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____________ English

Grammar Booklet



Grammar /Grade 9
1 First Term – 2021 - 2022
____________ Grammar

Table of contents

Present Tenses …………………………………………….…………………………………….4

Past Simple& Used to……..........…………………………………………….….…..12

Present Perfect Tenses……………………………………….……….…………..……………… 18

Modal Verbs ……………………………………………………….……………………..…….…27

Countable and uncountable nouns……………………………………………………..…..34

Reading comprehension ………………………………………………..………………… 40

Dialogue ………………………………..……..….……………….……..…… ... 60

Grammar /Grade 9
2 First Term – 2021 - 2022
____________ Grammar


Grammar /Grade 9
3 First Term – 2021 - 2022
____________ Grammar

Present tenses

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4 First Term – 2021 - 2022
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5 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Grammar

Stative verbs

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6 First Term –2021-2022
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Choose the correct vocabulary word.

1. Hey! I am talking to you. Why ?
a- don’t you listen b- aren’t you listening c- didn’t you listen

2. Then the prince gets on his horse and away.

a- rides b- is riding c- rode

3. The population in India very fast.

a- is growing b- grows c- has grown

4. Those colours lovely at you.

a- look b- are looking c- looks

5. Some people their dogs. Their dogs are on a leash.

a- walks b- are walking c- walk

6. The sun in the center of the bay in summer.

a- rise b- rises c- is rising

7. I my cousin from Germany tomorrow. Do you want to

come along?
a- am meeting b- met c- meeting

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8. One person a hat because the sun is so strong.

a- are wearing b- wear c- is wearing d- wears

9. I don't understand! John is normally so pleasant. He

extremely difficult today.
a- is b- be c- is being d- was

10.Summers warmer and warmer nowadays.

a- are getting b- got c- is getting d- get

11. The service at the new restaurant is exceptional and it __________

reasonably inexpensive.
a- is b- be c- is being d- was

12. I off the train at the moment. I'll be with you in 10

a- am getting b- got c- will get d- get
13. The representatives us into this project these days.
a- are involving b- involves c- is involving d- involve

14. John really knows his subject. He a lecture on social

media at university every Wednesday. You should come.
a- gave b- give c- is giving d- gives

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8 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Grammar

15. My father me to school this week because we had an

accident and our car is being repaired.
a- didn’t drive b- is not driving c- doesn’t drive

16. Jane: "What about?“

Mary: "My summer holidays! I wish I was still lying on the beach.“
a- you think b- is you thinking c- are you thinking

17. You (–) into things and breaking them. How can anyone be so clumsy?
a- bump b- is bumping c- bumps

18. The new contract fine to me. However, could you just check
it through once more?
a- seem b- seems c- is seeming

19. I can't make the meeting tomorrow. I an

interview the applicants for the sales manager's job.
a- have b- has c- am having

20. My brother for Shink Inc. which makes bathroom fittings.

a- work b- works c- is working

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9 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Grammar

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to

give the same meaning :

1- I am in the habit of drinking tea in the morning . ( always )


2-Margaret is busy with her homework right now . ( doing )


3-Is this bag yours ? ( belong )


4-My sister is in the annoying habit of talking to me at the same time I'm on
the phone. ( always )

5-What is the price of that skirt ? ( does )


6-It's our family's habit to have breakfast at 7 o'clock. ( every day )


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7-Adams has arranged to visit his uncle next week. ( visiting )


8-I'm used to praying before sleeping. ( usually )


9-It's Fred's habit to go swimming in the morning. ( always )


10-My mother never gets up late. ( not )


Do as shown between brackets

11. He always _____________________ (bring) a monolingual dictionary
to his English class. ( correct the verb )

12. Don’t disturb him. He __________________ (try) to sleep.

( correct the verb )
13. He _____________________ (appear) in two shows every week.
( correct the verb )
14. My grandmother _____________________ (not /forget) any of her
grandchildren’s birthdays. ( correct the verb )

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15. I solve some math problems at the moment. ( correct the error )

16. My grandfather often come over for dinner at the weekends. ( correct
the error )

17. I usually don’t work on Sundays but today I work. ( correct the error )

18. Don’t forget to take your coat, it cold outside. ( correct the error )

19. It usually raining at this time of the year but today the sun shine
brightly. ( correct the error )

20. What do you prepare for dinner? It smells delicious. ( correct the
error )

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Present Perfect Continuous

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15 First Term –2021-2022
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Choose the correct answer.

1. The students a flight to Madrid.

a- book b- have booked c- have been booking

2. My neighbor the keys, so he can’t open the door.

a- loses b- was lost c- has lost

3. We her since she arrived to our city.

a- have been knowing b- have known c- know

4. My grandmother a pet for three years.

a- keeps b- has kept c- has been keeping

5. They at Maine for two weeks.

a- have been b- be c- were

6. Yasser the train.

a- misses b- has missed c- has been missing

7. Li and Susan ______________ four times already and will not give up.
a- were trying b- are trying c- have tried

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8. Nadia _________ in the race for six minutes.

a- is running b- ran c- has run

9. Our team _____________ the first prize.

a- has won b- wins c- is winning

10. My little daughter ____________ her finger with a knife.

a- cuts b- has cut c- is cutting

11. This order ____________ to many misunderstandings.

a- is leading b- was leading c- has led

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17 First Term –2021-2022
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Fill in the correct form of the verb given: Present Perfect

Simple or Progressive

1. I on redecorating the house for the last few

days and I'm still not finished. (work)

2. She his phone number, so she can't call him. (forget)

3. It all day. It seems as if it will never stop. (rain)

4. I a lot of work this morning, and it's only nine. (do)

5. She the tasks her teacher provided her with.

(just finish)

6. We for our exams since October. I hope we're

well prepared for them. (study)

7. You look so tired. What's happened? – I after the

children the whole morning. They're really a nuisance. (look)

8. We this film before, so there's no need to watch it

again. (see)

9. I for you all morning. - Where ?

(wait, you be)

10.Mike an airplane before, but I think he won't be

able to manage such a large one. (fly)

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11. I up my mind not to accept the job offer. (make)

12. I to India twice and each time it was a remarkable

experience. (be)

13. Jack his driving test twice. He should be better

prepared. (fail)

14. I to a party since Christmas. I really think I

should socialize more. (not be)

15. People _ all morning about slow internet services.


16. My brother for this company for the last forty years and
any trouble. (work, never cause)

17.Someone my computer. The battery is dead. (use)

18.Why your monthly fee yet? You're always late.

(you not pay)

19. He golf with us since he moved here. (play)

20. My mother the bus, so she won't be here on time.


21. I three letters so far this morning, and

I'm tried already. (type)

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22. The baby . That's why her eyes are so red. (cry)

23. I am really excited about going to the new restaurant because I

Indian food before. (never eat)

24. We through the accounts since Monday, but we

any irregularities yet. (look, not find)

25.My cousin this house since the end of the war. (own)

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22 First Term –2021-2022
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Fill in the correct article in the following sentences: a, an, the

or no article.

1. Are you coming to ____________ party next week?

2. I bought ___________ new T.V set yesterday.
3. I think _____________ man over there is very ill. He can’t stand on
his feet.
4. I watched __________ video you had sent me.
5. I am crazy about reading ___________ history books.
6. I bought _________ pair of shoes.
7. That is _________ problem I told you about.
8. __________ price of gas keeps rising.
9. He travelled to _________ Mexico last year.
10. I am reading ________ amazing story.
11. I was in ________ Japanese restaurant. ___________ restaurant
served good food.
12. My brother does not eat _______ chicken.
13. I would like ______ piece of cake, please.
14. I live in _______ apartment. ________ apartment is new.
15. She was wearing _________ ugly dress at ________ party last
16. Many people believe that __________ honesty always pays back.
17. I saw _______ good movie last night.

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23 First Term –2021-2022
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Read each sentence and find out if the definite article is

correctly used. Tick the sentences that are right, underline
and correct any mistakes in those that are wrong.

1. The Italians like eating a spaghetti. __________________

2. Doctor said that you must drink the milk every day. ______________

3. Tom plays the basketball in evening. _____________________

4. I prefer classic music to pop music. _______________________

5. Would you like to have the dinner with me next week? ___________

6. Tom is studying English literature and History at London University. _

7. Does she take a sugar in her coffee? __________________

8. He works as engineer. __________________

9. Where´s the book on American History? I can´t find it. __________

10. Nile is considered the longest river in the world. _______________

11. How was your trip to Canary Islands? It was wonderful. Sun shone all

day. and the water was hot. _________________

12. Everybody says that computers save people time. ______________

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Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, , a little, little,
a few,
1.It seems we have had __________________assignments in English
this year.
2.How __________________do we have to read this week?
3.__________________Americansdon’t like George Bush
4.There aren’t very __________________books in the library
5.I think he drank __________________wine last night
6.I have had __________________headaches already because of the
7.I didn’t use ________________fertilizer1last spring, that’s why we
had so _________ weeds
8.It has rained very __________________this summer, that’s why the
grass is so brown
9.__________________people know as much about computers as Jack
10.I’m having __________________trouble passing my driving test.

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26 First Term –2021-2022
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Choose the right option. Circle and write on the line.

1. Jennifer is always at home. She doesn't go out ____________ .
a. few b. much c. too many
2. I don't like the weather in London. There is ____________ rain.
a. too many b. much c. too much
3. We couldn’t sit anywhere at the concert. There were ____________
a. many b. too many c. too much
4. I haven't got ____________ time to finish my test.
a. too many b. too much c. a lot of
5. You drank ____________ coffee. That's why you feel sick.
a. much b. many c. a lot of
6. I made ____________ mistakes with her. That's why she left me
a. a few b. too much c. too many
7. If you don't eat ____________ fruit, you can get ill
a. many b. much c. few
8. Claire is tall ____________ to be a fashion model.
a. too much b. enough c. too many
9. Oh no! You put ____________ milk in the pancakes dough
a. a little b. too much c. too many
10. Why did you buy so ____________ bottles of milk?
a. many b. much c. enough

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Modal Verbs

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Modal Verbs

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A. Choose the correct answer.

1. I _____________ have enough time to visit my family.

a. may b. couldn’t c. can’t

2. We _____________obey traffic rules.

a. may b. must c. can’t

3. _____________ you swim when you were 10?

a. Could b. Can c. Must

4. She _____________ clean her desk.

a. have to b. can c. has to

5. I _____________to cycle two kilometers every day.

a. am able b. was able c. could

6. She _____________ play tennis very well.

a. have to b. can c. has to

7. Paul _________________ go to the sports center with us.

a. could b. might c. has to

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8. He drives a Ferrari. He _____________ be rich.

a. can’t b. couldn’t c. must

9. _____________ you help me? Yes, I can.

a. Could b. Can c. Might

10. Look at my new mobile phone. It _____________ play movies!

a. have to b. can c. must

11. Before I got this job I _____________ afford a car.

a. have to b. couldn’t c. must

12. _____________ we go to the club, please dad?

a. Could b. Would c. Need

13. The taxi’s here. We _____________ leave now.

a. have to b. can’t c. mightn’t

14. How _____________ I know that? I have never heard it before.

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

15. You _____________ really try to get a haircut!

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

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16. If you knew Sara, you _____________ probably like her.

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

17. Rita asked if she _____________ clear the table after dinner.
a. will b. would c. shall d- should

18. We _____________ play if we had a ball.

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

19. ____________ never get a better opportunity than this.

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

20. They _____________ paint it as you want.

a. will b. would c. shall d- should

21. You really _____________ do that, since it may be dangerous. Try

another solution.
a. wouldn't b. won’t c. shall d- shouldn't

22. What _____________ do? Something must be done!

a. will I b. would I c. shall I d- should I

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32 First Term –2021-2022
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Read about each situation and then make a request.

1. It's not allowed to park your car here. (mustn’t)

2. It isn't important to do the washing up because I have already done it.
(have to)
3. He can ride a bike. (When I was young)
4. It is prohibited to smoke in hospitals (mustn't)
5. I can't hear anything because I put cotton in my ears. (able to)
6. I am going to travel to London this summer. (may)
7. It's possible that Ali will take up yoga. (might)
8. I strongly recommend you to try this sundried tomato bread. (must)
9. The management will not permit latecomers to enter the theatre until
there is a suitable break. (allowed)

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10. I'm certain he isn’t coming to the party, he is so sick. (can't)

11. Ali is ten. He can ride a bike. (could)
12. When I was young I could run for long races. (able to)
13. You need a calculator. The person sitting next to you has got one.
14. It is essential that patients have not eaten or drunk anything for
three hours before the operation. (must)

15. Will you let me eat this apple? (May)

16. I haven’t decided if I’m having a holiday. (might)
17. The sign says: “Passengers must show their tickets.” (have to)
18. Laura must get to work on time. (has to)
19. We believe that Sarah will pass her final exams. (may)


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34 First Term –2021-2022
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Read about each situation and then make a request.

1. Ask your friend to buy you something from the shop.
2. You offered your father to make the juice.
3. Refuse your friend’s offer because it is risky.
4. Ask your brother to open the door.
5. Your teacher offered to help you.
6. You offered to open the window to your sister.
7. You are in an English class and you would like to borrow another
student’s pencil.
8. Ask your partner to take notes for you in the class.

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36 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Grammar

Make the correct past modal form (use could have / would
have / should have + past participle)
1) I …………………………….(buy) bread but I didn't know we needed it. (past
2) We ……………………………(invite) so many people to our party! I'm worried
that we won't have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice /
3) I ……………………………….(start) saving money years ago! (past advice /
4) We ……………………………..(join) you at the restaurant, but we couldn't get a
babysitter. (past willingness)
5) The weather …………………………….(be) any worse! (past negative possibility)
6) I …………………….(arrive) on time, even if I'd left earlier. There were
dreadful traffic jams all the way. (past negative possibility)
7) They ………………………..(win) the football match, but John hurt his ankle.
(past possibility)
8) Amanda ……………………(finish) the work, but she felt ill and had to go home.
(past willingness)
9) Lucy ……………(leave) earlier. She missed her flight. (past advice /
10) We …………………………(finish) the game, even if we'd wanted to. It was
raining very hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility)

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11) You …………………………..(be) rude to him. He's going to be really angry now.
(past negative advice / regret)

12) She ……………………..(come) to the restaurant if she'd left work earlier.

(past possibility)

13) You ……………………(take) this job. I can see you're not enjoying it. (past
negative advice / regret)

14) The race was really difficult. She ………………….(win) because she's not fit
enough. (past negative possibility)

15) Our neighbours …………………..(cut) down the tree in their garden. It was a
really beautiful tree. (past negative advice / regret)

16) The children …………………….(do) their homework last night. Then they
wouldn't be panicking on the way to school. (past advice / regret)

17) I'm really cold! I …………………………(bring) my coat. (past advice / regret)

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Passive Voice

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Passive part 1

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41 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Grammar

Choose The Correct passive sentence.

1.They probably won't attend the lecture tomorrow.
a. The lecture probably not attended by them tomorrow.
b. The lecture probably won't be attended by them.
c. The lecture not probably attended by them tomorrow.
d. The lecture probably won't been attended by them tomorrow.

2. He was driving a car, when the accident occurred.

a. A car driven by him, when the accident occur.
b. A car was driven by him, when the accident occur.
c. A car was been driven by him, when the accident occurred.
d. A car was being driven by him, when the accident occurred.

3. Who designed a car?

a. By whom a car designed? c. By whom a car was designed?
b. By whom a car had designed? d. By whom a car was being

4.Will my mother have baked the cake?

a. Will the cake have baked by my mother?
b. Will the cake has being baked by my mother?
c. Will the cake be baked by my mother?
d. Will the cake have been baked by my mother?

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42 First Term –2021-2022
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5.Why did you waste the best part of your life?

a. Why the best part of your life wasted by you?
b. Why were the best part of your life wasted by you?
c. Why did the best part of your life wasted by you?
d. Why was the best part of your life wasted by you?

6. Recently, they have been doing the work.

a. Recently, the work has been done by them.
b. Recently, the work had been done by them.
c. Recently, the work has done by them.
d. Recently, the work had done by them.

7. People visit Murree in hot summer season.

a. Murree visited by people in hot summer season.
b. Murree is visited by people in hot summer season.
c. Murree has visited by people in hot summer season.
d. Murree is being visited by people in hot summer season.

8. I can see dramatic change in his behavior.

a. A dramatic change can seen by me in his behavior.
b. A dramatic change can be seen by me in his behavior
c. A dramatic change could seen by me in his behavior
d. A dramatic change could be seen by me in his behavior.

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Do as shown between brackets:

1. Someone has given him a lot of money. (been)
2.The police arrested two hundred people. (were)
3. We check every car engine thoroughly. (is)
4. Someone is interviewing Dr. Johnson at the moment. (being)
5 He didn't take the medicine yesterday. (wasn't)
6. You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m. (be)
7. The carpenter will make a new desk for me. (A new desk)
8. The government should spend more money on research. (More
9. Someone will drive you to the airport tomorrow. (You…)
10. Someone broke into our house at the weekend. (Our house)

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11. No one helped her. (She)

12. The government has set up new projects. (been)
13. You must write down everything I say. (Everything ...)
14. We have made further tests on the drug. (been)
15. A loud noise woke us up during the night. (woken)
16. They perform the play without a break. (The play)
17. People don't use this road very often. (used)
18. The police were questioning several people. (being)
19. They have already sent him a telegram. (A telegram)
20. The headmaster punished the students for their bad behavior.
(The students were)

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Passive part 2

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Passive part 2

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Choose the correct answer.

1- It ………………that schools teach languages to younger students.
a. believes believed c. is believing d. has believed

2- It ……………….that archaeologists have found a new Pyramid at Saqqara.

a. reported b. has reported
c. is reporting d. has been reported

3- A famous tennis player is believed to ………. after a city center road

a. be hurt b. hurt c. have hurt d. is hurt

4- We can't possibly allow the antiques ……………….. abroad.

a. to sell b. to be sold c. to be selling d. to being sold

5- Ahmed ……………….. to be the greatest footballer.

a. said b. is said c. has said d. had said

6- A box of chocolates was given (–––) Amanda.

a. at b. for c. to d. with

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7- People…………………… that he is a spy.

a. say b. are said c. have been said d. were said

8- When he returned home, he found that all his money …………………. .

a. had stolen b. had been stolen c. are stolen

9- I don’t mind ………………….. by people.

a. being helped b. helping c. being helping d. am helped

10-Don’t let yourself ……………………by others.

a. be deceived b. be deceiving c. deceive d. to deceive

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49 First Term –2021-2022
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Do as shown between brackets:

1) John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill. (start with 'Jill').
2) John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill .
(start with 'a bar of chocolate').
3) I lent a pencil to Graham. (start with 'Graham').
4) I lent a pencil to Graham. (start with 'a pencil').
5) Fiona told the truth to Julian. (start with 'Julian').
6) Fiona told the truth to Julian. (start with 'the truth').
7) They offered the job to Simon. (start with 'Simon').
8) They offered the job to Simon. (start with 'the job').
9) The boss showed the new computer to Anna. (start with 'Anna').
10) The boss showed the new computer to Anna.
(start with 'the new computer').

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Do as shown between brackets:

1-It's said that tickets are expensive. ( Tickets )
2-My dad doesn't let me drive his car. (I)
3-Nobody likes people to cheat them. ( be )
4-People believed that Robert stole the money ( have )
5-She hates people not trusting her. ( being )
6-Johan is thought to be lazy. ( It )
7-They have to send the letter by ten. ( be )
8-His father made him wash the car. ( was )
9-The famous squash player, who my brother beat, was a world champion.
( beaten )

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51 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Comprehension


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52 First Term –2021-2022
____________ Comprehension

Native American Homes

Before Columbus!
Before the arrival of European explorers and settlers, there were
already incredibly diverse groups of Native Americans all across North
America. This period in Native American life and culture is called the
pre-Columbian era.

It is important to remember that Native Americans had established

customs, beliefs, traditions, and general ways of living well before
European influences began to spread across the continent.

It’s a Bridge! A Land Bridge!

Most anthropologists who study pre-Columbian cultures believe that
the ancestors of modern Native American peoples migrated from Asia,
across the Bering Strait, and south through what is present-day
Alaska, Yukon, and British Columbia. This was possible because sea
levels had dropped around 300 feet during the Ice Age, between
12,000 and 60,000 years ago.

Anthropologists call the prehistoric land bridge Beringia. They believe

it was open at several points: 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, 40,000 to
45,000 years ago, 28,000 to 33,000 years ago, and 13,000 to 23,000
years ago.

How Did Native Americans Live?

Anthropologists are careful to consider the different cultural reasons
why Native Americans built different styles of housing, as well as
reasons having to do with available resources, climate, and the

53 First Term – 2020-2021

Grammar / Grade 8
____________ Comprehension

All in the Family

The Iroquois living along the St. Lawrence River in the Northeast
woodlands built longhouses hundreds of feet long so that all members
of the same clan could live together. Clans were organized matrilineally,
which means that when an Iroquois man and woman married, the new
husband would join his wife’s household. This is the opposite of most
European societies, in which new wives would join their husbands’
families. When a new Iroquois husband joined his wife’s family, the clan
simply made the longhouse longer by adding more bent saplings to the
frame and elm bark slabs to the roof. A clan’s family totem would be
displayed on the doorway.

A House by the Sea

In the Pacific Northwest, Native American commitment to building
with wood was much more extensive. Using different stone, bone, and
shell tools, native peoples would cut, carve, and smooth red-cedar
boards to be attached to heavy post and beam frames. Builders would
include one or more rectangular levels as support for sleeping booths.
The Haida people of the Pacific Northwest would stand totem poles in
front of their houses as a way of displaying family histories and myths.

Move On Out!
The nomadic lifestyle of Native Americans on the Great Plains known as
the Lakota people encouraged the use of shelters that could be put up
and taken down very quickly. Animal hides stretched over tent poles
arranged in a cone, known today as a tipi (meaning “to dwell” in the
Lakota language), was the shelter of choice for hunting societies that
required a greater range of mobility.

A Difference in Neighbors
The American Southwest is a difficult environment to survive in, let
alone live. The Pueblo Indians and the ancestors of present-day
Navajos endured the harsh landscape in two very different ways.

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The Pueblo peoples of what are now New Mexico and Arizona built
brick and stone structures, three-to-five stories tall, clustered around
plazas. The units could be circular or rectangular. Circular structures
were generally free-standing, while rectangular structures were
attached on different sides. Pueblo homes further to the east were
built using mostly adobe clay; water was drawn from the Rio Grande,
and bricks were dried in the sun. Homes further to the west were built
using sandstone available in the drier climate.

By comparison, the ancestors of today’s Navajo people were semi-

nomadic and built family homesteads spread out across the Painted
Desert of the American Southwest. At the center of these ranches
was the hogan, an east-facing structure historically built with whatever
materials were available, a tradition of adaptation continued well into
the present day. It is easy to imagine that these Navajo homesteads
might have inspired white settlers to build ranches of their own on the
western frontier.

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Answer the following questions

1. What were the homes of the Iroquois called?
a. totems
b. tipis
c. Longhouses

2. What does the passage list?

a. different homes built by Native American tribes in different

regions of America

b. different beliefs of Native American tribes throughout America

c. different lifestyles of Native American tribes throughout


3. How could “tipis” have helped Native Americans secure food on the
Great Plains?

a. Tipis provided a stable, long-term shelter used to gather food

on the Great Plains.
b. Tipis provided a flexible shelter that allowed Native Americans
to follow animals they hunted across the Great Plains.
c. Tipis provided a flexible shelter that allowed Native Americans
to plant crops across the Great Plains.

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4. How did the Iroquois in the Northeast change their longhouse when
a new Iroquois husband joined his wife’s clan?



5. Describe the shelters of the Lakota people.



6. Explain some of the factors that determined the type of housing

built by Native Americans by using at least one example from the



57 First Term – 2020-2021

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Cool to Be Kind
Put yourself in somebody else’s shoes.

Amanda O. was in fourth grade when her mom passed away. Amanda had
been bullied before, and, incredibly, older kids at school teased her
about her devastating loss. “People bullied me about how I looked, how
I dressed. They bullied me about my mom,” says the 14-year-old from
El Paso, Texas.
Amanda told the principal, who called the bullies’ parents. Amanda also
confronted the kids herself. “I said, ‘You didn’t know my mom. She was
my best friend. If you lost a best friend, how would you feel?’”
The bullies backed off, and Amanda felt good about standing up for
herself. She may not have realized it at the time, but Amanda was
asking her tormentors to have a little empathy.
“Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else—
both what they think and how they feel,” says Jennifer Freed, a family
therapist and codirector of a teen program called the Academy of
Healing Arts.
In other words, empathy is being able to put yourself in someone else’s
shoes. Many people who bully others are particularly weak in that
department, says Malcolm Watson, a psychologist at Brandeis
University in Massachusetts. “Bullies don’t tend to have a lot
of empathy,” he says.
Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to
person. “Some people are more highly sensitive than others. They will
naturally feel what other people feel,” Freed says. “Others don’t
understand emotions in other people as well.”
The good news? “Empathy is something you can learn,” Freed says. In
fact, she adds, teaching empathy to prevent bullying is more effective
than punishing bullies after the fact. And anyone can learn it. In her
teen programs, she says, “every semester we see bullies change their

58 First Term – 2020-2021

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You don’t have to be a bully to benefit from developing empathy.

Having compassion for others is a valuable skill that everyone should
work to improve, she says. “I think everyone needs to develop more of
Emotional Intelligence
Last year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported
that empathy among college students had dropped sharply over the
past 10 years. That could be because so many people have replaced face
time with screen time, the researchers said. Having empathy is about
understanding other people. Today, people spend more time solo and
are less likely to join groups and clubs.
Freed has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and you’re bombarded
with news and reality shows highlighting people fighting, competing, and
generally treating one another with no respect. Humans learn by
example—and most of the examples on TV are anything but empathetic.
There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are
social by nature. Having relationships with other people is an important
part of being human—and having empathy is critical to those
relationships. Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers
are more likely to have high self-esteem. That’s not all. In a book
titled The Power of Empathy, psychologist Arthur Ciaramicoli writes
that empathy can be a cure for loneliness, depression, anxiety, and
Empathy is also a sign of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top
companies report that empathy is one of the most important things
they look for in new executives. Good social skills—including empathy—
are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many
areas of life. “Academics are important. But if you don’t
have emotional intelligence, you won’t be as successful in work or in
your love life,” she says.

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What’s the best way to up your empathy quotient? For starters, let
down your guard and really listen to others. “One doesn’t
develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,”
Freed says. Here are some great ways to dig beneath the surface and
really get to know other people—and to boost empathy in the process:
*Volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital. Challenging yourself to care
for others is a great way to learn empathy, Freed says.
*Join a club or a team that has a diverse membership. You can learn a
lot from people of different ages, races, or backgrounds.
*Spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.
*Once a week, have a “sharing circle” with your family. Take turns
listening to one another talk, without interrupting.
Playing Your Part
With bullying such a big issue in schools around the country, experts
are looking more closely at empathy. Many schools are teaching teens
how to tune in to others’ feelings. Often, kids who bully others come
from homes where empathy is in short supply, says Watson. Teaching
them empathy skills can help squash their aggressive behavior. Just
focusing on the bullies and their victims isn’t enough to stop the
bullying crisis, though. To do that, everyone in school must show
some empathy.
Have you ever watched a classmate being teased or pushed around,
without intervening? Imagine that victim was your little brother or a
close friend. How would you feel about the situation then? It takes
both courage and empathy to confront a bully or to report an incident
to a teacher. It may not be easy, but working together is the best way
to make schools safer, Watson says.
That makes sense to Patrick K., a 16-year-old from South Carolina. He
was bullied in middle school and lived in constant fear. One day one of
his tormentors threatened to kill him and later threw a rock at his
head during gym class.

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Fortunately, Patrick’s family moved to a new school district not long

after that incident, and things are much better at his new school. But he
wasn’t content to just sit back and let other kids suffer the way he had.
He became a teen ambassador for Love Our Children USA’s STOMP Out
Bullying campaign.
Last year, Patrick saw a classmate getting pushed around at school. He
immediately reported the incident to the principal and a guidance
counselor. The school called the kids in to sort out the problem, he says.
Patrick doesn’t think he did anything special. “I feel that everybody
should be treated with respect,” he says. “I just felt like it was the right
thing to do.”
Expressing Empathy—Creatively
If you’ve ever been called nasty names, you know how awful it feels.
Here’s your chance to help others understand what it’s like to walk in
your shoes. The No Name-Calling Week Creative Expression Contest
wants your poems, artwork, essays, music, and videos! Tune in to your
artistic side to illustrate how name-calling has affected you and your
peers. No Name-Calling Week happens each year in January. (But being
kind is cool any week of the year. )

Answer the following questions

1. What is empathy?
a. Empathy is the ability to understand how other people think and
b. Empathy is the ability to make other people do what you want by
threatening them.
c. Empathy is the choice that many people make to spend time alone
instead of joining groups.

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2. What is this passage mostly about?

a. fear and loneliness
b. empathy and bullying
c. poems and music

3. What problem does developing empathy help solve?

a. Developing empathy helps solve the problem of homelessness.
b. Developing empathy helps solve the problem of lung cancer.
c. Developing empathy helps solve the problem of bullying.

4. How much empathy do bullies tend to have?



5. Name two benefits of empathy mentioned in the passage.



6. Therapist Jennifer Freed thinks that everyone needs to develop

more empathy. Based on the information in the passage, explain
whether developing more empathy is or is not a good idea.



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The Big Test

One day during Jose’s summer vacation, he woke up and wanted to go to

the pool.
He made his bed, put on his swimsuit, and grabbed his towel from the
hall closet. Then he went to the kitchen table and sat down for
“Jose,” his mom said, as she served him scrambled eggs and toast.
“Why are you wearing your bathing suit?”
“Because today I want to go to the pool,” he said. He started to eat his
eggs very fast so that they could leave for the pool right away.
His mother laughed. “Jose, look outside,” she said. “I’m sorry, but we
can’t go to the pool today.”
Jose jumped out of his seat and looked outside the window. It was
raining really hard, and there was thunder and lightning. People outside
were hurrying back and forth with umbrellas over their heads, while
the trees blew in the wind.
“Oh no,” Jose said. “Rain! Now we can’t go to the pool.”
He sat back down at the table and quietly finished his breakfast. He
was sad. His plans for the pool were not going to happen.
Jose’s mom grabbed her laptop computer and brought it over to the
table. She turned it on and gave Jose a hug.
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” she said, “let’s look up the weather for
tomorrow, and see if we can go to the pool then.”
Jose’s mom searched on the Internet for the local weather news. Jose
watched as the screen displayed a bunch of pictures with sun and rain
clouds next to each day of the week.
“What are those?” he asked.

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“This is a news website that shows the weather for each day of the
week,” she said. “Here is today.”
She pointed to a rain cloud next to the day marked “Tuesday.”
“The rain cloud means that today it is going to rain all day. And here it
says the temperature: 85 degrees Fahrenheit.”
“That is hot,” said Jose. “And the pool is good on a hot day.”
“It is hot, but raining, so the pool will not be open today,” said Jose’s
mom. “But tomorrow, Wednesday, there is a sun picture. That means
the weather forecaster is predicting tomorrow will be sunny. It also
says that tomorrow will be 90 degrees, which is even hotter than
“Then we can go to the pool!” said Jose.
“Yes, if it is sunny and hot, we can go to the pool,” said Jose’s mom. “As
long as you wear your sunscreen.”
Jose was excited. But he was also a little confused. How did the
weather forecaster know about the weather before it happened? Could
he predict the future?
“Mom, how does the weather forecaster know what the weather is
going to be like tomorrow?” he asked.
“Well,” said Jose’s mom, “scientists use tools in order to predict the
weather. They record patterns and can figure out what will most likely
happen next. For example, if the scientists see a storm that is moving
across other states toward us in New York, they can measure the
storm, and how fast it is moving. Then they can tell if it will be rainy in
a few days or a few weeks. We can see this weather prediction listed
on a website, or on the television.”
“You mean we hear it from those people who read the news on TV,” said
“Right,” said Jose’s mom. “Some of the news people who read the
weather forecast on TV are called meteorologists. A meteorologist is
someone who studies, explains, and understands the weather forecast.
They go to school to study how to predict and understand the weather.
That way people like you and me can see if it will be raining tomorrow or
this weekend.”

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After lunch the rain got a little lighter, and Jose’s mom let him put on
his rain boots and play in the backyard. Then after a shower, Jose and
his mom had dinner and watched a movie. The next morning Jose got up,
put on his bathing suit, and grabbed his towel. He peeked outside the
window and saw that the sun was shining.
“Mom!” he shouted as he ran to the breakfast table. “The scientists
were right! It is sunny today. Let’s go to the pool!”
And they did.

Answer the following questions

1. Where does Jose want to go after he wakes up?
a. the movies
b. the park
c. the pool

2. Jose wants to go swimming, but there is a problem. What is the


a. It is raining, so the swimming pool will not be open.

b. It is too hot outside to go to the swimming pool.
c. It is too cold outside to go to the swimming pool.

3. What is this story mainly about?

a. the sadness a boy feels one day when it rains outside
b. a boy who wants to go to the pool and predicting the weather
c. a swimming pool, umbrellas, rain boots, scrambled eggs, and

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4. How does Jose feel when he learns about the weather prediction
for Wednesday?



5. What kind of weather is predicted for Wednesday?



6. Is weather prediction helpful to the characters in this story?

Support your answer with evidence from the passage.



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Portrait of a Journalist

Peter Smith is a science journalist in Brooklyn, New York. He travels

the country to report stories for national newspapers and magazines.
Since he doesn’t work for a single publication, however, he does not
have an office. He works out of his apartment, coffee shops, and the
local library. Being a journalist is his dream job. He only wishes it paid a
bit more money.
“That’s the one big downside of working as a journalist these days,”
Smith says. “There are so many stories out there, and so many people
to write about. But fewer places are willing to give you money to write
about them.”
Smith was sitting in a coffee shop in Red Hook, the neighborhood in
Brooklyn where he lives. Last year, he and his girlfriend moved there
from Portland, Maine. The two of them loved the summers in Maine and
the lobster that came with it. But the winters were simply too cold to
“I couldn’t believe how cold it got in Maine during the winter!” he says,
shivering at the thought. “Being from upstate New York, I thought I
knew what cold meant. But I had no idea.”
New York winters are not exactly mild, he admits. But they’re warmer
than Maine. More importantly, New York was a place where Smith could
meet other writers. Being a journalist can be a solitary profession. To
succeed, it is important to make friends in the field.
“It was much quieter in Maine,” he says with a laugh. “It was definitely
easier to concentrate. But I didn’t have many other journalists to talk
to and share ideas with. After a while, it got pretty lonely.”

New York City, he says, is the opposite of lonely. “I can’t walk from my
apartment to the subway without bumping into another journalist.”

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Smith grew up near Beacon, New York and graduated from Hampshire
College in Western Massachusetts. From age 20, he knew he wanted to
be a writer. The question was: What kind of writer?

He got his first job as an intern at the Christian Science Monitor, a

national newspaper. A few years later, he started writing a column for a
magazine that focused on health and the environment. It was that
experience—writing about science on a weekly basis—that inspired him
to become a science journalist.

Asked why he liked to write about science, Smith said it offered the
best way to satisfy his endless curiosity.

“To me, science is the best possible subject for a journalist,” he says.
“Scientists make major discoveries every day. And unlike music or art,
these discoveries often have the potential to save hundreds,
thousands, even millions of lives. It’s a pretty great feeling to study
and write about research that will affect so many people.”

To find his stories, Smith often spends days digging through scientific
journals and blogs on the Internet. He reads at least two newspapers
every morning: the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. On
occasion, he will call up a scientist he knows and ask what she or he has
been working on lately. When he finds what looks like a story, that’s
when the real work begins.

“I spend a lot of my time doing research to see what other people have
written about the subject I’m interested in,” he says. “Then I start
contacting sources to see if they will agree to an interview. If they say
yes, we usually talk over the phone. If necessary, and if I think they’re
a good character, I will travel to meet them in person.”

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“In-person reporting,” he adds, “is my favorite part of the job. If I

have the chance to meet someone I’m writing about face-to-face, it
always improves the story. And it’s fun, too.”

For Smith, working as a “freelancer”—as opposed to a “staff writer,” or

someone who writes for a single publication—has both benefits and
drawbacks. He doesn’t have a boss, for one. This means he can write
about whatever he wants. And he is not expected to show up to an
office every day at a certain time. He wakes up when he wants to, and
sets his own schedule each day.

Not reporting to a boss, however, means there is no one there to help

him. At newspapers, editors will often assign story ideas to a writer. As
a freelancer, Smith has to come up with all his own ideas. This can be
exhausting, he admits.

“There are weeks when I just can’t seem to find anything to write
about,” he says. “It’s at those times I wish I had a nice cozy desk
somewhere and an editor looking over my shoulder, giving me ideas.”

For the most part, though, he likes the freedom that freelance
journalism entails.

“I’m the kind of person who likes to do things my way,” he says with a
smile. “I have a bit of a problem with authority. If someone tells me
what to do—even if it’s in my best interest—I tend to ignore him. At an
early age, I knew that working at a desk job was probably not for me.”

As a boy, Smith was always examining bugs and asking his mother
questions like how ocean waves form. His parents figured he would grow
up to be a scientist. For someone with his background, I ask, what made
him choose writing about science instead of conducting actual scientific

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Smith laughs at the question. “I didn’t want to take organic chemistry

in college,” he says. “That prevented me from applying to medical
school.” But more than that, he adds, writing about science instead of
practicing it allows him to learn about a wider range of subjects.

“Had I gone to medicine and become a doctor, I probably would have

wound up studying the same thing for ten, fifteen, or even twenty
years,” he says. “As a journalist who writes about science, I can write
about dozens of different things every year. Sure, it doesn’t pay as
well as being a doctor and doesn’t have the same prestige. But I’m
satisfying my curiosity about the world. For me, that’s what really

Answer the following questions

1. What is Peter Smith’s dream job?
a. scientist
b. novel writer
c. journalist

2. How does the author describe the profession of journalism?

a. solitary; satisfies one’s curiosity

b. requires a graduate education

c. a well-paid, steady desk job

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3. Which of the following conclusions about Peter Smith’s personality

is supported by the passage?

a. Smith is motivated mainly by prestige and money.

b. Smith would enjoy writing about art as much as science.

c. Smith is independent and loves to learn new things.

4. Why does Smith like to write about science?



5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being a freelancer,

according to Smith?


6. Explain whether Peter Smith would enjoy working as a staff

writer at a science magazine. Support your answer using information
from the passage


71 First Term – 2020-2021

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____________ Dialogue


72 First Term – 2020-2021

Grammar / Grade 8
Complete the following dialogue.
Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Joey: Yes, I don't want to be late.
Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Joey : My father's been taken to hospital.
Ali : …………………………………………………………………………………?
Joey : He had an accident.
Ali :………………………………………………….………………………………………………………?
Joey : Yes, he needs a surgery.
Ali :………………………………………………….………………………………………………………?
Joey: No, thanks. I'll go in my brother's car.

Complete the following dialogue.

Peter: Would you like to come to a movie with me?
Fred: ..............................................................................................................
Peter: How about next Friday evening?
Fred: ............................................................... I'm having dinner with a friend.
Peter: ..............................................................................................................?
Fred: I go to evening class on Tuesdays.
Peter: ..............................................................................................................?
Fred: Yeah, I'll give you a call.
Peter: ..............................................................................................................

Mid-Year Revision Sheet / Grade 8

73 First Term – 2019-2020

Complete the following dialogue.

Mark: ………………………………………………………………………….?
Meg: I am happy because I bought a new mobile phone.
Mark: ………………………………………………………………………….?
Meg: It costs about one thousand pound.
Mark: ………………………………………………………………………….?
Meg: Yes, I can use it very easily.
Mark: …………………………………………………………………………. .
Meg: Thanks.

Complete the following dialogue.

Fatma: What were you doing yesterday?
Manal: ……………………………………………………………………… .
Fatma: Was the book interesting?
Manal: ……………………………………………………………………… .
Fatma: ……………………………………………………………………….?
Manal: Yes, sure. I will give it to you once I finish it.
Fatma: ……………………………………………………………………….
Manal: You're welcome

Mid-Year Revision Sheet / Grade 8

74 First Term – 2019-2020

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