
entrance of this building. President Hugh B. Brown
We are pleased to welcome this
morning these young students from the This wonderful chorus from the
Ogden Institute of Religion, Ogden, Ogden Institute of Religion will now
Utah. They will furnish the music sing, "I Need Thee Every Hour."
for this session of conference.
We are grateful for their presence,
and for their willingness to come and The Ogden Institute of Religion
add their youthful, exhilarating spirit Chorus sang the hymn, "I Need Thee
and influence to this meeting. We Every Hour."
want you young people to know that
President McKay and all of us appre-
ciate you and your conductor, Brother
Ladd R. Cropper. He will conduct the
President Hugh B. Brown
chorus, and Alexander Schreiner is at President David O. McKay has pre-
the organ. pared a message and an address for
We shall begin this session by the the conference, but being unable to be
chorus rendering, "God of Comfort, present has asked his son, Robert, if
God of Courage," following which the he will read that message now, please.


(Read by his son Robert R. McKay)

My beloved brethren and sisters: My Progress of the Church

soul is deeply stirred this morning, due,
I am sure, to a combination of circum- I am grateful for the outstanding
stances and experiences. Never have I progress the Church has made during
been so thankful for the blessings of the past year; for the united and un-
the Lord, and for the faith and prayers stinted support given by the General
of the membership of the Church. I am Authorities and general officers of the
thankful for the restoration of the gos- Church; for the loyalty, faith, and de-
pel and for the glorious message to all votion of the general auxiliary boards,
the world that accompanied that resto- of the officers in stakes, quorums,
ration: that God lives and that his wards, missions, and of the Church
Beloved Son Jesus Christ is the Re- membership in general. Most of all,
deemer and Savior of the world, that I am grateful for the assurance we have

we are his children, and that he has of the Lord's guidance and overruling
given us a plan by which we may power.
return to his presence as resurrected, I extend to all present in this historic
immortal beings. —
Tabernacle our special visitors, gov-

emmental and
educational leaders, wickedness of unrighteous leaders. Not
Regional Representatives, our stake, until freedom triumphs and a just
ward, and auxiliary officers and teach- peace comes may we hope for the end
ers from far and near —
and to friends of wars and for goodwill among men.
and members tuned in by radio and Today, when these facts are so
television my
heartfelt greetings and strikingly manifest, let all sincere men
welcome to this one hundred thirty- recognize the evil conditions that have
ninth conference of the Church. caused wars, and resolve with God's
help to banish them forever. There
Mankind's welfare must come a victory of right and free-
During the past months I have been dom over iniquity and oppression; I
most apprehensive of mankind's wel- repeat, war will never be vanquished
fare in a world of tribulation and of until men change their hearts and es-
false ideals. With the increase in tablish new ideals.

crime, the disrespect for law and order,

the ever-increasing divorce rate, re- Home, the strength of a nation
sulting in broken homes; the immoral- An essential, fundamental element
ity, with all its attendant evils; the
in the building and in the perpetuity
precious principles associated with of a great people is the home. The
man's freedom threatened with re- strength of a nation, especially of a
pudiation, if not abandonment, it is
republican nation, is in the intelligent
time that men and women the world and well-ordered homes of the people.
over should become more thoughtful,
In the well-ordered home we may ex-
more prayerful, more earnest than perience on earth a taste of heaven. It
ever before in seeking the causes of
is there that the babe in a mother's
this world's disaster, and bravely and
caress first experiences a sense of se-
heroically choose a better course of life.
curity, finds in the mother's kiss the
This is a time when mankind should first realization of affection, discovers
turn their thoughts to the teachings in mother's sympathy and tenderness
of Christ, our Lord and Savior, and in the first assurance that there is love in
larger numbers than the world has the world.
heretofore witnessed conform thereto
I remember that during World War
their attitudes and actions. Unless II conditions made it necessary that I
multitudes of men and women so
share a Pullman car with 40 soldier
change their hearts and lives, the boys. They were gentlemen, and a
world will continue to be in turmoil, credit to any nation. In the course of
and our present civilization be threat- conversation, one of them remarked to
ened with disintegration. me: "My dad's hair is white too." Then
he added in a tone that expressed the
Need for more godliness
depth of his feeling, "How I should
It is a deplorable but recognizable like to see that old gray head this
fact that men's hearts all too generally morning!" He and his companions
are turned from and not toward God. were en route for an encampment to
Self-promotion, not God's glorification, complete their training before embark-
is the motivating factor in most people's ing for duty overseas. They had en-
lives. Irreverence is all too manifest. listed to defend not only the free
The world needs more godliness and agency of man, but the rights and
less godlessness; more self-discipline, sanctity of home and loved ones. Such
less self-indulgence; more power to say an affection for home and loved ones
with Christ, "Father not my will,
. . .
as felt by that soldier boy will make
but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42.) death preferable to surrender to an
Christ came to bring peace. Rejection enemy who would destroy home and
of his way of life has made strife and all that American soldiers hold dear.

contention rampant. Man, not the Seeking the pleasure of conjugality

Lord, has brought deadly conflicts and without a willingness to assume the re-
subsequent misery. Wars spring from sponsibilities of rearing a family is one
Friday, April 4 First Day

of the onslaughts that now batter at Unchastity a dominant evil

the structure of the American home.
Intelligence and mutual consideration A dominant evil of the world today
is unchastity. I repeat what appeared
should be ever-present factors in deter-
mining the coming of children to the over the signature of President Joseph
F. Smith while he was living: "No
more loathsome cancer disfigures the
body and soul of society today than
Intelligent home building
the frightful affliction of sexual sin.
It is important for young people to It vitiates the very fountains of life,
realize that intelligent home building and bequeaths its foul effects to the yet
begins with a young man and a young unborn as a legacy of death." (The
girl in their teens. Often the health Improvement Era, Vol. 20, p. 739.) He
of children, if a couple be blessed with who is unchaste in young manhood is
such, depends upon the actions of par- untrue to a trust given him by the
ents before marriage. In the press, from parents of the girl; and she who is un-
the pulpit, and particularly in the chaste in maidenhood is untrue to her
home, there should ring more fre- future husband and lays the founda-
quently the message that in their youth tion of unhappiness, suspicion, and dis-
boys and girls are laying the founda- cord in the home. Do not worry about
tion for their future happiness or those teachers who talk about inhibi-
misery. Every young man, particularly, tions. Just keep in mind this eternal
should prepare for the responsibility of truth that chastity is a virtue to be
fatherhood by keeping himself physi- prized as one of life's noblest achieve-
cally clean, that he might enter into ments. It contributes to the virility of
that responsibility not as a coward or manhood. It is the crowning virtue of
deceiver, but as one honorable and womanhood, and every red-blooded
fit to found a home. The young man man knows that is true. It is a chief
who, in unfitness, takes upon himself factor to a happy home. There is no
the responsibility of fatherhood is loss of prestige in maintaining in a
worse than a deceiver. The future dignified way the standards of the
happiness of his wife and children Church. You can be "in" this world
depends upon his life in youth. and not "of the world." Keep your
Let us also teach girls that mother- chastity above everything else! God has
hood is divine, for when we touch the
commanded that we be chaste: "Thou
creative part of life, we enter into the shalt not commit adultery!" said the
realm of divinity. It is important, Lord at Sinai. (See Exod. 20:14.)
therefore, that young womanhood real- Degenerating forces in the world are
ize the necessity of keeping their bodies rampant, but they can be resisted if
clean and pure, that their children youth will cherish right thoughts and
might enter the world unhampered by aspire to high ideals. The age-old
sin and disease. An unshackled birth conflict between truth and error is
and an inheritance of noble character being waged with accelerating fury,
are the greatest blessings of childhood. and at the present hour error seems
No mother has the right to shackle a to be gaining the upper hand. Increas-
child through life for what seems in ing moral turpitude and widespread
youth to be a pleasant pastime or her disregard for the principles of honor
right to indulge in harmful drugs and and integrity are undermining influ-
other sinful practices. Those who are ences in social, political, and business
to be the mothers of the race should at life.

least so live as to bear children who

are not burdened from birth by sick- Marriage ordained of God
ness, weakness, or deformity, because The exalted view of marriage as held
the parents, in fiery youth, as Shake- by the Church is given expressively in
speare said, "with unbashful forehead five words found in the forty-ninth
woo the means of weakness and de- section of the Doctrine and Covenants:
bility." "marriage is ordained of God." (D&C

49:15.) That was given in

revelation within our power, we must warn
1831 when Joseph Smith was only 25 young couples against secret and hasty
years of age. Considering the circum- marriages.
stances under which it was given, we It is vital also to counteract the in-
find in it another example among sidious influences of printed literature
hundreds of others corroborative of the that speaks of the "bankruptcy of mar-
fact that he was inspired of the Lord. riage," that advocates trial marriages,
Before us are assembled thousands of and that places extramarital relations
presiding officers in stakes, wards, quo- on a par with extramarital friendships.
rums, and auxiliaries, to whom we say,
it is your duty and mine to uphold the
Responsibility of parenthood
lofty conception of marriage as given Parenthood, and particularly mother-
in this revelation, and to guard against hood, should be held as a sacred obli-
encroaching dangers that threaten to gation. There is something in the
lower the standard of the ideal home. depths of the human soul which re-
It is said that the best and noblest volts against neglectful parenthood.
lives are those which are set toward God has implanted deep in the souls
high ideals. Truly no higher ideal re- of parents the truth that they cannot
garding marriage can be cherished by with impunity shirk the responsibility
young people than to look upon it as to protect childhood and youth.
a divine institution. In the minds of There seems to be a growing ten-
the young, such a standard is a protec- dency to shift this responsibility from
tion to them in courtship, an ever- the home to outside influences, such
present influence inducing them to as the school and the church. Im-
refrain from doing anything that may portant as these outward influences
prevent their going to the temple to are, they never can take the place of
have their love made perfect in an en- the influence of the mother and the
during and eternal union. It will lead father. Constant training, constant
them to seek divine guidance in the vigilance, companionship, being watch-
selection of their companions, upon the men of our own children are necessary
wise choice of whom their life's happi- in order to keep our homes intact.
ness here and hereafter is largely de- The character of the child is formed
pendent. It makes their hearts pure largely during the first 12 years of his
and good; it lifts them up to their life. During that period he spends 16
Father in heaven. Such joys are within times as many waking hours in the
the reach of most men and women if home as in school, and 126 times as
high ideals of marriage and home be many hours in the home as in the
properly fostered and cherished. church. Children go out with the
stamp of these homes upon them, and
Sacredness of marriage covenant
only as these homes are what they
threatened should be will children be what they
The signs of the times definitely should be. Luther Burbank, the great
indicate that the sacredness of the mar- plant wizard and scientist, most im-
riage covenant is dangerously threat- pressively emphasizes the need for con-
ened. There are places where the stant attention in the training of a
marriage ceremony may be performed child. He says:
atany hour of the day or night without "Teach the child self-respect. Train
any previous arrangement. The license it in self-respect just as you train a

is issued and the ceremony performed plant in better ways. No self-respect-

while the couple wait. Many couples ing man was ever a grafter. Above all,
who have been entrapped by such en- —
bear in mind repetition the use of an
ticements have had their marriages influence over and over again, keeping
end in disappointment and sorrow. In everlastingly at it. This is what fixes
some instances these places are nothing traits in plants, the constant repetition
more than opportunities for legalized of an influence until at last it is irre-
immorality. Oh, how far they fall vocably fixed and will not change. You
below the true ideal As far as lies
1 cannot afford to get discouraged. You
Friday, April 4 First Day

are dealing with something far more happiness this separation has caused
precious than any plant —the precious the children.
soul of a child I" The increasing divorce rate in the
United States today is a threatening
Needs of children menace to this nation's greatness. The
increase throughout the United States,
There are three fundamental things and in our own state, in the percentage
to which every child is entitled: (1) a of divorces is alarming.
respected name, (2) a sense of security, In the light of scripture, ancient and
(3) opportunities for development. The modern, we are justified in concluding
family gives to the child his name and that Christ's ideal pertaining to mar-
standing in the community. Achild riage is the unbroken home, and condi-
wants his family to be as good as those tions that cause divorce are violations
families of his friends. He wants to of his divine teachings. Except in cases
be able to point with pride to his of infidelity or other extreme condi-
father, and to feel an inspiration al- tions, theChurch frowns upon divorce,
ways as he thinks of his mother. It is and authorities look with apprehension
a mother's duty to so live that her upon the increasing number of divorces
children will associate with her every- among members of the Church.
thing that is beautiful, sweet, and A man who has entered into sacred
pure. And the father should so live covenants in the house of the Lord to
that the child, emulating his example, remain true to the marriage vow is a
will be a good citizen and, in the traitor to that covenant if he separates
Church, a true follower of the teach- himself from his wife and family just
ings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. because he has permitted himself to
Achild has the right to feel that in become infatuated with a pretty face
his home he has a place of refuge, a and comely form of some young girl
place of protection from the dangers who flattered him with a smile. Even
and evils of the outside world. Family though a loose interpretation of the
unity and integrity are necessary to law of the land would grant such a
supply this need. man a bill of divorcement, I think he
He needs parents who are happy in is unworthy of a recommend to have
their adjustment to each other, who his second marriage solemnized in the
are working hopefully toward the ful- temple. And any woman who will
fillment of an ideal of living, who love break up her home because of some
their children with a sincere and un- selfish desire, or who has been untrue to
selfish love —
in short, parents who are her husband, is also untrue to the cove-
well-balanced individuals, gifted with nants she has made in the house of
a certain amount of insight, who the Lord. When we refer to the break-
are able to provide the child with a ing of the marriage tie, we touch upon
wholesome emotional background that one of the saddest experiences of life.
will contribute more to his develop- For a couple who have basked in the
ment than material advantages. sunshine of each other's love to stand
by and see the clouds of misunderstand-
Evils of divorce ing and discord obscure the love-light
Divorce almost invariably deprives of their lives is tragedy indeed. In the
children of these advantages. Just re- darkness that follows, the love sparkle
cently I received a heartbreaking letter in each other's eyes is obscured, and to
from a boy nearly eight years of age try to restore it is fruitless.
whose parents are divorced, from which
Marriage a sacred obligation
I quote: "Dear David O. McKay: I
am having a problem and it is about To look upon marriage as a mere
Mom and Dad. They are divorced and contract that may be entered into at
we [meaning his brother and sister] pleasure in response to a romantic
want to be back together. Can you whim, or for selfish purposes, and
solve my problem? I love you." What a severed at the first difficulty or mis-
tragedy for that child, and what un- understanding that may arise, is an

evil meriting severe condemnation, it isnecessary for the young man and
especially in cases wherein children young woman first to obtain a recom-
are made to suffer because of such mend from the bishop. They should go
separation. Marriage is a sacred rela- to him in person, and the bishop who
tionship entered into for purposes that does his duty will instruct the couple

are well recognized primarily for the
rearing of a family. A flippant atti-
regarding the sacredness of the obliga-
tion that they as young people are
tude toward marriage, the ill-advised going to assume, emphasizing all the
suggestion of "companionate marriage," safeguards that have been named
the base, diabolical theory of "free sex before. There, in the presence of the
experiment," and the ready-made di- priesthood, before taking upon them-
vorce courts are dangerous reefs upon selves the obligation of marriage, the
which many a family bark is wrecked. young people receive instructions upon
In order to lessen the breaking up of the sacredness of the duty that is be-
homes, the present tendency toward a fore them; and, furthermore, they
low view of marriage should be substi- determine whether or not they are pre-
tuted by the lofty view of marriage pared to go in holiness and purity to
that Jesus the Christ gives it. Let us the altar of God and there seal their
look upon marriage as a sacred obliga- vows and love.
tion and a covenant that is eternal, or
that may be made eternal. Standard of purity
Teach the young of both sexes in Finally, there is one principle that
the responsibilities and ideals of mar- seems to me to strike right at the base
riage so that they may realize that of the happiness of the marriage rela-
marriage involves obligation and is not tion, and that is the standard of
an arrangement to be terminated at purity taught and practiced among true
pleasure. Teach them that pure love members of the Church. In The Church
between the sexes is one of the noblest of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
things on earth, and the bearing and there is but one standard of morality.
rearing of children the highest of all No young man has any more right to
human duties. In this regard it is the be unchaste than has a young girl.
duty of parents to set an example in That young man who asks for a recom-
the home that children may see and mend to take a pure girl to the altar is
absorb, as it were, the sacredness of expected to give the same purity that
family life and the responsibilities as- he expects to receive.
sociated therewith. For the proper solution of this great
The number of broken marriages can problem of the mounting divorce rate,
be reduced if couples realize even be- we may turn with safety to Jesus as
fore they approach the altar that mar- our guide. He declared that the mar-
riage is a state of mutual service, a riage relation of divine origin, that
state of giving as well as of receiving, "marriage is ordained of God" (D&C
and that each must give of himself or 49:15), that only under the most ex-
herself to the utmost. Harriet Beecher ceptional conditions should it be set
Stowe wisely writes: "No man or aside. In the teaching of the Church of
woman can create a true home who is Christ, the family assumes supreme im-
not willing in the outset to embrace portance in the development of the
life heroically, to encounter labor and individual and of the society. "Happy
sacrifice. Only to such can this di- and thrice happy are they who enjoy an
vinest power be given to create on uninterrupted union, and whose love,
earth that which is the nearest image unbroken by any complaint, shall not
of heaven." dissolve." The marriage ceremony
when sealed by the authority of the
Temple marriage Holy Priesthood endures, as do family
Another condition that contributes relationships, throughout time and all
to the permanence of the marriage eternity. "What therefore God hath
covenant is marriage in the temple. joined together, let not man put
Before such a marriage is performed, asunder." (Mark 10:9.)

Friday, April 4 First Day

God bless us to look more

earnestly, The Ogden Institute of Religion
prayerfully, and sincerely upon the Chorus will now sing appropriately,
sacredness of the home and the mar- "We Ever Pray for Thee," after which
riage covenant, I pray in the name of Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
Jesus Christ. Amen. cil of the Twelve will speak to us.
President Hugh B. Brown
I am sure we have all been im-
pressed and inspired by this great
message from our beloved President, The Ogden Institute of Religion
so impressively read by his son Chorus sang the song, "We Ever Pray
Robert. for Thee, Our Prophet Dear."



Of the Council of the Twelve

Thank God for that timely and in- the Church is not divided. It simply
spiring message from our beloved means that there are some who, for the
leader, President David O. McKay. time being at least, are members of the
Myremarks today are directed to Church but not in harmony with it.
the humble followers of Christ. I pray These people have a temporary mem-
that what I have to say will be of help bership and influence in the Church;
to them. but unless they repent, they will be
One of the grand promises which missing when the final membership
the Lord made when he restored his records are recorded.
Church in these latter days was that well that our people understand
It is
the Church should never again be
this principle, so they will not be mis-
taken from the earth nor given to
led by
those apostates within the
another people. This is reassuring, for
Church who have not yet repented or
no matter how much individual apos- been cut off. But there is a cleansing
tasywe may see occur among Church coming. The Lord says that his ven-
members, the Church itself shall geance shall be poured out "upon the
endure and remain intact. Our task, inhabitants of the earth. . And upon .

is to see that we personally en-


my house shall it begin, and from my
dure to the end in faithful fellowship house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;
with the Church. First among those among you, saith
The Lord distinguishes between the the Lord, who have professed to know
Church and its members. He said he my name and have not known me. ." . .

was well pleased with the restored (D&C 112:24-26.) I look forward to
Church, speaking collectively, but not that cleansing; its need within the
individually. (D&C 1:30.) During his
Church is becoming increasingly ap-
ministry on earth, the Lord spoke of
the gospel net drawing in fish. The
good fish, he said, were gathered into The Lord strengthened the faith of
vessels, while the bad were cast away. the early apostles by pointing out
It is important to realize that while Judas as a traitor, even before this
the Church is made up of mortals, no apostle had completed his iniquitous
mortal is the Church. Judas, for a work. So also in our day the Lord has
period of time, was a member of the told us of the tares within the wheat

Church in fact, one of its apostles that will eventually be hewn down
bat the Church was not Judas. when they are fully ripe. But until
they are hewn down, they will be with
Disharmony of some members us, amongst us. The hymn entitled
Sometimes we hear someone refer to "Though in the Outward Church Be-
a division in the Church. In reality, low" contains this thought:

"Though in the outward Church be- ". . they have all gone astray save

low it be a few, who are the humble fol-

Both wheat and tares together grow, lowers of Christ; nevertheless, they are
Ere long will Jesus weed the crop led, that in many instances they do err
And pluck the tares in anger up. . . . because they are taught by the precepts
We seem alike when here we meet; of men." (2 Ne. 28:14.)
Strangers may think we are all
wheat; The precepts of men
But to the Lord's all-searching eyes, Let us consider some of the precepts
Each heart appears without disguise. of men that may and do cause some
The tares arespared for various ends, of the humble followers of Christ to
Some for the sake of praying friends, err.
Others the Lord against their will, Christ taught that we should be in
Employs, his counsels to fulfill. the world but not of it. Yet there are
But though they grow so tall and some in our midst who are not so much
strong, concerned about taking the gospel into
His plan will not require them long; the world as they are about bringing
In harvest, when he saves his own, worldliness into the gospel. They want
The tares shall into hell be thrown." us to be in the world and of it. They
(Hymns, No. 102.) want us to be popular with the worldly
even though a prophet has said that
Tares among the wheat this is impossible, for all hell would
Yes, within the Church today there then want to join us.
are tares among the wheat and wolves Through their own reasoning and a
within the flock. As President Clark few misapplied scriptures, they try to
stated, "The ravening wolves are sell us the precepts and philosophies of
amongst us, from our own member- men. They do not feel the Church is

ship, and they, more than any others, progressive enough —they say that it

are clothed in sheep's clothing because should embrace the social and socialist
they wear the habiliments of the gospel of apostate Christendom.
priesthood. . . . We
should be careful They are bothered that President
of them " (Era, May 1949, p. 268. McKay believes that "the social side of
See also Conference Report, April 1949, the Restored Gospel is only an incident
p. 163.) of it; it is not the end thereof." (Letter
The wolves amongst our flock are of the First Presidency to Dr. Lowry
more numerous and devious today than Nelson, July 17, 1947.)
when President Clark made this state- They attack the Church for not being
ment. in the forefront of the so-called "civil
President McKay has said that "the rights movement." They are embar-
Church is little, injured by
if at all, rassed over some Church doctrine, and
persecution and calumnies from
igno- as Lehi foretold, the scoffing of the
rant, misinformed or malicious enemies. world over this and other matters will
A greater hindrance to its progress cause some of them to be ashamed and
comes from faultfinders, shirkers, they shall fall away. (See 1 Ne. 8:28.)
commandment-breakers, and apostate
Publishing differences with Church
cliques within its own ecclesiastical
and quorum groups." (Era, December Unauthorized to receive revelation
1967, p. 35. See also Conference Report, for the Church, but I fear still anxious
October 1967, p. 9.) to redirect theChurch in the way they
Not only are there apostates within think it should go, some of them have
our midst, but there are also apostate taken to publishing their differences
doctrines that are sometimes taught in with the Church, in order to give their
our classes and from our pulpits and heretical views a broader and, they
that appear in our publications. And hope, a more respectable platform.
these apostate precepts of men cause Along this line it would be well for
our people to stumble. As the Book of all of us to remember these words of
Mormon, speaking of our day, states: President George Q. Cannon:
Friday, April 4 First Day

"A friend . to know

. . wished husband and wife who have a large
whether we considered an honest
. . . posterity and who have tried to raise
difference of opinion between a mem- them up in righteousness.
ber of the Church and the Authorities
of the Church was apostasy. . . . We False reasoning in population
replied that we had not stated that an limitation
honest difference of opinion between a The precepts of men would have
member of the Church and the Author- you believe that by limiting the popu-
ities constituted apostasy, for we could lation of the world, we can have peace
conceive of a man honestly differing and plenty. That is the doctrine of the
in opinion from the Authorities of the devil. Small numbers do not insure
Church and yet not be an apostate; peace; only righteousness does. After
but we could not conceive of a man all, there were only a handful of men
publishing those differences of opinion on the earth when Cain interrupted
and seeking by arguments, sophistry the peace of Adam's household by
and special pleading to enforce them slaying Abel. On the other hand, the
upon the people to produce division whole city of Enoch was peaceful; and
and strife and to place the acts and it was taken into heaven because it was
counsels of the Authorities of the made up of righteous people.
Church, if possible, in a wrong light
And so far as limiting the population
and not be an apostate, for such con-
in order to provide plenty is concerned,
duct was apostasy as we understood
the Lord answered that falsehood in
the term." (Deseret News, November 3,
the Doctrine and Covenants when he
Birth control "For the earth is full, and there is
enough and to spare; yea, I prepared
The world teaches birth control.
all and have given unto the
Tragically, many of our sisters sub-
children of men to be agents unto
scribe to its pills and practices when
they could easily provide earthly
themselves." (D&C 104:17.)

tabernacles for more of our Father's A major reason why there is famine
children. We
know that every spirit in some parts of the world is because
assigned to this earth will come, evil men have used the vehicle of

whether through us or someone else. government to abridge the freedom

There are couples in the Church who that men need to produce abundantly.
think they are getting along just fine True to form, many of the people
with their limited families but who who desire to frustrate God's purposes
will someday suffer the pains of re- of giving mortal tabernacles to his spirit
morse when they meet the spirits that children through worldwide birth con-
might have been part of their posterity. trol are the very same people who

The first commandment given to man

support the kinds of government that
was to multiply and replenish the earth perpetuate famine. They advocate an
with children. That commandment evil to cure the results of the wicked-
has never been altered, modified, or ness they support.
cancelled. The Lord did not say to
multiply and replenish the earth if it Subversion of educational system
is convenient, or if you are wealthy, The world worships the learning of
or after you have gotten your schooling, man. They trust in the arm of flesh.
or when there is peace on earth, or To them, men's reasoning is greater
until you have four children. The than God's revelations. The precepts
Bible says, "Lo, children are an heri- of man have gone so far in subverting
tage of the Lord: Happy is the . . . our educational system that in many
man that hath his quiver full of them. cases a higher degree today, in the so-
. .
." (Ps. 127:3, 5.) believe God We called social sciences, can be tanta-
is glorified by having numerous chil- mount to a major investment in error.
dren and a program of perfection for Very few men build firmly enough on
them. So also will God glorify that the rock of revelation to go through

this kind of an indoctrination and 803. See also Conference Report, Octo-
come out untainted. Unfortunately, of ber 1949, p. 194.)
those who succumb, some use their
higher degree to get teaching positions Responsibility of parents
even in our Church educational sys-
tem, where they spread the falsehoods Our Church News editorials have
they have been taught. President Jo- warned us about sex education in the
schools. As the April 1, 1967, editorial
seph F. Smith was right when he said
that false educational ideas would be
one of the three threats to the Church "Sex education belongs in the home.
within. (Gospel Doctrine, pp. 312-13.)
. .Movements to place sex education

in nearly all grades of public schools

Sex education in the schools can end only in the same result which
came to Sweden."
Another threat, and he said it is the In answer to inquiries that have been
most serious of the three, would be received by the First Presidency about
sexual impurity. Today we have both sex education in the schools, they have
of these threats combined in the grow- made the following statement: "We
ing and increasingly amoral program believe that serious hazards are in-
of sex education in the schools. At the volved in entrusting to the schools the
last general Relief Society conference teaching of this vital and important
of the Church, Elder Harold B. Lee subject to our children. This responsi-
quoted President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., bility cannot wisely be left to society,
in regard to this matter. Let us listen nor the schools: nor can the responsi-
and learn from the following wise bility be shifted to the Church. It is
words of this seer, President Clark: the responsibility of parents to see that
"Many influences (more than ever they fully perform their duty in this
before in my
lifetime) are seeking to respect."
break down chastity with its divinely When you make a close study of
declared sanctity. . . . the Sex Information and Education
"In schoolrooms the children are Council of the United States (known as
taught what is popularly called 'the SIECUS), which is the major organi-

Instead of bringing about

facts of life.' zation pushing sex education in the
the alleged purpose of the teaching, schools, and read their literature and
that is, strengthening of the morals of learn of their amoral leadership, you
youth, this teaching seems to have had can better appreciate why the Church
directly the opposite effect. The teach- is opposed to sex education in the
ing seems merely to have whetted schools, whether it is called family
curiosity and augmented appetite. . .
." living program or by any other name.
(Relief Society Magazine, December I commend the parents who have
1952, p. 793.) worked to keep it out of their schools
"... A mind engrossed in sex is not and those who have pushed it out or
good for much else. . . .
are attempting to do so. They must
love their children.
"Already the schools have taught sex
facts ad nauseam. All their teachings
Sensitivity training
have but torn away the modesty that
once clothed sex; their discussions tend Let us consider another precept of
to make, and sometimes seem to make, men: One of the tragedies of the
sex animals of our boys and girls. The Korean War was the fact that the
teachings do little but arouse curiosity enemy was able to brainwash some of
for experience. . . .
our men. Those methods, highly re-
"A work on chastity can be given fined and deviously developed, have
in one sentence, two words: Be chaste! been introduced on a broad scale into
That tells everything. You do not need our own country by some behavioral
to know all the details of the repro- scientists through a program com-
ductive processes in order to keep monly called sensitivity training.
clean. .
." (Era, December 1949, p.
. While claiming otherwise, the overall
Friday, April 4 First Day

effect of this training has been to break you may doubt if there is much worth
down personal standards, encourage believing or defending, and your
immorality, reduce respect for parents, loyalties may now have been realigned
and make well minds sick. away from your family and church
As in Korea, the heart of the training —
toward the group for on them you
involves trying to get each member of may now feel very dependent, and you
a group to self-criticize and confess as may be more anxious to get their con-
much as possible to the group. Now sensus on a position and their approval
any informed holder of the priesthood than to find out what's right and do it.
knows that this is directly contrary to When General William F. Dean
the word of the Lord as contained in was released from a Korean Commu-
the Doctrine and Covenants, Section nist prison camp, the young Chinese
42, verses 88-92. Only when a person psychologists who had been trying to
has sinned against many people is he break him said: "General, don't feel
to make a public confession. bad about leaving us. You know, we
"If any shall offend in secret, he or will soon be with you. We
are going
she shall be rebuked in secret, that he to capture your country." Asked how,
or she may have opportunity to confess they replied: "We are going to destroy
in secret to him or her whom he or she the moral character of a generation of
has offended, and to God, that the your young Americans, and when we
church may not speak reproachfully of have finished you will have nothing
him or her." (D&C 42:92.) with which to really defend yourselves
As President Brigham Young put it, against us."
". . if you have sinned against your

God, or against your selves, confess to Demoralizing influences

God, and keep the matter to yourselves,
for I do not want to know anything And so the precepts of men are at
about it." (Discourses of Brigham work on our youth in so many ways.
Young, p. 158.) Said President Clark, "... a tremen-
But some sensitivity training doesn't dous amount of the modern art, of the
stop there. They usually want each modern literature and music, and the
person to tell the group about all of drama that we have today is utterly
their innermost feelings, their personal —
demoralizing utterly." (Relief Society
secrets, their fears, their repressed de- Magazine, December 1952, p. 792.)
sires. They have even conductednudity Have you been listening to the
sessions as a means of supposedly music that many young folks are hear-
breaking down their inhibitions. They ing today? Some of it is nerve-jamming
want the group to know each other's in nature and much of it has been
vulgar thoughts and lustful ideas, deliberately designed to promote revo-
their hates, envies, jealousies. But this lution, dope, immorality, and a gap
flies in the face of the counsel of the between parent and child. And some
Prophet, who has said, "All such evils of this music has invaded our church
you must overcome by suppression. cultural halls.
That is where your control comes in. Have you noticed some of our
Suppress that anger! Suppress that Church dances lately? Have they been
jealousy, that envy! They are all in- praiseworthy, lovely, and of good re-
jurious to the spirit. ." (President
. .
port? "I doubt," said President McKay,
David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals, p. "whether it is possible to dance most
356.) of the prevalent fad dances in a man-
ner to meet LDS standards." And what
Standards attacked about modesty in dress? When was the
In these sensitivity sessions one's last time you saw a high school girl
standards, religion, family, and friends wearing a dress that covered her knees?
may be subjected to brutal and pro- The courageous address of Elder Spen-
longed attack by the group. And when cer W. Kimball a few years ago entitled
it's all over, if you've confessed all and "A Style of Our Own" is certainly ap-
had your values and ideals smashed, plicable today.

I want to congratulate the Taber- slumbered while the bridegroom tar-

nacle Choir for their attire. It was ried, they would be unprepared for his
noted that in their broadcast at Con- coming. ." (Millennial Star, Oct. 5,
. .

stitution Hall during the inaugural 1861 [Vol. 23], pp. 645-46.)
festivities, all the ladies seated on the To repeat again from the Book of
front row had dresses that covered their Mormon, ". . they have all gone

knees. astray save it be a few, who are the

Now what kind of magazines come humble followers of Christ; neverthe-
into your home? With perhaps one or less, they are led, that in many in-
two exceptions, I would not have any stances they do err because they are
of the major national slick magazines taught by the precepts of men." (2 Ne.
in my
home. As President Clark so 28:14.)
well put it, ". . . take up any national May we cherish God's revelations
magazine, look at the ads and, if you more than man's reasoning and choose
can stand the filth, read some of the to follow the prophets of the Lord
stories —
they are, in their expressed and rather than the precepts of men is my
suggestive standards of life, destructive humble prayer, in the name of Jesus
of the very foundations of our society." Christ. Amen.
(Conference Report, April 1951, p. 79.)

President Cannon's test President Hugh B. Brown

Now hear this test proposed by The chorus and congregation will
President George Q. Cannon: "If the now join in singing, "We Thank Thee,
breach is daily widening between our- O God, for a Prophet."
selves and the world ... we may be After the singing, Bishop John H.
assured our progress is certain,
that Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop of the
however slow. On the opposite hand, Church, will speak to us; and he will
if our feelings and affections, our appe- be followed by Elder Franklin D.
tites and desires, are in unison with Richards, Assistant to the Twelve.
the world around us and freely frater-
nize with them . . we should do well

to examine ourselves. Individuals in

The congregation and the chorus
such a condition might possess a joined in singing the hymn, "We
nominal position in the Church but Thank Thee, O
God, for a Prophet."
would be lacking the life of the work,
and, like the foolish virgins who



Sometime ago a friend sent me a And then a wise bellwether sheep

short story put in verse by Sam Walter Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep,
Foss. Though it was written several And drew the flock behind him, too,
decades ago, the message seems par- As good bellwethers always do.
ticularly relevant today. It is entitled And from that day, o'er hill and glade,
"The Calf-Path," and reads as follows: Through those old woods a path was
"One day through the primeval wood
"And many men wound in and out,
A calf walked home as good calves
And dodged and turned and bent
But made a trail all bent askew,
And uttered words of righteous wrath
A crooked path as all calves do. . . .
Because 'twas such a crooked path; . . .

"The trail was taken up next day

By a lone dog that passed that way; "The forest path became a lane
Friday, April A First Day

That bent and turned and turned mate destination of the way he is
again: traveling.
This crooked lane became a road, An unkind word spoken by a hus-
Where many a poor horse with his band to his wife may start a conflict
load at home that leads to misery, turmoil,
Toiled on beneath the burning sun, and ultimately divorce.
And traveled some three miles in You can visualize the destination of
one. . . .
the journey that begins with the
neglect of children in order to pursue
"The years passed on in swiftness fleet, worldly goods. Yet many mothers
The road became a village street; persist in traveling such a course.
And this, before men were aware, What about the path that starts with
A city's crowded thoroughfare. . . .
that first so-called social drink? This
could lead to mistrust, immorality,
"Each day a hundred thousand rout poverty, broken homes, and broken
Followed lives.
this zigzag calf about
And o'er his crooked journey went Has good ever come from walking
The traffic of a continent. the path of drug abuse? No. It leads
A hundred thousand men were led rather to addiction, insanity, immoral-
By one calf near three centuries dead. ity, suicide, and a dissipated life.

They followed still his crooked way, Exposure to suggestive, obscene litera-

And lost one hundred years a day; ture and entertainment, which provides
For thus such reverence lent is
repeated examples of indiscretion and
To well-established precedent. immorality, leads to a breakdown in
one's moral values. A person soon
finds that by this subtle means he has
". . . For men are prone to go it blind
Along the calf-path of the mind, been induced to tread the path to the
point where immorality becomes a
And work away from sun to sun
To do what other men have done. common and accepted practice with
him, with personal degradation and
They follow in the beaten track,
misery the end products.
And out and in, and forth and back,
And still their devious course pursue, The strait gate
To keep the path that others do.
They keep the path a sacred groove, Yet in spite of their destinations,
Along which all their lives they move; these paths have many travelers. It is
But how the wise old wood-gods laugh, of such evil ways the Lord was speak-
Who saw the first primeval calf." ing when he counseled against them
and said, "Enter ye in at the strait
Many paths to travel gate: for wide is the gate, and broad
is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
In today's world there are many and many there be which go in there-
paths for people to travel. There are at." (Matt. 7:13.)
some who, like those who followed the The idea that a person would have
calf, are pursuing a course in life for to try each of these paths before he
no other reason than that others have could judge whether it be wrong is a
preceded them. They follow a path cunning plan laid by the adversary to
without thinking where it may lead entrap the souls of men. A continual
them or even who made the path. exposure to evil ways develops a
They justify their course because it is lowered resistance to them, a higher
so well traveled. degree of tolerance for sin, which
With so many ways meandering in eventually leads to the embracing of
so many directions, some may be con- the evil practices. Do not forget that
fused. Careful analysis reveals, how- the very ability which man has to
ever, that the solution is a matter of learn from the experiences of others
defining our objectives and then fol- sets him above the animal world.
lowing the path that leads to them. To avoid the broad way, spoken of
Every person should analyze the ulti- by the Master, it is necessary for all


persons to periodically evaluate the remember, remember that it is upon

course of their lives and to envision the the rock of our Redeemer, who is
ultimate end toward which they are Christ, the Son of God, that ye must
traveling. build your foundation; that when the
devil shall send forth his mighty winds,
Story by Van Dyke yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea,
In the story "The Mansion," by when all his hail and his mighty storm
Henry Van Dyke, one of the char- shall beat upon you, it shall have no
acters by the name of John Weight- power over you to drag you down to
man envisioned the ultimate result of the gulf of misery and endless wo,
the path of life on which he traveled. because of the rock upon which ye are
One evening as he prepared to retire, built, which is a sure foundation, a
he opened the Bible and read from foundation whereon if men build they
Matthew, "Lay not up for yourselves cannot fall." (He. 5:12.)
treasures upon earth, where moth and In this day when the adversary is
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves endeavoring to lead mankind "care-
break through and steal; fully down to hell" (2 Ne. 28:21), it
"But lay up for yourselves treasures is imperative that parents lead and
in heaven. .
." (Matt. 6:19-20.)
. discipline their children in the teach-
He fell asleep feeling comfortable in ings of the gospel. Our youth need
that he had been a benefactor, since this guidance and direction, and they
he had donated generously to charities, themselves want it. They plead within,
foundations, and other worthy causes. as did the psalmist, "Make me to go
As he slept, he dreamed that he visited in the path of thy commandments; for
the life after death and was to receive therein do I delight." (Ps. 119:35.)
his mansion. He was dismayed to find
that his mansion in the other world "Narrow is the way"
was only a hut in a big field of weeds. The gospel is described by the Savior
He complained to the guide, "Surely, in this way: ". . strait is the gate, and

sir, there is something wrong." narrow is the way, which leadeth unto
"There is no mistake," said the life, and few there be that find it."
guide. "Were not all these endow- (Matt. 7:14.) It requires discipline to
ments carefully recorded on earth travel this narrow way.
where they would add to your credit? In our modern world we talk of
Verily you have had your reward for and use a method to efficiently and
them. Would you be paid twice?" effectively accomplish a project. It is
Humbled, Weightman asked, "What known as the "critical path" method.
is it that counts here?" This method is a way of correlating
Theguide replied, "Only that which the chain of critical activities neces-
is truly given. Only that good which sary for the completion of a given
is done for the love of doing it. Only project, calling for high discipline in
those plans in which the welfare of timing and filling each step in pro-
others is the master thought. Only ductive order.
those labors in which the sacrifice is The critical path is the narrow way,
greater than the reward. Only those and in business, education, science, or
gifts in which the giver forgets himself. lifewe must follow a critical path or
These are the things that the King narrow way to achieve ultimate suc-
never forgets; and because there were cess. Thus it becomes a matter for
few of them in your life, you have a you and me to consider. Someone
little place here." callsit to our attention in this manner:

"Your greatest problem is yourself.

Counsel of Helaman
You are also your greatest treasure. If
Helaman, the Nephite leader and you can get yourself determined upon
prophet, counseled his sons that they find out what you are and what you
might be equipped with the discern- —
are for and if you can discover and
ment to select the proven and eternal develop the elements of value in your
path. He said, "And now, my sons, nature, your life will take on the
Friday, April 4 First Day

beauty of orderliness and your need of have taken on a second importance;

the savings bank will be less and less, and because I attach a greater im-
for you will be your own riches. I say, portance to what is important, I am
if you can, for this procedure takes happier than before. Christ promised
wisdom, and wisdom is the fruit which that if we seek first his kingdom, all
ripens slowly. Perhaps you are not yet other things will be added unto us. I
wise; perhaps you are still incapable of know this is true.
self-analysis; perhaps you are confused "At home when I didn't like some-
amid the surfaces and appearances of thing, I went away from it; here I
life; perhaps your code of conduct is can't. I have to face it, learn to get
based upon the customs of the times along in situations and with people
and the sayings of the alleged sages; that are hard to get along with. How
perhaps you are disheartened and dis- great it is to find that you have con-

couraged even in frenzy of retreat quered something that you otherwise
before the things in your life which would run away from!
seem to oppose you and beat you back. "Every day is spent trying to be more
But even so, this is but a condition or successful, doing things that are hard,

mood which is not final the condi- and growing from it." (Willard Mitt
tion will right itself, the mood will Romney, "Without a Worry in the
pass." (Richard Wightman, The Speak- World," Era, January 1969, p. 75.)
ers Desk Book [Maxwell Drake, 1937],
p. 686.)
The proven way
Many parents and youth of the
Words of a missionary Church are securing their lives against
To this I might add, you will achieve the forces of evil by following the
ultimate success if you will align counsel of the Savior.
yourself to the discipline required by No one, it would seem, would know-
the narrow way which leads to eternal ingly follow a "calf-path" through life,
life. There is great joy and satisfaction
yet carelessly they may do just that.
in the realization of so embarking, as We must not be deceived. That es-
evidenced by the words of a missionary tablished by the Savior is the only
in the mission field: proven way; it is the only way that
"... I have come to an understand- can stand the test of the eternities. May

ing of the meaning of life why I am we follow him into the joy of eternal
life, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
here and where I want to go.
"It amazes me how little I knew Amen.
about the gospel before. Sure, I had a
lot of facts down, but I just hadn't President Hugh B. Brown
caught the vision. I had heard people
say that the gospel was and is a mes- Elder Franklin D. Richards, Assistant
sage of happiness and good news, to the Twelve, will now address us.
yet I didn't understand why. It is He will be followed by Elder Loren
here that I have begun to feel the joy C. Dunn of the First Council of Sev-
that the gospel was established to enty, who in turn will be followed by
give to man. Elder Marion D. Hanks, Assistant to
"Here, material and worldly things the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

My dear brothers and sisters, I re- dent McKay and our other leaders.
joice to bewith you today. I have been We are living in a remarkable age,
inspired and strengthened by the beau- the dispensation of the fullness of
tifulmusic and the messages of Presi- times, and I am grateful for the knowl-

edge that God and that Jesus is

lives protest by force.
the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. In reality, true freedom can only
I also bear my witness to you that exist in doing what is right, in being
the gospel of Jesus Christ has been —
loyal yes, in doing what we ought
restored in its fullness through the in- to do.
strumentality of the Prophet Joseph
Smith, and that there is a Prophet of Principle of loyalty
God on the earth today, our beloved Let me be more specific and identify
President David O. McKay. May the some things we ought to do to enjoy
Lord bless and sustain him. true freedom.
Despite the fact that we are living We should
be loyal to ourselves,
in a wonderful age, as has been stated, our family, friends, employers, our
we are living in a troubled world with God, church, and country.
an abundance of problems. In reality, Insofar as loyalty to oneself is con-
this is one of the great purposes of life, cerned, the great poet Shakespeare gave
to meet challenges and obstacles and some sage advice when he said, "This
learn to overcome them. Meeting ob- above all: to thine own self be true,
stacles and learning to overcome them And it must follow, as the night the
give us experience, and each experi- day, Thou canst not then be false to
ence should be for our good. any man." (Hamlet, Act 1, Sc. 3.)
Today we hear much about the need One is true and loyal to himself:
to "tell things as they are," the need When he develops himself mentally,
for honesty and consistency in living, physically, and spiritually;
and the need for greater freedoms. When he develops a proper standard
by which all decisions are made and
True and false freedoms
unswervingly follows the standard;
Someone has said, "There are two When he keeps his self-respect and
freedoms: false freedom where
the the respect of others by being noble
one is do what he likes, and the
free to and consistent in his ideals, acts, words,
true freedom where one is free to do and thoughts;
what he ought to do." When he combines faith with works
I think it is appropriate and timely in serving his God and his fellowmen.
to discuss some things as they are and Loyalty to one's family and friends
can be, as well as to consider the dif- is likewise basic and paramount. It
ference between loyalty and disloyalty indicates love and affection.
as pertains to the true and false President McKay has said that no
freedoms. other success can compensate for failure
First, loyalty to true freedom princi- in the family.
ples or causes embraces love, dedica- The Church provides a family home
tion, faith, allegiance, willingness to evening program, which gives the fam-
sacrifice, and many other qualities that ily an opportunity to understand the
contribute to achievement and hap- principle of loyalty and how to make
piness. it a part of their lives.

Disloyalty to true freedom principles President McKay has promised that

or causes embraces betrayal, unfaith- as family home evenings are held,
fulness, disaffection, sedition, infidelity, great blessings will result, in that
and other qualities that contribute to there will be love at home, and obedi-
failure, destruction, and unhappiness. ence to parents will increase, and faith
Loyalty to false freedom principles will develop in the hearts of the youth.
can only bring delusion, a counterfeit Family loyalty means for each mem-
happiness, and eventual destruction. ber to support and sustain every other
False freedom principles include such member. Loyalty in the family em-
things as the abuse of one's body by braces love and appreciation and is
the use of drugs, liquor, and tobacco, evidenced by a willingness to sacrifice
as well as sexual immoralities. False for and serve one another.
freedom principles likewise include the Loyalty to friends makes it possible
spread of communistic doctrine and for them to rely on you and you on
Friday, April 4 First Day

them, and what a wonderful sense of loyalty. Loyalty is truly one of the
security this brings. great eternal principles of the gospel
In one's business relations, loyalty to of Jesus Christ.
an employer is most vital. Loyalty
here means to be faithful and trust- Loyalty to country
worthy and to give the best of your Now with respect to being loyal to
ability, recognizing that your em- our country:
ployer's success is reflected in your It is traditional that those elected or
welfare. Loyalty produces power and appointed to important governmental
An ounce of loyalty
effectiveness. is positions take an oath of allegiance.
worth a pound of cleverness. Public servants must be loyal to the
office to which they are elected or ap-
Loyalty to God pointed. Disloyalty results in distrust
What does loyalty to God and and can result in impeachment or
church imply? dismissal.
Simply stated, it would seem to be We know that the Constitution of
doing God's will without reservations. our country is a divinely established
Our Lord and Savior set the pattern document, and in the words of
of loyalty in Gethsemane when in his modern-day scripture we recognize that
prayer to the Father he said, "Father, it "should be maintained for the rights

all things are possible unto thee; take and protection of all flesh, according
away this cup from me: nevertheless to just and holy principles." (D&C
not what I will, but what thou wilt." 101:77.)
(Mark 14:36.) The position of the Church in this
Judas set the pattern of disloyalty as matter is clearly stated in the twelfth
he betrayed his Master, the Christ. He Article of Faith: "We
believe in being
became madly remorseful, but under subject to kings, presidents, rulers,
the influence of Satan, he hanged him- and magistrates, in obeying, honoring,
self, the final chapter of his disloyalty. and sustaining the law."
The great dedication of the Prophet Choice for loyalties
Joseph Smith and other mighty men
of modern Israel illustrates the mean- Now in considering things as they
ing of loyalty to God and to church. are, in considering the need of hon-
And the Lord has told us: "Let no esty and consistency in living, and in
man be afraid to lay down his life for considering the need for greater free-
my sake; for whoso layeth down his doms, never let us forget that we must
life for my sake shall find it again. choose where we place our loyalties.
"And whoso is not willing to lay As Joshua of old declared, ". . .

down his life for my sake is not my choose you this day whom
ye will
disciple." (D&C 103:27-28.) serve; .but as for me and my house,
. .

An interesting experience is told of we will serve the Lord." (Josh. 24:15.)

Brother J. Golden Kimball in speaking There are many today who have
to a meeting of Saints on the subject chosen to serve the Lord and are giv-
of tithing. He said, "All of you who ing much, yes, even their lives, for
would be willing to die for the gospel true freedom principles that bring us
please put up your hands." Nearly real happiness, growth, and develop-
every hand in the congregation was ment. On
the other hand, there are
raised. others who are loyal to false freedom
Then he said, "All of you who have principles that would, if they prevailed,
been paying an honest tithing please destroy us as individuals and as a
raise your hands." It seems that only country.
a few hands were raised. Always remember that what we do,
Brother Kimball turned to the bishop far more than what we say, shows
and said, "See, they would rather die where our loyalties are.
than pay their tithing."
True freedom
Tithing, of course, is only one of
God's commandments that tests our My counsel to you is to live for

true freedom, choose the right, do then Providence moves too. I know this
what you ought to do, and make is true.
the choice that Joshua did to serve — Let us all, as in the words of our
the Lord. glorious hymn, commit ourselves to be
Never give your loyalty to a cause "True to the faith that our parents
•that will bring you a false freedom of have cherished, True to the truth for
delusion, counterfeit happiness, failure, which martyrs have perished, To God's
and eventual destruction. Your loyalties command, Soul, heart, and hand,
set the pattern for your life and Faithful and true we will ever stand."
eventually become a way of life for (Hymns, No. 157.)
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Be loyal to yourself, your family,
your God and church, your country,
friends, and employers. This will President Hugh B. Brown
assure you true freedom and inde-
pendence and result in peace, great Elder Loren C. Dunn of the First
achievement, happiness, and eventually Council of Seventy will now address
eternal life. It has been said by W. H. us. He will be followed by Elder
Murray that until one is committed, Marion D. Hanks, Assistant to the
there is hesitancy, the chance to draw Twelve, who will be our concluding
back, always ineffectiveness. The mo- speaker.
ment one definitely commits himself, Elder Dunn.


Of the First Cour :il of the Seventy

By invitation I recently attended a forcement and encourage other pro-

conference on drug abuse that was grams designed to deal with the drug
called by a group of concerned citizens. abuse problem.
Speaking at this gathering were ex- In listening to a group of youthful
perts in this field from throughout the former drug users, they stated that
United States. Their messages were it frightens them to think that possibly

in accordance with that which has as many as 50 per cent of their fellow
been echoed by almost every group in- high school students might at least
vestigating this problem, and that is: try marijuana at some time with a
Drug abuse is on the increase, espe- smaller number continuing on to other
cially among our youth. drugs.
These are students who evidently
Availability of drugs come from all backgrounds and eco-
nomic levels of life.
Despite the valiant efforts of law
Should these young people be cor-
enforcement, the availability of drugs
rect in their estimates, we would have
is increasing. In fact, according to
to face the realization that each of our
youthful offenders, drugs are readily
children sometime is going to be faced
available through what they term as
with the temptation of drug use.
"the underground" in most of our high
schools. Reason for drug use
It is evident that this is a fast-
growing problem within the United The reason most youthful offenders
States and Canada, and it is also hav- start on drugs gives us some idea as
ing its effect on many countries to what we might do to prevent this
throughout the world. disastrous situation. When one group
There is a great need for us as was asked why they started, they said
Church members to support efforts in without exception, "We were alienated
our communities to strengthen law en- from our parents."
Friday, April 4 First Day

Somehow, in the home the love, con- "Counsel with the Lord in all thy
fidence, and self-assurance that should doings, and he will direct thee for
have been conveyed from parents to good; yea, when thou liest down at
children was not conveyed. Parents night lie down unto
the Lord, that
failed to understand the children, and he may watch over you in your sleep;
the children failed to understand the and when thou risest in the morning
parents; and in frustration and aliena- let thy heart be full of thanks unto
tion the children sought escape by God; and if ye do these things, ye
turning to drugs. shall be lifted up at the last day."
These youthful offenders had been (Al. 37:37.)
given material gifts by their parents,
Intelligent obedience
but these gifts seemed to be in place
of love instead of an expression of love. On another occasion President Mc-
If there are love and unity at home, Kay said:
and if children feel comfort there, they "Children deserve to be taught intel-
will know what to do when this prob- ligent obedience. Unhappiness in the
lem presents itself. But if there are child's life, as in the adult life, springs
bitterness and disharmony and mis- largely from nonconformity to natural
trust, then it is possible that they will and social laws. The home is the best
seek escape through any form of vice place in which to develop obedience,
available. which nature and society will later
demand. ... I do not mean getting
Importance of home example control by cruelty, nor by foolish
threats, but merely by letting the child
PresidentMcKay has the following know that he is part of a community in
to say about the importance of exam- the home; and that the other children
ple in our homes: have their rights and each child must
"I believe that parents generally are
respect those rights.
teaching their children the gospel, yet "There is the beginning of democ-
I am convinced that there is still much
racy, and it is in the home." (Gospel
opportunity for improvement in this
Ideals, p. 488.)
regard. I am not thinking of the set
Andagain the Prophet has said:
hours in which you sit down to teach "Homes are made permanent through
these doctrines to your children, but love. Oh, then, let love abound. If
of the example fathers and mothers
you feel that you have not the love
give to their children regarding the
of those little boys and girls, study to
faith that is dear to your hearts. Your
get it. Though you neglect some of the
example will teach these principles cattle, though you fail to produce good
more effectively than what you say. crops, ever study to hold your children's
Out of our homes come the future love." (Gospel Ideals, p. 484.)
leaders of the government. If our homes
were all they should be, the nation Responsibility of communication
would be safe." (Gospel Ideals, p.
The responsibility of communication
is not alone on the shoulders of par-
I believe that the example of which
President McKay speaks is most im-
ents. The youth also have a responsi-
bility to contribute love and strength
to the family organization.
I recall a stage play that recently
Faith in Heavenly Father
was made into a movie. It dealt with
a simple step for a young person
It's parents whose only child, a son, re-
to go from faith and love and confi- turned from military service. The
dence in an earthly father to faith and father and son had never been close.
love and confidence in our Heavenly It was a situation in which both
Father, and what better heritage can father and son loved each other but
we give him than the ability to com- were unable to find ways to express
municate with God. themselves, and therefore hostilities
From Alma we read: arose because each thought the other


did not like him. It was a breakdown son not realized that he was as guilty
of communication. of lack of expression as his parents.
But now the son was home from the
army, and things were different. The Love in the home
father and son began to establish a So young people can make a differ-
whole new relationship. The high ence. They can contribute to the love
point of the play came when the boy in their own home by expressing their
said to his father something like this: love for parents and in supporting the
"Dad, I always resented you when I family. May the Lord bless us to know
was younger because you never told that it is not our material heritage that
me that you loved me, but then I can meet and defeat this problem of
realized that I had never told you that drug abuse, but our spiritual heritage as
I loved you either. Well, Dad, I'm tell- expressed in the sanctity of the home
ing you now: I love you." and the strength of the family. May our
For one electrifying moment the homes be havens of spiritual strength
father and son embraced each other as and may we constantly bear witness to
the pent-up love and appreciation of our children in word and deed of those
years came flooding out. This probably truths that make a difference.
would never have happened had the In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

I have two commitments today that brate with all Christians everywhere,
I should like to fulfill. One I under- a day signal and significant, a day
took upon reading a letter yesterday pivotal in the whole history of man-
from one of our choice chaplains serv- kind.
ing a second tour of duty in Vietnam,
once again moving among those Convictions of early Christians
engaged in the most serious of the Perhaps I can do that best by read-
fighting. His letter asks, "Will you ask ing a few words that came to my mind
the brethren specifically to mention as I stood not long ago in the cata-
the wives and the children of the combs outside Rome on the Appian
servicemen over here from time to time. Way, where multitudes of Christians
They have it harder than we do." gave their lives rather than relinquish
I pledge, and ask you to join me, their convictions or their faith. This
that I will remember and seek to put is one of the things I remembered and
actively into effect my interest in the was pleased to look up and read again
wives and children and parents of those on my return. It is a letter written by
who are far away, giving what has to Cyprian, a martyr in the third cen-
be given to preserve the high ideals of tury, to his friend Donatus. He wrote
this land, and thus to express to all from Carthage:
mankind their own concern for the "This seems a cheerful world, Dona-
well-being of those who are not able tus, when I view it from this fair
to take care of themselves. garden under the shadow of these vines.
The second commitment I carry out But if I climbed some great mountain
for a young Scotsman who a few days and looked out over the wide lands,
ago in Britain at a meeting of students you know very well what I would see
expressed his love for President McKay, brigands on the high roads, pirates on
and then said, "President McKay, will the seas, in the amphitheaters men
you nae come back again?" murdered to please applauding crowds;
If the Lord will bless me in these under all roofs misery and selfishness.
few moments I would like to talk about It is really a bad world, yet in the
the meaning of this day that we cele- midst of it I have found a quiet and

Friday, April 4 first Day

holy people. They have discovered a Father for a holy mission. He was a
joy which is a thousand times better God who came to earth and walked
than any pleasure of this sinful life. among men and suffered more than
They are despised and persecuted, but any man could suffer, because this was
they care not. They have overcome the his mission, and in him was the love
world. These people, Donatus, are the which made it possible for him to do
Christians and I am one of them." what he had to do.
And then in a magazine some years He was a creator, indeed thecreator
ago I read and was deeply moved by an- of this world, under the direction of
other account. It had come freshly to his Father.
view after centuries of being hidden. "And there stood one among them
On May 13, 303 a.d., in the Algerian that was like unto God, and he said
city of Cirta (now Constantine), one unto those who were with him: We
Munatus Felix, high priest of the em- will go down, for there is space there,
peror, personally led a raid on a and we will take of these materials,
Christian worship service. He took with and we will make an earth whereon
him a stenographer, whose report, these may dwell." (Abr. 3:24.)
taken in shorthand, sounds disconcert- "For by him were all things created,
ingly familiar to modern ears. that are in heaven, and that are in
"Bring out whatever scriptures you earth." (Col. 1:16.)
have got," commanded Felix, after his "God . Hath in these last days
. .

men had collected all the evidence spoken unto us by his Son, whom he
they could find. A subdeacon brought hath appointed heir of all things, by
only one large book, explaining that whom also he made the worlds." (Heb.
the lectors kept the rest. Felix said to 1:1-2.)
them: "Identify the lectors." They said:
"We are not informers. Here we stand. Firstborn and Only Begotten
Command us to be executed." Felix He was the Firstborn in the spirit.
said, "Put them under arrest." "...was in the beginning with the
And the editorialist noted, "No one Father, and am the Firstborn." (D&C
knows how many thousands were 93:21.)
rounded up in such raids and executed. His mission was prophesied long be-
They could easily have saved their skins fore he was born into the world.
by staying home and saying their ". . . Behold, a virgin shall conceive,
prayers in comfortable privacy. But and bear a son, and shall call his name
they insisted on the right to come to- Immanuel." (Isa. 7:14.)
gether [in the name of Christ]." He was the Only Begotten in the
flesh, on this earth the only one be-
Reasons for total commitment gotten of a divine Father and an earthly
Easter is a time when those who be- "... I beheld his glory, as the glory
lieve in and accept his name gratefully ."
of the Only Begotten of the Father. .

worship the risen Redeemer. Men of

(D&C 93:11.)
goodwill everywhere join in the solemn
He was alone without blemish, and
celebration. What was so important
yet he learned.
about him? Why the total commitment
"Though he were a Son, yet learned
of Cyprian and the saints at Cirta? In
he obedience by the things which he
these few brief moments, in outline
suffered." (Heb. 5:8.)
form, let me offer an answer.
His was a redemptive story. His temptation
"For God so loved the world, that he Hewas tempted, but would not
gave his only begotten Son, that who- yield. It isn't so hard for us to identify,
soever believeth in him should not per- is with one who was tempted, even
ish, but have everlasting life." (John as we
are tempted?
3:16.) "For in that he himself hath suffered
He was a God, a member of the being tempted, he is able to succour
godly council, the Son delegated by his them that are tempted." (Heb. 2:18.)
— :


After Christ had fasted for 40 days I pray God to bless us, that all the
and nights, he was invited to use his good and wholesome and sweet feel-
marvelous powers to serve himself, to ings of the Christian world at this
satisfy himself, to save his own life, to sacred season may motivate us and all
turn stones into bread, and he would who worship his name and seek to do
not. his will to the kind of commitment
The tempter said to him, in effect, spoken by Cyprian, to the kind of
"Win the plaudits of the crowd; it courage and devotion known by those
will be easy for you. Please them, gain who died in the catacombs so long
their acceptance. Cast yourself down. —
ago they who loved him well and
Then they will listen to your important paid whatever price was necessary to
message." But he would not. demonstrate that.
He was offered power and glory in In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
exchange for his soul, and he would
not. President Hugh B. Brown
We have similar temptations in our Will you kindly heed the following
own time, and so we can identify. announcement
The servant of all The semi-annual conference of the
Deseret Sunday School Union will be
He was the servant of all. One of his held this evening (Friday) at 7:30 in
last earthly acts was to wash the feet this Tabernacle. This is a change from
of his disciples. the traditional Sunday evening session
He suffered both body and spirit. which will not be held. All Sunday
"For behold, I, God, have suffered School workers will wish to be in at-
these things for all, that they might tendance. The public is also cordially
not suffer if they would repent." (D&C invited.
19:16.) Sunday School superintendents and
He died willingly, alone, for this Junior Sunday School coordinators will
was how it must be. There had to be meet in the Federal Heights Ward at
a propitiation, by one of his unique 4:30 today. Sunday School assistant
qualifications, for the sins of men superintendents and secretaries will
our sins —payment for which, through meet in the 17th Ward at 4:30 today.
the love of God and the love of his We wish again to express our appre-
Son, was made on Calvary's hill. ciation to this wonderful chorus who
"Thinkest thou that I cannot now have added so much to the spirit of
pray to my Father, and he shall pres- this occasion. We
congratulate them
ently give me more than twelve legions and their conductor, and ask God's
of angels? blessings upon all of them. They will
"But how then shall the scriptures now sing for us, "Almighty God of
be fulfilled, that thus it must be?" Our Fathers," conducted by Ladd R.
(Matt. 26:53-54.) Cropper, with Alexander Schreiner at
"My God, my God, why hast thou the organ.
forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46.) Following the singing, the benedic-
tion will be offered by Elder James
Commitment to Christ
Saville McCloy, president of the South
I bear testimony and thank God for Cottonwood Stake, after which this
this Good Friday, tragic as are the conference will be adjourned until two
events which it commemorates, and for o'clock this afternoon.
what it means to me and to all men,
for what it lays before men of a future, The Ogden Institute of Religion
for this day had to happen in order Chorus sang "Almighty God of Our
that Easter and its glorious events Fathers," after which the closing
could come to pass. prayer was given by President James
The pure in heart shall see God. Saville McCloy of the South Cotton-
Those who become the manner of man wood Stake.
he was, who walk in the Spirit, will The conference adjourned until 2
see him, and will be his. o'clock p.m.
Friday, April 4 First Day


SECOND SESSION by many in color in the United States

and Canada over most of these tele-
vision stations cooperating to provide
Thesecond session of the conference
the extensive coverage of the confer-
convened at 2 p.m. Friday, April 4,
President Joseph Fielding Smith,
extend a most cordial welcome
to our television and radio audience
counselor in the First Presidency, con-
and also to all who are gathered in
ducted the services.
this historic Tabernacle.
The University of Utah Institute of
Religion Chorus, Salt Lake City, with
Weare favored this afternoon by
the presence of students of the Univer-
Douglas W. Stott conducting, furnished
sity of Utah Institute of Religion, Salt
the choral music for this session. Roy
M. Darley was at the organ console.
Lake City, with Douglas W.Stott con-
ducting and Roy M. Darley at the
President Smith made the following organ.
introductory remarks:
We shall now
begin these services
by the chorus singing "How Lovely
President Joseph Fielding Smith Are The Messengers," after which the
invocation will be offered by Elder
Members of the Church are con-
Glen Obid Hamblin, president of the
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple
Young Stake of Zion.
Square in Salt Lake City in the second
general session of the 139th Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. The University of Utah Institute of
President McKay is at home but lis- Religion chorus sang the number,
tening in to these services. "How Lovely Are the Messengers."
Through the generous cooperation of The opening prayer was offered by
their owners and managers over 250 President Glen O. Hamblin of the
television and radio stations will carry Young Stake.
to practically every state in the Union,
including Hawaii and Alaska, and to
many foreign countries, the proceed-
ings of some sessions of this confer- President Joseph Fielding Smith
ence. The names of the stations
carrying the proceedings were an- The University of Utah Institute
nounced to the television and radio Chorus will now favor us with "I Know
audiences just prior to the opening of That My Redeemer Lives," and Elder
this session. Again we express our Spencer W. Kimball of the Council
appreciation and thanks to those of the Twelve will be our first speaker
owners and managers for their courtesy this afternoon.
in broadcasting the program of the
Sessions of the conference are being The Institute Chorus sang the hymn,
televised in color and will be received 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives."


Of the Council of the Twelve

Mybeloved brothers and sisters and Son of Man must be delivered into the
friends, I hope that all of you were as hands of sinful men, and be crucified,
uplifted as I was this morning by the and the third day rise again." (Luke
inspired messages of our Prophet and 24:5-7.)
the other brethren. We remembered the dialogue be-
This is Easter time, when the minds tween Mary, the angels, and the Lord:
of many people are centered upon the ". Woman, why weepest thou?
. .

Lord Jesus Christ, and may we speak She saith unto them, Because they have
again of his glorious resurrection. I join taken away my Lord, and I know not
my testimony with that of these fine where they have laid him."
singers in the theme "I know that my She turned and "saw Jesus stand-
Redeemer lives." ing, and knew not that it was Jesus.
"Jesus saith unto her, Woman,
The paths that Jesus walked why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?
One Christmas time some years ago, She, supposing him to be the gardener,
saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne
we walked the paths that Jesus walked.
We spent some precious hours in what
him hence, tell me where thou hast
laid him, and I will take him away.
issaid to be the Garden of Gethsemane
"Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She
and tried to imagine the sufferings
turned herself, and saith unto him,
through which he moved in anticipa-
Rabboni; which is to say, Master.
tion of his crucifixion and resurrection.
We were near the places where he "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not;
for I am not yet ascended to my Father:
prayed, where he was taken prisoner,
but go to my brethren, and say unto
where he was and condemned.
them, I ascend unto my Father, and
Outside the city walls, we climbed
your Father; and to my God, and your
the caliche hill, pockmarked with little
God." (John 20:13-17.)
caves, making the rounded end look
like a skull, and we were told that this The Mount of Olives
was Golgotha, the place where he was
crucified. We zigzagged down the back- We then walked laboriously up the
rather steep Mount of Olives, possibly
side of the hill around to the sheer
the approximate path he walked, a
cliff-side of it and entered the small
window-size aperture into a rough- prelude to his ascension after having
spent 40 days after resurrection on the
hewn cave in which it is said the body
earth and having, by many infallible
had lain.
proofs, brought sureness to the hun-
Some hours we spent in the little
dreds of people who had come now
garden outside this tomb and absorbed
to realize his resurrection was real.
flie gospel story of his burial and of
his resurrection, which here had taken
And now he was on the top of the
place. We read thoughtfully and
Mount of Olives and was saying to
these greatly concerned and loved men,
prayerfully of the coming of the women
to the sepulchre, the angel of the Lord
". . ye shall be witnesses unto me

rolling away the stone, and the dis-

both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,
comfiture of the recreant keepers.
and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost
part of the earth." (Acts 1:8.)
"He ... is risen" As we sat at the trunk of an ancient
olive tree there and read these scrip-
Wecould almost imagine we saw tures, we could easily imagine the Lord
the two angels in shining garments standing near this spot in the group of
who spoke to Mary, saying, "Why seek worried, loving, wondering men; and
ye the living among the dead? then the fog rolled in, the cloud settled
"He is not here, but is risen. ." . . down over the top of the hill, and he
The Lord had predicted: ". . . The was gone. Then we could almost hear
Friday, April 4 First Day

the angels in white apparel saying: former lame man] stand here before
". . . Ye men of Galilee, why stand you whole. . . .

ye gazing up into heaven? this same "Neither is there salvation in any

Jesus,which is taken up from you into other: for there is none other name
heaven, shall so come in like manner under heaven given among men,
as ye have seen him go into heaven." whereby we must be saved." (Acts
(Acts 1:11.) 4:10, 12.)
And now we consulted Paul's writ- When the council chastised the two
ings to the Ephesians: apostles and commanded them not to
"Wherefore he saith, When he speak or teach such things in the name
ascended up on high, he led captivity of Jesus, they answered and said:
captive. ... "Whether it be right in the sight of
"He that descended is the same also God to hearken unto you more than
that ascended up far above all heavens, unto God, judge ye.
that he might fill all things." (Eph. "For we cannot but speak the things
4:8, 10.) which we have seen and heard." (Acts
Significance of Easter "And with great power gave the
Sometimes our celebrations of notable apostles witness of the resurrection of
occurrences seem to take on earthly the Lord Jesus: and great grace was
color, and we do not fully realize the upon them all." (Acts 4:33.)
significance of the reason for the cele-
Witness of Peter
bration. This is true of Easter,
when too often we celebrate the holi- We also know the resurrection is
day rather than the deep significance real. The living Peter said to the
of the resurrection of the Lord. They council of persecutors:
must be unhappy indeed who ignore "The God of our fathers raised up
the godship of Christ, the sonship of Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on the
the Master. We
feel sorry indeed for trGG. • • •

those who call the supreme miracle of "And we are his witnesses of these
the resurrection "but a subjective ex- things; and so is also the Holy Ghost,
perience of the disciples rather than an whom God hath given to them that
actual historical event." obey him." (Acts 5:30, 32.)
Weknow truly that all this is real. We stand in awe before the great
Christ spoke of himself to Nicodemus: Peter, who had so completely received
". . . We
speak that we do know, his total assurances and who had so
and testify that we have seen; and ye graciously donned the robe of leader-
receive not our witness." (John 3:11.) ship and the mantle of authority and
And then we remember that Peter the courage of the inspired and assured.
testified: What strength he had come to have as
"Therefore let all the house of Israel he led the saints and faced the world
know assuredly, that God hath made with all its persecutors, unbelievers,
that same Jesus, whom ye have cruci- and difficulties. And, as he rehearsed
fied, both Lord and Christ." (Acts over and over his absolute knowledge,
2:36.) we glory in his stamina as he faced
"But ye denied the Holy One and mobs and prelates, officials who could
the Just. . . . take his life, and as he boldly pro-
"And killed the Prince of life, whom claimed the resurrected Lord, the
God hath raised from the dead; where- Prince of Peace, the Holy One and the
ofwe are witnesses." (Acts 3:14-15.) Just, the Prince of Life, the Prince and
Boldly, Peter and John stood before Savior. Peter certainly now was sure,
the council and said again: impregnable, never to falter. should We
"Be it known unto you all, and to all gain much sureness by his certainty.
the people of Israel, that by the name It is significant to read the words
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye and the testimony of Stephen, a holy
crucified, whom God raised from the martyr, who gave his life for his faith.
dead, even by him doth this man [the Stephen "looked up steadfastly into

heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Testimony on Mars Hill
Jesus standing on the right hand of
God, Paul's testimony on Mars hill in
said, Behold, I see the heav- Athens was a significant one. The
ens opened, and the Son of man Greeks accepted any and all gods that
standing on the right hand of God." were proposed. They had inscribed
(Acts 7:55-56.) one altar "To the Unknown God,"
Stephen was a martyr and will in- and Paul used this text to tell them
herit eternallife. His testimony reveals that with all their gods of wood
that Christ was not dead, but was still and stone they did not know the real
living, and was in an exalted, glorified "God that made the world and all
condition with his Father. things therein, seeing that he is Lord
of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in
Paul's testimony temples made with hands;
". .seeing he giveth to all
. life,
The testimony of Paul seems most and breath, and all things;
conclusive. He heard the voice of the
risen Christ:
". and hath determined the times
. .

before appointed, and the bounds of

"Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou
their habitation. .
me?" And to be sure of identity, . .

Saul said, "Who art thou, Lord?" and

". he hath given assurance unto
. .

received the assurance, "I am Jesus

allmen, in that he hath raised him
whom thou persecutest: it is hard for from the dead." (Acts 17:24-26, 31.)
thee to kick against the pricks." (Acts
Paul told again of his own conver-
sion and bore his testimony and said
he heard the voice of Christ saying,
And now that same Paul, who had
"I am Jesus of Nazareth," and he
recovered his strength, who had been
was promised by Ananias: "For thou
administered to by the priesthood, who
shalt be his witness unto all men of
had received his lost eyesight, went what thou hast seen and heard." (Acts
about in the synagogues confounding
22:8, 15.)
the Jews in Damascus, proving "that
And then came his pertinent ques-
this is very Christ." (Acts 9:22.)
tion to King Agrippa: "Why should
And later, Paul came to the apostles it be thought a thing incredible with
in Jerusalem, and Barnabas, speaking you, that God should raise the dead?"
for Paul, "declared unto them how he (Acts 26:8.)
had seen the Lord in the way, and that And again Paul bore witness:
he had spoken to him, and how he had "Am I not an apostle? am I not
preached boldly at Damascus in the free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our
name of Jesus." (Acts 9:27.) Lord? are not ye work in the Lord?my
Then Paul continues: ". for the seal of mine apostle-
. .

"And when they had fulfilled all ship are ye in the Lord." (1 Cor. 9:1-2.)
that waswritten of him, they took The risen Lord "was seen of above
him down from the tree, and laid him five hundred brethren at once. . . .

in a sepulchre. "After that, he was seen of James;

then of all the apostles.
"But God raised him from the dead:
"And last of all he was seen of me
"And he was seen many days of them also, as of one born out of due time."
which came up with him from Galilee
(1 Cor. 15:6-8.)
to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses
Then Paul launches into the beauti-
unto the people. . . .
ful treatise on the resurrection of the
"God hath fulfilled the same unto dead, as he spoke to the Corinthians.
us their children, in that he hath I have a great admiration and affec-
raised up Jesus again. . . .
tion for our brother Paul, our fellow
"And as concerning that he raised apostle. He was so dedicated, so hum-
him up from the dead, now no more to ble, so straightforward. He was so
return to corruption. . .
." (Acts 13:29- eager, so interested, so consecrated. He
31, 33-34.) must have been personable in spite of
Friday, April 4 First Day

his problems, for the people hung onto Do not seek to save your lives, for he
him with great affection when he was that is afraid to die for the truth will

about to leave them. lose eternal life. Hold out to the end;
I love Paul, for he spoke the truth. and we shall be resurrected and become
He leveled with people. He was inter- like Gods, and reign in celestial king-
ested in them. I love Paul for his doms, principalities and eternal do-
minions. ."
steadfastness, even unto death and . .

martyrdom. I am always fascinated

with his recounting of the perils Sureness of resurrection
through which he passed to teach the
gospel to member and nonmember.
The sureness of the divine resur-
rection is believed by numerous people
Testimony of Eyewitnesses in the Christian world. Victor Hugo
Perhaps one of the last of Peter's
"I feel in myself the future life. The
testimonies was borne to all the people,
nearer I approach the end, the plainer
both those who had been converted to
I hear around me the immortal sym-
the gospel and those who would in the
phonies of the worlds which invite me.
future be influenced by his statement,
throughout all time a memorial to be
When I go down to the grave I can say
like many others: 'I have finished my
day's work.' But I cannot say, 'I have
As this great prophet faced his death
and knew that it would not be long
finished mylife.' My
day's work will
begin in the next morning. The tomb
until he would discard this body taber-
is not a blind alley, it is a thorough-
nacle and pass into the other world,
fare. It closes on the twilight. It
he determined to write his testimony
opens on the dawn."
message so that coming generations
might all have his witness. It has
And some unknown writer has ex-
pressed in verse this natural feeling of
been read and heard by countless mil-
and unexplainable longing for immor-
lions. He said:
"For we have not followed cunningly
devised fables, when we made known
unto you the power and coming of our
"Else when this pleasing hope, this
fond desire,
Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewit-
This longing for immortality,
nesses of his majesty.
Or whence this secret dread, and in-
"For he received from God the Father
ward horror
honour and glory, when there came
Of falling into naught? Why shrinks
such a voice to him from the excel-
the soul
lent glory, This is my beloved Son, in
Back on herself, and startles at de-
whom I am well pleased. struction?
"And this voice which came from
'Tis the divinity that stirs within us;
heaven we heard, when we were with
'Tis heaven itself, that points out an
him in the holy mount." (2 Pet.
And intimates eternity to man."
Witness of Joseph Smith
Question and answer of Job
We are lifted by the witness of the
modern prophet, Joseph Smith, when The question asked by Job has been
he reassures the people of the resur- asked by millions who have stood at
rection. Elder George A. Smith quotes the open bier of a loved one: "If a
the last public address of Joseph Smith man die, shall he live again?" (Job
in June 1844, only days before his 14:14.)
cruel assassination: And the question has been answered
"... I am
ready to be offered a sac- acceptably to numerous of them as a
rifice for people; for what can
this great,sweet peace settles down upon
our enemies do? Only kill the body them like the dews of heaven. And
and their power is then at an end. innumerable times hearts that were
Stand firm my friends. Never flinch. weary in agonizing suffering have felt

the kiss of that peace which knows not were opened: and another book was
understanding. opened, which is the book of life: and
And when a deep tranquility of soul the dead were judged out of those things
has brought a new warm assurance to which were written in the books, ac-
minds that were troubled and hearts cording to their works.
that were torn, those numerous could "And the sea gave up the dead which
repeat with beloved Job: were in it; and death and hell de-
"For I know that my redeemer liveth, livered up the dead which were in
and that he shall stand at the latter day them: and they were judged every man
upon the earth: according to their works." (Rev. 20:12-
"And though after my skin worms 13.)

destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall And as the living, verdant spring
I see God: follows the dismal, death-like winter,
all nature proclaims the divinity of
"Whom I shall see for myself, and
mine eyes shall behold. ." the risen Lord, that he was Creator,
. (Job

19:25-27.) that he is the Savior of the world, that

he is the very Son of God.
Job had expressed the wish that his
testimony could be printed in books
And this I testify, also, in the name
and cut into stone for the generations
of Jesus Christ. Amen.
following him to read. His wish was
granted, for peace has come into many President Joseph Fielding Smith
souls as they have read his strong
We have just listened to Elder Spen-
cer W. Kimball of the Council of the
Vision of John Twelve.
Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the
And in conclusion, let me read the Twelve, will now address us. He will
vision of John the Revelator: be followed by Elder Victor L. Brown,
"And I saw the dead, small and second counselor in the Presiding
great, stand before God; and the books Bishopric.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

Someone has said, "The character whom the prophets had spoken, but
of Jesus is a picture that stands by he was rejected by his own. He is still
itself." There is no one with whom rejected, even by many of those who
he can be compared. He said and did claim to be his followers.
the right thing at the right time and The true Christian Church accepts
in the right way. He made no mis- without reservation the leadership of
takes in his teachings. He was great Jesus Christ. Many things have been
in action and in moral excellence. His said and written about him. His
Sermon on the Mount will live for- memory is everywhere, and his words
ever, for it is founded on truth. His are quoted by believers and unbelievers.
message to the world is the gospel of He cannot and will not be expelled
salvation. from the earth. He made this clear
during his ministry among the Jews
Leadership of Jesus Christ
in the meridian of time.
His life had been an open book, his The Latter-day Saints believe in the
public ministry was to the rich and divine mission of the Savior. The very
the poor, his miracles were performed first principle of the restored gospel is
before eyewitnesses, and his testimony faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is
had been heard throughout Galilee and the foundation of true worship. With-
Judea. He was the Messiah about out him there could be no gospel of
Friday, April 4 First Day

salvation. He author. His gospel

is its It must also be accepted and introduced
is the same yesterday, today, and for- into the lives of those who aspire to
ever. It originated in the heavens and eternal life. To deny the truth, there-
was restored to the earth in these fore, is to deny God's power in the
modern times through Joseph Smith, universe.
the Prophet. Weoften sing the well-known hymn
authored by John Jaques, "OI Say,
A plan of life What Is Truth?"
At this Easter time we remind our- "Then say, what is truth? 'Tis the last
selves of his resurrection; that he sub- and the first,
mitted a plan of life, and chose 12 For the limits of time it steps o'er.
apostles and authorized them to preach Though the heavens depart and the
his gospel of salvation and to establish earth's fountains burst,
his Church upon the earth. He de- Truth, the sum of existence, will
livered the greatest sermon ever weather the worst,
preached, broad and comprehensive Eternal, unchanged, evermore."
enough to reach the heart of humanity. (Hymns, No. 143.)
It applies to all classes, for "God is no
respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34.) No A gospel of truth
one will escape his loving watchcare. The gospel of Jesus Christ, restored
His commandments are guideposts. to earth through the Prophet Joseph
They are solemn reminders of our rela- Smith, is a gospel of truth. It has
tionships to our Heavenly Father. We survived much opposition and criticism,
are his children, his offspring, and are but no compromises have been neces-
accountable to him. He said to Abra- sary. It stands like a bulwark against
ham: "And we will prove them here- error and falsehood. Jesus knew this
with, to see if they will do all things when he told Peter that the "gates of
whatsoever the Lord their God shall hell shall not prevail against it." (Matt.
command them." (Abr. 3:25.) 16:18.) Also, he said: "Heaven and

Individual salvation
earth shall pass away: but wordsmy
shall not pass away." (Mark 13:31.)
We believe in individual salvation. The millennial reign will be ushered
In other words, man must strive for a in when God's program has reached a
place in the hereafter if he wishes to certain point, known to him alone.
obtain the salvation promised to the There is much to do, brothers and
faithful. It will not come without sisters. The warnings to the nations
effort, without prayerful searching and must continue to go forth, for even-
diligent application of those principles tually every knee shall bow and every
and procedures outlined in the holy tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.
scriptures. God's work will not fail. Truth will
The other day I talked with a man triumph even against tremendous odds.
who was not of us. He was glib and
Missionary enterprise
talkative in his ridicule of the Word
of Wisdom. "A curtailment," he said, Christ's teachings are sound and
"of our personal liberties." He justi- soul inspiring; they were confined to
fied, for instance, the use of tobacco. no worldly ambitions. His program
"Do you know what the Word of Wis- makes for peace and good will, and he
dom says about tobacco?" I asked. He advocated a faith that creates courage
was not sure. I quoted from the eighth and strength. His missionary enter-
verse of Section 89 of the Doctrine and prise was the greatest project ever
Covenants in which it states that "to- launched. I quote: "All power is given
bacco ... is not good for man." unto me in heaven and in earth.
This is but one of the truths taught "Go ye therefore, and teach all na-
by the Church. We teach a gospel of tions, baptizing them in the name of
truth. Its very foundation is truth. It the Father, and of the Son, and of the
is not only necessary to know the truth. Holy Ghost:

"Teaching them to observe all things gave men and women the chance to
whatsoever I have commanded you: possess their bodies forever. John, in his
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto testimony to the world, made it clear
the end of the world." (Matt. 28:18- when he said: ". . all that are in their

20.) graves shall hear his voice,

Or, as Mark puts it: "Go ye into all "And shall come forth; they that
the world, and preach the gospel to have done good, unto the resurrection
every creature." (Mark 16:15.) of life; and they that have done evil,
unto the resurrection of damnation."
Gospel can redeem mankind (John 5:28-29.)
Nothing short of the gospel of Jesus May we walk in the light with him
Christ can redeem mankind. The Lord I pray humbly in the name of Jesus
Jesus set before us the only pattern of Christ. Amen.
life which will save and exalt his
children. His words are always timely President Joseph Fielding Smith
and authoritative. The truths he
taught and all he did constitute the Wehave just heard from Elder Alma
gospel in its fullness. Sonne, Assistant to the Council of the
The atonement wrought out by the Twelve.
Lord on Calvary is the greatest contri- We shall now hear from Elder
bution ever made to the human race. Victor L. Brown, second counselor in
It opened the door to life everlasting. It the Presiding Bishopric.


Of the Presiding Bishopric

A letter came to my desk yesterday had received from her husband's death.
addressed to me from some wonder- The clerk questioned the bishop, sug-
ful teenagers. I would like to read just gesting she needed the money more
one line from that letter: "We wish than the Church, and asked if it would
you the best of luck with your talk in be proper to return the check to permit
conference, and hope that you will her to use the money for her own needs.
relate your address to us as young Perhaps many would ask the same
people in some way." question. May I suggest an answer by
I pray that my message may be re- asking another question: What did
lated to the young people as well as this young mother need more than
the older people. money? She needed a blessing, the
kind money cannot buy, a blessing of
Widow's tithing peace and comfort, of assurance, of
other day I received a telephone faith, of security. She obviously was
call from one of our bishops. He said acquainted with this scripture:
his clerk had opened a donation enve- "Bring ye all the tithes into the
lope containing a check of many hun- storehouse, that there may be meat in
dreds of dollars. It was from a young mine house, and prove me now here-
mother who had recently been widowed with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will
through an automobile accident. This not open you the windows of heaven,
was the second time she had been and pour you out a blessing, that there
widowed, even though she was still a shall not be room enough to receive
young woman. She had been injured it." (Mai. 3:10.)

in the accident that took her husband's Yes, she was more than acquainted
life, and had not yet completely recov- with this promise. She was converted.
ered her health. She had a family of She accepted the Lord at his word.
young children. The check represented Another scripture, I believe, had great
a tithe on the insurance settlement she meaning to her:

Friday, April 4 First Day

"There is a law, irrevocably decreed "He [meaning the LordJ wanted to

in heaven before the foundations of put His servant to the test; to know
this world, upon which all blessings whether he was willing to sacrifice
are predicated himself or not in obedience to the
"And when we obtain any blessing requirements of heaven. That is what
from God, it is by obedience to that God wants in relation to this principle
law upon which it is predicated." of tithing. He
wants to know whether
(D&C 130:20-21.) we will do our duty or not, and
whether we will be honest or dishonest
Principle of tithing
with Him. Every man is left to be his
Tithing is not a new principle. We own judge as to what he calls his
are told that tithing was practiced as tithing,and there is a great variety of
early as Abraham's time. The prophet opinion as to what a tithing is. A
Alma, in his discourses to his people, man who works for wages and devotes
told them: his whole time to the service of his
"And it was this same Melchizedek employer; and receives $1,000 or $2,000
to whom Abraham paid tithes; yea, a year for his salary, it is an easy mat-
even our father Abraham paid tithes ter for him to tell how much he owes
of one-tenth part of all he possessed." for tithing. If I earned $2,000 a year,
(Al. 13:15.) I should know that my tithing was just
Weread in another sacred scripture one-tenth of that. And I would not
what the Lord said to a modern-day take out what it had cost me to feed
prophet: and clothe myself and to pay all the
"Verily, thus saith the Lord, I re- expenses necessary to the maintenance
quire all their surplus property to be of my family before I reckoned with
put into the hands of the bishop of my the Lord as to what belonged to Him.
church in Zion, Two hundred dollars would be my
"For the building of mine house, and honest tithing, would it not? That is
for the laying of the foundation of Zion the way I look at it."
and for the priesthood, and for the He then goes on to discuss how a
debts of the Presidency of my Church. farmer might compute his tithing and
"And this shall be the beginning of how some people subtract their living
the tithing of my people." (D&C expenses, tithing only their net in-
119:1-3.) come. Then, continuing in the words
This, then, was the beginning of of President Smith:
tithing in our day. It is not expected "Now, you are at liberty to do as you
that we now give all of our surplus. please in regard to this matter. You
The Lord goes on to tell us what is can choose whichever course you wish.
expected of us now: But let me say to you that as we
"And after that, those who have measure out, so will it be measured
thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth back unto us again. When we go to
of all their interest annually; and this dickering with the Lord, probably He
shall be a standing law unto them will dicker with us, and if He under-
forever, for my holy priesthood, saith takes to do so, we shall get the worst
the Lord." (D&C 119:4.) of it." (Conference Report, April 1899,
pp. 68-69.)
President Joseph F. Smith's As President Smith tells us, the
explanation burden of responsibility as to whether
Many ask what is one tenth of all or not we are full, honest tithepayers
Perhaps President Joseph rests squarely on our shoulders. If it
our interest.
F. Smith can help us understand. He were not so, how could the Lord really
said, among other things, as he de- know of our true character and love
livered his concluding address in the for him?
closing session of general conference
Testimonies on tithepaying
April 9, 1899, in speaking of Abraham's
willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac Sometime ago a stake president bore
on the altar: his testimony to me regarding tithing.

He said that during World War II he he paid his tithing, but I did not. I
had been a prisoner of war in China. thought if he wanted to tell me, he

He held the Aaronic Priesthood at that would. He said:'Would you like me

time. He promised the Lord he would to tell you how I pay my tihing?'
pay his obligations to him for the "I said, 'If you want to, you may.'
rest of his life if only his life were '"Well,' he said, 'if I make ten
spared. Upon release from the prison thousand dollars in a year, I put a
camp, he collected his accumulated thousand dollars in the bank for tith-
military pay, reported to his bishop, ing. I know why it's there. Then when
and paid tithing on all prior earnings. the bishop comes and wants me to
He then said, "I have paid ten percent make a contribution for the chapel or
on everything I have earned since, and give him a check for a missionary who
I pay ten percent of that for fear I is going away, think he needs the
if I
might have missed something." money, I give him a check. If a fam-
A few years ago I was a counselor ily in the ward is in distress and needs
in a stake presidency. The stake presi- coal or food or clothing or anything
dent, in reviewing the tithing record else, I write out a check. If I find a
of ward and branch officers, noticed boy or a girl who is having difficulty
what appeared to be an excessively getting through school in the East,
high tithe paid by a man of very hum- I send a check. Little by little I exhaust
ble circumstances. He was a wonder- the thousand dollars, and every dollar
ful Spanish-American brother who had of it has gone where I know it has
a large family. He was sustaining a done some good. Now, what do you
son on a mission. His only source of think of that?'
income was a small ditch-digging busi- " "Well,' I said, 'do you want me to
ness. Thinking that he might not tell you what I think of it?'
understand the principle of tithing, we "He said, 'Yes.'
called him in to explain. At the con- "I said: 'I think you are a very gener-
clusion of our discussion, he said: "Yes, ous man with someone else's property.'
brethren, I understand; but, you see, And he nearly tipped the car over.
the Lord has been so good to me and "He said, 'What do you mean?'
my family that I pay ten percent of "I said, Tou have an idea that
the income of mybusiness, not the you have paid your tithing?'
money I take from it. You wouldn't "'Yes,' he said.
deny me the blessing of trying to re- "I said, 'You have not paid any
pay the Lord, would you?" tithing. You have told me what you
have done with the Lord's money, but
Lesson on tithing you have not told me that you have
President George Albert Smith given anyone a penny of your own.
teaches a very interesting and basic He is the best partner you have in the
lesson on tithing in the story of a world. He gives you everything you
generous man. He tells us that a have, even the air you breathe. He has
boyhood friend whom he had not seen said you should take one-tenth of what
for some time accompanied him to a comes to you and give it to the Church
stake conference. Over the years his as directed by the Lord. You haven't
friend had achieved success in the done that; you have taken your best
financial world. As they were driving partner's money, and given it away.'
home, he turned to President Smith "Well, I will tell you there was
and said: quiet in the car for some time. We
"'You know, I have heard many rode on to Salt Lake City and talked
things in this conference, but there is about other things.
only one thing that I do not understand "About a month after that I met him
the way you do.' on the street. He came up, put his
"I said: 'What is it?' arm in mine, and said: 'Brother Smith,
" 'Well,' he said, 'it is about paying I am paying my tithing the same way
tithing.' you do.' I was very happy to hear that.
"He thought I would ask him how "Not long before he died, he came
Friday, April 4 First Day

into my office to tell me what he was come through obedience to it, in the
doing with his own money." (George name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Albert Smith, Sharing the Gospel with
Others, pp. 44-47.) President Joseph Fielding Smith

The earth is the Lord's The brother to whom

we have just
listened is Brother Victor L. Brown of
The psalmist has said:
the Presiding Bishopric.
"The earth is the Lord's, and the
fulness thereof; the world, and they The congregation and chorus will
that dwell therein." (Ps. 24:1.)
now join in singing "High on the
All he asks is that we return to him
Mountain Top," after which Elder
ten percent of that which is already
Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to the
his, adding that he will open the win-
Twelve, will be our speaker.
dows of heaven and pour out blessings,
that we shall not have room enough to
receive them. It is my witness, breth-
The congregation sang the hymn,
"High on the Mountain Top."
ren and sisters, that this is a divine law
and that many blessings from on high


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

From its beginning, the Church has dices, that becomes a real challenge.
constantly stressed the importance of Here is the counsel of the Lord: "Love

the home. Homes can be heaven here your enemies, bless them that curse
on earth. Where love is present in a you, do good to them that hate you,
home, it can and will be a happy home. and pray for them which despitefully
use you, and persecute you." (Matt.
The principle of love 5:44.)
An American statesman once made
When the Savior was here filling his
this remark: "Destroy your enemies by
earthly mission, he gave strong empha-
making friends of them."
sis to the principle of love. At one time
a learned man, a lawyer, approached Then another has said: "You should
him and asked: "Master, which is the be kind to your enemies, because you
are the one who made them."
great commandment in the law?
"Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love
The Lord has given strong counsel
to husbands concerning their wives.
the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy Here is his command: "Thou shalt love
mind. thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt
cleave unto her and none else." (D&C
"This is the first and great com-
"And the second is like unto it, Thou Charity and love
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
Then, to give added strength to his Consider now another phase of this
words, he added: "On
these two com- great virtue —love—and its relation-
mandments hang all the law and the ship to charity.
prophets." (Matt. 22:36-40.) Charity and love, in some respects,
On another occasion the Lord taught seem to be synonymous. The ancient
that in addition to loving God our prophet Moroni made this point clear
Father in heaven and our neighbor, we when he quoted his father, Mormon:
should also love even our enemies. ". . if ye have not charity, ye are

With our human frailties and preju- nothing. But charity is the pure
. . .

love of Christ, and it endureth forever; look of doubt crossed his dark features,
and whoso is found possessed of it at as the elders exchanged glances.
it shall be well with him."
the last day, Finally, the spokesman for the two
(Moro. 7:46-47.) said softly, "We love one another."
Charity can and should mean not Nothing he could have said would
only the pure love of Christ, but it have been more electrifying than this
should also mean pure love for him simple utterance had upon this young
and his love for us. Persian, for the Holy Ghost imme-
The Savior has demonstrated that diately bore testimony to his soul that
his words concerning love are not these missionaries were true servants
empty, for he has shown his love for of the Lord. Shortly thereafter he was
us in his willingness to lay down his baptized, and he presently is in this
life, thus making it possible for us to country receiving his doctorate degree
receive salvation through his atoning at a local university —
all because a
sacrifice and to achieve exaltation and young Mormon missionary declared a
eternal life through our obedience to simple truth, "We
love one another."
his commandments. His atonement
gave meaning to his teaching that Ways to demonstrate love
"greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his Virtually all religions tell us to love
friends." (John 15:13.) No man could one another, but the restored Church
tells us how to love one another. The
willingly give his life for a friend
without sincerely loving him. home teaching visits, the inspired Wel-
fare Program, the unselfish service
The Lord's unselfish act added great performed in the temples, and the
weight to his further words: "A new
worldwide missionary system demon-
commandment I give unto you, That strate in a very practical way the
ye love one another; as I have loved
teaching of the Savior: "Thou shalt
you, that ye also love one another."
love thy neighbour as thyself." (Matt.
(John 13:34.)
Missionary experience At this Easter time we are mindful
of the Redeemer's sacrifice and ac-
A lonely young Persian student was knowledge with heartfelt gratitude and
in Munich, Germany, struggling to appreciation our debt to him.
find a meaning to life. He was deeply
In granting approval for the Savior's
disturbed by the materialism and
atonement, our Father in heaven has
selfishness that seemed to fill the
manifested his love for us, his children.
world, and especially postwar Europe.
He heard a knock at the door, and two A prophet has made this plain in this
statement: "For God so loved the
humble Mormon elders stood before
world, that he gave his only begotten
him. He was not the least interested Son, that whosoever believeth in him
in religion. In fact, cynicism and doubt
should not perish, but have everlast-
had filled his soul until he was very
ing life." (John 3:16.)
nearly persuaded that there was no God
nor any real meaning to life. The How do we show our love for our
only thing that interested him about Heavenly Father, and our love and ap-
these two young men was their English preciation for the Savior? The Lord
accent. He had mastered four lan- has given us the key. Listen to his
guages, but English was not one of admonition: "If thou lovest me thou
them. shalt serveme and keep all my com-
He invited them in, but as they mandments." (D&C 42:29.)

started their discussion, he cautioned:

Love an eternal principle
"I don't want to hear about your God,
nor do I want to hear about how your Love is an eternal principle, an
religion got started. I only want to everlasting virtue. It operated before
know one thing: what do you people this earth life and will continue to do
do for one another?" He waited, and a so throughout the eternities. President
Friday, April 4 First Day

McKay has made it clear in this mag- be eliminated; and other social, moral,
nificent declaration: "Love is the most and economic ills would cease. Peace
divine attribute of the human soul, would abide in the world.
and if you accept the immortality of General Eisenhower was a person
the soul, that is, if you believe that who not only expressed his love, but
personality persists after death, then also demonstrated it in behalf of others.
you must believe that love also lives." Among his last words were these: "I
(Man May Know for Himself, p. 221.) have always loved my wife, I have al-
However, love is a virtue that can ways loved my children, I have always
be lost. It may wither up and die as a loved my grandchildren, and I have
result of neglect, carelessness, and in- always loved my country."
difference. So President McKay has
beautifully cautioned with the follow- Power to change world
ing words: "Love must be fed . . . Some years ago President McKay
love must be nourished; love can be told the brethren assembled in this
starved to death just as literally as building that if the 9,000 or so priest-
the body can be starved without daily hood bearers present would go forth
sustenance." (Ibid., p. 221.) from here and fully live the teachings
of the Master, they would have the
Solution for major ills
power to change the world. This I
Many of the major ills and dis- believe. And I also believe that if
those of us who are here and those of
turbances that plague mankind in this
unsettled world today and are caus-
you of the vast television and radio
ing unhappiness and sorrow would audience would live fully the princi-
disappear if the principle of love were —
ple of love and there's no greater
manifested and practiced.
principle —
we would have the power
to change our lives, our homes, our
If we would love the Lord our God,
neighborhoods, then this nation, and
and show that love by keeping his
eventually the world, for in the words
commandments, we would be law- of that stirring contemporary song, "Let
abiding citizens, and there would be
there be peace on earth, and let it
no need for law officers nor for begin with me." We
do have the
power to change our lives and sur-
If we would but love one another roundings by first realizing our own
and our neighbors as ourselves, there worth and loving and valuing our-
would be no need for conventions and selves, and then by loving those with
gatherings to be held behind barbed whom we live and labor.
wire fences and protected by guards May we have the desire and courage
with rifles and bayonets. to so act, I humbly pray, in the name
If we truly loved those who perse- of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
cute us, they would no longer be
enemies, but friends, and there would
President Joseph Fielding Smith
be no wars or bloodshed.
If men sincerely loved their wives,
wives loved their husbands, parents
We have just listened to Elder
Henry D. Taylor, one of the Assistants
loved and understood their children,
to the Twelve.
and children loved and respected their
parents, there would be no infidelity We shall now hear from Elder
and unfaithfulness, no quarreling or EIRay L. Christiansen, who also is an
bickering found among mankind; di- Assistant to the Twelve, and he will be
vorce, juvenile delinquency, broken followed by Elder James A. Cullimore,
homes, and frustration of youth would another Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

My brothers and sisters, I should like and tribulation, the gospel of Christ
to say something that might be helpful offers encouragement and gives assur-
to those among us who are weighed ance.
down with trials and difficulties and I am always lifted in spirit and given
disappointments and tribulations, and greater hope by the words of the great
to them I say, "Doubt not, fear not." hymn:

The gospel plan "How firm a foundation, ye Saints of

the Lord,
The gospel of Jesus Christ embraces Is laid for your faith in his excellent
every principle, every law, and every
ordinance necessary for us to meet any
What more can he say than to you he
condition in life and for the ultimate hath said,
success of each of us.
You who unto Jesus, for refuge have
The teachings of Jesus warm the fled?
human heart. His doctrines enlighten
the mind. They designate the proper "When through the deep waters I call
thee to go,
Foremost among his teachings is the The river of sorrow shall not thee o'er-
recognition of God as our Father. Jesus
prayed to our Father and asked that For I will be with thee, thy troubles
all men do likewise, and that we live
to bless,
"by every word that proceedeth out of And sanctify to thee thy deepest dis-
the mouth of God." (Matt 4:4.) He tress.
taught that by conformance to the plan
of our Father, given through Jesus
"Fear not, I am with thee, O be not
Christ, each of us can achieve a divine
For I am thy God and will still give
It is the only plan by which genuine
thee aid;
peace of mind can be found. Indeed, it I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and
is the only plan that leads men to
cause thee to stand,
salvation and exaltation. This plan Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent
was presented to us in our preexistent hand."
state, and each of us gladly accepted
(Hymns, No. 66.)
it. As part of it, we understood that
in mortality we would most likely Brothers and sisters, you and I are
experience sorrow as well as joy, pain never alone. The Lord will not for-
as well as comfort, disappointment sake us. Let us not forsake himl
along with success, sickness as well as We
are God's children, and he, our
health. Because it is necessary for our Father, has a personal concern for each
development, the Lord permits the of us. He has promised that they who
bitter to be mixed with the sweet. He are faithful in tribulation and adver-
knows that our individual faith must sities shall be more greatly blessed.
be tested in adversity as well as in (See D&C 58:24.)
serenity. Otherwise, that faith may not
be sufficiently developed when a con- Teachings from Liberty Jail
dition arises that can be met through
Let us consider for a moment the
faith alone.
plight of Joseph and Hyrum Smith,
who, with their companions, were in-
Encouragement in adversity carcerated in Liberty Jail through the
The Bible says: "If thou faint in the winter of 1838 and 1839. They were
day of adversity, thy strength is small." confined in one room with two small
(Prov. 24:10.) Even in times of trouble windows. No provision had been made

Friday, April 4 First Day

to heat the room; there was no chim- they realize the sweet? They could
ney to draw out the smoke. The breth- not!" (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 2,
ren slept on piles of straw on the floor. pp. 301-2.)
Their food was of the coarsest kind. If our existence terminated with
And yet, from that prison came some death, adversities might tend to over-
of the most beautiful and sublime whelm us. But with the gospel as a
thoughts and writings ever given to the foundation and with faith in a just
world. They will endure among sa- God who watches over all, each one
cred literature of the Church for all may receive the comfort and acquire
time. Here are some of the words of the fortitude to meet the vicissitudes of
the Lord to Joseph Smith at that time life.
as they are recorded in Doctrine and
Covenants, Section 122:
Doubt not fear not

"If thou art called to pass through To you who are discouraged, to
tribulation; if thou art in perils among you who are sorrowing, to you who
false brethren; . . . doubt, to you who need help, may I
"If thou art accused with all manner say: Doubt not — fear not!
of false accusations; if thine enemies The Lord gives to you and to me as-
fall upon thee; . . . surance in these words:
". know thou, my son, that all
. . "Draw near unto me and I will draw
these things shall give thee experience, near unto you; seek me diligently and
and shall be for thy good. ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall re-
"The Son of Man hath descended ceive; knock, and it shall be opened
below them all. Art thou greater than unto you.
he? "Whatsoever ye ask the Father in
"Therefore, hold on thy way, and my name it shall be given unto you,
the priesthood shall remain with thee; that is expedient for you." (D&C
for their bounds are set, they cannot 88:63-64. Italics added.)
pass. Thy days are known, and thy But the gospel teaches also that each
years shall not be numbered less; of us has obligations. Hear also the
therefore, fear not what man can do, words of the apostle Paul to the saints
for God shall be with you forever and in Rome:
ever." (D&C 122:5-9.) "Let love be without dissimulation
My, what a lesson! What assurance! [pretense]. Abhor that which is evil;
Strength comes by courageously ad- cleave to that which is good.
justing our lives to our trials, and by "Be kindly affectioned one to an-
so doing we are brought closer to God. other with brotherly love; in honour
Elder James E. Talmage gave this preferring one another; . . .

promise: "No pang that is suffered by "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribu-

man or woman upon the earth, will lation, continuing instant in prayer; . . .

be without its compensating effect . . . "Bless them which persecute you: . .

if it be met with patience." "Rejoice with them that do rejoice,

and weep with them that weep." (Rom.
Trials can bring blessings 12:9-15.)
We cannot afford to meet adversities Build upon the rock
with impatience or bitterness. President
Brigham Young taught that "if the Yes, indeed, the teachings of the
Saints could realize things as they are gospel enlighten the mind and warm
when they are called to pass through the heart. They give encouragement
trials, and to suffer what they call to the sorrowing and replace fear with
sacrifices,they would acknowledge courage. With Helaman, I say:
them to be the greatest blessings that "And now, my sons, remember, re-
could be bestowed upon them. . . . member that it is upon the rock of our
". without the opposite and they
. . Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of
could not know enjoyment; they could God, that ye must build your founda-
not realize happiness. ... If they tion; that when the devil shall send
should not taste the bitter, how could forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts

in the whirlwind, yea, and when all the rock upon which ye are built, which
his hail and his mighty storm shall is a sure foundation, a foundation
beat upon you, it shall have no power whereon if men build they cannot
over you to drag you down to the gulf fall." (He. 5:12.)
of misery and endless wo, because of In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Assistant to the ( ouncil of the Twelve

One of our hymns we sing most fre- "Wherefore, meaning the church, thou
quently and with great fervor is: shalt give heed unto all his [the Presi-
dent of the Church] words and com-
"We thank thee, O
God, for a prophet mandments which he shall give unto
To guide us in these latter days. you as he receiveth them, walking in
We thank thee for sending the gospel all holiness before me;
To lighten our minds with its rays. "For his word ye shall receive, as
if from mine own mouth, in all pa-

"We thank thee for every blessing tience and faith.

Bestowed by thy bounteous hand. "For by doing these things the gates
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee, of hell shall not prevail against you;
And love to obey thy command." yea, and the Lord God will disperse
(Hymns, No. 196.) the powers of darkness from before you,
and cause the heavens to shake for your
One of the most important features good, and his name's glory.
of the last line is, "We
love to obey "For thus saith the Lord God: Him
thy command." The members of the have I inspired to move the cause of
Church have listened to the counsel Zion in mighty power for good, and
of their leaders and followed it quite his diligence I know, and his prayers
implicitly from the very organization I have heard." (D&C 21:4-7.)

of the Church. Those who did not Today, more than ever before, we
heed the counsel of the brethren and have need for implicit faith in God
were disobedient to the laws of the and his appointed leaders and their
gospel usually apostatized and left the inspired counsel. In this day, when
Church. many doubt the very existence of God
Although there have been periods and the divinity of Christ, as we
of great trial among the people in the learn of the "new morality," see a
history of the Church, the revelations general breakdown in moral standards,
of the Lord, through the counsel of witness common use of drugs and dis-
his leaders, have guided the people regard for parents and home, see in-
constantly in both their material and crease in juvenile delinquency and the
spiritual lives. tendency to break marriage vows,
riots, violence, and great disturbances
Guidance for the Church everywhere, there is justification for
great concern.
The guidance for the Church con-
tinues to come through the President,
Man's free agency
the prophet, seer, and revelator, to the
present day. The basic principle of Yet,no matter how sure the dan-
the restored gospel is that God reveals gers and how great the need for coun-
his mind and will to his established sel and guidance, there can be no
Prophet on earth for the guidance of coercion in the Church. Man's free
the Church. The Church is founded agency is held by the Church to be his
on revelation. On the day of the first right. Every man must be free
organization of the Church, the Lord to act for himself. The Lord has de-
gave a revelation to the Church: clared: "For the power is in them,

Friday, April 4 First Day

wherein they are agents unto them- ordinance he has pledged acceptance
selves." (D&C 58:28.) of the doctrine and practice of the
Brigham Young said: "All rational gospel of Jesus Christ. The divinity
beings have an agency of their own. . . .
of the work of the Church has be-
The volition of the creature is free; come his settled conviction. Upon this
this is a law of their existence. . ." .
foundation he henceforth regulates his
(Discourses of Brigham Young, 1943 life. Among the basic principles [we
ed., p. 62.) accept as members] are the inspira-
tion and authority residing in the liv-
Commenting on this, John A. Widt-
ing priesthood. When, therefore, the
soe has said: "Coercion, which is in
President of the Church speaks, au-
direct opposition to free agency, must
thoritatively, and we disobey, we are
not be applied in any form" in the
repudiating one of the foundation
Church. This is the plan of the adver- ." (John A.
principles of the gospel. . .
Widtsoe, Gospel Interpretation, pp. 70-
". There must be no attempt to
. .
force even a needed gift upon another.
It is better that one live in darkness Need for guidance
than to be forced into light. There is
ample place among men for teaching With our freedom of agency in the
Church, we need the constant guidance
but none for compelling others to
of our leaders to help us in our de-
accept what is taught. Every person is
cisions. It seems to me that no mem-
under obligation to respect the free
." ber of the Church can risk becoming
agency of every other individual. . .

involved in any questionable activity

He states further: "The application or association with extreme, radical
of these principles to daily affairs
groups, whose teachings and actions
sometimes leads to misunderstandings. run counter to the gospel, without seek-
Certain Church members may feel that ing advice from his spiritual leader.
a Church official is invading their Your bishop or branch president, stake
personal liberties when he gives coun- president or mission president has been
sel. . Advice on
. . matters of . . .
duly appointed as your spiritual adviser
conduct by the constituted leadership and has the right of inspiration to give
of the Church may be questioned by you counsel and guidance you might
those who are affected by the advice. need.
"The first answer to such a person In a letter to all stake leaders in
is that all advice is given for the good
September of 1966 the First Presidency
of the individual concerned, and that
said:"The Lord has so organized His
it is wise to follow those who have
Church that there accessible to every
had experience and are unselfishly giv-
ing help to others. . . The Church .

member man, woman, and child —
spiritual advisor, and a temporal coun-
which exists for the welfare of man, selor as well, who knows them
would be derelict to its divinely im- intimately and who knows the cir-
posed obligations did it not exercise
cumstances and conditions out of
its responsibility as a guardian against
which their problems come, and who,
all evil and for all good.
by reason of his ordination, is en-
"The second answer is that under the titled to an endowment from our
law of free agency no one is obliged Heavenly Father of the necessary dis-
to obey the counsel given.
. . . is Man cernment and inspiration of the Lord
always act for himself.
free to But, to enable him to give the advice which
to membersof the Church, this answer the one in trouble so much needs. We
may be misleading. They are under refer to the bishop or branch presi-
the necessity of acknowledging that dent in the first instance and to the
consistency requires them to conform stake or mission president if the bishop
to counsel given and regulations set up. or branch president, for any reason,
". Every member of the Church
. . feelsthe need of assistance in giving
upon terms of faith and repentance, has his counsel." (Letter from the First
entered the waters of baptism. By this Presidency, September 22, 1966, to

stake presidents, bishops, mission presi- the covenants we made as we entered

dents, and branch presidents.) the waters of baptism, and in the house
of the Lord.
Responsibility in following counsel
Obedience brings happiness
How should we regard and interpret The following of this counsel can
counsel in the Church? Is there a dis-
only bring eventual happiness. Dis-
tinction between the law of the gospel
obedience to counsel can only accrue
and counsel? Does the counsel of the
to our detriment. It often leads to
priesthood differ from that which
fault-finding, lack of activity in the
emanated from secular fields? Do we
Church, breaking the commandments,
have a responsibility in following the
and even loss of faith.
counsel of the brethren?
Some most sincere counsel was given
President Stephen L Richards an- the members of the Church by Oliver
swers these questions in this manner: Cowdery when he came before the
"... a moment's reflection will con- Church at Pottawatamie and requested
vince you of the rather serious regard that he be restored to the Church. He
in which we hold counsel. While it said: "Follow the Twelve: they are the
is true that we characterize infractions
men with whom the Priesthood rests.
of the law as sin and we do not apply If you follow the main channel of the
quite that drastic a terminology to stream, you will go right; but if you
failure to follow counsel, yet in the run into a bayou, you will find your-
Church, under the priesthood, counsel selves among snags." (From a talk by
always is given for the primary purpose Elder George A. Smith, Journal of
of having the law observed, so that Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 117.)
it does occupy a place of standing and
I can think of no better counsel for
importance, almost comparable to that
us today than to follow the main chan-
law of the gospel." (Address at Brig-
nel of the stream, to keep from extremes
ham Young University, February 26, to the right or the left, through obedi-
1957, p. 1.)
ence to the continual direction of the
As we believe, there is at the head Lord for the guidance of the Church.
of the Church today a living prophet, This testimony I leave with you in
to whomthe Lord reveals his mind and the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
will for the guidance of the Church,
and we sustain the Council of Twelve
as prophets, seers, and revelators who
President Joseph Fielding Smith
are also divinely chosen and inspired
Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the
to watch over the Church and keep it
Council of the Twelve will be our
in order and to be special witnesses of
concluding speaker.
Christ; when you sustain your stake
president and bishop, your mission The sessions tomorrow morning,
president and branch president as Saturday, will be broadcast direct by
God's divinely appointed representa- numerous radio and television stations,
tives to preside over you in your re- and recorded for transmission on Sun-
spective area and then fail to obey day morning to many television sta-
their counsel, you deny yourself the tions in the eastern and central part
blessings of the gospel and personal of the United States.
blessings and direction. The counsel Avideo tape of Saturday morning's
of the leaders of the Church usually is session of the conference will be flown
but a repetition of the laws of the from the Mainland and televised Sun-
gospel, encouragement to follow the day morning in all the islands of the
teachings of the Church, to keep Pacific. . . .
Friday, April 4 First Day


Of the Council of the Twelve

My beloved brothers and sisters and To be an example from a religious

friends: In my heart I am fully con- point of view, someone or some group
vinced that more attention must be must serve as a model and set a pattern
given to matching gospel principles, of conduct and moral behavior in life
standards,and ideals with Christlike that can safely be imitated and fol-
examples in our personal lives if truth lowed by others with benefit and
and righteousness are to prevail in the blessing to them. "No period of history
present decaying moral and spiritual has ever been great or ever can be that
world. Wecannot afford to depart does not act on some sort of high,
from solid spiritual moorings and idealistic motives, and idealism in our
stumble down an evil course that can time has been shoved aside, and we are
only lead to depravity of life. paying the penalty for it." (Alfred
The world needs more men and North Whitehead.)
women of good moral and spiritual High-sounding thoughts and words
character who will stand firm, stead- without an appropriate example are as
fast, and immovable in keeping the sounding brass and tinkling cymbal,
commandments of God and be living therefore meaningless.
examples of truth and righteousness. "What you are," said Emerson,
"thunders so loudly in my ears, I can-
The power of example not hear what you say."
The power of example exhibits its
strength when men and women live "I am the light"
the gospel. For such persons, the light ". . . Behold," said Jesus, "I am the
of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ
light; I have set an example for you."
shines forth from their countenance as
(3 Ne. 18:16.)
a beacon light to draw others into vir-
This challenging statement by our
tue's path.
Redeemer can be taken at face value
Recently, returning home by plane
with safety and assurance.
from a stake conference, a young
The apostle Peter emphasized this
stewardess, off duty, sat down beside
truth when he declared: "For even
me. After introduction, she informed
hereunto were ye called: because
me that one of her roommates is a girl Christ also suffered for us, leaving us
from Salt Lake City. I asked if the
an example, that ye should follow his
roommate belonged to the Mormon steps:
Church. She answered, "Yes." I in-
quired if she lived her religion. Again
"Who did no sin, neither was guile
found in his mouth:
the answer was a positive yes. She
"Who, when he was reviled, reviled
expressed admiration and respect for
not again; when he suffered, he
the faith, behavior, and good example
threatened not; but committed himself
of her newfound Mormon friend.
to him that judgeth righteously."
A wise man, when asked to list three
(1 Pet. 2:21-23.)
cardinal points that exemplified the
It has been said, "The Christian
lives of the great teachers of all time
ideal has not been tried and found
and that would be a guide to new
wanting; it has been found difficult
teachers, said: "First, teach by example.
and left untried." (Gilbert K. Chester-
Second, teach by example. Third,
teach by example."
Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the Value of good example
greatest example the world has ever
known, and his teachings endure To the members of the Church today
throughout the ages because the pre- are applicable the words of our
cepts he taught were emphasized by Savior: "Let your light so shine before
the example of his own life. men, that they may see your good


works, and glorify your Father which "And ... it showeth unto the chil-
is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16.) dren of men the straightness of the
This scripture stresses the importance path, and the narrowness of the gate,
and value of good example. by which they should enter, he having
President David O. McKay, in a set theexample before them.
general conference message, gave this "And he said unto the children of
counsel: "If we would face the future, men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my
no matter what it may be, with calm- beloved brethren," said Nephi, "can
ness of spirit, with an assurance that we follow Jesus save we shall be will-
God governs in the affairs of men, let ing to keep the commandments of the
us as individuals and as a group live Father?"
exemplary lives." (The Improvement And, challenged the Christ to all
Era, May 1948, p. 338.) mankind, ". . follow me, and do the

This plea from our beloved Presi- things which ye have seen me do."
dent is as timely today as it was 21 (2 Ne. 31:7, 9-10, 12.)
years ago, and perhaps more so, because This admonition was confirmed to
of today's increased wickedness and Nephi by the voice of God, saying:
pervasive corruptness. "Yea, the words of my Beloved are
true and faithful. He that endureth to
Gospel standards and ideals the end, the same shall be saved.
The Prophet Joseph Smith pro- "And now, my
beloved brethren,"
claimed that people should be taught said Nephi, "I know by this that un-
correct principles and then govern less a man shall endure to the end, in

themselves. The gospel teaches correct following the example of the Son of
principles, standards, and ideals, but the living God, he cannot be saved."
there are so many who disregard these (2 Ne. 31:15-16.)
teachings, and thus fail to rightly These teachings constitute a sum-
govern themselves. In keeping with mons to all men to live righteously.
this concept of teaching correct prin- It is the only path that leads one back
ciples, the Lord warned the inhabitants to the presence of God.
of his kingdom:
"And Zion cannot be built up un- Men believe what they see
less it is by the principles of the law Corianton, son of a Nephite prophet,
of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I while engaged in missionary service,
cannot receive her unto myself." (D&C foolishly, and to the great sorrow of his
105:5.) father, followed after the harlot Isabel.
Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, Alma, disappointed by his son's actions,
being grieved by the hardness of the reproved him and said:
hearts of his older brothers Laman and ". for when they saw your con-
. .

Lemuel, spake unto them, saying: duct they would not believe in my
"Behold, ye are mine elder brethren, words." (Al. 39:11.)
and how is it that ye are so hard in Truly, example is greater than pre-
your hearts, and so blind in your minds, cept.
that ye have need that I, your younger Billy Martin, the new manager of
brother, should speak unto you, yea, the Minnesota Twins baseball team, is
and set an example for you? quoted as saying: "We represent the
"How is it that ye have not heark- state of Minnesota, and I want us to
ened unto the word of the Lord? look like gentlemen. . The youth of
. .

". . Wherefore, let us be faithful

. America is watching, and I am con-
to him." (1 Ne. 7:8-9, 12.) cerned about that. I want our guys to
be a good example." I thought that
"Follow thou me" statement was a very interesting ob-
We learn in the writings of Nephi servation.
that Christ "humbleth himself before The writer Thoreau philosophized:
the Father, and witnesseth unto the "If you would convince a man that he
Father that he would be obedient unto does wrong, do right. Men will believe
him in keeping his commandments. what they see let them see."
Friday, April 4 First Day

Dr. Albert Schweitzer expressed this message this morning, he gave timely
thought: "Example is not the main advice to parents regarding their chil-

thing in influencing others it is the dren.
only thing!"
"There is a transcendent power in Brigham Young's Counsel
example. We
reform others uncon- May I share with you President
when we walk
sciously uprightly." Brigham Young's counsel for parents
(Madame Swetchine.) to teach their children by example.
Said President Young: ". . if parents .

Parental example
will continually set before their chil-
Jacob, the brother of Nephi, speak- dren examples worthy of their imitation
ing to parents, counseled: ". . ye shall
. and the approval of our Father in
remember your children, how that ye heaven, they will turn the current, and
have grieved their hearts because of the tide of feelings of their children,
the example that ye have set before and they, eventually, will desire
them; and also, remember that ye may, righteousness more than evil." (Journal
because of your filthiness, bring your of Discourses, Vol. 14, p. 195.)
children unto destruction, and their ". . we should never permit our-

sins be heaped upon your heads at the selves to do anything that we are not
last day." (Jac. 3:10.) willing to see our children do. We
This reminds us of the teachings of should set them an example that we
our Lord to parents in this latter day: wish them to imitate. . . often . How
the responsibility we have of teaching we see parents demand obedience, good
our children the principles of the gos- behavior, kind words, pleasant looks,
pel —to see that they are baptized, a sweet voice and a bright eye from a
taught to pray, to walk uprightly before child or children, when they them-
the Lord, and to observe the Sabbath selves are full of bitterness and
day and keep it holy. (See D&C
68: scoldingl How inconsistent and un-
27-29.) reasonable this is I" (Ibid., p. 192.)
President McKay declared: "It is as ". . . parents should govern their

futile to attempt to teach honesty, and children by faith rather than by the
to act dishonestly before a child, as to rod, leading them kindly by good ex-
attempt to heat water in a sieve." ample into all truth and holiness."
(Pathways to Happiness, p. 307.) (JD, Vol. 12, p. 174.)
How important it is for parents to "Our children will have the love of
live clean lives and obey God's laws the truth, if we but live our religion.
and commandments. To do so will Parents should take that course that
permit them to use the example of their children can say, 'I never knew
their own lives in the teaching of their my father to deceive or take advantage
children. To fail to do so creates per- of a neighbor; I never knew my father
sonal inhibitions that prevent parents to take to himself that which did not
from discussing intimate and delicate belong to him but he said,
. . . . . .

questions and problems about life with "be honest, true, virtuous, kind, in-
which their children are deeply con- dustrious, prudent and full of good
cerned. works.'" Such teachings from parents
Children gain balance, judgment, to their children will abide with them
and wisdom on the foundation and for ever." (]D, Vol. 14, p. 195.)
platforms of their exemplary parents.
Examples from scripture
The prophet Jacob again admonished
the Nephites: Speaking of examples from the
". . Ye have broken the hearts of
. scriptures, the apostle Paul, writing to
your tender wives, and lost the confi- the Corinthian saints, admonished:
dence of your children, because of your "Now these things were our exam-
bad examples before them; and the ples, to the intent we should not lust
sobbings of their hearts ascend up to after evil things, as they also lusted.
God against you. . ." (Jac. 2:35.)
. "Neither let uscommit fornication,
In President David O. McKay's as some of them committed. . . .

"Neither let ustempt Christ, as some in many forms. Men are setting aside
of them also tempted, and were de- the accepted eternal teachings and
stroyed of serpents. verities of scripture. Many intellectuals
"Neither murmur ye, as some of in this present enlightened age think
them also murmured, and were de- they have outgrown the basic and fun-
stroyed of the destroyer. damental principles that the Savior
"Now all these things happened and his holy prophets have stressed
unto them for ensamples; and they are throughout the ages of time. Even
written for our admonition. . . . though in this latter day, "the devil
"Wherefore, let him that thinketh shall have power over his own do-
he standeth take heed lest he fall." minion," the Lord has promised he
(1 Cor. 10:6, 8-12.) "shall have power over his saints, and
Those who teach or lead in God's shall reign in their midst, and shall
kingdom must remember that Christ is come down in judgment upon . . .

the great exemplar to them, and rightly the world." (D&C 1:35-36.)
so. Therefore, all leaders and teachers This knowledge is comforting, but
called to labor in his vineyard accept for the Savior to fulfill this promise,
a great responsibility when they expect his people must live as saints. They
others to live up to gospel principles, are the only ones among whom the
standards, and ideals in order to enjoy Lord promises to reign.
the privileges and blessings of the Perhaps it would be well to remem-
gospel, yet fail themselves to maintain ber the account of Enoch and his
these requirements in their own per- people. They were in an abominable
sonal lives. state of wickedness. They had all gone
astray from the teachings of their
Responsibility of leaders fathers. Enoch accepted the challenge
We leaders must be what we ask or of turning the people from their evil
require others to be; otherwise, such ways unto the Lord. He did it so effec-
hypocrisy turns to our condemnation. tively that God translated and received
The candidate before baptism is re- them unto himself. (See Moses 7 and
quired to repent of all his sins. Does 8.)
it not seem reasonable that the priest-
hood brethren officiating in this ordi- From wickedness to righteousness
nance be equally free from all personal Following Christ's ministry and
transgressions? This also holds true in resurrection in Judea, he visited the
the performance of all gospel ordi- inhabitants of the Americas. After his
nances. appearance among them, they com-
It is deceitful and dishonorable for pletely changed their ways from
one to try to hide his own improper wickedness to righteousness.
personal conduct and not serve openly Fourth Nephi records this sublime
and exemplarily according to the spirit condition:
of his holy calling. We must remem- "And it came to pass in the thirty
ber that a heavenly record is kept of and sixth year, the people were all
our conduct here on earth, and there converted unto the Lord, upon all the
will come a day of reckoning and face of the land . and there were
. .

judgment. This church is true; it has no contentions and disputations among

value and is meaningful to those seek- them, and every man did deal justly
ing exaltation and eternal life. If this one with another.
church is worth anything, it is worth "And it came to pass that there was
everything! There is no exaltation and no contention in the land, because of
eternal glory without it. the love of God which did dwell in
the hearts of the people.
Lord's power over his saints "And there were no envyings, nor
Before the second coming of our strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms,
Lord, he has revealed that the devil is nor lyings, nor murders, nor any man-
to have power over his own dominion. ner of lasciviousness; and surely there
We are witnessing evidences of it today could not be a happier people among
Friday, April 4 First Day

all the people who had been created one's principles on a high level, but
by the hand of God." (4 Ne. 2, 15-16.) it hard sometimes to stay up there

These two examples are before us in with them."

the Church today. Our work and pur- "For us, with the rule of right and
pose is just the same now as it was in wrong given us by Christ, there is
earlier times. I wonder if we will so nothing for which we have no stan-
live and do as to measure up to this dard. .
." (Leo Tolstoi, War and

responsibility. task seems insur-The Peace.)

mountable, but we, as a people, liveif Honesty, integrity, uprightness, mo-
righteously, seeking earnestly the riches rality, observance of the Word of Wis-
of eternity, the ideal state of righteous- dom, and all the revelations concerning
ness can be achieved. ideal behavior should be exemplified
in our own lives, and we will then be-
Return to evil ways come proper examples for others to
After this period of Nephite and follow.
Lamanite happiness and peace, they Does our pattern of life incorporate
gradually again into evil ways,
fell these basic qualities that permit us to
and Mormon, in his second epistle to say with assurance to our loved ones
his son Moroni, stressed the wickedness and friends, and those whom
we serve,
and lack of principle in his people and "Come follow me, and do the things
lamented: you have seen me do"?
"O the depravity of my people! Here is our obligation, duty, and
They are without order and without challenge.
mercy. . . .
May God bless us, brothers and sis-
"And they have become strong in ters, that we may have the strength
their perversion; and they are alike
and the courage under all conditions to
brutal, sparing none, and they . . .
live exemplary lives and to walk up-
delight in everything save that which
rightly before the Lord and set a good
is good. . . .
example for all mankind to follow,
". Behold, thou knowest the wick-
. .
and particularly to our own children
edness of this people; thou knowest
and families, I humbly pray, in the
that they are without principle, and name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
past feeling. . . ." (Moro. 9:18-20.)
Is history beginning to repeat itself in
this generation of time? I firmly believe President Joseph Fielding Smith
it is. Our position and responsibility
are the same now as Mormon expressed
The semi-annual conference of the
Deseret Sunday School Union will be
to his son Moroni centuries ago:
held this evening, Friday, at 7:30 in
"And now, my beloved son," said
the Tabernacle. This is a change from
Mormon, "notwithstanding their hard-
the traditional Sunday evening session
ness, let us labor diligently; for if we
should cease to labor, we should be
which will not be held. All Sunday
School workers will wish to be in
brought under condemnation; for we
have a labor to perform whilst in this
tabernacle of clay, that we may con- Under the direction of the First
quer the enemy of all righteousness, Presidency there will be a Welfare-
and rest our souls in the kingdom of Agricultural meeting held in the As-
God." (Mora. 9:6.) sembly Hall tomorrow, Saturday, at
Striving to exert the power of good 7:30 a.m. Invited to attend this special
example by living gospel principles, session are Regional Representatives,
maintaining proper standards, and stake presidencies, bishoprics, high
holding firm to righteous ideals, while councilors, Project Operating Commit-
not always easy, will reward us in this tees, stake and ward Relief Society
life and in the eternal worlds to come. presidents and Welfare coordinators.
The singing for this session has been
Our obligation and challenge
furnished by the University of Utah
Someone said: "It is no trick to keep Institute of ReligionChorus under the

direction Douglas W. Stott, with

of Stake. TheGeneral session of this
Roy M. Darley at the organ. conference will then be adjourned until
In behalf of all those who listened 10:00 tomorrow morning.
to the singing during this session of
the General Conference, we express
appreciation and our sincere thanks to
these young students for the beautiful The University of Utah Institute of
music they have rendered. God bless Religion Chorus sang, "With a Voice
them for their desire to serve and to of Singing."
bring happiness to others. President LeRoy Rollins of the Ed-
The chorus will now render "With a monton Stake offered the closing
Voice of Singing," and the benediction prayer.
will then be offered by Elder LeRoy The conference adjourned until Sat-
Rollins, president of the Edmonton urday morning at 10 o'clock.

THIRD SESSION The Genealogical Society, which is
sponsoring this convention, extends an
invitation to all people to attend this
The third session of the conference
important record conference.
convened on Saturday, April 5, at 10
o'clock a.m. On the advice of his doctors President
President N. Eldon Tanner, second McKay is remaining at home where he

counselor in the First Presidency, con- is viewing these services. He is pre-

ducted the meeting. siding at this conference and has asked
The music for this session was fur- me to conduct this meeting. He joins
nished by the Salt Lake Tabernacle us in extending a most cordial welcome
Choir. Elder Richard P. Condie di- to all who are present here this
rected the singing; Elder Alexander morning in this historic Tabernacle,
Schreiner was at the organ. in the Assembly Hall on Temple
Square in Salt Lake City, and also to
President Tanner made the following
the vast television and radio audience
introductory remarks:
throughout the world, in this, the third
session of the 139th Annual Conference
President N. Eldon Tanner here in this Tabernacle.
I have an important announcement. The Tabernacle Choir under the
The World Conference on Records and direction of Richard P. Condie and
Genealogical Convention and Seminar Alexander Schreiner at the organ will
will be held here in Salt Lake City open these services by singing "Rejoice
starting August 5th through the 8th and Merry Be," following which the
of this year. invocation will be offered by Elder
Many of the world's leading archiv- Melvin R. Brooks, formerly president
ists, librarians, historians and others in of the Spanish American Mission.
related have been invited
fields to
attend and present comprehensive re-
ports in their respective fields.
Fifty countries in the world will be The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
represented and this could well be the ber, "Rejoice and Merry Be."
largest gathering of its kind ever held. The opening prayer was given by
We in Salt Lake City are delighted Elder Melvin R. Brooks, formerly
to act as host city for this important president of the Spanish American
gathering. Mission.

Saturday, April 5 Second Day

President N. Eldon Tanner The Tabernacle Choir sang the an-

them, "Christ, the Lord, Is Risen."
The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
us with "Christ, The Lord, Is Risen,"
following which President Hugh B. President Hugh B. Brown, first coun-
Brown of the First Presidency will selor in the First Presidency of the
speak to us. Church will now speak to us.
President Brown.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

The apostle Peter, writing to the two general headings for a few min-
saints of his time, said, as recorded in utes, namely, the Fatherhood of God
Pirst Peter 2:9, "But ye are a chosen and the brotherhood of man. The
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy scriptures tell us that it is life eternal
nation, a peculiar people." to know God and Jesus Christ, whom
he has sent.
A peculiar people
Whether or not all will agree that What man?

these characterizations are applicable As to man, we join with David of

to the Saints of this day, I am sure old and ask, "What is man, that thou
most will at least agree that we are a art mindful of him? and the son of

peculiar people not in any unkind man, that thou visitest him?" (Ps. 8:4.)
way, but perhaps most would say we And just here we ask the pertinent
are a different people. purpose My question, "What is the relationship
for the next few moments is to ex- that exists between God and man?"
amine and discuss some of those Dr. James E. Talmage summed up
differences. this part of our subject as follows:
Some of the antagonisms that exist "What is man in this boundless
between people and between nations setting of sublime splendor? I answer
result from the fact that they do not you potentially now, actually to be,
understand one another. he is greater and grander, more
"Not understood," the poet has said. precious in the arithmetic of God than
"We gather false impressions all the planets and the suns of space.
And hug them closer as the years go by, For him they were created. They are
Till virtues often seem to us transgres- the handiwork of God. Man is his
sions; son. In this world man is given domin-
And thus men rise and fall, and live ion over a few things. It is his privilege
and die to achieve supremacy over many things.
Not understood. The heavens declare the glory of God
and the firmament showeth his handi-
"O God! that men would see a little work. Incomprehensibly grand as are
clearer, the physical creations of the earth and
Or judge less harshly where they can- of space, they have been brought into
not see; existence as a means to an end, and
O God, that men would draw a little are necessary to the realization of the
nearer supreme purpose which in the words
To one another; they'd be nearer of the Creator is thus declared: For

Thee— behold, this is my work and my glory,

And understood." to bring to pass the immortality and
—Thomas Bracken eternal life of man."
(Poems of Inspiration, Halycon
House, 1928,
What is God?
p. 188)
We may discuss our subject under May we then discuss our subject


brieflywith respect to God, and ex- men and creeds as they apply to man
amine some of the things that have premortal, mortal, and postmortal man
been believed and taught in connection — it was taught that while man's body
with that subject. was created by God, his origin was
At the beginning of the nineteenth purely an earthly one. We
believe that
century, it was generally believed that before the creation of the body, all men
God was incorporeal and immaterial, existed as intelligences. These intelli-
without body, without parts or pas- gences were not created or made,
sions, disregarding the facts that God neither indeed can they be; the intelli-
loves righteousnessand he hates iniq- gent entity in man which we call spirit
uity,and that love and hate, of course, or soul is a self-existing entity, uncre-
are passions. ated and eternal. Thus man is crowned
It has been claimed that God was with the dignity which belongs to his
without form, even though the holy divine and eternal nature.
scriptures teach that God created man The Church of ]esus Christ of Latter-
in his own image. In fact, we are told day Saints (or the Mormon Church, if
by Paul the apostle that Jesus Christ you prefer) claims to be a bold, pro-
was in the express image of his Father. phetic, and inspired Church built upon
Are we then created in the image of a the rock of revelation. It calls upon
formless entity? man to cooperate with God in his
For us, God is not an abstraction. He avowed purpose to bring to pass the
isnot an idea, a metaphysical principle, immortality and eternal life of man.
an impersonal force or power. He is a This is a divine partnership and is
concrete, living person. And though in available to all. It gives added mean-
our human frailty we cannot know the ing to the term "the brotherhood of
total mystery of his being, we know man." It is not simply a philosophy of
that he is akin to us, for he is revealed life; it is a divine plan or blueprint

to us in the divine personality of his of life —

and postmortal
life, mortal life,

Son, Jesus Christ, and he is, in fact,

our Father.
System of continuing education
The Church teaches that when God
created man in his own image, he did The gospel is a system of continuing
not divest himself of that image. He education, resulting in eternal progres-
is still in human form and is possessed sion. Education is, in fact, a part of
of sanctified and perfected human our religion. We
believe the glory of
qualities, which we all admire. All God is intelligence.
through the holy scriptures, the Father The Lord said: "And I give unto
and the Son are seen to be separate and you a commandment that you shall
distinct personages. We reaffirm the teach one another the doctrine of the
doctrine of the ancient scripture kingdom." (D&C 88:77.)
and of all the prophets that asserts Just here, we might ask the ques-
that man was created in the image tion: Is there any communication be-
of God and that God possessed such tween God and man, or has there ever
human qualities as consciousness, will, been? If there ever was such, why not
love, mercy, justice. In other words, now?
he is an exalted, perfected, and glori-

fied Being. Continuous revelation

Man's eternal nature And this brings us to the question of

The late President Brigham H. At the beginning of the last century,
Roberts, in one of his later writings, the idea prevailed among almost all
discussed some of the principles of the Christian churches that while there
gospel that I desire to give wider circu- was a time when revelations from God
lation. I shall quote and paraphrase were given, when angels visited the
him. earth and imparted divine knowledge
Under the uninspired teachings of to men, when there were living among
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

men certain ones called prophets who the Christian era. The founder of The
were able to declare the mind and Church Christ of Latter-day
of Jesus
will of our Heavenly Father, yet all Saints asserts that he had a great and
this was allegedly discontinued. overpowering revelation from God in —
Though belief in continuous revela- fact, a visitation in which he beheld
tion seems to have been quite uni- the Father and the Son. Later, other
versally accepted in the past, orthodox heavenly beings appeared.
Christianity maintains that there can There is in all men an animated,
be no current revelation; that no ruling, characteristic essence, or spirit,
revelation has been given since the which is himself. This spirit, dull or
crucifixion of Christ and the death of bright, petty or grand, pure or foul,
the apostles, and furthermore that none looks out of the eyes, sounds in the
would be given in the future; that the voice, and appears in the manners of
volume of scripture is completed and each individual. This is what we call

forever closed no angels, no opening personality.
of the heavens, no man authorized to
speak for God. All this was ended. Man's salvation
The scriptures declare that some of As to man's salvation, some have
the prophets talked with God face to taught that God, of his own volition,
face. (Exod. 33:11.) For instance, we had predestined some men and angels
are told in Exodus that Moses spoke to everlasting destruction, while others
face to face with God as one man were ordained to eternal life and glory,
speaketh to his friends. In Exodus 3:6, not for any good or ill that they had
the Lord declared: "I am the God of done or could do, but because their fate
thy father, the God of Abraham, the is fixed by divine decree. Those whom
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." he would save he would move by
We claim the Church is built upon the irresistible grace to their salvation;
foundation of divinely inspired apostles those whom he had predestined should
and prophets, with Jesus Christ himself be damned might not escape, struggle
as the chief cornerstone. they ever so persistently. No prayers
could save them; no act of obedience
Office of a prophet
might mitigate their punishment; no
Generally, when we speak of a hungering and thirsting after righteous-
prophet, we have in mind one who ness would bring them any blessedness.
predicts future events, one who fore- They must perish, and that eternally!
tells things that will come to pass. Those who perish in ignorance of
Indeed, that is, in part, the office of a —
Christ the heathen nations, for in-

prophet in part it is what is expected —
stance^ were damned. So said those
of him. But a prophet should be pri- who expounded this creed.
marily a teacher of men, an expounder Others taught that infants dying in
of the things of God. The inspiration infancy without receiving Christian
of the Almighty must give him under- baptisms were damned, and that ever-
standing, and when given he must lastingly. By some, unbaptized in-
declare it fearlessly to the people of fants were denied burial in sanctified
his time and to future generations. He ground. "Hell's Half Acre" was a real-
must be a seer who can help others ity in some graveyards. We humbly
to see, a teacher sent of God to in- but unequivocally proclaim the eternal
struct a people, to enlighten an age. and revealed truth that through the
This is the primary office of a prophet. atonement of Christ, all mankind may
Based upon the teachings of the Holy be saved, by obedience to the laws and
Bible, we assert that revelation from ordinances of the gospel.
heaven was common in all dispensa-
Salvation and damnation
tions of the gospel from Adam to the
time when Christ was upon the earth. Let us refer for a moment to the
We agree that it apparently ceased for significance of the terms salvation and
a time because of apostasy after the damnation. It was taught in earlier
beginning of the first century of days and to some extent today that

these two terms meant either the at- our hearts and with all our souls, but
tainment of heaven or the assignment there was a purpose in his including
to hell —referring to the former, the mind in his instructions. Any person's
attainment of heaven, as a mysterious, conception of Deity must come within
indefinite state enjoyed somewhere be- his mental horizon, which is deter-
yond the bounds of time and space, mined by the degree of his intelligence.
and to the latter, to which many were Man, by his reasoning, naturally en-
to be consigned, as a place of ever- dows God with his own noblest and
lasting anguish and eternal misery. highest ideals, which, if he be studious
It was believed that if one gained and devout, are ever growing. Intellec-
heaven by ever so small a margin, he tual activity produces an ever-changing,
entered upon a complete possession of because ever-growing, concept of God.
all the supernal ecstasy enjoyed by the Once the mind has grasped the idea
angels and the holiest of saints. If he of God, it will burn and glow and
missed even by ever so narrow a mar- seek to assimilate and radiate, to adore,
gin, he was doomed to everlasting and emulate. This love of God by the
torment, to be endured with the mind of man, when accompanied by
wickedest of men and the vilest of loving him with heart and soul, will
devils, from which there was to be no light the pathway to salvation. The
deliverance. Master placed love of God and of fel-
lowmen as paramount to all divine
Graded state of future life commandments.

Against these dogmas of the attain- Acceptance of gospel principles

ment of heaven or the assignment to
All Church members, then, are en-
hell with equality of glory in the one
joined to understand and accept the
and equal severity of punishment in
principles of the gospel, of which
the other, we assert that a just God has
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is para-
provided a graded state of existence
for all men in the future life.
Upon this subject the restored We must receive its saving ordi-
Church teaches with the apostle Paul nances and then go on unto perfection.
that there are many kingdoms of glory Salvation is an eternal quest for
in which men may live, each in a knowledge. Man cannot be saved in
sphere suited to his nature, disposition, ignorance. It is more than a philosophy
and the degree of his intelligence. Paul of life: it is a divine plan or blueprint
taught that there is one glory of the of life
—preexistent, mortal, and post-
sun, another of the moon, and another life.

of the stars, and that men will exist in The gospel of Jesus Christ is a re-
varying degrees of glory in the here- vealed and challenging religion. It
after; that as the stars of the heavens calls upon all men to cooperate with
differ in infinite degrees of brightness, God in an effort to bring to pass the
so also will men, in their future, exist immortality and eternal life of man.
in places and states of infinite variety, We firmly declare that the gospel
corresponding to the variations of their of Jesus Christ does not belong simply
intelligence, knowledge, tastes, ac- to an antiquated world that has
quirements, inclinations, and aspira- passed away; it is a real and power-
tions. ful force in our world here and now, a
force that invests our individual lives
Love of God and man with meaning and purpose.
In Luke 10 we read: "Thou shalt Yes, we doubtless are in many ways
love the Lord thy God with all thy
. . . a peculiar people, a different people.
mind." (Luke 10:27.) This is but a We do not claim to be better than
part of Christ's injunction, but seem- any other people. We
have our dif-
ingly a part not often stressed either ferences; we have our difficulties; we
in press or pulpit. We hear often of are mortal. But we do claim that we
the necessity of loving God with all have a mission, and therefore we have
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

a wide-ranging missionary system that

counselor in the First Presidency, will
enables people throughout the world
speak to us.
to hear the message of the restoration
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To the
truth of that message I humbly bear
The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
my own witness in the name of Jesus ber, "Glorious Is the King."
Christ. Amen.

President N. Eldon Tanner President N. Eldon Tanner

President Hugh B. Brown of the First To those who have just tuned in on
Presidency has just spoken to us. this conference we extend a most
The Tabernacle Choir will sing hearty welcome.
"Glorious Is The King." Following the President Alvin R. Dyer of the First
singing President Alvin R. Dyer, a Presidency will now address us.


Counselor in the First Presidency

Once again, my brothers and sisters, a breakdown of morals that could bring
we are feeling the surge and influence about a depraved new social order.
of this great conference of the Church.
I am grateful with you that President The "new morality"
McKay is listening and watching this The "new morality" denies distinc-
broadcast. tions between right or wrong, good or
evil, substituting a code that decides
The precepts of men the right or wrong of behavior accord-
The prophet Nephi once spoke of ing to human need, regardless of what
the woeful condition of mankind when that need is distorted to be.
deceived by the precepts of men. Said If we accept the teachings of this

he: concept, it could lead to a society

". ..wo be unto him that hearken- burdened with mass control based upon
eth unto the precepts of men, and principles of unrighteous dominion
denieth the power of God, and the gift over the individual. It is well known
of the Holy Ghost!" (2 Ne. 28:26.) that a communistic philosophy would
The Lord has warned his people of like to see this succeed in America and
the penetration of evil in the last days, throughout the world.
"seeking to destroy the souls of men."
Sex education programs
(D&C 10:27.)
Wecan see the need of these warn- These deceptive and shadowed ob-
ings in the evil trends that are de- jectives of well-propagandized pro-
teriorating man's sense of decency and grams are moving at a very rapid clip.
moral standards. The first to which I refer is sex educa-

The divine declaration, which gives tion or family life education, which is
unto man the right of moral agency as placing emphasis on raw sex in the

once declared "Behold, the man is school classroom, creating widespread
become as one of us, to know good and contention, causing deep concern
evil" —
(Gen. 3:22) has come under among parents and leaders.
question, and man is seeking by the The programmers of this type of sex
concepts of men to destroy moral education, aware of resistance, are
agency by creating what they have fortified with worked-out methods to
chosen to call the "new morality." If deal with parental and community
we accept the evil doctrines of slanted opposition. This matter needs the
educational programs, we will witness serious concern of an aroused public

todeny the use of such materials and certain responsibilities of parents. I

more firmly establish sound moral quote:
teachings in the fields of physiology "The welfare state has taken over
and hygiene, as now provided by pub- many economic responsibilities of the
lic school law. parents. We are all becoming that kind
The National Education Association of society. You can spot trends that
. . .

and American Medical Association's may have a chance to become domi-

endorsement of a maturation educa- nant in other countries. In sex educa-
tional program seems to have stepped tion, there are some local programs
up the activity of such organizations as that are very good, but most of the
the Sex Information and Education United States has nothing.
Council of the United States (known "The Contraceptive Society is now
as SIECUS) and the School Health here and can be pushed back as little

Education Studies (known as SHES), as the industrialized society and the

with others, particularly those that are automobile." 1
integrated in family life education The "new morality" requires that
courses. young people solve their own sex prob-
lems without the help of teachers
With ominous precision, reputable
or parents. What is moral and what is
publishing houses are competing in
not moral, or whether morality is in-
this untapped market with expertly
volved at all, is to be decided by the
prepared materials, films, and teaching
aids of all sorts. Herein, because of its
student. The most surprising and
devastating of all is the effort that is
sensational marketable value, is a for-
being made to isolate sex education as
midable danger.
being completely devoid of moral re-
False images in the life of the very sponsibility, fear, inhibitions, and
young will result from their idea to
emotional restraints.
teach facts of reproduction before youth "Whether used by those who are
are emotionally involved. The mis-
skilled or unskilled, any teachings that
guided fostering of sex education in the describe and illustrate human repro-
classroom on the basis that it will ductive organs and their functions, and
lessen sex ignorance and reduce ille-
any teachings that are directly counter
gitimate pregnancy, venereal disease,
to standards of sexual morality, do not
and related problems has no basis for harmonize with the gospel, and the
sound conclusions. Actual experience Church is therefore opposed to such.
has proven the results to be just the They are void of respect and reverence
for the opposite sex, life, birth, and
Classroom programs parenthood.

Based on the slanted experience of Results in other countries

foreign countries, whence the idea has We can measure what will happen
come, infiltrations into the classroom in America by the experience and re-
have already been made in certain sults in other countries that have been
areas. Others have it under study and saturated with sex education in the
have launched pilot programs. Legis- school classroom. These statistics apply
lators throughout the country are being to one of the countries:
besieged for legislation to make it legal;
85% of the people believe in sex
some, most fortunately, to prevent it. relations without marriage.
An article in Look magazine tells of 98% have had premarital relations. 2
sex education in a foreign country, in- 50% of the brides who kneel at the
ferring that America is far behind in altar are pregnant at the time. 8
the new order. This article contains The majority of women want free
perverted concepts of morals from and unrestricted abortions.4
those who would fill the school class- Concerning venereal disease, caused
room with a complete expose of sex. no doubt by the impact of sex educa-
To accomplish this, the article suggests tion in this particular country, one
the need of a welfare state, to take over report reveals the fact that "gonorrhea
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

and syphilis are more widespread than how the rights of the individual may
in any other civilized country in the be submerged:
world." 5 Another report simply de- 1. An atmosphere is created by the
scribes it as "catastrophic." 6 Yet the participants to open up their behavior
programmers of sex education are to the examination of others. This
trying to tell us that it will curb plays down self-reliance.
venereal disease. 2. Steps are taken to unfreeze or
Illegitimate births, which, according destroy old values, which have been
to SIECUS propaganda, will be re- adhered to individually, and substitute
duced by sex education, actually in- mass decisions, which yield to the
creased by nearly 50% in the country strongest personality of the group.
referred to. 7 3. Gradually members may unlearn
To claim any real benefits from such moral reactions and then experiment
a system would not only need a so- with new responses, adopting what
called "brain washing" from the they call the "new morality," which
earliest ages up, but would also require has no morals in it.
individuals to make choices without Wehear the phrase, "If therapy is
recognizing moral consequences. good for people in trouble, then it is
bound to be as good or better for people
Sensitivity training who function well." As to this, I would
say, woe be unto the medical doctor
Moving forward under the umbrella who would prescribe drugs and surgery
of the "new morality" is sensitivity for the hale and hearty.
training, which, as a tool to shape
Group criticism sessions are sugges-
human behavior, can be, and is, used tive of methods developed by Mao's
to ends that are inconsistent with gos-
Red Guards, where participants are
pel principles. Certain methods of exhorted to public confession and are
sensitivity training develop a form of encouraged to denounce one another,
induced hysteria, meant to break down all for the purpose of breaking the
morals, manners, and the traditions of will. One thinks also of Nazi methods
civility. Such approaches can do infi-
of "strength through joy" fun and
nite harm, especially to young people. games. Sensitivity training is a device
As we view sensitivity training and used throughout Communist countries.
other group psychology designed for
interclass communication affecting the Church methods preserve rights
character and personal life of the indi- Sex education and sensitivity train-
vidual (such as is done in T-group ing teaching methods, when abusively
training, group dynamics, auto-criti-
used, not only break down barriers of
cism, basic encounter group, self-
privacy, but also provide the tech-
honesty session, and human potential niques for mass, rather than personal,
workshop), emphasizing mass or con- decision. This tends to destroy the
sensus decision, well might we ask the agency of man and is therefore evil in
question, What has happened to the concept.
unfortunate individual?
Church behavioral methods such as
testimony meetings, priesthood and
Personal agency jeopardized
missionary report meetings, oral evalu-
The greatest gift from God unto his ations, and self-evaluations and con-
children is that of personal agency. It fession emphasize the importance of,
is the foundation of spiritual culture, and preserve the rights of, the indi-
the principle upon which our Consti- vidual.
It will be of interest to know that
tution was founded, and is the under-
lying obligation of our school system sensitivity training has been ruled out

to maintain, yet we see it being jeop- as a teaching method in our Church

ardized in the teaching methods of institutes and seminaries.

sensitivity training.
Flexibility in marriage laws
There are three main points of the
group criticism techniques that show A third deadly movement that is

surging forward anew, to become for alcohol, and any flexibilities in

united with other evil forces, is that the sacredness of marriage, which are
of greater flexibility in marriage laws, challenging moral decency and righ-
which attempt to liberalize that which teousness. We
must unite our efforts,
is already immorally liberal. A Min- by organized parental councils with
istry of Education's medical officer fathers taking part, through school
describes unchastity as not in his view boards, textbook committees, and prop-
unchaste, as associated with out-of- er legislation, to vigorously oppose
wedlock immoral activity. such programming.
A noted judge who has heard some May we be reminded of the prime
25,000 divorce cases tells of the imma- role that parents have in teaching chil-
turity of many early marriages. "If dren principles of truth and right.
people," said he, "spent as much time From divine inspiration have come
contemplating marriage do
as they these words to safeguard us indi-
buying a car or a house, they would be vidually: ". . let virtue garnish thy .

better off." In concluding his remarks, thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy
however, he suggests a period of "trial confidence wax strong in the presence
marriage," which nullifies his proper of God." (D&C 121:45. Italics added.)
advice. Concerning this he said: "And
there's much to be said for trial mar- Pattern of gospel laws
riage, especially since the pill is in The Lord has told us to live by the
such widespread use." 8 pattern of gospel laws. Said he: "And
Can you contemplate with me the again, I will give unto you a pattern
effects of a trial marriage system upon in all things, that ye may not be de-
morals? The very idea of it fits the ceived; for Satan is abroad in the land,
"new morality" concept and becomes and he goeth forth deceiving the na-
a part of evil principles we must be tions." (D&C 52:14.)
alert to. Let us be mindful of these prophetic
words, speaking of the evil one:
"Youth for alcohol" movement ". he shall speak great words against
. .

The "youth the most high, and shall wear out the
for alcohol" movement
is gaining momentum. The magazine saints and think to change times
. . .

Today's Health, published by the and laws." (Dan. 7:25.)

I bear testimony to the fact that if
American Medical Association, reports
a discussion on the subject, "Should we will keep our place secure in the
Children Be Taught to Drink?" All kingdom of God, if we are to safe-
members of the panel, in one way or guard our children against the evils of
another, favored the introduction of the day, we must walk in paths of
alcohol in the life of youth, even at righteousness and keep close to that
the age of four years, as a prevention way of life found in the pattern of the
of alcoholism. gospel of Jesus Christ. Of this I testify,
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
One panelist made this comment:
"The parent has the responsibility to FOOTNOTES
provide a healthy total atmosphere for !J. Robert Moskin, "The Contraceptive Society,"
Look, February 4, 1969, p. 53.
the child. This involves a lot of areas, sIbid.,
p. 50.
including alcohol." 9 "US. News and World Report, March 17, 1969.
pp. 48ff.
It must be obvious, even to these l
Look, op. cit., p. 50.
noted specialists, that such a program ^American Opinion, March 1969.
"US. News and World Report, op. cit.
would only intensify the misery that 'Ibid., p. 51.
8Judge Tom
it would erroneously try to correct. Williams, quoted in "Intelligence
Report," Parade, February 16, 1969, p. 8.
'Today's Health, February 1969, pp. 46EF.
Opposition to evil influences

We must not be insensible to evil

influences that are being thrust upon The Tabernacle Choir sang the
us by the perverted principles of sex number, "God So Loved the World."
education, sensitivity training, youth

Saturday, April 5 Second Day

President N. Eldon Tanner of Our Fathers Whose Almighty

President Alvin R. Dyer of the First
Presidency has just spoken to us, and
he was followed by the singing of "God
President N. Eldon Tanner
So Loved The World" by the Taber- For the benefit of those of the tele-
nacle Choir. vision and radio audiences who have
Following a brief organ interlude just tuned in, we again announce that
the Choir and congregation will join we are gathered in the historic Taber-
in singing "God of Our Fathers Whose nacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake
Almighty Hand." City in the third session of the 139th
Annual Conference of the Church.
Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
After an organ interlude of music, Council of the Twelve will now ad-
the congregation sang the hymn, "God dress us.


Of the Council of the Twelve

My dear brethren and sisters, I am —

But comfort that comfort all seek on
acutely aware of the vast congregation —
such occasions came only from the
to whom I speak this glorious Easter quiet words, the example of the simple
time. Humbly I seek the inspiration of life, and the testimony of the resur-
the Holy Spirit. rection of the Man of Peace, he who
never lifted the sword of war, who
Memorial service for
never ruled as head of state, who
Dwight D. Eisenhower walked among the poor, who died on
With millions of others around the the cross and was buried in a borrowed
world, I watched last Monday the tomb.
funeral service of President Dwight D. We were told that General Eisen-
Eisenhower. hower some years earlier, in approving
I observed the pageantry of it the — the plans for his funeral, had requested
solemn pallbearers, young menin mili- that the music and sermons be on a
tary uniform representing their legions triumphant note.
of comrades in arms. That wish was fulfilled.
I listened to the roar of the guns — The choir in the great cathedral sang
final salute to a dedicated soldier, com- the stirring words of Luther's moving
mander of the mightiest military ma- hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
chine ever assembled. They repeated the peaceful assurance
I noted the heads of state, men who of the twenty-third Psalm,"The Lord
had gathered from the far reaches of Is My Shepherd." They gave voice to
the earth to honor a former president the battle hymn of the faithful, "On-
of the United States. ward, Christian Soldiers." They rever-
All of this was proper, and befitting ently sang the prayer of John Henry
so great a man. But as I looked into Newman, "Lead, kindly Light, amid
the faces of those who mourned, I saw th'encircling gloom; Lead thou me on!"
in my mind's eye, through and above The sermon included the majestic
and beyond all of this, the matchless declaration of Jesus: "... I am the
wonder of the Son of God. resurrection, and the life: he that be-
Here was a memorial service for lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet
one of the leaders of the earth, an hon- shall he live: And whosoever liveth
ored chief of state and a respected and believeth in me shall never die."
military commander. For those who (John 11:25-26.)
mourned there was satisfaction in the The prayer, spoken in concert by
assurance of a great life, well lived. the congregation, was the prayer of the

Lord: "Our Father which art in heaven, and among the hopes of men in all
Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom ages of time, none is so great as the
come. Thy will be done in earth, as hope of immortality.
it is in heaven." (Matt. 6:9-10.) The empty tomb that first Easter
morning brought the most comforting
Preeminence of Jesus of Nazareth
assurance that can come into man's
While watching that service, I heart. This was the affirmative answer
reached for a hook and read this state- to the ageless question raised by Job,
ment from Bruce Barton: "If a man die, shall he live again?"
"I talked one day," said Mr. Barton, (Job 14:14.)
"with H. G. Wells after his Outline
of History had appeared. I said: Relevance of Jesus' teachings
" 'You have stood upon a mountain
While seated in front of my tele-
and viewed the whole panorama of vision screen watching the funeral of
human progress. You have seen the General Eisenhower, I reflected on the
captains and the kings, the princes
wonder of the quiet man of Galilee,
and the prophets, the millionaires and whose life and teachings have ever-

the dreamers all the billions of hu- increasing relevance in our time as —
man atoms that have lived and loved great a relevance, I would like to say,
and struggled for their little hour upon as in the day that he walked the earth.
the earth. In this vast army what heads
In response to such a statement as
arise above the common level? Among
this on another occasion, a straggly
all those who have fought for fame,
haired young intellectual asked, "What
who have actually achieved it? What relevance? Just what relevance has
half dozen men among them all de-
Jesus for us? Why, he's as out-of-date
serve to be called great?'
as the Roman legions who occupied
"He turned the question over in his Jerusalem when he was there."
mind for a day or two, and then gave my
"Relevance?" I replied. "Ask
me a of six names. . ."
list .
friends who tearfully watched the body
Jesus ofNazareth led that list.
of a beloved child lowered into the
Mr. Barton then goes on to say:
grave. Ask my neighbor who lost her
"Think of the thousands of emperors
husband in an accident. Ask the fathers
who have battled for fame, who have and mothers of the thousands of good
decreed themselves immortal, and fash-
young men who have died in the
ioned their immortality into monu-
steaming jungles of Vietnam. He the —
ments of brick and stone.
of the hosts who have struggled for
. . . Think risen Lord Jesus Christ —
is their only
comfort. There is nothing more rele-
wealth, fretting over figures, denying
vant to the cold, stark fact of death
their generous instincts, cheating and
than the assurance of eternal life."
grasping and worrying." (The Man No-
body Knows, pp. 174-75.)
Testimony of infantryman
And then, I should like to add, think
of Jesus, who walked the dusty roads I am reminded of the young infantry-
of a conquered, vassal state; whose man we met in Vietnam. He was to
only army was a following of the sick return the next day to the battle line
and the poor and the outcast; who was along the DMZ. He knew what he
dishonored and abused by the rulers would face on that dreaded tomorrow.
and the princes; who himself carried He said quietly, "I guess it really doesn't
the cross to which he was nailed; for matter whether I live or die. Sure, I
whose burial there was no procession, love life, but I believe the life ahead
but only a hurrying in the night to a will be as real and a lot better than
borrowed tomb. the life here." He continued, "I hope
and pray that I will live to return
The hope of immortality
home; but if it should be otherwise, I
Men are born, they live for an hour know my father and mother will un-
of glory, and die. Most throughout derstand. You see, they know that God
their lives are teased by various hopes; lives. They know that Jesus is the

Saturday, April 5 Second Day

Christ. They know that life is eternal, of life. His way is the answer to the
as do I." troubles of the world in which we live.
Such the testimony of a sensitive I return to my
reflections while wit-
young man of faith who walked with nessing President Eisenhower's funeral.
death. Such the hope of his comrades On that occasion I reached for another
in their brooding hours of quiet book, a book written by the general
thought. himself. I read a statement he made
in 1953 concerning the future of our
Faith of mother troubled world. Said he: "The worst
to be feared and the best to be expected
I walked one day through the great
can be simply stated:
military cemetery on the outskirts of
"The worst is atomic war.
Manila in the Philippines. There,
standing row on row in perfect sym- "The best would be this: A life of

metry, are marble crosses marking the perpetual fear and tension; a burden
graves of more than 17,000 who gave of arms draining the wealth and the
their lives to the cause of liberty. Sur- labor of all people; a wasting of
rounding that hallowed ground are strength that defies any system to
. . .

two great marble colonnades on which achieve true abundance and happiness
are inscribed the names of more than for the peoples of this earth. . . .

35,000 others who were lost in combat "It calls upon them
to answer the
and whose remains were never found. question that the hearts of all
I read the words chiseled in stone, sane men: Is there no other way the
"Comrades in arms whose resting place world may live? ." (From the jacket
. .

is known only to God." of Mandate for Change.)

I walked the quiet corridor and saw There is a way, if men will subdue
among the multitude of names that their hearts to seek it.

of a boy who grew up not far from

me. He had played ball and laughed Example of miraculous contrast
and danced and studied. He had gone
His plane was last seen
The simple answer the only an- —
off to war.
falling in flames somewhere in the vast
swer —
is found in the words and life

of the immortal Son of God. I thought

area of the South Pacific. His mother
of the power of that teaching on a
wept in sorrow. Her hair turned to
December day in 1956 when tanks
gray and then to white. But radiant
were rolling down the streets of Buda-
through all her tragedy has been a
pest and students were being slaugh-
sublime and quiet faith that she shall
tered with machine-gun fire. I was
meet and know and love her son
in Switzerland at the time. I stood that
December day in the railroad station
As I stood before that name en- in Bern. At eleven o'clock in the
graved in marble, there came into my morning every church bell in Switzer-
mind these great words of the Lord: land began to ring, and at the conclu-
"Thoushalt live together in love,
sion of that ringing every vehicle
insomuch that thou shalt weep for the
loss of them that die. . .

stopped every car on the highway,
every bus, every railroad train. That

". . [but] those that die in me

great, cavernous station became deathly
shall not taste of death, for it shall be
still. I looked out the door across the
sweet unto them." (D&C 42:45-46.)
plaza. Men working on the hotel on
the other side of the street stood on the
The master of life scaffolding with bared heads. Every
This, my brethren and sisters, is the bicycle stopped, and every man and
assurance of Easter. This is the promise woman and child dismounted and stood,
of the risen Lord. This is the relevance hatless and bowed. Then, after three
of Jesus to a world in which all must minutes of reverent pause, trucks, great
die. But there is further and more im- convoys of them, began to roll from
mediate relevance. As he is the con- Geneva, across Austria to the Hun-
queror of death, so also is he the master garian border, laden with supplies

food, clothing, and medicine. The gates a child of the living God, endowed
of Switzerland were thrown open to with a divine birthright, capable of
refugees. As I stood there that Decem- eternal achievement. Who, I ask, pos-
ber morning, I could not help marvel- sessed of such conviction, would seek
ing at the miraculous contrast the — relief in the euphoria of debilitating
devilish oppressive power of those who drugs? There is a better way to improve
were snuffing out the sparks of free- the world, to ease suffering, to en-
dom on the streets of Budapest, in con- hance the quality of man's life.
trast with the spirit of the Christian
people of Switzerland who bowed their Power of example
heads in reverence and then rolled up
their sleeves to provide succor and
A wise man once declared that every
great institution is but the lengthened
shadow of a great man or woman.
Thanks be to God for the relevance
of Jesus to the problems of our time.
As an instance, who can discount
the tremendous good accomplished by
Way to improve world the Red Cross? Behind this vast inter-
national organization stands the frail
It has been said that history is only
figure of the Christ-inspired English
the story of private lives. If we would girl, Florence Nightingale, who walked
improve the world in which we live, among the death-haunted hospital
we must first improve the lives of the wards of the Crimea bringing cleanli-
people. Conversion is never a mass
ness, comfort, and hope and cheer to
process. It is an individual thing. The
thousands of suffering men?
behavior of the masses is the behavior
Is there relevancy in Jesus for our
of individuals.
time? The world never needed more
It was said of old that as a man
urgently the power of his example;
"thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Prov.
the world never needed more desper-
23:7.) The wonderful miracle of our
ately the vitality of his teachings.
day, as of all time, is the fact that
Our young friends of the psychedelic
men, when properly motivated, can
crowd clamor for love as the solution
and do change their lives.
to the world's problems. Their expres-
It is reported that when Clinton T.
sion may sound genuine, but their coin
Duffey became the warden at the San
is counterfeit. Too often the love of
Quentin Prison and initiated reform which they speak is at best only hollow
procedures, he was chided by a radio
mummery; at worst it deteriorates into
commentator who said, "Mr. Duffey,
a lascivious eroticism. On the other
you should know that leopards don't hand, the love of Jesus was a thing of
change their spots." Duffey replied,
courage so much needed in our time.
"You should know I don't work with It was the love that embraced all men
leopards. I work with men, and men
as the children of God; it was the love
change every day."
that turned the other cheek; it was
President David O. McKay has said
the love spoken from the cross in
that the purpose of the gospel is to
undying words, "Father, forgive them;
make evil-minded men good and good
for they know not what they do."
men better.
(Luke 23:34.)
One of the complaints of the young
pot smokers and drug takers who are The hope of mankind
seeking escape from reality is that the
world has become intolerably imper- This is Easter. This is the season
sonal. If this be the problem, the an- when we commemorate the most im-
swer is not the kind of escape in which portant event in human history. Mil-
they waste their lives. The solution lies lions upon millions through the ages
in implementing the transcendent have testified through the goodness of
teachings of the Son of God, who more their lives and the strength of their
than any other that ever walked the courage of the reality of that event.
earth gave dignity and worth to the To these testimonies we add our wit-
individual. He declared us each to be ness that we know that he was the Son
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

of God, born in Bethlehem of Judea,

who walked the earth as the promised
Messiah, who was lifted up upon the
The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
ber, "Sleepers, Wake, for Night Is
cross, who gave his life as an atoning
Flying," following which there was an
sacrifice for the sins of mankind, our
Savior, our Redeemer, the one sure
organ interlude.
hope of mankind, the Resurrection and The Choir then sang "We Bow Our
the Life. Head in Reverence," and "More Holi-
God bless us with increased faith in ness Give Me."
these great truths, I humbly pray in
his holy name, even the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.
President N. Eldon Tanner
President N. Eldon Tanner

He to whom we have just listened

We welcome those of the television
is Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
and radio audiences who have just
joined us in the proceedings of this
Council of the Twelve.
The Tabernacle Choir will sing
"Sleepers, Wake, for Night Is Flying," Our concluding speaker will be
following which there will be a brief Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council
organ interlude. of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve

We Latter-day Saints believe in the The so-called sex revolution is de-

Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us all stroying us.
and was raised the third day after- In a recent edition of the Sacramento
ward, a physical, bodily resur-
in Union, an editorial warned that the
rection. We
believe that he has given stench of moral decay has become
us a way of life that will bring joy and intolerable. It called for a reestablish-
happiness to all who truly follow him. ment of the divine code of chastity
But without obedience to his laws, before everything is lost.
we cannot hope to receive his blessings. The Chicago Tribune recently re-
ported that venereal infection is now
The law of chastity the nation's leading communicable
I wish at this time to refer to one disease, which is another index to the
of his divine statutes, which is binding extent of our moral breakdown. Three
upon all mankind, but which is widely thousand new cases of this dreadful
disregarded. It is that pertaining to plague are contracted in America every
our moral conduct. day, more than half of them among
Humanity will rise or fall through teenagers.
its attitude toward the law of chastity.
If the world will honor virtue, it can
Standards of right and wrong
expect to receive God's blessings; but As people change their standards of
if it persists in the practice of sodomy, right and wrong, they begin to sup-
adultery, and other perversions, it can pose that what was sin a generation
expect only destruction, for the wage ago is no longer so, that standards are
of sin is death. relative things that may be altered at
It is this awesome fact that should will through usage and desire, and
frighten at least the Christian world that old-fashioned goodness now has
into a realization that we are being turned into priggishness.
hurled into an abyss of moral degra- Many actually seem to think that
dation. the popular trend is what determines

right or wrong, and that moral values many of their parents never went to
change with public sentiment. any kind of school, public or other-
A mother recently wrote to a medi- wise, and certainly had none of the
cal doctor who conducts a newspaper instruction now being proposed?
column and asked whether she should And what of those people who are
provide her daughter with a supply of concerned about overpopulation? They
"the pill" as she left to attend a board- think we will run out of food if we do
ing school. In writing to the doctor, the not control the birth rate. Wemay
mother said: yet need a top-level conference of the
"Personally I don't approve of sexual advocates of sex education and the pro-
relations outside of marriage, but I ponents of birth control to see whether
wonder if I should be realistic and we shall become extinct because they
supply my daughter with birth control think too few people know how to re-
pills, just in case." produce themselves, or whether we
Can any mother in her right mind shall starve to death because too many
take such a position? Has the writer people know how to reproduce them-
of this letter never taught her daughter selves.
the Lord's law of chastity? doesWhy Safeguards in sex instruction
she dread pregnancy but apparently
have no great aversion to her daugh- Whois competent to give wholesome
ter's loss of virtue? sex instruction to our children with-
Was this girl never taught about her out creating lust in their minds?
bodily functions in the sanctity of a I would like to say, with all the
good home? emphasis at my command, that the
proper teaching of sex requires also
Teaching the facts of life the teaching of complete chastity,
All children need to be taught the whether that instruction is given in
but where that teaching is
facts of life,
the home, the school, or the church.
to be given has become a source of To do otherwise is nothing less than
great controversy. Should it be pro- suicidal. To ignore chastity in such
vided publicly or in the privacy of the instruction can transform it into a
home? course in youthful sex experimentation.
Is it wise to give it openly in such The experience of some European
countries clearly confirms the fact that
a way as to create a desire for corrup-
public sex education increases promis-
cuity, and as promiscuity is multiplied,
be merged with the so-called
Is it to
venereal disease spreads like wildfire.
sex revolution that already has brought
In all fairness to the children, we
about the greatest moral decline in
our age, with a plague of social disease must not teach them the mechanics
of reproduction without also empha-
in its wake? Or can it more properly
sizing to them the safeguard that the
be used to teach a nation chastity and
Almighty has placed about it, that is,
that the use of sex is to be confined
Have you ever asked yourselves why completely and exclusively within the
this sudden urge to teach sex in a bonds of sacred marriage. No free sex
public way? Is someone afraid that the
is permitted by him. In his law,
rising generation will not know how
promiscuity is adulterous.
to reproduce itself, and that the race
The whole point of sex education
thereby may die out?
will be missed unless we teach chastity
How is it that we ourselves were as a major part of it.
brought into existence? Our parents
received none of this kind of teach- Co-creators with God
ing when they went to school. God made sex, but not for enter-
Think of the hundreds of genera- tainment. It was provided for a di-
tions that have preceded us on the vinely appointed act of creation in
earth. Is it by some great miracle that which we, to this extent, become co-
they ever saw the light of day, since creators with him.
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

If we fail to teach this, we

defeat so fervently that such a loss would
the whole purpose of sex education. never come to them.
When schools are prevented from But there are other casualties that
teaching anything of a spiritual nature, are seldom mentioned, casualties
they are thereby disqualified from which should stagger this nation and
teaching sex at all, for in its very na- compel every man who enters the
ture, sex is spiritual and inseparably service to pause and consider their
connected with the creative work of causes and consequences.
God. These casualties are not the flower
We are not animals, to dwell only of America, shot down in defense of
in a physical world. We
are the off- our flag. They are innocent babies
spring of God, learning in this life to born as the offspring of adulterous
become like him. relationships between some of our
soldiers and the women of the Orient.
He decreed that human beings never
Medical men warn of the skyrocket-
shall indulge in sex outside of holy
ing rise of venereal disease in our
matrimony, which he himself insti-
tuted. This is his definition of chastity.
armed forces, and it is certainly some-
thing to fear. But what of the innocent
This is what he requires of every man
children born from illicit relationships?
and every woman.
No one knows exactly how many of
That is why, on the fiery slopes of these children are now living in Viet-
Mt. Sinai, he declared: "Thou shalt nam. The figure may run well beyond
not commit adultery." (Exod. 20:14.) the 50,000 mark. In Japan there are
That is why, in his Sermon on the more than 20,000 mixed-bloods fa-
Mount, the Savior taught that anyone thered by U.S. servicemen. Other
who even looks upon another with thousands of such illegitimates are in
lust has committed adultery in his
Thailand, Korea, and Taiwan.
Nearly all have been abandoned by
Place for sex education their fathers, who sought momentary
they supposed, by cohabiting
thrills, as
Sex education belongs in the home, with Oriental women, not thinking
where parents can teach chastity in a that their own flesh and blood born —
spiritual environment as they reveal —
of these illicit unions would become
the facts of life to their children. There, abandoned orphans, shunned by nearly
in all plainness, the youngsters can be all who see them. In Vietnam these
taught that procreation is part of the unfortunates roam the streets, un-
creative work of God and that, there- wanted, uncared for, begging for a
fore, the act of replenishing the earth living.
must be kept on the high plane of It is said that one in every ten Amer-
personal purity that God provides, free ican soldiers fathers a child by an
from all forms of perversion. Asian woman.
Unskilled parents can learn to teach Who has the right to beget illegiti-

their children properly. In fact, God mate children?

commands it, and who are we to dis- Who has the right to take the virtue
obey? Why do some attempt to super- of an Asian or any other girl, or to
sede the parents instead of teaching lose his own?
them how to fulfill their responsibility? Which American at home or —

abroad has the right to abandon his
Casualties from immorality own flesh and blood and forget that
his illegitimate child ever existed?
Another evidence of the effect of
our declining morals comes from Viet-
Can God bless America?
nam. Each week we count our war Can the God of heaven, who holds
casualties. They
are listed as killed, us all accountable for our sins, over-
wounded, and missing. These reports look this wickedness?
are most sobering, and wring the Of what good are national days of
hearts of loved ones who had hoped prayer if we do not support our prayers

by our good works? Will God able and applies to all, whether we
strengthen the arms of fighting men believe in God or not. Everyone is
who desecrate his most holy laws? Will subject to its penalties, no matter how
he prosper a nation that apparently they may try to ignore them. The wage
condones these illicit practices and of sin is death —even to the unbeliever!
does little more than provide prophy- Immorality is next to murder in
lactics to men who
indulge? God's category of crime, and always
Are these fathers so lacking in natu- brings in its wake both destruction and
ral affection that they are willing to remorse, even to college students who
completely forget and ignore their own carry the pill with a mother's consent.
offspring in a foreign land? This nation was built upon a founda-
We sing, almost tearfully at times, tion of morality and spirituality. It is
"God Bless America." But we are al- just possible that a rejection of these
most constrained to ask: How can he? basic factors may bring about its fall.
The venereal disease rate in our war It was so with Greece and Rome. It
areas is frightening in the extreme. We can happen to us unless we repent.
welcome our boys home as conquer- Every one of us would do well to
ing heroes, but some of them bring remember that the "mills of the Gods
back a plague of venereal disease, grind slowly, but they grind exceed-
which can destroy them. ing small." No one can flout the divine
Venereal disease is a killer. It also law with impunity.
maims, causes heart trouble, insanity, Every right-thinking person should
and blindness. It destroys homes, be willing even to die if necessary in
spreads corruption to innocent wives, defense of virtue, whether that death
and blights the lives of helpless be physical or social.
children. "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
will forever stand as an immutable
God a significant presence law to all human beings. This genera-
Some people justify their immorality tion may rationalize itself into com-
by saying that restrictions against it plete intoxication with sin and proclaim
are merely religious rules that have no to high heaven that it is old-fashioned
meaning any longer because there to be clean, but it will yet wake up to
really isn't any God. the stern reality that God does not
Thoughtful people now recognize the change and that the moral laws are his
existence of Deity more than ever be- and not man's to shift with every
fore. Persons of genuine intellect, the whim.
true researchers, the great philosophers,
and the outstanding educators not only Adultery next to murder
acknowledge him, but they also wor- Adultery is still next to murder in
ship him.
the Lord's category of crime.
It is the selfish element in the world
Homosexuality was made a capital
that no longer accepts Deity. And crime in the Bible.
why? Because they do not want to be
interrupted in their ingrown pursuits
It was the Almighty who decreed
and are so involved in their personal that men and women must cover their
desires, passions, appetites, and lusts
nakedness by wearing proper and
that they have no room left for sacred
modest clothing.
things. Therefore, in their selfishness No amount of rationalizing can
they reject or ignore God. change God's laws. No amount of
To the true realist, God is a signifi- fashion designing can turn immodesty
cant presence who guides the ultimate into virtue, and no amount of popu-
destiny of the world. But let us never larity can change sin into righteousness.
forget that one of his most basic laws Once again we Latter-day Saints af-
concerns morality. firm the reality of the existence of
Moral law irrevocable Jesus Christ. Once again, as his hum-
ble servants, we define his law of
That law is irrevocable and inescap- personal purity, and solemnly declare
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

that sex sin is an abomination in the bases of the Armed Forces throughout
sight of God. the Pacific and heard by radio in
No one on earth can ever cancel the Vietnam.
divine command that says, "Thou shalt We appreciate the attendance here
not commit adultery." of our educators, national and local
To this I humbly testify in the name government officials, Church officials,
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. and all visitors and members who have
attended this service this morning.
We shall conclude this session of the
Following Elder Petersen's address, conference with the Tabernacle Choir
the Tabernacle Choir sang "Rejoice singing "Crossing the Bar."
the Lord Is King." Following the singing the benedic-
tion will be pronounced by Elder
Robert Christian Seamons, president
of the Glendale Stake, and the confer-
ence will stand adjourned until 2:00
President N. Eldon Tanner
this afternoon.

We are indeed grateful for the

warm response of the managers and
operators of over 250 television and The Tabernacle Choir sang "Cross-
radio stations in offering their facili- ing the Bar."
ties as a public service to make the The benediction was given by Presi-
proceedings of this conference avail- dent Robert C. Seamons of the Glen-
able to millions throughout many areas dale Stake.
of the world.
Through special arrangements of the
Armed Forces radio and television net- The conference was adjourned until
work, this session is being televised to 2 o'clock p.m.


FOURTH SESSION ment. He has asked me to conduct

these services, and to extend his warm-
est greetings to all present here, and
Conference reconvened at 2 p.m.
Saturday, April 5, with President Alvin to all those who are listening in.

R. Dyer, counselor in the First Presi- For the information of our television
dency, conducting the services. and radio audience, we are pleased to
The singing for this session was fur- announce that we are assembled in the
nished by the Primary Children's historic Tabernacle on Temple Square
Chorus, consisting of 402 children from in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the fourth
402 wards in 47 stakes of the Church. session of the 139th Annual Conference
Judith Wirthlin Parker conducted the of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
chorus. Elder Roy M. Darley was at ter-day Saints.
the organ. This morning's session, in addition
President Dyer made the following to being broadcast direct, was video-
introductory remarks: taped for release to many television
stations tomorrow morning in the east-
President Alvin R. Dyer ern and central parts of the United
President McKay is viewing these The sessions of this conference are
services by television from his apart- being televised, and will be received by

many people in color in the United President Duane A. Frandsen of the

States and Canada over most stations Carbon Stake offered the opening
cooperating to provide the extensive prayer.
coverage of this conference.
Both of the sessions today will be re-
broadcast over KSL Radio, KIRO Radio President Alvin R. Dyer
at Seattle, KMBZ at Kansas City, Mis-
souri, and WRFM Radio at New York The invocation was just offered by
City, Sunday morning starting at mid- Elder Duane A. Frandsen, president of
night. the Carbon Stake.
The singing for this afternoon's ses- The Primary Children's Chorus will
sion will be furnished by the Primary now favor us with a medley of chil-
Children's Chorus, consisting of 402 "To Think About Jesus,"
dren's songs:
children from 402 wards of 47 Stakes "The Sacred Grove," "The Priesthood
of the Church. Judith Wirthlin Parker Is Restored," and "I Know My Father
will conduct the chorus, and Roy M. Lives."
Darley is at the organ.
We are very pleased to have this
Children's Chorus from so many stakes
present and participating in these The Primary Children's Chorus sang
services. We
realize the energy and a medley of children's songs.
efforts that have been put forth by the
parents and teachers alike in order to
train and prepare these fine children
to come here and inspire us with their
presence and sweet singing. We
wel- President Dyer
come you children and teachers with
heartfelt appreciation. Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the
We shall begin this service by the Conference, will read for your informa-
Primary Children's Chorus singing, tion some important statistical data
"Come, Ye Children, Sweetly Singing," concerning the Church. Following this,
following which the invocation will be Elder Wilford G. Edling will read a
offered by Elder Duane A. Frandsen, statement by the Church Finance Com-
president of the Carbon Stake. mittee. And then President Hugh B.
Brown of the First Presidency will pre-
sent the General Authorities, General
The Primary Children's Chorus sang Officers, and General Auxiliary Offi-
the number, "Come, Ye Children, cers of the Church for the sustaining
Sweetly Singing." vote of this General Conference.


For the information of the members of the Church, the First Presidency
has issued the following statistical report concerning the membership of the
Church at the end of the year 1968:


Number of Stakes of Zion at close of 1968 473

Number of Wards 3,721
Number of Independent Branches in Stakes 664
Total Wards and Independent Branches in Stakes at close of year 4,385
Number of Mission Branches at close of year 2,112
Number of Full-time Missions at end of year 83
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

Church Membership, December 31, 1968:

In the Stakes 2,207,976

In the Missions 476,097
Total Membership 2,684,073

Church Growth During 1968:

Children Blessed in Stakes and Missions 57,992

Children of Record Baptized in Stakes and Missions 53,482
Converts Baptized in Stakes and Missions 64,021

Social Statistics:

(Based on 1968 Data from the Stakes)

Birth Rate per thousand 27.49

Number of Persons Married per thousand 16.98
Death Rate per thousand 5.17


Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1968

Deacons 122,955
Teachers .... 87,690
Priests 128,851
Total number holding Aaronic Priesthood 339,496

Members holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, December 31, 1968

Elders 223,571
Seventies 23,208
High Priests 74,615
Total number holding Melchizedek Priesthood 321,394
Grand Total, members holding Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood 660,890
An increase of 26,850 during the year

Auxiliary Organizations:

Relief Society (Membership) 311,871

Deseret Sunday School Union (average attendance) 878,901
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 323,745
Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 337,819
Primary (children enrolled) 460,975

Welfare Plan:

Number of persons assisted during the year 113,138

Number placed in remunerative employment 7,158
Man-days of work donated to the Welfare Plan 220,837
Unit-days of equipment use donated 5,631

Genealogical Society:

Names cleared in 1968 for temple ordinances 1,426,862

Genealogical Records microfilmed in 14 countries during the year brought
the total to 745,272 one hundred foot rolls of microfilm for use of the
Church which are the equivalent of over 3,200,000 printed volumes of
300 pages each.


Number of ordinances performed during 1968 in the 13 operating temples:

For the living 54,895

For the dead 6,218,750
Total number of ordinances 6,273,645

Church School Systems:

Total 1968 cumulative enrollments in Church Schools, including

Institutes and Seminaries 215,602

Those Who Have Passed Away

Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

Elder Stanford Groesbeck Smith Regional Representative of the Twelve
Elder Orval W. Adams member
of the Church Finance Committee,
and prominent Utah banker and business man
Martha Gee Smith widow of the late Hyrum G. Smith,
presiding patriarch to the Church
Valeria Brinton Young widow of the late Levi Edgar Young
of the First Council of Seventy

Church Finance Committee Report Tithes comprised of the First Presi-

dency, the Council of the Twelve, and
Elder Wilford G. Edling read the the Presiding Bishopric, and the appro-
following statement by the Church priations are made by the Committee
Finance Committee: on Expenditures comprised of the First
Presidency, members of the Council of
March 15, 1969 the Twelve, and the Presiding Bish-
The First Presidency opric.
47 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah A
regular audit of the financial rec-
ords of the Church is conducted by the
Dear Brethren: Church Auditing Department, which
iscompletely independent of all other
We have reviewed the report of the departments. Businesses owned or con-
financial operations of the Corporation trolled by the Church, for which ac-
of the President of The Church of Jesus counts are not maintained in the
Christ of Latter-day Saints, together Financial Department, are audited by
with auxiliaries and other organizations professional auditing firms.
for which accounts are maintained in Based upon our review of the finan-
the Financial Department of the cial reports of the Corporation of the
Church for the fiscal year ended President of The Church of Jesus
August 31, 1968. Attention was given Christ of Latter-day Saints and ex-
particularly to the accounting and planations made by the personnel of
auditing procedures followed as to the Financial and Auditing Depart-
funds received and to the manner in ments of the Church, we are of the
which expenditures are controlled. We opinion that the expenditures of funds
have determined that the expenditures during the fiscal year ended August 31,
of such funds are authorized by the 1968 were made in accordance with the
First Presidency and by budgetary pro- established procedures outlined herein.
cedures. The budget is authorized by Though there was an alleged misap-
the Council on Disposition of the propriation of substantial funds by a
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

single employee, the integrity of the GENERAL AUTHORITIES AND

other employees of the Church Finan- GENERAL OFFICERS SUSTAINED
cial Department is not in question.
President Hugh B. Brown presented
Respectfully submitted,
the General Authorities and General
CHURCH FINANCE Officers of the Church, and they were
COMMITTEE sustained as follows:

Wilford G. Edling
Harold H. Bennett President Hugh B. Brown
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton It is proposed that we sustain the
O. Leslie Stone following:

The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Hugh B. Brown, First Counselor in the First Presidency
Nathan Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Counselors in the First Presidency

Joseph Fielding Smith

Thorpe B. Isaacson
Alvin R. Dyer

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney

Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter
Mark E. Petersen Gordon B. Hinckley
Delbert L. Stapley Thomas S. Monson

Patriarch to the Church

Eldred G. Smith

TheCounselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patri-
arch to the Church as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne Theodore M. Burton
EIRay L. Christiansen Boyd K. Packer
John Longden Bernard P. Brockbank
Sterling W. Sill James A. Cullimore
Henry D. Taylor Marion D. Hanks
Franklin D. Richards


David O. McKay

as Trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The First Council of the Seventy

Seymour Dilworth Young Paul H. Dunn

Milton R. Hunter Hartman Rector, Jr.
Bruce R. McConkie Loren C. Dunn
Albert Theodore Tuttle

The Presiding Bishopric

John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop

Robert L. Simpson, First Counselor
Victor L. Brown, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund and Earl E. Olson as Assistants

Priesthood Welfare Committee

John H. Vandenberg, Chairman

Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director

Priesthood Home Teaching Committee

Marion G. Romney, Chairman

John H. Vandenberg, Vice Chairman
Boyd K. Packer, Managing Director

Priesthood Missionary Committee

Spencer W. Kimball, Chairman of Executive Committee

Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson, Vice Chairman
Bruce R. McConkie, Managing Director

Priesthood Genealogical Committee

Howard W. Hunter, Chairman

Theodore M. Burton, Managing Director

Church Board of Education

David O. McKay Mark E. Petersen

Hugh B. Brown Delbert L. Stapley
Nathan Eldon Tanner Marion G. Romney
Joseph Fielding Smith LeGrand Richards
Thorpe B. Isaacson Richard L. Evans
Alvin R. Dyer Howard W. Hunter
Harold B. Lee Gordon B. Hinckley
Spencer W. Kimball Thomas S. Monson
Ezra Taft Benson Boyd K. Packer
Second Day

Marion D. Hanks John H. Vandenberg

Albert Theodore Tuttle Belle S. Spafford
Paul H. Dunn

Church Finance Committee

Wilford G. Edling
Harold H. Bennett
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton
O. Leslie Stone

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt


Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

David Lawrence McKay, General Superintendent

Lynn S. Richards, First Assistant Superintendent
Royden G. Derrick, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

G. Carlos Smith, Jr., General Superintendent

Marvin J. Ashton, First Assistant Superintendent
George Richard Hill, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President

Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Porter Holt, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association

LaVern Watts Parmley, President

Leone Watson Doxey, First Counselor
Lucile Cardon Reading, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.


Tabernacle Choir
Isaac M. Stewart, President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor

Tabernacle Organists
Alexander Schreiner, Chief Organist
Robert N. Cundick
Roy M. Darley
Frank W. Asper, Organist Emeritus

President Hugh B. Brown sisters, the sustaining vote of the con-

The voting is unanimous in the
Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
cil of the Twelve will be our first
speaker this afternoon, and he will be
President Alvin R. Dyer
followed by Elder S. Dilworth Young
We acknowledge, my brethren and of the First Council of Seventy.


Of the Council '
the Twelve

The hallowed singing of these "Whosoever therefore shall humble

children's voices suggests the words of himself as this little child, the same
another song: is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

"But whoso shall offend one of these

"I think, when I read that sweet story little ones which believe in me, it were
of old, better for him that a millstone were
When Jesus was here among men, hanged about his neck, and that he
How he called little children like were drowned in the depth of the sea.
lambs to His fold, "Woe unto the world because of
I should like to have been with Him offencesl for it must needs be that
then. offences come; but woe to that man by
whom the offence cometh!" (Matt.
"I wish that His hands had been 18:2-4, 6-7.)
placed on my head,
That his arms had been thrown around Responsibility for teaching children
The innocence with which children
That I might have seen, His kind look
come into the world is one of the awe-
when He said,
some responsibilities of all who, in any
'Let the little ones come unto Me.' way, influence their lives. And to see

Jemima Luke
such unstained innocence neglected or
With our minds turned to our abused, or exposed to evil or unwhole-
Savior, one of his most sobering say- some influence, or warped by bad
ings comes to mind: example, or by false teaching or by —
"And Jesus called a little child unto failure to teach —
is a sobering concern.

him, and set him in the midst of them, There are many who have responsi-
"And said, Verily I say unto you, bility for teaching children: parents,
Except ye be converted, and become as teachers, friends, anyone who in any
little children, ye shall not enter into way enters their lives, including the
the kingdom of heaven. makers and promoters of products, of

Saturday, April 5 Second Day

policies; creators of entertainment, committed to the principle of not mak-
the whole community, publicly and ing evil profitable. The more profit-
privately. And children in their inno- able it is, the more evil will be offered.
cence have a right to be protected from One might well wonder about the
exploitation and from evil influence. term "adult entertainment." Could it
As to teachers, the following is cited be that something unclean or immoral
from a significant source: "The per- which is not fit for children is whole-
sonal influence of the teacher, in mold- some for adults? Is "adult evil" ac-
ing the character of the pupils, is the ceptable? How
consistent is it to have
most important element in their educa- a double standard?
tion. ... In morals, a teacher cannot Or how would anyone be so short-
teach what he is not. If he talks what sighted to partake of that which
he is not, it were better not said, for would impair his physical or mental or
his life talks more forcibly and is sooner spiritual capacity, and say to himself,
believed, both by children and adults." "It's not good for children, but it's all
(W. M. Welch, How to Organize, right for me"?
Classify and Teach a Country School.) If the content of a magazine encour-
Always we must remember that the ages loose morals and low-mindedness
teacher teaches himself. As Henry and permissive, degrading attitudes and
Adams said it: "A teacher affects eter- practices, should we buy it? Should we
nity;he can never tell where his read it? Should we have it around the
influence stops."(The Education of home?
Henry Adams, ch. 20.) If a book is filthy, should we buy it?
People who speak of their private Should we read it? ". books," said. .

lives as a thing apart from their pro- Thomas Carlyle, "are like men's souls."
fessions would well remember this (Inaugural Address, Edinburgh, 1866.)
sentence from Stanford University's Dr. Should we keep a television or radio
David Starr Jordan: "There is no real presentation exposed to viewing or lis-
excellence in all this world," he said, tening if it is one of crudeness or
"which can be separated from right brutish violence or indecent suggestion
living." (The University and the Com- —or even if it is simply trashy or
mon Man.) trivial?
"Unless virtue guide us," said Wil-
Patronizing the cheap or trashy side liam Penn, ". our choice must be
. .

Nowa comment on another question wrong." (Some Fruits of Solitude:

that concerns the whole community: It Temporal Happiness.)
would be well if young people, parents, The commandments of God have not
and all others who are concerned with been repealed. The laws of cause and
decency would not patronize anything consequence are still in force.
that tends to lower people's lives or lead
their minds down to the cheap or
Honest and wise men needed
trashy or harmful or suggestive side. The creators of community influence
Quite apart from the personal effect and environment and example which —
on the one who partakes of a harmful is all of us —would well remember the
product, or who witnesses an immoral words of our Savior concerning whoso-
or suggestive or obscene picture or play ever "shall offend one of these little
(through whatever medium it may be ones" —
or older ones or whosoever —
presented), we well would remember devotes his life to the production or
that whenever we patronize an immoral promotion or support of mind-corrod-
or unclean performance, or use a harm- ing, soul-destroying evil in any of its
ful or unwholesome product, we are forms.
helping to make evil profitable. What- "Liberty," said Horace Greeley, "can-
ever other motives there may be, im- not be established without morality,
moral entertainment or unwholesome nor morality without faith."
products are produced to make money. ". honest men and wise men
. .

And as a people, as parents, as citizens should be sought for diligently, and

of a; great, beloved land, we ought to be good men and wise men ye should ob-


serve to uphold . .
." (D&C 98:10) Within the week I have read this
and this would seem to suggest that comment from a neighboring country:
qualified and able and courageous "It is not the policeman's responsibility
people should prepare themselves and ... to substitute for the family. Respect
make themselves available for public for law, . begins with respect for
. .

and civic service, and not be indifferent parents respect for the rights and
. . .

or complacent or resigned to sitting privacy of brothers and sisters and of

on the sidelines. Even at personal playmates." (The Royal Bank of Can-
sacrifice there ought to be a sufficient ada Monthly Letter, January and
number who will make themselves March, 1969.)
available for public service.
World no better than its homes
Obligations of parents
"Law itself," said Samuel Smiles,
Now what our obligations as
of "is but the reflex of homes."
parents? We cannot safely leave the
This world will be no better than its
teaching and molding of our children
homes. This country, this community,
to chance. We
cannot altogether count
this Church, will be no better than the
on others to teach our children. The
strength and effectiveness of our homes
first responsibility is ours. We must and families.
build our own internal strength.
Example and love and sheer goodness
There is more and more evidence
of life do more for childrenthan can
that the basic attitudes and capacity
be calculated.
and character of children are molded at
a very early age. "No curious scientist," The integrity and effectiveness and
said an eminent authority, "ever had affection of the home and family are
as great curiosity as a youngster from
eighteen months to three years of age," In a well-known work, Dostoevsky
all of which confirms the importance had this to say: "The soul is healed
of implanting the truths of life early by being with children."
and always. Healed, yes and also searched. Per- —
"My life is my message," said haps we are never more open to
Mahatma Gandhi. It is so with each penetrating scrutiny than when the
of us. The impressions of what we are eyes of a child are upon us. And so
and do and feel and believe and live often we underestimate their under-
and teach are carried over to our standing. Children have a way of
children. seeing inside. And our teaching must
be more than talking. "[Boys] know
If we depart from principles, may
truth from counterfeit as quick as the
we reasonably expect our children not
chemist does," said Emerson. "They
to depart?
detect weakness in your eye and be-
Many a parent who has criticized havior before you open your
. . .

sacred things or principles he should ." (Emerson, Compensation.)

mouth. . .

support wonders why his children later

depart further from principles. Innocence of children
Those who follow bad examples
don't always know where to stop, and Don't try to hide your heart from a
parents who indulge themselves "in child. They come here clean and sweet
moderation" may have children who and teachable, from the Father of us
indulge themselves to excess. all. Innocent they come, and innocent
they are, until environment or example
There should be no double standard.
is otherwise.
Constantly others are learning from us,
feeling from us, reasoning their course One can scarcely conceive of corrup-
of conduct from our course of conduct. tion or cruelty to children.
And if we get a little over the line, "The child's grief throbs against its
our children, our young people, may littleheart as heavily as the man's
get a long way over the line. sorrow," said Edwin Chapin.

Saturday, April 5 Second Day

"I these little people," said

love Learn and live gospel
Charles Dickens, "and it is not a slight
Parents, learn the gospel; live it. Be
thing, when they, who are so fresh
a living sermon in the home. Take time
from God, love us."
"Be ever gentle with the children
for your children. What better can
you take time for?
God has given you," pleaded Elihu "... I have commanded you to bring
Burritt. "Watch over them constantly;
up your children in light and truth."
reprove them earnestly, but not in
(D&C 93:40.)
Let every parent, every teacher and —
"The first duty to children is to

make them happy. If you have not
all of us —
teach truly so that no one
whom we should have taught can ever,
made them so, you have wronged here or hereafter, accusingly say, "Why
them. —No other good they may get can didn't you teach me? Why
didn't you
make up for that." (Charles Buxton, tell me?"
English author.)
To quote a sentence from Arnold "They are idols of hearts and of house-
Glasow: "The best thing to spend on

children is your time." They are angels of God in disguise;
The sunlight still sleeps in their tresses,
Weneed more mothers at home
His glory still gleams in their eyes;
and fathers. We
need more faithful
These truants from home and from
observance of home evenings more — Heaven,
unity and faithfulness in marriage, and
They have made me more manly and
devotion to duty, and happiness at
home. And I know now how Jesus could liken
need to feed the minds of our The kingdom of God to a child."
when they are most receptive.
need to give them happy, whole-
—Charles M. Dickinson, The Children
some memories. May heaven help us to help all
own and others, world-
children, our
Sometimes when you have said
wide, to be loved, to be fed, to be
something to a child you didn't intend
taught, to be close to our hearts, and
to say, or were more severe than the
to be uncorrupted, unoffended, to have
situation called for, have you ever gone
happiness and faith and hope.
back and looked at that same youngster In the wonderful words of Alma:
when he was asleep, and felt terribly ". . . may the peace of God rest upon
humble and terribly small? And, with you, and upon your houses and lands,
a little extra moisture in your eyes, have and upon your flocks and herds, and
you ever uttered a fervent prayer that all that you possess, your women and
you would be the kind of parent you your children, according to your faith
ought to be? and good works, from this time forth
O how sweetly, how often we have and forever." (Al. 7:27.)
heard them sing: I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
"Iam a child of God,
And He has sent me here, President Alvin R. Dyer
Has given me an earthly home
Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
With parents kind and dear.
cil of the Twelve has just spoken to us.

"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, We shall now hear from Elder S.
Help me find the way. Dilworth Young of the First Council
Teach me all that I must do of Seventy. He will be followed by
To live with Him some-day." Elder Eldred G. Smith Patriarch to the
—Naomi W. Randall Church.


Of the First Cou :il of the Seventy

Many years ago in our town we were spectacle of the skies and realizes its
given by a generous man a four-inch perfect order cannot fail to know that
reflector telescope for the boys of our it must be controlled by an intelligence
community. The first night we tried it greater than he can imagine.
out we managed to focus on the moon. And this brings one to the worship
In a sense it was a new revelation to of the Father of us all and his Son,
see the moon in three dimensions. But the Lord Jesus Christ. We
do not
the emotional thrill we experienced as know the means by which the worlds
we gazed on the physical features of are brought into being, live out their
the satellite was as nothing compared destiny, and are destroyed, although
to the effect on us when we were able there are theories about it. But that
to focus on Jupiter. There, hanging in they are created and controlled by the
the heavens, was the planet about the power of faith and priesthood is amply
size of a baseball, and there, too, were stated by the revealed word of God.
four smaller Jupiters about the size of Hear the witness of their Creator, for
marbles. They resembled the celestial it is God who speaks:

exhibit in our school laboratory, except "And by the word of my power, have
that they looked real —
and they were I created them, which is mine Only
real. There they were rushing through Begotten Son, who is full of grace and
empty space at immense speed, but truth.
always falling in a circle around the "And worlds without number have
sun. I created;and I also created them for
mine own purpose; and by the Son I
The meaning of space
created them, which is mine Only Be-
Space? We do not grasp meaning!its gotten." (Moses 1:32-33.)
Endless? We do not conceive what it
means, either. Jesus Christ, the Creator
By the Spirit of Christ, which is
The Lord Jesus Christ was not only
available to all men, imaginative men
the Redeemer but also the Creator.
have had inspiration given them to
Paul understood this, for he said:
theorize, to measure, to reach out, to
"For by him were all things created,
prove, to move on, until they have
that are in heaven, and that are in
reached so far out into space that it is
earth, visible and invisible, whether
difficult to describe what has been
they be thrones, or dominions, or
discovered by words that convey mean-
principalities, or powers: all things
ing to us. They have found that light
were created by him, and for him:
from a distant cluster of stars traveling
at the rate of 186,000 miles per second
"And he is before all things, and by
takes thousands of light years to reach
him all things consist." (Col. 1:16-17.)
us. Wecannot conceive of that, even
The Lord himself declared it to the
ancient Nephites:
though we can understand the mathe-
matical formula it represents on paper. "Behold, I am
Jesus Christ the Son
Then, just as we read that the limits of God. I created the heavens and the
may have been reached, it is learned earth, and all things that in them are.
that there are uncountable island I was with the Father from the begin-

universes not just stars, but whole ning. I am in the Father, and the

universes still farther away, their di- Father in me; and in me hath the
Father glorified his name." (3 Ne.
ameters thousands of millions of miles
across, yet so distant that they are but 9:15.)
points of light in the telescope. With awe we contemplate the per-
fection of this Firstborn of God, his
A controlling intelligence power, his glory. Ours is more than the
Anyone who contemplates this mighty simple act of worship as an end. We
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

testify that his purpose and mission are to plumb the milky way; he needs to
to make it possible for us to come into support the organized Church and its
his presence, be like him, and share priesthood. He does not need to analyze
his honor and his glory forever. He an island universe; he needs to love
said, ". . this is
. my
work and my the Lord his God with all his might,

glory to bring to pass the immortality mind, and strength, and seek to learn
and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.) his ways.
In a word, he needs to repent of his
Offer of eternal lives sins, his evil acts, and live as a son of

An earthly father shows his love for God would live, putting first in his
life the first and second command-
his children by giving them all the
ments, which have to do with loving
earthly advantage within his power.
one's fellows, and especially the Lord.
How much greater is the love of the
Christ, who becomes our Father by our
Love of Christ
acceptance of his offer to us not only
of earthly development but also of I to President George F.
salvation, exaltation, and eternal lives. Richards [of the Council of the
In the gospel of Christ he offers us the Twelve] one time as he told of a
opportunity to become not just gazers dream. the dream he saw the
into the wonders of the heavens, but Savior. There came to him at the
creators of them. We
sing unto heaven moment of that seeing such a feeling
paeans of joy for our opportunity. The of love, he could not describe it. It
plan is very simple and very grand: overpowered him, and he said that he
1. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as made up his mind that if that was love
our Savior and believe on his holy of Christ, he was going to do all he
name and repent of our sins. could to keep it all his life and through
2. Accept the ordinance of baptism, all eternity. We need to love the
at the hands of the priesthood of God, Lord too.
as a covenant with him. Baptism is
symbolic of his death and resurrection. Eternal family relationships
3. Receive the gift of the Holy
Ghost by those he has authorized to
Avital requirement, often over-
looked, is that a man be sealed in
give it.
eternal marriage to a woman who has
4. Receive and honor the holy
the same desire as does he to be exalted.
5. Keep his simple commandments. They then live together in love, prac-
ticing in the home with the children,

Relationship with fellowmen and with each other, the love, charity,
long-suffering, kindness, virtues, and
Most of these commandments are actions of eternal beings who expect to
guides our relationship with our
to become sons of God. Theirs is not just
fellowmen. One does not need to look an earthly paradise, but it is truly the
at the stars with mathematical mind beginning of exalted eternal life.
to become a son of God and to partici- You and I will not win the mansions
pate in these great creations; he needs of our Father by waiting until after
to be kind to his neighbor. He does we leave this life, but rather each
not need to visit the moon; he needs degree of glory is anchored to our ac-
to tell the truth, be honest, and be tions on the earth. Eternal life begins
honorable. He does not need to fly when a couple is sealed in marriage
to Venus in a spacecraft; he needs to by the Lord's authority. In their lives
visit the widow and orphan in their together they are given a taste of eter-
affliction (as James pointed out). He nal life — or, if they ignore righteous
does not need to count the rings of principles, a taste of the hell which
Saturn; he needs to honor his father can await them if they do not strive
and his mother, render them obedience to practice the principles of eternal
in his youth, and respect and succor life here.
in their old age. He does not need Remarkably, when these acts are

accepted as a course of action by any- conquer eternal physics, eternal chem-

one, new life comes into him. He has istry, eternal biology, and all eternal
peace in his heart and gladness in his arts to give eternal science beauty.
soul, while the sweet whispering of the But our Lord and Master will guide the
Spirit gives him a taste of what is in teaching, and the truth will be the
store for him. text.

When will he reach the goal? Not No wonder that we bow in worship-
in this although he may have a
life, ful praiseand adoration! No wonder
foretaste of its magnitude in this life. that the name of Jesus Christ is used
But he lays the foundation of character only in adoration and love!
and love in this life upon which his All glory to the Lord God. He re-
eternal being is constructed. He is vealed himself to Joseph Smith and
watched by the angels. His record of pointed the way, giving to Joseph the
accomplishment toward the goal is keys of the kingdom in this the dis-
recorded, and his reward is sure. pensation of the fulness of times. With
those keys operative today, through
Obedience to first principles President David O. McKay, we may
enter at the strait gate which leadeth
It is wondrous to know that the most
magnificent of God's creations may be
to life eternal, and may become among

duplicated not by technical knowl-
the few who find it. I bear witness
with words of soberness to the truth
edge gained here, although this may be
of our eternal destiny in the kingdom
of help, but by such simple acts as
of heaven. I pray we may be alert to
being kind to and honest with all
and worthy of these blessings, in the
people. By obeying the first princi-
ples and ordinances, one places him-
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
self in harmony with eternal teachings
that will lead him to the presence of President Alvin R. Dyer
the Creator, and from him he will
learn to take part in the acts of creation. Elder S. Dilworth Young of the First
We understand that these wondrous Council of Seventy has just addressed
accomplishments will not come with- us.

out work. We know we must learn We shall now hear from Elder
all we can of the truth of things in Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to the
this life, and that we shall have to Church.


Patriarch to the Church

As we celebrate this Easter season, Parable of the sower

we remember the promise of the Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ: The Savior, speaking in parable, told
the story of the sower: how some seeds
"... I am the resurrection, and the fell by the wayside, some upon stony
life: he that believeth in me, though
places, some among thorns. Then he
he were dead, yet shall he live." (John told of the seed that fell into "good
11:25.) ground, and brought forth fruit, some
With the assurance of this great an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some
promise, obedience to eternal law thirtyfold." (Matt. 13:8.)
should be a joy, not a burden, and give ". . . his disciples asked him, saying,
each the incentive to not just be pas- What might this parable be?" (Luke
sive members of the Church but to be 8:9.)
diligent in trying to further advance He answered, saying: "Hear ye there-
his kingdom on the earth. fore the parable of the sower." (Matt.
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

13:18.) He
then told of the seed that ings? Are you working toward that
fell by the wayside and in stony places end? What is producing?

and among the thorns. In each case,

all became unproductive. Becoming productive
"But he that received seed into the
Producing means, first, preparing
good ground," said he, "is he that
yourself, then helping someone else.
heareth the word, and understandeth it;
which also beareth fruit, and bringeth
You cannot wait until you are perfect
before you teach or assist someone
forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty,
else, but should pass on to others all
some thirty." (Matt. 13:23.)
you receive, as you receive it. This
We frequently refer to this parable
is how we fulfill the advice of Presi-
in reference to missionary work. The
dent David O. McKay when he said,
gospel is preached to many, and to
"Every member a missionary." Live so
each the same is taught. The seed is
your life reflects the blessings of the

the same the same quality, the same
gospel. Obedience to eternal law is

strength, same value yet some persons
to produce, to serve, to work.
accept quickly, some more slowly, some
In another parable, the Savior gives
not at all. Some fall away and leave
us the answer to how we bear fruit
the Church, as the parable declares.
and become productive.
Some remain steadfast to the truth. "When the Son of man shall come
Then the Lord describes those who in his glory, and all the holy angels
are as the seed sown in good ground.
with him, then shall he sit upon the
Speaking of these he said some bear
throne of his glory:
fruit or produce an hundredfold, some
"And before him shall be gathered
sixty, some thirty.
all nations: and he shall separate
them one from another, as a shepherd
Membership alone not enough
divideth his sheep from the goats:
This means, then, that mere mem- "And he shall set the sheep on his
bership alone is not enough no, not — right hand, but the goats on the left.
even you have a testimony of the
if "Then shall the King say unto them
divinity of the gospel —
if you are not on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of
producing or bearing fruit. Speaking my Father, inherit the kingdom pre-
of those who receive the word, which pared for you from the foundation of
means those who are members of the the world:
Church, some produced one hundred- "For I was an hungred, and ye gave
fold, some sixty, some thirty. In me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave
which category are you? Where do you me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took
find yourself? Are you producing? To me in:
what degree are you producing? What "Naked, and ye clothed me: I was
does it mean to produce? and ye visited me: I was in prison,

Are you doing anything to teach and ye came unto me.

someone else the gospel, if this is "Then shall the righteous answer
where your abilities and opportunities him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee
lie, or are your abilities and opportuni-
an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty,
ties elsewhere? Are you doing your and gave thee drink?
share in family research, temple work, "When saw we thee a stranger, and
teaching a class, or some other activity? took thee in? or naked, and clothed
Are you doing something to be of thee?
service to someone else? Are you one "Or when saw we thee sick, or in
who is tottering on the fence, staying prison, and came unto thee?
away from church activities, not grow- "And the King shall answer and say
ing in spirituality? unto them, Verily I say unto you, In-
Have you become stagnant in priest- asmuch as ye have done it unto one of
hood advancement? Are you an adult the least of these my brethren, ye have
but have not yet received the Mel- done it unto me." (Matt. 25:31-40.)
chizedek Priesthood or temple bless- Here the Lord has mentioned the

necessities of —food,
life shelter, and "Do you think you can?" asked the
clothing. Then he said to visit the motorman.
sick or the imprisoned. This means to "I'd like to try," the young man said.
give comfort and encouragement to Hetook the steel bar off the hooks
those who are less fortunate. He does on the side of the car, blocked it against
not necessarily mean to use the dole, the wheel, gave directions, and in just
but to help others to obtain the bene- a minute the wheels dropped into the
fits of life, help others to enjoy life. track with a thud. The young man
hung the bar back on the car, and the
Serving each other happy motorman was again on his
Jesus gave his life for us. He took way.
upon himself the burden of all the The poet and song writer Harry
sins of all mankind who will accept Robert Wilson has expressed the
him and do his will, who will pro- thought so beautifully.
duce, to build up his kingdom upon
the earth. "Lord, make me an instrument of thy
He has asked us to serve each other, peace.
to help each other, to do good to each Where there is me sow love;
hatred, let
other. As one of our hymns suggests: Where there is doubt, let me sow faith;
Where there is despair, let me sow
"Have I done any good in the world
Have I helped any one in need? Where there is darkness, let me sow
Have I cheered up the sad, and made light;
someone feel glad? Where there is sadness, letme sow joy!
If not, I have failed indeed. O divine Master, grant that I may not
Has any one's burden been lighter to- so much seek
day, To be consoled as to console,
Because I was willing to share? To be understood as to understand,
Have the sick and the weary been
helped on their way?
To be loved as to love.
When they needed my help was I
For it is in giving that we receive;
there?" It is in pardoning that we are par-
(Hymns, No. 58.) doned;
There are many unexpected ways to And it is in dying that we are born to
serve, in addition to that of church eternal life."
May we all receive the word of the
Example of service gospel of Jesus Christ, and bear fruit
one hundredfold, and sow seeds of joy,
A young man driving down the happiness, and eternal life, I pray in
street one early morning saw several the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
streetcars lined up one behind the
other. The motormen were all gath-
ered together by the front car. He President Alvin R. Dyer
stopped and went over to see what was
happening. He saw that one streetcar The congregation and chorus will
was off the track, and the motormen now join in singing the first and last
were trying to put it on again. stanzas of "Come, Come, Ye Saints."
Finally they gave up, and each went After the
singing, Elder Milton R.
to his own car and went back the Hunter of the First Council of Seventy
other direction around the loop, back will speak to us.
to town, leaving the one motorman in
his car, all alone, just to wait for help.
The young man sized up the situa-
The congregation and chorus sang
tion,then asked the motorman if he the hymn, "Come, Come, Ye Saints."
might try to put the car back on the
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

President Alvin R. Dyer

us. He will be followed by Elder
Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First Robert L. Simpson, first counselor in
Council of Seventy will now speak to the Presiding Bishopric.


Of the First Cou :il of the Seventy

The Lord spoke from heaven to tion from the Savior, Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery 140 established the Church and officially
years ago and said: named it the Church of Jesus Christ.
"A great and marvelous work is about This church was endowed with power
to come forth unto the children of from God to carry forth the work of
men. . . . the Master and build a kingdom to
"Behold, am Jesus Christ,
I the Son which the Savior will eventually come
of God." (D&C 6:1, 21.) to reign.

A great and marvelous work The Book of Mormon

And then he commissioned Oliver Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, began mak-
Cowdery to assist Joseph Smith in ing preparations 2,500 years ago for this
Book of Mormon. This
translating the "great and marvelous work" in the
book was designed to play a prominent latter days by initiating a project
role in this "great and marvelous to produce a holy scripture to testify to
work." his divinity. Also, the scripture was
Jesus Christ had already chosen destined to play a prominent role in
Joseph Smith to be his prophet, seer, helping to give the gospel of Jesus
and revelator, and had announced that Christ to the honest in heart and bring
his gospel would be restored from them into his Church in the latter
heaven through that prophet, and also days. This holy scripture is known as
that he had been selected to establish the Book of Mormon. Therefore, the
the true Church of Jesus Christ upon Book of Mormon is the voice of God to
earth once again. Accompanied by God our generation.
the Father, the Savior had appeared No holy scripture in the world is
to that prophet in what is known as unique in as many ways as is the
"The First Vision." Book of Mormon.
"great and marvelous work"
This First, Jesus Christ initiated its writ-
that Jesus Christ declared to Joseph ing and through numerous revelations
Smith and Oliver Cowdery was about supervised its production, which is
to come forth among the children of unique.
men was the "restitution of all things, Second, as early as 600 b.c. the Mas-
which God hath spoken by the mouth ter proclaimed that this record would
of all his holy prophets since the play a unique role in the latter days
world began" (Acts 3:21), with all the in testifying that he was the Christ,
gifts, powers, and priesthoods, and the Savior of the world, thereby sus-
gospel ordinances requisite for the taining the testimony of the Jews, the
exaltation of the human family pos- Holy Bible.
sessed by any and all former gospel Third, through 1,000 years' time the
dispensations. This was to be the last prophets who wrote the book did so
dispensation, the dispensation of the under the divine guidance of our
fulness of times. Savior.
Accordingly, numerous ancient Fourth, acting in accordance with
prophets brought to Joseph Smith the revelation from Jesus Christ, the last
priesthoods, keys, and powers of their —
two Nephite prophets Mormon and
dispensations. Through direct revela- —
Moroni abridged the ancient records,

making them suitable for use in our mony Three Witnesses." The
day. We
know of no other similar oc- ancient American prophets had pre-
currence in history; hence, unique. dicted that through the power of the
Fifth, the Book of Mormon is unique Lord the plates would be shown to
in its being translated from records of three others besides the prophet to
which an angel was the custodian for whom the records would be given
1,400 years before they were brought for the purpose of their bearing wit-
forth in a book. ness. Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer,
Sixth, the Book of Mormon stands and Martin Harris asked for that
alone in being the only book known privilege.
to have been translated from ancient
records delivered to an unlearned The Three Witnesses
young man by an angel. In June 1829, Jesus Christ spoke from
Seventh, the feat of translating the heaven to the three men through the
ancient record was also an unheard of Prophet Joseph Smith, declaring:
achievement. Joseph Smith, assisted ". .you shall have a view of the

by Oliver Cowdery, translated the en- plates, and also of the breastplate, the
tire Book of Mormon of 522 printed sword of Laban, [and] the Urim and
pages in approximately sixty days. The Thummim. . .
." (D&C 17:1.)
writing on the plates was in an ancient Thereupon the four men went into
script called "reformed Egyptian" (see the woods and kneeled down and
Morm. 9:32), a language that no prayed. In response, the Angel Moroni
mortal man through his own power came down from heaven and showed
could decipher. Then how did Joseph these sacred objects to them. He
Smith accomplish such a mammoth turned the sheets of the gold plates
job in such a short time? He has told leaf by leaf and let them examine
us that he translated the Book of Mor- the inscriptions thereon. He described
mon "through the gift and power of Joseph Smith's work in translating the
God and through the Urim and Book of Mormon records. As he was
Thummim." doing so, the voice of Jesus Christ
Eighth, no other book in the world spoke from heaven and said:
has been testified to as to its truthful- "These plates have been revealed
ness and divinity by the voice of an by the power of God, and they have
angel and by the voice of Jesus Christ been translated by the power of God.
other than the Book of Mormon. The translation of them which you
have seen is correct, and I command
Testimonies of divinity you to bear record of what you now
see and hear." (Cited in Preston Nib-
Let us now pay particular attention ley, The Witnesses of the Book of
to some remarkable testimonies re- Mormon, p. 8.)
garding the truthfulness and divinity
After die Angel Moroni left with the
of the Book of Mormon. One of the
gold plates, the three men wrote their
strongest testimonies came directly from
testimony, which is known as "The
the mouth of Jesus Christ himself. In
Testimony of Three Witnesses." Their
June 1829, the Savior spoke from testimony states:
heaven and declared: ". we declare with words of sober-
. .
". as your Lord and your God
an angel of God came down
. .
ness, that
liveth it [the Book of Mormon] is
from heaven, and he brought and laid
true." (D&C 17:6.)
before our eyes, that we beheld and
I am positive that my Lord and God saw the plates, and the engravings
liveth — and so I am also positive that thereon. the voice of the Lord
. . .

the Book of Mormon is true. commanded us that we should bear rec-

other book in the world has ever ord of it. ." . .

had a witness borne to it as dynamic In no other time in history has such

and powerful as the one the Master an astounding event occurred. Never
provided to sustain the Book of Mor- before nor since have three men re-
mon in what is known as "The Testi- ceived their testimonies directly from
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

an angel and from Jesus Christ, as did that book, and this reality becomes
these three men. very important in his whole being. He
feels impelled continuously to testify.
Believers and nonbelievers
Formula of Moroni
Since the coming forth of the Book
of Mormon is so astounding, it has Any person in the world can know
divided all people who have come into for sure that the Book of Mormon is
contact with it into two definitely true, that it is word of God, if he

separate groups believers and non- will in all sincerity, humility, and
believers. Those who believe love it, faith follow the formula laid down in
enthusiastically testify to its divinity, the last chapter of Moroni:
and proclaim its great worth to hu-
"And when ye shall receive these
manity. Those who disbelieve it hate
things, I would exhort you that ye
it. Many brilliant men have written would ask God, the Eternal Father, in
viciously against it. No book has had
the name of Christ, if these things are
as many attacks made upon it as has
not true; and if ye shall ask with a
the Book of Mormon.
sincere heart, with real intent, having
One may wonder why so many in- faith in Christ, he will manifest the
telligent people have rejected the Book truth of it unto you, by the power of
of Mormon. Perhaps it is because the Holy Ghost.
there is so much that they would call
"And by the power of the Holy
miraculous connected with its origin,
Ghost ye may know the truth of all
preservation, coming forth, and trans-
things." (Moro. 10:4-5.)
I bear my testimony that I know
Apostle Paul explained that it is
positively that the Book of Mormon is
only through the operation of the Holy
true. It is the word of God. I am as
Spirit of God that spiritual things can
sure of it as I am sure that I am alive,
be understood and received by man.
or as I am sure that I am speaking unto
Paul declared that "the things of God
you today. The Holy Ghost has borne
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of powerful witness to my
heart and mind
God. of the truthfulness of this divine book,
"But the natural man receiveth not and has filled my heart with a power-
the things of the Spirit of God: for they ful love for it and an exceedingly great
are foolishness unto him: neither can love for my Savior. In the name of
he know them, because they are spirit- Jesus Christ. Amen.
ually discerned." (1 Cor. 2:11, 14.)
Thus the ordinary man whose heart
is not moved upon by the Holy Ghost President Alvin R. Dyer
regards the Book of Mormon and all
of the great and marvelous things that
Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
Council of Seventy has just spoken to
Jesus Christ did in its preparation and
bringing forth as being fantastic, fabri-
cated, and untrue. On the other hand, Elder Robert L. Simpson, first coun-
when the Holy Ghost bears testimony selor in the Presiding Bishopric, will
to the heart and soul of a man of the now address us. He will be followed
divine nature of the Book of Mormon, by Elder LeGrand Richards of the
the spiritual-minded man knows the Council of the Twelve, who will be
reality of the divine authenticity of our concluding speaker.


Of the Presiding Bishopric

My dear brothers and sisters: I feel in committing a little sin; yea, lie a
strength in the presence of this assem- little, take the advantage of one be-
bly. I feel great humility in the presence cause of his words, dig a pit for thy
of these lovely children who have neighbor; there is no harm in this;
borne witness to us in song, and I bask and do all these things, for tomorrow
in the reflected memory of an inspir- we die; and if it so be that we are
ing Primary conference that concluded guilty, God will beat us with a few
just the day before yesterday. I am sure stripes, and at last we shall be saved
we all compliment Sister Parmley and in the kingdom of God.
the great Primary organization for "And others will he pacify, and lull
their tremendous effort. On this sacred them away into carnal security, that
square we gain a feeling of peace, we they will say: All is well in Zion; yea,

gain a feeling of security, and some- Zion prospereth, all is well —

and thus
times we might be inclined to say, the devil cheateth their souls, and
"All is well in Zion." I would like leadeth them away carefully down to
to take for my thought today, "All is hell." (2 Ne. 28:8, 21.)
well in Zion, but. . ." And I would

like to begin by telling you of a dis-

Led away from the good
turbing incident that came to at- my I know a man who used to be an
tention a day or two ago as I read a authority on the Book of Mormon. He
recent letter from the head of one of had the ability of thrilling the people
the state's largest employers, seeking with his speaking and profound knowl-
help in curbing dishonest practices edge of the truth. The adversary found
among his employees, who incidentally a weakness ever so small, but a weak-
are people who should know better. ness. Finally the grip was secure, and
He stated in the letter that sick-leave
privileges were being grossly violated,
he was gradually led away ever so—
gently, but ever so surely, away from
more so than in other sections of the all that was good and sacred. This
country. The Lord expects more from same man who was a leader among
this community. the people has now lost his ability to
time being. That
lead, at least for the
Lack of integrity great gift ofknowledge that was once
Another company head who recently his has become dim and remote. He
moved to this community from another seems helplessly engulfed in transgres-
sion and has been unable to even
section of the United States complains
recognize the hand of fellowship that
that among his business associates there
is a serious lack of integrity, that seem-
would lift him back to firm ground. I
ingly good men who are obviously
suppose this is the same condition
described in the seventy-eighth section
trained to know better are discovered
of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse
to be unethical in their business
"Otherwise Satan seeketh to turn
Recently some variety store man-
agers met with law enforcement offi-
their heartsaway from the truth, that
they become blinded and understand
cers for the purpose of implementing
not the things which are prepared for
some sort of control in the midst of a
rash of shoplifting, an evil practice
that was apparent in all age levels, Others turned from truth
regardless of sex, and in all sectors
of the community. May I tell you about a man who has
"And there shall also be many which a keen mind, but his sweet spirit of
shall say: Eat, drink and be merry; testimony has been replaced with
nevertheless, fear God—
he will justify criticism of his priesthood leaders. He
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

seems impatient because certain basic conference sessions, but this plea is for
doctrines cannot be altered to suit his each and every member of the Church
convenience of social concept based on to stand on holy ground, to avoid the
the meager knowledge and philosophy inevitable, to make repentance un-
of men. necessary. In terms of eternity, there
Let me tell you about a sister who is no such thing as not getting caught.

became literally hypnotized by a deck Eternal judgment is undeviating, for

of playing cards. Eventually, there it isfounded on truth. Maybe that is
were not enough hours in the week to why the Lord said what he did on
fit everything in. Her keen spiritual page one of the Doctrine and Cove-
sensitivitybecame dulled, and it was nants, revelation for our day, as he
easy for the cunning one to help her declared:
decide to give up an important Relief "For verily the voice of the Lord is
Society calling and abandon her won- unto all men, and there is none to
derful circle of former associates in escape; and there is no eye that shall
favor of the nonessential, time-wasting not see, neither ear that shall not hear,
pastime that had captured her fancy. neither heart that shall not be pene-
Sisters in the ward continuing their trated.
lives of charity and compassionate "And the rebellious shall be pierced
service are now termed by her as with muchsorrow; for their iniquities
narrow-minded, as hypocritical and do- shall be spoken upon the housetops,
gooders, but in reality, the only thing and their secret acts shall be revealed.
that changed was this woman. "Unto the day when the Lord shall
I know a man who started taking come to recompense unto every man
supplies home from his place of em- according to his work, and measure to
ployment. First it was just a few every man according to the measure
pencils; then it was something more. which he has measured to his fellow
In the end, it cost him his job, the re- man." (D&C 1:2-3, 10.)
spect of his family, and the spirit To him who says: "I am lucky, I
of his calling in the Church. His didn't get caught," I say, how un-
practices became incompatible with the fortunate; for his other foot is already
priesthood that gave him the promise in motion for the next treacherous step.
of life eternal.
I know a host of others that time Things the Lord hates
will not permit us to discuss, wonderful
"These six things doth the Lord hate:
people of the kingdom who ventured
yea, seven are an abomination unto
too close to the edge, all the time saying
to themselves, "I know what I am
doing. I can turn back the second I "A proud look, a lying tongue, and
choose." Then all of a sudden it hap- hands that shed innocent blood,
pens. The riptide loosens the last foot- "An heart that deviseth wicked
hold, the quicksand starts to sink, the imaginations, feet that be swift in
thin ice suddenly cracks, the precipice running to mischief,
abruptly gives way. There are physical "A false witness that speaketh lies,
laws that govern the riptide, the and he that soweth discord among
cracking ice, the unstable ground; and brethren." (Prov. 6:16-19.)
there are moral and spiritual laws that
are just as real, whose safe boundary is
Now it seems rather odd that the
Lord would speak of a proud look and
just as clearly defined, but as we take
running to mischief in the same breath
one fatal step, just one step too far, the
with the shedding of innocent blood,
laws of the universe take over the — but can anything counter to the glory
consequence is inevitable.
and power of God or the exaltation of
Eternal judgment undeviating
man be counted as trivial? "For I the
Lord cannot look upon sin with the
There have been some excellent least degree of allowance." (D&C 1:31.)
thoughts on repentance during these And then he also says in another place:

"He that diggeth a pit shall fall into The way clearly marked
it " (Eccles. 10:8.)
May our judgment be sound and our
Bad habits tip the scale course straight. The way is clearly
marked before us and is to be found
My dear members of our
fellow in every word of this conference. Just
Heavenly Father's true and everlasting as the insignificant termite takes his
Church, with our families and eternal annual toll, causing buildings to tum-
life on one side of the scales, is it con- ble, and and erosive forces
just as rust
ceivable that we are willing to allow eat away at the foundations of that
a few bad habits to tip that scale away which seems so strong and so firm, so
from all that is good and precious and it is with those little habits that must
true? None is exempt from the possi- be corrected if we are to dwell in His
bility. Just open the door —
just a crack, presence.
that's all —
and the adversary will lead May we know the truth, may we live
us quietly away, and we will rational- the truth, may we sustain the truth.
ize as we go that what we are doing is May we do these things, that all may
done by so many, and surely this once truly be well in Zion, for you know and
won't hurt. I know that the truth shall make us
The adversary sometimes changes free, in the name of the Lord Jesus
the labels on the bottles, but the con- Christ. Amen.
tents are still full of poison. Just like
the young lad I visited in prison. Upon President Alvin R. Dyer
asking him if the offense was stealing,
I received an indignant, "Not on your He to whom we have just listened is
life. I would never steal. My mother Elder Robert L. Simpson of the Pre-
has taught me better than that. I am siding Bishopric.
here for forgery." Shoplifting never, We shall now hear from Elder
but what is wrong with forging some- LeGrand Richards of the Council of
one else's name on a $500.00 check! the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve

I with you, my brethren and

rejoice by a survey taken in New Zealand
sisters, in this wonderful conference, last year,in which there were 411 dif-
and in the inspiring remarks of our Hence the need
ferent churches listed.
worthy president, President David O. of divine revelation to interpret the
McKay. teachings of the prophets, and this
We have just listened to Bishop church is built upon divine revelation.
Simpson as he quoted the statement
of Jesus, when he said: "And ye shall
A marvelous work and a wonder
know the truth, and the truth shall I take my text today from the twenty-
make you free." (John 8:32.) I ask, ninth chapter of Isaiah, where he
free from what? The false teachings states: "Wherefore the Lord said, For-
and philosophies and man-made doc- asmuch as this people draw near me
trines. with their mouth, and with their lips
Jesus said: "I thank thee, Father,O do honour me, but have removed their
Lord of heaven and earth, because heart far from me, and their fear
thou hast hid these things from the toward me is taught by the precept of
wise and prudent, and hast revealed men:
them unto babes." (Matt. 11:25.) "Therefore, behold, I will proceed
With man's wisdom alone, one can- to do a marvellous work among this
not know the truth. This is evidenced people, even a marvellous work and
Saturday, April 5 Second Dai/

a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise "Thou shalt have no other gods before
men shall perish, and the understand- me." (Exod. 20:3.)
ing of their prudent men shall be hid." When Joseph Smith had his glorious
(Isa. 29:13-14.) vision and the Father and the Son
Where do we find these precepts of appeared to him in the Sacred Grove
men to which Isaiah refers? In these in the state of New York in 1820, the
411 different religious professions. Father, pointing to the Son, said: "This
Shouldn't the average son of God is my Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Jo-

want to know if he is worshiping God seph Smith 2:17.)

through the precepts of men? Or, if Thus Joseph saw that Jesus and his
he is privileged to live until the Lord Father were glorified persons, as was
performs that marvelous work and a Jesus following his resurrection, when
wonder, wouldn't he like to have a he appeared unto his disciples and had
part in it? them feel the prints in his hands and
Compare this situation
the wound in his side, saying:
to Paul's
". handle me, and see; for a spirit
statement to the Ephesians when he . .

said there is "one Lord, one hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me
faith, one
baptism." (Eph. 4:5.) have." (Luke 24:39.)
Now compare this with the teaching
of the entire Christian world at the
Difference between man-made and
divine doctrines time that Joseph Smith had this
glorious experience. Here is a state-
How things have changed! Why? ment from their creeds:
Because men, without divine guidance, "There is but one living and true
could not agree in their interpretation God, who is infinite in being and per-
of the scriptures. Jesus understood that fection, a most pure spirit, invisible,
without divine guidance men could not without body, parts or passions . . .

properly interpret the scriptures, for he and in unity of this godhead, there are
said: "Ye do err, not knowing the scrip- three persons, of one substance, power
tures." (Matt. 22:29.) Hence the need and the Father, the Son and
of the voice of authority to differen- the Holy Ghost."
tiate between the doctrines that are How could there be three persons in
the precepts of men, as Isaiah states, one? How could Joseph Smith or any
and the truths revealed from heaven other prophet have seen God if he has
in the restoration of the gospel, for neither body, parts, nor passions, and
we did not get our teachings through is invisible? That means he has no
man's interpretation of the scriptures, eyes, so he cannot see; he has no ears,
but by the revelations of the Lord to so he cannot hear; he has no mouth,
his latter-day prophet. so he cannot speak; he has no body, so
A whole book could be written on he cannot be seen. This is a fairly
the difference between the man-made
good description of nothing. How
is it
possible that the entire world was wor-
doctrines to which Isaiah refers and
shiping this kind of a god at the time
the truths revealed from heaven which
that the Father and Son, two glorified
constitute the marvelous work and a
personages, appeared to Joseph Smith?
wonder that the Lord promised through
Isaiah would cause the wisdom of their
Condition foretold by Moses
wise men to perish and the understand-
ing of their prudent men to be hid. And yet Moses knew that this condi-
Let me mention a few important tion would exist in the world, for when
corrections the Lord has made in the he led the children of Israel to the
teachings of men through the restora- promised land, he told them that, in
tion of the gospel. coming generations, they should be
scattered among the heathen nations.
Teachings on Godhead "And there ye shall serve gods, the
work of men's hands, wood and stone,
When the Lord gave to Moses the which neither see, nor hear, nor eat,
Ten Commandments, the first was: nor smell." (Deut. 4:28.)

Then Moses promised them that in The Prophet Mormon discussed this
the latter days (and we are living in subject in a letter to his son, Moroni,
the latter days) when they were in as recorded in the Book of Mormon in
tribulation, if they would seek after these words:
the Lord their God, they would find "And now, my son, I speak unto you
him if they would seek him with all concerning that which grieveth me ex-
their hearts and with all their souls. ceedingly; for it grieveth me that there
(See Deut. 4:29-30.) should disputations rise among you.
Joseph Smith as a boy truly sought "For, if I have learned the truth,
afterhim and was rewarded with the therehave been disputations among
glorious vision to which I have referred. you concerning the baptism of your
And for his testimony that God, the little children.
Father, and Jesus Christ, his Son, were "And now, my son, I desire that ye
two glorified personages, he gave his should labor diligently, that this gross
life. We
bear witness to all the world error should be removed from among
of this great eternal truth. What you; for, for this intent I have written
knowledge could be more wonderful this epistle.
than to know what we might look for- "For immediately after I had learned
ward to, as Jesus said in the Sermon these things ofyou I inquired of the
on the Mount: "Blessed are the pure Lord concerning the matter. And the
in heart: for they shall see God." word of the Lord came to me by
{Matt. 5:8. Italics added.) the power of the Holy Ghost, saying:
How could we see God if he does "Listen to the words of Christ, your
not exist, has no body, parts, or pas- Redeemer, your Lord and your God.
sions, and is invisible? Behold, I came into the world not to
Tocorrect this false doctrine should call the righteous but sinners to re-
justify the Lord in raising up a prophet pentance; the whole need no physician,
in these latter days, and this gives real but they that are sick; wherefore, little
meaning to Easter, which the Chris- children are whole, for they are not
tian world is celebrating at this time. capable of committing sin; wherefore
Through the restoration of the gospel the curse of Adam is taken from them
through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the in me, that it hath no power over
Lord corrects another false teaching, them; . . .

one of the doctrines of men to which "And after this manner did the Holy
Isaiah refers. The Christian world Ghost manifest the word of God unto
teaches that children are born into this me; wherefore, my beloved son, I know
world with the sin of Adam and Eve that it is solemn mockery before God,
resting upon them, thus denying the that ye should baptize little children.
atonement of Jesus Christ, as stated "Little children cannot repent;
by the apostle Paul: "For as in Adam wherefore, it is awful wickedness to
all die, even so in Christ shall all be deny the pure mercies of God unto
made alive." (1 Cor. 15:22.) them, for they are all alive in him
because of his mercy.
Little children redeemed through "And he that saith that little chil-
Christ dren need baptism denieth the mercies
Now here is the word of the Lord of Christ, and setteth at naught the
with respect to this matter in a revela- atonement of him and the power of
tion to the Prophet Joseph Smith: "But, the redemption." (Moro. 8:4-9, 19-20.)
behold, I say unto you, that little chil- Shouldn't the whole Christian world
dren are redeemed from the foundation welcome this great revealed truth to
of the world through mine Only Be- save them from following this man-
gotten; made doctrine that they have been
"Wherefore, they cannot sin, for taught?
power is not given unto Satan to tempt

children, until they begin to be-

Marriage for time and eternity
come accountable before me." (D&C Let me briefly mention another
29:46-47.) man-made and very important doc-
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

trine taught by all the so-called Chris- "For this cause shall a leave man
tian churches at the time the Lord his father and mother, and cleave to
restored his true Church to the earth his wife;
in this last dispensation through the "And they twain shall be one flesh:
Prophet Joseph Smith. so then they are no more twain, but
They have universally taught that one flesh.
marriage is for this life only, hence "What therefore God hath joined
their marriages are all performed "un- together, let not man put asunder."
til death do you part" or "for the period (Mark 10:7-9.)
of your mortal lives." Both God and Jesus Christ indicated
In light of God's restored truth to that theman and his wife should be-
us, this is a very flimsy and unsatis- come one flesh, and Jesus warns:
factory doctrine. Love is eternal, and "What therefore God hath joined to-
where couples live true Christian lives gether, let not man put asunder."
together, their love for each other and Where is there any scriptural justi-
their children increases with the years. fication to assume and teach that
I like the words of Anderson M. death should annul the marriage
Baten to his wife, Beulah, entitled covenant?
"Philosophy of Life": The apostle Peter understood that
the man and his wife would inherit
"I wed thee forever, not for now, together the results and the rewards of
Not for the sham of earth's brief this life. He said:
years; "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with
I wed thee for the life beyond the them according to knowledge, giving
tears honour unto the wife, as unto the
Beyond the heart pain and clouded weaker vessel, and as being heirs to-
brow. gether of the grace of life; that your
Love knows no grave and it shall prayers be not hindered." (1 Pet. 3:7.)
guide us dear The Prophet Isaiah saw the day
When life's spent candles flutter and when we would have a new heaven
burn low." and a new earth, when we would build
houses and inhabit them, and plant
The apostle Paul indicated that we
vineyards and eat the fruit thereof.
without our loved ones cannot be made
perfect. (See Heb. 11:40.) The Lord
Then he adds: "For they are the seed
of the blessed of the Lord, and their
has revealed the fact that marriage ties
offspring with them." (See Isa. 65:17,
are intended to be eternal, hence all
marriages in his Church are for time
and for all eternity. Reality of resurrection

Scriptural affirmation What a comfort to those of us who

have buried our little children to know
The first record we have of marriage that we will be privileged in the resur-
was when the Lord told Adam, "It is rection to raise our little ones unto
not good that the man should be alone; manhood and womanhood.
I will make him an help meet for The man-made doctrines of the so-
him. . . . called Christian churches
give their
"Therefore shall a man leave his members no such promises of comfort.
father and his mother, and shall cleave I attended a funeral service for an
unto his wife: and they shall be one only young daughter of one of my
flesh." (Gen. 2:18, 24.) business associates, and the minister
If it was not good for man to be did not hold out one hope to this sor-
alone before death came into the rowing couple that they would ever
world, it will obviously not be good see or know their precious little daugh-
for man to be alone when he is resur- ter again.
rected from the dead. After the funeral, I told friend my
Jesus also taught this principle, for that the Lord had something better
he said: than that for him if he would live

for it. He
has since joined the Lord's righteousness: for they shall be filled."
true Church and now looks forward (Matt. 5:6.)
to the privilege of raising that little I bear witness to all within the sound
daughter in the morning of the first of my voice that The Church of Jesus
resurrection. Christ of Latter-day Saints is in very
In a revelation to the Prophet Jo- deed the marvelous work and a won-
seph Smith, the Lord said, referring to der the Lord promised through Isaiah
the conditions during the millennium: the prophet.
"And the earth shall be given unto May God bless you all, I pray, in
them for an inheritance; and they shall the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
multiply and wax strong, and their
children shall grow up without sin
President Alvin R. Dyer
unto salvation.
"For the Lord shall be in their midst, Elder LeGrand Richards of the
and his glory shall be upon them, and Council of the Twelve has been our
he will be their king and their law- concluding speaker.
giver." (D&C 45:58-59.) The following are some announce-
There are many other man-made ments that pertain to the General
interpretations of the scriptures that Priesthood meeting to be held tonight
have brought into existence these 411 and to the special broadcast to be held
different churches referred to in New tomorrow morning.
Zealand. Isaiah prophesied that when The General Priesthood meeting of
men should serve God through the the Church will be held in the Salt
precepts and doctrines of men, the Lake Tabernacle this evening at seven
Lord would proceed to do a marvelous o'clock. Priesthood members only are
work and a wonder that would cause invited to be present. This priesthood
the wisdom of their wise men to perish session will not be broadcast publicly.
and the understanding of their prudent In addition to the overflow meeting
men to be hid. in the Assembly Hall, the proceedings
of the priesthood meeting this evening
The Church that Isaiah promised will be relayed by closed-circuit,
originating in the Tabernacle, to mem-
that this Church is the mar-
I testify
bers of the Aaronic and Melchizedek
velouswork and a wonder that Isaiah
Priesthood assembled in approximately
promised when men would be wor-
500 separate locations in all parts of
shiping through the precepts of men.
the United States and Canada, and via
Recently, a converted minister joined closed-circuit television in five build-
the Church. He sat in my office and ings in Salt Lake City, and to 10,000
made this statement: "When I think assembled at the Brigham Young Uni-
of how little I had to offer my people versity in Provo, Utah. It is estimated
as a minister of the gospel compared that approximately 12,000 holders of
with what I now have in the fullness the priesthood will be on Temple
of the gospel as it has been restored, Square this evening, and approximately
I wantto go back and tell all my 150,000 others will gather in the other
friendswhat I have found. Now," he locations from coast to coast and in
said,"they will not listen to me. I am Canada.
an apostate from their church." But he The Sunday morning session will be
gave up his ministry and performed broadcast by many radio and tele-
menial work here in the city in order vision stations in western United
that he might be a member of God's States; and short-waved in English
true Church. over Station WNYW in New York
We invite all men everywhere to City to Europe, South and Central
share with us these glorious truths that America, and Africa.
God has revealed through his prophet Again, 27 radio stations will broad-
of this dispensation. I repeat the cast the translated conference session
Savior's promise: "Blessed are they of Sunday morning in major cities of
which do hunger and thirst after Mexico and Central America, together
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

with Spanish programming stations in television audience we express our

this country, and by satellite transmis- heartfelt appreciation for the thrilling
sion over radio stations in Rio de and inspirational singing of this group,
Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, and all composed of 402 Primary children from
26 radio stations in Chile. 402 wards of the Church. We thank
The morning sessions of Saturday you children, your conductor, Sister
and Sunday will be carried from the Parker, and Brother Darley who has
Tabernacle over direct oceanic cables been at the organ.
to a large number of saints assembled The Primary Children's Chorus will
in seventy chapels throughout Great now favor us with, "The Children's
Germany, France, and Holland
Britain, Hymn of Praise," followed by "I a Am
on Sunday. Direct circuits will also Child of God."
carry these sessions to saints assembled The benediction will be offered by
in chapels throughout eastern Canada. Elder K. Anthony Snow, president of
The CBS Radio network Tabernacle the Shreveport Stake, after which the
Choir broadcast tomorrow morning conference will be adjourned until
will be from 9:35 to 10 a.m. Those seven o'clock this evening.
desiring to attend this broadcast must
be in their seats not later than 9:15
a.m. The Primary Children's Chorus sang
The singing for this session has been "The Children's Hymn of Praise" and
furnished by the Primary Children's "I Am a Child of God."
Chorus, with Judith Wirthlin Parker The closing prayer was offered by
conducting, and Roy M. Darley at the President K. Anthony Snow of the
organ. Shreveport Stake.
In behalf of this great gathering in The conference adjourned until 7
the Tabernacle and our radio and o'clock p.m.


FIFTH SESSION President McKay, who regrets he

cannot be with us this evening, is
watching these proceedings by closed-
The General Priesthood meeting of
circuit television, and has directed me
the Church convened at 7 o'clock p.m.
to extend his greetings and blessings to
Saturday, April 5, 1969, with President
all the priesthood members assembled
N. Eldon Tanner, second counselor in here in the Tabernacle and Assembly
the First Presidency, conducting.
Hall and in the various buildings
The Brigham Young University throughout the United States and
Faculty Priesthood Chorus, with Har- Canada. He has prepared a message
old H. Goodman conducting, furnished for this priesthood audience which
the singing for this session. Elder will be read a little later by his son,
Robert Cundick was at the organ. David Lawrence McKay.
President Tanner made the follow- It may be of interest to you to know
ing remarks at the beginning of the that these services are being relayed
meeting: by closed-circuit wire tomembers of
the priesthood gathered in the Assem-
President N. Eldon Tanner bly Hall and in approximately 500
other separate locations from coast to
This the General Priesthood ses-
is coast and in Canada. It is estimated
sion of the 139th Annual Conference that approximately 150,000 will partici-
of The Church of Jesus Christ of pate in this meeting by direct wire.
Latter-day Saints. The singing during this session will

be furnished by the Brigham Young President N. Eldon Tanner

University Faculty Priesthood Chorus,
I should like to emphasize that this
with Harold H. Goodman conducting,
and Robert Cundick at the organ. priesthood chorus is made up of the
Brigham Young University faculty and
We shall begin this service by the staff, and they will now sing, "I'll Go
chorus and congregation singing, Where You Want Me to Go."
"Come, O Thou King of Kings," after
which Elder Kay Schwendiman, re-
The Brigham Young University
gional representative, will offer the
Faculty Priesthood Chorus sang the
hymn, "I'll Go Where You Want Me
to Go."

The congregation and chorus sang

the hymn, "Come, O
Thou King of President N. Eldon Tanner
Elder Kay Schwendiman, regional
President David O. McKay's message
representative of the Twelve, offered to the priesthood will now be read by
the opening prayer. his son, David Lawrence McKay, Gen-
eral Superintendent of the Deseret
Sunday School Union.


(Read by his son Dc id Lawrence McKay)

My dear brethren of the priesthood, that verse tonight applied it to himself,

I welcome you, and appreciate this and in a way made a sacred vow to do
privilege of once again expressing my better in the future than in the past.
reelings to you of our great callings. There came to my mind some funda-
As I contemplate the vast audience mental virtues that should be associated
of priesthood assembled tonight in the with that will. I will just name them.
various places named at the opening
of the meeting, and realize the power Fundamental virtues
of this great body of men, I am over-
First is faith: faith in God the Father,
faith in his Son, faith in our fellow-
I felt my
feelings swell within my men.
breast as to the possibility of the good
that will be done, and can be done, by
The second is honesty, a childish
sincerity, honesty in dealing with our
these many thousands of men of the
fellowmen. It is the foundation of all
priesthood who are worshiping tonight.
character. If you offer prayer at night

somewhere a lowly and you have dealt dishonestly with

"There's surely
your fellows during the day, I rather
think that, as the king in Hamlet,
In earth's harvest fields so wide,
your words fly up but your thoughts
Where I may labor through life's short
remain below; but if you have dealt
honestly, the Lord will hear and an-
For Jesus, the Crucified;
swer your true feelings.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
And knowing thou lovest me, The third is loyalty. It is a wonder-
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere, ful principle. A
true friend is loyal.
I'll be what you want me to be." Many acquaintances are not, and may
{Hymns, No. 318.) not be. Be loyal to the priesthood. Be
loyal to your wives and your families,
I hope everybody who listened to loyal to your friends.
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

Strength in resistance of fatherhood as she is of motherhood,

and rightfully, too, because on his
To the men of the priesthood I give shoulders are the robes of the Holy
this caution.Your weakest point will Priesthood, testifying to his young
be the point at which Satan tries to bride, and to all, of his worthiness.
tempt you, and will try to win you,
Together they stand in the house of
and if you have made it weak yourself the Lord to testify and covenant be-
before you have undertaken to serve
fore him that they will be true to the
the Lord, he will add to that weakness.
covenants they make that day, each
Resist him and you will gain in
keeping himself or herself to the other
strength. He will tempt you in an- and no one else. That is the highest
other point. Resist him and he be-
ideal of marriage ever given to man. If
comes weaker and you become stronger,
those covenants are kept as sacred as
until you can say, no matter what your
sacred covenants should be kept, there
surroundings may be, "Get thee be-
would be fewer broken hearts among
hind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou wives and fewer among the husbands.
shalt worship the Lord thy God, and
A covenant is a sacred thing. A man
him only shalt thou serve." (Luke 4:8.) who is married in the temple has no
Now, I mention this because there right to be looking at young women,
are too many broken hearts in our
whether they are in the choir or in
Church because men, some of whom the Relief Society, or a member of a
hold the priesthood and prominent general board, or doing any of the
positions, are tempted right where they duties of the Church. You have a cove-
are weak. They forget that they have nant to be true to that wife. Brethren,
made covenants with the Lord, and keep it true, be true to it.
step aside from the path of virtue and
discretion, and will break their wives'
"It easy enough to be prudent,
hearts because of foolish indulgence
and because of their yielding.
When nothing tempts you to stray,
When without or within no voice of
Sacred covenants sin
Is luring your soul away;
We have one of the most sacred But only a negative virtue

covenants in all the world pertaining Until it is tried by fire,

to the happiness of the home. There And the life that isworth the honor oE
are men within the sound of my voice earth,
who have forgotten how sacred that Is the life that resists desire.
covenant is. The brethren of the
Twelve, the General Authorities of the "By the cynic, the sad, the fallen
Church, the stake authorities are urg- Who had no strength for the strife,
ing youth everywhere to go to the The world's highway is cumbered to-
temple to be married. Do not go to day;
that temple unless you are ready to They make up the sum of life.
accept the covenants that you make. But the virtue that conquers passion
Marriage in the temple is one of the And the sorrow that hides in a smile,
most beautiful things in all the world. It is these that are worth the homage
A couple is led there by love, the of earth
most divine attribute of the human For we find them but once in a
soul. A young man looks, rightfully, while."
upon that bride who will be the mother —Ella Wheeler Wilcox, "Worth While"
of his children as being as pure as a
snowflake, as spotless as a sunbeam, Keep true to covenants
as worthy of motherhood as any virgin.
It is a glorious thing for a woman thus I plead with the army of the priest-
to wear the robes and be the pride of a hood assembled tonight in this meeting
young elder's heart, one who trusts her to keep true to the covenants made in
to be the head of his household. the house of God. You have no right
She trusts him as being as worthy to neglect your wives and go and seek

the company of others who seem to be Peter G. Johnston and I were walking
more attractive to you because you are around Stirling Castle in Scotland. I
thrown with them in daily life, in was discouraged; I was just starting my
your business affairs, or in church mission. I had been snubbed that day
affairs.This may seem general, but in tracting. I was homesick. We
while I speak to you, a wife with her walked around the Stirling Castle,
tears and her pleadings comes to me really not doing our duty; and as we
now, asking, "Won't you please just reentered the town, I saw a building,
say a prayer, won't you offer a prayer half-finished. To my surprise, from
to try to bring my husband back?" the sidewalk I saw an inscription over
Well, she may have been to blame for the lintel of the front door, carved in
the trouble —
she said that she was stone. I said to Brother Johnston, "I

partly to blame but I know that her want to go over and see what that is."
husband was to blame, for he is a man I was not more than halfway up the
who holds the priesthood and has no pathway leading to it when that mes-
right to break his covenants. sage struck me. Carved there was:
The Spirit of God will not strive "What e'er thou art, act well thy
with a man who in any way helps to part."
break up another man's family. "The As I rejoined my companion and told
greatest battle of life is fought out him, do you know what man came
within the silent chambers of the soul." into my mind first? The custodian at
the University of Utah, from which
Duties of priesthood bearers I had been graduated. I realized
that Ihad as great a respect for that
I ask you fellow priesthood bearers
man had for any professor in whose
as I
to do again what undoubtedly you have
class I had sat. He acted well his part.
done frequently, to sit down and com-
I recalled how he helped us with the
mune with yourself. There is a battle football suits, how he helped us with
going on within you, and within me,
some of our lessons, for he was a uni-
every day. Fight it out with yourself,
versity graduate himself. Humble, but
and decide upon your course of action
to this day I hold respect for him.
regarding, first, what your duty is to
your family. Avoid conditions and What are you? You are men who
people getting into your life who will hold the priesthood of God, who hold
cause unhappiness in your home. divine authority to represent Deity in
Second, decide what your duty is to whatever position to which you have
your quorum. Decide whether you owe been assigned.
your quorum anything, and see if you
have strength enough to do it after you Appreciation of fellowship
decide. Third, decide in that silent It has always been my
nature to en-
moment what your duty is to your joy the company of my
associates. I
Church. And fourth, decide what you love to be with my
friends. The older
owe to your fellowmen. Decide where I grow, the more intense becomes my
your duty is, even remembering that
appreciation of fellowship in the
"the greatest battle of life is fought brotherhood of Christ. I sense that
out within the silent chambers of your tonight more deeply, more sincerely
own soul."
than ever before.
". . . Act well thy part" May God add his blessings to the
instructions and reports that will
Remember a guideline in
this as given this night; may we
depart with
whatever position you are called to greater determination in our hearts to
serve: "What e'er thou art, act well serve the Lord and keep his command-
thy part." That, of course, applies to ments; may we go forth with greater
moral and lawful endeavors, and not resolution to defend one another in
to harmful or villainous actions. That righteous living, to defend the Church,
influenced me many years ago when, not to speak against our neighbors, nor
as I have told some of you before, against authorities of the Church, local,
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

stake, or general. Let us avoid evil nism, members should not expect bish-
speaking; let us avoid slander and ops and stake presidents to join with
gossip. These are poisons to the soul them or through their positions lend
to those who indulge. Evil speaking support to their efforts, since they are
injures the reviler more than the expected to maintain a strict neutrality
reviled. as referred to. Nor should organized
movements to become informed on
Statement on Communism Communism impose their ideas upon
the membership of the Church in any
In the United States of America,
area in a manner that may lead to
the Constitution vouchsafes individual
division among the members. Nor
freedom, and let us pray also that the
should bishops, stake presidents, and
Lord will frustrate the plans of the
other Church leaders take the lead in
Communists who would deprive us of
support of such efforts of groups in
such a way as to impose such move-
I desire to refer to some remarks ments upon other Church members.
concerning Communism that I made in
It is the right and obligation of every
the general priesthood meeting three
citizen, and therefore every member of
years ago. At that priesthood confer-
the Church, to be alert and to be in-
ence, in addition to encouragement to
formed about social, educational,
study the Constitution and be alert to
communistic, and other political in-
communistic inroads that would under-
fluences that would tend to undermine
mine it, I said the following: our free society. But it would defeat
"The Church, out of respect for the its own purposes if it were done in a
rights of all its members to have their
manner that would tend toward divi-
political views and loyalties, must
sion in our own membership.
maintain the strictest possible neutral-
ity. We
have no intention of trying Responsibility to teach truth
to interfere with the fullest and freest
exercise of the political franchise of our
It must never be forgotten that con-
verts to the Church come from all
members under and within our Con-
nations, representing diverse views on
stitution, which the Lord declared he
controversial issues. Ours must be the
established 'by the hands of wise men
responsibility to teach our members
whom [he] raised up unto this very
from all nations the true doctrines of
purpose' (D&C 101:80) and which, as
Christ with such power that they be
to the principles thereof, the Prophet
fortified against all false ideas, re-
Joseph Smith, dedicating the Kirtland
gardless of the label under which they
Temple, prayed should be 'established
forever.' (D&C 109:54.) The Church
may be presented.
The Melchizedek Priesthood course
does not yield any of its devotion to
of study for the coming year will
or convictions about safeguarding the
include in the lesson material such
American principles and the estab-
subjects as liberty and freedom, re-
lishments of government under federal
ligion and the state, the dangers of
and state constitutions and the civil
Communism, and other subjects con-
rights of men safeguarded by these.
sidered of importance in the
"The position of this Church, how-
study of the profound truths of the
ever, on the subject of Communism
has never changed. We
consider it the
The study of these lessons will en-
greatest satanical threat to peace, pros-
able the brethren of the priesthood to
perity, and the spread of God's work
among men that exists on the face become better acquainted with forces
that are opposed to righteousness, as
of the earth." (The Improvement Era,
well as with the Lord's plan of salva-
June 1966, p. 477.)
tion for all his children.
Church In these days of great turmoil and
Neutrality of
socialupheaval, it would be well if all
It suggested that, in educating
is our leaders and members of the priest-
themselves on the perils of Commu- hood would be constantly reminded


of the apostle Paul's wise counsel Admonition to be true

wherein he said: "And I, brethren,
God is guiding this church. Be true
when I came to you, came not with ex-
to it; be loyal to it. Be true to your
cellency of speech or of wisdom, declar-
families, loyal to them. Protect your
ing unto you the testimony of God.
children. Guide them, not arbitrarily,
"For I determined not to know any
but through the kind example of a
thing among you, save Jesus Christ,
father, and so contribute to the strength
and him crucified." (1 Cor. 2:1-2.)
of the Church by exercising your
Defense of the truth priesthood in your home and in your
God help us to defend the truth As I bring my remarks to a close, I
better than that, to live it, to exemplify want you to know that I am mindful
it in our homes. What we owe to our of the sacrifices being made by those
parents we cannot express. Are you serving in the armed forces. May they
parents —
fathers and mothers going — have the strength to resist temptation
to have that same influence on your and by their examples be a living testi-
children? God give you power so to mony to others.
have that influence, that your children God bless our missionaries who day
may be true to the last, to death if by day seek out those who will accept
necessary, to the truth of the gospel of their message. May they resist evil
Jesus Christ, which magnifies God, our influences and thus become true ser-
Father, who, with his Beloved Son vants in building the kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the May his blessings attend you all as
world, appeared to the Prophet Joseph you go forward in the work of the
Smith. They revealed themselves in Master. May this work continue to
this dispensation and his work was
expand to fulfill its divine purposes.
established, never more to be thrown
Be true to your callings, brethren, and
down or given to another people. the Lord will bless and lift you up.
Satan is still determined to have I bear testimony to the truth of this
his way, and his emissaries have power great work, in the name of Jesus Christ.
given them today as they have not had Amen.
throughout the centuries. Be prepared
to meet conditions that may be severe, President N. Eldon Tanner
ideological conditions that may seem
reasonable but are evil. In order to Elder Lysle R. Cahoon, president of
meet these forces, we must depend upon the Chicago South Stake, will now
the whisperings of the Holy Spirit, to address us. His subject is "The Father
which you are entitled. They are real. and the Melchizedek Priesthood."


Chicago South Stake

My brethren: I express my gratitude kindred, tongue and people to know

and appreciation to my Heavenly that God lives.
Father for this opportunity, and to the As I considered the subject that has
General Authorities for my position been given me, I spent many hours,
here this evening. and I have recorded many words, and
I know, my brethren, as I know I I am not sure now that this is the
stand before you and have the privi- appropriate subject and material.
lege of breathing and gazing upon Since I know that God lives and that
this great audience, that God lives, that he is my Father, the Father of my
he hears and answers prayers. And I spirit, and likewise you, my brethren,
want all my brethren of every nation, are his children, it comes to me that
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

he is extremelydisappointed when lack of the Melchizedek Priesthood in

those of his sons who could be faith- the home.
ful are unfaithful. As a consequence, The Lord said in the 4th section of
his great plan is thwarted, because he the Doctrine and Covenants, "O ye
would have all of us return unto him, that embark in the service of God, see
yet through our very actions we de- that ye serve him with all your heart,
prive ourselves of this great opportunity might, mind and strength, that ye may
of returning to him. And unfortunately, stand blameless before God at the
if we are unfaithful we cannot take last day."
with us our families, our loved ones; so Now those of us who are blessed
the importance of the Melchizedek with the Melchizedek Priesthood, have
Priesthood in the father. the responsibility of serving with all
I was interested the other day before
our heart, might, mind and strength,
first of all, our families. They are our
enplaning to ask several of the breth-
ren that I am acquainted with why greatest responsibility, and then the
they are Aaronic Priesthood adult or next great responsibility is our brethren
why they were, and the pattern was who are inactive, who should be
almost the same among all the breth- brought back into the fold, that they
ren of whom I made inquiry. A might have the privilege of an exalted
counselor in the bishopric of one of family.
our wards was once an Aaronic About forty years ago, or a little
Priesthood adult, and I asked him longer, I had the privilege as did these
why. He said, "Because when I was young people this afternoon in the
about seventeen years of age, I became Primary, of singing here in this great
active with an inactive group." tabernacle with a group of young men.
I don't recall the occasion, but I do
And said "Are you sure that this
recall the event, and I recall the song,
is the entire reason?" I said, "What
"A Mormon Boy." It was directed by
were the teachings in your home, and Evan Stephens, who, as most of you
how active was your father. What was know, wrote both the words and the
his position at the time you became
inactive?" And he said that he had
lost some interest, that is, his father My father is a Mormon true
had lost interest, and it was about the And when I am a man I want to be
same time he himself lost interest. The like him
father was not magnifying his calling, And do just all the good I can.
and it became apparent that it was My faults I'll try to overcome,
affecting the life of this brother. And while I life enjoy
What brought him back? The work With pride I'll lift my head and say,
of the Melchizedek brethren who had I am a Mormon boy.

an interest in him, and also his daugh-

ter. A young babe, recently born,
A Mormon boy, a Mormon boy,

brought to him the realization that if

I am a Mormon boy.
I might be envied by a king
he was to have a successful family he
must honor his priesthood and become
For I am a Mormon boy.

active as a Melchizedek Priesthood

I know that the Melchizedek Priest-
bearer. And so he did become active,
hood is essential to a successful home,
and he did magnify his calling in the and failure on the part of the brethren
priesthood, and as a bearer of the Mel-
who bear it to carry out the admoni-
chizedek Priesthood he now has an tions of our latter-day prophets as re-
ideal family, all active in the Church,
lated to family home evening, and
and serving well, and he is blessed, taking time to teach and expound and
and so is his family. admonish our children, a failure on
I could tell you the names of three the part of the father can destroy the
other brethren, not names, but three family.
other instances or examples of the I am as sure as I stand before you
same kind, all related to inactivity, or this night that without the eternal

marriage covenant, and without the

faithful performance of duty, we as
The Brigham Young University
members of this Church, as priesthood
Faculty Priesthood Chorus sang the
bearers, can be disappointed, frustrated,
number, "Rise Up, O Men of God,"
and disillusioned when we arrive at
music by Frank W. Asper.
the judgment seat of God. May we
brethren who bear this priesthood ap-
preciate the meaning of it in our lives.
May we magnify our callings and do President N. Eldon Tanner
all within our power to teach our
children by example, by precept. May We have arranged for three Aaronic
we be worthy examples; may we be the Priesthood holders to speak to us this
kind of men that our sons will be evening:
proud to emulate, a Mormon true. God
Ross Nash Farnsworth, a deacon in
help us so to do, I humbly pray, in the
the Mesa 6th Ward, East Mesa Stake.
name of Jesus Christ. Amen. James Stanton Mason, a teacher from
Yale 2nd Ward in the Bonneville
President N. Eldon Tanner Stake.
Brother Goodman will now lead the Lee Bracken, a priest from the Enter-
Brigham Young University Faculty prise2nd Ward, Uvada Stake.
Priesthood Chorus in singing "Rise They will announce their own sub-
Up, O Men of God." and speak in that order, please.


A Deacon in the Mesa 6th Ward, East Mesa Stake

Dear Brethren: I pray the Lord will These quotes certainly convince me
help me during the few minutes I that it is very important and a great
speak to you. I hope I will be able to opportunity to hold the priesthood and
say something that will be beneficial to prepare for advancement in it. It
and uplifting to us all, and not like has been said unless you can be a
the preacher who while giving his good follower, you can never be a
sermon heard someone in the back of truly great leader. Therefore, I believe
the room holler, "Louder." The the greatest thing I can do to prepare
preacher paused, straightened up, and for advancement is to learn my duty
took a deep breath, and in a minute and do it.

asked, "Is that better?" The Lord made this plain in the
This time a voice came from another 107th Section of the Doctrine and
part of the room and said, "It may be Covenants, verses 99 and 100:
louder but it's no better." "Wherefore, now let every man
How can I prepare for further ad- learn his duty, and to act in the office
vancement in the priesthood? This is in which he is appointed, in all
the subject I was asked to speak on this diligence.
evening. According to President John "He that is slothful shall not be
Taylor priesthood is the rule and gov- counted worthy to stand, and he that
ernment of God, whether on earth or learns not his duty and shows himself
in the heavens, and it is the only not approved shall not be counted
power and authority acknowledged by worthy to stand. Even so. Amen."
him to rule the affairs of his kingdom. The duties of the deacon include
When what was the main
asked the passing of the sacrament. This is a
difference between our Church and sacred ordinance and should be carried
the other churches, Joseph Smith re- out with reverence and respect.
plied, "We have the priesthood." As a deacon I also have a chance to
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

collect fast offerings, which help those and dad think I need a little improve-
who are in need. ment in.
These duties help to prepare me to Taking advantage of the opportuni-
be of service to my fellowmen. ties in the Church and being obedient
There are other things the Lord has to my help me to be more
duties will
assigned to deacons. A
deacon is to humble and have a desire to be of
assist the teacher in all duties where service to my
fellowmen. This must
required, this includes seeing there is be an important part in advancing in
no ". . lying, backbiting, nor evil
the priesthood since the Savior said,
speaking" in the Church. "And whosoever is greatest among
The best way he can do this is by you, let him be your servant."
example. I can be ready and willing
I would like to finish my talk by
to help others in any way possible,
giving a poem by Harlen Metcalf en-
and never find fault with my
titled, "God Make Me a Man."
the bishopric, or any other officer or
teacher in the Church, school or
community. Give me the strength to stand for right
A few months ago I went on a deer When other folks have left the fight.
hunting trip with my father, brother Give me the courage of the man
and some other friends. Around the Who knows that if he will, he can.
campfire at night, some of the men Teach me to see in every face
were telling of their missionary ex- The good, the kind and not the base.
periences. This made me more anxious Make me sincere in word and deed
than ever to go on a mission some day. Blot out from me all shame and greed
I can prepare myself to go on a mis- Help me to guard my troubled soul
sion and future priesthood activity by By constant, active self-control.
taking part in what the Church has to Clean up my thoughts, my work, my
offer. This includes giving a talk play
when I have the opportunity, even if And keep me pure from day to day.
it does scare me. Another important make of me a man.
thing I can do is to learn more about
the gospel in my Sunday School, I am thankful that I hold the priest-
priesthood and future seminary classes. hood, and I am also thankful that I
It will be a great help to me if I will have a father who sets an example that
pay attention to the lessons the teachers 1 can follow, and I say this in the name
prepare. This is something my mom of Jesus Christ. Amen.


A Teacher in the Yale 2nd Ward of the Bonneville Stake

Over three thousand years ago on The Lord, in addition to giving this
Mt. Sinai the Lord gave his prophet commandment to youth, definitely
Moses ten commandments which commanded parents to teach their
would serve as guidelines for all children to obey his laws so that they
people. There are those today who might return to him. The Lord tells
would say that these commandments them of this responsibility in the Doc-
are now old fashioned, that they no trine and Covenants. "And again, in-
longer apply to our modern life. asmuch as parents have children in
My remarks tonight will be con- Zion, or in any of her stakes which are
cerned with the fifth, commandment, organized, that teach them not to un-
"Honor thy father and thy mother derstand the doctrine of repentance,
that thy days may be long upon the Son of the living
faith in Christ the
land which the Lord thy God giveth and the gift of the
God, and of baptism
thee." Holy Ghost by the laying on of the

hands, when eight years old, the sin lawn. Myeight-year-old brother for-
be upon the heads of the parents. For got and ran down the lawn, tripped
this shall be a law unto the inhabitants over the rope and landed on his face.
of Zion, or in any of her stakes which We were all glad that he wasn't seri-
are organized. .And they shall also
. . ously hurt, and that we could laugh
teach their children to pray, and to about it in our family home evening.
walk uprightly before the Lord." (D&C Even a small experience like this shows
68:25, 26, 28.) us that we honor our parents for our
One way we can honor our parents own good. Although we may not feel
is to help them fulfill this responsi- the physical pain immediately after
bility. Just what does this word disobeying them, if we persist in dis-
"honor" mean? The dictionary defines obeying, we will feel spiritual discom-
itin this way: "To regard highly; to fort at some other time in our lives.
respect greatly; to esteem; to show
deference; to show courtesy."
My brothers and sisters and I are
trying to honor our parents in the
We can certainly honor our parents following ways: Those of us who are
by our actions. An experience of Presi- old enough are progressing in the
dent George Albert Smith who had Scouting program. All of my brothers
been given his grandfather's name are preparing to receive the priesthood,
illustrates this point well. It happened and I am trying to be worthy of it.
when he was very ill. He dreamed
that he had passed on. He was in a
We are preparing to serve on missions

lonely forest, searching for someone by studying the scriptures and saving
our money. One of our goals in life
to tell him what to do and where to
go. While searching, he saw a man
is temple marriage. We
are all work-
ing hard to obtain an education, to be-
coming toward him. He recognized
man come independent and to support our
this as his grandfather. The
first thing his grandfather asked was,
own families. Weare preparing to

"I would like to know what you have serve others and to assume responsi-
done with my name." At this point,
President Smith related that his whole My Indian brother is honoring his
life flashed before him, as if on a mo- parents by living with us during the
tion picture screen. After reviewing his school year to obtain an education. I
whole life, he smiled and replied, "I am sure that if we can all honor our
have never done anything with your parents in these ways, not only will we
name of which you need be ashamed." be honoring our parents well, but we
President George Albert Smith had will become leaders in obeying the
honored his grandfather's name, and commandments of God.
he made a special effort after that time Regardless of our age, if we will love
to better honor his parents. and respect our parents we will be more
This shows that what we do reflects inclined to obey the laws of God. Never
upon our parents and family. If we before have there been opportunities as
will always be righteous, and if we can great as now, including spiritual ad-
learn to accept responsibility, it will vantages and unsurpassed scientific
be an honorable reflection on them. and technological developments. But
at the same time never before have
Monday night in family home
evening, my eight-year-old brother told
there been more degrading influences,
us of an experience he had that day.
— drug abuse, use of tobacco and
liquor, immorality, the temptation to
We had been walking down our front
drop out of school, and lack of respect
lawn instead of using the walkway
because it was faster and easier. After
for law and order.

a while it started wearing the grass The Lord's commandment, "Honor

away, so our father told us that we thy father and thy mother," is not out-
would have to stop this and use the dated. It is not old fashioned. In fact
walkway. To remind us he placed a there has never been a time when it
rope around the boundaries of the was more needed. Young people need,
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

and I believe they want, righteous know that this is a divine command-
guidance from good parents. I pray ment of God, in the name of Jesus
that we can all honor our parents. I Christ. Amen.

A Priest from the Enterprise 2nd Ward, Uvada Stake

Honoring the priesthood requires a home and authority of parents are

high standard of personal morality. being undermined, God commanded
To hold the priesthood of God by di- "Honor thy father and thy mother."
vine authority is one of the greatest Never before has the world needed to
gifts that can come to man. If we are pause and hearken to the Lord declar-
righteous and magnify it and exercise ing, "Thou shalt not kill." When one
it, there is no limit to what we can of the dominant evils of the age is
accomplish. It provides an opportunity undermining our civilization and social
for personal growth and development. structure, we should listen to the com-
To honor this eternal calling and ac- mand, "Thou shalt not commit
cept the responsibility that comes with adultery."
it requires a high standard of morality. To those who trample upon the
Today in this fast-moving world rights of others and justify themselves
moral conflict and moral skepticism is by saying, "They are no respecter of
constantly growing. To many
people persons," God commanded, "Thou shalt
morality seems to dwindle at a very not steal. Thou shalt not bear false
low point. Some maintain that right witness, and thou shalt not covet."
and wrong are merely matters of con- Obedience to these laws represents one
vention, that what is good or bad in of the world's greatest needs.
one age, may be the opposite in an- There are many enticements and
other, or simply that morality varies. temptations in life. Christ foretold of
As Brother Alvin R. Dyer pointed out the results of these problems in 2
this morning, "there is a new morality Timothy, chapter 3: "For men shall be
with no morals in it." lovers of their own selves, covetous,
High moral standards are a part of boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedi-
God's plan, and they are as imperative ent to parents, unthankful, unholy,
today as when they were first given without natural affection, trucebreakers,
by God. Let us refer to an ancient false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
document written by the very finger despisers of those that are good,
of God some 3,400 years ago, the ten — Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of
commandments. During the past pleasures more than lovers of God;
thirty-four centuries the world has Having a form of godliness, but deny-
undergone great changes, but the ing the power thereof."
fundamental principles of the ten com- In view of these times God gave us
mandments still stand as the basic law high standards to live by. As well as
of the world. Let's see if they are appli- the ten commandments there are the
cable to our times: beatitudes, and also Section 4 of the
"Thou shalt have no other gods Doctrine and Covenants. Here it sets
before me." (Exodus 20.) This would the qualifications for those who labor
free the countless millions who now in the gospel. Some listed are: "Faith,
place the god of money or the god of virtue, knowledge, temperance, pa-
pleasure above the God of heaven. The tience, brotherly kindness, godliness,
many who freely use profanity as part charity, humility, diligence."
of their vocabulary could heed to the God pours out his blessings in rich
statement, "Thou shalt not take the abundance to those who keep his
name of the Lord thy God in vain." commandments and uphold high
In an age when discipline in the standards. A perfect example of this is


the story of the stripling warriors found whether he wants to accept or reject
in the Book of Mormon. A group of the opportunity of the priesthood. This
2,000 young men entered into a cove- opportunity can bring spiritual growth
nant to wage battle against the and happiness, or it can bring condem-
Lamanites for the liberty of the nation, depending upon how it is used.
Nephites. This small band went into 2 Nephi, Chapter 10, verse 23:
battle against the Lamanite army and "Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and
defeated them without a single casualty remember that ye are free to act for
of their own. To find out why God's —
yourselves to choose the way of ever-
protecting hand went with them into lasting death or the way of eternal
battle, we read in Alma: life." God has given us the freedom to
"And they were all young men, and choose for ourselves.
they were exceedingly valiant for I would like to use an example given
courage, and also for strength and by Bishop Robert L. Simpson. Suppose
but behold, this was not all
activity; you were standing on a beautiful hill;
they were men who were true at all it is springtime; the grass is green; the
times in whatsoever thing they were trees are beautiful; the day is perfect;
entrusted. the temperature is just right. There is a
"Yea, they were men of truth and gentle breeze blowing. You feel like
soberness, for they had been taught to the whole world is at your command.
keep the commandments of God and to You are all alone on this hill. You see
walk uprightly before him." (Alma this beautiful, peaceful river as it winds
53:20-21.) around a hill. My, what a beautiful
"Now this was the faith of these of sight it is! But as you turn around and
whom I have spoken; they are young, look on the back side of the hill, you
and their minds are firm, and they do notice this beautiful peaceful river
put their trust in God continually." drop over an abrupt waterfall and
(Alma 57:27.) crash onto some rocks at the bottom.
These young men lived high stand- Then all of a sudden you hear some
ards of morality and were greatly music. You hear voices; they sound
blessed for it. familiar. You look back and right
Christ spoke of morality in the down there on the river is a boat with
Bible when he said, "Know ye not about eight or ten of your friends on it.
that ye are the temple of God, and that One is playing a guitar; all are singing
the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If together. They are truly enjoying life
any man defile the temple of God, him as they allow the current to take them
shall God destroy, for the temple of downstream. You say, "My, isn't that
God is holy, which temple ye are." delightful. How I would like to be
(I Cor. 3:16-17.) with them. There they are, just drift-
Our beloved prophet, David O. ing, not knowing where the river is
McKay, said this concerning standards going to take them," Then all of a
and the priesthood: "Let us realize that —
sudden it dawns on you, the water
we are members of the greatest frater- fall, the jagged rocks at the bottom.

nity, the greatest brotherhood in all the What are we going to say, young
world, and do our part each day, all people? Will we just fold our arms and
day, to maintain the standards of the say, "Now this should be interesting.
priesthood. Let us live honest, sin- Let's see what happens here." We are
cere lives. Let us be honest with our- not going to do that, are we? are We
selves; let us be honest with our going to jump up and down. We
brethren, honest with our family, hon- are going to shout. We
jump up and
est with the men with whom we down and shout, and get excited be-
deal; always honest, for eyes are upon cause we know where the jagged rocks
us, and the foundation of all char- and pitfalls are. This is the way it is
acter rests upon the principles of with life for us youth of today.
honesty and sincerity." As the youth of today, we are
Honoring the priesthood is a per- fortunate to have high standards and
sonal matter. It is up to each individual guidelines set by the Church for us to
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

follow. They help us to avoid the high standards of morality and to mag-
jagged rocks of life. The world judges nify our callings so we can do as Christ
the whole church by the actions of its commanded in the Bible, "Let your
youth. Wehave a responsibility to light so shine before men that they
live up to the church standards. We may see your good works and glorify
as young people can have fun while your Father which is in heaven."
being considerate and loyal to the (Matt. 5:16.) I say this in the name of
Church, and making its standards a Jesus Christ. Amen.
happy part of our lives. never We
need be ashamed when living up to President N. Eldon Tanner
the high standards of our religion.
Nothing is to be lost but much is to On behalf of all who have listened
be gained by doing so. to these young men, I wish to con-
As members of the Church of Jesus gratulate them, and pray that they
Christ, we are favored in having in- will have the courage and strength to
spired leadership. Through the priest- live according to their words, and that
hood the Church points the way ahead all who have heard them will benefit
and provides the kind of leadership thereby.
which down through the ages has saved Elder Boyd K. Packer, Assistant to
the people when they were willing to the Twelve, will speak to us on the
listen and to follow. As holders of the subject, "The LDS Servicemen's Pro-
divine priesthood we must strive to live gram."


Assistant to the I tuncil of the Twelve

Brethren, I feel humble in respond- lands, here in the United States, in

ing to this appointment from the First —
Canada and Latin America across the
Presidency, an assignment that comes world —
we find our brethren serving
because of responsibility as managing out their obligations, for "we believe
director of military relations and of in being subject to kings, presidents,
priesthood home teaching. The teaming rulers, and magistrates, in obeying,
up of these assignments is a demon- honoring, and sustaining the law."
stration of priesthood activities drawing (Article of Faith 12.)
together in a very close relationship Few desire to bear arms. Fortunate,
under the priesthood correlation pro- indeed, is the generation which escapes
gram. the necessity of so doing; ours is not so
Brethren, we are men of the priest- blessed.

hood IThere is an obligation that Our young brethren, more than ever
accompanies manhood, for in his very before, and perhaps more than ever
nature, his body, his mind, his attitude, again, as they are called into military
the man is the protector. service need to buckle on the whole
armor of God, with their "loins girt
Since ancient time, it has been the
about with truth," having the breast-
duty of the man to protect "his home,
plate of righteousness, and their feet
his family, his rights, his religion."
shod with the preparation of the gos-
(See Al. 43:46-47.)
pel of peace, bearing the shield of
faith, and the helmet of salvation. (See
Service in military forces
D&C 27:15-18.)
Across the world the holders of the But some of our brethren have
priesthood answer the call of the gov- slipped quietly away and have left the
ernment to which they owe allegiance family circle ill-prepared to do battle
and serve in military forces. In Ger- with the forces of evil. These brethren
many and Australia, in the Nether- deserve quite as much and need ever

so much more the attention and the United We

are drawing closer
same preparation that the missionary to these men. Many of them are here
receives as he leaves for the mission this evening. We
held a special meet-
field. ing with them yesterday.
Some of them and some reserve
Assistance for servicemen chaplains now serve on special task
committees, fitting out, as it were, this
Many things are now being done "armor" of which we spoke earlier.
to strengthen them. It is privilegemy Steps have been taken to assure that
to report a few of them to you.
servicemen will receive Church publi-
Recently the servicemen's commit-
cations, including new ways of han-
tee was redesignated as the Military
dling The Improvement Era. They are
Relations Committee of the Church
now mailed in individual envelopes.
and given extended responsibility. El-
Pre-franked change of address cards
der Harold B. Lee is chairman of the
are included. Similar attention is being
committee, with Elders Mark E.
given to the Church News.
Petersen and Gordon B. Hinckley as
members. Importance of home teacher
Then October there was orga-
nized, inGermany, Servicemen's Stake- The key to our servicemen's program
Europe. Membership includes men is the home teacher. He visits the home
serving in the military and their de- and is accountable for those away in
pendents. This unit joins the family the military. He can assure that
of stakes as a strong, well-ordered Church publications have been pro-
organization. This suggests that the vided by the family or by the priest-
day is before us when a young man hood quorums.
may leave home and the shelter of In order that the home teacher can
a well-organized Church program to better do his work, the executive secre-
find another at the place of his mili- tary of the ward priesthood executive
tary service. committee was recently designated as
Some have wondered why this was the adviser to the bishopric on mili-
not done a generation ago, but we were tary relations. Through the home
not prepared. The Lord has said: teachers he will determine who is
"Behold, I will hasten my work in its serving and who may be called up for
time." (D&C 88:73.) military service. This he will con-
We have learned, through the uni- tinually bring to the attention of the
versity stakes, what to do when a bishopric. Perhaps he will nudge
member frequently moves about. the bishopric a bit to see that through
the priesthood executive committee
New echelon of leadership and die ward council everything that
can be done will be done to secure our
More important than this, there has men in the military.
been called a new echelon of leader-

ship in the Church, the Regional Rep- Stake executive secretary

resentatives of the Twelve, on whom
it seems we must now depend. A recent letter from the First Presi-
Brother Kay A. Schwendiman, who dency instructed stake presidents to call
gave the opening prayer, was recently an executive secretary to the stake
called as a Regional Representative of priesthood executive committee. His
the Twelve, with responsibility for major responsibility is home teaching.
Servicemen's Stake-Europe and other He is likewise the adviser to the
duties relating to servicemen. stake presidency on military relations.
These things have come by way of Through home teaching reports he re-
preparation, and we see the guiding mains constantly alert to the needs
hand of the Lord in them. The Lord of men in the military service and
does hasten his work in its time. those preparing to go.
Presently we have 27 chaplains on He keeps the stake presidency alerted.
active duty in the armed forces of the As their "intelligence officer," he keeps
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

them up
against their job. They, training. . They were encouraged,
. .

through the stake priesthood executive inspired, and given a more full outlook
committee and the stake council, may as to what to expect in military
then take action to benefit their service. . . .

servicemen. "Each has been most willing to

assistwith the sacrament services held
Pilot seminars Michael Paige, for
for their areas. Pvt.
example, was so inspired that he
Three pilot seminars have been held brought 15 friends with him to Church
for men who face call-up or have
on Sunday, January 12. Since that
volunteered for military service. The
date 12 have been baptized. All of
first was in Oakland, one was in Idaho
these contacts have come from the four
Falls, and one in Chicago, where some
servicemen who were at the Oakland
men already in basic training were seminar." (Letter from Chaplain Mad-
With the assistance of the Regional
It has now been determined that
Representatives of the Twelve, our
similar training will be given every
chaplains, and others, these brethren
member as he leaves his home to enter
were given intense training. It was as
the military service. This training is
though they were being fitted up with
not unlike the training given to a mis-
the whole armor of God.
sionary. And we repeat, the service-
Some assessment of this training may man deserves it quite as much and
be drawn from two letters. The first
needs it infinitely more.
comes from a 19-year-old deacon who
had attended the Oakland seminar. Churchwide training seminars
"Hello, I finally got time to write
after almost three weeks of training. Instructions have already been given
It's just like the chaplains said it would to the Regional Representatives of the
be . the seminar actually brought me
. . Twelve. We
therefore wish to alert
much closer to the Church and ex- the stake presidents, quorum leaders,
plained my mission in the service. I'm bishops, the stake and ward executive
going to try to not miss a single Sunday secretaries, home teachers, and parents
of church. to look forward to the inauguration of
"I've been wondering if you could the Churchwide program of these train-
send me some information on what all ing seminars.
has to be done in order to go through We can announce that the next one
the temple or be married in the temple, will be held in Salt Lake City on
because if it takes time, I'd like to June 6, 7, and 8 for all men entering
start preparing now, so whenever I de- the military from Utah during the
cide to get married, in about four years, summer, and we suggest that the
I'll be a few steps ahead. I don't think bishops in Utah look for their home
there would be anything I'd want more teachers to supply them with informa-
than to be married in the temple. tion concerning the men who will be
"I'd be honored to be a missionary in entering the military.
a foreign country someday when I be- We do care about our men in the
come qualified." (Signed by Brother military. We
return again in con-
Bertoglio.) clusion to the words of the Lord. They
have much meaning to the young man
Chaplain's report who faces military service.
His desire for missionary service may The armor of God
come sooner than he knows. Listen to
one of our chaplain's reports: lift up your hearts and
"I would like to report firsthand re- rejoice,and gird up your loins, and
sults of the pilot seminar for prospec- take upon you my whole armor, that ye
tive servicemen. . . . may be able to withstand the evil day,
"Four of the . . . servicemen were having done all, that ye may be able
eventually assigned here for basic to stand.

"Stand, therefore, having your loins Lord is guiding us in preparing help

girt about with truth, having on the for you. Of this I bear witness, in the
breastplate of righteousness, and your name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
feet shod with the preparation of the
gospel of peace, which I have sent mine President N. Eldon Tanner
angels to commit unto you;
"Taking the shield of faith where- The chorus will now sing "Re-
with ye shall be able to quench all the deemer of Israel." The congregation
fiery darts of the wicked; will please stand and join with them.
"And take the helmet of salvation,
and the sword of my Spirit, which I
The congregation and chorus sang
will pour out upon you, and wordmy the hymn, "Redeemer of Israel."
which I reveal unto you, and be agreed
as touching all things whatsoever ye
ask of me, and be faithful until I come,
and ye shall be caught up, that where President N. Eldon Tanner
I am ye shall be also. Amen." (D&C
27:15-18.) Elder Marion G. Romney of the
God bless our men in the military Council of the Twelve will now speak
service and those who anticipate that to us on the subject, "Home Teaching
call. The Church does love you. The and the Family Home Evening."


Of the Council of the Twelve

This subject and this assignment We have all heard of home teaching,
have come to me because of the fact and we have all heard of home eve-
that the home teaching program with nings, but we do not all do home teach-
which I am connected has been as- ing, nor do we all hold home evenings,
signed some responsibility with re- notwithstanding the fact that both of
spect to the home evening program. these activities are divinely instituted
My objective is twofold: one, to call to help us teach the gospel in the
your attention to what the Lord has home.
said about the responsibility of Church
Pattern for gospel teaching
members to teach the gospel in the
home, and two, to point out some Because no one can be saved without
things that can be done in the home a knowledge of the gospel, the Lord
through home teaching to inspire and himself set the pattern as to how it
encourage the members of the Church should be taught in order that everyone
to hold and conduct home evenings in can be taught. He himself came to his
the home. son Adam and taught him the gospel,
To endeavor to so instruct this great and directed him to teach his children.
audience is indeed an awesome respon- The record says that "Adam and Eve
sibility. Think of it for a moment. As . . . made all things known unto their
mentioned by President Dyer today, sons and their daughters. . . ." (Moses
there are perhaps 150,000 listening to 5:12.)
this meeting, men and boys, every one They
instructed their sons and
of them holding an office in the priest- daughters to follow their example. We
hood of God. Each, by reason of ac- know that the faithful ones of them
cepting ordination, bears a divine did so, because we read that Jared, the
charge to visit the homes of Church sixth generation from Adam, taught
members and exhort them to attend to his son "in all the ways of God."
all family duties and to individual (Moses 6:21.) We
know that the un-
duties. faithful did not teach their children,
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

because the Lord said that the blood of shaken the presidency and bishop. Ex-
those who were drowned in the flood plaining that "every spirit of man was
would be required at the hands of their innocent in the beginning," but that
fathers. The basis on which the Lord because of their "disobedience, . . .

holds the parents responsible for un- [and] the tradition of their fathers,
taught children he explained to Ezekiel . . that wicked one cometh and

when he told him that when he gave taketh away light and truth . ," the . .

notice and the watchmen did not warn Lord continued:

the wicked that they would be de- "But I have commanded you to
stroyed, the blood would be required bring up your children in light and
at the hands of the watchmen. (See truth.
Ezek. 3:18.) "But verily I say unto you, my ser-
I have here the scriptures as to how vant Frederick G. Williams. . . .

Moses taught the children of Israel to "You have not taught your children
teach their children, of how King Ben- light and truth, according to the com-
jamin taught the people of the Book mandments; and that wicked one hath
of Mormon days to teach their chil- power, as yet, over you, and this is the
dren, and so on down through the cause of your affliction."
various dispensations. I shall not take I wonder how many of us today are
time, because of the lateness of the suffering afflictions because we fail to
hour, to go through these scriptures. teach our children.
Furthermore, the scriptures that are "And now a commandment I give
binding upon us are the ones the Lord unto you — if you will be delivered you
has given us in these latter days. He shall set in order your own house, for
has never required his people of one there are many things that are not
dispensation to rely solely upon the right in your house.
teachings he gave to former dispensa- "Verily, I say unto my servant Sid-
tions. But he has revealed his law, ney Rigdon, that in some things he
given his commandments anew in hath not kept the commandments con-
every dispensation. And in this dispen- cerning his children; therefore, first set
sation the commandments that we are in order thy house.
bound by are those in the Doctrine "Verily, I say unto my servant Jo-
and Covenants. seph Smith, Jun., . . .

"You have not kept the command-

Modern instruction ments, and must needs stand rebuked
before the Lord;
In 1831, while the Prophet Joseph
"Your family must needs repent and
was "reviewing the commandments"
forsake some things, and give more
to be sent to Zion, the Lord gave this
earnest heed unto your sayings, or be
removed out of their place. . . .
". inasmuch as parents have chil-
. .
"My servant Newel K. Whitney
dren in Zion, or in any of her stakes
also, a bishop of my church, hath need
. that teach them not to understand
. .
to be chastened, and set in order his
the doctrine of repentance, faith in family, and see that they are more
Christ the Son of the living God, and diligent and concerned at home, and
of baptism and the gift of the Holy pray always, or they shall be removed
Ghost by the laying on of the hands, out of their place." (D&C 93:38-50.)
when eight years old, the sin be upon The failure of parents to teach their
the heads of the parents. children affects not only them and
"For this shall be a law unto the their children but whole civilizations.
inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her
Such failure contributed to the
stakes which are organized." (D&C
wickedness that brought on the flood;
it contributed to the fall of ancient
Israel, and to the destruction of the
Failure to teach children
Book of Mormon peoples. I read re-
The Lord's follow-up on this com- cently that the renowned author "Ed-
mandment 18 months later must have ward Gibbon, back in 1788, set forth


in his famous book, 'Decline and Fall righteousness, and precept and exam-
of the Roman Empire,' five basic rea- ple, and devotion to duty in the home."
sons why that great civilization with- (Family Home Evening Manual, 1965,
ered and died," and that the first of p. iii.)
these reasons was "the undermining of Pursuant to this counsel, many
the dignity and sanctity of the home, families have adopted and faithfully
which is the basis for human society." pursued the Family Home Evening
Program. Others have yet to move into
Home Evening inaugurated it and qualify for the promised bless-
All our leaders in this dispensation
have counseled parents to teach their Purpose of home teaching
children. The First Presidency of the
Church, in 1915, advised and urged Some of the things that can be done
"the inauguration of a 'Home Evening' through home teaching — and this is

throughout the Church, at which time really the purpose of this talk tonight
fathers and mothers may gather their — to inspire obedience to the command-
boys and girls about them in the home, ment to teach the gospel in the home,
and teach them the words of the and particularly to hold the home
Lord. . . .
evening as directed, are as follows:
"If the Saints obey this counsel, we
To the stake presidents:
promise that great blessings will re- 1. That under the leadership of the
sult. Love at home and obedience to stake president, there be in every stake
parents will increase, faith will be —
an evening other than Sunday
developed in the hearts of the youth designated and exclusively reserved as
of Israel, and they will gain power to home evening. I recently heard a for-
combat the evil influences and temp- mer stake president who said the
tations which beset them." (The Im- bishops in the stake he had presided
provement Era, June 1915, pp. 733-34.) over did not even answer the telephone
I suppose this statement and the
on this evening. When it rang, one of
following I will read from President the children would gently say, "We
McKay give as good a definition of a are holding home evening. Are you?"
home evening as we have in the scrip- 2. Let each stake president see to it

tures. In April 1964, President McKay that he himself regularly conducts a

said: "No other success can compen- weekly home evening with his own
sate for failure in the home." (The family, and that he inspires each of
Improvement Era, June 1964, p. 445.) high councilors,
his counselors, clerks,
In 1965, as an aid to parents in and all members of his stake council
teaching their children, the weekly todo likewise.
Family Home Evening Program was I had written in these remarks: It

inaugurated. Introducing the manual, will be in order for Representatives of

President McKay said: the Twelve to emphasize this matter
"These lessons for 'Teaching and in their regions. I was very happy day
Living the Gospel in the Home' are before yesterday to hear President
offered as helps for the weekly home Tanner tell these Regional Representa-
evening. . . .
tives directly to hold their own home
"Earnestly we urge parents to gather evenings and then take it up with the
their families around them, and to stake presidents.
instruct them in truth and righteous- 3. That in their monthly oral evalu-

ness, and in family love and loyalty. ations, stake presidents motivate bishops
The home is the basis of a righteous and branch presidents to implement
life, and no other instrumentality can
the family home evening program in
take its place nor fulfill its essential their own homes and in their wards
functions. The problems of these diffi- and branches.
cult times cannot better be solved in Now to the bishops:
any other place, by any other agency, 4. Let every bishop and branch
by any other means, than by love and president not only conduct a weekly
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

home evening with his own family, ganda. Every place they turn, they
but also so teach, exhort, and inspire are buffeted with evil, cunningly de-
his counselors, clerks, and ward coun- vised to deceive and to destroy every
cil members that they follow his sacred thing and every righteous
example. principle.
5. That in their monthly
oral evalu-
ations with priesthood leaders,
True principles ridiculed
bishops and branch presidents accom- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is
plish three things: One, inspire these scoffed at. God, they are told, is dead.
leaders to conduct home evenings with The principle of repentance, baptism
their own families. Two, motivate by immersion for the remission of sins,
them to inspire home teachers to hold and laying on of hands for the gift of
home evenings with their own families, the Holy Ghost are ridiculed.
and to encourage the families they Morality in general and chastity
visit to hold home evenings. Three,
particularly are outmoded. Man so —
bishops should, at these interviews,
receive a report from each priesthood

our children are told is an animal,
the product of biological evolution; his
leader on the status of home teaching generative powers are not sacred and
in the families for whom he is respon- God-given for the purpose of bringing
sible. God's spirit children into mortality,
6. Let every home teacher (a) regu- and therefore to be exercised within the
larly conduct with his own family the limits divinely prescribed, as the gospel
kind of a home evening he would be teaches, but they are playthings to be
proud to have the families he visits exploited and prostituted for the
use as an example, and (b) carry into gratification of sensual and lustful
the homes of the families he is assigned desires. Courage, honesty, loyalty,
to visit such teaching, encouragement,
and spirit as will inspire them to ob-
patriotism, —
law and order these and
other elements of the divine nature
serve home evening. The home teacher are no longer revered as virtues.
should also render a complete report
on each of his families to his priest- Children to be strengthened
hood leader each month in their inter-
If our children are to be sufficiently
strengthened to stand against this
Youth targets of evil one satanic onslaught, they must be taught
and trained in the home, as the Lord
Such is the care we must exercise, has directed.
brethren, as we watch
over the Let every priesthood bearer, in the
Church, if we are to prevail "against majesty and power of his calling, set
the wiles of the devil. in order his own house; let him regu-
"For we wrestle not against flesh larly observe home evening and other-
and blood, but against principalities, wise bring up his "children in light
against powers, against the rulers of and truth" (D&C 93:40); let him
the darkness of this world, against accept a home teaching assignment
spiritual wickedness in high places." and so faithfully visit, exhort, encour-
(Eph. 6:11-12.) age, and inspire his families that they
The world is ripening in iniquity. follow his example. Then will the
". . . all flesh is corrupted before children of Zion be able to stand
[the Lord] ; . the powers of darkness
. . against the wiles of the devil, and then
prevail upon the earth. .
." (D&C . will the Church begin to "arise and
38:11.) shine forth, that [her] light may be a
Satan, our enemy, is making an all- standard for the nations." (D&C
out assault upon righteousness. His 115:5.)
well-marshaled forces are legion. Our That every priesthood bearer will
children and youth are the targets of challenge given us by the
rise to the
his main thrust. They are everywhere Lord when he said, in the words al-
subjected to wicked and vicious propa- ready quoted by Brother Packer:

". . .up your loins, and take

gird humbly pray, in the name of Jesus
upon you my whole armor, that ye Christ. Amen.
may be able to withstand the evil day,
having done all, that ye may be able
President N. Eldon Tanner
to stand. that where I am ye
. . . President Hugh B. Brown will be
shall be also." (D&C 27:15, 18), I our concluding speaker.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

We have had two days of almost can't lick that guy unless I can knock
constant meetings. I know you are all that grin off of his face." He was not
rather weary at this hour, so I shall able to do it. That smile represented
not take much time. I have enjoyed a courage of cold steel, and the Mor-
very much the meeting tonight; and mon boy won the battle.
realizing the numbers of men who are
listening in, I am wondering if I can Story of Canadian recruitment
add a word. I hope we have taken to
Now as to the story: In 1906 the
heart the very worthwhile and impor- government of Canada passed a law
tant messages that have been given by
that was known as the Militia Act,
the brethren throughout the confer-
comparable to the home guard here.
ence. Tonight especially, when Presi-
They sent out into all the provinces a
dent McKay had such an inspiring call for men to take training prepara-
message for us, and then to hear these tory to what Lord Roberts said was sure
young boys respond to the call so well, to come, a world war. A young man
so efficiently, so humbly, was an in-
was sent to Cardston to recruit some
spiration to all of us. To hear Elders
of our men. This young fellow was the
[Lysle R.] Cahoon, Packer, and Rom-
son of a prominent military man. He
ney discuss their special assignments is had been raised with a silver spoon in
a challenge to every man who holds his mouth, evidently. He was one of
the priesthood. fellows who had
those a jaunty
I was especially impressed when moustache and a little swagger stick,
Elder Packer mentioned military men. and he wore a monocle, a one-eye
I have had a little experience in that
glass. He was a most objectionable
field, and I think I would like to tell
fellow in the eyes of our young men.
you a story with relation to it, a story In fact, his monocle reminds me of
that may be not so well known here another story.
in the United States because it hap- I was standing one day between
pened in Canada. Picadilly Circus and Leicester Square
talking to an American officer during
A sense of humor the first world war. We
saw a man
First, I think I would like to say to coming down the sidewalk with his
the young men who are listening and hat on one side, swinging a swagger
who are present that I wish you would stick, a Charlie Chaplin moustache,
cultivate a sense of humor. and a monocle. I said to the officer,
In the army while in the first world "I wonder why those fellows wear a
war, one of our boys who was a pretty one-eye glass instead of two."
good fighter was challenged in England "Well," he said, "I'll tell you. A
to a fight. This young man, our Mor- guy like that can see more with one
mon boy, had the habit of smiling all eye than he can comprehend."
the way through a fight. One of the Well, such was the man who came
men whom he was pitted against was out to recruit the Mormon boys. He
champion, and during the fight he said spent two weeks in Cardston. He was
to his attendants between rounds, "I sent out to organize a squadron of


Saturday, April 5 Second Day

mounted men. He did not get one accosted him angrily and said, "You
recruit during that two weeks. A lot fool, don't you realize the captain was
of them came in and responded to his trying to make a friend of you, and
call, but did not sign up. He went you insulted him to his face?"
back to Ottawa and reported the Mor- The young Mormon boy answered,
mons were disloyal and ought to be "Gentlemen, if I must be untrue to
expelled from Canada. my ideals and my people and do things
The member of parliament from our that I have been instructed all my life
district at that time was W. A. Bu- I should not do, I'll quit the army."
chanan, who knew our people very
well. The matter was taken to the A man of character
floor of the parliament, and consider-
able agitation was whipped up. Mr. When the time came for the final
Buchanan arose and said, "If you will examinations in that camp, the captain
allow some of their own men to be- sent this young man down to Calgary
come officers, you will get all the from Sarcee Camp to do some work
Mormon boys you want." for him, and they were having exami-
nations while he was gone. When
Training as militia officers returned the captain said, "Now you
go in the other room there, and I will
The government finally accepted give you the list of questions, and you
his recommendation, and they sent can write your examination."
word out to President Edward J. Wood He went in and returned and said,
to appoint some men to go and take "Sir, all the books we have studied are
training, which he did. I happened to there on that desk. Surely you don't
be one who was
called in by President want me to write my examination
Wood and called on a three-year mis- there where I can turn to those books."
sion, to go to Calgary and take training The captain said, "That is just what
as a militia officer. I do want. I know from my knowledge
While I was in training, a young of you that you will not open a one
Mormon boy came into the camp. He of those books. You will be honorable,
was awkward. He was not educated you will be honest, and I trust you."
very well, but he was a young Mormon Well, that young man, while over-
boy who had been taught to live the seas later on in the war, was sent for
gospel. After one parade, when he had by his captain, who had then become
gone through everything backwards, a lieutenant colonel, in response to a
he was called by the captain to come call from general headquarters for the
into his office. The captain said, "I best man he had in his battalion. They
have noticed you, young fellow. You had a special mission for him to per-
are from Cardston, aren't you?" form. They said, "We don't care any-
He said, "Yes, sir." thing about his education or his train-
"You are a Mormon, I suppose." ing. We want a man who can't be
"Yes, sir." broken when put under test. wantWe
"Well, I just wanted to make friends a man of character." The lieutenant
with you. Will you have a glass of colonel,his former captain, selected
beer?" and assigned this youngman who had
"Sir, I do not drink liquor. the courage to stand before him and
The captain said, "The you say, "I do not smoke. I do not drink."
don't. Maybe you will have a cigar I cite that as a type of thing that

then." happens sometimes in military life,

He said, "Thank you, sir, but I do and because Brother Packer spoke of
not smoke." the military, it reminded me of it.
Thecaptain seemed much annoyed Well, at the end of the training
by this, and he dismissed the boy from period we organized a squadron and
the room. took them to Calgary in the years
When the young man went back to 1912-14, when, as you know, the first
his quarters, some of the lesser officers world war broke out, Canada and

England having been in the war for had time your friend-
to cultivate
some years before the United States ships, your politeness, or your
came in. Our Mormon boys made a good manners,
great name for themselves, both in When you have lost on your way
Canada and overseas. your self-respect, your courage,
your self-control, or any other
When is success a failure? quality of manhood, then success
has been a failure."
Brethren, there are many things that
could be said on an occasion of this Each is being tested
kind, but most of them have been said,
so I will not detain you. I would like Let us take that to heart, brethren,
to bring to your attention, though, one and remember that each of us is being
or two paragraphs that might be help- tested, just as the finest cars and planes
ful. I hope they will. This is entitled are tested before they are put into ser-
"When Is Success a Failure?" vice. They are tested for weaknesses;
they are tested for flaws. Can you
"When you are doing the lower stand the test? At the bar the Judge
while the higher is possible, will not look us over for medals, de-
When you are not a cleaner, finer, grees, or diplomas, but for scars. Let
larger man on account of your us resolve that there will be no stains.
work, Let every young man who holds the
When you live only to eat and priesthood stand himself up against the
drink, have a good time, and ac- wall and look himself over and ask
cumulate money, then success is a himself to reply honestly, "What kind
failure. of a man are you really? You make a
When you do not carry a higher pretty good showing at times, but what
wealth in your character than in is in your heart?" Talk to yourself
your pocketbook, along that line, brethren, and then put
When the attainment of your ambi- your lives in order.
tion has blighted the aspirations You young men who are going into
and crushed the hopes of others, the service are going to come up against
When hunger for more money, more some terrible temptations and some
land, more houses and bonds has real tests of courage. God bless you
grown to be your dominant pas- that your priesthood may enable you to
sion, measure up to any responsibility that
When your profession has made you is placed upon you.

a wreck a victim of
physical — We are living in very difficult times.
and moods,
'nerves' They are ominous times. They are
When your absorption in your work times when men are getting discour-
has made you practically a stranger aged. Many references have been made
to your family, to these things during this conference.
When your greed for money has I would like to leave with you a poem
darkened and cramped your wife's on what the future portends:
life, and deprived her of self-
expression, of needed rest and "You that have faith to look with
recreation, of amusement of any fearless eyes
kind, Upon the tragedy of a world at strife,
When all sympathy and fellowship And know that out of death and
have been crushed out of your life night
by selfish devotion to your voca- Shall rise the dawn
of amplier life,
tion, Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the
When you do not overtop your voca- heart,
tion, when you are not greater as That God has given you the priceless
a man than as a lawyer, a mer- dower
chant, a physician or a scientist, To live in these great times and have
When you plead that you have never your part
Saturday, April 5 Second Day

In freedom's crowning hour; soul as the dews from heaven.

That you may tell your sons who "The Holy Ghost shall be thy con-
see the light, stant companion, and thy scepter an
High in the heavens, their heritage unchanging scepter of righteousness
to take, and truth; and thy dominion shall be
I saw the powers of darkness take an everlasting dominion, and without
their flight; compulsory means it shall flow unto
I saw the morning break." thee forever and ever." (D&C 121:36-
39, 45-46.)
look forward with courage and
faith, remembering that unless we Divinity of the work
have been true, unless we have kept
the faith, unless we have kept clean, God bless you, my brethren. I leave
unless we have done the things that we with you my own testimony as to the
know we ought to do, then we will fail divinity of this work. God has been so
in this great test. good to me as to make known to me,
in ways that I cannot explain, that
The rights of the priesthood Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God.
I know that he is the Redeemer of this
I must close by drawing your atten- world. I have been close enough to
tion to a very familiar section of the him to get from him a convincing testi-
Doctrine and Covenants: mony of that fact, which has been
". the rights of the priesthood are
. .
sealed upon my soul. I leave you this
inseparably connected with the powers testimony, and I say, as Peter of old
of heaven, and ... the powers of hea- said in answer to the question, "Whom
ven cannot be controlled nor handled say ye that I am?" "Thou art the
only upon the principles of righteous- Christ, the Son of the living God."
ness. (See Matt. 16:15-16.) I know it. I
"That they may be conferred upon know it better than I know anything
us, it is true; but when we undertake else, and for that knowledge I am
to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, grateful to him. I would like to con-
our vain ambition, or to exercise con- tinue faithful to the end if I can.
trol or dominion or compulsion upon God bless you now as you go to your
the souls of the children of men, in homes. Set your houses in order. Set
any degree of unrighteousness, behold, your lives in order, for you are going
the heavens withdraw themselves; the to be tested as men heretofore have not
Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when been tested, and you will make good
it is withdrawn, Amen to the priest- in proportion as you build character,
hood or the authority of that man. as you do the things you know you
"Behold, ere he is aware, he is left ought to do, deprive yourself of the
unto himself, to kick against the things you know you should not have,
pricks, to persecute the saints, and to and yield obedience to the command-
fight against God. ments of God.
"We have learned by sad experience "If a man is primarily after wealth,
that it is the nature and disposition of the world can whip him. If he is pri-
almost all men, as soon as they get a marily after pleasure, the world can
little authority, as they suppose, they beat him. But if a man is primarily
will immediately begin to exercise growing character, then he can capital-
unrighteous dominion. . . . ize on anything that life does to him.

"Let thy bowels also be full of char- How much a man owns depends on
itytowards all men, and to the house- the height and breadth and depth of
hold of faith, and let virtue garnish his mind and soul and not on his bank

thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall account."

thy confidence wax strong in the May his peace and blessing be with
presence of God; and the doctrine of you all, I pray in the name of Jesus
the priesthood shall distil upon thy Christ. Amen.

President N. EI don Tanner dick at the organ. We

deeply appre-
ciate their inspiring music and the
I should remind you that the
like to service they have rendered tonight.
CBS Radio Tabernacle Choir Broad- We shall now close this meeting
cast will begin at 9:35 tomorrow with the chorus singing, "I Need Thee
morning. It will be from 9:35 to Every Hour," and Elder Robert N.
10 o'clock a.m. Those desiring to at- Sears, regional representative of the
tend must be in their seats before Twelve, will offer the benediction.
9:15. The conference will then be adjourned
As thousands leave this priesthood until ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
meeting tonight, we urge you to drive
carefully. Obey the and
traffic rules
always be courteous and patient in The Brigham Young University
driving in the city and on the high- Faculty Priesthood Chorus then sang,
ways. "I Need Thee Every Hour."
The music for this priesthood ses- Elder Robert N. Sears, regional rep-
sion has been furnished by the resentative of the Twelve, offered the
Brigham Young University Faculty closing prayer.
Priesthood Chorus, with Harold H. The conference adjourned until
Goodman conducting and Robert Cun- Sunday, April 6, at 10 a.m.

SIXTH SESSION Annual Conference of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sunday morning, April 6. President David O. McKay is watch-
Conference reconvened at 10 o'clock ing on the television at his home under
a.m. following the conclusion of the the advice of his physicians. He is
Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir and Organ presiding at this session of the con-
Broadcast, which was presented at 9:35 ference and has asked that I conduct.
a.m. and concluded at 10 o'clock. A He wishes me to extend his greetings
complete report of this broadcast may and love and blessings to each and all.
be found on pages 156 and 157 of this It gives us great pleasure also to
report. welcome all present this morning, espe-
The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir cially our special guests—governmental,
furnished the choral music for this educational and civic leaders, together
session with Richard P. Condie con- with the vast television and radio
ducting. Elder Alexander Schreiner audience.
was at the console of the organ.
The Tabernacle Choir, under the
President Hugh B. Brown, first coun-
direction of Richard P. Condie, with
selor in the First Presidency, conducted
Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
this session.
open these services by singing "Achieved
Just before the beginning of this ses-
Is the Glorious Work," following
sion of conference, the Tabernacle
which Elder Dean A. Peterson, presi-
Choir sang the hymn, "Praise to the
dent of the Brigham Young University
Seventh Stake, will offer the invocation.
President Brown then made the fol-
lowing preliminary statement:

The Tabernacle Choir sang "Achieved

President Hugh B. Brown Is the Glorious Work," following
This is the sixth session of the 139th which President Dean A. Peterson of
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

the Brigham Young University Seventh which President Nathan Eldon Tan-
Stake offered the opening prayer. ner, a counselor in the First Presidency
of the Church, will speak to us.

President Hugh B. Brown

The Tabernacle Choir will now The Tabernacle Choir sang the
sing "Souls of the Righteous," after number, "Souls of the Righteous."

PRESIDENT N. I :ldon tanner

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

On behalf of the First Presidency, ascended into heaven; and all other
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, things which pertain to our religion
and the other General Authorities, I are only appendages to it." (Documen-
wish to extend a warm welcome to tary History of the Church, Vol. 3,
our radio and television audiences to p. 30.)
join with us here in this historic In fact, without this great message
Tabernacle on Temple Square this of the Redeemer, we are left without
lovely Easter morning. a purpose, without an anchor, and
without hope.
Commemoration of resurrection

We are commemorating today the Predictions of resurrection

greatest event that has ever taken place
As the Christian world commemo-
in the history of mortal man: the
rates the crucifixion and resurrection
resurrection of our Lord and Savior,
of our Savior, who is the source of
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Crea-
Christianity, I should like to review
tor of the world, who came and gave
his life for us and was resurrected. The
some of the predictions and events
surrounding this most important occa-
fact that Christ rose from the dead has
sion. Centuries before the crucifixion
made secure the resurrection of all
of the Savior, the psalmist wrote:
mankind from the grave and offers an ". the assembly of the wicked
. .
opportunity for them to return to their
have inclosed me: they pierced my
Father in heaven. Yes, all sons and
hands and my feet.
daughters of Adam and Eve are to be
resurrected, raised from the dead, and
"They part my garments among
each shall enjoy the glory for which
them, and cast lots upon my vesture."

he has prepared himself. (Ps. 22:16, 18.)

The birth, life, death and resurrec- Also centuries before, Isaiah said:
and the message of our Lord and ". . . he hath poured out his soul
Savior is the central theme of all unto death: and he bare the sin of
. . .

scriptures —the Old Testament, the many, and made intercession for the
New Testament,and our latter-day transgressors." (Isa. 53:12.)
scriptures, the Book of Mormon, Doc- Long before the birth of Christ,
trine and Covenants, and Pearl of Alma was asked: "What does this
Great Price. What would the scrip- mean which Amulek hath spoken con-
tures be without this message? All cerning the resurrection of the dead,
other things lose their meaning and that all shall rise from the dead, both
purpose and fade into insignificance. the just and the unjust, and are brought
Joseph Smith, the Prophet, said: to stand before God to be judged ac-
"The fundamental principles of our cording to their works?" (Al. 12:8.)
religion are the testimonies of the In his discourse following this ques-
Apostles and Prophets, concerning tion, Alma explained: ". . it meaneth .

Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, the reuniting of the soul with the
and rose again the third day, and body. . . ." (Al. 40:18.)

Jesus also predicted his death and if it were possible, the hour might pass
resurrection time and again as he went from him.
about his mission. Matthew, Mark, "And he said, . . . Father, all things
Luke, and John record such statements are possible unto thee; take away this
as: "I am the living bread which came cup from me: nevertheless not what I
down from heaven: if any man eat of will, but what thou wilt." (Mark 14:
this bread, shall live for ever: and
he 34-36.)
the bread that I will give is flesh, my As he returned to Peter, James, and
which I will give for the life of the John, who
were not fully aware of
world." (John 6:51.) what was taking place, he found them
Again: he taught his disciples,
". . . asleep. He left them a second and
and said unto them, The Son of man third time and prayed the same words,
is delivered into the hands of men, and but each time as he returned he found
they shall kill him; and after that he them asleep again. Finding them
is killed, he shall rise the third day. asleep the third time, he said: "Sleep
"But they understood not that say- on now, and take your rest: the . . .

ing,and were afraid to ask him." hour is come. ." (Mark 14:41.) How
. .

(Mark 9:31-32.) alone he must have felt!

Purpose of Christ's mission Betrayal and trial

Christ himself, however, clearly

understood the purpose of his mission
Immediately following this we see
and what would happen; and as the Judas Iscariot betraying his Master
time approached, he was very much
with a kiss. We
remember how he was
led away to the high priests and how
concerned. As he felt the time pressing
there he was falsely accused, but the
upon him he prayed:
". Father, save me from this hour:
witnesses disagreed. When he an-
swered that he was Christ, the Son of
but for this cause came I unto this
God, they ridiculed him, spat upon
him, and struck him and told him to
"Father, glorify thy name. Then prophesy. ". And they all con-
. .

came there a voice from heaven, say- demned him to be guilty of death."
ing, I have both glorified it, and will (Mark 14:64.)
glorify it again." (John 12:27-28.) As the Jews could not impose the
Let us try to visualize what took death penalty in the Sanhedrin, he
place as Christ was with his apostles was taken to Pilate. Pilate said, after
at the Passover. questioning him, "I find no fault in
"And as they sat and did eat, Jesus this man." (Luke 23:4.) The multitude
said, Verily I say unto you, One of you then renewed their demand for his
which eateth with me shall betray me. crucifixion.Pilate, learning he was a
"And they began to be sorrowful, Galilean, sent him to Herod, but
and to sav unto him one by one, Is it Herod sent him back, not knowing
I? . . . what judgment to pass. Pilate again
"And he answered and said unto began to examine Jesus. At least three
them, It is one of the twelve, that times he pleaded with the multitude
dippeth with me in the dish." (Mark to release Jesus instead of Barabbas,
14:18-20.) who was guilty of murder, but each
Following this they went out into time they said, ". . . release unto us
the Mount of Olives and came to a Barabbas," and when he asked con-
place called Gethsemane. Leaving his cerning Jesus, they cried, "Crucify
disciples there, he took with him him." (Luke 23:18, 21.)
Peter, James, and John, "And saith It is interesting to note that Pilate
unto them, My soul is exceeding sor- finally took water, "and washed his
rowful unto death: tarry ye here, and hands before the multitude, saying, I
watch. am innocent of the blood of this just
"And he went forward a little, and person: see ye to it.

fell on the ground, and prayed that, "Then answered all the people, and
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

said, His blood be on us, and on our In the early morning of the third
children." (Matt. 27:24-25.) day Mary Magdalene and others came
to the tomb with the idea of preparing
The crucifixion the body for a proper burial. How
surprised, fearful, and perplexed they
As he was turned over to be cruci- were to find the tomb was empty. An
fied, he was scourged, and a wreath of angel who was in the tomb said: "Fear
thorns was placed upon his head. In not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus,
his agony, as he was hanging on the which was crucified.
cross, the Savior cried out in his God-
"He not here: for he is risen, as
like manner, "Father, forgive them; " (Matt. 28:5-6.)
he said
for they know not what they do."
They were told to go and tell the
(Luke 23:34.) disciples, and also told that the risen
Also, while hanging on the cross, he Lord had gone to Galilee, where they
made this very significant statement would see him. Imagine their fear and
to one of the thieves who pleaded for great joy! On the way, Jesus appeared
mercy: ". To day shalt thou be with
. .
to them. They then hurried and re-
me in paradise." (Luke 23:43.) ported their experience to the apostles,
While he lay in the tomb, the chief who doubted what they said. But
priests and Pharisees went to Pilate, Peter and John hastened to the
"Saying, Sir, we remember that that sepulchre and found it to be true.
deceiver said, while he was yet alive, Later two of the disciples, traveling to
After three days I will rise again. Emmaus, saw and talked to him. That
"Command therefore that the sepul- same evening the apostles were sitting
chre be made
sure until the third day, together and recounting the happen-
lest his come by night, and
disciples ings of the day when suddenly the
steal him away, and say unto the Savior stood among them, and said:
people, He is risen from the dead: so "Peace be unto you.
the last error shall be worse than the "But they were terrified and af-
first. frighted, and supposed that they had
"Pilate said unto them, Ye have a seen a spirit.
watch: go your way, make it as sure "And he said unto them, Why are
as ye can." (Matt. 27:63-65.) ye troubled? and why do thoughts
Try to imagine how heavyhearted, arise in your hearts?
discouraged, and gloomy the apostles "Behold my hands and my feet,

and others who had followed Jesus that it is I myself: handle me, and see;
were as they realized their leader had for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,
been crucified. They were left alone, as ye see me have.
in doubt, confused, not knowing what "And when he had thus spoken, he
to do. Though they had been with him shewed them his hands and his feet."
and had listened to his words, they (Luke 24:36-40.)
had not understood him when he said Thomas, who was not present on
he would rise again. They thought the first occasion, when told of the
their cause was lost. Peter said, "I go appearance refused to believe. A week
a fishing." Others said, "We also go later Christ appeared again to the
with thee." (John 21:3.) They were eleven, including Thomas. When the
prepared to go back to their old voca- Lord spoke, ". Thomas answered
. .

tions. and said unto him, My Lord and my

Evidences of resurrection "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, be-
cause thou hast seen me, thou hast
Let us review briefly some of the believed: blessed are they that have
visual demonstrations that were given not seen, and yet have believed."
in the early days following the resur- (John 20:28-29.)
rection, or the irrefutable evidence of Later he appeared to over five hun-
the fact that he was literally resur- dred persons, most of whom were still
rected. living when Paul bore his testimony


that he had been visited by Christ and resurrection. He says that as he

and called to his ministry. was kneeling in the grove in prayer,
"... I saw a pillar of light exactly
Appearance on American continent over my head, above the brightness of
the sun, which descended gradually
Two other very important occasions
until it fell upon me.
on which the risen Lord appeared were ". . When
the light rested upon
on this the American continent. We .

me I saw two Personages, whose bright-

read in the Book of Mormon that, as ness and
glory defy all description,
the Lamanite prophet, Samuel, had
standing above me in the air. One of
predicted concerning the crucifixion
them spake unto me, calling me by
and resurrection of Christ, there was name and said, pointing to the other
darkness for the space of three days
This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"
over the face of the land, and there
(Joseph Smith 2:16-17.)
was great and terrible destruction.
Here we have the testimony of a
Cities were destroyed, many persons
young man in this dispensation who
were killed, and great was their terror
actually saw and talked with the risen
and mourning, as they were heard to Lord, and who, as some of the prophets
say: "O that we had repented before of old, sealed his testimony with his
this great and terrible day, and had
blood. These are the testimonies of
not killed and stoned the prophets, and
only a few of those who knew and
cast them out; then would our mothers
followed him.
and our fair daughters, and our
children have been spared. ." (3 . . Doubting Thomases
Ne. 8:25.)
Following this great destruction,
There are many, many in the world
today, however, who find it hard to
multitudes of the people who were
believe that there was a literal resur-
saved gathered together around the
rection, and though the testimonies
temple in the land Bountiful. They
and evidences before them are irrefut-
heard a voice, as if it came out of
able, it is difficult for them to believe
heaven, but did not understand until
because they do not understand just
it spoke a third time, saying: "Behold
my Beloved Son, in whom I am well how it could take place. It leaves
pleased, in whom
have glorified myI
them as Thomas —
doubting, because

name hear ye him." (3 Ne. 11:7.) they have not seen.
We all know that there are many,
And then they saw a man descend-
ing out of heaven. He showed them his
many things in science which we do
not understand, but which we must
hands and his feet, and said:
"Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom and do accept. Where would we be if
the laws of nature and the laws of
the prophets testified shall come into
the world.
God were limited to man's understand-
"... I have suffered the will of the ing? We have been admonished:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine
Father in all things from the begin-
heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding." (Prov. 3:5.)
At his invitation, ". the multitude . .

went forth and did feel the prints

. . . Acceptance on Faith
of the nails in his hands and in his
feet . and did know of a surety and
. .
How much wiser we would be to
accept the word of the Lord, the Cre-
did bear record, that it was he, of
ator of the world, and his teachings,
whom it was written by the prophets,
that should come." (3 Ne. 11:10-11,
and prepare ourselves for immortality
and eternal life through accepting by
faith those things we cannot under-

Modern-day testimony stand. Our faith should be strength-

ened by the testimonies of all those
Then we have the testimony of our who saw and talked with Christ, both
modern-day prophet, Joseph Smith, in Jerusalem and here on the American
1,800 years following the crucifixion continent.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

How can anyone believe that these Good news of gospel

stories were concocted or are figments
of the imagination, when there were
What is the gospel? It is the good
news which the Savior brought and
so many predictions and testimonies
which he taught during his ministry.
of the prophets and others, living in
His gospel has been restored and is
different lands and at different times,
being taught today in his Church by
all testifying and telling the same
those who have been called, just as he
story about the same individual? The
called his disciples, to go throughout
storieshave to be true. What comfort
the world and proclaim his message
and joy and security it gives to those
of peace and goodwill toward all men.
who believe what Christ and his Every living soul should be earnestly
prophets have told us about death and
striving to learn the teachings of the
the resurrection.
gospel and how to live them, thus

Immortality and eternal making it possible to gain immortality

and eternal life. May we accept these
Christ said of his mission here upon truths, follow his teachings, and enjoy
the earth: ". this is my work and
. . the blessings of the faithful.

my glory to bring to pass the im- It is my testimony that he lives, and
mortality and eternal life of man." that his Church is upon the earth to-
(Moses 1:39.)He further stated: day, and is being directed through his
"I am the resurrection, and the life: chosen Prophet; that the prophecies of
he that believeth in me, though he the scriptures will all be fulfilled, and
were dead, yet shall he live: that, as we are told, ". . . this same
"And whosoever liveth and believeth Jesus,which is taken up from you into
in me shall never die. ." (John
. .
heaven, shall so come in like man-
11:25-26.) ner as ye have seen him go into
heaven." (Acts 1:11.)
He also said:
May we prepare ourselves to meet
"Marvel not at this: for the hour
him when he comes again, and prove
is coming, in the which all that are ourselves worthy to dwell with him
in the graves shall hear his voice, forever when we have finished our
"And shall come forth; they that work upon the earth, I humbly pray in
have done good, unto the resurrection the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
of life; and they that have done evil,
unto the resurrection of damnation." President Hugh B. Brown
(John 5:28-29.)
inspiring address and testimony
The time is fast approaching when
to which we have just listened was
death and the resurrection will come
given by President N. Eldon Tanner
to every one of us. What must we do
of the First Presidency.
to come forth unto the resurrection of
life and not to the resurrection of
The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
"Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs."
damnation? How
do we take upon us
After the singing President Joseph
his name? What do we do to come
Fielding Smith of the First Presidency
unto the Father by him? His answer
of the Church will address us.
was clear and simple: Repent and be
baptized and believe the gospel, and
"If ye love me, keep my command- The Tabernacle Choir sang, "Surely
ments." (John 14:15.) He Hath Borne Our Griefs."


Of the First Presidency and President
of the Council of the Twelve

My dear brethren and sisters: Here thinking that the Lord will overlook
we are at another general conference. their little sins? Are there not those
I am
sure we are all very happy that among us who are denying the power
we can attend, and we welcome all of the devil, and who deny that there
those who are listening in. I hope and is a devil? Do they not "spiritualize"
pray that the Lord will bless me in the torments of hell and say there is
what I may say. no hell? Have you not heard these
things taught? In this manner, Satan
The thief of eternal life
is raging in the hearts of the people,
Procrastination, as it may be applied and members of the Church do not
to gospel principles, is the thief of entirely escape his cunning sophistries!
eternal life, which is life in the pres-
ence of the Father and the Son. There
Restitution must be made
are many among us, even members of Bad habits are easily formed, but
the Church, who feel that there is no not so easily broken. Are we yielding
need for haste in the observance to our evil habits, thinking they are
of gospel principles and the keeping of only trifles after all, and we will get
the commandments. rid of them in the grave? Do we expect
Nephi wrote of the people of the that our bodies will be cleansed in the
last days: "Yea, and there shall be grave, and we shall come forth with
many which shall say: Eat, drink, perfect and sanctified bodies in the
and be merry, for tomorrow we die; resurrection? There are some among us
and it shall be well with us. who teach such things and excuse
"And there shall also be many which themselves for their practices, saying
shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry; that they will be cleansed in the grave.

nevertheless, fear God he will justify Alma taught a very different doc-
in committing a little sin; yea, lie a trine. He said to Corianton: "Do not
little, take the advantage of one be- suppose, because it has been spoken
cause of his words, dig a pit for thy concerning restoration, that ye shall
neighbor; there is no harm in this; and be restored from sin to happiness. Be-
do all these things, for tomorrow we hold, I say unto you, wickedness never
die; and if it so be that we are guilty, was happiness. . . .

God will beat us with a few stripes, "For that which ye do send out shall
and at last we shall be saved in the return unto you again, and be restored;
kingdom of God." (2 Ne. 28:7-8.) therefore, the word restoration more
Do not think that this was said of fully condemneth the sinner, and
the world, or even the "stranger . . . justifieth him not at all." (Al. 41:10,
within our gates." (See Exod. 20:10.) 15.)
It is said of members of the Church. The Savior also said, ". . . with what
Moreover, Nephi warns us that in the measure ye mete, it shall be measured
last days there will be many who will to you again." (Matt. 7:2.) Some think
follow Satan. I could go on and read that a little punishment will not be so
more from Second Nephi, but I am bad, and they are willing to take a
going to give you the chapter and verse chance and suffer for their offenses
so when you go home, get out your rather than keep the commandments
Book of Mormon and read Second of the Lord, as we are instructed. If
Nephi, Chapter 28, verses 20-29. they are able to escape with a "few
are living in the last days. Have stripes," they may consider themselves
we not heard individuals talk as fortunate. But let us remember that
Nephi said they would? Are there not sin must be atoned for. Restitution
many who excuse themselves and lull must be made; we will have to pay the
themselves to sleep in "carnal security," price if we refuse to repent and to
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

receive the blessings of the gospel. "That by keeping the commandments

Punishment is not easy to bear, espe- they might be washed and cleansed
cially when the conscience is troubled. from all their sins, and receive the
Who could be happy in suffering, and Holy Spirit by the laying on of the
all the while be thinking that the hands of him who is ordained and
suffering had come because of a willful, sealed unto this power;
or persistent, breaking of the command- "And who overcome by faith, and
ments of God, when knowledge and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of prom-
counsel had been given to walk in ise, which the Father sheds forth upon
righteousness? What will the sinner all those who are just and true." (D&C
think in that day when he has learned 76:51-53; see also verses 54-60.) And
repentance for willful rebellion, and they who are not sealed by the Holy
realizes that the great suffering of our Spirit of promise and who are not just
Lord in love made it unnecessary for and true need not expect these great
him so to suffer if he had accepted blessings.
Christ and his work? f

Seek the Lord early

Three kingdoms prepared
No person can begin too early to
Our Eternal Father has prepared serve the Lord. Parents are instructed
three great kingdoms into which the to teach their children from infancy,
souls of men will go. It is not the pur- with the warning that they will be
pose here to discuss these kingdoms. In held accountable if they fail to do so.
passing, it is only necessary to say that If a child is taught in righteousness

in the telestial will go all those who from birth, it will most likely be a
have not been true: those who have follower of righteousness always. They
professed and who have not performed who refuse to seek the Lord early are
(D&G 41:1); the liars, sorcerers, adul- forsaken in the hour of their trouble.
terers, and all who refuse to walk in Read the history of Israel, of the
ways of truth. Into the terrestrial will Nephites. How often when they re-
go all those who are honorable, who belled were they punished! How slow
have been morally clean, but who was the Lord to hear their cries when
would not receive the gospel; also those trouble came upon them because of
who die without law. their sins I

To enter the celestial and obtain "They were slow to hearken unto
exaltation, it is necessary that the the voice of the Lord their God; there-
whole law be kept. The word of the fore, the Lord their God is slow to

Lord is as follows: hearken unto their prayers, to answer

"Therefore, it must needs be sancti- them in the day of their trouble."
fied from all unrighteousness, that it (D&C 101:7.) So spake the Lord to
may be prepared for the celestial modern Israel.

glory. . . .
Obligation to keep commandments
"And they who are not sanctified
through the law which I have given Do you desire to enter into the
unto you, even the law of Christ, must celestial kingdom and receive eternal
inherit another kingdom, even that of life? Then be willing to keep all of
a terrestrial kingdom, or that of a teles- the commandments the Lord may give
tial kingdom." (D&C 88:18, 21.) you. Baptism and confirmation are
To become sanctified, there are cer- the ordinances by which we come into
tain definite covenants we must keep the kingdom of God. But these ordi-
in faithfulness, living by "every word nances of themselves will not grant
that proceedeth forth from the mouth us a place of exaltation.
of God." (D&C 84:44.) "They are they Each person baptized into the
who received the testimony of Jesus, Church is under obligation to keep the
and believed on his name and were commandments of the Lord. He is
baptized after the manner of his under covenant, for baptism is a "new
burial, . . . and an everlasting covenant." (D&C

22:1.) When he has proved himself then cometh the night of darkness
by a worthy life, having been faithful wherein there can be no labor per-
in all things required of him, then formed.
it is his privilege to receive other cove- "Ye cannot say, when ye are brought
nants and to take upon himself other to that awful crisis, that I will repent,
obligations that will make of him an that I will return to my God. Nay,
heir, and he will become a member of ye cannot say this; for that same spirit
the "Church of the Firstborn." "They which doth possess your bodies at the
are they into whose hands the Father time that ye go out of this life, that
has given all things." He will receive same spirit will have power to possess
of the Father's fullness and of his glory. your body in that eternal world." (Al.
Is this worth having? It cannot be ob- 34:32-34.)
tained without some effort.
We frequently hear quoted these Diligence in seeking
words of the Lord to Joseph Smith: "It
is impossible for a man to be saved in
The Lord is always merciful and
kind. If we draw near unto him, he
ignorance." (D&C 131:6.) In ignorance
will draw near unto us. ". seek me
of what? The philosophies of the . .

diligently and ye shall find me; ask,

world? No! In ignorance of the gospel

truths the saving principles and and ye shall receive; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you." (D&C
ordinances by which salvation comes!
These must not only be understood,
but they must be lived. Knowledge of
Our chief trouble is that we do not
seek diligently. Our seeking is super-
them will not in itself save us. Obedi-
ence thereto will. And then will come
ficial;we seem to think the Lord is
the fullness of knowledge, bringing
bound to hear us without our putting
forth much effort. Let diligence and
with it wisdom, power, and dominion.
love be our guides, and we shall find
And the fullness of these blessings can
the path of eternal life.
only be obtained in the temple of the
May we all heed these warnings, I
humbly pray, in the name of Jesus

The time to prepare Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.

We are told that the fear (love) President Hugh B. Brown

of the Lord is the beginning of knowl-
edge, but fools despise wisdom and President Joseph Fielding Smith of
instruction. the First Presidency has just addressed
"Also, I give unto you a command- us.

ment that ye shall continue in prayer The Choir and congregation will
and fasting from this time forth. now join in singing "God Moves in a
"And I give unto you a command- Mysterious Way," following which we
ment that you shall teach one another shall have a brief interlude with music
the doctrine of the kingdom." (D&C by the Choir.
Do not let us forget the words of
Alma: "For behold, this life is the time The choir and congregation joined
for men to prepare to meet God; yea, in singing the hymn, "God Moves in a
behold the day of this life is the day Mysterious Way."
for men to perform their labors. Following an organ interlude, the
"And now, as I said unto you before, Tabernacle Choir sang the song, "Lord
as ye have had so many witnesses, Jesus, Thy Dear Angels Send."
therefore, I beseech of you that ye do
not procrastinate the day of your re- President Hugh B. Brown
pentance until the end; for after this
day of life, which is given us to pre- For the benefit of the television and
pare for eternity, behold, if we do not radio audience we announce that we
improve our time while in this life, are again met on Temple Square in
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

Salt Lake City in an annual conference We shall now hear from Elder A.
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- Theodore Tuttle of the First Council
ter-day Saints. of Seventy.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My dear brethren and sisters: Courage to face problems

You may have experienced traveling
through a canyon on a narrow moun- You may be surprised to learn that
tain road during a storm. Cloudy, foggy even admitting all of this, I have a
conditions, with rain blowing hard calm assurance in my soul. All is not,
against the windshield, make driving nor will it be, lost. This peace that
perilous at best. Suddenly the wind- speaks to my heart has not removed
life's problems, but it gives courage
shield wipers lose their synchronization
and begin to fight one another. Only to face them.
momentarily can they clear the wind- May I share with you some of the
shield. The person with you is no things that I know that give me posi-
help. He can likewise see only tive assurance:
I know that Jesus was bom of Mary;
Now, while this is not like losing the that he grew to manhood as "the car-
motor or a wheel, you are obviously in penter's son"; that he did his Father's
serious trouble. You have either to will while he walked the earth.
stop and wait for the fury of the storm I know that he taught men the right

to cease or to proceed on a perilous way to live; and more, that he lived a

mountain road in extreme danger be- — perfect life, that he was the example
of all that he taught.
cause you cannot see clearly.
I know that he took upon himself
Conditions in the world the sins of all men and wrought an
atonement for them that we can claim
The whole world is in such a storm. by obedience to his laws.
Dark clouds hover all around. Inter- He was taken and crucified on
national turmoil, domestic social con-
Calvary's hill.
ditions, and the usual family problems,
He died that we might live.
all seemed solvable before. Now, in
I know that he broke the bonds of
the fury of our times, they close in death, rose from the grave the third
upon us and threaten our safe journey. day, and appeared unto many.
Present conditions make it impossible
to see the way clearly. God lives today
However, unlike driving, we have
not the alternative to stop living and I knowthat he lives today.
wait for the storm clouds to lift. We There other knowledge equally

must face life's tempest. Robert Frost important. I testify that God the
spoke a truth when he said, "The only Father and his Son Jesus Christ, in the
way out is through." year 1820, appeared to a young man,
Crime is soaring. Disobedience and Joseph Smith. Regarding this marvelous
lawlessness increase. Modesty is dis- manifestation Joseph Smith wrote:
appearing. Drunkenness and immoral- "... I saw a pillar of light exactly
ity run rampant. The forces of evil over my head, above the brightness
with sinister intent strike directly at of the sun, which descended gradually
the very vitals of society —the home until it fell upon me.
and our children. Values are distorted. "It no sooner appeared than I found
Debauchery and evil mock virtue. myself delivered from the enemy which
Hardly anything is now sacred. The held me bound. When the light rested
world lieth in sin. upon me I saw two Personages, whose

brightness and glory defy all descrip- does not mean inactivity; rather, it
tion, standing above me in the air. generates positive action. It motivates
One of them spake unto me, calling Christian acts of kindness. It opens
me by name and said, pointing to the channels to heavenly power.
other —
[Joseph,] This is Beloved My Do you realize that the power of
Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph Smith 2:16- God is available in this Church today

17.) as it was with the apostles of old?

On another occasion, in 1832, Sid- In the midst of the turmoil we pres-
ney Rigdon was with the Prophet ently face, how would you like to have
Joseph. Together they received a heav- someone take you by the hand as it
enly manifestation recorded thus: were and lift you up and guide you?
"And now, after the many testi- How would you like to hear a prophet's
monies which have been given of him, voice give continued heaven-inspired
this is the testimony, last of all, which guidance? How would you like to be-
we give of him: That he lives I long to a divinely organized church
"For we saw
him, even on the right that provides a family-oriented program
hand of God; and we heard the voice to help you teach your family correctly?
bearing record that he is the Only Where is a family that could not use
Begotten of the Father." (D&C 76:22- this kind of assistance today?
23.) It ought to mean something to you
On yet another occasion in 1836, that while many other churches are
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, after closing their doors for lack of at-
arising from solemn and silent prayer, tendance, one of the most pressing
explained: ". the following vision
. . problems of The Church of Jesus Christ
was opened to both of us." (Introduc- of Latter-day Saints is to provide suffi-
tion to Section 110.) cient meeting halls for growth and
"The was taken from our minds,
veil expansion. This church invites your
and the eyes of our understanding were investigation.
"We saw the Lord standing upon Appeal to truthseekers
the breastwork of the pulpit, before us; The unique position of being the
and under his feet was a paved work Church appeals to people of
of pure gold, in color like amber.
"His eyes were as a flame of fire;
wisdom and reason people who are —
seeking for the truth. This church has
the hair of his head was white like particular appeal to men. If you could
the pure snow; his countenance shone see this congregation here this morning,
above the brightness of the sun; and his you would know it attracts men men —
voice was as the sound of the rushing of capacity and stature in the work of
of great waters, even the voice of Je- the world. Here are husbands and
hovah, saying: fathers who receive guidance from this
"I am the first and the last; I am great church to unify and bless their
he who liveth, I am he who was slain; homes.
Iam your advocate with the Father." Here are men who come to listen
(D&C 110:1-4. Italics added.) to a prophet's counsel. They seek di-
I know
these things are true. The rection in these troubled times from a
significant thing, however, is that you seer. A seer is one who sees. We have
also can know for yourself! You can not been disappointed. The prophet
know by following the prescribed has said:

process adherence to the gospel princi- 1. Strengthen the home.
ples that the Savior taught. 2. Youth, keep yourselves pure and
virtuous. Intelligent home building
Testimony brings confidence
begins in your teens. It is the chief
Let me tell you what this testimony factor to a happy home.
and knowledge means. It brings peace 3. Marriage is ordained of God.
and confidence and calm assurance. It Guard the sacredness of your marriage
stimulates right conduct. It fosters vow.
repentance from sin. This assurance 4. Marriage is a sacred obligation
Sunday, April 5 Third Day

and a covenant that is eternal or that and living church upon the face of the
may be made eternal. The bearing whole earth, with which I, the Lord,
and rearing of children is the highest am well pleased " (D&C 1:30.)
of all human duties. As a member of this church I have
"Where there is no vision, the people full confidence in "the prophecies and
perish." (Prov. 29:18.) have beenWe promises which [the Lord has
. . .

given the vision. We

have been in- said] shall all be fulfilled." (D&C
structed. 1:37.)
I know that if we will follow the
Preparation dispels fear
counsel from these brethren, we can
Speaking of the great tribulations to be prepared, and we need not fear. We
come in the latter days, the Lord gave can make our way along the road of
this assurance: ". . . my
people will I life safely.
preserve." (Moses 7:61. Italics added.) And I know
that by doing the works
Later he counseled: ". . . if ye are of righteousness, we can all have peace
prepared ye shall not fear." (D&G in this world and eternal life in the
38:30.) world to come. In the name of Jesus
And again he has promised: "But Christ. Amen.
learn that he who doeth the works of
righteousness shall receive his reward, President Hugh B. Brown
even peace in this world, and eternal
life in the world to come." (D&C Elder A. Theodore Tuttle has just
59:23.) I believe in that promise. addressed us.
I am grateful to be a member of the We shall now hear from Elder
Church of which the Lord by his own Thomas S. Monson of the Council of
voice has declared: ". . the only true
. the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve

The vast throng assembled in the hundred and thirty-five sailors scram-
Tabernacle this Easter morning is a bled to safety. Others were not so
beautiful sight. I recognize among you fortunate. One who went down with
those who have traveled great dis- his ship was my boyhood friend,
tances to be at the conference even — Arthur Patton.
from far-off Australia.
The flight from Brisbane, Australia, Story of Arthur Patton
to San Francisco is a long one. There May I tell you about Arthur? He had
is time to read, time to sleep, and time blond, curly hair and a smile as big as
to ponder and think. As a passenger all outdoors. Arthur stood taller than
on was awakened by the
this flight, I
any boy in the class. I suppose this is
calm, resonant sound of the pilot's how he was able to fool the recruiting
voice as he announced: "Ladies and officers and enlist in the Navy at the
gentlemen, we're now passing over the tender age of 15. To Arthur and most
Coral Sea, scene of the great sea battle of the boys, the war was a great ad-
of World War II." venture. I remember how striking he
Through the cabin window I could appeared in his navy uniform. How
see billowy white clouds, and far be-
we wished we were older, or at least
low, the azure blue of the vast Pacific. taller, so we too could enlist.
My thoughts turned to the events of
Youth is a very special time of life.
that fateful eighth day of May in 1942 As Longfellow wrote:
when the mammoth aircraft carrier
Lexington slipped to its final resting "How beautiful is youth! How bright
place on the ocean floor. Twenty-seven it gleams


With its illusions, aspirations, Mrs. Patton, wherever you are, from
dreams I the backdrop of my personal experience,
Book of Beginnings, Story without End, I should like to once more answer your
Each maid a heroine, and each man question, "Will Arthur live again?"
a friend!" I suppose we could say that this is a
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow universal question, for who has not at a
"Moritus Salutamus") time of bereavement pondered the same
Arthur's mother was so proud of the
blue star that graced her living room
Death leaves in its cruel wake
shattered dreams, unfulfilled ambi-
window. It represented to every passer-
tions, crushed hopes. In our helpless-
by that her son wore the uniform of
ness, we turn to others for assurance.
his country. When I would pass the
house, she often opened the door and
Men of letters and leaders of renown
invited me in to read the latest letter
can express their beliefs, but they can-
not provide definitive answers.
from Arthur. Her eyes would fill with
tears, and I would then be asked to
The dim light of belief must yield to
read aloud. Arthur meant everything
the noonday sun of revelation. We
turn backward in time, that we might
to his widowed mother. I can still
go forward with hope. Back, back be-
picture Mrs. Patton's coarse hands as
yond the silent generation, the beat
she would carefully replace the letter
generation, the lost generation. Back,
in its envelope. These were honest
back beyond the Space Age, the Com-
hands that bore the worker's seal. Mrs.
Patton was a cleaning woman a jani- — puter Age, the Industrial Age.
back to him who walked the dusty
tress for a downtown office building.
paths of villages we now reverently
Each day of her life except Sundays,
call the Holy Land, to him who caused
she could be seen walking up the side-
the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the
walk, pail and brush in hand, her gray
hair combed in a tight bob, her
lame to walk, and the dead to live, to
shoulders weary from work and stooped
him who tenderly and lovingly as-
sured us, "I am the way, the truth,
with age.
and the life." (John 14:6.)
Then came the Battle of the Coral
Sea, the sinking of the Lexington, and The plan of life
the death of Arthur Patton. The blue
star was taken from its hallowed spot The plan of life and an explanation
in the front window. It was replaced of its eternal course come to us from

by one of gold. A light went out in the the Master of heaven and earth, even
life of Mrs. Patton. She groped in utter Jesus Christ the Lord. To understand
darkness and deep despair. the meaning of death, we must appre-
ciate the purpose of life.
Will Arthur live again?
In this dispensation, the Lord de-
With a prayer in my heart, I ap- clared: "And now, verily I say unto
proached the familiar walkway to the you, I was in the beginning with the
Patton home, wondering what words Father and am the Firstborn." (D&C
of comfort could come from the lips of 93:21.) "Man was also in the begin-
a mere boy. ning with God." (D&C 93:29.)
The door opened, and Mrs. Patton Jeremiah the prophet recorded, ". . .

embraced me as she would her own the word of the Lord came unto me,
son. Home became a chapel, as a saying, Before I formed thee ... I knew
grief-stricken mother and a less-than- thee; and before thou earnest forth . . .

adequate boy knelt in prayer. I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a

Arising from our knees, Mrs. Patton prophet unto the nations." (Jer. 1 :4-5.)
gazed into my eyes and spoke: "Tom, I From that majestic world of spirits
belong to no church, but you do. Tell we enter the grand stage of life even to
me, will Arthur live again?" prove ourselves obedient to all things
Time dims the memory of that con- commanded of God. During mortality
versation. The present whereabouts of we grow from helpless infancy to in-
Mrs. Patton is not known to me; but, quiring childhood and then to reflec-

Sunday, April 6 Third Day

tive maturity. We experience joy and the uttermost parts of the sea;
sorrow, fulfillment and disappoint- "Even there shall thy hand lead me,
ment, success and failure; taste the and thy right hand shall hold me."
sweet, yet sample the bitter. This is (Ps. 139:9-10.)
mortality. God has not forsaken you, Mrs. Pat-
ton. He sent his Only Begotten Son
The experience known as death into the world to teach us by example
the life we should live. His Son died
Then to each life comes the experi- upon the cross to redeem all mankind.
ence known as death. None is exempt.
His words to the grieving Martha and
All must pass its portals. Death claims
to his disciples today bring comfort to
the aged, the weary and worn. It visits "... I am the resurrection, and
the youth in the bloom of hope and
the life: he that believeth in me,
glory of expectation. Nor are the little
though he were dead, yet shall he live:
children kept beyond its grasp. In the
"And whosoever liveth and believeth
words of the apostle Paul: ". . it is .
in me shall never die. ." (John . .

appointed unto men once to die. ." . .

(Heb. 9:27.) my
"In Father's house are many
To most, there is something sinister
mansions: if it were not so, I would
and mysterious about this unwelcome have told you. I go to prepare a place
visitor called death. Perhaps it is a for you.
fear of the unknown that causes many "... I will come again, and receive
to dread his coming.
you unto myself; that where I am,
Arthur Patton died quickly. Others there ye may be also." (John 14:2-3.)
linger. Not long ago I held the thin
Mrs. Patton, the testimonies of John
hand of a youth as he approached the the revelator and Paul the apostle are
brink of eternity. "I know I am dying,"
also significant to you. John recorded:
he said touchingly. "What follows "... I saw the dead, small and great,
death?" stand before God; . . .

I turned to the scriptures and read to

"And the sea gave up the dead which
him: were in it." (Rev. 20:12-13.)
"Then shall the dust return to the
Paul declared: ". as in Adam
. .

earth as it was: and the spirit shall

all die, even so in Christ shall all be
return unto God who gave it." (Eccles.
made alive." (1 Cor. 15:22.)
". .there is a time appointed unto
We walk by faith
men that they shall rise from the dead;
and there is a space between the time Until the glorious resurrection morn-
of death and the resurrection. . . .
ing, we walk by faith. "For now we
". concerning the state of the soul
. .
see through a glass, darkly; but then
between death and the resurrection face to face " (1 Cor. 13:12.)
Behold ... the spirits of all men, as Jesus invites you, Mrs. Patton, "Come
soon as they are departed from this unto me, all ye that labour and are
mortal body ... are taken home to that heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
God who gave them life." (Al. 40:9, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn
11.) of me; for I am meek and lowly in
To me, the lad said, "Thank you." heart: and ye shall find rest unto your
To my Heavenly Father I said silently, souls." (Matt. 11:28-29.)
"Thank thee, oh God, for truth."
Such knowledge will sustain you in
God's purposes to be fulfilled your heartache. You will never be in
the tragic situation of the disbeliever
Mrs. Patton, do not grieve as you who, having lost a son, was heard to
think of your boy in the depths of the say, as she watched the casket lowered
Pacific or question how God's pur- into mother earth, "Good-bye, my boy.
poses can be fulfilled. Remember the Good-bye forever." Rather, with head
words of the psalmist: "If I take the erect,courage undaunted, and faith
wings of the morning, and dwell in unwavering, you can lift your eyes as

you look beyond the gently breaking testimony of a witness. Mrs. Patton,
waves of the blue Pacific and whisper, God our Father is mindful of you.
"Good-bye, Arthur, my precious son. Through sincere prayer you can com-
Good-bye —until we meet again." municate with him. He, too, had a
And the words of Tennyson may son who died, even Jesus Christ the
come to you as though spoken by your Lord. He is our advocate with the
boy: Father, the Prince of Peace, our Savior
and Divine Redeemer. One day we
"Sunset and evening star, shall see him face to face.
And one clear call for me! In his blessed name I declare to you
And may there be no moaning of the the solemn and sacred truth: Oh, Mrs.
bar, Patton, Arthur lives! In the name of
When I put out to sea. . . .
Jesus Christ. Amen.

"Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark! President Hugh B. Brown
And may there be no sadness of fare-
well, to whom you have just listened
When I embark; is Elder Thomas S. Monson of the
Council of the Twelve.
"For tho' from out our bourne of Time The Tabernacle Choir will now
and Place sing "The Lord's Prayer." After the
The flood may bear me far, singing Elder Harold B. Lee of the
I hope to see myPilot face to face Council of the Twelve will be our
When I have crossed the bar." concluding speaker.
—"Crossing the Bar"
Mrs. Patton, Arthur lives!
The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
To the words of the poet I add the ber, "The Lord's Prayer."


Of the Council of the Twelve

In the spirit of that beautiful hymn Questions recall scriptures

which has been something of a dedica-
tion to this glorious session, I seek for Some questions being asked today
the spirit which has actuated this con- have recalled these and other scriptures.
ference thus far. One man asked: How can one find
Today, I would take as something God?
of a text the words of our Savior and To him I gave a hurried answer. One
Redeemer just prior to his betrayal, as finds God in the same way he finds
recorded in the Gospel of John. anything —
by searching. The Master
"These words spake Jesus, and lifted had answered to a similar question:
up his eyes to heaven, and said . . . "If any man
will do his will, he shall
glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may know " (John 7:17.)
glorify thee: Another man wrote: "If a member
"As thou hast given him power over cannot believe the concept that God
all flesh, that he should give eternal himself was once as we are now, and
life to as many as thou hast given him. sits enthroned in yonder heavens," is
"And this is life eternal, that they this justification for excommunication
might know thee the only true God, from the Church? This, he has quoted,
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast was from a statement made by the
sent." (John 17:1-3.) Prophet Joseph Smith in a funeral

Sunday, April 6 Third Day

sermon delivered in Nauvoo, Illinois, And Adam's act of trans-

later, after
shortly before his martyrdom, in about Lord God said to one other
gression, the
1843. who was with him: "Behold, the man
In answering this man's question, I is become as one of us. ." (Moses . .

must hasten to assure him that the 4:28.)

question of his Church membership man, then, was created after the
and his worthiness to continue as a image and likeness of his glorified
member must be left to the determina- Creator, and afterward man became
tion of local Church authorities charged as one with those who had created
with the responsibility of making that him, then the doubts in my friend's
decision. mind must begin to be resolved, and
he can then come to see the grandeur
True concept of God of this greater concept of the living
I would rather be concerned in an God whom we worship.
attempt to enlarge his views and his Commenting on this same teaching,
understanding as to the true concept Brigham Young had this to
of that glorified being whom all so- say: ". . . it must be that God knows
called Christians worship as God, our something about temporal things, and
Heavenly Father. has had a body and been on an earth;
The reasoning of Joseph Smith, in were it not so He would not know how
the partial statement from which he to judge men righteously, according to
has quoted, "that God was once as we the temptations and sins they have had
are now," is given additional strength to contend with." (Journal of Dis-
if our brother will recall the words of courses, Vol. 4, p. 271.)
the Master: "The Son can do nothing
of himself, but what he seeth the Eternal life

Father do; for what things soever he

[the Father] doeth, these also doeth
The sacred writings of the prophets
speak of an exalted state to which man
the Son likewise." (John 5:19.)
When we consider the fact that our may attain, which is called eternal
life, or life in the presence of God and
Lord and Master, Jesus of Nazareth,
one of the Godhead, came to tabernacle our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
in mortality, then this quoted state-
Those who can attain to this highest
degree of glory are spoken of in a
ment, taken literally, is of great sig-
revelation we know as Doctrine and
The scriptures make it plain to the Covenants 131:1-4:
"In the celestial glory there are
student of these sacred writings that
three heavens or degrees;
there are three personages in the God-
head: God, the Eternal Father, "And in order to obtain the highest,
also known as the Father of our spirits,
a man must enter into this order of the
priesthood [meaning the new and ever-
(2) his Son, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer,
even Jehovah, and (3) the Holy Ghost. lasting covenant of marriage]
We are told in an inspired explana-
"And if he does not, he cannot ob-
tain it.
tion that "the Father has a body of
flesh and bones as tangible as man's;
"He may enter into the other, but
that is the end of his kingdom; he
the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has
cannot have an increase."
not a body of flesh and bones, but is
President Young again expands upon
a personage of Spirit. .
." (D&C

the meaning of this quotation:
". . . The kingdoms he possesses and
Man created in God's image rules over are his own progeny. Every
man who is faithful and gets a salva-
Surely one must stop and ponder tion and glory, and becomes a king of
deeply the biblical account of the kings and Lord of Lords, or a father of
creation, where God declared: "Let us fathers, it will be by the increase of
make man in our image, after our like- his own progeny. Our Father and God
ness " (Gen. 1:26.) rules over his own children. Wherever


there is a God in all the eternities to explore the depths of eternities that
possessing a kingdom and glory and have been, that are, and that will be,
power it is by means of his prog- instead of endeavoring to discover the
eny. .
." (Journal
. of Discourses, Vol. boundaries of boundless space, let them
11, p. 262.) seek toknow the object of their present
There are those who would think to existence,and how to apply, in the
go beyond that which God has revealed. most profitable manner for their
It was to such as these, who would mutual good and salvation, the intelli-
seek to penetrate that curtain of re- gence they possess. ." (Brigham. .

vealed truth, that inspired writers of Young, in Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7,

our early leaders posed a profound p. 284.)
question that was later given a musical Then, finally, this most timely ad-
setting in one of our most beloved monition:
hymns: "Let them seek to know and thor-
oughly understand things within their
"Ifyou could hie to Kolob reach, and to make themselves well ac-
In the twinkling of an eye, quainted with the object of their being
And then continue onward here, by diligently seeking unto a su-
With that same speed to fly, perior Power for information, and by
D'ye think that you could ever, the careful study of the best books."
Through all eternity, (Ibid., pp. 284-85.)
Find out the generation
Where Gods began to be? Fullness of knowledge

"Or see the grand beginning, The ancient prophet was not speak-
Where space did not extend? ing idly when he declared in exalta-
Or view the last creation, tion, "O how great the holiness of
Where Gods and matter end? our God! For he knoweth all things,
Me-thinks the Spirit whispers, and there is not anything save he
No man has found "pure space," knows it." (2 Ne. 9:20.)
Nor seen the outside curtains, Neither was the profound injunction
Where nothing has a place. to his disciples meaningless. "Be ye
therefore perfect, even as your Father
"The works of God continue,
which is in heaven is perfect." (Matt.
And worlds and lives abound; 5:48.)
Improvement and progression The Master was speaking of a state
Have one eternal round. of ultimate perfection to which all
There is no end to matter; might attain through their faithfulness.
There is no end to space;
About this fullness of knowledge,
There is no end to spirit; and power, and glory, the Prophet
There is no end to race."
Joseph Smith said this:
(Hymns, No. 257.)
"When you climb up a ladder, you
Advice to truth seekers must begin at the bottom, and ascend
step by step, until you arrive at the
A prophet-leader of our dispensation top; and so it is with the principles
then extends this great wisdom to all of the gospel —
you must begin with the
truth seekers: first, and go on until you learn all the

"Many have tried to penetrate to principles of exaltation.But it will be

the First Cause of all things; but it a great while after you have passed
would be as easy for an ant to number through the veil before you will have
the grains of sand on the earth. It is learned them. It is not all to be
not for man, with his limited intelli- comprehended in this world; it will
gence, to grasp eternity in his compre- be a great work to learn our salvation
hension. What, then, should be the
. . . and exaltation even beyond the
calling and duty of the children of grave. ." (King Follett Discourse,
. .

men? Instead of inquiring after the Documentary History of the Church,

origin of the Gods —
instead of trying Vol. 6, pp. 306-7.)
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

Begin with first principles Knowledge of character of God

A few weeks ago we met in Chicago The wisdom of the teacher's reply to
with 165 young men who are going into the young men in Chicago is im-
military service, or who are in their pressed by another statement from a
basic training in nearby military train- modern prophet:
ing stations. "These are incomprehensible ideas
In a discussion period of the seminar to some,but they are simple. It is the
being conducted to give them a perspec- first principle of the gospel to know
tive of their opportunities in the for a certainty the character of God,
Church while they were in military and know that we may converse
service, they began asking questions with Him as one man converses with
another. ." (DHC, Vol. 6, p. 305.)
about deep theological problems with . .

which they said they were confronted Time does not permit a further ex-
by their inquiring friends: about condi- position of these most vital truths
tions in the premortal world, about relative to our personal relationship to
the creation, about eternal marriage our Heavenly Father and to our Lord
and temple work, about the hereafter. and Master, Jesus Christ.
The wise and able teacher drew a This relationship is nowhere more
diagram on the blackboard to resemble aptly expounded than in the apostle
ascending steps and then asked a sim- Paul's sermon on Mars hill, in Athens,
ple, logical question: To reach the top- where he found an inscription: "To the
most step on a ladder, where must you Unknown God," whom these devout
begin? The answer was obvious: with Grecians were "ignorantly" worshiping.
the bottom step first. This is his clear and forceful testi-
Then, to teach one to understand mony of the true God, who to them, at
the highest principles and ordinances, that time, was unknown:
where should one begin? "[God] hath made of one blood all

"With the first principles of the nations of men for to dwell on all the
gospel," came the answer. The discus- face of the earth, and hath determined
sion brought out that these first princi- the times before appointed, and the
ples of the gospel are: faith, repentance, bounds of their habitation;
baptism by immersion for the remission "That they should seek the Lord . . .

of sins, and the receiving of the gift of and find him, though he be not far
the Holy Ghost, by which one could from every one of us:
come to know the truth of all things, "For in him we live, and move, and
the greatest of which revealed knowl- have our being; For we are also
. . .

edge would be the true knowledge of his offspring.

God. "Forasmuch then as we are the
Thislesson, of course, was merely an- offspring of God, we ought not to
otherway to impress what the Master think that the Godhead is like unto
meant when he answered a question I gold, or silver, or stone, graven by
have previously quoted: "If any man art and man's device.
would know of his doctrine," they must "And the times of this God ignorance
do his will and keep his command- winked at; but now commandeth all
ments. men every where to repent." (Acts
The apostle Paul had said that one 17:26-30.)
of the prime purposes of the organ-
True knowledge through revelation
ization of the Church was "for the
edifying of thebody of Christ [or the In this dispensation, as has been the
Church], till we all come in . the . . case in all previous dispensations of
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a the gospel upon the earth, there was
perfect man . (see Eph. 4:12-13),
." given through the modern prophet,
which knowledge, the apostle Paul ex- Joseph Smith, the true knowledge of
plained, no man could have except by God and his Son, our Savior, when, as
the revelations of the Holy Ghost. (See glorified personal beings who could
1 Cor. 12:3.) talk with and be seen of men, they

conversed with him, as though to God, even as the Master answered: "If
demonstrate their tangible reality, as any man will do his will, he shall
the dispensation of the fulness of times know of the doctrine, whether it be of
was ushered in, in preparation for the God, or whether I speak of myself."
second coming of the Lord to reign as (John 7:17.)
Lord of lords and King of kings at the In this dispensation, when the full-
commencement of the millennium. ness of the gospel is upon the earth,
His Church, bearing his name, is I sincerely pray that truth seekers
upon the earth. To his Church, through everywhere may not "walk in the dark-
a living prophet, "he has revealed, . . . ness at noon-day." In unison with all
does now reveal, and will yet reveal
. . . of those who have this witness, I too
many great and important things per- know that my Redeemer lives, to which
taining to the Kingdom of God." I bear solemn testimony in the name of

(Article of Faith 9.) the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

With all this knowledge that,
through revelation, is available to us President Hugh B. Brown
and, through diligent efforts on our
part, can be made available to all the Our concluding speaker was Elder
world, if we yet stand in ignorance of Harold B. Lee of the Council of the
the true God and Jesus Christ, his Son, Twelve.
we might one day be among those to Weexpress our thanks and apprecia-
tion to the General Authorities who
whom our Master may ask again a

searching question which will imply have spoken to us, and to the Taber-

a stern rebuke as he did to his
nacle Choir for its inspirational music.
The sessions of this conference have
disciples of a former dispensation.
Jesus asked his disciples, "Have I
been broadcast by many radio and
television stations in the west, and by
been so long time with you, and yet
hast thou not known me ? he that . . .
short-wave in South America, Europe,
hath seen me hath seen the Father
" and many other areas of the world.
Translations of this session have
(John 14:9.)
been broadcast over a number of radio
"Certainty that succeeds doubt" stations through Mexico, Central
The fundamental and soul-satisfying America, and by satellite over radio
our eternal quest to come in a stations in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo,
step in is
Brazil, and 26 radio stations in Chile.
day when each does know, for him-
self, that God answers his prayers. This session has also been carried
This will come only after "our soul by direct wire from the Tabernacle

hungers," and after mighty prayer and over Oceanic Cables to a large number
supplication, and after, as one who, of members and friends assembled in
chapels in Great Britain, Germany,
as a faithful defender of the faith, in
France, and Holland.
past generations has testified: "Into my
heart, purified of all sin, there entered
We shall conclude this session of
the conference with the Tabernacle
a light that came from on high, and
then suddenly and in a marvelous man-
Choir singing "O Divine Redeemer,"
after which the benediction will be
ner I saw certainty succeed doubt."
pronounced by Elder Sherman A. Lind-
May the Lord put within each of us holm, president of the North Tooele
Stake. This conference will then be
the determination to put our lives in
adjourned until 2:00 this afternoon.
order, to the end that we too may know
with a "certainty that succeeds doubt"
that God does live, and that through The Tabernacle Choir sang the an-
the glorious mission of our Lord and them, "O Divine Redeemer."
Savior, we too can live again in that The benediction was given by Presi-
realm where God and Christ dwell to — dent Sherman A. Lindholm of the
obtain which is to attain eternal life. North Tooele Stake.
To all of this, I add my humble The conference was adjourned until
testimony as to this true knowledge of 2 o'clock p.m.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day


SEVENTH SESSION the proceedings of which were relayed

by closed-circuit broadcast, originating
in the Tabernacle, to members of the
The concluding session of the con-
priesthood assembled in approximately
ference convened Sunday afternoon,
April 6, at 2 o'clock, with President
500 separate locations in all parts of
the United States and Canada, with
Alvin R. Dyer, counselor in the First
approximately 150,000 holders of the
Presidency, conducting the meeting.
priesthood participating.
The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir
We extend a cordial welcome to all
furnished the music for this session,
with Richard P. Condie and Jay E.

present this afternoon, special guests,
educational leaders, regional representa-
Welch conducting. Robert Cundick was
tives of the Twelve, stake presidencies
at the organ.
from near and far, temple presiden-
President Dyer made the following cies, bishoprics, members of the general
opening remarks:
auxiliary boards, and thousands of
members of the Church, and many
President Alvin R. Dyer friends everywhere who are listening
in by radio and television.
President McKay is watching the
The music for this session will be
proceedings of this conference by tele-
rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with
vision. He has asked me to conduct Richard P. Condie and Jay E. Welch
this meeting, and to extend to all his
conducting. Robert Cundick is at the
warmest greetings.
Members of the Church are con- We shall begin this service by the
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple choir singing, "O Loving Savior Slain
Square in Salt Lake City, Utah in the for Us," conducted by Jay E. Welch,
seventh and concluding session of Assistant Conductor.
the 139th Annual Conference of The The invocation will then be offered
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day by Elder Wade Baker, president of the
Saints. Cassia Stake.
This afternoon many television and
radio stations throughout the western
part of the United States will carry The Tabernacle Choir sang the
the proceedings of this concluding ses- anthem, "O Loving Savior Slain for
sion of the conference. Us."
Sessions of this conference have been The opening prayer was offered by
televised in color and received by mil- President Wade Baker of the Cassia
lions in the United States and Canada Stake.
over most of those stations cooperating
to provide the extensive coverage of
this conference.
President Alvin R. Dyer
The full proceedings of both ses-
sions today will be re-broadcast to far- The Tabernacle Choir, under the
distant places by Radio Stations KSL direction of Richard P. Condie, will
in Salt Lake City, KIRO at Seattle, now sing, "Arise, Shine, Thy Light Is
KMBZ at Kansas City, and WRFM at Come."
New York City tonight beginning at
Saturday evening an inspirational The Tabernacle Choir sang the
meeting of the priesthood of the number, "Arise, Shine, Thy Light Is
Church was held in the Tabernacle, Come."

President Dyer first speaker this afternoon. He will

Elder Howard W. Hunter of the be followed by Elder Theodore M.

Council of the Twelve will be our Burton, Assistant to the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve

Nearly two thousand years ago, Athena and the temple of Apollo, the
Corinth was one of the most cele- most prominent ruin from antiquity.
brated cities of Greece, founded 1,500 Riches produced luxury, and luxury
years before the Christian era, sup- a total corruption of morals. On the
posedly by the grandfather of Ulysses. Acrocorinthus rising abruptly above the
Because of its strategic position, it city was the famous Temple of
commanded the commerce and naviga- Aphrodite, the goddess of carnal love,
tion of the Mediterranean Sea from symbolic of the domination of the city
the Straits of Gibraltar on the west by licentious impulses. There were
to the great seaport of Alexandria on many other temples dedicated to im-
the east. With the decline of the moral practices, but in this one temple
Greek political power and civilization, alone there were a thousand virgins
the Roman power was expanded over engaged as slaves to the goddess in
the Mediterranean world by a series temple prostitution. The inhabitants
of successful wars. of the city were as lascivious as they
It was in one of these wars, 146 were learned.
years before Christ, that Corinth was
destroyed by the Romans but after- Paul's Missionary labors
ward rebuilt under Julius Caesar as a
Roman colony. The city and harbors It was to this city, notorious even in

which it controlled are about 50 miles the world of that time for drunkenness
west of Athens. It was not the philo- and sensuality, that Paul came as a
sophical center that Athens was missionary in the spring of the year
acclaimed to be, but it was the capital 50 a.d. He was the first missionary to
of the Roman province and ranked carry the gospel of Christ to Greece.
with Ephesus and Antioch as great Some of the regions through which he
commercial centers. According to the had passed on the way to Corinth were
historical records, it was known as the receptive to his teaching; others were
wealthiest city of Greece. not. In Athens there were a few con-
verts, but there is no record of a branch
Splendor of Corinth of the church being established there.
It is said that the city of Corinth The success at Corinth was a contrast
exceeded all the cities of the world Paul got a strong foothold, and the
at that time for the splendor and mag- branch which was established became
nificence of its public buildings. The one of the most important of the early
temples, palaces, theaters, and other church.
edifices were ornamented with the The record tells us that he stayed
columns, capitals, and bases which have 18 months in Corinth, longer than in
become patterns for the Corinthian any other city except Ephesus, but we
style of architecture all over the world. have little information concerning the
The statues of Jupiter, Venus, Nep- missionary work of these months. Sev-
tune, Diana, Apollo, and other Roman eral epistles were written to the saints
gods and goddesses that adorned the in other branches of the church during
city are known today as some of the this stay, and his labors were success-
finest art objects of this period. In the ful, as demonstrated by the large
center of the city was the great market- branch which was established by the
place surrounding the bronze statue of many converts.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

At the conclusion of his labors, Paul one mind, and to be unified. He

sailed from Corinth, stopping at reprimands them for their fornica-
Ephesus and Caesarea, then traveled to tions, immorality, and loose sex mores.
Jerusalem and returned to Antioch. The letter admonishes the women not
After a rest, he commenced another to follow the modernistic tendencies
missionary journey. While again in which they were embracing, and it

Ephesus, word came to him from sev- teaches the saints how to properly ob-
eral sources of a crisis developing in serve the Lord's Supper.
the branch of the church in Corinth. The last subject of the letter is an
One of the fascinating subjects in the extensive discussion of the resurrec-
life of the apostle is the exchange of tion. It is not clear whether there was
communications and news between a division of the saints on this subject,
him and his converts in Corinth. The whether the question had been asked
communications revealed that there in the communications, or whether it
were factions forming in the branch was the Easter season that caused Paul
with different views regarding moral to dwell so heavily upon the subject
conduct and doctrine. Some of the of the resurrection. In any event, this
converts were assuming a libertine or letter to the saints gives the earliest
freethinking attitude with respect to and most important witness to the
the doctrines which had been taught resurrection of the Savior.
to them by Paul and the missionaries
who worked with him. Some were Witness of Christ's Resurrection
defending loose sexual standards that Paul commences by saying:
were rampant in the notorious city. "For I delivered unto you first of
These problems came into being be- all that which I also received, how
cause of the background of the new that Christ died for our sins according
converts and the conditions of the time to the scriptures;
and place in which they were living. "And that he was buried, and that
They were reactions to the new faith he rose again the third day according
which had been taught to them against to the scriptures." (1 Cor. 15:3-4.)
the old background which had been This statement indicates the source
part of their former conduct and of his knowledge of the resurrection.
thinking. The story of the crucifixion has been
related in scripture from the visible
Letter to Corinthians facts of what was seen and what was
actually heard during those dark hours,
It was his concern over these disap- but the account of the resurrection was
pointing happenings and also the ques- a proclamation or a declaration of
tions that had been asked of him in what had happened when the crucified
the communications that caused Paul Lord took up his body from the dead
to write a letter to the saints at Cor- and arose from the tomb. Paul indi-
inth at Easter time, the anniversary cates in these opening words that his
of the resurrection of Jesus. The letter knowledge came to him by revelation
was not intended to be an organized from God, not from man. Then he
doctrinal presentation of faith, but an adds:
admonition to the saints and an an- "And that he was seen of Cephas,
swer to their questions. It portrays then of the twelve:
the simple, unphilosophical character "After that, he was seen of above
of the gospel of the crucified Christ. five hundred brethren at once; of whom
This letter, which has been preserved the greater part remain unto this
as part of scripture, casts light on the present, but some are fallen asleep.
many aspects of the writer's thoughts "After that, he was seen of James;
and also the problems which arose in then of all the apostles." (1 Cor.
the early branches of the church. In 15:5-7.)
this letter, which we know as First These appearances to other persons,
Corinthians, Paul pleads with them many of whom were then yet living
to abstain from dissensions, to be of and who had actually seen him, were

cited asadditional proof of the fact beliefs could sink to such depths of
that Jesus was raised from the dead. irreverence, but the reality of a resur-
rection gives hope; it is uplifting, a joy
Personal Witness to the righteous.

Paul was saying that he accepted Nature of resurrected body

the testimony of those who had seen
him, and if there was doubt in the Paul now turns to an explanation
minds of the saints of Corinth, they of the nature of the resurrected body:
could verify these facts from living "But some man will say, How
are the
persons. Then follows this significant dead raised up? and with what body
statement: do they come?" (1 Cor. 15:35.) After
"And he was seen of me
last of all asking that question, he proceeds to
also, as one born out of due time." explain the change of the body in its
(1 Cor. 15:8.) resurrected state by using the analogy
Thus Paul adds his personal witness, of the seed that is placed in the ground,
referring to his experience on the way giving birth to the new plant. These
to Damascus when he was suddenly are his words:
changed from a persecutor to one of "Thou fool, that which thou sowest
the greatest exponents. He refers to is not quickened, except it die:
himself as "one born out of due time," "And that which thou sowest, thou
that is, after the time that Jesus con- sowest not that body that shall be,
versed in person with his followers. but bare grain, it may chance of wheat,
His dramatic change and conversion or of some other grain:
is used in his argument as the final "But God giveth it a body as it hath
point to prove the actual resurrection pleased him, and to every seed his
of Jesus. Paul was anxious that the own body." (1 Cor. 15:36-38.)
saints would not only believe, but Paul then explains in his letter the
should never have the least doubt as differences existing in various bodies:
to this basic fact upon which eternal "All flesh is not the same flesh: but
life hinges. The writer of the letter there is one kind of flesh of men, an-
then asks this question: other flesh of beasts, another of fishes,
and another of birds.
A challenging question "There are also celestial bodies, and
"Else what shall they do which are bodies but the glory of the
celestial one, and the glory of the
baptized for the dead, if the dead rise
terrestrial is another.
not at all? why are they then baptized
for the dead?" (1 Cor. 15:29.)
"There is one glory of the sun, and
another glory of the moon, and another
This is a challenging question. Why glory of the stars: for one star differ-
are you performing vicarious baptisms
eth from another star in glory." (1
for those who are dead if there is no
Cor. 15:39-41.)
resurrection? History bears out the facts
of the practice of baptizing for those Analogy misunderstood
who had died without the benefit of
this ordinance. It would seem certain, Now follows one of the most mis-
from the question that was asked by understood and controversial state-
Paul, that this vicarious practice was ments made by Paul:
followed in the branch of the church "So also is the resurrection of the
in Corinth. His query is well taken. dead. It is sown in corruption; it is
There would be no sense in such raised in incorruption:
ordinances except there be a resurrec- "It is sown in dishonour; it is raised
tion. Nothing matters if there is not in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is
a resurrection; everything would end raised in power:
in the darkness of death. Paul then "It is sown a natural body; it is raised
quotes Isaiah: ". . let us eat, and
. a spiritual body. There is a natural
drink; for to morrow we die." (1 Cor. body, and there is a spiritual body."
15:32.) Only a person of atheistic (1 Cor. 15:42-44.)
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

Because Paul distinguishes between and saith unto them, Peace be unto
a natural body and a spiritual body, you.
and had previously referred to the seed "But they were terrified and af-
planted in the ground, a false con- frighted, and supposed that they had
clusion is reached from the analogy. seen a spirit.
It is argued that the seed itself is not "And he said unto them, Why are

harvested it dies in the ground and ye troubled? and why do thoughts
there comes forth a new plant; there- arise in your hearts?
fore, this is so with the body which is "Behold my hands and my feet,

buried in the ground it comes forth a that it is I myself: handle me, and see;
spiritual body, something new and dif- for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,
ferent. This appears to be strengthened as ye see me have.
by the fact that Paul adds: "Now this "And when he had thus spoken, he
I say, brethren, that flesh and blood shewed them his hands and his feet."
cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (Luke 24:36-40.)
..." (1 Cor. 15:50.) Not a spirit, but a body reunited
Redemption of the soul

with the spirit a spiritual body as
defined by Paul.
Now let me point up the fallacy of
Atonement of Christ
this reasoning by this statement from
scripture: "We believe that through the Atone-
"And the spirit and the body are ment of Christ, all mankind may be
the soul of man. saved, by obedience to the laws and
"And the resurrection from the dead ordinances of the Gospel." (Article of
is the redemption of the soul." (D&C Faith 3.)
88:15-16.) We also believe in the literal resur-
There is a separation of the spirit and rection of the body, reunited with the
the body at the time of death. The spirit, becoming the spiritual body or
resurrection will again unite the spirit the soul as defined by scripture. If we
with the body, and the body becomes should eliminate from our religious be-
a spiritual body, one of flesh and bones liefs the doctrine of the atonement and
but quickened by the spirit instead of resurrection of Jesus Christ and the
blood. Thus, our bodies after the resur- resurrection of mankind, there would
rection, quickened by the spirit, shall be nothing left but a code of ethics.
become immortal and never die. This The propositions of ethics may be
is the meaning of the statements of noble, but they lack those elements of
Paul that "there is a natural body, and the gospel that lead men to eternal
there is a spiritual body" and "that exaltation. Philosophy and theology
flesh and blood cannot inherit the may be interesting and give us lofty
kingdom of God." The natural body concepts, and we may become inspired
is flesh and blood, but quickened by by profound thinking, but Christian
the spirit instead of blood, it can and faith is based upon the simplicity of
will enter the kingdom. the gospel, the example, the life, and
the teachings of Jesus Christ. This
First fruits of resurrection
was the witness of Paul to the saints
The best example of the validity of at Corinth, and the message applies
this position —
and which portrays the to us in this day, living as we do in a
truth of the resurrection — is the hap- world that can be compared in many
pening which we commemorate at this ways to Corinth of old. In a society of
Easter season, when Jesus came forth turmoil, immorality, freethinking, and
from the tomb, the first fruits of the questioning of the reality of God, we
resurrection. The record tells us he reach out for the simplicity of the
appeared to many and they recognized —
gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel
him, the most specific example occur- which gives to us comfor^ hope, a de-
ring that first Easter day when ten of sire for righteousness, and peace in
the Twelve were together, and "Jesus one's heart.
himself stood in the midst of them, I have a conviction that God lives

and that Jesus the Christ. As Paul

is in me shall never die." (John
bore testimony to the saints of Corinth 11:25-26.)
by his letter at that Easter season many In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
years ago, I add my witness that we
shall rise from mortal death to have President Alvin R. Dyer
life everlasting, because of the aton-
ing sacrifice and resurrection of the Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
Savior. In my mind I picture him with Council of the Twelve has just spoken
arms outstretched to all who will hear: to us. Elder Theodore M. Burton,
"... I am the resurrection, and the Assistant to the Twelve, will be our
life: he that believeth in me, though next speaker. He will be followed by
he were dead, yet shall he live: Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First
"And whosoever liveth and believeth Council of Seventy.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

My brothers and sisters, many people as Paul explained to the Corinthians:

have asked me about the new GIANT "So likewise ye, except ye utter by
system of genealogy announced by the the tongue words easy to be understood,
First Presidency in the last general how shall it be known what is spoken?
conference. Where did this idea come for ye shall speak into the air.
from, and what is the reason for this "There are, it may be, so many kinds
change? of voices in the world, and none of
The answer that it developed
is them is without signification.
naturally out of our present system. "Therefore if I know not the mean-
As problems arose in the system we ing of the voice, I shall be unto him
were using, we began to study them that speaketh a barbarian, and he that
out in our own minds. consulted We speaketh shall be a barbarian unto
earlier revelations and directions from me." (1 Cor. 14:9-11.)
former Church leaders and then prayed Among the many voices we hear,
earnestly for wisdom and sought which voice should we believe? With
counsel to know the mind of the Lord so many duties and responsibilities,
for our day. We
met frequently with which ones should have priority? With
our present leaders and presented various paths stretching out before us,
questions directly to the First Presi- which path should we follow? With so
dency for answers. much work to be done, what work
As we received greater light and should we do first?
knowledge, we had to revise some of
our new ideas and concepts until, by Making decisions
listening to the whisperings
the of It is evident from this multiplicity
Spirit, a system finally evolved
that of choices that we need
to make deci-
could be approved for presentation to sions. But if we make a
decision based
the people. May I discuss for a few solely on our
limited experience with-
moments in general terras how we ob- out consulting experts, the likelihood
tain knowledge, for an understanding
of making a correct choice becomes a
of how this principle applies particu- matter of pure chance. In order to
larly to the GIANT system.
know what to do, it might be well to
reflect on how the Lord prepares us
A complex world
to make decisions.
We live in a world so complex and In the beginning God gave Adam a
involved that sometimes becomes
life choice of whether to be obedient and
a frustrating experience. There are trust in the Lord or to seek knowledge
many kinds of voices in the world, and on his own. Adam chose to make his
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

own decisions. He disobeyed the Lord, should worship the Lord their God,
ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and should offer the firstlings of their
and was therefore left to his own re- flocks, for an offering unto the Lord.
sources. This meant eviction from the And Adam was obedient unto the com-
Garden of Eden and from the presence mandments of the Lord." (Moses 5:5.)
of the Lord: Adam had already learned his lesson
"And I, the Lord God, said unto well. Because he hadn't done what the
mine Only Begotten: Behold, the man Lord asked him to do, he lost the privi-
is become as one of us to know good leges he formerly had. Now that Adam
and evil; and now lest he put forth was on his own, he had to fight weeds,
his hand and partake also of the tree illness, cold, hunger, and all the other
of life, and eat and live forever, problems that beset mankind. Adam
"Therefore I, the Lord God, will send had already learned the value of
him forth from the Garden of Eden, obedience, and he obeyed this new
till the ground from whence he was
to counsel religiously. How long this
taken; obedient sacrifice continued we don't
"For as I, the Lord God, liveth, even know, but it must have been a long
so my words cannot return void, for period as we reckon time. At least it
as they go forth out of my mouth they was long enough for the Lord to make
must be fulfilled." (Moses 4:28-30.) sure that Adam had learned his lesson
well before he was given the reason
Good and evil
for this commandment. But as a result
Undoubtedly the Lord gave Adam of his obedience, he now obtained fur-
counsel so that he could protect him- ther knowledge. The scripture con-
self against evil and know how to tinues:
recognize and avoid it. Note that the "And after many days an angel of
Lord didn't say that Adam should be the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying:
able to know good from evil, but that Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the
he should know good and evil. In a Lord? And Adam said unto him: I

like manner we are to know both good know not, save the Lord commanded
and evil and learn to prefer the good me.
above the evil. Through our experi- "And then the angel spake, saying:
ences in life we eventually learn to This thing is a similitude of the sacri-
choose the good simply because it is fice of the Only Begotten of the Father,
the better way, the easier way, and the which is full of grace and truth.
simpler way in the long run. "Wherefore, thou shalt do all that
Experience, however, can be a very thou doest in the name of the Son,
dear teacher. If we live life without and thou shalt repent and call upon
direction and without someone to God in the name of the Son forever-
guide us, it is as dangerous as playing more." (Moses 5:6-7.)
with dynamite. A slight mistake made
innocently through lack of knowledge Pattern for gaining knowledge
and life blows up in our face. Mis-
takes can be so serious that sometimes
This then becomes the pattern by
we can never fully repair the damage which we gain knowledge in this life.
If we seek the Lord and ask for counsel,
done. Some mistakes may even result
in loss of Simply
life itself. stated, we it is given. The Lord is a very wise
teacher. He knows that one can't teach
need guidance and help.
a student until that student is ready to
Value of obedience listen. I think failure to understand
this principle is the cause of many of
Adam and Eve, after being driven our present-day ills. We
too often give
from the Garden of Eden, needed guid- when the recipient doesn't want to re-
ance and did what all wise men and ceive. We preach when people refuse
women should do. They
asked the to listen. Young people complain they
Lord for direction. In response, ". . . he can't communicate with their elders
gave them commandments, that they when really that obligation rests upon

youth. Youth doesn't ask for counsel, "But let him

ask in faith, nothing
but seeks to give advice of what should wavering. For he that wavereth is like
be done, based on limited experience. a wave of the sea driven with the wind
Youth doesn't seek for information, and and tossed." (Jas. 1:5-6.)
we unwisely give youth advice that The book of Doctrine and Covenants
youth doesn't want in the first place. may be regarded as a prime example
If the youth want to communicate with of this principle. Revelations were
the older generation, let them first take given as a result of questions asked.
the initiative themselves and ask for When the Lord saw the willingness of
and seek further light and knowledge. the Prophet Joseph and his associates
Likewise parents claim they can't to receive instruction, he gave them
communicate with the younger genera- additional principles and revelations
tion when really that obligation rests much beyond the original questions
upon the parents. Parents too often go asked.
their own way, doing things as they've
always done them. They don't ask for Gaining further knowledge
information to determine youth's needs
Just as Adam was not given further
in our modern world, but seek to give
knowledge until he had learned and
counsel without that guidance. Par-
practiced the law of sacrifice, so the
ents don't understand the pressures on
Israelites were not qualified to have the
modern youth and unwisely give youth
advice that youth isn't ready to accept.
Melchizedek Priesthood until they first
learned how to use and practice the
If parents want to communicate with
laws of the Aaronic Priesthood. The
the younger generation, let them first
gospel of love was not given until
take the initiative and ask youth what
Israel learned and practiced the pre-
youth wants to know, thus learning to
liminary law of carnal commandments,
understand youth's problems.
which, Paul explained to the Galatians
Concept of asking (3:24), was a schoolmaster to bring
them to Christ. In our day we must
This concept of asking for informa- learn and practice the law of tithing
tion and help is a fundamental method before we can receive the law of conse-
of obtaining knowledge. Although the cration. We
must learn and practice
Lord warns us of impending dangers, the laws which pertain to baptism and
he doesn't give information to us until confirmation before we are permitted
we ask for it. to make higher moral and ethical
"Behold, I stand at the door, and covenants in the temple. As Alma ex-
knock: if any man hear my voice, and pressed this thought he said:
open the door, I will come in to him,
"For behold, the Lord doth grant
and will sup with him, and he with
me." (Rev. 3:20.) unto all nations, of their own nation
It is expressed even more clearly in
and tongue, to teach his word, yea, in
Matthew: wisdom, all that he seeth fit that they
should have; therefore we see that the
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall Lord doth counsel in wisdom, accord-
ing to that which is just and true."
be opened unto you;
(Al. 29:8.)
"For every one that asketh receiveth;
and he that seeketh findeth; and to Salvation for the dead
him that knocketh it shall be opened."
(Matt. 7:7-8.) In this dispensation God has given
This whole dispensation of the ful- us great responsibilities in regard to
ness of times began when a youth asked one of his higher laws, that of salvation
a question of the Lord as a result of for the dead. At first the law was only
reading this scripture: introduced to us. Temples had to be
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him built and a people had to be gathered.
ask of God, that giveth to all men The people thus gathered had to be
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it lifted up to be worthy to enter the
shall be given him. temples. Vital information concerning
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

the dead had to be gathered as best it fore. As I see it, this progress is a
could. natural growth of that truth which
We thus learned by doing, and God gives us as we seek for answers
from this experience sought better and in further prayer:
more efficient ways to do this work. "And I give unto you a command-
Now in our day we find ourselves ment, that ye shall forsake all evil and
closer to the end than ever before. God cleave unto all good, that ye shall live
has provided for our use a greater by every word which proceedeth forth
knowledge of how to gather records of out of the mouth of God.
the dead. He has provided rapid "For he will give unto the faithful
methods of copying information by line upon line, precept upon precept;
using microfilm. We
have jet planes and I will try you and prove you here-
to speed the gathering of these records, with." (D&C 98:11-12.)
and modern tools, such as coding, card
punch, and sorting machines, optical Further light and knowledge
scanners, electronic computers, and
Thus we have sought for further
other types of modern business ma- light and knowledge, having been
chines, that can be used to compile and
obedient to the preliminary concepts.
index these records into usable form.
God has given us additional truth and
Temples are being erected in ever-
new precepts to apply in our work of
increasing numbers, and Church mem-
salvation for the dead. This is a clear
bership is growing to provide worthy
voice telling us what to do. It is a
people who can serve in those temples.
well-defined path for future work. An
GIANT system improved way has been prepared to aid
us in completing the work leading to
It is no wonder that the present slow the organization of the family of God.
and cumbersome methods of preparing May God grant that we will respond
names for temple ordinance work are to this new concept and devote a part
giving way to the faster, more accurate of our time to this important work.
GIANT system. This new procedure has been approved
Yet with all these changes, the basic by the Prophet of the Lord and has
principles of salvation for the dead the blessing of the First Presidency. I
haven't changed. We
are still respon- have a personal testimony that it is
sible for gathering and submitting approved of God, for as I pray for
names for our kindred dead. stillWe knowledge of this truth I have a good,
have to do the temple ordinance work warm feeling in my heart. I give you
for those we identify as our progenitors. this testimony in the name of Jesus
We have to maintain our own
still Christ. Amen.
family book of remembrance with
pedigree charts and family group President Alvin R. Dyer
sheets of our direct ancestors to make
sure that the temple ordinance work Elder Theodore M. Burton, Assistant
has been done for all our loved ones. to the Twelve, has just spoken to us.
I regard this new method as a higher Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the
system, simpler, more rapid, and more First Council of Seventy will now ad-
accurate than any we have had hereto- dress us.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

We have received from the Lord a Weannounce that God has restored
divine commission to carry his message to us in this day the fullness of his
of salvation to the nations and peoples everlasting gospel.
of the earth. We have received anew the same

priesthood, the same keys, the same Now what have we done to fulfill
doctrines, the same organization, the the divine decree, and what must we
same plan of salvation that Jesus gave yet do?
the saints in his day. And we are now From the day of the organization of
commanded to offer this restored re- the Church in April 1830 to the present
ligion to all men everywhere as rapidly moment, faithful members of the
as our strength and ability permit. Church have taught the gospel and
testified of its divinity. With unweary-
Restoration of the gospel ing diligencewe have offered the saving
truths to as many of our Father's
Our Lord's beloved disciple John
children as our strength and circum-
saw in vision the restoration of the
stances have permitted.
gospel in our day and recorded in the
Bible this testimony: "... I saw an- The restored gospel was preached in
the United States and Canada, in Great
other angel fly in the midst of heaven,
Britain, western Europe, and Scandi-
having the everlasting gospel to preach
navia. Soon missionaries were in the
unto them that dwell on the earth."
Then, as guided by the spirit of in- islands of the Pacific, in Mexico and
South America, and in a host of
spiration, he recorded that this restored
gospel was to be preached "to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
Missionary service
people" before the hour of God's judg-
ment, before the second coming of the
Ten times ten thousand missionaries
Son of Man. (See Rev. 14:6-7.)
and more have left farm and factory,
The restoration of gospel knowledge
shop and store, and the halls of higher
commenced in modern times in the
spring of 1820. The promised angel be-

learning voluntarily and at their own

gan the process of revealing gospel

expense to devote three hundred thou-
sand man years of service in preaching
truths and powers in September of
the gospel.
1823. By November of 1831 the Ten times a hundred thousand and
restoration was sufficiently advanced
more have believed their message.
for the Lord to say to the world through
Ten times ten million and more have
Joseph Smith: "O inhabitants of the heard the warning voice.
earth, I have sent forth mine angel
But with it all, we have scarce com-
flying through the midst of heaven,
menced the assigned labor. We have
having the everlasting gospel, who hath
yet to preach the gospel to the ten times
appeared unto some and hath com-
two hundred million people in Russia,
mitted it unto man, who shall appear
China, India, Asia, Malasia, Indonesia,
unto many that dwell on the earth.
and so on.
"And this gospel shall be preached But this we shall assuredly do, for we
unto every nation, and kindred, and are on the Lord's errand; we are en-
tongue, and people." (D&C 133:36-37.) gaged in his work; he has decreed its
Commandment over-all success and triumph; and none
to preach gospel
can stay his hand.
We are thus commanded to preach We have done as much, or nearly
the restored gospel in all the world. so,in days past and present, as our
We are to carry its saving truths to numbers and means allowed. At our
every nation, and kindred, and tongue, present rate of growth, the Church is
and people. doubling in membership every 20 or 25
We are to raise the warning voice years. Will it be long, at this rate, be-
and testify of the mighty things which fore we have 25,000 missionaries serv-
God hath wrought in our day. ing at one time? Or 50,000? Or 100,000?
We are to gather the lost sheep of Or as many as the needs of the ministry
Israel into the fold of their true require to fulfill the divine command
Shepherd. to the uttermost?
We are to take the message of salva- Furthermore, our means of travel
tion to the ends of the earth. and teaching are improving. Today we
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

have jet planes and radio and tele- kings and priests: and we shall reign on
vision. Who knows
what we shall have the earth." (Rev. 5:9-10.)
tomorrow? Whatever the scientific ad- That is, before the millennial era,
vances may be, they shall be used for before the time when Christ shall reign
the furtherance of the Lord's work and personally upon the earth, the elect of
for the spread of truth in the earth. God among every kindred, the saints
With it all, however, the face-to-face who speak every tongue, the converts
and voice-to-ear testimony of the elders among all peoples and nations, having
of Israel will always be required in first believed the restored gospel, will
teaching the gospel. One elder will go to the temples of God and receive
always have to stand with one believ- the ordinances of exaltation whereby
ing soul in the waters of baptism to they qualify to become kings and
perform that ordinance without which priests.
no accountable man can be saved.
A witness to all nations
Future growth of Church
Truly did the Lord Jesus say of our
then of the future growth of day: ". this Gospel of the Kingdom
. .

the Church? Eventually, in a millen- shall be preached in all the world, for
nial day, the knowledge of God shall a witness unto all nations, and then
cover the earth as the waters cover the shall the end come. ."
(Joseph Smith
. .

sea, meaning that every living soul on 1:31.)

earth shall be converted to the truth, And truly did Joseph Smith prophesy:
for truth shall prevail. ". . . the Standard of Truth has been
In the meantime, we shall go forward erected; no unhallowed hand can stop
according to the divine timetable, a the work from progressing; persecutions
timetable under which the Lord will may rage, mobs may combine, armies
prepare the way for us to teach the may assemble, calumny may defame,
gospel in one nation after another as but the truth of God will go forth
rapidly as our strength and means are boldly, nobly, and independent, till it
sufficient for us to do the work. has penetrated every continent, visited
Nephi foresaw that we shall estab- every clime, swept every country, and
lish congregations of the saints in all sounded in every ear, till the purposes
nations and among all peoples and of God shall be accomplished, and the
kindreds before the promised unity of great Jehovah shall say the work is
the faith. Speaking of this dispensation, done." (Documentary History of the
he said: Church, Vol. 4, p. 540.)
I beheld the church of the Lamb
"... In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
of God, andits numbers were few, be- Amen.
cause of the wickedness and abomina-
tions of the whore who sat upon many President Alvin R. Dyer
waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the
The congregation and choir will now
church of the Lamb, who were the
saints of God, were also upon all the
join in singing "How Firm a Founda-
tion," conducted by Jay E. Welch.
face of the earth; and their dominions
upon the face of the earth were small,
because of the wickedness of the great The congregation and choir then
whore whom I saw." (1 Ne. 14:12.) sang the hymn, "How Firm a Foun-
Ordinances of exaltation
And John the Revel ator recorded
President Dyer
that the faithful in latter days
praise the Lord by saying: "Thou art Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
worthy ... for thou wast slain, and Twelve, will be our next speaker. He
hast redeemed us to God by thy blood will be followed by Elder Paul H.
out of every kindred, and tongue, and Dunn of the First Council of Seventy,
people, and nation; and who is now serving as president of
"And hast made us unto our God the New England Mission.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

As we approach the end of this schools, a professor called my attention

sacred, spiritual feast we have attended, to a man close by. He said he was a
including, of course, the Primary and custodian there. He didn't have a col-
Sunday School conferences, I am sure lege degree, but he and his wife had
we are all of one heart; we now await been blessed with seven children; each
anxiously the blessing of our revered of them had earned a college degree.
Prophet, President David O. McKay, so Each had found a companion of his
I should like to suggest as thought my choice, and had married in the temple.
that all of us must be better, more The sons had all filled honorable mis-
dedicated, more knowledgeable, more sions for the Church.
tolerant, more truly spiritual leaders As the professor left, I introduced
of men. As we have listened to our myself to this gentleman. In the
great leaders during this conference, I course of the conversation, he related
venture to say we have all made reso- this story to me:
lutions to be more valiant in the A few days before, he found a wallet.
service of our Master. In order to find some identification, he
opened it and discovered some porno-
Zone of influence graphic pictures. Rather than turn it
over to the lost and found department,
Those who know me best have heard he personally called the young man
me say before that each of us has our
who owned the wallet, and when he
own zone of influence. How am I us-
came it, the custodian showed
to claim
ing my influence? How are you? Are his own wallet to the young lad. It
we leading our fellowmen up the path
contained a picture of his wife, their
to higher, greater achievements? Or
children, and grandchildren; he said,
are we despoiling our leadership quali-
"This is the kind of wallet I would
ties by helping others in the paths of
like to see you accumulate."
folly, unbelief, bitterness, and unhap-
piness? We lead by example.
The young man, quite ashamed, re-
In a tribute paid to a great states-
moved the pictures from his wallet,
tore them up, and threw them in the
man who is no longer with us, one of
wastebasket. A good leader, this care-
his fellows who knew him best said
taker? "For where your treasure is,
of him: "He was a great leader of
there will your heart be also." (Matt.
men. He stood boldly by the things
he believed to be right." I'm certain
this is true of this man.
False concepts
Always, when hear tributes like
this, I find myself applying them to the
A young lad with some problems
great men I sustain as prophets of God.
came to my office to seek advice. I
Today, and in past years, this same discovered that in his home, his school,
tribute and much more can be said of
and even in his church, he had not been
the men who are prophets in The really touched by a good leader. He
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day complained that some of his peers had
Saints. Each of these great men has
not acted as they had spoken, yet here
given us, in the past days, so much was a precious soul, a spirit child of
food for thought. Each, in his own God, who instinctively wanted better
right, is a great leader. How are we things of life.
at following leadership?
I believe young people generally are

Example of custodian basically endowed with a desire to

please their peers, to believe in a
May I share a rich experience with supreme being, and it is most simple
you? Not too long ago, when I was on for the real young to pray to him and
the campus of one of our Church express heartfelt wishes, thoughts, and
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

desires. It is when
their peers give The power of Jesus Christ
them false concepts of life, when
President David O. McKay, one of
adults disappoint them by their actions,
the greatest leaders of men of all time,
when the lack of our own integrity
our living Prophet, said:
shows through, that the very young
begin to form wrong opinions and start
"The greatest power in the world
today, and the power that is needed to
wrong practices, thus ending up on
thwart the schemes of the adversary,
wrong paths.
is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Warfare with evil "That man is greatest who is Christ-

like, and what you think of Christ is
I quote from a discourse given by largely what you will be."
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., in the In the opening remarks of this con-
general priesthood meeting of October ference read by Brother Robert McKay,
1954. To me, it is an enthralling President McKay challenged us to
thought that the priesthood of the "bravely and heroically choose a better
Church of Jesus Christ is the army of course of life." So, whoever we are,
the Lord, "the Army to which the Lord wherever we may be, whether young or
looks to carry on his great warfare with old, may we determine to be better
evil. . . .
parents, better citizens, better members
"We are to fight the foes of . . . of The Church of Jesus Christ of
righteousness, we are to fight a life Latter-day Saints, better leaders of men.
and death struggle for ourselves, not With deep emotion and thanksgiv-
only, but for those who are associated ing, may I add my
testimony of the
with us, for the membership of the divinity of this great work to those
Church." (Conference Report, October already expressed, in the name of the
1954, p. 78.) Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

President McKay, my beloved broth- PTA convention discussing the prob-

ers and sisters: This is always a very lems concerning our youth. I suppose
humbling experience. I too seek the I was invited as a member because of
faith of your prayers in my behalf. the great work that this Church does
I have been most uplifted, as I have for its young people.
sensed you have, by the great messages I remember that the president of the
of this conference, the sweet testi- university himself was sponsoring a
monies that have been borne, the great littleluncheon to be held before the
truths that have been emphasized conference. As I entered the cafeteria,
again. there assembled around the table were
These experiences and messages those who would participate in the
have brought to my attention, as it meeting that was to ensue. I had not
relates to our responsibility, an ex- met my
colleagues who were to dis-
perience I had a few years ago while cuss the problems of youth with me,
serving as a religion teacher on the and this was a chance for us to get
University of Southern California acquainted. I noticed when I went in
campus. to take my seat that there were appro-
priate name cards identifying each
Incident at PTA convention
one of us and that I was to be seated
Because of my
particular position in next to a full navy commander.
directing the institute program, I was As we sat down, the navy com-
invited by that great institution to mander leaned over and said to me,
participate in what was known as a "You're the Latter-day Saint, aren't


you?" And I wondered what I had done Can you appreciate in some small
to tip him off. measure the thrill that was mine as a
I said, "Yes, sir, I am, how did you representative of God's true Church?
know?" You have had like experiences, and I
"Well," he said, pointing to the thought about that again today and
cup that I had turned over as I took these past days as we have been re-
my chair, "I noticed you weren't going minded of our great responsibilities,
to partake of that liquid." as parents, as teachers, and as leaders.
I said, "Yes, sir, but I happen to know
a lot of people who aren't members of Tribute to parents
my faith that don't use that liquid.
How would you know?" I would like to pay a tribute to you
He "Well, it is the way you
said, wonderful parents who have trained
turned your cup over." He said, "You up your children in the way that they
have that Mormon twist in your should go, that you might send into
wrist." the mission field the choice spirits that
you have. My, what a leaven in the
A salute to the Church worldly loaf they are. And I testify to
you that they are great men and
immediately started to exercise my
I women, testifying to the divinity of our
own faith as a missionary and at- Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
tempted to teach him a little about the I am located in an area where there
Word of Wisdom. He interrupted me is a great cultural and traditional in-
and said, "Young man, I didn't invite fluence, where intellectualism abounds.
this conversation to get a dissertation Iwould just like to share a few thoughts
from you at this time. But I would like that I might direct to those people,
to take this opportunity, if I may, to particularly as they relate to this time
salute you. May I do that?" of year.
Well, now, to a former PFC, that is As members of The Church of Jesus
great tribute. I said, "Please, sir, go Christ of Latter-day Saints, we with
right ahead." many others of the Christian world
"Well," he said, "I don't mean you have anticipated the coming of Easter
personally." I must confess that hurt and its celebration in commemoration
my ego a little. of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He said, "I would like to take this

Meaning of Christ for our times
opportunity to salute your church and
that great body you represent here Anticipating Easter in an era that
today. As you know, I am directing has been described as "post-Christian";
one of the navy testing programs in an age when modern science and
educationally throughout the United technology have given rise to the "secu-
States, and wherever I go I watch you lar city," as they prefer to call it;
people with great interest, and I sup- when an analytical philosophy has
pose I have seen many of you without described as meaningless all proposi-
your knowing it, and I would like you tions that go beyond certain defined
to know, Mr. Dunn, that I feel secure limits of sense experience; when bibli-
in the presence of the Latter-day Saint cal scholarship has mythologized the
people." New Testament, and a new radical
He said, "You have something, I theology has proclaimed the death of
don't know what it is [you and I do God, I think we need to raise anew the

the priesthood, the Spirit of the Lord question of the meaning of Jesus Christ
which beckons all to come], but," he for our time. Of course, for many of
added, "I feel that one day this coun- our contemporaries, caught up in the
try — —
in fact the world will look to cross currents of a predominantly secu-
you for direction. Thank you, sir, for lar culture, the life, death, and resur-
being what you are and for the great rection of Jesus Christ can have little
influence of your church." or no meaning.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

I the question—What is the

raise Faith today in Christ's mission
meaning of Jesus Christ for our times? Now, after almost two thousand
— not as preliminary to the presenta-
years, in the passing time of a century
tion of a legal brief in defense of the
characterized by a decline in religious
fact of the resurrection, nor to afford
faith, the restored gospel joyfully pro-
an opportunity to argue in support of claims anew, with as much enthusiasm
our belief in the resurrection. This is and vigor as did the first century
not the occasion for religious argument.
Christians, that Christ is risen. Our
This is an occasion to bear witness to confidence in man's salvation through
the hope, the joy, and the faith that
the atonement of Christ is a matter
we have in the divine message that of faith, not completely understood,
Christ lives. Our presence here today
yet the central meaning of Jesus Christ
is evidence of that faith, and what I
forour time, as for all time, is to be
hope to say is intended as an added
witness to that faith.

found in that faith faith in man's
salvation through the resurrection.

Faith of early Christians Salvation in this sense is a gift to

a man through the grace of God. But
Jesus Christ has meant many things those who are familiar with The
to many people, but there can be no Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
mistake about what he meant to the Saints know that it is also a religion of
early Christians. New Testament faith merit. Our concern is not only with
was based upon the belief that in the the future but also with the past, and
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus especially with the present. Mormon-
Christ, God, our Father, in a decisive ism touches every phase of life; it is a
manner, had prepared the way for man gospel of work, of play, of service, of
to enter the world, live the complete prayer, of hope. And belief in immor-
life, and again regain his presence. tality looms large in this picture.
Motivated by this belief, early Chris-
tians went forth to proclaim the gos-
What eternal life embraces
pel, or the "good news." It was the Eternal life, however, does not
overwhelming impact of the "good merely embrace the future; it also em-
news," centering in the resurrection, braces the past and the present. This
that caused Christians to face the means that the present is determinative
threat of the dungeon, the sword, and of what the future holds for man, both
the cross. Early Christianity moved as an individual and as society. This
forward under the compelling faith world, therefore, is not regarded as
that the resurrected Jesus was Christ, some condemned region in space where
the Lord. man awaits transportation to heaven
That the resurrection was central to or hell.
the early Christian message cannot be Man and the world share a common
doubted. Writing to the Corinthians, —
destiny man and the world are to
Paul said, ". . if Christ be not raised,
. be saved together. Man's purpose in
your faith is vain. ..." (1 Cor. 15:17.) the world is to progressively know and
Read in its context, it is clear that to live the revelations of God reflected
Paul is not trying to prove the resur- in his own soul and the creations
rection of Christ in this statement He about him. Man will never be worthy
is here appealing to the one thing that of or capable of appreciating a more
all Christians accepted in order to prove glorious state of existence until he has
another point, namely, that because of in some measure learned to appreciate
his resurrection Jesus was the Messiah, the meaning, beauty, and problems
the Savior; and through the redemptive of the one in which he now finds
mission of Jesus, as the Christ, as the himself. This means that while the
Savior, man's own immortality and past and future are important, the
eternal life were assured. This was the present is the greatest of all time,
gospel. This was the "good news." because it holds the promise of all
This was the faith of early Christianity. that is to come.

Jesus taught divine principles idealistic for this hardheaded, practical

world, our witness is that Jesus was
With this view in mind, I raise again as much of a realist as an idealist the —
the question of the meaning of Jesus real and ideal merge in his life and
Christ for today. Within this dimen- teachings. It is the world that has not
sion of the gospel we find the mean- been realistic and has not been able
ing of Christ in the very urgent and to take him at his word. He said that
serious problems that we face as indi- mankind is a brotherhood. The world
viduals and as a nation. Some of these has said that mankind ought to be a
problems come from the past and con- brotherhood. We
have failed to take
tinue to haunt us; other problems are his realism seriously, and our problems
of modern making and are peculiar multiply and grow in complexity.

to our age peculiar at least in the In regard to the frustration, futility,
sense that they are in a new setting. and meaninglessness in which an in-
It is in the imaginative and creative creasing number of individual lives are
solution of old problems and in the submerged, our witness is that the
struggle with novel problems against passing years continue to establish the
the gospel of Jesus Christ that he validity of Jesus Christ's estimate of
takes on new meaning for us today. human personality as the supreme
Jesus taught in terms of universal, value in the universe. To the disturbed,
divine principles, and men were left wandering youth of our time, we testify
with the responsibility, and their free that personality, that people, that hu-
agency, to implement those principles. man beings are precious, and that life is
When he was asked how often an- worth living.
other should be forgiven, he answered As to the solution of many of the
with a statement that urged a limit- personal problems with which con-
less spending of forgiveness. When temporary man is plagued, our witness
asked what acts were legal on the is that modernity as well as antiquity
Sabbath, he answered with a state- give support to Jesus' view that person-
ment that made it plain that people ality is fulfilled not in the self-cen-
should be considered over institutions. teredness of either the occidental or
When asked, "Who is my neighbor?" oriental variety, but rather in service
he answered with a parable in which a to humanity. Human experience today,
neighbor was described as "a certain as always, confirms that whosoever
man" who was in need of help. would save his life will lose it, and
If Jesus had merely given moral whosoever shall lose his life in the
rules in terms of the culture of his interest and service of others shall
times, his teaching would have long save it.
since been out of date. But his teach-
ings are bound to no single culture, Solution of personal and
nor to any age. Each succeeding age is social problems
left to discover a way of making the
I have said that the meaning of
gospel principles of Jesus Christ live
Jesus Christ for our time is to be found
in terms of its own conception of so-
in his death and resurrection, which
ciety. When this is done, we are com-
assures man's immortality. have We
pelled to recognize that his ideal goes
also said that the application of his
far beyond not only what man has put ideal to the central and crucial prob-
into practice but also what most men lems of our day gives us further insight
have thought possible. into his meaning for us. He
stands as
Merging of real and ideal an eternal symbol of our Heavenly
Father's interest in and suffering for
To speak of our age, therefore, as the the needs of humanity. As we see
"post-Christian" age is a mistake for God's will revealed through him for the
the simple reason that the Christian solution of our personal and social
age, in any real sense, has not yet problems, so our faith is made sure
been fully achieved. If the fault is that he will be forever meaningful in
said to be in Jesus because he was too the lives of men.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

We believe that the best and most Jesus is the Christ, in the name of our
effective efforts being made today to- beloved Savior, even Jesus Christ.
ward the elimination of ignorance and Amen.
human suffering are in accordance with
the Savior's inspiration and revelation. President Alvin R. Dyer
In him and his gospel are to be found
President McKay has not been able
the faith and hope of the future. So
it is with a deep sense of its permanent
to attend any of the conference ses-
sions, but we have felt of his spirit
and universal meaning that we read
his statement as he departed from his and partaken of his blessings. May we
disciples: ". lo, I am with you alway,
. .
who are here as representatives of the
even unto the end of the world." (Matt. Church express our love and apprecia-
28:20.) tion for this great man, and convey
May the experience of this Easter our blessings upon you, President
season make us more responsive to McKay, and your lovely companion.
his inspiration and more conscious of President McKay has asked that his
our responsibilities, I pray, as I give you son, Robert R. McKay, read his clos-
my solemn witness that God lives, that ing message of the conference.


(Read by his son Robert R. McKay)

My dear brethren and sisters: As we Every man, every person radiates

approach the conclusion of this out- what he or she is. Every person is a
standing annual conference of the recipient of radiation. The Savior was
Church, my soul is filled with appre- conscious of this fact. Whenever he
ciation and thanksgiving for the privi- came into the presence of an indi-
lege we have had of partaking of the vidual, he sensed that radiation,
wonderful spirit and feeling of brother- whether it was the woman of Samaria
hood that have permeated the meetings with her past life; whether it was the
held during the past three days. woman who was to be stoned, or the
I am impressed with the thought men who were to stone her; whether
that everyone who has attended, either it was the statesman, Nicodemus, or
in person or by listening in, no matter one of the lepers. Christ was ever con-
where he or she may be, could not help scious of the radiation from the indi-
but leave this conference with a greater vidual, and, to a degree, so are you, and
desire and determination to be a better so am I. It is what we are and what
man or a better woman, a better citi- we radiate that affects the people
zen of his own city, county, or nation, around us.
than he or she has ever been before. As it is true of the individual, so it

is true of the home. Our homes radiate

Responsibility to contribute
what we are, and that radiation comes
However, we cannot go from this from what we say and how we act in
conference without an added responsi- the home. No member of this Church,
bility to contribute to a better life no husband or father, has the right
around us. As individuals, we must to utter an oath in his home, or ever
think nobler thoughts. must not We to express a cross word to his wife or
encourage base thoughts nor low as- to his children. By your ordination and
pirations. If we do, we shall radiate your responsibility, you cannot do it
them to others. If we think noble as a man who holds the priesthood
thoughts,if we encourage and cherish and be true to the spirit within you.
noble aspirations, there will be that You contribute to an ideal home by
radiation when we meet people, espe- your character, controlling your pas-
cially when we associate with them. sion, your temper, guarding your


speech, because those things will make Men of truth

your home what it is, and what it will
radiate to the neighborhood. You do All men who have moved the world
what you can to produce peace and have been men who will stand true to
harmony, no matter what you may their conscience —
such men as Peter,
suffer. James, and Paul, and their brethren
of the ancient apostles, and also others.
True to the divine When the religious leaders of Palmyra,
The man who is true to his manhood New York, turned against the youthful
will not lie against the truth. There
Joseph Smith for what he had seen
is within every man that which is
and heard in the Sacred Grove, he
said, having a testimony of the Lord
Jesus in his bosom: "I had seen a
The man who will be true to the
I knew it, and I knew that
divine within him is true to his Lord
and to his fellowmen. The man who God knew it, and I could not deny
it, neither dared I do it. ." (Joseph
is untrue to that which he knows to
. .

Smith 2:25.)
be right is wavering and weakening.
Joseph Smith was true to his testi-
He may go so far that he will step
out of the light, out of that divine
mony to the last. When he approached
his martyrdom at Carthage, Illinois,
presence, and woe be unto him when
he does. he said to those who were with him:
"I am going like a lamb to the slaugh-
We have declared to the world that
ter, but I am calm as a summer's
we have the gospel of Jesus Christ;
morning. I have a conscience void of
that we are going to stand against
offense toward God and toward all
vice and sin. Shall we forsake this
men." (Documentary History of the
cause in order to please men, or be-
Church, Vol. 6, p. 555.) He was true
cause we desire to give lip service
to his testimony and to his manhood.
rather than heart service? No! We He was a man who possessed divine
shall stand true to ourselves, true to
the divine within us, true to that truth
which we have received. We need to Defense of truth
know that it is not good to have evil
surrounding us to draw away our young That is the manhood a true member
men and women and lead them into of this Church should possess in de-
the darkness of misery and despair. fending the truth. That is the man-
When we are thrown into the com- hood we all need, as we labor in our
pany of men who try to tempt us, let callings to inspire our young people
us be true unto the death. with that same truth. It is that truth
We know that man is a dual being. that we need in combating the error
He is physical; he has his appetites, and evil which exist in this critical
passions, desires, just as any animal period in the history of our own coun-
has; but he is also a spiritual being, try and that of the world 1

and he knows that to subdue the ani- Courage to maintain our ideals is an
mal instincts is to achieve advancement area in which we can manifest man-
in the spiritual realm. A man who is hood and activity and merit the ap-
subject to his physical appetites and proval of God. These are times when
passions only, who denies any reality men should keep their heads, and not
of a spirit, is truly of the animal world. be swept from their moorings by every
Man is a spiritual being, and his real will-o'-the-wisp theory that is offered
life is the spirit that inhabits his body. as a panacea for our present ills. The
He is a son of God, and he has within times call for couragous youth to hold
him that which will cause him to yearn aloft the moral standard. In that field
and to aspire to become dignified, as we may find the truest courage.
a son of God should be dignified. The Our greatest heroes are not always
dignity of man, not the degradation of found on the battlefield, although we
man, has been emphasized throughout read of such men daily. We find
this conference. them also among our youth at home
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

young men and young women who the destruction of the world and the
will stand up fearlessly and denounce present civilization, because God has
those things which they know will established his Church never to be
sap the character, the very life-giving thrown down nor given to another
energy, of youth. people. And as God lives, and his
people are true to him and to one an-
Message for the world
other, we need not worry about the
What a message the Church has for ultimate triumph of truth.
this distracted world: Its appeal is to And, young men and women, if you
all, to the rich and the poor, the have that testimony on your side, you
strong and the weak, the learned and can pass through the dark valley of
the unlearned. It proclaims God to slander, misrepresentation, and abuse,
be not only the one supreme ruler of undaunted as though you wore a magic
the universe, but the Father of each suit of armor that no bullet could

individual a God of justice, yet a enter, no arrow could pierce. You can
God of love, constantly watching over hold your head high, toss it fearlessly
and guiding even the humblest of his and defiantly, and look every man
children. With its complete organiza- calmly and unflinchingly in the eye.
tion, the Church offers service and in- You can feel the great expansive world
spiration to all. It is preeminently a of more health surging through you as
social religion. Instead of taking men the quickened blood courses through
out of the world, through its priesthood the body of him who is gladly, glori-
quorums and auxiliary organizations it ously proud of physical health. You
seeks to develop perfect, God-like men will know that all will come out right
in the midst of society, and through in the end; that it must come; that all
them to solve the problems of society. must flee before the great white light
There is not a principle that is taught of truth, as the darkness slinks away
by the Savior of men that is not also into nothingness in the presence of
applicable to the growth, development, the sunburst.
and happiness of mankind. Every one So, with truth as our guide, our
of his teachings touches the true companion, our ally, our inspiration,
philosophy of living. I accept them we may tingle with the consciousness
wholeheartedly, and it is a joy to study of our kinship with the Infinite, and
and teach them. Every phase of the all the petty trials, sorrows, and suf-
restored Church is applicable to the ferings of this life will fade away as
welfare of the human family. temporary, harmless visions seen in a
I appeal to the youth to be cou- dream.
rageous in maintaining the moral and
Testimony of resurrection
spiritual values of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. The world needs moral heroes! Today as we commemorate the com-
The most important thing in life is not ing forth from the tomb of the cruci-
the discoveries being made in our fied Lord, I bear my testimony to
secular world, but a belief in the reality you and to all the world that The
of moral and spiritual values. After Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
all, "For what is a man profited, if he Saints accepts the resurrection not only
shall gain the whole world, and lose as being real, but as the consummation
his own soul? or what shall a man on
of Christ's divine mission earth.
give in exchange for his soul?" (Matt. I know with my whole soul thai
16:26.) as Christ lives after death, so shall all
men, each taking his place in the
Triumph of the truth next world for which he has best
We cannot truly believe thatwe are fitted himself.
the children of God, and that God
Answer to prayer
exists, without believing in the final
inevitable triumph of the truth of the I have cherished from childhood
gospel of Jesus Christ. If we believe the truth that God is a personal being,
that, we shall have less worry about and is, indeed, our Father whom we

can approach in prayer and receive Blessings extended

answers thereto. I cherish as one of
the dearest experiences of life the We send greetings and blessings to
knowledge that God hears the prayer our missionaries and the mission
of faith. It is true that the answers presidencies in their respective fields
to our prayers may not always come of duty throughout the world. We
as direct and at the time, nor in the deeply appreciate the unselfish service
manner, we anticipate; but they do they are rendering.
come, and at a time and in a manner
God bless our young men
in the
best for the interests of him who offers
service of our country, wherever they
the supplication.
may be. To each of you I send my
There have been occasions, how- greetings and a message of confidence
ever, when I have received direct and and trust, and say to you: Keep your-
immediate assurance that my petition selves morally clean. Being soldiers
was granted. At one time, particularly, or sailors is no justification for in-
the answer came as distinctly as though dulgence in vulgarity, intemperance,
my Heavenly Father stood by my side or immorality. Others may be impelled
and spoke the words. These experi- to do these things because of the
ences are part of my very being and beastliness of war, but you who are
must remain so long as memory and members of the Church and hold the
intelligence last. Just as real and just priesthood of God cannot so indulge
as close to me seems the Savior of the with impunity. For your own sweet
world. I feel as I have never felt be- lives, and for others who trust you,
fore that God is my Father. He is not keep yourselves unpolluted. We pray
just an intangible power, a moral that God's protecting care and divine
force in the world, but a personal God guidance will be with each of you.
with creative power, the governor of
the world, the director of our souls. I And now, my dear brethren and
would have all men, and especially sisters, my
fellow workers, with all the
the young people of the Church, feel power that the Lord has given I me
bless each of you and pray that from
so close to our Father in heaven that

they will approach him daily not in this hour you may go forth with re-
newed determination to discharge your
public alone, but in private. If our
duties more faithfully, more success-
people will have this faith, great bless-
fully under the inspiration of God
ings will come to them. Their souls
will be filled with thanksgiving for
than ever before.

what God has done for them; they will

Gratitude for support
find themselves rich in favors be-
stowed. It is not imagination that we
can approach God and receive light
My heart is full of appreciation for
your service and your presence here,
and guidance from him, and that our and for the privilege of being asso-
minds will be enlightened and our
ciated with you in this great cause.
souls thrilled by his Spirit.
I am grateful to you all for your loyal

Conference messages
support and your prayers in my
This gospel gives us a chance to live
God bless these General Authorities
above this old world and its tempta-
tions and, through self-control and
of the Church for the inspirational
self-mastery, to live in the spirit, and
messages they have given us through-
that is the real life here and hereafter.
out this conference. They have testified
as to the truth of the restored gospel, God bless you in your individual
and have borne their testimonies mat lives, in your home life, in your Church
God, the Father, and his Son Jesus activities, and give you the comfort that
Christ have appeared in these latter comes to every soul who loses himself
days to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and for Christ's sake, I pray in the name
that the gospel in its fullness has been of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
restored to die earth. Amen.
Sunday, April 6 Third Day

President Alvin R. Dyer tional press representatives, and by

representatives of radio and television
Testifying of the effectiveness of the in reporting the sessions of this con-
conference broadcasts to various coun- ference.
tries ofthe world, we have received a We are most grateful for the coopera-
number of telegrams, one from Chile in tion of city officials, city traffic officers,
South America indicating that the the Fire Department and Red Cross,
messages have been received through who have been on hand to render
thirty-five Chilean stations in most of assistance and service whenever and
South America. A second wire from wherever needed.
Chile indicates the effectiveness of the We thank the Tabernacle ushers for
broadcasts in that country. A wire from their courtesy and consideration in
Fort Ord, California, where 190 LDS seating the great audiences of these
servicemen have been listening to the conference sessions.
procedures of the conference has been
As heretofore mentioned, we are most
received; and from the Franco-Belgian
grateful to the owners and managers
Mission we have a cable indicating that of the many radio and television sta-
the messages were coming through
tions throughout the United States,
very clearly, and expressing their ap- Canada, Mexico, Chile, and in other
preciation for the broadcasts.
countries, who have carried these
We express our deep appreciation to broadcasts, thus permitting millions to
the following who have furnished the participate in the sessions of this great
singing for this conference: The Tab- conference.
ernacle Choir for their excellent per- We thank the translators for their
formance on the Saturday morning untiring efforts in translating the mes-
and Sunday morning broadcast sessions, sages of the conference into six lan-
and again this afternoon. To the Brig- guages for broadcast to various parts of
ham Young University Faculty Priest- the world.
hood Chorus, who furnished the music
Where practicable, it is suggested
for the Saturday evening priesthood
that ward sacrament meetings be held
meeting. To the Ogden Institute of
this evening in the various wards.
Religion and the University of Utah
Institute of Religion, who furnished And now to those of you who return
the music for the sessions on Friday; to your homes in automobiles: re- We
and to the Primary Children's Chorus, mind the drivers of your cars to use
who had 402 children, one each from the utmost care, obey the traffic rules,

402 wards, who furnished the music for and be courteous and alert.

the Saturday afternoon session. And now as this conference draws to

a close, the Tabernacle Choir will
We also express thanks and deep ap-
favor us with "Psalm 148" and "Sing
preciation to the conductors and organ-
ists for these various singing groups.
We Now at Parting," conducted by
Richard P. Condie.
President McKay desires that I ex-
The benediction will be offered by
press his appreciation also to all who
Elder A. Elihu Whatcott, president of
have in any way contributed to the
the Cedar Stake, after which this con-
success and inspiration of this great
ference will stand adjourned for six
conference of the Church.
He is especially grateful as already
expressed to his beloved associates, the
General Authorities, for their loyal
support and diligence in service, and The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
for their inspirational messages de- bers, "Psalm 148," and "Sing We Now
livered during the various sessions of at Parting."
this conference.
President A. Elihu Whatcott of the
We appreciate the careful and effi- Cedar Stake offered the benediction.
cient attention given by local and na- Conference adjourned for six months.

Summary of Conference Music Primary Children's Chorus. Judith

Wirthlin Parker conducted the chorus.
The Brigham Young University Fac-
The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir fur- ulty Priesthood Chorus, with Harold
nished the musical numbers for the
H. Goodman conducting, furnished the
Saturday morning and Sunday morning
choral music for the General Priest-
and afternoon sessions of the confer- hood meeting on Saturday evening.
ence; Richard P. Condie, conductor;
Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
and Jay E. Welch, assistant conductor. ing of the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir
The choral music for the Friday on the Tabernacle Choir and Organ
morning session was furnished by the broadcast Sunday morning, with the
Ogden Institute of Religion Chorus Spoken Word by Elder Richard L.
under the direction of Ladd R. Cropper. Evans.
The University of Utah Institute of Re- Accompaniments on the organ were
ligion Chorus, directed by Douglas W. played by Alexander Schreiner, Robert
provided the singing in the Fri-
Stott, N. Cundick and Roy M. Darley, Tab-
day afternoon session. ernacle organists.
The singing for the Saturday after- JOSEPH ANDERSON
noon session was furnished by the Clerk of the Conference


The following broadcast, written and ing concern comes with wondering
announced by Richard L. Evans, and where they are and when we again
originating with Station KSL, Salt shall see them. Moved by such
Lake City, Utah, was presented from searching thoughts Andrew Jackson
9:35 to 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 6, said: "Heaven will not be heaven to
1969, through the courtesy of the me do not meet my wife there." 1
if I
Columbia Broadcasting System's net- Heaven to be heaven must have within
work throughout the United States, it that which makes of heaven a won-
parts of Canada, and through other —
derfully happy home with loved ones
facilities to several points overseas: as a part of all that makes completeness
in an everlastingness of life. How
Announcer: Once more we welcome could be otherwise? How could all
you within these walls with Music and
the Spoken Word from the Crossroads
this order, all this beauty the earth, —
the sky, the sea, the glory of spring,
of the West.
the magnificent succession of all sea-
CBS and its affiliated stations bring sons, the love of life, the love of loved
you at this hour another presentation ones, the endless evidence of Provi-
from Temple Square in Salt Lake City, dence, of plan, of purpose the mind —
with Richard Condie conducting the and memory of man—
how could all
Tabernacle Choir, Alexander Schreiner, this be other than eternal and of per-
Tabernacle Organist, and the spoken sonal continuance. "When I consider
word by Richard Evans. the wonderful activity of the mind,"
(Pause) said Cicero, "so great a memory of
The Choir sings a "Galilean Easter what is past, and such capacity for
Carol" by R. Deane Shure: ". Joy . .
penetrating the future, when I behold
dawned again on Easter day, the sun such a number of arts and sciences,
shone out with fairer ray, when to and such a multitude of discoveries . . .

their longing eyes restored, die apostles I believe and am firmly persuaded that
saw their risen Lord. a nature which contains so many things
(Choir: "Galilean Easter Carol"— within itself cannot but be immortal." 2
Shure) "Seems it strange that thou shouldst
(Organ background) live forever," asked Edward Young.
Announcer: Alexander Schreiner at "Is it less strange that thou shouldst
the Tabernacle Organ on Temple live at all?" 3 Life is the miracle, and
Square today recalls the jubilant that it should be always is no more a
phrases of the "Toccata in B Minor" miracle than that it is at all. And so
by Gigout. the meaning, the message of this mo-
(Organ: "Toccata in B Minor"— ment: that He who gave us birth and
Gigout) life and loved ones has given us also
(Organ background) the limitless possibilities of everlast-
Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir ing life. And what of death?
turns now to the music of George
Careless with the words of Eliza R. "Ayl it will come, —
the bitter hour!
Snow: "Behold the Great Redeemer but bringing
Die, a broken law to satisfy. He dies A better love beyond, more subtle-
a sacrifice for sin; . . . that man may sweet;
live and glory win." A higher road to tread, with happier
(Choir: "Behold the Great Re- singing,
deemer Die" —Careless) And no cross-ways to part familiar
Organ background) feet!" 4


Andrew Jackson
Announcer: Some of the loneliest of 2
loneliness in life comes with loss of 3
Edward Young, Night Thoughts, vii
loved ones, and some of the most sober- 4 Sir Edwin Arnold, The New Lucian

(Organ: Without Announcement — He plants His foot upon the world;

"Sweet Hour of Prayer" Bradbury) the myriad stars bow in willing sub-
As time permits jection;
(Organ background) the universe His hand unfurld.
Announcer: Alexander Schreiner,
Tabernacle Organist, has presented a (Choir: "The Heavens Resound"—
hymn tune by William Bradbury: Beethoven)
"Sweet Hour of Prayer." (Organ background)
From Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusti- (As the Dew)
cana we hear a cherished hymn: "We
Announcer: Again we leave you with-
will sing of the Lord now victorious!
in the shadows of the everlasting hills.
All the terrors of death were in vainl
Let us sing of the Christ ever glorious.
May —
peace be with you this day and
He is risen in glory to reign!" This concludes the two thousand and
(Choir: "The Lord Now Victorious" sixty-eighth presentation continuing
—Mascagni) the 40th year of this traditional broad-
(Organ background) cast from the Mormon Tabernacle on
Temple Square, brought to you by CBS
Announcer: and its affiliated stations, originating
with KSL in Salt Lake City.
The heavens resound with His praises Richard Condie conducted the Tab-
eternal, ernacle Choir, Alexander Schreiner
in might and glory they combine was at the Organ. The Spoken Word
to tell His name through earth and by Richard Evans.
oceans In another seven days, at this same
that man may hear the word divine. hour, Music and the Spoken Word
will be heard again from the Cross-
He holds the suns in the blue vaulted roads of the West.
heavens, This is the CBS Radio Network.
Anderson, Elder Joseph (Statistical Report) . 67
Authorities Present 1, 2
Auxiliary Officers Sustained .. 72

Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 10
Disharmony of some members, 10; Tares among the wheat, 11; The
precepts of men, 11; Publishing differences with Church, 11; Birth
control, 12; False reasoning in population limitation, 12; Subversion
of educational system, 12; Sex education in the schools, 13; Responsi-
bility of parents, 13; Sensitivity training, 13; Standards attacked, 14;
Demoralizing influences, 14; President Cannon's test.

Bracken, Lee (Priesthood Meeting) 102

Brown, President Hugh B. 3, 4,10, 15, 18, 21,25,70,73, 115,

116, 120, 123, 126, 129, 133

Brown, President Hugh B. 50

A peculiar people, 50; What is man? 50; What is God? 50; Man's
eternal nature, 51; System of continuing education, 51; Continuous
revelation, 51; Office of a prophet, 52; Man's salvation, 52; Salvation
and damnation, 52; Graded state of future life, 53; Love of God and
man, 53; Acceptance of gospel principles, 53.
Brown, President Hugh B. (Priesthood Meeting) Ill
A sense of humor, 111; Story of Canadian recruitment, 111; Training
as militia officers, 112; A
man of character, 112; When
is success a

failure? 113; Each is being tested, 113; The rights of the priesthood,
114; Divinity of the work, 114.

Brown, Bishop Victor L 33

Widow's tithing, 33; Principle of tithing, 34; President Joseph F.
Smith's explanation, 34; Testimonies on tithepaying, 34; Lesson on
tithing, 35; The earth is the Lord's, 36.

Burton, Elder Theodore M 139

A complex world, 139; Making decisions, 139; Good and evil, 140;
Value of obedience, 140; Pattern for gaining knowledge, 140; Con-
cept of asking, 141; Gaining further knowledge, 141; Salvation for
the dead, 141; GIANT system, 142; Further light and knowledge, 142.

Cahoon, President Lysle R. (Priesthood Meeting) 97
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 39
The gospel plan, 39; Encouragement in adversity, 39; Teachings from
Liberty Jail, 39; Trials can bring blessings, 40; Doubt not, fear not,
40; Build upon the rock, 40.

Church Finance Committee Report 69"

Cullimore, Elder James A 41

Guidance for the Church, 41; Man's free agency, 41; Need for guid-
ance, 42; Responsibility in following counsel, 43; Obedience brings
happiness, 43.

Dunn, Elder Loren C 21
Availability of drugs, 21; Reason for drug use, 21; Importance of
home example, 22; Faith in Heavenly Father, 22; Intelligent obedi-
ence, 22; Responsibility of communication, 22; Love in the home, 23.

Dunn, Elder Paul H. 146

Incident at PTA convention, 146; A salute to the Church, 147;
Tribute to parents, 147; Meaning of Christ for our times, 147; Faith
of early Christians, 149; Faith today in Christ's mission, 148; What
eternal life embraces, 148; Jesus taught divine principles, 149;
Merging of real and ideal, 149; Solution of personal and social prob-
lems, 149.

Dyer, President Alvin R 66, 67, 73, 76, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 91,
134, 135, 139, 142, 144, 150, 154

Dyer, President Alvin R 54

The precepts of men, 54; The "new morality," 54; Sex education
programs, 54; Classroom programs, 55; Results in other countries,
55; Sensitivity training, 56; Personal agency jeopardized, 56; Church
methods preserve rights, 56; Flexibility in marriage laws, 56; "Youth
for alcohol" movement, 57; Opposition to evil influences, 57; Pattern
of gospel laws, 57.

Edling, Wilford G. (Finance Committee Report) 69
Evans, Elder Richard L 73
Responsibility for teaching children, 73; Patronizing the cheap or
trashy side, 74; Honest and wise men needed, 74; Obligations of par-
ents, 75; World no better than its homes, 75; Innocence of children,
75; Learn and live gospel, 76.

Farnsworth, Ross Nash (Priesthood Meeting) 99
Fifth Session 92
Finance Committee Report, Church 69

First Day—Afternoon Meeting 26

First Day—Morning Meeting 3

First Session 3

Fourth Session 66

General Authorities and Officers Sustained 70
General Authorities of the Church Present 1

General Officers and Other Authorities Present 2

General Priesthood Meeting 92

Hanks, Elder Marion D 23
Convictions of early Christians, 23; Reasons for total commitment,
24; Firstborn and Only Begotten, 24; His temptation, 24; The servant
of all, 25; Commitment to Christ, 25.

Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 58

Memorial service for Dwight D. Eisenhower, 58; Preeminence of Jesus
of Nazareth, 59; The hope of immortality, 59; Relevance of Jesus'
teachings, 59; Testimony of infantryman, 59; Faith of mother, 60;
The Master of life, 60; Example of miraculous contrast, 60; Way to
improve world, 61; Power of example, 61; The hope of mankind, 61.
Hunter, Elder Howard W 135
Splendor of Corinth, 135; Paul's missionary labors, 135; Letter to
Corinthians, 136; Witness of Christ's resurrection, 136; Personal wit-
ness, 137; A challenging question, 137; Nature of resurrected body,
137; Analogy misunderstood, 137; Redemption of the soul, 138; First
Atonement of Christ, 138.
fruits of resurrection, 138;

Hunter, Elder Milton R 82

A great and marvelous work, 82; The Book of Mormon, 82; Testi-
monies of divinity, 83; The Three Witnesses, 83; Believers and non-
believers, 84; Formula of Moroni, 84.

Kimball, Elder Spencer W 27

The paths that Jesus walked, 27; "He ... is risen," 27; The Mount of
Olives, 27; Significance of Easter, 28; Witness of Peter, 28; Paul's
testimony, 29; Testimony on Mars Hill, 29; Testimony of eyewit-
nesses, 30; Witness of Joseph Smith, 30; Sureness of resurrection, 30;
Question and answer of Job, 30; Vision of John, 31.

Lee, Elder Harold B 129

Questions recall scriptures, 129; True concept of God, 130; Man
created in God's image, 130; Eternal life, 130; Advice to truth seekers,
131; Fullness of knowledge, 131; Begin with first principles, 132;
Knowledge of character of God, 132; True knowledge through
revelation, 132; "Certainty that succeeds doubt," 133.

Longden, Elder John 145

Zone of influence, 145; Example of custodian, 145; False concepts,
145; Warfare with evil, 146; The power of Jesus Christ, 146.

McConkie, Elder Bruce R 142
Restoration of the gospel, 143; Commandment
preach gospel, to
143; Missionary service, 143; Future growth of Church, 144; Ordi-
nances of exaltation, 144; A witness to all nations, 144.

McKay, President David O 4

Progress of the Church, 4; Mankind's welfare, 5; Need for more
godliness, 5; Home, the strength of a nation, 5; Intelligent home
building, 6; Unchastity a dominant evil, 6; Marriage ordained of
God, 6; Sacredness of marriage covenant threatened, 7; Responsibility
of parenthood, 7; Needs of children, 8; Evils of divorce, 8; Marriage a
sacred obligation, 8; Temple marriage, 9; Standard of purity, 9.

McKay, President David O. (Priesthood Meeting) 93

Fundamental virtues, 93; Strength in resistance, 94; Sacred covenants,
94; Keep true to covenants, 94; Duties of priesthood bearers, 95;
". .Act well thy part," 95; Appreciation of fellowship, 95; Statement

on Communism, 96; Neutrality of Church, 96; Responsibility to teach

truth, 96; Defense of the truth, 97.

McKay, President David 15a

Responsibility to contribute, 150; True to the divine, 151; Men of
truth, 151; Defense of truth, 151; Message for the world, 152; Triumph
of the truth, 152; Testimony of resurrection, 152; Answer to prayer,
152; Conference messages, 153; Blessings extended, 153; Gratitude
for support, 153.

Mason, James Stanton (Priesthood Meeting) 100

Monson, Elder Thomas S 126
Story of Arthur Patton, 126; Will Arthur live again? 127; The plan
of life, 127; The experience known as death, 128; God's purposes to
be fulfilled, 128; We
walk by faith, 128; Mrs. Patton, Arthur lives!

Music, Summary of Conference 155

Obituaries 69

Packer, Elder Boyd K. (Priesthood Meeting) 104
Service in military forces, 104; Assistance for servicemen, 105; New
echelon of leadership, 195; Importance of home teacher, 105; Stake
executive secretary, 105; Pilot seminars, 106; Chaplain's report, 106;
Churchwide training seminars, 106; The armor of God, 106.
Passed Away, Those Who Have 69
Petersen, Elder Mark E 62
The law of chastity, 62; Standards of right and wrong, 62; Teaching
the facts of life, 63; Safeguards in sex instruction, 63; Co-creators with
God, 63; Place for sex education, 64; Casualties from immorality, 64;
Can God bless America? 64; God a significant presence, 65; Moral
law irrevocable, 65; Adultery next to murder, 65.

Priesthood Meeting, General 92

Richards, Elder Franklin D 18
True and false freedoms, 19; Principle of loyalty, 19; Loyalty to God,
20; Loyalty to country, 19; Choice for loyalties, 20; True freedom,

Richards, Elder LeGrand 87

A marvelous work and a wonder, 87; Difference between man-made
and divine doctrines, 88; Teachings on Godhead, 88; Condition fore-
told by Moses, 88; Little children redeemed through Christ, 89; Mar-
riage for time and eternity, 89; Scriptural affirmation, 90; Reality of
resurrection, 90; The Church that Isaiah promised, 91.

Romney, Elder Marion G. (Priesthood Meeting) 107

Pattern for gospel teaching, 107; Modern instruction, 108; Failure to
teach children, 108; Home Evening inaugurated, 109; Purpose of home
teaching, 109; Youth targets of evil one, 1 10; True principles ridiculed,
110; Children to be strengthened, 110.

Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 156

Second Day—Afternoon Meeting 66

Second Day—Morning Meeting 49
Second Session 26
Seventh Session 134

Simpson, Bishop Robert L 85

Lack of integrity, 85; Led away from the good, 85; Others turned from
truth, 85; Eternal judgment undeviating, 86; Things the Lord hates,
86; Bad habits tip the scale, 87; The way clearly marked, 87.

Sixth Session 115

Smith, Elder Eldred G 79

Parable of the sower, 79; Membership alone not enough, 80; Becoming
productive, 80; Serving each other, 81; Example of service, 81.

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 26, 31, 33, 36, 38, 43, 48
Smith, President Joseph Fielding 121
The thief of eternal life, 121; Restitution must be made, 121; Three
kingdoms prepared, 122; Seek the Lord early, 122; Obligation to keep
commandments, 122; The time to prepare, 123; Diligence in seeking,

Sonne, Elder Alma 31

Leadership of Jesus Christ, 31; A
plan of life, 32; Individual salva-
tion, 32; A gospel of truth, 32; Missionary enterprise, 32; Gospel can
redeem mankind, 33.


Stapley, Elder Delbert L 44

The power of example, 44; "I am the light," 44; Value of good exam-
ple, 44; Gospel standards and ideals, 45; "Follow thou me," 45; Men
believe what they see, 45; Parental example, 46; Brigham Young's
counsel, 46; Examples from scripture, 46; Responsibility of leaders,
47; Lord's power over his saints, 47; From wickedness to righteous-
ness, 47; Return to evil ways, 48; Our obligation and challenge, 48.

Statistical Report, 1968 . 67

Sustaining of General Authorities and Officers 70

Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 156

Tanner, President N. Eldon 49, 50, 54, 58, 61, 66, 92, 93,
97, 104, 107, 111, 115

Tanner, President N. Eldon 116

Commemoration of resurrection, 1 16; Predictions of resurrection, 1 16;
Purpose of Christ's mission, 1 IT; Betrayal and trial, 117; The cruci-
fixion, 118; Evidences of resurrection, 118; Appearance on American
continent, 119; Modern-day testimony, 119; Doubting Thomases,
119; Acceptance on faith, 119; Immortality and eternal life, 120;
Good news of gospel, 120.

Taylor, Elder Henry D 36

The principle of love, 36; Charity and love, 36; Missionary experience,
37; Ways to demonstrate love, 37; Love an eternal principle, 37;
Solution for major ills, 38; Power to change world, 38.

Third Day—Afternoon Meeting 134

Third Day—Morning Meeting 115

Third Session 49

Tuttle, Elder A. Theodore 124

Conditions in the world, 124; Courage to face problems, 124; God lives
today, 124; Testimony brings confidence, 125; Appeal to truthseekers,
125; Preparation dispels fear, 126.

Vandenberg, Bishop John H 15
Many paths to travel, 16; The strait gate, 16; Story by Van Dyke, 17;
Counsel of Helaman, 17; "Narrow is the way," 17; Words of a mis-
sionary, 18; The proven way, 18.

Young, Elder S. Dilworth 77
The meaning of space, 77; A controlling intelligence, 77; Jesus Christ,
the Creator, 77, Offer of eternal lives, 78; Relationship with fellow-
men, 78; Love of Christ, 78; Eternal family relationships, 78; Obedi-
ence to first principles, 79.

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