Asc Class-12 Test-1 Mcqs

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1. What is the number of electric field lines coming out from a 1C charge?
b) 8.85*10-12
a) 9*109 c)
1/8.85*10-12 d) Infinite

2. Electric field outside this Gaussian surface will be ___________

a) Only for q2 b) Only for positive charges c) Zero d) For all the charges
3. What will be the total flux passing through the cylinder if the surface A and B have
surface area S?

a) ES b) –ES c) Zero d) ES/εo

4. A non-conducting sphere has uniform charge density in it. The electric field at a
point inside the sphere will be _______
a) Zero b) Only due to the charge inside that point
c) Only due to the charge outside that point
d) Due to the entire charge of the sphere
5. An electric field 3j^+4k^ N/C is present at a place. What will be the electric flux
passing through a square plate if the plate is placed in the y-z plane?
a) 7 Nm2C-1 b) 25 Nm2C-1 c) Zero d) 17 Nm2 -1
6. Electric flux coming out of a single Na ion is _________ Nm2C-1

a) 1.8*10-8 b) 1.8*10-10 c) 5.4*10-8 d) 3.6*10-8

7. Gauss’s Law cannot be applied in ________

a) Hollow sphere b) Solid sphere c) Cube d) Unbounded surface
8. Two cylindrical pipes having radius 2m and 5m are placed coaxially. The inner
cylinder has total charge 1C and the outer sphere has total charge 2C. What will be
the nature of electric field intensities at different distances from the axis of the

9. The electric field lines diverge from _______

a) Positive charge b) Negative charge c) Dipole d) Zero potential point
10. Two electric field lines ______
a) Always intersect each other b) Never intersect
c) May intersect sometimes d) Are always perpendicular to each other
11. Which among the following is false about electric field lines?
a) They are continuous b) They attract each other
c) They remain parallel in a uniform electric field
d) They diverge from positive charge
12. At ‘Electrical Neutral Point’ the lines of force _______
a) Are absent b) Coincide with each other c) Always converge d) Always diverge
13. If an electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field ______ will act on the dipole.
a) A force but no torque b) Both force and torque
c) Torque but no force d) No torque or force
14. If an electric dipole is placed in a non-uniform electric field ______ will act on the
a) A force but no torque b) Both force and torque
c) Torque but no force d) No torque or force
15. An electric dipole will be in stable equilibrium if the angle between the axis of the
dipole and the electric field is ________
a) 0 degree b) 180 degree c) 90 degree d) 45 degree
16. If a non-polar substance is placed in an electric field, what will happen?
a) A net dipole moment will be observed
b) The substance will oscillate
c) The substance will orient itself perpendicular to the electric field
d) It will conduct electricity
17. Three charges + 3q + q and Q are placed on a st. line with equal separation. In
order to maket the net force on q to be zero, the value of Q will be :
(a) +3q (b) +2q (c) -3q (d) -4q
18. If sphere of bad conductor is given charge then it is distributed on:
(a) surface (b) inside the surface (c) only inside the surface (d) None
19. Electric field in a cavity of metal:
(a) depends upon the surroundings (b) depends upon the size of cavity
(c) is always zero (d) is not necessarily zero
20. The dielectric constant of a metal is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) ∞ (d) -1
21. A parrot comes and sits on a bare high power line. It will:
(a) experience a mild shock (b) experience a strong shock.
(c) get killed instantaneously (d) not be affected practically
22. A soap bubble is given a negative charge, then its radius:
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains unchanged (d) may increase or decrease
23. The graph drawn between V are r for a non-conducting charged solid sphere of
radius R for r < R will be :
(a) straight line (b) parabola (c) hyperbola (d) None of these
24. Quantisation of charge implies:
(a) Charge does not exist (b) Charge exists on particles
(c) There is a minimum permissible magnitude of charge
(d) Charge can’t be created
25. The conservation of electric charge implies that:
(a) Charge can’t be created
(b) Charge can’t be destroyed
(c) The number of charged particle in the universe is constant
(d) Simultaneous creation of equal and opposite charges is permissible

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