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OCTOBER 4, 5, 6, 1963


Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
The One Hundred Thirty-third Semi-annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Thirty- Third Semi- ings from Coast to Coast and in Alaska
Annual Conference of the Church of and Canada.
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was President David O. McKay was pres-
held in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, ent and presided at each of the sessions
Utah, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and conducted the services of each
October 4, 5, and 6, 1963. meeting.
The general sessions of the Conference A full report of the Sunday morning
were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and the is included in this record, as is also a

General Priesthood meeting was held in full account of Columbia Broadcasting

the Tabernacle Saturday evening, Octo- System's Church of the Air program.
ber 5, at 7:00 p.m. (See pages 127 to 132.)
All general sessions of the Conference Elder Joseph Anderson was Clerk of
were broadcast to overflow gatherings the Conference.
in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square,
over a loudspeaking system and by tele- General Authorities of the Church
vision. Additional thousands listened to Present
the services on the Tabernacle Grounds
by means of amplifying equipment. The First Presidency: David O. Mc-
The proceedings were broadcast and Kay, Hugh B. Brown, 1 Nathan Eldon
telecast over Station KSL and KSL-TV, Tanner. 2
and by arrangement through KSL to the The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
largest world-wide audience in the his- Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
tory of the Church. The proceedings Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,
were disseminated over many radio and Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley,
television stations from Coast to Coast Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Richards,
in the United States, in Hawaii; also Richard L. Evans, Howard W. Hunter,
television stations in Canada released Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S.
portions of the Conference sessions. Monson. 3
The Conference proceedings were re- Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G.
leased over international short-wave sta- Smith.
tion WRUL and carried in English to Assistants to the Twelve Apostles:
Europe, Africa, Central and South Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen,
America, and parts of Asia. Spanish John Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Henry
translations were broadcast to Central D. Taylor, William J. Critchlow, Jr.,
and South America and to Mexico and Alvin R. Dyer, Franklin D. Richards,
the Caribbean area. For the first time
short-wave transmissions included Ger- President Hugh B. Brown was sustained as First
Counselor in the First Presidency, succeeding President
man and Portuguese translations. The Henry D. Moyle, who passed away September 18,
various sessions of the Conference were 1963.
Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner of the Council of the
also rebroadcast over KSL the follow- Twelve was sustained as Second Counselor in the First
ing morning. Presidency, succeeding President Hugh B. Brown who
was sustained as First Counselor.
The General Priesthood meeting was a
Elder Thomas S. Monson was sustained as a mem-
relayed by closed circuit to members of ber of the Council of the Twelve Apostles to fill the
vacancy caused by the appointment of Elder Nathan
the Priesthood gathered in the Assembly Eldon Tanner as Second Counselor in the First
Hall and in 370 other separate gather- Presidency.
Thorpe B. Isaacson, Boyd K. Packer, Members of the Church Board of Edu-
Bernard P. Brockbank. cation and Chancellor of the Church
The First Council of the Seventy: 5 , School System, Directors and Associate
Antoine R. Ivins, Seymour Dilworth Directors of Institute, and Seminary
Young, 6 \ 8 9
, , .
Presidents of Stakes and their Coun-
Presiding Bishopric: John H. Vanden-
selors, Presidents of Temples, Patriarchs,
berg, Robert L. Simpson, Victor L.
and quorum presidencies and mem-
bers of the Melchizedek and Aaronic
Auxiliary Officers, General, Stake, and
General Officers and Other Ward, from all parts of the Church.
Authorities Present a
Elder Theodore M. Burton presiding over the Euro-
pean Mission.
5 Elder Levi Edgar Young absent because of illness.
Church Historian and Recorder: Jo- 6 Elder
Milton R. Hunter absent because of illness.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie presiding over the South-
seph Fielding Smith, and assistants: A. em Australian Mission.
William Lund and Preston Nibley. 8 Elder Marion
D. Hanks presiding over the British
Members of the General Welfare BElder A. Theodore Tuttle presiding over the South
Committee, Church Welfare Program. American Mission.
The opening session of the One Hun- of the West European Mission, is here
dred Thirty-Third Semi-Annual Confer- with us this morning, having returned
ence of The Church of Jesus Christ of to Salt Lake City to undergo surgery.
Latter-day Saints convened in the Tab- He is recuperating under doctor's orders
ernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake before returning to the mission field.
City, Utah, Friday morning, October 4, The others who are absent are: Elder
1963, at 10:00 a.m., with President Theodore M. Burton, Assistant to the
David O. McKay presiding and con- Twelve, presiding over the European
ducting. Mission; Elders Bruce R. McConkie,
The Relief Society Singing Mothers Marion D. Hanks, A. Theodore Tuttle
from the Phoenix-Mesa (Arizona) area of the First Council of Seventy are pre-
furnished the choral music for this ses- siding over the Southern Australian,
sion. Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen British and South American Missions re-
was the conductor. Elder Frank W. spectively. Elders Levi Edgar Young
Asper, Tabernacle Organist, was the and Milton R. Hunter are absent be-
accompanist. cause of illness.
We miss the presence of President
President David O. McKay: Henry D. Moyle, who passed away
September 18, 1963. I like to think he
Quoting a stanza from a hymn the pio- will be listening in here with us this
neers used to sing: morning.
You will be interested in knowing
"How swift the months have passed that by radio and television broadcast-
away ing the proceedings of this Conference
'Tis Conference again will reach the largest world-wide audi-
And Zion's untold thousands come ence in the history of the Church. KSL
To hear the welcome strain." Radio and Television will broadcast all
sessions of the Conference, and will be
joined by many other stations in carry-
This is the opening session of the One
ing all or parts of the Conference. The
Hundred Thirty-Third Semi-Annual
proceedings will be widely disseminated
Conference of The Church of Jesus
over many radio and television stations
Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are
from Coast to Coast in the United
convened in the historic Salt Lake Tab-
States, in Hawaii; also television sta-
ernacleon Temple Square.
tions in Canada will be releasing por-
During the past two days, approxi-
tions of the Conference sessions.
mately 9,000 women of the Relief So-
ciety have held their annual conference For the fourth consecutive time Con-
meetings in this building. We are ference sessions will be released over
deeply grateful for the service rendered international short-wave station WRUL,
by the members of this great organiza- with its five short-wave transmitters
tion. Weexpress sincere appreciation to near Boston, Massachusetts, by way of
the General Presidency and members of its New York Studios. WRUL
will carry
the General Board for their devotion and the Conference in English to Europe,
service. God bless them as they con- Africa, Central and South America, parts
tinue to inspire and instruct the women of Asia. Spanish translations will also
of the Church. be broadcast to Central and South
All of the General Authorities are in America and to Mexico and the Carib-
attendance at this Conference excepting bean area. For the first time short-wave
those who are presiding over foreign transmissions will include German and
missions. Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Portuguese translations.
Council of the Twelve, who is President This is a great age in which we live,
Friday, October 4 First Day
and we express our thanks and gratitude the Northeast British Mission: "The
to an overruling Providence for having missionaries and members of the North-
inspired inventors and scientists through- east British Mission send their love and
out passing time, and especially during best wishes for another glorious Confer-
the past 100 years. We express appre- ence. The work is rapidly moving for-
ciation to the dedicated men and ward, and we are pleased to report all
women who have applied these inven- is well."

tions and discoveries for the guidance, From President and Sister Fred W.
convenience and blessing of mankind. Schwendiman, New Zealand South Mis-
Now, because of their service and dedi- sion: "Greetings and love to the Church
cation, we are able to transmit in a Authorities and members assembled in
brief period of time the glad tidings of General Conference from missionaries
the gospel to millions throughout the and members of the New Zealand
world. South Mission."
We are deeply appreciative of all the Weespecially welcome, and are grate-
men who are assisting the Church to- ful for the presence of our stake presi-
day in its effort to disseminate the gospel dencies, temple presidents, bishoprics,
to the peoples of the earth. high councilmen, general auxiliary offi-

To all to those gathered here in the cers, and other general officers of the
Tabernacle, to the overflow gatherings Church, many of whom have traveled
in the Assembly Hall, to the radio and long distances to be in attendance at
television audiences —
in behalf of the this Conference.
First Presidency, the Council of the I am sure you will be pleased to wel-
Twelve, and the other General Authori- come, as I am, men of the nation and
ties, I extend a cordial and hearty of the state holding prominent posi-
welcome. tions. The following are now seen
Any important messages that come to before me:
us for persons attending the Conference
Senator Wallace F. Bennett, United
will be announced at the dismissal of
States Senator;Congressman Sherman P.
the meetings over the public address Lloyd, U. S. Congressman; Ralph Hard-
system on the grounds. ing, Congressman from Idaho; George
These lovely flowers have been ar- Dewey Clyde, Governor of the State of
ranged on the rostrum by our Church Utah; Lamont F. Toronto, Secretary of
gardeners under the direction of Brother State; Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, Presi-
Irvin T. Nelson. Thank you, brethren,
dent of Brigham Young University; Dr.
for this thoughtful service. A. Ray Olpin, President of the Univer-
We announce that the
are pleased to sity of Utah; Dr. Daryl Chase, President
Relief Society Singing Mothers from the of the Utah State University; Dr. John
Phoenix-Mesa (Arizona) area, with L. Clarke, President of Ricks College;
Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen as Dr. William P. Miller, President of
their conductor, will furnish the music Weber College; Dr. Howard McDonald,
for the sessions today. Elder Frank W. formerly of the City College of Los
Asper will be at the organ. We are al- Angeles; Dr. Royden C. Braithwaite, Di-
ways happy to have the Relief Society rector of USU
Branch at Cedar City;
Singing Mothers with us, and we extend Dr. Terrel H. Bell, Superintendent of
a cordial welcome to them this morning. Public Instruction; Dr. M. Lynn Ben-
We have received the following tele- nion, Superintendent of Salt Lake City
grams: Public Schools; A Sherman Christenson,
From President and Sister Ned Judge of the Federal Court; Jesse A.
Winder of the Florida Mission: "The Udall, Associate Supreme Judge of Ari-
missionariesand Saints of the Florida zona; and undoubtedly others. We
Mission send greetings and all good welcome you and are glad you share in
wishes to you, the other General Au- this important Conference today.
thorities, and members of the Church Thesinging for this morning's ses-
everywhere as we look forward to sion, as already announced, will be fur-
Conference." nished by the Singing Mothers from the
And from President Grant S. Thorn of Phoenix-Mesa (Arizona) area, with


Sister Madsen conducting and Frank W. Samuel R. Carpenter, formerly president
Asper at the organ. We shall begin of the Central States Mission. The
this session by the Relief Society Sing- Relief Society Singing Mothers will now
ing Mothers rendering "The Heavens favor us with "Open Our Eyes," con-
Are Telling."
ducted by Sister Florence Jcpperson
The invocation will be offered by
Elder Samuel R. Carpenter, formerly Madsen.
president of the Central States Mission.
Singing by the Relief Society Singing
The Relief Society Singing Mothers Mothers, "Open Our Eyes."
sang, "The Heavens Are Telling," fol-
lowing which the invocation was offered
by Elder Samuel R. Carpenter, formerly President David O. McKay:
president of the Central States Mission.
Madsen and you Singing Moth-
President David O. McKay: ers, you have inspired thousands, tens
of —
thousands perhaps millions by —
The invocation was offered by Elder that inspiring chorus.


I pray for your sympathy, your prayers, greatest blessing that can be given to
while I say a few words at the opening mortal beings the gift of free agency.
of this great conference. Without this divine power to choose,
"What is man, that thou art mindful humanity cannot progress.
of him? and the son of man, that thou Commenting upon this special en-
visitest dowment, a leading scientist, Dr. Le-
"For thou hast made him a little comte du Nouy in Human Destiny said:
lower than the angels, and hast crowned "By giving man liberty and conscience,
him with glory and honour." (Psalm God abdicated a part of His omnipo-
8:4-5.) tence in favor of His creature and this
Animals and other living things can represents the spark of God in man
grow and reproduce their kind only in ('God is within you'). Liberty is real,
accordance with the fixed laws of nature for God Himself refused to trammel it."
and the divine command, "Let the earth ". .cheer up your hearts," admon-

bring forth the living creature after his ished the ancient prophet, "and remem-
kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and ber that ye are free to act for yourselves."
beast of the earth after his kind: . .
(2 Nephi 10:23.)
(Gen. 1:24.) Freedom of speech, freedom of action
Man, in his physical organism being within boundaries that do not infringe
material and chemical the same as that upon the liberty of others are man's
of the animal, also is subject to the ap- inherent right —divine gifts "essential to
petites, passions, and other cravings of human dignity and human happiness."
the physical body. To him, however, is What a travesty on human nature
given a special endowment not be- when a person or a group of persons,
stowed upon any other living thing. though endov/ed with a consciousness of
When the Creator "breathed into his being able to rise in human dignity to
nostrils the breath of life, and man realms indiscernible by lower creatures,
became a living soul," God gave him yet will still be content to obey ammal
the power of choice. (Ibid., 2:7.) Only instincts, without putting forth efforts
to the human being did the Creator to experience the joy of goodness, purity,
say: ". thou mayest choose for thy-
. . self-mastery, and faith that spring from
self, for it is given unto thee. ." . . compliance to moral rules! How tragic
(Moses 3:17.) As God intended man it is when man, made a "little lower

to become as he, it was necessary that than the angels and crowned with glory
He should make him free.
first and honour" (Psalm 8:5), will content
Thus man was endowed with the himself to grovel on the animal plane.

Friday, October 4 First Day
"This love of liberty which God has them on, and the further they go the
planted in us," said Abraham Lincoln, less able they are to resist it.
"constitutes the bulwark of our liberty "Here is the secret of the unrest, the
and independence. It is not our formi- madness, of many of our contemporaries.
dable battlements, or bristling seacoasts, Having condemned their will to the
or in our Navy. Our defense is in the service of their appetites, they suffer the
spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage penalty. They are delivered up to vio-
of all men in all lands everywhere. lent passions which devour their flesh,
Destroy this spirit, and we have planted crush their bones, suck their blood, and
the seeds of despotism at our own doors." cannot be sated. This is not a lofty
The opposite of freedom is bondage, moral denunciation. I have been lis-
servility, restraint, conditions that in- tening to what life says, and have
hibit mentality, stifle the spirit, and recorded, as I heard them, some of the
crush manhood. To coerce, to compel truths that resound in every square.
to bring the individual into servitude is "Has drunkenness, inventive as it is
the communist plan for the human of new drinks, found the means of
family. quenching thirst? Not at all. It might
Aside from resisting such oppression rather be called the art of making thirst
from without, each individual carries inextinguishable. Frank libertinage, does
within himself the responsibility of liv- it deaden the sting of the senses? No;
ing nobly or ignobly. Daily every it envenoms it, converts natural desire
normal person is faced with the choice into a morbid obsession and makes it
of submission to what Paul designated the dominant passion. Let your needs
the "works of the flesh," (Gal. 5:19) rule you, pamper them you will see —
or of reaching upward for the fruits of them multiply like insects in the sun.
the Spirit, which are "love, joy, peare, The more you give them, the more they
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, demand. He is senseless who seeks
meekness, temperance." (Ibid., 5:22-23.) for happiness in material prosperity
Conditions in the world today seem alone. . . Our needs, in place of the

to indicate that too manv human beings servants that they should be, become a
are living not very far above the animal turbulent and seditious crowd, a legion
plane. Cunning, deception, thieving, of tyrants in miniature. A man enslaved
lying, cruelty, brutality, warring con- to his needs may best be compared to
flicts are still all too common even a bear with a ring in its nose that is
among Christian nations. led about and made to dance at will.
Charles Wagner in The Simple Life The likeness is not flattering, but you
gives impressive warning
this against will grant that it is true.
indulgence in animal desires: "It is only by direct action on youth
"He who lives to eat, drink, sleep, that a better society can be successfully
dress, —
take his walk in short, pamper moulded. All pseudo-mysticisms social, —
himself all that he can be it the — philosophical or political must be re- —
courtier basking in the sun, the drunken placed by the Christian ideal, the only
laborer, the commoner serving his belly, one based on liberty and the respect of
the woman absorbed in her toilettes,
human dignity. When people have re-
ceived the same education, when they
the profligate of low estate or high, or
obey the same moral rules and think
simply the ordinary pleasure-lover, a universally, they do not easily accept
'good fellow,' but too obedient to mate- the idea of fighting each other and are
rial needs that man or woman is on very near an understanding.
the downward way of desire, and the "Today the nations constituted by
descent is fatal. Those who follow it individuals but possessing their own
obey the same laws as a body on an independent life want to exist and con-
inclined plane. Dupes of an illusion centrate all their efforts toward this
forever repeated, they think: 'Just a few goal, sometimes sincerely in the interest
steps more, the last, toward the thing of their members, sometimes solely in
down there that we covet; then we will the interest of their leaders or of what
halt.' But the velocity they gain sweeps the latter believe is an ideal superior
— —


to that of the individual. Governments, poetry, music, flowers, stars, God and
evidently, have the duty to protect their eternal hopes, is to deprive one's self of
countries against enemies, for in so do- the real joy of living.
ing they protect the individual which In man's life, this physical stage, man
they are supposed to represent. But two phases: first in the
finds activity in
they also have the duty to prepare the struggle livelihood and comforts;
future by spreading the light and by and, second in the tendency to grovel.
attacking the roots of the evil." The natural and most commend-
first is
We sing: able. The second is debasing, and
when unrestrained leads one to the level
"In sylvan depth and shade, of animals. When a man harbors the
In forest and in glade, thought that he will obtain a liveli-
Where'er we pass, hood by injuring his neighbor, that mo-
The hand of God we see ment he begins to circumscribe his
In leaf and bud and tree life; bitterness replaces happiness; sor-
Or bird or humming bee didness supplants generosity; hatred
Or blade of grass." takes the place of love, and beastliness
—Emmeline B. Wells takes the place of humanity.
Generally there is in man a divinity
We drive up the canyons and thrill which strives to push him onward and
with the glory of nature bedecked in upward. We believe that this power
the brilliance of her autumn colors and within him is the spirit that comes
find ourselves interested in the story of from God. Man lived before he came
past ages as we pass in rapid succession to this earth, and he is here now to
the everlasting cliffs of conglomerate, strive to perfect the spirit within. At
granite-like strata of gneiss and lime- sometime in every man is con-
his life,
stone or pause with the poet and scious of a desire to come in touch with
pluck a the Infinite. His spirit reaches out for
God. This sense of feeling is universal,
"Flower in the crannied wall, and all men ought to be, in deepest
I pluck you out of the crannies, truth,engaged in the same great work
I hold you here, root and all, in my the search for and the development of
hand, spiritualpeace and freedom.
Little flower—but if I could understand Each one of us is the architect of
What you are, root and all, and all his own fate, and he is unfortunate in-
in all, deed who will try to build himself
I should know what God and man is." without the inspiration of God; without
Tennyson — realizing that he grows from within,
not from without.
But earth in majesty and won-
all its Trees that can stand in the midst of
der is not the end and purpose of the hurricane often yield to the destroy-
creation. ". my glory," says the Lord
. .
ing pests that we can scarcely see with
himself, "(is) to bring to pass the im- a microscope. Likewise the greatest
mortality and eternal life of man." foes of humanity today are the subtle
(Moses 1:39.) And man in exercising and sometimes unseen influences at
the divine gift of free agency should feel work in society that are undermining
in duty bound, should sense the obliga- the manhood and womanhood of today.
tion to assist the Creator in the The test, after all, of the faithfulness
accomplishment of this divine purpose. and effectiveness of God's people is an
The true end of life is not mere exist- individual one. What is the indi-
ence, not pleasure, not fame, not wealth.
vidual doing?
The true purpose of life is the perfection Every temptation that comes to you
of humanity through individual effort,
under the guidance of God's inspiration. and me comes in one of three forms:
Real life is response to the best within (1) A temptation of the appetite or
us. To be alive only to appetite, plea- passion;
money-making, and not to
sure, pride, (2) A yielding to pride, fashion, or
goodness and kindness, purity and love, vanity;
Friday, October 4 First Day

(3) A desire for worldly riches or ings of the Holy Spirit,and continue
power and dominion over lands or to do so, happiness will your soul.

earthly possessions of men. If you vary from it and become con-

Such temptations come to us in our scious that you have fallen short of
social gatherings; theycome to us in what you know is right, you are going
our political strivings; they come to us to be unhappy even though you have
in our business relations, on the farm, the wealth of the world.
in the mercantile establishment; in our And now a word to the young:
dealings in all the affairs of life we In their yearning for a good time,
find these insidious influences working. young people are often tempted to in-
It iswhen they manifest themselves to dulge in the things which appeal only
the consciousness of each individual that to the baser side of humanity, five of
the defense of truth should exert itself. the most common of which are: first,
The Church teaches that life here is vulgarity and obscenity; second, drink-
probationary. It is man's duty to be- ing and petting; third, unchastity;
come the master, not the slave of nature. fourth, disloyalty; and, fifth, irreverence.
His appetites are to be controlled and Vulgarity is often the first step down
used for the benefit of his health and the road to indulgence. To be vulgar is
the prolongation of his life his pas-— to give offense to good taste or re-
sions mastered and controlled for the fined feelings.
happiness and blessing of others. It is only a step from vulgarity to
Man's greatest happiness comes from obscenity. It is right, indeed essential,
losing himself for the good of others. to the happiness of our young people
The advancement of science and the that they meet in social parties, but it
new discoveries from the dawn of his- is an indication of low morals when
tory to the present are the results of the for entertainment they must resort to
efforts of men who have been willing physical stimulation and debasement.
to sacrifice themselves if necessary for Drinking and petting parties form an
the cause of truth. environment in which the moral sense
"What pains and tears the slightest becomes dulled, and unbridled passion
step forward of man's progress have holds sway. It then becomes easy to
cost! Every hair-breadth forward has take the final step downward in
been in the agony of some soul, and moral disgrace.
humanity has attained blessing after When,instead of high moral princi-
blessing of all its vast achievement of ples, a life of immoral indulgence is
good with bleeding feet." chosen, and man or woman gets far
We must not lose sight of the fact, down in the scale of degeneracy, dis-
however, that these great leaders of the loyalty is an inevitable part of his or
world were more than compensated by her nature. Lovalty to parents becomes
the supreme joy that comes from quenched; obedience to their teachings
achievement. and ideals abandoned; loyalty to wife
Today there are those who have met and children smothered in base gratifi-
disaster which almost seems defeat, cation; loyalty to Church impossible,
who have become somewhat soured in and often supplanted by sneers at
their natures; but if they stop to think, its teachings.
even the adversity which has come to is the consciousness of vic-
them may prove a means of spiritual tory over self and of communion with
uplift. Adversity itself may lead to- the Infinite. Spirituality impels one to
ward and not away from God and conquer difficulties and acquire more
spiritual enlightenment; and privation and more strength. To feel one's
may prove a source of strength if we faculties unfolding and truth expanding
can but keep the sweetness of mind and the soul isone of life's sublimest experi-
spirit. "Sweet are the uses of adversity," ences. Being true to self and being
said Shakespeare, "which, like the toad, loyal to high ideals develops spirituality.
ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious The real test of any religion is the kind
jewel in his head." of man it makes. Being "honest, true,
If you have lived true to the prompt- chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in
— —


doing good to men"

are virtues
all That is the kind of men who stand
which contribute to the highest acquisi- at the head of our stakes, wards, quo-
tion of the soul. It is the "divine in rums, and organizations. That is a
man, the supreme, crowning gift that responsibility they carry. God help
makes him king of all created things, them in discharging their duty faithfully
the one final quality that makes him and responding to our Father in heaven
tower above all other animals." who says, ". . this is my glory
. to —
Let us ever keep in mind that life is bring to pass the immortality and eter-
largely what we make it, and that the nal life of man." (Moses 1:39.)
Savior of men has marked clearly and God help us as leaders in the restored
plainly just how joy and peace may Church, I pray in the name of Jesus
be obtained. It is in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ and adherence thereto. Do your
duty no matter how humble and re- President David O. McKay:
solve even in the face of difficulties
and discouragements to be: President Hugh B. Brown will now
present for your acceptance the Gen-
"Like the man who faceswhat he must eral Authorities and officers of the
With step triumphant and a heart of Church and General Auxiliary Asso-
cheer; ciations.
Who fights the daily battle without
fear; President Hugh B. Brown:
Sees his hopes fail, yet keeps unfaltering
trust Brethren and sisters, it is now our
That God is God." privilege as members of the Church to
vote on the General Authorities, General
Years ago I learned that Officers and General Auxiliary Officers
of the Church. This is not a mere
"The world wants men —true men formality, but is a right given by
Who cannot be bought or sold; revelation.
Men who will scorn to violate truth It is now proposed that we sustain
genuine gold." the following:


The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Hugh Brown, First Counselor in the First Presidency.
Nathan Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney

Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter
Mark E. Petersen Gordon B. Hinckley
Delbert L. Stapley Thomas S. Monson
Friday, October 4 First Day
Patriarch to the Church
Eldred G. Smith

The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch
to the Church as Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne Alvin R. Dyer
EIRay L. Christiansen Franklin D. Richards
John Longden Theodore M. Burton
Sterling W. Sill Thorpe B. Isaacson
Henry D. Taylor Boyd K. Packer
William J. Critchlow, Jr. Bernard Park Brockbank


David O. McKay

as Trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The First Council of the Seventy

Levi Edgar Young Bruce R. McConkie

Antoine R. Ivins Marion D. Hanks
Seymour Dilworth Young Albert Theodore Tuttle
Milton R. Hunter

Presiding Bishopric

John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop

Robert L. Simpson, First Counselor
Victor L. Brown, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund and

Preston Nibley as Assistants.


Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor

with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

George R. Hill, General Superintendent

David Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent
Lynn S. Richards, Second Assistant Superintendent

with all members of the Board as at present constituted.


Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

G. Carlos Smith, Jr., General Superintendent

Marvin J. Ashton, First Assistant Superintendent
Carl W. Buehner, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President

Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Porter Holt, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association

LaVern Watts Parmley, President

Leone Watson Doxey, First Counselor
Lucile Cardon Reading, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Church Board of Education

David O. McKay LeGrand Richards
Hugh B. Brown Richard L. Evans
Nathan Eldon Tanner Howard W. Hunter
Joseph Fielding Smith Gordon B. Hinckley
Harold B. Lee Thomas S. Monson
Spencer W. Kimball Boyd K. Packer
Ezra Taft Benson Marion D. Hanks
Mark E. Petersen Albert Theodore Tuttle
Delbert L. Stapley John H. Vandenberg
Marion G. Romney

Chancellor of the Church School System

Ernest L. Wilkinson

Church Finance Committee

Orval W. Adams
Harold H. Bennett
Wilford G. Edling
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt



Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards

Delbert L. Stapley Howard W. Hunter
Marion G. Romney Alma Sonne
Friday, October 4 First Day
EIRay L. Christiansen John H. Vandenberg
John Longden Robert L. Simpson
Henry D. Taylor Victor L. Brown
Antoine R. Ivins
and the General Presidency of Relief Society

General Church Welfare Committee

John H. Vandenberg, Chairman
Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director

Paul C. Child Walter Stover

Mark B. Garff A. Lewis Elggrcn
William T. Lawrence Donald Ellsworth
Lorenzo H. Hatch Casper H. Parker
Walter Dansie Alfred B. Smith
LeRoy A. Wirthlin

Tabernacle Choir

Isaac M.
Stewart, President
Theodore L. Cannon, Vice President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
W. Jack Thomas, Tour Manager


Alexander Schreiner
Frank W. Asper
Roy M. Darley
President Hugh B. Brown:

President McKay, as far as I can ob- join in singing, "We Thank Thee, O
serve, the voting is entirely unanimous God, For A Prophet," after which we
in the affirmative. shall hear from President Nathan Eldon
Tanner, Second Counselor in the First
President David O. McKay: Presidency.

Thank you, brethren and sisters, for

your unanimous sustaining of the Au- The Singing Mothers Chorus and the
thorities. congregation sang the hymn, "We
The Choir and congregation will now Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet."
Second Counselor in the First Presidency

My beloved President David O. McKay, will attend me as I stand before you

President Brown, and brothers and this morning.
sisters: It is with great difficulty and a I am sure that my call to this position
feeling of deep humility that I stand must have been a shock to many of you,
before you in response to this high as it is to me. It is certainly another
honor and heavy responsibility that has evidence of the fact that God moves in a
been bestowed upon me, one of thy mys'erious way, his wonders to perform.
most humble servants, the weakest and Only because these, my colleagues,
least prepared of all. I humbly pray have such a strong testimony that we
that the spirit and blessings of the Lord are led by a prophet of God can they

sustain me in this position. I humbly testimony becomes that he is a prophet

'pray that as they sustain the prophet of God.
in his decision that they, knowing my It is with sadness that I mention the
weakness, will continue to pray for me absence of our beloved friend and col-
and give of their strength which I need league, President Henry D. Moyle,
so badly, and with that assurance, my whom we all miss so much, and whose
brothers and sisters, I can humbly say as passing makes these changes necessary.
did Nephi of old: His family, his friends, his Church, his
"I will go and do the things which community, and his country have suf-
the Lord hath commanded, for I know fered a tremendous loss. He was a lov-
that the Lord giveth no commandments ing husband and father, a true and
unto the children of men, save he shall loyal friend, a thoughtful neighbor, a
prepare a way for them that they may devoted member and capable leader of
accomplish the thing which he com- the Church. He was always working
mandeth them." (1 Nephi 3:7.) for the good of his country and the
I humbly thank you all for your con- betterment of mankind. I wish to ex-
fidence and sustaining vote, and pledge press my love and sympathy to Sister
to all of you and to these, my brethren Moyle and her family and pray that
and colleagues, whom I love so much, the Spirit of the Lord will accompany
and whom I sustain with all my heart, and strengthen them and give them
and to you, President McKay, as the courage to carry on.
Lord's representative, and to God him- At this time, I should like to welcome
self,everything with which the Lord Brother Thomas Monson, whom I sus-
has blesjed me for the building up of tain with all my heart.
the kingdom of God. I have not words to express my deep

I thank God formy loyal and devoted love for the Lord and my
gratitude to
wife and family whom I love so much him for his many blessings unto me and
and who have always sustained and mine, and I sincerely pray for his con-
strengthened me with their inspira- tinued guidance and strength, as I try
tion, loyalty, faith, and prayers and to serve him. And I wish to pledge with
who will continue to sustain me in this you again that my life and all that I
new calling. have will be completely devoted to the
I thank my Heavenly Father for the service of my Maker and to my fellow
wonderful privilege that I have had of men, always with a prayer in my heart
associating with these fine men, for the that he will give me wisdom and knowl-
influence they have had in my life and edge, courage and strength and inspira-
for the encouragement and strength they tion and determination and ability to
have given me. And I thank God for the keep his commandments and serve in a
signal privilege I have had of associating way that will be acceptable to him.
so closely with, and feeling the great Again I appeal to each and every one
spirit and influence of, our beloved Pres- of you to exercise your faith and prayers
ident David O. McKay. All that has in my behalf that I might lose myself

been written and said about him, as in his service and go forward with an
eye single to his glory.
he has just passed his ninetieth birthday,
I wish to bear my testimony that I
does not and cannot portray the great-
know that God lives, that Jesus is the
ness of him who has been chosen as a
Christ who gave h's life for you and me;
prophet of God and who is now Presi- that this is his Church and kingdom;
dent of The Church of Jesus Christ of that we have at the head of our Church
Latter-day Saints —
the kingdom of God this day a prophet of God who is led
here upon the earth. It is impossible to by him, and through whom we are led
appreciate or estimate the tremendous in the paths of truth and righteousness.
influence for good that he has exerted May we follow him, knowing that we
upon mankind. The closer that one
all will be led into immortality and eternal
is to him, and the more he is permitted life, I humbly pray in the name of the
to associate with him, the stronger one's Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Friday, October 4 First Day

President David O. McKay: Council of the Twelve. He will now

please come forward. Elder Monson
Our next speaker will be Elder will be followed by Elder Ezra Taft
Thomas Spencer Monson, whom you Benson, who will be our concluding
have just sustained as a member of the speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Brown, and my associates at the Deseret News

President Tanner, my brethren, and with whom I have so closely worked
brothers and sisters, from the depths of these past fifteen years.
humility, and with an overwhelming I know that God lives, my brothers
sense of inadequacy, I stand before you and sisters. There is no question in
and pray earnestly for your prayers in my mind. I know that this is his work,
my behalf. and I know that the sweetest experience
All of us are saddened by the loss of in all this life is to feel his promptings
President Henry D. Moyle. I also miss as he directs us in the furtherance of
the presence of President J. Reuben his work. I have felt these promptings
Clark, Jr., and President Stephen L as a young bishop, guided to the homes
Richards who served in the First where there was spiritual, or perhaps
Presidency. temporal, want. I felt it again in the
Some years ago I stood at a pulpit mission field as I worked with your sons
and noticed a little sign that only the —
and your daughters the missionaries of
speaker could see, and the words on that this great Church who are a living wit-
sign were these: "Who stands at this ness and testimony to the world that
pulpit, let him be humble." How I this work is divine and that we are
pray to my Heavenly Father that I led by a prophet.
might never forget the lesson I learned I think of a little sister, a French-
that day! Canadian sister, whose life was changed
I feel to thank my Heavenly Father by the missionaries as her spirit was
for his many blessings to me. I am touched as she said good-bye to me and
grateful to have been born of goodly my wife two years ago in Quebec. She
parents, whose parents were gathered said, "President Monson, I may never
out of the lands of Sweden and Scotland see the prophet. I may never hear the
and England by humble missionaries, prophet. But President, far better, now
who through the bearing of their testi- that I am a member of this Church,
monies touched the spirits of these I can obey the prophet."
wonderful people. My prayer today, President
I am so grateful for my
teachers and McKay, that I might always obey
leaders in my boyhood and young man- you and my brethren. I pledge
hood in a humble, pioneer ward in a my life, all that I may have. I will
humble, pioneer stake. I am grateful strive to the utmost of my ability to
for my sweet companion and for the be what you would want me to be. I
influence for good which she has had am grateful for the words of Jesus
upon my life, and to her dear mother Christ, our Savior, when he said:
who had the courage in far-off Sweden "I stand at the door and knock. If
to accept the gospel and to come to this any man hear my voice and open the
country. I am so happy that the Lord door, I will come in to him. ." . .

has blessed us with three fine children, (Rev. 3:20.)

our youngest born to us in the mission I earnestly pray, my brothers and
field in Canada. I am grateful for sisters, that my life might merit this
these blessings. I am grateful for my promise from our Savior. In the name
friends and for O. Preston Robinson of Jesus Christ. Amen.

President David O. McKay: Twelve. Take your place, Brother

He to whom you have just listened is We shall now hear from Elder Ezra
Elder Thomas Spencer Monson, the Taft Benson of the Council of the
newest member of the Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Humbly and gratefully I approach you the will of the Father by selecting
today. Humble in the awesome task Judas. President George Q. Cannon
of speaking to you —
grateful for the
gospel and a prophet at our head. I
an explanation, too, when he

concur in this great address on man "Perhaps it is His own design that
and free agency given by the Lord's faults and weaknesses should appear in
mouthpiece. President McKay will go high places in order that His Saints
down in eternity as one of the great may learn to trust in Him and not in
champions of free men. any man or men." (Millennial Star
Years ago my great-grandfather, 53:658-659. February 15, 1891.)
while an investigator, attended a Mor- And this would parallel Lehi's warn-
mon meeting during which a member ing; put not your ". trust in the arm
. .

had a quarrel over the Sacrament table of flesh " (2 Nephi 4:34.)
with the branch president. When the "The Church," says President McKay,
service was over, Mrs. Benson turned to if at all, injured by persecu-
"is little,
Ezra T. and asked him what he thought tion and calumnies from ignorant, mis-
of the Mormons now. I'll always be informed, or malicious enemies." (The
grateful for his answer. He said he Instructor. February 1956, p. 33.)
thought the actions of its members in It is from within the Church that the
no way altered the truth of Mormon- greatest hindrance comes. And so, it
ism. That conviction saved him from seems, it Now the question
has been.
many a tragedy. Before joining the arises, we
stick with the kingdom
Church, Grandfather was moved by a and can we
avoid being deceived? Cer-
marvelous prayer of Apostle John tainly this is an important question,
E. Page. for the Lord has said that in the last
But later the young convert was days the devil will "rage in the hearts
greatly shocked by the same man whose of . men," (2 Nephi 28:20) and if it
. .

actions reflected his gradual apostasy. were, possible he shall "deceive the
when Elder Page even-
Ironically, very elect." (See Joseph Smith 1:5-37.)
tuallywas excommunicated, Brigham "The adversary," said Brigham Young,
Young selected the young convert to "presents his principles and arguments
fill Elder Page's place in the Quorum of in the most approved style, and in the
the Twelve. most winning tone, attended with the
Six of the original Twelve Apostles most graceful attitudes; and he is very
selected by Joseph Smith were excom- careful to ingratiate himself into the
municated. The Three Witnesses to favour of the powerful and influential
the Book of Mormon left the Church. of mankind, uniting himself with popu-
Three of Joseph Smith's Counselors fell lar parties, floating into offices of trust
— one even helped plot his death. and emolument by pandering to popu-
A natural question that might arise lar feeling, though it should seriously
would be, that if the Lord knew in ad- wrong and oppress the innocent. Such
vance that these men would fall, as he characters put on. the manners of an
undoubtedly did, why did he have his angel, appearing as nigh like angels of
Prophet call them to such high office? light as they possibly can, to deceive
The answer is; to fill the Lord's pur- the innocent and the unwary. The good
poses. For even the Master followed which they do, they do it to bring to
Friday, October 4 First Day

pass an evil purpose upon the good agency, he has them well on the way
and honest followers of Jesus Christ." to captivity.
(JD 11, 238-239.) "We who hold the priesthood must
Those of us who think ". all is . . beware concerning ourselves, that we
well in Zion ." (2 Nephi 28:21) in
. . do not fall into the traps he lays to
spite of Book of Mormon warning rob us of our freedom. must be We
might ponder the words of Heber C. careful that we are not led to accept
Kimball when he said, "Yes, we think or support inany way any organization,
we are secure here in the chambers of cause or measure which, in its remotest
these everlasting hills but I want to
. . . effect, would jeopardize free agency,
say to you, my brethren, the time is whether it be in politics, government,

coming when we will be mixed up in religion, employment, education, or any

these now peaceful valleys to that ex- other field. It is not enough for us to
tent that it will be difficult to tell the be sincere in what we support. We
face of a Saint from the face of an must be right!"
enemy against the people of God. Then Elder Romney then some
is the time to look out for the great tests to distinguish the true from the
sieve, for there will be a great sifting counterfeit. Now this is crucial for us
time, and many will fall. For I say to know, for as President [John] Taylor
unto you there is a test, a Test, a TEST said, "Besides the preaching of the
coming." (Heber C. Kimball, 1856. Gospel, we have another mission, name-
Quoted by J. Golden Kimball, Con- ly, the perpetuation of the free agency
ference Report, October 1930, pp. 59-60.) of man and the maintenance of liberty,
One of the greatest discourses that I freedom, and the rights of man."
have ever heard or read on how to (JD 23, 63.)
avoid being deceived was given from It was the struggle over free agency

this pulpit during the priesthood ses- that divided us before we came here;
sion of the October, 1960 semiannual it may well be the struggle over the
conference by Elder Marion G. Romney. same principle which will deceive and
(Ibid., October 1960, 73-75.) I com- divide us again.
mend it to you for your close study May I suggest three short tests to
and wish that there were time to re- avoid being deceived, both pertaining
read it. During the talk Elder Romney to this freedom struggle and all other
stated that there was no guarantee that matters.
the devil will not deceive a lot of men 1. What do the standard works have
who hold the priesthood. Then, after to say about it? "To the law and to
referring to a talk on free agency by the testimony: if they speak not accord-
President McKay, Elder Romney states, ing to this word, it is because there is
". Free agency is the principle against
. .
no light in them," said Isaiah. (Isa.
which Satan waged his war in heaven. 8:20.) This is one of the great truths
It is still the front on which he makes of Isaiah so important that it was in-
his most and persistent
furious, devious, cluded in the Book of Mormon scrip-
attacks. That this would be the case tures. There it reads: "To the law and
was foreshadowed by the Lord. ." . . to the testimony; and if they speak not
And then after quoting the scripture according to this word, it is because
from the Pearl of Great Price regarding there is no light in them." (2 Nephi
the war in heaven over free agency 18:20.) And Hosea said, "My people are
(Moses 4:1-4) Elder Romney continues: destroyed for lack of knowledge: ." . .

"You see, at the time he was cast (Hos. 4:6.)

out of heaven, his objective was (and Wemust diligently study the scrip-
still is) 'to deceive and to blind men, tures. Of special importance to us are
and to lead them captive at his will.' the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine
This he effectively does to as many as and Covenants. Joseph Smith said,
will not hearken unto the voice of God. ". . . that the Book of Mormon was the
His main attack is still on free agency. most correct of any book on earth, and
When he can get men to yield their the keystone of our religion, and a man

would get nearer to God by abiding by words have an even more immediate
its precepts, than by any other book." importance than those of the dead
(DHC 4, 461.) prophets. When speaking under the
The Book of Mormon, Brigham Young influence of the Holy Ghost his words
said, was written on the tablets of his are scripture. (See D&C 68:4.) I com-
heart and no doubt helped save him mend for your reading the masterful
from being deceived. The Book of discourse of President J. Reuben Clark,
Mormon has a lot to say about America, Jr., in the Church News of July 31,
freedom, and secret combinations. 1954, entitled: "When Are Church
The Doctrine and Covenants is im- Leader's Words Entitled to Claim of
portant because it contains the revela- Scripture?"
tions which helped lay the foundation The President can speak on any sub-
of this great latter-day work. It speaks ject he feels is needful for the Saints. As
of many things. Section 134, verse 2, Brigham Young has stated: "I defy any
states that government should hold in- man on earth to point out the path
violate the rights and control of a prophet of God should walk in, or
property. This makes important read- point out his duty, and just how far
ing in a day when government controls he must go, in dictating temporal or
are increasing and people are losing the spiritual things. Temporal and spiritual
right to control their own property. things are inseparably connected, and
2. The second guide is: what do the ever will be." (JD 10, 364.) Other
latter-day Presidents of the Church have officers in the kingdom have fallen but
to say —
on the subject particularly the never the Presidents. Keep your eye
living President? President Wilford on the captain is still good counsel. The
Woodruff related an instance in church words of a living prophet must, and
history when Brigham Young was ad- ever will take precedence.
dressing a congregation in the presence President McKay has said a lot about
of the Prophet Joseph Smith: our tragic trends towards socialism and
"Brother Brigham took the stand, and communism and the responsibilities
he took the Bible and laid it down; he liberty-loving people have in defending
took the Book of Mormon, and laid it and preserving our Constitution. (See
down: and he took the Book of Doctrine Conference Report, April 1963, pp.
and Covenants, and laid it down before 112-113.) Have we read these words
him, and he said, 'There is the written from God's mouthpiece and pondered
word of God to us, concerning the work on them?
of God from the beginning of the world, 3. The third and final test is the
almost, to our day.' 'And now,' said he, Holy Ghost —
the test of the Spirit. By
'when compared with the living oracles, that Spirit we ". .may know the truth

those books are nothing to me; those of all things." (Moroni 10:5.) This test
books do not convey the word of God can only be fully effective if one's chan-
direct to us now, as do the words of a nels of communication with God are
Prophet or a man bearing the Holy clean and virtuous and uncluttered with
Priesthood in our day and generation. I sin. Said Brigham Young:
would rather have the living oracles "You may know whether you are led
than all the writing in the books.' That right orwrong, as well as you know the
was the course he pursued. When he way home; for every principle God has
was through, Brother Joseph said to the revealed carries its own convictions of
congregation: 'Brother Brigham has its truth to the human mind, . . .

told you the word of the Lord, and he "What a pity it would be if we were
has told you the truth'. ." (Confer-
. . led by one man to utter destruction!
ence Report, October 1897, pp. 18-19.) Are you afraid of this? I am more
There is only one man on the earth afraid that this people have so much
today who speaks for the Church. (See confidence in their leaders that they
D&C That man is Presi-
132:7, 21:4.) will not inquire of themselves of God
dent David O. McKay. Because he gives whether they are led by Him. I am
the word of the Lord for us today, his fearful they settle down in a state of
Friday, October 4 First Day

blind self-security, trusting their eternal oppositions brought not only disastrous
destiny in the hands of their leaders results to those who resisted the decision
with a reckless confidence that in itself of the President, but almost always
would thwart the purposes of God in such temporary persuasions were called
their salvation, and weaken that influ- back for reconsideration, or a reversal
ence they could give to their leaders, of hasty action not in accordance with
did they know for themselves, by the the feelings, the inspired feelings, of the
revelations of Jesus, that they are led President of the Church. And that, I
in the right way. Let every man and submit, is one of the fundamental things
woman know, by the whispering of the that we must never lose sight of in the
Spirit of God to themselves, whether building up of the kingdom of God."
their leaders are walking in the path (Conference Report, April, 1963, p. 81.)
that the Lord dictates, or not. This has These then, are the three tests: The
been my exhortation continually." standard works; the inspired words of
(JD 9, 149-150.) the Presidents of the Church, particu-
Elder Heber C. Kimball stated: "The larly the living Presidents; and the
time will come when no man or woman promptings of the Holy Ghost.
will be able to endure on borrowed Now, brothers and sisters, in this great
light."(Orson F. Whitney, Life of Heber struggle for free agency just think what
C. Kimball, 1888 edition 461.) a power for good we could be in this
How then can we know if a man is world if we were united. Remember
speaking by the spirit? The Bible, Book how President Clark used to reiterate
of Mormon, and Doctrine and Cove- in the general priesthood meeting of
nants give us the key. (See D&C 50:17- the Church that there was not a right-
23; 100:5-8; 2 Nephi 33:1; 1 Cor. 2:10- eous thing in this world that we couldn't
11.) President Clark summarized them accomplish if we were just united.
well when he said: And President McKay has reiterated
"We can tell when the speakers are it again and again when he's stated:
moved upon by the Holy Ghost only "Next to being one in worshiping God,
when we, ourselves, are moved upon there is nothing in this world upon
by the Holy Ghost. In a way, this which this Church should be more
completely shifts the responsibility from united than in upholding and defend-
them to us to determine when they so ing the Constitution of the United
speak .the Church will know by
. . States!
the testimony of the Holy Ghost in the "May the appeal of our Lord in His
body of the members, whether the intercessory prayer for unity be realized
brethren in voicing their views are in our homes, our wards, our stakes,
moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and in and in our support of the basic prin-
due time that knowledge will be ciples of our Republic," said President
made manifest." (Church News, July McKay. (The Instructor, February 1956.
31, 1954.) p. 34.)
Willthis Spirit be needed to check To that I say Amen and Amen.
actions in other situations? Yes, and President McKay speaks of a unity on
it could be used as a guide and a pro- principles. President Clark said:
tector for the faithful in a situation "God provided that in this land of
described by Elder Lee at the last gen- liberty, our political allegiance shall
eral priesthood session of the Church run not to individuals, that is, to gov-
when he said: ernment officials, no matter how great
"In the history of the Church there or how small they may be. Under His
have been times or instances where plan our allegiance and the only al-
Counselors in the First Presidency and legiance we owe as citizens or denizens
others in high station have sought to of the United States, runs to our in-
overturn the decision or to persuade the spired Constitution which God Himself
President contrary to his inspired judg- set up. So runs the oath of office of
ment, and always, if you will read those who participate in government.
carefully the history of the Church, such A certain loyalty we do owe to the

office which a man holds, but even question. God

will hold us responsible.
here we owe, just by reason of our Let us not be deceived in the sifting
citizenship, no loyalty to the man him- days ahead. Let us rally together on
self. In other countries it is to the principle behind the prophet as guided
individual that allegiance runs. This by the promptings of the Spirit.
principle of allegiance to the Constitu- We should continue to speak out for
tion is basic to our freedom. It is one freedom and against socialism and com-
of the great principles that distinguishes munism as President McKay has con-
this 'land of liberty' from other sistently admonished us. We should
countries. continue to come to the aid of patriots,
"Thus God added to His priceless programs and organizations which are
blessings to us. trying to save our Constitution through
"I wish to say with all the earnest- every legal and moral means possible.
ness I possess that when you youth and God has not left us in darkness re-
maidens see any curtailment of these garding these matters. We
have the
liberties I have named, when you see scriptures ancient and modern. We
government invading any of these realms have a living prophet, and we may
of freedom which we have under our obtain the Spirit.
Constitution, you will know that they Joseph Smith did see the Father and
are putting shackles on your liberty, and the Son. The kingdom established
that tyranny is creeping upon you, no through the Prophet's instrumentality
matter who curtails these liberties or will roll forth.
who invades these realms, and no mat- We can move forward with it.
ter what the reason and excuse there- That we may all do so and be not
fore may be." (The Improvement Era, deceived is my humble prayer. In the
43, [July 1940] 444.) name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
We all should know by now what
President McKay has said about liberty- President David O. McKay:
loving peoples' greatest responsibility.
We've heard him tell of our drift to- Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
ward socialism and communism. We cil of the Twelve has just spoken to us.
know of his feelings regarding recent The Relief Society Smg ng Mothers;

tragic decisions of the Supreme Court. will now favor us with "If Ye Love Me,
We know the Church's position sup- Keen My Commandments," conducted
porting right to work laws and the by Sister Florence Jepperson Madden.
Church's opposition to programs of The benediction will be offered by
federal aid to education. These and Elder Alex P. Anderson, formerly presi-
many more things has President McKay dent of the New Zealand South Mission,
told us that involve this great struggle after which this Conference will stand
against state slavery and the anti-Christ. adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Now, inasmuch as all these warnings
have come through the only mouth- The Relief Society Singing Mothers
piece of the Lord on the earth today Chorus sang, "If Ye Love Me, Keep My
there is one major question we should Commandments."
ask ourselves. Assuming we are living Elder Alex P. Anderson, formerly pres-
a life so we can know, then what does ident of the New Zealand South Mis-
the Holy Spirit have to say about it? sion, offered the closing prayer.
We are under obligation to answer this Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The second session of the Conference presiding and conducting,
convened at 2:00 p.m., Friday, October The Relief Society Singing Mothers
4, 1963, with President David O. McKay from the Phoenix-Mesa (Arizona) area
Friday, October 4 First Day
furnished the choral numbers for this and best wishes to all at Conference."
session. From President A. Theodore Tuttle
Florence Jepperson Madsen conducted in South America: "The mission presi-
the singing. Frank W. Asper was at dents, members, and missionaries of
the organ console. South America send greetings to all. We
join in praying for an inspirational and
President David O. McKay: successful Conference."

Members of the Church are convened Again, we are favored this afternoon
in the second general session of the
by the presence of the Relief Society
Singing Mothers from the Phoenix-
133rd Semi-Annual Conference of the
Church. Mesa (Arizona) area, with Sister Flor-
ence Jepperson Madsen conducting and
Through the generous cooperation of
Frank W. Asper at the organ.
their owners and managers, a total of
161 television stations and 24 radio
We shall begin these services by the
Relief Society Singing Mothers render-
stations will carry to practically every
state in the Union and to many foreign
ing, "The Lord's Prayer." The invoca-
tion will be offered by Elder Victor
countries the proceedings of some ses-
sions of this Conference. These stations
Bowen, president of the Great Falls
are located from coast to coast. The
names of the stations carrying the pro- The opening selection by the Relief
ceedings of this session were announced Society Singing Mothers was "The
to the television and radio audience just Lord's Prayer." (By Robertson)
prior to the opening of this meeting. Elder Victor Bowen, president of the
We appreciate the courtesy of these Great Falls Stake, offered the opening
owners and managers in broadcasting prayer.
the progress of this Conference.
These services are also being broad- President David O. McKay:
cast in the Assembly Hall by television.
Those who are standing in the door- The invocation just offered was by
ways may possibly find seats in that Elder Victor Bowen, president of the
building. The Tabernacle is filled to Great Falls Stake.
overflowing and probably many thou- The Relief Society Singing Mothers
sands are tuned in on their radios and will now favor us with "Great Is
televisions. To all we extend a hearty Jehovah, The Lord," conducted by Sister
welcome —to our unseen audience and Florence Jepperson Madsen.
to all who are gathered in this great After the singing President Joseph
Tabernacle. Fielding Smith, President of the Coun-
We acknowledge again with appre- cil of the Twelve, will give the opening

ciation the presence of our stake presi- address.

dencies, high councilmen, bishoprics,
temple presidents, general auxiliary offi-
An anthem, "Great Is Jehovah, The
Lord," was sung by the Singing Mothers
cers, patriarchs, and others. We
also a hearty welcome and express
satisfaction and pleasure in the attend- President David O. McKay:
ance of special guests and prominent
men in the nation and state. President Joseph Fielding Smith will
We have received the following be our first speaker. He will be followed
telegrams: by Elder Marion G. Romney of the
From the London Stake "Greetings Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brethren and sisters: it required an effort to have my

The first time it was my privilege to carry to all parts of this Tabernacle and
speak to a congregation in this building be heard. Now when we are privileged

to speak, we
are conscious of the fact is in fulfilment of the promise he made
that our voices may go forth to various to his apostles just preceding his cruci-
parts of this mortal world. This makes fixion, when he declared to them:
the speaker conscious of a grave responsi- "And again this gospel of the King-
bility which rests upon him and the dom shall be preached in all the world,
need of weighing every word. I am for a witness unto all nations, and
grateful for the coming of the Prophet then shall the end come, or the de-
Joseph Smith and the restoration of the struction of the wicked;
gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus "And immediately after the tribula-
Christ in this the greatest of all dispen- tion of those days, the sun shall be

sations the greatest, because it is the darkened, and the moon shall not give
last. I am also made aware of the re- her light, and the stars shall fall from
sponsibility which rests upon us, the heaven, and the powers of heaven shall
elders of Israel, to proclaim the words be shaken.
of eternal life as they have been re- "Verily, I say unto you, this genera-
vealed from the heavens for the bene- tion, in which these things shall be
fit of all the inhabitants of the world. shown forth, shall not pass away until
We are sending missionaries to prac- all I have told you shall be fulfilled."
tically every country on the globe, (Joseph Smith 1:31-34.)
except perhaps one where the lives of The Lord has made great promises
missionaries would be in grave danger through his servants concerning these
and their message misunderstood. This times. To Jeremiah the Lord said in
obligation of declaring the words of speaking of this dispensation:
eternal life devolves upon us by divine "Behold, the days come, saith the
decree, given by the Lord to the Prophet Lord, that I will make a new covenant
Joseph Smith in November 1831 in the with the house of Israel, and with the
following words: house of Judah:
"Hearken, O
ye people of my church, "Not according to the covenant that I
saith the voice of him who dwells on made with their fathers in the day that
high, and whose eyes are upon all I took them by the hand to bring them

men; yea, verily I say: Hearken ye peo- out of the land of Egypt; which my
ple from afar; and ye that are upon covenant they brake, although I was an
the islands of the sea, listen together. husband unto them saith the Lord:
"For verily the voice of the Lord is "But this shall be the covenant that
unto all men, and there is none to I will make with the house of Israel;

escape; and there is no eye that shall After those days, saith the Lord, I will
not see, neither ear that shall not put my law in their inward parts, and
hear, neither heart that shall not write it in their hearts; and will be
be penetrated. their God, and they shall be my people.
"And the rebellious shall be pierced "And they shall teach no more every
with much sorrow; for their iniquities man his neighbour, and every man his
shall be spoken upon the housetops, brother saying, Know the Lord: for
and their secret acts shall be revealed. they shall all know me, from the least
"And the voice of warning shall be of them unto the greatest of them, saith
unto all people, by the mouths of my the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity,
disciples, whom I have chosen in these and I will remember their sin no more."
last days. (Jer. 31:31-34.)
"And they shall go forth and none In order that this prophecy may be
shall stay them, for I the Lord have fulfilled, many members of the Church
commanded them." (D&C 1:1-5.) will need to repent and be more dili-
It is because of this commandment gent in the study of the scriptures and
which the Lord gave to the Church in their prayers and obedience to the
through the Prophet Joseph Smith that laws and commandments of the gospel.
our missionaries are sent to all parts If they fail to do these things they will

of the world. We
are fulfilling the be cut off from the presence of the Lord
edict of the Son of God. Moreover, this in that great day when he shall descend
Friday, October 4 First Day

as Lord of lords and King of kings to he gets knowledge, for if he does not
take his place and sit on his throne to get knowledge, he will be brought into
rule and reign. captivity by some evil power in the
The Prophet Joseph Smith once said: other world, as evil spirits will have
"The great plan of salvation is a theme more knowledge, and consequently more
which ought to occupy our strict atten- power than many men who are on the
tion, and be regarded as one of heaven's earth. Hence it needs revelation to
best gifts to mankind. No consideration assist us, and give us knowledge of the
whatever ought to deter us from show- things of God." (Ibid., 4, 588.)
ing ourselves approved in the sight of How true this statement is. Today
God, according to His divine require- we are troubled by evil-designing per-
ment. Men not unfrequently forget sons who are endeavoring with all their
that they are dependent upon heaven power to destroy the testimonies of
for every blessing which they are per- members of the Church, and many
mitted to enjoy, and that for every op- members of the Church are in danger
portunity granted them they are to give because of lack of understanding and
an account. You know, brethren, that because they have not sought the guid-
when the master in the Savior's parable ance of the Spirit of the Lord. Every
of the stewards called his servants be- baptized member of the Church re-
fore him he gave them several talents ceives the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the
to improve on while he should tarry laying on of hands. This, however,
abroad for a little season, and when will not save them unless they continue
he returned he called for an accounting. in the spirit of light and truth. There-
So it is now. Our Master is absent only fore it is a commandment from the
for a little season, and at the end of it Lord that members of the Church
he will call each to render an account; should be diligent in their activities and
and where five talents were bestowed, study of the fundamental truths of the
ten will be required; and he that has gospel as it has been revealed. The
made no improvement will be cast out Spirit of the Lord will not continue to
as an unprofitable servant, while the strive with the indifferent, with the way-
faithful will enjoy everlasting honors. ward and the rebellious who fail to live

Therefore, we earnestly implore the within the light of divine truth. It is

grace of our Father to rest upon you the privilege of every baptized person
through Jesus Christ his Son that you to have an abiding testimony of the
may not faint in the hour of tempta- restoration of the gospel, but this testi-
tion, nor be overcome in the time of mony will grow dim and eventually
persecution." (DHC 2, 23-24.) disappear unless we are constantly re-
The Prophet Joseph Smith in one of ceiving spiritual good through study,
his discourses said the following: obedience, and diligent seeking to know
". . . If God should speak from heaven, and understand the truth.
he would command you not to steal, not May the Spirit of the Lord be our
to commit adultery, not to covet, nor
constant companion, and may we one
deceive, but be faithful over a few and all be true to our covenants and
things. As far as we degenerate from obligations devolving upon us through
God, we descend to the devil and lose our membership in the Church. May
knowledge, and without knowledge, we
the Lord bless you, in the name of
cannot be saved, and while our hearts
Jesus Christ Amen.
are filled with evil, and we are study-
ing evil, there is no room in our hearts President David O. McKay:
for good, or studying good. Is not God
good? Then you be good; if he is He to whom we have just listened is
faithful, then you be faithful. Add Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, President
to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, of the Twelve. Elder Romney will now
and seek for every good thing. speak to us. He will be followed by
". A man is saved no faster than
. . Elder William J. Critchlow. Jr. ,


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brethren and sisters, I be- transformation, an actual change in

lieve the question most frequently put one's understanding of life's meaning
to the General Authorities is, "Don't and in his allegiance to God in inter- —
you remember me?" Some years ago as est, in thought, and in conduct. While
Sister Romney and I sat near President conversion may be accomplished in
and Sister McKay at an MIA Dance stages, one is not really converted in the
Festival, a beautiful little Primary girl full sense of the term unless and until
worked her way through to get the he is at heart a new person. "Born
President's autograph. "President Mc- again" is the scriptural term.
Kay," she said, "do you remember when In one who is wholly converted, de-
you last saw me?" "No, my dear, I sire for things inimical to the gospel
don't," he said gently, "but it must of Jesus Christ has actually died, and
have been a long time ago." "No, it substituted therefor is a love of God
wasn't," she replied, "it was just last with a fixed and controlling determina-
year in Scotland." tion to keep his commandments. Paul
Perhaps the next most frequently told the Romans that such a one would
asked question is, "Do quick baptisms walk in newness of life. "Know ye
stay as active in the Church as when not," he said, "that so many of us as
more time was taken?" Because the were baptized into Jesus Christ were
meaning of "active" is so indefinite, this baptized into his death?
question is something like Paul's "Therefore we are buried with him by
trumpet of uncertain sound. No firm baptism into death: that like as Christ
answer can be given. However, my was raised up from the dead even. . .

observation is that the percentage of so we also should walk in newness of

activity among so-called "quick bap- life." (Rom. 6:3-4.)
tisms" is about the same as it is among Peter taught that by walking in this
those born to church members in the "newness of life" one escapes "the cor-
stakes. ruption that is in the world through
From the time of Father Adam until lust," and by developing within himself
today some people have been baptized faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance,
almost immediately upon hearing the patience, godliness, brotherly kindness,
gospel. Others have investigated long and charity, he becomes a partaker "of
and studiously. So far as I know, the the divine nature."
Lord has never fixed a time limit. The One who walks in newness of life is
only prerequisite he has prescribed is converted. On the other hand, says
"conversion." Peter, "But he that lacketh these things
It is about conversion and the heal- is blind, and cannot see afar off, and
ing which attends it that I wish to hath forgotten that he was purged from
speak. his old sins." (See 2 Pet. 1:1-9.) Such a
I sincerely pray that the Spirit of the one is not converted, even though he
Lord will be with me and that he will may have been baptized.
put his seal upon the things that I There is a striking example of the
do say. change wrought by conversion in Mor-
Webster says the verb, "convert," mon's account of King Benjamin's fare-
means "to turn from one belief or well address. This sermon was so
course to another." That "conversion" powerful that as Benjamin delivered it
is "a spiritual and moral change attend- the multitude fell to the earth; for ". . .

ing a change of belief with conviction." they . . .viewed themselves in their

As used in the scriptures, "converted" own carnal state, . And they all
. .

generally implies not merely mental cried aloud . O have mercy, and
. .

acceptance of Jesus and his teachings apply the atoning blood of Christ that
but also a motivating faith in him and we may receive forgiveness of our sins,
in his gospel —a faith which works a and our hearts may be purified; for we
Friday, October 4 First Day
believe in Jesus Christ, theSon of God, confess and forsake all his sins—and
. .
(Mosiah 4:2.) he was rejected." (DHC 2, 235.)
Observing their humility, King Ben- Had Mr. Barton obtained membership
jamin continued: "Believe in God; be- in the Church in his then unrepentant
lieve that he is, and that he created all state, it would have availed him nothing
things, believe that he has all
. . . no matter how much he knew about
wisdom, and all power, both in heaven the gospel, because he was not converted.
and in earth; . . . From some of the Savior's sayings it
". believe that ye must repent of
. . would seem that there might even be
your sins and forsake them, and hum- people in high places whose conversion
ble yourselves before God; and ask in is not complete; for example, conversing

sincerity of heart that he would forgive with his apostles at his last supper, he
you; and now, if you believe all these said to Peter, "Simon, Simon, behold,
things see that ye do them." {Ibid., Satan hath desired to have you, that
4:9-10.) he may sift you as wheat:
When he had concluded, he inquired "But I have prayed for thee, that thy
as to whether they believed his words. faith fail not: and when thou art con-
"And they all cried . . . Yea, we be- verted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke
lieve all (thy) and also, we . . . 22:31-32.) From this it would appear
." that membership in the Church and
know of their surety and truth, . .

And why were they so confident? Be- conversion are not necessarily synony-
cause as they said: ". the Spirit of . . mous. Being converted, as we are here
the Lord ... has wrought a mighty using the term, and having a testimony
change in us, or in our hearts, that we are not necessarily the same thing
have no more disposition to do evil, but either. A testimony comes when the
to do good continually. Holy Ghost gives the earnest seeker a
"And (they continued) we are willing witness of the truth. A moving testi-
to enter into a covenant with our God mony vitalizes faith; that is, it induces
to do his will, and to be obedient to repentance and obedience to the com-
his commandments in all things all . . . mandments. Conversion, on the other
the remainder of our days, . .
." (Ibid., hand, is the fruit of, or the reward for,
5:2, 5.) repentance and obedience. (Of course
Although these people seem to have one's testimony continues to increase
been converted rather quickly from a as he is converted.)
"disposition to do evil" to a determina- Conversion is effected by divine for-
tion "to do good continually" all the giveness, which remits sins. The se-
remainder of their days, they evidently quence is something like this. An
fully met the conditions prescribed by honest seeker hears the message. He
the Lord for baptism, when he said: asks the Lord in prayer if it is true. The
". All those who humble themselves
. . Holy Spirit gives him a witness. This
before God, and desire to be baptized, is a testimony. If one's testimony is
and come forth with broken hearts and strong enough, he repents and obeys the
contrite spirits, and witness before the commandments. By such obedience he
church that they have truly repented receives divine forgiveness which remits
of all their sins, and are willing to take sin. Thus he converted to a newness

upon them the name of Jesus Christ, of life. His healed.

spirit is
having a determination to serve him to From what Jesus said at the time he
the end, and truly manifest by their healed the man "sick with the palsy,"
works that they have received of the it would seem that remittance of sins
Spirit of Christ unto the remission of is the therapy which heals and that the

their sins, shall be received by baptism two terms are synonymous. Concern-
into his church." (D&C 20:37.) ing that incident, Luke says, ". the . .

That the Prophet applied these in- power of the Lord was present to
structions strictly is apparent from this heal. . .
." (Ibid., 5:17.) Jesus, recog-
entry July 5, 1835:
in his diary of nizing the faith of the palsied man and
"Michael H. Barton tried to get into his associates, ". said unto him, Man,
. .

the Church, but he was not willing to thy sins are forgiven thee." (Ibid., 5:20.)

For this the Pharisees charged him with be converted, that I may heal you?"
blasphemy, saying within themselves, (3 Nephi 9:13.)
". . . Who
can forgive sins but God? Somebody recently asked how one
. .
." (Ibid., 5:21.) Perceiving their could know when he
is converted. The
thoughts, Jesus said, "Whether is easier, answer simple.
is He may be assured
to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to of it when by
the power of the Holy
say, Rise up and walk?" Then he Spirit his soul is healed. When this
added, "But that ye may know that the occurs, he will recognize it by the way
Son of man hath power upon earth to he feels, for he will feel as the people
forgive sins, (he said to the sick of the of Benjamin felt when they received
palsy), I say unto thee, Arise, and take remission of sins. The record says, . . .

up thy couch, and go into thine house." the Spirit of the Lord came upon them,
(Ibid., 5:23-24.) This, of course, the and they were filled with joy, having
man immediately did. received a remission of their sins, and
In this instance there was a physical having peace of conscience, ." . .

healing. Sometimes there is also a heal- (Mosiah 4:3.)

ing of the nervous system or of the When Alma the younger was con-
mind. But always the remittance of verted he said: "... I could remember
sins which attends divine forgiveness my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed
heals the spirit. This accounts for the up by the memory of my sins no more.
fact that in the scriptures conversion "And oh, what joy, and what marvel-
and healing are repeatedly associated. ous light I did behold; yea, soul my
For example, in 1837 the Lord said was filled with joy as exceeding as was
to Thomas B. Marsh, then President of my pain!
the Quorum of the Twelve, ". pray . . "Yea, I say unto you, my son, that
for thy brethren of the Twelve. Ad- there could be nothing so exquisite and
monish them sharply for my name's so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and
sake, and let them be admonished for again I say unto you, my son, that on
all their sins, . . . the other hand, there can be nothing so
"And after their temptations, and exquisite and sweet as was joy." my
much tribulation, behold. I, the Lord, (Alma 36:19-21.)
will feel after them, and if they harden As a third and final guide, I quote
not their hearts, and stiffen not their from President Joseph F. Smith: "No
necks against me, they shall be con- person can be properly baptized unless
verted, and I will heal them." (D&C he has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
112:12-13. Italics added.) and has repented of his sins, with a re-
Jesus frequently spoke of his healing pentance that need not be repented of.
the converted. Citing Isaiah, he said, But faith comes by hearing the word of
". .this people's heart is waxed gross,
. God. This implies that the candidate
and their ears are dull of hearing, and must be taught. Efficient teaching and
their eyes they have closed; lest at any preparation must precede the ordinance,
time they should see with their eyes, so that the candidate may have a proper
and hear with their ears, and should appreciation and conception of its pur-
understand with their heart, and should poses. The call to baptism, in the mis-
be converted, and I should heal them." sion of our Savior, was always preceded
(Matt. 13:15.) by instructions in the doctrines which
At the opening of his mortal ministry he taught." (The Improvement Era, 14,
he told his fellow townsmen in 266; Gospel Doctrine, Joseph F. Smith,
Nazareth that he had been sent ". . . 7th ed, p. 99.)
to heal the brokenhearted, . .
." Speaking of his own experience, he
(Luke 4:18.) said: "The feeling that came upon me
To the distraught Nephites he thus was that of pure peace, of love and of
spoke out of the awful darkness which light. I felt in my
if I hadsoul that
attended his crucifixion: "O all ye that sinned —
and surely I was not without
are spared because ye were more right- sin —
that it had been forgiven me; that
eous than they, will ye not now return I was indeed cleansed from sin; my
unto me, and repent of your sins, and heart was touched, and I felt that I
Friday, October 4 First Day

would not injure the smallest insect Nevertheless, I know arid solemnly wit-
beneath my feet. I felt as if I wanted ness that there is no other means by
to do good everywhere to everybody which the sin-sick souls of men can be
and to everything. I felt newness of
a healed or for a troubled world to find
life, a newness of desire do that
to peace. I know that the unbelieving
which was right. There was not one will reject this divine way. But this
particle of desire for evil left in my is nothing new. They have been re-
soul. I was but a little boy, it is true, jecting ever since the time of Cain.

when was baptized; but this was the

I They have from the beginning refused
influence that came upon me, and I to accept Christ and his gospel. They
know that it was from God, and was and killed the ancient prophets. They
ever has been a living witness to me of burned Abinadi. They stoned Samuel
my acceptance of the Lord." (April the Lamanite. They crucified the Lord
Conference Report, 1898; Gospel Doc- himself. In our own day they mar-
trine, Joseph F. Smith, 7th ed., p. 96.) tyred Joseph Smith, Jun., the great
As Jesus ministered among the prophet of the restoration. But all that
Nephites, he told them not to admin- has happened in the past has not, and
ister the Sacrament to the unworthy, all that occurs in the future will not,
but to continue laboring with them; change the truth that conversion to
". . for ye know not but what they
. Jesus Christ and his gospel is the one
will return and repent, and come unto and only way; for still it must be said
me with full purpose of heart, and I that "there is none other way given
shall heal them; and ye shall be the
under heaven by which men must be
means of bringing salvation unto them."
Nephi 18:32.)
saved." (See Acts 4:12.) To this I wit-
Getting people's spirits healed through ness in solemn testimony.
conversion is the only way they can be
healed. I know this is an unpopular
President David O. McKay:
doctrine and a slow way to solve the
problems of men and nations. As a Elder Marion G. Romney of the
matter of fact, I am convinced that Council of the Twelve has just spoken
relatively few among the billions of to us. We shall now hear Elder William
earth's inhabitants will be converted. J. Critchlow, Jr., Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Over a score or so of years, I promoted have never seen; I don't really know
and sold something I have never seen; what it is. I have not only never seen
I didn't even know what it was I still — it; I have never heard it; I have never

don't. I have not only never seen it; I smelled it; I have never tasted it; I
have tried assiduously to avoid touch- have never touched it, but on occasions
ing it. Once, stringing lights on a it has touched me. More than once, as
Christmas tree, I accidentally got my I officiated in priesthood ordinance
finger in an empty socket; oh, I felt it! work, I have felt it.

Who knows what electricity is?

really Who really knows what this great
We know what it can do. It lights power of the priesthood is? know We
this it lights our homes; it
building; what it can do. By that power this and
lights streets; it runs our factories
our other worlds were created and will be
and our mills; it affords us lovely music, redeemed (JD 15, 127; 24, 242); by that
radio, television, and a score of wonder- power the city of Enoch was taken up
ful appliances in our homes, but who to heaven (Joseph Smith's Teachings,
really knows what this great power, p. 170), by that power the waters of
called electricity, actually is? the Red Sea were parted to liberate
Over the same score or so of years, I Israel; by that power Elijah sealed the
promoted another something which I heavens so that no rain or dew fell upon
— —


the earth; by that power Brigham Young mission presidents, quorum presidents,
rebuked the frost and the sterility of bishops, and others. "No man taketh
the soil, and this valley became fruit- this honour unto himself, but he that
ful. Two thousand years ago, one is called of God, as was Aaron." (Heb.
possessing that power gave new eyes to 5:4.) "We believe that a man must
the blind, new legs to the halt, turned be called of God, by prophecy, and by
water into wine, walked on the water, the laying on of hands, by those who
cleansed lepers, cast out evil spirits, fed are in authority to administer in the . . .

thousands by blessing a few loaves and ordinances thereof." (5th Article of

fishes, restored life to the dead. Two Faith.) Aaron was so called and or-
thousand years later even today — dained. (D&C 27:8.)
bearers of that same priesthood power, "Some suppose this authority may be
again cast out devils, restore health to derived from the Bible," said President
the sick, and in other ways employ that Joseph F. Smith, "but nothing could be
power. Employing it, a young man, more absurd. ... If by reading and
Nephi by name, once shocked his as- believing the Bible this authority could
sailants into submission by pointing be obtained, all who read and believed
his hand at them. The assailants were would have it one equally with an- —
his brothers. (1 Nephi 17:53.) other. . . . God Almighty is the only
Again, let me ask who, among all source from whence this knowledge,
mortal men, really knows what this power and authority can be ob-
marvelous priesthood power actually is? tained, . . . The Scriptures may serve
Obviously it is power; its source, ob- as a guide to lead us to God, . but . .

viously, too, is God. Why not call it they can do no more." (JD 19, 191.)
then for what it truly is the power of Priesthood is eternal and everlasting.
God? (C.R., Joseph F. Smith, p. 5, The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "The
October 1904.) President John Taylor Priesthood is an everlasting principle,
so called it saying, "It is nothing more and existed with God from eternity, and
nor less than the power of God." (John will to eternity, without beginning of
Taylor, Gospel Kingdom, p. 129.) days or end of years. ." Adam ob- .


Priesthood is more than power it is tained the priesthood "in the Creation,
authority. Quoting President Joseph F. before the world was formed." He
again: "It is . the power of God
. . (Adam) stands at the head as the pre-
delegated to man by which man can siding high priest (under Christ) over
act in the earth ... in the name of the all the earth for all ages. Qosevh Smith's
Father and the Son and the Holy Teachings, pp. 157-158.) This priest-
Ghost, and act legitimately; ." (Op. . . hood of the holy order, known later as
cit., Joseph F. Smith, p. 5, October the Melchizedek Priesthood, continued
1904.) He also said: "The Priesthood in patriarchal order without a break
in general is the authority given to man with Adam's worthy descendants until
to act for God. . But it is necessary
. . the day of Moses. (D&C 84:6-16;
that every act performed under this au- 107:41-53.)
thority shall be done at the proper time Through Moses the Lord attempted
and place, in the proper way, and after to setup the house of Israel soon after
the proper order. The power of direct- from Egyptian bondage
their liberation
ing these labors constitute the keys of as a kingdom of priests of this holy
the Priesthood. In their fullness these patriarchal order. He sent Moses down
keys are held by only one person at a from the Mount with tablets of stone
time, the prophet and president of The upon which were inscribed principles
Church." (The Improvement Era 4, of salvation, but seeing the people en-
230.) gaged in idol worship, Moses dashed the
President David O. McKay holds all tablets to the ground, breaking them
of the keys of the priesthood. He or his into fragments. Again, the Lord called
predecessors in office have directly Moses up on the Mount, and there he
(personally) or indirectly (by delegat- rewrote with his finger on tablets
ing authority to others) conferred keys which Moses had prepared the Ten
upon temple presidents, stake presidents, Commandments; but he deleted this

Friday, October 4 First Day

time the salvation principles which and resurrection in Jerusalem.

necessitated priesthood of the holy "The holy Priesthood is a system of
patriarchal order, denying thereby his laws and government that is pure and
children the Melchizedek Priesthood. holy; ." (]D 7:202)— "a perfect law of
. .

Later he removed Moses, who held the theocracy." (Joseph Smith's Teachings,
Melchizedek Priesthood, thus leaving p. 322.) Presently, it is the government
Israel with only a Lesser Priesthood, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
called the Aaronic Priesthood, after day Saints God's — kingdom here on
Aaron upon whom it was conferred. earth. Eventually, when the kingdom
(Exod. Inspired Version. 34:1-2; D&C embraces the earth, when ". every . .

84:17-25.) From that time on until the knee should bow, and every tongue . . .

Savior's ministry on earth, this was gen- should confess that Jesus Christ is
erally the prevailing authority of God Lord, . .
(Phil. 2:10-11.) I sincerely
on the earth. expect priesthood will be the governing
Jesus restored at his coming the world power. Can man devise a better
Higher Priesthood, he being "the Great system of laws and government?
High Priest, forever after the order of Priesthood is responsibility. Jesus was
Melchizedek," (Joseph Smith's Teach- given the responsibility of this earth.
ings, p. 158, Heb. 5:6; 2:17-18) but Absenting himself, he left his kingdom
after the passing of his apostles there here on earth in the hands of his offi-
was no one left holding the keys, to cers —those who hold the priesthood.
authorize the ordination of any mortal The kingdom is no stronger nor better
man to any office in either priesthood. than its President Wilford ofPcers.
The apostate world accordingly was left Woodruff said, "The highest calling the
without priesthood for about sixteen Lord ever called any human being to
long, dark centuries. Then in May in any age of the world, has been to
1829 the Lord sent John the Baptist, a receive the Holy Priesthood, with its
firstborn, literal descendant of Aaron, keys and powers." (Wilford Woodruff,
who held the keys of the Aaronic or Millennial Star 58:305, April 5, 1896.)
Lesser Priesthood, to restore that priest- When men take a priesthood calling,
hood. He also sent, soon after, the they covenant to magnify it; they take
Apostles Peter, James, and John, who upon them the obligation to labor with
held the keys of the Higher or Mel- zeal and energy in their particular call-
chizedek Priesthood, to restore that ing. (D8C 84:109, 110; 107:99-100.)
priesthood. The recipients of both President Joseph F. Smith asked:
priesthoods were the great American "Will you who hold the priesthood,
Prophet Joseph Smith and his associate profane the name of Deity? Would you
Oliver Cowdery. be riotous, and eat and drink with the
From Adam to Moses the existent drunken . . . ? Would you . . . forget
priesthood was patriarchal or Mel- your prayers and fail to remember the
chizedek or the Holy Priesthood all — Giver of all good? Would you . . .

one and the same. Those who held it violate the confidence and the love of

were high priests and patriarchs it had God . ? Would you
. dishonor
. . . .

no appendages. From Moses to Jesus your wife or your children? Will . . .

the prevailing priesthood was Aaronic you honor the Sabbath day and keep it
sometimes called Levitical. The first- holy? Will you observe the law of
born sons of Aaron's posterity were the tithing and all the requirements of the
"high priests" (higher priests in the gospel? Will you carry with you at
Aaronic Priesthood); the sons of Levi all times the spirit of prayer and the
were their assistants. Appendages to desire to be good? Will you teach your
both priesthoods were added by our children the principles of and sal- life

Lord who gave his Church in Palestine vation? . .

." (The Improvement Era 21,
apostles, bishops, evangelists, high 105-106.)
priests, seventies, elders, priests, teachers, Sometimes men relax and treat their
and deacons. He similarly perfected priesthood responsibilities lightly in the
his Church upon this American conti- home, failing to teach their families the
nent when he appeared here after his gospel, failing to have family prayers,


failing to use the priesthood when sick- the state of resurrected souls. Did the
ness uninvitingly stalks the home. Hus- resurrection act involve an ordinance of
bands and sons are sometimes lax in the priesthood —
a necessary ordinance,
their duties because they lack the co- presently unrevealed? Certainly the
operation and encouragement of their resurrection act is another manifestation
wives and mothers. of the great power of the priesthood.
The sisters would do well, if, follow- —
May I ask how can we achieve eternal
ing the counsel of the Prophet, they life without the blessings and ordinances
provoked their husbands and sons to of the priesthood?
do good works (Relief Society minutes, The power of the Melchizedek Priest-

March 17, 1842) priesthood works.
Husbands, rightfully and scripturally
hood is to have the power of "endless
lives," said the Prophet Joseph Smith.
too, are the family heads (Eph. 5:23) ".. And all those," he said, "who are

its priests and its spokesmen. The ordained unto this priesthood are made
wives, thanks be to God, are the fam- like unto the Son of God, abiding a
ily hearts. priest continually." (Heb. 7:3. Inspired
Version.) He further said, "Those hold-
"There is a center in each home from ing the fulness of the Melchizedek
which all joys must start. Priesthood are kings and priests of the
"That center? It is a mother's heart." Most High God, holding the keys of
power and blessing." Our Lord ap-
With love and kindness and with praised this wonderful gift in these
tact, of course, the heart can usually words:

sway the head even into priesthood ". . . all they who receive this priest-
activity. Such endeavor is expected of hood receive me, . . .

our sisters. "And he that receiveth me receiveth

The subject of this talk could well be my Father;
— For Men Only. Priesthood is for men "And he that receiveth Father my
only — it is not conferred upon women. receiveth my
Father's kingdom; there-
The sisters may be set apart as officers fore all that my
Father hath shall be
in the priesthood auxiliaries, but they given unto him." (D&C 84:35, 37-38.)
are never ordained to office in the priest- No mortal man will ever realize all
hood. They do not share the priesthood of the blessings in this great promise
with their husbands, fathers, or sons. as he dwells here in this mundane
They do share the blessings of the priest- period of our everlasting lives, but by
hood with their husbands, fathers, or reason of priesthood which is attained
sons. They do share the blessings with and honored, we have God's promise
their husbands; sealed in a temple, they that sometime we may become like
go along hand in hand with them to- unto God. ". all that my Father
. .

ward exaltation, finally reigning as hath shall be given unto him." (D&C
"queens and priestesses" with their hus- 84:38.) Incidentally, God had some-
bands who become "kings and priests." thing to say about those who do not
(D&C 94:41.) Infrequently a sister asks: honor their priesthood. I have not
Why can't we (sisters) hold the priest- time to inject his dour warning into
hood? My answer: If and when he my remarks today. All who hold the
whose business priesthood is wants you priesthood, however, should read what
to hold it, he will let his prophet know. he said.
Until then there is nothing we can do To you who bear the priesthood, may
about it. I say: In an inventory of your posses-
Priesthood is God's greatest gift to his sions —
physical, mental, spiritual, and
children, save perhaps the gift of his financial —
priesthood, if honored, may
Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. be your greatest asset; it could be the
Some may rate the gift of mortality, best investment you ever made. It costs
followed by immortality and the prom- you nothing; its dividends can be fabu-
ise of eternal life as a greater gift. lous. Appraise it honestly and list it
Priesthood, being an eternal principle, high up among your assets on your
existed before mortality. Immortality is life's balance sheet. And you who are
Friday, October 4 First Day
not honoring your priesthood, debit it The congregation and chorus will
high up on the liability side of your now join in singing, "O, Say What Is
life's balance sheet. It could well be Truth?" Sister Florence Jepperson Mad-
your greatest liability. You could, sen will conduct. After the singing Elder
sooner or later, find yourself bankrupt John Longden will speak to us.
in the kingdom of God. As of this day,
is your priesthood an asset or a liability? The Singing Mothers Chorus and the
I bear testimony regarding the power congregation joined in singing the
of the priesthood in our restored Church, hymn, "O Say, What Is Truth?"
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay:
Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., As- Twelve, will now address us. He will
sistant to the Twelve, has just spoken be followed by Elder Franklin D.
to us. Richards.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, I am so grate- indicates the depth of this great

ful to be able to use this salutation and principle.
know that we are brothers and sisters It was exemplified by the Savior
in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A story when he livedupon the earth. On one
I read recently is appropriate here. occasion, he was queried by one of the
A preacher in a small community de- scribes: "What is the great command-
cided to do some remodeling and reno- ment in the law?" In reply, Jesus
vating of his church. To begin with taught an eternal truth. "Thou shalt
he requested a new chandelier. After love the Lord thy God with all thy
three or four weeks had elapsed and it heart, and with all thy soul, and with
hadn't arrived, he approached one of all thy mind, and with all thy strength:
the deacons on the board and inquired this is the first commandment.
why. He was informed there were "And the second is like, namely, this.
three reasons: "First, it hadn't been Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy-
ordered because there was no one on the self " (Mark 12:30-31.) "On these
board who could spell 'chandelier.' two commandments hang all the law
Second, we were afraid there wouldn't and the prophets." (Matt. 22:40.)
be anyone to play it when it came. And There was none other commandment
third, what we really need in this greater than these, so said Jesus. (Idem.)
church is more light." The Apostle Paul spoke on this great
I recognize we have light today which principle many times in plain, under-
comes through our prophet and mouth- standable language.
piece. We also have the light from the Even though changing conditions
teachings of the Master almost two exist in the world today, and many

thousand years ago, and I should like people are confused, the application of
this one principle in our everyday lives
to speak at this time on what I believe
will bring happiness, contentment,
is a crying need in the world today, on
and peace.
the basic principle of the gospel of
Surely, if I love my fellow man, I will
Jesus Christ which is love. not cheat him, lie about him, or commit
The scriptures teach: "For God so any manner of evil against him. So
loved the world, that he gave his only again, loving all my fellow men, I will
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth truly find happiness, contentment, and a
in him should not perish, but have peace that passeth understanding.
everlasting life." (John 3:16.) This Paul was inspired to reveal the virtues,

or may we call them ingredients, of the truth." (See ibid., 13:5-6.) Paul, we
which love is composed. Addressing the see, had a depth of understanding re-
Corinthian Saints who had membership garding this great principle of love and
in the Church of Jesus Christ, Paul the blessings to be attained by those
said: "Love suffereth long and is kind." who would honor and recognize and
(See 1 Cor. 13:4.) We sing a great put into effect in their lives these two
hymn, maybe not often enough, "Let commandments, for he said: "Eye hath
Us Oft Speak Kind Words to Each not seen, nor ear heard, neither have
Other." So much more is accomplished entered into the heart of man, the
by speaking in kind words and soft things which God hath prepared for
tones. them that love him." (1 Cor. 2:9.)
"Love envieth not." We look at others As I tour missions or come into your
and think the grass is greener on their stakes each week, I have a great hope
side. We sometimes might wonder for the future because of the many just
why ours seems not as green, but love plain, good people who are applying
envieth not. "Love vaunteth not itself, all the principles of love in their lives.
is not puffed up." (See ibid., 13:4.) In I say to you, God bless you.
other words, love teaches true humility. The English statesman, William
Jesus taught it in one parable [parable Gladstone, said: "We look forward to
of Pharisee and Publican], "Whosoever the time when the power of love will
shall exalt himself shall be abased; and replace the love of power; then will
he that shall humble himself shall be our world know the blessing of peace."
exalted." (Matt. 23:12.) What a difference the placing of words
Daniel Webster had a great thought makes. The love of power or the power
asked, "What is the highest
that has ever entered your
of love —worlds apart!
It is essential to love God, love his
mind?" He answered, "My account- Son Jesus Christ and love our neighbor
ability to Almighty God." as ourselves.
We who have a testimony of the We are living in a world of automa-
gospel should recognize our accountabil- tion. Machines seem to be taking over
ity to God regardless of what our all our jobs. Edwin Markham, an
achievements might be in business, in American poet, had a great idea that
church, in school, in civic affairs. is worth repeating: "The way things
Paul further said: "Love doth not are going, we had better learn to do
behave itself unseemly." (See 1 Cor. things machines can't do. Love each
13:5.) other, for instance."
President McKay said it in a few Throughout his ministry, the Master
words some time ago: are here in "We kept repeating the importance of love
mortality to develop the power of self- on many occasions. He said: "A new
mastery." Every single day we have commandment I give unto you, that ye
opportunity to practise this art of
love one another; as I have loved you,
that ye also love one another.
Again Paul said, "Love seeketh not
her own." (See ibid., 13:5.) The Savior
"By this shall all men know that ye
taught by his own example, to lose are my disciples, if ye have love one to
ourselves in the service of others. Our another." (John 13:34-35.)
beloved prophet said on his ninetieth Do you think a teacher who drove
birthday: "You may travel the world some twenty miles in a battered old
over but you will not find happiness or car whenever there was a meeting to
contentment until you lose yourself in pick up just one little girl who lived
the service of mankind." This, of course, in a remote area of the stake had a love
would mean sacrifice to God and of God for her fellow men? I doubt that
our neighbor. anyone really knew what she was doing.
Continuing, Paul said: "Love is not Ijust happened to hear about it.
easily provoked. Love thinketh no evil. Oh, may God give us the faith and
Love irejoiceth not in iniquity, but in the desire to put this commandment of
Friday, October 4 First Day
the Lord into effect. ". love one an-
. . pray in the name of the Lord Jesus
other; as I have loved you, that ye Christ, our Savior. Amen.
shall also love one another." (Ibid.,
13:24.) Then the world may know President David O. McKay:
that we are true disciples of the Lord
Jesus Christ. God give us the faith, Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
the courage, the determination to make Twelve, has just spoken to us. Elder
application of these two great command- Franklin D. Richards, an Assistant, will
ments in our lives each day, I humbly be our next speaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brothers and sisters: come available as the Lord pours his
Sister Richards and I have recently Spirit upon all flesh.
returned from the missions on the east Heretofore, missionaries generally
coast, and we rejoice in the tremendous spent most of their time in finding in-
growth of the kingdom. I am continu- terested persons to teach and a small
ally amazed and pleased as I travel part of their time in teaching. Now,
throughout the missions and stakes of the Every Member a Missionary plan
the Church to find so many members gives the members a chance to do mis-
accepting the admonition of President sionary work by finding interested per-
McKay to be missionaries. How many sons for the missionaries to teach. This
of you have had the joy of seeing your greatly increases the effectiveness of the
friends and neighbors take an interest missionaries. They can teach many
in the Church and be baptized, because more people, particularly as they are
of your being a missionary? taught in groups.
Today I would like to talk to you In working with the east coast mis-
about the Every Member a Missionary sions, I find that the great increase in
program —
an inspired, effective, and convert baptisms, and especially bap-
interesting plan. One of the important tisms of entire families, is more and
characteristics of the Church of Jesus more attributable to the fact that a
Christ is missionary activity. The greater number of members are finding
Savior has charged us to ". teach all . . interested persons for the missionaries
nations, baptizing them in the name of —
to teach and the members are loving it.
the Father, and of the Son, and of the We had the opportunity of meeting
Holy Ghost." (Matt. 28:19.) And every many of these wonderful members and
nation includes our friends and the peo- hearing of their exciting and happy
ple we casually meet regardless of experiences. I am confident that there
where we live. are thousands of members of the Church
that have a sincere desire to do mission-
The question is: How can we, a rela-
ary work, but don't know what to do
tively small group, accomplish this great
or how to do it. How then can a
responsibility? Certainly not with the member, regardless of age or sex, become
sixteen thousand full-time, stake, and an effective missionary within the mean-
district missionaries we now have re- — ing of the prophet's admonition Every —
gardless of how good they arel Member a Missionary?
But, our beloved Prophet David O. You ask, what can Well, you
I do?
McKay has given us the Every Member can find persons who would like to
a Missionary plan. We
can take the know more about the Church. But,
gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, how can I find such persons? The fol-
and people as the Every Member a Mis- lowing three ways are pretty much the
sionary plan is understood and used basis of the Every Member a Mission-
effectively throughout the Church and ary Program.
by using modern methods which be- First, ask people what they know

about the Church and if they would questions over the telephone from her
like to —
know more yes, ask the golden own home in the evening after the
children were in bed. She told me that
Second, take your friends and neigh- the missionaries showed her how and
bors to church meetings and socials. that it was thrilling and most reward-
Third, live the gospel. As your ing and not embarrassing. She has
friends and neighbors feel your love, found many interested persons for the
they will want to know more about missionaries to teach.
the Church. During the last year, thousands of
All three of these ways are part of letters have been written asking the
the referral program as you arrange for golden questions. Many have responded,
the missionaries to teach the interested asking that the missionaries call on
persons. Whenyou find interested them, others have asked for literature
persons either by personal contact, over or the Home Study guide discussions —
the telephone, or by correspondence, by mail. Recently a woman from
bring them into your home, preferably

Oceola, Iowa, wrote us "I am so glad
in a group and ask the missionaries in that you are sending me these discus-
to give them the discussions. If they sions. I thank you. Would it be too
are out of the area, have your bishop much to ask you to send me more of
give you the name and address of Joseph Smith's works?"
the nearest stake or mission to where the Now the second way of finding inter-
interested person lives and send the ested persons is by taking your friends
referral to the stake or mission presi- and neighbors to church meetings
dent together with details of how you and socials. In Bowling Green, Ken-
secured the name and other pertinent tucky, the Relief Society needed an
information. organist The president asked a non-
Let me elaborate on the three ways member friend to help them out. She
you can find persons who want to know replied she would be glad to, and before
more about the Church, by giving you a long she became interested, was taught
few interesting examples: the gospel by the missionaries and was
First, ask the golden questions as you baptized.
meet people personally or over the tele- In the Southern States Mission a
phone or through the mail. I have young girl was walking home with a
asked the golden questions hundreds of friendand began humming, "Come,
times, and I have never embarrassed Come, Ye Saints." Her friend said,
myself or the person I have asked. A "My that's a beautiful melody. What
few weeks ago I was registering in a is it?" The girl told her about it and
motel in Raleigh, North Carolina. I made a date to take her to a church
asked the golden questions of the young service. After attending a few times
man at the desk. He was not inter- she arranged for the missionaries to
ested, but the young man standing be- teach her family. The family have all
hind him overheard our conversation. been baptized and are happy, doing
He had been to Salt Lake City, was their part in building the kingdom.
impressed, and wanted to know more. I I mentioned living the gospel as the

told him we had missionaries in Raleigh, third way to find interested persons.
and he gave me his name and address. About ten days ago I was showing a
He was very interested in having the man and his wife from Iowa around
missionaries call and tell him more Temple Square. They were very inter-
about the Church. I immediately ested and particularly so when Brother
turned this golden contact over to the Alexander Schreiner took an active in-
missionaries. terest in them, showing them the organ
A bishop's wife in Atlanta, Georgia, and how it is played. Brother Schreiner
wanted to do missionary work but didn't really went the extra mile. I asked
know how or when she could find the them if they knew any members of our
time and still take care of her young Church in Iowa. They replied, yes, a
family. The missionaries suggested that wonderful family. Recently when a
she telephone proselyte, ask the golden friend of theirs had a baby, this fam-
Friday, October 4 First Day
ily took the children of the woman "Remember the worth of souls is

who was having baby into their

the great in the sight God"; (Ibid.,
home while the mother was in the 18:10.) And again the Lord has said:
hospital. Both Brother Schreiner and "And if it so be that you should labor
the Iowa family were evidencing their all your days in crying repentance unto
love of their fellow men. These inci- this people, and bring, save it be one
dents have been an important factor soul unto me, how great shall be your
in interesting this couple. They ex- joy with him in the kingdom of
pressed a desire to know more about my Father!
the Church. "And now, if your joy will be great
short time ago while having dinner with one soul that you have brought
in a New York restaurant, we asked our unto me into the kingdom of my Father,
waiter, a very fine man, the golden how great will be your joy if you should
questions. He replied enthusiastically bring many souls unto me!" (Ibid.,
that he had been to Utah and Cali- 18:15-16.)
fornia and had met several Latter-day My brothers and sisters, we are en-
Saint families, was very much impressed gaged in building the kingdom. I know

with their way of life, and would like that God lives and that Jesus is the
to know more about the Church. He Christ. The gospel has been restored
gave us his address in Brooklyn and in its fulness, and it is our duty and
seemed anxious to have the mission- great opportunity to share it with others.
aries call at his home and give him and Joseph Smith was a great prophet,
his family the discussions. We
promptly and David O. McKay is a great prophet.
gave this good referral to the mission May we sustain our prophet in every
president in New York. way.
Most of us have had unusual experi- Yes, the Every Member a Missionary
ences with people becoming interested program is inspired and is effective.
and wanting to know more about the May we get the vision of two million
Church. The Lord has said, "Be ye missionaries bringing souls into the
strong from henceforth; fear not for the kingdom, and may we feel the joy,
kingdom is yours." (D&C 38:15.) So happiness, and salvation that comes
let's —
not fear henceforth ask the golden from active missionary work, I pray in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
questions, take your friends and neigh-
bors to Church meetings and socials,
and live the gospel. As you do these President David O. McKay:
things, you will find many persons
who are knowing more
interested in The missionary to whom we have just
about the Church, and you will be a listened is Elder Franklin D. Richards.

missionary within the meaning of the Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Coun-
prophet's admonition —Every Member cil of the Twelve will be our concluding

a Missionary. speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Brothers and sisters and friends of the preciation of man's relationship to God,
air audience: his dependence upon God, and his
Today we remember with deep affec- obedience to God's laws.
tion our beloved leader Henry D. Moyle, "There is absolutely nothing of such
and from his stirring sermon last April great worth to man as to know God."
conference, we can still hear his earnest In my childhood, we had mottoes
voice saying: hanging on our walls sometimes em-
"I believe with all my heart and soul broidered, sometimes painted, these for
that the solution to our problems here decoration and for inspiration. One I
upon this earth today and tomorrow is remember read: "What is home without
to be found in the knowledge and ap- a mother." From my infancy, every time

I entered the house, I called, "Mama," but let every working mother honestly
over and over until I found her. Totally weigh the matter and be sure the Lord
satisfied in the security her presence approves before she rushes her babies
afforded, I ran again to play. Just to off to the nursery, her children off to
know she was there! That was all. school, her husband off to work, and
When I was eleven, Mother passed herself off to her employment. Let her
away and from my aching heart came be certain that she is not rationalizing
numerous times, "Mama," as I entered herself away from her children merely
the house, but there were only mocking to provide for them greater material
echoes of emptiness. Later the void was things. Let her analyze well before
filled whenour stepmother gave pres- she permits her precious ones to come
ence to the home and again through my home to an empty house where their
youth, I called and found my security plaintive cry, "Mother," finds no lov-
in the welcome answer, "I am here, son." ing answer.
It was the same red brick house Do not these absentee mothers and
through the days of security and the millions of approving fathers know that
days of desolation, the same shelf-filled basic attitudes towards standards, mor-
pantry, the same wood stove and water ality, the Church, and God are devel-
tank, the same parlor with its rag oped in the family circle and are quite
carpet and the same old clock ticking well set while they are still small
away the hours and days and years, but children?
stability and sureness and peace were It is said: "Give me a child until he
there, for Mother was there, and se- is seven and then do with him what
curity was and the house breathed
there, you These first years are so vital.
belongingness. The Lord said: "My sheep hear my
On Labor Day 2,000 young people voice ." (John 10:27). So do the little
. .

converged on the little resort town of ones respond to their own mothers. The
Seaside, Oregon, repeating their last maid, the neighbor, the sister, the grand-
year's devastation, smashing windows, mother may clothe and feed and diaper
ripping street and shop signs down, and the child, but no one can take the place
requiring 100 police plus National of mother. This is impressed upon us
Guardsmen to quell the rioting, and I by the story of the six-year-old who got
wondered if these 2,000 homes from lost from his mother in a large super-
which they came were normal ones with market and began to call frantically,
a mother at home who could answer, "Martha, Martha."
"Yes, dear, I am here." When the mother was found and they
Again, the news reported 30,000 teen- were reunited, she said: "Honey, you
agers rioting on a California beach, should not call me Martha, I am
filling beer cans and bottles with sand 'Mother' to you."
and throwing them at police, boys To which the little fellow rejoined:
stripping girls and sex indulgence com- "Yes, I know, but the store was full of
mon and unabashed. And we wondered mothers, and I wT anted mine."
how many of these 30,000 fathers were Children need security, special love,
furnishing cars and money for their and to be wanted.
children to vacation at resorts; for beer At a distant conference, my plane
and brutishness, and who provided the brought me to the city many hours
gasoline, and who paid the fines? early. The stake president met me at
And, we wondered how many of the the airport and took me to his home
30,000 mothers were making homes and and, having important work to do, ex-
how many making money. How can cused himself and returned to his work.
mothers justify their abandonment of With the freedom of the house, I spread
home when they are needed so much my papers on the kitchen table and be-
by their offspring? Rationalization must gan my work. His wife was upstairs
take over as they justify themselves in sewing. In mid-afternoon, there came
leaving home and children. an abrupt entry from the front door,
Of course, there are some mothers who and a little fellow came running in,
must work out to support their children, surprised to see me, but we became
Uriday, October 4 first Day
friends. Then he ran through the lead, as they suppose, a more interest-
rooms calling, "Mother," and she an- ing and richer life."
swered from upstairs, "What is it, A
prominent judge listed the causes of
darling?" and his answer was, "Oh, juvenile delinquency:
nothing." He went out to play. and games such
First, destructive toys
A little later another voice came in as guns and other symbols of violence.
the front door calling, "Mother, Moth- Second, working mothers; and third,
er." He put his schoolbooks on the fathers who work two shifts, absenting
table and explored the house until the themselves from the home except to
reassuring answer came from upstairs eat and sleep.
again, "Here I am, darling," and the His long list of causes ended with this:
second one was satisfied and said, Lack of religious training and discipline
"OK" and went to play. Another half in the home and schools, and lack of
hour and the door opened again and a love in the home. My reference is
young teenager moved in, dropped her Judge Jacob M. Braude of the Circuit
books and called, "Mother." And the Court of Cook County (Chicago),
answer from upstairs, "Yes, darling," Illinois.
seemed to satisfy, and the young girl These lacks were inherent in the
became acquainted with me, then began parents, but it was the children who
practising her music lesson. None of suffered.
the three had gone upstairs. Twenty-four million women in the
Still another voice later called, United States work outside the home.
"Mother," as she unloaded her high This is one-third of all in the total
school books. And, again the sweet labor force, and 80% of them have
answer, "I am up here sewing, darling," living husbands.
seemed to reassure her. We became In 1890, only 5.5% of the wives under
acquainted, and tripped up the
she 35 and living with husbands were
stairs to tell her mother the happen- working. By 1957, it was 27.7% and
ings of the day in a sweet mother- now it is about a third of those wives
daughter relationship. Home! Mother! between 18 and 24.
Security! Just to know Mother was In the labor force are about 2.5 mil-
home. All was well. lion women whose children are under
A child is happy if he feels that he six, and 5.4 million with children under

is wanted and enjoyed by his parents. twelve years of age. Think of it: a
He needs to feel that his parents will be possible twelve to fifteen million chil-
there, especially in a crisis. dren without a mother through crucial
This mother, too, could have had a hours! Of these about 400,000 children
job. Her children also could use more under twelve years of age must care
things her wages could provide. She for themselves entirely while their
also could have rationalized that two mothers work. One-third of all mothers
with children under eighteen are in paid
salaries could give her children more
advantages, more outings, travel, and
employment. My statistics come from
the Children's Bureau of the US De-
vacations, more clothes, gifts,and lux-
partment of Health Education and Wel-
uries. But, this mother knew well that
fare and other dependable sources. This
a child needs a mother available more means that in this country, one child
than all the things which money in 13 under 12 must look out for him-
can buy. self. In the 10-11 year old group, the
The Parents Magazine says: "The ratio is one in five without care while

feeling of security is the core and foun- the mother is at work.

dation for good mental health. It is shocking! Nearly one-third of all

"Most of the married women over 35 our young matrons, 18 to 24, arc break-
in the labor force (says this authority) ing the law of God in not bearing chil-
are working not because their families dren, or if they are having children,
really 'need the money,' but in order are they neglecting the helpless little
to maintain a higher standard of living, ones?
get away from some housework, and President McKay said, "The more


woman becomes like man, the less he heritance. . .

." (Discourses of Brigham
will respect her.Civilization weakens as Young, p. 198.)
man's estimate of woman lessens." In this important city crime has in-
We are told that the average age creased three times faster than it did
when women cease bearing children is in the nation during 1962, said our
about 26; yet in these vital years, nearly local newspaper. And crime in the past
one of every three is working outside five years increased four times faster
her home. When such masses of than population, four serious crimes
mothers are employed out, what may per minute recorded on the crime clock.
we expect from the offspring? One authority gave us: "The more the
How nearly perfect can a mother be parents approve of each other, the more
who rushes in the morning to get the child will be welcome, the most —
everybody off and settled for the day, important single factor in the develop-
herself included, then returns weary ment of the child is the emotional
after a hard day of employment to a climate prevailing between his parents."
tired husband who has had a hard Are music and dancing lessons and
day and to children and youth with camps and clothes justified when it may
problems, and then to her homemaking, mean the sacrifice of the home and
cooking, cleaning, and then to a full mother on the altar of employment?
social calendar. From such homes come One girl said, "I really don't want
many conflicts, marital problems, and to go to the girls' camp. I'd rather stay
divorces, and delinquent children. Few home with Mother, but Mother is not
people in trouble ever ascribe their home to stay with." Are we glamorizing
marital conflicts to these first causes, out-of-home activities for our children
but blame each other for the problems when they should be home helping or
which were born and nurtured in off to work themselves?
strained environments. Certainly the Absenteeism of mothers is often linked
harmonious relationship of father and with idle youth delinquent youth. —
mother and the emotional climate When we read of the recent Labor Day
prevailing between parents give sound- escapades by tens of thousands of high
ness and security to children. school and college young people on their
President Belle S. Spafford speaking mass invasions of resort towns, we
to her world of Relief Society mothers wonder are they permitted
again: Why
said: leisure till they sick with bore- become
"Children should be cherished with dom? Home drab so they resort to
the strongest bonds of affection; ... No destructiveness and immorality.
effort should be too much, no sacrifice One fudge said: "These mad vacations
too great to protect them from evil and make their biggest appeal to youngsters
preserve them in righteousness. The . . . who have too little to do. . . . We
love and the sanctity of the home should never have any trouble with kids who
be zealously safeguarded. ." . . have real interests, real hobbies, a
And she speaks of mothers' obliga- radio ham, or a real athlete."
tions The idle generation! Hours each day
and nothing to do. Saturdays and
". . . to make all else in life sub-
nothing to do. Three long months of
servient to the well-being of our homes
school vacation and nothing to do. No
and families.
***** one has found a truer adage than: "The
idle brain is the devil's workshop."
"Always in the Church, people have Another judge states that "Too many
been admonished to marry in the House kids are loafing. Parents do not make
of the Lord, to establish homes, and children get jobs. And, this helps them
bear and rear children in righteousness." into trouble there is an alarming
. . .

Brigham Young says: lack of employment among our young

"It is the calling of the wife and people . . and idleness among those

mother (to tie) her offspring to

. . . who come before me. . .

herself with a love that is stronger He is not talking about the pallid,
than death for an everlasting in- spindly urchin, working twelve hours a
Friday, October 4 First Day

day in coal mines but of the hulking fields, in the beet fields, in the hay
youth sitting around while his hard- fields, the jobs that are taken by itiner-
working, doting parents support him. ant workers brought from Mexico and
It is foolish to expect an energetic other foreign lands?
exuberant youth to live normally when Some judges give arrested youth a
he has his free time largely to himself choice to get a job within thirty days
including three idle months of summer or be locked up, and seldom have had
vacation. I quote him further, to lock up any. If the alternative is un-
"As I see young people of what I pleasant enough, somehow Junior finds
consider an employable age sitting employment.
around drive-ins or malt shops, on park To this philosophy, there are re-
benches, or at the beaches, cruising joinders from many sources which cry
around in cars or hanging around on there are not enough jobs to go around
the street comers at all hours of the and that a job for a youngster means
day and the night, I am amazed at their a job lost to the head of a family. And
ability to stay out of trouble as well the answer of the judge to this is, "Get
as they do . idleness is a prime factor
. . women out of the factories and put
in most juvenile misbehavior. ." . . them back into the home where they
He continues: "I find the average belong . cooking, sewing, cleaning
. .

parent of the average employable but house and doing the traditional woman's
unemployed youngster to be weak, over- work. It would do both for them and
protective, and overindulgent. Both he their neglected youngsters a world
and his wife work to afford their child of good."
the niceties of life which they now con- If a few million of the working
sider necessities. All the comforts of mothers who need not work were to go
home plus a car and a gasoline credit home to their families, there might be
card employment for men now unemployed
This judge says these parents are a and part and full-time work for youth
generation of well-intentioned ones who ought to help in family finances
rearing a generation of sloths Judge — and who need occupation for their
Robert Gardner of the Juvenile Court abundant energy.
of Santa Ana, California. How many children today contribute
A woman who had not been able to toward the family living? Parents per-
hold a job in spite of the fact that she mit the youth to idle away their time.
was well-trained and highly educated "Can't get a job," they say. Why,
explained: "Oh, it's not odd at all. bless your souls, the world is crying
My parents never expected me to work, for helpers. Have we spoiled our chil-
and for that reason I never expected dren paying them for every effort? I
to either." She seemed to feel un- heard a fifteen-year-old complaining be-
abashed, and that such was reason cause he received only sixty cents
enough. an hour.
The judge proceeds: "This type of par- "What can we do?" they cry, "Where
ent blindly accepts Junior's plaint: 'I can we go?" Listen, youth, go home,
can't find a job.' rollup your sleeves; pick cotton, hoe
"Can't find a job! Well, Junior, I the corn, thin the beets. Yes, before
have news for you! These are boom and after school and Saturdays and va-
times. Awhole generation of us grew cation days! It won't hurt you to store
up during the depression when there your ball and bat and hiking togs. Hang
were no jobs, but we found jobs any- the storm windows, paint the fence,
way. Oh, they weren't good jobs, but wash the car, pick the fruit, mow the
they were jobs. There were always lawn, repair the screen, plant a garden,
jobs —
mean, disagreeable, back-breaking cultivate flowers, trim the trees.
jobs. And many of these jobs didn't As we read of delinquency and crime,
pay very much and they were hard and 2,000,000 serious crimes in this land in
they were long hours and they were a year, and as we note many are com-
not desirable." mitted by girls and boys, we ask our-
Do youth look for work in the cotton selves what is the cause and what are

the In an adequate survey it

cures? producers who every selfish
satisfy their
was learned that a majority of youth desire for social life, comforts, golf,
wish responsibility and will thrive on it. parties, travel, drinking at the expense
"What can we do?" they ask again. of their children?
Do the shopping,work in the hos- Do the families of these window
pital, help the neighbors and the church smashers kneel in prayer night and
custodian, wash dishes, vacuum the morning before these depredations? Do
floors, make the beds, get the meals, they have family evenings, family pic-
learn to sew. nics, vacations, and entertainment to-
Read good books, repair the furni- gether? Do these parents of such
ture,make something needed in the hoodlums exercise discipline in the
home, clean the house, press your home or are the children emancipated
clothes, rake the leaves, shovel the from restraint, from duties, and from
snow, peddle papers, do "baby sitting" controls?
free for neighbor mothers who must To slow down this ever-increasing
work, become an apprentice. rate of juvenile delinquency, there is a

J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI said, "Our growing cry: "We must have more de-
youthful delinquency is a problem tention homes and reformatories. We
which strikes practically every home in need more public money appropriated
America. It is something to which every for better facilities, more highly trained
parent should give the deepest con- specialists, social workers, psychologists
sideration and the said responsibility and psychiatrists. We need larger jails,
for youth law infraction today lies more more police."
on the doorstep of the adult than it Certainly, it must be apparent that
does on the youth. In the majority of all this is but an attempted control of a
instances the story of juvenile delin- malady of epidemic proportions. Have
quency is the story of shattered homes the experts failed? Isn't it time to come
where parents are neglectful, indifferent, back to fundamentals? "We need more
and fail to exercise the proper degree money," they say, but we have spent in
of discipline." the last decade $78 billion on ele-
One parent wrote to youth: "Your mentary and high schools for the
parents do not owe you entertainment; children, yet delinquency increases;
your villages do not owe you recreation $110 billion on cars; $127 billion for
facilities; the world does not owe you a recreation, and still immorality, hood-
living; you owe the world; you owe it lumism, sadism, and vandalism grow
your time, your energy, your talents, apace, and to make it worse, $180 bil-
yourself. In plain simple words, grow lion in cosmetics, tobacco, and alcohol.
up, get out of your dream world; de- No—money is not the answer! Surely
velop your backbone, a backbone not a we must realize that an ounce of pre-
wishbone, and start acting like a man vention is worth tons of cure.
or a lady. . ." . The Lord has indicated long ago the
Lawmakers in their over-eagerness to perfect pattern of prevention. He has
protect the child have legislated until organized the family in a home with
the pendulum has swung to the other unified pursuits. It takes no magician
extreme. But no law prohibits most nor social authority to know where the
work suggested above, and parents can error lies, and that the cure is preven-
make work. tion. With the home a sweet religious
President David O. McKay said: "We one with and love and
are living in an age of gadgetry which parental and sweet parent-child
threatens to produce a future genera- relationships, would be few, if
tion of softness. Flabbiness of character any, prodigals. Reformatories and cor-
more than flabbiness of muscle lies at rection institutions could close; social
the root of most of the problems facing agencies could lock their doors; jails
our American youth." would have few prisoners, and war be
Are these iconoclasts from normal outlawed.
homes with normal fathers and moth- All this could come by the building
ers? Or, are those parents income of the homes of the people into spiritual
Friday, October 4 First Day

fortresses. If fathers would give them- world, including Canada, Mexico, Alas-
selves to their families and mothers ka, and in the Islands of the Pacific.
come home from employment and high A delayed television release will also
society to conserve the smaller incomes take the Saturday morning session of
and to be real mothers, then the word Conference to viewers over three tele-
delinquency would cease to terrify us. vision stations in Hawaii. A video tape
May we organize our homes, disci- will be flown from the Mainland and
pline our children, and create nations broadcast Sunday morning in Hawaii.
of homes such as our Heavenly Father A special meeting under the direction
has planned, I pray in the name of of the Genealogical Society will be
Jesus Christ. Amen. held in the Tabernacle this evening at
7:00 o'clock. Those requested to attend
President David O. McKay: are stake presidencies, bishoprics, stake
and ward genealogical workers; and
He to whom we have just listened is
anyone else interested in genealogical
Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Coun- work is invited.
cil of the Twelve. There will be a Welfare Agricultural
In behalf of all who have listened to Meeting in the Assembly Hall tomorrow
the singing during the General Confer- morning at 7:30 o'clock. Stake presi-

ence sessions today the General Au- dencies, bishoprics, agricultural repre-
sentatives from all stakes, and all others
thorities, the audience here in the
Tabernacle, and the large radio and interested in agriculture are invited to

television audience we express appre- attend this meeting.
The Relief Society Singing Mothers
ciation and gratitude to these Singing
Mothers for the beautiful music, in- will now favor us with, "The Lord Bless
spiring messages. With all my heart I Thee and Keep Thee," conducted by Dr.
say, Sister Jepperson and mothers, God Florence Jepperson Madsen.
bless you! After the benediction by Elder Israel
The Saturday morning session will be I. Bentley, formerly president of the
broadcast direct by numerous radio and Northern Mexican Mission, the general
television stations, and recorded for sessions of this Conference will be
transmission on Sunday morning at 10 adjourned until 10 o'clock Saturday
o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time (9:00 morning.
Eastern Standard Time), to many tele-
vision stations in the eastern part of the Singing by the Relief Society Singing
Mothers, "The Lord Bless Thee And
United States. Both sessions of our
Keep Thee."
Conference today, and Saturday and
Elder Israel Bentley, formerly presi-
Sunday, will be rebroadcast over KSL dent of the Northern Mexican Mission,
Radio the following morning starting at offered the benediction.
one o'clock and will be heard in many Conference adjourned until Saturday
parts of the United States and in the morning, October 5th, at 10:00 a.m.

The Conference reconvened Saturday the meeting with the following intro-
morning, October 5, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. ductory remarks:
The music for this session was fur-
nished by the Tabernacle Choir, with President David O. McKay:
Richard P. Condie conducting. Elder
Alexander Schreiner, Tabernacle Organ- To all present this morning in the
ist, was the accompanist. Tabernacle, in the Assembly Hall, and
President David O. McKay who pre- to the vast television and radio audience
sided and conducted the services, opened we extend a hearty welcome to this, the


Third Session of the 133rd Semi-Annua! President David O. McKay:

Conference of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. The invocation was offered by Presi-
The Tabernacle Choir, under the di- dent Merrill A. Nelson.
rection of Brother Richard P. Condie, The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
with Alexander Schreiner at the organ, us with, "Sing Unto God With Un-
will open these services by singing, measured Praise." Following the singing
"God of our Fathers, Whose Almighty Elder Richard L. Evans of the Council
of Twelve will be our first speaker.
Following the singing the invocation
will be offered by Elder Merrill A. Nel- The Tabernacle Choir sang the selec-
son, president of the Kearns Stake.
tion, "Sing Unto God With Un-
The Tabernacle Choir sang the num- measured Praise."
ber, "God Of Our Fathers, Whose Al-
mighty Hand." President David O. McKay:
Elder Merrill A. Nelson, president of
the Kearns Stake, offered the opening Elder Richard L. Evans of the Council
prayer. of the Twelve will now speak to us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved President, and my beloved Now since we have this literal rela-
brethren and sisters: tionship with our Father in heaven and
For more than a third of a century his Son, our Lord and Savior, the matter
it has been my privilege to speak to of communication between God and
many of you many times through my man, between a loving Father and his
association with the Tabernacle Choir children, becomes a matter of primary
and its remarkably long series of broad- importance — for life is a search for all
casts and through other organizations of us —a search for its purpose and
and activities. But I feel a weighty meaning —
a search for the answers to
responsibility this morning in speaking questions, to problems —
answers that
to youof some things that are close to will satisfy the yearnings of our hearts,
my heart and important to my life, and the reaching of our minds. These are
which are vitally a part of the prin- answers that can only come from a
ciples and convictions of the Church to divine source.
which I have the honor to belong The — This brings us to the question of
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day communication between God and man,
Saints, sometimes inaccurately referred between a loving, all-knowing Father
to as the "Mormon" Church, whose head and his searching, seeking children.
and lawgiver our Lord and Savior,
is This communication includes prayer,
Jesus the Christ, who with his Father inspiration, impressions from the divine

the Father of us all is the foundation source upon the mind of man, the find-
of our faith. ings of truth through earnest seeking
It is God the Father and his Son our and research, and also what is called
Savior whom we worship. This places revelation, to which the ninth Article
us on common ground with all sincere of our Faith refers in these words: "We
worshiping Christians, through our be- believe all that God has revealed, all
lief in the divinity of the Lord Jesus that He does now reveal, and we be-
Christ. It places us on common ground lieve that He will yet reveal many
with all other men also who believe in great and important things pertaining
God the Father and Creator of us all, to the Kingdom of God."
inwhose image, as scripture testifies, Who knows all the answers or any of
men are made. the ultimate answers? Since no one
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

does, they must come from continued Some have asked about our belief in

revelation from continued prayerful the Book of Mormon. The Book of
seeking and search. Mormon not a substitute for the
There has been among men some Bible. Weaccept the Bible and use
suggestion that the heavens are closed, the King James Version. But we do
that scripture is closed; that God re- not believe that the Lord God confined
vealed his mind and will to his prophets his communications to the people of
in the far past, but for some reason does ancient Palestine or to any place or
not do so today. period of the past. He has had prophets
Do we need his guidance less today in other places. The Book of Mormon,
than men once did? Do we have which supplements the Bible and is
fewer problems? Would a just and compatible with it, is an account of
loving Father love us less than he did the counsels and communications of
his children of the past? What kind God, as is the Bible, and contains sacred
and loving father would fail or refuse and secular history, given to and pre-
to respond to his children if they ap- served by the prophets of ancient Amer-
proached him with urgent need and ica, among whom were some of the
humble hearts? ancestors of the American Indians.
What gracious and all-wise Admin- God is no respecter of persons and
istrator of heaven and earth would ig- has not confined his communication to
nore the problems of the present or one part of his family, to one time of
leave his children to grope alone history, or to one land.
in life? Now not only does our Father in
The comforting answer to these ques- heaven communicate by revelation, by
tions is that the channels of com- inspiration, but he reveals truth also
munication are open; that our God and to earnest searching, seeking men in
Father is still interested in all our many fields of truth. Knowledge has
affairs; that he has his prophet on earth; been poured out upon the earth, the
that he gives to his children what in his evidences of which are too numerous to
wisdom they need and seek and are dwell upon.
prepared to accept. And not only does he reveal his will
"Surely the Lord God will do noth- to his servants the prophets and to sin-
ing, but he revealeth his secret unto his cere searching men, but he responds to
servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.) —
a child's simplest prayer the simplest,
'Where there is no vision, the people sincere desire of the soul. He is mind-
perish." (Prov. 29:18.) ful of every one of us in all our needs,
This need for prophets and their vi- in all of our decisions, in all our uses
sion — lest the people perish — prompts us of life, in the thoughts of our inner-
to quote another Article of Faith: 'We most hearts, and our outermost actions.
believe in the same organization that And aside from revelation as such, there
existed in the Primitive Church (i.e. the is the impression within —the whisper-
Church founded by our Savior in the ings of the Spirit to the hearts and con-
Meridian of Time), viz., apostles,
sciences of men.
prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists,
And not only do we need communica-
etc." (Article 6.) Would not our
Savior's Church today be organized as
tion with our Father in heaven, but we
when he was on earth? need communication and understanding
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- with one another. So often we mis-
day Saints sustains in this conference judge men. We
misjudge motives; we
President David O. McKay, who has believe rumors, and not only believe
stood before us this morning in his them, but sometimes add to them and
ninety-first year, in his kindly wisdom pass them on. We
sometimes believe
and far-seeing perception; sustains him what gossip and prejudice says of others,

as a prophet of God in this latter day, rather than going to factual sources of
with the same divine commission that information. We often reach conclu-
was given to the prophets of the past. sions based on sheer assumptions. "O


mortal men," said Dante, "be wary how "Not understood. We gather false im-
ye judge." pressions
Parents need better communication And hug them closer as the years go
with their children, and children with by,
parents. They need to counsel and re- Till virtues often seem to us trans-
spect each other and confide in each gressions;
other and share with each other the And thus men rise and fall and live
thoughts of their hearts. What more and die,
important charge could anyone have in Not understood.
life than to care for and nourish and
understand and teach and love a child "Not understood. Poor souls with
whom God has given? What greater stunted vision
loyalty can a child have than to con- Oft measure giants by their narrow
fide in a father and a mother with gauge.
respect and love, sharing hopes and
The poisoned shafts of falsehood and
dreams and plans and experiences. And derision
there is safety in this —
safety in doing
Are oft
mould the
impelled 'gainst those
nothing that we would not be willing
and proud to confide to parents or to Not understood.
our Father in heaven, who in fact knows "Not understood. The secret springs of
all things whether or not we confide.
There is safety in a mother and a Which lie beneath the surface and
father waiting for children to return the snow,
at whatever hour —
safety in these close Are disregarded; with self-satisfaction
confidences. We judge our neighbors as they often
Husbands and wives need to confide go,
and communicate with each other and Not understood.
not withdraw themselves within them-
selves, but to keep always open between "Not understood. How trifles often
them a gentle and frank and kindly change us.
communication. The thoughtless sentence or the fan-
Those who communicate some-
don't cied slight
times sit in brooding silence, and let Destroys long years of friendship, and
small things seem large, and imagine estranges us,
offenses that were never intended, and And on our souls there falls a freez-
misjudge minds and hearts and motives, ing blight:
and pull apart and sever the most sa- Not understood.
cred ties, and break hearts and homes.
There is so much of misunderstanding "Not understood. How
many breasts
that could be cleared with communica- are aching,
tion, with talking things out —
For lack of sympathy? Ah! day to day,
many cheerless, lonely hearts are
offenses, misjudging motives, much of
which would disappear with communi- breaking!
cation and the sincere sharing of How many noble spirits pass away,

confidences with those who have a right Not understood.

to expect us to confide. As a poet so "O God, that men would see a little
long ago expressed it clearer,
Or judge less harshly where they can-
"Not understood. We move along not see!
asunder, O God, that men would draw a little
Our paths grow wider as the seasons nearer
creep To one another! They'd be nearer
Along the years; we marvel and we Thee
wonder And understood."
Why life is life, and then we fall
—Thomas Bracken
Not understood. I would leave my witness with you
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

that there is purpose in

that there life, guidance, inspiration, and a finding of
is a Father in heaven who made us in the way to the purposeful, happy living
his own image; that he did send his of life with the peace and cleanliness
Son, our Savior, to redeem us from of a quiet conscience, and with the
death; that God has revealed himself blessed assurance of an everlasting life
to man through the prophets of the with limitless opportunities, and with
latter days even as through the prophets our loved ones with us.
of the far past; that he is interested May God be with you, my beloved
in his children; that he responds to friends, and give you every needed
prayer; that he gives the revelations of blessing in life, and your loved ones,
his mind and will; that men are im- in peace and health and happiness, in
mortal and eternal; and that there is prayerful searching and seeking, in pur-
everlasting purpose and reason for the suit of the divine purpose, with the as-
righteous living of life, for keeping his surance that the answers are there. May
commandments, for cherishing, serv- you have help in your daily pursuits,
ing, and loving one another. and in your homes, and in all relation-
would share with you these words ships with your loved ones, and with
from King Benjamin from the Book of wise and good choices in all the living
Mormon: of life.

"Believe in God; believe that he is, God does live He is real and

and that he created all things, both reachable and not indefinable. He is
in heaven and in earth; believe that he mindful of us. He hears us. He is in-
has all wisdom, and all power, both terested in us. He is ever ready to
in heaven and in earth; believe that communicate with us. He is our Father
man doth not comprehend all the and made us in his own image, and as
things which the Lord can comprehend. we seek him he will not leave us grop-
"And again, believe that ye must ing and lonely and alone. His word,
repent of your sins and forsake them, his Church, his purposes are here and
and humble yourselves before God; and now on earth. The Creator is still in
ask in sincerity of heart that he would command. May God bless you and
forgive you; and now, if you believe —
peace be with you always, I pray in
all these things see that ye do them. . . . the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"And ye will not your children
suffer Amen.
. . .that they transgress the laws of God,
and fight and quarrel one with an- President David O. McKay:
other, and serve the devil, who is the He to whom you have just listened
master of sin, . . .
is Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
"But ye will teach them to walk in cil of the Twelve.
the ways of truth and soberness; ye will Following a brief Tabernacle Organ
teach them to love one another, and to interlude, the Tabernacle Choir will
serve one another. sing, "Hosanna, Christ Has Risen," with
"... I say unto you, that there shall Albert Fallows as soloist.
be no other name given nor any other
way nor means whereby salvation can Selection by the Choir, "Hosanna,
come unto the children of men, only Christ Has Risen," (Albert Fallows,
in and through the name of Christ, the soloist).

Lord Omnipotent.
President David O. McKay:
". O remember, remember that
. .

these things are true; for the Lord God Wewelcome all those who have just
hath spoken it." (Mosiah 4:9-10, 14-15; joined us by radio and television in the
133rd Semi-Annual Conference of The
3:17; 2:41.)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
The answers men so much seek arc to Saints, convened in the Tabernacle on
be found, and to the aching, yearning Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
loneliness of human hearts, and to the We shall now hear from Bishop John
anguished agony of the world there can H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop to the
come direction, revelation, comfort, Church.


Presiding Bishop of the Church

The Bible states that our Savior Jesus those indicated by the Spirit. On his
Christ ". gave himself for us, that
. . arrival then at one of the cities at no
he might redeem us from all iniquity, great distance, of which some even
and purify unto himself a peculiar peo- mention the name, ... he saw a youth
ple, zealous of good works." (Titus 2:14.) of stalwart frame and winning counte-
The members of The Church of Jesus nance, and impetuous spirit, and said to
Christ of Latter-day Saints are known the bishop, 'I entrust to thee this youth
throughout the world as a peculiar with all earnestness, calling Christ and
people. the Church to witness.' The bishop ac-
We are considered a peculiar people cepted the trust, and made all the requi-
because of our Word of Wisdom the — site promises, and the apostle renewed
great youth program, the welfare pro- his injunction and adjuration. He then
gram, the priesthood, and because of returned to Ephesus, and the elder tak-

our belief in God that he is a personal ing home with him the youth who had
God and is the same yesterday, today, been entrusted to his care, maintained,
and forever, and that he speaks to his cherished, and finally baptized him.
prophets today as he did anciently. We After this he abandoned further care
are peculiar because we not only claim and protection of him, considering that
but furnish evidence to all people that he had affixed to him the seal of the
the gospel of Jesus Christ has been re- Lord as a perfect amulet against evil.
stored to the earth in these latter days. Thus prematurely neglected, the youth
We believe that the same organization was corrupted by certain idle companions
that existed in the primitive church of of his own age, who were familiar with
apostles, prophets, bishops, teachers, evil, and who first led him astray by
elders, and seventies, has been restored many costly banquets, and then took
by direct revelation. It is the duty of him out by night with them to share
those called as apostles ". to ordain . .
in their felonious proceedings, finally
and set in order all the other officers of demanding his cooperation in some
the church, ." (D&C 107:58.)
. .
worse crime. First familiarized with
"The Twelve are a Traveling Presid- guilt, and then, from the force of his
ing High Council, to officiate in the character, starting aside from the straight
name of the Lord, under the direction path like some mighty steed that seizes
of the Presidency of the Church, . . . the bit between its teeth; he rushed to-
to build up the Church, and regulate wards headlong ruin, and utterly aban-
all the affairs of the same in all na- doning the divine salvation, gathered
tions, . .
." (Ibid., 107:33.) The Twelve his worst comrades around him, and
travel throughout the world and under became a most violent, bloodstained,
the influence of the Spirit ordain bishops and reckless bandit-chief. Not long
to be "stewards of God." afterwards John was recalled to the
In connection with the duties of the city, and after putting other things in
apostles, I would like to relate an order said, 'Come now, O bishop, restore
apocryphal story from the writings of to me the deposit which I and the
Clement of Alexandria: Saviour entrusted to thee, with the
". . about John the Apostle, handed
. witness of the Church over which thou
down and preserved in memory. When, dost preside.' At first the bishop in his
on the death of the tyrant, he (John) alarm mistook the meaning of the meta-
passed over to Ephesus from the Island phor, but the apostle said, 'I demand
of Patmos, he used to make missionary back the young man and the soul of the
journeys also to neighboring gentile brother.' Then
groaning from the depth
cities, some places to appoint bishops,
in of his heartand shedding tears, 'He is
and in some to set in order whole dead,' said the bishop. 'How and by
churches and ... to appoint one of what death?' 'He is dead to God! For
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

he has turned out wicked and desper- with the Melchizedek Priesthood, ". . .

ate, and, to sum up all, a brigand; and the Lord confirmed a priesthood also
now, instead of the Church he has upon Aaron and his seed, throughout
seized the mountain, with followers like all their generations, which priesthood
himself.' Then the apostle, rending his also continueth and abideth forever
robe and beating his head, with loud with the priesthood which is after the
wailing said, 'A fine guardian of our holiest order of God." {Ibid., 84:18.)
brother's soul did I leave! Give me a Thus there are two divisions of the
horse and a guide.' Instantly, ... he priesthood, "namely, the Melchizedek
rode away from the Church and
. . . and Aaronic, including the Levitical."
arriving at the brigands' outposts, was {Ibid., 107:1.)
captured without flight or resistance, An unusual promise is given in con-
but crying, 'For this I have come. Lead nection with the priesthood. The Lord
me to your chief.' The chief awaited said: "For whoso is faithful unto the
him in his armour, but when he recog- obtaining these two priesthoods (or
nized John as he approached, he was divisions) of which I have spoken, and
struck with shame and turned to fly the magnifying their calling, are sancti-
[flight]. But John pursued him as fast fied by the spirit unto the renewing of
as he could, forgetful of his age, crying their bodies.
out, 'Why my son, dost thou fly [flee] "They become the sons of Moses and
from thine own father, unarmed, aged of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and
as he is? Pity me, fear not . . . . . . the Church and kingdom, and the
stay! believe! Christ sent me.' But he elect of God." {Ibid., 84:33-34.) It is

on hearing these words first stood with therefore incumbent upon every eligible
downcast gaze, then flung away his male member of the Church to live
arms, then trembling, began to weep worthy to receive the priesthood.
bitterly, and embraced the old man The Lord in his great wisdom has
when he came up to him, pleading with placed the priesthood under two divi-
his groans, . . . but the apostle pledging sions, as indicated, the Melchizedek and
himself ... ledhim back to the Church the Aaronic.Perfection, however, does
and praying for him and wrestling . . . not come through the Aaronic Priest-
with him in earnest fastings did not . . . hood because this priesthood ". . .

depart, as they say, till he restored him holdeth the key of the ministering of
to the bosom the Church." (St.of angels and the preparatory gospel";
Clement of Alexandria, Quis Divinitus {Ibid., 84:26) and is a schooling min-
Salv., chapter 42.) istry to prepare the holders thereof for
In Zion today are apostles like John the greater or Melchizedek Priesthood.
who have been divinely called to min- The Lord offers the male youth of the
ister the affairs of the kingdom of God Church, twelve years and older who
in all the world. The Lord has through are worthy and eligible, the great privi-
this apostolic ministry appointed bishops lege of officiating in his work by being
in all stakes of Zion. The charge, "I ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood.
entrust to thee this youth," which John Here they learn the governing princi-
gave to the bishop is one of the fore- ples of the kingdom of God. Through
most responsibilities of the office and voluntary service in the outward ordi-
calling of a bishop to care for the — nances of the Church, they gain a
spiritual stability that can come to
youth. Peculiar to this Church is the
authority by which it acts, the priesthood them in no other way.
of God. This priesthood or authority It is the Lord's desire that all should

to act in the name of God was restored come unto him. "For behold, this is
to the earth by direct revelation. The —
my work and my glory to bring to
higher priesthood is known as the Mel- pass the immortality and eternal life
chizedek Priesthood and ". . continueth . of man." (Moses 1:39.) There is only
in thechurch of God in all generations, one way, as the Bible states, "One Lord,
and is without beginning of days or one faith, one baptism." (Eph. 4:5.)
end of years." (D&C 84:17.) Along The Lord knows the dangers that

can beset youth without a spiritual "The family used to be bound to-

guide just like the youth that John gether by economic glue. Historically,
rescued who had been neglected! the family worked together as a team
Worthy young men in the Church have on the hunt or in the field. It was an
the Aaronic Priesthood conferred upon essential to existence itself that there be
them. Thus each has the advantage discipline and leadership within the
of spiritual growth as he is presided family."
over by a bishop. The bishop is, by I would also like to read a letter
revelation, president of the Aaronic written by a father to his son. The
Priesthood and president of the priests son had been confined in a youth de-
quorum. Thus the bishop of a ward is tention home. The father upon learn-
the spiritual guardian of the youth. ing about his son's confinement went
He does not, however, replace the par- immediately to the detention facilities.
ents in their responsibility to teach, Upon seeing his son, the father com-
guide, persuade, and discipline their menced shouting indignantly, inform-
own children. It is the responsibility ing his son that he was no good, a
of parents to develop within their chil- disgrace. The boy reacted by forcing
dren certain spiritual values such as shut the door. As the father returned
humility, repentance, a feeling of re- home, he was unable to sleep. He spent
sponsibility, and love for their fellow the night pondering over the circum-
men. The example of parents, un- stances causing the failure of his son.
doubtedly, imposes the greatest influ- As a result, he wrote this letter:
ence upon their children. This influence "Dear Son, Maybe you won't under-
must be for good if parents are to be stand all this. It certainly isn't clear
successful. to me yet. All I know is that when you
The most recent statistics from the sent me away yesterday I was glad. I
FBI indicate an increase in crime as thought I was finally rid of a big prob-
reported in 1962. Approximately fifty lem. I was wrong. Son, I have been
percent of all major crimes are com- wrong about you for a long time. I
mitted by young people under the age decided to forget you, but I couldn't.
of eighteen. The school drop-out prob- The more I tried, the more I thought
lem seems acute and more prevalent about you. I prayed for help, but it
today. Dr. William Hutchinson says: seemed to do no good. In fact, my
"For the most part school drop-outs were thoughts only became more centered
first church drop-outs. He is a drop-out around you, like a snowball rolling
from his family, . drop-out from so-
. . down hill.
ciety. ... I recognize, that the
. . . "I don't blame you Son
sending for
most important single force in our so- me away. You weren't sending away
ciety is the family. I would first sug- your dad, only a guy who was always
gest that we prepare our young people mad at you. When I overcame my
to be good parents. Too many of those drinking problem, I went to all those
that I see are weak, immature parents. I had hurt and asked their forgiveness.
After dealing with many teen-agers, I I never thought to go to you. I should
have received the impression that have. I know now that you were one
adolescent youth is not looking ahead of those I had hurt the most.
to parenthood. Teen-agers too often "When you needed another chance,
think of their father and mother as I never really gave it to you. Just sat
'poor Dad' and 'poor Mom' in a con- around knowing you would fail and
descending way. Their thinking is not waiting for it to happen. Now I'm ask-
oriented ahead with proud anticipation ing you for another chance. Not with
of stepping into the role of a family me setting the terms. Just for the
leader. chance to work with you to try to
"Among parents I see a great many overcome the wrongs done. Hope-
looking back with nostalgia to their fully, Dad."
youth and trying to relive the 'glorious This letter would never have been
teens' vicariously through their children. written if the father had been the spirit-
Saiurday, October 5 Second Day

ual influence in his home that God in- love of Christ in the souls of the
tended him to be. The boy would youth. His labors inspire hope, and
never have harbored contempt for his his kindness builds faith. This is to-
father if their home had been spiritually day's spiritual challenge to establish
strong. One might assume that the faith, hope, and the pure love of Christ,
statistics of broken homes and shattered which is charity, (see Moroni 7:47)
dreams would be compel
sufficient to into the hearts of the young people.
all people to correct the illusion that Paul declares that these three abideth
they are self-sufficient and have no need (see 1 Cor. 13:13) though the image
of God. and fashion of the world pass away.
Thomas J. Cahill, chief of the San It is the precious youth of the Church
Francisco Police Department, makes who must accept this challenge. It is
the following observation: "... I say the bishop, as overseer in the household
to you that the home is a place where of God, who holds the torch of leader-
the child must be taught from the ship. The bishop is indeed a true and
cradle. Love, understanding, and kind- good shepherd.
ness is something that is built into his It is in the early period of life that
heart or her heart as they grow, and youth needs to be cared for, maintained,
it must be done by both the father and and cherished. This is the formative
the mother carrying out their responsi- period of life. Mr. Vaughn in 1783
bilities; because when God gives them wrote to Benjamin Franklin, "Influence
children or gives us children, he also upon the private character late in life
places upon our shoulders correspond- is not only influence late in life but
ing responsibilities and obligations to a weak influence.
see to it that those children are brought "It is in youth that we plant our
up in the proper way. ." . . chief habits and prejudices; it is in
I must add that the only proper way youth that we take our party, as to
is God's way. Spiritual discipline is profession, pursuits and matrimony. In
the most effective means of character youth, therefore, the turn is given, in
development. The influence of the youth the education even of the next
priesthood in the home has the greatest generation is given, in youth the pri-
influence for guiding and persuading vate and public character is determined,
young people along the path of right- and the term of life extending but
eousness. One of the fundamental from youth to age, life ought to begin
teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ well from youth, and more especially
of Latter-day Saints is that every mem- before we take our party to our prin-
ber should acquire learning by study, cipal objects."
by faith, by prayer and by seeking No young man can receive the
learning wherever it is found. be- We priesthood and participate therein with-
lieve that, "Theglory of God is intelli- out becoming a better person. The
gence, . .
." (D&C 93:36.) "And if a priesthood is character building. It

person gains more knowledge and teaches one to have proper concepts
intelligence in this life through his and values. As one magnifies his duties
diligence and obedience than another, in the priesthood, he experiences the
he will have so much the advantage in challenge and growth that emanate
the world to come." (Ibid., 130:19.) from eternal principles. This challenge
This would suggest that spiritual guid- prompted the inspired words of the
ance in the home gives the youth not Prophet Joseph Smith, "That the rights
only an advantage in this life but of the priesthood are inseparably con-
also in the eternity. In addition to the nected with the powers of heaven, and
influence in the home, the bishop gives that the powers of heaven cannot be
them guidance in the government of the controlled nor handled only upon the
kingdom and in the priesthood of God. principles of righteousness." (D&C
In this respect, he is in metaphor, a 121:36.)
potter and sculptor of the youth. In the business affairs of life, it is
The ward bishop cultivates the pure the application of advantages that con-

tributes to success. If one has the ad- Following a brief organ interlude the
vantage of added training in a certain Tabernacle Choir and the congregation
field or the advantage of more economi- will sing, "Come, Come, Ye Saints,"
cal production of a product, he usually with Richard P. Condie conducting and
becomes more successful in his busi- Dr. Alexander Schreiner at the organ.
ness effort. So it is with the youth.
The priesthood of God gives them an The Choir and congregation joined in
advantage for success and happiness and singing the hymn, "Come, Come, Ye
eternal life. Saints."
Here we have reason for Peter's
declaration: ". ye are a chosen gen-
. . President David O. McKay:
eration, a royal priesthood, an holy
nation, a peculiar people; that ye should When the Saints first sang, "Come,
shew forth the praises of him who hath Come, Ye who spoke from
Saints," those
called you out of darkness into his this pulpitspoke only to those who
marvellous light." (1 Pet. 2:9.) In the were sitting in the audience in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Tabernacle. As apparent to all this
program has been given to the millions
President David O. McKay: outside, as well as to you here in the
Bishop John H. Vandenberg of the We shall now hear from Elder Alvin
Presiding Bishopric has just spoken to us. R. Dyer, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

It always a great spiritual uplift to

is which the following are but a few:
attend the conference of The Church of The American Heritage Foundation,
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and The United States Conference of
I am grateful with you, my brethren Mayors, and The General Federation.
and sisters, once again to have this The need for such a day to be brought
privilege. to the attention of America stems from
President McKay's great message yes- the apparent complacency with regard
terday,which went straight to the heart to the rule of law, devotion to morality,
of the individual, gives encouragement and moral honesty.
to the remarks that I thought to make In recent weeks, as reported in our
about honesty. The great need of the newspapers, J. Edgar Hoover, the direc-
world is for spiritual quality in men, tor of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
for depth and altitude of soul, for tion, based upon statistics compiled by
wealth of inward life, out of which this bureau, stated among other things
good deeds shall come like a stream "that since 1950 the crime rate in Amer-
from the mountains, with power. But ica has increased four times as fast as
this nobility of character is not arrived our population. For every dollar our
at in a day. Its source lies far back churches cost us, our crime is costing
in the days of youth, in the practices us 12 dollars. Bank robberies and fraud
of restraint and the acquisition of hon- have increased with leaps and bounds."
estthoughts and good habits. In viewing this appalling situation there
Webelieve in being honest! are those who say, "Such crimes are
Through the efforts of the American committed by the professional criminal,
Bar Association and Presidential Procla- and we will always have them." But,
mation, we now have a new day in truly, are such deviations into crime
America. It comes every first of May and dishonesty expanding only in the
and is referred to as "Law Day." Efforts so-called ranks of the professional
are being made to popularize this day criminal?
by many national organizations of In an article appearing in the Reader's

Saturday, October 5 Second Day

Digest not long ago, we learn of the Supermarkets are especially vulner-
reported inroads of dishonesty made able to the "amateur" thieves, eighty
into the ranks of the average person. percent of whom are women. One ex-
A fisherman or a hunter is generally ample, 500,000 supermarket shopping
regarded as a "sportsman" with a sense carts disappeared last year, at an
of fairness and of playing the game average cost of $30.00 each, this comes to
according to the rules; yet in one month $15,000,000.00. One expert estimates
in one of our states, 350 "sportsmen" that fifteen percent of your food bill
were fined for violation of the game goes to cover what customers and em-
laws. An officer reported that there ployees take, salving their conscience
would have been many more had there with the thought that big companies can
been sufficient wardens to check the afford it. The question is: Can you af-
infractions. ford it?
Access to the daily press releases of It is estimated that supermarket em-
the Federal Trade Commission reveals ployees steal the equivalent of $300,000.00
the mendacity of our sellers of goods every day. Across the country, employee
lies about origins, lies about qualities, thefts of money and merchandise are
lies about reduced prices! estimated to total two billion dollars
Recently, a New York newspaper a year. Three years ago this was esti-
printed many columns about unscrupu- mated at one billion. Such pilferage
lous persons on relief who had dishon- has destroyed many companies. An
estly requested and received more money organization has been formed in New
than the law permits. York City not to investigate criminal
The revealed facts of employee and rings, but to suggest methods to big
customer dishonesty are most startling. businessconcerns on how to control
Chiseling a big impersonal company is employee dishonesty. Much of this is
not stealing at all, say some. A report in such innocent quantities that it hardly
of this was made in Look Magazine appears evil at all. Secretaries go home
published the last week of September. with pencils and carbon paper. Em-
A reputable citizen recently told proudly ployees use the telephone for personal
of returning a five dollar bill to a drug- calls that add up to big money. One
store clerk who had given him too much executive in a big company said, "If you
change; but when he completed a long asked a girl to put down a dime for a
distance call from a pay booth and the phone call, she would think you were
operator returned his five quarters by crazy."
mistake, he kept the money without The fact that moral dishonesty has
any qualms. "The phone company is settled like an evil blanket upon the
so big they won't miss it," he said. peoples of all lands is told in an in-
The New Jersey Bell Telephone Com- teresting storyby Russell Kirk reporting
pany not long ago made a big fuss over in the National Review, having written
a ten-year-old girl who had returned the story from a country house in Fife,
several dollars which she had found Scotland. "Once upon a time," he
in the return slot of a public telephone. wrote, "a strict Calvinism, whatever its
The company tried upon this occasion defects, did install a high degree of
to impress the fact by having her pic- honesty in the typical Scot. But this
ture placed in the paper that when a week, at the raspberry picking here, the
person faces a machine with a moral gardener remarked to me, that of the
question, his answer should be the same thirty or forty people who came to pick
as when he faces a human being. on shares, probably everyone would
During the first ten months at New steal a basket or two of berries if he
York's new Americana Hotel, the well- saw the chance."
meaning average guests stole among These examples moral dishonesty
other things 38,000 demitasse spoons, are not those of the hardened criminal,
18,000 towels, 355 silver coffee pots, but rather the average everyday citizen
1,500 silver finger bowls, and, believe we see go to and from work on the
it or not, 100 Bibles. streets of our cities. Civilizations may

not because of cheating raspberry

fall the Apostle James has said, "A double
pickers or dishonest supermarket em- minded man is unstable in all his
ployees, yet great states do come to an ways." (James 1:8.) Following this
end of their tether when religious sanc- declaration with another: "But be ye
tions no longer govern the soul of the doers of the word, and not hearers
average citizen. only, deceiving your own selves."
Well might we ask ourselves this (Ibid., 1:22.)
question at this crucial time, "What is An insincere person lives a strenuous
it that produces moral and physical life, says Anne Lindbergh. There must
dishonesty in the lives of people?" The ever be restraints against "putting on"
facts that have been reported here refer or assuming a superficial front to sway
to overt acts of moral dishonesty, in a an impression or a credit in our direc-
supposedly noncriminal cross section of tion. That leader or teacher who is
the people. Can we possibly believe not honest in heart lacks sincerity. Such
that any act of such dishonesty is born a one does not live by what he teaches.
as of that minute when the act is com- The very word itself when traced to
mitted? This cannot be true, for it its origin means to be honest in our

goes back even to childhood where little relations with others; a negative message
traits of dishonesty go undetected. I will ever emit from an insincere and
once heard a father jokingly tell of morally dishonest person. From my
how his little son was always able to own experience in serving with thou-
find loose change around the house. sands of missionaries, I have come to
Perhaps the urge to take something that know that sincerity is the most neces-
does not belong to an employee can be sary of all qualifications. Without it
traced back to the lack of respect which a missionary can't hope to succeed.
adolescents have for the property of The Prophet Joseph Smith, while be-
others, even members of their own ing held without cause in Liberty Jail,
families. was inspired to say concerning those
That child or adult who is unac- whose of purpose had led
countable for his actions, disregarding to dishonest membership:
repentance and restitution, weaves into "How much more dignified and noble
his character the trait of dishonor. Here are the thoughts of God than the vain,
we see the need of righteousness and (insincere) imaginations of the human
kind discipline in the home. heart! None but fools will trifle with
The lack of realism on the part of the souls of men." 3, 295.) (DHC
parents in failing to detect and correct The
Apostle Paul urged the Ephesians
innocent acts of dishonesty in their to serveGod with sincerity of purpose
children can lead to disaster later. The and honest intent. Said he:
passing over of small amounts of money ". . . Be obedient, . . . with fear and
taken by children, the failure to correct trembling, in singleness of your heart,
stories told by children which are com- as unto Christ;
pletely false, can lead to acts of a graver "Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers;
nature later. There are many ways in but as the servants of Christ, doing the
which the unsuspected seeds of moral will of God from the heart;
dishonesty are planted and which will "With good will doing service, as to
blossom forth in due time. the Lord, and not to men:
Generally speaking, moral dishonesty "Put on the whole armour of God,
tends towards insincerity and hypocrisy. that ye may be able to stand against the
These three are evil companions and wiles of the devil.
can destroy the majesty of the will, ". . . in the evil day, and having done
nullifying the power of agency. Nothing all, To stand." (Eph. 6:5-7, 11, 13.
displeases the Master more than hypoc- Italicsadded.)
risy. His frequent denunciations of the Someone has written a paraphrasing
Pharisees because of this trait are a of this of those who take much from
matter of biblical record. Of those life but give little:

who are not what they profess to be, "He stands having his loins girt about
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

with religiosity and having on the "We say that God is true; that the
breastplate of respectability. His feet Constitution of the United States is true;
are shod with ostentatious philanthropy, that the Bible is true; that the Book of
his head is encased in the helmet of Mormon is true; . that Christ is
. .

spread-eagle patriotism. Holding in his true; that the ministering angels sent
left hand the buckler of worldly power forth from God are true, and that we
and in his right hand the sword of in- know that we have an house not made
fluence, and thus shall he stand in the with hands, eternal in the heavens,
evil day." whose builder and maker is God; . .

In conclusion, I quote the thirteenth (DHC 3, 304.)

Article of Faith of our Church: I testify of this in the name of Jesus
"We believe in being honest, true Christ. Amen.
chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in do-
ing good to all men; indeed, we may President David O. McKay:
say that we follow the admonition of
Paul —We believe all things, we hope He to whom we
have just listened is
all things, we have endured many Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
things, and hope to endure all things. Twelve.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or The Tabernacle Choir will now sing,
of good report or praiseworthy, we seek "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains
after these things." (Italics added.) Are the Feet of Him That Bringeth
I have spoken of but one phase of this Good Tidings." After the singing there
article: will be a two minute organ interlude.
"We believe in being honestl"
I bear testimony to the need of this The Tabernacle Choir sang the num-
attribute in our daily lives that we may ber, "How Beautiful Upon The Moun-
not be deceived by the force of evil in tains Are The Feet Of Him That
hidden and unsuspecting ways. I bear Bringeth Good Tidings."
testimony also of the vitality and truth
of the message of the restoration of the President David O. McKay:
gospel of Jesus Christ, which we have
for the world. In the words of Joseph Elder Alma Sonne will be our con-
Smith the Prophet: cluding speaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren and sisters, we have just Christ the Lord. Faith in him is the
listened to a stirring message sung by foundation of righteous living. He is
the Choir. "How beautiful upon the the cornerstone of The Church of Jesus
mountains are the feet of him who Christ of Latter-day Saints. To dis-
bringeth good tidings." regard and to ignore him is to extinguish
As I stand here, I feel that mankind the brightest light in human history.
today needs to be reassured. Atheism is A
few weeks ago I attended a fast day
asserting itself as never before. It is servicein a beautiful ward chapel.
being organized to destroy religion, to I was deeply impressed as I watched
dethrone God, and to undermine the and listened to the proceedings. A
standards by which progress in the past youthful bishop presided. He made a
has been made. The leaders in all few preliminary remarks, and the con-
activities of life need much strength, gregation sang a well-known hymn. The
much love, much endurance, and an un- prayer that followed was short and to
bounded courage, and certainly greater the point. Another hymn was sung,
faith in God. and the bishop arose and told the
As a Church we accept without reser- congregation it was their meeting. He
vation the divine leadership of Jesus urged the members present to bear their

testimonies and
briefly to express their of faith. But most of his followers re*
feelings regarding their faith and to mained cynical and doubtful, and when
acknowledge their blessings. There the crucial and testing moment arrived,
were no prolonged sermons. The they were not there. Without faith
speakers, men and women, manifested man is forever in the shadows of doubt
the usual fear and timidity, but all in and uncertainty. He has no future. He
all each one had a message, a message has no program to follow, and when
that came from the heart, and what death comes he leaps into the dark and
comes from the heart goes to the heart. there is no inclination in his heart to
The words spoken were tinctured with turn to God and worship.
deep conviction. In each case it was was the greatest advocate of
a declaration of a positive faith. They faith the world has known. Fie not
told about their prayers being answered only taught it but he exemplified it in
and the manifestations of God's power his entire ministry. For many years
in their homes. Some talked about I have read books on the life and
material blessings which had come character of Jesus the Christ. Most of
through the payment of tithing. Others them have been very interesting and
testified as to the divinity of God's well-written. The older I get, however,
work which had been established in this the more joy and satisfaction I receive
Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. from the four Gospels written by Mat-
Some spoke of the divinity of Jesus thew, Mark, Luke, and John. These
Christ, and others about the prophetic four narratives are a challenge to the
calling of Joseph Smith. The closing world. They are a work of art. They
hymn was sung with considerable feel- are a strong and irrefutable testimony
ing. A fervent benediction was offered, of the divinity of the Lord Jesus. What-
and the meeting dismissed, but the ever is said and done, and whatever is
worshipers stood there in groups as if written about him, the fact remains
reluctant to go. I know the good spirit that these writers of his life have pic-
was present in that gathering. It was tured for us the greatest figure in uni-
the spirit of true worship. All were versal history. They did not invent
touched and everyone was strengthened him. No one would be capable of
and uplifted for the days and weeks doing that, for he was perfect and be-
ahead. yond the creation of man. They re-
What is man without an abiding corded what they saw and heard and
faith in the true and living God? found nothing to criticize. They ac-
Colonel Ingersoll answered that question cepted him, worshiped him, and some
many years ago. "Man," he said, "is a of them died for him. Their testi-
stranger wandering hither and thither mony is therefore strong, reliable,
in a narrow vale between the barren and trustworthy.
peaks of two eternities," coming and Religious teachers talk about theology,
going without guide, compass, or des- their doctrines of salvation —
the resur-
tination to guide him on his way. rection, the virgin birth, and many other
But let me say, my brethren and things. But without the personal Christ
sisters, those peaks about which Inger- as he appeared among men, their teach-
soll spoke are not barren, for a man of ings would be meaningless and without
faith sees beyond the peaks, and he purpose, and the urge to worship the
sees a primeval existence. He also sees Almighty would be lost. He is the
a land where there are no shadows and voice of authority, the fountain of all
where there will be a glorious reunion grace and truth and the mirror of all
with loved ones who have gone on perfection for you and me to follow. He
before. Earth life is not the beginning made that clear when he said, "I am the
of man, and death is not the end. For way, the truth, and the life: ." . .

three years Jesus walked along the (John 14:6.) I believe that deep in the
shores of the Sea of Galilee, through the heart of humanity is a desire to believe
towns, villages, and cities of Palestine, in the divinity of Jesus Christ, for he
teaching and demonstrating the power gives humanity something to hope for,
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

something to live for, and something for regardless of man's rebellion every
to strive for. knee shall bow and every tongue con-
Jesus lived with the poor. He ap- fess that Jesus is the Christ. In a world
peared as one of them. He cast his of uncertainty, confusion, and chaos
lot with the lowly and dejected classes mankind must turn to him. It

of society. You will recall when John is inevitable.

the Baptist sent his disciples to be And so we worship
the Lord and
reassured, Jesus said, "Tell John the Master. We
meet together often to
poor have the gospel preached to them." keep alive our faith and to worship
(See Luke 7:22.) Can you think of any him in spirit and in truth. Emerson
leader aspiring to greatness and recog- said, "And what greater calamity can
nition who ever thought of beginning fall upon a nation than the loss of
with the poor? Please remember that worship. Then all things go to decay.
the higher circles were open to him, Genius leaves the temple to haunt the
but he never deserted the meek and senate or the Literature be-
the humble. He remained their friend. comes frivolous, science is cold."
Was not this a manifestation of his I testify that Mormonism, so-called, is
great love? the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the
The meek will someday inherit the power of God unto salvation. It em-
earth. The honest and conscientious braces all truth and proclaims the
worker will be rewarded, and the idler divinity of Jesus Christ. People every-
and the schemer will have no place where are urged to recognize and
in the ideal commonwealth to be accept that truth and to introduce it
established. into their daily lives. The angel whom
Consider the Savior from any stand- John saw in vision said, "Fear God and
point. He was always a leader. He give glory to him; for the hour of his
possessed all the qualifications necessary judgment is come: and worship him
to lead a world torn asunder by conflict, that made heaven and earth and the
war, disruption, and contention. He sea, and the fountains of waters.'"
looked ahead. He was prepared for (Rev. 14:7.)
eventualities. He knew, for instance May we do so, I pray in the name of
that he would be put to death on the Jesus Christ. Amen.
cross. He knew also the reception that
would be accorded his disciples. He President David O. McKay:
never wavered in the face of a ruthless
and determined opposition. In adversity He who has just spoken is Elder Alma
he was still the leader. A
combination Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve.
of forces assailed him. Strong and pow- Weshall conclude this Third Session
erful they were, but he never lost sight of the 133rd Semi-Annual Conference of
of his appointed mission nor succumbed The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
to the fallacies ofmen. His objective day Saints with the Tabernacle Choir
was before him. He never compro- singing, "Glory —
Glory Unto Our Na-
mised nor did he sidestep his responsi- tion," conducted by Elder Richard P.
bilities. He was firm and immovable Condie.
before his assailants, most of whom Following the singing the benediction
shriveled and withered in his presence. will be pronounced by Elder Harvey H.
He could not be manipulated nor Taylor, formerly president of the Mexi-
confused. can Mission, and this Conference will
He was qualified, my brethren and then be adjourned until two o'clock this
sisters, to lead the children of men. He afternoon.
made a bid to do so: ". . . other sheep We express our deep appreciation to
I have, which are not of this fold: the owners and managers of the many
them must bring, that they shall
also I television and radio stations who have
hear my voice; and there shall be one offered their facilities as a public serv-
fold, and one shepherd." (John 10:16.) ice to make the proceedings of this Con-
Jesus is the shepherd. He will succeed, ference available to millions throughout

North America, South America, Europe, which the closing prayer was offered by
Africa, and in many other areas of the Elder Harvey H. Taylor, formerly presi-
dent of the Mexican Mission.
The Choir sang the selection, "Glory Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock
— Glory Unto Our Nation," following p.m.

Saturday, October 5th, 1963. We have received the following tele-
The fourth session of the Conference grams:
commenced at 2:00 p.m. John B. Chambers,Jacksonville
The music for this session of the Con- Branch, Arkansas District, of the Gulf
ference was furnished by the Brigham States Mission says: "Pleased to inform
Young University Chorale, Kurt Wein- you that 17 Latter-day Saint servicemen
zinger, Conductor. Roy M. Darley, As- just departed by plane from Lindwalk
sistant Tabernacle Organist, was the Air Force Base to join you in this
accompanist. Conference."
The President of the Church, Presi- And from the Hawkes Bay Stake
dent David O. McKay, who presided presidency in New Zealand: "Greetings
and conducted the services, made the and Aloha Lei from the Hawkes Bay
following introductory remarks: Stake presidency, New Zealand."
The world is getting smaller.
President David O. McKay: We are pleased to note the attendance
this afternoon of special guests, promi-
For the information of those who are nent state and city officials, and leaders
tuned in by radio and television, we are in educational circles. We
welcome each
pleased to announce that we are assem- of you. Weare pleased to welcome also
bled in the famous Tabernacle on our stake, ward, and temple authorities
Temple Square in Salt Lake City, in the and General Auxiliary officers of the
Fourth Session of the 133rd Semi-An- Church. To all, to our vast unseen
nual Conference of the Church. These audience and to all who are gathered
services are being broadcast in the As- in this historic building, we extend a
sembly Hall by television. Those stand- cordial welcome.
ing in the doorways may possibly find The singing for this afternoon's ses-
seats in that building. This session of sion will be furnished by the Brigham
the Conference will be broadcast as a Young University Chorale, conducted by
public service over television and radio Kurt Weinzinger, with Roy M. Darley
stations throughout the West. The at the organ. We
are exceedingly
names of the stations were announced pleased to have these young men and
prior to the beginning of this meeting.
women with us this afternoon, and ex-
tend a hearty welcome to them.
We appreciate the service that is being
We shall begin these services by the
rendered by these stations. choir singing, "Come, and Let Us Re-
Both of the sessions today will be turn Unto the Lord." The invocation
rebroadcast over KSL Radio Sunday will be offered by Elder Donald B.
morning starting at one o'clock a.m., Milne, president of the East Jordan
and will be heard in many parts of the Stake.
United States and the world, including
The Brigham Young University Cho-
Canada, Mexico, Alaska, and the Is- rale sang, "Come, And Let Us Return
lands of the Pacific. A video tape of our Unto The Lord."
session this morning is now on its way Elder Donald B. Milne, president of
by air and will be telecast tomorrow the East Jordan Stake, offered the in-
morning in Hawaii. vocation.
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

President David O. McKay: Singing by the Brigham Young Uni-

versity Chorale, "The One-Hundred-
The invocation was offered by Don- Fiftieth Psalm."
ald B. Milne, president of the East
Jordan Stake. President David O. McKay:
The Brigham Young University Cho-
rale will now favor us with "The One-
Hundred-Fiftieth Psalm," conducted by The speaker this afternoon will

Kurt Weinzinger. After the singing we be Elder LeGrand Richards of the

shall hear from Elder LeGrand Rich- Council of the Twelve. He will be fol-
ards of the Council of the Twelve. lowed by Elder Eldred G. Smith.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Dear brothers and sisters and the lis- bring them to a unity of the faith
tening audience: were all put to death, except the Apostle
Ithought I would like to discuss with John who was promised that he might
you today briefly what, to me, is the tarry to bring souls unto Christ until
most important thing in a man's life. he should come in his glory.
Jesus said: What became of the Church and
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, kingdom of God after the Savior and
and his righteousness; and all these his apostles were put to death?
things shall be added unto you." The Apostle Paul warned the breth-
(Matt. 6:33.) ren of his day not to look for the com-
Where should one seek to find the ing of Christ until there should be
kingdom of God today? a falling away first. These are Paul's
The Apostle Paul said: words:
"And he gave some, apostles; and "Now we beseech you, brethren, by
some, prophets; and some, evangelists; the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and some, pastors and teachers; and by our gathering together unto him,
"For the perfecting of the saints, for "That ye be not soon shaken in
the work of the ministry, for the edify- mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit,
ing of the body of Christ: nor by word, not by letter as from us,
"Till we all come in the unity of the as that day of Christ is at hand.
faith, and of the knowledge of the Son "Let no man deceive you by any
of God, unto a perfect man, unto the means: for that day shall not come,
measure of the stature of the fulness except there come a falling away first,
of Christ: and that man of sin be revealed, the
"That we henceforth be no more son of perdition"; (2 Thess. 2:1-3.)
children, tossed to and fro, and carried Could a more positive statement be
about with every wind of doctrine, by made that there would be a falling
the sleight of men, and cunning crafti- away before men could look for the
ness, whereby they lie in wait to de- coming of Christ?
ceive." (Eph. 4:11-14.) Flow universal was this apostate con-
Can the world claim that we have dition to be?
come to a unity of the faith? When the Apostle John was banished
In view of the hundreds of churches upon the isle of Patmos, the angel of
claiming to be the church of Christ and the Lord showed him all things from
yet teaching conflicting doctrine, is it the war in heaven when Satan was cast
not clear that men are being tossed to out with a third of the hosts of heaven
and fro with every wind of doctrine as until the final winding up scenes when
the Apostle Paul stated, and is this not we would have a new heaven and a
because the apostles and the prophets new earth, for all former things would
whom God placed in his Church to have passed away, and the angel said:

". . . Come up and I will shew

hither, prudent men shall be hid." (Isa. 29:14.)
thee things which must be hereafter." Our message is to acquaint every lover
(Rev. 4:1.) of truth with this marvelous work and
And the angel showed John the power a wonder or the everlasting gospel
that Satan would have in the world brought back to this earth by holy mes-
and said: sengers sent from heaven in our day.
"And it was given unto him to make The Prophet Amos tells us the need
war with the saints, (the members of of a prophet in these words:
his church) and to overcome them: and "Surely the Lord God will do noth-
power was given him over all kindreds, ing, but he revealeth his secret unto his
and tongues, and nations." (Ibid., 13:7.) servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)
In light of these statements it is clear Thus, he, who would be sent to pre-
that the Lord permitted his apostles to pare the way of the coming of the Lord
see the time when his Church and king- in the latter days, could be none other
dom would not be found upon than a prophet.
the earth. We bear solemn witness unto the
But he also let them see the time world that the Lord has raised up a
when his kingdom would again be re- prophet in this dispensation to restore
stored to the earth. his everlasting gospel or his kingdom
After the Apostle John was shown by upon the earth, and that prophet was
the angel the power given Satan to make Joseph Smith.
war with the Saints and to overcome When Jesus bore testimony to Nico-
them and power was given him over demus of what the Lord had done,
all kindreds and tongues and nations he said:
(see idem), he was shown how the "Verily, verily,I say unto thee, We
Lord would restore his kingdom to the speak that we do know, and testify that
earth. He said: we have seen; and ye receive not our
"And I saw another angel fly in the witness." (John 3:11.)
midst of heaven, having the everlasting And we testify that we do know that
gospel to preach unto them that dwell Joseph Smith was a prophet of God
on the earth, and to every nation, and who was visited by God the Father and
kindred,and tongue, and people, his Son Jesus Christ when, following
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, the admonition of the Apostle James,
and give glory to him; for the hour of if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of
his judgment is come: and worship him God who giveth to all men liberally,
that made heaven, and earth, and the and upbraideth not; and it shall be
sea, and the fountains of waters." given him. (See James 1:5.) He went
(Ibid., 14:6-7.) into the woods near his father's house,
Thus the everlasting gospel was to when only in his fifteenth year, to ask
be restored to the earth by an angel of God which of all the churches he
being sent from the heavens. It was should join, and the Savior of the world
to be preached to every nation, kindred, whose right it is to sit in judgment upon
tongue, and people, showing again how all men told him, he should join none
universal the departure from the truth of them, for they were all wrong and
had been or there would have been were teaching for doctrine the com-
no need of an angel being sent from mandments of men, thus merely de-
heaven to restore the everlasting gospel claring the fulfilment of the prophecies
to the earth. we have already referred to.
The Prophet Isaiah also saw the day Following this glorious vision, other
when men would be teaching for doc- heavenly messengers were sent to re-
trines the precepts of men, and he said: store all things spoken by the mouths
"Therefore, behold, I will proceed to of all the holy prophets since the world
do a marvelous work among this people, began as declared by the Apostle Peter
even a marvelous work and a wonder: which would have to transpire before
for the wisdom of their wise men shall the Savior would come again. (See
perish, and the understanding of their Acts 3:19-21.)
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
Moroni, a prophet who lived upon membership in the Church and king-
this land of America about four hundred dom God here upon this earth.
years after the birth of Christ and who So, if we understand the scriptures,
had custody of the records that had we would know that the truth, the ever-
been kept, of the hand dealings of the lasting gospel, the marvelous work and
Lord with a people that he led to the wonder Isaiah spoke of, would be found
land of America six hundred years be- with a people who have been hated by
fore the birth of Christ, which record all nations. Such has been the history
was recorded on gold plates, was de- of this people and this Church.
livered by Moroni to the Prophet Joseph The Prophet Joseph Smith and his
Smith with the Urim and Thummim
or brother Hyrum were shot in cold blood
interpreters by use of which he was able by a wicked mob, and many of the
to translate these records which we now Saints were killed for their testimonies,
have as the Book of Mormon. and the Saints were driven from their
John the Baptist, who was beheaded homes time and time again until they
for the testimony of Jesus, brought back were driven beyond the borders of the
the Aaronic Priesthood. United States.
Peter, James, and John, apostles of Recently, I sent a copy of a book
the Lord Jesus Christ who were with explaining the teachings of this Church
him upon the mount of the transfigura- to a distant relative in the East, an
tion, restored the Melchizedek Priest- intelligent man. He wrote back indi-
hood with the holy apostleship. Thus cating that it was the first book he had
men were again empowered by ordina- ever read in favor of the Mormons. He
tion to perform holy ordinances here said, "I doubt if you have any concep-
upon the earth necessary for the salva- tion of the erroneous ideas the people
tion and exaltation of men so that such of New England have regarding the
ordinances would be binding in the Mormon people. I sometimes wonder if
heavens, and again to establish the they believe the tales they tell."
Church and kingdom of God upon But though the Lord had said that his
the earth. people would be hated of all nations,
When Jesus, as he sat upon the Mount nevertheless, he promised the Prophet
of Olives,told his disciples that the Joseph Smith and his associates:
temple at Jerusalem would be de- ". . power to lay the foundation of

stroyed so there would not be left this church, and to bring it forth out
one stone upon another, his disciples of obscurity and out of darkness, the
said unto him: only true and living church upon the
"Tell us, when shall these things be? face of the whole earth, with which I,
and what shall be the sign of thy the Lord, am well pleased, speaking
coming, and of the end of the world?" unto the church collectively and not
(Matt. 24:3.) individually—" (D&C 1:30.)
Then Jesus told his disciples of the It is gratifying to us to have lived
judgments that would befall the na- long enough to see the realization of
tions, of wars and rumors of wars this promise.
and pestilences and earthquakes and Last year 115,000 new converts joined
famines, and then he adds: this Church because they believed
"Then shall they deliver you up to through the power of the Holy Spirit
be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye in answer to their prayers that Joseph
shall be hated of all nations for my Smith truly was a Prophet of God.
name's sake." (Ibid., 24:9.) On May 17 of this year (1963) the
Then he adds: "Ten Commandments Award" of the
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall Fraternal Order of Eagles of Milwaukee,
be preached in all the world for a wit- Wisconsin, was presented to President
ness unto all nations; and then shall McKay. It was the third time in fifty-

the end come." (Ibid., 24:14.) six years the award had been presented
This isthe only gospel, through obe- by the organization.
dience, to which men can obtain The award, an engraved copper

mounted on walnut,
scroll read: During the summer of 1959, the presi-
"To President David O. McKay—for dent of the Deep Springs College near
leadership and strengthening the moral Bishop, California, a member of the
and spiritual fabric of American life." Episcopal Church, taught at the Brig-
Then, Mr. Thacker, representing more ham Young University Summer School.
than a million members in the United In an interview with a newspaper
States said: reporter, he said:
"We wish to express our appreciation "It may well be that the Mormon
for your leadership as head of one of people have the key that will eventu-
the great religions and faiths of our ally save this country."
country. We
present it in honor to We knew that, but we didn't know
your church and faith, and to you per- that he did. Then he adds:
sonally. May you reign forever." "I am impressed with the extremely
How appropriately he expresses our high level of intellect I encounter in
feelings toward our great prophet and the students here and even more im-
leader of today. portant the character of the students."
On March 29, 1960, a youth con- And is this not the true test of true
ference was held in Washington, at the Christianity?
call of President Eisenhower. Some I have a son-in-law in Los Angeles
seven thousand delegates from all over who has interested a retired minister
the United States attended that con- in the accomplishments of the Mormon
ference. President Marion D. Hanks of Church. He said to my son-in-law a
the First Council of the Seventy of this short time ago, "I would like to do some-
Church was asked to give the keynote thing worthwhile before I die. I would
address at that conference, and as he like to write a book in favor of the
sat down, the man conducting the same Mormon Church." While my wife and
made this statement: I were there during our last summer's
"As I sat here, I reflected that Mr. vacation, my son-in-law had fifty type-
Hanks comes from people that were written pages prepared by this man
driven from our region of the country under the title A Methodist Preacher
because of the things they believed and Likes Some Things about the Mormon
suffered bitter persecution for their Religion. I was asked to read the fifty
ideals; that went finally to the far pages which I did, and there were many
reaches of the country where they very complimentary things said about
thought themselves away from all this. our Church. I quote just a few para-
"Now we have invited a leader of that graphs taken at random from the
people to come here to talk to us of fifty pages:
the same ideals and principles for which "The Mormons need to know that
we drove them away." what has been good for the develop-
It takes truth a long time to travel. ment and practice of the Welfare state
In a book recently published by in Utah has fundamental principles that
Marcus Bach entitled Strange Sects and God designed for the world at large
Curious Cults he devotes one chapter as well as for the Mormon Church. If
to the Mormons. I quote the follow- Mormon principles of the Welfare state
ing therefrom. have been good for the Mormon people
"Mormonism has outlived its perse- — it is also a good thing to give it out
cutors and outlasted most of its critics to the whole world without stint
and with good reason. It is the most
truly American of all America's relig-
or favor."
ions. Its founders, its miracles, its holy ". . . The despised Mormon Church
books, its prophets, its martyrs, and its has something in its makeup, the
spiritgrew out of American soil. Across church world needs and no amount of
America from coast to coast are the dodging this fact will furnish escape-
credentials of its faith, and it is in ment from our theological muddle of
America that it has built its holy city
and its sacred state,"
the present hour."
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

". Joseph was irregular like all

. . To all who are listening to me this
prophets of God, and I believe he was a day, say unto you, that God the
prophet of God, in spite of any proven Eternal Father has restored his Church
blunders that might be suggested on the and kingdom to the earth, that he has
part of his enemies."
***** built his Church again upon the
foundation of apostles and prophets
". The Mormon church has some-
. . with Christ our Lord as the chief
thing that the world needs, and ignor- cornerstone; and no matter what your
ance of Mormon truth will not help faith may be, I promise you that if you
us solve the problems of our national will investigate and join this Church
***** with sincerity of heart, that it will en-
rich your lives beyond anything that
". . . No two men in the religious you could purchase with the wealth of
history of America were hated like this world. Hence, I repeat, the great-
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, but est thing in this world is to seek first
they had something the world needed the kingdom of God and his righteous-
in spite of any personal faults they ness and all other blessings will be
might have had in
life." added. I prize my membership in his
Church and kingdom above all other
". It is high time that some honest
. . things I have in this world, even 10
scribe wrote about the importance of my life itself. May God blessyou all,
the truth that Joseph Smith and Brig- I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus
ham Young preached while being the Christ. Amen.
most brutally opposed men in American
religious life." President David O. McKay:
It is wonderful to note how the Lord Elder LeGrand Richards of the Coun-
is fulfilling his promise that he would cilof the Twelve has just spoken to us.
bring his work forth out of obscurity We shall now hear from Elder Eldred
and out of darkness. G. Smith, Patriarch to the Church.


Patriarch to the Church

One morning on my way from the gospel plan," said President J. Reuben
parking lot to my office in the Church Clark, Jr. "No matter how much we
Office Building I stopped momentarily give of truth, of good example, of right-
at the large excavation behind the eous living, our stores, our blessings
building. A young man stepped over by increase, not decrease by that which we
me and asked what was going on. I give away. . . .

told him it was the excavation for a "Weare expected to give out of our
large multistory church administration store all that we possibly can give away,
building. He replied as he turned and and in proportion as we give unto
went down the street, "That's too much others, we become thereby more and
to spend on religion." Obviously he more enriched ourselves."
didn't place much value on religion. In serving our fellow men we are also
I've been thinking since then, how serving God. As he has said, "Inas-
much is too much? much have done it unto one of
as ye
In this busy world, are we so con- the least of thesemy brethren, ye have
cerned with other things that we have done unto me." (Matt. 25:40.) The

not time for God? We need to stop more we serve, the more we are blessed.
and ponder Where — are our values King Benjamin in addressing his peo-
centered? ple said, "I say unto you that if ye
"Theresomething very remarkable
is should serve him who has created you
about what we have to give under the from the beginning, and is preserving

you from day to day, by lending you been for the accident he would not have
breath, that ye may live and move and received the gospel. He had been too
do according to your own will, and busy before to be interested in religion.
even supporting you from one moment After the accident he had plenty of time
to another — I say, if ye should serve to think and set his values straight.
him with all your whole souls, yet ye Then the missionaries called on him.
would be unprofitable servants. He accepted the gospel and now has
"And behold all that he requires of been to the temple and had his wife
you is to keep his commandments; and and family sealed to him for time and
he has promised you that if ye would without which he wouldn't
all eternity,
keep his commandments ye should have his family after death. For this
prosper in the land; and he never doth he was most grateful. What price is
vary from that which he hath said; too great for the blessings of exaltation
therefore, if ye do keep his command- and eternal life, and what is there in
ments he doth bless you and prosper you. this world that is more precious than
"And now, in the first place, he hath the gospel of Jesus Christ?
created you, and granted unto you your In early days of the Church it was not
lives, for which ye are indebted uncommon for converts to be rejected by
unto him. family and friends and forced to make a
"And secondly, he doth require that choice between loved ones and the
ye should do as he hath commanded gospel of Christ. They chose the gos-
you; for which if ye do, he doth imme- pel because it gave them a joy and
diately bless you; and therefore he hath security which could not be found in
paid you. And ye are still indebted any other way. There are still some
unto him, and are, and will be, forever converts who are forced to make this
and ever; therefore, of what have ye choice. On the other hand, some of
to boast?" (Mosiah 2:21-24.) us who have been given blessings in
Have you ever tried to get the Lord such abundance have no time for God.
indebted to you? He has offered that Our search for wealth and riches means
challenge to you. more to us, and we are sufficient unto
"Bring ye all the tithes into the ourselves. We
no longer depend
storehouse, that there may be meat in upon God.
mine house, and prove me now here- The Lord has said in the section called
with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will the Word of Wisdom:
not open you the windows of heaven, "And all saints who remember to
and pour you out a blessing, that there keep and do these sayings, walking in
shall not be room enough to receive obedience to the commandments, shall
it." (Mai. 3:10.) receive health in their navel and mar-
We are indebted to God for our very row to their bones;
life: the air we breathe, our sight, "And shall find wisdom and great
speech, hearing. treasures of knowledge, even hidden
Typical of many other such cases is treasures"; (D&C 89:18-19.)
the lady who was born blind. Through How can one set a price on the "hid-
the goodness of the missionaries who den treasure" of knowledge of the gospel
provided her with the Braille and talk- of Jesus Christ?
ing records necessary to teach her the And again the Lord has declared:
gospel, she became converted to the "And also all they who receive this
Church. She told me she had two sisters priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;
who had their sight, but she wouldn't "For he that receiveth my servants
trade places with either one of them. receiveth me;
They had their sight, but they didn't "And he that receiveth me receiveth
see. She had the gospel and a testimony my Father;
of its divinity, but they did not. "And he that receiveth my Father
Another typical example is the man receiveth my Father's kingdom; there-
who was grateful the accidentfor fore all that my Father hath shall be
which caused him to be paralyzed from given unto him." (Ibid., 84:35-38.)
the waist down. He said if it had not What price is too high? Can you ap-
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
predate the blessing which belongs to show that appreciation by righteous liv-
you priesthood holders to take your ing and service to our fellow men and
child in your arms in the congregation unto God, I pray in the name of Jesus
of the Church and give it a name and Christ. Amen.
blessing, or to baptize and confirm the
members of your family, or others who President David O. McKay:
may be worthy?
Count your many blessings, see what Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
God has done. the Church, has just spoken to us. The
Someone has said, "True faith is that Congregation will now join the Brigham
which teaches that things which matter Young University Chorale in singing
most, should not be at the mercy of "High On the Mountain Top," con-
things which matter least." ducted by Elder Kurt Weinzinger.
Let us not be like the man in the Following the singing we shall hear
parable Christ gave who filled his from Elder Boyd K. Packer.
storehouses with the riches of the world.
When they were filled to overflowing
he said, "I shall tear them down and The Brigham Young University Cho-
build greater." (See Luke 12:18.)
rale joined with the congregation in
"But God said unto him, Thou fool,
singing the hymn, "High On The
this night thy soul shall be required of
Mountain Top."
thee: . .
." (Ibid., 12:20.)
None of us knows when our soul
President David O. McKay:
may be required of us. It may be later
than we think. We shall now
hear from Elder Boyd
May we more fully appreciate the K. Packer, Assistant to the Twelve. He
great and wonderful blessings which will be followed by Elder Bernard P.
the gospel offers to us, and may we Brockbank.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Between sessions I was speaking to home with his aged mother. Tearfully
Brother Alma Sonne, whom I affection- he pleaded, "Mama, you can't go.
ately call my "big brother." He was Mama, you've got to live. Mama,
the concluding speaker at this morning's you can't die."
session, and sensing some apprehension Now, as the last person who seemed
on my part about this moment, he said: to care much for him at all was about
"Don't worry, little brother. I promise to go home, his pleadings became al-
you this: There is a good spirit when most frantic as he demanded, "Mama,
you get up there." And I confess that I you can't go." And then he said with
am totally dependent upon that good emphasis, "Mama, I won't let you go."
spirit and plead with the Lord for his I shall not forget. The little mother
blessings during the few moments looked up at her son, and in her broken
allotted me here at this pulpit. Danish accent she said, "But vher iss
Some time ago I stood at the bedside yoa powah?" It is to her question,
of an aged little Danish woman. She "Where Is Your Power?" that I would
was near the close of her life. There speak.
was a serenity and anticipation, even Ller son had brought no honor to the
a beauty about her as she talked of family name. As a father he had
what soon would be. There stood with failed. How sharper than a serpent's
us her middle-aged son, a pathetic fig- tooth is failure such as thisl I address
ure. He had lost his wife and family my remarks to every father who has a
through self-indulgence and for the son —not to the exclusion of fathers
past number of years had been living at who have daughters only, for much of

what say will suit them, too but

I — his father and with his mother, and
pointedly to every man who has a son for him to know that his father and
to carry on his name. his mother live together in love. There
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- are some hideous things that can hap-
day Saints a family-centered Church.
is —
pen to a boy ugly, abnormal, perverted
I bear fervent, solemn witness that The things. A proper parental pattern is the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day greatest insurance against tragedy such
Saints was divinely instituted; that as this.
there stands at the head of this Church The Prophet Jacob, in accusing way-
today a prophet of God, and that the ward fathers of his day, said:
program of the Church is ordered by "Behold, ye have done greater in-
revelation from on high. In the Church inquities than the Lamanites, our breth-
there is reverence for family relation- ren. Ye have broken the hearts of
ships. Family relationships are sacred. your tender wives, and lost the confi-
The family is eternal. dence of your children, because of your
speak to the father simply in recog-
I bad examples before them; and the
nition of his place at the head of the sobbings of their hearts ascend up to
home. Recently a priesthood home God against you. . . ." (Jacob 2:35.)
teaching program was inaugurated in If the father does not honor the
the Church. It reaffirms to every father priesthood he holds, rest assured that
his responsibility. It brings to every the son will do more than duplicate the
father new opportunity. inactivity. He will likely magnify the
The responsibilities of fatherhood mischief he sees in you, father. For-
cannot be delegated to social agencies, tunately, the same may be true of your
nor even to the Church, for a father virtue and activity also.
may unwittingly erase all of the good Give careful, prayerful, conscious
effects of those outside the home who thought and consideration to your fam-
seek to build for him a worthy son. ily. Do not bury your life in merely
Parents frequently call upon the Gen- providing a living. Many men play
eral Authorities of the Church and the role of fatherhood just by ear. They
anxiously argue that we are the last only react to what is, rather than to
hope to rescue a wayward son or strive with conscious, prayerful effort
daughter. They seek a blessing we for what ought to be.
cannot always bestow, for often we find A necessary and important discovery
it is the parent and not the child that with reference to a boy is that he is an
needs reproof. How wise was the individual. Boys must be taught to
prophet when he said: work, but boys are not miniature men,
". .The fathers have eaten sour
. and the Lord has urged:
grapes, and the children's teeth are set "And, ye fathers, provoke not your
on edge." (Ezek. 18:2.) children to wrath: but bring them up
One cannot, I repeat, escape the in the nurture and admonition of the
obligation of fatherhood. The father Lord." (Eph. 6:4.)
who neglects his son may suffer the A boy is not born to know that his
condemnation that the Lord placed father loves him. He must be told
upon the Prophet Eli when he said: and shown and shown and told a thou-
"For I have told him that I will sand times or more. A father must be
judge his house for ever for the iniquity wise and patient, but most of all he
which he knoweth; because his sons must be consistent, and his expectations
made themselves vile, and he restrained must be reasonable. For as the poet said:
them not." (1 Sam. 3:13.)
I would remind you that the father "What unjust judges fathers are, when
is first of all a husband, and essential in regard to us they hold
sons is proper
to rearing of fine stalwart That even in our boyish days we ought
regard for the wife and the mother of in conduct to be old.
the family. O how important it is for Nor taste at all the very things that
a son to have a proper relationship with youth and only youth requires;

Saturday, October 5 Second Day
They rule us by their present wants, that his was George A.
not by their past long-lost desires." Smith, Counselor to President
(Terence The Self-Tormentor, Brigham Young.) President Smith con-
Act I, Scene 3, tinues: "I remember how happy I was
F. W. Ricord's Trans.) to see him coming. I had been given
his name and had always been proud
Recently in California a church of it.
leader described a lecture he had given "When grandfather came within a
his children.He had forcefully affirmed few feet of me, he stopped. His stop-
to them how he had been self-sufficient ping was an invitation for me to stop.
as a youth, how dependable he had Then —
and this I would like the . . .

been, how hard he worked. His tiny people never to forget he looked at — me
daughter brought him back to earth by very earnestly and said:
saying, "Daddy, when you were a little " 'I would like to know what you have
baby, did you fix your own bottle?" done with my name.'
Where is your power to rear children "Everything I had ever done passed
to bring honor to your name? Each before me as though it were a flying
father would do well to recognize that picture on a screen —
everything I had
he is himself a son. This is true in an done. Quickly this vivid retrospect
eternal way. It is my testimony that came down to the very time I was stand-
the word "father" in the scriptures ing there. My whole life had passed
means father; that we have a child- before me. I smiled and looked at my
parent relationship with God; that we grandfather and said:
were created in his image; that we are " 'I have never done anything with
his children, and each one of us, par- your name of which you need be
ticularly those who hold the priesthood, ashamed.'
will one day have to answer to him. "He stepped forward and took me in
The late President George Albert his arms, and as he did so, I became
Smith once lay critically ill. Those conscious again of my earthly surround-
close to him despaired of his life. He ings. My pillow was as wet as though
later recorded: "One day, under these water had been poured on it wet with —
conditions, I lost consciousness of my tears of gratitude that I could answer
surroundings and thought I had passed unashamed."
to the other side. I found myself This vision or dream of President
standing with my back to a large Smith reminds each of us of the re-
beautiful lake, facing a great forest sponsibility we bear with reference to
of trees. There was no one in sight, the name that has been given us. We
and there was no boat upon the lake have taken upon ourselves the name of
or any other visible means to indicate Christ and have entered into a cove-
how I might have arrived there. I nant to remember him always and to
realized, or seemed to realize, that I keep the commandments which he has
had finished my work in mortality and given us, and in consequence of keeping
had gone home. I began to look around, the commandments there comes a prom-
to see if I could not find someone. . . . ise that we shall have his Spirit to be
". .soon I found a trail through
. with us.
the woods which seemed to have been Our measure will not depend on
used very little, and which was almost academic degrees or political preference
obscured by grass. I followed this or property or influence so much as
trail, and after I had walked for some simply how we lived at home. To be
time and had traveled a considerable a worthy father is to be a faithful son.
distance through the forest, I saw a The formula for either is the same.
man coming toward me. I became Where is your power? It is in the
aware that he was a very large man, power of example. Where is your
and I hurried my steps to reach him, power to raise sons to do honor to your
because I recognized him as my grand- name? It is in the power of the
father. . .
." (I say parenthetically here priesthood.

In closing I quote a few lines from Is your message impressive and clear?
Jane Terry written to teachers, appli-
cable to fathers who are the teachers "Are you living a worthy example?
of their sons: Isyour character what it should be?
When the children have gathered
"You are called to be true under- around you,
shepherds, Can you say, 'Come, follow me'?
To keep watch o'er the lambs of the "Earnest effort is always rewarded,
Righteous lives are inspiring to all,
"And to point out the way to green
You can render your thanks to our
Of more value than silver or gold.
By making the most of your call."

"Unto you are entrusted the children In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Priceless treasures from heaven above,
You're to teach them the truth of the President David O. McKay:
Let them bask in the warmth of your Elder Boyd K. Packer, Assistant to the
love. Twelve, has just spoken to us. Elder
Bernard P. Brockbank, also an Assistant
"Do you ask for the help of our father to the Twelve, will now speak to us.
In teaching his children so dear? He will be followed by Elder S. Dil-
Do you put forth a true, honest effort? worth Young.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Brothers and always a joy-

sisters, it is It was good to share missionary bless-
ful and honored occasion to look in the ings and to have friendship with these
faces of so many priesthood bearers, to two great missionaries.
be in the presence of our prophet, enjoy reading the scriptures.
I You
twelve apostles, and so many fine peo- know, they seem to have quite a human
ple desiring to enjoy and know the touch. You remember Peter saying
spiritual things of life. after the Savior's resurrection, and in
I would like to just mention that in his absence, "I go a fishing." (John
the passing of President Henry D. 21:3.) That is just about as brief as
Moyle, working so close with him in you can put it. The Savior appeared
the mission learned to appre-
field, I while Peter and the disciples were
ciate his great strength and his power fishing. After the Savior had shown
and his interest in taking the gospel them how to catch fish by casting their
to every soul. He knew no limit, and —
nets under his direction casting the
he always had an open door to every- net under his counsel and his guidance
one. He always had time for the right — that is the way to fish. He taught
things. I have never experienced an them how be fishers of men, to cast
individual like President Moyle, a man their nets under the direction of the
of leadership, capacity, and strength, Savior. I would like to take the next
and with so many varied interests. part of this great message that the
Also working in the mission field with Savior left with Peter on how to be an
President Tanner, I used to marvel at effective missionary. This was now the
how he could make so many inter- third time that Jesus showed himself to
views. I am sure that he tired the same his disciples after that he was risen
as the rest of us, but never seemed
it from the dead. Jesus saith to Simon
toshow. Courage and strength he has — Peter, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest
only one real desire and interest and thou me?"
that is to further the work of the Lord. These scriptures are well known to
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

all. This is a very important question than about feeding and teaching their
for each one of us. May I ask each of own friends and neighbors the gospel.
you, "Do you love the Lord?" The I learned a lesson about this point in
answer almost without exception would the mission field.
be, "Yes." Let us place ourselves in The missionaries baptized a little
the position of Peter. Scottish boy, very shabbily dressed, from
". .Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou
. a very poor home, family conditions al-
me? ... He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; most as bad as you could find. I asked
thou knowest that I love thee. He saith the missionary, "Why did you baptize
unto him, Feed my lambs." The Lord this boy?" "Well, he is a good boy."
can tell if we love him. The boy brought his entire family into
"He saith to him again the second the Church. His father was an alco-
time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou holic. He failed to bring his money
me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; home. Well, the story has a beautiful
thou knowest that I love thee. He ending. Today the boy's father is the
saith unto him, Feed my sheep. bishop. I learned not to judge the
"He saith unto him the third time, conversion of someone else. The Lord
Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? will hold the person that improperly
Peter was grieved because he saith unto brings someone into this Church, and
him the third time, Lovest thou me? him alone.
And he said unto him, Lord, thou know- Now what have we to teach the
est all things; thou knowest that I love people? You know, the Savior gives
thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my us this great message. don't have We
sheep." (Ibid., 21:15-17. Italics added.) to guess at what to teach. The Savior
Can you picture this great scene of said ". . Go ye into all the world, and

that powerful Peter being asked these preach the gospel to every creature.
simple questions? And the Lord had "He that believeth and is baptized
a way of knowing how deep the love shall be saved; . ." (Mark 16:15-16.)

was within Peter and how to teach And then he gives us the key. Jesus
him the way to show his love for said: "Teaching them to observe all
Jesus Christ. things whatsoever I have commanded
Weshow and prove our love by feed- you: .
." (Matt. 28:20.)

ing the lambs and the sheep. There Our job is to teach the people to ob-
are over three billion people on the serve all things whatsoever Jesus Christ
earth today, and at the present rate of has commanded. We
are to teach every
teaching, over two and a half billion nation, kindred, tongue, and people the
of God's children will never be taught commandments given by Christ.
the gospel of Jesus Christ. What if you The Prophet Ether in the Book of
were to live on this earth and never had Mormon is an excellent example of a
a chance to hear and be taught the good effective missionary. ". he . .

true way of life? could not be restrained because of the

Our task is great. Teachers are Spirit of the Lord which was in him.
needed. Every member of this Church "For he did cry from the morning,
that has a testimony and is converted
even until the going down of the sun,
is urgently needed. The lambs and the
exhorting the people to believe in God
sheep are hungry for the bread of life,
for the gospel of Jesus Christ. can We unto repentance lest they should be
unto them by
show our love by following the prophet
of God, "by every member being a
destroyed, saying
faith all things are fulfilled
missionary" to bring one or more souls 12:2-3.)
into the Church each year. It is great Here are some of the things that
to have a prophet. Have you followed Jesus commanded:
the prophet? "Let your light so shine before men,
I find people occasionally worried and that they may see your good works, and
concerned about whether someone else's glorify your Father which is in heaven."
convert is fully converted. They are (Matt. 5:16.)
more concerned sometimes about this Teach them to search the scriptures;

they contain the program that God has Ghost. What a marvelous experience
provided for his children. to teach the gospel under the inspira-
Teach your fellow man to have faith tion of the Holy Spirit! What great
in the Living Personal God as found in joy comes from feeding the lambs and
the scriptures. the sheep.
Teach your neighbors and friends I would like to just mention in clos-
that they were created in the image and ing a little about the World's Fair as a
likeness of God, their Heavenly Father. great missionary venture. I would like
Teach them to have faith in Jesus to mention that the Church of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God and the Savior Christ's pavilion and exhibit at the
and Redeemer of the world. New York World's Fair will help to
Teach them to repent from sin and show the world that we are Christians
evil and to seek first the kingdom of God after the order of Jesus Christ's program
and his righteousness. and teachings, that we literally accept
Teach them baptism the same bap-— the living personal God of the Holy
tism that Jesus exemplified as he went Bible, that we accept the living per-
down into the water at the river Jordan sonal Jesus Christ as the Son of God
under the hands of God's authorized and as the Redeemer and our Savior.
servant, John the Baptist. The church pavilion and exhibits will
Teach them that they must be born have the beauty and atmosphere of
of the spirit and receive the Holy Ghost. sacred Christian love and peace. The
Jesus said, ". . Except a man be born
. building, I am sure the architect was
of water and of the Spirit, he cannot inspired by God. It has an atmosphere
enter into the kingdom of God." of peace and sacredness, the way the
(John 3:5.) golden light enters the building, the
Teach them to love God and neigh- way the extension of the building is de-
bor. signed. It is worth a trip to the fair
Teach them from their hearts
to pray just to see this marvelous building and
to a Living God and a Heavenly Father. the exhibits.
Teach them that revelation from God The church
pavilion and exhibits will
to man has never ceased if man desires have the beauty and atmosphere of
to know and receive the heavenly bless- Christianity. The theme is "Man's
ings and witnesses. Search for Happiness." We hope to
Teach the people to pray to God and show that happiness comes from Chris-
ask for his blessings through the Savior tian righteousness. We
hope to show
Jesus Christ. many of the fruits of the Church. Jesus
Teach them to be kingdom builders. said, "by their fruits ye shall know
Remember the Lord's Prayer — ". . . them." (See Matt. 7:16.) We will
When ye pray," the Lord said, "After show the restoration of the gospel of
this manner therefore pray ye . . . Jesus Christ back to the earth again,
"Thy kingdom come." Anyone pray- the same as it was when Jesus lived
ing after the manner of Jesus Christ upon this earth.
prays to be a kingdom builder. "Thy The fair will be for two years, 1964
kingdom come. Thy will be done in and 1965. It is estimated that over
earth, as it is in heaven." (Matt. 6:7, seventy million people will attend. In
9-10.) my estimation it will be the finest
Teach them to have joy and happi- World's Fair ever held because of the
ness; long suffering, goodness, meekness, two-year period.
temperance, love, peace, and faith; these Our task is great as members of The
are the fruits of the Spirit. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Teach them the value and power of Saints, but with two million full-time
the priesthood of God, and that it has missionaries and Saints, we can teach
been restored to the earth. the people, our neighbors, as Jesus said,
When you teach, follow the Savior's "to observe all things whatsoever I
counsel and
"let your light shine." have commanded you." (Ibid., 28:20.)
Pray always before you teach for faith, May we all follow our prophet and
wisdom, and the inspiration of the Holy be missionaries and show our love for
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
God by feeding the lambs and the sheep, to the Twelve, has just spoken to us.
I humbly pray in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.
We shall now hear from Elder S. Dil-
worth Young of the First Council of
President David O. McKay: Seventy. He will be followed by Elder
Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, Assistant Henry D. Taylor, our closing speaker.


Of the First Council of tlte Seventy

So the translators may be forewarned, code into his system, except as I detail
I am going to say two things which are it one item at a time. That has been
not on the paper in front of me. The my experience in teaching boys.
first is that I fully and completely That explains, to me at least, why
support President Tanner and Brother we teach thoroughly the Word of Wis-
Monson in their positions. I am sure dom, and then discover to our sorrow
they know this already. But for any that often times the person who would
others who have any doubt about it, not disobey one phase of the Word of
I want them also to know that I do. Wisdom sometimes doesn't have much
The second thing is with regard to conception of the moral code. Or we
some desirable attributes mentioned just teach him the moral code, and he does
now by Brother Brockbank. He named not seem to have any conception of the
a number we must teach our
of things Word of Wisdom. We cannot allow
young folk if we
expect to have them ourselves to assume that a boy, or girl
stay true in the Church and have prop- either, is going to learn more than one
er acceptance before the Lord in his thing at a time.
kingdom. It has been my
observation Henry Van Dyke, an author read
as a leader of youth that one does not very much by the past generation, but
teach youth in "lumps," if I may use little known to this one, once wrote a

the word in bulk. Each thing one story concerning a man who lost the
teaches to a boy must be taught to word which could save him. Until he
him separately from other things. May could remember it, say it, and put it
I illustrate: into his life once more, he found no
I can teach a boy to make a fire with —
peace that's how the story went.
two matches, to care for it and to put Well, there is a word which many of
it out. This one of the tests that
is the present generation have not learned
used to be in the Boy Scout Handbook to know in the first place. It is not lost,
when I was in that movement. I can for it has not yet been learned. Yet
teach him so that I can leave him without it we cannot go very far in our
while he does it, and I can have confi- progress toward the kingdom of heaven.
dence that he will perform the test Like Mr. Van Dyke, I shall leave the
without my having seen him do it. But word until the last part of what I shall
the fact that I taught him that much —
say but I shall talk to it.
of honor will not necessarily carry over found a suggestion of it in the words
to his schoolwork, and the next day he of President Heber C. Kimball when
may cheat in an examination. I now he wrote his feelings about first hearing
must retrace my steps and teach that the gospel. He wrote: "The family of
boy not to cheat in examinations, and John Young, Senior," (who incidentally
then having taught him not to cheat is my great-great-grandfather) "of five
in examinations, I must take any other sons and five daughters and two sons-
virtue I want him to possess, center on in-law, John P. Greene and Joel San-
it, and teach him that. I may not as- ford, had moved to Mcndon a few
sume that because I have generalized on years previously." Brother Kimball was
the code of conduct which I expect him in Mendon at this time. "They had the
to live by that he will get any of that same principles in their breasts that I

had in mine; truth was what we wanted lost word which not lost, but which
and would have; and truth is what we many of us have not known.
did receive." This involves a man in his higher
I call to your attention these words: nature, too, in the realm of his free
"Truth was what we wanted and would agency to do as he will.
have." Nothing could change that. This generation of youth and we par-
Their lives were a witness to what they ents will find the key which opens the
"would have" for in spite of persecu- door to the solution of its problems by
tion, loss of property —several times in the practice of this simple but potent
succession —the truth they found they —
word determination. Without it the
"would have" —in spite of all obstacles. gospel will not affect us very much.
In explaining the principle of the The past generations to which we
second comforter, the Prophet Joseph point with solemn pride were deter-
Smith said these words: ". After a
. .
mined to stand pure before the Lord.
person has faith in Christ, repents of Each generation must in its turn show
his sins, and is baptized for the remis- equal determination if it is to be ac-
sion of his sins and receives the Holy cepted. Our present generation, young
Ghost, (by the laying on of hands) and old, is now making this choice. I

which is the first Comforter, then let him pray that we may be determined in
continue to humble himself before God, our turn to obey the commandments
hungering and thirsting after righteous- and to teach each of our children, one
ness, and living by every word of God, by one, each commandment, both by
and the Lord will soon say unto him, precept and example, and to stand true
Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the to the prophet of our generation, con-
Lord has thoroughly proved him and cerning whom I bear witness that he is
finds that the man is determined to a prophet. I also bear witness to the
serve him at all hazards, then the man fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is our
will find his calling and his election Savior and has given us his gospel to
made sure, then it will be his privilege see if we will obey it. May the Lord
to receive the other Comforter. . .
." help us to do it I pray in his name.
(DHC 3, 380.) Amen.
I callyour attention the words "he
finds that a man is determined to serve
President David O. McKay:
him at all hazards." That is the word, Elder S. Dilworth Young has just
and that is what we need today de- — spoken to us. Elder Henry D. Taylor,

termination voluntary determination to Assistant to the Twelve, will be our
serve him at all hazards. This is the concluding speaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

About two weeks ago a great and good honor and respect to men and women
man, who had completed his mission whom we consider to be great by ob-
here on the earth, was called "home" serving the anniversaries of their birth,
by our Heavenly Father. Tributes were by erecting monuments and statues to
paid to President Moyle by his asso- their memory, by visiting their tombs
ciates, recounting his many acts of de- and laying wreaths thereon, and by
votion, generosity, and service to God engraving their names on stones and
and his fellow men. President McKay sepulchers. But more important still
in his eulogy remarked: "Measured by is the manner in which they linger and
the standards of true nobility, President live in our memories; how well we
Henry D. Moyle was truly a great man." remember their teachings and the way
The scholar Carlyle once observed: they have influenced our lives for good.
"The history of this world is written Well might we ask the question:
in the lives of its great men." pay We "What made these men or women
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

great? What constitutes greatness?" taught that everyone, insofar as possible,

The Greek philosopher Pericles, many should be self-supporting, maintaining
centuries ago, pondered this problem his own economic independence, and
and finally arrived at the conclusion looking to no one but himself for as-
that: "Men who are longest remem- sistance. A man also has the responsi-
bered, and whose memories are most bility of providing for his family. To
highly revered, are not those who made earn a livelihood and at the same time
the most money, but those whose live within one's income become both
hearts were gentle, whose sympathies a challenge and a goal.
were broad, and who best served But while doing these important
humanity." things, does man have no responsibility
We are often prone to judge men to his neighbor or to God? Can he not
hastily and to consider them great if provide for his family and at the same
they accumulate or amass a substantial time serve his fellow men?
amount of wealth. Ofttimes during this The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
acquiring process, such men become day Saints composed of lay members.
self-centered and lose sight of things The and workers are called from
spiritual and neglect opportunities to the ranks. Every single member is a
help others. potential leader, and every day through-
The Lord, who is aware of the weak- out the Church certain individuals are
nesses of men, sounded a note of warn- called and chosen to fill positions of
ing against these tendencies when he importance. In accepting these callings
questioned: "For what is a man profited, they are recognizing the words of the
if he shall gain the whole world, and Savior, when he said: "He that is great-
lose his own soul? ." (Matt. 16:26.)
. . est among you shall be your servant."
Then later he proclaimed: "Behold, (Matt. 23:11.)
there are many called, but few are This attitude of humility was evi-
chosen. .
." (D&C 121:34.)
. He then denced by a former Vice-President of
explained why they are not chosen, the United States who rose to great
giving this reason: "Because their hearts heights of prominence, even aspiring to
are set so much upon the things of this become President, although unsuccess-
world, .
." (Ibid., 121:35.)
. fully. Later he was elected to a more
The possession of wealth and the humble office as a junior Senator from
things of this world are not objection- his home state. In accordance with
able if used for righteous purposes. The Senate protocol, he took his seat on the
ancient Prophet Jacob made it clear rear row. His associates and fellow
when he gave this sage counsel on the Senators, over whom he had presided,
proper use of wealth: offered him, out of love and respect, a
"But before ye seek for riches, seek desk on the front row. He modestly
ye for the kingdom of God. declined, uttering this classic statement:
"And after ye have obtained a hope "I am willing to be a junior and sit on
in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye the back row, for I had rather be a
seek them; and ye will seek them for servant in the house of the Lord, than
the intent to do good —
to clothe the sit in the seats of the Mighty."
naked, and to feed the hungry, and to It is interesting to note the varying

liberate the captive, and administer ways in which individuals respond to

relief to the sick and the afflicted." calls made of them. When the Lord
(Jacob 2:18-19.) In a word, to assist told Moses that he was the one chosen
fellow men and to serve God. to become the leader of Israel and was
While we realize that wealth cannot to lead his people out of captivity and
buy happiness nor eternal life, one has bondage, Moses was startled and began
humorously suggested: "Money may not to offer one alibi and excuse after an-
bring happiness, but it can surely make other, stating that his people would not
being in misery a lot more enjoyable." believe that he was the one that had
To work and to earn a comfortable liv- been called to become their leader. The
ing is important. Latter-day Saints are Lord gave him many assurances, but

Moses was doubtful, and finally

still some is given another, that all may be
said, "O my
Lord, I am not eloquent profited thereby. (D&C 46:12.)
. .but I am slow of speech, and of a
. "And all these gifts come from God,
slow tongue." (Exod. 4:10.) Noting for the benefit of the children of God."
his reluctance after the many promises (Ibid., 46:26.)
and assurances given, the anger of the Now it was intended that these gifts

Lord was kindled against Moses, and and talents should be shared with
he was instructed to call Aaron, his others, for the purpose of rendering serv-
brother, to assist and serve as his ice to fellow men and making their
spokesman. lives happier. Every week the Taber-
During the Savior's ministry upon the nacle Choir and uplifts
thrills, inspires,
earth, he thrilled and uplifted those with beautiful music,
us, their listeners,
who listened to his teachings. Many just as this chorustoday has thrilled us.
had a desire to follow and hear more Many of not blessed with
us are
of his inspired utterances. One disciple musical talents, but there are other
expressed his intention of following and gifts that we do possess, and other serv-
gaining more information, but made the ices that we can render. The poet,
request: ". Lord, suffer me first to go
. . Edward Everett Hale, aptly expressed
and bury my father." This would seem this thought:
to be a reasonable request. But Jesus
answered and said unto him: "Fol- "I am only one,
low me. Let the dead bury
. . . their But still I am one.
dead." (Luke 9:59-60.) I cannot do everything,
In contrast to these instances of hesi- But still I can do something;

tation and lukewarmness it is refreshing And because I cannot do everything

to note how some of the apostles re- I will not refuse to do the something

sponded to the calls Jesus made of them. that I can do."

The Savior, while ". walking by the . .

sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon There is a joy that comes from work-
called Peter, and Andrew his brother, ing and rendering service in the Church
casting a net into the sea: for they were and in being a servant to our fellow
fishers. men. King Benjamin taught: ". when . .

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, ye are in the service of your fellow
and I will make you fishers of men. beings ye are only in the service of
"And they straightway left their nets, your God." (Mosiah 2:17.)
and followed him." (Matt. 4:18-20.) To every faithful member of the
Here there were no questions asked, no Church will come opportunities to serve
alibis offered, no arguments given. in some capacity, for the need for
Going on a little farther, the Savior service in the fields of missionary work,
saw two other men, James and John, temples, home teaching, instructing
who were also fishermen. They were classes, choirs, and musical groups, work
assisting their father Zebedee in mend- on welfare projects, administrative posi-
ing their nets. When he called them, tions, and many other activities, still
they immediately and without hesitation remains great.
left their ship and their father and fol- If we would meet the Savior's stand-

lowed Jesus. (See ibid., 4:21-22.) Were ard for greatness, we will readily and
they not filled with the spirit of obedi- humbly accept the callings that come
ence and service? and become servants in the house of the
As calls come to us for church service Lord, remembering that "He gives best
by the Lord's representatives, it is
who serves most." Then we may rest
assured that if we do our best, the Lord
natural for us to wonder why we have will do the rest.
been selected. The Lord has made it I testify from personal experience that
plain that every individual has been joy and happiness have come to me
blessed and endowed with certain gifts through opportunities to serve in build-
and talents. And while there are many ing up God's kingdom here upon the
gifts, yet "To some is given one, and to earth, and I humbly pray that this
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
same joy and happiness can come to will be rebroadcast over 50,000 watt
every member of the Church, all of clear channel KSL radio early tomorrow
which I humbly pray for in the name of morning starting at one o'clock, and will
the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. be heard in many parts of the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, and
President David O. McKay: the Islands of the Pacific.
The CBS Radio Network Tabernacle
Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to Choir Broadcast tomorrow morning will
the Twelve, has been our concluding be from 8:35 to 9:00 a.m. Those desiring
speaker. to attend this broadcast must be in their
The Brigham Young University Cho- seats no later than 8:15 a.m. Elder
rale will now sing, "Hallelujah, Amen," Gordon B. Hinckley of the Council of
conducted by Kurt Weinzinger. the Twelve will be the speaker on the
The benediction will be offered by Church of the Air Broadcast on CBS
Elder Grant K. Patten, president of the Radio tomorrow morning at 7:35 o'clock.
Missoula Stake, after which this con- There will be large crowds attending
ference will then be adjourned until the services on Sunday, and we ask you
seven o'clock this evening when the gen- please to be courteous and gracious at
eral meeting of the Priesthood of the all times —
when dnVng your automo-
Church will be held in the Salt Lake biles, and when standing at the entrance
Tabernacle. Only those holding the to the Tabernacle.
priesthood are invited to be present. The sinking for this session ha"; been
Persons not holding the priesthood will furnished by the Brigham Young Uni-
please refrain from attempting to enter versity Chorale w'th Kurt Weinz :
the building. This Priesthood Meeting conducting, and Rov M. Darley at the
will not be broadcast publicly. How- organ. I am sure this great gathering

ever, in addition to the overflow meeting in the Tabernacle and our radio and
in the Assembly Hall the proceedings television audience would wish me to
of the Priesthood Meeting will be re- express for them our heartfelt apprecia-
layed by closed circuit broadcast orig- tion for the excellent ringing this group
inating in the Tabernacle to members of voung Brigham Young University
of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priest- students have rendered for us this after-
hood assembled in 370 separate locations noon. It is good iust to have them with
in all parts of the United States, includ- us, especially to have them sing *o well.
ing Alaska and Canada. It is estimated It is good to have young people. You
that approximately 12,000 holders of the can't ge+ too old not to em'oy their com-
priesthood will be on Temple Square pany. I speak from experience.
and more than 70,000 others will gather
in other locations from coast to coast. "How beautiful is youth! How bright it

The Sunday morning session will be gleams

broadcast by manv radio and television With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!

stations in the West, and short-waved Book of Beginnings, story without End,
to millions over Station WRUL,beamed Each ma ; d a heroine, and each man
by five transmitters at Boston, to Europe, a friend!" (Longfellow)
South America, Central America, Africa,
and parts of Asia. For the second time
We thank you very much.
the General Conference will be televised
We also exnress appreciation to the
members of the Tabernacie Choir, to
by Canadian stations from the Salt Lake Richard P. Condie, conductor, and
Tabernacle. The cooperating Canadian Alexander Schreiner, organist, for the
stations will be serviced by the CTV glor'ous mu<;ic rendered by them on the
network, which will take the Sunday broadcast this morning!
morning session and transmit it across The Brigham Young University Chor-
Canada. We thank and express appre- ale will now sing "Hallelujah, Amen."
ciation to our Canadian broadcasting The benediction will be offered by Elder
friends for their cooperation. Grant K. Patten, president of the Mis-
Both sessions of our Conference today soula Stake, and this Conference will

be adjourned until seven o'clock this The closing prayer was offered by
Elder Grant K. Patten, president of the
The Brigham Young University Cho- Missoula Stake.
rale sang the anthem, "Hallelujah,
Amen." Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.


The General Priesthood Meeting of Condie conducting.
the Church convened in the Tabernacle After the singing Elder Glen P. Um-
at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, October 5, 1963 berger, president of the Salt Lake Stake,
with President David O. McKay pre- will offer the invocation.
siding and conducting the services.
The Men of the Tabernacle Choir The Men Of The Tabernacle Choir
furnished the choral music for this sang the hymn, "The Spirit Of God
Like A Fire Is Burning."
meeting. Elder Richard P. Condie was
Elder Glen P. Umberger, president of
the conductor; Alexander Schreiner was
the Salt Lake Stake offered the in-
at the organ console.

President David O. McKay:

President David O. McKay:
is the General Priesthood Session
The men of the Tabernacle Choir
of the 133rd Semi-Annual Conference will now favor us with, "Thou Wilt
of the Church. You will be interested
Keep Him in Perfect Peace," directed
to know that these services are being
by Elder Richard P. Condie.
relayed by closed circuit wire to mem-
bers of the Priesthood gathered in the The Men of the Tabernacle Choir
Assembly Hall and in 370 other separate sang "Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect
gatherings from coast to coast, in Alaska Peace."
and Canada. It is estimated that 70,000
will participate in this meeting by direct President David O. McKay:
wire. This does not include those in
this building nor in the Assembly Hall. The dominating theme of this Priest-
The singing during this session will hood Meeting, particularly the first part
be furnished by the men of the Taber- of will be "Self Control."
it, have We
nacle Choir with Richard P. Condie as asked two young priests to speak on that
conductor and Alexander Schreiner at subject. Our first speaker will be
the organ. We
shall begin these services Brother David Cragun, a young priest
by the Chorus singing "The Spirit of of the Pleasant View Ward, Ben
God Like a Fire is Burning," Brother Lomond Stake.

Priest, Pleasant View Ward, Ben Lomond Stake

Dear Brethren: A week ago this Lord will bless and strengthen me with
morning the voice of President McKay this most humbling experience.
came into my room, by telephone, re-
questing that I appear here and represent I —
tremble but I'm not afraid. I
the youth of the Church. This is the most —
stand here a priest representing thou-
cherished moment of my life, for the sands of young men of the Church who
prophet to speak to me. I pray that the bear the Aaronic Priesthood. love We

Saturday, October 5 Second Day

the Church; we want to do right; we celestial blessings. I want happiness.

hope to prepare ourselves for service to Thanks for "self-control."
others. Thanks, President McKay, for re-
Since all normal boys want to be minding us so many times that the Lord
doing things, we constantly face two has intended that every man have hap-
magic words that every boy must know. piness. Thanks, Brethren, for your

They are Self-Control. These were the words of wisdom. I have heard you
words that proved to be a challenge to say that times change but good and
Father Adam. They have been a chal- evil do not. Beware, our young people,
lenge to all his posterity ever since. The for times may have changed but the
smartest boys and girls since the be- commandments of God haven't and —

ginning of time in every dispensation, neither have the consequences for dis-
are those who have appreciated and re- regarding them. The Lord has made it
spected the meaning of these two magic clear that blessings are based upon

words early in life Self-Control. Long obedience. "I am bound when ye do
ago King Solomon pleaded with his son what I say, but when ye do not what
to hear the instruction of his father, I say, ye have no promise."
and to forsake not the law of his mother, The philosophy of this great Church
to get wisdom and understanding. Solo- endorses education and knowledge as
mon knew the might of man's will, powerful instruments, but we also
when he "He that is slow to anger
said, hasten to recognize that the chain with
is better than the mighty; and he that which we can bind Satan must be
ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh spiritual. A spiritual chain is necessary
a city." because Satan has no body. The strong-
Self-Control. I hold the priesthood. est link in that spiritual chain is "Self-
I am a priest. How well these must go Control."
together. As a child of God I must be Our life's mission calls for us to
sure to develop personal self-control, hearken unto the Lord and turn from
and be able to stand by my own deci- —
temptation and sin to conquer self
sions. I do not want regrets. I do not to prove and improve ourselves, to serve
want tears. Repentance is a God-given others. Do we hearken, when we are
principle and so important to all, but slow to resolve the questions of liquor,
it's so often associated with regrets and honesty, tobacco, Church attendance,
tears. partaking of the Sacrament worthily, a
As I grow up and struggle for more full tithe? A young fellow who knows
independence, others do not know ex- and acts not what he knows is like the
actly what I may be thinking. I alone man who plows and plows, but never
hold the key to thoughts which are sows.
mine, when I am with others, alone, in Flave we resolved a firm position for
Church, at a football game, in the great ourselves concerning friends we choose,
outdoors, at a dance, in a movie. Yet, girls we date, the risks of petting? Life
am I really alone? Is a priest alone is a dress rehearsal for eternity and we

when he has prayed for strength, lived will play the part we have rehearsed,
the commandments, listened to the for no one is born into the world whose

whispering of the spirit, been obedient work is not born with him. So when
the final curtain is drawn we still see
to his parents? Followed and respected
ourselves as we know ourselves to be
the leadership of the Church?
the maker and judge of our own records.
I know that Satan tempts priests. He
I'm so grateful that both my mother
never misses a chance to ride our backs and father have placed the Church first
and whisper in our ears. His tricks are in their lives, that they and all my
numerous. His tools fit our emotions, grandparents never forgot why the
tastes and passions, and are labeled saints, including my ancestors, with-
popular and what everyone does. stood so many heartaches —stood firm
This is when the magic words must to the law of all laws —the Gospel of
ring in my ears, shine in my eyes. I Jesus Christ — and came to Zion. I'm
am a priest. I want a mission. I want grateful for the wonderful leadership in

the Ben Lomond Stake. Ever since I "self-control." If these preparatory re-
was a deacon I know that each Sunday quirements are not for me and all
evening when the Sabbath is drawing priests, then who are they for? And if
to a close that every bishop in our stake we priests do not prepare for them now,
confers by telephone with the stake then when?
presidency and reports to them on the Fellow members of the Aaronic
activity of each and every young man Priesthood, the time is here and now
and woman in his ward, and the con- for us to develop a safe measure of self-
tacts made in their behalf. I'm sure control, to lay foundations for our eter-
that this special interest in us has influ- nal happiness. I trust that every young
enced now the lives of the youth in man bearing the Aaronic Priesthood will
our stake. pray for moral strength and spiritual
My ideal is my brother Brent who is guidance, for parents and leaders who
a missionary in the French East Mission. will stay close to us and give us direc-
All of my life I have wanted a mission tion and encouragement. testimony My
too. I want to be worthy and ready is strong. I know the story of this great
next April when I become nineteen. Church is true. I know that God, our
My thoughts and actions must be firmly Father, stands at the head; that you,
disciplined. Full Church activity, study, President McKay, you are the Lord's
prayer, a full tithe and love for building agent and prophet holding the keys of
the Kingdom will strengthen my testi- authority. The young men of my age
mony. It is surely safe to predict that sustain you, and all our wonderful
the future quorum leaders, missionaries, leaders. Now we also pledge ourselves
bishops, high councilmen, stake presi- to the building of the Kingdom, in the
dents and General Authorities are boys name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
of today. Boys will be boys, but we
cannot overlook the fact that boys of President David O. McKay:
today will be men of tomorrow. It is Brother Matthew Simmons, a young
likewise safe to say that the great leaders priest the University Sixth Ward,
of the future must firsthave developed University Stake, will be our next
within themselves a full measure of speaker.

Priest, University Sixth Ward, University Stake

"And when they were come to the spoke that leads to eternal perfection.
place which is called Calvary, there This spoke is marked well its guide- —
they crucified Him, and the malefac- post is self-control.
tors, one on the right hand and one on To
the rest of the world, self-control
the left. Then said Jesus, Father, for- is the key to building a stronger char-

give them, for they know not what they —

acter to a Latter-day Saint it is the way
do." (Luke 23:33-34.) to salvation. We
have approximately
In these simple words is given one of 70 years on the earth to determine what
the most impressive examples of self- degree of exaltation we shall receive for
control in human history. The Savior's eons upon eons to come. we areWhen
mind was occupied with the most im- placed on the earth, every one of us is
portant issues at stake and not with the spotless. We have no faults. Then we
personal mistreatment he was receiving. are baptized, and after this point we
We were put on the Earth for a test- are held accountable for our every ac-
ing period. We were given free agency. tion. From this point forward, we have
Just as a hub is at the center of a wheel to use the utmost restraint in every deed
and spokes radiate out in every direction, in order to follow the path to eternal
so does free agency place us in a hub. perfection. The Master gave us the di-
We can move any way we desire. But rection to this path when He said,
going from this hub, there is only one "Enter ye in at the strait gate because

Saturday, October 5 Second Day

strait isthe gate and narrow is the way leader, the father of our nation is

that leadeth unto life and few there no more."

be that find it." Restraint can bring with it strength.
We as priesthood bearers have the This strength is a quiet courage that
additional responsibility to discipline needs no trumpets to announce its com-
ourselves because the foundation of the ing. There is an old saying: "If one
Church rests upon us. I think the poem man conquers in battle a thousand
of Carl Sandberg portrays the warning times a thousand, and if another con-
of the lack of discipline when he said, quers himself, he is the greatest of
conquerors." In the book of Proverbs it
"It has happened before, says, "He that ruleth his spirit is better
Strong men put up a city and got nations than he that taketh a city."
And paid singers to sing and women to
I am
a priest in the Aaronic Priest-
hood. From this point on in life, self-
control needs to be more than a princi-
We are the greatest city; the greatest
ple for me to speak about. From this
point forward, it needs to be a way of
Nothing like us ever was.
And while the singers sang and the life —
a guidepost through which I can
strong men listened
go to find the Celestial Kingdom. I am
And paid the singers well, . . .
on the threshold of life. I have very
definite goals which I want to accom-
There were rats and lizards who worked
plish, but I'm reaching the point where
And the only listeners left now
this takes discipline and control. This is
Are the rats . . . and the . . . lizards."
a minute by minute thing. as We
Wehave the only Church we have — holders of the priesthood can't put this
off any longer. You can't walk south,
the only priesthood, but it happened
or even east or west if you want to go
before, and if we pay our singers to sing
and our women to warble and we as north. "He who picks up one end of
the stick also picks the other."
priesthood holders aren't upholding our
priesthood, the rats and the lizards of
The prisoner in Sing Sing surely
Sandberg's poem will be working. The
didn't plan to go there; he merely waited
world asks more of us than it does the just a little too long to start curbing
average man. We
are being watched
his appetites and desires or he practiced
control on the easy habits to break, but
we are being looked to for leadership,
the hard ones he decided to wait on.
leadership to Eternal Life. can't We How did he know when he had crossed
afford to let down our standards.
that fine line over which he couldn't
Wehave the very same cravings, the
turn back. How
can anyone know when
same appetites, the same urges as do
they have crossed this line? When they
other men, but we must learn to disci-
pline ourselves. We
must learn to stand smoke that extra day and never stop
after that, or take that extra drink be-
up in the storm, but to have compassion
cause they are sure that they are going
on those who fall, to master ourselves
before we master others; to have a heart
to be quitting tomorrow.
that is clean, a goal that is high; to How many times have we said to
learn to laugh yet never forget how to ourselves, "I know I won't have this
weep; to reach into the future, yet never habit later on in life; I'm just getting
take ourselves too seriously; to be humble it out of mysystem now." It's too late in
so that we will remember the simplicity our lives to be experimenting. have We
of true greatness. to decide right now that we can master
Mahatma Ghandi said, "How can I ourselves completely. It will be hard,
control others I cannot control my-
if but everything that is worth having is
self?" And then so controlled himself hard to get. The coach of one of our
that when he died, Prime Minister great college football teams used to tell

Nehru went on the radio and said, "The his men, "When the going gets tough,
light has gone out of our lives and there the tough get going!" At times it will
is darkness everywhere, for our beloved get tough, terribly tough. This life of


ours is a championship game; we're up Whether you'll lead or will linger be-
against a rugged opponent his forces — hind
are laziness, procrastination, disappoint- Whether you'll try for the goal that's
ment. There are no time outs in this afar,
game; every minute counts. Every action Or just be content to stay where you
is recorded in the score book and the are."
final score oE this game will be with us —Edgar A. Guest.
through eternity.
A lifetime, 70 years, a long time? Not I know that we can all restrain our-
really, when you consider the centuries selves. I know this just as assuredly as I
upon centuries of what will follow this know that this Church is the Gospel of
life. Seventy short years in which to Jesus Christ and that we have here to-
prove ourselves. This makes self-control night prophets and leaders, sustained by
pretty important, doesn't it? God, that David O. McKay is a divinely
Joan of Arc, as she was put to death inspired prophet of God.
by fire at the age of 19 because she Restraint at times will be hard, and
wouldn't deny what she believed in, at times we will be discouraged. Even
said, "One life is all that we have. We Christ, as He was on the cross, for a
live it as we believe in living it and minute was overcome with horrible pain
then it is gone. But to surrender what and torment, and cried out, "My God,
you are and without belief is
to live my God, Why
hast thou forsaken me?"
more terrible than dying even dying — But this too will pass, and if we
young." If we fail to control ourselves, struggle, if we toil, if we pray, we can
we fail to live our lives as we believe we reach that point at which our lives be-
should, and this is more terrible than come that which dwells in the ocean
dying young. of Truth, beneath the waves, beyond the
Once we have begun to master our- reach of tempests, in the Eternal Calm!
selves, to discipline our bodies, to curb "God give me the serenity to accept
our habits, then we are on our way. the things I cannot change, the courage
How wonderful it would be to have to change the things I can, and the
completely controlled ourselves so that wisdom to know the difference."
we could wake up each morning and Predicated upon the principles of
look at ourselves and say, "I have 100 discipline, restraint, control, forever
per cent self-control. I have no prob- shall we reign, kings and pries+ s to the
lems. I can overcome anything!" We Most High, redeemed, sanctified, and
can do this. God has given every one exalted through our Lord and God, Jesus
of us the ability to practice restraint. the Christ. Amen.
Some of us have never gotten around
to trying it. President David O. McKay:
"You are the person who has to decide Tho^e two young men represent over
Whether you'll do it or toss it aside. . . . 100,000. God bless them. Elder Sterling
You are the person who makes up your W. Sill,Assistant to the Twelve, will
mind now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren, I appreciate this privilege One of the most inspiring messages

of having a part with you in tbe gen- in all sacred scripture is the story of
eral priesthood conference of the Church. the sixth day of creation when God made
I have been greatly stimulated as I am man in his own image. He also endowed
sure you have by the messages of these him with a set of his own attributes.
fine young men who have talked to us so Then, as the very climax of creation,
interestingly about the importance of God gave man dominion over everything
controlling our own lives. upon the earth, including himself. The
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

dictionary says that "dominion" means ments of God. This same misuse of our
control or the power to govern. The powers frequently gives our fears, our
most important part of the dominion doubts, our prejudices, our hates, and
given to man was self-dominion. In all our sex impulses the control of our lives.
of creation, it was only to man that God Before we can be successful in our God-
said, ". . thou mayest choose for thy-
. given dominion, our emotions must be
self " (Moses 3:17.) brought under the direction of the spirit.
On one occasion Joseph Smith was St. Augustine said, "Wouldst thou
asked to explain the unusual harmony have thy flesh obey thy spirit? Then
existing among his large
of group have thy spirit obey thy God. Thou must
church members, though they differed be governed, if thou wouldst govern."
so greatly in background, nationality, And only when we properly govern
and experience. The Prophet replied, ourselves according to what is right,
"I teach the people correct principles can we escape the destructive rule of
and they govern themselves." (Cited by our moods and appetites.
John Taylor, JD 10:57-58.) Sir Walter Raleigh said, "A man must
One of the most important parts of first govern himself, ere he be fit to
real religion is to qualify ourselves to govern a family; and his family, ere he
govern our own lives effectively and is fit to bear the government in the
righteously. Someone has said, "He commonwealth."
that would move the world, must first Each of us has been given a mag-
move himself." We talk a great deal nificent instrument called a brain,
about the fact thatwe have been given which was intended to play a much
the priesthood. The priesthood is the more prominent part in our religious
authority to act in the name of the life than it sometimes does. The brain,
Lord. But by itself that is not enough. not the feelings or the passions, was
We must also develop the "ability" to designated by God to be the presiding
act in the name of the Lord. The au- officer of the personality. And when
thority can never be of very great we honor the authority of the mind,
consequence without the ability. That we become masters instead of slaves.
is, how much benefit would be derived A. Bertha Kleinman has written the
from having the authority to make con- following verse about self-mastery.
verts without the ability to make
converts. SELF-MASTERY
The most inspiring thing about the
life of Jesus was not his ability to quiet "What tho I conquer my enemies,
the storm or control the tempest, but And lay up store and pelf,
his absolute control of himself. The I am a conqueror poor indeed,

Master did not need to make a single Till I subdue myself.

mistake in order to find out that it was
wrong. We
have developed a fairly "What tho I read and learn by heart
good control over some of our body
Whole books while I am young,
I am a linguist in disgrace,
members; for example, I have great au-
thority over my finger. If I tell it to
Who cannot guard my tongue.

bend, it bends. If I tell it to unbend, "What tho on campus I excel

it unbends. If I give my feet an order, A champ in meet and fight
they obey immediately, and we will If trained efficient still I can't
have succeeded in our religious responsi- Control an appetite.
bility when we get that same kind of
control over our thoughts, our emotions, "What tho exemptions write my name
our tongues, our industry, our faith, and High on the honor roll
our desire to serve God. Some of us have Electives, solids fail me if

mistrained our appetites to a point where I learn no self-control.

we tend to "think" with our stomachs; "And tho I graduate and soar
that is, our appetites frequently have And life is good to me,
more influence in directing our lives My heart shall write me failure till

than our reason or even the command- I learn self-mastery."


Our human nature of an

is made up thority to officiate in all of the princi-
interesting duality, which Jesus re- plesand ordinances of the gospel having
ferred to as the spirit and the flesh, to do with the celestial kingdom. But
and most of us permit a constant con- no great message is ever delivered
flict rage between the two.
to Plato without a great messenger. Inasmuch
refers to this duality as an upper soul as the professional approach to any
and a lower soul. He describes the accomplishment is first to isolate the
lower soul as the dwelling place of problem, I said to the missionaries,
weakness, sin, and appetite, whereas the "Before I can be of much help to you,
upper soul is the residence of the intel- I need to know what your problems
lect; it is the headquarters of reason are. Will each of you tell me in one
and the operational base of judgment word why you're not ten times as effec-
and righteousness. On
this battle ground tive as you are?"
the fate of each of us is being decided As the answers were given, we wrote
daily. Each individual is tending to- them on the blackboard. However,
ward his natural status of king or slave. when we analyzed them we found that
As we overcome the unworthy elements every single one of them had to do
within ourselves, we become masters, with the "messenger," none of them
capable of ruling our lives in wisdom was about the message. I said to them,
with righteous power. As we surrender "I'm going back to church headquarters
to our appetites, we become slaves. The in the morning, and I would like to be
alcoholic, the immoral, the dishonest, able to report what's wrong with the
the profane, and the idle are losing the message." But no one had any complaint
battle to the lower soul by allow- with the message. Their only problems
ing themselves too many lower soul involved changing the messenger.
experiences. One missionary said, "I can't be a
The one business of life is to succeed, good missionary because I am not
and one of our greatest Christian duties friendly."
is to organize and supervise ourselves I said, 'What do you mean?"
for righteous accomplishment. We He said, "Well, my companion loves
must be more successful in disciplining everyone, and everyone loves him. Our
the mind and training the will. Some- contacts all gather around him, but
one has pointed out that "planning" is because I am not that kind of a person
the place where man shows himself I am left by myself."
most like God. Who could be more I said, "Would you show me what
Godlike than one who intelligently you mean by going down this aisle and
plans his own life? He is the one who shaking hands with these people the
blueprints accomplishment and builds way you ordinarily do it?"
the roadway of success. The highest In complying he did his usual unim-
paid man
in the army is the general. pressive job. Then I said to him, "Now,
He the one who "thinks" and "plans"
is will you go down this other aisle and
for the army. But each of us is the shake hands with these other people the
general of his own life, and each is way your companion does it?"
also his own soldier. As generals, our Then he squared his shoulders, got a
job is to work out a better program for little different look in his eye and a
ourselves as soldiers, and the more skil- little different tension in his muscles as
ful we are as generals, the more suc- he demonstrate to me how his
tried to
cessful we will be as soldiers. companion did it. He seemed to be an
Sometime ago I spent a few hours immediate success while following the
with a group of missionaries. We were example of his companion. I told him
discussing missionary work under the about the famous "As If" principle of
two great headings of the "message" William James. Mr. James said if
and the "messenger." We are halfway you want to have a quality act "As If"
to success when we understand the tre- you already had it. If you want to be
mendous importance of the message friendly, act "As If" you are already
that the gospel of Jesus Christ has again friendly. How long does it take one
been restored to the earth with the au- to learn to be friendly? It takes just
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

one-quarter of a second, just long sage" because we have exhausted our

enough to make up your mind to prac- strength struggling with the messenger.
tise the "As If" principle. If you want So know almost every problem
far as I
to be brave, act "As If" you were already that holds us back involves a misuse
brave, don't go around telling everyone of this God-given dominion. Certainly
how scared and weak you are. It is the we need a better mastery of the mes-
axiom of the theater that each actor sage, but we also have a lot more work
should live his part. to do on the messenger.
Onone occasion Theodore Roosevelt Solomon said, "With all thy getting,
was decorating one of his generals for getwisdom." (See Prov. 4:7.) And then
bravery. He said, "This is the bravest someone that must have been much
man that I have ever seen." He said, wiser than Solomon said, "With all
"He walked right behind me all the thy getting, get going." George Bernard
way up San Juan Hill." Theodore Shaw touched our problem when he
Roosevelt was a sickly child. He began said that the primary occupation of life
life asa weakling, not expected to live; is taking a mob of appetites, and organ-
but he trained himself to think courage, izing them into an army of purposes
strength, health,and vitality, and that and ambitions.
iswhat he got. One of the things that It is a very significant point of view
frightens me most as I go about a little that every human being has been given
bit is to hear so many people talking two creators. One is God, and the other
weakness, failure, and sin. The most is himself. That is, the creation of
widespread disease in the world is the man is not something that was finished
inferiority complex. And when we think and done with in the Garden of Eden.
inferiority, that is what we get. Another The creation of man is still going on.
missionary described his problem by It is taking place today, and it took
saying, "I can't concentrate." I said, place last week, and it will take place
"What do you plan doing about it?" next month, and you are the creator.
He said, "There's nothing I can do; I That is, you are currently creating the
just can't concentrate." One of our enthusiasms and the industry and the
most unfortunate weaknesses is that courage and the faith that will deter-
we sometimes think we are under sen- mine what your lives will be throughout
tence to remain forever as we presently eternity. Someone has asked this interest-
are. Yet one of the most exciting ideas ing question: "How would, you like to
in life is the possibility of changing create your own mind?" But isn't that
ourselves for the better. exactly what everyone does?
William James said, "The greatest William James said, "The mind is
discovery of my generation is that we made up by what it feeds upon." The
can change our circumstances by chang- mind becomes what God intended it
ing our attitudes of mind." A lot of should be, only when it is fed on
people want to change their circum- enough upper soul experiences. It has

stances, but few are willing to change been said that "the mind like the dvcr's
themselves. It is very interesting, hand, is colored by what it holds."
however, that the problem that these That is, if I hold in my hand a sponge
missionaries seemed to have the most full of purple dye, my hand becomes
difficulty with, was that of getting the purple, and if I hold in my mind and
beds off their backs in the morning. I heart great ideas of honor, righteous-
brought away a mental picture timed at and the love of truth, my
ness, industry,
6:00 am snowing these missionaries whole personality is colored accordingly.
pulling and struggling trying to get up, And our self-dominion is made more
with the mattress being successful in effective when we make love to the
holding them down. Isn't it ridiculous right kind of ideas, and refuse all lower
that we sometimes live through an en- soul experiences. While Cain was train-

tire lifetime and never learn to get up ing himself to ". . love Satan more

in the morning? The Church is now than God . .

." (Moses 5:18), he was
133 years and some of us have
old, giving dominion to his lower soul. This
barely made a start in living the "mes- is a process that many frequently fol-

low. Sometime ago a young man dis- outmoded and no longer useful.
cussed with me an improper marriage Another religious leader said that the
which he was contemplating. I asked stern command "Thou shalt not" was
him why. He said he was in love. much too harsh for our present-day
But love alone is an insufficient basis sensitivity, and he suggested that the
for marriage. Anyone can fall in love form of the commandments should be
with anything. Many people have modified and some softer word such
fallen in love with idleness, profanity, as "advise" or "suggest" or "recom-
adultery, and drunkenness. Cain fell mend" be used. We
make one of our
in love with Satan. most serious mistakes when we become
chain smoker was recently ordered too soft to accept truth unless it is
by his doctor to give up smoking. He highly sugar coated. We
settle too
had fallen in love with cigarets, and many of our problems by compromise,
he felt very sorry for himself that he or how we feel, rather than by what
was now being forced to give up his is Frequently we would rather
bad habit. He said, "What good could be ruined by praise than saved by criti-
it possibly do me to quit smoking when cism. It is pretty serious business when
I have to stand over myself like a we turn our backs on good merely be-
policeman with a club, ordering myself cause we don't like someone's tone of
to do something that I don't want to voice or because what is said doesn't
do?" It is pretty difficult to force our- quite suit our fancy.
selves to be decent or successful while The story is told of a father and a
we are in love with sin and failure. son riding down the highway. The
There is a lower soul psychology that son was explaining to the father what
says that the way to develop the per- he didn't like about the Ten Com-
sonality is to give expression to our mandments. He said they were nega-
desires. It says that parents should not tive and besides that he didn't like any-
say "no" to their children because of one telling him what not to do. Soon
the possibility of dwarfing their per- they came to an intersection in the
sonalities. If a child feels like slamming highway. There was one signboard
the door, he should slam it. If he feels telling where the left-hand road led,
like sowing some wild oats, he should and another signboard telling where the
sow them. It says that desires should right-hand road led. The father took
be expressed, otherwise the child's the wrong road. This greatly disturbed
growth may be inhibited and his per- the son. He couldn't understand how
sonality distorted. This philosophy has the father could make such a ridiculous
made a great contribution to our up- mistake. The father admitted that he
surge in juvenile and adult delinquency. had read the signboard, but he said, "I
We might bring some upper soul just don't want any signboard telling
philosophy to bear on this point by a me where to go."
review of the Ten Commandments. Yet, For our benefit God has erected some
a prominent minister recently said that signboards of right and wrong, and
the Ten Commandments should no when we are headed toward destruction
longer be used as the basis for religious the sign is flashed saying, "Thou shalt
training. He said that the Ten Com- not." What we do from there on,
mandments gave young people the idea however, is strictly up to us. Sometime
that the church was a wet blanket. He ago I read one of Lincoln's antislavery
said the dictatorial "Thou shalt nots" debates. Lincoln's opponent had said,
were not in good taste any more. He "You can't afford to free the southern
said, "In my church I no longer refer slaves, because there are some four
to the Ten Commandments." He didn't million of them. Each has a value
say whether or not he thought chastity, to his owner of approximately $1,000.
honesty, and worship should be done That is, if you free the slaves you will
away with, or whether God had upset the economy of this little group
changed his mind about these values, of slave owners by some four billion
but only that he had convinced him- dollars which they can't afford, but in
self that the Ten Commandments were addition who will take care of the
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

corn, the cotton, and the tobacco crops." permits none of it in his presence. But
When Lincoln came to the platform, he has said, ". nevertheless thou may-
. .

he brushed all of these considerations est choose for thyself." (Moses 3:17.)
aside as immaterial. He said, "There He has given us dominion that we
is only one question that we need to might develop our own lives. Aristotle
answer about slavery, and that is this: once told Alexander the Great that the
Is slavery right or is it wrong? Is it most dangerous enemy that ever con-
right for some men to hold other men fronted an army was never in the ranks
in bondage?" Now
I hope that some- of the foe, but always in your own
time when you have a problem that is camp. And that is a good thing for us
causing you difficulty, you will remem- to remember. Suppose we ask ourselves
ber Lincoln's formula of right and who is the greatest enemy of America?
wrong. It isn't Russia or China or Cuba; that is
Sometime ago it was reported that an ridiculous. Who causes our strikes and
engineer was discharged from his em- brings about our racial strife? Who
ployment. He asked his employer for robs our banks and causes our many
the reason. The employer said, "You kinds of delinquency? is it that Who
allowed us to make a wrong decision makes our political blunders, gives us a
which cost us considerable money." The bad name abroad, and causes our weak-
engineer said, "But certainly you re- nesses at home? Or who is responsible
member that I advised you against for our individual sins and keeps us
making that decision." The employer ignorant, lethargic, and unsuccessful?
said, "Yes, I know that you did, but you The Lord suggested the answer, when
didn't pound the table when you on September 22, 1832, he gave a great
did it." revelation in which be said in part,
The Lord didn't make that mistake "And now I give unto you a command-
when he gave the Ten Commandments. ment to beware concerning yourselves,
He pounded the table and tried to make . .
." (D&C 84:43.) Our own signs say,
the occasion as memorable as possible, "Beware of the dog" or "Beware of the
and he expects us to be equally force- train" or "Beware of the communists,"
ful in carrying out his instructions. I but the Lord gets nearer to our problem
would like to read to you a description when he says ". beware concerning
. .

of the setting in which the Ten Com- yourselves. . . ." The chief character-
mandments were given. It gives us an istic of sin, and the chief characteristic
atmosphere for shaping our own of lack of success is our failure to man-
dominion. age our thoughts, our attitudes, and our
The scripture says, "And it came to ambitions. Pythagoras said, "No man
pass on the third day in the morning, is free who cannot command himself."
that there were thunders and lightnings, And we might add that no man is cap-
and a thick cloud upon the mount, and able of making the most and the best
the voice of the trumpet exceedingly of his life who
cannot command him-
loud; so that all the people that was in self. We
will have happiness in our
the camp trembled. homes, success in our work, righteous-
"And Moses brought forth the people ness in our personal lives, and eternal
out of the camp to meet with God; and life in God's presence, only as we learn
they stood at the nether part of the self-mastery and develop the will-power
mount. to put it in force. It is the responsibility
"And mount Sinai was altogether on of the priesthood to prepare the way
a smoke, because the Lord descended before the glorious second coming of
upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof Christ. It is our personal responsibility
ascended as the smoke of a furnace, to prepare our families and our indi-
and the whole mount quaked greatly." vidual lives for celestial glory, and we
(Exod. 19:16-18.) I seriously doubt that will fail or succeed in exact proportion
the Lord has changed his mind since as we get dominion over our own lives.

then. The Lord has said, ". let virtue . . garn-

God himself cannot look upon sin ish thy thoughts unceasingly; . . .

with the least degree of allowance. He "The Holy Ghost shall be thy con-

stant companion, and thy dominion

. . . My brethren in the priesthood, that
shall be an everlasting dominion, and the Lord will help us to get dominion
without compulsory means it shall flow over our lives, is my prayer which I ask
unto thee forever and ever." (Ibid., in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Carl Erskine, the great former Dodger President David O. McKay:
baseball once said, "I never
pray to win, I just pray to be in my Brother Richard P. Condie will now
best form." What a thrilling accom- lead the congregation and Chorus in
plishment if every bearer of the priest- singing "Redeemer of Israel."
hood was always in his best form; for
even one man can, if he will, change
the morale of a whole community. Ed- The congregation and the Tabernacle
ward Everett Hale once said, Choir Men's Chorus joined in singing
the hymn, "Redeemer Of Israel."
"I am only one,
But still I am one. President David O. McKay:
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something; We shall now hear from the man
And because I cannot do everything whom you have sustained as Second
I will not refuse to do the something Counselor in the First Presidency of the
that I can do." Church, Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Brethren, if I had the authority, I think were called and appointed and given the
I would dismiss this meeting. I have cer- authority to do this and other things
tainly enjoyed the messages given by as well —then think of our boys who
these two young men and Brother Sill. are deacons, passing the Sacrament to
I was thrilled, inspired, and encouraged, the people! Then think of the teachers
and my testimony was strengthened. out teaching the gospel to the people,
There are 370 places in which our warning them, helping them, and en-
young men, and men not so young, couraging them to live the gospel
holding the priesthood are meeting to- teachings! I think of these young priests
night. If there are 20 young men in holding the priesthood, which is the
each place, and I think I am being power of God, going into the waters of
conservative, we have 7,500 young men baptism to baptize a person. They have
holding the Aaronic Priesthood assem- the same power and authority to baptize
bled out away from this Temple Square. that the apostles, and even Christ him-
When they heard the messages of these self, had. These young men at the age
two boys, I am sure they were happy of 19 and 20 are ordained elders. They
to be one of those holding the Aaronic are then called to go out into the mis-
Priesthood. sion field. They are commissioned by
The priesthood is the power of God Jesus Christ, through those having au-
delegated to man to act in his name. thority, and are ordained and set apart
What a thrilling thing that is to think as ambassadors of the Lord. There are
about; our young men throughout the 12,000 of these young men in the field
Church, their fathers and their older today, holding the priesthood, and as
brothers having that authorityl I think they baptize a person, that baptism is
of the young deacon passing the Sacra- accepted by our Heavenly Father. As
ment, the emblems of the great sacrifice they confirm a person, he is confirmed
that was made by our Savior. You a member of the Church, and it is
know, when the Savior was here upon binding through time and all eternity.
this continent, he asked the apostles As those young men 19 or 20 years of
to pass the Sacrament, and then others age lay their hands upon the head of an

Saturday, October 5 Second Day

individual and ordain him a deacon, So, boys, as you go into this great
teacher, priest, or elder and bestow upon program of the Church and into the
him all the authority and power per- great challenges that are given to you
taining to that office and calling in the as you go into life, make up your minds
Melchizedek Priesthood, he is accepted what you want to be. Of course, you
by Jesus Christ and becomes a member must honor your parents. They are the
of his Church and his kingdom. ones that gave you life. They looked
I wonder how many businessmen after you when you couldn't do anything
here tonight would be prepared to say but cry and squirm. They fed and
to those 12,000 young men, "You go clothed you. They have given you
out into the world, and I will accept the education that you have and the
your judgment. You make any deal opportunities that are yours. You are
that you think is right with anybody mighty poor sports and not very good
you think you can depend upon and citizens if you won't honor your parents.
whom you can trust, and I will honor But, when it comes to determining
the agreement — I will pick up the tab." what you are going to do in life, you
I would just like to ask some of you make up your own minds. They have
businessmen how many men you could given you plenty of teaching. Obey
pick out that you would be prepared to them, but when it comes to this deci-
send out into the world and say, "This sion, "Just what do I want out of life?"
is your assignment, and I will honor you determine what you want and set
whatever you do." There wouldn't be about to do what you want to do. But
many, but still the Lord is saying to sit down and be sure you have decided
these young men who hold the priest- what you want to do. I don't think
hood, as they go out into the field, there is a young man within the sound
"Anything you do in the power of the of my voice tonight that would choose
priesthood and in my
name, I will to do wrong. As this young man said,
honor." those men
that are in Sing Sing didn't
Then I see these young men these — want to be there, that isn't what they
deacons, these teachers, and these set out to do. But, they had not made
priests present here tonight— all pre- up their minds strongly enough as to
paring themselves for this call as mis- what they did want to do to go about
sionaries. I was proud of these two it with a determination to discipline
young men, and I could just see thou- themselves and do the things that would
sands of them throughout the world, make life really what they wanted.
preparing themselves to accept that So, talk to yourselves and say to
great responsibility as missionaries. yourselves, "Just what do I want out
Boys, keep this in mind. It is a great of life?" Make up your mind and have
honor; it is a great privilege; it is a great the courage and the strength, the de-
blessing to hold the priesthood of God. termination and the discipline to do it.
You are the only people in all the Don't let the devil, himself, get in your
world who hold the priesthood. What a way. He is certainly going to try, and
privilegel And I say, following what he will be there all the time, watching
Brother Sill said tonight, it is so im- for a place to interfere with your pro-
portant that you not only want to do gram. But, how successful and how
what is right, but you have to determine happy you will be, and what joy you
what you wish to do, and make up your will experience, as you follow the pro-
mind that you are going to do it, and gram that you have set out for yourself.
then set about to discipline yourselves Be man enough to say, "This is what I
as two young men told us we
these am going to do."
should discipline
ourselves. That is I have a definition of will power
simple. That is all that you have to which I use, and will power is so im-

do decide what you want to do to be portant in the program you have chosen.
happy and to be worthy of the priest- Will power is the power to do what
hood, so that you can speak in the name you want to do when you don't want
of the Lord Jesus Christ and have to do it. Brother Sill said these mis-
that accepted. sionaries want to get up at six o'clock;

but when six o'clock comes in the people who have had problems, and
morning, they don't want to do it. with very few exceptions, yes, with very
And will power is the power to do it few exceptions, it is because they have
then, and you will find that as you go not made up their minds what they
on through life. would do under certain circumstances.
I would like to say to you young I would like to make this appeal to
men that you have a great influence in young men. Honor your parents, honor
the world. How much greater your in- your mother, and honor womanhood.
fluence would be if everyone of you I would like to say to you young men
would just follow the advice of these who hold the priesthood of God, any
two young men who spoke to you to- girl with whom you go has a right
night. I need not add anything to what to expect you to protect her, to look out
they have said, but to encourage you to for her interests, to honor her, to honor
realize that the things that these young the womanhood in her, and to treat her
men have said are the things that will as you would want your mother or your
bring joy and happiness into your lives. sister to be treated. She has a perfect
Set about to do it —we want you to right to expect that and to feel sure that
be happy. you will protect her virtue with
I love these young people in our your lives.
Church. I love young people wherever Brethren, it is a great honor to hold
I find them, and if there is anything the priesthood of God. Magnify your
I can do to help them be happy, to be priesthood, and it will magnify you.
successful in life, to accomplish the You will have joy and happiness while
things that they want to accomplish, you sojourn upon this earth, and as you
that is the thing Iwould like to help finish your mission here, you will be
them do. We are cognizant of the fact worthy to go back into the presence of
that you are going to have temptations our Father. That is my testimony to
as you go through life all kinds of — you, and my prayer for you in the name
temptations. Your young friends told of Jesus Christ. Amen.
you about them tonight. They didn't
go into detail, but you are going to have President David O. McKay:
them. But make up your mind now
what you are going to do and what Our next speaker will be President
you are not going to do. Hugh B. Brown, First Counselor in the
I have talked to hundreds of young First Presidency.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

Like Elder Tanner, I have thoroughly "You cannot run away from a weak-
appreciated what has been said here ness. You must sometime fight it out
tonight. We
have all been inspired by or perish, and if that be so why not
these young men and by the forthright, now, and where you stand."
inspired talk of Elder Sill and the won- And another has said, "Decision de-
derful testimony of President Tanner. I termines destiny. There is absolutely
shall not attempt to add to the subject no greatness that is not buffeted with
which has been so well discussed to- goodness. Brace to the splendid day's
night except to give you a few quota-
work. Keep fit. Be a man."
tions, and then for a few moments
discuss another phase of our work.
Many times I have quoted, and no
From Sir Walter Scott: "Teach self- doubt many of you have memorized the
denial, and make its practice pleasure- clarion call for men to match our mes-
able, and you can create for the world sage and our times:
a destinymore sublime than ever issued
from the brain of the wildest dreamer." "God give us men! A time like this
And Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: demands
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

Strong minds, great hearts, true faith chance passed? You high priests, seven-
and ready hands. ties,and elders, is it too late for you
Men whom the lust of office does not to do something worthwhile? Let me
kill; bring you another set of figures:
Men whom the spoils of office can- Immanuel Kant was 74 when he
not buy; wrote his finest philosophical work.
Verdi was 80 when he produced
"Men who possess opinions and a will; Falstaff and 84 when he produced
Men who have honor—men who will "Ave Maria."
not lie; Goethe was 80 when he completed
Men who can stand before the dema- Faust.
gogue Tennyson was 80 when he wrote
And damn his treacherous flatteries "Crossing the Bar."
without winking; Michelangelo completed his greatest
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above work at 87.
the fog Titian, at 98, painted the historic pic-
In public duty and in private think- ture, "The Battle of Lepanto."
ing; ." (Josiah Gilbert Holland.)
. . Justice Holmes was 90 when he was
still writing brilliant opinions.
Each one must live with himself
of us George Bernard Shaw was 88 and was
throughout eternity, and each one is superbly chauvinistic.
now working on the kind of man he President David O. McKay, past 90,
must live with throughout eternity. Let is recognized world-wide as a dynamic
us determine for ourselves the kind of and inspired religious leader. He is
man our eternal companion is to be. carrying a load which would buckle the
I say now is the time to act: It is neither knees of many younger men. At his
too early nor too late. advanced age he still leads us, shows
Some young men say, "When I get us the way, and sets the pace.
older, I will do something worthwhile But perhaps some of you say, "Well,
but let me enjoy my carefree youth." I have some handicaps." Sarah Bern-
Let me bring to your attention a few hardt had as her motto, "In spite of
examples of young men who did things everything." Paul Speicher writing in
while they were young. one of the magazines about what hap-
Jefferson was 33 years old when he pens to men who refuse to be stopped,
drafted the Declaration of Independence. reminds us of some statistics, reminds
Benjamin Franklin was 26 when he us of what can happen to a man if he
wrote Poor Richard's Almanac. has the will to do, and knows what
Dickens was 24 when he began his he wants to do.
Pickwick Papers and 25 when he wrote "Cripple a man and you have a Sir
Oliver Twist. Walter Scott; put him in prison and
McCormack was only 23 when he you have a Bunyan; bury him in the
invented the reaper, and Newton was snow at Valley Forge and you have a
24 when he formulated the law of George Washington; have him born in
gravitation. abject poverty and you have an Abra-
May I add to this quotation, Joseph ham Lincoln; load him with bitter
Smith was less than 15 when he had racial prejudice and you have a Disraeli;
his first vision, 23 when he translated afflict him with asthma until as a boy
the Book of Mormon, 24 when the he lies choking in his father's arms and
Church was organized, and he died a you have a Theodore Roosevelt; stab

young man at 38 yet he left an imprint
upon this world second only to that of
him with rheumatic pains until for
years he cannot sleep without an opiate
Christ the Lord.
and you have a Steinmetz; put him in
Jesus Christ himself was only 30 when
a grease pit in a locomotive round
he began his transcendent mission
which lasted only three years but af- house and you have a Walter P.
fected the whole world and will yet Chrysler; make him a second fiddle in
redeem it. an obscure orchestra in South America
Well, now, you older men, has your and you have a Toscanini."

History rests on the shoulders of those hood, and therefore it takes a lifetime to
who accepted the challenge of difficul- become a good father. This is a con-

ties and drove through to victory in fession of a father at the bedside of

want add this his sleeping child.
spite of everything. I to
thought on self-control, decisions, de-
"I am saying this to you as you lie
asleep, one little paw crumpled under
termination, faith in God and in
your cheek and the blond curls stickily
wet on your damp forehead. I have
stolen into your room alone. Just a few
"You may be what you will to be,
minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper
Let cowards find their false content in the library, a hot, stifling wave of
In that poor word, environment, remorse swept over me. I could not
But spirit scorns it and is free. resist it. Guiltily I came to your
"It conquers time; masters space;
it bedside.
It cows the boastful chance,
trickster, "These are the things I was thinking,
And bids the tyrant circumstance son: I had been cross to you. I scolded
Uncrown and fill a servant's place. you as you were dressing for school be-
cause you gave your face merely a dab
"The human will, that force unseen, with a towel. I took you to task for
The offspring of a deathless soul, not cleaning your shoes. I called out
Can hew its way to any goal, angrily when I found you had thrown
Though walls of granite intervene." some of your things on the floor.
"At breakfast I found fault, too.
I wish all the priesthood members of You spilled things. You gulped down
the Church would obtain and read and your food. You put your elbows on
study the masterful address of Presi- the table. You spread butter too thick
dent David O. McKay delivered last on your bread. And as you started
Friday morning. It will be published in off to play and I made for my train,
the Church Section of the News and you turned and waved a little hand
in other periodicals, the Era later, and and called, 'Good-bye, Daddy!' and I
in the Conference Report. Obtain it, frowned, and said in reply, 'Hold your
study it, read it. Do you know how shoulders back.'
long it took President McKay to pre- "Then it began all over again in the

pare that talk? I haven't asked him, late afternoon. As I came up the hill
but I think it took him 90 years, because road, spied you down on your knees

what he said came right out of his playing marbles. There were holes in
heart, and what is in his heart he has your stockings. I humiliated you before
been building into that heart for 90 your boy friends by making you march
years. Now if it took him 90 years to ahead of me back to the house. Stock-
prepare do you think you can get
it, —
ings were expensive and if you had to
all there in it in one reading?
is Get buy them you would be more careful!
it, study it, apply it in your lives. Imagine that, son, from a father! It
I suggest you read the talks of other was such stupid, silly logic.
General Authorities who have spoken "Do you remember, later, when I was
here today in the other meetings. Study reading in the library, how you came
them, follow the counsel, and you will in, softly, timidly, with a sort of hurt,
be blessed. May I suggest especially hunted look in your eyes? When I
that you read the talk of Elder Critch- glanced up over my paper, impatient

low on priesthood one of the best I at the interruption, you hesitated at the
have heard. And then obtain and read, door, 'What is it you want?' I snapped.
especially you fathers, what Brother "You said nothing, but ran across,
Packer said this afternoon about the in one tempestuous plunge, and threw
responsibility of fatherhood. On that your arms around my neck and kissed
subject may I read what many of you me, again and again, and your small
have heard before. It applies to every arms tightened with an affection that
father and to you young men who will God had set blooming in your heart
be fathers. Fatherhood is next to God- and which even neglect could not
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

wither. And then you were gone, pat- when you ran through the library door
tering up the stairs. and wanted to kiss me!
"Well, son, it was shortly afterwards "I do not know of a better shrine be-
that my paper slipped from my hands, fore which a father or mother may
and a terrible sickening fear came over kneel or stand than that of a sleeping
me. Suddenly I saw myself as I really child. I do not know of a holier place,
was, in all my horrible selfishness, and a temple where one is more likely to
I felt sick at heart. come into closer touch with all that is
"What has habit been doing to me? infinitely good, where one may come
The habit of complaining, of finding nearer to seeing and feeling God. From
fault, of reprimanding — all of these that shrine come matins of love and
were my
rewards to you for being a boy. laughter, of trust and cheer to bless the
It was not that I did not love you; it new day; and before that shrine should
was that I expected so much of youth. fall our soft vespers, our grateful bene-
I was measuring you by the yardstick dictions for the night. At the cot of a
of my own years. sleeping babe all man-made ranks and
"And was so much that was
there inequalities are ironed out, and all
good, and and true in your char-
fine, mankind kneels reverently before the
acter. did not deserve my treat-
You living image of the Creator. To under-
ment of you, son. The little heart of stand a child, to go back and grow up
you was as big as the dawn itself over sympathetically with it, to hold its
the wide hills. All this was shown by love and confidences, to be accepted by
your spontaneous impulse to rush in and it, without fear or restraint, as a com-

kiss me good-night. Nothing else mat- panion and playmate, is just about the
ters tonight, son. I have come to your greatest good fortune that can come to
bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt any man or woman in this world and, —
there, choking with emotion, and so perhaps, in any other world, for all
ashamed 1 we know.
"It is a feeble atonement; I know you "And I am
passing this 'confession'
would not understand these things if I along to the fathers who may be privi-
told them to you during your waking leged to read it, and for the benefit of
hours, yet I must say what I am saying. all the 'little fellers' the —
I must burn sacrificial fires, alone, here earth-blessing little 'Jimmies' and
in your bedroom, and make free con- 'Billys' and 'Marys' and 'Janes' of this
fession. And I have prayed God to very good world of ours."
strengthen me in my resolve. Tomor- —Author Unknown
row I will be a real daddy! I will
chum with you, and suffer when you God bless you, my brethren of the
suffer and laugh when you laugh. I priesthood. From the very center of my
will bite my tongue when impatient heart I bear witness to the divinity of
words come. I will keep saying as if the gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not
it were a ritual: 'He is nothing but a
claim to have had visions or revelations,

boy a little boy.'
but do claim that he has stamped
"I am afraid I have visualized you
upon my soul a knowledge of the di-
as a man. Yet as I see you now, son,
vinity of this work which did not come
crumpled and weary in your cot, I see
that you are still a baby. Yesterday you through my natural senses but through
were in your mother's arms, your head the Holy Ghost.
on her shoulder. I have asked too I bless you fathers that you may be
much, too much. real fathers to your children. I bless
"Dear boy! Dear little son! A peni- you young men that you may be hon-
tent kneels at your infant shrine, here orable sons of your fathers. I bless all
in the moonlight. I kiss the little the priesthood here tonight and all those
fingers, and the damp forehead, and who are listening in in far places that
the yellow curl. all may go home from this meeting
"Tears came, and heartache and re- resolved that they are going to exercise
morse, and also a greater, deeper love, self-control and fight their way through

in spiteeverything and be worthy

of bs so I pray in the name of Jesus
to bear the Holy Priesthood. May it Christ Amen.


The strict attention that you thousands grasped the mystery of the atom and
paid to the remarks of David Cragun rejected the Sermon on the Mount.
and Matthew Simmons tonight bears Man is stumbling Mindly through a
testimony to your pride in these young spiritual darkness while toying with the
men who represented the young men of precarious secrets of life and death."
the Church, and you got their message. (Italics added.)
The remarks given by Brother Sill con- I am still quoting the general: "The
firming the value of self-control sank world has achieved brilliance without
deep in your hearts. The testimonies wisdom, power without conscience. Ours
of the Presidents of the Church left a is a world of nuclear giants and ethical
lasting impression upon us all. infants. We
know more about war
In conclusion, I have just a word on than we know about peace; more about
the topic that the boys of the priesthood killing than we know about living."
have given to us tonight. Our living comes hourly and daily
A man who cannot control his temper in the home, in our association in busi-
is not very likely to control his pas- ness affairs, and in our meeting of
sions, and no matter what his preten- strangers. It is the attitude of the per-
sions in religion, he moves in daily son during the daily contacts by which
life very close to the animal plane. we show whether we are appealing to
Religion is supposed to lift us on a the carnal or to the spiritual within us
higher level. Religion appeals to the and within those with whom we asso-
spirit in man, your real person, and ciate. It is a daily matter. I do not
yet how often, notwithstanding our know whether we can get the thought
possessing a testimony of the truth, we over or not. It is within the power of
yield to the carnal side of our nature. each one, especially members of the
The man who quarrels in his home Church who make such pretensions. You
banishes from his heart the spirit of cannot imagine a real true Christian,
religion. A man
or a mother in this and especially a member of the Mor-
Church who would light a cigaret in mon Church, one who holds the priest-
the home is yielding to the carnal side hood, swearing at his wife. It is
of his nature —
far, far below the ideal inconceivable that such a thing as that
of the Church. Any quarreling in the could be in a home, and especially with
home is antagonistic to the spirituality children around. How can anyone
which Christ would have us develop justify parents quarreling in front of
within us, and it is in our daily lives children? Such a thing should never
that these expressions have their effect. be a part of the life of church members.
Man is making great progress in Christ has asked us to develop the
science and invention, greater perhaps spiritual within us. Man's earthly exist-
than ever before, but he is not making ence is but a test as to whether he will
comparable progress in character and concentrate his efforts, his mind, his
spirituality. soul, upon things which contribute to
A while ago I read the remarks of the comfort and gratification of his
General Omar N. Bradley, formerly physical nature, or whether he will
Army's Chief of Staff, who on one occa- make as his life's pursuit the acquisition
sion said, and I quote: of spiritual qualities.
"With the monstrous weapons man "Every noble impulse, every unselfish
already has, humanity is in danger of expression of love; every brave suffering
being trapped in this world by its moral for the right; every surrender of self to
adolescence. Our knowledge of science something higher than self; every loyalty
has clearly outstripped our capacity to to an ideal; every unselfish devotion to
control it. We have too many men of principle; every helpfulness to human-
science, too few men of God. We have ity; every act of self-control; every fine
Saturday, October 5 Second Day

courage of the soul, undefeated by pre- The CBS Radio Tabernacle Choir
tense or policy, but by being, doing, Broadcast will from 8:35 to 9:00
and living of good for the very good's o'clock Sunday morning. Those desiring
sake —that is spirituality." to attend the Tabernacle Choir Broad-
God help us as members of the priest- cast must be in their seats at 8:15 a.m.
hood to make that life ours individually, It is requested that the audience remain
in the home, in the towns, in our na- quiet during the broadcast.
tion, I pray in the name of Jesus Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
Christ. Amen. Council of the Twelve will be the
speaker on the Church of the Air on
President David O. McKay: CBS Radio tomorrow morning at 7:35
The men of the Tabernacle Choir o'clock (from 7:35 to 8:00 a.m.).
will now sing, "I Need Thee Every As thousands leave this priesthood
Hour," conducted by Richard P. Condie, meeting tonight let us keep in mind the
following which Elder John O. Simon- admonition that is constantly being
sen, formerly president of the Southern given us to drive carefully. Let us have
Australian Mission, will offer the courtesy in the city and on the high-
benediction. ways. Thoughtfulness and alertness are
We indeed thank the Men's Chorus necessary if we are to reduce the num-
for the inspiring music they have ren- ber of automobile accidents. Please obey
dered this evening. We
deeply appreciate traffic rules.
the efforts they have put forth in The Choir will now sing, "I Need
preparation for this event. Thank you, Thee Every Hour." Elder John O.
Brother Condie and brethren, and God Simonsen will offer the benediction,
bless you! and we will be adjourned until 10
Many television stations will carry o'clock tomorrow morning.
Conference proceedings Sunday morning
to a nationwide audience, including
Hawaii and Canada. The international The Men of the Tabernacle Choir
short-wave station WRUL
will broad- sang the hymn, "I Need Thee Every
cast the Sunday morning session of Hour."
Conference to all parts of Europe, parts The closing prayer was offered by
of Asia, Africa, South America, Central Elder John O. Simonsen, formerly
America, Mexico and the Caribbean president of the Southern Australian
area. It is reported that we shall have a Mission.
potential listening audience this Con- Conference adjourned until Sunday
ference of many, many millions. morning at 10:00 a.m.

The Conference reconvened in the Condie, Conductor of the Choir, di-
Tabernacle Sunday morning, October 6, rected the singing. Frank W. Asper,
1963 at 10:00 a.m. Tabernacle Organist, was the accom-
The Church of the Air service was panist on the organ.
presented at 7:35 a.m., with Elder Gor- President David O. McKay presided
don B. Hinckley as the speaker. and conducted, and made the following
The Tabernacle Choir and Organ introductory remarks:
broadcast was presented in the Taber-
nacle from 8:35 to 9:00 a.m. (For a full President David O. McKay:
report of these broadcasts see pages
127 to 132.) We have telegrams and messages from
The Tabernacle Choir was present members of the Church in all parts of
and furnished the music for this session the world. Time will not permit read-
of the Conference. Elder Richard P. ing them. There is one, however, from

missionaries and members of the Church Voice of Singing," following which the
in Samoa. They extend greetings and invocation will be offered by Elder
thanks for inspiring Conference mes- Lloyd R. Hunsaker, president of the
sages. "We are enjoying excellent re- Logan Stake.
ception by special KSL rebroadcast."
President and Sister J. Philip Hanks. The Tabernacle Choir sang, "With A
Another from
Albuquerque: "Re- Voice Of Singing."
ception of the Conference television Elder Lloyd R. Hunsaker, president of
the Logan Stake, offered the opening
broadcast is great and tremendous in
Albuquerque. Members of four stakes
and Western States Mission received the
broadcast over KGGM-TV." I. F. Mun- President David O. McKay:
son, Publicity Director.
The invocation just offered was by
We welcome all present this morning President Lloyd R. Hunsaker of the
in the Tabernacle, which is crowded to Logan Stake. The Tabernacle Choir
the doors, those in the Assembly Hall, will now sing "Blessed He That Comes
and particularly the vast television and in the Name of the Lord." Our first
radio audience in this, the Sixth Session speaker, following the singing, will be
of the 133rd Semi-Annual Conference of President Hugh B. Brown, First coun-
the Church. selor in the First Presidency.
The Tabernacle Choir, under the di-
rection of Richard P. Condie, with Singing by the Choir, "Blessed He
Frank W. Asper at the organ, will open That Comes In The Name Of The
these services by rendering "With A Lord."


First Counselor in the First Presidency

As one beholds the thousands who are nity, and to every privilege of citizenship,
assembled here and is aware that hun- just as it is a moral evil to deny him the

dreds of thousands are listening by right to worship according to the dic-

means of radio and television, the re- tates of his own conscience.
sponsibility of directing the thinking We have consistently and persistently
of so vast an audience would be over- upheld the Constitution of the United
whelming were it not for the knowledge States, and as far as we are concerned
that divine assistance is available this means upholding the constitutional
through prayers of faith. rights of every citizen of the United
During recent months, both in Salt States.
Lake City and across the nation, con- Wecall upon all men, everywhere,
siderable interest has been expressed in both within and outside the Church, to
the position of The Church of Jesus commit themselves to the establishment
Christ of Latter-day Saints on the matter of full civil equality for all of God's
of civil rights. We
would like it to be children. Anything less than this de-
known that there is in this Church no feats our high ideal of the brotherhood
doctrine, belief, or practice that is in- of man.
tended to deny the enjoyment of full Attending a Mormon conference is, no
civil rights by any person regardless of doubt, to some a new experience. Per-
race, color, or creed. haps some may wonder, as did Nathan-
We say again, as we have said many ael in the days of Christ regarding
times before, that we believe that all Nazareth, and ask, "Can any good thing
men are the children of the same God, come out of 'Mormondom'?" For the
and that it is a moral evil for any moment we reply in the words of
person or group of persons to deny any Philip, who simply said to Nathanael,
human being the right to gainful em- "Come and see." (See John 1:46.) We
ployment, to full educational opportu- welcome all of you and hope the time
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

you spend with us will be enlightening would have had a dictatorship in heaven
and profitable. ruled by tyrants with all spirit chil-
In this fantastically changing world, dren bondmen.
where old methods, old models, and Chief among that vast assembly was
old ideas are being replaced by new Jehovah, the same who would become
and revolutionary substitutes, it is well the Christ Child, the Redeemer. He
that church leaders everywhere re- was the Firstborn among the spirits, and
examine and reappraise their creeds and by birthright was both heir and leader.
courageously seek for the causes of the He opposed the plot to rob men of their
waning interest in religion. freedom and espoused the counter
We are passing through a period of proposition with free agency as the
radical intellectual reconstruction and watchword.
spiritual unrest. We
must think about All who favored the Messiah would be
religion in order to formulate an intel- given mortal bodies with the seeds of
lectual understanding of it. And intel- death implanted in them. They would
lectual understanding is just as needful have the right to choose their course in
in religion as anywhere else. We
must life and accept responsibility for their
not permit the surface of the waters of conduct. Their bodies would return to
religious life to become fixed and crystal- the dust from which they came. Through
lized by the freezing of religious thought. the voluntary atonement of Christ, a
For a moment may we consider the member of the Godhead, resurrection
divine and historic basis of the Church from the dead was guaranteed to all.
of Jesus Christ, its present status, and its Another blessing of mortality would be
prophetic destiny. the Godlike power of procreation.
On biblical authority we affirm that Against this plan the proud, defiant
a divine plan for man's salvation was Lucifer led a great rebellion, and one-
formulated by God the Father before third of all the spirits followed him.
the foundations of the earth were laid John tells us in the book of Revelation:
when all the sons of God shouted for ". .there was war in heaven: Mi-

joy at the prospect of mortality. (See chael and his angels fought against the
Job 38:7.) dragon; and the dragon fought and
At a time far antedating Eden, the his angels,
spirits of all men had a primeval exist- "And prevailed not; neither was their
ence and were intelligences with spirit place found any more in heaven.
bodies of which God was universal "And the great dragon was cast out,
Father. In the Bible we read, "Then that old serpent, called the Devil, and
shall the dust return to the earth as it Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:
was: and the spirit shall return unto he was cast out into the earth, and his
the God who gave it." (Eccles. 12:7.) angels were cast out with him."
The Lord told Jeremiah that he knew (Rev. 12:7-9.)
him before his body was formed and The Prophet Isaiah knew of this
sanctified him and ordained him a when he wrote:
prophet unto the nations. (Jer. 1:4.) "How art thou fallen from heaven,
And the Apostle Paul testified: O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art
"Furthermore we have had fathers of thou cut down to the ground, which
our flesh which corrected us, and we didst weaken the nations!
gave them reverence: shall we not much "For thou hast said in thine heart, I
rather be in subjection unto the Father will ascend into heaven, I will exalt
of spirits, and live?" (Heb. 12:9.) my throne above the stars of God: I
During this antemortal existence in a will sit also upon the mount of the con-
council in the heavens with God the gregation, in the sides of the north:
Father on the throne, there was one "I will ascend above the heights of
who challenged God, desiring to usurp the clouds; I will be like the most High."
his power and force all men to do his (Isa. 14:12-14.)
bidding. He coveted Godhood and said Adam, because of disobedience, was
to the Father, "Give me thy glory." He evicted from the Garden of Eden; the

door was closed behind him and his also the Son of God the Father and
posterity, and the tree of life was could not be defeated by mortal men
guarded by a flaming sword as we read or devils. Satan, failing in his vile
in Genesis. (Gen. 3:24.) Mortal birth attempt, cunningly decided to bide his
erases recollection of that spiritual pre- time until the Child had grown to man-
existence and the memory of premortal hood, and then he hoped to win by
life is as a feeble echo, and yet, as we artifice where force had failed him.
sometimes sing, "a secret something But here again Satan blundered in
whispers you're a stranger here, and thinking Christ was only mortal. He
we feel that we have wandered from a thought his own power would more
more exalted sphere." than equal that of his young opponent.
The fate of all seemed hopeless when After forty days of fasting, Jesus met
sin and death joined hands to shut them this wily tempter who suggested that
out forever, and Satan leered in tri- he satisfy his hunger by making bread
umph at what seemed to be Christ's of stones and thus manifest his power.
failure. Men had no power to conquer He tried to sow seeds of pride and arro-
death, and without divine assistance gance, two vices of his own. But Christ
would sleep forever in their graves. disclaimed dependence upon bread
The atonement was foreshadowed alone. He lived "by every word pro-
when Adam offered sacrifice, and each ceeding from the mouth of God."
prophet who succeeded him was told Having failed to make appetite and
about Christ's mission. The scene of pride a strong temptation, Lucifer
battle shifted, but the war between good thought promise of power would be
and evil still continues among the sons —
appealing love of power, the very rock
of men. on which he himself had foundered.
Christ had power to conquer death But Christ disdained this offer, too, and
by himself becoming mortal. He would refused to flaunt his matchless power.
reach across the valley and build a The third and last attempt to lure him
straight and narrow highway by which was to offer worldly wealth in exchange
men could pass from death to life. He for his allegiance. And Satan heard the
built a bridge, one end of which was final words:
". Get thee behind me, Satan: ."
anchored in mortality and the other . . . .

fixed in heaven. ". no man cometh

. . (See Luke 4:4-8.)
unto the Father, but by me," he said Satan found his next ally among those
(John 14:6); and again, "I am the way who followed Jesus. Judas thought, like
and the life." many since, that worldly wealth is gain,
So Christ was born in Bethlehem and no matter how procured. He sold his
entered the world of mortal men which Master for a price and transferred his
Beelzebub had thought belonged to him allegiance for which he received full
alone. The battle lines were drawn pay in Satan's coin of misery and death.
again with the Messiah and the loyal The fight went on, and Christ was
sons of God on one side and Lucifer crucified, but he was not defeated, for
and his cohorts on the other. he held power over death. He yielded
At the moment of Christ's birth, to physical death of his own volition
Satan plotted his destruction and tried that, dying, he might conquer death
by force to thwart his divine mission. and thereby open the door which Adam
But the rule of force, so far as his had closed in Eden. But in death Christ
Son was concerned, had been vetoed by was victorious, for he achieved the pur-
the Father. The devil has always had pose of his earth life, viz., to break the
willing tools on earth, and at this time bonds of death, to come forth from the
Herod was his agent. He was cruel grave and insure man's resurrection.
and wily like his master; he sought to His little band of loyal followers
kill the Christ Child, and in his continued faithful unto death, and
slaughter of the infants, he set a new death it was for most of them, includ-
low mark for even Satan. ing the apostles. Apostasy became uni-
But this Babe of mortal mother was versal, and Satan reveled throughout
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

the Dark Ages when it seemed that his ranged from blasphemous denunciation
sovereignty was established. to worship.
self-sacrificing Some ask
But special messengers were sent to whether such a man ever really lived
earth to effect a reformation and pre- or was he just a myth; was he an op-
pare the way for the final scene and portunist, sentimentalist, or social revo-
the promised restoration. lutionist; or possibly a man of genius, a
The message of Mormonism is that wise man, a doer of wonderful works,
the plan of salvation of which we've or a great teacher? But if we consult
spoken is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It the men who were closest to him, the
was taught in every dispensation from men who followed him onto the
Adam to Malachi and reached its cli- Mount of Transfiguration, we shall
max in the Meridian of Time when learn that he was ". the Christ, the
. .

Christ was resurrected from the dead. Son of the living God." (Matt. 16:16.)
From the beginning he had been the We ask each and all who are listening
central figure of salvation's plan. The today to make his own appraisal of
Jews had looked forward through the Jesus of Nazareth and determine
centuries to the coming of Messiah, to a whether or not he is the Christ, the
deliverer of the line of David sent of Son of God. For ourselves we humbly
God, but despite the prophecies and the bear witness to this transcendent fact.
signs that were given them, they failed In the gospel of John he is referred to
to recognize, and therefore they re- as the Word, who was with God in
jected him when he came. the beginning, who was God, by whom
The same prophets who so accurately all things were made. He was the life
foretold the earthly advent of Messiah and the light of men who was made
were also given visions and revelations flesh and dwelt among us. (See John
regarding his second coming. Their 1:1-3, 14.)
warning messages are recorded in the The Apostle Paul declared:
Holy Bible, and they are the signs by ']God, . . .

which the people of the latter days "Hath in these last days spoken unto
might be forewarned and guided. us by his Son, whom he hath appointed
For instance, in Psalms we read that heir of all things, by whom also he
fire should devour before him, while made the worlds;" (Heb. 1:1-2.)
Joel saw as signs of his coming that And in the eighth verse of the same
the moon should be darkened and the chapter he said:
stars withdraw their shining. To Zach- "But unto the Son he saith, Thy
ariah it was revealed that his feet throne, O
God, is for ever and ever: a
should stand upon the Mount of Olives, sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre
which should cleave in the midst thereof of thy kingdom." (Ibid., 1:8.)
toward the East and the West, and It is doubtful if his divinity, his
Malachi predicted that he would sud- power, and his leadership were ever
denly come to his temple and that he challenged with such audacity and
should be like a refiner's fire and like ferocity as they are being challenged
fuller's soap. Job referred to our day now. Never in history have the com-
when he said:
mon people of the world felt the need
"For I that my redeemer liveth,
of divine leadership as they feel it in
and that he shall stand at the latter
day upon the earth." (Job 19:25.) this bewildered world. There never
While these and many other prophe- was a time which needed him more,
cies were made prior to the birth of as false ideologies and scientific miracles
Christ in Bethlehem, certainly most of are leading the world to the brink
the events to which they refer did not of annihilation.
occur before his birth, nor were they There are men and nations today
fulfilled during his lifetime. who are attempting to displace God,
Many men have tried to appraise to ban religion, and to make this a
Christ since his transcendent ministry godless world. The present war between
began. Their estimates of him have Christ and anti-Christ is in fulfilment

of prophecy and is itself a harbinger stand before the throne of God to be

or forerunner of the millennium. judged out of the records, each accord-
Weplead with all Christians every- ing to his merits. Death and hell re-
where to attest their faith in him by leased their captives, and the sea gave
keeping his commandments. His work up its dead, while the angels sang
of redemption is not complete nor will hosannah to the Prince of Peace,
it be until his gospel is written in the their Lord.
livesand hearts of men. The fact that We bear humble testimony that Jesus
he was resurrected from the dead the — of Nazareth is the Savior and Redeemer
best attested fact in history assures us — of the world and that he will return
that he still lives. He has promised and reign personally upon the earth.
that he will come again. All who read At that time the people on the earth
the prophecies of scripture and note the will join with the hosts of heaven and
signs of our own times must be con- sing: "The kingdom of this world is
vinced that we are living in the last become the kingdom of our Lord, and
days, that the great events foretold by of his Christ: And He shall reign for
the prophets have been and are being ever and ever, King of Kings, and Lord
enacted on the stage of contemporary of Lords." (Handel, George Frederick,
history. Let us recognize in current The Messiah.) This testimony we bear
events the portents, or prognosis of the to all the world in the name of Jesus
great finale. Christ. Amen.
John, while on the Isle of Patmos,
saw things to come; heard
in vision President David O. McKay:
ten thousand angels singing praises to
the Son of God. And they joined with He who gave this address is President
every creature in earth and heaven all — Hugh B. Brown, First Counselor in the
with one accord were saying: First Presidency of the Church.
". Blessing, and honour, and glory,
. . The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
and power, be unto him that sitteth us with "Father In Heaven, In Thy
upon the throne, and unto the Lamb Love Abounding." Following the sing-
for ever and ever." (Rev. 5:13.) ing, Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson will
And he saw another angel flying in speak to us.
the midst of heaven, saw him bring to
earth the gospel for every nation, kin- The Choir sang the selection, "Father
dred, tongue, and people. He saw the In Heaven, In Thy Love Abounding."
lake without a bottom, and the dragon
bound with chains, saw one thousand President David O. McKay:
years of concord, peace, and rest. And
he saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, Weshall now hear from Elder
coming down from God out of heaven, Thorpe B. Isaacson, Assistant to the
with his earthly kingdom to be joined. Twelve. He will be followed by Elder
Then he saw the small and great ones Howard W. Hunter.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, our beloved President much praying precedes a general con-
and God's choice prophet, President ference. I sincerely pray that what I
Brown, President Tanner, brethren of might say will be helpful and I trust
the General Authorities, my dear encouraging.
brothers and sisters and friends every- This beautiful choir this morning and
where. One cannot stand at this pul- every Sunday morning is a great pride
pit without feeling humble and very and a blessing to the people of the
dependent upon the Spirit of the Lord. Church and for the people of the world.
I can assure you that much fasting and What a great missionary group of won-
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

derful people —these choir members and Of late years we have had much said
their officers and their choristers and about the teacher and the school. Re-
organists. I am sure we little sense gardless of what may have been said,
the great good that they are doing. the fact still remains that the teacher
We all recognize that there are three has the association and the responsi-
important institutions that greatly affect bility for a greater portion of his time
the life of a boy, and when I use the than anybody else. Parents are justified
term boy I should like to also have it in being anxious about their boy, and
understood that I include the girl. The they are anxious that the teacher and
home, the church, and the school all — the school give him everything that he
are important, but perhaps not all in needs. They are anxious that he is
that order. properly taught because his future life
We recognize, however, that the home and how he conducts himself will in a
should be in first place and directly large measure be the result of some
responsible for the welfare, the train- teacher and the school.
ing, and the future of a boy. But Teachers, do you realize that the
what if the home fails, and what if boys today under your direction may
the parents cannot succeed? be the doctors of tomorrow, they may
True, the church plays an important be the businessmen of tomorrow, they
part in the life of a boy. Yet, we must may be the teachers to take your place
recognize that the church has the boy tomorrow, the legislators of tomorrow,
under its jurisdiction but a very small the public office-holders, church leaders.
percentage of his time, while the Yes, they may be the men who may
teacher and the school have a very go to the moon; some may be great
close association with him. Perhaps artists and authors. Some may be
more of the boy's time is spent with great industrial tycoons, and some may
the teacher than that he spends in the be the leaders America will need so
home. Therefore, it might be said that badly to survive in this puzzled world.
the teacher and the school will play Yes, teacher, you have their future in
a bigger part in the welfare and the your hands. Don't let any boy fail
training and the character and the fu- because of you, his teacher.
ture of a boy than perhaps the home Great teachers are always underpaid.
or the church. Probably it can never be said that a
Parents have such little time to spend great teacher is paid enough, but a
with their boy. Parents take too little poor teacher is paid too much, regardless
time with their boy; therefore, we of what he is paid. Teachers, you may
should be more concerned than ever be underpaid; yes, you may be unappre-
that he is properly taught, supervised, ciated at times, and you may be over-
and disciplined while we are with him. worked, but you will gain that pay in
Now, teacher and school, I wonder if secret satisfaction and blessings of God
you are willing to assume the welfare in heaven, and many boys will rise up
and the training of the character of and call you blessed.
the boy, remembering that you have Recently, I asked a beautiful little
him under your direction more of his granddaughter, Becky, how she liked
awake time than anybody else. So school, and she answered and said, "O
much depends upon you the teacher— Grandpa, it is the greatest! I love my
and the school. Yes, parents expect the teacher." I wonder what that is worth
teachers and the school to make sure to a teacher. Certainly you teachers
that their boy is properly taught, not must be proud of your profession. Jesus
alone that he is taught to read and write was the greatest teacher of all, and what
and the arts and the sciences, but that he taught lived long after him and still
he is taught the fundamentals of life lives. May teachers teach those things
and the building of character. Some that will live long after you! Yes, you
would say, Teacher, his future
"Yes, should be proud of your profession.
depends largely on you." I wonder if you Many great men in America, many great
are willing to accept this responsibility? men in this audience, men who are


listening by and radio, have

television ables concerned each person's fulfilling
been teachers. Our great prophet was a his own capacity.
teacher; he has been a teacher; he is In Proverbs 20, verse 27, I quote, "The
still a teacher. Certainly, teachers, you spirit of man is the candle of the
should be proud of your profession. Lord, . .
." Teachers, remember to
Secretly, you must admit that you have reverence the young lives, clean and
the greatest job in all the world because plastic, which have newly come from
you hold the history of the world in the God and to realize that generations still
palm of your hand you are a teacher! unborn will rue your sloth or rise to
Many of us can and do constantly higher levels through your wisdom
pay tribute to the teachers whom we and faithfulness.
were fortunate enough to have. As par- May God, the Father of us all, gird
ents, taxpayers, and citizens, it might you for your work with his patience and
be well if we took a little more interest tranquility, with great fatherly and
in our schools and in our boys and girls motherly love for the young, and with
and extended greater appreciation for special tenderness for the backward and
our teachers. It would be well if we
the afflicted and the poor. Save them
never speak disparagingly about a from trouble, from loneliness, and dis-
couragement, from the numbness of

Teachers, make sure that you teach routine, and from all bitterness of
as you would Teachers,
like to mold.
be sure that you teach so that there
Here are some thoughts expressed to
teachers, which might be said by all
will never be any justifiable reason to
fathers and mothers to all teachers: t
criticize your profession. Teachers, re-
member that there is a divine spark in "To you the teacher and the school,

every boy and girl that never goes out.

my son will start school. It's all going
to be so very strange and new to him
You may help to kindle that spark.
for awhile, and I wish that you would
Children are like the flowers of God,
and they must have time and room
sort of treat him gently.
to bloom.
"You see, up to now, my little boy
has been the king of the roost. He's
May I dedicate this to teachers, and
been boss of the back yard. His mother
when I speak of teachers I speak of them
has always been around to repair his
in the broadest sense because every one

of us is a teacher teachers by example
wounds, and I have always been handy
to soothe his feelings. Now things are
and precept. I refer to parents, and I
going to be different.
refer to teachers in the auxiliary organ-
"This morning he is going to walk
izations. I would like to include teach-
ers in the elementary schools, high
down the front steps, he is going to
schools, public schools, colleges, and
wave his hand to his mother, and he
is going to start out on a great adven-
Teachers, into your hands we daily
ture. This is an adventure that will
commit the dearest that we have. As probably include much tragedy and
sorrow and disappointment.
you make our children, so shall future
years see them, so be careful.
"Our boy will have to live his life
with you and with the world that he
Teachers, may you have an abiding
consciousness that you are co-workers
now has to live in. It will require faith
with God, the great teacher of human-
and love and courage. So teacher and
school and world, I wish you would sort
ity, and that he has charged you with
of take him by his young hand and
the great duty of bringing forth from
teach him the things that he ought to
the budding life of the young the mys-
terious stores of character and ability
know, but be careful with him.
"Please teach him, but gently, if you
which he has hidden in them.
The miracles and teaching of the
can. He will have to learn, I know,
that all men are not just, and all men
Man of Galilee are considered by many are not true, but please teach him that
to be the brightest illumination of all for every scoundrel there is a hero, and
that has come to bless man. He taught for every disloyal politician, there is a
individual responsibility, and his par- dedicated public leader. Let him un-

Sunday, October 6 Third Day

derstand, teacher, that you are one of beware of too much

sweetness. Teach
those dedicated leaders. Teach him him to sell his brawn and
his brains to
that for every enemy he may have, the highest bidder but never to put a
there will be wonderful friends, and price tag on his heart and his soul.
teach him that you are that wonder- "Teach him to close his ears to the
ful friend. howling mob. Teach him to stand and
"It will take time, teacher, school, fight if he thinks he is right. Treat him
and world, I know, but teach him, if gently, teacher and world, but don't
you can, that a nickel earned is far coddle him because only the test of fire
more valuable than a dollar found. makes fine steel. Abraham Lincoln
Teach him to learn to lose but also once said, 'to sin in silence when protest
teach him to enjoy winning. Steer him is good makes cowards out of men.'
away from envy if you can, and teach "Let him have the courage to be im-
him the secret of quiet laughter. patient, but let him have the patience
"Let him learn early that the bullies to be brave. Teach him always to have
are the easiest people to lick. Teach sublime faith in himself and complete
him, if you can, the wonder and great- faith in God. Do you mean to say this
ness of good books. But also give him is teaching religion? Why, this is teach-
quiet time to ponder the eternal mys- ing truth, because then he will always
tery of birds in the sky, bees in the have sublime faith in mankind. And
sun, and flowers on the green hill. teach him to love his fellow men.

"In school teacher and world teach — "This is a big order, teacher and
him it is far more honorable to fail world, but see what you can do for my
than to cheat. Teach him to be honest. little boy. He is such a nice fellow
Teach him to have faith in his own my son!"
ideas even if others tell him that his God bless all teachers, that parents
ideas are wrong. Teach him to be gen- and sons and daughters will not be dis-
tle with gentle people, but teach him appointed in you, and that you will be
to be tough with tough people. able to lift them to the highest level.
"Try to give my son the strength not Yes, even beyond their own natural
to follow the crowd just because every- abilities. That is real teaching. May
one is getting on the band wagon. Teach God reward teachers with the glad sense
him to listen to all men, and then teach of their eternal worth as teachers.
him also to filter and separate all he Lord, in the heat of day, show them
hears on the screen of truth and take the spring by the wayside that flows
only the good part that comes through. from the eternal silence of God and gives
Teach him to choose that which will new light to all who drink of it. May
be good. God give you teachers the brave heart
"Teach him if you can how to laugh to teach what is true, even to your own
when he is Teach him there is
sad. hurt, following in the footsteps of the
no shame There is a sacred-
in tears. great Creator of our life, Jesus Christ,
ness in tears. They are not the mark of the Savior.
weakness but of power. They speak
1 bear testimony to you that God is
more eloquently than ten thousand
our Father, that we can partake of his
tongues. They are the messengers of
Spirit, that Jesus Christ is the Son of
overwhelming grief, deep contrition, and
unspeakable love, and when tears God, that the gospel is the greatest
course down his cheek for any of these power in the earth. This testimony I
three causes, remember he is standing bear to all men everywhere regardless
close in the presence of God. of your station in life. I pray that you
"Teach him to work and study. Let can understand the restoration of the
him know that the price of success is gospel because if it is made a part of
high, but not nearly so high as the your life, and if you can realize it and
price of failure. Teach him there can accept it, that God still governs in the
be glory in failure, but also teach him affairs of men —
I bear testimony to you

there can be despair in success. that if you will accept that, you will
"Teach him to scoff at cynics and to have more peace and comfort from this

source than from any other source in Thorpe B. Assistant to

Isaacson, the
the world. Twelve, a former teacher himself.
Yes, I love to bear testimony to you Probably you noticed my hesitancy
that President McKay is a prophet and before announcing the next speaker,
that this Church is led by divine guid-
especiallymy counselors. It was be-
ance by this great prophet. I bear
cause we have this brief interlude before
testimony to you that Joseph Smith is a
the Tabernacle Choir and congrega-
Prophet of God, called of God as his
mouthpiece to bring forth the restored tion sing, "The Morning Breaks, The
gospel in this day and age. I plead with Shadows Flee."
you, my friends, to accept the teachings
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I promise
you in the name of the Lord that it The Choir and the congregation joined
will bring you more happiness, more in singing the hymn, "The Morning
satisfaction, and more peace of mind Breaks, The Shadows Flee."
than you have ever known in your life.
It will help you solve your problems. It President David O. McKay:
will help you carry your burdens. It
will help you make for you and your Wewelcome those who have just
family a new and better life. I humbly joined us by radio and television.
pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
We shall now
from Elderhear
President David O. McKay: Howard W. Hunter of the Council of
the Twelve. He will be followed by
He who has just addressed us is Elder Bishop Robert L. Simpson.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

As one turns the pages of the Old Testa- in each dispensation of time, and God
ment, there appear the writings of great chose prophets for this purpose long
men of ages past who are referred to before they came to this mortal exist-
as the prophets. The books of the New ence. We
remember the Lord spoke to
Testament contain, among other things, Abraham and showed him the intelli-
the writings, teachings, and history of gences which existed before the earth
men of a later dispensation, who have was created and said: ". Abraham, . .

been designated as prophets. We also thou art one of them; thou wast chosen
have the record of the prophets of the before thou wast born." (Abr. 3:23.)
western part of the world, who raised In speaking to Jeremiah the Lord
their voices, proclaiming the word of said: ". before thou earnest forth out
. .

the Lord, protesting unrighteousness, of the womb I sanctified thee, and I

and teaching the principles of the gos- ordained thee a prophet unto the na-
pel. All of these have left their witness. tions." (Jer. 1:5.)
A prophet is one who has been called After the formation of the earth and
and raised up by the Lord to further the creation of man, Adam became the
God's purposes among his children. He patriarch to the human family and
is one who has received the priesthood
the first prophet. He previously sat in the
and speaks with authority. Prophets council that planned the creation of
are teachers and defenders of the gos-
the earth and participated under Christ
pel. They bear witness of the divinity
in the execution of the prearrangement.
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prophets
have foretold future happenings, but According to the plan, the fall of Adam
this is not the most important of their from immortality created the condition
responsibilities, althoughit may be some by which all men may be saved from
evidence of prophetic power. mortal death and live again by reason
Righteous leadership has been needed of the atoning sacrifice of Christ. In
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

spite of the teachings of Adam,

people to serve the Lord and deteriorated into
turned from righteousness. unfaithfulness, the prophet Lehi was in-
In the seventh generation a dispensa- structed to bring his family to these
tion was given to Enoch. God called shores, and a new gospel dispensation
him to prophesy unto the people and was established. The history of his
call them to repentance. He went forth descendants is a series of leadership
in the land among the people and cried under great prophets, but as the people
with a loud voice against their iniquities. ceased to obey their counsel, the Lord
Enoch understood the doctrine of the withdrew his Spirit from them, and the
fall and the atonement and taught the race was destroyed.
gospel as it had been given to Adam. He John the Baptist was the forerunner
gathered a great multitude of people of Christ and proclaimed the same
into a city known as the City of Holi- gospel ordinances which had been in-
ness, which, because of the righteousness stituted for the salvation ofman before
of the people,was lifted from the earth. the world was created and which had
Corruption soon filled the earth again been taught by the prophets. Then
and God raised up Noah as a prophet came the Master in the Meridian of
to teach the gospel. Time, fulfilling that which had been
"And it came to pass that Noah called spoken by Adam and each of the proph-
upon the children of men that they ets since his time. The Son of God,
should repent; but they hearkened not the Savior of the world, was born into
unto his words." (Moses 8:20.) mortality. Jesus was "God manifest in
The Lord then caused the earth to the flesh." (1 Tim. 3:16.) He taught
be covered by water, destroying the by precept and lived the perfect life.
wicked population except the family He made the atonement for sin and
of Noah, and Noah became the prophet gave his life that all mankind may be
to a new generation, holding the keys saved by obedience to the laws and
of the priesthood. ordinances of the gospel. The Twelve
As we continue to trace history, we Apostles were the personal witnesses of
come to another period when apostasy Christ, but after the death of the last
swept over the peoples of the earth. God of them, there was a falling away. The
spoke to Abraham, a follower of right- priesthood was lost to the world, and
eousness and revealed many things there was total spiritual darkness. This
through him for the benefit of man- condition had been foretold by the

kind the order of the priesthood, a ancient prophets.
knowledge of the planets in the universe, At the beginning of the nineteenth
a vision of the council in heaven be- century there had been no revelation
fore the creation of the earth, and the for seventeen hundred years. There
plan of salvation. had been no heavenly appearances or
Again the people turned to darkness scripture during that time and the
rather than light. Moses was chosen world was in a chaotic religious state.
to lead the Israelites from Egyptian Many times the gospel had been given
bondage. On Mt. Sinai, during the to the world through the prophets, and
migration to the land of promise, he each time was lost because of disobedi-
was given the Ten Commandments for ence. In the year 1820 the silence was
the benefit of his people. In spite of his broken, and the Lord again appeared
labors to teach them the gospel, they to a prophet. This prophet, Joseph
failed to take heed, so the Lord, through Smith, could testify of his own positive
this great prophet, gave them what has knowledge that God lives, that Jesus
beenknown as the Law of Moses or the is the Christ, the Son of God, a Resur-

Law of Carnal Commandments. rected Being, separate and distinct from

The western world was not without the Father. He did not testify as to
its prophets. From the writings of what he believed or what he or others
Ether in the Book of Mormon, we read thought or conjectured, but of what
of the appearance of the Lord to the he knew. This knowledge came to him
brother of Jared. As this people ceased because God the Father and the Son

appeared to him in person and spoke He the master of himself yet submis-

to him. Through him and by subse- sive to the will of God. He demon-
quent events the priesthood and the strates self-control and moderation in
gospel in its fulness were once more all things.
restored to the earth, never again to be And to temperance, patience! There
removed. The Church of Christ, the are often occurrences which are apt to
kingdom of God on earth, was re- harass the temper, but in his sweet,
established and destined, according to kindly way, he regards them with calm
scripture, to roll forth and fill the whole endurance.
earth. Since the death of the Prophet And to patience he added godliness.
Joseph Smith, each succeeding Presi- One who works closely with him has
dent of the Church has been sustained said,"There is a spirituality radiating
as a prophet of the Lord, and there is a from him that is ofttimes felt by even
living prophet on the earth today. the stranger who visits him. He keeps
To peoples of past dispensations and himself spiritually tuned to heavenly
ages, the most important prophet was things." His thoughts, his writings,
the one then living, teaching, and re- his teaching, his very appearance indi-
vealing the will of the Lord in their cate the presence of God in his life.
time. In each of the past dispensations, And to godliness he added brotherly
prophets have been raised up by the kindness. The story is told of a con-
Lord as his spokesmen to the people of ference concerning a difficult problem
that particular age and for the specific when he said, "Human hearts are very
problems of that age. tender, and human lives are very
It is the present living prophet who precious. Let's solve this problem with-
is our leader, our teacher. It is from out hurting a very tender heart."
him we take direction in the modern And to brotherly kindness he added
world. From all corners of the earth, charity. He has a Christian love for
we who sustain him as a prophet of the all men because they are the sons
Lord, express our appreciation for this of God. He is kind, forgiving, and
source of divine guidance. We are grate- compassionate.
ful for his life, his example, his teach- All these things are in him and
ings, his leadership. Ninety years of abound and make him neither barren
faith and devotion! His faith has not nor unfruitful. They distinguish him as
stood alone but has borne fruit all over a prophet of the Lord our President,—
the world. If he is tested by the fruits David O. McKay.
of faith as spelled out in the New Testa- As the prophets from the beginning
ment, we will find that his life is a to the present day pass in review before
manifestation of each of them and can
our memory, we become aware of the
be described by that chain of "linked
great blessing which comes to us from
graces" enumerated in the Second Epis-
tle of the Apostle Peter.
the influence of a living prophet. His-
To faith he added virtue. His life tory should teach us that unless we are
demonstrates manly strength, courage, willing to heed the warnings and follow
and moral excellence, measured not by the teachings of a prophet of the Lord,
his extraordinary efforts, but by his we will be subject to the judgments
everyday conduct. of God.
To virtue he added knowledge. Since I bear witness that God lives, that
early boyhood he has been a student
Jesus is the Christ, that there is a living
and a teacher, in both the formal pur- prophet of God on the earth today,
suits of education and in the great
whom I sustain with all my heart. In
school of life. His experience, practical the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
skill, understanding, clear perception of

truth, knowledge of God and the di- President David O. McKay:

vine nature of man, distinguish him
from other men of the world. He towhom we have just listened is

To knowledge he added temperance. Elder Howard W. Hunter of the Coun-


Sunday, October 6 Third Day

cil of the Twelve. We shall now hear member of the Presiding Bishopric of
from Brother Robert L. Simpson, a the Church.


First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

My brothers and sisters, true greatness the instructor, "I guess we can skip the
has a habit of surviving the years. I stories this morning."
am certain that every member
the of Wouldn't you the privilege of
Church has thrilled to the words of a shaking hands with that kind of Aaronic
stalwart young man of Aaronic Priest- Priesthood courage? Isn't it gratifying
hood age who lived approximately to know that you don't have to turn
twenty-six hundred years ago. When the pages of history back twenty-six
faced with a difficult situation, he said, hundred years to find the courage of a
"I will go and do the things which the Nephi or a Daniel in the lions' den or
Lord hath commanded, for I know that a David meeting Goliath? And isn't
the Lord giveth no commandments unto it also gratifying to know that for every

the children of men, save he shall pre- courageous heart with a fortitude to
pare a way for them that they may stand up and be counted, there will be
accomplish the thing which he com- a host of others willing to rally to the
manded them." (1 Nephi 3:7.) cause of truth and right?
This young man, destined to become Perhaps there might be a high school
a great prophet, had a most important student within sound of my voice who
quality. He had courage, courage to finds himself at the crossroads of de-
stand on his own two feet rather than cision today; whose circle of closest
follow the so-called easier way the — friends fail to live by the rules of con-

more popular way the beckoning cf duct that he or she knows to be right.
the crowd, in this case his own brothers. Might these so-called friends be urging
Let us quickly span twenty-six hun- you to take one more step away from
dred years and review a story of all that you believe in, all that is
Aaronic Priesthood courage in our day, sacred? Could these be the same first
1963. My heart was touched just last easy steps taken by a teenage boy re-
month as I had the privilege of read- cently who stated to a juvenile judge,
ing an excerpt from a serviceman's "I just didn't realize it was happening
letter to his parents. Apparently, his it was so gradual"; or the girl who
training instructor had made it a habit pleaded, "I wanted so much to be popu-
of starting each day's discussion with a lar with the others and I was so—
few off-color stories. wrong."
One morning, quite by surprise, the How grateful we can be that these
instructor asked if anyone objected to a young people had the courage to recog-
couple of "good" stories before starting nize their misdirection and then even —
the day's instruction. This young Mor- more courage to do what needed to be
mon boy said that almost as though he done in realigning their lives to correct
had been ejected from his seat by an standards.
unseen power, he shot up and said, Now, courage is an easy word to
"Yes, sir, 1 object." say. To be effective, there must be
After along stony silence, the in-
structor said, "Are there any others?"
action — our serviceman a mo-
just like

You can imagine the feelings of this

ment ago —positive action in the right
direction which can only happen when
boy's heart as one by one another dozen
that courage is inspired through positive,
or so young army recruits stood in de-
fense of what they really believed.
proper motivation.
Those standing were invited to leave Now, join with me, young people,
the class, and then halfway out, they through a thought sequence which
were called back with a comment from should prove helpful to serious-minded

church members as a basis for motiva- 3. The heavens have been opened
tion in the right direction: and remain open today.
First, let us reconfirm in our minds 4. We are here by appointment, by
that there is a Heavenly Father, that foreordination.
he is the Creator of heaven and earth 5. And finally, the choice is ours as
and directs all that we survey. to what we do about it.

Second, let us be assured that his Nownot only do we need courage in

house is a house of order, even to the choosing our way, but we also need
extent that you and I have come to help. The best source of help is from
mortality now, in this day, by specific those who love us. I would like to re-
assignment for a real purpose. confirm a truth that has been spoken
Have you ever asked yourself the from this pulpit many times, that no
question, "Why wasn't I born two hun- one loves us like our parents, like our
dred years ago, or a thousand years ago?" bishop, like our Heavenly Father. May
There is only one reason, young peo- we always seek our counsel and guid-
ple, because the Lord wanted you born ance from these three sources.
now, in this important day. Youth is energetic; youth is aggres-
Step No. 3, can we know for assur- sive. The mind of youth is inquisitive,
ance that a young boy knelt in a grove sometimes beyond sound judgment
of trees in the year 1820 and there re- which often leads us into dangerous
ceived a personal visitation from God territory. The Prophet Joseph Smith
the Father and his Son Jesus Christ? had this to say to Martin Harris in
Have you read the Joseph Smith story kindly reprimand: "When a man de-
lately, with a real desire to know its signedly provokes a serpent to bite him,
truthfulness? the principle is the same as when a
The fourth step: Why
are you a man drinks deadly poison, knowing it
member of this Church and kingdom? to be such. In that case, no man has
Could this be by chance? By your se- any claim on the promises of God to
lection only? The Savior has this to be healed." (DHC 2, 95-96.) By the
say in the fifteenth chapter of John: same token, can we expect the protec-
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have tionwe need when we knowingly step
chosen you, and ordained you, ." . . beyond the limits of good judgment?
(Verse 16.) Moroni's reiteration of Mormon's teach-
As we meet in this historic
surely as ings gives us the key for keeping a
tabernacle, I know that foreordination solid footing.
is a real part of the plan we have a— "For behold, the Spirit of Christ is
responsibility —a
divine commission, if given to every man, that he may know
you conferred prior to mortal
please, good from evil; wherefore, I show unto
existence that can neither be disregarded you the way to judge; for every thing
nor taken lightly without far-reaching which inviteth to do good, and to per-
consequences. suade to believe in Christ, is sent forth
The fifth and final point I suggest by the power and gift of Christ; where-
is that the Lord has given us a most fore ye may know with a perfect knowl-
precious gift that we call free agency. edge it is of God.
And after all is said and done, the final "But whatsoever thing persuadeth
decision is ours with regard to our tal- men to do evil, and believe not in
ents, our divine commission, our choice Christ, and deny him, and serve not
between left or right, right or wrong. God, then ye may know with a perfect
Youth of Zion, do you have the cour- knowledge it is of the devil; for after
age to do right? I sometimes wonder this manner doth the devil work, for he
how we could have the courage to do persuadeth no man to do good, no, not
anything but right if we really believe one; neither do his angels; neither do
in the foregoing steps of logic. Let us they who subject themselves unto him."
just enumerate them again briefly: (Moroni 7:16-17. Italics added.)
1. God lives. Yes, youth of Zion, history is still
2. His house is a house of order. being made, and whether you like it
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

or not, you have a hand in it. You Youth of Zion, stand up and be
will need courage and lots of it. You will counted, have the courage of your con-
need the help of those who love you victions, and whatever you do, don't
and the support of loyal friends, real allow someone else to be a substitute
friends, friends who would encourage for you in the kingdom of your Heav-
you in "every thing which inviteth to enly Father, in the name of Jesus
do good," as stated by Moroni. Christ. Amen.
Now in conclusion, may I suggest
that this Church is not idly named. President David O. McKay:
We are The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. These are the We have just
listened to Elder Robert
latter days; this is the final dispensation L. Simpson of the Presiding Bishopric,
of time, and the programs of the Church one of three men holding the presidency
are all moving toward a sort of finaliza- of the Aaronic Priesthood. The Taber-
tion or culmination. There is an nacle Choir will now sing "Children
urgency as never before about what of The Heavenly Father," after which
needs to be done; and be sure of this, Elder Harold B. Lee will be our con-
what needs to be done will be done cluding speaker.
on schedule, we hope by those initially
foreordained to the task. But just as
surely as night follows the day, if we The Choir sang "Children Of The
choose not to accept our station, or if Heavenly Father."
we grow weary along the way, placing
less important things first, there will be President David O. McKay:
substitutes raised to take our place,
that the Lord's time-plan and ultimate Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of
purposes will not be thwarted. Twelve will be our concluding speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I seek earnestly for the Spirit of the needed no authoritative priesthood, no

Lord by which, hopefully, my humble rituals. They had no buildings, they
message might be carried by the power had nebulous formula: "Believe and be
of the Holy Ghost into the hearts of saved." And so he joined with this
those who may listen this morning. friend.
A few years ago I was touring the Recently his daughter had gone to a
North Central States Mission, and in Bible class, following her school years,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a father and and had been graduated just a few days
a daughter sought me for an interview before as an honor student. And in the
following the conference sessions. He concluding session the minister who had
explained that in his younger years he conducted the course had asked them
had joined a church which did not for any expressions or questions. This
baptize by immersion. Because of his bright young honor student began to
certainty as he studied the scriptures ask some of the questions that two
that immersion was the only true mode Latter-day Saint elders, who had been
of baptism, he later joined a church coming to their home, had been asking.
where he was baptized by immersion. The minister became confused and
And then he had an uncle who be- very angry, and in a rebuke he said
longed to a church who taught that if she had learned as she should have

everything in all other churches was learned in the course she wouldn't be
evil. He decided to join the church asking such foolish questions.
of his uncle. They were now being taught by two
Later a friend told him about a uni- of our missionaries in the fundamental
versal church. It had no organization, doctrines of the Church, and he said


to me after this brief introduction: peaceable things of the kingdom."

"This time, if I join The Church of (D&C 39:6.)
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don't In modern revelation the true Church
want to make another mistake. How has been defined as the Church having
can be sure?"
I the authority to confer the Holy Ghost,
I explained the only way to a con- even the gift of the Holy Ghost which
vincing assurance by quoting the words gives to those who make themselves
of Moroni: ". if ye shall ask with a
. . worthy, the right to have all peaceable
sincere heart, with real intent, having things of the kingdom revealed to them.
faith in Christ, he will manifest the This makes clear the meaning of the
truth of it unto you, by the power of explanation made by the Prophet Joseph
the Holy Ghost. when asked by a President of the
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost United "How is your church
ye may know the truth of all things." different from
all the other churches?"
(Moroni 10:4-5.) Having quoted that, The Prophet Joseph Smith answered in
I then said, "Now I might enumerate one significant statement, "We are dif-
some of the outward evidences by which ferent from all other churches because
one might recognize the divine Church." we have the Holy Ghost" (see DHC
The name of the Church itself is sig- 4, 42); in other words, meaning that
nificant in one's search for the true the principle of continuous revelation
Church. When the Master was asked by the power of the Holy Ghost is a
by his disciples by what name his prime requisite for the true Church.
Church should be called, he answered: Paul the apostle I reminded him,
"And how be it my church save it be made a clear observation in two state-
called in my name? For if a church ments relative to the essentials of the
be called in Moses' name then it be Church. "Know ye not," the Apostle
Moses' church; or if it be called in the Paul asked, "that so many of us as
name of a man then it be the church were baptized into Jesus Christ were
of a man; . .
." (3 Nephi 27:8.) baptized into his death?
In our day, by revelation, the Lord "Therefore we are buried with him
has clearly declared the correct name, by baptism into death: that like as
I told him: "For thus shall my church Christ was raised up from the dead by
be called in the last days, even The the glory of the Father, even so we
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day also should walk in newness of life.
Saints" (D&C 115:4), thus distinguish-
"For if we have been planted together
ing this dispensation from former-day
in the likeness of his death, we shall
Saints, affixed to the name of the
be also in the likeness of his resur-
Church of Jesus Christ.
rection." (Rom. 6:3-5.)
But then I reminded him that even
then he wrote to the Galatians:
though it bears the Master's name, there
"For ye are all the children of God by
must be coupled with the name of the
faith in Christ Jesus.
Savior, Jesus Christ, another vital es-
"For as many of you as have been
sential in the true Church. After the
baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Master had explained the name by
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there
which his Church should be named,
is neither bond nor free, there is neither
he added, ". but if it be called in
. .

male nor female: for ye are all one in

my name then it is my church, if it so Christ Jesus.
be that they are built upon my gospel."
Nephi 27:8.) "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to
And then I him in turn, what
the promise." (Gal. 3:26-29.)
is his gospel? The Lord has said in I told our friend that the true Church
revelation: "And this is my gospel was to be patterned after the Master's
repentance and baptism by water, and organization, in the which the Apostle
then cometh the baptism of fire and the Paul has said we must not be ". . .

Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which strangers and foreigners, but fellow-
showeth all things, and teacheth the citizens with the Saints, ." And the
. .


Sunday, October 6 Third Day

Church must be built upon the

". . . sands each year who are in a state of
foundation of the apostles and prophets, inquiry and uncertainty as were our
Jesus Christ himself being the chief friend and his daughter in South Da-
corner stone;" (Eph. 2:19-20.) kota. They bear witness that all these
There were other specific signs which outward evidences of the true Church
the Master said would follow the are readily discernible. They further
believers in his Church. "He that be- point out the witness of the Holy Ghost
lieveth and is baptized shall be by which all may know the truth of
saved; . . . all things.
"And these signs shall follow them A short while ago in Philadelphia I
that believe; In my name shall they was handed a clipping from a Phila-
cast out devils; they shall speak with delphia newspaper reporting a statement
new tongues; made by the Associate Secretary General
"They shall take up serpents; and if of the State of Churches of the Assembly
they drink any deadly thing, it shall of National Churches representing thirty
not hurt them; they shall lay hands on denominations. The article was entitled
the sick, and they shall recover." "Drift from God in Churches." I shall
(Mark 16:16-18.) read but a few sentences:
I reminded him that there was a "American churches in many cases
need forauthority which cannot be were described today as being too 'public
just assumed, merely, but must be con- relations conscious' more —
eager to
ferred in the Lord's own way as the
Apostle Paul said, "And no man taketh
please the crowd than to please God."

this honour unto himself, but he that "Manychurches, yielding to secular

is called of God, as was Aaron." (Heb. practice have become public relations
5:4.) This, the Prophet Joseph Smith conscious. There is as much if not more
made plainer when he said, "We be- concern for the attractiveness of the
lieve that a man must be called of package and the effectiveness of the mar-
God, by prophecy, and by the laying keting techniques than for the quality
on of hands, by those who are in
authority to preach the Gospel and ad-
of the product."
minister in the ordinances thereof." "Modern churches too often have
(Articles of Faith, No. 5.) put the accent on secular yardsticks
And then there was a never, never of success — size, statistics and outward
failing evidence, which might be shock- attractiveness — rather than spiritual
ing to him, which evidences the divinity
of the true Church. The Master said,
in almost his closing remarks to "Many congregations would rather
his disciples: have a minister who is a 'good adminis-
"Blessed are they which are perse- trator and promoter' than one who is
cuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs 'a loyal and humble disciple of Jesus
is the kingdom of heaven. Christ, a thinker and a fearless prophet
"Blessed are ye, when men shall re-
vile you, and persecute you, and shall
of the sovereign
and redeeming Lord.'

say all manner of evil against you "Too many people speak vaguely of
falsely, for my sake. the need of 'faith and religion' rather
"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for than of the real need' of God, of a

great is your reward in heaven: for so
persecuted they the prophets which were
'return to the Father.'

before you." (Matt. 5:10-12.) Then I picked up a clipping also while

And the opposite of that the Master I was in Philadelphia about a year ago
from Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, president
warned: "Woe unto you, when all men
of the Union Theological Seminary, in
shall speak well of you! for so did their
which he said this, as quoted in the
fathers to the false prophets." (Luke paper:
6:26.) "A sharp and strange contrast between
Our missionaries are finding thou- the upsurge of religion and a decline in

morality was noted by Dr. Henry P. "Cursed he,"is Nephi again said,
Van Dusen, . . . "that putteth his trust in man, or
"It is a disturbing, confounding con- maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken
tradiction that the revival of religion has unto the precepts of men, save their
no parallel resurgence in morality. If precepts shall be given by the power of
the complex and illusive data could be the Holy Ghost." (Ibid., 28:31.)
plotted on a graph, it would show curves Moroni finished the record of his
of religious vitality and of moral health father Mormon and then added some
moving in opposite directions. inspired observations of his own con-
"Thus far, the return to religion in cerning ". things .
. . which must . .

our day has produced no corresponding shortly come (to pass), when these . . .

moral fruitage. the question as

It raises things (presumably meaning the com-
to the quality and worth of the religion. ing forth of the Book of Mormon) shall
"Either there will be moral revival come forth among you." Now that
flowering from religious revival, or the means our day. This is what he said
latter will fritter into futility. And our (and note the definition of a prophecy) :

final state will be a religious sterility He said, "Behold, I speak unto you as
to match the moral anarchy. ifye were present, and yet ye are not.
"Interest in religion appears to be at But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown
an all-time high, with church member- you unto me, and I know your doing."
ship over 100 million, but delinquency, (Mormon 8:34-35.)
(I remind you) immorality, and social You remember what the Master said,
confusion also are at peaks." the devil shall rage in the hearts of
As I made note of those articles I men even so much that if it were pos-
thought to myself, it is time for us to sible the very elect according to the
make a critical self-analysis of ourselves covenant would be deceived. This is

to see how much of this applies to us as what Moroni said: "And I know that
a Church and to us as individuals. ye do walk in the pride of your hearts;
President Wilford Woodruff said and there are none save a few only
something: "The trouble with the who do not lift themselves up in the
Latter-day Saints, we spend too much pride of their hearts, unto the wearing
time confessing the other fellow's sins." of very fine apparel, unto envying, and
Nephi the prophet warned something strifes, and malice, and persecutions,
about this as he predicted about our day. and all manner of iniquities; and your
"Wo unto them that turn aside the churches, yea, even every one, have
just for a thing of naught and revile become polluted because of the pride
against that which is good, and say of your hearts.
that is of no worth! . ."
(2 Nephi .
"For behold, ye do love money, and
28:16.) Obviously this was intended your substance, and your fine apparel,
for those in Zion or for the pure in and the adorning of your churches,
heart of the Church. more than ye love the poor and the
"For behold, at that day," Nephi needy, the sick and the afflicted."
said, "shall he (Lucifer) rage in the (Ibid., 8:36-37.)
hearts of the children of men, and stir As I read that, I thanked the Lord that
them up to anger against that which for a quarter of a century in our life-
is good. time the Church has, through the wel-
"And others will he pacify, and lull fare program, sought to place the proper
them away into carnal security, that emphasis where the Lord has placed it,
they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, by putting foremost the love of the
Zion prospereth, all is well and thus — poor and the needy.
the devil cheateth their souls, and One of the first revelations the Lord
leadeth them away carefully down to said in our day: "And even so I have
hell." (Ibid., 28:20-21.) sent mine everlasting covenant into the
And then he warns, "Therefore, wo world, to be a light to the world, and
be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" to be a standard for my people, and for
(Ibid., 28:24.) the Gentiles to seek to it, and to be a
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

messenger before my face to prepare the and be believing, and all things shall
way before me." (D&C 45:9.) work together for your good, if ye walk
"But" the Lord said, "there is a possi- uprightly before the Lord and keep the
bility that man may fall from grace covenant wherewith ye have covenanted
and depart from the living God." one with another." (Ibid., 90:24.) This
Mark that, you who come in as con- I pray humbly we may all do in the
verts to the Church! "Therefore let the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
church take heed and pray always, lest
they fall into temptation; President David O. McKay:
"Yea, and even let those who are
Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council
sanctified take heed also." (Ibid.,
of the Twelve has been our concluding
The more complicated our lives and
world conditions become, the more im-
Weshall now end the Sixth Session
of the 133rd Semi-Annual Conference
portant it is for us to keep clear the
of the Church with the Tabernacle
purposes and principles of the gospel
Choir singing, "Praise Ye The Lord."
of Jesus Christ. It is not the function
Following the singing the benediction
of religion to answer all the questions
will be offered by Elder T. Bowring
about God's moral government of the Woodbury, formerly president of the
universe, but to give one courage,
British Mission. This Conference will
through faith, to go on in the face
then be adjourned until two o'clock
of questions he never finds the answer to
this afternoon.
in his present status. Wewish to express thanks and appre-
It was the wise counsel of a thinker ciation to the owners and managers of
who said: "If the time comes when you the many television and radio stations
can no longer hold to your faith, then throughout the United States and
hold to it anyway. You cannot go into Canada who have offered their facilities
tomorrow's uncertainty and dangers as a public service to make the pro-
without faith." ceedings of this Conference available to
Let parents and leaders and church millions throughout North America,
members generally, and hopefully our South America, Africa, and in many
nonmember friends and relatives take other areas of the world.
heed of the counsels repeatedly given
from our leaders. Allow time to medi- The
Tabernacle Choir sang as a clos-
tate and ponder the things pertaining ing number, "Praise Ye The Lord," fol-
to our ministry. Live that we might be lowing which the closing prayer was
responsive to divine direction. Let me offered by Elder T. Bowring Wood-
again, as I close, repeat what I have bury, formerly president of the Brit-
quoted before from a revelation of the ish Mission.
Lord. "Search diligently, pray always, Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The concluding session of the Con- introduction to the meeting he made the
ference convened at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, following preliminary remarks.
October 6, 1963.
The choral music for this session of President David O. McKay:
the Conference was furnished by the
Tabernacle Choir, Richard P. Condie, Members Church are convened
of the

and Jay E. Welch conducting, Alexander in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in

Schreiner, organist. SaltLake City in the seventh and con-
President David O. McKay presided cluding session of the 133rd Semi-An-
and conducted the services. As an nual Conference. For those who are

unable to enter the building we an- rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with
nounce that these services are being seen Richard P. Condie and Jay E. Welch
and heard in the Assembly Hall over conducting. Alexander Schreiner is at
television. This afternoon many radio the organ.
throughout the western part of
stations Weshall begin this service by the
the United States will carry the pro- Tabernacle Choir singing "Lovely Ap-
ceedings of this session. Television sta- pear," with Brother Jay E. Welch
tions in Utah, Idaho, Montana will also conducting. The invocation will be of-
televise this concluding session. The fered by Elder Rudger G. Smith, presi-
proceedings of both sessions today will dent of the Phoenix North Stake.
be rebroadcast to far distant places by
radio station KSL Monday, October 7, The Tabernacle Choir sang as an
from one o'clock to five o'clock a.m. opening number, "Lovely Appear," con-
The General Priesthood Meeting, ducted by Jay E. Welch.
which was the fifth session of this Con- Elder Rudger G. Smith, president of
ference, was held in this Tabernacle, the Phoenix North Stake, offered the
with an overflow meeting in the As- invocation.
sembly Hall. The proceedings of this
Priesthood Meeting were relayed by President David O. McKay:
closed circuit wire originating in the
Tabernacle to members of the Priest- The
invocation was offered by Presi-
hood assembled in 370 locations in all dent Rudger G. Smith of the Phoenix
parts of the United States, including North Stake. The Tabernacle Choir
Alaska and Canada. It is estimated that will now sing "Lord, Hear Our Suppli-
70,000 men and boys participated in this cation," conducted by Richard P. Condie.
meeting by direct wire, in addition to After the singing Elder Delbert L. Stap-
the 12,000 present in the Tabernacle ley of the Council of the Twelve will
and Assembly Hall. address us.
We extend a cordial welcome to all

present this afternoon special guests, Selection by the Choir, "Lord, Hear
educational leaders, our stake presi- Our Supplication."
dencies from far and near, temple
presidencies, bishoprics, members of President David O. McKay:
General Auxiliary Boards, and members
of the Church and friends everywhere Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Coun-
who are listening in by radio and cil of the Twelve will be our first
television. speaker. He will be followed by Elder
The music for this session will be EIRay L. Christiansen.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters and friends: earth, the God of heaven has estab-
Because of disturbing trends and lished only two nations with basic
alarming conditions in this country of divine purposes. One is the nation of
ours which are of great concern to every which the Lord by his mighty
loyal, patriotic citizen, I desire to draw
power led out of Egypt under the guid-
related analogies between the nation of
ance of his prophet Moses.
ancient Israel and our own nation in
the light of the revelations of Almighty
The other nation is the United States

God concerning both nations. of America. Prophets in early times

To each nation, God gave promises foretold the events leading to the estab-
of blessings or cursings, depending upon lishment of this mighty gentile nation
the faithfulness of the people. In all and its promised destiny among the na-
the recorded history of man upon the tions of the earth — if its people are
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

faithful in keeping the commandments time, quite numerous. Eventually, how-

of God. ever, because of disobedience and wick-
Moses counseled the newborn nation edness, they were destroyed, except a
of Israel to serve the Lord and to keep remnant of the second group who are
his laws and statutes. He informed the progenitors of the American Indian.
them of God's plans and purposes con- These two migrations of people to the
cerning his chosen people and also out- Americas received knowledge by revela-
lined his promises for faithful obedience tion through their prophets concerning
to his laws and commandments and the a powerful gentile nation which was to
cursings which would befall them if be established in the latter days upon
they became disobedient and sinful. this land by the hand of God.
From Deuteronomy, I quote the fol- Now let us briefly examine the revela-
lowing teachings and admonitions of tions and prophecies as recorded in the
Moses to the children of Israel: Book of Mormon, foretelling America's
"Behold, I set before you this day a discovery, its peopling from the Euro-
blessing and a curse; pean gentile nations, the events leading
"A blessing, if ye obey the command- to the break with Great Britain, the
ments of the Lord your God, . . .
Revolutionary War which secured in-
"And a curse, if ye will not obey the dependence for the colonies from the
commandments of the Lord your God, tyranny of oppression of an unjust king
but turn aside out of the way ... to go and nation. An angel showed to Nephi,
after other gods, which ye have not an American prophet who lived about
known." (Deut. 11:26-28.) six hundred years before Christ, the
"And it shall come to pass, if thou many waters which separated the gen-
shalt hearken diligently unto the voice tilenations from the seed of his breth-
of the Lord thy God, to observe and ren. He recorded this vision as follows:
to do all his commandments which I "And it came to pass that the angel
command thee this day, that the Lord said unto me: Behold the wrath of
thy God will set thee on high above
God is upon the seed of thy brethren.
allnations of the earth:
"And I looked and beheld a man
"And the Lord shall make thee the among the Gentiles, who was separated
head, and not the tail; and thou shalt
from the seed of my brethren by the
be above only, and thou shalt not be
." (Ibid., 28:1, 13.)
many waters; and ... the Spirit of
beneath; . .
God .came down and wrought upon
. .

Regardless of the many prophets,

the man; and he went forth upon the
Israel was periodically blessed with fol-
many waters, even unto the seed of my
lowing the death of the great law-
brethren, who were in the promised
giver, Moses, the continued disobedience
and the contentions among its tribes not
"And ... I beheld the Spirit of God,
only divided them as a people but also
that it wrought upon other Gentiles;
destroyed them as a nation; and true to
and they went forth out of captivity,
his warning, God scattered Israel among
upon the many waters.
all the nations of the earth.
With these few pronouncements
"And ... I beheld many multitudes
of the Gentiles upon the land of
God to Israel in mind, I turn to the
second nation of destiny, the United promise; . . .

States of America —
a nation established "And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord,
by God in these latter days in fulfil- that was upon the Gentiles, and they

ment of prophecy, with wonderful did prosper and obtain the land for
promises for obedience to the command- their inheritance; . . .

ments of the Lord and cursings if it fails "And . who had gone
. . the Gentiles
to keep his commandments. forth out of captivity didhumble them-
There were two groups of people be- selves before the Lord; and the power
fore the time were led
of Christ who of the Lord was with them.
away from eastern lands by the Lord "And I beheld that their mother Gen-
to the Americas, and they became, in tiles were gathered together upon the

waters, and upon the land also, to ". . . and the Gentiles shall be blessed
battle against them. upon the land.
"And i beheld that the power of "And this land shall be a land of
God was with them, and also that the liberty unto the Gentiles, and there
wrath of God was upon all those that shall be no kings upon the land, who
were gathered together against them to shall raise up unto the Gentiles.
battle. "AndI will fortify this land against
"And I, Nephi, beheld that the Gen- all other nations." (Ibid., 10:9-12.)
tiles that had gone out of captivity During the Savior's visit to the
were delivered by the power of God Nephites in the Americas after his
out of the hands of all other nations. resurrection and ascension to glory, he,
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, speaking of the gentiles upon this land,
beheld that they did prosper in the promised that he would pour out the
land; ..." (1 Nephi 13:11-20.) Holy Ghost upon the gentiles, "which
From your knowledge of early Ameri- blessing upon the Gentiles shall make
can history, you will recognize Colum- them mighty above all. . .
." (3 Nephi
bus as the man who went forth upon 20:27. Italics added.)
the many waters and discovered the When God confounded the language
Americas. The other facts of this of the people at the tower of Babel, he
prophecy and its fulfilment are also separated a group known as the
known to you from America's recorded Jaredites,and under the direction of a
history. This same prophet, speaking prophet, led them to the land of the
of the house of Israel being scattered and Americas. He revealed to this ancient
confounded, predicted: prophet:
". . . that the Lord God will raise "Behold, this is a choice land, and
up a mighty nation among the Gen- whatsoever nation shall possess it shall
tiles, yea, even upon the face of this be free from bondage, and from cap-
land; ." (Ibid., 22:7.)
. . tivity, and from all other nations under
Lehi, the father of Nephi, and him- heaven, if they will but serve the God
self a prophet, speaking to his descend- of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who
ants and followers, declared that the hath been manifested by the things
land of America is a land of promise, which we have written." (Ether 2:12.
choice above all other lands. Italics added.)
"Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy ac- The Lord also emphasized to this
cording to the workings of the Spirit early prophet that whatsoever nation
which is in me, that there shall none shall possess this land of promise shall
come into this land save they shall be serve God or they shall be swept off
brought by the hand of the Lord. when the fulness of his wrath shall
"Wherefore, this land is consecrated come upon them. And the fulness of
unto him whom he shall bring. And if his wrath cometh upon them when
it so be that they shall serve him ac- they are ripened in iniquity. "This,"
cording to the commandments which he said the prophet, "is an everlasting de-
hath given, it shall be a land of liberty cree of God." (Ibid., 2:8-10.)
unto them; wherefore, they shall never Thus, from ancient American proph-
be brought down into captivity; if so, it ets, we learn that this United States
shall be because of iniquity; for if in- of America was established by God for
iquity shall abound cursed shall be a divine purpose, and that great bless-
the land for their sakes, but unto the ings,which all must admit, as we review
righteous it shall be blessed forever." the history of this nation, have so far
(2 Nephi 1:6-7. Italics added.) been literally fulfilled; yet the fulfil-
Jacob, the brother of Nephi, in an ment of future promise of blessings is
inspirational discourse to his people, conditional upon the continued right-
reaffirmed the Lord's promises to the eousness of its people. A great challenge
gentiles upon this land. He declared: is presented to the citizens of this land
". . the promises of the Lord are
. if God is to be on our side and give
great unto the Gentiles, . . . us power as a nation to overcome our
— —


Sunday, October 6 Third Day
enemies and not be brought down into all flesh, according to just and holy
captivity. principles;
This nation did not come into being "That every man may act in doctrine
by chance. God declared that the gen- and principle pertaining to futurity, ac-
tiles who came here were to be brought cording to the moral agency which I
out of captivity by his hand. The have given unto him, that every man
prophecies previously quoted concerning may be accountable for his own sins
the establishment of this nation have in the day of judgment.
been fulfilled to the letter. The people "Therefore, it is not right that any
coming here in the beginning did so to man should be in bondage one to
find religious freedom. Nevertheless, another.
they were subjected to tyrannical rule, "And for this purpose have I estab-
unjust demands, and no representation. lished the Constitution of this land, by
They had lost the opportunities, the the hands of wise men whom
I raised

privileges, the religious freedom and up unto this very purpose, and re-
liberty which impelled them to settle deemed the land by the shedding of
in this new land. The colonists became blood." (D&C 101:77-80.)
an aroused group because of oppression; God gave the men chosen to formu-
therefore, the time had arrived in the late the Constitution the inspiration of
economy of God for the people to heaven to guide them. It becomes,
break off the yoke of domination which therefore, an enduring document for
subjected them to these unjust and in- this nation. It is not the prerogative of
tolerable conditions. The Lord, know- man to change its basic and funda-
ing beforehand the events which would mental principles and concepts.
set the pattern for independence, raised The dynamic statesman, Daniel Web-
up strong and valiant men to meet this ster, in his last public address before the
hour of crisis and challenge. The New York Historical Society in 1852,
Declaration of Independence came from said:
a determined people. The successful "Unborn ages and visions of glory
Revolutionary War which followed crowd upon my soul, the realization of
united the colonies; and the gentile all which, however, is in the hands
nation of destiny and of divine pur- and good pleasure of Almighty God;
pose, as foretold by the prophets, was but, under His divine blessing, it will
born. A Constitution was needed to set be dependent on the character and the
forth the purposes, obligations, and the virtues of ourselves, and of our posterity.
guide lines for the new nation. God "And let me say, gentlemen, that if
was prepared and ready and did not we and our posterity shall be true to
neglect this newborn nation which he —
the Christian religion if we and they
had ordained to be established thou- shall live always in the fear of God,
sands of years previously. and shall respect His commandments
I now turn to latter-day scripture to if we and they shall maintain just,
substantiate this statement, which reve- moral sentiments, and such conscien-
lations are not only important for tious convictions of duty as shall control
Latter-day Saints to know and under- —
the heart and life we may have the
stand, but also for the entire citizenry highest hopes of the future fortunes
of this favored country. The Lord, of our country, and if we maintain those
through the Prophet Joseph Smith in institutions of government and that
December of 1833, counseled in the political union, exceeding all praise
midst of their afflictions that "the Saints as muchas it exceeds all former ex-
should continue to importune for re- amples of political associations, we may
dress, and redemption, by the hands —
be sure of one thing that, while our
of those who are placed as rulers and country furnishes materials for a thou-
are in authority over you sand masters of historic art, it will
"According to the laws and constitu- afford no topic for a Gibbon. It will
tion of the people, which I have suffered have no decline and fall. It will go
to be established, and should be main- on prospering and to prosper.
tained for the rights and protection of "But if we and our posterity reject

religious instruction and authority, vio- and happiness. It now

wields tremen-
late the rules of eternal justice, trifle dous influence and power in the affairs
with the injunctions of morality, and of men and will continue to do so ac-
recklessly destroy the political constitu- cording to the promise of God as long
tion which holds us together, no man as the people of the land serve the
can tell how sudden the catastrophe God of the land who is Jesus Christ.
may overwhelm us, that shall bury all The Constitution made provision for
our glory in profound obscurity." an expanded nation, but the founding
How applicable today are these fathers and God had no thought of
splendid sentiments and warnings by changing or altering its basic princi-
this valiant statesman and patriot! ples, rules, and concepts.
When God established the nation of President Woodrow Wilson defined
Israel, he gave them the Ten Command- the Constitution of the United States
ments, written on tablets of stone by as "Not being a mere lawyer's docu-
his own finger. Man, through the cen- ment. It is," said he, "a vehicle of life,
turies, has not altered or changed the and its spirit is always the spirit of
Ten Commandments. The Constitution the age. The explicitly granted powers
of this nation was not written on of the Constitution are what they al-
tablets of stone like unto Israel, but wise ways were; but the powers drawn from
men were raised up and inspired for it by implication have grown and
the important task of writing a con- multiplied beyond all expectation."
stitution of government which guaran- To interpret this valued document
teed the God-given rights of free men. understandingly, we need to remember
In the revelation to Joseph Smith the conditions and circumstances which
previously quoted, he was told that the confronted the founding fathers, who,
Constitution should be maintained for under the inspiration of the Lord,
the rights and protection of all flesh, brought this wonderful instrument of
according to just and holy principles, government into being. So important
that it is not right for man to be in was God's will respecting this nation as
bondage one to another. It guarantees revealed to Joseph Smith the Prophet,
what God has always bestowed upon that in his prayer offered at the dedica-
his children —
the rights, privileges, and tion of the Kirtland Temple, he included
honor of a free people. So important is this appeal to Almighty God:
this latter-day gentile nation established "Have mercy, O
Lord, upon all the
by God that he required the land to be nations of the earth; have mercy upon
redeemed by the shedding of blood. the rulers of our land; may those prin-
The blood of the Revolutionary patriots ciples, which were so honorably and
was upon the field of bat-
freely spilled nobly defended, namely, the Constitu-
tle insure independence and to re-
to tion of our land, by our fathers, be
deem the land and make it sacred to established forever." (D&C 109:54.)
those who possessed it. When the With the knowledge of God's declara-
North and South became divided over tion that the Constitution of this land
state rights which included slavery, it is inspired of him, it behooves every
was most important in the plan for this citizen to analyze the meaning, im-
nation that it remain united and strong. portance, and significance of this pro-
Only by so doing could the nation ful- found document and give loyal support
fil its destiny and God's purposes and to its spirit and purpose. We
work. The Civil War resulted in the afford to become complacent, forsake
death and misery of many souls, and vigilance, and thus lose the benefits of
thus for the second time the land was the promise of blessings upon
redeemed by the shedding of blood. the people of this goodly land. Also,
Truly, God rules in the affairs of we must see to it that the principles, the
men and nations. This nation has al- standards, the ideals, the rights, the
ways been a beacon light to the world, and the protection guaranteed
exemplifying the principles of democ- by the Constitution are upheld by those
racy, freedom, opportunity, achievement, who represent us in the executive,
Sunday, October 6 Third Day
legislative, and branches of
judicial who acknowledged openly their reliance
government. upon almighty God."
A wise and understanding God had Continued righteousness and depend-
all this in mind when he gave the ence upon God therefor are the only
following revelation to the Prophet guarantees we have for the constant
Joseph Smith in August 1833: enjoyment of his blessings upon us,
"And that law of the land which for he has warned: ". my law shall
. .

is constitutional, supporting that prin- be kept on this land." (D&C 58:19.)

ciple of freedom in maintaining rights The Constitution of the United States
and privileges, belongs to all mankind, is to this gentile nation what the Ten

and is justifiable before me. Commandments were and still are to

"Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, the nation of Israel.
and your brethren of my church, in What a strength and comfort it would
befriending that law which is the con- be to the people of this land for God
stitutional law of the land; to fight for this nation if the need
"And as pertaining to law of man, arises as he fought for Israel during
whatsoever is more or less than this, their struggle to build and maintain a
cometh of evil. nation. However, Israel's persistence in
"I, the Lord God, make you free, disobedience and wickedness destroyed
therefore ye are free indeed; and the them as a nation. This fact stands as a
law also maketh you free. warning to us. What happened to the
"Nevertheless, when the wicked rule nation of Israel can happen to this
the people mourn. nation also if we as a people in this
"Wherefore, honest men and wise chosen land fail to obey the laws and
men should be sought for diligently, the counsels of God. It will be profit-
and good men and wise men ye should able to all of us in the light of the prom-
observe to uphold; otherwise whatso- ises and warnings to this nation to read
ever is less than these cometh of evil." again the biblical history of the nation
(Ibid., 98:5-10.) of Israel. It will help us avoid the
If wickedness prevails and wicked pitfalls which befell them.
men rule, then we will be as other I earnestly pray that we shall always
nations. We
will stand alone without stand firm and stedfast and immovable
the guiding influence and power of God in upholding and sustaining the Con-
to sustain us in time of trouble and in stitution of this favored land. May we
meeting the challenge and threat of also selectively and wisely choose those
internal and external Satanic ideologies, who are equally valiant and patriotic to
also the evil designs and intrigues of represent us in the top echelons of gov-
men and nations. —
ernment men who are upright, honest,
I quote from a talk given by National and willing to keep the commandments
Commander James E. Powers the of of God in their personal lives.
American Legion which appeared in the These truths and considerations I
American Legion magazine of Septem- bear humble witness and testimony to
ber 1963: in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
"America's deepest roots are spiritual.
This is the most important historical President David O. McKay:
fact of American life. To ignore it is
to miss the essence of the heritage, the We have just listened to Elder Del-
character, and the destiny of the Ameri- bert L. Stapley, who recently was hos-
can people. Today, with international pitalized. We
are glad he is able to be
and domestic tension tightening, I be- with us and give us that fine discourse.
lieve it is well that we see clearly the Elder EIRay L. Christiansen, Assistant
spiritual core of that creed. . . . The to the Twelve, will now speak to us.
American colonies and nation were es- Elder Christiansen will be followed by
tablished in turn by men and women Elder Antoine R. Ivins.



Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brethren and sisters, I have courage was equaled only by their
not forgotten the statement made in one moral courage.
of the recent general conferences by In our day there is a crying need for
Elder Richard L. Evans, who reminded this same quality in each of us, espe-
us that to know is not enough. As cially the moral courage to resist the
we draw near to the close of this great ever-increasing pressures and insidious
and uplifting conference, it seems to influences that are constantly at work,
me that the thing that remains is for distorting the truth, tearing down the
us to go to our homes and conform our good and the decent, and attempting to
lives to the teachings of the Lord Jesus substitute therefor the vain and shallow
Christ as they have been expounded philosophies and practices of a carnal
here, lacking not in determination and world. There is need for the moral
in moral courage to do it, for "to know courage to uphold correct principles in
is not enough." our personal lives and to defend right
One of the greatest demonstrations of and truth and decency and honor, and
moral courage ever shown in this day above all, to have faith in and honor
was when in the dead of winter, 1846, God our Father.
the first of the Saints, living in the city It seems to me that moral courage is
of Nauvoo, rolled their loaded wagons made of a firm desire, coupled with de-
onto flatboats to be ferried across the termination to accept and to do what
broad, icy Mississippi River. That is right and to shun the wrong. It is
marked the beginning of the exodus of the outgrowth of moral conviction. Moral
modern Israel. Later in the month, courage may not be dramatically dis-
according to the historians, long cara- played. Seldom does it receive public

vans crossed the river on a solid floor acclaim, nevertheless, it is an indis-

of ice. pensable attribute of noble character.
These people had been living in sub- It must be exercised if worthwhile
stantial and comfortable homes. They principles and institutions are to be
had farmed their fertile lands; they had preserved and perpetuated.
completed the construction of the sacred He who stands stedfastly for that
Nauvoo Temple and had developed an which is right must take the risk of
attractive city, which they proudly re- becoming at times disapproved and un-
ferred to as "Nauvoo the Beautiful." All popular, or even shunned by others
these they left behind to move their sometimes by his closest friends. In-
families, with what household goods deed, some have become martyrs. Know-
and provisions that they could take with ing what is right and true and
them, to make an almost superhuman honorable, they have had the courage
trek thirteen hundred miles into an al- to do, not what is easy but what is
most unknown western land. right; not what is expedient but what
With a background of culture and re- is best.
finement, they were not accustomed to think of a young boy with whom
the hardships of improvised shelters
I amacquainted, who, rather than join
erected against the wintry blasts of
his companions one night in an esca-
February winds; yet,because of their
faith and their courage, they resolutely
pade that was not in harmony with the
met the challenge, and turning their training he had received in his home
backs upon their beautiful homes and and in the Church, chose to walk more
their faces toward the west, they met than six miles to his home while his
whatever was to come. These exiled companions in the car proceeded to
people, with implicit trust in their carry out their plans. I imagine that

leaders, chose to ". . seek ye first the

. boy, for more reasons than one, slept
kingdom of God, and his righteous- well when he finally arrived at home.
ness; .
." (Matt. 6:33.)
. Their physical And no doubt his parents were proud
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

of him. Truly, "A wise son maketh a we have also a need in our lives for
glad father." (Prov. 10:1.) a moral program. It takes moral
It requires no moral courage to drift courage, for instance, to apologize, to
with the multitude or to run with the put aside pride and say, "I was wrong,"
"pack," so to speak. The real test is in or to explain a misunderstanding which,
choosing and pursuing the right, even if ignored, would hurt another person;
though it appears that in so doing, one or to defend a person when slighting re-
is alone. marks are made against his character.
Jesus, the personification of this qual- It takes courage to stand up and be
ity, disagreed with the powerful and counted when you may not agree with
influential Jewish governing body the — the crowd; for example, to plan, and to
Sanhedrin. He referred to certain un- live, and to qualify to go to the house
righteous Pharisees as ". hypocrites! . . of the Lord when the time comes to
for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, be married even though some of our
which indeed appear beautiful outward, associates may do otherwise.
but are within full of dead men's bones, It requires moral courage to tell the
. .
." (Matt. 23:27.) truth regardless of the situation or the
And Matthew records him saying consequences, but it pays great dividends
plainly, ". . . for ye devour widows' in peace of mind.
houses, and for a pretence make long It takes courage to resist envy and
prayer: therefore ye shall receive the hate and anger, the destroyers of happi-
greater damnation." (Ibid., 23:14.) ness. The Bible says: "He that is slow
With righteous fervor he drove out to anger is better than the mighty; and
the money changers, because he could he that ruleth his spirit than he that
not bear to see them desecrate the taketh a city." (Prov. 16:32.)
temple. He was fearless in defense of Have we the moral courage to forgive
correct principles,and although he was or to ask forgiveness? Never is the
falsely and maliciously accused even — human soul more noble and so cour-
though he was subjected to railings and ageous than when it forgives and then
mockery of the worst kind he stood — forgets. Jesus said in a revelation to
majestically and composed before Pilate Joseph Smith: "Wherefore, I say unto
and again before Herod, while the you, that ye ought to forgive one an-
howling mob cried, "Crucify him, cru- other; for he that forgiveth not his
cify him!" (Luke 23:21.) brother his trespasses standeth con-
He was not concerned with his own demned before the Lord; for there re-
security nor with the indignities he maineth in him the greater sin.
suffered at the hands of foul men. His "I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will
great desire was to do the will of the forgive, but of you it is required to
Father, even though it meant his forgive all men." (D&C 64:9-10.)
crucifixion. And Matthew records: "For if ye for-
While we in our day may or may not give men their trespasses, your heavenly
be called upon to suffer unduly or to Father will also forgive you." (Matt.
test our moral courage in the great issues 6:14.)
of the world, there is, nevertheless, al- The religious life of a Latter-day
ways need for each of us to exercise Saint should be based not upon obliga-
self-discipline and moral courage in our tion and duty alone, but upon a genuine
everyday living. desire to be honorable, to do good, to
was Lincoln that reminded us that,
It do what is right, to love God, and to
and I quote: "We must return to ideal- love one another.
ism —the
idealism of character and Weought to think right and do right
truth; of integrity in private and public simply because it is right. If there is
(affairs) ... no people can ever become to be any moral perfection for us in
greater by lowering their standards, no this life, it will come because we con-
society was ever improved by adopting sistently and automatically do what
a looser morality." is right.
Someone has said our physical fitness I bear solemn testimony to the fact
program is wonderful and is needed, but that Jesus is the Christ, that God our

Father lives, that Joseph Smith was in- ". . . not remove
till I die I will . . .

deed the Prophet of this dispensation integrity from me." (Job 27:3-5.)
through whom the gospel, the divine I pray for this in the name of Jesus

pattern for living, was restored, and that Christ. Amen.

President David O. McKay is presently
the prophet, seer, and revelator of the
President David O. McKay:
Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us go from here with the deter-
mination and the moral courage to say He to whom we have just listened is

as Job said, ". while my breath is in

. . Elder EIRay L. Christiansen, Assistant
me, . . . to the Twelve. Elder Antoine R. Ivins
"My lips shall not speak wickedness, of the First Council of Seventy will be
nor my tongue utter deceit. our next speaker.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

Brethren and sisters: accepted death, and rose from death to

As I stand before you today, I seek an be the first evidence to man of the
interest in your faith and prayers that, resurrection

"the first fruits of the
perhaps, I may say something that may resurrection." In so doing he overcame
be of help to some of us. the effects of Adam's act which intro-
Mylife span covers nearly sixty-two duced mortality into the world. It was
percent of the lapsed time since the then possible, through death and the
Church was re-established on the earth resurrection, for man to re-enter the
through the instrumentality of the presence of God in an exalted estate.
Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun. For nearly That man might be exalted, a plan
forty percent of my life I have had of life was given him, and this we
opportunity to observe the forward call the gospel.
movement of the Church as a member Recurring to the fourth Article of
of the First Council of the Seventy. Faith we learn that the first principle
Quite naturally, I have been able to of this plan is that man should have
check, in a way, the responses of the faith in God and in our Redeemer
priesthood members of the Church to Jesus Christ.
the programs instituted, from time to Faith is defined in one biblical pas-
time, for their encouragement and aid. sage as follows: ". . faith is the sub-

In this I have reached a conclusion that stance of things hoped for, the evidence
what we, the bearers of the priesthood, of things not seen." (Heb. 11:2.) Faith
most need is faith. gives our yearnings substance and evi-
We declare in the Articles of Faith, dences to us the possibility of actual
"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, accomplishment. With this possibility
and in His Son, Tesus Christ, and in the before us, we undertake things new to
Holy Ghost." Also, "We believe that us, gaining strength and courage, both
the first principles and ordinances of physical and spiritual. In other words,
the Gospel are; first, Faith in the Lord faith in its broadest sense prompts every
Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, act of our lives. We
increase faith in
Baptism by immersion for the remission ourselves by the exercise of our facul-
of sins; and fourth,Laying on of hands ties; we gain faith in our neighbors
for the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Articles when our mutual interchanges accord
1 and 4.) with the gospel plan. gain faith in We
To me this means that we believe —
the gospel plan which means faith in
that God exists; that he is our Eternal —
God by doing the various things re-
Father and the Father of Jesus Christ; quired by it, and this means service.
and we believe in the Holy Ghost. We The only way I have discovered to serve
believe also that Jesus Christ, the Son God is to help his work along among
of God, took upon himself mortal life, his children. As we serve, we gain
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

greater of understanding and ap-

power the Church, or even opposition to the
preciation. Man
is that he may have teachings and program of the Church,
joy, and the greatest joy I have experi- implies the need of repentance. It need
enced has come through serving others. not be offensive to suggest to a person
Service, then, becomes a measuring that he change his ways to be more
stick for faith. If men serve faithfully happy. That is what repentance means:
and willingly, it is an indication of a Godly sorrow for acts, improper or
faith. even just not wisely performed, and a
If we apply this measure to the change to a life filled with proper
service of the many men who hold the and correctly performed activities. This
Melchizedek Priesthood, we discover that not only results in one's contentment
too many of us fail to measure to a and happiness but increases his inter-
high standard of service. Shall we call est in others and his service in their
it a lack of faith? behalf. This change brings about a
I like to believe, and this comes from closer relationship with the Spirit of
my experience and observation, that the Lord under whose influence one
many men fail in their interest in the corrects his private life and his social
work of the priesthood from lack of relationships. Why
should it be offen-
responsible opportunity and application. sive to a person to be told that if he
How can a man enjoy doing a thing in will, of his own volition, prove victor
which he is not experienced and over his unfortunate habits, he will
familiar? be happier and more useful?
The program of the Church is suffi- This, brethren and sisters, is one of
ciently broad to offer opportunity for our major problems. Salvation is the
most men to serve in some interesting objective of the Church. May God help
capacity — this must be in a friendly us to realize this purpose.
atmosphere, for most people respond In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
to friendship.
The purpose of the program awaiting President David O. McKay:
initiation at the beginning of the new
year is to surround these inactive Elder Antoine R. Ivins of the First
brethren and sisters with an atmosphere Council of the Seventy has just spoken
of friendship and sincere interest, find- to us.
ing opportunity for attractive and friend- The Choir and congregation will now
ly fellowship and service. sing "How Firm a Foundation." Brother
There is in the Church a veritable Jay E. Welch will lead us. Following
army of men who hold only the Aaron ic this singing we shall hear from Sister
Priesthood, hold no priesthood at all, Annette Richardson Dinwcodey. She
or who, holding the Melchizedek Priest- will sing "I Know That My Redeemer
hood, fail to honor it by active service. Liveth^
Many of these men are burdened with,
and struggle to overcome, habits which The Tabernacle Choir and congre-
make them feel out of harmony with gation joined in singing the hymn,
the program of the Church. When this "How Firm A Foundation," Elder Jay
may be the case, we should give them E. Welch, Assistant Tabernacle Choir
every possible aid in their struggle. conductor, directing. SisterAnnette
There are few things more powerful Richardson Dinwoodey then sang a
than habits. When they are good, solo, "I Know That My Redeemer
they become a great safeguard; when Liveth."
they are not, they reduce their capacity
according to the seriousness of the afflic- President David O. McKay:
tion. Our problem is to aid with as
little embarrassment as possible. Many Thank you, Sister Dinwoodey. We
men of my
acquaintance have made shall now hear from Elder Victor L.
this battle with
themselves success- Brown of the Presiding Bishopric, and
fully and attained to greater happiness. he will be followed by Elder Mark
Changing from a life of inactivity in E. Petersen.


Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

I believe have a clearer meaning of

I the cost of the Book of Mormon in
what it means "o endure to the end Braille. He had been saving his money
than I did earlier. [Laughter.] for a long time so that he might pur-
Michael is now sixteen years of age. chase a Book of Mormon in Braille as
His parents were members of the Piute a birthday present for his blind Indian
Indian tribe. Michael was born with- buddy. The cost was more than Rich-
out his eyesight. On the Indian reserva- ard had saved. However, a kind person
tion, this was considered a terrible made it possible for him to obtain the
handicap. His family was very poor, book. As Michael read with his fingers,
and a blind boy was more than they Richard followed along in his own
could cope with. So, when Michael Book of Mormon reading out loud, thus
was about seven years old, he was left helping Michael over the more difficult
on the desert to die. Fortunately, some words. As I visited with Michael, he
passing tourists found him and took said he had never read such wonderful
him to a hospital. It took a year for stories. He said that everything he
the doctors and nurses to save his life had read in the past was kid stuff, but
and restore his health. the Book of Mormon was different. I
During this experience of being left asked him what the greatest desire of
on the desert all alone without food his heart was. This fifteen-year-old
and water, unable to see, Michael's Indian boy replied: "To become sixteen
basic animal instincts for survival be- years old so I can be baptized a mem-
came so strong that he almost became ber of The Church of Jesus Christ of
an animal, fearing and hating every- Latter-day Saints." He explained that
body and everything. Eight years later, he must wait until his sixteenth birth-
when I first met him, he told me he day because of the requirement of the
could remember the horror of being all agency responsible for him.

alone hungry, thirsty, and lost. Michael had his sixteenth birthday
When he became well enough, just this August and was baptized by his
Michael was sent to school. He was buddy, Richard, who is now a priest.
incorrigible. Because of his tragic ex- Just four weeks ago, Michael was or-
perience, he destroyed everything he dained a deacon in the Aaronic Priest-

could get his hands on paper, pencils, hood by his foster father.
record Everything was his
player. Michael told his mother that as he
enemy. suppose the school authorities
I was being confirmed a member of the
despaired of ever reaching this boy. One Church, the brightest feeling went
day, they placed a call to a wonderful through his entire body. He said, "I
Latter-day Saint woman and asked her know now what 'white' looks like." This
if she would mind taking an Indian boy sixteen-year-old Indian boy who has
into her home. She readily agreed. never seen the light of day now knows
Michael's nature had not changed. He what "white" looks like. The Holy
still considered everyone his enemy. Ghost has borne witness to him.
He continued to destroy almost every- This last school year, Michael, the
thing that came in his way. One day boy who was incorrigible, was honored
one of the neighbor boys, a white boy for his excellence in school —
effort ex-
by the name of Richard, became ac- cellence in deportment, scholarship, and
quainted with Michael. Richard was progress —the only boy so honored by
about fifteen years old. He was a his school this year. He hopes someday
teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. He to teach other blind children as he has
took an interest in Michael and fast be- been taught.
came his friend. Bill is now fifteen. His parents are
Richard came to the Presiding Bish- Navajo. When Bill was a child, he
opric's Office one day and asked about was stricken with polio, which left him


Sunday, October 6 Third Day

without the use of his legs. Bill and woman —

a woman who had the support
Michael are brothers in this foster of good and faithful husband
a —
home. They are both Boy Scouts. A woman who wanted children more than
year ago, they needed money to go to anything else in the world and who was
Scout camp, so they decided to sell not blessed with any of her own. She
toothbrushes and toothpaste. They wanted them so badly it didn't matter
didn't have much luck in their own what their handicaps nor that their
neighborhood, so Michael pushed Bill skin was copper color. The love she
in his wheelchair seven miles to another gave them was the love she had missed
community where they had some suc- so desperately during her childhood.
cess. They said that the most interest- The compassion she blessed these chil-
ing and funniest experience of the day dren with was the compassion she
was when they sold a toothbrush and longed for and sought but failed to
some toothpaste to a man who didn't find as she was growing up. To me she
have any teeth. typifiesthe saint as described by Felix
Three weeks ago at a stake quarterly Adler as he makes the distinction be-
conference, I invited Bill to come to tween a hero and a saint. Paraphrasing
the front of the chapel and bear his this statement:
testimony to over twelve hundred "The hero (heroine) is one who
people. I wish you could have seen kindles a great light in the world, who
this fifteen-year-oldNavajo Indian boy. sets up blazing torches in the dark
Immaculate in his appearance and with streets of life for men to see by. The
all the dignity and majesty of a great saint is the man (woman) who walks
chief, he sat in his wheelchair and through the dark paths of the world,
humbly expressed
his gratitude to his himself (herself) a 'light.'
Heavenly Father for his many bless- I suppose that most of the teachings

ings, for his parents, his brothers and of the Master can be gleaned from the
sisters, his membership in the Church lives of this family, also from Richard,
and the blessing of holding the office the white boy, a priest in the Aaronic
of teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. Priesthood, impervious to the taunts of
Bill is a fine artist and hopes someday the other boys as he held Michael's
to become a great architect. hand while they walked down the
Bill and Michael have two lovely, streets, a boy who so loved the Lord
blond, fair-skinned sisters and a baby that he wanted to share the gospel with
brother, Ronnie. Let me tell you about his friend. What a wonderful exam-
Ronnie. As far as we know, he is also ple of living the first two great com-
a Navajo Indian boy. When the agency mandments as found in the twelfth
called this same good mother and asked chapter of Mark, verses thirty and
if she would take a three-year-old In- thirty-one:
dian baby into her home, they said that "And thou shalt love the Lord thy
the child was totally incapacitated. He God with all thy heart, and with all
could not walk; he could not talk. They thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
explained the outlook for him as almost with all thy strength: this is the first
hopeless. Notwithstanding this, she comandment.
accepted him into her home. When I "And the second is like, namely, this,

met Ronnie the other day, he had a Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy-
mischievous twinkle in his eye and a self. There is none other commandment
smile on his face as he ran and tried greater than these."
to escape from one of his sisters as — There is such a desperate need in
normal a four-year-old as I have ever the world today for this kind of love,
seen. for each mother to want her children,
Ablind boy, a crippled boy, a child to want them so badly that her love
who was a complete invalid each one — transcends all else. A mother's love is
destined to a life of misery and hopeless- one of the basic instincts God has im-
ness, but for the love, compassion, char- planted in a woman's heart. It is so
ity, and understanding of a wonderful basic that it exists in all animals that

bear offspring, and yet there are those husband, so that she would have the
who fail to use this love wisely. strength to suppress the normal feelings
From studies made by social workers, of loneliness and discouragement, of
they find that when children get into being left alone so much of the time,
trouble it is altogether too often because: of having to shoulder a great share of
Mother's social status is reflected
1. the responsibility of rearing her chil-
through her child. dren than would otherwise be the case,
2. Mothers push their children into and of being the last one to know what
mature social experiences far beyond is going on in the ward. I suppose this
their age. runs contrary to the basic nature of
3. There is a feeling on the part of most women.
parents of getting the child out of the We want you to know that you are
home so they can have more freedom, not forgotten for a moment. We
so they can be to themselves, and so your husbands more often than we do
they can travel and not be hampered you, and perhaps we talk about them
by having children in the home. more. Wewant you to know that we
4. All too often the child is not are fully aware that behind every good
taught dependability and self-reliance. bishop in this Church is a good woman,
He on his own.
is left a woman who, through sharing her
5. Another major contributing factor strength, is instrumental in making a
isthat the parents are not home enough. good man.
Mothers, you most of all have the May God bless all good women
destiny of this generation in your hands. everywhere that their love may bless
Surely, we fathers have a part as do mankind, in the name of Jesus Christ.
we leaders of youth, but nothing we Amen.
can do will compare with a mother's
love if it is wisely placed. President David O. McKay:
Now, may I just mention a group
of mothers. I think there are about We have just listened to Bishop Vic-
four thousand of them. These mothers tor L. Brown, a member of the Pre-
have a special place in heart. They my siding Bishopric.
are the mothers whose husbands are We shall now hear from Elder Mark
bishops in this great Church. The E. Petersen, of the Council of the
other day a lovely young mother, the Twelve, and President of the West
wife of a bishop, wrote me a sweet European Mission, who has just recently
letter. She expressed, among other left the sick bed, but we are glad he is
things, a need for encouragement so she able to say a few words to us before he
would always be an inspiration to her goes back to Great Britain.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay is always so gracious year ago. I am a different kind of

and so wonderful. I love him with all Latter-day Saint. I have come to realize
my heart, as you do, and with all my that the great mission of this Church
soul I sustain him as our great prophet is that which President McKay has
leader. I am grateful for his courtesy taught us so often in our council meet-
at this time. —
ings that we must bear testimony to
I have been greatly stirred by this con- the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
ference. have been stirred more than
I It has taken me eight months now to
normally, I suppose, because of the realize how far the world has drifted
experiences my wife and I have had in away from belief in the Savior. It has
the last eight or nine months. I now taken newspaper articles and books and
see the Church in a new perspective. I sermons, all from clergymen of various
am a different man from what I was a faiths, in which they deny the existence
Sunday, October 6 Third Day

of God, in which they declare they But how

strong a voice can you
no longer believe in the divinity of the raise? How
strong a testimony can you
Savior, in which they say they do not bear? Your testimony is no stronger
believe the Bible is the word of God than your obedience. I wonder how
any more. much your testimony has been watered
It has taken newspaper articles tell- down by your disobedience even in lit-
ing of the iniquities of the world, the tle things here or there. But God
sins, the diseases from the sins that have expects that you will bear a mighty
come upon the people of the world, to testimony to the world that he lives,
make me realize how far the world has that he has spoken in our day, that
drifted away. And it has taken all of Jesus is the Christ, and that destruction
this to make me realize that there is will come upon the world unless we
only one cure for the world. It is not obey him and keep his commandments.
in political parties. It is not in the Howstrong is your testimony? I would
philosophies of men. There is only one have you know that your words alone
cure for the evils of this world, and for are not enough. I would have you know
the broken hearts of men and women, that it is only your word supported by
and that is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, your righteous lives that can give testi-
and the living of that faith by obedience mony to the world in such sincere tones
to the commandments of the Lord our that men and women will pay atten-
God. There is nothing that can compare tion to you.
with it. There is no other answer. It is Oh, how I admire your sons and your
obedience to Christ, or it is dissolution. daughters who are traveling through the
Now, as I have been stirred by these countries of Europe as well as the rest
remarkable addresses that we have lis- of the world, humbly bearing testimony
tened to, and as I have looked about of this great truth. How sincere they
over this great audience, I have come to are! How
many of our converts say,
realize more and more that there is only "The thing that impressed me was the
one voice in all the world that can bear sincerity of the missionaries," and that
testimony to these groping nations that is the thing that is going to impress all

Jesus is the Christ. I mean only one the world from you.
voice of authority, and that is the voice So my brief message here today is,

of the Latter-day Saints. We

are the brothers and sisters, let us live the gos-
only authoritative voice declaring to the pel so that our living will give meaning
world that Jesus is the Christ. to our words, and that when we bear
Weknow that God lives because our testimony that we know that he lives,
prophets have seen him and talked with that they will feel it by the sincerity of
him. We
know that Jesus is the Christ our words and our lives.
because our prophets have communed I bear you testimony that I know he
with him, and we know
that he lives lives, and I am raising my voice as
because of the testimony of the Holy loudly and as strongly as I know how
Ghost that burns within us. to declare it to everyone who is willing
We, therefore, as a united people to listen. Jesus lives. He is the Christ.
must declare to all mankind that he He is the Son of God. He is the Divine
lives and that he is a power in the Redeemer. He is the Creator of the
world and that he is our only salvation worlds, and if we will but follow him,
from the destruction that is sure to —
great will be our joy salvation in this
come upon this evil world unless they life and eternal life in the world
repent. We must raise the voice of tocome.
testimony. We must raise the voice This testimony I bear to you in the
of repentance. name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


We are nearing the end of a great con- should just like to say a word now
ference, as usual, the best ever. about our responsibility to carry these


great messages to which we have been The Lord did not come down Himself
listening since last Friday morning to prove to men His worth,
carry them to our homes and not let He sought our worship through the
it stop when we say "Amen" this Child He placed upon the earth.
We are told that God so loved the "How can I best express my life? Where-
world that he gave his Only Begotten in does greatness lie?
Son, that whosoever believeth in him How can I long remembrance win,
should not perish but have everlasting since I am bom to die?

life. Let us, therefore, follow our Heav- Both fame and gold are selfish things;
enly Father's example and bring up our their charms may quickly flee,
own sons and daughters in the faith But Fm the father of a boy who came
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. to speak for me.
There is a greater responsibility rest-
"In him lies all I hope to be; his splen-
ing upon us now than perhaps ever be-
dor shall be mine;
fore in the history of this country. The
I shall have done man's greatest work
testimony to which we have just lis-
if only he is fine.
tened from Brother Petersen is reaching
If some day he shall help the world
into the homes of millions throughout
long after I am dead,
the world.
In all that men shall say of him my
Last night we listened to two young
praises shall be said.
men give sermons on the power of self-
control. I am
sure their parents are "It matters not what I may win of
very proud of them, and so are we all. fleeting gold or fame,
The tens of thousands of men holding My hope of joy depends alone on what
the priesthood sat silently and almost my boy shall claim.
breathlessly as they listened to the ser- My story must be told thru him; for
mons of those two young men. I hope him I work and plan,
all who are within the sound of my Man's greatest duty is to be the father
voice will have the same pride as those of a man."
parents have for those two boys that — —Edgar A. Guest
your sons will bear the same testimony
and accept the same ideals that a hun- "Thoughts of a Father"
dred thousand whom those two boys
represented last night have in their
One of our greatest duties as we
leave this great conference is to have
hearts to attain.
the spirit of the gospel in our homes.
There comes to my mind now a poem
Fathers, set a proper example to your
about a father who paid this tribute
to his son, or rather felt pride in his
boys. And mothers, teach them in
accordance with the Doctrine and
boy and the responsibility of rearing
Covenants, faith in God, repentance,
him as these hundred thousand boys
and baptism.
last night. It runs something like this
One man, not in our Church, sug-
gests this to his son:
"We've never seen the Father here, but
"I have no wealth to leave you, and no
we have known the Son,
The finest type of manhood since the
world was first begun,
This must be your inheritance: My
And summing up name.
the works of God, I

write with reverent pen.

It has not been my fate, in life's sharp
The greatest is the Son He sent to cheer
To win the honors other men have won.
the lives of men. Mine has not been a life of great
"Through Him we learned the ways of I have not done the deeds some men
God, and found the Father's love; have done.
The Son it was who won us back to But I have kept unsullied and un-
Him who reigns above. tarnished


Sunday, October 6 Third Day

That thing —a name —entrusted to my great messages and glorious singing have
care; made it so. The responsibility with us
I have not let dishonor dim its luster, now is to carry the spirit of the gospel
Nor have I let shame leave its black of Jesus Christ in our homes. Do not
mark there. break them up through divorce. Make
I have not let my name be classed with good your promises in the temple,
malice hold them sacred and be true to
Nor fear, nor moral cowardice, nor every covenant. This is every father's
greed, responsibility.
Nor bigoted intolerance towards others Our homes are the seedbeds of faith
Nor lack of charity for those in need. in Christ our Lord, who stands at the
But I have made, instead, my name head, and who is God's Beloved Son. In
synonymous, his name I bless the members of the
In all men's minds, with things the priesthood, the entire membership of
most worthwhile; the Church in all countries. God's
With strength to do the right, though peace and happiness be with you in
none might see me; your hearts and in your homes every-
With grit to meet disaster with a smile; where, I pray in the name of Jesus
With loyalty to those with claims upon Christ. Amen.
With justice equally toward foe and President David O. McKay:
With honor, truth, integrity, square- We have been blessed with marvelous
dealing, singing by the Choir, and I have said so
'My word my bond,' many times, "Thank you," that maybe
Now, as I reach the end, you are getting tired of it, but we are
Too well I know that I have failed in not tired of your singing, and we are not
efforts tired of saying "God bless you, brethren
Where I have wanted greatly to suc- and sisters, for your excellent singing
ceed; here in the Tabernacle and in all the
Too oft I've seen my dreams, bright in world." Thank you, and God bless yon!
the forming, On the evening of September 4, 1963,
Prove naught but vain imaginings, through the kindness of KSL, whose
indeed. representatives had placed a wire exten-
sion in our apartment at the Hotel,
"But this I do believe; when I have Sister McKay and I listened to the New
traveled York Philharmonic Orchestra and the
Life's twisting road, and worked out Tabernacle Choir make recordings for
Life's great plan, — a new album of Christmas Carols. We
When I have gone beyond Life's praise want to thank those who were kind
or blaming, enough to let us join in that great
It will be said of me, 'He was a man!' testimonial. We sat up until ten o'clock
And so, because of this, I feelno shame, listening to Mr. Bernstein's masterful
When 1 bequeath to you, my son, my conducting of the 375 singers and 115
name." musicians in rehearsing and recording
the 16 Christmas Carols. wereWe
That the duty of every father in
thrilled with what we heard.
Israel —every
man who has a son or I said to Sister McKay at the time
that I thought it was remarkable how
daughter. Let us make our homes
places in which the Spirit of God will the Tabernacle Choir cooperated with
Mr. Bernstein and the Orchestra in their
be pleased to dwell. And may each
work. It was a good illustration to me
boy who bears his father's name, live
of what this Choir will do to furnish
to honor it, not bring disgrace upon a
music for the Church, and I went to
mother who loves you and a father who bed that night with a higher apprecia-
has given you a name. tion of what the Tabernacle Choir is
This has been a great conference, doing for the Church and for hundreds

of thousands outside of the Church with given the opportunity to tune in on the
their beautiful music. I felt then that proceedings of this General Conference.
Mr. Bernstein could not have found Tonight the Deseret Sunday School
another body of singers equal to our Union Conference will convene in this
own great Tabernacle Choir. building at 7:00 o'clock. All Sunday
We express our thanks and apprecia- School workers will wish to be in at-
tion to all who have furnished the sing- tendance, and the public is cordially
ing throughout this Conference first to — invited.
the Relief Society Singing Mothers from Ward Sacrament meetings will be
the Phoenix-Mesa (Arizona) area, Sister held this evening in the various wards.
Florence Jepperson Madsen conducting The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
the two sessions on Friday; second, the "Blessed Jesu, Fount of Mercy." The
Tabernacle Choir under Brother Con- benediction will be offered by Elder
die for the broadcast session Saturday Ray Engebretsen, formerly president of
morning; to the Brigham Young Univer- the Norwegian Mission, after which this
sity Chorale with Kurt Weinzinger Conference will stand adjourned for
conducting, who furnished the music six months.
for Saturday afternoon. The men of
the Tabernacle Choir, with Brother
Condie conducting who furnished the The Tabernacle Choir sang "Blessed
music for the Saturday evening Priest- Jesu, Fount Of Mercy," following which
hood session; and again today the Tab- they sang in conclusion, "God Be With
ernacle Choir, with Richard P. Condie You 'Til We Meet Again."
and Jay E. Welch conducting. Elder Ray Engebretsen, formerly
We express appreciation and gratitude president of the Norwegian Mission,
to all who have in any way contributed pronounced the benediction.
to the success and inspiration of this Conference adjourned for six months.
great Conference. We
appreciate the
attention given by national press repre- The Relief Society Singing Mothers
sentatives, and by representatives of from the Phoenix-Mesa area furnished
radio and television in reporting the the music for the morning and after-
sessions of this Conference. We
appre- noon sessions on Friday. Florence Jep-
ciate the cooperation of City officials, person Madsen conducted the singing
the City traffic officers handling care- of these sisters.

fully and ably the increased traffic; the The musical numbers for the Satur-
Fire Department, the Red Cross, who day morning session were furnished by
have been on hand to render assistance the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir,
and service whenever and wherever with Richard P. Condie conducting.
needed. At the Saturday afternoon meeting,
We are also grateful for what our the Brigham Young University Chorale,
Tabernacle ushers do in rendering quiet, Kurt Weinzinger conductor, presented
efficient service in seating the great the musical numbers.
audiences at this Conference. We
are The Men of the Salt Lake Mormon
most grateful, as I previously mentioned, Tabernacle Choir furnished the musical
to the many owners and managers of selections for the General Priesthood
radio and television stations throughout Meeting Saturday evening, with Richard
the nation and our own City, who have
P. Condie conducting.
carried the sessions of this Conference
from Coast to Coast, to Alaska, Hawaii,
On Sunday the Salt Lake Mormon
Tabernacle Choir furnished the music
and Canada, and by short-wave to lis-
teners in over 100 countries in many for the morning and afternoon sessions,
parts of the world. This extensive radio with Richard P. Condie and Jay E.
and television coverage has given this Welch, Conductor and Assistant Con-
133rd Semi-Annual Conference the wid- ductor respectively, directing the singing.
estdissemination in the history of the Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
Church. We
are thankful and grateful ing of the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle
to the Lord that millions have been Choir on the Church of the Air program
Sunday, October 6 Third Dai:

and also the Tabernacle Choir and and Roy M. Darley, Assistant Taber-
Organ broadcast. nacle organist.
Accompaniments on the great organ
were played by Alexander Schreiner and Joseph Anderson
Frank W. Asper, Tabernacle organists, Clerk of the Conference
a )



Columbia Broadcasting System's Shepherd will supply my need. Jehovah

Church of the Air was presented at is his name. In pastures fresh he makes

7:35 a.m. Sunday, October 6, 1963. The me feed beside the living stream."
program was as follows: (The Choir sang: "My Shepherd Will
The Tabernacle Choir, under the di- —
Supply My Need." Arr. Thompson.)
rection of Richard P. Condie, furnished Announcer: And now from the Salt
the music for this service. Richard L. Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir we
Evans was the announcer. hear Charles Gounod's setting for a text
Music: Organ and humming choir: paraphrased from Psalm 137 "Here by

"Sweet Is The Work." Babylon's Wave." "Though heathen
Announcer: The Church of the Air is hands have bound us, though afar from
presented by CBS Radio so that repre- our land, the pains of death surround
sentatives of many faiths may address us; Sion! Thy mem'ry still in our hearts
a nation-widecongregation. Today's we are keeping, and still we turn to
service, presented by the Church of Thee, our eyes all sad with weeping."
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, comes (The Choir sang: "By Babylon's
to 'you from the Mormon Tabernacle on —
Wave." Gounod.
Temple Square, through the facilities Announcer: We
hear now on this
of Radio Station KSL in Salt Lake City, Church of the Air service Elder Gordon
Utah. Our speaker is Elder Gordon B. B. Hinckley, who has had a distin-
Hinckley, member of the Council of the guished career in Church and Civic
Twelve Apostles of the Church. Music Service, and who is a member of the
is by the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Council of the Twelve Apostles of the
Choir, directed by Richard P. Condie. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
From a southern hymn tune, Virgil Saints, frequently referred to as the Mor-
Thompson has arranged a setting for mon Church. Today's talk is titled:
words suggested by the 23rd Psalm: "My "Except the Lord Build the House. ." . .


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

As I speak to you I am aware that I "Morality U.S.A. Do we need a new

have come into your homes as your code to solve our crisis of immorality?
guest. I should like to talk with you Have our churches failed? Has money
about our homes. I am confident that become God? Is sexual morality gone?"
you feel some concern, as do I, for the (Look, September 24, 1963) I read this
homes of America. provocative article. I have read others
Recently I thumbed through the sum- of similar tone written by men of gov-
mary of the FBI Uniform Crime Report ernment, industry, and education who
for 1962. In a few words and with a have expressed themselves with deep
few charts it told a disturbing story — concern over the moral crisis that evi-
six percent increase in serious crimes dently is sweeping across the land.
in the period of a single year, a nine I am not one to believe that all was
percent increase in auto thefts, arrests good in the long ago, and that all is
of young people under 18 up nine per- bad today. I think this is the greatest
cent, with female arrests increasing at a age the world has known. But I am
faster rate than male arrests. The ques- also confident that there is trouble in
tion that came to mind immediately the land.
was how long can we go on with a The article referred to above states:
nine percent increase in youth arrests "We are witnessing the death of the
each year? old morality . The established
. . moral
One of our national magazines re- guidelines have been yanked from our
cently carried these words on the cover: hands. Weare left floundering in a
money-motivated, sex-obsessed, big city as the quality of our housing has im-
dominated society. We must figure out proved, the spirit of our homes has
for ourselves how to apply the tradi- deteriorated.
tional moral principles to the problems The discipline that is needed in our
of our times. Many find this burden lives is the discipline that comes from
too heavy." (Idem, p. 74.) within. Many are crying for more
I should like to add that many of our legislation and stricter law enforcement.
youth will not and cannot figure out for I do not disparage these as expedients,
themselves how to apply the traditional but I fear they are only expedients. Vir-
moral principles. They find this burden tue, integrity, honesty do not come of
much too heavy. They must have help. imposition from without. They are the
They must have guidance. They must fruits of good teaching and good exam-
have example. ple, and that teaching and that example
Private and public morality are rooted are best followed when they are found
in the homes of the people. No nation in the home.
is stronger than its homes. It is in the Paul of old declared to Timothy:
home that examples of virtue are "This know also, that in the last days
best caught and lessons of virtue are perilous times shall come. For men
best taught. shall be lovers of their own selves, . . .

It was said of old, "Except the Lord blasphemers, disobedient to parents, un-
build the house, they labor in vain that thankful, unholy, without natural af-
build it." (Psalm 127:1.) fection, . . . despisers of those that are
And so I welcome this opportunity to good, traitors, heady, high-minded,
talk with you, and particularly you lovers of pleasure more than lovers of
parents of the youth of America, on a God." (II Timothy 3:1-4.)
theme on which I have expressed my- His words fit in a remarkable way the
self previously, and one which I feel conditions described in the magazine
is timely. article to which I have referred. Simple
All agree that we need a new empha- as it may sound, I think daily prayer
sis on honesty, character and integrity. in the homes of the nation would in a
All agree that only as we build again generation lift our heads above the flood
into the fiber of our lives the virtues that evidently is engulfing us.

which are the essence of true civilization I feel satisfied that there is no ade-
will the pattern of our times change. quate substitute for the morning and
The question that confronts us is, evening practice of kneeling together
Where shall we begin? before the Lord —
father, mother, and
I am satisfied that it must begin with children. The very practice of kneeling
recognition of God as our Eternal together with thankful hearts evaporates
Father, of our relationship to Him as some of those qualities described by
His children, with communication with Paul: "Disobedient to parents, without
Him in recognition of His sovereign natural affection."
position, and with daily supplication for There is something in the very pos-
His guidance in our affairs. ture of kneeling that contradicts some
I submit that a return to the old pat- of the attitudes he noted: "Proud,
tern of prayer, family prayer in the heady, highminded."
homes of the people, is one of the The inclination to be unholy, as Paul
simple medicines that would check described it, to be unthankful, is erased
the dread disease that is eroding the as together the family thank the Lord
fiber ofour character. We could not ex- for life and peace and all they have.
pect a miracle in a day, but in a genera- And as they thank the Lord for one
tion we would have a miracle. another there is developed within the
A generation or two ago family prayer family a new appreciation, a new re-
in the homes of Christian people spect, a new affection one for another.
throughout the world was as much a I know of nothing that will ease fam-
part of the day's activity as were the ily tensions, that in a subtle way will
meals. As that practice has diminished, bring about that respect for parents
our moral decay has ensued. I fear that which leads to obedience, that will

effect a spirit of repentance which will and two sons. They traveled by wagon
largely erase the blight of broken homes, some three hundred miles to the south-
than will praying together, verbally ern part of the state, stopping each
confessing our weaknesses before the night in the homes of the people in the
Lord, and invoking the blessings of the little frontier settlements along the way.
Lord upon the home and those who Mrs. Kane wrote a series of letters to
dwell there. her father in Philadelphia. In one of
In remembering together before the them she said: "At every one of the
Lord the poor, the needy, and the op- places we stayed on this journey we had
pressed there is developed, uncon- prayers immediately after the dinner-
sciously but realistically, a love for supper, and prayers again before break-
others above self, a respect for others, fast. No one was excused The Mor-
. . .

a desire to serve the needs of others. mons kneel at once, while the head of
One cannot ask God to help a neigh- the household, or an honored guest
bor in distress, without feeling moti- prays aloud They spend very little
. . .

vated to do something oneself. What time in ascriptions, but ask for what
miracles would happen in the lives of they need, and thank Him for what He
the children of America if they would has given . (They) take it for granted
. .

lay aside their selfishness and lose that God knows our familiar names
themselves in the service of others. The and titles, and will ask a blessing on (a
seed from which this sheltering and particular individual by name). I liked
fruitful tree may grow is best planted this when I became used to it."
and nurtured in the daily supplications It was so in the pioneer homes across
of the family. the land. With the faith that came of
I know of better way to inculcate
no these daily invocations these people
love for country than for parents to pray grubbed the sagebrush, led the waters
before their children for the land in to the parched soil, made the desert
which we live, invoking the blessings of blossom as the rose, governed their
the Almighty upon it that it may be families in love, lived in peace one with
preserved in liberty and in peace. I another and with the world, and made
know of no better way to build within their names immortal as they lost them-
the hearts of our children a much- selves in the service of God.
needed respect for authority than re- We cannot pray in our public schools,
membering in the daily supplications of but we can pray in our homes, and in so
the family the President and the Con- doing we shall reweave into the char-
gress and others who carry the burdens acter of our children the moral strength
of government. which will become the fiber of a better
On the route I travel daily is a sign- society. "Seek ye the Lord while he
board which reads: "A world at prayer may be found." (Isaiah 55:6.)
is a world at peace." You have seen This simple practice, a return to fam-
others like it. I believe it speaks a ily worship, spreading across the land
fundamental truth. I am satisfied that and over the earth, would in a genera-
we shall not have peace unless and tion do much to lift the blight that is
until we request it in the name of the destroying us. It would restore integrity,
Prince of Peace and then reform our mutual respect, and a spirit of thank-
lives to be worthy of it. fulness in the hearts of the people.
The hall from which I speak, the Wedo not need a new moral standard
great Mormon Tabernacle on Temple in our modern society. The laws of God
Square in Salt Lake City, was con- have not been abrogated. They were not
structed by a people who loved free- given to one generation to be laid aside
dom, who worshipped God, and who by another. Their disregard can result
prayed in their simple pioneer homes, only in trouble, misery, and insecurity
as did most of the pioneers who laid as witness the fruits of the erosion of
the foundations of all that we in Amer- morality among us. Their application
ica today enjoy. is the way of life and peace and progress.
In 1872 Colonel Thomas L. Kane of And so to you, who sit in your homes
Philadelphia visited Utah with his wife in this great land, established and pre-
) —


served under the hand of the Almighty, From the Salt Lake Mormon Taber-
I plead for a return to recognition of nacle Choir we hear a hymn of solid,
Him, and daily supplication to Him. fervent faith: "How firm a foundation,
The Master declared, "Ask, and it shall Ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your
be given you; seek, and ye shall find; faith in His excellent word! What more
knock and it shall be opened unto you." can He say than to you He hath said,
(Matthew 7:7.) You who unto Jesus, for refuge have
I give you my testimony that you fled?"
shall not go away unrewarded. The (The Choir sang: "How Firm a
changes may not be readily apparent. Foundation." —
They may be extremely subtle. But Announcer: In closing the Salt Lake
they will be real, for "God is a rewarder Mormon Tabernacle Choir recalls the
of them that diligently seek Him." words of John Henry Newman and the
(Hebrews 11:6.) music of John B. Dykes: "Lead, kindly
As we change ourselves and our chil- light, amid the encircling gloom; Lead
dren, developing within them a new thou me on! The night is dark, and I
respect, a spirit of gratitude, a becoming am far from home; Keep thou my feet;
humility, we
shall reform our society. I do not ask to see The distant scene
God bless us with the faith to call one step enough for me."
upon Him, at the altar of our homes, I (The Choir sang: "Lead, Kindly
pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Light."— Dykes.)
Announcer: You have been attending
(The Choir sang: "Lovely Appear." CBS Radio's Church of the Air. Today's
Gounod.) service came to you from the Mormon
Announcer: With the music of Tabernacle on Temple Square, through
Charles Gounod we have heard the the facilities of Radio Station KSL in
Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Salt Lake City, Utah. Our speaker was
sing these words taken from two Old
Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, member of
Testament texts: "Lovely Appear over
the mountains, the feet of them that
the Council of the Twelve Apostles of
preach, and bring good news of peace. the Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints.
Ye mountains, ye perpetual hills, bow Music was by the Salt Lake Mormon
ye down. Over the barren wastes shall Tabernacle Choir, directed by Richard
flowers now have possession." P. Condie.


The following broadcast, written and verse for announcer's background.)
announced by Richard L. Evans, and Announcer: Once more we welcome
originating with Station KSL, Salt Lake you within these walls with music and
City, Utah, was presented from 8:35 to the spoken word from the Crossroads
9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 6, 1963, of the West.
through the courtesy of Columbia The CBS Radio Network and its af-
Broadcasting System's network, through- filiated stations bring you at this hour
out the United States, parts of Canada, another presentation from Temple
and through other facilities to several Square in Salt Lake City, with Richard
points overseas. The broadcast was P. Condie conducting the Tabernacle
as follows: Choir, Frank Asper, Tabernacle Organ-
(The organ played, "As The Dew ist, and the Spoken Word by Rich-
From Heaven Distilling," and on sig- ard Evans.
nal the Choir and organ broke into the With the music of Charles Gounod,
Hymn, "Gently Raise The Sacred the Tabernacle Choir sings first a sacred
Strain," singing the words to the end of song of our Lord and Savior, "O Di-
the second line, and humming to end of vine Redeemer."
) ) —


(The Choir sang: "O Divine Re- choose in others also. We

can break
deemer." Gounod.— had habits; we can acquire good habits;
Announcer: With Frank Asper at the we can choose what we think by the
Tabernacle Organ on Temple Square sheer determination to do so. God has
we hear a melody of the quiet closing given us our agency, the right and obli-
of another day of life: "Evensong" by gation to choose between right and
Robert Schumann. wrong. This is one of life's prime pur-
(Organ selection: "Evensong." Schu- — poses, and the person who says he
mann.) hasn't self-control is saying something
Announcer; The Tabernacle Choir much more serious than he supposes
turns now to a Welsh hymn tune by because if we can't control our thoughts
John Hughes, CWM
Rhonda, with the we can't control our actions so how —
words of Robert Robinson: "Guide Us, could we be trusted in any circum-
O Thou Great Jehovah, guide us to the stance or assignment. The Command-
promised land, We
are weak but Thou ments are still in force. So are the laws
art able, hold us with thy pow'rful of life, the laws of health, the laws of
hand When the earth begins to
. . . the land, and they must be lived.
tremble, bid our fearful tho'ts be still; Blessedly we can repent; we can turn
When Thy judgments spread destruc- from a wrong road. But we are respon-
tion, Keep us safe on Zion's hill." sible, we are accountable for our
(The Choir sang: "Guide Us, O Thou thoughts, our words, our actions, and we
Great Jehovah." Hughes.) — must have the character and the con-
viction to keep self-control. "Convic-
Announcer: We cite once more these tion," said Carlyle, "is worthless unless
words of Winthrop Aldrich: "It must be it is converted into conduct."
the aim of education to teach the citi- thy soul in self-control, Thy Liberty
zen that he must first of all rule him- in law." 4
self. .
n This question of self-control

is a compelling question, and includes (Organ Selection: "The Lord My Pas-

control of thoughts, of appetites, of ac- ture —
Will Prepare." Bortniansky.)
tions; control of attitudes; control of Announcer: With Frank Asper at the
what we do with time, and the direction organ we have heard a hymn melody
in which we point our lives into eter- by Dimitri Bortniansky: "The Lord My
nity. There is a significant sentence Pasture Will Prepare."
from John Locke, which says: ". every . . And now the Tabernacle Choir recalls
man must sometime or other be trusted a majestic chorus from Mendelssohn's
to himself." 2 When God gave us our "Elijah": "And then shall your light
free agency, we were in a sense trusted break forth as the light of morning
to ourselves, and we became account- breaketh and your health shall speedily
able. But whenever someone does some- spring forth then; And the glory of the
thing he shouldn't he is inclined to Lord ever shall reward you. Lord our
justify himself, to seek to shift responsi-
Creator, how excellent thy Name is in
bility,to say that pressures or outside
all the nations. Thou fillest heav'n
influences moved him to do what he
with glory."
did, and that he is not responsible for
his own If this were so, no law
(The Choir sang: "Then Shall Your
would have any force or effect,
in fact Light." —
because essentially we would be saying Announcer: "Jesus, Savior, pilot me
that we cannot be held accountable. Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown
Some become enslaved with compulsive waves before me roll, Hiding rock and
habits or yield to appetites or to im- treacherous shoal; Chart and compass
proper actions, and plead that they are came from thee: Jesus, Savior, pilot me.
helpless before their habits —that they
are compelled, persuaded; that tempta- 1 Winthrop W. Aldrich, Voluntary Action and Gov-

ernmental Compulsion in Democracy, delivered at

tion was stronger than their will to Columbia University, August 16, 1939.
resist. But we can choose. We do £ ]nhn Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education.

choose' in many things and we can — 'Accredited to Carlyle.
*Katherine Lee Bates, America, the Beautiful
As a mother stills her child, Thou canst tinues the 35th year of this traditional
hush the ocean wild; Boisterous waves broadcast from the Mormon Taber-
obey thy will, When thou say'st to nacle on Temple Square, brought to you
them, 'be still!' Wondrous Sovereign of by CBS Radio and its affiliated stations,
the sea. Jesus, Savior pilot me." originating with Radio Station KSL in
(The Choir sang: "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Salt Lake City.
Me."—Gould.) Richrd P. Condie conducted the Tab-
ernacle Choir. Frank Asper was at the
Announcer: Again we leave you organ. The spoken word by Richard
within the shadows of the everlasting Evans.
hills. May peace be with you this day In another seven days, at this same
—and always. hour, music and the spoken word will
This concludes the seventeen hundred be heard again from the Crossroads of
and eighty-first presentation, and con- the West.
Anderson, Elder Joseph, Clerk of the Conference 1, 126
Authorities and Officers Present 1

Authorities and Officers Sustained 9

Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 15
Brockbank, Elder Bernard P 65
Brown, President Hugh B 9
(Presentation of General Authorities and Officers)
Brown, President Hugh B 85
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Brown, President Hugh B 91
(Sunday Morning Address)
Brown, Bishop Victor L 119
Choir and Organ Broadcast 130
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 115
Church of the Air Broadcast 127
Cragun, David 73
Critchlow, Elder William J., Jr 26
Dyer, Elder Alvin R 49
Evans, Elder Richard L - 41
Evans, Richard !... Announcer 127
(Church of the Air Broadcast)
Evans, Richard L 130
(Choir and Organ Broadcast)
First —
Day Morning Meeting 3
First —
Day Afternoon Meeting 19
General Authorities and Officers Present 1

General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers Sustained 9

General Priesthood Meeting 73
Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 127
Hunter, Elder Howard W 99
Isaacson, Elder Thorpe B 95
Ivins, Elder Antoine R 117
Kimball, Elder Spencer W 34
Lee, Elder Harold B 104
Longden, Elder John 30
McKay, President David 5
(Opening Address)
McKay, President David O - 89
(General Priesthood Meeting)
McKay, President David 122
(Closing Address)
McKay, President David 3, 5, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 26, 30,
32, 34, 40, 41, 44, 49, 52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 62, 65,
68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, 95, 99,
101, 104, 108, 109, 114, 117, 118, 121, 122, 124.
Monson, Elder Thomas S 14
Packer, Elder Boyd K 62

Petersen, Elder Mark E . 121
Presentation of General Authorities and Officers 9
Priesthood Meeting, General - 73
Richards, Elder Franklin D. 32
Richards, Elder LeGrand 56
Romney, Elder Marion G 23
SaltLake Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 130

Second Day Morning Meeting 40

Second Day Afternoon Meeting 55
Sill, Elder Sterling W 77
Simmons, Matthew 75
Simpson, Bishop Robert L 102
Smith, Elder Eldred G 60
Smith, President Joseph Fielding 20
Sonne, Elder Alma — 52
Stapley, Elder Delbert L 109
Sustaining of General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers 9
Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 130
Tanner, President Nathan Eldon 12
(Friday Morning Address)
Tanner, President Nathan Eldon 83
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Taylor, Elder Henry D 69

Third Day Morning Meeting 90

Third Day Afternoon Meeting 108
Vandenberg, Bishop John H 45
Young, Elder S. Dilworth 68
Printed by


in the United States of America

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