Module-3 (HM)

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Reaction turbines are those turbines which operate under hydraulic

pressure energy and part of kinetic energy. In this case, the water reacts with the vanes as it
moves through the vanes and transfers its pressure energy to the vanes so that the vanes move
in turn rotating the runner on which they are mounted.
The main types of reaction turbines are
1. Radial flow turbine
2. Axial flow turbine

Radially outward flow reaction turbine: This reaction turbine consist a cylindrical disc
mounted on a shaft and provided with vanes around the perimeter. At inlet the water flows
into the wheel at the centre and then glides through radially provided fixed guide vanes and
then flows over the moving vanes. The function of the guide vanes is to direct or guide the
water into the moving vanes in the correct direction and also regulate the amount of water
striking the vanes. The water as it flows along the moving vanes will exert a thrust and hence
a torque on the wheel thereby rotating the wheel. The water leaves the moving vanes at the
outer edge. The wheel is enclosed by a water-tight casing. The water is then taken to draft

.Radially inward flow reaction turbine: The constitutional details of this turbine are similar
to the outward flow turbine but for the fact that the guide vanes surround the moving vanes.
This is preferred to the outward flow turbine as this turbine does not develop racing. The
centrifugal force on the inward moving body of water decreases the relative velocity and thus
the speed of the turbine can be controlled easily.
The main component parts of a reaction turbine are:
(1)Casing, (2) Guide vanes (3) Runner with vanes (4) Draft tube

Casing: This is a tube of decreasing cross-sectional area with the axis of the tube being of
geometric shape of volute or a spiral. The water first fills the casing and then enters the guide
vanes from all sides radially inwards. The decreasing cross-sectional area helps the velocity
of the entering water from all sides being kept equal. The geometric shape helps the entering
water avoiding or preventing the creation of eddies..

Guide vanes:. A series of aerofoil shaped vanes called guide vanes are fixed in position
between two rings in the form of a wheel, known as guide wheel. The guide vanes are of
aerofoil section to facilitate smooth and eddiless flow. Each guide vanes can rotate about its
pivot centre,thus changing the area of flow into the runner and they do not rotate with
rotating runner.

Runner with vanes: The runner is mounted on a shaft and the blades are fixed on the runner
at equal distances. The vanes are so shaped that the water reacting with them will pass
through them thereby passing their pressure energy to make it rotate the runner.

Draft tube: This is a divergent tube fixed at the end of the outlet of the turbine and the other
end is submerged under the water level in the tail race. The water after working on the
turbine, transfers the pressure energy there by losing all its pressure and falling below
atmospheric pressure. The draft tube accepts this water at the upper end and increases its
pressure as the water flows through the tube and increases more than atmospheric pressure
before it reaches the tailrace.
(iv)Mixed flow reaction turbine: This is a turbine wherein it is similar to inward flow
reaction turbine except that when it leaves the moving vane, the direction of water is turned
from radial at entry to axial at outlet. The rest of the parts and functioning is same as that of
the inward flow reaction turbines.

(v) Axial flow reaction turbine: This is a reaction turbine in which the water flows parallel to
the axis of rotation. The shaft of the turbine may be either vertical or horizontal. The lower
end of the shaft is made larger to form the boss or the hub. A number of vanes are fixed to
the boss. When the vanes are composite with the boss the turbine is called propeller turbine.
When the vanes are adjustable the turbine is called a Kaplan turbine.
Comparison between Reaction and Impulse Turbines


1 All the available hydraulic energy is Only the portion of the hydraulic energy is
converted into kinetic energy by an efficient converted into kinetic energy before the
nozzle water enters the turbine runner
2 The jet of water impinges on the buckets The water passes over the moving vanes
with kinetic energy with potential or pressure energy
3 Pressure of water is atmospheric from inlet Pressure of water is not uniform
to the outlet of the turbine throughout but varies from maximum to
minimum as it passes through the vanes.
4 The wheel must not run full The wheel is always run full of water.

5 All the vanes are not in action All the vanes are in action

6 An air tight casing is not essential An air tight casing is essential

7 This turbine is placed above the tail race This turbine is placed submerged below
the tail race
8 It is possible to regulate the flow without loss Flow regulation is always accompanied by loss
of energy
9 It does not require draft tube It always require draft tube
10 Turbine components are easily accessible Turbine components are not easily accessible

11 These are comparatively small in size and run atThese turbines are large in size and runs at
high speeds relatively low speeds

12 These are suitable for high heads These are suitable for low heads

The Francis turbine is an inward radial flow reaction turbine. It
operates under a medium head of water and therefore requires only medium discharge of
water, In modem Francis turbine, the water under pressure enters the runner of the turbine
from the guide vanes towards the centre in the radial direction and discharges out of the
runner axially. Thus the modern Francis turbine is a mixed flow reaction turbine
There is a difference of pressure between the guide vanes and the runner which is called
reaction pressure and is responsible for the motion of the runner. That is why a Francis
turbine is known as a reaction turbine. In this turbine pressure at the outlet of the runner is
lower than that of the inlet. In the Francis turbine the runner must run full of water under
pressure and it comes through the whole circumference of the runner. After doing work, the
water from the turbine is discharged to the tail race through a draft tube. The free end of the
draft tube is submerged deep in the tail race.

Main components of Francis turbine

The essential component parts of Francis turbine are
(1) Spiral or scroll air tight casing
(ii) Guide mechanism
(iii) Runner or impeller and turbine main shaft
(iv) Draft tube
(v) Governor

(1) Spiral or scroll casing

The water under pressure, from the penstock enters the turbine casing which is spiral in
shape. The scroll casing which surrounds the fixed guide blades and rotating runner. In order to distribute the
water around the guide blades fully and evenly the spiral casing having cross sectional area reducing gradually
around the circumferences from a maximum at the entrance to nearly zero at tip. Material used for the casing is
generally concrete for low heads, rolled steel for medium heads and cast steel for high heads.

(ii) Guide mechanism

A series of aerofoil shaped vanes called guide vanes are fixed in position between two rings
in the form of a wheel, known as guide wheel. The guide vanes are of aerofoil section to facilitate
smooth and eddiless flow. Each guide vanes can rotate about its pivot centre,thus changing the area of
flow into the runner and they do not rotate with rotating runner. This regulates the flow to meet the
varying requirements of demand. The movement of the guide wheel is regulated by a regulating shaft
which in turn is operated by a governor through a servo mechanism. The guide vanes are generally
made of cast steel.
(iii) Runner or impeller and turbine main shaft

The runner of Francis turbine may be cast as one piece or made of separate
steel plates welded together. The number of runner blades are usually varies between 16 to 24.
The runner of a Francis turbine is also called impeller, because it resembles like the impeller of
a centrifugal pump. The runner of Francis turbine is keyed to the turbine main shaft which is
coupled to the electric generator. The turbine shaft may be horizontal or vertical and is made of
forged steel. Material for the runner is cast iron for small power output, cast steel for large
power output whereas stainless steel or bronze can be used where water is not chemically pure
to avoid corrosion..

(iv) Draft tube

The water, after doing work on the runner, passes on to the tail rough a draft
tube, which is a riveted steel plate pipe or concrete tunnel.. The draft tube passage having
gradually increasing cross sectional area towards the outlet.

(v) Governor
The governor controls the speed of the turbine and keeps the speed of the runner

Important Relations for Francis Turbines:

The following are the important relations for Francis Turbines:
1. The ratio of width of the wheel to its diameter is given as  = . The value of n varies
from 0.10 to .40

2. The flow ratio is given as,

Vf 1
Flow ratio Kf = and varies from 0.15 to 0.30

3. The speed ratio Ku = varies from 0.6 to 0.9


The following terms are generally used in case of reaction radial flow turbines which are
defined as:

(i) Speed Ratio. The speed ratio is defined as =
Where u1 =Tangential velocity of wheel at inlet.

(ii) Flow Ratio. The ratio of the velocity of flow at inlet Vf 1( ) to the theoretical velocity

given by is known as flow ratio or it is given as

Vf 1
= where H = Head on turbine

(iii) Discharge of the Turbine. The discharge through a reaction radial flow turbine is
given by

Q = D1B1  Vf 1 = D2  B2  Vf 2

Where D1 = Diameter of runner at inlet,

B1 = Width of runner at inlet

Vf1 = Velocity of flow at inlet, and

D2, B2, Vf2 = Corresponding values at outlet.

If the thicknesses of vanes are taken into consideration, then the area through which flow
takes place given by ( D1 − n  t )

Where n = Number of vanes on runner and t = Thickness of each vane.

The discharge Q, then is given by Q = ( D1 − n  t ) B1  Vf 1

(a) Hydraulic Efficiency ( h ):

It is defined as the ratio of power developed by the turbine at the runner to the
power supplied by the water at the inlet of the turbine.

Power delivered to runner R.P

h = =
Power supplied at inlet W.P
(b) Volumetric Efficiency ( v ):

The volume of the water striking the runner of a turbine is slightly less than the volume of the
water supplied to the turbine. Some of the volume of the water is discharged to the tail race
without striking the runner of the turbine. Thus the ratio of the volume of the water actually
striking the runner to the volume of water supplied to the turbine is defined as volumetric
efficiency. It is written as

Volume of water actually striking the runner

v =
Volume of water supplied to the turbine

(c) Mechanical Efficiency ( m ):

The power delivered by water to the runner of a turbine is transmitted to the shaft of the
turbine. Due to mechanical losses, the power available at the shaft of the turbine is less than
the power delivered to the runner of a turbine. The ratio of the power available at the shaft of
the turbine (known as S.P. or B.P.) to the power developed by the turbine runner is known as
mechanical efficiency. Hence, mathematically, it is written as

Power at the shaft of the turbine S.P.

m = =
Power delivered by water to the runner R.P.

(d) Overall Efficiency ( 0 ):

It is defined as the ratio of power available at the shaft of the turbine to the power supplied
by the water at the inlet of the turbine. It is written as:

Volume available at the shaft of the turbine Shaft power S.P.

0 = = =
Power supplied at the inlet of the turbine Water power W.P.


Kaplan turbine is an axial flow reaction turbine It was designed and developed by German
scientist V. Kaplan Victor (1815-1892). It works under a low head of water and very high discharge. The Kaplan
turbine can also be called a parallel flow turbine. since the flow from the inlet to the outlet is perfectly parallel to
the shaft of the turbine.
All component parts such as spiral casing, guide mechanism and draft tube of the Kaplan
turbine are similar to those of Francis turbine. The only difference is in runner.. In Kaplan runner, the number of
blades only 3 to 6 or at the most 8 in exceptional cases. In Kaplan runner, water strikes the blades axially. Unless
in the Francis turbine, the runner blades are adjustable in a Kaplan turbine. If the runner blades are fixed it is
called as propeller turbine. The runner of a Kaplan or a propeller turbine resembles the propeller of a ship.Less
number of blades in Kaplan turbine reduces the contact surface with water and hence the frictional resistance. A
single Kaplan turbine unit can produce an output of 30 MW. The specific speed of the turbine is between 260-860
SI units.
The main parts of a Kaplan turbine are:

1. Scroll casing

2. Guide vanes mechanism

3. Hub with vanes or runner of t he turbine, and

4. Draft tube
Some Important Points for Kaplan Turbine
1. The ratio of the diameter of boss ( or hub ) Db to the outside diameter of runner Do is
denoted by n.

n = Db/Do .The value of n varies from 0.35 to .60

2. The flow ratio is given as,

Vf 1
Flow ratio ,Kf = and the value of Kf varies from 0.35 to 0.70

3. The speed ratio, Ku = the value of Ku is preferably 2.09

4. The discharge through the runner is obtained as

( )
Do 2 − Db 2  Vf 1

Where Do = Outer diameter of the runner,

Db = Diameter of hub

Vf1 = Velocity of flow at inlet


The pressure at the exit of the number of a reaction turbine is generally less than
atmospheric pressure. Thus the water at the exit of the runner cannot be directly discharged to
the tail race. A pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging water from the exit of
the turbine to the tail race. This pipe of gradually increasing area is called a draft tube. One
end of the draft tube is connected to the outlet of the runner while the other end is sub-merged
below the level of water in the tail race. The draft tube, in addition to serve a passage for
water discharge, has the following two purposes also:

1. The turbine may be placed above the tail race and hence turbine may be inspected

( )
2. The kinetic energy V22 / 2g rejected at the outlet of the turbine is converted into useful

pressure energy.
Types of Draft Tubes.

The following are the important types of draft tubes which are commonly used:

1. Conical draft tubes 2. Simple elbow tubes

3. Spreading draft tubes or Moody spreading tubes, and

4. Elbow draft tubes with circular inlet and rectangular outlet.

Fig: 12. Types of draft tubes.

These different types of draft tubes are shown in Fig. 12. The conical draft tubes and
Moody spreading draft tubes are most efficient while simple elbow tubes and elbow draft
tubes with circular inlet and rectangular outlet require less space as compared to other draft

(1) Conical draft tube

It is a simple straight divergent tube of increased cross-sectional area similar to the
frustum of a cone. It should be sufficiently immersed in water so that its outlet end remains in water
even if the water level in the tail race falls. The angle of divergence should not be more than 9 to 10
degrees. It should be long enough to decrease the velocity at its outlet to be about 1 m/s. This tube
should be submerged by nearly 1 m in the tail race. Its efficiency is around 90% and is most suitable
for Francis turbine.

(ii) Spreading draft tubes or hydraucone draft tubes

The design of spreading draft tube was introduced by Moody, so it is called

Moody's spreading draft tube. It is provided with a short vertical solid central core of conical
shape with two long horizontal tubes which reduces whirling action of discharged water. The
efficiency of this tube is approximately 85 %

(iii) Simple elbow draft tubes

This type of draft tubes have sufficient increase in area can be made in lesser depth by
giving a bend to the tube. It has a circular cross-section at the top as well as bottom. This type has an
advantage over the above two types that this requires lesser excavation for the installation. Its efficiency
is only about 60%.
(iv) Elbow draft tube with circular inlet and rectangular outlet

This type of draft tube is useful where larger excavation is necessary. It has a circular cross-
section at the top and outlet can be made as rectangular in section. This has larger cross-section at
oulet. which recovers more kinetic head at outlet. This is generally used with Kaplan turbine and has
an efficiency of about 70%

Difference between Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine

Francis turbine Kaplan turbine

1. Radially inward or mixed flow turbine 1. Axial flow turbine

2. Medium head turbine works under medium discharge 2. Low head turbine works under very high discharge
3. Horizontal or vertical disposition of shaft
4. Runner vanes are not adjustable 3. Only vertical shaft disposition
5. Large number of runner vanes (16 to 24 blades) 4. Runner vanes are adjustable
6. The resistance to be overcome is large,owing to an increased5. Small number of runner vanes(3 to 8),usually 4
number of vanes and greater area of contact with water 6. The resistance to be overcome is less owing to fewer
7. Ordinary governors is sufficient vanes and less wetted area.
8. Centripetal types 7. Heavy duty governor is quite essential.
9. Specific speed ranges from 50-260 SI units 8. Propeller type.
9. Specific speed ranges from 260-860 SI units


Unit quantities refer to the turbine parameters which are obtained when a particular
turbine operates under a unit head. The conditions of the turbine under unit head are such that the
efficiency of the turbine remains unaffected.This implies that the velocity triangles for the
actual working head and for the changed head are similar and there is no Change in angles and water
enters the turbine without shock at different loads.
The following are the important unit quantities of a turbine under a unit head.
(i) Unit speed,
(ii) Unit discharge,
(iii) Unit power,
(iv Unit force,and
(v) Unit torque.
(i) Unit speed

The speed of a turbine working under a unit head ( ie, under a head of 1m ) is known as
unit is denoted by Nu.

Unit speed, N u =

(ii) Unit discharge

The discharge of a turbine working under a unit head ( ie, under a head of 1m ) is known
as unit discharge. It is denoted by Qu

Unit discharge, Qu =

(iii) Unit power

The power of a turbine working under a unit head ( ie, under a head of 1m ) is known as
unit power. It is denoted by Pu.

Unit power, Pu =
H3/ 2


The specific speed of turbine is defined as the speed at which a geometrically similar trubine
should run in order to produce or develop unit power when working under unit head.Geometrically similar
turbine is an imaginary turbine which is identical in shape, geometrical dimensions, balde angles, gate openings
etc with the actual trubine. It is also known as specific turbine and its speed is known as specific speed .In SI
units, unit power is taken as one kW and unit head is one meter. Specific speed is usually denoted by N.)
Mathematically ,

Specific speed, Ns2 =
H5/ 2

OR Ns = N√P/ H^5/4


The selection of turbine is generally based upon the following two factors

(i) Selection based on specific speed, and

(ii) Selection based on head of water.

(I) Selection based on specific speed.

Specific speed palys an important role for selecting the type of turbine.
Selection based on specific speed is a scientific method, and gives a precise information. By
knowing the specific speed of a turbine the perfermance of the turbine can also be predicted. If a
runner of high specific speed is used for given head and power output, the overall cost of
installation is lower. The runner of too high specific speed with high available head increases the
cost of turbine. The runner of too low specific speed with low available head increases the cost
of generator due to the low turbine speed. The following table shows the specific speed ranges of
various types of turbines.

S. No. Specific Speed Type of Turbine

(M.K.S.) (S.I)

1. 10 to 35 8.5 to 30 Pelton wheel with single jet

2. 35 to 60 30 to 51 Pelton wheel with two or more jets

3. 60 to 300 51 to 255 Francis turbine

4. 300 to 1000 255 to 860 Kaplan or Propeller turbine

(ii) Selection based on head of water

Selection based on head of water is based on experience and observational factors
only.Following table shows the type of turbine,to be used,for corresponding head of water.

Sl No Head of turbine in m Type of turbine selected

1 Less than 15 Kaplan turbine

2 30-60 Kaplan or Francis turbine(Preferably francis turbine)

3 60-150 Francis or Kaplan turbine (Preferably Francis turbine)

4 150-240 Francis or Pelton wheel (Preferably Francis turbine)

5 240-300 Pelton wheel or Francis turbine (Preferably Pelton wheel)

6 Above 300 Pelton wheel turbine


The reaction turbine developed b y Victor Kaplan (1815 - 1892) is an improved version of the
older propeller turbine . It is particularl y suitable for generating h ydropower in locations
where large quantities of water are available under a relativel y low head . Consequentl y the
specific speed of these turbines is high, viz . , 300 to 1000 . As in the case of a Francis
turbine, the Kaplan turbine is provided with a spiral casing, guide vane assembl y and a draft
tube. The blades of a Kaplan turbine, three to eight in number are pivoted around the central
hub or boss, thus permitting adjustment of their orientation for changes in load and head .
This arrangement is generall y carried out b y the governor which also moves the guide vane
suitabl y. For this reason, while a fixed blade propeller turbine gives the best performance
under the desi gn load conditions, a Kaplan turbine gives a consistentl y high efficiency over
a larger range of heads, discharges and loads . The facilit y for adjustment of blade angles
ensures shock -less flow even under non -design conditions of operation .
Water entering radiall y from the spiral casing is imparted a substantial whirl component b y
the wicket gates . Subsequentl y, the curvature of the housing makes the flow become axial to
some extent and finall y then relative flow as it enters the runner, is tangential to th e leading
edge of the blade as shown in Fig 1(c), Energy transfer from fluid to runner depends
essentiall y on the extent to which the blade is capable of extinguishing the whirl component
of fluid . In most Kaplan runners as in Francis runners, water leaves the wheel axiall y with
almost zero whirl or tangential component . The velocit y triangles shown in Fig 1(c) are at
the inlet and outlet tips of the runner vane at mid radius, i . e. , midway between boss
periphery and runner periphery.

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