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Ariel Performance

Company: Ariel Corporation Customer: Typhoon

Quote: Inquiry: Unit 14043-4D7 Case 1: Injection Compression Project: H2H Injection / Pipeline

Compressor Data: Driver Data:

Elevation,ft: 50.00 Barmtr,kg/cm2a: 1.031 Ambient,C: 40.00 Type: Nat. Gas
Frame: JGD/6 Stroke, in: 5.50 Rod Dia, in: 2.500 Mfg: Caterpillar
Max RL Tot, lbf: 114000 Max RL Tens, lbf: 57000 Max RL Comp, lbf: 60000 Model: G3612 A3
Rated RPM: 1200 Rated BHP: 6210.0 Rated PS FPM: 1100.0 BHP: 3335
Calc RPM: 1000.0 BHP: 1995 Calc PS FPM: 916.7 Avail: 3335

Services Pipeline C Injection

Stage Data: 1 (SG) --- 2 --- 1 (SG) ---
Target Flow, MMSCFD 19.000 --- 19.000 --- 5.000 ---
Flow Calc, MMSCFD 19.016 --- 19.016 --- 5.038 ---
BHP per Stage 886.6 --- 832.1 --- 229.2 ---
Specific Gravity 0.6700 --- 0.6700 --- 0.6700 ---
Ratio of Sp Ht (N) 1.2706 --- 1.2709 --- 1.2751 ---
Comp Suct (Zs) 0.9717 --- 0.9524 --- 0.9088 ---
Comp Disch (Zd) 0.9667 --- 0.9505 --- 0.9217 ---
Pres Suct Line, kg/cm2g 10.00 --- N/A --- 47.00 ---
Pres Suct Flg, kg/cm2g 9.89 --- 23.57 --- 46.52 ---
Pres Disch Flg, kg/cm2g 24.03 --- 48.70 --- 106.06 ---
Pres Disch Line, kg/cm2g N/A --- 48.00 --- 105.00 ---
Pres Ratio F/F 2.295 --- 2.022 --- 2.252 ---
Temp Suct, C 25.00 --- 48.89 --- 50.00 ---
Temp Clr Disch, C 48.89 --- 48.89 --- 48.89 ---
Cylinder Data: Throw 1 Throw 3 Throw 5 Throw 6 Throw 2 Throw 4
Cyl Model 14-1/8D 14-1/8D 9-5/8D 9-5/8D 5-3/8D-VS 5-3/8D-VS
Cyl Bore, in 13.625 13.625 9.625 9.625 5.000 5.000
Cyl RDP (API), kg/cm2g 40.6 40.6 81.2 81.2 230.1 230.1
Cyl MAWP, kg/cm2g 44.6 44.6 89.3 89.3 253.1 253.1
Cyl Disp, CFM 912.5 912.5 447.5 447.5 109.4 109.4
Pres Suct Intl, kg/cm2g 9.47 9.47 22.30 22.30 45.27 45.27
Temp Suct Intl, C 28 28 51 51 52 52
Pres Disch Intl, kg/cm2g 24.84 24.84 51.25 51.25 108.67 108.67
Temp Disch Intl, C 92 92 112 112 118 118
HE Suct Gas Vel, FPM 6246 6246 7602 7602 5801 5801
HE Disch Gas Vel, FPM 5241 5241 6875 6875 5151 5151
HE Spcrs Used/Max 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/0 0/0
HE Vol Pkt Avail 0.87+49.58 0.87+49.58 0.77+44.16 0.77+44.16 0.68+44.55 0.68+44.55
Vol Pkt Used 32.00 (V) % 33.00 (V) % 100.00 (V) % 100.00 (V) % 92.00 (V) % 92.00 (V) %
HE Min Clr, % 19.36 19.36 15.61 15.61 35.86 35.86
HE Total Clr, % 36.09 36.59 60.54 60.54 77.52 77.52
CE Suct Gas Vel, FPM 6036 6036 7089 7089 4350 4350
CE Disch Gas Vel, FPM 5065 5065 6411 6411 3863 3863
CE Spcrs Used/Max 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/0 0/0
CE Min Clr, % 20.53 20.53 17.42 17.42 52.10 52.10
CE Total Clr, % 20.53 20.53 17.42 17.42 52.10 52.10
Suct Vol Eff HE/CE, % 61.7/76.2 61.3/76.2 50.4/82.4 50.4/82.4 26.4/47.3 26.4/47.3
Disch Event HE/CE, ms 10.8/13.8 10.8/13.8 10.2/15.3 10.2/15.3 6.8/10.7 6.8/10.7
Suct Pseudo-Q HE/CE 3.0/2.8 3.0/2.8 5.7/5.0 5.7/5.0 2.5/1.7 2.5/1.7
Gas Rod Ld Comp, % 54.2 C 54.2 C 52.7 C 52.7 C 35.0 C 35.0 C
Gas Rod Ld Tens, % 52.8 T 52.8 T 46.2 T 46.2 T 17.7 T 17.7 T
Gas Rod Ld Total, % 55.0 55.0 50.8 50.8 27.2 27.2
Xhd Pin Deg/%Rvrsl lbf 148/84.8 148/84.9 175/93.7 175/93.7 133/89.4 133/89.4
Flow Calc, MMSCFD 9.524 9.492 9.508 9.508 2.519 2.519
Cyl BHP 444.1 442.5 416.1 416.1 114.6 114.6

08/20/2021 10:27:40 Note: BOLD=Out of Limits, ITALIC=Special Appl, BOLD=Review Base: 1.03 kg/cm2a, 15.6 C Page: 1 of 1
File: C:\Users\mwish\OneDrive\Documents\Ariel\Performance\3612 D6 Case:1 - Pkg:1

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