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3 jenis makna conditional sentence

a. Real condition
b. Future possible
c. Unreal condition
- Tentukan clause syarat dan clause hasil dulu
- Tentukan predikat asal pada masing-masing clause (clause syarat; clause hasil)
- Ketentuanya sbg berikut
o Clause syarat = predikat asal berubah menjadi back shift
o Clause hasil = predikat asal berubah menjadi past future

Cara mengubah predikat asal menjadi back shift

 Asal = hasil back shift
 Is/am/are = were (tidak ada was)
 Was/were = had been
 Simple present = simple past
 Aktif = V1 atau V1+s/es = V2
 Pasif = is/am/are + V3 = were + V3 (tidak ada was)
 Simple past = past perfect
 Aktif = V2 = had + V3
 Pasif = was/were + V3 = had been V3
 Present continuous = past continuous
 Aktif = is/am/are + Ving = were + Ving (tidak ada was)
 Pasif = is/am/are + being + V3 = were + bering + V3 (tidak ada
 Past continuous = past perfect continuous
 Aktif = was/were + ving = had been + Ving
 Pasif = was/ were + being + V3 = had been + being + V3

Cara mengubah predikat asal menjadi past future

 Asal = hasil past future
 Is/am/are = would be
 Was/ were = would have been
 V1 atau V1+s/es = would verb asli
 V2 = would have V3
 Is/am/are + ving = would be + ving
 Is/am/are + being + V3 = would be + being V3
 Is/am/are + V3 = would be + V3
 Was/were + ving = would have been + ving
 Was/were + being V3 = would have been + being V3
 Was/were + V3 = would have been + V3
1 Aku berusia 19 tahun saat ini.
Jika aku berusia 20 tahun nanti, ayahku akan membelikan aku sepeda motor.
Syarat hasil
Simple present simple future
Linking verb aktif
Is/am/are will + verb asli

I am 19 years old now.

If I am 20 years old later, my father will buy me a motorbike

2 Andi saat ini sakit sehingga aku berangkat kesekolah sendirian.

Aku tidak akan berangkat kesekolah sendirian jika Andi tidak sakit.
Hasil syarat
Predikat asal = tenses predikat asal = linking verb
Present continuous – aktif is/am/are
Is/am/are + ving

Bentuk past future dari is/am/are + ving bentuk bak shift dari is/am/are
Adalah would be + ving adalah were

Andi is sick now so I am going to school alone.

I would not be going to school alone if Andi were not sick.

3 Karena Louis pulang jam 10 semalam, ibunya tidak membuka pintu untuk dia.
Jika dia pulang lebih awal, ibunya akan membuka pintu untuk dia saat itu.
Syarat hasil
Predikat asal = tenses predikat asal = tenses
Simple past – aktif simple past – aktif
V2 V2

Back shift dari V2 past future dari V2

Adalah Had + V3 adalah would have V3

Because Louis went home at 10 p.m last night, her mother did not open the door for her.
If she had gone home earlier, her mother would have opened the door for her then.

4 Lolita pasti bersin jika dia mencium bunga.

Hasil syarat
Simple present – aktif simple present – aktif
aktif aktif
V1 + s/es V1+s/es
Must + verb asli
Lolita sneezes if she smells a flower.
Lolita must sneeze if she smells a flower.
5 Saat aku kecil dulu, ayahku mengajak ku memancing jika beliau tidak bekerja.
Hasil syarat
Simple past – aktif simple past – aktif
V2 V2 + not = did not + verb asli
When I was a kid, my father invited me to fish if he did not work.

6 Pertandingannya akan mulai 15 menit lagi.

Jika pertandingannya mulai nanti aku akan merekam nya dg hp baruku.
Syarat hasil
Simple present – aktif simple future – aktif
V1+s/es will + Verb asli

The match will begin in 15 minutes.

If the game begins / starts later, I will record it with my new phone.

7 Semalam, tanganku berdarah saat aku mengupas mangga dg pisau.

Jika aku tidak mengupas mangga saat itu, tanganku tidak akan berdarah.
Syarat hasil
Predikat asal = simple past – aktif predikat asal = simple past – aktif
V2 V2

Bentuk back shift dari V2 bentuk past future dari V2

Adalah had + V3 adalah would have V3

Last night, my hand bled when I peeled a mango with a knife.

If I had not peeled a mango then, my hand would not have bled.

8 Saat ini sedang hujan di desa ku. Oleh karena itu, aku hanya dirumah saja.
Jika tidak hujan, aku akan berlatih sepak bola bersama taman-temanku di lapangan.
Syarat hasil
Predikat asal = present cont-aktif predikat asal = present cont – aktif
Is/am/are + ving is/am/are + ving

Back shift dari is/am/are + ving past future dari ia/am/are + ving
Adalah were + ving adalah would be + ving

Now, it is raining in my village. Therefore, I am just at home.

If it were not raining, I would be training football with my friends in the field.

9 10 tahun yg lalu, aku selalu mutah jika aku memakan bakso.

Hasil syarat
Simple past – aktif simple past- aktif
V2 V2
10 years ago, I always vomited if I ate meatball.

10 Tempat cukur rambut temanku tutup saat ini. Jika tempat cukur itu buka nanti, aku akan
mencukur rambutku disana.
My friend’s barber shop is off now. If that barber shop opens later, I will get my hair cut there.

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