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UNIT TEST NO . – 1 (2021 – 22)

CLASS – XII (SCI) Time – 1.30 hour
INSTRUCTION :- All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated in front of the question.
Q1 Force of attraction between two point charges placed in air at a distance r from each other is F. If these
charges are placed in water with the same separation between them, then the force of attraction
between them may be :- [1]
(a) F (b) 80 F (c) F/80 (d) zero
Q2 The electric flux through the close surface enclosing charge Q is Q / Ɛ0 . What will be the electric flux
through the closed surface it its size is doubled? [1]
(a) 2 Q / Ɛ0 (b) Q / 2Ɛ0 (c) Q / Ɛ0 (d) 4Q / Ɛ0
Q3 An electric dipole is introduced in the non- uniform electric field, It experiences :- [1]
(a) torque only (b) torque as well as force
(c) force only (d) none of these
Q4 A hollow metal sphere of radius 5 cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10 V. The
potential at a distance of 2 cm from the centre of sphere is : [1]
(a) 0 V (b) 10 V (c) 4 V (d) 10/ 3 volt
Q5 An electric cell of emf E is connected across a copper wire of diameter d and length l. The drift
velocity of electron in the wire is vd. , if the length of wire is doubled, the new drift velocity of
electrons in the copper wire will be :- [1]
(a ) vd. (b) 2 vd. (c ) vd. /2 (b) vd./4
Q 6 The resistivity of alloy manganin may be ;- [1]
(a) Nearly independent of temperature (b) Increases rapidly with increase in temperature
(c) Decreases with increase in temperature (d) Increases rapidly with decrease in temperature

Q7 These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering
these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect. [2]
7.1 Assertion : A uniformly charged disc has a pin hole at its centre. The electric field at the
centre of the disc is zero.
Reason : Disc can be supposed to be made up of many rings. Also electric field at the centre
of uniformly charged ring is zero.
7.2 Assertion : A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will increase or
decrease, depending on the nature of charge.
Reason : The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
Q8 The flow of charge in a particular direction constitutes the electric current. Current is measured in [4]
ampere. Quantitatively, electric current in a conductor across an area held perpendicular to the direction
of flow of charge is defined as the amount of charge is flowing across that area per unit time.
Current density at any point in a conductor is the
ratio of the current at that point in the conductor to the
area of cross section of the conductor at that point.
The given figure shows the steady current flows in a A1 A2
metallic conductor of non uniform cross section. Current
density depends inversely on area so here J1 > J2 as A1 < A2 .
8.1 A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of non uniform cross section. Which of these quantities
remains constant along the conductor :-
(a) electric field (b) current (c) drift velocity (d) current density
8.2 What is the current flowing through a conductor, if one million electrons are crossing in one millisecond
through a cross section of it:-
(a) 2.5 X 10 -10 A (b) 1.6 x 10 -10 A (c) 7.5 x 10 -9 A (d) 8.2 x 10 -11 A
8.3 When a current 40 A is flowing through a conductor of area of cross section 10 m2 , then the current
density is:-
(a) 4 A/m2 (b) 1 A/m2 (c) 2 A/m2 (d) 8 A/m2
8.4 If this metallic conductor is stretched by 4 times of its initial length and made a wire of uniform cross
section. The net change in the resistivity may be :-
(a) remains same (b) doubled (c) 4 times (d) 16 times

Q9 The plot of the variation of potential difference A across a 6V

combination of three identical cells in series, versus current is
shown along the question. What is the emf and internal
resistance of each cell? [2]
Q10 What is meant by equi potential surface and draw any two equipotential surfaces in the uniform
Electric field? [2]
-4 2
Q11 A conductor with an area of cross section of 10 m carries an electric current of 1.2 A. If the number
of free electrons be 5 X 1028 m-3 . Calculate the drift velocity of the electrons? [2]
Q12 What is the basic principle of capacitor? Find an expression for the capacity of parallel plate capacitor
in the partial presence of dielectric medium? [3]
Q13 An electric dipole is placed in the uniform electric field. Find an expression for the potential energy
stored in it? Draw the diagram when the dipole is in stable and unstable equilibrium in the uniform
electric field? [3]
Q14 Define the drift velocity and find an expression for the resistance of a conductor on the basis of it? [3]
Q15 Name the physical quantity which is represented in the term of N / C and state that it is a scalar of
Vector quantity? A certain charge Q is divided into two parts q and (Q - q). How the charges Q and q
be related so that the when q and (Q – q) placed at a certain distance apart, experiences maximum
electrostatic repulsion force? [3]
Q16 (a) State Gauss theorem and find an expression for the intensity of electric field due to thin plane
Infinitely charge sheet? [5]
(b) Find an expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole in the uniform electric field?
Q17 (a) What is the basic principle of potentiometer? Explain its working principle with suitable circuit
diagram? [5]
(b) How the sensitivity of potentiometer should be increased?
(c) Under which condition the terminal voltage is greater than the electromotive force?

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