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APRIL 4, 5, 6, 1970


Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah

of the






held in the

Tabernacle on Temple Square


Salt Lake City, Utah

April 4, 5, 6, 1970

+ + +

Published by

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Fortieth Annual

Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Fortieth Annual Canada over many television and
Conference of The Church of Jesus radio stations, coast to coast, originating
Christ of Latter-day Saints was held with KSL Radio and Television in Salt
in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Salt Lake Lake City. Countries in Europe, South
City, Utah, on Saturday, Sunday, and and Central America, Africa and parts
Monday, April 4, 5, and 6, 1970. of Asia received broadcasts of the pro-
The general sessions of the confer- ceedings over international short-wave
ence were held at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Radio Station WNYW, with studios in
each day, and the General Priesthood New York. Audio tape and sound on
Meeting was held on Saturday evening film recordings of this conference were
at 7 o'clock. translated into twelve different lan-
President Joseph Fielding Smith was guages and sent to the countries of
present and presided at each of the Europe, South and Central America,
His counselors, Harold B. Lee
sessions. and the Far East.
and N. Eldon Tanner, assisted Presi- Rebroadcasts of all sessions of the
dent Smith in conducting the services conference were sent over KSL Radio,
assigned to them. Salt Lake City, KIRO Radio at Seattle,
President David O. McKay, the KMBZ Radio at Kansas City, Missouri,
ninth president of the Church having WRFM in New York City, and
passed away on January 18, 1970, the WNYW over international short wave,
session on Monday morning, April 6, beginning at midnight on Saturday,
at 10 o'clock was a solemn assembly at Sunday and Monday, and were heard
which the First Presidency of the in many parts of the United States and
Church was reorganized, with Joseph the world.
Fielding Smith as President, Harold The General Priesthood Meeting
Bingham Lee as first counselor, and held on Saturday evening was trans-
Nathan Eldon Tanner as second mitted over closed circuit from the Salt
counselor. Lake Tabernacle to approximately
Also at the solemn assembly, Elder 150,000 men of the priesthood assem-
Harold Bingham Lee was sustained as bled in 620 buildings throughout the
the President and Elder Spencer Wool- United States and Canada. In addi-
ley Kimball was sustained as the Acting tion, 12,000 gathered in the Tabernacle
President of the Council of the Twelve and Assembly Hall on Temple Square
Apostles, Elder Boyd K. Packer was to listen to the priesthood session.
sustained as a member of the Council The general sessions of the confer-
of the Twelve, and the following ence were also broadcast by television
brethren were sustained as Assistants to overflow crowds in the Assembly
to the Twelve: Joseph Anderson, David Hall on Temple Square and to the
B. Haight, and William H. Bennett. assembly room in the Salt Palace in
The proceedings of all sessions of Salt Lake City.
the conference were given extensive This report of the conference also
coverage in the United States and includes the continuity of the Taber-


nacle Choir and Organ Broadcast over P. Brockbank, James A. Cullimore,

the Columbia Broadcasting System on Marion D. Hanks, Marvin J. Ashton.
Sunday morning from 9:35 to 10 o'clock Joseph Anderson, David B. Haight, and
immediately preceding the general William H. Bennett.
conference session.
The First Council of Seventy: S.
Dilworth Young, Milton R. Hunter,
General Authorities of the Church Bruce R. McConkie, A. Theodore
Present Tuttle, Paul H. Dunn, Hartman
Rector,Jr., and Loren C. Dunn.
The following General Authorities
The Presiding Bishopric: John H.
of the Church were present:
Vandenberg, Robert L. Simpson, and
The First Presidency: Joseph Fielding Victor L. Brown.
Smith, Harold B. Lee and N. Eldon
Tanner. General Officers ane Other
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: Authorities Present
Spencer W.
Kimball, Ezra Taft Ben-
son, Mark Petersen, Delbert L.
E. Church Historian and Recorder:
Stapley, Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Howard W. Hunter, with A. William
Richards, Richard L. Evans, Hugh B. Lund and Earl E. Olson, assistants.
Brown, Howard W. Hunter, Gordon Members of the Church Board of
B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, and Education, Church educational authori-
Boyd K. Packer. ties and supervisors.
Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G. Presidents of Stakes and their coun-
Smith. selors,Presidents of Temples, Patri-
Assistants to the Twelve: Alma archs, bishoprics of wards and presi-
Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen, Sterling dencies and members of Melchizedek
W. Sill, Henry D. Taylor, Alvin R. and Aaronic Priesthood quorums.
Dyer, Franklin D. Richards, Theodore Auxiliary officers, general, stake and
M. Burton, Thorpe B. Isaacson, Bernard ward, from all parts of the Church.


FIRST SESSION cation will be offered by Elder Morris

A. Kjar, former president of the New
Zealand South Mission.
The opening session of the confer-
ence convened in the Tabernacle, on
Temple Square in Salt Lake City on
Saturday morning, April 4, 1970, at
10 o'clock a.m. President Joseph Field- The Tabernacle Choir sang the
ing Smith presided at this session. anthem, "Awake the Harp."
President Harold B. Lee, first counselor
in the First Presidency, conducted the
The Tabernacle Choir, under the
President Lee:
direction of Richard P. Condie fur-
nished the choral music for this
session. Alexander Schreiner was at President Kjar will offer the open-
ing prayer.
the organ console.
Before the beginning of the session,
the Tabernacle Choir sang "The
Heavens Resound." Elder Morris A. Kjar, former presi-
President Lee made the following dent of the New Zealand South Mis-
remarks at the opening of the con- sion, offered the invocation.

President Harold B. Lee

President Harold B. Lee
President Joseph Fielding Smith is
presiding at this session and he has
The Tabernacle Choir will now
favor us with "Now Let All The
asked me, his first counselor, to con-
duct this meeting.
Heavens Adore Thee." Following the
singing, President Joseph Fielding
We extend a most cordial welcome Smith, president of The Church of
to all present this morning in this his-
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will
toricTabernacle, in the Assembly Hall speak to us.
on Temple Square, and the Salt Palace
Assembly Room in Salt Lake City,
Utah, and also to the vast television
and radio audience throughout the The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
world, in this the first session of the ber, Now Let All the Heavens Adore
140th Annual Conference of The Thee."
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
The Tabernacle Choir under the di- President Lee:
rection of Richard P. Condie, with
Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will Joseph Fielding Smith, president of
open these services by singing "Awake The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
The Harp," following which the invo- day Saints, will now speak to us.


Saturday, April 4 First Day

President Joseph Fielding Smith

m My beloved brethren and sisters: I and for the kindly relationship which
am grateful beyond any measure of we enjoy with other faiths, and I trust
expression for the blessings the Lord and pray that this wholesome rela-
has given to me, and to the faithful tionship of goodwill and Christian
members of his church in the various fellowship will increase and will bless
nations of the earth, and to all his the lives of all who are touched by it.
children everywhere. I think if all men knew and under-
I thank him every day of my life stood who they are, and were aware of
that he has restored in these last days the divine source from whence they
his everlasting gospel for the salvation came, and of the infinite potential that
of all who will believe and obey its is part of their inheritance, they would

laws. have feelings of kindness and kinship

for each other that would change their
President David O. McKay whole way of living and bring peace
thank him for the life and ministry
on earth.

ofeach of the good and great men

whom he has called to govern and Divine origin of man
direct the affairs of his latter-day We believe in the dignity and divine
kingdom. origin of man. Our faith is founded on
May I say in particular how much the fact that God is our Father, and
we miss President David O. McKay. that we are his children, and that all
As we all know, he was a man of great men are brothers and sisters in the same
spiritual strength, a natural-born leader eternal family.
of men, and a man beloved by his As members of his family, we dwelt
people and honored by the world. For with him before the foundations of this
all time to come men shall rise up and earth were laid, and he ordained and
call his name blessed. established the plan of salvation
President McKay reminded us often whereby we gained the privilege of
that our mission is to all the world advancing and progressing as we are
for the peace, and hope, and happiness, endeavoring to do.
and temporal and eternal salvation of The God we worship is a glorified
all of our Father's children. Being in whom all power and perfec-
Heextended educational opportuni- tion dwell, and he has created man
ties to many peoples in many countries in his own image and likeness, with
— to Hawaii, the South Pacific, Latin those characteristics and attributes
America, and widely among the which he himself possesses.
American Indians. In his remarkable And and
so our belief in the dignity
and wide-ranging administration, he destiny of man
an essential part both
sought to bless the people of all the of our theology and of our way of life.
world, so far as possible. It isthe very basis of our Lord's teach-
And say to you, my beloved breth-
I ing that "the first and great command-
ren and sisters, that I know the Lord ment" is: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy

was pleased with the broad, far-seeing God with all thy heart, and with all
administration of President McKay, thy soul, and with all thy mind"; and
and with all my powers
persuasion I
of that the second great commandment is:
urge this people to continue to reach "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
out and bless the lives of all our thyself." (See Matt. 22:37-39.)
Father's children everywhere.
Love of God and fellowmen
Relationship of good will
Because God is our Father, we have a
May say how pleased we are as a
I natural desire to love and serve him
people for the increased understanding and to be worthy members of his fam-

ily. We an obligation to do what

feel Old Testament and including the
he would have us do, to keep his com- other volumes of revealed writ that
mandments and live in harmony with God has given in succeeding dispensa-
the standards of his gospel — all of tions.
which are essential parts of true
One of these divine standards states:
"And that which doth not edify is not
And because all men are our broth- of God, and is darkness." (D&C 50:23.)
we have a
ers, desire to love and bless As a people we seek for ourselves and

and fellowship them and this too we for all mankind only those things
accept as an essential part of true which are edifying, enlightening, up-
worship. lifting, and ennobling.
Thus everything we do in the Church
centers around the divine law that we Spirit of disruption
are to love and worship God and serve
our fellowmen.
We believe it is essential that our
young people gain sufficient education
It is no wonder, then, that as a to care for themselves in this highly
church and as a people we have deep and also to serve their
specialized age,
and abiding concern for the welfare fellowmen, and we have in the past
of all our Father's children. We seek and shall continue in the future to
their temporal and spiritual well-being support education at all levels.
along with our own. We pray for
them as we do for ourselves, and we
We have little sympathy, however,
with the spirit of disruption and dissi-
our good
try to live so that they, seeing
dence that is sometimes found on the
works, may be led to glorify our Father
who is in heaven.
campuses of the land. We
urge our
youth to avoid these displays of in-
temperate conduct and rather to be
Engaged in a good cause
found on the side of law and order and
As a church, we are pleased to com- circumspect action.
mend and encourage every civic and It is our hope and prayer that in all
cultural project or undertaking that is nations men may live in peace, respect-
edifying and wholesome and that is ing each other's beliefs and forms of
for the blessing and betterment of worship, and that the spirit of unity
mankind. and brotherhood may abound on every
One of our Articles of Faith declares:
'We believe in being honest, true, We
know there are many people
chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in who seek to live upright lives and who
doing good to all men. ... If there is desireto maintain substantially the
anything virtuous, lovely, or of good same standards to which we adhere.
report or praiseworthy, we seek after We welcome their encouragement and
these things." (Article 13.) hope they will feel to accept the hand
of Christian fellowship from us, as all
And one of the revelations the Lord
of us seek those great goals so basic to
has given counsels that "men should be
anxiously engaged in a good cause, and
true worship and unity.

do many things of their own free

Welfare of youth
will, and bring to pass much righteous-
ness." (D&C 58:27.) We have great concern for the
spiritual and moral welfare of all youth
Social trends everywhere. Morality, chastity, virtue,
We look with firm disfavor upon freedom from sin —
these are and must
some of the social and cultural trends be basic to our way of life, if we are
that have existed and do exist in our to realize its full purpose.

society, and firmly believe that all de- We plead with fathers and mothers
cisions on moral issues should be in to personal purity by precept
harmony with the standards found in and example and to counsel with their
the Holy Scriptures, beginning with the children in all such things.

Saturday, April 4 First Day

We ask parents to set an example of will look down in love and mercy upon
righteousness in their own lives and his people everywhere, and upon all
to gather their children around them those who have chosen him as their
and teach them the gospel, in their God and who seek to serve him in the
home evenings and at other times. name of his Son.
We have confidence in the young I pray that parents everywhere may

and rising generation in the Church be a light unto their children; thai
and plead with them not to follow they may guide them in paths of truth
the fashions and customs of the world, and righteousness; and that children
not to partake of a spirit of rebellion, may respond to parental teaching and
not to forsake the paths of truth and be preserved from the evils of the
virtue. Webelieve in their funda- world.
mental goodness and expect them to I pray for the weak and the weary,
become pillars of righteousness and to for those who are burdened with cares
carry on the work of the Church with and sorrows, for those who need com-
increasing faith and effectiveness. fort and assurance amid the storms of
Our young people are among the life.
most blessed and favored of our Fath- May the Lord grant unto them peace
er's children. They are the nobility according to the promise of his Son,
of heaven, a choice and chosen genera-
who said to the saints in olden times:
tion who have a divine destiny. Their
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I
spirits have been reserved to come forth
give unto you: not as the world giveth,
in this day when the gospel is on earth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be
and when the Lord needs valiant troubled, neither let it be afraid."
servants to carry on his great latter-day
(John 14:27.)
May the Lord grant unto us and to
May the Lord bless you, the youth all men the fullness of those blessings
of Zion, and keep you true to every
which we are able to receive in this
covenant and obligation, cause you to
life and then accept us into his king-
walk in paths of light and truth, and
preserve you for the great labors ahead.
dom in the eternities that lie ahead
all of which I pray in humility and in
There has never been a time, in this thanksgiving and in the name of the
age of the earth's history, at least, when
the blessings of a gracious and loving
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Q
Father were as much needed by all
men as they are now.
President Harold B. Lee

Prayer for divine blessings

For the benefit of the television and
And so now I pray that God our radio audience who have just joined
Heavenly Father will open the win- with us we announce that we are
dows of heaven and pour out upon gathered in the historic Mormon Tab-
his children in all the
those earth
ernacle on Temple Square
in this the
great and eternal blessings which will
the 140th Annual Con-
first session of
better their lot temporally and spir-
ference of The Church
of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. President Joseph
O thatmen might forsake the ways
Fielding Smith, president of the
of the world and turn to that God who
made them! Church, has just spoken to us.

O that they might open their hearts The Tabernacle Choir, with Richard
and receive the words of truth and P. Condie directing and Alexander
light found in the gospel of his Son! Schreiner at the organ, will sing "Sing
that there might on be peace Unto God." Following the singing,
earth, brotherhood among nations, and Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
love in the hearts of men! Council of the Twelve Apostles will
1 pray that God our Eternal Father speak to us.

The Tabernacle Choir sang first the President Harold B. Lee

hymn, "How Great the Wisdom and
the Love," which was followed by the Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
singing of "Sing Unto God." Council of the Twelve Apostles will
now address us.

Elder Howard W. Hunter

Of the Council of the Twelve

• What a glorious thing is life, sur- must be a guiding hand to regulate the
rounded by the beauties of the world universe in its precise order. Are we
in which we live. There is beauty in compelled to admit the reality of a
the mountains, the woods, and the Supreme Being? Millions of people in
lakes. There is beauty in the sea the world have this deep and abiding
with its never-ceasing tides; beauty in conviction.
the skies filled with fleecy clouds, in the
sunshine and in the rain; beauty in Finding God as a reality
the morning, the day, and the night.
Is God a creation of man's mind, or
As the seasons come and go, we find
beauty in the freshness of spring
isman a creation of God? Men struggle
with many fundamental questions, but
bringing new life to all nature, and
the question as to whether or not God
beauty in the glory of the summer.
is a reality should take precedence.
Autumn ushers in an array of color
The approach to the solution of this
before the silent winter brings its
query differs from that given
to scien-
blanket of white. There is beauty
everywhere if we look for the beautiful.
tific research. We
are not dealing with
a subject of the material realm, but
rather of the spiritual.
Order in universe
In order to find God as a reality, we
There is an exactness of order in the
must follow the course which he
universe of which we become conscious.
pointed out for the quest. The path is
The days come and the nights follow. one that leads upward; it takes faith
The tides rise and fall with regularity, and effort, and is not the easy course.
the recurring lunar cycle of the moon For this reason many men will not
is exact; the seasons come and go in
devote themselves to the arduous task
the sequence of nature. The stars in of proving to themselves the reality of
the sky follow exact repeated orders; God. On the contrary, some take the
the planets and their satellites perform easy path and deny his existence or
precisely in their relation to their suns.
merely follow the doubter's course of
The biologist sees the wonders and the uncertainty. These are the atheists,
beauty of plant and animal life, and infidels, free thinkers, skeptics, and
the chemist discovers the mysteries of agnostics.
the elements of the earth; but with or
without scientific training, every per-
Research of history
son becomes aware of a vast universe
in which there is intricate exactness in The approach to the study of most
all nature. subjects consists of the research of its
When we observe the phenomena of history and all of the known facts. If
the heavens and the earth, we can we start with history and turn to the
come to only one conclusion: these are commencement of the best known of
the effects of some great cause. There the ancient records, we read these
can be no design without a designer words: "In the beginning God created
and nothing built without a builder. the heaven and the earth." (Gen. 1:1.)
For every effect there is a cause. There This statement forms the basis of the
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Hebrew belief in the that

creation, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and
earth did not come about by chance; behold a voice out of the cloud, which
neither was it created by accident. It is said, This is my beloved Son, in whom
the intentional creation of a Supreme I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Being for a definite and meaningful "And when the disciples heard it.

purpose. they fell on their face, and were sore

Must we accept blindly this state- afraid." (Matt. 17:5-6.)
ment of creation? The writer of these These are only a few instances of
words in the Pentateuch did not wit- the many appearances of God to his
ness the Creator at work but had the children as recorded in the Old and the
same conviction of faith as expressed New Testament. The scriptures of the
at a later time by the writer of the western hemisphere also record com-
Epistle to the Hebrews in these words: munications of God. History amply
"Now faith is the substance of things documents the reality of God by his
hoped for, the evidence of things not personal dealings with men from
seen." (Heb. 11:1.) Sometimes faith generation to generation from the
means believing a thing to be true
where the evidence is not sufficient to
establish knowledge. We must con- Reason gives evidence
tinue the probe and follow the admoni-
tion: "Ask, and it shall be given We need not rely upon history alone
you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and for evidence of the existence of a Su-

it shall be opened unto you:

preme Being; reasoning will also give
"For every one that asketh receiveth; us such evidence. One of the ancient
and he that seeketh findeth; and to arguments of the marketplace, put in
him that knocketh it shall be opened." syllogistic form, is this: Everything that
is created has a creator. The earth was
(Matt. 7:7-8.)
created; therefore, the earth has a
Communication with God creator. Referring again to the Epistle
to the Hebrews, the writer states in
After announcing that God created
these words that God is the creator of
the heaven and the earth, the Old
the earth: "For every house is builded
Testament relates that God conversed
by some man; but he that built all
with our first parents, Adam and Eve,
things is God." (Heb. 3:4.) The mov-
in the Garden of Eden. He gave them
ing universe and all of its beauties and
commandments and he conversed with
wonders are trying to teach us of the
them. Nodoubt Adam instructed
existence of God as the great creator.
his descendants, through eight genera-
tions to the father of Noah, in the
Truth-seeker seeks cause
things he had received from God by
direct manifestations. Noah had direct A scholar has said, ". though sci-
. .

communication with God and taught ence has done all these things for man
ten generations of his descendants. God it cannot do for him what he only can

appeared personally to Abraham, who do for himself. Science can teach but
followed, as well as to Isaac and Jacob. the individual only can learn, that is,
Moses became the leader of their de- learning is an individual process that
scendants, and we remember the direct a person must apply to himself, no one
communion between God and Moses, can do it for him. No person can learn
the record ofwhich has been preserved for another. Science generally teaches
for allfollowing generations. there is a God, does it not? but to
The New Testament also has re- discover him is a problem for the indi-
corded appearances of God. At the vidual to solve. The declaration of the
baptism of Jesus by John, there was a atheist that there is no God proves
manifestation; "And lo a voice from nothing. He may sincerely believe we
heaven, saying, This is my beloved have no Father in Heaven, but cer-
Son, in whom I am well pleased." tainly cannot prove there is none. Yes.
(Matt. 3:17.) And again at the trans- we know that he does not know
figuration on the high mountain: ". . . because there are individuals who posi-

do know." (Joseph F.
tively testify they ham, Jacob, Moses, and the
Merrill, The Truth-Seeker and Mor- prophets down to the ministry of Christ.
monism, pp. 104-105.) He spoke at the time of the baptism of
It has been said that God cannot be Jesus and also at his transfiguration.
found with the instruments of science God revealed himself to the leader
or in modern-day electronics. The of the group of people who left the old
truth-seeker, however, cannot overlook world at the time of the Tower of
an underlying power so overwhelming Babel and came to the western
to the conscience that the existence of a hemisphere. Six hundred years before
Supreme Being becomes evident if he Christ, he spoke to Lehi, directing him
seeks for the cause of the effect. and his family to journey to the Ameri-
can continent. God has revealed him-
Innate urge to worship self in the present dispensation to the
youth, Joseph Smith, who was privi-
Man has an innate urge to worship. leged to behold God the Eternal Father
In early times God spoke to Israel: "I
and his Son, Jesus Christ.
am the Lord thy God, which have
brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
Thus there have been revealed to
out of the house of bondage. Thou
man through the ages the personages
comprising the Godhead: God the
shalt have no other gods before me."
Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, his Son,
(Exod. 20:2-3.) There is profound
truth in the doctrine that runs all the
and the Holy Ghost. These three are
referred to in Christendom as the
way through sacred history that no
Trinity, yet they are three distinct
man can worship more than one God.
personages, as demonstrated on the
To worship one God is to have one
occasion of the baptism of Jesus, when
supreme loyalty in one's life. If we had
the voice of the Father was heard and
a consciousness of one God, the Eternal
the Holy Ghost descended.
Father, we would have a consciousness
of one world and one mankind under
Learning requires effort
God, all being brothers.
What causes people to have the urge It is the general rule that we do not
to worship? There seems to be some- get things of value unless we are will-
thing inborn into the soul of man that ing to pay a price. The scholar does not
causes him to seek communion with become learned unless he puts forth
God. In the Book of Job it is put this the work and effort to succeed. If he is
way: "But there is a spirit in man: and not willing to do so, can he say there
is no such thing as scholarship? Musi-
the inspiration of the Almighty giveth
them understanding." (Job 32:8.) This cians, mathematicians, scientists, ath-
statement appears to be an allusion to letes, and skilled people in many fields

man's creation. By this spirit he be- spend years in study, practice, and hard
comes capable of understanding and work to acquire their ability. Can
reason, and consequently of discerning
others who are not willing to make the
divine truth. By this spirit he comes effort say there are no such things as
to know God. music, mathematics, science, or ath-
letics? It is just as foolish for man to
Knowledge through say thereis no God simply because he
has not had the inclination to seek
In addition to the historical evidences him.
of God and the human reasoning of his History tells us there is a God. Sci-
existence, the surest knowledge of him ence confirms the fact there is a
comes through his revelations. From Supreme Being. Human reasoning
the beginning and throughout Old persuades us that there is a God. His
Testament and New Testament times, own revelations to man leave no doubt
God manifested himself to men: first as to his existence. In order for an
to Adam, then the patriarchs of his pos- individual to obtain unwavering knowl-
terity Noah, with whom he spoke
to edge of the reality of God, he must live
and conversed. After Noah, he revealed the commandments and the doctrines
himself to those who followed: Abra- announced by the Savior during his

Saturday, April 4 First Day

personal ministry. "Jesus answered Following Elder Hunter's address,

them, and said, My doctrine is not the Tabernacle Choir in a musical
mine, but his that sent me.If any man interlude sang the following two num-
willdo his will, he shall know of the bers: "I Will Give Thanks" and
doctrine,whether it be of God, or "We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name."
whether I speak of myself." (John
7:16-17.) In other words, those who
are willing to make the search, apply
themselves, and do God's will, will President Harold B. Lee
have the knowledge come to them of
the reality of God. Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
Council of the Twelve Apostles has
A divine plan just spoken to us. He was followed by
When a man
has found God and the singing of the Tabernacle Choir,
understands his ways, he learns that "I Will Give Thanks," and "We'll
nothing in the universe came by Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name."
chance, but all things resulted from a Following a brief organ interlude
divinely prearranged plan. What a the congregation will join with the
rich meaning comes into his life! Un- choir in singing "Come O
Thou King
derstanding which surpasses worldly of Kings."
learning is his. The beauties of the
world become more beautiful, the
order of the universe becomes more
The congregation and the choir
meaningful, and all of God's creations
sang the hymn, "Come O Thou King
are more understandable as he wit-
of Kings."
nesses God's days come and go and the
seasons follow each in their order. If
all men could find God and follow his
ways, the hearts of men would he
turned in love toward their brothers, President Lee:
and nations would be at peace.
For the benefit of the television and
I bear my witness that God lives,
radio audience who have just joined
that is our eternal Heavenly Father.
us, we again announce that we are
I know
that Jesus is the Christ, his Son,
gathered in the historic Tabernacle on
and Savior of the world. I know too
that God reveals his will to his Temple Square in Salt Lake City,
prophets today as he did in the dis-
Utah in the first session of the 140th
pensations of the past. May we seek
Annual Conference of the Church.
God with a true desire to know him, I Elder Franklin D. Richards, an As-
pray in the name of Jesus Christ. sistant to the Council of the Twelve
Amen. O Apostles, will now address us.

Elder Franklin D. Richards

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• Mydear brothers and sisters, I ap- spirationalmusic and messages to

preciate the opportunity of speaking to which we have been listening.
you and approach the responsibility
with a humble heart, praying that the A remarkable age
Lord will direct me in the things that We are living in a remarkable age
I say. the dispensation of the fulness of
I rejoice with you in the wonderful times, when the gospel of Jesus Christ
spirit of this conference and the in- has been restored in its fullness.

We are living in a new era of gospel principles that I feel are par-
growth and development —an era when ticularly applicable today: justice,
the Spirit of the Lord is working in mercy, and humility.
the minds and hearts of men.
We are living in an age when Principle of mercy
prophecy is being fulfilled. In the beautiful Sermon on the
Despite the fact that we are living Mount, the Savior referred to the
in a marvelous age, we are living in a principle of mercy when he said:
troubled world. The powers of evil "Blessed are the merciful: for they
are visible in false doctrines, corrupt shall obtain mercy." (Matt. 5:7.)
morals, strife, contention, and perse- And, a great Nephite prophet asked:
cution. Fear abounds in the hearts of ". do ye suppose that mercy can
. .

many. rob justice? I say unto you, Nay; not

one whit. If so God would cease to
Overcoming obstacles be God." (Al. 42:25.)
However, one of the great purposes In the scriptures justice and mercy
of life is to overcome fear and learn to are frequently mentioned together and
successfully meet challenges and ob- the thought arises: Can one be just
stacles of every kind. Meeting obsta- and merciful at the same time, and can
cles and overcoming them give us justice and mercy be merged? If so,
experience, and each experience should how can we incorporate these princi-
build our faith and confidence and be ples in our lives to enrich them and
for our good. qualify ourselves to better meet today's
As we study history, we find peculiar challenges?
situations, obstacles, and problems in The prophet Micah wisely asked:
each era. ". .what doth the Lord require of

I am
certain that those who lived in thee, but to do justly, and to love
these various periods felt that the prob- mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
lems of their time were most difficult, God?" (Mic. 6:8.)
and I have no doubt that they were.
Each period had its own tests, and
Justice and mercy
as they were successfully met, a broad Let us examine the prophet Micah's
and solid foundation was laid for us words regarding justice, mercy, and
to build upon. walking humbly before God, as it
should make it easier for us to deter-
A plan to bring peace mine if the principles of justice and
We are living in a period of social mercy can be merged and used effec-
adjustments and constant changes and tively in our lives.

a time of unprecedented growth and In order to do justly, honesty, fair-

development: the age of the jet air- ness, and patience must characterize
plane, the computer, and the com- one's dealings with others. Jesus ex-
munications satellite. pressed it this way:
As we look at the world situation "Therefore all things whatsoever ye
today, I feel that a large percentage of would that men should do to you, do
the people are seeking a plan of life ye even so to them: for this is the law
that will bring them peace, relief from and the prophets." (Matt. 7:12.)
inner tensions, happiness, and growth The Golden Rule is in reality the
and development. basic principle of dealing justly with
Our message is that the gospel of
your fellowmen.
Jesus Christ has been restored in its To do justly becomes a matter of
fullness, that the principles of the gos- attitude, a desire to go beyond tolerat-
pel are eternal, and that as we apply ing others and making an effort to love
them in our lives, they bring us peace, and appreciate people by serving them.
happiness, and eternal life. Justice is deeply affected by the princi-
I would like to refer to three of these ple of love.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Judge not reverse is true —

that if we are not
merciful, we shall not obtain mercy.
Jesus also taught:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. Mercy and forgiveness
"For with what judgment ye judge,
ye shall be judged: and with what Here we should recognize another
measure ye mete, it shall be measured great eternal principle, that of for-
to you again. giveness. Many times true mercy in-
"And why beholdest thou the mote corporates forgiveness. Mercy and
that is in thy brother's eye, but con- forgiveness, to be effective, require
siderest not the beam that is in thine great patience and understanding on
own eye? the part of the one forgiving.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the The apostle Peter asked Jesus how
beam out of thine own eye; and then many times should he forgive one
shalt thou see clearly to cast out the who would sin against him. The
mote out of thy brother's eye." (Matt. Savior's reply was to forgive an indefi-
7:1-3, 5.) nite number of times. Then Jesus
In being just, one will not condemn, clarified the matter by giving the
find fault, or gossip, as there is no parable of the unmerciful servant, in
salvation in being critical of another. which a certain king forgave a debt
We should recognize that generally one of his servants owed him, amount-
we cannot judge the motives that ing to 10,000 talents, because the
prompt others' actions, and usually the servant asked for patience in the pay-
more we understand their motives, the ment of the debt.
less we are prone to condemn. Then the same servant found one
The Savior has urged us to desist who owed him a hundred pence, and
from evil; he has also told us to ag- took him by the throat, saying, "Pay
gressively go forward and do good. me that thou owest." (Matt. 18:28.)
Although the servant's debtor asked
Overcoming fear for leniency, the servant cast him into
Today there are many frustrated, When the king heard of this, he re-
confused, and discouraged people in called the unmerciful servant and said
the world. To do justly, we are chal- to him:
lenged to give them courage, hope, and "O thou wicked servant, I forgave
strength; praise them and help them thee all that debt, because thou de-
to understand that God loves them and siredst me:
has provided a way for them to be "Shouldest not thou also have had
happy and successful; share with them compassion on thy fellowservant, even
the things we are blessed with in order as I had pity on thee?
to make their loads lighter. "And his lord was wroth, and de-
Too often fear rules over the lives livered him to the tormentors, till he
of many people, depriving them of should pay all that was due unto him.
blessings. Fear must be overcome, for "So likewise shall my heavenly
the Lord has said: ". if ye are pre-
. .
Father do also unto you, if ye from
pared ye shall not fear." (D&C 38:30.) your hearts forgive not every one his
I bear you my witness that as we live
brother their trespasses." (Matt. 18:32-
the gospel principles, we will build
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, confi-
dence in ourselves, and overcome fear. Obligation to extend mercy
Now, let us consider the second thing
the Lord requires of us, according to Thus, the great truth is taught that
the prophet Micah —
namely, that we anyone receiving mercy is under obli-
have mercy. gation to the one extending it, whether
Again recalling the words of the it be man or God —
the obligation of
Savior: "Blessed are the merciful: for living the Golden Rule.
they shall obtain mercy." (Matt. 5:7.) And we cannot reserve our mercy
We should also be aware that the only for those who we think are

worthy of it. Remember: "Judge not, By walking humbly with God, by

that ye be not judged." (Matt. 7:1.) identifying himself with the building
The Prophet Joseph Smith, in dis- of the kingdom, one obtains inner
cussing this matter on one occasion, strength and peace from his Heavenly
stated: Father, is happy and successful, and
"God does not look on sin with enjoys personal growth and develop-
allowance, but when men have sinned, ment.
there must be allowance made for As an example, Peter, James, and
them. . . . John were humble fishermen until they
"The nearer we get to our heavenly became active in building the kingdom
Father, the more we are disposed to of God; then they became a powerful
look with compassion on perishing influence in the lives of men.
souls. ... if you would have God Sincere prayer and service in the
have mercy on you, have mercy on one Church help one to develop faith in
another." (Documentary History of the the Lord Jesus Christ and confidence
Church, Vol. 5, p. 24.) in himself.

An increase of love Meeting today's challenges

There can be no license for sin, but After considering the prophet Micah's
we are told that mercy, justice, and love words regarding justice, mercy, and
should go hand in hand with reproof. walking humbly before God, is it easier
The Lord's words are these: to see how justice can be merged with
"Reproving betimes with sharpness, mercy and how these principles can
when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; be beneficially incorporated in our lives
and then showing forth afterwards an to qualify ourselves to better meet
increase of love toward him whom thou today's challenges?
hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to We have seen how justice and mercy
be his enemy; were merged in the story of the un-
"That he may know that thy faith- merciful servant, and we have learned
fulness stronger than the cords of
is that it is God's way to reprove "betimes
death." (D&C
121:43-44.) with sharpness, when moved upon by
This especially important for us
is the Holy Ghost; and then showing
to remember as we reprove our children forth afterwards an increase of
when the necessity arises. love " (D&C 121:43.)

Walk humbly with God Parable of prodigal son

third requirement of the Lord, Probably the greatest example we
as explained by the prophet Micah, is have is that described in the parable
to"walk humbly with thy God." (Mic. of the prodigal son, considered by many
6:8.) This requires a strong faith that to be one of the most beautiful stories
God is a just and merciful God. ever written. Here we are told of the
The prophet Alma, addressing him- return home of a wayward son, of the
self to this subject, said: father's great joy, and of the feast that
". the plan of mercy could not be
. . celebrated his return.
brought about except an atonement We must never forget, however, that
should be made; therefore God himself although the wayward son was received
atoneth for the sins of the world, to back into his family with rejoicing and
bring about the plan of mercy, to ap- love, it was to the faithful son that
pease the demands of justice, that God the father said, "Son, thou art ever
might be a perfect, just God, and a with me, and all that I have is thine."
merciful God also." (Al. 42:15.) (Luke 15:31.)
To walk humbly with God, one must Here we have an excellent example
love God, be humble, meek, and of how a wise, humble father merged
obedient. Another important ingredient the great principles of mercy and jus-
is to hunger and thirst after righ- tice to the benefit of his family. Here
teousness. we see that all persons are precious in
Saturday, April 4 First Day

the sight of God. In merging the pel and dedicate ourselves to the up-
eternal principles of justice and mercy, building of God's kingdom, I pray in
an equitable decision or result occurs, the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
as was evidenced in this beautiful

God is just and merciful The Tabernacle Choir then sang two
songs as follows: "Redeemed of the
I bear you my witness that God the Lord," and "All Creatures of Our God
Father and the Son live, and that they and King."
are just and merciful beings. Their
justice and mercy was shown through
the atonement of Jesus Christ and in
restoring the gospel in its fullness President Harold B. Lee
through the Prophet Joseph Smith. And
we should be grateful for God's mercy The Tabernacle Choir has sung
in providing a prophet to lead us today "Redeemed of the Lord," and "All
— President Joseph Fielding Smith. Creatures of Our God and King."
May the Lord bless and sustain him. Following a brief organ interlude,
Those who are seeking a plan of life Elder Richard L. Evans of the Council
that will bring them peace, relief from of the Twelve Apostles, will then be
inner tensions, happiness, and growth our concluding speaker.
and development will find it in the
restored gospel of Jesus Christ. in- We
vite your sincere and prayerful con-
Alexander Schreiner played a brief
organ interlude.
The strength of the Church lies in
the testimony of its members that God
lives, that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior
and Redeemer, and that God is a just President Lee:
and merciful God.
To acquire eternal life requires de- Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
votion to the gospel principles. May cilof the Twelve Apostles will now be
we appreciate the blessings of the gos- our concluding speaker.

Elder Richard L. Evans

Of the Council of the Twelve

• May I make two citations from the quite sufficient ... all religious faith
words of a discerning editorial writer, and all hope of immortality begins
not one of my faith, but one of much with God, and rests on him. came We
faith: "If we
neglect the divine . . . from him; we go to him. He lives, we
and give ourselves over wholly to the live. . [And] why should not a
. .

human," he said, "we may certainly Father reveal himself to his children?
count upon nothing but the triumph Why should he not send prophets and
of pessimism. True optimism must
. . .
teachers, and why not a supreme
rest upon a calm, unshakable faith in Teacher, a Son of God and a Son of
eternal life and in the unlimited good- Man? We rest on the fact of One
. . .

ness of him who gives it."

who died and rose from the dead,
"We rest on no new reason for be- whose name we give to our faith, and
lieving in the immortality of the soul," whose triumph over death is our
he continued. "The old reasons are . . . triumph also." 2

i Editorial, The Independent, 1898, p. 1596.


Personal reality of God when the last findings of research will

be found, or when the last revelation
This brings us to a declaration of
of the mind and will of God will be
the literal personal reality of God and
given? Humility before the unknown
the divinity of his Son, our Savior, and
is always in order. Conceit of learning
the reality of revelation, of prophets,
never is.
and of the opportunities and purposes
of everlasting life.
Who has any idea that we need
divine guidance less today than did
"We believe in God, the Eternal
those in far places in the past? Proph-
Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ,
ets, prophecy, scripture, counsel, com-
and in the Holy Ghost" (Article of
Faith 1) — not in theory, not as an
mandments are part of the precious
heritage we have.
indefinable essence, but a God of life
and of love, who lives, and in whose Life's purpose
image men were made.
"We believe all that God has re- Now, what of life, its purpose, its
vealed, all that He does now reveal, problems, its possibilities? All of us
and we believe that He will yet reveal have our unanswered questions, our
many great and important things per- discouragement, our mistakes, our good
taining to the Kingdom of God." and poor performances, our sorrows,
(Article of Faith 9.) our searching.
It's a searching world. But many are
Present day prophets looking for the right things in the
wrong way. Some give themselves to
Surely there is ample evidence of the
protest, to tearing down, to destruc-
counsel and divine calling of the
prophets of the past. And surely there

tion but most tragically to destruction
of themselves, their minds, their peace,
is ample evidence of the need all men
their happiness, their future possibili-
have for divine guidance in this day.
ties. And, as to all of this, on a recent
In recent weeks we have lost by
Sunday broadcast we used a sentence
death a dearly beloved prophet, Presi-
that has some earnest implications in
dent David O. McKay. Our love and
it, which we submit for your con-
blessings reach out to his family, and
to the beloved companion who was
some sixty-nine years by his side. Home, the place to begin
And today we have heard from his
beloved successor, President Joseph If we don't change direction, we will

Fielding Smith, who will be presented arrive at where we're going.

for our sustaining vote in the days of Home, of course, is the place to be-
this conference to come. God bless him gin. "When one puts business or
and be with him and strengthen him, pleasure above his home," said Presi-
and give him peace, and all that per- dent McKay, "he that moment starts
tains to the goodness of life, with his on the downgrade to soul-weakness."
loved ones. And in the last talk we were privileged
to have from him, he said: "The most
Need for continuous revelation vicious enemy to home life is im-
morality." 3
Through prayer, impressions, inspira-
heard a few days ago a report of
tion, revelation,God does communicate
with his children. The need for con-
how a parent had criticized a school
principal for not teaching her children
tinuous revelation would seem to be
better behavior. But surely the home is
obvious. There is infinitely much our
the place to begin. Parents, teach your
Father hasn't yet told us. There is in-
children, and live and be what you
finitely much that no man knows.
teach. I remember gratefully, soberly
Who knows of a textbook that won't
within my soul, saying prayers at the
be revised or set aside? Who
knows of
knees of a beloved widowed mother. I
a theory that won't be modified or
remember her saying to us, and living
abandoned? Who knows of a process
that won't be improved? Who
knows '! October 1969 general conference.

Saturday, April 4 First Day

what she said: "Do your

duty. Say And don't forget to talk things out with
your prayers. Pay your tithing; pay the Lord. And then listen. As Presi-
your debts. Be honest. Work. Be dent Harold B. Lee said within the
clean. Don't quarrel. Don't gossip. week, "Wepray for guidance but do —
Have faith." we listen?" The communication of
Oh, beloved young people, listen to prayer very real, and all of us need
such teachings, and so live your lives. guidance in our decisions.
Don't gamble the peace and happiness
and opportunities of eternity against Do not tempt temptation
the cheap and shoddy enticements of Temptation is everywhere. The op-
portunities to do evil and to do good
are everywhere, but we shouldn't tempt
Our precious heritage temptation. As one whimsical observer
You can't experiment with every- said, "When some people flee from
thing —there isn't enough time. There temptation, leave a forwarding
are thousands of things that could kill address." 5 don't want to do
If we
you, but you have only one life to lose. wrong, we shouldn't even entertain the
There are thousands of things that idea. If we don't want temptation to
could destroy you mentally, morally, follow us, we shouldn't act as if we
physically, spiritually. And not one of are interested. No one ever fell over a
them is worth it. And so, profit by precipice who never went near one.
what has already been proved, by the
trial and error and anguish of others Laws still in force
over the ages. If everyone tried to go And let it be said here that our
back to the beginning to repeat all the Father in heaven is not a theorist.
mistakes that other men have made, Creation isn't kept in its course by
we wouldn't live long enough to learn theory. Spring doesn't return by theory.
very much. Part of the precious heritage Seeds don't grow by theory. The
we have is what has been proved, dis- physical and moral and spiritual laws
covered, and revealed in the past. And are still in force. The command-
so accept it, and go on from here, and
ments are still in force. No one has
learn and repent and improve, and
repealed them. No one has a right to
become all you can become, not de- except God, who gave them. And when
stroying body and mind, peace and
our Father gives us counsel or com-
self-respect, but seeking counsel, con-
mandments, we can be sure they are
fiding in loved ones, living by law.
vitally essential. When he tells us
Anyone who thinks he doesn't need something, we'd better believe it. If we
counsel and stubbornly decides to go one way we
live get one result; if
his own way has trouble and tragedy
we live another way we get another
ahead. result.

Seek counsel and guidance Miracle of repentance

Counsel with parents, your bishops, Many of you would be familiar with
competent and trustworthy people. President Spencer Kimball's wonderful
President Smith counsels with his work on the miracle of forgiveness. I
counselors. The Council of the Twelve witness to you that God is a loving
counsel with each other and with their Father who will forgive and help us
brethren. "There is no such thing in find peace and self-respect as we re-
human existence as being so high you're pent and show our sincerity by the lives
not responsible to anybody." 4 No man we live. And there is nothing he asks
is smart enough to know all the an-
of us that we cannot do; there is no
swers. No man is so wise that he
cannot benefit by talking things out
requirement we cannot keep if we are —
willing, if we want to. Repentance is
with others. (There was a great coun- a miracle, if it is sincere.
cil in heaven, before the world was.)
5 Rotary Internationa] club bulletin, Graham,
i Lawrence A. Appley, "Managers in Action." Texas.

Some historians have said there have Church is to all mankind, and will
been 19 civilizations before this that bless and lift the lives of all who will
have risen and flourished and fallen, be partakers of it. And we come to
mostly because of moral decay. And you with concern for the temporal and
perhaps most of them didn't really eternal salvation of every soul —
to the
know what was happening, until it was weary, the wandering, the lost and the
too late. We
are not immune to the lonely, the sick and the sorrowing;
consequences of our own acts, or of those discouraged and despondent,
what we permit to become possible. those who have lost loved ones, those
You would remember the words looking for something to hold to in
spoken on the occasion of that first life. Oh, it is there. May our Father
awesome step man took on the moon: help you find it.
"One small step for a man, one giant I leave you my witness that God does
leap for mankind," 6 to which another live, that he has reestablished his work
added: among men, that Jesus is our Savior
"We've reached so far that we've
and Redeemer. And I thank God for a
prophet in the present, and for all the
touched the moon;
prophets of the past.
Now we must reach out to our neigh-
If we don't change direction, we'll
bor. . . .

There isn't a thing that man cannot do

arrive at where we're going but —
wherever we are, and wherever we've
If he takes one small step at a time" 7
been, if we take one small step at a
— if he lives within law, keeps the time, in the right direction, and repent
commandments and follows the pur- and do better each day, we can arrive
poses of Divine Providence. everlastingly with our loved ones, with
the highest possibilities that God can
Live by God's counsel give, and with assurance within our
God bless you, my beloved young souls, this day —
and always, in the
friends. Don't live by rumor. Don't name of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
run aimlessly to and fro looking for
what has already been found. Don't President Harold B. Lee
live by the sophistries and temptations
of these times. Live by the counsel and We are most grateful for the warm
commandments God has given, and response from the managers and
find the peace and happiness that come operators of over 300 television and
to one through
thoughtful, prayer- radio stations in offering their facili-
ful living and cleanliness of life. ties as a public service to make the
The times are troubled. The prob- proceedings of this conference available
lems are many. And men do run to to millions throughout many areas of
and fro, and the hearts of many do the world.
fail them, and fear has come upon These proceedings are being broad-
many —
people but there is a God in cast over stations in countries of Latin
heaven whose purposes and promises America, Japan and Okinawa by means
and power are over all, and if we will of satellite transmission.
commit ourselves to keeping his coun- Through special arrangements of the
sels, his commandments, doing it his Armed Forces Radio and Television
way, we can have peace and happiness Network this session will be televised
here, and limitless, everlasting oppor- to bases of the Armed Forces through-
tunities with our loved ones forever. out the Pacific and heard by radio in
Who would be so foolishly, stupidly Vietnam.
shortsighted as to settle for less than We appreciate the attendance here
this, here or hereafter? of educators, national and local gov-
ernment church officials, and
The mission of the Church
all visitors and members who have
The mission, the message of the attended this service this morning.
c Neil A. Armstrong.
We shall now conclude this session
7 R. Harris, "One Small Step." of the conference with the Tabernacle
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Choir singing "The Lord Now Vic- The Tabernacle Choir sang "One
torious." Small Step," and "The Lord Now
Following the singing the benedic- Victorious."
tion will be pronounced by Elder James Elder James M. Paramore, former
M. Paramore, former president of the president of the Franco-Belgian Mis-
Franco-Belgian Mission. sion, offered the benediction.
This conference will then be ad- The conference was adjourned until
journed until 2:00 this afternoon. 2 o'clock p.m.


SECOND SESSION ment of the children of the Church.

May the Lord bless them for their de-
votion and loyalty.
second session of the conference
convened at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 4, We are pleased to announce that
1970. the proceedings of this General Con-
ference will be given extensive cover-
President Joseph Fielding Smith
age in the United States and Canada
presided and conducted the services.
over many television and radio stations,
The Cedar City Institute of Religion coast to coast, originating with KSL
Chorus, with Blaine Johnson and J. Radio and Television in Salt Lake
Phillip Hanks conducting, furnished City.
the choral music. Robert Cundick was
Countries in Europe, South and
at the organ.
Central America, Africa, and parts of
President Smith made the following Asia, can receive broadcasts of these
introductory remarks:
proceedings over international short-
wave Radio
Station WNYW, with
President Joseph Fielding Smith studios in New York.
Audio tape and sound on film re-
We extend to all cordial greetings cordings of this General Conference
and welcome to this the second session will be translated into twelve differ-
of the 140th Annual Conference of The ent languages and sent to countries of
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Europe, South and Central America
Saints. We are convened in the his- and the Far East.
toric Salt Lake Tabernacle on Temple Rebroadcasts of all sessions of the
Square. conference will be received over KSL
This morning's session, in addition Radio, KIRO Radio at Seattle, KMBZ
to being broadcast direct, was video- Radio at Kansas City, Missouri,
taped for release to many television WRFM in New York City, and
stations tomorrow morning in the WNYW over International short-wave
eastern and central parts of the United beginning at midnight tonight, and on
States. Sunday and Monday, and can be
During the past two days, the gen- heard in many parts of the United
eral officers and teachers of the Pri- States and the world, including Can-
mary Association of the Church have ada, Alaska, Mexico, Europe, South
been convened in their 64th Annual and Central America, and the islands
Conference. We have only praise and of the Pacific.
commendation for what these sisters We are deeply grateful to the owners
are doing for the welfare and develop- and operators of the radio and televi-

sion stations for their cooperation in We shall begin this session by the
making possible such an extensive chorus singing, "An Angel from on
coverage of the proceedings of this High," following which the invocation
conference. will be offered by Elder Udell E.
A special meeting will be held for Poulsen, former president of the Fin-
the patriarchs ordained since October, nish Mission.
1969, and those other patriarchs who
were incumbent at the time of the last
conference and were unable to meet. The Cedar City Institute of Religion
The meeting will be held on the third chorus then sang "An Angel from On
floor of the Church Office Building on High."
Saturday, April 4, at 4:15 p.m. The opening prayer was offered by
We should like to express our ap- Elder Udell E. Poulsen, former presi-
preciation for the lovely flowers which dent of the Finnish Mission.
decorate the rostrum. For the beauti-
ful white calla lilies we are indebted
to the Oakland-Berkeley Stake High
Priests and to Brother Irvin T. Nelson President Smith
and his associates for handling and
arranging these flowers, and also the The invocation was offered by Elder
beautiful floral display at the rear Udell E. Poulsen, former president of
entrance of this building. the Finnish Mission.
We are pleased to welcome here this The Cedar City Institute of Religion
afternoon these young students from Chorus, conducted by }. Phillip Hanks,
the Cedar City Institute of Religion, will now favor us with "The Seer,
Cedar City, Utah who will furnish Joseph, the Seer," after which Elder
the music for the session of the con- Gordon B. Hinckley of the Council of
ference this afternoon. We
are grateful the Twelve will be our first speaker
for their presence and for their will- this afternoon. He will be followed
ingness to come here to add their by Elder Marvin J. Ashton, one of the
youthful, exhilarating spirit and influ- Assistants to the Twelve.
ence to this meeting. We
are fully
aware and appreciative of the efforts
they have put forth to render this
The Cedar City Institute of Religion
Chorus sang the number, "The Seer,
Brother Blaine Johnson will conduct
Joseph, the Seer."
the chorus, with Robert Cundick at the

Elder Gordon B. Hinckley

Of the Council of the Twelve

m I have but one desire, my dear before that Brother Tuttle and I or-
brethren and sisters. That is to say ganized the Lima Stake of Zion. A
something which will add to your week or two ago Brother Romney or-
faith. To end I seek the inspira-
that ganized a stake in Johannesburg. Think
tion of the Holy Spirit. of it, within a period of a few weeks,
strong and vigorous stakes have been
Growth of Church organized in such far-away places as
I express thanks and wonder for the Japan, Peru, and South Africa.
marvelous growth of the Church. A The days of which our forebears
few days ago I participated with spoke are upon us. These are days of
Brother Benson in the organization of prophecy fulfilled; and I, with you, am
the Tokyo Stake of Zion. Three weeks grateful to be alive and a part of this
Saturday, April 4 First Day

vibrant, marvelous work which is af- "In short, he quarried the stone. . . .

fecting for good so many people in so We will cause it to become a great

many parts of the world. mountain and fill the whole earth."
This growth not a victory of men;
is (Millennial Star, Vol. 5, March 1845,
it is a manifestation of the power of pp. 151-52.)
God. I hope we shall never be proud We are seeing the unfolding of that
or boastful concerning it. I pray that dream. I hope we shall be true and
we shall ever be humble and grateful. faithful to the sacred trust given us to
build this kingdom. Our effort will
Tribute to Joseph Smith not be without sorrow and setbacks. We
may expect opposition, both deter-
Last evening there was presented in mined and sophisticated.
this Tabernacle, with word and music,
a stirring tribute to the Prophet Joseph
Efforts of adversary
Smith, commemorating the 150th an-
niversary of the First Vision. I am As the work grows, we may expect
thankful that we paused to remember a strengthening of the efforts of the
this most remarkable manifestation adversary against it. Our best defense
when the Father and the Son appeared is the quiet offense of allegiance to the

to the boy Joseph on a spring morning teachings which have come to us from
in the year 1820. All of the good we those whom we have sustained as
see in the Church today is the fruit of prophets of God.
that remarkable visitation, a testimony
Joseph Smith gave us instruction
of which has touched the hearts of pertinent to the situation in which we
millions in many lands. I add my own find ourselves. Said he, "Go in all
witness, given me by the Spirit, that
meekness, in sobriety, and teach Jesus
the Prophet's description of that mar- Christ and him crucified; not to con-
velous event is true, that God the Eter- tend with others on account of their
nal Father and the risen Lord Jesus faith, or systems of religion, but pur-
Christ spoke with him on that occasion sue a steady course. This I delivered
in a conversation as real and personal
by way of commandment, and all who
and intimate as is my conversation observe it not, will pull down perse-
with you this day. I raise my voice in cution on their heads, while those who
testimony that Joseph was a prophet, do shall always be filled with the Holy
and that the work brought forth Ghost; this I pronounced as a
through his instrumentality is the work prophecy."
of God.
A steady course
Summary of Joseph's Work
I should like to take a few of the
I read other evening a
again the words of that statement as a theme
summary of Joseph's work and a state- for something I should like to say, if
ment of our obligation to advance it. the Lord will inspire me.
These words, poetic in their beauty,
"Contend not with others, but pursue
were written by Parley P. Pratt in a steady course."
1845, less than a year following
Joseph's death. I quote:
We live in a day of shifting values,
of changing standards, of will-o'-the-
"He has organized the kingdom of
wisp programs that blossom in the
God. —We will extend dominion. its
morning and die in the evening. We see
"He has
restored the fulness the of this in government, we see it in public
Gospel. —We will spread abroad. it . . .
and private morality, we see it in the
"He has kindled up the dawn of a homes of the people; we see it in
day —We will bring to
of glory. it its the churches, and we even see it among
meridian splendor. some of our own members who are led
"He was a 'little one,' and became away by the sophistry of men.
a thousand. —We
are a small one, and Men everywhere seem to be groping
will become a strong nation. as men in darkness, casting aside the

traditions that were the strength of our We have standards — sure, tested, and
society, yet unable to find a new star effective.To the extent that we ob-
to guide them. serve them, we shall go forward. To
Werecently participated in a dedi- the extent that we neglect them, we
cation of the Church pavilion at the shall hinder our own progress and
Expo '70 world's fair in Japan. One of bring embarrassment to the work of
the speakers was a Japanese govern- the Lord.These standards have come
ment official who warmly compli- from him. Some of them may appear
mented the Church on its participation a little out of date in our society, but
in this exposition, which is devoted this does not detract from their validity
almost entirely to man's technical nor diminish the virtue of their ap-
achievements. He deplored the waning plication. The subtle reasoning of
influence of religion in the lives of the men, no matter how clever, no matter
people of his own nation, with a con- how plausible it may sound, cannot
sequent deterioration of standards and abridge the declared wisdom of God.
ideals. I recently heard the patriarch serv-

ing in the Milwaukee Stake, who sits

Absence of moral leadership
in this hall today, speak a few words
It appears to be so everywhere. Some that I have not forgotten. Said he:
months ago I read a provocative arti- "God is not a celestial politician seek-
cleby Barbara Tuchman, a Pulitzer ing our vote. Rather, God is to be
Prize-winning historian. Said she: found, and God is to be obeyed."
"When it comes to leaders we have, (Hans Kindt.)
if anything, a super abundance hun- — The satisfying thing is that obedi-
dreds of Pied Pipers ready and anx- — ence brings happiness. It brings peace;
ious to lead the population. They
are scurrying around, collecting con-
it brings growth —
all of these to the
individual, and his good example
sensus, gathering as wide an acceptance brings respect for the institution of
as possible. But what they are not which he is a part.
doing very notably is standing still and
saying, "This is what I believe. This Contention unnecessary
I will do and that I will not do. This

is my code of behavior and that is out-

Our adherence to these divinely
side it. This is excellent and that is
given standards need never be an of-
There fensive thing to those about us. We
trash.' is an absence of moral
leadership in
the sense of a general need not contend with them. But if
unwillingness to state standards." we will pursue a steady course, our
She continues, "Of all the ills that very example will become the most
effective argument we could ever ad-
our poor society is heir to, the focal
. . .

one, it seems to me, from which so

vance for the virtues of the cause with
much of our uneasiness and confusion which we are associated.
derive, is the absence of standards. We The Lord has given us counsel and
are too unsure of ourselves to assert commandment on so many things that
them, to stick by them, if necessary in no member of this church need ever
the cases of persons who occupy posi- equivocate. He has established our
tions of authority, to impose them. We guidelines concerning personal virtue,
seem to be afflicted by a widespread neighborliness, obedience to law, loy-
and eroding reluctance to take any alty to government, observance of the
stand on any values, moral, behavioral Sabbath day, sobriety and abstinence
or esthetic." ("The Missing Element- from liquor and tobacco, the payment
Moral Courage," McCall's, June 1967, of tithes and offerings, the care of the
p. 28.) poor, the cultivation of home and fam-
ily, the sharing of the gospel, to men-
Church standards tion only a few.
While standards generally may There need be nothing of argument
totter, we of the Church are without or contention in any of them. If we
excuse if we drift in the same manner. will pursue a steady course in the
Saturday, April 4 First Day

implementation of our religion in our to be baptized and recognized as a

own lives, we shall advance the cause Mormon.
more effectively than by any other The
family traveled to Liverpool,
means. where with some 900 others they
boarded the sailing vessel Horizon.
The word of the Lord As the wind caught the sails, they
There may be those who will seek
sang, "Farewell, Native Land. My
to tempt us away. There may be those
Farewell." After six weeks at sea to —
cover the distance covered today by a
who will try to bait us. may be We jetplane in six hours they landed at —
disparaged. We
may be belittled. We Boston and then traveled by steam
may be inveighed against. may We train to Iowa City, for fitting out.
be caricatured before the world.
There they purchased two yoke of
There are those, both in the Church
oxen, one yoke of cows, a wagon, and
and out, who would compel us to
a tent. They were assigned to travel
change our position on some matters,
with and assist one of the handcart
as if it were our prerogative to usurp
authority which belongs alone to God.
Here at Iowa City also occurred their
We have no desire to quarrel with first tragedy. Their youngest child,
others. We
teach the gospel of peace.
less than two years of age, suffering
But we cannot forsake the word of the
from exposure, died and was buried in
Lord as it has come to us through men
a grave never again visited by a mem-
whom we have sustained as prophets.
ber of the family.
We must stand and say, to quote again
the words of Miss Tuchman: "This is
Story of pioneer journey
what I believe. This I will do and
that I will not do. This is my code of Now let me give you the very words
behavior and that is outside it." of this 13-year-old girl as I read a few

There may be times of discourage- lines from her story:

ment and deep concern. There cer- "We traveled from 15 to 25 miles a
tainly will be days of decision in the day . . till we
. got to the Platte
lives of each of us. It was ever thus. River. We caught up with the
. . .

handcart companies that day. We

Narrative of family conversion watched them cross the river. There
were great lumps of ice floating down
Every man and woman in this
the river. It was bitter cold. The next
church knows something of the price
morning there were fourteen dead. . . .

paid by our forebears for their faith.

I was again reminded of this when I
We went back to camp and had our
recently read the narrative of my wife's
prayers, [and] sang 'Come, Come . . .

grandmother. I think I would like to Ye Saints, No Toil Nor Labor Fear.'

I wondered what made my mother cry
share a few words from that story of a
13-year-old girl. She tells of her [that night]. The next morning . . .

childhood in Brighton, that delightful my little sister was born. It was the
city on the south coast of England,
23rd of September. We named her
where the soft, green hills of Sussex Edith. She lived six weeks and
roll down to the sea.
died. [She was buried at the last
. . .

crossing of the Sweetwater.]

It was there that her family were
" [We ran into heavy snow. I became
baptized. Their conversion came nat-
urally because the Spirit whispered in
lost in the snow.] feet and legs My
were frozen. The men rubbed me . . .

their hearts that it was true. But there with snow. They put my feet in a
were critical relatives and neighbors bucket of water. The pain was ter-
and even mobs to deride and inflame rible. . . .

others against them. It took courage, "When we arrived at Devils Gate

that rare quality described as moral it was bitter cold. We left many of
courage, to stand up and be counted, our things there. . . . My brother James

. .was as well as he ever was when

. Thus conclude portions of the nar-
he went to bed [that night]. In the rative of a 13-year-old girl.
morning he was dead. . . .

"My feet were frozen; also my Sacrifice for faith

brother's and my sister's. It was noth-
I conclude with this question:
ing but snow [snow everywhere and
Should we be surprised if we are called
the bitter Wyoming wind]. could We upon to endure a little criticism, to
not drive the pegs in our tents. . . . We make some small sacrifice for our faith,
did not know what would become of
when our forebears paid so great a
us. [Then] one night a man came to price for theirs?
our camp and told us Brigham . . .

Young had sent men and teams to Without contention, without argu-
ment, without offense, let us pursue a
help us. . . . We sang songs, some
steady course, moving forward to build
danced and some cried. . . .

the kingdom of God. If there is trouble,

mother had never got well. . . .
let us face it calmly. Let us overcome
She died between the Little and Big
evil with good. This is God's work.
Mountains. She was 43 years of . . .
It will continue to strengthen over the
age. . . .
earth, touching for good the lives of
arrived in Salt Lake City nine countless thousands whose hearts will
o'clock at night the 11th of December respond to the message of truth. No
1856. Three out of the four that were power under heaven can stop it.
living were frozen. mother was My This is my
faith and this is testi my
dead in the wagon. . . .
"Early next morning Brigham Young God helpus to be worthy of the
came. When he saw our condition,
. . .
great and sacred commission that is
our feet frozen and our mother dead, ours, thus to build his kingdom, I
tears rolled down his cheeks. . . .
humbly pray, as I leave with you my
doctor amputated my toes
"The . . . witness and testimony of its divinity,
[while] the sisters were dressing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
mother for her grave. When my . . .

feet were fixed they [carried] ... us

in to see our mother for the last time. President Joseph Fielding Smith
Oh, how did we stand it? That after-
noon she was buried. . . . We have just listened to Elder Gor-
have thought often of my mother's
"I don B. Hinckley of the Council of the
words before we left England. 'Polly, Twelve.
I want to go to Zion while my children Elder Marvin J. Ashton, Assistant
are small, so they can be raised in the to the Twelve, will now address us,
Gospel of Christ, for I know this is the and he will be followed by Elder Bruce
true church.' " (Life of Mary Ann R. McConkie of the First Council of
Coble Pay.) Seventy.

Elder Marvin J. Ashton

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• A few days ago we had another They want direction. They want ac-
stimulating experience as we visited ceptance. One young lady impressed
with some of our young friends. Time us with her very sincere, "Why can't I
was taken not only for group discus- be the same every day? Some days I
sions and opinions, but for some pri- feel like I'm on top of the world; other
vate talks as well. learned again We times I'm discouraged and am low,
that our choice youth want answers. especially on myself."
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Brothers and sisters, we are living in have encouraged the strengthening of

a day when there has never been a the family circle. Where necessary, we
greater need for moral courage: the challenge our youth to take the lead
courage to continue in righteousness, to see that family home evenings are
courage to communicate, courage to scheduled and held so that they might
have patience, and courage to have learn not only to communicate with
childlike faith. May I briefly review family members, but also more pur-
with you these important areas where posefully with their Heavenly Father.
courageous reinforcement is essential. Many of our youth have done this in
the past, and today their parents love
Courage to continue them for it. Family home evenings,
properly held, will open the channels
As we think together of the scope of of communication not only for family
faithfully continuing in righteousness,
members but for God's Spirit as well.
important parts must be: courage not
In our work in the Unified Social
to be diverted, courage not to be mis-
Services Program of the Church, noth-
led, courage not to stray, and courage
ing gives us more satisfaction than to
to be anxiously engaged in good work.
help parents and youth become better
From the eighth chapter of John,
acquainted or reacquainted and united-
verses 31 and 32, we are reminded of
ly start down the paths of safety again
the promised blessings in store for
together. What a pleasure it was the
those who have the courage to con-
other day to have a beautiful young
tinue. "If you continue in my word,
17-year-old high school girl say, "Dad
then are ye my disciples indeed; And
ye shall know the truth and the truth
and I no longer have a communication
shall make you free." What a joy it is
hang-up. Thanks to family home
to be associated with members of the
evenings, we are back on the same
Church, young and old, who are con- wave length and are now pretty well
tuned in."
tinuing in the paths of righteousness.
It a thrill to see our youth in far-
off stakes and missions, as well as those
A priceless environment
nearby, preparing valiantly for temple
One of the blessings that
marriages. Other thousands inspire us
can come to any child is the benefit
as we see them valiantly continuing in
of being raised in a home where
their missionary and military services.
mother and father love each other. A
God will help us continue in his ways husband's and wife's love should be
if we humbly seek his guidance. Direct-
warm and sincere. An obvious and
ing our energies in his pathways will
sincere love will provide a priceless
bring blessings of genuine joy and
environment for our children. Children
happiness. His way is the right way;
will learn love as they experience it.
the right way is the happy way.
Earnest communication with others
develops a feeling of belonging. It will
Courage to communicate let others know we care.

We need the courage to communi- Love and compassion are not obso-
cate through word and deed the great lete or old-fashioned. They are virtues
truth, "... I am not ashamed of the that build understanding and happi-
gospel of Christ: for it is the power of ness. It is difficult for young people to
God unto salvation to everyone that keep the commandments of God with-
believeth. ." (Rom. 1:16.)
. . Joseph out sharing a feeling of close relation-
Smith's prayer in the grove was an- ship with their parents and leaders in
swered because he had the courage to the Church. Let us look for the best
communicate with unwavering faith. in our children and associates. It is
Channels of communication between the Lord's will that we build up not —
parents and youth are being effec- tear down. Our responsibility is to
opened and used today. Mothers
tively communicate the positive, emphasize
and fathers are getting to know their the positive, and not be parties to pro-
children better because wise leaders moting the negative.
" "


Courage to have patience day Saint family in far-away Uruguay,

South America, as we shared the
We need the courage to have pa- thoughts of an 11-year-old girl who
tience, understanding, and compassion. led us in family prayer. Her spirit
From some of our troubled youth in touched us as she communed with her
today's complex society, may I humbly Heavenly Father in her native Span-
make this request for them to their ish language. At the conclusion of her
parents and leaders: "Don't give up on lovely prayer, we said to her father,
us, don't condemn us, don't resent us. "What was it she said in her prayer
Don't try to get us to conform through about the temple?"
sympathy, embarrassment, or ridicule. He responded with, "She said, 'Help
Instead, give us reasons; give us exam- me, Heavenly Father, to be good
ples; give us your best you." Let us as enough in the way I live so that some
parents and leaders so live and lead to day I can marry in the temple.'
merit the gratitude of a grateful teen-
With this childlike faith and daily,
ager's "Thank you for helping me find sincere preparation, her heart's desire
my way back," or "Thank you for help-
will be possible.
ing me to remain steady." must We
learn through patience and understand-
Promise to faithful
ing to lead our friends. Say the en-
couraging word at the right time and ."Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall
the right place. come to pass that every soul who for-
What was the other day
a thrill it saketh his sins and cometh unto me,
to be visiting with one of our hand- and calleth on my name, and obeyeth
some full-time Navajo Indian mission- my voice, and keepeth my command-
aries when he said, "The main reason ments, shall see my face and know
I'm on a mission today is because when that I am." (D&C 93:1.) What a
I was a small boy, President Spencer crowning promise to the faithful! What
W. Kimball came into our home, a blessing for those who will continue!
patted me on the head, placed a silver What could be a more effective, hum-
dollar in my hand, and said, 'Take ble prayer for us in this troubled day
this and start saving for a mission.' than to ask our Father in heaven to
Wrapped up in that example of leader- bless us with courage — the courage to
ship are all of the important parts: so live that we won't be the same every
recognition, encouragement, challenge, day, but with the Lord's help a little
and example. To bring groups back, better each day, step by step. It is my
we must learn to lead the individual hope for us this day that we may show
back through patience and love. Good our love and courage by keeping his
leaders don't give up. Good parents commandments.
don't give up. Good youth don't give
I bear witness to you that this is in
very deed the Church of Jesus Christ.
I humbly pray that we may courageous-
Need for childlike qualities ly continue in his work, walking pur-
posefully in his path, which insures the
We need the courage to be as a
abundant life, in the name of Jesus
child. "Therefore, whoso repenteth and
cometh unto meas a little child, him
Christ. Amen. O
will I receive, for of such is the king-
dom of God." (3 Ne. 9:22.) We need President Joseph Fielding Smith
childlike love, childlike repentance,
childlike prayers, and childlike faith. We will now hear from Elder Bruce
What a warm experience it was a R. McConkie of the First Council of
few weeks ago to kneel with a Latter- Seventy.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• Salvation is a family affair. "The boy, like to his father grown,

We are all members
of the family of Has but attained unto his own;
God the Eternal Father. are his We To grow to sire from state of son,
spirit children. We
lived with him in Is not 'gainst Nature's course to run.
the family unit before the foundations
of this world were laid. "A son of God, like God to be,
In one of our great doctrinal hymns Would not be robbing Deity."
we sing: — "Man's Destiny," Improvement Era,
Vol. 22, p. 661.
"In the heavens are parents single?
No; the thought makes reason stare! Manifestly if we are to become like
Truth is reason, truth eternal our Eternal Father, we must become
Tells me I've a mother there. immortal as he is immortal; we must
gain the character, perfections, and
"When I leave this frail existence, attributes which he possesses; we must
When I lay this mortal by, attain the power, glory, and dominion
Father, Mother, may I meet you which he enjoys; and we must create
In your royal courts on high? for ourselves eternal family units pat-
Then, at length, when I've completed terned after his eternal family.
All you sent me forth to do, Now that gospel which he has re-
With your mutual approbation stored in this dispensation is a gospel
Let me come and dwell with you." of eternal life.It is the same system
—Hymns, No. 138 of possessed by all
salvation the
prophets and all the saints in all dis-
pensations. It consists of those laws
The plan of salvation
and powers whereby we may become
While we yet dwelt in his presence, perfect, even as our Father in heaven
our exalted and eternal Father ordained is perfect; whereby we can create, per-

the plan of salvation, which would fect, and perpetuate our own eternal
enable us to advance and progress and family units.
become like him.
This gospel plan offered to all of The great work of God and man
God's children the privilege of a mortal The great of God our Father
probation and the hope of eternal was creation. He
brought us into being;
life. We were all promised that we were born as members of his fam-
through the atonement of Christ we ily; and by his power the earth and
would be raised in immortality, and all things thereon came into existence.
that if we obeyed the laws and And God has done his work perfectly.
ordinances of the gospel we would have
The great work of Christ was re-
eternal life.
demption. Through his atoning sac-
Now eternal life is the name of the rifice all men are raised in immortality,
kind of life which God our Eternal while those who believe and obey the
Father lives. Eternal life is God's life, whole law of the whole gospel are
and God's life is eternal life. Thus, if raised unto eternal life. And Christ
we gain eternal life it will be because has done his work perfectly.
we advance and progress and become The great work of every man is to
like him.
believe the gospel, to keep the com-
mandments, and to create and perfect
Hope of eternal life
an eternal family unit. And the
President Lorenzo Snow penned Latter-day Saints are seeking to do
these words relative to this glorious their work as near to perfection as they
hope of gaining eternal life: can.


Celestial marriage cleave unto her and none else." (D&C

It follows that everything we have in
When his voice is heard by wives,
the Church centers around celestial
it imposes a similar obligation upon
marriage, and that salvation is a fam-
them with reference to their husbands.
ily affair.
To both of them he commands:
From the moment of birth into "Thou shalt not commit adultery or
mortality to the time we are married
anything unto it." (See D&C 59:6.)
in the temple, everything we have in
When he speaks to parents, he di-
the whole gospel system is to prepare
rects them to bring up their children
arid qualify us to enter that holy order
in light and in truth, to teach them
of matrimony which makes us husband
the gospel, to set them examples of
and wife in this life and in the world
godly conduct.
to come.
When he speaks to children, his de-
Then from the moment we are
crees are: "Obey your parents in the
sealed together by the power and au- Lord" (Eph. 6:1), and "Honour thy
thority of holy priesthood the
the — father and thy mother." (Exod. 20:12.)
power to bind on earth and have it When he speaks to families his
sealed eternally in the heavens from — counsel is: "Love, sustain, and support
that moment everything connected each other;
with revealed religion is designed to
"Obey the full gospel law; keep the
help us keep the terms and conditions
of our marriage covenant, so that this
"Strive to perfect the lives of each
covenant will have efficacy, virtue, and
of your members; strengthen the weak;
force in the life to come.
reclaim your straying loved ones, and
The family unit rejoice in their renewed spiritual
celestial marriage is the crown- "Seek your kindred who have not
ing ordinance of the gospel, the yet received the gospel, and invite
crowning ordinance of the house of the them come unto Christ and partake
Lord. Thus the family unit is the of his goodness; and
most important organization in time "Reach out to your dead kindred in
or in eternity.
the world of spirits and make the
And thus we should have more inter- blessings of the gospel available to
est in and concern for our families
them through temple ordinances."
than for anything else in life.
Every major decision should be Salvation a family affair
made on the basis of the effect it will It is written that neither is the man
have on the family unit. Our court-
without the woman nor the woman
ship, schooling,and choice of friends; without the man in the Lord. In the
our employment, hobbies, and place
perfected church family it might also
of residence; our social life, the or-
be said that neither are the parents
ganizations we join, and the service
without the children nor the children
we render mankind; and above all, without the parents in the Lord's type
our obedience or the lack of it to the
of family.
standards of revealed truth all these— The true gospel is family centered.
things should be decided on the basis
Full salvation consists of the continua-
of their effect on the family unit.
tion of the family unit in celestial

Importance of perfection
glory. Those for whom
the family
unit continues have eternal life; those
There is nothing in this world as for whom it does not continue do not
important as the creation and perfec- have eternal life, for heaven itself is
tion of family units of the kind con- but the projection of a Latter-day
templated in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Saint family into eternity.
And so, when the Lord speaks to That power by which salvation
husbands, he says: "Thou shalt love comes is so great that it can make of

thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt earth a heaven, and of man, a god.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Thenoblest concept that can enter High," after which Elder Sterling W.
the heart of man is the concept that Sill,Assistant to the Twelve, will be
the family unit continues in eternity, our speaker.
and that salvation is a family affair.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen. O
The congregation sang the hymn, "O
President Joseph Fielding Smith
Ye Mountains High."
The congregation and chorus will
stand and sing "O Ye Mountains

Elder Sterling W. Sill

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• In Charles Dickens' great book The troubles, commit more crimes, use
Tale of Two Cities, he talks about the more dope, drink more liquor, indulge
French revolutionary period of 200 in more sins, foster more soul-destroy-
years ago, almost as though he were ing violence, and send a greater
describing our own day. In establish- number of ourselves to hell, than ever
ing the setting for his story, he said: before.
"It was the best of times, it was the
worst of times, it was the age of wis- Dispensation of fulness of times
dom, it was the age of foolishness, it The apostle Paul spotlighted the
was the epoch of belief, it was the greatness of our day when he referred
epoch of incredulity, it was the season to it as the dispensation of the fulness
of Light, it was the season of Darkness, of times, when God would gather to-
it was the spring of hope, it was the
gether in one all things in Christ, both
winter of despair, we had everything which are in heaven and which are
before us, we had nothing before us, upon the earth. (See Eph. 1:10.) The
we were all going direct to Heaven, we ancient prophets eagerly looked for-
were all going direct the other ward to our time, and many of them
way. ."
. .
almost lived in our day. They knew
about our great knowledge explosion
A world of contrasts
and the unheard-of miracles, wonders,
In our world of contrasts, the haz- and wealth that it would produce.
ards frequently become greater as the Jesus himself looked beyond the black
benefits are increased, and it seems that night of the dark ages, caused by the
difficulty is one of the prices that we apostasy from God in the meridian of
pay for our blessings. The 12 months time, and he saw our day, when the
lying immediately before us will gospel would be restored in a fullness
probably be the greatest period that never before known in the world. And
our world has ever seen. In this com- as one of the signs preceding his own
ing year more babies will be born than glorious second coming to the earth,
in any other comparable period. More he said, "And this gospel of the king-
new inventions will be made than ever dom shall be preached in all the world
before. We
will learn more new things for a witness unto all nations; and
and have greater material comforts. In then shall the end come." (Matt.
the next 12 months more people 24:14.)
will go to college, and more people will
Preparation for millennium
join the Church of Christ than in any
other year. On the other hand, there Our generation is living on the ap-
will probably be more people die than proaches of the final cleansing that
ever before. We
may have more will prepare the earth for its great

millennium peace, when Christ

of antediluvians brought about their own
shall reign personally upon the earth destruction, and many evidences indi-
for a thousand years. The prophet cate that we are now trembling upon
Malachi describes this part of our fu- the very brink of a comparable disaster.
ture when all corruptible things will And yet our day of wonders and en-
be consumed. He says, ". and the . . lightenment offers us so much more
Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly than any other period since creation.
come to his temple. . . . But who may We now have our greatest opportunity
abide the day of his coming? and who to make Christian converts. Now is
shall stand when he appeareth? for he the best time ever known to make
is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' money. And no people have ever had
soap." (Mai. 3:1-2.) a greater chance to be faithful to God
The apostle Paul fills in some of the or loyal to the government, nor has
details by saying, "For the Lord himself anyone ever had a better opportunity
shall descend from heaven with a to uphold law and order than we now
shout, with the voice of the archangel, have.
and with the trump of God: and the
Increased intensity of temptations
dead in Christ shall rise first:
"Then we which are alive and re- However, simultaneously with these
main shall be caught up together with advantages, we are now making our
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord greatest indulgences in idleness, dis-
in the air: and so shall we ever be loyalty, confusion, uncleanness, irre-
with the Lord." (1 Thess. 4:16-17.) sponsibility, and indifference to God.
These great latter-day events are The new morality gives us more free-
now well on their way toward fulfill- dom to indulge our sins, and it also
ment. The gospel is already going makes our atheism seem more respect-
forth under divine command. are We able to us.
now in the midst of the greatest and Our age is noted for the increased
the lastof all of the dispensations. number, and intensity of our
From many points of view we are temptations. Almost everything that
presently living in the very best of we is likely to have
read, hear, or think
times. The priesthood is again upon some lurking temptation to draw us
the earth. God has given us three great downward. But the dictionary says
volumes of new scripture, outlining in that to tempt is to arouse a desire for,
every detail the simple principles of and a desire can go in either direction.
the gospel of Christ. The pathway to However, we frequently forget the
exaltation is now perfectly marked and temptations upward, while we over-
brilliantly lighted, so that no one need indulge ourselves in the temptations
get off that straight and narrow way- of evil. The temptations downward
except by his own choice. For every are the temptations of ignorance, the
point of Christian doctrine, there is temptations of crime, the temptations
now an authoritative statement saying, of misery, the temptations of eternal
"Thus saith the Lord." The stone that damnation. We
are filling our minds
Daniel envisioned being cut out of with delusions. We
picture to ourselves
the mountain without hands is now how attractive evil is and how difficult
rolling toward its divine destiny of it is to live the religion of being hon-
filling the whole earth. est, fair, decent, and obedient to God.
But no temptation a temptation, un-
The best and worst of times less we are entertaining it.

But the best of times is also the

Temptations imply desires
worst of times. As Jesus looked forward
to our day and contemplated our In denying our own responsibility,
doings, he made a very uncompli- we frequently blame Satan for much
mentary comparison to us by saying, of the misery that we are bringing upon
".. as the days of Noe were, so shall
. ourselves. Satan has no power over
also the coming of the Son of man be." us except as we give it to him. And
(Matt. 24:37.) By their wickedness the temptations without imply desires
Saturday, April 4 First Day

within; and rather than say, "How the dark ages' mistakes in Christian
powerfully the devil tempts," we might doctrines. And in living by every one
say, "How strongly I am inclined." of God's commandments, we may now-
God never forces us to do right, and more effectively help to bring about
Satan has no power to force us to do our own eternal life. The beast goes
wrong. As someone has said, "God down on all fours and thus his vision
always votes for us and Satan always is cast upon the ground, but man
votes against us, and then we are asked stands upright in the image of his
to vote to break the tie." It is how we Maker that he may look up to God
vote that gives our lives their sig- our Eternal Father. And among the
nificance. greatest of all our human concepts are
the immortality of the human per-
Someone has said: sonality and the eternal glory of the
human soul. Each of us is a child of
"All the water in the world, God, created in his image and endowed
However hard it tried, with his attributes and potentialities.
Could never sink the smallest ship
Unless it got inside. Our inheritance
And all the evil in the world, Each of us should cling to our
The blackest kind of sin, inheritance. There is everything in
Can never hurt you the least bit knowing our inheritance and constantly
Unless you let it in." reaffirming it in our lives. And certain-
ly we should not claim to be children
The Pacific Ocean may contain
of God and then go about the world
more water than the Atlantic Ocean,
acting as though we are orphans or
but it can't sink any ship a bit more
weaklings or cowards or sinners. By
easily.And our tremendously increased
an abundance of our good works, we
present-day evils have no more power
over us than the ancient temptations
can have our own finest year this year
and make for our world the very best
had over our fathers, except as we
provide them with a more enticing
of times. Wecan also help to usher in
the age of belief in God, the age of
light, the age of reason, and the age of

Our temptations upward righteousness, as well as to help bring

about a millennium of peace on earth
Actually, the greatest of all our op- and goodwill toward men. And may
portunities is provided by our exciting God grant that it may be so, I humbly
present-day temptations upward. And pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
inasmuch as we seem to be temptation Amen. O
prone, we might give more thought
to the thrilling temptations to culture,
President Joseph Fielding Smith
the temptations to happiness, the temp-
tations to honor, the temptations to be
like God. The temptations up are far We have just heard from Elder
more pleasant and much more profit- Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the
able than the temptations down. We Twelve.
need to take greater advantage of those Bishop Victor L. Brown, second
challenging temptations to be friends counselor in the Presiding Bishopric,
with God. will be our next speaker. He will be
Because of God's new revelations, it followed by Elder Loren C. Dunn of
is now no longer necessary to repeat the First Council of Seventy.

Bishop Victor L. Brown

Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

• In Proverbs we read, "Train up a of abject lust. If this is the kind of

child in the way he should go: and entertainment we adults enjoy, how in
when he is old, he will not depart from the world can we teach our children
it." (Prov. 22:6.) Josh Billings para- morality?
phrases this truth: "To bring up a In my teens I was told a dirty story
child in the way he should go, travel by an active church leader. Although
that way yourself." Travel that way my memory for stories is notoriously
yourself. How many of us are travel- poor, that particular one is still with
ing that way ourselves? me, and I remember the name of the
man who told it. What kind of exam-
Adult activities ple are we as adults? Does our
I listened to a nationally recognized
acter change with circumstances as the
educator speaking on television. Her chameleon changes its colors? Does
subject was marijuana. She said that the language we use change to fit the
the use of marijuana was no worse than environment? Do we go to movies that
some other social habits, implying that appeal to our base animal instincts
there was really nothing wrong with and cause us to grovel in filth with the
young people's smoking
marijuana. authors and actors? Do we break the
Recently a national figure holding a law because that is the thing the
responsible position in the government, crowd wants to do at the moment, or
a position of great influence over what are we strong enough to stand on our

comes into our homes on radio and own principles, no matter what the so-
television, had this to say: "The lan- cial pressure? These are some of the

guage I use when I am at a cocktail questions we must ask ourselves if we

party is different from that which are to train a child up in the way he
I use at home, or at church, and I don't
should go and travel that way ourselves.
see this as being hypocritical." The
other day in one of our own communi- Problems with parents
ties,some fathers, apparently worked
Throughout the Church I hear the
up over some issue, let the air out of comment from stake presidents and
the tires of some of the police cars in
bishops, "If we did not have problems
order to interfere with enforcement of
with parents, we would not have them
the law, and then the same fathers had
with the young people." As a people,
great fun telling about it in front of
we accept today standards of conduct
their own sons.
that would have been totally unac-
ceptable yesterday. For example, the
Restricted movies
filthy, obscene language that is read
When criticism is leveled at the type and heard under the guise of freedom
of movies shown on the screens today, ofspeech is becoming more and more
the movie producers reply that they acceptable in so-called respectable so-
only produce what the public will buy. ciety. Pornography has become a major
Of 21 movies showing locally recently, industry in many parts of the world.
I could find only three that indicated The chief psychotherapist at one of
no restrictions on those attending be- Washington's largest hospitals says, "A
cause of material that might be offen- normal 12- or 13-year-old boy or girl
sive or objectionable, and these ratings exposed to pornographic literature
were by the movie industry itself. A could develop into a homosexual. You
scene in one of those admitting all can take healthy boys or girls and by
ages, subject only to parental super- exposing them to abnormalities vir-
vision, brought peals of laughter from tually crystallize and settle their habits
the audience when the drunk tore the for the rest of their lives."
blouse from a woman in an exhibition Some are even saying, "What is
Saturday, April 4 First Day

wrong with becoming a homosexual?" honesty was the best policy. You tried
In one church, a leader recently per- to avoid being unfaithful to your mate
formed a marriage between two male because it might harm your relation-
homosexuals. As a matter of fact, some ship. If you attended religious services,
of the world news media made quite it was to respect a tradition. Virtue
a story of it. And yet who is responsi- became its own inexplicable reward, for
ble for this moral decay? The children? there was no other." (David Raphael
Hardly. It is we adults, those of us Klein, "Is There a Substitute for God?"
who permit the sale of filth on our Reader's Digest, March 1970, pp. 51-
newsstands and also permit the broad- 52.)
casting of it over airways.
Instability of philosophies
Questionable publications
There is no stability to this kind of
Sometime while waiting for my
ago, philosophy. It changes with the shift-
wife to finish her shopping, I looked ing sands of time, place, and circum-
over the magazine rack in a new super- stance. It is subject to the whims and
market. With one or two exceptions, habits and philosophies of men. No,
the covers of the magazines and cap- there is nothing man can hold onto
tions of feature articles dealt with sex with the assurance that each principle
in one form or another. This was in a will withstand the erosion of society.
family store in a residential neighbor- Permissiveness has become so accept-
hood. How long do you think these able in the society in which we live
publications would last if we, the that many of us are afraid to establish
adults, did not buy them? What is solid, sound guidelines for ourselves as
happening to us that we permit our well as for the youth. How important
standards to erode to such a degree? it is that there be rules and standards

It hasn't happened overnight. No, it by which we live and that these

has happened so gradually and so standards be based on solid founda-
subtly that most of us have not even tions. There must be meaning to
been aware that it has happened at standards. As Mr. Klein said, "If a
all. parent must tell a youngster that his
life has no meaning, how can he tell

Erosion of standards him that he should not take drugs?"

(Ibid., p. 53.)
I agree with David Klein that this

moral erosion started when "western Reversing trends

man began to lose his belief in God as
a personal force, as decider of his fate, Unless these trends are reversed,
as ultimate judge of his actions. The
nothing but tragedy lies ahead. Great
idea that God created man became old empires have fallen because their
fashioned; we evolved. Life began . . .
people have lost their way. What to
to be seen as more or less accidental; do about it? Each adult who touches
sin became a relative, sociological mat- the life of a young person affects that
ter, and to many a pure fiction. . . .
individual in one way or another. How-
ever, the adults who affect the lives of
He still believed in right and wrong,
and he still knew when he was doing the youth most profoundly for good or
ill are parents. If we are to bring up
wrong . but he no longer believed
. .

he had offended God by it or incurred our children in the way they should go
His punishment. . .
." and travel that way ourselves, we must
turn to the basic, simple, sound, un-
Quoting further from Mr. Klein:
changing truths of the gospel of Jesus
"The difference between living this Christ and make them live in our lives.
way, and trying to live righteously be- What we need today are parents who
cause God commands it is profound. are converted to the gospel of Jesus
"What used to be an offense against Christ; who are willing to apply it,

God became 'anti-social'; a sin became believe it, and use it; who pay an hon-
a crime. Stealing was bad because
. . . est tithing; who are honest with their

neighbors and debtors; who actually free agency, that we

will receive re-
sustain the authorities of the Church; wards and judgments based on our
and who teach the gospel to their own actions; parents who accept all
children in such a way that the of the commandments as having come
children will love the Lord. from God, to be obeyed for that reason
if for no other; parents who have no
Need for exemplary parents other gods before the Lord, who do not
We need parents with courage, who commit adultery, who do not steal,
will stand up and speak up for the who do not covet their neighbor's wife
right, who are actively involved in gov- or husband, who do not bear false wit-
ernment of all levels; parents who are ness against their neighbor; parents
modest in dress, speech, and conduct; who love the Lord their God with all
parents who are not ashamed of the their heart, and with all their soul,
gospel of Jesus Christ; parents who and with all their mind, and who love
teach their children that we do have a their neighbor as themselves.
Father in heaven, that we are his spirit It is my
conviction, and I bear my
children, that he has placed us here on witness, that this is the only pathway
earth for a great and glorious purpose, to the salvation of mankind, in this
that he loves us, that he has given life as well as the life to come, in the
us commandments along with our name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Q

Elder Loren C. Dunn

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• You were born on the 23rd of De- they contended against each other in
cember, 1805, in the town of Sharon, hopes of winning additional converts.
Windsor County, Vermont. You
are in your fifteenth year now.
Your father was a farmer, a respect- and your father's family, along with
able farmer but of somewhat humble all the families in the area, is
circumstances. proselyted by the religious faiths.
You spent the early years of your The confusion it creates leads you
life on your father's farm, which was to say, "Who of all these parties is

nestled in the rolling, green hills of the right?"

state of Vermont. When you were While seeking an answer, you come
nearly ten years old, your family across a passage of scripture in the
moved to what is now called Wayne Bible that says, "If any of you lack
County in upstate New York, where wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth
your family again pursued the occupa- to all men liberally, and upbraideth
tion of farming; and to help supple- not; and it shall be given him." (Jas.
ment the family income, you worked 1:5.)
for other farmers in the nearby area.
Never did any passage of scripture
come with more power to the heart
Great religious revival of man than this did at this time to

Some five years after you moved to yours.

New York, there commenced a great
religious revival in your area; and great The first vision
multitudes united themselves to dif-
ferent religious parties as a result of In compliance with the biblical ad-
this religious fervor. monition, you retire to the woods not
At first there was unity between the far from your home on the morning of
different sects, but as time went on a beautiful, clear spring day in 1820;

Saturday, April 4 First Day

and you pour out your heart to your to your prayers. An angel appears,
Father in heaven in prayer. identifying himself as the Angel
To your astonishment, you see a Moroni.
pillar of light exactly over your head He tells you the Lord has a work
above the brightness of the sun, and for you to do, and he proceeds to
it descends gradually until it falls upon describe the location of gold plates that
you. When the light is rested upon are buried in a nearby hill. You are
you, you see two personages, whose told these plates contain a record of
brightness and glory defy all descrip- God's dealings with a generation that
tion, standing above you in the air. once lived and flourished on the Ameri-
can continent. These gold plates are
One of them you by
speaks, calling
ultimately entrusted to you, and by
name, saying, "This is My Beloved
Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph Smith 2:17.)
the gift and power of God you trans-
You are in the presence of God the
late them into a volume that becomes
Father and his Son Jesus Christ. known as the Book of Mormon.

As you gain your composure, you ask You discover that this book verifies
the question as to which of all the the truths of the Bible. It establishes
sectsyou should join. the reality of the death, burial, resur-
rection, and teachings of Jesus Christ.
are instructed to join none of
It spells out in detail what a man must
them. You are given other instructions
do to gain salvation, and it offers all
before the great vision closes.
men a simple test to determine
whether or not the volume is true
Great persecution even a test of faith and prayer and
A few days later you recount this
vision to a minister,and to your sur-
prise, he treats the whole thing not The priesthood restored
only lightly but with great contempt. The sacred record speaks of baptism,
Word of the vision
spreads, and you and it becomes evident that divine
undergo great persecution. authority is necessary to carry out di-
few who know you, such as the vine ordinances. In order to fulfill this
farmer for whom you work, stand by part of the restoration, you are visited
you and refer to your experience as by a personage who identifies himself
"the sweet dream of a pure-minded as John the Baptist, who bestows upon
boy." (BYU Studies, Spring 1969, p. you this authority to baptize and per-
235.) form other ordinances of the priesthood
But for the most part you undergo of Aaron.
great persecution and are astonished It is shortly after this that Peter,
that an obscure boy like you between James, and John, angelic beings sent
14 and 15 years of age could be the from God, confer upon you the priest-
object of such bitter persecution and hood of Melchizedek in order that the
especially from men of high standing. full and complete authority to act in
This causes you to say in your heart, the name of God might be restored
Why persecute me for telling the truth? to the earth.
For you had seen a vision, you knew
it,and you knew that God knew it, The Church organized
and you could not deny it, neither
dared you deny it without coming It is on April 6, 1830, at Fayette,
Seneca of New York,
County, State
under the condemnation of God. None-
that you organize The Church of Jesus
theless, the persecution continued.
Christ of Latter-day Saints under divine
Appearance of Moroni
In 1830 you count six original mem-
It is on the evening of the 21st of bers of the Church. One year later
September, 1823, that you are given over 2,000 members attend the second
further divine instructions as an answer annual conference.


As the Church grows, persecution words, "Oh Lord, my God," and fall
grows. You organize in New York, but dead.
persecution soon causes you to remove Yes, your name is Joseph Smith, Jr.,
the headquarters of the Church to Prophet of the living God, and though
Kirtland, Ohio. Finally, as persecution you seal your testimony with your
still follows your beleaguered Saints,
blood, the Church of Jesus Christ goes
you push further toward the frontiers on. Today nearly three million revere
of the growing country, and the you as a prophet, seer, revelator; and
Church is moved to Missouri. thousands each year are added to that
number. You restored the Church and
Building of Nauvoo kingdom of God under the direction
of Jesus Christ.
Ultimately you direct the Saints to
drain a swamp on the Illinois side of
Testimony of Savior
the Mississippi River and build a city,
which at the time is to become larger Your message concerning the Savior
than the city of Chicago Nauvoo is — can be summarized best in your own
its name. words: "And now, after the many testi-
You enjoy peace for a time, and the monies which have been given of him,
worldwide missionary work goes on; this is the testimony, last of all, which

yet the storms of persecution begin to we give of him: That he lives!

gather again. Charges and counter- "For we saw him, even on the right
charges are made. Through the evil hand of God; and we heard the voice
designs of men, you have already been bearing record that he is the Only
arrested 37 times and acquitted each Begotten of the Father
time. "That by him, and through him, and
You are asked to come to Carthage to of him, the worlds are and were cre-
stand trial but are fearful because of ated, and the inhabitants thereof are
the ruthless, unlawful nature of the begotten sons and daughters unto
mobs. Nevertheless, on June 24, 1844, God." (D&C 76:22-24.)
you and several associates set out for I bear my witness to you that Joseph
Carthage. You mention that you are Smith is a prophet of the living God.
going like a lamb to the slaughter, but I bear sacred witness that the power
you are calm as a summer's morning. and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus
You arrive in Carthage, and you are Christ remain in this church. I bear
immediately arrested. The governor of sacred witness that Joseph Fielding-
the state promises you protection, but Smith is a prophet of God today. The
this does not materialize. Lord has spoken, and we have a new
prophet, seer, and revelator. I bear
The martyrdom witness that the Church of Jesus Christ
is led by Jesus Christ. I bear sacred
And now it is a hot, sultry, summer witness that God the Father and his
afternoon, June 27, 1844. A mob as-
Son Jesus Christ live. I know they live.
sembles and storms the jail, bursting I know God lives, in the name of Jesus
past the jailer, firing shots through
the door and through the window.
Christ. Amen. O
Your brother Hyrum is shot dead in
your sight, and one other person is President Joseph Fielding Smith
wounded. You spring to the window
and are struck immediately by three Elder Alvin R. Dyer will be our
shots. You utter your last mortal concluding speaker.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Elder Alvin R. Dyer

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• According to the reckoning of man, dispensation of the gospel of Jesus

we are living in the year of 1970 in Christ.
the twentieth century. According to the 3. That professed
the Christian
prophets who have been given revela- churches then upon the earth did not
tion from God on the subject, we are have the truths in them that were
living in that period of time designated about to be restored.
as the last dispensation, also referred 4. That the professors, or ministers
to as the "dispensation of the fulness thereof, were not in possession of the
of times." divine truths of redemption and there-
The importance period of
of this fore could not teach them.
time, which will be the "finishing or 5. That the people, though claim-
end thereof," can be judged by the ing membership in Christ's church,
words of the Lord unto the Prophet drew near to the Lord with their lips
Joseph Smith on the subject, part of but their hearts were far from him,
which I shall quote: meaning that the sealing ordinances
". for it is necessary in the usher-
. . were not known of.
ing in of the dispensation of the fulness 6. That the so-called Christian
of times, which dispensation is now churches taught for doctrine the com-
beginning to usher in, that a whole mandments of men.
and complete and perfect union, and 7. That they had a form of godli-
welding together of dispensations, and ness but denied the power thereof.
keys, and powers, and glories should
take place, and be revealed from the No vindictive reprisal
days of Adam even to the present time.
And not only this, but those things Each of the declarations which the
which never have been revealed from Lord made to the Prophet Joseph Smith
the foundation of the world. . .
." in the Sacred Grove has far-reaching
(D&C 128:18.)
meaning and is to have full effect upon
the plan of salvation in this final dis-
Truths of salvation restored pensation of the gospel. The answers
which the Lord gave were not a dis-
Some who are not of our conviction paragement of the existing Christian
ask the question, "If, as you say, we are bodies who had departed from the
living in the last dispensation, what
truth, though, as announced by him,
has transpired to bring this period of they were all wrong in teachings and
time upon us?" practices intended to redeem mankind.
The answer primarily concerns a There was no vindictive reprisal an-
restoration of the truths of salvation. It nounced by the Lord against Christian
is now 150 years since the initial event
societies who were using his name,
connected with the unfolding of this some no doubt sincerely, but who were
period transpired. fully unaware of the truth of his per-
In the spring of 1820, God the son and real mission pertaining to the
Father and his Son Jesus Christ ap- plan of salvation as contained in his
peared in a grove of trees near the gospel.
home of Joseph Smith at Palmyra, Truly, among these very societies
New York. This sacred interview re- of Christian believers were many
vealed the following: noble spirits who, upon hearing the
1. The truth about the nature, char- truths of the restoration, were to ac-
acter, personality, and identity of God cept them and abide by the command-
the Father and of his Son Jesus Christ. ments and teachings related to this
2. That he, Joseph Smith, had been important period of the restitution
chosen and foreordained to be the in- of all things. Many of them would
strument of God to establish the last themselves become leaders and promul-


gators of the cause of the restored all necessary keys and powers for the
gospel of Jesus Christ. establishment of Christ's church upon
the earth, the Lord proclaimed the
Glory of last dispensation following revelation to Joseph Smith
as preparations were made for the
As this sacred interview unfolded on
organization of the Church on April 6,
that beautiful spring morning of 1820,
1830, at Fayette, Seneca County, New
the glory of the last dispensation of
mortal time was inaugurated. The
"And gave unto him commandments
truth about the personage of God and
which inspired him;
his Son Jesus Christ and their glorious
"And gave him power from on high,
plan of redemption was once again
by the means which were before pre-
placed upon the threshold of human
pared, to translate the Book of Mor-
understanding. Like unto other great
prophets of ages past, in the pattern
"Which contains a record of a fallen
of God's way, there awaited this earnest
people, and the fulness of the gospel of
young prophet, as also upon subsequent
Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the
divinely appointed occasions, the
Jews also;
revelation of eternal truths from God
"Which was given by inspiration,
necessary for man's salvation and
and confirmed to others by the min-
istering of angels, and is declared unto
The appearance of God the Father the world by them
and his Son Jesus Christ to Joseph
"Proving to the world that the holy
Smith, while giving answer to his sim-
scriptures are true, and that God does
ple faith and prayer, proved to be of
inspire men and call them to his holy
far greater significance than that which
work in this age and generation, as
he could possibly have anticipated, for
well as in generations of old;
the time had come to usher in the
"Thereby showing that he is the
final period of preparation in the cul-
same God yesterday, today, and for-
mination of God's work for his children
ever. Amen.
here upon the earth. Joseph Smith wit-
"Therefore, having so great
was chosen and had been foreordained
nesses, by them shall the world be
to be a prophet and instrument
through whom God would establish judged, even as many as shall hereafter

his kingdom here upon the earth as it come to a knowledge of this work.
had been in former intermittent dis- "And those who receive it in faith,
pensations. But this final one was to be and work righteousness, shall receive a
characterized by even greater truth, crown of eternal life;

for it is the dispensation of the fulness "But those who harden their hearts
of times. It is the depository period
in unbelief, and reject it, it shall turn
when all truths, all laws, all covenants, to their own condemnation." (D&C
all promises made by God our Heav- 20:7-15.)
enly Father in the premortal period
of earth-life preparation, and revealed
Evil forces at work
in part to man at various times in
As the holy scriptures have so
mortality for the redemption and abundantly attested to, the period of
glorification of his spirit children, are
time in which we now live is beset
now to be fully revealed and made with influences and movements in-
available to mankind. The Lord had
tended by the forces of evil to frus-
thus spoken unto the Prophet Joseph trate and to interfere with the forces
Smith. of good and enlightenment that are
associated with a dispensation of the
The same God yesterday, today gospel of Jesus Christ, and especially
and forever this one since it is the last one.
At the end of a ten-year period of in- It is not difficult to detect these evil
struction, commandment, and revela- forces at work and to observe their
tion, together with the conferment of centralization in the human behavioral
Saturday, April 4 First Day

areas, such activities which destroy priesthood that is upon the earth, of
moral and spiritual values. Human be- the prophet of God who is upon the
havior can be noble and lofty, follow- earth who sits upon this stand, and of
ing the patterns which God has given the work that is going forth in this the
us, but when these patterns are mutated last dispensation of time, and I do it
by perspectives of evil that are aimed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
at the destruction of the fundamental
right of agency and spiritual freedom,
the result will be as it ever has been, President Harold B. Lee
that of decay and retrogression.
The conditions of worldwide turbu- The President has asked me to make
the closing statement if I may.
lence and the unrest of today are but
preliminary to the time of devastation Over seventy radio stations will
which the Master, whose glorious broadcast the conference in Spanish
resurrection we particularly recall at Sunday morning to major cities of
this time of year, himself declared will Mexico and Central America, and by
transpire in the sequence of the Lord's satellite to countries of South America,
time, and according to the density of together with Spanish programming
men's wickedness upon the earth. stations in this country to a potential
Latin American audience of 42 million
God's work moves forward
Radio stations in Brazil will broad-
Weare to be assured that even in cast Conference in Portuguese, also by
the midst of turmoil and strife, the loss means of satellite, to a potential Bra-
of faith and hope by many, the ac- zilian audience of 14 million people.
celeration of evil among the masses, For the first time translation in
the plan of God moves relentlessly Japanese will be carried by satellite
forward. The plan of redemption for and heard over radio stations in Japan
those who will accept and live by it is and Okinawa.
operative today upon the earth. The
Arrangements are made for the
way remains open for the repentant
morning sessions of Saturday and Sun-
and seekers of truth; the gospel plan
day to be carried from the Tabernacle
with all its persuasive power can save
over direct oceanic cables to a large
and redeem.
number of Saints assembled in many
The work of God in this crucial chapels throughout Great Britain,
period is going forward in seeking out Germany, France and Austria on Sun-
the righteous and honest in heart day. Direct circuits will also carry
throughout the world. Concerning its these sessions to Saints assembled in
ultimate victory, the Lord directed this chapels throughout eastern Canada.
compelling statement to the Prophet
The CBS Radio Network Tabernacle
Joseph Smith, with the quoting of Choir Broadcast tomorrow morning
which I shall conclude my
will be from 9:35 to 10:00 a.m. Those
"The works, and the designs, and desiring to attend this broadcast must
the purposes of God cannot be frus- be in their seats no later than 9:15
trated, neither can they come to a.m.
The singing for this session has been
"For God
doth not walk in crooked furnished by the Cedar City Institute
paths, neither doth he turn to the right of Religion Chorus under the direc-
hand nor to the left, neither doth he tion of J. Phillip Hanks and Blaine
vary from that which he hath said, Johnson, with Robert Cundick at the
therefore his paths are straight, and organ.
his course is one eternal round.
On behalf of all who have listened
"Remember, remember that it is not to the singing during this session of
the work of God that is frustrated, but the General Conference we express
the work of men." (D&C 3:1-3.) appreciation and our sincere thanks to
I bear testimony of the power of the these young students for the beautiful

music they have rendered. God bless will berelayed by closed-circuit,

them for their desire to serve and to originating in the Tabernacle, to mem-
bring such happiness to others. bers of the Aaronic and Melchizedek
The chorus will now render, "Let Priesthood assembled in approximately
the Mountains Shout for Joy," after 620 separate locations in all parts of the
which the benediction will be offered United States and Canada.
by Elder Don H. Rasmussen, former The choir will now sing.
president of the California Mission.
The general sessions of this confer-
ence will thenadjourned until
10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The Cedar City Institute of Religion
Chorus sang the anthem, "Let the
The Priesthood session will convene
Mountains Shout for Joy."
in the Tabernacle this evening at 7
o'clock. Priesthood members only are The closing prayer was given by
invited to be present. This Priesthood Elder Don H. Rasmussen, former
session will not be. broadcast publicly, president of the California Mission.
but will be broadcast to an overflow The conference was adjourned until
meeting in the Assembly Hall, and 7 p.m.


THIRD SESSION mately 150,000 will be participating

in this meeting by direct wire. This
does not include the 12,000 gathered
The General Priesthood meeting of
the Church convened at 7 o'clock p.m.,
in this building and in the Assembly
Saturday, April 4, 1970, with President
Joseph Fielding Smith presiding. Presi- The singing during this session will
dent N. Eldon Tanner, second coun- be furnished by an Aaronic Priesthood
selor in the First Presidency, conducted chorus of 425 Aaronic Priesthood hold-
the meeting. ers representing 125 wards, with J.
Spencer Cornwall conducting, and
A special Aaronic Priesthood Chorus,
Alexander Schreiner at the organ. I
with J. Spencer Cornwall conducting,
furnished the choral music for this
am sure we all appreciate the great
service that Spencer Cornwall gave in
meeting. Alexander Schreiner was at
directing the Tabernacle Choir, and
the organ console.
the work that he is doing now to pre-
President Tanner made the follow-
pare voices for another Tabernacle
ing introductory statement:
Choir in the future.
We shall begin this service by the
chorus singing, "Joseph Smith's First
President N. Eldon Tanner Prayer," after which Elder Homer S.
Satterfield, former president of the
This is the General Priesthood Meet- North Central States Mission, will
ing of the 140th Annual Conference of offer the invocation.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints.
It may be of interest to you to know
that these services are being relayed The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus sang
by closed-circuit wire to members of the hymn, "Joseph Smith's First
the priesthood gathered in the Assem-
bly Hall and in approximately 620 The opening prayer was offered by
other separate locations from coast to Elder Homer S. Satterfield, former
coast in the United States and in president of the North Central States
Canada. It is estimated that approxi- Mission.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

President Tanner The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus sang

"I Need Thee Every Hour."
The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus will
now sing, "I Need Thee Every Hour,"
following which Elder Boyd K. Packer, President Tanner
Assistant to the Twelve, will be our
first speaker.
That beautiful solo was by Steven
Brother Packer.

Elder Boyd K. Packer

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• Brethren: Tonight I wish to speak to landings at an auxiliary field. At the

the boys and to the young men of the close of the day it was my assignment
Aaronic Priesthood. Before you lies the to take one of the planes across the
path to manhood. It is an uphill valley to the main field.

course uphill all the way. But as you Out of curiosity, I decided to fly
climb, you become ever stronger and over the crash site. It was plainly visi-
rise ever higher. ble from the air. One could see the
spot where the plane had hit, burst into
Foothills of life flames, and skidded across the desert
floor, burning the chaparral in a long,
There are some foothills of life that
almost every young man will climb.
sooty smear. My
curiosity satisfied, I
then headed for the main base.
They are the hills of missionary service,
of military service, of education, and
We had been taught the various
maneuvers: stalls, loops, spins. In order
the highest of them all is the mountain
to lose altitude to enter the landing
of eternal marriage. It will take a
pattern, I decided to put the plane into
lifetime and more to climb, but it will
a practice spin. That is the quickest
lead you literally to celestial heights.
way, of course, to lose altitude.
There are steep and dangerous places
In attempting a recovery from the
along the way, but somehow the paths
spin (perhaps frightened by the
that go around these hills, the easy
thoughts of the accident), I was clumsy
roads, lead downward. All seem to
and over-corrected. Instead of a re-
end in the stagnant swamps of failure. covery, the plane shuddered violently,
stalled, and then flipped over into a
Experience in air force
secondary spin. Never have I known
I'vebeen across the hills of military such panic. I found myself clawing at

service and would like to relate an the controls.

experience to you young men. During I really don't know what happened.
the winter of 1943, World War II was Ithink probably go of the controls.
I let

raging in full intensity. I had enlisted The plane was used heavily as a trainer
in the air force and was assigned to because it had the capacity almost to
Thunderbird Field, near Scottsdale, fly itself if you'd leave it alone. Finally
Arizona. We
were training in open- the plane pulled out in a long, sweep-
cockpit steerman trainers. ing skid, just feet above the desert
One day there was a crash, and one floor.

of our classmates lost his life. Flight I quickly recovered my composure

schedules were immediately intensi- and made a normal landing, with the
fied.This was war and no time to let hope that no one had seen the circus
anyone get jittery. performance!
The cadets in our class had all soloed, No doubt you have had a frightening
and that afternoon found us practicing experience where shock set in after-

wards. Long into the night I experi- Improvement Era and Church News
enced almost the same panic as I had yourself. Pay for it yourself before
in the plane. you leave for military service. Take the
My buddy, a member of the Church responsibility for changing the address
from southern Utah, was sleeping in when you move.
the lower bunk and was awakened by We are asking you to find the
my restlessness. I toldhim what had Church — look for it — it isn't difficult
happened and asked, "What did I do to find.But many have failed because
wrong?" they have waited and waited to be
He then told me that his instructor, —
found and no one knew they were
early in their flight training, had there.
warned them
against just such a There's an old Chinese proverb that
happening. He had
pointed out to says: Man who sits with open mouth
them the singular danger of a secondary waiting for roast duck to fly in has
spin. He had taken each of his students long hunger I

up and demonstrated how to recover

should it happen. This training, this Pre-service orientation
warning, had insured him against mor-
Yesterday we delivered to each of
tal danger.
the Regional Representatives of the
There arose in me an intense resent-
Twelve a kit of materials with all of
ment for my instructor. Why hadn't
the necessary instructions to hold a
he told us? Another second or two in

that spin, and well, you would have
pre-service Church orientation for
every member of the Church entering
been spared listening to me. His
military service. He was given a re-
negligence as an instructor had come
corder, tapes, instructional manuals,
that close to costing me my life.
and supplies.
Responsibility of leaders We're happy to announce to you that
within the next few weeks in every
Great responsibility upon those
rests area of the Church where there is a
of us who are leaders and teachers and need, this pre-service orientation will
instructors in the Church. Against the be held regularly, so that a young man
possibility that one of you, if unwarned, going into military service will receive
may, as you
enter military service, about three hours of important in-
spiritually falter, or stall, or spiritually struction.
"spin-in," a wonderful program has
been prepared. It will see you safely Helps for home teacher
through the adventure of military
Your home teacher plays a vital role
in this program. Be sure you keep him
We regard you as the finest genera-
informed of your plans. He in turn can
tion of young men the Church has ever
advise you when this orientation ses-
known. I have heard the Brethren
sion will be held. He can even assist
comment on experiences of exceptional
in arranging transportation for you.
inspiration with our teen-agers and
college-age youth.
To help the home teacher, there is
a series of brochures printed on a num-
ber of subjects. Among nearly a dozen
Responsibility of servicemen
titles in print is this brochure: Sugges-

We have great confidence in you. tions to Priesthood Home Teachers —

Will you help us take care of you and 'What Can I Do to Help a Boy Enter-
assistus with your buddies? We'll do ing or Serving in the Military Service.'
all we can to meet you at every cross- On the front cover is the statement:
road with guidance and help. If you "One of my
families has a boy in the
will volunteer before you leave home service and another boy who is about
to be active and to help with the less to be drafted. I'd like to help these
active, much of the battle will have boys."
been won. As the home teacher opens the cover,
We ask that you subscribe for The there are important suggestions for
Saturday, April 4 First Day
him. Every home teacher in the Church The home teachers must be alert and
should have one of these brochures, notify the bishop in order that every
and for that matter, the other brochures young man leaving for military service,
also. The bishop or his executive secre- though it be for six months' national
tary can order them from Church guard training, can be invited to speak
Distribution. Pretty expensive, though in a sacrament meeting.
—they cost 2c apiece. Some of you who have served mis-
sions have had your temple endow-
Other phases of military relations
ments. There will be a question in
your minds on the wearing of the
Did you know that the executive temple garment while serving in the
secretary in the ward and stake, whose military service. The bishop of your
major assignment is home teaching, ward, or the president of your branch,
has been appointed adviser to the has a letter of instruction for you. In
bishopric and stake presidency on the interview that he has with every
military relations? You can see the man leaving for military service, you
correlation in operation there. It's his will be invited to read the letter. It will
job to see that the bishop or stake answer your questions concerning this
president knows of every man leaving important matter.
for military service —
even if it is just
to summer camp. Blessings of the Church
Another major phase of the program
begins as soon as you enter the service.
The First Presidency has declared
our determination "in obeying, honor-
When you are at basic training, there ing, and sustaining the law" and has
will be a special course of instruction,
teaching you how to find the Church
stated, "We believe our young men
should hold themselves in readiness to
in the military service; the wise use of
respond to the call of their government
leisure time; how to conduct meetings;
to serve in the armed forces."
your missionary opportunities; and a
Great effort is being put forth so that
number of other things. Perhaps you'll
ifyou are called to serve in the mili-
be fortunate enough to be stationed
tary,you may have the blessings of
where we have a Latter-day Saint
chaplain. Presently we have 30 on
advancement in the Church similar
to the blessings you would have in
active duty.
We have young men serving in mili-

tary service frommany countries in the

world. This program is prepared so
Lesson from experience
that it may be adapted to meet the In conclusion I return again to the
circumstances in every country. experience mentioned in the beginning.
I resented my instructor because he had
A second mission
failed in his duty to warn me of a
Some of you will have served full- mortal danger. The next few days I
time missions prior to entering military wasn't very good at flying. I was tense
service. In that case, this service can and tied up and frightened. After a
be like a second mission. particularly bad flight, my instructor
Many of the mission fields of the said, "What's the matter with you,
Church have been opened by service- Packer? You're no good at this. Why
men — in fact, all of them in Asia. can't you loosen up? You keep this up
These have been the result of Latter- and we're going to wash you right out
day Saint servicemen living exemplary of the program." I was afraid to tell
lives. him what was the matter. And then
Before you go into military service, he said, "I have a special assignment
each of you will be invited to speak for you this weekend. I want you to
in a sacrament meeting. In fact, your go into Phoenix and get right good and
bishops have been instructed to regard drunk. You go get loosened up and
you much the same as they would a relax, and we can maybe make a pilot
man departing for the mission field. of you."

You'd have to know how much I confidence. There came an assurance

wanted those silver wings to know that has sustained me ever since.
what a trial that became. I could see It was in the military service that I

the thing that I then wanted more than came to know for sure that Jesus is the
any other thing on earth slipping away Christ, that Joseph Smith is a prophet
from me. There was a great tempta- of God, that there stands at the head
tion to follow his advice. To imbibe of the Church a prophet of God, and
in those spirits would loosen me up, he that our Father in heaven will hear
thought, and restore the confidence I and answer prayers and sustain us as
had lost. But those spirits are counter- we answer the call to enter military
feit spirits. They lift you, to drop you service. Of this I bear testimony in the
all the lower. name of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
Spiritual restoration President N. Eldon Tanner
Wedid go to Phoenix that weekend,
but we sought the other kind of spirit Elder S. Dilworth Young of the First
in association with brethren in the Council of Seventy will now address
priesthood and with members of the us, and he will be followed by Bishop
Church in worship service. There came John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop
an inspiration and a restoration of of the Church.

Elder S. Dilworth Young

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• I shall begin by quoting a scripture urban. They gathered to Zion. Today

that you all know
very well: wc do not gather. Converts are en-
"Therefore, every man stand in
let couraged to build the Church in their
his own office, and labor in his own home districts; and so we stress prose-
calling; and let not the head say unto lyting in ever-widening concentric
the feet it hath no need of the feet; for circles with the meetinghouse as a
without the feet how shall the body be center. Where once the missionaries
able to stand?" (D&C 84:109.) had no help from the ward or branch,
The scriptures declaring the prime its auxiliaries or its people, now the
importance and necessity of the seven- whole stake missionary system is
ties' being in the missionary service are organized around the wards and
clear and to the point. I shall give you branches, their buildings and their
but one example: people, to work within the framework
"The Seventy are to act in the name of priesthood correlation.
of the Lord, under the direction of the Where once members helped mis-
Twelve or the traveling high council, sionaries by giving them meals, now
in building up the church and regu- members are the best sources of find-
lating all the affairs of the same in all ing people to whom the missionaries
nations, first unto the Gentiles and might teach the gospel. Because of the
then to the Jews." (D&C 107:34.) growth of the Church, we can correlate
the vast missionary system with the
Stake missionary system wards and stakes and use these units
to accelerate and implement our prose-
However, the application of the
lyting purposes.
missionary program of the Church
changes as generations and conditions
Ward proselyting program
change. For example, we stressed the
doctrine of gathering in a previous There have been great changes in the
generation, so it did not matter much organization of our units. Where once
where converts were made, rural or the bishop had inadequate help and
Saturday, April 4 First Daij

felt no responsibility missionary

for presidency should be included among
work, now
the whole missionary pro- the presidents of the quorum of the
gram centers in the bishop and his seventy. It would be expected that this
helpers in the highly functional meet- mission presidency would be chosen
inghouse and well-organized auxiliary from the best available seventies or
programs. How, then, can the prose- elders. If elders, they would be or-
lyting purposes of the Lord be best dained seventies and placed in the
served in our present situation, keeping quorum presidency. In those stakes
in mind the special calling of the where the nonmember population is so
seventies? Here are some suggestions: large that the members of the stake
1. Have seventies presidents serve as mission presidency would have their
group leaders. The presidents of the time fully taken with the work of
quorums of seventy should be so se- proselyting, they should be excused
lected that, as nearly as possible, they from group leadership. The quorum
can serve as group leaders in their presidents should then recommend
wards. Remember that all the mission- group leaders from among the mem-
ary work in a stake is done in its wards. bers of the group, and after approval
Certainly the seventy presidents should of the stake presidency, should install
direct the missionary work of their own them. These group leaders should
quorum members in the wards in co- meet with the quorum council on a
operation, of course, with the bishops. regular basis to correlate the work of
2. Implement effective methods for
the quorum in all wards.
finding investigator families. The ef- 4. Enlist aid of auxiliary organiza-
fort to find prospective converts usually tions. The seventy group leader would
takes up to 80 percent of a missionary's be expected to lead out with suggestions
time in any mission. Fifty years ago it to the ward auxiliary leaders about
took from 90 to 100 percent. I as a correlating their programs to assist in
missionary spent a hundred percent of finding prospective members. These
my time finding people. The seventies programs may also be of great help
in the quorum are living in the various in preparing people for baptisms if they
wards and should be the backbone of are used with wisdom. I do not have
the finding program in each ward. At time to give an illustration of that
all times each seventy and his family particular point.
should be making friends with and 5. Understand functions of mission-
warming up two or more families of ary work in a stake. Missionary work is
nonmembers. divided into three main functions:
Furthermore, because of the every- a. Finding. The objective of "every
member-a-missionary program of the member a missionary" makes every
Church, each home teacher should be member responsible for finding inves-
urging the families under his care to tigators and for preparing them to
find and make friends with non- receive the missionary lessons. To pre-
member families also. He should also pare the members for this important
teach his families the techniques to function is the duty of the home
help them cultivate these nonmember teachers serving those members, who
families. The group leader of the should, themselves, be prepared with
seventy who is the ward missionary helps and guides by the seventies group
representative should be alert to this leader.
need in the whole ward and keep the b. Teaching. The stake and full-
bishop not only informed, but help time missionaries are responsible for
him to acquaint the other ward priest- teaching the gospel to those whom the
hood groups with methods whereby finders have made ready. This centers
they also can assist in this great find- in the presentation of the lessons with
ing program. such additional or preliminary discus-
3. Use correlation principles in quo- sions as circumstances may warrant.
rum organization. To make missionary c. Fellow ship ing. This is the re-
correlation effective in the wards of the sponsibility of the home teachers. It
stake, it follows that the stake mission might be well to assign seventies to

these new families to help orient them, relate their efforts through the ward
preferably the same seventies who executive committee to bring this about.
helped to convert them. On the stake level, the quorum coun-
cil should invite the attendance of
Responsibility of seventies full-time mission district and zone
leaders when correlating missionary
One of the great responsibilities of
work in the stake.
home teachers is to convert the non-
members in the part-member families. Do you not see, my
brethren of the
seventies, that when the great majority
These teachers should be seventies
where available. With these families, of all missionary work is devoted to

the seventies can use their missionary

finding people and persuading them to
finding techniques to good advantage. listen —and you are charged with that
Missionary work may be done by —
finding you are for all practical pur-
poses the stake mission. The other
priesthood holders other than seven-
smaller percentage, and the very im-
and by women,
ties but the chief
responsibility rests on the seventies.

portant percentage the teaching is —
yours as soon as you will qualify your-
The stake president has the basic selves for that part. Some of you are
responsibility for the successful opera-
now qualified. The members of the
tion of the missionary work in the
mission presidency are your leaders.
stake. This missionary work is admin-
istered through the stake priesthood
Experience in rounding-up cattle
executive committee and the stake cor-
relation council, with the high coun- Many years ago I worked for a period
cilor assigned to work with the of time on a cow ranch, at the art of
seventies and the stake mission serving working with cattle. I was a cow-
as adviser to the stake president on puncher. In a corral set to one side
missionary matters. was a fine-looking, pureblood horse
The bishop with a well-cared-for coat, pared hoofs,
has the responsibility
for successful operation of missionary
and combed mane and tail. He was
the pride of the boss, who rode him
work in the ward, including the fellow-
shiping of new converts. Missionary when he went on fence inspection or
work in the ward is administered in rodeo parades in town. There came
through the ward priesthood executive a day, however, when there was an
committee and the ward council, with emergency. He had to ride after cattle,
the seventies group leader as adviser and he had to use this horse. For an
to the bishop on missionary matters. hour and a half the horse led the
roundup and then, all lather, sweat,
and foam, gave out and could not be
Missionary correlation meetings
pushed another step. The rattail
In wards where full-time mission- cayuses of the other punchers, hardened
aries are working, the seventies group and toughened from daily, hard driv-
leader should hold a ward missionary ing, easily passed the pureblood horse.
correlation meeting. It might well be The sad thing is that the pureblood
attended by all stake and full-time had more real quality than the range
missionaries working in the ward area. horses, butby nonuse was soft muscled
In every ward it should be deter- and had no endurance. Had he been
mined how many possible investigators used, learned to dodge gopher holes,
are available to be taught, and then a rushed pell-mell downhill, over and
program should be set up which will through brush, been skinned and
cause, so far as possible, an even flow bumped, fallen down, gotten up, been
of investigators for the stake and full- toughened by adversity and some
time missionaries. Families who are he would have outworked and
cultivating nonmembers under the in- outdistanced the other horses.
spiration of their home teachers, and The moral is clear, I suppose. Don't
seventies who are engaged in the pro- leave your cow horses in the corral or
gram for finding families, should cor- hitch them to wagons doing other
Saturday, April 4 First Day

things if you want them to find and his counselors are also called of God.
round up the cattle. They have not only my
support, but
I testify that the Lord has spoken in also they have my deep and abiding
this day and has given us the precious love. In the name of Jesus Christ.
charge of preaching the gospel to the Amen. O
world under the direction of the First
Presidency and the Twelve. I sustain President N. Eldon Tanner
them with all my heart, and the First
Council sustains them with all its Bishop John H. Vandenberg, Pre-
heart.I bear my witness that President siding Bishop of the Church, will now
Joseph Fielding Smith is the chosen speak to us, and he will be followed
successor to President McKay, and that by Elder Henry D. Taylor.

Bishop John H. Vandenberg

Presiding Bishop

• My along with your hearts,

heart, a regret." These sad words were writ-
I am sure, has been softened tonight ten over a hundred years ago, but
by hearing these wonderful boys, their delusions are still with us. Webster
sweet, mellow voices. And I want to defines delusion as "something accepted
tell them that they may consider them- as true or real that is actually false or
selves to be successful. I think back on unreal."
something I read a few years ago. It Abraham Lincoln gave an example
was published in Washington, D. C. of delusion when he asked on one oc-
They had had a spelling bee, and a casion: "How manylegs would a sheep
young man had won the spelling bee. have if we
called the tail a leg?" When
Immediately thereafter a reporter went the answer, "Five," was given, he cor-
up to him and said, "Now, young man, rected it by explaining that just calling
to what do you attribute your suc- the tail a leg didn't make it one.
cess?" And he came right back and The dean of students of a western
he said, "To my wonderful, overbear- university prepared a list of what he
ing mother." calls the ten delusions of youth. At the
top of his list is the delusion that
Delusions of youth "there is no eternal truth." The dean
claims that many youth today have
I wonder tonight how many mothers
been misled into believing that there
have been associated with these boys
is no eternal truth, because they are
in having them come to their practices.
deceived. They assume everything
A boy and a mother can reach every changes, including the nature of man
goal they try for. Perhaps that is the
and the Ten Commandments. This de-
key to success. But what happens when
lusion may come from seeing a world
a boy is left alone? I believe we might
moving so fast that it seems impossible
get the sad story from the words of
to find stability.
Benjamin Disraeli, who at 22 wrote
these words:
Many kinds of eternal truth
"The disappointment of manhood
succeeds to the delusion of youth. Let There are many kinds of eternal
us hope that the heritage of old age truth,and all are important. When
is not despair." Thus he seemed to God releases truth to the earth, it is
recognize that when one's life is built available to all, and discovery is al-
upon delusion, or false belief, it will most simultaneous in many advanced
only bring grief. Eighteen years later, scientific nations. Evidences of such
at age 40, he recorded: "Youth is a physical truths are all about us, prob-
blunder; manhood a struggle; old age ably one of the most obvious being the

electric light, discovered by Thomas A. planted in the heart of every man the
Edison by going through certain physi- longing to inquire and to know.
cal processes.Edison was acclaimed a ". seek, and ye shall find; knock,
. .

genius at incorporating true scientific and it shall be opened unto you."

principles in practical devices. An (Matt. 7:7.)
excerpt from the New York Times in
September 1882 describes the early use An all-consuming desire
of "Edison's Electric Lamp" as follows:
The late John A. Widtsoe said: "A
"It was not until about 7 o'clock,
Sunday wish will not suffice. It must
when it began to grow dark, that the
be an all-consuming, consistent de-
electric light really made itself known sire." God has been very generous in
and showed how bright and steady it calling on youth when revealing his
is. Then the 27 electric lamps in the truths. Consider Samuel, who, as a
editorial rooms and the 25 lamps in
youngster, when God called him, an-
the counting-rooms made those depart-
swered, "Speak, [Lord] ; for thy servant
ments as bright as day, but without heareth." (1 Sam. 3:10.) This was his
any unpleasant glare. It was a light introduction to a knowledge that God
that a man could sit down under and lives and was the beginning of his
write for hours without the conscious-
noble, prophetic life.
ness of having any artificial light about
Consider Nephi, who, in his young
him. the light was soft, mellow,
. . .

years, said to his father, "I will go and

and grateful to the eye without a . . .

do the things which the Lord hath

particle of flickerand with scarcely
commanded. ..." (1 Ne. 3:7.) Nephi
any heat to make the head ache."
gained a knowledge far greater than
Light of spiritual truth most men achieve. His whole life was
that of a prophet.
What a marvelous invention! What Consider Jesus, at the age of 12,
a great light this was, compared to the
discussing truth with the learned men
gas lights of earlier days. And yet this in the temple, astounding them. When
artificial light, or any other of the
approached by his parents, he said,
millions of physical scientific advance- ". . wist ye not that I must be about

ments, cannot compare to the living my Father's business?" (Luke 2:49.)

light of eternal, spiritual truth.
Said one man: "It matters nothing Saul of Tarsus
that the Greeks counted the stars in
the thousands, we the galaxies in the Consider Saul of Tarsus, a young
millions. The human heart, its needs man who was misled and erroneously
and longings, have always been the convinced that the Christians should
same." To know
the truth. Changes be destroyed. He took up the chase
will come through discovery and re- but was interrupted by Jesus' appearing
search of temporal things, but let us to him in a vision on the road to
not confuse such temporal changes with Damascus, that he might know the
the consistency of eternal truth. truth. Then, knowing the truth, he
Truth is eternal, since God is the lost no time in preparing himself for
the ministry. Standing in the midst of
source of truth.

In his answer to
Thomas' inquiry "Lord, we know not Mars Hill, he said, "Ye men of Athens,
whither thou goest; and how can we I perceive that in all things ye are too

know the way?" Jesus said, "I am the superstitious.
"For as passed by, and beheld your
way, the truth, and the life. ." . .

(John 14:5-6.) devotions, I found an altar with this

You see, Jesus is the authority on inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN
truth and life, and he wants each of us GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly
to make inquiry. He wants youth to worship, him declare I unto you."
know how things really are, how they (Acts 17:22-23.)
came to be as they are, how they will be Paul, formerly Saul, continued his
in the future. This is no different from ministry for about 28 years, and in his
the youth of yesteryear. God has letter to Timothy he wrote: "For I am
Saturday, April 4 First Day

now ready and the time

to be offered, you to his ministry. He has faith in
of mydeparture is at hand. you. He trusts you not only to do your
"I have fought a good fight, I have duty, but also to set the right example
finished my course, I have kept the to the young ladies with whom you
faith." (2 Tim. 4:6-7.) associate. He has given you his power
on earth, the same power by which
Joseph Smith's search for truth this earth and other worlds were
Consider Joseph Smith, who at 14 created; the same power by which the
found the source of all knowledge when waters of the Red Sea were parted;
he read from James, "If any of you the same power by which Elijah
lack wisdom, let him ask of God. ." . .
sealed the heavens so that no rain fell
(Jas. 1:5.) upon the earth; the same power by
It was in search of truth that Joseph, which Jesus gave sight to the blind,
150 years ago, knelt in a grove of trees legs to the lame, and new life to the
to pray. Joseph came from a religious dead. This is the truth that you should
family and had studied the Bible, but —
seek after to know God and his plan
the several denominations of churches of eternal life.
interpreted the scripture so differently
Truth can change people
that he found it impossible to deter-
mine which was right. Remember —people cannot change
Joseph expected and hoped to truth, but truth can change people.
learn in answer to his sincere prayer You will experience this as you con-
for knowledge was that either the tinue in your ministry.
Baptist, the Methodist, the Presby- Prepare yourselves to declare the
terian, or some other religion he was gospel to the nations of the earth. You
acquainted with was true. The reve- will witness the change that takes
lation that he received was totally place in the lives of those who listen
unexpected and overpowering. But he to your testimonies. Missionaries live
could not deny it, for it came directly with these experiences and love them.
from God and his Son Jesus Christ. As Many young people, and particularly
a result of that humble inquiry, God those who bear the priesthood, are
reestablished his kingdom on earth missionaries at home, among their as-
with the attendant authority to admin- sociates, mainly by the way they live.
ister its beginning with the
affairs, Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word,
restoration Aaronic Priesthood
of the then are ye my disciples indeed; And
by John the Baptist as he spoke these ye shall know the truth, and the truth
words to Joseph Smith and Oliver shall make you free." (John 8:31-32.)
Cowdery: "Upon you my fellow Latter-day Saints are not misled. We
servants, in the name of Messiah I con- have the Bible. Wehave the Book of
fer the Priesthood of Aaron, which Mormon. We have the book of mod-
holds the keys of the ministering of ern revelations known as the Doctrine
angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great
and of baptism by immersion for the Price. Each of us has the privilege and
remission of sins; and this shall never responsibility of communicating direct-
be taken again from the earth, until ly with our Father in heaven through
the sons of Levi do offer again an prayer. We
have a living prophet who
offering unto the Lord in righteous- receives revelation from God in this
ness." (D&C 13.) day to guide us in this fast-moving
world. Always follow the leadership
Aaronic Priesthood bearers of the First Presidency and the Breth-
And now us consider youth
let ren, and you need not fear the delu-
today. There a body of young men,
is sions of today.
186,000 plus, who have been ordained
and who now bear the Aaronic Priest- Another delusion
hood. Many of these young men are Some young people are carried away
within this vast audience tonight. God by another delusion and cry: "My life
has confidence in you and has called is my ownl" Your life is not really

your own. It was givenyou by your

to happened without a designer, hap-
earthly parents, as well as by your —
pened by sheer, blind accident such a
heavenly parents. And when you act person believes in a miracle far more
contrary to the wishes of your earthly astounding than any in the Bible. To
and heavenly parents, there is sorrow. regard man, with his arts and aspira-
Hearts of parents everywhere were tions, his awareness of himself and of
touched by the anguished cry of a his universe, his emotions and his
governor of one of our states whose morals, his very ability to conceive an
son was arrested for stealing. This idea so grand as that of God, to regard
man said, in speaking at a PTA meet- this creature as merely a form of life
ing, that there is no greater blessing somewhat higher on the evolutionary
that parents can have than to have all ladder than the others, is to create
their children living good lives. "If questions more profound than those
you have that great blessing," he said, answered." (Reader's Digest, March
"you should thank God every day of 1970, p. 55.)
your lives." All good parents feel this Be not deluded, brethren; know that
way about their children. David Klein, truth is eternal. Believe in God. And
in an article entitled "Is There a Sub- be eternally grateful that God believes
stitute for God?" printed in the Reader's in you. To this truth I testify in the
Digest, says: "And yet the questions name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
remain. Anyone who can contemplate
the eye of a housefly, the mechanics of
human finger movement, the camou- President N. Eldon Tanner
flage of a moth, or the building of
every kind of matter from variations in Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to
arrangement of proton and electron, the Council of the Twelve, will now
and then maintain that all this design address us.

Elder Henry D. Taylor

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• My beloved brethren, bearers of the once again. They pointed out that it
Holy Priesthood: was the aim of the Church not only to
I appreciate the opportunity of take care of the people, when and if
speaking to you concerning the Welfare necessary, but also to help the people
Plan of the Church. I would like to "to help themselves." And finally,
present what I consider to be some of they expressed hope that the principle
the fundamental principles of this of work would be so emphasized as to
program. assure its reenthronement as a ruling
principle in the lives of the church
Reason for establishing membership.
Welfare Plan
It will be observed that idleness is
In announcing the plan, the First denounced and work is glorified in this
Presidency explained the reason for its announcement. The Lord intended
establishment, stating that it was their that man should work and not be idle.
desire to set up a system whereby un- To our forefather, Adam, he said: "In
desirable practices and procedures the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
would be eliminated. Idleness, which bread, till thou return unto the
they branded as a curse, would be done ground." (Gen. 3:19.) Later the Lord
away with; a dole, which they classi- said to the Church on February 9, 1831:
fied evil, would be not only abolished, "Thou shalt not be idle; for he that is
but virtues such as independence, idle shall not eat the bread nor wear
thrift, industry, and self-respect would the garments of the laborer." (D&C
also be established among the people 42:42.)
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Basic principle of Church welfare provide for himself should then look
to his family for assistance. No person
It a basic principle of Church
should become a charge upon the pub-
welfare that the responsibility for one's
lic welfare or the Church as long as
own economic maintenance rests (1) his relatives are able to care for him.
upon himself, for the world does not All Church members should accept the
owe him a living, (2) upon his family, responsibility, insofar as they are able,
and (3) upon the Church, if he is a to care for the needy among their own
faithful member thereof. (Welfare kin. The apostle Paul understood and
Handbook.) taught this doctrine in these words:
The Welfare Program stands ready "But if any provide not for his own,
to help those who cannot help them-
and specially for those of his own
selves or who cannot obtain sufficient
house, he hath denied the faith, and
aid from family members, but no is worse than an infidel." (1 Tim.
Latter-day Saint should anticipate that
5:8.) A member of the First Presidency
anyone, other than himself, will pro- once aptly declared: "I think my food
vide for his own needs. would choke me if I knew that while
I could procure bread, my aged father
Preparation to meet needs
and mother or near kin were on public
Each of us might profitably ask our- relief."
selves the question: "What can I do Key figure in Welfare Plan
to preparation to care for my own
needs?" Among other things we could When a person is unable to provide

do are these: for himself, and his family, likewise, is

Secure an adequate education.
1. unable to assist him, he may then turn
Learn a trade or profession that will to his bishop, who represents the
enable us to obtain steady, remunera- Church; and if he meets the necessary
tive employment sufficient to care for requirements, he may receive assistance.
ourselves and our families. The bishop, father of the ward, is
2. Live strictly within our income, responsible for the spiritual and tem-
and save something for "a rainy day." poral well-being of every member of
3. Avoid excessive debt. Necessary his ward. He is the key figure in the
debt should be incurred only after Welfare Plan. It is his duty, and his
careful thought, prayer, and getting all only, to determine who shall receive
the best advice possible. We
would Church assistance and to what extent.
keep well within our ability to repay. The Lord has given him this mandate.
Wisely, we have been counseled to
"avoid debt as a plague." Major resources
4. Acquire and store a reserve of The bishop has two
at his disposal
food that will sustain life; acquire major resources from which to draw in
clothing; and build a savings account his responsibility of caring for the
on a sensible, well-planned basis that poor:
could serve us well in times of emer- 1. Commodities that are placed in
gency. the bishops storehouses. These com-
Church members should be self- modities generally are produced on
sustaining to the extent of their own agricultural projects and processed in
powers. No true Latter-day Saint will, canneries owned by the members of
while physically able, voluntarily shift wards and stakes. The agricultural
from himself to others the burden of projects and canneries are referred to as
his own support. So long as he can, "permanent welfare projects."
under the inspiration of the Almighty 2. The other major resource at the
and with his own strength and labor, disposal of the bishop is the fast-
he will supply himself with the neces- offering funds. These contributions
sities of life. come from members of the Church
who abstain from two meals each
Assistance by family
month and pay to the bishop the
A Church member who is unable to equivalent cost of these meals or a

generous contribution in cash. The to call all members in- of his ward,
bishop uses these funds to provide for cluding high priests, seventies, elders,
the cash needs of welfare recipients and priests, teachers, and deacons. None
to pay rent, utilities, hospital, and is exempt.
medical bills.
Concern for the poor
Opposition to a dole From the very beginning the Lord
One of the features that distinguishes has constantly shown deep concern for
the Church Welfare Plan from all the poor; and in the instructions re-
other relief programs is the requirement garding the Law of Consecration, he
that those physically able are urged expressed again his concern for the
and expected to work within the limits needy when he said: "I, the Lord,
of their ability for the Church assis- stretched out the heavens, and built the
tance they may receive. The Church earth, my very handiwork; and all
is strongly opposed to a dole of any things therein are mine.
kind, which is interpreted to mean re- "And it is my purpose to provide for
ceiving something and giving nothing my saints, for all things are mine.
in return. We shun hand-outs or "But it must needs be done in mine
gratuities. own way. . .
." (D&C 104:14-16.)
It is my
testimony, brethren, and I
Priesthood assistance bear it Welfare Pro-
to you, that the
There are many ways that we as gram is the Lord's way of providing
holders of the priesthood can assist the for his needy Saints in this our day.
bishop in his welfare responsibilities: It is an inspired plan that has come as

It is the privilege and duty of you revelation through the Holy Ghost to
deacons to visit the homes of the mem- our Prophet, the Lord's mouthpiece,
bers of the ward each month and re- here upon the earth. To this I testify,
ceive their fast-offering contributions, in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
which are turned over to the bishop. Amen. O
As you home teachers visit your as-
signed families, you can be alert to President N. Eldon Tanner
discover any illness, unemployment, or
emergency that might result in need Brother J. Spencer Cornwall will
for Church assistance. now lead the chorus and congregation
The members of priesthood quorums in singing, "Praise to the Man."
or groups should assist the bishop in
the production of materials for the use
of the bishop in carrying out their The congregation then sang the
storehouse program. In meeting this hymn, 'Praise to the Man."
responsibility, the bishop has the right

President N. Eldon Tanner

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

• President Smith, who is presiding at God; and to hear the lovely singing we
this meeting and all through the con- have had this evening, and the fine
ference, has asked me to conduct, and talks to which we have listened, thrills
he has now asked me to say a few words me and inspires me more and more.
to you this evening.
The power of God
I am always thrilled and inspired
when I meet with the priesthood of priesthood is the power by which
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- all thingswere created and the power
day Saints, which is the priesthood of by which God has done those things

Saturday, April A first Day

about which Bishop Vandenberg spoke gradually failed to magnify his priest-
this evening; but for us as individuals, hood and moved away from activity in
it is the power of God that has been the Church. As a result, a man who
delegated to us to act in his name in has been very active loses his testimony
the office which we hold. And it is and the Spirit of the Lord withdraws
a great privilege, a great blessing, and from him, and he begins to criti-
a great responsibility to have that cize those in authority, and to persecute
priesthood bestowed upon us. the saints, apostatize, and fight against

Sometimes our young men feel they God.

should have the priesthood when they We words of the Lord
also find these
in the Doctrine and Covenants: "The
reach the respective ages for ordina-
tion as deacons, teachers, and priests,
Holy Ghost shall be thy constant
regardless of their situation as to their
companion, and thy scepter an un-
activity or how they are living. They
changing scepter of righteousness and
truth; and thy dominion shall be an
should realize what a great privilege
everlasting dominion, and without com-
it is to hold that priesthood. When a
person receives it, he takes upon him- pulsory means it shall flow unto thee

self a very heavy responsibility.

forever and ever" (D&C 121:46)—that
is, if we magnify our priesthood.

Many called but few chosen Oath and covenant of priesthood

should like to read just a few words
I I am sure all of you have read the

to you, taken from the Doctrine and oath and covenant of the priesthood,
Covenants: and have heard it many times. To me
"Behold, there are many called, but it is very important.
few are chosen. And why are they not "For whoso is faithful unto the ob-
chosen? taining these two priesthoods of which
"Becausetheir hearts are set so I have spoken, and the magnifying their
much upon the things of this world, calling, are sanctified by the Spirit
and men, that
aspire to the honors of unto the renewing of their bodies.
they do not learn this one lesson "They become the sons of Moses and
"That the rights of the priesthood of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and
are inseparably connected with the the church and kingdom, and the elect
powers of heaven, and that the powers of God.
of heaven cannot be controlled nor
"And also all they who receive this
handled only upon the principles of priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;
"For he that receiveth my servants
"That they may be conferred upon receiveth me;
us, it is true; but when we undertake to
"And he that receiveth me receiveth
cover our sins, or to gratify our pride,
my Father;
our vain ambition, or to exercise con-
trol or dominion or compulsion upon "And he that receiveth my Father
the souls of the children of men, in any receiveth my Father's kingdom; there-
degree of unrighteousness, behold, the fore all that my Father hath shall be

heavens withdraw themselves; the given unto him." (D&C 84:33-38.)

Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when I should like to emphasize that these
it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood blessings are promised to those who
or the authority of that man. magnify their priesthood every day in
"Behold, ere he is aware, he
is left
every way.
unto himself, to kick against the pricks, "And this is according to the oath
to persecute the saints, and to fight and covenant which belongeth to the
against God." (D&C 121:34-38.) priesthood.
I interpret that as referring to those "Therefore, all those who receive the
who fail to magnify their priesthood, or priesthood, receive this oath and cove-
who use it as it should not be used. nant of my Father, which he cannot
I know of many cases where a man has break, neither can it be moved.

"But whoso breaketh this covenant sisters, Every sister should look
after he hath received it, and alto- to a brother who holds the priesthood,
gether turneth therefrom, shall not whether he is 12 years of age or older,
have forgiveness of sins. ." (D&C
. . and she has a right to expect in him a
84:39-41.) living example of what the priesthood
The Lord says here that he cannot should be, and to look to him for
break his covenant, but if we break strength and counsel and direction and
ours, there is no promise. to feel safe with him. Every sweetheart
"Wherefore, now let every man learn should be able to depend entirely on a
his duty, and to act in the office in young man holding the priesthood who
which he is appointed, in all diligence. is going out with her. She should be
"He that is slothful shall not be able to feel he would do anything, even
counted worthy to stand, and he that to the giving of his life, to protect her
learns not his duty and shows himself womanhood and her virtue, and would
not approved shall not be counted never think of depriving her of it, if
worthy to stand. Even so. Amen." he is magnifying his priesthood; and
(D&C 107:99-100.) he will not be tempted if he is think-
"Therefore, blessed are ye if ye con- ing of the priesthood that he holds
tinue in mygoodness, a light unto the and the responsibility that he has.
Gentiles, and through this priesthood,
a savior unto my people Israel. The Strength to act
Lord hath said it." (D&C 86:11.) I should like to read to you just a

paragraph from a letter that I received

Leadership to give direction yesterday to show the importance of
We are living in a troubled world, living the principles of the gospel and
as has been pointed out several times magnifying our priesthood. So many
this day; and the world has reason to of our men believe, but haven't the
and every right to expect some leader- courage or the strength to act. If we
ship somewhere to give direction and could all realize the effect we have on
understanding of where to go and what our associates when we live the gospel
to do. People need to understand that teachings, I am sure we would all do
there is a purpose in life and what better. This letter comes from a suc-
that purpose is, and they have every cessful lawyer in Los Angeles whom I
reason to look to the priesthood of God, know fairly well, and he wrote just to
which is what you brethren have. give me this message:
You cannot realize and appreciate "As weeks tumble into months and
the influence priesthood in this
the I become engrossed in the fascinating
Church could have on the whole world practice of law, occasionally there
if every man would magnify his priest- comes across the spectrum of this activ-
hood. Brethren, the priesthood, if mag- ity a person who is noticeably excep-
nified, is a stabilizing influence and tional. have just completed a case

strength. It should be. Every wife and in which my adversary was a young
mother has a perfect right and responsi- man who exemplified the finest quali-
bility to look to her husband who holds ties of technical craftsmanship wedded
the priesthood for guidance, for to moral and spiritual integrity. It
strength, and for direction. And he didn't come as any great surprise to
has the responsibility of magnifying me when I inadvertently discovered
his priesthood so he might be able to that he is a dedicated member of The
give this direction, this security, this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
strength that is needed in the home. Saints."
And he can do this. If he will magnify Now this man who
writes the letter
his priesthood, he will be magnified by is not a member of the Church, and

the Lord in the eyes of his family, and the man about whom he writes is his
his influence will be felt for good. adversary in court. I know the young
man very well. The writer of the letter
Responsibility to sisters doesn't know that I know him, but it
We have a responsibility to our shows me, my brethren, that if we mag-
Saturday, April 4 First Day

nify our priesthood, if we live as we President Tanner

should, we will influence the world,
and the Lord will magnify us. This is We shall now have the privilege of
my testimony to you, in the name of listening to President Harold B. Lee,
Jesus Christ. Amen. O first counselor in the First Presidency.

President Harold B. Lee

First Counselor in the First Presidency
and President of the Council of the Twelve

• I have only one or two matters titution, pornography, and our efforts
about which I would like to speak to aid Christian people who desire to
tonight. The first may I introduce by have one day dedicated to keeping the
relating a dream or a parable taken Sabbath day holy. All we have to do
from one of the prophets of the Old is to remember what the Lord said in

Testament, in which was depicted a order to impress the importance of

watchman on a high tower overlooking keeping the Sabbath day holy: "And
the countryside, watching for enemies that thou mayest more fully keep thy-
that might be coming to destroy, ene- self unspotted from the world, thou
mies that were in evidence by clouds of shalt go to the house of prayer and
dust of approaching camels or horses, offer up thy sacraments upon my holy
or whatever they had. The watchman day." (D&C 59:9.) Defenders of the
was reporting hour by hour down to faith should be alert, then, to see to
his lord in the courtyard. "All is well, it with all their influence that there is

All is well," or he reported if he saw an opportunity given to the working

any dangers. man, the boy and the girl, the husband
But in the dream or the parable the and the wife to have one day in the
lord asked: "But watchman, what of week when they can be with their fami-
the night? Watchman, what of the lies and have one day consecrated as
night?" suggesting that more to be a day of rest. Watchmen, be alert to
feared than the enemies that come in the "dangers of the night"!
the daytime that you can see are the
enemies that come in the night. A Warning Voice

Enemies that come in the night The next matter I would like to
speak of, for just a moment, is set forth
Now it is about the enemies that in a letter from the First Presidency,
come in the night I want just to make which was sent out in August 1913 as
one reference. a warning to the members of the
The term "elder," which is applied Church and which was repeated by
to all holders of the Melchizedek some of the leaders nearer our time
Priesthood, means a defender of the and could well be repeated today. I
faith. That is our prime responsibility read this letter from the First Presi-
and calling. Every holder of the Mel- dency [Pres. Joseph F. Smith, Anthon
chizedek Priesthood is to be a defender H. Lund, Charles W. Penrose] in 1913.
of the faith. It has been entitled "A Warning
There are insidious forces among us Voice."
that are constantly trying to knock at
our doors and trying to lay traps for "To the Officers and Members of The
our young men and women, particu- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
larly those who are unwary and un- Saints:
sophisticated in the ways of the
world. I speak of the battle against "From the days of Hiram Page (Doc.
liquor by the drink, gambling, pros- and Cov., Sec. 28), at different periods

there have been manifestations from Priesthood as sustained by the voice

delusive spirits to members of the and vote of the Church in its appointed
Church. Sometimes these have come conferences.
to men and women who because of "The history of the Church records
transgression become easy prey to the many pretended revelations by impos-
Arch-Deceiver. At other times people ters or zealots who believed in the
who pride themselves on their strict manifestations they sought to lead other
observance of the rules and ordinances persons to accept, and in every instance,
and ceremonies of the Church are led disappointment, sorrow and disaster
astray by false spirits, who exercise an have resulted therefrom. Financial loss
influence so imitative of that which and sometimes utter ruin have fol-
proceeds from a Divine source that even lowed. We
feel it our duty to warn
these persons, who think they are 'the the Latter-day Saints against fake min-
very elect,' find it difficult to discern ing schemes which have no warrant
the essential difference. Satan himself for success beyond the professed spiri-
has transformed himself to be appar- tual manifestations of their projectors
ently 'an angel of light.' and the influence gained over the
"When visions, dreams, tongues, excited minds of their victims. We
prophecy, impressions or any extra- caution the Saints against investing
ordinary gift or conveys
inspiration money or property in shares of stock
something out of harmony with the which bring no profit to anyone but
accepted revelations of the Church or those who issue and trade in them.
contrary to the decisions of its con- Financial schemes to make money for
stituted authorities, Latter-day Saints the alleged purpose of 'redeeming
may know that it is not of God, no Zion' or providing means for the 'sal-
matter how plausible it may appear. vation of the dead' or other seemingly
Also, they should understand that di- worthy objects, should not deceive
rections for the guidance of the Church anyone acquainted with the order of
will come, by revelation, through the the Church, and will result only in
head. All faithful members are en- waste of time and labor, which might
titled to the inspiration of the Holy be devoted now to doing something
Spirit for themselves, their families, tangible and worthy and of record on
and for those over whom they are ap- earth and in heaven." (Messages of the
pointed and ordained to preside. But First Presidency, compiled by James R.

anything at discord with that which Clark [Bookcraft, 19701, Vol. 4, pp.
comes from God through the head of 285-86.)
the Church is not to be received as
Sensational stories
authoritative or reliable. In secular
as well as spiritual affairs, Saints may It never ceases to amaze me how
receive Divine guidance and revelation gullible some of our Church members
affecting themselves, but this does not are in broadcasting sensational stories,
convey authority to direct others, and or dreams, or visions, or purported patri-
is not to be accepted when contrary to archal blessings, or quotations, or sup-
Church covenants, doctrine or disci- posedly from some person's private
pline, or to known facts, demonstrated diary.
truths, or good common sense. per- No For instance, there is one vicious
son has the right to induce his fellow story to the effect that one of our Gen-
members of the Church to engage in eral Authorities is allegedly being
speculations or take stock in ventures urged to present himself to lead the
of any kind on the specious claim of Church contrary to the Lord's revela-
Divine revelation or vision or dream, tion and to make people think there is
especially when it is in opposition to some division among the authorities
the voice of recognized authority, local of the Church. Investigations have in-
or general. The Lord's Church 'is a dicated that the named writer of these
house of order.' It is not governed by forged letters is fictitious and does not
individual gifts or manifestations, but exist —
can't be found in the records of
by the order and power of the Holy the Church or anywhere. Addresses
Saturday, April 4 First Day

given are spurious, and yet the amazing- power of the devil will begin to cease
thing is that we find that these spurious among you.
writings and some of these purported
"Persecution follows revelation"
revelations, which we found upon in-
vestigation are absolutely false, are One more subject of which I should
finding their way
our Relief
into like to speak. This comes from Presi-
Society meetings, into priesthood quo- dent Joseph F. Smith. It is entitled
rums, firesides, institutes, and sem- "Persecution Follows Revelation":
inaries. "I do not believe there ever was a
people who were guided by revelation,
Brethren of the priesthood, you
or acknowledged of the Lord as his
defenders of the faith, we would wish
people, who were not hated and perse-
that you would plead with our Saints
cuted by the wicked and the corrupt,
to cease promoting the works of the
and perhaps no people were ever more
devil. Spend your time promoting the
persecuted by the wicked and the cor-
works of the Lord, and don't allow
rupt, and perhaps no people were ever
these things to be found among those
more persecuted than this people would
under your charge, for they are the
be if it were in the power of the enemy
works of Satan, and we are playing
today to persecute us as it was in the
his game whenever we permit such
power of Nero and the Romans to
things to be heralded about and re-
persecute the Saints in their day. There
peated and passed about on every side.
never was a time when it was more
fixed and determined in the heart of
False reports
the wicked to fight against and destroy
One of our brethren is supposed to the kingdom from the earth than now,
have had a patriarchal blessing saying and their failure will be due only to
that he would preside over the Church the impossibility of the task they have
when the Savior came. This is, of undertaken. And this is an evidence
course, false. Another one among us to every one . . that [God's] priest-

has been said to have declared that hood is here, that the Saints, or many
there are some living today who will of them, are magnifying their calling
see the Savior when he comes. This and honoring the priesthood, and also
again is fictitious. Well, the Master the Lord, both with their lives and
said that the time of his coming would with their substance, which are his."
be as a thief in the night, that of the (Deseret Weekly News, Vol. 24 [1875],
time of his coming not even the angels p. 708.)
of heaven would know. If we would
stop to think of it, nobody with any The principle of revelation at issue
authority would ever say that such a
You brethren of the priesthood should
declaration could be authentic.
be well advised that the principle of
So we could go on and on. One of revelation through proper channels has
our brethren was reported to have said been at issue in every persecution of
that the people of California should the Latter-day Saints in this dispensa-
move up to the tops of the Rocky tion, whether it be on the subject of
Mountains, that only there would be priesthood, marriage, the gathering of
safety. Contrary to that, we are con- Zion, or succession of the priesthood.
stantly saying to our people that safety Maybe this persecution, too, is as a
is where the pure in heart are, and thorn in our flesh, as was said by the
that there is just as much safety wher- apostle Paul, to be as the messenger
ever you are, if you are living and of Satan, lest we be exalted above
keeping the commandments of God. measure, because of the revelations the
Brethren, I repeat, don't allow the Lord has given through his prophets to
works of the devil to be paraded in our this people.
midst and become the subject of dis- The Prophet Joseph Smith was
courses or lesson materials. Speak of persecuted and hated; his life was
the works of righteousness, and the threatened, so much so that he said,

"Why persecute me for telling the legislated in the halls of Congress or

truth? . For I had seen a vision; I
. . be maintained by armies and navies
knew and I knew that God knew it,
it, and tanks and guns and airplanes, but
and I could not deny it, neither dared peace that can come as the Master said
I do it; at least I knew that by so doing it would come, by overcoming the
I would offend God, and come under things of the world. God help us so to
condemnation." (Joseph Smith 2:25.) understand and do and to live as
A few years ago a man came here in Latter-day Saints are expected to live
our midst and said to one of our breth- in this day of trial and difficulty, I

ren, "If you people would do away pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
with one principle in your belief, I Amen. O
could join the Church tomorrow." And
our brother asked, "What is that
principle?" President N. Eldon Tanner
He replied, "If you would do away
with your belief in present-day revela-
The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus will

tion, I could join your church."

now sing, "We Ever Pray For Thee,
Our Prophet Dear."
Then an amazing statement was
made to me by our brother, the man
who was the Church member: "You
know, I think we ought to do some-
thing about that." The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus sang
"We Ever Pray For Thee, Our Prophet
Present-day revelation Dear."

Why, bless your hearts, whenever

we come to a time where we begin to
deny that there is revelation to this
church, it is tantamount to saying President Tanner
that we believe that the power of God
does not exist in our midst today. We Our belovedPresident, Joseph Field-
must believe and know for a certainty ing Smith, will be our concluding
and have a sure testimony that God speaker, after which the Aaronic
does reveal, and is now revealing, all Priesthood Chorus, under the direction
things pertaining to his kingdom today, of J. Spencer Cornwall, with Alexander
as in every other dispensation of the Schreiner at the organ, will sing "What
Church. Was Witnessed in the Heavens."
I wish that we would understand We would like to express our appre-
these matters. And you brethren who ciation to this chorus for their fine
are to safeguard the Church, I would music, the singing that they have
wish that you would rise up in the rendered this evening.
power and dignity of your callings and
After they have sung "What Was
put to flight some of these spurious
Witnessed in the Heavens," Elder
things that are threatening to destroy
Richard G. Scott, former president of
the unity among our people. The great-
the North Argentine Mission, will offer
est danger among us today is fear.
the benediction.
Fear doesn't come of the Lord. Faith
and peace are the fruits of the Spirit. This conference will then be ad-
May we teach our people where to look journed until 10 o'clock tomorrow
to for peace —
not peace that can be morning.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

President Joseph Fielding Smith

• My beloved brethren: My feelings time later Peter, James, and John came
are to bless those, both young and old, and gave them the Melchizedek Priest-
who are magnifying their callings in hood.
the priesthood, and to ask the Lord to Then on April 3, 1836, in the Kirt-
pour out upon them the good things land Temple, Elijah the prophet re-
of his Spirit in this life and assure turned and bestowed upon them the
them of the riches of eternity in the sealing power, the power to use the
life to come. priesthood to bind on earth and seal
With all my heart I say to those in heaven.

who are keeping the commandments,

Fullness of the priesthood
who are serving faithfully in the
Church, and who are working for the Then in 1841 the Lord revealed to
good and betterment of mankind gen- the Prophet that "the fullness of the
erally, with all my heart I say: The priesthood" was available to men only
Lord bless you; and you may rest as- in the temple, in "a house" built to his
sured that if you continue in the paths name. (See D&C 124.) And in 1843
of truth and righteousness, he will wel- the Prophet said: "If a man gets a
come you into his eternal kingdom and fullness of the priesthood of God, he
give you an inheritance with the has to get it in the same way that
prophets and saints of all ages.
Jesus Christ obtained it, and that was
by keeping all the commandments and
The priesthood restored obeying all the ordinances of the house
of the Lord." (Documentary History of
What a glorious thing it is to know the Church, Vol. 5, p. 244.)
that the Lord has offered to each of
Let me put this in a little different
us the fullness of the priesthood, and
way. I do not care what office you hold
has promised us that if we will receive
this priesthood and magnify our call-
in the Church —you may be an apos-
tle, you may
be a patriarch, a high
ings, we shall gain an everlasting in-
heritance with him in his kingdom!
priest, or anything else —
but you can-
not receive the fullness of the priest-
This priesthood which we have hood and the fullness of eternal reward
received is the power and authority of unless you receive the ordinances of
God delegated to man on earth to act the house of the Lord; and when you
in all things for the salvation of men. receive these ordinances, the door is
It has come to us in this day through then open so you can obtain all the
the ministry of heavenly messengers blessings which any man can gain.
sent to Joseph Smith and Oliver Do not think because someone has a
Cowdery. higher office in the Church than you
When Moroni came to Joseph Smith have that you are barred from receiv-
in September 1823, he quoted to him ing the fullness of the Lord's blessings.
these words which the Lord had given You can have them sealed upon you as
to Malachi: "Behold, I will reveal unto an elder, if you are faithful; and when
you the Priesthood, by the hand of you receive them, and live faithfully
Elijah the prophet, before the coming and keep these covenants, you then
of the great and dreadful day of the have all that any man can get.
Lord." (D&C 2:1.)
Oath and covenant
To prepare the way for the coming
of Elijah and the restoration of the There is no exaltation in the king-
sealing power, because of which men dom of God without the fullness of the
may receive the fullness of the priest- priesthood, and every man who receives
hood, John the Baptist came in May the Melchizedek Priesthood does so
of 1829 and conferred upon Joseph and with an oath and a covenant that he
Oliver the Aaronic Priesthood. A short shall be exalted.

The covenant on man'spart is that Now may the blessings of heaven

he will magnify his calling in the rest upon those who hold the holy
priesthood, and that he will live by priesthood, and upon all our Father's
every word that proceedeth forth from children. Brethren, you possess the
the mouth of God, and that he will power and authority of Almighty God,
keep the commandments. and you hold in your hands the power
The covenant on the Lord's part is to save and exalt yourselves and your
that if man does as he promises, then loved ones.
all that the Father hath shall be given
unto him; and this is such a solemn Putting God's kingdom first

and important promise that the Lord

There is nothing in all this world
swears with an oath that it shall come
as important to each of us as putting
to pass.
first in our lives the things of God's
kingdom, as keeping the command-
A preparatory priesthood
ments, as magnifying our callings in
Those of you who hold the Aaronic the priesthood, as going to the house
Priesthood have not yet received this of the Lord and being offered the full-
oath and covenant which belongs to ness of the blessings of our Father's
the Higher Priesthood, but you do have kingdom.
great power and authority given you Now, my
brethren of the priesthood,
from the Lord. The Aaronic Priesthood I commend you for your faith and
is a preparatory priesthood that schools labors in the cause of righteousness. I
and trains us to be worthy of these commend you for your zeal and devo-
other great blessings that come later. tion in doing the work of the Lord and
If you serve faithfully as a deacon, in using your priesthood to bless man-
as a teacher, and as a priest, you gain kind.
the experience and acquire the abilities
Your able service does not go un-
and capacities which enable you to noticed by that God whom you serve
receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and
and in whose work you are engaged.
to magnify your calling in it.
He has blessed you and he will con-
The Aaronic Priesthood holds the tinue to bless you with the good things
keys of the ministering of angels, and
of the earth, and he will hold in re-
of preaching the gospel of repentance,
serve for you the riches of eternity.
and of performing baptism for the re-
mission of sins. These are very great
Spiritual and temporal blessings
blessings and are necessary to prepare
the way for the even greater blessings And so pray that you may be
of the house of the Lord, those bless- blessed and
prospered, both temporally
ings out of which exaltation comes. and spiritually, and that you may be
built up in faith and testimony, and
Women share blessings have the desires of your hearts in
I think we all know that the bless-
I pray that the spirit of love and
ings of the priesthood are not confined
to men alone. These blessings are also
peace may be in your homes, that
poured out upon our wives and daugh- fathers and sons may work together in
ters and upon all the faithful women love in the priesthood, and that a per-
of the Church. These good sisters can fect spirit of unity and oneness may
prepare themselves, by keeping the prevail among all the Latter-day Saints.
commandments and by serving in the pray that our Father may help our

Church, for the blessings of the house Aaronic Priesthood brethren as they
of the Lord. The Lord offers to his prepare for life and safeguard them
daughters every spiritual gift and bless- in times of trouble and temptation,
ing that can be obtained by his sons, and that above all they and all of —
for neither is the man without the —
us may keep the comandments and
woman, nor the woman without the be worthy of the companionship of the
man in the Lord. Holy Spirit.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

And I pray that all of us may have sang "What Was Witnessed in the
peace and joy and satisfaction in the Heavens."
work of the Lord while in this mortal
The closing prayer was given by
probation, and that we may inherit
Elder Richard G. Scott, former presi-
eternal life in the realms ahead, in
name Amen. dent of the North Argentine Mission.
the of Jesus Christ. Q
The conference was then adjourned
The Aaronic Priesthood Chorus until Sunday morning at ten o'clock.


FOURTH SESSION Conference of The Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Tabernacle Choir, under the
The fourth session of the conference
direction of Richard P. Condie, with
convened on Sunday, April 5, 1970, at Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
10 o'clock a.m.
open these services by singing "O Lord
President Joseph Fielding Smith
Most Holy," following which Elder
presided, and President Harold B. Lee,
Karl M. Richards, former president of
first counselor in the First Presidency,
the French Polynesian Mission, will
conducted the meeting. offer the invocation.
The music for this session was fur-
nished by the Salt Lake Tabernacle
Choir. Elder Richard P. Condie di-
rected the singing. Elder Alexander The Tabernacle Choir sang the
Schreiner was at the organ. number, "O Lord Most Holy."
Before the opening of the confer- The opening prayer was offered by
ence session, the Tabernacle Choir Elder Karl M. Richards, former presi-
sang the number, "Rejoice the Lord dent of the French Polynesian Mission.
Is King."

President Lee made the following

introductory statement:
President Lee:

President Harold B. Lee The Tabernacle Choir will now sing

"O Praise Ye God," after which
President Joseph Fielding Smith is President N. Eldon Tanner of the First
presiding at this conference this morn- Presidency will speak to us.
ing. He has asked me to conduct this
It is a great pleasure for us to wel- The Tabernacle Choir sang the
come all present this morning in this anthem,"O Praise Ye God."
historic Tabernacle in Salt Lake City,
Utah. We
welcome also special
guests —national and local government
leaders, educational and civic leaders, President Lee:
and stake and ward leaders from far
and near. We welcome friends from Our first speaker this morning will
other churches, and also the vast tele- be President N. Eldon Tanner, second
vision and radio audiences in this, the counselor in the First Presidency of the
fourth session of the 140th Annual Church.
— —


President N. Eldon Tanner

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

• On this beautiful Sabbath morning positive approach, need to center our

it is a privilege and pleasure for me to efforts on living and teaching the
bring greetings on behalf of the First gospel, thereby eliminating the cause
Presidency and my colleagues to all and improving conditions. Every man,
who are here assembled and to all who including the rebellious, who is honest
are listening in. with himself must admit that what
Last week we commemorated the he is ultimately seeking is happiness
resurrection of our Lord and Savior, and a better way of life.
which brings hope and promise to all With this in mind, I wish to address
who accept him and are prepared to my remarks to the subject: The Bless-
keep his commandments. He said: ings of Obedience. While I speak, I
"... I am come that they might have pray that the Spirit of the Lord will
life, and that they might have it more attend and guide us. Let us remember
abundantly." (John 10:10.) the words of Samuel to Saul: ". to . .

"I am the resurrection, and the life: obey is better than sacrifice, and to
he that believeth in me, though he hearken than the fat of rams." ( 1 Sam.
were dead, yet shall he live: 15:22.) And let us also remember that
"And whosoever liveth and be- "through the Atonement of Christ, all
lieveth in me shall never die." (John mankind may be saved, by obedience
11:25-26.) to the laws and ordinances of the
And then he gave us great assurance Gospel." (Article of Faith 3.)
in these words:
". this is
. . my work and my glory Freedom to choose
to bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.)
Just the other day I was talking to a
young man who said, in effect, "I am
Plan to insure blessings fed up and tired of being told, 'You
have to do this,' or 'You have to do
He gave his life for us, and the plan that.' I want to be free to decide
which, if followed, will make it pos- for myself what I want to do."
sible for us to enjoy every blessing My response was: "You are free to
promised to those who will keep his choose exactly what you want to do, as
commandments. In these latter days long as it does not restrict or impose on
he explained in these words: the rights or liberties of others, but
"There is a law, irrevocably decreed you must be responsible for your acts
in heaven before the foundations of and prepared to take the consequences."
this world, upon which all blessings
I explained that the Lord's greatest
are predicated gift to mortal man is threefold: first,
"And when we obtain any blessing the right to immortality and eternal
from God, it by obedience to that
life; second, the plan by which he can
law upon which it is predicated." gain it; third, his free agency to choose
(D&C 130:20-21.) what he will do. The Lord gave us the
We are all concerned about condi- plan which will bring us the greatest
tions in the world today, and are joy and happiness while on this earth,
searching for answers to the many and which will prepare us for eternal
problems that are affecting our per- life. All we have to do to enjoy this
sonal lives, our communities, and coun- is to obey the law and keep his com-
tries throughout the world. Though it mandments.
is true that the trend in the world today
is toward lawlessness, rioting, and re- Subject to natural laws
bellion, we are sick and tired of having
it played up so much both in conver- I suggested to this young man that
sation and in news media. We, with a he consider with me the physical or
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

natural which are fixed and

laws, Flight of Apollo 11
immutable, and which apply to all,
regardless of their station or learning
To accomplish the great flight of
Apollo 11, which resulted in the land-
or intention. If a person, whether
ing on the moon, every law of nature
knowingly, ignorantly, intentionally, or
affecting this endeavor had to be kept
accidentally, touches a hot stove or a
in the most minute detail: the law of
bare high-voltage wire, he will be
physics, the law of chemistry, the law
burned to the extent of the exposure. If
of gravity, and every other law per-
for any reason he steps in front of a
taining to the flight had to be under-
rapidly moving vehicle, even to save
stood and applied by those who were
another life, he will be injured and
concerned and engaged in the prepara-
possibly killed. Numerous examples
tions. They did not think of these laws
could be given to show that we are
as being a restriction or impediment to
subject to these laws regardless of who
we are or what our intention might be. them in any way, but rather as a means
We cannot change the laws of nature.
by which they could carry out their
program; and they were determined to
As we understand natural laws and learn all they could about the laws on
respect them, we can apply them to our which their success was dependent, and
good. If we violate law, we suffer; and
to obey or apply them so they might
if we obey it, we are blessed. How be successful in their mission.
fortunate we are to know that we can
depend on these natural laws: that
Success through obeying law
the sun will rise at a certain time every
morning; that electricity, though we This is so true in life. To be a
don't know exactly what it is, will musician, to be an athlete, to get a
respond always the same under the degree, to accomplish anything worth-
same conditions; that the sun will be while, we must set our goals, determine
eclipsed by the moon at a certain time what we want to do and wish to accom-
on a certain day in a certain year, all plish, and set about to find out which
because the laws of nature never vary. laws if obeyed will make this possible,
Imagine an engineer, doctor, or scien- and then discipline ourselves in order
tist in any field not being able to to accomplish it. When we do this,
depend on the laws of nature, or dis- we are on our way to success, while
regarding them. Man can never ignore those who continually fight the laws
the natural laws affecting his opera- and refuse to obey, and complain about
tions and be successful. In fact, to things that are required, become frus-
ignore them could be disastrous. trated, begin to rebel, and fail to
Laws exist for man's benefit As someone has said, you do not
break the law, but actually break your-
All the laws of God and the laws of
self by refusing to respect it as it applies
nature and the laws of the land are
to your condition. The law applies, and
made for the benefit of man, for his our actions determine the result. Too
comfort, enjoyment, safety, and well-
often we are not prepared to discipline
being; and it is up to the individual
ourselves and do that which is neces-
to learn these laws and to determine
sary to accomplish the things which we
whether or not he will enjoy these
desire most.
benefits by obeying the law and by
keeping the commandments. My whole
purpose today is to show that laws exist
Laws of the land

for our benefit and that to be happy It is a fact that the laws of the land
and successful we must obey the laws are made by the governing body in the
and regulations pertaining to our activ- interest of the safety and well-being of
ities; and these laws will function the citizens. Consider, for example, the
either to our joy and well-being or to laws pertaining to drunken driving and
our detriment and sorrow, according other regulations pertaining to highway
to our actions. traffic control, health, zoning restric-

tions, building codes, etc. Even taxes by Christ. everyone would obey the

make it possible for us to have better- commandments, "Thou shalt not steal,
roads, better schools, and other pub- kill, covet, commit adultery, or bear
lic services, all of which are for our false witness," we could leave our
comfort and convenience and self- homes or properties unattended, walk
improvement. down the street any place at any time,
If all people were to recognize law or feel secure in our homes, without
as a benefit to man and then honor and fear of thieves or robbers, or that some-
obey it, it would contribute greatly to one might be trying to take our lives.
our health, well-being, and happiness. Imagine too the joy of living in a
Laws are essential. Imagine a city, community in which there were no
community, state, or country without covetousness, backbiting, or adultery;
law and regulations. To the extent we where everyone was living according to
disregard, disobey, and flaunt the law, the law. In addition to the peaceful
we are losing our freedom, depriving and happy existence we would lead,
others of theirs, and leading to an- and the strength and help we could
archy. If a bad law exists, then the be to one another, just think of the
people should take proper legal meas- money we would save on law enforce-
ures through their governing bodies to ment and the effects of crime, all of
improve or change the law, but while which money could be diverted to
it is law, it should be obeyed. fighting poverty, or improving health
and educational facilities, and for other
Laws to improve social conditions worthwhile purposes. We
cannot begin
to number the temporal blessings we
In life generally we have to deter-
would receive from obedience to these
mine the kind of life or environment commandments.
of which we want to be a part. We
still have in the human race today Lord's law of health
people in the jungles who practice
cannibalism, where the animal instincts Another commandment that is so

in man rule, and where the laws of the

important in the lives of all of us is

the Lord's law of health, which is

jungle apply. If that is the kind of life
called the Word of Wisdom, and
we wish, it is available to us. Part of
the purpose of our existence, however, is
which should be taught in every home
to rise above these animal instincts,
by example and by precept. In this
and to reach the highest plane of hu- Word of Wisdom we are warned
against the use of tobacco and alcohol
man behavior in our social relations.
and other things that are harmful to
In order that we may accomplish
the body. I am sure we can include
this, God, our Father and our Creator, the use of drugs.
and hisSon Jesus Christ, who want us
Though this law of health was given
to be happy and successful, have given
to us by the Lord over a hundred years
us the laws which, if applied in our
ago, it was generally ignored until
lives, will improve our social condi-
scientists and experience proved beyond
tions and our relationship to one
doubt that these things are not only
another. Yes, if all of us would obey
harmful to the body, but are a menace
these laws, we would have none of the
to society. Many still ignore and defy
disturbing conditions so prevalent
this law, and are prepared to take the
today, and our young people would
risks. The use of these things results in
have no reason, need, nor desire to broken homes, diseased and broken
demonstrate against a society that today
bodies and spirits, destruction of
does not practice what it preaches.
property, misery, and death on the
highway, and many other tragedies too
The Ten Commandments numerous to mention, all of which are
Let us refer to some of the Ten now causing society, lawmakers, law
Commandments, which arc as appli- enforcement officers, and all of us
cable today as they were in the time serious concern.
of Moses, and which later were taught In just one evening I gleaned the
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

following information from reading of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt
the newspaper: not do any work." (Exod. 20:8-10.)
One-car fatal accidents doubled in And the Lord has told us:
'69. "And that thou mayest more fully
Twenty-six percent of all fatal keep thyself unspotted from the world,
accidents occurred after the driver had thou shalt go to the house of prayer
been drinking. and offer up thy sacraments upon my

A well-known television personality holy day." (D8iC 59:9.)

died of lung cancer at age 45. He had In spite of what so many say to the
publicly stated he would rather smoke contrary, this is a law of God, a re-
and take a chance than be a "fat ligious and therefore a moral law. If
neurotic." He quit when he learned observed, it will bring many blessings
he had cancer. not otherwise enjoyed; and, like any
A hotel caused by a cigarette
fire other law, if not obeyed it will bring
claimed 14 and a burning
lives, condemnation to the soul.
cigarette building caused
in another
ten thousand dollars worth of damage. Learning to know God
Marijuana harm is very real, and
Keeping the Sabbath day holy gives
drugs put blinders on youth.
us an opportunity to learn and under-
stand the teachings of the gospel
Glorious promise for obedience
through worship and study, and to
We owe it to ourselves, to our youth, learn to know God, which is essential
and to the future of our country to re- to our eternal destiny.
strict and if possible do away entirely The Lord has said:
with the use of these devilish and
"And this is life eternal, that they
deleterious things that are causing so
might know thee the only true God,
much tragedy in the world today.
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast
Listen to the great and glorious promise
sent." (John 17:3.)
given by the Lord to all those who will
keep this and other commandments: Surely for one day in seven we can
and need to turn our thoughts to our
"And all saints who remember to
Maker and feed our spiritual selves, to
keep and do these sayings, walking in
learn obedience to God, and to teach
obedience to the commandments, shall
reverence and obedience to our chil-
receive health in their navel and mar-
dren. One of the greatest lessons we
row to their bones;
can learn in life is that "man shall not
"And shall find wisdom and great
live by bread alone, but by every word
treasures of knowledge, even hidden
that proceedeth out of the mouth of
God." (Matt. 4:4.)
"And run and not be weary,
Someone has wisely said: "Woe unto
and shall walk and not faint.
those who consider the laws of God
"And I, the Lord, give unto them a only as forces of convenience, to be
promise, that the destroying angel shall
ignored or employed at will. Woe unto
pass by them, as the children of Israel,
those individuals, classes, and nations
and not slay them." (D&C 89:18-21.
that believe in the might of their
Italics added.)
wealth, in the strength of their armor,
Can you think of a greater promise? in the invincibility of their positions."
No culture can last, no nation or
Keeping the sabbath holy union of nations can survive if they
Let me refer to another very impor- ignore God's laws. The Lord has ad-
tant commandment, which is: "Re- monished:
member the sabbath day, to keep it ". .seek yc first the kingdom of

holy. God, and his righteousness; and all

"Six days shalt thou labour, and do these things shall be added unto you"
all thy work: (Matt. 6:33), meaning everything that
"But the seventh day is the sabbath is for our good.

Importance of teaching spirituality to honor and obey the law, to have

faith in God and to keep his command-
We cannot keep the Sabbath day ments, will, as they grow up, honor
holy, nor enjoy the blessings thereof, their parents and be a credit to them;
by seeking to satisfy our material wants and they will be able to meet and
and pleasures. It is truthfully said that solve their problems, find greater suc-
"material things have no power to cess and joy in life, and contribute
raise the sunken spirit. The wealth of greatly to the solution of the problems
the world cannot heal a broken heart, now causing the world such great con-
and the wisdom of all the universities cern. It is up to the parents to see to
cannot turn into righteousness a way- it that their children are prepared
ward soul." through obedience to law for the posi-
As important as it is attend
that we tions of leadership they will occupy in
the house of prayer and keep the Sab- the future, where their responsibility
bath day holy, teaching spirituality will be to bring peace and righteous-
cannot be left to the churches alone. ness to the world.
Parents have the first and great and
important responsibility to teach the Two great commandments
laws of God in the home. The Lord
has told us: The Lord's message may be summed
"And again, inasmuch as parents up in his statement:
have children in Zion, or in any of her "Thou Lord thy God
shalt love the
stakes which are organized, that teach with all thy heart, and with all thy
them not to understand the doctrine of soul, and with all thy mind.

repentance, faith in Christ the Son of "This is the first and great com-
the living God, and of baptism and the mandment.
gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying "And the second is like unto it, Thou
on of the hands, when eight years old, shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
the sin be upon the heads of the "Onthese two comandments hang
parents. all the law and the prophets." (Matt.
"And they shall also teach their 22:37-40.)
children to pray, and to walk uprightly Surely ifwe love the Lord we will
before the Lord." (D&C 68:25, 28.) keep his commandments, and if we
This means to keep his commandments will love our fellowmen we will enjoy
— to love, honor, and obey him. Utopia here on earth.
As the Lord further has promised:
Parents to be living examples ". he who doeth the works of
. .

righteousness shall receive his reward,

Parents, if we are to teach our chil- even peace in this world, and eternal
dren to keep the commandments and life in the world to come." (D&C
walk uprightly before God, we must 59:23.)
be their living example. We
I bear witness to you this day that
break any law with impunity and ex-
as we accept God as our Father, and
pect our children to honor and obey
his Son Jesus Christ as the Savior of
us or the law. We cannot question the
the world, and keep the command-
teachings and commandments of the
ments, we will have greater joy here
Lord without causing great doubts in on earth and eternal life in the world
the minds of our children as to why
to come. May this be the blessing of all
they should keep the commandments.
of us, I humbly pray in the name of
We cannot be hypocrites. We cannot Jesus Christ. Amen. O
teach or profess a belief in one thing
and live another, and expect our President Harold B. Lee
children to obey the commandment:
"Honour thy father and thy mother: He to whom you have just listened
that thy days may be long upon the is President N. Eldon Tanner of the
land which the Lord thy God giveth First Presidency.
thee." (Exod. 20:12.) The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
Children who are taught obedience, "Now We Sing Thy Praise."
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

After the singing Elder Marion G. President Lee:

Romney of the Council of the Twelve
Apostles will address us. Many stations have just tuned in on
this conference,and we wish to extend
tothem a cordial welcome.
Tabernacle Choir sang the Elder Marion G. Romney of the
hymn, "Now We Sing Thy Praise." Council of the Twelve Apostles will
now address us.

Elder Marion G. Romney

Of the Council of the Twelve

m Last fall, near the conclusion of a Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the
three-mission tour in which I had in- children of men." (2 Ne. 33:1.)
terviewed personally about 400 mission- My message for today is not at all
aries, I was abruptly cut down to size complicated. It is plain and simple. It
by a missionary who, in answer to my is well known to most of us. I have
inquiry as to whether he had anything titled it "The Key to Peace." Its im-
further he would like to comment on portance is of the first magnitude. I
or ask, said: "What is so great about realize, however, that it will be just
an interview with a General Au- the same old stuff unless I speak and
thority?" you hear by the power of the Holy
Sparring for time, I responded, "What Ghost. I have fasted and prayed that
do you mean?" we can all enjoy that spirit and power.
To this he replied, "Well, most of I ask you now to join with me in silent

the missionaries look forward in antici- prayer to this effect: O

God, our Heav-
pation to an interview with a General enly Father, let us now speak and listen
Authority, and then they talk about by the power of the Holy Ghost, in
it for a long time after. I don't see the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
anything so great about it."

Having recovered my composure, I The answer to muddled thinking

then said, "Maybe you can answer
shall introduce what I have to say
this question. Why is it that two men
by quoting from a recent convert:
can sit side by side in a conference
have tried nearly all the church-
and then when they leave, one of them
es," she wrote, "only to feel empty, and
says to the other: 'Wasn't that the
yet I had this feeling of something
most glorious meeting we ever at-
important in religion. After trying
. .

tended? It thrilled me.' The other .

to rind the answer for years and years,

responds: 'Oh, I didn't think it was so
I let my church-going drop for three
wonderful. It just sounded like the
" years, not attending any church at all.
same old stuff to me.'
I prayed, though, and I still had this

yearning for this unknown something.

The power of the Holy Ghost
"Then one Thursday lunch-time a
This morning when I awoke about knock came on my door and there
5 a.m., these words kept going through stood two happy young men. They said
my mind: they were missionaries from The
". now I, Nephi, cannot write all
. . 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
the things which were taught among Saints' and had a message of impor-
my people; neither am I mighty in tance to give. ... I knew after the
writing, like unto speaking; for when second visit, this was what I had been
a man speaketh by the power of the searching for all my life. . . .

Holy Ghost the power of the Holy "What really impressed me most,"


she continues, "was the new and won- by raising their minds upward to re-
derful knowledge that ours was a gard God, and his creation of the
living God. Now I knew what our world; and by persuading them, that
God was like. Joseph Smith had seen we men are the most excellent of the
him, and He had flesh and bones as creatures of God upon earth. Now
we This was wonderful to me, for
do. when once he had brought them to sub-
before I imagined something spiritual mit to religion, he easily persuaded
floating about all over the place. Noth- them to submit to all other things . . .

ing to fasten on to. Now our God [for, concludes Josephus] when he had
became real to me; someone, no longer once demonstrated that God was pos-
something. This was the answer to all sessed of perfect virtue, he supposed
my muddled thinking." (Millennial that men also ought to strive after
Star, June 1960.) [such virtues]." (The Works of Jo-
sephus, pp. 38-39.)
The key to peace

In her new-found knowledge of the The lodestar of men's lives

true and God, this humble
Now this is exactly what happens.
woman had found what all right-
When men correctly understand and
minded people seek: the key to peace have faith in the true and living God,
peace in one's own heart and soul, and develop within themselves
they strive to
peace and goodwill among men and his virtues. He becomes the lodestar
of their lives. To emulate him is their
Our convert's experience an illus- is
highest aspiration. As they strive to
tration of how such knowledge brings
"be .perfect, even as [their] Father
. .

peace to the individual. Peace among which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt.

men and nations will be the natural 5:48), they actually become partakers
sequence when enough individuals of his divine nature. In doing so, they
have peace in their hearts. add to their faith and knowledge,
How a knowledge of the true and temperance, patience, godliness, broth-
living God inspires men to walk in the erly kindness, love, and charity, vir-
ways of peace is so impressively stated
tues that are perfected in the true and
by Josephus in his introduction to living God. These virtues drive out
Antiquities of the ]ews, which I take
of their hearts selfishness, greed, lust,
the liberty to quote. He says: hate, contentions, and war. Happiness,
"Moses deemed it exceeding neces- contentment, joy, and peace naturally
sary, that he who would conduct his follow.
own life well, and give laws to others,
in the first place should consider the Return to God
Divine nature . . . and . . . endeavor to
follow after it; neither could [Moses] The almost universal prescript for
himself have a right mind without peace today is "return to God." "We
such a contemplation; nor would any- must turn to God to find peace" is
thing he should write tend to the the cry of right-minded people through-
promotion of virtue in his readers; . . . out all the land. It is not because we
unless they be taught first of all, that do not know the remedy that peace
God is the Father and Lord of all escapes us. It is because we do not
things, and that thence he bestows a know the God to whom we must
happy life upon those that follow him, return.
but plunges such as do not walk in the Turning to false gods will not bring
paths of virtue into inevitable miseries. peace. Turning to the gods of myth-
Now when Moses was desirous to teach ology, heathen gods, graven images,
this lesson to his countrymen, [con- ethereal gods created in the minds of
tinues Josephus,] he did not begin the the worldly wise has only increased
establishment of his laws after the selfishness, greed, and lust, and has
same manner that other legislators did; intensified contention, conflict, and
I mean, upon contracts and other rites strife. What men must do to find
between one man and another, but peace is discover and emulate the true
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

and living God — the God discovered by the world, "heard the voice of the Lord
our recent convert. from the way toward the Garden of
To find and follow him is the great- Eden" commanding him to offer sac-
estneed of this generation, as it has rifices. did, whereupon he
This he
been of all generations. was and instructed by an angel.
A knowledge of God is the key to "And day the Holy Ghost fell
in that
peace in the hearts of men and nations upon" him and bore record of both the
on this earth, as much as it is
the key Father and the Son. (See Moses 5:9.)
to eternal life in theworld beyond the Adam was taught as clearly and
grave. Because the knowledge of God specifically as was Moses about the
is of such great importance, he has true and living God. To him the Lord
revealed himself time and again said, ". . . thou art one in me, a son
through the ages past. Men are, there- of God (Moses 7:68.) "
fore, not justified in their continued Adam and Eve made all these things
ignorance of him. known to their children. But ". . .

Satan came among them, saying:

Moses explains nature of God . . . Believe it not; . . . and they loved
Satan more than God. . .
." (Moses
In the very first chapter of Genesis,
Moses clearly explains the form and
nature of God in this simple statement:
Revelation to apostolic church
"God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him; As God's revelation of himself to
male and female created he them." Moses was not the first, neither was it
(Gen. 1:27.) the In the meridian of time Jesus
Any man of faith can understand Christ, the Firstborn Son of God in the
this unambiguous statement. Moses spirit, came to earth as God's Only
was not speculating when he thus put Begotten Son in the flesh. One of the
God and men in the same mold. He purposes of his coming was to reveal
spoke from a personal knowledge. By himself and his Father. This he did in
the power of the Almighty he had been no uncertain manner. Paul under-
"caught up into an exceedingly high stood and declared this when he said
mountain." There "he saw God face that Jesus was "the express image of
to face, and he talked with him. . . . his [Father's] person. ." (Heb. 1:3.) . .

"And God spake unto Moses, saying: To those who, at the time of his
Behold, I am the Lord God Al- triumphal entry into Jerusalem, in-
mighty. . . .
quired, saying: ". who is this Son . .

"And, behold, thou art my son. . . .

of man? Jesus . said, He that
. . . . .

"And I have a work for thee, Moses, believeth on me, believeth not on me,
my son; and thou art in the similitude but on him that sent me. And he that
of mine Only Begotten; and mine Only seeth me seeth him that sent me."
Begotten is and shall be the Savior. ." . .
(John 12:34, 44-45.)
(Moses 1:1-4, 6.) In the upper chamber, in response
This clear and certain knowledge of to the request of Philip, "Lord, shew us
God the Eternal Father and his Only the Father, Jesus saith unto him
. . .

Begotten Son and man's likeness and ... he that hath seen me hath seen
relationship to them was given to Moses the Father " (John 14:8-9.)
at the time he led Israel from Egypt. These teachings were plain enough
The revelation was then necessary, be- to convince men in the apostolic
cause during their bondage Israel's church that Jesus was a true revelation
knowledge of God had been corrupted. of the same true and living God who
had revealed himself to Adam and to
Instruction to Adam Moses.

It was not, however, the first such

An apostate church
revelation. Following his expulsion
from the garden, and in answer to his But men in the meridian of time
prayers, Adam, at the beginning of were little different than they are now

or than they were in the days of Adam true and living God in all the world to
and Moses. They loved Satan more every creature. (See D&C 68:8; 112:28.)
than they loved God, and when Satan This is the mission of The Church
came among them and, through his of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
pagan philosophies and other sophis- and this it is doing with all its might.
tries, taught them "believe it not," they
believed it not. By 325 a.d. an apostate Witness of living God
church had sunk, in its understanding
of the true and living God, to the con- And now, my beloved brethren and
fusion evidenced by the Nicene Creed. sisters, in and out
of the Church, all

In this awful darkness men strayed you who are within the sound of my
until the nineteenth century. voice, as one whose obligation and
honor it is to bear witness of the true
Then, in his infinite mercy, "know- and living God, I testify to you that
ing the calamity which should come
I do know that these manifestations
upon the inhabitants of the earth" if which God has given of himself, to
they did not come to an understanding
which I have called your attention, are
of and faith in the true and living
true. I also bear witness that to every
God, which would induce them to
soul who will accept him, and seek to
"seek the Lord to establish his
establish his righteousness, will come
. . .

righteousness," God revealed himself

the peace spoken of by our convert,
and that if enough people will come
to know him, their knowledge and
Knowledge of God restored faith will work in them a transforma-
As in times past he had chosen to tion that will bring peace not only to
reveal himself to Adam, Moses, Jesus, themselves but also to this troubled
and others, so now in this last dispen- world. For the key to peace, for indi-
sation he selected Joseph Smith. When vidual men and for nations, is the
God took him in hand, Joseph was to knowledge of and faith in the true
the world but an obscure youth. But and living God. The only alternative
to God he was no stranger. In the to peace obtained in this manner is
heavens he had been chosen by the more contention and strife, which will
Lord and foreordained to be the mighty eventually culminate in the destruction
prophet of the latter-day restoration. foretold by the prophets. God grant
that we may choose peace, by seeking
When this boy prophet came out of
the Sacred Grove in the spring of
and finding the true and living God,
I humbly pray in the name of Jesus
1820, he had a sure knowledge of the
true and living God, for he had seen
Christ. Amen. O
and conversed with him and his Be-
loved Son, Jesus Christ. President Harold B. Lee
He knew with the same certainty as
did Adam and Moses that these heav- He to whom we have just listened
enly beings were personages of flesh is Elder Marion G. Romney of the
and bone as tangible as man's; that Council of the Twelve Apostles.
God did indeed create men in his own The Choir and the congregation will
image. now join in singing: "How Firm a
Twenty-four years later, Joseph Smith Foundation," following which we shall
sealed with his life's blood his testi- have a brief organ interlude.
mony of the true and living God.
During this short period, having been
endowed from heaven with God's
The congregation and choir sang
priesthood, he had, under divine direc-
the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation."
tion, established The Church of Jesus
This was followed by an organ inter-
Christ of Latter-day Saints, which lude.
church through him had received anew
the divine commission to declare the
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

President Lee: Conference the Church.

We shall now hear from
Elder Paul
For the benefit of the television H. Dunn of the First Council of
and radio audience who have just Seventy, who is presently presiding
joined us, we are gathered in the his- over the New England Mission. He
toric Tabernacle on Temple Square will be followed by Elder Delbert L.
in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the Stapley of the Council of the Twelve
fourth session of the 140th Annual Apostles.

Elder Paul H. Dunn

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• My brothers and sisters, both seen We have received over forty referrals
and unseen throughout the world, this from her already.)
is a wonderful occasion. On this particular day she wrote:
Sister Dunn and I are currently re- "The Church is the greatest thing in
siding in Cambridge, Massachusetts. my life." My wife and I were obviously
It issteeped in American tradition. It filled with joyful emotion. Why? Be-
was the dwelling place for the Wash- cause the Church and the gospel with
ingtons, the Franklins, the Reveres, the its ordinances is a "way of life," and

Hancocks. The story is told there of a by following its teachings we as a fam-

dialogue that was supposed to have ily are finding the true joy and happi-

occurred between Mrs. Paul Revere and ness we all seek.

her husband. It is reported that she
150 years ago
said: "I don't care who's coming to-
night. It's my turn to have the horse." It was just 150 years ago this spring
am grateful, my brothers and sisters,
I that a young lad with simple faith
for my turn here, to bear solemn wit- asked a very important question:
ness to things that are very close to my "Which church is right?" That beauti-
heart, and which I believe completely. ful spring morning in 1820, God the
Father and his Son Jesus Christ re-
Birthplace of Joseph Smith vealed themselves to a young boy whose
name will never perish. That boy was
One hundred thirty miles north of Joseph Smith, the first prophet of this
Boston is one of the most beautiful dispensation.
places I have ever seen. Nestled in the For the past two years we have been
rolling green hills of Windsor County, living in New England and have spent
Vermont, is the birthplace of a prophet a great deal of time at the birthplace
of the Lord —
Joseph Smith. On the
grounds of the original homesite stand
of the Prophet. The Lord has hallowed
that spot, and each time we gaze upon
two buildings housing a bureau of infor- the granite shaft that pierces the sky
mation and a religious display center. over the place where he was born, our
Recently on one of our trips to the hearts fill with joy and the Spirit
memorial we had our young daughter whispers to us, "He was indeed a
Kellie with us. She has been there prophet."
many times and is always noticeably One of the best gifts I could give you
affected by the inner peace and spirit this morning is an opportunity to know
that prevails. She never leaves that the Prophet Joseph Smith a little better.
building without signing her name in I shall not undertake to explain to you

the guest book provided for visitors and the accomplishments of Joseph Smith,
giving her evaluation in the column but I want to tell you about the man,
provided for comments. (Incidentally, the Seer, and the Prophet. I think it is
another column asks if you would like important that we know the how and
more information about the Church. why of his life, for to do so is to in-

crease our understanding and appre- sharpness and always showed forth
ciation of this "prince of our present afterwards an increase of love. "I am
dispensation," even Joseph Smith, the determined," he said, "while I lead
man of whom Brigham Young said: this church to lead it right."
"Jesus Christ excepted, no better man Joseph Smith was a rugged and free
ever lived." outdoor man. He delighted in physical
work and taught that it was a God-
Life of Joseph Smith given principle to keep our bodies
strong. During the building of the
A that has become a candle of
the Lord is a life that all would wish
Nauvoo Temple, he would often work
to see more clearly. Such a life was
in the rock quarry. Many people

Joseph Smith's a life given in the
learned of the restoration of the gospel
while working at his side in quarry,
service of others and a life of love. We in the forest, or the hayfield.
declare that he was, without a doubt,
one of the most noble sons of our
Spiritual gifts
eternal Heavenly Father.
He was a tall, well-built man, over Joseph Smith had a strong and abid-
six feet inheight and about 210 pounds. ing testimony of Jesus the Christ and
He had a light skin, light hair, and never let an opportunity pass in which
blue eyes that could gaze into the he could tell others of the knowledge
heart of any man. He was as quick as he had. When he spoke, he seemed to
a squirrel, strong as a lion, and mild shake the very earth, and the people
as a lamb. One young man said of said that he had the appearance of one
him that "he wore no whiskers, and that was heaven borne while preaching.
that altogether, he presented a very Not only did he speak with the Spirit,
formidable appearance, being a man but the records show that at one time
of gentlemanly bearing." A young or another in his life he possessed
lady said that there were no pictures every spiritual gift, and one of his most
of him in existence that can compare profound teachings was uttered in these
with the majesty of his presence. His words when he said, "I have made this
wife said no one could capture his my rule: When God commands, do it."
true countenance because his expres- In carrying out God's command-
sion and countenance changed with ments, Joseph possessed the rare Christ-
his moods. like combination of what Carl Sandburg
called "velvet and steel," which can
Remarkable blend of qualities move people with gentleness, meekness,
and love unfeigned, without threat or
As one looks more deeply into his
force. If the world would only learn
personality, experiences, and character,
God's commandments and live like
one can see a remarkable blend of
Joseph Smith, what a wonderful world
Christ-like qualities. His peers spoke of
this would be.
his solemnity in sacred moments, yet
President McKay often told us that
are much pleased at his prophetic wit,
we become like what we love. Joseph
his love of music, poetry, drama, and,
loved Christ and became like him. He
very notably, his hearty laughter. They
said, "I to become a smooth shaft
were continually amazed at his versa-
in the quiver of the Almighty," "My
tility in changing pace. He could move
voice is always for peace," and "Jesus
from studying the scriptures or any of
Christ is my great counselor."
his four foreign languages to playing
ball, wrestling, jumping at a mark, and
Endured unspeakable persecution
back again to studying. All people
could recognize his easy jovial appear- He was a man, like any of us, but
ance when he was engaged in activities unlike us today, he endured unspeak-
of fun, but they were quick to note his able suffering and persecution. He was
dislike of anything that was degrading driven from four states, lost six children
or vulgar. in birth, was tarred and feathered, was
He could reprove betimes with poisoned; yet he led his people with
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

great courage and said, "I cannot deny work done by the founding fathers of
what I know to be true." this great country. He said, "The Con-
Brigham Young said that he lived stitution of the United States is a
one thousand years in 38, and although glorious standard; it is founded in the

he was mobbed and beaten, Lydia wisdom of God. It is a heavenly ban-

Bailey said, "His face shown with the ner; it is to all those who are privileged
mellow radiance of an astral lamp." with the sweets of its liberty, like the
He led like Moses, spoke like Peter, cooling shades and refreshing waters
and wrote like Paul. Wilford Wood- of a great rock in a thirsty and weary
ruff said, "His mind, like Enoch's, land. It is like a great tree under whose
expands as eternity, and God alone can branches men from every clime can be
comprehend his soul." shielded from the burning rays of the
sun." (Documentary History of the
Knowledge of gospel unsurpassed Church, Vol. 3, p. 304.)
In knowledge and understanding of He never asked for a light load, but
the gospel, he was unsurpassed. Joseph rather he prayed for a strong back;
Smith left on record fifteen hundred and he was indeed a prophet, for his
statements that spoke of the future. constant plea was: "Oh Lord, what
Many hundreds of these have already shall I do?" Those who listened to his
come to pass, and in our own lifetime prayers marveled at the spirit he pre-
we will see the fulfillment of many sented and learned in their own lives
more. You may pick at random any that the heavens could literally be
of his writings and find more about opened. They understood what he
the last days than in the entire Bible. meant when he taught: "It is the first
His writings, letters, and spoken words principle of the gospel to know for a
are so extensive that it seems almost certainty the character of God, and to
impossible that one man could do so know that we may converse with Him
much in so little time. The Book of as one man converses with another."
Mormon, the books of Moses and (DHC, Vol. 6, p. 305.)
Abraham, and the Doctrine and Cove-
nants, all of which he recorded under
True nature of God
revelation, total 830 pages, and his Someone has said that the greatest
own history, speeches, and minutes of all discoveries is when a man dis-
total over 3,200 pages. covers God. Joseph Smith made avail-
We have been called the happiest able to the world, with no exceptions,
people on earth, and much of our hap- the true nature and knowledge of God,
piness comes from living the truths a personal and loving Father. He
revealed to us by Joseph Smith. taught that God is our Father and that
If any man was taught by God and Christ is not only his Son, but also
angels, Joseph Smith was that man. our elder brother. The Christian
He was a spiritual amphibian, with churches of the day said, "We believe
one foot on earth and one foot in in God," but Joseph Smith said, "I saw-
heaven. Edward Stevenson says, "He God and Christ and they did in reality
possessed an infinity of knowledge." speak to me." He was persecuted for
And Wilford Woodruff said, "He saying that he had seen a vision, yet
seemed a fountain of knowledge from it was true. Not only has he made
whose mouth streams of eternal wis- known to us that God exists, but also
dom flowed." Parley P. Pratt said, "He that he is ever willing to answer our
could gaze into eternity, penetrate the prayers.
heavens, and comprehend all worlds."
America, a choice land Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,
Joseph Smith taught that this great says a great hymn, and if Joseph Smith
nation of America was a choice land gave us nothing else, he set the exam-
that came into being under the Lord's ple whereby we could have our desires
direction, and he bore a strong testi- fulfilled and our hearts made clean
mony of the divine importance of the and pure. Thus, on his way to Car-

thage before he was martyred, he said, of God, we know that Joseph Smith,
"My conscience is void of offense." who was God's chosen servant, is a
"I am not afraid to die." He spoke as prophet, holy and true, for he said, "I
a man whose life could stand inspec- obtained power or the principles of
tion before the Master. truth and virtue, which will last when
On that fateful day in 1844, he was I am dead and gone."

killed by a mob of about 150 men with It is my personal witness that he was
painted faces. At the time of his death and is a prophet. His mantle fell upon
it was written, "The blow that subdued succeeding prophets and rests upon the
Joseph Smith has palsied the arm of shoulders of Joseph Fielding Smith to-
Mormonism. They will now scatter in day. In the name of Jesus Christ.
the four winds and gradually merge in Amen. O
the great mass of society." (Boston
Globe, June 27, 1844.) This congrega- President Harold B. Lee
tion today and the millions in our
listening audience refute those words. Wehave just listened to Elder Paul
The enemies of God were
sure that H. Dunn of the First Council of
killing the Prophet, they had de- Seventy, and president of the New Eng-
stroyed the truth; yet itgreater
lives, land Mission.
and stronger with each passing year. It Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the
is indestructible, for it is the work of Council of the Twelve Apostles will
God, and knowing that it is the work now address us.

Elder Delbert L. Stapley

Of the Council of the Twelve

• My dear brethren and sisters and doctrines the revivalists of his day were
friends: I am grateful for the introduc- preaching.
tion to my theme by our beloved The promise of this scripture
Brother Dunn, who has just spoken. prompted him to "ask of God." His
The following scripture from the writ- earnest prayer led to the restoration of
ings of the apostle James will serve Christ's church in this last dispensa-
as the theme for my discourse. He tion of his providence to man. The
said: application of this quote is not re-
stricted. God is no respecter of persons.
Ask in faith (See Acts 10:34.) This promise is open
to everyone earnestly seeking light and
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him truth.
ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it
Seek wisdom
shall be given him.
"But let him
ask in faith, nothing President David O. McKay has said:
wavering. For he that wavereth is "Faith is manifested in works; and that
like a wave of the sea driven with the is what wisdom is, the application of

wind and tossed. knowledge to daily life and the per-

"For let not that man [he that formance of good deeds . wisdom
. .

wavereth] think that he shall receive never comes by chance; it requires

any thing of the Lord. effort and its source is God. If I were
"A double minded man is unstable to ask you to name the soul's greatest
in all his ways." (Jas. 1:5-8.) achievement, I would have you answer
Joseph Smith, a modern prophet, wisdom, not knowledge. You may get
had his faith tested as a boy when he all the knowledge in the world, but if
watched the members of his family you lack wisdom, you might be as a
become influenced by the conflicting high powered engine without balance."
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

Wisdom, then, is putting knowledge seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,
to proper use. thine only son from me." (Gen. 22:12.)
In these latter days God has admon- Another example is the prophet
ished his people to seek wisdom: Noah, who lived in the days when the
"And as all have not faith, seek ye wickedness of men caused the Lord to
diligently and teach one another words "repent" for having created man. The
of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best scriptures record: "But Noah found
books words of wisdom; seek learning, grace in the eyes of the Lord." (Gen.
even by study and also by faith." (D&C 6:8.)
88:118.) Through his faithful, unwavering ad-
herence to the counsels of God, and
An unwavering faith despite the scoffing and ridicule from
the people to his warnings of their
How can meaningful wisdom be ac-
approaching destruction, Noah and his
quired except by prayer and an un-
family won God's protecting power
wavering faith? If we find it necessary
to analyze, evaluate, and question our
and were the only ones saved from the
faith without end, do we really have,
faith? Is it steadfast and unwavering? The apostle Peter wavered in faith
Do we observe the laws of God without when, at the Lord's bidding, he walked
measuring their pros and cons? Having toward him on the water.
an unwavering faith is applying a spe- "But when he saw the wind boister-
cific principle to daily living. Let me ous, he was afraid; and beginning to
illustrate: sink, he cried Lord, save me.
. . .

"And immediately Jesus stretched

Each person who commits himself
forth his hand, and caught him, and
agrees, if he has the habit, to give
said unto him, O thou of little faith,
up the use of tobacco. He sees others
wherefore didst thou doubt?" (Matt.
around him using it and has to be
strong in his desire to overcome the
Darkness cannot be taken into a
habit. So he applies himself to that
lighted room any more than doubt can
resolve by sheer determination of will.
be created in a heart where true faith
Later he thinks about the tempta- exists.
tion, but he can live next to it and not
yield to the temptation. He gains a The wavering soul
satisfaction in keeping his pledge, and
it isn't a problem anymore. The prin- The comparison the Lord makes be-
ciple is there; he recognizes it and is tween the wavering soul and the wave
able to live it. of the sea driven with the winds and
Finally, with assurance, he says, tossed has touched the lives of many.
"What principle?" He no longer has Most of us have seen the calm seas,
to reevaluate. It is just the way to live. and at other times the damage caused
when the winds become intense and
Examples of faith the waves rise and become powerful,
destructive forces. A parallel can be
There are many references in the drawn to the buffetings of Satan. When
scriptures to those having unwavering we are serene and on the Lord's side,
faith.One is Abraham, whom God Satan's influence is not felt; but when
commanded to offer up his only son we cross over and are deceived by the
Isaac as a sacrifice to the Lord. Abra- winds of false doctrine, by the waves of
ham made the preparations, took Isaac man-made philosophies and sophis-
to the land of Moriah, built an altar tries, we can be drenched, submerged,
upon a mountain, and was ready to and even drowned in the depths of
sacrifice him, but an angel forbade and the Spirit of the Lord
him, saying: driven completely from our lives.
"Lay not thine hand upon the lad, These deceived and wavering souls
neither do thou any thing unto him: cannot, because of their incontinence,
for now I know that thou fearest God, expect to receive anything of the Lord.

The buffetings of Satan knock, and it shall be opened unto

you." (D&C 88:63.)
Those who have knowingly sinned This is different from following the
against God's commandments are tor- whims of those influenced by Satan
mented by the buffetings of Satan and experimenting with injurious sub-
until, through sincere repentance, a stances or engaging in immoral prac-
forsaking of sin, and the reordering of tices.
their lives to the divine will, there is
a cleansing of soul and a feeling of for- Driven off course
giveness for their transgressions. Those
renewed in faith testify that the period Those souls who waver in faith are
of their sinning was the unhappiest driven off course by listening to every
time of their lives. Paying the penalty doctrine dictated by the agents of evil.
for their mistakes has strengthened They lose the Spirit and drift into
them to resolve with an unwavering darkness of mind and often end up as
faith to follow an undeviating path of apostates to truth and righteousness.
righteousness. All of us should strive to follow the
counsel of Paul: "Let us hold fast [to]
The trends today are away from
the profession of our faith without
gospel teachings. If these trends con-
wavering. .
." (Heb. 10:23.)

tinue, destruction will result, because

Our duty is to prepare our hearts in
God will not be mocked. His judg-
righteousness, forsake iniquity, cleanse
ments are sure to fall upon the wicked
— he has so decreed through his an-
our souls of evil, not become beguiled
by enticing and flattering words or the
cient and modern prophets.
vain deceits of designing men who
In the midst of unrest, frustration, would lead us down the paths of mis-
and increasing powers of evil to violate ery to destruction.
the principles and standards of the
gospel, parents, teachers, and leaders Man needs God's help
need wisdom and judgment to cope
with the disturbing problems that con- Is man so wise, so vain, and so self-

front the youth of today. centered that he does not require di-
vine aid? The wisdom of the world is
Faith early in life foolishness with God. (See 1 Cor. 3:19.)
Yet man, in his own considered impor-
An unwavering faith should be de- tance and self-sufficiency, thinks he
veloped early in life. Solomon coun- can successfully get along in life
seled: "Train up a child in the way without God's help. We
must remem-
he should go: and when he is old, he ber that a man can do nothing for
will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6.) himself unless God directs him in the
This faith was built into the right way, and the priesthood is for
Prophet Joseph Smith in his youth. that purpose.
With all his heart he believed the The self-sufficiency that comes from
Lord would fulfill the promise if he man's personal development, advance-
possessed faith and was
an unfaltering ment, and accomplishments in all
honest and sincere in his desire to fields of learning often causes him to
know the truth and find the right way forget the source from which all this
to God. knowledge is his under-
released to
Too many young people are being standing. Mankind cannot forget God
taught concepts in school and elsewhere and survive. To forget God is to for-
that do not harmonize with the teach- sake him, and to forsake him brings
ings of the gospel of Christ. They are his judgments upon an unrighteous
encouraged to find out for themselves, people.
to try this and try that. This deviat- For any person, young or old, the
ing approach permits looseness and only way to learn what is right and to
uncontrolled appetites. The Lord has determine the proper course to follow
said: ". .seek me diligently and ye
. is to "ask of God, that "giveth to all

shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; men liberally, and upbraideth not."
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

God wants to help the mighty hand of God, that he may

exaltyou in due time:
God does not upbraid anyone who "Be sober, be vigilant; because your
earnestly and humbly seeks him in
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
faith and prayer for wisdom and guid-
walketh about, seeking whom he may
ance. He welcomes it. He is our devour:
Heavenly Father. He wants to help us "Whom resist stedfast in faith. ."
. .

if we will only ask and listen to him;

(1 Pet. 5:6, 8-9.)
but in asking, one's spirit and attitude
must be right to obtain an answer. Only path of safety
Faith in God brings peace to the soul
and an assurance that he is our Eternal Living the gospel of Christ is man's
Father into whose presence by prayer only path of safety in this turbulent
we can go for comfort and guidance. and sinful world. We
do have a dis-
The final verse in the topic quota- cordant wavering multitude to whom
tion gives us the description of the nothing seems right. There are too
person who is likely to waver. "A many voices attempting to steady the
double minded man is unstable in all ark of the covenant.
his ways." (Jas. 1:8.) To avoid being The Prophet Joseph Smith and his
a double-minded, unstable person, the brother Hyrum sealed their testimonies
Lord has designated the path to follow. to the truthfulness of God's latter-day
"No man," he said, "can serve two work with their life's blood, which act
masters: for either he will hate the one, fulfills a statement of the apostle Paul
and love the other; or else he will hold to the Hebrew saints:
to the one, and despise the other. Ye "For where a testament is, there
cannot serve God and mammon." must also of necessity be the death of
(Matt. 6:24.) the testator.
If we wisdom and ask with an
lack "For a testament is of force after
unwavering and with an eye sin-
faith men are dead: otherwise it is of no
gle to the glory ofGod, we will have strength at all while the testator liv-
a body filled with light that compre- eth." (Heb. 9:16-17.)
hends all things. (See D&C 88:67.)
Anything less than this pales into in- The promise of James
I humbly encourage all listening who
God has not left us alone to face
earnestly and sincerely desire to know
the powers of evil. He has prescribed
the way to free us from the stratagems God's will to study the gospel plan of
his Son, Jesus Christ. Pray about it
of Satan.
and put promise of James to the

The way, the truth, and the life test. I you that God will not
you an answer. The warmth
fail to give
Don't we through the Savior's
all, of the Spirit will enteryour soul and
sacrifice, require his intervention with peace and contentment into your heart.
our Eternal Father and his help to I repeat again the statement by the

achieve salvation, exaltation, and apostle James:

glory? "If any of you lack wisdom, let him
He said, "I am the way, the truth, ask of God, that giveth to all men lib-
and the life: no man cometh unto the erally,and upbraideth not; and it shall
Father, but by me." (John 14:6.) be given him.
I testify there is no other way into "But let him ask in faith, nothing
the kingdom of God, for the Savior wavering. For he that wavereth is like
said, ". seek ye first the kingdom of
. . a wave of the sea driven with the wind
God, and his righteousness; and all and tossed.
these things shall be added unto you." "For let not that man think that he
(Matt. 6:33.) any thing of the Lord.
shall receive
The apostle Peter wisely admon- "A double minded man is unstable
ished: in all his ways."
"Humble yourselves therefore under I humbly pray, my brothers and

sisters, that we and

will be faithful prepare themselves worthily to enter
true to our trusts, walking always in his kingdom. May we all have a desire
obedience to the commandments. I to do so, I humbly pray in the name of
know The Church of Jesus Christ of Amen.
Latter-day Saints is true. I know the
Jesus Christ. O
gospel is true. I know that the gospel
is the power of God unto salvation. I President Harold B. Lee
know that we are divinely led today
and that the Church invites sincere, Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Coun-
faithful children of God of all ages and cil of the Twelve Apostles will be our

nationalities to come unto Christ and concluding speaker.

Elder Hugh B. Brown

Of the Council of the Twelve

• My brethren and sisters, it is a joy every inclination to disregard or distort

to be home again. After a globe- the facts, avoid the extremes of fanati-
encircling journey, which results often cism, and above all else, demand the
in a better understanding of the peoples truth. Here is the firm foundation for
of other lands and cultures, I return —
our religion a religion that describes
with an increased appreciation of our the glory of God as intelligence and
own beloved America, its freedoms, and proclaims that man is saved no faster
its opportunities. than he gains knowledge.
Just as the truths of science must be
Hunger for truth tested and verified by reason and
factual investigation, so the moral and
It is my
impression also that people
spiritual truths which the world is
of all lands and cultures have an in-
seeking from its prophets must be
creasing hunger for truth and an open-
proved and validated in the experience
minded attitude toward new truths. of men. In his search for truth, every
Thinking men everywhere are seeking
man must be true to himself. He must
for light. There is, in fact, a world-
answer to his own reason and to his
wide quest for truth.
own moral conscience. Anything less
Leaders in both religious and scien- than this would betray his dignity as
are asking for a revival of
tific fields a human being and a child of God.
learning and a broad-minded attitude True dignity is never won by place,

toward truth wherever it may be and it is never lost when honors are
found. Let me remind you, however, withdrawn.
that broad-mindedness too often is
nothing but a flattening out of high- Endurance of truth
The good that is pur-
life is a life Especially in the realms of spiritual
sued intelligently, toward the cultiva- and religious endeavor where faith
tion of genuine spirituality that is ventures into untried fields, truth must
grounded in faith and knowledge, that meet the test of unbelief and endure
is dedicated to truth.
the fires of persecution, opposition,
rejection, and hatred. Truth crushed
The glory of God to earth shall rise again.

Perhaps it was this thought of the

Faith is the ground of all religion,
permanence and eternal endurance of
but there isno special virtue in blind
truth which prompted Oliver Wendell
faith. Only faith that is grounded in
a courageous search for truth is worthy Holmes to write his illuminating poetic
of the student. We
should reject every essay on "The Battle for Survival of
temptation to irrationality, overcome Newborn Truths." He said:
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

"The time wracked with birth pangs,

is In the fields of communication and
Every hour brings forth some gasping transportation alone, we have made
truth, such strides as would cause our an-
And truth, newborn, looks a misshapen. cestors, if they could come and see us,
and untimely growth, to say that we were gods. They would
The terror of the household, and its be stunned by radio and television and
shame, the marvelous achievements of science,
A monster coiling in its nurse's lap the harnessing of electricity and other
That some would strangle, some would powers by which we bring to servitude
only starve, the great forces of nature which in
But still it breathes, and passed from their day men feared and were wont
hand to hand, to worship.
And suckled at a hundred half-clad But lest we be given to boasting of
breasts, these great events and achievements,
Comes slowly to its stature and its we should be reminded of how they
form, are being used, and of what is hap-
Calms the rough ridges of its dragon pening in this world of ours by the
scales, very things which our civilization has
Changes to shining locks its snaky produced. Hunger and want, misery
hair, and woe seem to be spreading through
And moves transfigured into angel the world, threatening the very civiliza-
guise, tion that has made these things pos-
Welcomed by all who cursed its hour sible. It seems that God's great plan
of birth included work for a wrecking crew, to
And folded in the same encircling arms tear down the old structure and make
That cast it like a serpent from their room for that which is to come. But
hold." let not those who are responsible for
these things be comforted in this
Newly revealed truth thought, for God has said: "It is im-
Let us discuss some newly revealed possible but that offenses will come:
truth —
truth that has had just such a but woe unto him, through whom they
reception and experience as the poet come!" (Luke 17:1.)
mentions, for it was thought to be "a

misshapen and an untimely growth."

Spiritual enlightenment
Yet it is coming to its stature and its But are weto look for great advance-
form, and its truth will move trans- ment in these fields of human
figured yet into angel guise. thought and activity alone, where ma-
The somewhat melancholy history terial things seemingly are glorified
of the past seems to have been a and the spiritual things forgotten? Or
necessary forerunner to those great may we expect in fields of moral
events which we now proclaim. The growth and spiritual enlightenment to
passing of the sun of time beyond the find new truth and revelation from
meridian, after the crucifixion of Christ, God? When he said he would pour out
was followed by the twilight and the his Spiritupon all flesh, I think he did
sunset, and then centuries of darkness, not intend to limit his inspiration to
after which the signs of dawn appear. those who are working with material
The morning breaks, the shadows flee. things alone, for in the spiritual realm,
How gloriously the Lord has kept too, there is need for something new.
his promise that in the latter days he
would pour out his Spirit upon all Restitution of all things
flesh! You remember when Peter and
John went up to the temple at Jeru-
A marvelous age salem and came to the gate called
What a marvelous age is this in beautiful;the man who was lame,
which we live! What tremendous ad- asked alms of them; and
sitting there,
vancement has been made within the Peter,turning to him, said: "Silver
last 150 years! and gold have I none; but such as I

have, give I thee: In the name of Jesus "And midst of the seven
in the
Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." candlesticks one like unto the Son of
(Acts 3:6.) man, clothed with a garment down to
The scriptures tell us he was healed, the foot, and girt about with a . . .

and he leaped and he shouted for joy golden girdle.

at his deliverance. Then a crowd gath- "His head and his hairs were white
ered in wonder and amazement, and like wool, as white as snow; and his
Peter told them that what was done eyes were as a flame of fire;
was not of their own power or holiness, "And his feet like unto fine brass,
but it was done in the name of Jesus as if they burned in a furnace; and
Christ. Then he said to the multitude: his voice as the sound of many waters.
"Repent ye therefore, and be con- "And he had in his right hand seven
verted, that your sins may be blotted stars: and out of his mouth went a
out, when the times of refreshing shall sharp two-edged sword: and his counte-
come from the presence of the Lord; nance was as the sun shineth in his
"And he shall send Jesus Christ, strength.
which before was preached unto you: "And when I saw him, I fell at his
"Whom the heaven must receive feet as dead. And he laid his right
until the times of the restitution of all hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear
things, which God hath spoken by the not; Iam the first and the last:
mouth of all his holy prophets since "I am he that liveth, and was dead;
the world began." (Acts 3:19-21.) and, behold, I am alive forevermore.

Amen. . . .

Dispensation of fulness of times "Write the things which thou hast

The apostle Paul said that in the seen,and the things which are, and the
dispensation of the fulness of times thingswhich shall be hereafter." (Rev.
he would gather together in one all 1:10-19.)
things in Christ, both which are in Thus spake the Son of God to John
heaven and which are in the earth, the apostle.
even in him.
You will remember, too, as the eleven
God revealed to man
stood with the Master out near Bethany In the spring of 1820, concerning
where they saw a cloud envelope him which you have heard something this
and take him into heaven, two angels morning already, just 150 years ago,
stood by in white apparel and said to God, our Father, revealed himself to
those who were assembled: "Ye men man. He considered the occasion and
of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into the message of such great importance
heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken that he came personally from the
up from you into heaven, shall so come heavens and brought with him his
in like manner as ye have seen him Only Begotten Son, and together they
go into heaven." (Acts 1:11.) spoke to this young man and to all
of us. Since that time others have
Vision of John come, other revelations have been
We refer again to that marvelous given. The Angel Moroni and Moses
prediction of John, who, while ban- and Elias came. Peter, James, and
ished on the Isle of Patmos, had a John, John the Baptist, Elijah, and
vision and said: "I was in the Spirit on others. They have spoken to men and
the Lord's day, and heard behind me a commissioned them, and men are
great voice, as of a trumpet. again communing with God.
"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the Now, I am not unmindful of the
first and the last: and, What thou fact that such a declaration as this is
seest, write in a book, and send it unto met not only with incredulity and dis-
the seven churches which are in belief, but also with antagonism and
Asia. . . . anger. Men have employed against
"And turned to see the voice that
I this truth the self-same weapons as
spake with me. And being turned, I the adversary has always used in his
saw seven golden candlesticks; battle against the truth.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

God speaks to men trump of God: and the dead in Christ

shall rise first." (1 Thess. 4:16.)
Here again was truth looked upon
as a misshapen and untimely growth. A glorious promise
And I ask all Christians who be-
This declaration that the Savior will
lieve the Bible, do you doubt the
come again is made to you, my broth-
words of Saul of Tarsus, who said that
ers and sisters and friends, in the spirit
on his way to Damascus to persecute
and by the power which gave these
the he saw a light which
truths to man, and in his name I de-
blinded him, and he heard a voice?
clare to you that I know, as I know
He asked, "Who art thou, Lord?" And I live, that this is true. It is the most
the voice replied: "I am Jesus Christ
hopeful and the most glorious an-
whom thou persecutest." (See Acts
nouncement and promise that has been
made in all the history of the world,
I say Christians believe that record,
save only that which was made by the
and yet they say God cannot speak to angels to the shepherds on the hills of
men. They who believe the Bible ac- Galilee when Christ was born.
cept the record which tells us of the
Let us continue to search for truth
appearance of Moses and Elias on the
in all fields of human interest and
Mount of Transfiguration and that endeavor

"Till the war drums throb
Peter, James, and John were there and
no longer and the battle flags are
saw them in the presence of the Mas- furled in the parliament of man, the
ter. Moses and Elias, mind you, had federation of the world"; till the Prince
lived hundreds of years before that
of Peace shall come and assume his
time, and yet men say: "Yes, we believe
rightful place as King of kings, and
the Bible where it tells of that. It was
there will be universal peace for 1,000
done once, but it can't be done again." years.
I repeat: Why
should men think it a
I pray that we may be individually
thing incredible that God should speak
preparing ourselves to meet him when
to men? Has not that been his method
he comes, for come he will, and that
throughout the ages? Do we not need
much sooner than we think. Of this
him? Have our civilization, our science,
truth I testify to you in the name of
and our boasted learning made us in-
dependent of him?
Jesus Christ. Amen. O
President Harold B. Lee
Introduction to future events

Our declaration to you today is but We have just listened to Elder Hugh
introductory, and though he came, and B. Brown of the Council of the Twelve
with him God the Father, and follow- Apostles.
ing them these others whom I have We express our thanks and appre-
briefly —
mentioned all of this is but ciation to the General Authorities who
have spoken to us, and to the Taber-
an introduction to what is yet to come.
In the afterglow of Easter, listen to nacle Choir for their inspirational
the Lord's promise: "For I will reveal music.
myself from heaven with power and This session has been broadcast by
glory, with
all the hosts thereof, and many radio and television stations in
dwell righteousness with men on
in the Western United States, and short-
earth a thousand years, and the wicked waved in English over Radio New
shall not stand." (D&C 29:11.) York Worldwide to Europe, South
And again from Matthew: "For the America, Mexico, Africa and parts of
Son of man shall come in the glory of Asia.
his Father with his angels; and then This session has also been carried
he shall reward every man according by direct wire from the Tabernacle over
to his works." (Matt. 16:27.) direct oceanic cables to a large number
"For the Lord himself shall descend of members and friends assembled in
from heaven with a shout, with the chapels throughout Great Britain, Ger-
voice of the archangel, and with the many, France, Austria and Japan.

Direct circuits will also carry this ference will then be adjourned until
session to members and friends as- 2:00 this afternoon.
sembled in chapels throughout Eastern
We shall conclude this fourth ses- The Tabernacle Choir sang "Worthy
sion of the conference with the Taber- Isthe Lamb."
nacle Choir singing "Worthy Is The Elder Keith Romney, former presi-
Lamb," which the benediction
after dent of the Southeast Mexican Mission,
will be pronounced by Elder Keith offered the closing prayer.
Romney, former president of the South- The conference was adjourned until
east Mexican Mission, and this con- 2 o'clock p.m.

FIFTH SESSION cast to far-distant places by Radio
Stations KSL, KIRO at Seattle, KMBZ
The fifth session of the conference
at Kansas City, and WRFMat New-
York City. This will begin tonight at
convened on Sunday, April 5, 1970, at
2 o'clock p.m.
Saturday evening an inspirational
President Joseph Fielding Smith
meeting of the Priesthood of the
presided and conducted the meeting.
Church was held in the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle Choir sang the The proceedings of this meeting were
choral numbers for this session, with relayed by closed-circuit broadcast,
Jay E. Welch conducting. Robert Cun- originating in the Tabernacle, to mem-
dick served as organist. bers of the Priesthood assembled in
At the beginning of this session, approximately 620 separate locations
President Smith made an introductory in all parts of the United States and
statement as follows: Canada. Approximately 150,000 hold-
ers of the priesthood participated in
this meeting.
President Joseph Fielding Smith
Weextend a cordial welcome to all
Members of the Church are con-

present this afternoon, special guests,
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple educational leaders, our regional repre-
Square in Salt Lake City, Utah in the sentatives and stake presidencies from
fifth session of the 140th Annual Con- near and far, temple presidencies,
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ bishoprics, members of the general
of Latter-day Saints. auxiliary boards, and thousands of
members of the Church, and many
This afternoon many television and
friends everywhere who are listening-
radio stations throughout the western
in by radio and television.
part of the United States will carry
the proceedings of this session of the The music for this session will be
conference. rendered by the Tabernacle Choir,
Sessions of this conference have been with Jay E. Welch conducting. Robert
televised in color and received by mil- Cundick is at the organ.
lions in the United States and Canada Weshall begin this service by the
over most of those stations cooperating choir singing, "Lovely Appear," after
to provide the extensive coverage of which the invocation will be offered
this conference. The full proceedings by Elder Glen L. Rudd, former presi-
of both sessions today will be rebroad- dent of the Florida Mission.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

The Tabernacle Choir then sang the Petersen of the Council of the Twleve
number, "Lovely Appear." will address us.
The opening prayer was offered by
Elder Glen L. Rudd, former president
of the Florida Mission. The Tabernacle Choir sang "Ye Now
Are Sorrowful." Olga Gardner was

President Joseph Fielding Smith

President Smith
The Tabernacle Choir, under the Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Coun-
direction of Jay E. Welch, will now cil of the Twelve will be our first
sing, "Ye Now Are Sorrowful," with speaker this afternoon. He will be fol-
Olga Gardner as soloist. lowed by Elder A. Theodore Tuttle of
After the singing, Elder Mark E. the First Council of Seventy.

Elder Mark E. Petersen

Of the Council of the Twelve

• a great privilege to worship with

It is In this same sense we accept the
you here, my brothers and sisters and President of our Church. He too is a
friends, on this the Lord's Sabbath day. revelator. Through him modern revela-
The conference of The Church of tion made available to help us meet

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that the many serious problems of life.
we now are holding is the most unusual Most people of today, whether Jew-
one in 19 years. ish or Christian, regard it as strange
that we make such
claims for the Presi-
Change in administration dent of our church.
The illustrious administration of our "A prophet?" they ask with an in-
beloved President David O. McKay has quiring look. "A prophet? And what
now come to a close, marking the is a prophet? Can any modern man be

greatest period of growth the Church a prophet? Were not prophets confined
has ever experienced in its 140 years to Bible times?"
of history. These indeed are proper questions.
Now we open a new administration They should be asked and they should
under President Joseph Fielding Smith, be answered.
also beloved and revered through his
many years of devotion to the cause
Revelation through prophets
of Christ. He will be sustained Our best explanation may be given
formally by the vote of the people by reviewing what the Bible itself says
tomorrow, as the tenth President of the about prophets. Such servants of God
Church. were most important in ancient times.
In fact, the whole program of the
The President a prophet
Lord's dealings with his people cen-
ThePresident of The Church of tered about them. So well established
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is was this procedure that one of them
more than a president. To us he also said, "Surely the Lord God will do
is chosen to be a prophet of God in nothing, but he revealeth his secret
the same sense in which Moses, Isaiah, unto his servants the prophets." (Amos
and Ezekiel were called. These an- 3:7.)
cient prophets were revelators. By The entire pattern of the Bible, as
current revelation they received up-to- shown in both Old and New Testa-
date, divine guidance for the people. ments, reflects this important fact.


Whenever God had a people on edged their own lack of divine guid-
earth whom he recognized as his own, ance.
he provided constant guidance for Martin Luther, for example, said
them, and this guidance was by that the spiritual powers of early
divine revelation given through living Christianity had been completely de-
prophets. stroyed or lost and that Christianity
as it was given by the Savior was no
How we obtained our Bible longer on the earth.
These revelations were compiled, and John Wesley taught that revelation
together with the history of the times,
and other spiritual gifts ceased to exist
from what he called that "fatal period
they became scripture. This is how we
obtained our Bible. The volume of
when Constantine called himself a
scripture grew with each new prophet.
In this way we obtained the books of
Roger Williams was equally out-
Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, spoken and said
Malachi, and all the others making up
"There is no person on earth quali-
fied to administer any Church ordi-
our Old Testament.
It was the same in New Testament
nances; nor can there be until new
apostles are sent by the great head of
times. Here again are sacred writings,
the Church, for whose coming I am
those of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the Acts, the Epistles, and the
book of Revelation, all originating ac- Thomas Jefferson, though not a cleric
in the usual sense, was a great student
cording to the Lord's pattern, even as
in Old Testament times. of Christianity. Even he acknowledged
the loss of the original gospel and said
But was this actually characteristic
that he looked forward to "the prospect
of the Christian church? Is it true
of a restoration of primitive Chris-
that there were Christian prophets as
there were Old Testament prophets?
The apostle Paul taught that Jesus Restoration of gospel
placed in his church both Christian
apostles and Christian prophets for the Many other thoughtful students of
guidance of the members and for the scripture have reached the same con-
work of the ministry. clusion. They have sensed an absence
of revelations and other spiritual gifts
Where are prophets today? known so well to ancient Christianity.
They also look forward to a restoration
But where are the Christian proph- of those gifts.
ets today? Has God altered his pattern?
But what encouraged them to believe
Has the Almighty changed? Or is he there would be such a restoration? Was
still the same yesterday, today, and
it foretold in Holy Writ?
forever? And he does not change,
The Bible teaches that Christ will
can we say that his procedures change?
come again and says that a great new
Remembering that his pattern is the
revelation from God is to precede that
same, we should ponder care-
of today
event, even a restoration of the original
fully the sacred words given so long
gospel, which then is to be preached
ago and ask ourselves why they should to the entire modern world.
not apply today. Recall those words if
That new revelation from God would
you will: include a modern visitation of angels,
"Surely the Lord God will do noth- the Bible says, a thing regarded as
ing, but he revealeth his secret unto
something very strange indeed by most
his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)
people of today. Yet it is God's way,
not man's, that should concern us.
Christian reformers
But to whom is this new revelation
Some of the great Christian reformers to come? Will it be given to those
recognized this principle. They knew who do not believe in modern prophets
that God dealt with his people through and revelation and who deny the mod-
prophets in ancient times and acknowl- ern visitation of angels? Would it
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

come topeople so unbelieving and so President today, and who will be

sophisticated that they would refuse to formally sustained during this con-
accept the principle of divine inter- ference, is likewise a divinely appointed
vention? prophet of Almighty God, and we so
God raised up prophets sustain him.

In the past, when there were no Mouthpiece for God

prophets to receive his word, God When the Lord reestablished this
raised up new ones to bring about his ancient pattern in our day, he gave
purposes. a commandment to the members of
By the time the Lord was ready to the Church with respect to their
bring Israel out of Egypt, the people President. Said he: ". thou shalt . .

had been without prophets for 400 give heed unto words and com-
all his
years and had turned away from the mandments which he shall give unto
truth. Therefore, when God prepared you as he receiveth them, walking in
to bring them back to the holy land, all holiness before me.
it became necessary for him to raise "For his word ye shall receive, as if
up a new prophet in the person of from mine own mouth, in all patience
Moses, for none of the Israelitish lead- and faith." (D&C 21:4-5.)
ers of that day could qualify. In other words, the modern prophet
When a forerunner was to be chosen became a mouthpiece for God, even as
for the mortal ministry of Christ, God was Moses.
did not choose him from among the And then the Lord added one more
members of the Sanhedrin. They were thing. He said that if any receive his
unbelieving also and therefore not word with a doubtful heart and keepeth
worthy to receive new revelation. it with slothfulness, they shall have no
Therefore, he raised up John the Bap- reward. But to those who gladly follow
tist, a new prophet, who could prepare
the teachings of the modern prophet,
the way for the Lord. the Almighty said:
Joseph Smith a new prophet ". .his word ye shall receive, as if

from mine own mouth, in all patience

In our day, when the predicted new and faith.
revelation was to come as forecast in
"For by doing these things the gates
the scripture, again there was no shall not prevail against you;
of hell
prophet on the earth to receive it. No
yea, and the Lord God will disburse the
one believed in modern prophets. So
powers of darkness from before you,
what could God do? He raised up a and cause the heavens to shake for your
new prophet in the person of Joseph good, and his name's glory." (D&C
Smith, who received the great new
revelation. As part of it, he was visited
by holy angels, as the Bible foretold. Continuation of pattern
And why did angels come to Joseph This is why we Latter-day Saints
Smith? Certainly not to satisfy his have prophets. And this is why we
curiosity! Those angels came to him
sustain Joseph Fielding Smith as a
to ordain him and confer upon him prophet and a seer to our people, which
divine authority and thereby qualify
we do joyfully and with all our hearts.
him to serve. In this way the restora- This procedure should not seem
tion of the gospel was accomplished.
strange to those who know the scrip-
Legal successors tures. It is merely a reestablishment
and a continuation of the unchanged
But thiswas more than a century
but long-forgotten Bible pattern.
ago, and Joseph Smith has passed to
And so we say:
the great beyond. Others have taken
his place. Each of his legal successors, "Come, listen to a prophet's voice
however, was likewise appointed by the And hear the word of God,
Lord as a prophet, a seer, and a reve- And in the way of truth rejoice,
lator to carry on the work. And sing for joy aloud."
Joseph Fielding Smith, who is our —Hymns, No. 46

A solemn reality Invitation to partake

What we say here is no fantasy. It Weinvite all men to partake of this

is stern and solemn reality. The heav- great gospel. We
declare it to be God's
ens have been reopened. God once truth. We
realize what Paul said about
again converses with man. preaching false doctrine, and we de-
As Moses saw God and talked with clare our message in all soberness.
him face to face, so Joseph Smith saw What we say is true.
God and talked with him face to face. God has spoken again from the
As Isaiah guided his people under heavens. He has raised up new proph-
the light of heaven, so David O. McKay ets in the earth, and we meet together
guided his people under the light of here in the presence of his latest chosen
heaven. As Peter, James, and John prophet, seer, and revelator. May we
directed the work of the early Christian follow his direction and sustain him
church, doing so as Christian prophets with our hearts and our hands, I
and Christian apostles, so Joseph Field- earnestly pray, in the name of the Lord
ing Smith, Harold B. Lee, and Nathan Jesus Christ. Amen. O
Eldon Tanner direct the work of The
restored Church of Jesus Christ, doing
it also as Christian prophets and Chris-
President Joseph Fielding Smith
tian apostles.
It is all a great reality. The gospel We have just listened to Elder Mark
has been restored in our day, and it E. Petersen of the Council of the
is now offered freely and without price Twelve.
to all mankind; and given through
it is Elder A. Theodore Tuttle of the
the instrumentality of prophets of FirstCouncil of Seventy will be our
God, prophets who have received the next speaker.He will be followed by
revelation of God and who walk under Bishop Robert L. Simpson, first coun-
his guidance and inspiration. selor in the Presiding Bishopric.

Elder A. Theodore Tuttle

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• Brothers and sisters: President Lee again what the Lord said to Enoch
has said we don't need more prophets about our day.
to speak —we need more ears to listen. "And the Lord said unto Enoch: As
Weare about ready to listen, aren't I live, even so will I come in the last
we? I think we have come to this days, in the days of wickedness and
conference a little more attentive. vengeance. . . .

Isn't it interesting what a difference ". . . but before that day

the . . .

even six months can make in our will- heavens shall shake, and also the
ingness to listen. Our situation is some- earth; and great tribulations shall be
what similar to that in the Book of among the children of men, but my
Mormon, when the people had reached people will I preserve." (Moses 7:60-
a state of "awful wickedness." Nephi 61.)
then records: Likewise, in Section 38, after warn-
"Now this great iniquity had come
ing the Saints of tumultuous days, the
upon the Nephites, in the space of not Lord said:
many years. . .
." (He. 7:6. Italics ". but if ye are prepared ye shall
. .

added.) not fear." (D&C 38:30.)

In the world there will be no peace.
Lord's word about our day
Among faithful Latter-day Saints
With the challenges we face today, things will be better. The spirit of
it ought to be very comforting to read fear is not of God. Let us turn to the
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

principles and promises of the proph- Against this burning, it would seem
ets, and prepare so we need not fear. the better part of wisdom to take out
How? Strengthen the home! I make some "fire insurance." For those who
several suggestions. say "We're not going to burn," it
would be prudent to remember that it
Strengthen the home wasn't raining when Noah built the
Observe your family home evening.
Let us prepare then by being tithed.
Freedom from fear follows obedience
to this promise. The First Presidency Live the Word of Wisdom
has said:
". .If the [families] obey this coun-
Parents, would you have your chil-

sel, we promise that great blessings will

dren gain power to combat evil influ-
result. Love at home and obedience to ences? Live and teach the Word of
parents will increase. Faith will be Wisdom. The Lord revealed this
principle in 1833. It was accepted as a
developed in the hearts of the youth
of Israel, and they will gain power to commandment by the Church in gen-
eral conference on September 9, 1851.
combat the evil influences and tempta-
tions which beset them." (The First The Word of Wisdom, like tithing,

Presidency, 1915, in Era, Vol. 18,

is a principle with a promise.
Four promises given
Pay your tithing You know the law, its prohibitions
Parents, would you develop faith in and its recommendations. There are,

the hearts of your children? Then, pay moreover, four promises of great sig-
your tithing. Rely on the promise the nificance in it: the promise of health,
Lord has made. knowledge, strength, and life.
I think it is not well known in the
"And all saints who remember to

Church that payment of tithing has keep and do these sayings, walking in
very little to do with money. Tithing obedience to the commandments, shall
receive health in their navel and mar-
has to do with faith. People do not
pay tithing because they have money. row to their bones;
They pay tithing because they have "And shall find wisdom and great
treasures of knowledge, even hidden
faith. When we learn that principle,
then we are in a better position to
understand and to obey what the Lord "Andshall run and not be weary,

has said. The Lord is measuring our

and shall walk and not faint.
faith. He is not measuring the amount
"And I, the Lord, give unto them a
promise, that the destroying angel shall
of money we have. Tithing will be a
pass by them, as the children of Israel,
measure of our preparedness in times
to come.
and not slay them. Amen." (D&C
Listen to his promise:
"Behold, now it is Youth, compliance with this com-
a day for
. . .

the tithing of my people; for he that

mandment not only helps to free you
from fear, but also strengthens you
is tithed shall not be burned at his
further to resist the use of drugs, with
"For after today cometh the burning
their hideous mind —
and soul de- —
— this is speaking after the manner of
stroying properties. Obedience to this

the Lord for verily I say, tomorrow all
clarity of
mind, and spiritual power.

the proud and they that do wickedly

shall be as stubble; and I will burn
Remember, the Lord has promised and
the Lord will fulfill. Keep this com-
them up, for I am the Lord of Hosts;
and I will not spare any that remain mandment then and ye need not fear.
in Babylon.
Learn to communicate
"Wherefore, if ye believe me, ye will
labor while it is called today." (D&C Parents, would you draw near to
64:23-25.) each member of your family? Learn to

communicate with God and with one Be prepared

another. Hold family prayer each
All of this prepares us against the
morning and evening; have individual
days foretold in the scriptures.
prayer. Teach your children to "listen"
when they pray. Learn to listen to
When I was a little boy, I used to
your children. It is often true that
go from our house up to Halls' to get
milk each morning. I had heard about
90 percent of our help comes from lis-
the "burning" predicted in the scrip-
tening only. Learn to ponder. Take
tures. I once wondered how we could
time to meditate.
be burned. I could understand how
Eliminate more of the worldly com-
mercial entertainment now channeled
New York City or even Salt Lake City
into your home. In its place, learn the

could burn up with its buildings
close together. But, I was sure that
simple arts and develop individual
firewould never touch us. Fire couldn't
skills. There is great virtue in training
possibly jump from Halls' barn across
your boys to use building tools and
your girls to use homemaking tools.
our garden to our house — not even the
This develops creativity, talent, and
biggest fire I had ever seen. I felt safe
in Manti.
initiative. It gives expression to indi-
These were a boy's thoughts.
vidual talents and encourages thrift
Since then, I've learned about things
and industry.
that can burn without having to have
Work and play together buildings close together.
The Lord has said: "My people will
Train your children to work. I be- I preserve." And, ". . . if ye are pre-
lieve in the gospel of work. Train them pared, ye need not fear."
to assume Provide op-
responsibility. I testify that he lives to fulfill his
portunity for service to one another and promise. Jesus is the Christ. He will
to their parents. Chores are blessings come one day. President Joseph Field-
in overalls. Their value remains long ing Smith is a living prophet, and I
after the duty is done. love him and sustain him and his
Organize activities that bring parents counselors with all my heart, in the
and children together. Working to- name
gether is more fun than working alone.
of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
Learn also to play. Play together as President Joseph Fielding Smith
families. Make your family a strong,
united unit of the Church. We have just listened to Elder A.
We had better be organized as Theodore Tuttle. Bishop Robert L.
families. We
had better be able to Simpson, first counselor in the Presid-
meet trouble. There will no doubt be ing Bishopric, will be the next speaker.
plenty of it ahead of us. We
had He will be followed by the congrega-
better be prepared —
so that we need not tion and choir joining in singing, "O
fear! Say What Is Truth."

Bishop Robert L. Simpson

Of the Presiding Bishopric

• My dear brethren and sisters: I am look at you and as we feel your unity
grateful to my Heavenly Father for this and your strength and your combined
opportunity. I want each of you to faith, we
feel built up, and we are
know the strength that we feel in your better able to carry out our assign-
presence. I am sure you come to con- ments. Without that feeling, we
ference to receive, but I want to prom- couldn't do it, I promise you.
ise you that you also give as you come
to general conference, because we are
Fatherhood of God
the recipients of that giving. As we May I bear you my witness that I
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

know that God lives. Iknow it just as son relationship, many of our mortal
surely as I stand here, and I know that frustrations and contentions could be
Jesus is the Christ, and that Joseph greatly diminished.
Fielding Smith is a prophet of God. Just a couple of days ago in Primary
And because he is a prophet, those conference, we were reminded once
things that he says are true. Just yes- again by the little children: "I am a
terday he gave two great discourses, and child of God, and he has sent me here."
one of the things that he said I shall This is a basic doctrine, and all man-
ever remember, for it was something kind needs to believe it.
that was taught me even as a child at
the knee of my mother. He said, "God
Basic family relationships
is our Father, and we are his children."

O that the world, three billion people, We seem so inclined to forget that
could listen to a prophet of God and there are certain basic and funda-
have this firm thought, this basic and mental relationships within the human
fundamental concept, as an anchor to family that do not alter as the scene
their lives. changes from one side of the veil to
Not too long ago a schoolteacher, the other. One of those concepts, in
anxious to extract some participation my opinion, is the right that every
from her class of third graders on the child has to communicate with and
subject of modern-day progress, asked obtain assistance from his father, mor-
her little ones a simple question: tal and heavenly. Each of us has two

"Can anyone here name one im- fathers —

a spiritual father and an
earthly father. Not only that, but I
portant thing in this world that was
have also been taught that every parent
not here ten years ago?" After a few
has the right and the capacity to know
moments of thinking, an eager and
confident eight-year-old boy near the
and be concerned about the welfare
of his children. It is an eternal com-
back raised his hand. His answer:
mission and right shared by the father

"Yes me." As humorous as this inci-
of your physical body and the father
dent might sound on the surface, I am
of your spirit.
certain that Heavenly Father smiled
approvingly at the boy's response, a
response that was made in all seri-
God knows his offspring
Why must we continually limit God,
our Eternal Father, and his abilities
Father-to-son relationship
by our own mortal incapabilities, im-
This lad, in my mind, is a modern- maturities, and our earthbound, physi-
was he who declared cal restrictions? Should he who has the
day David, for it

centuries ago: ability to create worlds and father

billions of children be denied the right
"When I consider thy heavens, the
know his offspring? Of course not.
work of thy fingers, the moon and the
Every father has that privilege. To
stars,which thou hast ordained;
think otherwise is inconsistent with all
"What is man, that thou art mind- that we hold as basic and fundamental
ful of him? and the son of man, that
thou visitest him?
in life —life here, life before, and life
"For thou has made him a little May I be bold enough to suggest
lower than the angels, and hast that your Heavenly Father knows you
crowned him with glory and honour. personally and can call you by name
"Thou madest him to have dominion — yes, you plus three billion other
over the works of thy hands; thou hast children who share this world with
put all things under his feet." (Ps. you. And you can add to that family
8:3-6.) circle the billions upon billions who
If the world could but learn and have lived and died since Father Adam.
have feelings about thisone basic This thought itself is admittedly almost
concept of God to man, of father-to- beyond the comprehension of mortal


understanding, but please, let us not parents and to help guarantee an eter-
limit the Creator of heaven and earth nal relationship with them.
in any way, for his powers are limit-
less, and the basic concept must hold The vine and the branches
that a father knows his children. "What is man, that thou art mind-
Prayer is heard
ful of him?" A loving
Father in heaven,
concerned welfare of his child,
for the
As a child of God kneels to pray, might well answer: "Why, you are my
that individual must believe implicitly son, you are my daughter. I love you
that his prayer is being heard by him very much. I listen carefully each day,
to whom the prayer is addressed. The hoping to hear from you. I want so
thought that our Heavenly Father is to one day have you back where you
too busy or that our message is being belong. Please share with me your
recorded by celestial computers for innermost thoughts, your hopes, yes,
possible future consideration is un- and particularly your problems. I
thinkable and inconsistent with all we know I can help, but listen carefully,
have been taught by his holy prophets. —
child don't close the door when I
It was thrilling to listen to a rather give you the answer. I need you very
relate this story about his three-year-old much, just as you need me." And I
youngster recently, as they knelt by suppose that a fitting climax to such
the crib in the usual manner for the comments that a loving Heavenly-
little fellow to say his simple bedtime Father might conceivably utter to any
prayer. Eyes closed heads bowed — one of his children could well be
seconds passed, and there were no couched in the same language that the
words spoken by the child. Just about Savior used as he spoke tenderly
the time Dad was going to open his through John:
eyes to check the lengthy delay, little "I am the vine, ye are the branches:
Tommy was on his feet and climbing He that abideth in me, and I in him,
into bed. "How about your prayers?" the same bringeth forth much fruit:
asked Dad. "I said my prayers," came for without me ye can do nothing.
the reply. "But son, Daddy didn't "If ye abide in me, and my words
hear you." Then followed the child's abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,
classic statement: "But Daddy, I and it shall be done unto you." (John
wasn't talking to you." 15:5, 7.) What a promise!

Communication not in vain

We are children of God. He is our
Father in very deed. May we revere
Even three-year-olds have personal, that relationship. Without this lofty
private matters to discuss with Heav- concept as the foundation of our lives,
enly Father from time to time. But our chances for temporal happiness and
most important of all is the implicit true success are extremely limited; our
faith that the communication is not in possibility for eternal joy and exaltation
vain. Each word is finding its way to a is nonexistent. But with it in sharp
Father who is not too busy, a Father focus and meaningful on a daily basis,
who has the ability to hear, to judge, we will best be able to comprehend and
and to act for our benefit. This must realize the great statement that "men
be the personal faith of us all regard- are, that they might have joy." (2 Ne.
less of our age, regardless of our station 2:25.) I pray in the name of Jesus
in life, regardless of how long it has Christ. Amen. O
been, regardless of how grievous the
confidence might be. President Joseph Fielding Smith
". . . this is my work and my glory
— to bring to pass the immortality and Bishop Robert L. Simpson of the
eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.) His Presiding Bishopric has just spoken to
total purpose and plan is involved in us.
our success., It's natural for a father The now
congregation and choir will
to want success for his offspring. A son join in singing, "O Say What Is
or daughter should want to please his Truth."
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

After the singing, Elder Theodore M.

Burton, Assistant to the Twelve, will The congregation and choir sang the
be our speaker. hymn, "O Say What Is Truth."

Elder Theodore M. Burton

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• used to be said of a Mormon that

It a kind, loving Father in heaven. One
his word was as good as his bond. of the reasons the Father loved the
Once a Mormon gave his word, you Son so much was because he was trust-
could rely on it. Even if it meant a worthy. Jesus said:
personal sacrifice of money, time, or "Therefore doth my Father love me,
effort, once he gave his word you could because I lay down my life, that I might
depend on him to do as he promised. take it again.
Is the same thing true today? "No man taketh it from me, but I
lay it down of myself. I have power
Honesty takes many forms to lay itdown, and I have power to
take it up again. This commandment
Honesty can take many forms, such have I received of my Father." (John
as giving a full day's work for a full
day's pay. Can one be considered hon-
Jesus used the power God gave him
est who loafs on his job; who does not
take pains with his work; who wastes
to help others. How wonderful if that
same testimony could apply to us in
time in the rest room, around the water
our dealings with others, flow wonder-
fountain, or who stretches his lunch
hour an extra 15 minutes? It is easy ful if we could likewise say: Therefore

to compile a list of dishonest business

doth my Father love me, because I do
practices that take money from an em-
what he asks me to do.

ployer. We can name such things as

Sharpness in business dealings
making unnecessary personal telephone
calls, coming late to work, taking home I devoutly wish that all members of
paper, pencils, postage stamps, or mail- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
ing personal letters through the com- day Saints could be numbered among
pany postage meter. Such practices the honest, trustworthy people of this
once frowned on are almost universally world. Some members of the Church
accepted today with the excuse that succumb to the world in which they
"everyone does it." The fact of the live. They wear their religion on Sun-
matter is that everyone doesn't do it. day, but forget it when they enter the
There are still many honest people in business world. There they become as
this world. sharp and untrustworthy in business
dealings as some of their associates.
Honesty within the family You can be both successful and honest
Honesty includes more than material — in fact, you can be more successful
things. There must be honesty within as an honest man than you ever can
as a self-seeking, dishonest person.
the family. A man must be honest with
his wife and a wife honest with her No one is born honest. No one is
husband. Children must be honest born dishonest. We have to be taught
with parents and parents honest with to be honest. We have to experience
their children. Honesty involves loy- the pain, worry, and discomfort of dis-
alty to family, friends, neighbors, the honesty to know that truly, "honesty is
community, and the nation. Honesty the best policy." The prophet Alma
is a host of little things that make a told his son Corianton, "Behold, I say
person trustworthy. Honesty is a funda- unto you, wickedness never was happi-
mental principle in the true worship of ness." (Al. 41:10. Italics added.) Dis-

honest persons soon discover this. Not companies dishonest persons. Before
only does dishonesty ruin their lives, long they become very critical and
but it also brings shame and dishonor tend to find fault with leaders who
to their families. Dishonesty also call their attention to their unrighteous-
brings shame and suffering to the ness. Instead of repenting and chang-
people of the church to which they ing their lives for the better, they
belong. Like it or not, we are all soon tend to justify their own misdeeds by
tarred with the same brush. finding fault with their leaders. The
Prophet Joseph Smith said:
Dishonesty in little things
"I will give you one of the Keys of
It easy to be dishonest in little
is the mysteries of the Kingdom. It is an
things. Few people think it dishonest eternal principle, that has existed with
to take a pencil home. The Church God from all eternity: That man who
has about 3,500 employees. Figuring rises up to condemn others, finding
five cents per pencil, if each person fault with the Church, saying that they
were to take one pencil, such a loss are out of the way, while he himself is
would amount to $175.00. A person righteous, then know assuredly, that
who would think twice about stealing that man is in the high road to apos-
$175.00 may never lose a moment's tasy; and if he does not repent, will
sleep about taking a pencil. Yet what apostatize, as God lives." (Teachings of
limits dare one set for dishonesty? Little the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph Field-
things soon amount to big things. Be- ing Smith, comp., pp. 156-57.)
fore we are aware, we graduate to
greater sin. In prosperity we forget God
The telling of a lie may appear to be
a little thing, but one lie leads to an-
Another truism is that God does
other until a person's reputation is lost.
Often in that mo-
bless the righteous.

Once a person is branded a liar, a ment when God showers blessings

cheat, or a thief, it takes a long period
upon us most abundantly, we forget
of repentance and restoration to bring
him because we no longer need his
back a reputation so easily tarnished
sustaining hand. I hope with our
present prosperity we are not forgetting
by a careless and thoughtless act. As
our Maker nor forgetting those practices
long as we have to learn to be honest
of honesty and integrity that have
or dishonest, why not learn to be
made us what we are today. Helaman,
a great Book of Mormon prophet,
I wish all boys could have had a
mother such as I had. One day I came
home eating an apple. Mother asked ". behold how false, and also the
. .

unsteadiness of the hearts of the chil-

me where I got it. I told her I found
dren of men; yea, we can see that the
it. She soon discovered that I had
"found" it in Mr. Goddard's grocery Lord in his great infinite goodness doth
bless and prosper those who put their
store, and mother insisted I take it
back. I protested that it was partly trust in him.
eaten, but at her urging I took the "Yea, and we may see at the very
partly eaten apple back to Mr. God- time when he doth prosper his people,
dard and shamefully told him I had . then is the time that they do harden
. .

robbed his store. He phoned mother their hearts, and do forget the Lord
to tell her I had brought it back and their God, and do trample under their
said he had seen me take it, but it feet the Holy One — yea, and this be-
was such a little thing he hadn't cause of their ease, and their exceed-
bothered to say anything about it. It ingly great prosperity.
wasn't a little thing to mother. She "Yea, how quick to be lifted up in
loved us too much to have a thief in pride; and how slow are they
. . . to
the family. remember the Lord their God, and to
give ear unto his counsels, yea, how
Justification through faultfinding slow to walk in wisdom's paths!" (He.
There is a phenomenon that ac- 12:1-2, 5.)
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

Would not be wise to examine our

it When we take upon ourselves the name
practices to see which road we are of Jesus Christ, we
bear the responsi-
walking? Is our word as good as our bility of guarding that great name with
bond? Are we honest in our dealings our very lives.
with others, even in little things? To fail to honor that royal name we
bear as Christians is to hold the very
Leaders of righteousness God we espouse to open ridicule and
Just because we Latter-day Saints shame. In effect, we crucify him anew
live in a current world characterized before the world.
by sharp and dishonest practices is no Now we know these things are true.
excuse for us to be untrustworthy. Be- Like Amulek of old we know better,
cause others lie is no excuse for us to but often we won't listen. As Amulek
be dishonest. On the contrary, we must said:
be leaders of righteousness so that "... I did harden my
heart, for I
others may know the paths of honesty was called many times and I would not
and righteousness that lead back into hear; therefore I knew concerning these
the presence of God the Eternal Father. things, yet I would not know; therefore
The power of the priesthood is given us I went on rebelling against God, in
to lead. Those who bear that priest- the wickedness of my heart. ." (Al.
. .

hood must be pillars of honesty and 10:6. Italics added.)

virtue in every sense of the word. The You know as I know that the ways
apostle Peter spoke to priesthood leaders of God will not His purposes will

in this way: be accomplished and he will save us

"But ye are a chosen generation, a from our sins if only we will not
royal priesthood, an holy nation, a pe- harden our hearts.
culiar people; that ye should shew This is God's work. We
are God's
forth the praises of him who hath children and must not fail him. Let
called you out of darkness into his us all then obey those teachings which
marvellous light: we know deep down in our hearts are
"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as
true. It is time to remember that Jesus

strangers and pilgrims, abstain from truly is the Christ, the living Son of
fleshly lusts,which war against the the living God. He is the Redeemer
soul; and Savior of this world. Of the di-
"Having your conversation honest vinity of his teachings and the Tight-
among the Gentiles: that, whereas ness of his cause I bear my personal
they speak against you as evildoers, witness in the name of Jesus Christ.
they may by your good works, which Amen. O
they shall behold, glorify God in the
day of visitation." (1 Pet. 2:9, 11-12.) President Joseph Fielding Smith

Honoring the royal name we bear Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the
As the children of God, our lives Twelve, will now address us. He will
must be filled with good works, honest be followed by Elder James A. Culli-
practices, and honest virtues that are more, one of the Assistants to the
characteristic of the children of God. Twelve.

Elder Alma Sonne

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• My brethren and sisters: the missions of Europe. I noticed one

A few years ago I boarded an ocean of these men standing on the upper
liner in Liverpool, England. On board deck, looking to the eastward. He
was a group of missionaries, returning seemed a bit crestfallen. As I ap-
home after serving two years or more in proached him, I said, "Are you home-

sick mission field?"

for the "Well, claimed that the churches called Chris-
not exactly," he said, "but it has sud- tian had broken the laws and changed
denly occurred to me that I may never the everlasting gospel. This was in
see those people again." fulfillment of prophecy. The obliga-
He had spent two and one-half years tion resting upon the Latter-day Saints
in Norway. He had made many is to teach the restored gospel. I feel

friends, and many of them had be- I can conscientiously and truthfully
friended and cared for him during his say that the restored Church is dis-
period of missionary service. To leave charging this great responsibility.
them was an ordeal that he had not Within a year after its organization
contemplated. "I may never see them missionaries were in the field, often
again, and today my heart is over without purse or scrip, announcing the
there," he said. restoration of divine truth. Their suc-
It is a common experience with mis- cess was phenomenal. The Church
sionaries who invariably have strong grew and prospered through a mission-
attachments to the people among ary system that has no parallel in re-
ligious history.
whom they have labored.
Foreign countries were visited.

Benefits of missionary service Opposition mounted. In some cases

mobs assembled. Newspapers carried
The Church has moved ahead since on tirades of abuse. Persecution raged;
its organization in 1830. Its program even churches were hostile. But the
has been constructive and far-reaching. young church, organized under God's
The missionary spirit is still strong in direction, grew and prospered and
its members. Most young men and finally moved to the Rocky Mountains,
many young women look forward to a as prophesied by the Prophet Joseph
missionary opportunity. They know Smith; and the work of regeneration
the benefits derived from such service. was on its way.
The greatest project ever launched
by the Savior was when he sent his Work moving forward
chosen apostles into the world with The Church is well organized and
the injunction, "Go ye into all the
equipped to carry on its mission to the
world, and preach the gospel of the
world. Generally speaking, it has been
kingdom to every creature. successful, and the gospel of the king-
"He that believeth and is baptized dom is going forth in preparation for
shall be saved; but he that believeth
Christ's coming in these the last days.
not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-
Many have been removed since
those hard times when it was first
was a gigantic task, requiring faith,
introduced under the leadership of
courage,and conviction. Joseph Smith, a young prophet.
I need not tell you that their labors When God has a message for his
were effective. What they said and children on the earth, a prophet is
did revolutionized the world. Before chosen and authorized to deliver that
many centuries had passed, the name of message. In the eyes of God he is a
Jesus Christ was known all over the great man, a true servant, but before
civilized world. Churches, cathedrals, men, he is often an outcast, perse-
and monuments were erected to pre- cuted, maligned, and misunderstood.
serve and honor his memory. con- A He often a victim of abuse and
fusion, however, had arisen in these falsehood, but he is unconquerable as
Christian churches. There were many he faces the forces of opposition.
sects, each one claiming to have the The modern prophet, Joseph Smith,
right way to salvation. There was a was no exception. The powers of evil
lack of unity and purpose. were arrayed against him. He with-
stood them and did the work assigned
Obligation to teach restored gospel
In the blaze of the nineteenth cen- He could not fail, for the hour
tury, Joseph Smith appeared. He had come when the God of heaven

Sunday, April 5 Second Day

and earth would establish his work to President Joseph Fielding Smith
redeem humanity. That work is mov-
ing forward, brethren and sisters, and We
have just listened to Elder Alma
will continue its onward march until Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve.
it has filled the earth, and nothing can Elder James A. Cullimore, Assistant
stay its progress. to the Twelve, will now address us. He
I so testify in great humility, in the will be followed by Elder Thomas S.
name of Jesus Christ, the Lord. Monson of the Council of the Twelve,
Amen. O who will be our concluding speaker.

Elder James A. Cullimore

Assistant to the Co-, mcil of the Twelve

• My
beloved brethren and sisters: to our covenants. Great blessings are
How wonderful it is to be assembled promised us as we are obedient, both
here with you in this great worldwide temporal and spiritual, the greatest of
general conference of the Church. As I which is eternal life. (D&C 59:23.)
note the various representatives of Likewise, condemnation follows dis-
stakes from all over the world, I sense obedience. The Lord expects us to be
more than ever how completely this is strong and conquering as we exercise
a worldwide church. I am grateful to our agency.
be here and to represent you in what-
ever way I might, and to be of service Responsibility of Church members
in this great church. President McKay said, in reference
to our responsibilities as members of
The covenants we make the Church: "Membership in the
Some of the facts that come to our Church carries with it the responsi-
attention in the line of our duty make bility to overcome temptation, to battle
me wonder if we take as seriously as error, to improve the mind, and to
we should the covenants we have made develop one's spirit until it comes to the
as members of the Church: 'measure of the stature of the fulness

The covenants made in baptism of Christ.' Habits of intemperance and
wherein we "witness before the church sensual pleasures should have been
that [we] have truly repented of all buried in the waters of baptism. What
. sins, and are willing to take upon
. . folly to permit them to return when
[us] the name of Jesus Christ, having one realizes that not happiness but
a determination to serve him to the misery is allied with indulgence in
end, and truly manifest by [our] works sin!" (Man May Know for Himself
that [we] have received of the Spirit of [Deseret Book Co., 1967], p. 462.)
Christ unto the remission of sins." . . . As we entered the waters of baptism,
(D&C 20:37.) we covenanted with the Lord to be

Promises made to our spouse and obedient and keep his commandments.
unto the Lord as we enter into the The Savior set the pattern in this;
marriage covenant. Nephi told his people the following:
—All covenants made in the temple. ". .he [the Savior] showeth unto the

— Promises made to our bishop and children of men that, according to the
stake president, branch president or flesh he humbleth himself before the
mission president as we accept assign- Father, and witnesseth unto the Father
ments to offices in the Church. that he would be obedient unto him in
—The oath and covenant of the keeping his commandments.
priesthood. The obligations we accept "Wherefore, after he was baptized
as we are ordained to the priesthood with water the Holy Ghost descended
and act in its offices. upon him in the form of a dove.
The Lord expects us to be obedient "And again, it showeth unto the

children of men the straightness of the Righteous, active desires

path, and the narrowness of the gate,
It is of utmost importance that we
by which they should enter, he having
set the example before them.
stimulate proper desires in our lives, by
"And he said unto the children of study, by teaching, by constant activity.
men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my John A. Widtsoe wisely said: "Righ-
beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus teous desire, backed by a ready will
savewe shall be willing to keep the and honest prayer, works wonders in
commandments of the Father?" (2 Ne. human lives. It reveals truth. It trains
31:7-10. Italics added.) the will for righteousness. It leads to
It is the plan of the Lord that men
increasing accomplishment. It is pro-
will have their agency and are free to
tection amidst the temptations and
do as they so desire. President McKay
storms of life. .
said on another occasion: "The mis-
. .

sion of the Church is to assist mankind "Whensuch desire is coupled with

to overcome evil and to cherish the obedience to law, the gates of heaven
good. It teaches that repentance is an are thrown open to our high eternal
eternal principle of salvation." (Path- destiny. As our desires are, so are
ways to Happiness [Bookcraft, 1957], we. . . .

p. 190.)
"A man's desire should be his first

Stimulate others to serve God concern, for no person can rise above
his real desires. Neither can a nation
One our great responsibilities is
of rise above the assembled desires of the
not only to live the gospel ourselves but
people. . . .

also to stimulate in the lives of every

other member of the Church a great "Of course, desires are of value only

desire to serve the Lord. Alma was when they drive us to action. Will
most fervent in his approach to this must accompany desire. Then high re-

great responsibility when he said: "O

solve is born. Desire is the design; will
that I were an angel, and could have the execution of the design. . . . When
desire and will move together, in the
the wish of mine heart, that I might
right direction, we become strong and
go forth and speak with the trump of
God, with a voice to shake the earth, conquering."
and cry repentance unto every people! He said further: "Too many of us
"Yea, I would declare unto every spend our hours wishing for heaven,
soul, as with a voice of thunder, re- when an active desire for simple earthly
pentance and the plan of redemption, blessings might form rounds in the
that they should repent and come ladder to celestial glory." (An Under-
unto our God, that there might not be standable Religion [Deseret Book Co.,
more sorrow upon all the face of the 1944], pp. 70, 64-66.)
earth." In the selection of the first Quorum
And then, as if he realized it would of Twelve Apostles in this dispensation
not be the will of the Lord to be too the Lord said: ". by their desires and. .

forceful, as all must have their their works you shall know them."
agency, he said: "But behold, I am a (D&C 18:38.)
man and do sin in my wish; for I ought Some good counsel was given to
to be content with the things which the
Hyrum Smith through revelation that
Lord hath allotted unto me.
could well be applied in our own lives
"I ought not to harrow up in my
as we build faith.
desires, the firm decree of a just God,
"According to your desires, yea, even
for I know that he granteth unto men
according to your faith shall it be done
according to their desire, whether it be
unto you.
unto death or unto life; yea, I know-
that he allotteth unto men according "Keep my commandments; hold your
to their wills, whether they be unto peace; appeal unto my Spirit;

salvation or unto destruction." (Al. "Yea, cleave unto me with all your
29:1-4.) heart." (D&C 11:17-19.)
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

Means to receive strength The guidance that we seek from our

Heavenly Father greatly depends upon
As we strive to keep the command-
our obedience to every truth known to
ments, it is wonderful to know that the
us. By our good works we demonstrate
Lord has provided means whereby we
to the Lord our obedience.
might receive strength. Through the
influence of the Holy Spirit, the under-
Assurance from doing God's will
standing of the Father is conveyed to
every creature. It is the means of man's The greatest assurance we may re-
constant access to the Father. Modern ceive as to eternal life, and following
revelation states: ". the Spirit giveth
. . President McKay's direction, comes in
light to every man that cometh into "doing the will of the Father." The
the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth Savior said, "My doctrine is not mine,
every man through the world, that but his that sent me.
hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit." "If any man will do his will, he will
(D&C 84:46.) know of the doctrine, whether it be of
The Lord has said plainly: "I, the God, or whether I speak of myself."
Lord, am merciful and gracious unto (John 7:16-17.)
those who fear me, and delight to "And hereby we do know that we
honor those who serve me in righ- know him, if we keep his command-
teousness and in truth unto the end. ments.
"Great shall be their reward and
"He that saith, I know him, and
eternal shall be their glory.
keepeth not his comandments, is a liar,
"And to them will I reveal all mys- and the truth is not in him.
teries ... of my
kingdom from days of
"But whoso keepeth his word, in him
old, and for ages to come, will I make
verily is the love of God perfected;
known unto them the good pleasures hereby know we that we are in him."
of my will concerning all things per-
John 2:3-5.)
taining to my kingdom.
membership in the Church car-
"Yea, even the wonders of eternity
ries with it the responsibility to live
shall they know, and things to come the gospel and overcome temptations.
will I show them, even the things of
May we always have a strong desire
many generations.
to serve the Lord, remembering that
"And their wisdom shall be great, the surest way to keep the faith is by
and their understanding reach to being actively engaged in the work of
heaven; and before them the wisdom the gospel.
of the wise shall perish, and the under-
I leave you my witness that this is
standing of the prudent shall come to
his work in which we are engaged, and
that he will bless us as we keep faith-
"For ... by my power will I make ful and live the gospel, in the name of
known unto them the secrets of my Jesus. Amen. O
will." (D&C 76:5-10.)
degree to which we receive help
from the Lord for the guidance of our President Joseph Fielding Smith
lives depends upon ourselves. We must
be in tune with the Spirit to receive Elder Thomas S. Monson of the
and understand its message. must We Council of the Twelve will be our
be worthy. concluding speaker.


Elder Thomas S. Monson

Of the Council of the Twelve

• Often we
hear the expression, The pupil in such a teacher's di-
"Times have changed." And perhaps vinely commissioned classroom in- —
they have. Our generation has wit- deed, the baby who comes to your
nessed enormous strides in the fields —
home or to mine is a sweet new blos-
of medicine, transportation, communi- som of humanity, fresh fallen from
cation, and exploration, to name but God's own home to flower on earth.
a few. However, there are those iso- Such a thought may have prompted
lated islands of constancy midst the the poet to pen the words:
vast sea of change. For instance, boys
are still boys. And they continue to "I took a piece of plastic clay
make the same boyish boasts. And idly fashioned it one day
And as my fingers pressed it, still
Only a teacher It moved and yielded to my will.
Some time ago I overheard what I
am confident an oft-repeated con-
is "Icame again when days were past;
versation. Three very young boys The bit of clay was hard at last.
were discussing the relative virtues of The form I gave it, still it bore,
their fathers. One spoke out: "My dad And I could change that form no more!
is bigger than your dad," to which

another replied, "Well, my dad is "I took a piece of living clay,

smarter than your dad." The third boy And gently pressed it day by day,
countered: "My dad is a doctor"; then And moulded with my power and art
turning to one boy, he taunted in A young child's soft and yielding heart.
derision, "and your dad is only a
teacher." "I came again when years were gone:
The call of a mother terminated the It was a man I looked upon.

conversation, but the words continued He still that early impress bore,
to echo in my ears. Only a teacher. And I could fashion it never more."
Only a teacher. Only a teacher. One —Author Unknown
day, each of those small boys will come
to appreciate the true worth of inspired Time for teaching
teachers and will acknowledge with
sincere gratitude the indelible imprint Prime time for teaching is fleeting.
which such teachers will leave on their Opportunities are perishable. The par-
personal lives. ent who procrastinates the pursuit of
his responsibility as a teacher may in
"A teacher affects eternity" years to come gain bitter insight to
"A teacher," as Henry Brook Adams Whittier's expression: ". of all sad
. .

observed, "affects eternity; he can never words of tongue or pen, The saddest
tell where his influence stops." This are these: 'It might have been.' " (John
truth pertains to each of our teachers: Greenleaf Whittier, "Maud Muller,"
first, the teacher in the home; second, stanza 53.)
the teacher in the school; third, the Should a parent need added inspira-
teacher in the Church. tion to commence his God-given teach-
Perhaps the teacher you and I re- ing task, let him remember that the
member best is the one who influ- most powerful combination of emotions
enced us most. She may have used no in the world is not called out by any
chalkboard nor possessed a college grand cosmic event nor found in
degree, but her lessons were everlasting novels or history books but merely —
and her concern genuine. Yes, I speak by a parent gazing down upon a sleep-
of mother. And in the same breath, I ing child. "Created in the image of
also include father. In reality, every God," that glorious biblical passage,
parent is a teacher. acquires new and vibrant meaning as
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

a parent repeats this experience. Home dom God; even a barometer to dis-
becomes a haven called heaven, and tinguish between the truths of God
loving parents teach their children "to and the theories of men."
pray, and to walk uprightly before the Several years ago I held in my hand
Lord." (D&C 68:28.) Never does such such a guide. It was a volume of scrip-
an inspired parent fit the description, we commonly call the Triple Com-
"only a teacher." bination,containing the Book of
Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and
The teacher in the school Pearl of Great Price. The book was a
Next, let us consider the teacher in giftfrom a loving father to a beautiful,
the school. Inevitably, there dawns blossoming daughter who followed
that tearful morning when home yields carefully his advice. On the flyleaf
to the classroom part of its teaching page her father had written these in-
time. Johnny and Nancy join the spired words:
happy throng which each day wends
its way from the portals of home to the "April 9, 1944
classrooms of school. There a new "To My Dear Maurine:
world is discovered. Our children meet "That you may have a constant
their teachers. measure by which to judge between
The teacher not only shapes the ex- truth and the errors of man's philoso-
pectations and ambitions of her pupils, phies, and thus grow in spirituality as
but she also influences their attitudes you increase in knowledge, I give you
toward their future and themselves. If this sacred book to read frequently and

she is on the
unskilled, she leaves scars cherish throughout your life.
lives of youth, cuts deeply into their "Lovingly your father,
self-esteem, distorts their image of
and Harold B. Lee"
themselves as human beings. But if she
loves her students and has high expec- The teacher in the Church
tations of them, their self-confidence
I ask the question: "Only a teacher?"
will grow, their capabilities will de-
Finally, us turn to the teacher
and their future will be assured.
we usually meet on Sunday the teach- —
er in the Church. In such a setting,
The power to mislead
the history of the past, the hope of
Unfortunately, there are those few the present, and the promise of the
teachers who delight to destroy faith, future all meet. Here especially, the
rather than build bridges to the good teacher learns it is easy to be a phari-
life. Ever must we remember that the see, difficult to be a disciple. The
power to lead is also the power to teacher is judged by his students not —
mislead, and the power to mislead is alone by what and how he teaches,
the power to destroy. but also by how he lives.
In the words of President J. Reuben The apostle Paul counseled the Ro-
Clark, Jr.: "He wounds, maims, and mans:
cripples a soul who raises doubts about
"Thou . which teachest another,
. .

or destroys faith in the ultimate truths.

teachest thou not thyself? thou that
God will hold such a one strictly ac- preachest a man should not steal,
countable; and who can measure the
dost thou steal? Thou that sayest a man
depths to which one shall fall who
should not commit adultery, dost thou
willfully shatters in another the op-
commit adultery?" (Rom. 2:21-22.)
portunity for celestial glory?" (Immor-
Paul, that inspired and dynamic
tality and Eternal Life, Vol. 2, p. 128.)
teacher, provides us a good example.
Perhaps his success secret is revealed
A guide to truth
through his experience in the dreary
Since we cannot control the class- dungeon that held him prisoner. Paul
room, we can at least prepare the pupil. knew the tramp, tramp of the soldiers'
You ask: "How?" I answer: "Provide a feet and the clank, clank of the chains
guide to the glory of the celestial king- which bound him captive. When the

prison warden, who seemed to be favor- us concerning the creation of the

ably inclined toward Paul, asked him world, the fall of Adam, the atoning
whether he needed advice as to how to sacrifice of Jesus. She brought to her
conduct himself before the emperor, classroom as honored guests Moses,
Paul said he had an adviser the Holy — Joshua, Peter, Thomas, Paul, and Jesus
Spirit. the Christ. Though we did not see
This same Spirit guided Paul as he them, we learned to love, honor, and
stood in the midst at Mars' hill, read emulate them.
the inscription "To The Unknown
God," and declared: ". there- . . Whom Lesson on giving
fore ye ignorantly worship, him declare
Never was her teaching so dynamic
I unto you.
nor its impact more everlasting as one
that made the world
"God and all Sunday morning when she sadly an-
things therein dwelleth . . . not in nounced to us the passing of a class-
temples made with hands; mate's mother. We had missed Billy
". . . he giveth to all life, and breath, that morning, but knew not the reason
and all things; for his absence. The lesson featured the

"For in him we live, and move, and theme, "It is more blessed to give than
to receive." Midway through the les-
have our beings; For we are also
. . .

his offspring." (Acts 17:23-24, 25, 28.) son, our teacher closed the manual and

Again the question, "Only a teacher?" opened our eyes and our ears and our
hearts to the glory of God. She asked,

The Master Teacher "How much money do we have in our

class party fund?"
In the home, the school, or the house Depression days prompted a proud
of God, there is one teacher whose life answer: "Four dollars and seventy-five
overshadows all others. He taught of cents."
life and death, of duty and destiny. He Then ever so gently she suggested:
lived not to be served, but to serve; not "Billy's family is hard-pressed and
to receive, but to give; not to save his grief-stricken. What would you think
life, but to sacrifice it for others. Ho of the possibility of visiting the family
described a love more beautiful than members this morning and giving to
lust, a poverty richer than treasure. It them your fund?"
was said of this teacher that he taught Ever shall I remember the tiny band
with authority and not as do the
walking those three city blocks, enter-
scribes. In today's world, when man)'
ing Billy's home, greeting him, his
men are greedy for gold and for glory, and father. Noticeably
brother, sisters,
and dominated by a teaching philos- absent was his mother. Always I shall
ophy of "publish or perish," let us treasure the tears which glistened in
remember that this teacher never wrote
the eyes of all as the white envelope
— once only he wrote on the sand, and
containing our precious party fund
the wind destroyed forever his hand-
passed from the delicate hand of our
writing. His laws were not inscribed
teacher to the needy hand of a heart-
upon stone, but upon human hearts. I
broken father. We fairly skipped our
speak of the master teacher, even Jesus
way back to the chapel. Our hearts
Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and
were lighter than they had ever been;
Redeemer of all mankind.
our joy more full; our understanding
more profound. A God-inspired teacher
Dedicated teachers
had taught her boys and girls an eter-
When dedicated teachers respond to nal lesson of divine truth. "It is more
his gentle invitation, "Come learn of blessed to give than to receive."
me," they learn, but they also become Well could we have echoed the
partakers of his divine power. It was words of the disciples on the way to
my experience as a small boy to come Emaeus: "Did not our hearts burn
under the influence of such a teacher. within us . .while [she] opened to

In our Sunday School class, she taught us the scriptures?" (Luke 24:32.)
Monday, April 6 Third Day

A worthy compliment The singing for this session has been

furnished by the Tabernacle Choir,
I return to the dialogue mentioned under the direction of Jay E. Welch,
earlier. When the boy heard the taunts: with Robert Cundick at the organ.
"My dad is bigger than yours," "My On behalf of all who have listened
dad is smarter than yours," "My dad
to the singing during these sessions of
is a doctor," well could he have re-
the General Conference today, we ex-
plied: "Your dad may be bigger than
press appreciation and our sincere
mine; your dad may be smarter than
thanks to the members of the Taber-
mine; your dad may be a pilot, an
nacle Choir for the beautiful music
engineer or a doctor; but my dad, my
they have rendered during these ses-
dad is a teacher."
sions today. God bless them for their
May each of us ever merit such a desire to serve and to bring happiness
sincere and worthy compliment, I pray to others.
humbly, in the name of the master The Tabernacle Choir will now
teacher, even the Son of God, Jesus
Still With Thee."
favor us with, "Still,
Christ the Lord. Amen. O The benediction will then be offered
by Elder Milton W. Russon, former
President Joseph Fielding Smith president of the Southern Australian
The semi-annualconference of the The general session of this confer-
Deseret Sunday School Union will be
ence will then be adjourned until
held this evening at 7 p.m. in the
10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Tabernacle. Sunday School workers
are expected to be present. Stake and
ward priesthood officers and the pub-
lic are invited.
Both sessions of our conference today
The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
will be rebroadcast over KSL, KIRO at
With Thee."
ber, "Still, Still

Seattle, KMBZat Kansas City, and The closing prayer was offered by
WNYW International Short-wave Elder Milton W. Russon, former presi-
dent of the Southern Australian Mis-
Radio the following morning begin-
ning at midnight, and will be heard sion.
in many parts of the United States and The conference was adjourned until
other countries. Monday, April 6, at 10 a.m.


SIXTH SESSION First Presidency of the Church was

The sixth session of the conference The choral music for this meeting
convened in the Tabernacle on Mon- was furnished by the Tabernacle
day, April 6, 1970, at 10 o'clock a.m. Choir, directed by Richard P. Condie.
WithPresident Joseph Fielding Alexander Schreiner was at the organ
Smith presiding and President N. console.
Eldon Tanner conducting, this session President Tanner made the following
was a solemn assembly, at which the opening statement:

President N. Eldon Tanner happy to have them here to see their

father installed.
Members of the Church are con- The music for this session will be
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple rendered by the Tabernacle Choir with
Square in Salt Lake City, Utah in the Richard P. Condie conducting. Alex-
sixth session of the 140th Annual Con- ander Schreiner is at the organ.
ference of The Church of Jesus Christ We shall begin this service by the
of Latter-day Saints. Choir singing: "The Morning Breaks;
The main floor of the Tabernacle is The Shadows Flee," after which the
filledwith priesthood holders. The invocation will be offered by Elder
Assembly Hall is filled. The room in Verl F. Scott, former president of the
the Salt Palace is filled. There are Western States Mission.
people throughout the grounds. We
want to wish you all welcome.
Sessions of this conference have been
The Tabernacle Choir then sang the
televised in color and received by mil-
hymn, "The Morning Breaks; The
lions in the United States and Canada
Shadows Flee."
over most of those stations cooperating
The opening prayer was offered by
to providethe extensive coverage of
Elder Verl F. Scott, former president of
this conference.
the Western States Mission.
The full proceedings of both sessions
today will be rebroadcast to far-distant
places by Radio Stations KSL, KIRO at
Seattle, KMBZ at Kansas City, and President N. Eldon Tanner
WNYW International Short-wave
Radio tonight beginning at midnight. The Tabernacle Choir, under the di-
We extend a cordial welcome to all rection of Richard P. Condie, will now
present this morning, —
special guests, sing, "King of Glory." Jessie Evans
Smith, wife of President Smith, will
educational leaders, regional represen-
tatives of the Twelve, stake presiden- sing the solo part.
cies from near and far, temple
presidencies, bishoprics, members of
the general auxiliary boards, and thou- The Tabernacle Choir then sang
sands of members of the Church, and the number, "King of Glory," with
many friends everywhere who are lis- Jessie Evans Smith as soloist.
tening in by radio and television.
We have some telegrams here, I
would like to refer to them, where
they send their best wishes, and ex- President Tanner
press their sustaining vote for the
General Authorities: From the mission- President Harold B. Lee, first coun-
aries and saints of the Philippine Mis- selor in the First Presidency, will now
sion; President Rose is president; from conduct the exercises pertaining to the
Stanley Rees, president of the North reorganization of the First Presidency,
German Mission and their saints and and the sustaining of all of the other
missionaries; and the Samoan saints General Authorities and General Offi-
and missionaries send their love and cers of theChurch.
best wishes, and sustain and revere the
First Presidency and General Authori-
ties, signed by President Shute.
President Harold B. Lee
Today we have with us a large num-
ber of the Smith family. We
would Thank you, Sister Smith, for that
appreciate it if you would stand so beautiful and impressive singing that
this audience can see you, the Smith brought joy to our hearts, and the im-
family here today. There are some pressiveness of this occasion as nothing
eighty to ninety people. We are very else could have done. Thank you.
Monday, April 6 Third Day



This, brothers and sisters, is a very The Seventies occupy the north part
solemn occasion. We so approach it of the building on the main floor under
and should so conduct it. It will take the north gallery.
a time, but if we are in the frame of The Elders occupy the south part of
mind and spirit which we should be the building on the main floor under
in, Iam sure it will not be tedious. the galleries.
We shall follow the exact proceed- The Lesser Priesthood (Priests,
ings that were followed in connection Teachers, and Deacons) occupy the
with the installation of President seats on the main floor, just back of
David O. McKay. The same script will the High Priests, under the gallery on
be used except for the necessary the east.
changes in names. The general membership of the
We are met in the Tabernacle on Church occupy the rest of the build-
Temple Square, Salt Lake City, in a ing.
formal Solemn Assembly of the body The voting will be by Priesthood
of the Church to express the voice of quorums first, and then by the Con-
the Church in a first sustaining vote ference assembly.
for a new President of the Church. This The quorums and groups of quorums
proceeding is in accordance with the will vote in the following order:
practice of the Church from the first
sustaining vote cast by a General Con- 1. The First Presidency.
ference for President Taylor, until the 2. The Quorum of the Twelve.
present time.
3. The Patriarchs.
The Priesthood of the Church, in so
4. The High Priests, including the
Assistants to the Twelve, the
far as the building can accommodate
Regional Representatives of the
them, is seated in the Tabernacle by
Priesthood quorums.
Twelve, the Presidents of Stakes
and their Counselors, the High
The First Presidency and the Coun-
Councilmen, Presidencies of quo-
cil of the Twelve, with their Assistants,
rums, quorum members, the Pre-
the Patriarch to the Church, the Presi-
dents of the First Council of Seventy,
siding Bishopric, and Ward
and the Presiding Bishopric occupy
their usual seats on the Tabernacle
5. The Seventies.

6. The Elders.
7. The Lesser Priesthood (Priests,
The Regional Representatives of the
Teachers, and Deacons).
Twelve occupy the seats to the north
8. The whole congregation here as-
and south of the stand, both lower
sembled, including the Priest-
seats within the railing and those on
the stand level.
The Patriarchs occupy the front The voting will be in the following
seats in the body of the hall. manner:
The High Priests the Church,
of As each quorum or group is called,
including Presidents of Stakes and they will be asked to vote to sustain
their Counselors, the High Councilors, the officer proposed. Those voting will
the Presidencies of quorums, the quo- when called upon arise to their feet.
rum members and Ward Bishoprics, When the affirmative vote is called
occupy the center of the building on for, those so voting will bring their
the main floor, as far to the eastward right arms to the square to witness to
as the galleries. the Lord that they sustain the officer

for whom they are voting. They will The Council of the Twelve.
then drop their hands. Then those The Patriarch to the Church.
opposing will be asked to bring their The Sustaining of the Counselors in
right hands to the square to bear wit- the Presidency, the Council of the
ness to the Lord that they are not Twelve, and the Patriarch, as
willing to sustain the officer whom Prophets, Seers and Revel ators to
they are called upon to sustain. Should the Church.
a negative vote be made, it must only
After the vote by quorums to sustain
be made by the raising of hands. Any
these officers, the rest of the General
vocal or other negative demonstration
Authorities, the General Officers of the
would be of course in violation of the
Church, and the General Auxiliary
law and order of the Church relative
Officers of the Church will be sustained
to a church meeting.
by voting as in the ordinary General
When both affirmative and negative Conference. This, as I have said, is in
votes are cast, the members of the
accordance with the procedure set by
quorum will resume their seats. President John Taylor.
All of the quorums will vote in this
Please be ready to begin voting. Only
Every one is perfectly free to vote
Church members are entitled to vote.

as he wishes. There is no compulsion

Only one quorum, or group of quo-
rums, as the case may be, will stand
whatsoever in this voting. When you
at a time in voting by quorums. Each
vote affirmatively you make a solemn
covenant with the Lord that you will
quorum, or group of quorums, will
please arise when requested and remain
sustain, that is, give your full loyalty
standing until requested to be seated.
and support, without equivocation or
reservation, to the officer for whom May the Lord guide us and may his
you vote. Weinvite all those holding Spirit attend us as we go forward in
the priesthood who may not be seated this solemn service, established by the
in the main floor of the Tabernacle to Lord so that each member of his
arise whenever the group to which you Church, of this Church, the Lord's
belong is called, whether you are in the Church, may have a voice in sustaining
balcony or in the choir seats, or in the those whom he has called to preside
Assembly or Salt Palace, and even lis- over it and to direct its work, to the
tening in your homes over television salvation and exaltation of mankind.
or radio. We shall first vote by quorums to
After all the quorums have so voted, sustain the President of the Church
a vote will be called of the whole con- and his Counselors.
gregation, those bearing the priesthood
and those not bearing it. All will arise. VOTING ON FIRST PRESIDENCY
That means all who have previously
voted. Those voting to sustain will The First Presidency will please arise.
raise their right hands to the square, to It is proposed that we sustain Joseph

witness that they sustain the officers Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and
for whom they vote. After they lower Revelator, and President of The Church
their hands the opposing vote will be of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
called for and will be manifested by Those in favor will raise their right
raising the right hand to the square. hands; those opposed will manifest it

The officers so to be voted for by by the same sign.

quorums are the following: It isproposed that we sustain Harold
The President of the Church. Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the
The First Counselor to the President First Presidency of the Church.
of the Church. Those in favor will raise their right
The Second Counselor to the Presi- hands; those opposed will manifest it

dent of the Church. by the same sign.

The President of the Quorum of the It is proposed that we sustain Nathan
Twelve, and the Acting President Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in
of the Quorum of the Twelve. the First Presidency of the Church.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Those in favor will raise their right Representatives of the Twelve, the
hands; those opposed will manifest it Presidents of Stakes and their Coun-
by the same sign. selors, the High Councilors, the Presi-
The First Presidency will be seated. dencies of high priests quorums, the
high priest quorum members, the
The Quorum of the Twelve will please Presiding Bishopric, and Ward Bishop-
rics, will please arise.
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph
Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and
Revelator, and President of The Church Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Those in favor will raise their right Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed, if there be any, hands; those opposed will manifest it
will manifest it by the same sign. by the same sign.
proposed that we sustain Harold
It is
It is proposed that we sustain Harold
Bingham Lee as First Counselor in Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the
the First Presidency of the Church. First Presidency of the Church.
Those in favor will raise their right Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it
hands; those opposed will manifest it
by the same sign. by the same sign.
proposed that we sustain Nathan
It is
It is proposed that we sustain Nathan
Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in
the First Presidency of the Church. the First Presidency of the Church.
Those in favor will raise their right Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it hands; those opposed will manifest it
by the same sign. by the same sign.
The Council of the Twelve will The High Priests of the Church will
please be seated. please be seated.
The Patriarchs of the Church here The Seventies of the Church here
assembled, including the Patriarch to assembled, including the Presidents of
the Church, will please arise. the First Council of Seventy, the
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph Presidencies of other quorums of
Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and seventies, and quorum members, will
Revelator, and President of The please arise.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day It is proposed that we sustain Joseph
Saints. Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and
Those in favor will raise their right Revelator, and President of The
hands; those opposed will manifest it Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
by the same sign. Saints.
proposed that we sustain Harold
It is Those in favor will raise their right
Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the hands; those opposed will manifest it
First Presidency of the Church. by the same sign.
Those in favor will raise their right It is proposed that we sustain Harold
hands; those opposed will manifest it Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the
by the same sign. First Presidency of the Church.
It is proposed that we sustain Nathan
Those in favor will raise their right
Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in hands; those opposed will manifest it
the First Presidency of the Church. by the same sign.
Those in favor will raise their right
we Nathan
It is proposed that sustain
hands; those opposed will manifest it
Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in
by the same sign.
the First Presidency of the Church.
The Patriarchs of the Church will
Those in favor will raise their right
please be seated.
hands; those opposed will manifest it

The High the Church

Priests of by the same sign.
here assembled, including the Assis- The Seventies of the Church will
tants to the Twelve, the Regional please be seated.

The Elders of the Church here as- together, those who have
voted, will
sembled, including the Presidencies please arise. We
suggest that those
of quorums and quorum members, will seated in the Assembly Hall and Salt
please arise. Palace likewise arise and join in the
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph voting, and likewise all those listening
Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and in on the air, or viewing these pro-
Revelator, and President of The Church ceedings by television.
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is proposed that we sustain Joseph
Those in favor will raise their right Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and
hands; those opposed will manifest it Revelator, and President of The Church
by the same sign. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is proposed that we sustain Harold Those in favor will raise their right
Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the hands; those opposed will manifest it
First Presidency of the Church. by the same sign.
Those in favor will raise their right It is proposed that we sustain Harold
hands; those opposed will manifest it Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the
by the same sign. First Presidency of the Church.
It is proposed that we sustain Nathan Those in favor will raise their right
Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in hands; those opposed will manifest it
the First Presidency of the Church. by the same sign.
Those in favor will raise their right It is proposed that we sustain Nathan
hands; those opposed will manifest it Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in
by the same sign. the First Presidency of the Church.
The Elders of the Church will please Those in favor will raise their right
be seated. hands; those opposed will manifest it

by the same sign.

The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
The Congregation will please be
here assembled, including the Presi-
dencies of Teachers and Deacons
President Smith, so far as noted, the
quorums, and members of Priests,
last voteand all the other votes pre-
Teachers, and Deacons quorums, will
ceding it were unanimous.
please arise.
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph
Fielding Smith as Prophet, Seer, and VOTING ON THE PRESIDENT
Revelator, and President of The Church AND THE ACTING PRESIDENT
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES AND
Those in favor will raise their right THE FULL QUORUM OF THE
hands; those opposed will manifest it TWELVE APOSTLES
by the same sign.
It is proposed that we sustain Harold We next vote to sustain the
Bingham Lee as First Counselor in the President of the Quorum of the Twelve
First Presidency of the Church. and the Acting President of the Twelve
Those in favor will raise their right Apostles, and then to sustain all the
hands; those opposed will manifest it members of the Quorum.
by the same sign.
It is proposed that we sustain Nathan
The First Presidency will please
Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in
the First Presidency of the Church.
It is sustain Harold
proposed that we
Bingham Lee as President and Spen-
Those in favor will raise their right
cer Woolley Kimball as Acting Presi-
hands; those opposed will manifest it
dent of the Quorum of the Twelve
by the same sign.
Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
of Latter-day Saints.
will please be seated.
Those in favor will raise their right
The entire congregation here assem- hands; those opposed will manifest it
bled, all the members of the Church, by the same sign.
those bearing the priesthood, and those It is proposed that we sustain as
not bearing the priesthood, all of you members of the Quorum of the Twelve
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion

of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim- G. Romney, LeGrand Richards, Rich-
ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E. Peter- ard L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard
sen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion G. W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley,
Romney, LeGrand Richards, Richard Thomas S. Monson, and Boyd K.
L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard W. Packer.
Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas Those in favor will raise their right
S. Monson and Boyd K. Packer. hands; those opposed will manifest it
Those in favor will raise their right by the same sign.
hands; those opposed will manifest it The Patriarchs of the Church will
by the same sign. please be seated.
The First Presidency will now be The High Priests of the Church here
assembled, including the Assistants to
The Quorum of the Twelve includ- the Twelve, Regional Representatives
ing Brother Packer will please arise. of the Twelve, the Presidents of Stakes
It is proposed that we sustain Harold and their Counselors, the High Coun-
Bingham Lee as President and Spencer cilors, the Presidencies of quorums, the
Woolley Kimball as Acting President quorum members, the Presiding Bish-
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles opric, the Ward Bishoprics, will please
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- arise.
ter-day Saints. It is proposed that we sustain Harold
Those in favor will raise their right Bingham Lee as President and Spencer
hands; those opposed will manifest it Woolley Kimball as Acting President
by the same sign. of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
It is proposed that we sustain as of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
members of the Quorum of the Twelve day Saints.
Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ Those in favor will raise their right
of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim- hands; those opposed will manifest it
ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E. by the same sign.
Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion G. It is we sustain as
proposed that
Romney, LeGrand Richards, Richard members Quorum of the Twelve
of the
L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard W. Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim-
S. Monson and Boyd K. Packer. ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E.
Those in favor will raise their right Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion
hands; those opposed will manifest it G. Romney, LeGrand Richards, Rich-
by the same sign. ard L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard
The Quorum of the Twelve will W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley,
please be seated. Thomas S. Monson and Boyd K.
The Patriarchs of the Church here Those in favor will raise their right
assembled, including the Patriarch to
hands; those opposed will manifest it
the Church, will please arise:
by the same sign.
It is proposed that we sustain Harold
The High Priests of the Church will
Bingham Lee as President and Spencer
please be seated.
Woolley Kimball as Acting President
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Seventies of the Church here
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- assembled, including the Presidents of
ter-day Saints. the First Council of Seventy, the
Those in favor will raise their right Presidencies of other quorums, and
hands; those opposed will manifest it quorum members, will please arise.
by the same sign. It is proposed that we sustain Harold
It is proposed that we sustain as Bingham Lee as President and Spencer
members of the Quorum of the Twelve Woolley Kimball as Acting President
Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim- of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E. day Saints.

Those in favor will raise their right of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
hands; those opposed will manifest it of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
by the same sign. ter-day Saints.
It is proposed that we sustain as Those in favor will raise their right
members of the Quorum of the Twelve hands; those opposed will manifest it

Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ by the same sign.

of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim- It is proposed that we sustain as
ball,Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E. Peter- members of the Quorum of the Twelve
sen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion G. Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
Romney, LeGrand Richards, Richard of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim-
L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard W. ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E.
Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion
S. Monson and Boyd K. Packer. G. Romney, LeGrand Richards, Rich-
Those in favor will raise their right ard L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard
hands; those opposed will manifest it W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley,
by the same sign. Thomas S. Monson and Boyd K.
The Seventies of the Church will Packer.
please be seated. Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it
The Elders of the Church here as-
by the same sign.
sembled, including the Presidencies of
The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
quorums and quorum members, will
will please be seated.
please arise.
proposed that we sustain Harold
It is
The entire congregation of the
Bingham Lee as President and Spencer Church here assembled, all the mem-
bers of the Church, those bearing the
Woolley Kimball as Acting President
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apos-
priesthood, and those not bearing
tles of The Church of Jesus Christ of the priesthood, will please arise. Again
Latter-day Saints. we suggest that those seated in the
Those in favor will raise their right Assembly Hall and Salt Palace, and
hands; those opposed will manifest it those listening by radio or viewing
by the same sign. these services on television, arise and
join in this voting.
It is proposed that we sustain as
It is proposed that we sustain Harold
members of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
Bingham Lee as President and Spen-
of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim-
cer Woolley Kimball as Acting
President of the Quorum of the Twelve
ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E.
Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion
of Latter-day Saints.
G. Romney, LeGrand Richards, Rich-
ard L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard
Those in favor raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it
W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley,
by the same sign.
Thomas S. Monson and Boyd K.
It is proposed that we sustain as
Those in favor will raise their right members of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
hands; those opposed will manifest it
of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kim-
by the same sign.
ball, Ezra Taft Benson, Mark E.
The Elders of the Church will please
Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion
be seated.
G. Romney, LeGrand Richards, Rich-
The Lesser Priesthood of the Church ard L. Evans, Hugh B. Brown, Howard
here assembled, including the Presi- W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley,
dencies of Teachers and Deacons Thomas S. Monson and Boyd K.
quorums, and members of Priests, Packer.
Teachers and Deacons quorums will Those in favor will raise their right
please arise. hands; those opposed will manifest it
proposed that we sustain Harold
It is by the same sign.
Bingham Lee as President and Spencer The Congregation will please be
Woolley Kimball as Acting President seated.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

So far as observed, this voting was The Seventies of the Church here
unanimous in the affirmative. assembled, including the Presidents of
the First Council of Seventy, the Presi-
dencies of other quorums and quorum
VOTING ON THE PATRIARCH TO members, will please arise.
THE CHURCH It is proposed that we sustain Eldred
G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church.
We shall next vote to sustain the Those in favor will raise their right
Patriarch to the Church. hands; those opposed will manifest it
by the same sign.

The First Presidency will please

The Seventies of the Church will
please be seated.
It is proposed that we sustain Eldred The Elders of the Church here as-
G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church. sembled, including the Presidencies of
Those in favor will raise their right quorums and quorum members, will
hands; those opposed will manifest it please arise.
by the same sign. proposed that we sustain Eldred
It is
The First Presidency will please be G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church.
Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it
The Quorum of the Twelve will
by the same sign.
please arise:
It is proposed that we
sustain Eldred The Elders of the Church will
please be seated.
G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church.
Those in favor will raise their right The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
hands; those opposed will manifest it here assembled, including the Presi-
by the same sign. dencies of Teachers and Deacons
The Quorum of the Twelve will quorums, and members of Priests,
please be seated. Teachers, and Deacons quorums, will
please arise.
The Patriarchs of the Church here
assembled, including the Patriarch to It is proposed that we sustain Eldred

the Church, will please arise: G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church.

It is proposed that we sustain Eldred Those in favor will raise their right
G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church. hands; those opposed will manifest it

Those in favor will raise their right by the same sign.

hands; those opposed will manifest it The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
by the same sign. will please be seated.
The Patriarchs of the Church will
The entire Congregation of the
please be seated.
Church here assembled, all the mem-
The High Priests of the Church here bers of the Church, those bearing the
assembled, including the Assistants to priesthood and those not bearing it,
the Twelve, the Regional Representa- will please arise. Again will those in
tives of the Twelve, the Presidents of the Assembly Hall, in the Salt Palace,
Stakes and their Counselors, the High and those listening by radio or viewing
Councilors, the Presidencies of quo- these services on television, arise and
rums, the quorum members, the Pre- join in the voting.
siding Bishopric and Ward Bishoprics It is proposed that we sustain Eldred
will please arise. G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church.
It is proposed that we sustain Eldred Those in favor will raise their right
G. Smith as Patriarch to the Church. hands; those opposed will manifest it

Those in favor will raise their right by the same sign.

hands; those opposed will manifest it The Congregation will please be
by the same sign. seated.
The High Priests of the Church will This vote was likewise unanimous
please be seated. in the affirmative.

VOTING ON PROPHETS, SEERS, the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and

Those in favor will raise their right
hands; those opposed will manifest it
We shall next vote to sustain the
by the same sign.
Prophets, Seers, and Revelators to the
The High Priests of the Church will
please be seated.
The First Presidency will now arise. The Seventies of the Church here
It is proposed that we sustain the assembled, including the Presidents of
Counselors in the First Presidency, the the First Council of Seventy, the Presi-
Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to dencies of other quorums and quorum
the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and members, will please arise.
Revelators. It is proposed that we sustain the
Those in favor will raise their right Counselors in the First Presidency, the
hands; those opposed will manifest it Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch
by the same sign. to the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and
The First Presidency will please be Revelators.
seated. Those in favor will raise their right
The Quorum of the Twelve will hands; those opposed will manifest it
please arise.
by the same sign.
It is proposed that we sustain the
The Seventies of the Church will
please be seated.
Counselors in the First Presidency, the
Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to The Elders of the Church here as-
the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and sembled, including the Presidencies of
Revelators. quorums and quorum members, will
Those in favor will raise their right please arise.
hands; those opposed will manifest it It is proposed that we sustain the
by the same sign. Counselors in the First Presidency, the
The Quorum of the Twelve please Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to
be seated. the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and
The Patriarchs of the Church here Those in favor will raise their right
assembled, including the Patriarch to
hands; those opposed will manifest it
the Church, will please arise:
by the same sign.
It is proposed that we sustain the
The Elders of the Church will please
Counselors in the First Presidency, the
be seated.
Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to
the Church, as Prophets, Seers and The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
Revelators. here assembled, including the Presi-
Those in favor will raise their right dencies of Teachers and Deacons
hands; those opposed will manifest it quorums, and members of Priests,
by the same sign. Teachers, arid Deacons quorums, will
The Patriarchs of the Church will please arise.
please be seated. It is proposed that we sustain the
Counselors in the First Presidency, the
The High Priests of the Church here Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to
assembled, including the Assistants to
the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and
the Twelve, the Regional Representa-
tives of the Twelve, the Presidents of
Those in favor will raise their right
Stakes and their Counselors, the High
hands; those opposed will manifest it
Councilors, the Presidencies of Quo-
by the same sign.
rums, the quorum members, the Pre-
The Lesser Priesthood of the Church
siding Bishopric, and Ward Bishoprics,
will please be seated.
will please arise.
It is proposed that we sustain the The entire congregation of the
Counselors in the First Presidency, the Church here assembled, all the mem-
Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to bers of the Church, those bearing the
Monday, April 6 Third Day

priesthood, and those not bearing it, President Smith, so far as observed,
will please arise. Once more we sug- the voting on this proposal was
gest that those in the Assembly Hall, unanimous in the affirmative.
and in the Salt Palace, and those lis- Following the procedure used by
tening by radio or viewing these President John Taylor, the voting to
services on television, also arise and sustain the other General Authorities,
join in the voting. the General Officers of the Church,
It is proposed that we sustain the
not heretofore sustained, and the heads
Counselors in the First Presidency, the of the auxiliary organizations will be
Twelve Apostles, and the Patriarch to in the form followed in regular General
the Church, as Prophets, Seers, and Conferences. The audience will remain
Revelators. seated while voting; all the members
will vote at the same time, by the
Those in favor will raise their right uplifted hand. We
suggest that those
hands; those opposed will manifest it in the Assembly Hall, and the Salt
by the same sign. Palace, and those listening by radio
The Congregation will please be or viewing these services on television,
seated. also join in this voting.

It is proposed that we sustain as the Assistants to the Twelve:

Alma Sonne Bernard P. Brockbank

EIRay L. Christiansen James A. Cullimore
Sterling W. Sill Marion D. Hanks
Henry D. Taylor Marvin J. Ashton
Alvin R. Dyer Joseph Anderson
Franklin D. Richards David B. Haight
Theodore M. Burton William H. Bennett
Thorpe B. Isaacson

Those in favor will raise their right The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
hands; those opposed will manifest it day Saints.
by the same sign. Those in favor will raise their right
It is proposed that we sustain Joseph hands; those opposed will manifest it

Fielding Smith as Trustee-in-Trust for by the same sign.

It is proposed that we sustain as the First Council of Seventy:

Seymour Dilworth Young Paul H. Dunn

Milton R. Hunter Hartman Rector, Jr.
Bruce R. McConkie Loren C. Dunn
Albert Theodore Tuttle

Those in favor will raise their right It is proposed that we sustain all
hands; those opposed will manifest it. Regional Representatives of the Quo-
It is proposed that we sustain as the rum of the Twelve Apostles as they
Presiding Bishopric of the Church: are at present constituted.
John H. Vandenberg as the Presid- Those in favor will raise their right
ing Bishop, with Robert L. Simpson hands; those opposed will manifest it

as the First Counselor, and Victor L. by the same sign.

Brown as the Second Counselor. It is proposed that we sustain as
Those in favor will raise their right Church Historian and Recorder, How-
hands; those opposed will manifest it ard W. Hunter, with A. William Lund
by the same sign. and Earl E. Olson as Assistants.

Those in favor will raise their right It proposed that we sustain the

hands; those opposed will manifest it following General Priesthood Gom-

by the same sign. mittees:

Priesthood Welfare Committee

John H. Vandenberg, Chairman

Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director

Priesthood Home Teaching Committee

Marion G. Romney, Chairman
John H. Vandenberg, Vice Chairman
Boyd K. Packer, Managing Director

Priesthood Missionary Committee

Spencer W.
Kimball, Chairman of Executive Committee
Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson, Vice Chairmen
Bruce R. McConkie, Managing Director

Priesthood Genealogical Committee

Howard W. Hunter, Chairman

Theodore M. Burton, Managing Director

Those in favor will raise their right It is proposed that we sustain as the
hands; those opposed will manifest it Church Board of Education:
by the same sign.

Joseph Fielding Smith Howard W. Hunter

Harold B. Lee Gordon B. Hinckley
Nathan Eldon Tanner Thomas S. Monson
Spencer W. Kimball Boyd K. Packer
Ezra Taft Benson Alvin R. Dyer
Mark E. Petersen Marion D. Hanks
Delbert L. Stapley Albert Theodore Tuttle
Marion G. Romney Paul H. Dunn
LeGrand Richards John H. Vandenberg
Richard L. Evans Belle S. Spafford
Hugh B. Brown

Those in favor will raise their right proposed that we sustain as the
It is
hands; those opposed will manifest it Church Finance Committee:
by the same sign.

Wilford G. Edling
Harold H. Bennett
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton
O. Leslie Stone
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Those in favor will raise their right Organist; Robert N. Cundick; Roy M.
hands; those opposed will manifest it Darley; Frank W. Asper, Organist
by the same sign. Emeritus.
It isproposed that we sustain as Those in favor will raise their right
officers of theTabernacle Choir: Isaac hands; those opposed will manifest it
M. Stewart, President; Richard P. by the same sign.
Condie, Conductor; Jay E. Welch, It is proposed that we sustain the
Assistant Conductor; as Tabernacle following as the General Auxiliary
Organists: Alexander Schreiner, Chief Officers of the Church:

Relief Society

Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

David Lawrence McKay, General Superintendent

Lynn S. Richards, First Assistant Superintendent
Royden G. Derrick, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

Jay Eldredge, General Superintendent
George Richard Hill, First Assistant Superintendent
George I. Cannon, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President

Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Porter Holt, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association

LaVern Watts Parmley, President

Lucile Cardon Reading, First Counselor
Florence Reece Lane, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Those in favor will raise their right And may I say that I think never
hands; those opposed will manifest it in the history of the Church have we
by the same sign. been so grateful for this uplifting of
President Smith, so far as I have hands which has indicated the kind of
observed, the voting in each case was unity that puts to flight a lot of the
unanimous in the affirmative. loose talk that has been around that

there was any show of disloyalty or the Quorum Twelve, please.

of the
division or dissension among the Wewill ask Brother Joseph Ander-
members. son to stand, and then be seated where
God bless you faithful members. he is. We need him. Thank you.
May we continue to have your sustain- Brother David Haight and Brother
ing voice and minds and hearts, as we Bennett, you will take your seats with
sustain you and pray for you, you the Assistants to the Twelve.
faithful members of the Church. This
I pray humbly, in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen. President N. Eldon Tanner

President Lee: President Joseph Fielding Smith,

President of The Church of Jesus Christ
We would ask Elder Boyd K. Packer of Latter-day Saints, will now speak
to take his place with the members of to us.

President Joseph Fielding Smith

• My beloved brethren and sisters: Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; he is

I stand before you today in humility at head. The Church bears his
and in thanksgiving, grateful for the name, has his priesthood, administers
blessings which the Lord has poured his gospel, preaches his doctrine, and
out upon me, upon my family, upon does his work.
you, and upon all his people. He chooses men and calls them to
I know we are engaged in the work be instruments in his hands to ac-
of the Lord and that he raises up men complish his purposes, and he guides
to do his work in every time and age of and directs them in their labors. But
the earth's history. men are only instruments in the Lord's
hands, and the honor and glory for all
Reigns of responsibility that his servants accomplish is and
should be ascribed unto him forever.
As a church and as a people, we
If this were the work of man, it
have been greatly blessed for many
years by the inspired leadership, the would fail, but it is the work of the
great spiritual insight, and the firm
Lord, and he does not fail. And we
hand of President David O. McKay. have the assurance that if we keep
the commandments and are valiant in
Now that his valiant work here is
finished and he has been called home the testimony of Jesus and are true to
every trust, the Lord will guide and
to serve in other ways, the Lord has
direct us and his church in the paths
given the reigns of responsibility and
of righteousness, for the accomplish-
leadership in his earthly kingdom to
others of us who remain.
ment of all his purposes.
And since we know the Lord "giveth Our faith is centered in the Lord
no commandments unto the children Jesus Christ, and through him in the
of men, save he shall prepare a way
Father. Webelieve in Christ, accept
for them that they may accomplish
him as the Son of God, and have taken
his name upon us in the waters of bap-
the thing which he commandeth them"
tism, and are his sons and his daugh-
(1 Ne. 3:7), we are most humbly
ters by adoption.
confident that under his guidance and
direction this work will continue to
Sure knowledge of truth

I rejoice in the work of the Lord and

Christ at the head glory in the sure knowledge I have in
I desire to say that no man of him- my soul of its truth and divinity!
self can lead this church. It is the With all my heart I bear witness
Monday, April 6 Third Day

that Jesus Christ is the Son of the together as true brothers and sisters
living God; that he called the Prophet in the Lord's kingdom, may so labor
Joseph Smith to stand at the head of as to accomplish the great work that
this dispensation and to organize again lies ahead.
on earth the Church and kingdom of
God; and that the work in which we Cooperation with good men
are engaged is true. We live in a time when the spirit of
When my father, President Joseph love and harmony is increasing among
F. Smith, was called to serve as the people of many faiths, and we join
sixth President of the Church, he ex- with men of good will in all churches
pressed gratitude for his devoted coun- in expressing love and concern for the
selors and declared his intention to temporal and spiritual well-being of all
counsel with them in all matters per- our Father's children.
taining to the Church, that there We are pleased to cooperate with
might be a oneness and unity among sincere and good men and women
the brethren and before the Lord. everywhere in all matters for the ad-
vancement and betterment of our
Confidence in counselors
fellowmen, for we acknowledge all
Now may say that I have complete
I men as children of God and as broth-
confidence in my
counselors. They are ers and sisters in the family of man-
men of God who are guided by the kind.
inspiration of heaven. They enjoy the
gift and power of the Holy Ghost and
have no desires other than to further May our Eternal Father pour out
the interests of the Church and to his blessings upon all the works of
bless all our Father's children, and his hands;
perfect the work of the Lord on earth. And bless parents with insight and
President Harold B. Lee is a pillar of inspiration in teaching their children;
truth and righteousness, a true seer And bless our children, and young
who has great spiritual strength and people, to seek and accept counsel and
insight and wisdom, and whose knowl- keep the commandments;
edge and understanding of the Church And bless all the officers and teach-
and its needs is not surpassed by any ers and members of our Father's
man. church so they may serve him in righ-
President N. Eldon Tanner is a man teousness, faithfully, and effectively;
of like caliber, of perfect integrity, of And bless the world and all men
devotion to the truth, who is endowed everywhere that they may turn to him
with that administrative ability and in righteousness, and find peace, hap-
spiritual capacity which enables him
to lead and counsel and direct aright.
piness, and purpose in life all of —
which I ask, humbly and gratefully,

Strength of General Authorities

in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen. O
And what I say about President Lee
and President Tanner applies also to President N. Eldon Tanner
the Quorum of the Twelve and the
other General Authorities. They are We have just listened to our beloved
men of God. I am grateful that the President, Joseph Fielding Smith.
Lord raises up men with the strength The choir and congregations, wher-
and power these brethren possess, and ever you may be, will please stand
he calls and prepares them to stand in and join in singing, "We
Thank Thee
places of leadership in his Church. O God for a Prophet."
There is no work on earth as im-
portant as the work of the Lord, and
there are no positions of service and The choir and congregation then
responsibility as far-reaching in their sang the hymn, "We Thank Thee O
effect upon our Father's children; and God for a Prophet."
it is my prayer that all of us, working

President Tanner tion some important statistical data

concerning the Church.
Following this, Elder Wilford G.
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the Edling will read a statement by the
Conference, will read for our informa- Church Finance Committee.


For the information of the members of the Church, the First Presidency has
issued the following statistical report concerning the membership of the Church
at the end of the year 1969:

Number of Stakes of Zion at the close of 1969 496

Number of Wards 3,910
Number of Independent Branches in Stakes 682
Total Wards and Independent Branches in Stakes at close of year 4,592
Number of Mission Branches at close of year 2,016
Number of Full-time Missions at end of year 88

Church Membership, December 31, 1969:

In the Stakes 2,344,635

In the Missions 462,821
Total Membership 2,807,456

Church Growth During 1969:

Children Blessed in Stakes and Missions 62,113

Children of Record Baptized in Stakes and Missions 54,606
Converts Baptized in Stakes and Missions 70,010

Social Statistics:

(Based on 1969 Data from the Stakes)

Birth Rate per thousand 28.18

Number of Persons Married per thousand 16.67
Death Rate per thousand 5.04


Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1969

Deacons 128,614
Teachers 91,603
Priests 138,571
Total number holding Aaronic Priesthood 358,788

Members holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, December 31, 1969

Elders 233,108
Seventies 23,204
High Priests 78,973
Total number holding Melchizedek Priesthood 335,285
Grand Total, members holding Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood 694,073
An increase of 33,183 during the year
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Auxiliary Organizations:

Relief Society (Membership) 325,042

Deseret Sunday SchoolUnion (average attendance) 889,778
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 292,891
Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 366,749
Primary (children enrollment) 464,100

Welfare Plan:

Number of persons assisted during the year 96,429

Number placed in remunerative employment 8,814
Man-days of work donated to the Welfare Plan 202,637
Unit-days of equipment use donated 7,501

Genealogical Society:

Names cleared in 1969 for temple ordinances 1,423,502

Genealogical Records microfilmed in 15 countries during the year brought

the total to 712,900 rolls of microfilm for a total of 61,595,600 feet
which is the equivalent of over 3,200,000 printed volumes of 300 pages


Number of ordinances performed during 1969 in the 13 operating temples:

For the living 55,206

For the dead 7,958,003
Total number of ordinances 8,013,209

Church School System:

Total 1969 cumulative enrollments in Church Schools, including
Institutes and Seminaries 193,155

Those Who Have Passed Away

President David Oman McKay, Ninth President of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Elder John Longden, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve
Irene Smith Merrill Richards, widow of the late President Stephen L Richards,
first counselor in the First Presidency

Rachel Grant Taylor, widow of the late John H. Taylor, member of the First
Council of Seventy
Evon Waspe Peterson, General Secretary-Treasurer of the Relief Society
J. Richard Evanson, President of the Taber Stake
Delmer Edward Simpson, President of the South Idaho Falls Stake

Elder Wilford G. Edling of the President of The Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to-
The First Presidency gether with auxiliaries and other
organizations for which accounts are
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints
maintained in the Financial Depart-
ment of the Church for the fiscal year

Dear Brethren: ended August 31, 1969. Attention was

given particularly to the accounting
Wehave reviewed the report of the and auditing procedures followed as to
financial operations of the Corporation funds received and to the manner in

which expenditures are controlled. We Christ of Latter-day Saints and ex-

have determined that the expenditures planations made by the personnel of
of such funds are authorized by the the Financial and Auditing Depart-
First Presidency and by budgetary pro- ments of the Church, we are of the
cedures. The budget is authorized by opinion that the expenditures of funds
the Council on Disposition of the during the fiscal year ended August 31,
Tithes comprised of the First Presi- 1969 were made in accordance with the
dency, the Council of the Twelve, and established procedures outlined herein.
the Presiding Bishopric, and the appro-
priations aremade by the Committee Respectfully submitted,
on Expenditures comprised of the First
Presidency, members of the Council of CHURCH FINANCE
the Twelve, and the Presiding Bish- COMMITTEE
The Church has kept pace with cur- Wilford G. Edling
rent technological developments in Harold H. Bennett
record keeping and employs the most Glenn E. Nielson
modern data processing equipment in Weston E. Hamilton
maintaining its accounts. O. Leslie Stone
A regular audit of the financial rec-
ords of the Church is conducted by the President N. Eldon Tanner
Church Auditing Department, which is

completely independent of all other We have just listened to a report

departments. Businesses owned or con- from the Clerk of the Conference,
trolled by the Church, for which ac- Elder Joseph Anderson, giving statisti-
counts are not maintained in the cal data; and from Elder Wilford G.
Financial Department, are audited by Edling, who read a statement by the
professional auditing firms. Church Finance Committee.
Based upon our review of the finan- President Spencer W. Kimball, Act-
cial reports of the Corporation of the ing President of the Council of the
President of The Church of Jesus Twelve, will now speak to us.

President Spencer W. Kimball

Acting President of the Council of the Twelve

• The proceedings of this day have its hinges. Another page is turned and
been most impressive and awesome. a new era comes to the front.
May I extend to Elder Boyd K. Packer It is Sunday morning, January 18,
a warm welcome personally and for 1970. A great heart stops beating and
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. an aged body relaxes and slumbers.
We have watched him grow since his Like an earthquake sends a tidal wave
first days as an Assistant to this day
around the earth, communications now
of highest call. Here he will find true cover the earth and millions of serious-
fraternity in its highest reach. minded people in even faraway places
We welcome also to the ranks of the stop to pay saddened tribute to a
General Authorities Elder Joseph An- mighty man of God who has passed
derson, whom we have loved and from mortality.
appreciated these many years, and
For days, long lines of loving fol-
Elder David B. Haight and Elder
lowers inch their way along the street,
William H. Bennett, men of power
even in the rain, to see once more the
and dedication and long service.
visage of their departed leader.
A new era begins The Tabernacle is crowded with
This is a notable year in this world's those who loved him, and sweet tributes
life. It is January. History swings on are paid.


Monday, April 6 Third Day

The earthly body of the prophet, individual leader, the Lord's earthly
David O. McKay, is laid to rest in representative, who has unostenta-
dignified reverence. tiously been moving toward this lofty
Our heads are bowed, our hearts are calling for 60 years. He now presides
hurting, but there will be a happy re- over the Church.
union when this inspired prophet Not because of his name, however,
joins the hosts of his peers —
the Josephs, did he accede to this high place, but
the Brighams, and the Wilfords. because when he was a very young
In our feeling of emptiness, it hardly man, he was called of the Lord, through
seems that we could go on without him; the then living prophet, to be an
hut as one star sinks behind the hori- —
apostle member of the Quorum and —
zon, another comes into the picture, was given the precious, vital keys to
and death spawns life. hold in suspension pending a time
The work of the Lord is endless. when he might become the senior
Even when a powerful leader dies, not apostle and the President.
for a single instant the Church with-
is In that eventful temple meeting,
out leadership, thanks to the kind when he has been "ordained and set
Providence who gave his kingdom apart" as the President of the Church
continuity and perpetuity. As it already by his brethren, the Twelve, he chooses
has happened eight times before in this his counselors —
two mighty men of
dispensation, a people reverently close valor: Elder Harold B. Lee and Elder
a grave, dry their tears, and turn their Nathan Eldon Tanner, with their rich
faces to the future. background as teachers, businessmen,
public officials, and especially Church
The Quorum of the Twelve leaders.

The moment passes from a

And a presidency of three and a
newly constituted Council of Twelve
President of the Church, a body of
walk humbly to their offices without
men become the composite leader
fanfare or ostentation, and a new ad-
these men already seasoned with
experience and training. The appoint-
ministration moves into a new period
with promise of great development and
ments have long been made, the au-
unprecedented growth.
thority given, the keys delivered. For
five days, the kingdom moves forward Presidents of the Church
under this already authorized council.
No "running" for position, no election- It was a very young man who intro-
eering, no stump speeches. What a duced the restored program to this new
divine plan! How wfse our Lord, to world. Joseph Smith (December 23,
organize so perfectly beyond the weak- 1805-June 27, 1844) was but 24 years
ness of frail, grasping humans. of age when the Church was or-
Then dawns the notable day (Janu-
ary 23, 1970), and 14 serious men walk When he was martyred at 38, the
reverently into the temple of God this, — second
President, Brigham
1801-August 29, 1877)
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 1,

the governing body of The Church of

came and the President
senior apostle

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sev-

of the Church (December 27, 1847) at
whom 46 years of age and presided 30 years
eral of have experienced this
(until he was 76). The other Presi-
solemn change before.
dents, each in his turn, became Presi-

A new prophet dent at ages ranging from 62 to 84, and

died at ages 79 to 96.
When these 14 men emerge from John Taylor (November 1, 1808-
the holy edifice the morning, a
later in July 25, 1887) was 71 when he became
transcendently vital event has oc- President of the Church (October 10,

curred a short interregnum ends, and 1880) and died at 78, and upon his
the government of the kingdom shifts death, Wilford Woodruff (March 1,
back again from the Quorum of the 1807-September 2, 1898) became the
Twelve Apostles to a new prophet, an senior apostle (July 25, 1887). Two

years later (April 7, 1889), he was We may expect the Church President
sustained President of the Church at will always be an older man; young
82 years of age. He died at 91, where- men have action, vigor, initiative; older
upon President Lorenzo Snow (April 3, men, stability and strength and wis-
1814-October 10, 1901) became the dom through experience and long
senior apostle. He was 84 years of age communion with God.
when he became the President of the In President McKay's
Church (September 13, 1898). His days, speculation ran high among the
presidency was short-lived. He served curious and the concerned and the less
about three years (until October 10, knowledgeable and continued as a
1901). major topic of discussion through the
President Joseph F. Smith (Novem- interregnum.
ber 13, 1838-November 19, 1918) was
senior apostle (from October 10, 1901)
More than a million members had
seven days; he became the President of
never known any other President than
the Church October 17, 1901, at 62
David O. McKay; consequently, it was
natural for some to be confused.
years of age; he died at 80.
President Heber J. Grant (November They talked about age. The old
22, 1856-May 14, 1945) was senior patriarchs were not young. Adam was
apostle less than a week (on November very old as he presided over his pos-
23, 1918), when he became the Presi- terity, which spread over many genera-
dent of the Church at 62; he died at tions. Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, and
88. Moses presided over the people, dying
President George Albert Smith (April at 175, 180, 110, and 120 years. They
4, 1870-April 4, 1951) was the senior were old in years, but from their ac-
apostle for seven days and became cumulated experience came massive
President of the Church (May 21, wisdom and security.
1945) at 75; he died at the age of 81.
Last Saturday was his one hundredth The senior apostle
President David O. McKay, the ninth People talk about precedent. If it
President (September 8, 1873-January is precedent, it has become such by
18, 1970) was senior apostle five days the repetition of the revealed order
and was sustained as President of the since the beginning. Brigham Young
Church (April 9, 1951) at 77; he died was the senior apostle, holding all the
at the age of 96. keys and authorities, and in the present
case, President Smith was the senior
President Joseph Fielding Smith,
apostle. This is the way of the Lord,
whose birthdate is July 19, 1876, be-
and he retains the leadership in his
came the senior apostle January 18,
divine hands.
and President of the Church January
23, 1970, at the age of 93. When the first succession took place,
the restored church was an infant only
Average ages 14 years old. There had been no
prophet nor "open vision" for numerous
The Presidents from John Taylor to centuries. Little wonder, then, that the
David O. McKay, inclusive, became people should be full of questions
President at ages ranging from 62 to when the bullets at Carthage termin-
84 and died at ages from 79 to 96. ated the life of the one in whom all
It is interesting to note that these these priceless blessings —
the church,
eight Church Presidents assumed their revelation, prophets seemed— to be
presiding responsibility at an average centered. When the apostles returned
age of 73 years, and relinquished it by from their missions, had buried their
death at 85 years. They served an aver- dead prophet, and considered the fu-
age of a little less than 12 years; conse- ture, all doubt was dissipated when the
quently, the average age of the living senior apostle, already holding all the
President of the Church has been about keys, stood forth like Moses and led
79 years. the way.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Succession in presidency men." He does not need to be youth-

ful and athletic, an industrialist, a
The editorial of September 2, 1844,
financier, nor an agriculturist; he does
on the succession said:
not need to be a musician, a poet, an
"Great excitement prevails through-
entertainer, nor a banker, a physician,
out to know 'who shall be the succes-
nor a college president, a military gen-
sor of Joseph Smith!'
eral, nor a scientist.
reply we say, be patient, be
patient a little till the proper time
He does not need to be a linguist to
speak French and Japanese, German
comes, and we will tell you all. 'Great
wheels move slow.' At present, we and Spanish, but he must understand
the divine language and be able to
can say that a special conference of
receive messages from heaven.
the church was held in Nauvoo on the
8th, ult., and it was carried without a He need not be an orator, for God
dissenting voice, that the 'Twelve' can make his own. The Lord can pre-
should preside over the whole church, sent his divine messages through weak
and when any alteration in the presi- men made strong. He substituted a
dency shall be required, seasonable strong voice for the quiet, timid one of
notice will be given; and the elders Moses, and gave to the young man
abroad, will best exhibit their wisdom Enoch power which made men trem-
to all men, by remaining silent on ble in his presence, for Enoch walked
those things they are ignorant of. ." . .
with God as Moses walked with God.
(Times and Seasons, Vol. 5, Sept. 2, The Lord said: ". whether by mine
. .

1844, p. 632.) own voice or by the voice of my

This eventful 140 years has seen ten servants, it is the same." (D&C 1:38.)
Presidents preside over the Church and What the world needs is a prophet-
78 apostles serve in the Quorum of the leader who gives example —clean, full
Twelve. of faith, godlike in his attitudes with
an untarnished name, a beloved hus-
President Joseph Fielding Smith band, a true father.
As we tighten our tugs and strain
our weight against the collar, we move The voice of God
forward on a new journey with a strong
will under our inspired leaders, led by A prophet needs to be more than a
our prophet, Joseph Fielding Smith. priest or a minister or an elder. His
He is venerable and worthy of respect voice becomes the voice of God to re-
by reason of his character, dignity, age, veal new programs, new truths, new
position. He is one of whom his be- solutions. I make no claim of infalli-

loved wife sang this morning, one who bility for him, but he does need to be
has "clean hands and a pure heart, recognized of God, an authoritative
who has not lifted up his soul unto person. He is no pretender as numer-
vanity, nor sworn deceitfully." He is a ous are who presumptuously assume
son of his Maker and a clean and holy position without appointment and
man of God. He takes his high place as authority that is not given. He must
the appointee of the Lord. He has speak like his Lord: ". as one having. .

carried 60 years the keys of the

for authority, and not as the scribes."
kingdom, gradually moving toward (Matt. 7:29.)
this day. For six decades he has been He must be bold enough to speak
sustained by the Church as a prophet. truth even against popular clamor for
Today he is sustained as the Prophet, lessening restrictions. He must be cer-
the one who alone holds the keys in tain of his divine appointment, of his
total use under the Lord Jesus Christ, celestial ordination, and his authority
who is the chief cornerstone, and the to call to service, to ordain, to pass keys
head of his church. which fit eternal locks.
He must have commanding power
A prophet-leader who gives example like prophets of old: ". . . to seal both
To be a prophet of the Lord, one on earth and in heaven, the unbeliev-
does not need to "be everything to all ing and rebellious unto the day
. . .

when the wrath of God shall be poured tacular event came from the heavens,
out upon the wicked without measure" but only one man was in tune to re-
(D&C 1:8-9), and rare powers: ". . . ceive it. That which was but static to
that whatsoever you seal on earth shall all the other ears was an awesome call
be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever to duty to Saul of Tarsus, and changed
you bind on earth, in my name and by his life, and contributed toward the

my word, saith the Lord, it shall be transformation of millions of lives, but

eternally bound in the heavens; and he was the only one who was attuned.
whosesoever sins you remit on earth
shall be remitted eternally in the heav- Spiritual not understood by finite
ens; and whosesoever sins you retain on It is said that certain Russian fliers
earth shall be retained in heaven" reported that as they penetrated the
(D&C 132:46). far outer space, they saw no God nor
angels. Our prediction to any unbeliev-
The need for prophets ing, godless spacemen is that though
they could go a thousand times farther
What is needed is more a Moses than
a Pharaoh; an Elijah than a Belshaz-
and a thousand times higher, that they
will be still farther from God and eter-
zar; a Paul than a Pontius Pilate.
nal things, for the spiritual is not
He needs not be an architect to
construct houses and schools and high- understood by the finite.

rise buildings, but he will be one who Abraham found God on a tower
builds structures to span time and in Mesopotamia, on a mount in
eternity and to bridge the gap between Palestine, and in royal quarters in
man and his Maker. Egypt. Moses found him on a backside
When the world has
followed proph- desert; at a red sea; on a mount called

has moved forward; when it has

ets, it
Sinai; and in a "burning bush." Joseph
ignored them, the results have been Smith found him in the cool freshness
stagnation, servitude, death. of a primeval forest and on a hill called
Every moment of every day, there Cumorah. Peter found him at the Sea
are numerous programs on the air. We of Galilee and on the Mount of Trans-
hear very few, relatively, for we are figuration.
engrossed in our day's duties, but with
powerful beaming broadcasting sta- Sustaining of new prophet
tions, we could hear any of the pro-
May the Lord, our God, sustain this
grams if we are tuned in. newly appointed prophet, Joseph Field-
ing Smith, who will from this time "be
Broadcasts of vital messages
about his Father's business," who will
For thousands of years there have continue to serve the Lord's "bread
been constant broadcasts from heaven of life" and "living water," who will
of messages of guidance and
vital now begin "to light the lamps of
timely warnings, and there has been a Israel" and verily become the mouth-
certain constancy in the broadcasts piece of God; and our prayer is that
from the most powerful station. the Lord will speak to him as he did
Throughout all those centuries there to Joshua:
have been times when there were "This day will I begin to magnify
prophets who tuned in and rebroad- thee in the sight of all Israel, that they
casted to the people. The messages may know that, as I was with Moses,
have never ceased. so I will be with thee." (Josh. 3:7.)
One such message came to Daniel And may the Lord bless us, his
in the presence of others, and he who servants, who have raised our hands
was on the proper frequency said: this day, and
others without that
"And I Daniel alone saw the vision: opportunity, that from this time forth
for the men that were with me saw not we may, like the children of Israel,
the vision." (Dan. 10:7.) uphold his hands and shout as did the
On the road to Damascus, a com- children of Israel in one voice:
pany of men traveled together. A spec- "All that thou commandest us we
Monday, April 6 Third Day

will do, and whithersoever thou send- thanks and appreciation to those who
est us, we will go. have participated, to the Tabernacle
"According as we have hearkened Choir for the support you have given,
unto Moses in all things, so will we and to all who have attended.
hearken unto thee: only the Lord thy
God he with thee, as he was with President Harold B. Lee will be our
Moses." (Josh. 1:16-17.) concluding speaker, after which the
"To your tents, O Israel," stand firm Tabernacle Choir will favor us with
and loyal and immovable. "O Divine Redeemer."
In the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen. O The benediction will be offered by
Elder Rex N. Terry, former president
President N. Eldon Tanner of the Argentine Mission, afterwhich
Before calling on concluding
our this conference will stand adjourned
speaker, we should like to express our until two o'clock this afternoon.

President Harold B. Lee

First Counselor in the First Presidency
and President of the Council of the Twelve

• Iecho the sentiments of my beloved and in the world. I have wondered if

colleague, President Kimball, in wel- it could be that the report of the
coming into our circle of General prophet to our Maker has had great
Authorities our beloved associates, significance in the affairs of men here
Brother Boyd K. Packer, Brother Joseph on the earth.
Anderson, Brother David B. Haight
and Brother William H. Bennett. As Change in Church administration
you brethren and sisters come to know
The transition, in making the change
them as we know them, you will feel
of administration of the Church, is by
a great strength in their leadership.
a procedure unique and by an ordained
plan that avoids, as Elder Kimball has
President David O. McKay
said, the possibility of using political
We cannot pass this moment without devices or revolutionary methods that
remembering our beloved President could cause much confusion and frus-
McKay, and likewise to you, Sister tration in the work of the Lord.
McKay, if you are listening in, and President David O. McKay and all
to the remarkable family that Presi- of his predecessors as Presidents of the
dent McKay has, we extend our love Church have bequeathed to us rich
and blessings as we pass now to an- treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In
other era in the history of the Church. the passing of each President, the hearts
Today The Church of Jesus Christ of a grateful people were in a figura-
of Latter-day Saints opens a new chap- tive sense taken up with each of them.
ter in its 140 years' history since its The records of their lives and their
organization in this, the dispensation works, their words, and their ministries
of the fulness of times, as it is spoken are fortunately lesson books, docu-
of in the scriptures. mented in the written history of the
Another prophet, our noble President Church and in the memories of those
David O. McKay, has been called home who have followed after them. May
to make a report of his stewardship as God bless that legacy to the faithful
the earthly head of the Church. Always everywhere. After all, their greatest
with the passing of a prophet-leader, records will be written in the hearts
there have been great happenings fol- of those whom they sought diligently
lowing thereafter, both in the Church to serve.

Itmay be instructive and enlighten- Early in this dispensation, because of

ing to many of the Church members certain conditions, the Council of
and others who may be listening to Twelve continued to preside as a body
these services to say something as it for as long as three years before the
pertains to the reorganization of the reorganization was effected. As con-
Church following the death of the ditions in the Church became more
President. stabilized, the reorganization was ef-
fected promptly following the passing
The President of the Church of the President of the Church.
To those who ask the question: How All members of the First Presidency
is the President of the Church chosen and the Twelve are regularly sus-
or elected? the correct and simple an- tained as "prophets, seers, and revela-
swer should be a quotation of the fifth tors," as you have done today. This
Article of Faith: "We believe that a means that any one of the apostles, so
man must be called of God, by proph- chosen and ordained, could preside
ecy, and by the laying on of hands, by over the Church if he were "chosen by
those who are in authority to preach the body [which has been interpreted
the Gospel and administer in the to mean, the entire Quorum of the
ordinances thereof." Twelve], appointed and ordained to
The beginning of the call of one to that office, and upheld by the confi-
be President of the Church actually dence, faith, and prayer of the church,"
begins when he is called, ordained, and to quote from a revelation on this
set apart to become a member of the subject, on one condition, and that
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Such being that he was the senior member,
a call by prophecy, or in other words, or the president, of that body. (See
by the inspiration of the Lord to the D&C 107:22.)
one holding the keys of presidency,
and the subsequent ordination and Senior member of Twelve
setting apart by the laying on of hands
Occasionally the question is asked
by that same authority, places each as to whether or not one other than
apostle in a priesthood quorum of the senior member of the Twelve could
twelve men holding the apostleship. become President. Some thought on
Each apostle so ordained under the this matter would suggest that any
hands of the President of the Church, other than the senior member could
who holds the keys of the kingdom of become President of the Church only if
God in concert with all other ordained the Lord reveals to that President of
apostles, has given to him the priest- the Twelve that someone other than
hood authority necessary to hold every himself could be selected.
position in the Church, even to a posi-
tion of presidency over the Church if Orderly plan revealed
he were called by the presiding author-
ity and sustained by a vote of a con- The Lord revealed to the first
stituent assembly of the membership prophet of this dispensation the orderly
of the Church. plan for the Church leadership by a
predetermined organization of the
The Quorum of the Twelve earthly kingdom of God. He gave
The Prophet Joseph Smith declared these specific guidelines, as we might
that "where the president is not, there speak of them:
is no First Presidency." Immediately "Of the Melchizedek Priesthood,
following the death of a President, the three Presiding High Priests, chosen
next ranking body, the Quorum of the by the body, appointed and ordained
Twelve Apostles, becomes the presiding to that office, and upheld by the con-
authority, with the President of trie fidence, faith, and prayer of the church,
Twelve automatically becoming the form a quorum of the [First] Presi-
acting President of the Church until a dency of the Church.
President of the Church is officially "The twelve traveling councilors are
ordained and sustained in his office. called to be the Twelve Apostles, or
Monday, April 6 Third Day

special witnesses of the name of Christ father of Joseph Fielding Smith, the
in all the world —
thus differing from Lord said this:
other officers in the Church in the "And again, verily I say unto you
duties of their calling. . that
. . my
servant Hyrum may take
"And they form a quorum, equal in the office of Priesthood and Patriarch,
authority and power to the three presi- which was appointed unto him by his
dents previously mentioned." (D&C father, by blessing and also by right;

107:22-24.) "That from henceforth he shall hold

the keys of the patriarchal blessings

Wilford Woodruff's letter upon the heads of all my people.

"That whoever he blesses shall be
With reference to this subject, the blessed, and whoever he curses shall be
fourth President of the Church, Wil- cursed; that whatsoever he shall bind
ford Woodruff, made a few observations on earth shall be bound in heaven;
in a letter to President Heber J. Grant, and whatsoever he shall loose on earth
then a member of the Twelve, under shall be loosed in heaven." (D&C
date of March 28, 1887. I quote from 124:91-93.)
that letter: ". when the President of
. .
But in addition to this office, he was
the Church dies, who then is the Pre- given another endowment which has
siding Authority of the Church? It is never been given to any other patri-
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles arch to the Church who has succeeded
(ordained and organized by the revela- him in this additional calling:
tions of God and none else). Then "And from this time forth I appoint
while these Twelve Apostles preside unto him that he may be a prophet,
over the Church, who is the President and a seer, and a revelator unto my
of the Church [?] It is the President of church, as well as my servant Joseph;
the Twelve Apostles. And he is virtu- "That he may act in concert also
ally as much the President of the with my servant Joseph; and that he
Church while presiding over Twelve shall receive counsel from my servant
men as he is when organized as the Joseph, who shall show unto him the
Presidency of the Church, and pre- keys whereby he may ask and receive,
siding over two men." And this prin-
and be crowned with the same bless-
ciple has been carried out now for 140
and glory, and honor, and

years ever since the organization of
priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood,
the Church. Then President Wood- that once were put upon him that was
ruff continued: my servant Oliver Cowdery;
"As far as I am concerned it would "That my servant Hyrum may bear
require ... a revelation from the same record of the things which I shall show
God who had organized the church unto him, that his name may be had
and guided it by inspiration in the in honorable remembrance from gen-
channel in which it has travelled for eration to generation, forever and ever."
57 years, before I could give my vote (D&C 124:94-96.)
or influence to depart from the paths
followed by the Apostles since the President Joseph F. Smith
organization of the Church and fol-
lowed by the inspiration of Almighty F. Smith served as the
His son Joseph
God, for the past 57 years, by the sixth of the Church from
apostles, as recorded in the history of 1901 President Joseph F.
the Church." Smith, as a child, passed through the
trying scenes of Missouri and Illinois.
After his father, Hyrum Smith, was
Revelation concerning Hyrum Smith
martyred by a mob at Carthage along
This calling of Joseph Fielding Smith with his uncle, Joseph Smith the
to become President of the Church has Prophet, young Joseph F., although but
a special significance: In a revelation a boy of nine years of age, drove an
given to the Prophet Joseph Smith in ox team across the plains from Mis-
reference to Hyrum Smith, the grand- souri River, arriving in Salt Lake Val-

ley in 1848. In 1852 his mother died, of the Church in this Tabernacle and
and two years thereafter he left for a by the many faithful beyond our sight,
mission to the Hawaiian Islands when who have participated in the proceed-
but 15 years of age. ings of thissolemn assembly.
I find myself almost trembling with
A noble son and grandson a sense of my own inadequacy when I
recall the great leaders of this dispen-
This is the fibre of the Hyrum Smith
ancestry from which our President
sation who have preceded us in leader-
ship positions. As I have thought of
Joseph Fielding Smith has come. I am
this, through long hours of meditation
confident that heaven is pleased today,
and prayer, I sense the reality of the
and I doubt not but during the min-
fact that one, such as I, does not take
istry of this noble son and grandson,
those who have gone on before will
the place of those who have gone on
be permitted to draw near to their
descendant, whom the Lord has now
Wewho are called to occupy these
positions merely fill the vacancies
honored with this challenging responsi-
created by the passing of time. Those
bility, despite his great age. I would
not at all be surprised if they were with
who have gone on before still hold
their places in the eternal worlds and
us on this occasion.
in the hearts of the hundreds of thou-
I have said to members of Hyrum

Smith's posterity, after I have quoted

sands whom they have served.
the prophecy to which I have made
"Led by the Spirit"
reference, that it is for them to strive
with all their souls to be loyal to the More than ever before, I understand
royal blood of the prophets of this what the ancient prophet Nephi felt
dispensation that flows through their when he had been given the seemingly
veins. insurmountable task by his father,
Lehi, to gain possession of the brass
Dependence upon God plates in which were contained the
scriptures of the prophets of the Old
Today's happenings have brought Testament, as we now know them.
to me some of the most sobering re- Nephi had written of this experi-
flections of my whole life. During the ence: ". . . I, Nephi, crept into the
last ten weeks that have elapsed since city and went forth towards the house
the momentous spiritual experience, in of Laban.
company with 13 of my brethren hold- "And I was led by the Spirit; not
ing the holy apostleship, in an upper knowing beforehand the things which
room of the temple, where members of I should do." (INe. 4:5-6.)
the new Presidency of the Church were I understand now more than ever
chosen and ordained, I have lived my before the poignant prayer of the sup-
whole life in restrospect and the days pliant:
ahead in prospect, to some extent.
Throughout these weeks, I have "Lead, kindly Light, amid the en-
recognized my limitations and have circling gloom;
realized more than ever before my me
Lead thou on!
utter dependence upon Almighty God,
our Heavenly Father, for strength be-
The night is dark, and I am far from
yond my natural strength and wisdom
beyond man's wisdom and spiritual
Lead thou me on!

insight into problems that might be my Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
responsibilities now. Only with God's The distant scene —one step enough
help can begin to fill the position to for me."
which I

have been chosen by the —Hymns, No. 112

President of the Church and the Quo-
rum of the Twelve, and now sustained That, I too now sense very deeply.
by the vast body of the priesthood of I must go on many occasions, as
the Church and by the membership did Nephi of old, being "led by the
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Spirit, not beforehand the

knowing ter, the Savior of the world. The Lord
things which I should do." Yes, though Jesus Christ does live and presides from
the night be dark, "I do not ask to see his holy dwelling place, over this, his

the distant scene one step [is] enough kingdom of God on this earth, through
for me." him who has been sustained this day
as your President, a prophet, seer, and
Pledge to serve revelator.

With all my soul I pledge to you I bear this testimony humbly and
faithful saints allmy strength of body beseech of you your faith, your loyal
and mind and spirit, realizing full support to put to flight all the condi-
well, as the faithful King Benjamin tions in the Church that could cause
taught, that though I spend days in my disturbance. May we continue to have
your service, "I do not desire to boast, the support of your faith and your
for I have only been in the service of prayers. And we pledge ourselves,
God." (Mosiah 2:16.) anew, to sustain you as faithful saints
I pray fervently that I too may learn to the most high God. This I do hum-
that when I am in the service of you, bly, and bear solemn witness this day,
my faithful brothers and sisters, saints
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
of the most high God, I am "only in Amen. O
the service of your God," and my God.
I bear you my witness, as the Spirit

has before, and does now bear witness Singing by the Tabernacle Choir:
to my soul, that there has been en- "O Divine Redeemer."
trusted to this, the true Church of Elder Rex N. Terry, former president
Jesus Christ in these latter days the of the Argentine Mission, offered the
true doctrines of salvation by which closing prayer.
mankind may be redeemed, through The conference was adjourned until
the atonement of our Lord and Mas- 2 o'clock p.m.

SEVENTH SESSION Square in Salt Lake City in the seventh
general session of the 140th Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus
The seventh and concluding session
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
of the General Conference began at
2 o'clock p.m. on Monday, April 6. President Joseph Fielding Smith is
1970. presiding at this session and he has
President Joseph Fielding Smith pre- asked me to conduct the services.
sided and President Harold B. Lee Through the generous cooperation
conducted the meeting. of their owners and managers, over 300
The Logan Institute of Religion television and radio stations have car-
Chorus, with James L. Bradley con- ried to practically every state in the
ducting, sang the choral numbers. Roy Union, including Hawaii and Alaska,
M. Darley was at the organ. and also to many foreign countries,
President Lee made the following sessions of this conference. Again we
remarks at the beginning of the session: express our thanks and appreciation to
these owners and managers for their
President Harold B. Lee courtesy in broadcasting the programs
of this conference.

Members of the Church are con- Sessions of this conference have been
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple televised, and we are happy that many

have received the broadcasts in color The "Does the Journey Seem
in the United States and Canada over Long," was sung by the Logan Insti-
most of those televised stations cooper- tute of Religion chorus.
ating to provide the extensive coverage
of this conference.

We extend a cordial welcome to our

President Lee:
television and radio audience, and also
to all who are gathered here in this
historic Tabernacle.
As a note of human interest, you
will be interested to know that the
Weare favored this afternoon by writer of the words to this beautiful
the presence of the Logan Institute of hymn was our own President Joseph
Religion Chorus from Logan, Utah, Fielding Smith. It was set to music by
570 students, the largest Institute of the late George D. Pyper.
Religion Chorus ever to perform at
conference, with James L. Bradley con-
"Does the journey seem long,
ducting, and Roy M. Darley at the The path rugged and steep?
Are therebriars and thorns on the way?
We shall begin these services by the Do sharp stones cut your feet
chorus singing: "If With All Your As you struggle to rise
Heart Ye Truly Seek Me." To the heights through the heat of the
The invocation then be offered
will day?"
by Elder Arthur R. Watkins, former
president of the Austrian Mission. "A land holy and pure
Where all trouble doth end,
President Harold B. Lee
And your life shall be free from all sin,
Where no tears shall be shed
For no sorrows remain;
invocation was just offered by
Take his hand and with him enter in."
Elder Arthur R. Watkins, former presi-
dent of the Austrian Mission
President Joseph Fielding Smith,
The Logan Institute of Religion George D. Pyper writing the music.
Chorus will now favor us with, "Does We
will now hear from Elder Ezra
The Journey Seem Long." Taft Benson of the Council of the
After the singing, Elder Ezra Taft Twelve. He will be followed by Elder
Benson of the Council of the Twelve Marion D. Hanks, Assistant to the
will speak to us. Twelve.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson

Of the Council of the Twelve

• My brethren and sisters, I presume the inspiration of heaven.

as we come to the end of a three-day I talk to the subject "A World
conference, and the seventh session, Message."
those who are present represent the
survival of the
Missionary work
With all my heart I love, support, —
Missionary work the preaching of
and sustain President Joseph Fielding the gospel —
has been the major activity
Smith as prophet, seer, and revelator of the true Church of Christ whenever
and President of the Church, and the the gospel has been upon the earth.
two noble men who stand at his side Prophets of God and numerous other
in the First Presidency. I know they ambassadors of truth have preached
are great men of God who will lead the word "in season, out of season."
the Church forward and upward under (2 Tim. 4:2.)
Monday, April G Third Day

Theresurrected Lord in his final "And this gospel shall be preached

instructions to his apostles, before his unto every nation, and kindred, and
ascension, emphasized the great im- tongue, and people." (D&C 133:37.)
portance of missionary work. Matthew, "Wherefore the voice of the Lord is
in the last two verses of his Gospel, unto the ends of the earth, that all that
summarizes these important instruc- will hear may hear!" (D&C 1:11.)
tions in these words: "And the voice of warning shall be
"Go ye therefore, and teach all na- unto all people, by the mouths of my
tions, baptizing them in the name of disciples, whom I have chosen in these
the Father, and of the Son, and of the last days." (D&C 1:4.)
Holy Ghost: "That the fulness of my gospel might
"Teaching them to observe all things be proclaimed by the weak and the
whatsoever I have commanded you: simple unto the ends of the world,
and, lo, I am with you alway, even and before kings and rulers." (D&C
unto the end of the world. Amen." 1:23.)
(Matt. 28:19-20. Italics added.)
Mark, in his record, states: Response of members
"Go ye into all the world, and These are direct commands of the
preach the gospel every creature.
to Lord Jesus Christ, whose second coming
"He that believeth and is baptized is near. In response to these com-
shall be saved; but he that believeth mands and with a knowledge of the
not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15- blessings of the gospel, we, as members
16. Italics added.) of his church, will continue to re-
And so it has been in every gospel spond.
dispensation. Preaching the saving This is why hundreds of thousands
principles of the gospel has ever been of missionaries have gone forth to the
a great responsibility of first im- nations of the earth at the expenditure
portance. of millions of dollars from their modest
means. This is why the First Presi-
Responsibility of restored Church dency of the Church even during the
It is true in this gospel dispensation. last world war declared, "No act of
Following the glorious appearance of ours or of the Church must ever inter-
God the Father and his Son Jesus fere with this God-given mandate."
Christ to Joseph Smith, it appears that It is in very deed a mandate to his
the first great responsibility placed church. It will be carried out. No
upon the restored Church was to carry power on earth or in hell can stop this
the gospel to the world —
to all our work or thwart the purposes of the
Father's children. Lord to have his soul-satisfying gospel
It has truly been a great drama of message go to his children. It may
transcendent importance a drama of — take war, commotion, disasters in many
sacrifice, joy, hardship, courage, and forms to bring it about. But the pur-
above all, love of fellowmen. No- poses of God will be achieved. His
where upon the face of the earth will children will hear the gospel of salva-
you find a human drama to equal it. tion in his own due time.
Yes, it has cost blood, sweat, and tears
to carry forth this labor of love. And
God at the helm
why have we done it? Because the God The time must surely come when
of heaven has commanded it; because the Iron Curtain will be melted down
he loves his children, and it is his will and the Bamboo Curtain shattered.
that the teeming millions of the earth What the Lord has decreed will be
shall have opportunity to hear and, of fulfilled. To members of the Church
their own free will, accept and live the and honest-hearted people everywhere,
glorious saving and exalting principles we remind you that God is at the
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. helm — —
he is not dead and he has
To the Prophet Joseph Smith he, said, "Be still, and know that I am
even Jesus Christ whose name the God." (Ps. 46:10.) To us in this day
Church bears, proclaimed: he has declared:

"Wherefore, lift up your hearts and unto the book of my commandments,

rejoice, and gird up your loins, and which I have given them to publish
take upon you my whole armor, that ye unto you, O inhabitants of the earth"
may be able to withstand the evil day, (verse 6), the Lord called out in these
having done all, that ye may be able words: "Hearken, O ye people of my
to stand." (D&C 27:15.) church, saith the voice of him who
To the throughout the
thousands dwells on high, and whose eyes are
world whoare accepting the gospel; to upon all men; yea, verily I say: Heark-
faithful missionaries everywhere and en ye people from afar; and ye that are
devoted families who support them: go upon the islands of the sea, listen
forward with faith and courage. You together" (verse 1).
are engaged in the greatest work in all
the world —
the saving of the souls of
People in Asian lands
the children of men. In this great work These significant words fit the Asian
we cannot fail. countries remarkably. "Hearken ye
people from afar; and ye that are upon
Need for gospel
the islands of the sea, listen together."
Our Father's children need the gos- Many times reference has been made
pel. They long for, and want, the to these prophetic words in the past
security and inner peace that only the two years as I have made five visits to
gospel can bring. Our Father's chil- these Asian lands as a church leader
dren are essentially good. I have visited and two earlier visits as a cabinet
with them in some sixty nations on official. I thought of the words "ye
both sides of the Iron Curtain. True, people from afar" as we visited Thai-
some are in bondage under despotic, land, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore,
Godless leaders, but they want to live Indonesia, India, and so on, and was
in peace, to be good neighbors. They told by our travel agent we could return
love their homes and their families. to Salt Lake City by traveling either
They want to improve their standard east or west

"the distance is about
of living. In their hearts they want to the same." I thought of this as I pre-
do what is right. I know the Lord loves sented the King of Thailand with a
them, and as his humble servant I copy of Joseph Smith's testimony — off
have a love in my heart for the teem- the press the day —
before the first
ing millions of this world. Church publication in the Thai lan-
Prophecies being fulfilled guage.

"islands of the sea"

I have sensed this feeling anew and

more strongly than ever, as I have ". . . and ye that are upon the islands
mingled with the humble, sweet- of the sea, listen together." How these
spirited people of Asia during the past —
words and similar words from the
two years.have seen, at close range,
I Book of Mormon (2 Ne. 29:7, 11)—
the manner in which the Lord has have come to mind in the past two
turned disasters— war, occupation, and years, in the island nation of Japan at

revolution into blessings. Prophecies a youth conference before 800 youth,
of the Lord are being fulfilled. The as we listened to 125 personal testi-
gospel is reaching peoples who a few monies in a four-hour testimony meet-
years ago seemed unreachable. In ing, which closed in order to permit a
spite of powerful traditions, religious scheduled public meeting to start,
dogmas, and ancient national policies, leaving 85 young people wanting to
great changes have come over entire add their testimonies.
nations. Miracles are happening before We were reminded of the words
our very eyes. The Lord is working "islands of the sea" as I dedicated the
great wonders, and his children are land of Singapore last April, where we
rejoicing as the blessings of the gospel already have two congregations and a
touch their lives. It is marvelous to new church building underway.
behold. Let me illustrate. Again we thought of the words of
In the prophetic revelation (D&C 1) the Lord, "islands of the sea," as we
referred toby the Lord as "my preface visited Taiwan and attended a district


Monday, April G Third Day

conference with over two thousand in The day before, March 13, the seven
attendance in Manila in the Philip- of us, members of our families, distin-

pines some forty million people on guished fair officials, mayors of cities,
seven thousand islands. Again the representatives of the press, and as
words "islands of the sea" crowded in many members and friends of the
upon us as we were welcomed by Church as space permitted —some 600
friendly leaders to dedicate the land attended the dedication of the Mormon
of fourteen thousand islands in Indo- Pavilion. Because of its location, archi-

nesia a land that has recently passed tecture —
with a figure of the Angel
through a blood bath to try to rid this Moroni atop a high spire and our —
freedom-loving people of godless Com- challenging theme, "Man's Search For
munism. Happiness," it will, no doubt, be a
A visit with the leader of Free China popular fair attraction. Some 20,000
on the island of Taiwan and the in- visited our pavilion the first day, and
creasing membership of the Church in over 43,000 the first Saturday. Our
Hong Kong, Korea, and elsewhere great concern is to be able to take care
show these friendly, humble, coura- of the great numbers —
estimated at five
geous people are heeding the call of the to eight million —
who are expected to
Lord and are "listen [ing] together." want to enter our building. Already
The door now open the film Man's Search for Happiness —
There has never been a time until
filmed with Japanese characters is —
being shown in cultural halls and else-
now when the Church has had the
where in an effort to partially satisfy
strength and means to reach out effec-
those who may not be able to gain
tively to the Asian nations. In the
timetable of the Lord, the door is now
admission. We confidently expect the
referrals and requests for missionaries
open, and this is apparently the day
to reach into hundreds of thousands.
forwork in Asia. Each visit has been
more encouraging and inspirational Interest of officials
than the last. The work is expanding,
and further expansion is in the offing. As we enjoyed the inspiring dedica-
In each of the countries the tremendous tory services, I recalled the several
growth is an inspiration.This is where contacts with fair officials in lunch-
the people are — by the hundreds of eons, dinners, etc., and their gracious

millions one-third of the population cooperation the Osaka, Japan, press
of the world. Of course, from the total conference the night before the ground-
standpoint of population, we are just breaking service, when 29 representa-
getting started. tives of the press and mass media kept
My wife and I have just returned, us for an hour and a half, asking
from three inspirational but busy weeks intelligent questions about the Church
in the Asian missions. The five mis- and our people and especially our
sions were increased to six four months pavilion theme. Later that evening
ago and have just increased to eight, many of the press met us as we dedi-
with the expectation of at least one cated the new Okainachi Mormon
more within a year. This indicates the chapel. Again they were with us the
growth that is taking place in these next day at the official groundbreaking
areas. service. Here six high Expo '70, gov-
ernment, and civic officials made
Expo '70 speeches and paid tribute to the
While in Japan I was joined by three Church. They told of man's eternal
General Authorities and three other search for happiness and emphasized
leaders who made up the invited offi- they were pleased "the Mormons are
cial Church representation appointed coming to Expo '70 to tell us all how to
by the First Presidency to attend the find happiness." And as the mission-
grand opening March 14 of the world's aries commented, "We will in very
fair known as Expo '70 the first — deed show them how to find hap-
world's fair in Asia and said to be the piness."
largest world's fair ever. With one half million copies of the

Book of Mormon pledged and ready, chapels and make friends and converts
millions of pamphlets and tracts on for the Church. On a recent tour,
hand, and scores of dedicated guides visitswere made to six installations in
and hundreds of missionaries who will Thailand. We
have three well-operat-
follow up on referrals, truly the ing districts of servicemen in Vietnam.
"people from afar" on "the islands of Some one thousand are registered for
the sea" will "listen together" and be the Asian Servicemen's Conference to
welcomed to membership in the be held at Mt. Fuji, Japan, April 9-12,
Church. next weekend.
The missions of Asia are getting
Work in Japan high-type, devoted, and, in some cases,
In Japan the Church has been well- prominent converts. One little branch
established in two missions and several of 50 members in Korea has five col-
districts. A few days ago two more lege professors. The land of Indonesia,
missions were organized. Four missions with 130 million people, was dedicated
on the islands of Japan and Okinawa October 26, 1969, for the preaching of
will permit more intensive work in re- the gospel. The work has started with
sponse to the increasing interest. There a few missionaries in Djakarta. More
are nearly fourteen million people in missionaries are needed. A new mission
the immediate vicinity of Tokyo and has been established with headquarters
Yokohama, where we have good leader- in Singapore.
ship and a stable organization. A new
stake was organized in Tokyo, Sunday, Foundation for expansion
March 15. The leaders of that stake are

here at this conference as they said,
Weare building up substantial con-
gregations, and the foundation is being
literally walking on air, they are so
laid for a tremendous expansion of the
happy. A second Asian stake has been
work in the Asian area. Baptisms for
authorized in Manila in the Philip-
1969 were over 100 percent ahead of a
pines, where we baptized some fourteen
year ago, and the trend continues up-
hundred new converts in 1969. Other
stakes to carry on the full, rich program
of the Church will be created in other
One of our great needs, in addition
to more missionaries, is buildings. In
Asian countries. Anticipating the crea-
the entire Philippine Mission, we have
tion of a separate mission in Free
only one building. But building sites
China, construction of a new mission
are being purchased, and plans are
home has been approved for Taipei.
going forward for the building of ad-
Japan now has over twelve thousand
ditional chapels in various parts of
members of the Church. There are
these areas. A large six-floor building
four thousand in Korea, nearly six
is being planned by the First Presi-
thousand in the Philippines, some four
dency for central Tokyo. This could
thousand in Hong Kong, and more
house stake and ward facilities, distri-
than that in Taiwan. A beginning has
bution center, mission offices, construc-
been made in Thailand, Singapore, and
tion offices, and other facilities.
Indonesia. Wehave strong congrega-
In our lifetime we shall see stakes
tions on Okinawa, and a nucleus of
and chapels, converts in great number,
Vietnamese have come into the
local leadership withpower and ability,
Church. Our servicemen in Korea laid
and perhaps even a temple erected
the foundation for the Church there;
among the good people of Asia. That
and when peace comes to Vietnam, we
is their hope and their prayer.
shall find the way prepared for the
spreading of truth among that people.
Encouraging outlook
Mormon servicemen
The outlook is most encouraging. The
Mormon servicemen, God bless Lord is blessing the new converts, the
them, throughout these nations are missionaries, the mission presidents.
laying the foundation for effective There is a spirit of optimism every-
proselyting as they help to construct where among these humble people, as
Monday, April 6 Third Day

men of prominence extend the hand of "And they shall go forth and none
fellowship and cooperation. shall stay them, for I the Lord have
May God bless richly these teeming commanded them." (D&C 1:4-5.)
millions in the Asian countries these — To this I bear humble witness, in
choice "people from afar and ye that deep gratitude for the Lord's blessing
are upon the islands of the sea" as they on our work in Asia and throughout
"listen together" to the message of sal- the world, in the name of the Lord
vation from the humble servants of Jesus Christ. Amen. O
God — local members and missionaries,
all.Our message is a world message.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- President Harold B. Lee
day Saints is a world organization.

For the Lord has declared through We shall now hear from Elder
the Prophet Joseph Smith, "And the Marion D. Hanks, Assistant to the
voice of warning shall be unto all Twelve. He will be followed by Elder
people, by the mouths of my disciples, Milton R. Hunter of the First Council
whom I have chosen in these last days. of Seventy.

Elder Marion D. Hanks

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve

• It a very pleasant and humbling

is who strive earnestly to bring up their
and uplifting experience to look at children in the way they should go.
your faces in this congregation and to only to have those children use their
remember with gratitude and affection individuality and agency to follow
the gracious kindness with which you other ways. The Lord has forcefully
accept our humble efforts in your stakes taught us that in his eyes "the son shall
and missions as we go on assignment not bear the iniquity of the father,
there. I know that many of the prob- neither shall the father bear the
lems you deal with, many of the most iniquity of the son." (Ezek. 18:20.)
difficult ones, involve homes and Each accountable person must ulti-
families, and it is of this that I would mately answer for his own decisions.
like to speak this afternoon. Few other It is our individual responsibility,
subjects seem to me so urgently impor- parent or child or parent-to-be, to
tant in our time or to have such eternal make decisions that will improve upon
relevance. the quality of our homes and our re-
lationships within them, and each of
The home and family us should be anxious and honest in his

speak to those who have children

efforts to do that —
each of us.

home, and to those who have influ- It has been written: "As are families,
ence in homes where there are children, so is society. If well ordered, well in-
as well as to the great generation, rep- structed, and well governed, they are
resented by this marvelous [Logan the springs from which go forth the
Institute of Religion] chorus, who are streams of national greatness and pros-
making decisions now that will effec- perity-—of civil order and public hap-
tively influence their future homes piness." (Thayer.)
and families.
"Set in order your houses"
In offering my witness about the
home and family, I renew my expres- In the early days of the restoration,
sion of deep respect for children who the leaders of the Church were in-
wisely choose the better way, often in structed to "set in order your houses."
improvement upon their parents, and The Lord gave clear and explicit in-
my deep compassion for good parents structions to the brethren and certainly

to all the members of the Church that Wonderful neighborhoods

they be "more diligent and concerned
at home, and pray always. . .
." (D&C As parents we have been very grate-
ful for the wonderful neighborhoods
The wise men the world have
in which we have been privileged to
added their witness to the importance
live, and for the strong families in
of doing this. Let me quote one, Martin
whose homes our children have visited
as friends or baby tenders. Many re-
ligions and viewpoints are represented
"If we had power over the ends of
the earth it would not give us that ful-
among our neighbors, and our children
have profited greatly and have been
fillment of existence which a quiet,
greatly strengthened in their gratitude
devoted relationship to nearby life can
for their own home and faith from
give us. If we knew the secrets of the
seeing the quality of the homes and
upper worlds, they would not allow
families of the good people among
us so much actual participation in true
existence as we can achieve by per-
whom we are privileged to live.
Across the street, for instance, is a
forming with holy intent a task be-
wonderful Latter-day Saint family
longing to our daily duties. Our
treasure is hidden beneath the hearth
into whose home I have always been
of our own home."
grateful to have my youngsters go.

It is on this strong affirmation, which

The mother is a warm, gracious friend
and homemaker whose surroundings
I believe with all my heart, that I
reflect her own character. Her hus-
offer five specific suggestions as to how
band is a special kind of man who has
we may find and multiply the treasures
inspired our children and others in the
hidden beneath the hearth of our own
neighborhood with his creative efforts
to encourage patriotism and learning
and appreciation of our historical
Family associations
heritage. There have been contests and
First let me mention family associa- essays and quizzes, serious celebrations
tions. along with the parties and fun on
What other families does your fam- special holidays.
ily know well? What other fathers
and mothers do they see in action? Do Family traditions
your children ever sit at the table or That leads me to the second sugges-
in family home evening, or kneel in tion. Families thrive on traditions and
prayer with another family? the special rituals of family life. Cele-
Parents should be deeply concerned brating special days and seasons in
to build friendships with other families special ways, working together, enjoy-
who have wholesome ideals, whose ing family home evenings and family
family life is constructive and strong. councils and conversations, deciding
Children can greatly profit through ex- upon and preparing for and enjoying
posure to other homes, parents, and holidays together, family meals and
families where there is good disposition, —
prayers there are so many significant
pleasant attitude, good fun, good ways to build family traditions that
humor, good literature, respect and will be remembered.
discipline, and cleanliness and prayer; With all else that is sacred about
where there is devotion to serving the Christmas, for instance, it can mean
Lord; where the gospel is lived. a beloved white star on the chimney
With children, as all of us know, that symbolizes the season. It may
life is often a matter of following the also mean that special time together
leader, and wise parents will want on Christmas Eve, carols sung at each
their children to enjoy the influence home in the neighborhood, up and
of other families whose convictions and down the block, fun and music, and
example will offer them strong incen- the involvement of others from out-
tives to build happy relationships in side the home. Everyone participates,
their own homes. but especially the guests who share the


Monday, April 6 Third Day

experience, who take part, who read while he and mother stayed home, and
and contribute some special thought made us feel guilty by working while
of Christmas. The Bible teaches us we played.
that we must not be forgetful to enter- "2. I wish I could remember one
tain strangers, for in so doing many evening when he had joined us in
have entertained angels unaware. The singing, or reading, or tussling, instead
custom of having honored guests with of always sitting so quietly with his
us in our home has given us that ex- newspaper by the reading lamp.
perience every year for many years at "3. I wish I could remember one
Christmas and other times. month, or week, or day even, when he
Let me be personal enough to men- had made purposeful work out of
tion that the choicest memories of drudgery by planning the farm work
recent years, as we talk of ritual or with us, instead of merely announcing
celebration at our home, are the times each morning what that day's work
we prepared as a family to bid a would be.
precious child farewell on her way to "4. I wish I could remember one
school. Wecelebrated the sad /happy Sunday when he had bundled us all
event and joined our hearts together as into the buggy and taken all to church
the head of the home gave her a father's together, instead of staying home while
blessing and invoked the Spirit of the we went in the morning, and leaving
Lord upon Twice we have had
her. us home while he and mother went
that glorious privilege, and pray God in the afternoon.
that we may enjoy it with each child. "5. I wish that I could remember
It is of such simple but significant just one talk in which we had dis-
things that family traditions are built, cussed together the problems and facts
and unified families with them. that trouble every growing boy, on
All of us turn reflectively to the which his clear and vigorous viewpoint
sweet memories of our childhood at might have shed such light and com-
home, and each of us, now blessed with fort, instead of leaving me to pick up
families or looking forward to that the facts haphazardly as I might, and
privilege, should be thinking about to solve the problems as best I could.
the memories we will provide for their "And yet, my
conscience would cry
future. shame were I to blame him, for no man
could ever be more devoted to his
Family values family, more anxious for their welfare,
Third, let me mention family values. more proud of their successes. His ex-
What gets major attention in our
' ample has been a beacon to us. He
homes? What do we really care about, just didn't know —
and there is the pity
take time for? What is worthy of our of it to me —
he just didn't know that
consideration, our attention, our money, we needed him. He didn't know that
our efforts? What of books and read- we would rather have his companion-
ing them? What of thoughtful acts ship than the land he could leave us
of kindness, of sharing, involving the that some day, maybe, we might make
whole family within and without the money for ourselves, but that never
home? What of prayer, conversation, can we make for ourselves the memories
genuine concern with each other? that might have enriched and mellowed
In 1926 The Improvement Era car- and molded our lives. I can't see a
ried a memorable statement by a Fathers and Sons' outing without a
college senior concerning thoughts of lump in my throat." (Era, December
home and relationships there. Let me 1926, p. 145.)
read what he wrote about his good
home: Discipline in the home
"1. I wish I could remember one Fourth, I speak of discipline — disci-
Fourth of July, or one circus day, or pline in the of course I am
home; and
one canyon trip, in which my father not talking about harsh punishments
had joined us boys, instead of giving but of fair rules, understood and en-
us the money and equipment to go, forced, with sanctions consistently

imposed when they are broken. I am to the Lord about my boy. I told him
thinking of realities, of facts to be what kind of man I believed you to be
faced, of a future of attitudes and wanted you to be, and prayed for
law and rules and personal responsi- his watchful care of you, and then left
bility being learned. Samuel Johnson, you in his hands and went to sleep.
the great British literary genius, said But now you are home," she said,
that he would never permit his children "and you can count on it that I will
to "deny him" —that is, to deny to be interested in you as long as I live."
callers that he was at home when he She is gone now, and it is remarkable
was, busy as he was. He said, "If I how often I get the feeling that she is

teach my children to lie for me, I may interested still, and forever will be.
be sure that they will soon conceive
the notion of lying to me." Family love
Discipline involves adult solutions Finally I mention family love, ex-
to the problems that arise in living to- pressed in so many wonderful ways.
gether. Wise parents do not subject —
Someone once said it's been often
each other or their children to emo- —
quoted that the best thing a father
tional poisoning. Disagreements are can do for his children is to love their
handled maturely and constructively mother. I believe this, and that the
and not destructively. strongest and surest base for loving
Discipline begins with concern and others is to love the Lord and to bring
commitment and example, like that the binding and blessing balm of that
otherword that comes from the same love into all relationships of the home.
root: disciple. Children have the right to learn that
Children need standards, need guide- love is the foundation of a good family,
lines of behavior, and limits. They and that love cannot exist apart from
need models who care, who are firm such qualities as respect, consideration,
and and sensitive and consistent.
fair responsibility, and loyalty. Love is not
Wholesome discipline can be gentle self-centered and is not self-serving,
and sensitive, but often it isn't.
but is concerned with the well-being
and happiness of others. It is providing
Interest of wonderful mother for our loved ones an atmosphere of
warmth and kindness that accepts and
A daughter and I were recently dis- preserves the uniqueness of each as an
cussing her return home at an hour individual person while building the
that seemed questionable to me. I unity of the home.
shared with her an experience with my Love means friendship and compan-
wonderful mother. I had spent some ionship and partnership and unity. It
years away at schools and missions expresses itself in modesty, in generos-
and wars, and the two of us were now ity, in sensitivity, in courtesy, in
alone at home. returned from an
I counsel, in appropriate compromise. It
appointment one evening at midnight inspires affection and confidence and
to find the light still on in Mother's trust and self-control. Love, mature
little bedroom. As I had always done, love, provides a climate of wholesome,
I reported in to Mom, sat on her bed, repentant, forgiving consideration. It
and kidded with her a little. I asked listens. hears and senses the needs
her why she was still awake. "I am of another. It can never be separated
waiting for you," she said. from character, from unselfishness, from
I said, "Did you wait for me while good humor, and from every tender
I was on a mission, Mom, or at sea, virtue.
or in battle?"
Her answer was calm and sweet. She Make the effort
gave me that little pat on the knee that It must be strongly said of each
reflects the mature compassion of the of these avenues to family felicity that
wise for the ignorant, and said: "No, it does not just happen it must be —
that would have been foolish. I just brought about by people who think
knelt down here by my bed and talked and care and make the effort.
Monday, April G Third Day

Godhelp us to be more concerned It is what they will re-

likely that
with a high standard of life than with member the treasure we unearth
best is

a high standard of living. God help from beneath the hearth of our own
us, while there is time, to take time to home.
do everything we can to bring about I know the gospel is true, and that

now, or in the family we will one day it has been restored, and that it centers

have, by making wise choices now, the in the home. God bless us to strengthen
unity and strength and sweetness that the home, in Jesus' name. Amen. O
a home is meant to have. I believe we
can do that, or materially move toward President Harold B. Lee
bringing it about, through thoughtful
family associations, memorable tradi- Elder Marion D. Hanks, Assistant to
tions, correct values, wise discipline, the Twelve, has just spoken to us.
and great love. We
shall now hear from Elder Mil-
What will we give our children to ton R. Hunter of the First Council of
remember? Seventy.

Elder Milton R. Hunter

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• Shortly before the Prophet Joseph Similar accounts

Smith had completed translating the
Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ and the The two books have numerous things
in common; each verifies the other. For
Angel Moroni bore witness that the
example, the Book of Mormon claims
translation was correct and the book
that ancient America was settled first
was true. Never in the history of the
by a group of colonizers called Jaredites,
world had such astounding events oc-
curred in relation to a book.
who came from the Tower of Babel.
A few years ago an apostle said to Ixtlilxochitl also claims that the first
me: "It would be a discovery of great settlers to come to America following
significance if one were to find an the flood came from "a very high
Indian book which sustained the Book tower" or the Tower of Babel. Observe
of Mormon." how similar the accounts are as I quote
from them.
History of ancient Americans ". Jared came forth with his
. .

Such a book exists; in fact, I shall brother and their families, with some
present quotations from four such In- others and their families, from the
dian books produced during the Amer- great tower, at the time the Lord con-
ican colonial period that contain founded the language of the people,
materials similar to those found in the and swore in his wrath that they
Book of Mormon. The Indian writers should be scattered upon all the face of
add their witness to the truthfulness the earth; and according to the word
of the Book of Mormon. Ixtlilxochitl, of the Lord the people were scattered."
an Indian prince who lived in the (Eth. 1:33.)
valley of Mexico, wrote a book contain- Ixtlilxochitl, the Indian writer, puts
ing the history of his ancestors from it this way:
the time of their arrival in America "And . . . men, multiplying made a
until the coming of the Spaniards. . very high tower, in order to shelter
. .

He wrote his book from documents themselves in it when the second world
inherited from his ancestors. Thus, should be destroyed.
the Works of Ixtlilxochitl constitutes a. "When things were at their best,
Lamanite version of the history of the their language was changed and, not
ancient Americans, while the Book of understanding each other, they went
Mormon represents the Nephite version. to different parts of the world." (Works

of Ixtlilxochitl, cited in Milton R. Shortly after Don Pedro Pizarro and

Hunter and Thomas Stuart Ferguson, his conquistadores conquered Guate-
Ancient America and The Book of mala, or about 1550 a.d., the Indians of
Mormon, 1950, p. 24.) that land wrote four books. They were:
The Annals of the Cakchiquels, Title
Additional comparison of the Lords of Totonicapan, Popol
Vuh, and the Anales de los Xahil.
In order that we might make addi- These books all give added testimony
tional comparison of the Book of
to the Book of Mormon.
Mormon and the Works of Ixtlilxochitl, Each of these four books agrees with
we quote the Jaredite record: the Works of Ixtlilxochitl, and they
". the Lord
. . had compassion upon all verify the Book of Mormon, which
Jared; therefore he did not confound claims that the ancient Americans came
the language of [Jared's people]. ." . .
from the other side of the sea. A ship
(Eth. 1:35, 37.)
was built at a place called Bountiful
Then the Lord guided Jared's colo- under the direction of Nephi, the
nists over the land to the seashore and,
youngest of four brothers who left Jeru-
in barges brought them to America, salem with their father, Lehi. Under
"into a land which [he declared] is
Nephi's direction, the colonists came
choice above all the lands of the earth." to America in that ship.
(Eth. 1:42.)
In the Anales de los Xahil, we read:
The comparable story in Ixtlilxochitl " 'How shall we cross the sea, oh our
younger brother?' they said. And we
". and the Tultecas, who were as
. .

many as seven companions and their

answered: shall We cross in the
ships. . .
.' Then we entered the ships
wives, who understood their language
. . . then we traveled eastward and
among themselves, came to these parts,
arrived there.' " (Anales de los Xahil.
having first crossed lands and seas,
Translation y notes de George Ray-
living in caves and undergoing great
mond, Miguel Angel Asturies, y J. M.
hardships, until they came to this land,
Gonzales Mendoza, National Univer-
which they found good and fertile for
sity, Mexico, 1946.)
their habitation." (Ixtlilxochitl, op. cit.,
pp. 24-25.) Descendants of Israel

Migrations from Old World The Quiche Indians who wrote

Both the Book of Mormon and the Totonicapan declared that they were
Works "descendants of Israel, of the same
of Ixtlilxochitl claim that two
other groups of colonists migrated from language and the same customs. . . .

the Old World to America. The first They were the sons of Abraham and
of these groups came from Jerusalem in Jacob." (Title of the Lords of Totoni-
600 B.C. They split into two groups, capan, p. 170.)

called Nephites and Lamanites. The The Book of Mormon made a similar
latter group became dark or bronze claim. The Nephites, Lamanites, and
colored, such as the American Indians. Mulekites came from Jerusalem, and
The third group, the Mulekites, left so they were descendants of Israel or
Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and later merged sons of Abraham and Jacob.
with the Nephites. The claim is made in the Totonica-
The Book of Mormon speaks of the pan that the Lord gave the ancient
Nephites as "a white and delightsome leader of this group a "present called
people." (2 Ne. 5:21.) Giron-Galgal," which guided the an-
Ixtlilxochitl, speaking of this second cestors of the Indians across the ocean
group of colonists, whom he called to their new land. (Ibid.) This gift is
Toltecs, said: comparable to the Liahona, which was
"These kings were high of stature, given to Father Lehi by the Lord to
and white, and bearded like the Span- serve as a compass to guide his people
iards. . .
." (Ixtlilxochitl, op. cit., p. from Jerusalem to America. (1 Ne.
240.) 16:10, 27; 18:12; D&C 17:1.)
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Account of terrible storm Americans that when the Spaniards

came, they found all the Indian tribes
It is of significance to note that
throughout the western hemisphere
Ixtlilxochitl describes the terrible
ardently worshiping his memory. Dur-
storm that occurred in America at the
ing the American colonial period
time of the crucifixion of Christ, which
everywhere, traditions were found that
confirms the Book of Mormon account.
told of a white and bearded God who
To quote Ixtlilxochitl: visited the ancestors of the Indians in
". the sun and the moon eclipsed,
. .
ancient America. All of these Indian
and the earth trembled, and the rocks traditions and writings bear witness to
hroke, and many other things and signs the visits made by the resurrected Savior
took place. This happened in the
. . .
to America, as recorded in the Book of
year of ce Calli, which, adjusting the Mormon.
count to ours, comes to be at the same
time when Christ our Lord suffered,
I bear my testimony, as a result of
reading the Book of Mormon, that the
and they say it happened during the
Holy Ghost has born witness to me
first days of the year." (Ixtlilxochitl,
that it is true. I testify that it contains
op. «'(., p. 190.)
the word of God, that it is a true his-
important to note that the Book
It is tory of the ancient Americans, in the
of Mormon account also places the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Q
great storm exactly at the time Jesus
Christ was on the cross and during the
first days of the year. (3 Ne. 8:5-19.) President Harold B. Lee

A voice from heaven

Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
Following this terrible storm and Council of Seventy has just addressed
three days of darkness, the Nephites us.
gathered together around the temple The congregation and chorus will
in Bountiful. They heard a voice now join in singing: "Israel, Israel,
speak three times from heaven. The God Is Calling."
third time they perceived that it said:
After the singing Elder Hartman
"Behold my Beloved Son, in whom Rector, Jr. of the First Council of
I am well pleased, in whom I have
Seventy will speak to
glorified my name hear ye him." (3 — us.

Ne. 11:7.)
They all looked up toward heaven
and saw a "man descending out of
heaven clothed in a white robe."
. . .

The congregation sang the hymn,

(3 Ne. 11:8.) He came down and
"Israel, Israel, God Is Calling."
stood in their midst and said: "Behold,
I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets
testified shall come into the world."
(3 Ne. 11:10.)
During the following month or more
he appeared to the Nephites many President Harold B. Lee
times, gave them the priesthood, and
taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Hartman Rector, Jr. of the
First Council of Seventy will be our
Influence of resurrected Lord
next speaker. He will be followed by
So impressive was the influence of Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
the resurrected Lord on the ancient the Church.

Elder Hartman Rector, Jr.

Of the First Council of the Seventy

• "Man that is born of a woman is stops considering what he could buy

of few days, and full of trouble," and with the Lord's money, the temptations
as disposed to evil "as the sparks fly will cease to exist. When he stops
upward." (Job 14:1; 5: 7.) feeding the evil desire, it dies. But of
These words of the prophet Job are course, what usually happens is that
not particularly flattering to man, but we feed the evil desire just enough to
they are truthful. They represent only keep it alive and so we keep ourselves

too vividly what the natural man is in constant turmoil.

like. King Benjamin added his testi- I presume that each one of us has

mony to this when he said: certain weaknesses that keep us from

being as spiritually in tune as we would
The natural man like to be. You are no doubt familiar
"For the natural man is an enemy to with the way we kneel each day and
God, and has been from the fall of ask the Lord to forgive us of our
Adam, and will be, forever and ever, "weaknesses and imperfections." We
unless he yields to the enticings of call them weaknesses — I don't know-
the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the why we don't call them what they
natural man and becometh a saint really are. Of course, we are really
through the atonement of Christ the asking the Lord to forgive us of our
Lord " (Mosiah 3:19.) sins. But somehow we don't like to
This is strong testimony borne associate ourselves with sin, so we call
against man, but a perusal of the them weaknesses. As a matter of fact,
pages of history leaves little doubt as we do have weaknesses. Every one of
to its truthfulness. Man's inhuman- us has them, things that cause us to
ity to man has always been and is now desire that which is not good for us.
everywhere in evidence.
How can fallen human nature be Source of weaknesses
changed from evil to good? Basically, Where do you suppose we get these
this must be the most important ques- weaknesses? If you pose this question
tion confronting mankind. All other to a group of Saints, it will astound
questions seem to pale into insignifi- you how many different answers you
cance when compared to this one, get to this particular question. Some
because man
cannot be saved in his will say that they are responsible for
sins. And
yet there are those who say, their own weaknesses; well, if you keep
"You can't change human nature." This your weaknesses, that's true, but that
claim is very frequently and flippantly is not where they came from. Another
made. Of course it is false. President will say weaknesses come from heredity
David O. McKay taught something or environment; in either instance, we
completely different from this in 1945 are passing the responsibility to some-
when he said: "Human nature will one else, cither our parents or our
have to be changed on an enormous neighborhood. Both of these sources
scale in the future or the world will have great influence upon us, but they
be drowned in its own blood." do not give us our weaknesses. Still
another may blame Lucifer, the devil,
Feeding evil desires
for their weaknesses; surely he is al-
On the one hand, man wants to keep ways on the job, but this is not where
the commandments of God and serve we get our weaknesses, either. Where
his fellowman; on the other, he can't do they really come from?
forget what he wants to do for himself. The Lord tells us the answer to this
He wants to pay his tithing, but he question very plainly in the Book of
keeps thinking about what he could Mormon. He says:
buy himself with the money. If he "And if men come unto me I will
Monday, April 6 Third Day

show unto them their weakness. I tion. He says this is the means he
give unto men weakness that they uses to make us humble, but he also
may be humble; and my grace is suf- says that if we will come unto him
ficient for all men that humble them- and have faith in him, he will make
selves beforeme; for if they humble us strong wherein we were weak. I
themselves before me, and have faith know this is the truth. There are nu-
in me, then will I make weak things merous examples in the scriptures that
become strong unto them." (Eth. —
vividly illustrate this principle Alma
12:27.) and the sons of Mosiah in the Book of
So where do we get our weaknesses? Mormon, Peter and Paul in the Bible,
We get them from the Lord; the Lord to name just a few. Alma was going
gives us weaknesses so we will be hum- about tearing down the church until
ble. This makes us teachable. Now he met an angel who turned him
don't misunderstand me the Lord is — around and made him one of the
not responsible for the sin; he is only greatest missionaries we have any rec-
responsible for the weakness. It seems ord of in the Book of Mormon. Paul
that all men have weaknesses in one was out persecuting the saints when
form or another, character traits that he met the Lord on the road to Damas-
make one more subject to a particular cus. After this experience, Paul be-
temptation than another. Lehi states came one of the greatest missionaries
that God "hath created all things, both we have record of in the Bible. In his
the heaven and the earth, and all own words, he declared: "I can do all
things that in them are, both things things through Christ which strength-
to act and things to be acted upon. ened me." (Phil. 4:13.)

Opposition in life Addiction to tobacco overcome

"And bring about his eternal pur-
to Ihave witnessed this same truth in
poses in the end of man, after he had force today. While I was serving as a

created our first parents, and the beasts stake mission president at one time, the
of the field and the fowls of the air, missionaries were meeting with a very
and in fine, all things which are cre- good man who was not a member of
ated, it must needs be that there was the Church but who was married to a
an opposition; even the forbidden fruit fine Latter-day Saint sister. This good
in opposition to the tree of life; the brother wanted to join the Church, but
one being sweet and the other bitter. he was addicted to tobacco. He had
"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto tried to quit many times but he said
man that he should act for himself. he couldn't; he was just too weak.
Wherefore, man could not act for him- There were six stake missionaries
self save it should be that he was en- who had met with him
over a con-
ticed by the one or the other." (2 Ne. siderable period of time but who were
2:14-16.) unable to help him
develop the
Therefore, what you do with the strength to quit smoking. Finally,
weakness is up to you. under the influence of the Spirit, we
The Prophet Joseph Smith said, asked him if we could fast with him
"There are three independent princi- that he might overcome this weakness.
ples; the Spirit of God, the spirit of He considered the offer and agreed to
man, and the spirit of the devil. All our proposal. Weasked him then if
men have power to resist the devil." he would carry out the fast for two
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph days. He agreed, so the fast went forth.
Smith, p. 189.) But when our weak- Six stake missionaries, the smoking
nesses are exposed to Satan, he is quick brother, and his wife fasted.
to take advantage of us by tempting At the completion of the fast, we all
us in our selfishness. met in his home and knelt with him in
his living room, each praying in turn.
Weakness makes us humble The prayers were essentially the same;
Giving us weakness, however, is one they were, that the Lord would take
of the Lord's ways of getting our atten- from this brother his desire to smoke.

He was the last to pray and then he repentance is about 90 percent from the
arose and announced, "I have no de- Lord and about 10 percent from man.
sire to smoke." He hasn't smoked unto Nephi goes still further and says, ". . .

this day. Since that time he has for we know that it is by grace that we
served in the bishopric of his ward we can do." (2 Ne.
are saved, after all
and even now is serving in a stake MIA 25:23.) However, man's part is the
superintendency. He is today a stal- most urgent and vital part because it
wart in the faith, a real servant of the must be first, and full, and sincere.
Lord. The Lord literally took from An ancient Hebrew writing declares,
him his weakness and made him a "There must be a stirring below before
tower of strength instead. there is a stirring above." This means
So,we have a weakness, we should
if that repentance must begin with us,
not despair; we shouldn't neglect it, with mortals. Many times we say we
but we shouldn't worry about it. are waiting on the Lord, when as a
Rightly understood, it merely points matter of fact, the Lord is waiting on us.
out where the Lord expects us to excel.
And we will excel, too, because the Confess and forsake sins
Lord will make us strong; our weak-
ness will become the strongest part of "By this ye may know if a man re-
our personality when we come unto the penteth of his sins —behold, he will
Lord in humility and exercise faith in confess them and forsake them."
him. He not only forgives us, but he (D&C 58:43.)
doth immediately bless us. There is When this happens, the Lord for-
new confidence, new vision, new hori- gives and doth immediately bless him.
zons —a new birth. How gracious and kind heis. I bear

testimony to you, my brothers and

Qualification to perform miracles sisters, that God, our Heavenly Father,
does live, and that he hears and an-
The prophet Mormon stated very
swers our prayers. I bear testimony
plainly what I like to call the qualifi-
that Jesus is the Christ and that he
f icationfor the performance of miracles.
lives. I know he lives, and that he
It is recorded in 3 Nephi, the eighth
chapter, and the fifth verse: "And now
has made possible the forgiveness of
sins to those who come unto him
it came to pass that according to our
through repentance, that through re-
record, and we know our record to be
true, for behold, it was a just man who
pentance and obedience he turns our

did keep the record for he truly did
weaknesses into strengths, and the time
is now.
many miracles in the name of Jesus;
and there was not any man who could In the name of Jesus Christ.
do a miracle in the name of Jesus save Amen. Q
he were cleansed every whit from his
this is the qualification: we must
So President Harold B. Lee
be cleansed every whit from our
iniquity. When I first read this passage Elder Hartman Rector, Jr. of the
of scripture, I felt to say "Hurray for First Council of Seventy has just
repentance!" for if it were not for re- spoken to us.
pentance, there would be no miracles Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
performed. the Church, will now speak to us, and
But repentance is granted unto man he will be followed by Elder LeGrand
by the Lord. I am convinced that Richards of the Council of the Twelve.
Monday, April G Third Day

Elder Eldred G. Smith

Patriarch to the Church

• I wish to express my deep gratitude The scriptures say he will be "bound

lor that sustaining vote in my behalf with a chain" and "put into a bottom-
this morning. I pray I will be given less pit." To me, these are symbolical
the help to fully fulfill this responsi- terms. I cannot quite conceive of steel
bility. I wish to personally express my chains or pits that could hold Satan.
sustaining vote in favor of President The only power I know of that will
Joseph Fielding Smith and all the bind Satan, or render him powerless,
other General Authorities, including is righteous living.

the new ones added this day. The Lord The war that started in heaven has
has always given his people prophets not ended yet and shall not end until
and leaders to guide us and give us everyone has proved the extent of his
counsel. ability to resist Satan. Even Jesus
Christ had to bind Satan when he was
Prophets cry repentance tempted in the wilderness. Satan had
Speaking to Enoch, who was only the no power over him, because Jesus re-
sixth generation of mortality on this sisted his temptations. Then the record
earth, the Lord said, "Say unto this says, ". he departed from him for a
. .

people: Choose ye this day, to serve season." (Luke 4:13.)

the Lord God who made you." (Moses
Keeping God's law binds Satan
It has been necessary for the proph-
When you have resisted a temptation
ets of God to cry repentance since the until it no longer becomes a tempta-
very beginning, and will continue
tion, then to that extent, Satan has lost
throughout the rest of mortality, even
his power over you, and as long as you
until the Savior comes to reign on the
do not yield to him, to that degree he
earth for a thousand years.
is bound.
Many of us think it would be easy For instance, if you have learned to
to serve the Lord and keep his com-
pay tithing until it is no burden or no
mandments if we were permitted to live
real temptation anymore, then to that
during that great millennial reign
extent you have bound Satan. The
which is to come when Christ will be same is true in keeping the Word of
here on earth and Satan will be bound. Wisdom or living the laws of chastity,
or the other laws of the gospel. Satan
Satan to be bound becomes powerless to you in that field.
John wrote: "And I saw an angel Then step by step, you may bind
come down from heaven, having the Satan now; you don't have to wait for
key of the bottomless pit and a great the millennial reign.
chain in his hand. This has to start first on an indi-
"And he laid hold on the dragon, vidual basis, each person individually;
that old serpent, which is the Devil, then a group, then several groups, and
and Satan, and bound him a thousand so on until the whole earth is full of
years, righteousness.
"And cast him into the bottomless This is how I believe the conditions
pit,and shut him up, and set a seal described during the millennial reign
upon him, that he should deceive the will be developed.
nations no more, till the thousand Today is the time to prepare for the
years should be fulfilled. ." (Rev. . . ushering in of that glorious time on the
20:1-3.) earth. This is why the gospel has been
Many other scriptures refer to the restored,with the plan, the keys, and
thousand years of wonderful, glorious the authority to administer therein.
conditions on the earth, because Luci- Then by each individual binding
fer, Satan, the devil, will be bound. Satan through his righteous living, we


can bring about the glorious conditions fathers that all men must repent.
like those spoken of which will exist "And he upon our father
during the millennial reign. Adam by his voice, saying: I am
Wehave had such conditions on the God; I the world, and men be-
earth to prove to us that it can be done. fore they were in the flesh.
"And he also said unto him: If thou
Examples of righteous living wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto

When the Lord told Enoch, "Choose

my voice, and believe, and repent of
all thy transgressions, and be baptized,
ye this day, to serve the Lord God who
even in water, in the name of mine
made you," he did just that. He walked
Only Begotten Son, who is full of
and talked with God. He preached
grace and truth, which is Jesus Christ,
repentance and many followed him,
the only name which shall be given
and in his days, the record says, ". . .

under heaven, whereby salvation shall

he built a city that was called the City
come unto the children of men, ye shall
of Holiness, even ZION." (Moses 7:19.)
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, ask-
"And all the days of Zion, in the ing all things in his name, and what-
days of Enoch, were three hundred and
soever ye shall ask, it shall be given
sixty-five years.
you." (Moses 6:49-52.)
"And Enoch and all his people
walked with God, and he dwelt in the Preparation for coming of Savior
midst of Zion; and it came to pass that
Zion was not, for God received it up This is how the way must be pre-
into his own bosom; and from thence pared for the coming of the Savior. His
went forth the saying, ZION IS kingdom must be established on earth
FLED." (Moses 7:68-69.) to prepare for his coming.
In the Book of Mormon another He has given us the parable of the
similar occasion is recorded. After ten virgins, symbolic of his coming
Christ's resurrection he visited the in- the five wise virgins who were prepared
habitants of this continent. He estab- and the five who were foolish; the ten
lished his church and kingdom among virgins refer to those who have ac-
them, and the record in the Book of cepted him in baptism only 50 per- —
Mormon tells us they lived righteously cent of whom were really ready.
for some two hundred years. (See 4 Ne. If he were to come today, would you
22.) Surely Satan was bound then, by be counted among the 50 percent of
their righteous living. the members of his kingdom who will
Down through the ages the Lord has be prepared, or among the 50 percent
continually told us what we must do of his kingdom who will only be partly
to bind Satan and receive the blessings prepared, or will you not be counted
he has in store for us. Every speaker at in his kingdom at all, waiting for a
this conference has told us how we can time when Satanwill be bound for
bind Satan, and I recommend to you you instead him yourself?
of binding
these talks, that you read them and Choose ye day to serve the Lord
reread them and study them and liter- God who made you.
ally make them a part of your lives. I testify that his kingdom has been

established upon the earth in these,

Enoch's message the latter days, in the name of Jesus

Enoch's message, then, is just as

Christ. Amen. O
fitting and appropriate today as then,
if not more so. President Harold B. Lee
He said: "Behold Satan hath come
among the children of men, and He to whom we have just listened is
tempteth them to worship him; and Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to the
men have become carnal, sensual, and Church.
devilish, and are shut out from the We shall now hear from Elder
presence of God. LeGrand Richards of the Council of
"But God hath made known unto our the Twelve.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Elder LeGrand Richards

Of the Council of the Twelve

• Brothers and sisters, we are about have in my missionary work, who have
to come to the end of a most inspira- been taught for years, some even in
tional and historic conference of The the ministry, you find that you can
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day talk to them for hours and they have
Saints; historic because today we have no questions to ask. You tell them
voted to sustain the man whom God things they have never heard of, and
has chosen to stand at the head of his prove these things to them out of their
work here upon this earth under the own scriptures. That I can tell you
direction of his Son Jesus Christ, be- from my own experience. One man was
cause this church, as Paul of old said, brought into the Church who had been
is built upon the foundation of apos- a minister for 30 years, and he sat in
tles and prophets, with Christ our Lord my office and said, "Brother Richards,
as chief cornerstone. (See Eph.
the when I think of how little I had to
2:20.) I am sure that those of us who offer my people as a minister of the
know President Joseph Fielding Smith gospel compared with what I now have
and the men whom he has selected to in the fullness of the gospel as it has
be his counselors feel grateful to the been restored, I want to go back and
Lord for them. We feel secure in our tell all my friends what I have found.
hearts to know that this work will Now," he said, "they won't listen to
continue to roll forth in the earth, me.
building upon the foundation that has
been laid by their predecessors, until it Endowed with authority
shall become as a great mountain and
fill the whole earth.
The Lord said in promise to
Joseph regarding thisprophet of our
Eulogy to Joseph Smith day that he shall bring men unto sal-
vation. Why? Because he would be
During this conference, eulogy and endowed with that same authority that
compliments have been paid to the Jesus gave to his twelve when he said,
Prophet Joseph Smith and his succes- "Ye have not chosen me, but I have
sors. I think of what the Prophet Lehi chosen you, and ordained you. ." . .

said to his son Joseph in the wilderness (John 15:16.) ". and whatsoever
. .

—-that the Lord promised Joseph who thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound
was sold into Egypt that in the latter in heaven." (Matt. 16:19.) Without
days he would raise up from his loins that authority, there can be no Church
a prophet whose name would be of Jesus Christ upon the earth that he
Joseph, and that his father's name will recognize.
would be Joseph. (See 2 Ne. 3.) He The Lord adds in that promise con-
said he would bring forth his word. cerning the Prophet Joseph, "And I
He brought us the Book of Mormon, will make him great in mine eyes." (2
the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl Ne. 3:8.) Whatever the world may
of Great Price, and many other writ- think of this prophet of this dispensa-
ings. As far as the records indicate, tion, there is the promise and the
there has never been a prophet upon statement of the Lord that he will be
the face of the earth who has given as great in his eyes. The Lord had him
much revealed truth as we have ob- in waiting, three thousand years before
tained through this prophet whom he was even born, for the great mission
God raised up in our day. And he said to which he was called, just as the
he would not only bring forth his Savior was called to his mission not —
word but would also bring men to a the same kind of mission but of equal
conviction of his word that had already importance in that it was a part of the
gone forth among them. Lord's great eternal plan for the salva-
Now when you talk to men as I tion of his children.

Successors of the prophet know. How loved President Heber J.


Grant! He called me to be the Presid-

We could refer to each ol the suc- ing Bishop of the Church. How I loved
cessors of the Prophet Joseph Smith. President Joseph F. Smith, the father
Take Brigham Young, for instance. I of our new President! He was one of
think history records no colonizer like the greatest prophets I have ever
Brigham Young. Just look at what we known. I have heard him speak in this
enjoy right here in these valleys of the tabernacle and bless the people, and
mountains, this tabernacle, that holy I don't think there was a dry eye here
temple. The city itself is part of his because of the spiritual power that man
work as he led the pioneers to this had. When I had filled two missions
desert place and built this great and went in his office to report, he
commonwealth. took me in his arms and said,
You could consider each of the other "LeGrand, we love you." That paid
prophets who have succeeded him. My work I had done
for all the missionary
father used to bring us boys here, up to that time.
travel 40 miles by team, so that we
could become acquainted with the President David O. McKay
leaders of the Church. I remember as
a boy sitting in this tabernacle when Then I think of President David O.
Wilford Woodruff gave his last talk McKay. For years, everywhere we have
(I think it was his last talk before he gone in the Church, the Saints have
passed away) when he told how mar- said, "Take our love back to President
velously the Spirit of the Lord had McKay." Even little children would
guided and directed him. He was a write their messages and ask us to
man who really lived near the Lord. hand them to the President. What a
Now you've heard his story of how leader he really was!
he was inspired to get up in the mid- I was told the story of a business-
dle of the night and move his team man who came here from the East a
that was tied to an oak that had stood few years ago, and in talking to the
on that spot for over a hundred years. secretary of the Chamber of Com-
Then along came a twister and picked merce, he said, "Do you know what
up that oak and threw it right where I'd ratherdo than anything else while
his team and wagon in which he and I'm here?" The secretary said, "What's
his wife were sleeping had been stand- that?" He said, "I would like to meet
ing. If he hadn't listened to the that man, David O. McKay, the Presi-
promptings of the Spirit, this might dent of the Mormon Church." "Well,"
have cost him his life. the secretary said, "I think I can ar-
He told about bringing a company range it." And he did, and President
of pioneers and Saints from Great McKay talked to him for about an
Britain. When they landed in New hour. As he walked down the front
Orleans, he was about to enter a boat, steps of the Church Office Building, he
making arrangements, and something turned to the secretary and said, "If I
seemed to say, "Don't go on that boat, were asked to name the one man whom
eitheryou or your company." So he I have met in all my life that comes
thanked the captain and decided to the nearest in approximating my ap-
wait. Then he said the boat had no praisal of the Redeemer of the world,
more than sailed up the river when it I'd name that man." He was beloved
caught fire and not a soul was saved. in and out of the Church.
He said, "If I hadn't listened to the And now, brothers and sisters, we
promptings of the Spirit of the Lord, have a man who has come to us from
we wouldn't have had Brother So-and- the loins of the holy prophets, who
So and Brother So-and-So," and he has devoted his life to the Church, and
began naming men who were in that who has probably written more in
company. explanation of the truths of the gospel
Now I could go on with the other than any other man since the days of
prophets it has been my privilege to the Prophet Joseph. I am sure that
Monday, April 6 Third Day

it was pleasing Lord to see how

to the coming? . . . for he is like a refiner's
we sustained him here in our vote fire, and like fullers' soap." (Mai.
today. 3:1-2.)
Obviously that had no reference to
Why a prophet? his first coming, as he did not come
swiftly to his temple, and all men
I think the theme that has distin-
could abide the day of his coming. He
guished this conference in my thinking
didn't come cleansing and purifying
has been "Why a Prophet?" Why as refiner's fire and fullers' soap; but
should we have a prophet? And then
we are told in the holy scriptures that
I think of the passage Brother Petersen
when he shall come in the latter days,
quoted yesterday, where the Lord said
the wicked will cry out, "[Let the
through the prophet Amos, "Surely the
rocks] fall upon us, and hide us from
Lord God will do nothing, but he the face of him that sitteth on the
revealeth his secret unto his servants
throne." (See Rev. 6:16.) From my
the prophets." (Amos 3:7.) What does
way of thinking, that prophet was the
that mean? It means that no honest
Prophet Joseph Smith, sent to prepare
person believing in the holy scriptures
the way for his coming by being the
could look to find God's eternal truth
instrument in the hands of the Lord
upon the earth without a prophet at to bring forth his great latter-day work.
its head, because we have no record

that he has ever had a church or a

Now as I read the scriptures, I just
can't comprehend how the marvelous
movement without a prophet. things that the ancient prophets de-
Then think of the words of the
I clared that God would accomplish in
Savior as he stood overlooking Jeru- our day and time could be accom-
salem and said: plished without a prophet. The apos-
"OJerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that tle Paul said the Lord had revealed
killest the prophets, and stonest them the mystery of his will unto him. (See
which are sent unto thee, how often Eph. 1:9.) That is important. "That
would I have gathered thy children in the dispensation of the fulness of
together, even as a hen gathereth her times he might gather together in one
chickens under her wings, and ye all things in Christ, both which are
would not! in heaven, and which are on earth. ." . .

"Behold, your house is left unto you (Eph. 1:10.) We

are the only church
desolate. in the world that has a program to
complete and fulfill that declaration
"For I say unto you, Ye shall not
revealed by the Lord to the apostle
see me henceforth, till ye shall say,
Paul, and we couldn't do it except for
Blessed is he that cometh in the name
the prophets whom he has raised up
of the Lord." (Matt. 23:37-39.)
in our day.
And when one comes in the name of
the Lord, that person can be none Restitution of all things
other than a prophet of God.
I think of the time when Peter
Preparation for second coming talked to those who had put to death
the Christ, and he told them, "And he
The Savior testified of John, who was [the Lord] shall send Jesus Christ,
sent to prepare the way for his coming which before was preached unto you:
in the meridian of time. He said there Whom the heavens must receive until
was no greater prophet born of woman the times of restitution of all things,
than John the Baptist. Then I think which God hath spoken by the mouth
of the words of the Lord to the prophet of all his holy prophets since the world
Malachi, wherein he said: began." (Acts 3:20-21.) How could
"Behold, I will send my messenger, there be a restitution of all things un-
and he shall prepare the way before less there was a prophet to receive what
me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall the holy prophets would bring? We
suddenly come to his temple. . . . testify that that has been fulfilled
"But who may abide the day of his through the restoration of the gospel.

I think of the words of Malachi when Then he told them about the rise and
he said: fall of the kingdoms of this world until
"... I will send you Elijah the the latter days, when the God of
prophet before the coming of the great heaven would set up a kingdom that
and dreadful day of the Lord: should never be destroyed nor given
"And he shall turn the heart of the to another people, but instead it would
fathers to the children, and the heart be like a stone cut out of the moun-
of the children to their fathers, lest tain without hands and would roll
I come and smite the earth with a it would become as a great
forth until
curse." (Mai. 4:5-6.) mountain and fill the whole earth.
What consequences, were it not for I ask you —
why a prophet? How
the coming of Elijah? And to whom could the God of heaven set up a
would he come save there was a proph- work like that without a prophet
et here at the head of the Lord's through whom he could work and re-
work? We testify that Elijah has come veal his mind and will?
and delivered the keys of his dis-
pensation. Kingdom of God
Incidentally, when I was president
A marvelous work and a wonder
of the Southern States Mission, one of
I think of the words of the Lord our missionaries down in Florida
through Isaiah. He said: preached on that particular passage of
"Forasmuch as this people draw near scripture one night. At the close of
me with their mouth, and with their the meeting I stood at the door, and
lips do honour me, but have removed a man came up and introduced him-
their heart far from me, and their fear self as a minister of the gospel. He
toward me is taught by the precept of said, "You don't expect us to believe
men. that the Mormon church is that king-
"Therefore, behold, I will proceed dom, do you?" And I said, "Yes, sir.
to do a marvellous work among this Why not?" He said, "It couldn't be."
people, even a marvellous work and I said, "Why couldn't it?" "Well," he

a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise said, "we can't have a kingdom without
men shall perish, and the understand- a king, and we don't have a king, so
ing of their prudent men shall be hid." we haven't a kingdom." "Oh," I said,
(Isa. 29:13-14.) "my friend, you didn't read quite far
I think this church is the marvelous enough. You just read the seventh
work and a wonder that Isaiah saw, chapter of Daniel and you will see
and how could it he unless there was where Daniel saw one like the Son of
a prophet unto whom the Lord could Man coming in the clouds of heaven,
reveal his will? "Surely," as Amos said, and unto him was given the kingdom
"the Lord God will do nothing, but that all other kingdoms, powers, and
he revealeth his secret unto his servants dominions under the whole heavens
the prophets." (Amos 3:7.) should serve him." (See Dan. 7:13-14.)
I think of the experience when Then I said to this minister, "My
Daniel was called to interpret friend, tell me, how can the kingdom
Nebuchadnezzar's dream; you remem- be given to him when he comes in the
ber how Nebuchadnezzar had forgot- clouds of heaven, if there is no king-
ten the dream, and he called in the dom prepared for him? That is what
soothsayers and the wise men and the this church is, the preparation, the
astrologers, and none of them could restitution of all things spoken by the
give himthe dream. He sent for the mouth of all the holy prophets." Then
man Daniel. And Daniel came and I said, "Probably you would like to
he said, ". there is a God in heaven
. . know what is going to become of that
that revealeth secrets, and maketh kingdom, and if you will read just a
known to the king Nebuchadnezzar little further in that seventh chapter,
what shall be in the latter days. Thy you will see where Daniel said, 'But
dream, and the visions of thy head the saints of the most High shall take
upon thy bed, are these." (Dan. 2:28.) the kingdom, and possess the kingdom
Monday, April 6 Third Day

for ever.' " (Dan. 7:18.) And as if that of Zion the world over, that they may
were not quite long enough, Daniel be worthy of their great heritage to be
adds, "even for ever and ever." a part of this great latter-day move-
ment, with God at its head and his
Help work to roll on prophets to direct it. I ask this prayer,
and pray God to bless you all, in the
Now the saints of the most high God name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
have been attending this conference, Amen. O
and to you there is the promise that
this kingdom will be given to you if
President Harold B. Lee
you make yourselves worthy of it.
Therefore, I say to you that there is Brother LeGrand Richards has now
no other thing you can do in this spoken to us. I can say as did King
world that will bring you greater eter- Agrippa: "Thou almost persuadeth all
nal happiness than to help to roll this of us, LeGrand." How proud we are
majestic work on, this marvelous work of all the brethren as we listen to their
and a wonder, until it shall fill the marvelous testimonies and the preach-
whole earth. ing of the gospel. You leaders of Zion,
Now I could go on for an hour tell- will you tell your speakers in sacra-
ing you other things that the God of ment meetings to exemplify what you
heaven has decreed that he would do have heard here: Preach the gospel of
in our day, and he couldn't do them Jesus Christ. Let's confine our teach-
without a prophet of God, and so I ings to the truth of the gospel, and this
stand here to bear you my witness that kingdom will roll on as Brother
this church is led and has been led by Richards has prayed it will, and the
living prophets. I sustain with all my Lord has promised.
heart our new prophet, seer, and reve- Now President Smith, if you have
lator, and his counselors; I pray God any more steam left, we would like
to bless them, and to bless the saints your closing blessing upon us today.

President Josep Fielding Smith

• Brethren and sisters, I think this has love the Lord thy God with all thy
been a wonderful day, and we have heart, with all thy might, mind, and
heard a great deal that is of profit to strength; and in the name of Jesus
us if we will only treasure it. Christ thou shalt serve him." (D&C
Wecome now to the closing mo- 59:5.)
ments of another great general con- I feel that the purposes of the con-
ference of the Church. ference have been fulfilled. We
now ready to go our several ways with
Purposes of conference fulfilled a renewed dedication to the upbuilding
We together to sustain a new
came of our Father's work, and with a de-
First Presidency and to receive counsel termination to use our strength and
and direction from the Lord through influence to bless all his children.
his servants the prophets. Let us now heed the counsel of him
Weassembled to partake of the good who said: "Let your light so shine be-
things of the Spirit, to feel that influ- fore men, that they may see your good
ence which comes only from the Lord, works, and glorify your Father which
is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16.)
and to be built up in faith and in
Blessing and assurance
We came to worship the Lord, to
affirm our love for him and our devo- I leave my blessing with you and
tion to his cause, and we came my assurance that God is with his
desiring in our hearts to keep the com- people, and that the work in which we
mandment which says: "Thou shalt are engaged shall triumph and roll

forth until the eternal purposes of the rest to their souls, for his yoke is easy
Lord are fulfilled. And I pray that the and his burden is light.
blessings of heaven may be and abide I pray that the Latter-day Saints and
with us and all men. all who will join with them in keeping
O that the heavens might pour down the commandments of the Father of us
righteousness and truth upon all the all may so live as to gain peace in this
world! life and eternal life in the world to

O that all men everywhere might —

come all of which I ask in humility
have a listening ear, and that they and in thanksgiving, and in the name
might heed the words of truth and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. O
light which come from the Lord's
servants! President Harold B. Lee
that the Lord's purposes among
all people in every nation might speed-
Thank you, President Smith, for that
ily be fulfilled! father's blessing which we all accept
Prayer for divine guidance with gratitude from you this after-
1 pray for the members of the
As a bit of interest, I think you will
Church, who are the saints of the Most
be interested to know that one of the
High, that they may be strengthened
new General Authorities, so far as we
in their faith, and that desires for
know, is the first General Authority to
righteousness may increase in their
have Lamanite blood. Brother William
hearts, and that they may work out
H. Bennett is a direct descendant of
their salvation with fear and trembling
Pocahontas, with Lamanite blood.
before the Lord.
Pocahontas was his ninth great grand-
I pray for the good and the upright
mother in a direct line. It is signifi-
among all people, that they may be led
cant that we have the Logan Institute
to seek truth, to sustain every true
Chorus of the city from which Brother
principle, and to further the cause of
Bennett comes.
freedom and justice.
In these troublesome and difficult Brother Anderson and Brother
times, I pray that all men may be Haight, we will give them six months
guided by that light which lighteth to worry about what they may say at
every man who cometh into the world, the next General Conference of the
and that they may gain thereby the Church.
wisdom to solve the problems which We would like to express our deep
beset mankind. appreciation for all of you who have
attended this conference. You have
Blessings for unfortunate contributed much by the uplift of your
I beseech a gracious Father to pour
great spirit.
out his blessings upon all men, upon The Tabernacle Choir —most excel-
the young and old, upon those who lent; the Cedar City Institute of Re-
have cause to mourn, upon the hungry ligion Chorus; the Logan Institute of
and needy, upon those who are en- Religion; the conductors and the organ-
trapped in unfortunate circumstances ists; and to our brethren, the press
and unwholesome environments, and representatives; radio and television
upon all who need and help, and
aid, representatives; city officials; traffic
succor, and wisdom, and all those good officers; fire department; Red Cross;
and great things that only he can give. Tabernacle ushers; and all the radio
Along with all of you, I have love and television stations which we have
and concern and compassion for our enumerated time and again; and
Father's children in all the earth, and behind the scenes, a host of translators
pray that their conditions may be hidden down in the basement of the
bettered both temporally and spiritual- Tabernacle for their unselfish service
ly; I pray that they may come unto in translating the message of the con-
Christ, and learn of him, and take his ference for the peoples of the world,
yoke upon them, that they may find many of them who have been here
Monday, April 6 Third Dny

with headphones listening to the trans- bury, former president of the Hawaii
lators as they painstakingly translated Mission, after which this conference
the talks from English into their sev- will stand adjourned for six months.
eral languages.
Drive carefully as you go home.
Obey the traffic rules and be alert
every moment, with courtesy as you
The Logan Institute of Religion
drive on the streets and the highways
chorus sang "The Pilgrim's Chorus."
so that we will have no accidents as
you go home. The congregation then joined with
the chorus in singing, "God Be With
The Logan Institute of Religion
Chorus will now favor us with "The You Till We Meet Again."
Pilgrims Chorus," and finally, "God The benediction was offered by
Be With You Till We Meet Again," in Elder Orin R. Woodbury, former
which I suppose they would like us all president of the Hawaii Mission.
to join, after which the benediction The conference was adjourned for
Orin R. Wood-
will be offered by Elder six months.
— —



The following broadcast, written for me enough to die for me —Oh it is

and announced by Richard L. Evans, wonderful to me."

and originating with Station KSL, Salt (Choir: Stand All Amazed"—
Lake City, Utah, was presented from Gabriel)
9:35 to 10 a.m. Sunday, April 5, 1970,
(Organ background)
through the courtesy of the Columbia
Broadcasting System's network through-
out the United States, parts of Canada,
and through other facilities to several Announcer: There is a poignant,
points overseas.
moving line from Longfellow: "Oh
thou child of many prayers! Life hath
(Organ begins playing "As the Dew"
on signal.

quicksands life hath snares!" 1 Young
people often wonder why parents
(At 9:35:10 on signal Organ and Choir worry, why they counsel and caution,
break into "Gently Raise" singing why they pray and plead, why parents
words to end of second line, and become concerned. Confidence is an
humming to end of verse for an- enviable attribute. Self-confidence is a
nouncer's background)
quality to be cultivated. But an inno-
cent or unknowing overconfidence is
Announcer: Once more we welcome sometimes difficult and dangerous to
you within these walls with Music and deal with. But remember this: Those
the Spoken Word from the Crossroads who have been over the road are better
of the West. guides than those who haven't. And
CBS and its affiliated stations bring
you at this hour another presentation
parents have been over the road or —
certainly some of it. They know some-
from Temple Square in Salt Lake City, thing of the critical points, of the
with Richard Condie conducting the youthful impulses; of the wise and
Tabernacle Choir, Alexander Schreiner, unwise ties and attachments; of the
Tabernacle Organist, and the Spoken unguarded times on which life some-
Word by Richard Evans. times forever turns. They have seen
We hear David H. Williams' music the road signs. They know how life
for these moving words: "The peace sometimes breaks our best laid plans
and holy silence of [this] hour lift . . .
and sometimes breaks our hearts. They
our souls to Thee! and all our
. . .
know the need for balance, for temper-
trembling being yearns to speak, . . .
ance, for faith. They also know the
come us great Christ, for Thee,
to tragedies that sometimes come by seek-
belov'd in earth and heav'n we seek. ing shortcuts, by running the red lights,
For Thee we long, O
living Christ, . .
." by cluttering a record that may keep
(Choir: "The Peace and Holy Si- us from opportunities we might have
lence" —Williams) had. Remember, young friends, im-
(Organ background) perfect though they may be, parents
have a God-given responsibility —and
Announcer: Alexander Schreiner, experience, insight, inspiration, and a
Tabernacle Organist, presents from love forwhich there is no absolute sub-
Temple Square today the "Toccata in stitutefrom any source. They know
C Minor" by Boellmann. that you can lose time, get on a wrong
road, quit school, and find yourselves
(Organ: "Toccata in C Minor"
in frustration and regret for the fu-
(Organ background) ture. They know the pitfalls, the
wrong turns, the importance of even
Announcer: "I stand all amazed at some of the simplest, most harmless
the love Jesus offers me, confused at the looking decisions. Be patient with par-
grace that so fully he proffers me.
O, it is wonderful that he should care ^ongfellow, Maidenhood.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

ents.Respect them. Confide in them. (Organ background)

Love them. Listen to them. Be grateful
Announcer: The Men's Chorus of the
for those who know enough, who care
Tabernacle Choir recalls these words
enough, who love enough, who pray
of Robert Browning: "The year's at the
and plead, and counsel and caution,
and who would do whatever they hon- spring, and day's at the morn. . .

estly could to help you to the highest

(Men's Chorus: "The Year's at the

possibilities of life. Remember

Spring" —
Beach, Arr. Moore)
is real reason for the concern of others Announcer: Again we leave you
for us. "Oh thou child of many prayers! within the shadows of the everlasting
Life hath quicksands, life hath — hills. May peace be with you, this
snares!" —
day and always.
(Organ: "Rock of My Refuge"— This concludes the two thousand,
Anon.) one hundred twentieth presentation,
(Organ background) continuing the 41st year of this tradi-
tional broadcast from the Mormon
Announcer: Alexander Schreiner, Tabernacle on Temple Square, brought
Tabernacle Organist has presented to you by CBS and its affiliated sta-
"Rock of My Refuge." tions, originating with KSL in Salt
With words from the First Book of Lake City, Utah.
Kings the Tabernacle Choir sings from Richard Condie conducted the Tab-
the music of Mendelssohn: "Behold ernacle Choir, Alexander Schreiner was
God the Lord passed by, [He was] . . . at the Organ. The Spoken Word by
not in the tempest, nor in the earth- Richard Evans.
quake, nor in the fire-but ... in the In another seven days, at this same
still small voice ." "Behold, God
. . hour, Music and the Spoken Word will
the Lord Passed By." be heard again from the Crossroads of
(Choir: "Behold, God the Lord the West.
Passed By" —Mendelssohn) This is the CBS Radio Network.


The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir fur- meeting was furnished by the Logan
nished the musical numbers for the Institute of Religion Chorus, with
Saturday morning, Sunday morning James L. Bradley conducting.
and afternoon sessions and Monday Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
morning session of the conference, with ing of the Tabernacle Choir on the
Richard P. Condie, conductor, and Jay Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast
E. Welch, assistant conductor. on Sunday morning. Alexander Schrei-
The choral music for the Saturday ner was at the organ console.
afternoon session was provided by the Accompaniments on the Tabernacle
Cedar City Institute of Religion Organ throughout the conference ses-
Chorus, under the direction of J. Phil- sions were played by Alexander Schrei-
lip Hanks and Blaine Johnson. An ner, Robert N. Cundick and Roy
Aaronic Priesthood Chorus, directed by M. Darley, Tabernacle Organists.
J. Spencer Cornwall, sang the choral
numbers at the General Priesthood
Meeting on Saturday night. The JOSEPH ANDERSON
choral music at the Monday afternoon Clerk of the Conference
Anderson, Elder Joseph — Statistical Report 115

Ashton, Elder Marvin J 23

Courage to continue, 24; Courage to communicate, 24; A priceless
environment, 24; Courage to have patience, 25; Need for childlike
qualities, 25; Promise to faithful, 25.

Authorities Present 2
Authorities Sustained 102

Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 127

Missionary work, 127; Responsibility of restored Church, 128; Response
of members, 128; God at the helm, 128; Need for gospel, 129;
Prophecies being fulfilled, 129; People in Asian lands, 129; "islands
of the sea," 129; The door now open, 130; Expo 70, 130; Interest of
officials, 130; Work in Japan, 131; Mormon servicemen, 131; Founda-
tion for expansion, 131; Encouraging outlook, 131.

Brown, Elder Hugh B 77

Hunger for truth, 77; The glory of God, 77; Endurance of truth, 77;
Newly revealed truth, 78; A
marvelous age, 78; Spiritual enlighten-
ment, 78; Restitution of all things, 78; Dispensation of fulness of
times, 79; Vision of John, 79; God revealed to man, 79; God speaks
to men, 80; Introduction to future events, 80; A
glorious promise, 80.

Brown, Bishop Victor L 31

Adult activities, 31; Restricted movies, 31; Problems with parents, 31;
Questionable publications, 32; Erosion of standards, 32; Instability of
philosophies, 32; Reversing trends, 32; Need for exemplary parents, 33.

Burton, Elder Theodore M 90

Honesty takes many forms, 90; Honesty within the family, 90;
Sharpness in business dealings, 90; Dishonesty in little things, 91;
Justification through faultfinding, 91; In prosperity we forget God, 91;
Leaders of righteousness, 92; Honoring the royal name we bear, 92.

Cullimore, Elder James A 94

The covenants we make, 94; Responsibility of Church members, 94;
Stimulate others to serve God, 95; Righteous, active desires, 95;
Means to receive strength, 96; Assurance from doing God's will, 96.
Dunn, Elder Loren C. 33
Great religious revival, 33; The first vision, 33; Great persecution, 34;
Appearance of Moroni, 34; The priesthood restored, 34; The Church
organized, 34; Building of Nauvoo, 35; The martyrdom, 35; Testimony
of Savior, 35.

Dunn, Elder Paul H 70

Birthplace of Joseph Smith, 70; 150 years ago, 70; Life of Joseph
Smith, 71; Remarkable blend of qualities, 71; Spiritual gifts, 71;
Endured unspeakable persecution, 71; Knowledge of gospel unsur-
passed, 72; America, a choice land, 72; True nature of God, 72;
Martyrdom, 72.


Dyer, Elder Alvin R 36

Truths of salvation restored, 36; No vindictive reprisal, 36; Glory of
last dispensation, 37; The same God yesterday, today and forever, 37;
Evil forces at work, 37; God's work moves forward, 38.

Edling, Elder Wilford G. —Church Finance Committee Report 117

Evans, Elder Richard L 14

Personal reality of God, 15; Present day prophets, 15; Need for con-
tinuous revelation, 15; Life's purpose, 15; Home, the place to begin, 15;
Our precious heritage, 16; Seek counsel and guidance, 16; Do not
tempt temptation, 16; Laws still in force, 16; Miracle of repentance,
16; Live by God's counsel, 17; The mission of the Church, 17.

Evans, Elder Richard L. (The Spoken Word) 151

Fifth Session 81

Finance Committee Report 116

First Day —Afternoon Meeting 18

First Day —Morning Meeting 3

First Presidency, Reorganization of 102

First Session 3

Fourth Session 60

General Authorities and Officers Present 2

General Authorities and Officers, Sustaining Vote of 102

General Priesthood Meeting 39

Hanks, Elder Marion D 132

The home and family, your houses," 132; Family
132; "Set in order
associations, 133; Wonderful neighborhoods, 133; Family traditions,
133; Family values, 134; Discipline in the home, 134; Interest of
wonderful mother, 135; Family love, 135; Make the effort, 135.

Hinckley, Elder Gordon B. 19

Growth of Church, 19; Tribute to Joseph Smith, 20; Summary of
Joseph's work, 20; Efforts of adversary, 20; A steady course, 20;
Absence of moral leadership, 21; Church
standards, 21; Contention
unnecessary, 21; The word of the Lord, 22; Narrative of family con-
version, 22; Story of pioneer journey, 22; Sacrifice for faith, 23.

Hunter, Elder Howard W. 7

Order in universe, 7; Finding God as a reality, 7; Research of history,
7; Communication with God, 8; Reason gives evidence, 8; Truth-
seeker seeks cause, 8; Innate urge to worship, 9; Knowledge through
revelation, 9; Learning requires effort, 9; A
divine plan, 10.

Hunter, Elder Milton R 136

History of ancient Americans, 136; Additional comparison, 137;
Migrations from Old World, 137; Descendants of Israel, 137; Account
of terrible storm, 138; A voice from heaven, 138; Influence of resur-
rected Lord, 138.

Kimball, President Spencer W. 117

A new era begins, 117; The Quorum of the Twelve, 118; new A
prophet, 118; Presidents of the Church, 118; Average ages, 119;
The senior apostle, 119; Succession in presidency, 120; President
Joseph Fielding Smith, 120; A prophet-leader who gives example, 120;
The voice of God, 120; The need for prophets, 121; Broadcasts of vital
messages, 121; Spiritual not understood by finite, 121; Sustaining of
new prophet, 121.
Lee, President Harold B 3, 6, 10, 14, 17, 38, 60, 65, 66, 69,
70, 73, 80, 113, 126, 127, 132, 136,
138, 141, 143, 148, 149

Lee, President Harold B. (Priesthood Meeting) 54

Enemies that come in the night, 54; A
Warning Voice, 54; Sensational
stories, 55; False reports, 56; "Persecution follows revelation," 56;
The principle of revelation at issue, 56; Present-day revelation, 57.

Lee, President Harold B. (Solemn Assembly) 101

Lee, President Harold B 122

President David O. McKay, 122; Change in Church administration,
122; The President of the Church, 123; The Quorum of the Twelve,
123; Senior member of Twelve, 123; Orderly plan revealed, 123;
Wilford Woodruff's letter, 124; Revelation concerning Hyrum Smith,
124; President Joseph F. Smith, 124; A noble son and grandson, 125;
Dependence upon God, 125; "Led by the Spirit," 125; Pledge to
serve, 126.

McConkie, Elder Bruce R 26

The plan of salvation, 26; Hope of eternal life, 26; The great work
of God and man, 26; Celestial marriage, 27; The family unit, 27;
Importance of perfection, 27; Salvation a family affair, 27.

Monson, Elder Thomas S 97

Only a teacher, 97; "A teacher affects eternity," 97; Time for teaching,
97; The teacher in the school, 98; The power to mislead, 98; A guide
to truth, 98; The teacher in the Church, 98; The Master Teacher, 99;
Dedicated teachers, 99; Lesson on giving, 99; A worthy compliment,

Music, Summary of Conference 152

Obituaries 116
Packer, Elder Boyd K. (Priesthood Meeting) 40
Foothills of life, 40; Experience in air force, 40; Responsibility of
leaders, 41; Responsibility of servicemen, 41; Pre-service orientation,
41; Helps for home teacher, 41; Other phases of military relations
program, 42; A second mission, 42; Blessings of the Church, 42;
Lesson from experience, 42; Spiritual restoration, 43.
Passed Away, Those Who Have 116

Petersen, Elder Mark E 82

Change in administration, 82; The President a prophet, 82; Revelation
through prophets, 82; How we obtained our Bible, 83; Where are
prophets today? 83; Christian reformers, 83; Restoration of gospel, 83;
God raised up prophets, 84; Joseph Smith a new prophet, 84; Legal
successors, 84; Mouthpiece for God, 84; Continuation of pattern, 84;
A solemn reality, 85; Invitation to partake, 85.

Priesthood Meeting, General 39

Rector, Jr., Elder Hartman 139

The man, 139; Feeding evil desires, 139; Source of weaknesses,
139; Opposition in life, 140; Weakness makes us humble, 140; Addic-
tion to tobacco overcome, 140; Qualification to perform miracles, 141;
Confess and forsake sins, 141.

Reorganization of First Presidency 102

Richards, Elder Franklin D 10

Overcoming obstacles, 11; A plan to bring peace, 11; Principle of
mercy, 11; Justice and mercy, 11; Judge not, 12; Overcoming fear, 12;
Mercy and forgiveness, 12; Obligation to extend mercy, 12; An increase
of love, 13; Walk humbly with God, 13; Meeting today's challenges,
13; Parable of prodigal son, 13; God is just and merciful, 14.

Richards, Elder LeGrand 144

Eulogy to Joseph Smith, 144; Endowed with authority, 144; Successors
of the prophet, 145; President David O. McKay, 145; Why a prophet?
146; Preparation for second coming, 146; Restitution of all things, 146;
A marvelous work and a wonder, 147; Kingdom of God, 147; Help
work to roll on, 148.

Romney, Elder Marion G 66

The power of the Holy Ghost, 66; The answer to muddled thinking,
66; The key to peace, 67; The lodestar of men's lives, 67; Return to
God, 67; Moses explains nature of God, 68; Instruction to Adam, 68;
Revelation to apostolic church, 68; An apostate church, 68; Knowledge
of God restored, 69; Witness of living God, 69.

Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 151

Second —Afternoon Meeting

Day 81

Second Day — Morning Meeting 60

Second Session 18

Seventh Session 126

Sill, Elder Sterling W 28

A world of contrasts, 28; Dispensation of fulness of times, 28; Prepara-
tion for millennium, 28; The best and worst of times, 29; Increased
intensity of temptations, 29; Temptations imply desires, 29; Our
temptations upward, 30; Our inheritance, 30.

Simpson, Bishop Robert L 87

Fatherhood of God, 87; Father-to-son relationship, 88; Basic family
relationships, 88; God knows his offspring, 88; Prayer is heard, 89;
Communication not in vain, 89; The vine and the branches, 89.

Sixth Session 100

Smith, Elder Eldred G 142

Prophets cry repentance, 142; Satan to be bound, 142; Keeping God's
law binds Satan, 142; Examples of righteous living, 143; Enoch's
message, 143; Preparation for coming of Savior, 143.

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35, 81, 82,
85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 96, 100

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 4

President David O. McKay, 4; Relationship of good will, 4; Divine
origin of man, 4; Love of God and fellowmen, 4; Engaged in a good
cause, 5; Social trends, 5; Spirit of disruption, 5; Welfare of youth, 5;
Prayer for divine blessings, 6.

Smith, President Joseph Fielding (Priesthood Meeting) 58

The priesthood restored, 58; Fullness of the priesthood, 58; Oath and
covenant, 58; A preparatory priesthood, 59; Women share blessings,
59; Putting God's kingdom first, 59; Spiritual and temporal blessings,

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 113

Reigns of responsibility, 113; Christ at the head, 113; Sure knowledge
of truth, 113; Confidence in counselors, 114; Strength of General
Authorities, 114; Cooperation with good men, 114; Blessing, 114.

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 148

Purposes of conference fulfilled, 148; Blessing and assurance, 148;
Prayer for divine guidance, 149; Blessings for unfortunate, 149.

Solemn Assembly 100

Sonne, Elder Alma 92

Benefits of missionary service, 93; Obligation to teach restored gospel,
93; Work moving forward, 93.

Stapley, Elder Delbert L 73

Ask in faith, 73; Seek wisdom, 73; An unwavering faith, 74; Examples
of faith, 74; The wavering soul, 74; The buffetings of Satan, 75;
Faith early in life, 75; Driven off course, 75; Man needs God's help,
75; God wants to help, 76; The way, the truth, and the life, 76;
Only path of safety, 76; The promise of James, 76.
Statistical Report 115

Sustaining Vote of General Authorities and Officers 102

Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 151

Tanner, President N. Eldon 39, 40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 57, 100,
101, 113, 114, 115, 117, 122

Tanner, President N. Eldon (Priesthood Meeting) 51

The power of God, 51; Many called but few chosen, 52; Oath and
covenant of priesthood, 52; Leadership to give direction, 53; Responsi-
bility to sisters, 53; Strength to act, 53.

Tanner, President N. Eldon 61

Plan to insure blessings, 61; Freedom to choose, 61; Subject to natural
laws, 61; Laws exist for man's benefit, 62; Success through obeying
law, 62; Laws of the land, 62; Laws to improve social conditions, 63;
The Ten Commandments, 63; Lord's law of health, 63; Glorious
promise for obedience, 64; Keeping the sabbath holy, 64; Learning to
know God, 64; Importance of teaching spirituality, 64; Parents to be
living examples, 65; Two great commandments, 65.

Taylor, Elder Henry D. (Priesthood Meeting) 49

Reason for establishing Welfare Plan, 49; Basic principle of Church
Welfare, 50; Preparation to meet needs, 50; Assistance by family, 50;
Key figure in Welfare Plan, 50; Major resources, 50; Opposition to
a dole, 51; Priesthood assistance, 51; Concern for the poor, 51.

Third Day —Afternoon Meeting 126

Third Day —Morning Meeting (Solemn Assembly) 100

Third Session 39
Turtle, Elder A. Theodore 85
Lord's word about our day, 85; Strengthen the home, 86; Pay your
tithing, 86; Living the Word of Wisdom, 86; Four promises given,
86; Learn to communicate, 86; Work and play together, 87; Be
prepared, 87.

Vandenberg, Bishop John H. (Priesthood Meeting) 46

Delusions of youth, 46; Many kinds of eternal truth, 46; Light of
spiritual truth, 47; An all-consuming desire, 47; Saul of Tarsus, 47;
Joseph Smith's search for truth, 48; Aaronic Priesthood bearers, 48;
Truth can change people, 48; Another delusion, 48.

Young, Elder S. Dilworth (Priesthood Meeting) 43

Stake missionary system, 43; Ward proselyting program, 43; Responsi-
bility of seventies, 45; Missionary correlation meetings, 45; Experience
in rounding-up cattle, 45.
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United States of America

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