LDS Conference Report 1964 Annual

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APRIL 4, 5, 6, 1964


Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah

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The One Hundred Thirty-fourth Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Thirty-Fourth An- could be heard by members of the

nual Conference of the Church of Jesus Church in New Zealand, Australia and
Christ of Latter-day Saints convened in many islands of the Pacific.
the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Daily sessions of the three day Con-
Salt Lake City, Utah, Saturday, Sunday ference were again recorded and broad-
and Monday, April 4, 5, and 6, 1964. cast over KSL Radio during early
The general sessions of the Confer- morning hours to islands of the Pacific,
ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico and
p.m., Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, the Caribbean area and many states
and the General Priesthood Meeting within the United States.
was held in the Tabernacle Saturday In an effort to bring Conference to an
evening, April 4, at 7:00 p.m. even greater number of members abroad,
For the first time this April, Confer- television films were provided missions
ence was heard and seen in every state in Germany, Great Britain and South
in the United States and was televised America for showing in chapels and
by 189 television stations volunteering other Church meeting places where
their time and facilities to bring this Saints gather to see and hear the pro-
Conference to millions. Also 12 tele- ceedings.
vision stations in Canada released por- The General Priesthood meeting was
tions of the Conference sessions. relayed by closed circuit to members of
The Saturday morning session was the Priesthood gathered in the Assem-
carried by direct wire to Montevideo, bly Hall and in 391 separate gatherings
Uruguay and transmitted in Spanish from coast-to-coast and in Canada.
over Radio CARVE and beamed by President David O. McKay was presi-
shortwave through all of South Amer- dent and presided at each of the sessions
ica and Spain, Sunday afternoon. and conducted the services of each
Tape recordings of the Saturday meeting.
morning session were carried by jet A full report of the Sunday morning
airliner to Europe for transmission in Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast
both English and German over Radio is included in this record.
Luxemburg and were heard throughout Elder Joseph Anderson was clerk of
Europe and in Great Britain, Tuesday the Conference.
and Wednesday evenings following the
The five WRUL shortwave trans- General Authorities of the Church
mitters near Boston, broadcast the Sat- Present
urday and Sunday morning sessions
direct to Europe, Africa and South The First Presidency: David O. Mc-
America. In addition, the session of Kay, Hugh B. Brown, Nathan Eldon
Saturday morning was broadcast in both Tanner.
Spanish and Portuguese to all of South The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
America and in German to Europe, Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
Sunday afternoon. Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,
For the first time, daily sessions of Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley,
Saturday and Sunday were broadcast Marion G Romney, LeGrand Richards,
during early morning hours over KIRO Richard L. Evans, Howard W. Hunter,
Radio at Seattle. These broadcasts Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson.

Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G. seph Fielding Smith, with A. William

Smith. Lund, Assistant.
Assistants to the Twelve Apostles: Members of the General Church
Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen, Priesthood Committees.
John Longden, W. Sill, Henry
Sterling Members of the Church Board of Edu-
D. Taylor, William J. Critchlow, Jr., cation and the Acting Chancellor of the
Alvin R. Dyer, Franklin D. Richards, Church School System; also Directors
Theodore M. Burton, Thorpe B. Isaac- and Associate Directors of Institutes, and
son, Boyd K. Packer, Bernard P. Seminary Instructors.
Brockbank. Presidents of Stakes and their Coun-
The First Council of the Seventy: *, Temples, Patriarchs,
selors, Presidents of
Antoine R. Ivins, Seymour Dilworth and quorum presidencies and members
Young, Milton R. Hunter, Bruce R. of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priest-
McConkie, **, A. Theodore Tuttle, hood.
Paul Harold Dunn.*** Auxiliary Officers, General, Stake, and
Presiding Bishopric: John H. Vanden- Ward, from all parts of the Church.
berg, Robert L. Simpson, Victor L.
*Elder Levi Edgar Young passed away December 13,
** Elder Marion Hanks was
General Officers and Other over the
D. absent, presiding
British Mission.
Authorities Present ***Elder Paul Harold Dunn was sustained a mem-
ber of the First Council of Seventy, to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Elder Levi Edgar
Church Historian and Recorder: Jo- Young.

The opening session of the One Hun- We express appreciation to the men
dred Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference experts in the field of communications
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- who are assisting the Church today in
day Saints, which Conference was held its efforts to bring the glad tidings of
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square the Gospel to the peoples of the earth.
in Salt Lake City, Utah, convened Sat- May God help us to appreciate fully all
urday morning, April 4, 1964, at 10:00 the blessings he has bestowed upon us,
a.m., with President David O. McKay and to take advantage of all the light
presiding and conducting. and knowledge he has revealed to us.
The Tabernacle Choir was present The Tabernacle Choir, here in full
and furnished the musical numbers for numbers this opening session, will now
this session. Richard P. Condie directed favor us with "The Wintry Day De-
the singing. Elder Alexander Schreiner scending To Its Close." The opening
was the organ accompanist. prayer will be offered by Elder Gerald
President McKay made the following G. Smith, formerly President of the
introductory remarks: Eastern States Mission.

President David O. McKay:

(Opening Remarks) The Tabernacle Choir sang: "The
Wintry Day Descending To Its Close,"
Never before, I think, have I felt so following which the opening prayer was
happy to greet my brethren and sisters offered by Elder Gerald G. Smith,
assembled in this Tabernacle. I am formerly President of the Eastern States
especially glad to see Sister McKay in Mission.
her usual place. I thank all of you in
her behalf for your faith and prayers.
President David O. McKay:
The proceedings of this Annual Con-
ference, through radio and television,
will reach a potential audience of ninety Elder LeGrand Richards while at-
million people. We are living in the tending a stake conference in Cedar
most enlightened age of man's history. City was stricken with a slight heart
Scientists, inventors, and others have attack. Weall join in the prayer that

been inspired during the past ages by was offered for his comfort and speedy
an overruling Providence. We owe a restoration.

debt of gratitude to the dedicated men Yesterday at about five o'clock Sister
and women who have applied these Dilworth Young passed to her great
inventions and discoveries for the guid- reward. She is now relieved from all
ance, convenience, and blessing of man- her suffering, and our sympathy goes
kind. Now, because of this service and out to Brother Young in his bereave-
dedication, we are able to transmit in ment, and our commendation for his
a brief period the messages of the Gen- close attention to his loved wife.
eral Authorities of the Church to mil- (No song) (Pres. McKay gives Opening
lions throughout the world. Address)


"Blessed are they who do His Com- down the river towards Niagara Falls.
mandments." (Rev. 22-14.) A man on the shore cried out to them:
"Young men, Ahoy, the rapids are be-
Many years ago there was a story told low you!"
in one of our early school books about But they heeded not his warning call
some young people who were sailing until they realized too late that they

Saturday, April 4 First Day
were in the midst of the rapids. With stood the test of well over a century.
all the power at their command they It was made by a man only twenty-
failed to turn their boat upstream, "So," seven years of age, who from the stand-
said the man who tried to warn them, point of human learning, knew but
"shrieking, and cursing, over they went!" little about physiology, hygiene, or the

The lesson left an indelible impression relation of mind and body to character
upon me; but today it seems incom- and spirituality. His knowledge came
plete. It is one thing to stand on the from inspiration. With a conviction
shore and cry, "Young men, Ahoy unwavering, with an assurance that the
there is danger ahead," and it is another statement would stand all tests and ex-
thing to row into the stream, and, if periments, he declared that strong drinks
possible, get into the boat with the and tobacco, excepting only when used
young men, and by companionship, by externally, are not good for man.
persuasion, by legitimate force, when During the last one hundred years,
necessary, turn the boat from the rapids. the marvelous advance of science has
Too many of us are satisfied to stand on made it possible for man to determine
the shore and cry, "There is danger by experiments the ill effect of intoxi-
ahead." cants and drugs upon the nerves and
This morning, I have in mind giving tissues of the human body. Observa-
a warning to all young people relating tion and experiment have demonstrated
to three dangers threatening the success their effects upon character. All such
and happiness of Youth: experiments and observations have
First, the pernicious habit of smoking proved the truth of the young man's
cigarets. statement: "Strong drinks and tobacco
Second, the increasing number of are not good for man.
divorces. Respect for another's rights and
Third, the tendency to hold less property is fundamental in good gov-
sacred the moral standards. ernment. It is a mark of refinement
in any individual; it is a fundamental
The Habit of Smoking Christian virtue. Nicotine seems to
One Hundred and thirty-one years dull, if not to kill completely this trait

ago the Prophet Joseph Smith received of true culture, and women unfor-
a revelation "showing forth the order tunately have become its pitiable
and will of God in the temporal salva- victims, and the worst offenders in so-
tion of all saints in the last days." ciety. There are still a few public
(D&C 89:2.) It relates to the physical, conveyances that carry non-smoking
the intellectual, the moral, and the compartments; a few eating places with
spiritual nature of man. It deals par- signs, "No Smoking." In violation of
ticularly with the relation of man's such placards, it is not infrequent,
appetite to health and vigor. A person's
however, to see a woman with utter
reaction to his appetites and impulses disregard for the feelings of her fellow-
when they are aroused gives the meas- passengers, among the first in an air-
plane or on a train to light a cigarette.
ure of that person's character. In such
reactions are revealed the man's power Many public buildings are often lit-
to govern, or his forced servility to tered with burnt-out matches and stubs
yield. That phase of the Word of Wis- of cigarets and cigars. Many costly
dom, therefore, which refers to intoxi- fires in apartment houses and

cants, drugs, and stimulants, goes deeper homes started by burning cigarets
than the ill effects upon the body, and carelessly dropped or thrown aside.
strikes at the very root of character If men and women must smoke, and
building itself. it seems that many are now slaves to

that habit, then for the sake of cleanli-

Strong Drinks and Tobacco are Not ness and neatness, as well as of con-
Good for Man sideration for others, let them refrain
The revelation says that strong drinks from marring furniture, carpets, etc.,
and tobacco are not good for man. This and from strewing ashes and cigarette
is a clear, definite statement which has stubs in buildings where people assem-


ble either for pleasure or instruction. When one puts business or pleasure
But aside from all this, science has above his home, he that moment starts
now proved that there is a far greater on the downgrade to soul-weakness.
danger associated with cigaret smoking. When the club becomes more attrac-
Dr. George James, Health Commis- tive to any man than his home, it is
sioner of New York City, said on March time for him to confess in bitter shame
17, 1964 that he "knows that within that he has failed to measure up to the
the next six months one thousand supreme opportunity of his life and
cigarette smokers in New
York will die flunked in the final test of true man-
of lung cancer, throat cancer, and other hood. No other success can compen-
diseases because of their tobacco habit." sate for failure in the home. The
Saturday, January 11, 1964, news- poorest shack in which love prevails
papers throughout the country pub- over a united family is of greater value
lished the following statement: to God and future humanity than any
"A special government scientific team other riches. In such a home God can
Saturday linked cigarette smoking to work miracles and will work miracles.
five forms of cancer, and termed the Pure hearts in a pure home are always
habit a health hazard which needs in whispering distance of heaven.
'appropriate remedial action.' " This In the light of scripture, ancient and
long-awaited report by ten scientists and modern we are justified in concluding
physicians declared that a series of that Christ's ideal pertaining to mar-
studies showed that "the mortality ratio riage is the unbroken home, and con-
of cigarette smokers over nonsmokers ditions that cause divorce are violations
was particularly high for a number of of his divine teaching.
diseases." Some of those conditions I name as
I appeal to young men and women unfaithfulness on the part of either the
everywhere to refrain from this ob- husband or wife, or both habitual —
noxious habit, not only for the effect drunkenness, physical violence, long
it has on their character, but also be- imprisonment that disgraces the wife
cause of the alarming proofs from doc- and family, the union of an innocent
tors and scientists that it is one of the girl to a reprobate. In these and per-
chief causes of cancer. haps other cases there may be circum-
stances which make the continuance of
Increasing Number of Divorces
the marriage state a greater evil than
Another threat to our society is the divorce. But these are extreme cases
increasing number of divorces and the they are the mistakes, the calamities in
tendency to look upon marriage as a the realm of marriage. If we could
mere contract that may be severed at the remove them, I would say there never
first difficulty or misunderstanding that should be a divorce. It is Christ's ideal
may arise. that home and marriage should be per-
One of our most precious possessions —
petual eternal.
is our families. The domestic relations Marriage is a sacred relationship en-
precede, and, in our present existence, tered into for purposes that are well
are worth more than all other social
a family.

recognized primarily for the rearing of
ties. They give the first throb to the
I know of no other place where
heart and unseal the deep fountains of
happiness abides more securely than in
its love. Home is the chief school of
the home. It is possible to make home
human virtues. Its responsibilities,
a bit of heaven. Indeed, I picture
joys, sorrows, smiles, tears, hopes, and heaven as a continuation of the ideal
solicitudes form the chief interests of home. Some man has said: "Home
human life. filled with contentment is one of the
highest hopes of this life."
"To make a happy fireside clime An ever- decreasing birthrate, and an
To weans and wife, increasing divorce rate are ominous
That's the true pathos and sublime signs threatening the stability of the
0' human life." —Robert Burns home and the perpetuity of any nation.
Saturday, April 4 First Day
In order to lessen the breaking-up of virilemanhood. The word of the Lord
homes, we should substitute the present to his Church is: "Keep yourself un-
tendency toward a low view of marriage spotted from the sin of the world."
by the lofty view which Jesus Christ (See James 1:27; D&C 59:9.)
gives it. Let us look upon marriage as The foundation of a noble character
a sacred obligation and a covenant that is integrity. By this virtue the strength
is eternal or that may be made eternal. of a nation, as of an individual, may be
Young people of both sexes should be judged. No
nation will become great
taught the responsibilities and ideals whose trusted officers will pass legis-
of marriage so that they may realize lation for personal gain, who will take
that marriage involves obligation and is advantage of public office for personal
not an arrangement to be terminated preferment, or to gratify vain ambition,
at pleasure. They should be taught that or who will, through forgery, chicanery,
pure love between the sexes is one of and fraud, rob the government, or be
the noblest things on earth and the false in office to a public trust.
bearing and rearing of children the Honesty, sincerity of purpose, must be
highest of all human duties. In this dominant traits of character in leaders
regard, it is the duty of parents to set of a nation that would be truly great.
an example in the home that children "I hope," said George Washington,
may see and absorb the sacredness of "that I may ever have virtue and firm-
family life and the responsibility asso- ness enough to maintain what I con-
ciated therewith. sider to be the most enviable of all
The number of broken marriages can
be reduced if couples realize even be-
titles —
the character of an honest man."
It was Washington's character more
fore they approach the altar that mar-
than his brilliancy of intellect that made
riage is a state of mutual service, a
him the choice of all as their natural
state of giving as well as of receiving,
leader when the thirteen original
and that each must give of himself or colonies decided to sever their connec-
herself to the utmost.
tion with the mother country. As one in
The most vicious enemy to home life
eulogy to the father of our country
is immorality. truly said: "When he appeared among
Of this evil, Victor Hugo writes im- the eloquent orators, the ingenious
pressively: thinkers, the vehement patriots of the
"The holy law of Jesus Christ governs Revolution, his modesty and temperate
our civilization; but it does not yet profession could not conceal his superi-
permeate it; it is said that slavery has ority; he at once, by the very nature
disappeared from European civilization. of his character, was felt to be their
That is a mistake. It still exists; but it leader."
preys now only upon woman, and it is Let us in The Church of Jesus Christ
called prostitution." of Latter-day Saints, as citizens of this
This corroding demoral-
evil is just as beloved land, use our influence to see
izing to men as to women. In The that men and women of upright char-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day acter, of unimpeachable honor, are
Saints there is no double standard of elected to office; that our homes are
morality. The young man should ap- kept unpolluted and unbroken by in-
proach the marriage altar just as fit for fidelity; that children therein will be
fatherhood as his sweetheart is worthy trained to keep the commandments of
of motherhood. the Lord, to be honest, true, chaste,
Chastity, not indulgence during the benevolent, and virtuous, and to do
pre-marital years, is the source of har- good to all men. (See Thirteenth Article
mony and happiness in the home, and of Faith.)
the chief contributing factor to the Cherishing such ideals, we can with
health and perpetuity of the race. all our hearts say with the poet Long-
Loyalty, dependability, confidence, trust, fellow:
love of God, and fidelity to man are "Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State
associated with this diadem in the Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
crown of virtuous womanhood and Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years, sing, "Holy, Holy, Hosanna in the
Is hanging breathless on thy fate! Highest," with Brother Albert D. Fal-
lows as soloist.
May members of theof JesusChurch
Christ, preaching the restored gospel to Selection by the Choir, "Holy, Holy,
the peoples of the earth, ever remem- Hosanna In The Highest." (Solo by
ber the Savior's injunction: "Ye are the Albert D. Fallows)
light of the world. . . .
President David O. McKay:
"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and We welcome all those who have just
glorify your Father which is in heaven." joined us by radio and television in this
(Matt. 5:14, 16.) That we may sense session of the One Hundred Thirty-
this responsibility, I humbly pray in the fourth Annual Conference of the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Church, convened in the Tabernacle on
Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
President David O. McKay: We shall now hear from Elder A.
Theodore Tuttle, of the First Council
Following a brief Tabernacle Organ of Seventy, and president of the South
Interlude, the Tabernacle Choir will American Mission.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

Iwant to testify, my brothers and sisters trines grow so rapidly? What is it that
and friends, that he to whom we have brings people into the restored gospel
just listened indeed a prophet of the
is in such unprecedented numbers in these
Living God, and if we can follow and South American countries?
comprehend this inspired message it Return with me to this great land to
will bring a solution to the evils that get some feeling of the people among
beset us in this day and age. whom the Spirit of the Lord is working.
We find ourselves on a plane flying
Greetings from 40,000 Members between Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Buenos
Two years ago from this pulpit I Aires, Argentina. Seated next to me is
brought you greetings from 20,000 mem- an executive of a large international
bers of The Church of Jesus Christ of corporation. Upon learning that I was
Latter-day Saints in South America. To- a representative of the Mormon Church,
day, because of the bounteous blessings he asked, "What would a man like me
of the Lord and the dedicated efforts of have to do to join the Mormon Church?"
missionaries and members alike, I am
privileged to bring you greetings from Conversions in South America
more than 40,000 members of the Since he was smoking as he drank
Church. Thirty-three years were re- his cocktail, I commenced by suggesting
quired to convert the first 10,000 mem- that he would first have to give up both
bers in South America. Only two more of these habits and abstain from the use
years were required to convert the next of tea and coffee as well. I started to
10,000. Since I reported two years ago, mention such other necessary require-
21,000 more converts have found the ments as faith, repentance, and baptism,
truth in the seven missions of South when he interrupted by saying, "Under
America. those restrictions, can you get anybody
In an atmosphere unfriendly to the down here to join your church?" "Yes,"
biblical doctrines of continued revela- I replied. "Thousand of people join the
tion, a Church founded on prophets and Church in these lands; in fact, in Uru-
Apostles, belief in a Personal Father in guay the ratio of conversion to popula-
heaven, and Jesus Christ as the actual tion is as great as any place in the
and divine Son of God, how can a world. In fact I know a member who
Church that teaches these biblical doc- has helped to bring ninety-three other
Saturday, April 4 First Day
persons into the Church since she joined to fill every position in the church
a year ago. But you made a mistake organization. This gives members op-
by calling it my church. It is not my portunity to develop through an on-the-
church, nor is it any man's church. In job training program. This training
reality it is the actual Church of Jesus touches every facet of one's personality.
Christ and the only one on the earth He becomes not only more effective as
of which he is the head. When
you a church official, but a better, more
come to know
that, my
friend, and you capable citizen as well.
can gain that certain knowledge, then, "Therefore, with a steady stream of
changing your life to conform to the people joining the Church," I continued,
revealed word of the Lord is not as diffi- "the organizations can expand in an
cult as at first it might seem." orderly fashion. Leadership training
Hethen asked, "If your church is can benefit and bless more and more of
growing so fast, what do you do with your fellow countrymen. I even have

all the people?" the temerity to suggest that this kind of

"The Church is a perfect organiza- —
people people who have been trained
tion," I explained, "founded upon to think, who have had experience in
prophets and apostles, and it expands solving problems, who have accepted
in an orderly way under pressure and discharged leadership responsibility
of numbers. — are the people you ought to be seek-
"It does not require a professionally
ing to staff your corporation."
trained nor paid ministry to administer
Promises Being Fulfilled
it. Ordinary people like yourself are
called, instructed, and empowered to I bore testimony to this man that the

conduct the affairs of the Church, as Lord is now hastening the fulfilment

in ancient times; for instance, I am an of his promises and prophecies con-

educator, our mission president in cerning this choice land and its people.
Buenos Aires is an automobile sales- They are receptive to the message
man by occupation, and our president that God lives and that he directs,
in Brazil is a contractor. Men are or- through revelation, his perfectly organ-
dained to the priesthood of God. They ized Church.
are endowed with the power of the Our next stop is at El Cuzco, the an-
Holy Ghost and led by personal revela- cient capital city of the Incan empire,
tion. A living prophet guides the situated at 11,000 feet in the tops of
Church today. It is the practice of the the Andes Mountains. We
are in a
leaders in the Church to call people to press conference, and a reporter asks,
work in a position suitable to their "What is the difference between The
talents and capacities. Here in South Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
America, for instance, we use new mem- Saints and other churches?"
bers in one of the organizations shortly
after their baptism. Work in the Church Authority by Direct Revelation
is both a means to an end, as well as We quote from a living prophet to
an end in itself. People are called to explain one of the major distinguishing
fill positions in order to grow and de- features of the Church. President David
velop personally, as well as to make O. McKay has said, ". . we believe in

the organization function more effec- divine authority by direct revelation

tively to bless others. This personal rather than by descent." The power
growth is the great benefit one receives and authority came to this Church
through service." through the visitation of angelic mes-
I further explained to my friend that sengers: Peter, James, and John, the
because of the increasing numbers in Apostles of old, who as resurrected
the Church in South America, we have beings, conferred their authority and
in operation an extensive training pro- power upon Joseph Smith and Oliver
gram, the express purpose of which is Cowdery in this dispensation. We
to give specific training to every person plained that this doctrine is both scrip-
newly called to a position in the Church. tural and logical, for the Bible itself
This is to make certain that each new is a compilation of revelations. They
officer knows his duty. It is our goal were given at different periods of time

through various prophets over approxi- erases men's boundaries and

mately 4,000 years. Just as each prophet unites them in a cause greater than
in times past left scripture as evidence their own political nationalism.
of the divinity of his calling, so we offer Finally accompany me as we become
to the honest in heart today additional junior companions to some of the mis-
scriptures, both ancient and modern. sionaries over whom I preside. Recently,
These additional revelations form the down in Argentina, my companion and
scriptural basis for the doctrine of I, at the invitation of a member, went
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- to visit his friend. Evidently we entered
day Saints. the wrong apartment building because
Next, stand with me in Chile at the the man who responded to our knock
doorway to a school, recently opened was not the person whom we sought.
by the Church. Bright-eyed youngsters My young companion, typical of today's
march past into a new and marvelous energetic and dedicated youth, promptly
world of learning that they have never introduced us as representatives "de la
known before, of books and methods Iglesia de ]esucristo de los Santos de
that are the newest and finest. We los Ultimos Dias" and asked the man
see a skilled and experienced teacher if he would like to know something
willing to go at her own expense to about the Church. Our new-found
teach these eager children and to lead friend said, "Yes," but after a short con-
them to a testimony that the glory of versation when my
companion offered
God is intelligence and that truth will to leave him a tract, he refused to take
make them free. it saying, "My church forbids me to
Journey next to a city nestled in the read anything of a religious nature
center of the Brazilian coffee plantations like this."
(an industry, incidentally, that we have
been accused of trying to put out of Search for Truth Brings Freedom
business in Brazil). We
are here to How grateful I am, my friends, that
attend a district conference. A
fine- the enlightened search for truth by this
looking man, not a member of the Church frees a man from fear and
Church two years ago, is speaking: "The teaches him that life is to learn, that
first time I entered the chapel I could truth is to be sought and accepted from
actually feel a good spirit here a spirit— —
any source scientific or revealed. It
of warmth and friendliness, one of con- teaches that God is our Father and
cern and love for one another, and of teacher, that we are son and pupil, and
brotherhood. I also felt that I must that we can actually become like him,
clean up my life in order to associate this by learning and keeping his com-
with you people. You made me feel mandments and doing his revealed will.
welcome and needed." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
Like all those who visit our meetings, day Saints teaches that man's pursuit
he was welcome and is needed. He is of truth is his eternal quest:
particularly needed today because he "And this is life eternal, that they
now presides as the president of the might know thee the only true God,
branch he once visited. He holds the and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."
authority and has the power to share (John 17:3.)
with all men the same spirit that so And now as we return from South
influenced and blessed his life. America, I speak to all who can hear.
Perhaps for the first time you have
Brotherly Kindness heard the glad message that the gospel
The feelings of fraternity in this of Jesus Christ has been restored. Per-
Church and the functions of its priest- haps you have had friends or neighbors
hood quorums bind men together in a who have recently joined The Church
bond of brotherhood. It brings warmth of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
of companionship that delights the soul You have probably wondered why their
and makes life worthwhile. Love of lives changed so much; why they
fellow men penetrates from heart to seemed to be happier and busier, why
heart across national borders. It be- they seemed to live more purposefully.
comes the only effectual process that Should you, too, not seek information
Saturday, April 4 First Day
about this marvelous and sacred message? respond to the opportunity to hold the
"Prove all things," Paul admonished, priesthood, to give service freely, to
"hold fast that which is good." (1 exercise the power of leadership, to do
Thess. 5:21.) something and be somebody, because
You, father and husband, as head of the promises of the Lord and the prophe-
your household, should you not find re- cies of his servants concerning these
lease from the sins of the world that lands and this people are now being
beset you, through faith, sincere repent- fulfilled.
ance, and baptism by immersion for I bear my witness that this Church
the remission of sins? Should you not is indeed the restored Church of Jesus
find the strength to complete the change Christ, that he is at its head directing

in your life, for the strength will come it today by direct and authoritative
through receiving the gift of the Holy revelation to his living prophet, Presi-
Ghost? Should you not possess the dent David O. McKay. I know there is
priesthood and experience its power? a great awakening among the people of
Should you not have the joy of certain South America and a yearning for a
knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, that —
better life not only a desire for the
God lives? The Lord will not withhold material blessings but a deep searching
this blessing from any who sincerely and longing for the spiritual heritage
seek it. which they have been promised, to
Look at that sweet companion by which they are entitled. The Lord has
your side. Should your wife not find set his hand to bless this choice land
an outlet for sharing her heaven-en- and this people of promise and destiny.
dowed gifts in unison with other good I invite all men everywhere to seek
women? Would you deny her the in- within this gospel the supreme joy that
fluences which strengthen her as a wife comes from the certainty of this testi-
and mother? mony, and I do it in the name of
And your most priceless possessions, Jesus Christ. Amen.
what of them? I see that teenager at
your side. Should your teenager not President David O. McKay:
have the opportunity to participate in a
youth organization where youth mu- Elder A. Theodore Tuttle of the First
tually improve one another? Council of Seventy and president of the
And your little ones, what of them? South American Mission has just spoken
How pliable, how susceptible to all the to us.
influences of life! Should they not have Following a brief organ interlude, the
the protection and the advantage of Tabernacle Choir, with the congrega-
training in child-centered organizations tion joining when indicated by the
which teach them: "I am a child of leader, will render the anthem, "Hosan-
God. My
Heavenly Father loves me." na to God and the Lamb." Richard P.
Should your entire family not kneel Condie will conduct, Alexander Schrei-
night and morning and receive the addi- ner is at the organ. Brother Sterling
tional strength that comes through a Sill will be our next speaker.
Wise and Loving Father? Should you
and all members of your family not
seekand find the supreme joy and the The Choir and the congregation
abundant life that the Savior taught joined in singing the Hosanna Anthem
in his Church restored again? —Hosanna to God and the Lamb.

Search for Better Life President David O. McKay:

While men have been blinded by
men and prejudiced by tradition in the How thankful we are that millions on
lands of South America, nevertheless, the outside as well as those here in
when they hear explained the doctrines the Tabernacle had the opportunity of
of this Church, when they understand hearing that beautiful anthem, in praise
its teachings, and when they see its of God the Father and His Son Jesus
programs in action, they are not antago- Christ. It was not too long ago that
nistic to its message. Rather, they those who sang in this building or who

spoke from this pulpit were heard only Brother Tuttle of the First Council of
by those sitting in the audience in the Seventy was the latest speaker to this
Tabernacle. Today, as announced, mil- audience. Elder Sterling Sill will now
lions are listening. address us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and appreciate

sisters, I Someone has said that the most im-
very much this privilege of having a portant event in life is death. Death is
part with you in this great general the gateway to immortality. We live
conference of the Church. This is one to die, and then we die to live.
application of that interesting custom Ordinarily we don't like to think
had among us, whereby we set aside about death because it is associated with
special days to think about special unpleasantness.
things. That is, we set aside the sec- But death does not cease to exist
ond Sunday in May as Mother's Day. merely because it is ignored. The an-
And on that day we let our minds cient Egyptians had a much more logical
reach up and try to understand the procedure for handling this situation.
purpose for which that day is set apart. On their important festive occasions
We set apart the third Sunday in June they kept constantly on display before
as Father's Day for the same reason. the revelers a great image of death.
They wanted to remind themselves
Days Remembered that someday they would die. Now I
And someone has said that the hu- don't want to frighten anyone unduly
man mind has some of the qualities of here today, but I would just like to
the tendrils of a climbing vine. It tends point out in passing that someday each
to attach itself and draw itself upward one of us is going to die. Someone has
by what it is put in contact with. said that judging from the past there
Then we have some other wonderful will be very few of us get out of this
days in which we put our minds in world alive, and certainly one of the
contact with other important ideas. We wisest ways to spend life is in an effec-
have Memorial Day, and Easter, and tive preparation for death.
Christmas, and the Fourth of July. We
set aside the fourth Thursday in Greatest Day
November as Thanksgiving, and on that Branch Rickey, the famous baseball
day we try to build gratitude and ap- manager, was once asked to name his
preciation into our lives. And as we greatest day in baseball. He replied,
recount our blessings, we increase them. "I haven't had it yet." And I would
Suppose that at this special time we like to invite you to consider this im-
put our minds in contact with the won- portant question. How could you em-
derful days in our lives and single ploy your life more constructively than
out those with the greatest significance in getting ready for those exciting ex-
to us personally. You may think that periences that you haven't yet had?
your most important day is the day of H. G. Wells gave us some stimulat-
your birth. That is the day when an ing self-improvement help, when many
important new life came into being. Or years ago he wrote an interesting
it may be the day of your baptism. fantasy entitled The Time Machine.
That was the day when you repented Out of his imagination he invented a
of your sins and made a covenant with machine that could carry people
God that you would live your life at its through time much as an airplane
best. You may think that your most carries us through space. In his time
important day is the day of your mar- machine Mr. Wells could go thousands
riage. That is when a new family was of years back into the past in just a
born. Certainly the day of your death few minutes. Being a historian he took
will be a very interesting day. great delight in witnessing the im-
Saturday, April 4 First Day

portant events of history while they years. Someone has said that one of
were actually taking place. the greatest gifts that God has ever
He made a trip back to the year 1066 given to man is an imagination.
to verify personally some of the details When in our minds we pre-live our
of the Battle of Hastings. Then he marriage, we help to determine the
went still farther back for a visit in the kind of person that we would like to
Golden Age of Greece, and he person- be when that event arrives. As we pre-
ally discussed philosophy with Socrates live our success, we develop the abili-
400 years BC. With his mission com- ties necessary to bring it about. And
pleted, his time machine would bring with the information and direction
him back into the present. Then by given us in the Holy Scriptures we can
pushing the lever in the other direction, even pre-live that important period that
this time scientist could with equal lies beyond the boundaries of this life.
speed go up into the future to study
civilizations and institutions as they "Time Travelling" by Prophets
would someday actually be. And his In a very literal way, God has given
speedometer always indicated which important time-traveling abilities to the
year of time he was in. prophets; for example, Abraham was
permitted to go back thousands of
Tir Mind years into the past to review his own
While this story is only a fantasy, it premortal existence and learn some-
contains the germ of a great possi- thing about the purposes of God, even
bility. Actually our minds have been before this earth had been created. In
equipped with some significant time- telling of this experience Abraham
traveling abilities. In thought, we can said, "Now the Lord had shown unto
go backward or forward across time me, Abraham, the intelligences that
faster than any missile can travel were organized before the world was;
through space. In President McKay's and among all these there were many
great book, Gospel Ideals, he has one of the noble and great ones;
paragraph in which he says, "Last "And God saw these souls that they
night I dreamed about my mother." were good, and he stood in the midst
And then he said, "I would like to of them, and he said: These I will make
dream about my mother more often." my rulers; for he stood among those
In his dream he went back into his own that were spirits, and he said unto
. . .

past and relived those important days me: Abraham, thou art one of them;
at his mother's knee, when he learned thou wast chosen before thou wast born.
the lessons of life that brought him to "And there stood one among them
the presidency of the Church. Upon that was like unto God, and he said
awaking he found that his ideals had unto those who were with him: We
been renewed and his ambitions greatly will go down, for there is space there,
strengthened. He had revitalized his and we will take of these materials, and
life by reabsorbing the original good we will make an earth whereon these
from the greatest experiences of his may dwell;
own past. "And we will prove them herewith,
to see if they will do all things what-
Past and Future soever the Lord their God shall com-
Whether we refer to this process as mand them;
reflection, meditation, or assimilation, a "And they who keep their first estate
great source of strength may be had shall be added upon; and they who
from reliving the past. An even greater keep not their first estate shall not have
source of strength can come from pre- glory in the same kingdom with those
living the important events of our own who keep their first estate; and they
futures. This ability to look ahead who keep their second estate shall have
might be called vision or foresight or glory added upon their heads for ever
the utilization of that wonderful power and ever." (Abraham 3:22-26.)
of imagination, which is like a giant Then when Abraham came back into
radar beam searching the skies of future his own present, he was more thor-

oughly fortified for his future adven- not necessary for eternity, the resur-
ture in life. On the other hand, Moses rectionnever would have been insti-
was permitted to preview the entire tuted. If a body were not necessary
history of the earth from the beginning for God the Father, then there would
to the end thereof. On that memorable have been no point in God the Son
occasion when Moses met God face to being resurrected. Certainly a glorious
face on the mount, he was given a great resurrection day will be one of our most
vision, in which he beheld all of the thrilling days.
earth. The record says there was not
a particle of it which he did not be- Day of Judgment
hold, discerning it by the Spirit of God: One of the most important days of
"And he beheld also the inhabitants World War II was D Day. D Day was
thereof, and there was not a soul a term used to indicate an unspecified
which he beheld not; ." (Moses 1:28.)
. . day on which some crucial military
In large part the Holy Scriptures are operation was to take place. Day D
made up of great revelations which God in World War II was on June 6, 1944.
has caused to be written down for our That was the day on which the Allied
use in preparation for those great days Invasion Forces swarmed onto the
which we haven't yet had. For what beaches of Normandy to reestablish
advantage it may give us, just suppose their foothold in western Europe. D
that we practise pre-living our own Day was the beginning of the end of
resurrection. A recent newspaper arti- the World War II. August 15, 1945
cle told of some Russian prisoners of was called "VJ Day" or Victory in
war returning to their families after a Japan Day. But the day that will
twenty-year absence. We
can imagine probably be the most exciting of all of
the pleasure of being reunited with our days will also be a "J Day" or
loved ones after a long separation, but Judgment Day.
what a thrilling experience it will be to This is a term frequently used in
be reunited with ourselves. the scripture to indicate another un-
We do not like to think about our specified day on which the most crucial
spirits and bodies being even tempor- operation of our existence will take
arily separated at death. But in the place. This is the world's "settling-up
resurrection what will be the joy of the day." It is the day when the books are
faithful when the spirit and the body going to be balanced. This is the day
will be inseparably joined together in that the prophets have looked forward
celestial glory. Next to the human to and talked about since the world
spirit, the human body is the greatest began. In the scripture this day has
of all God's creations, without which been called by various names including
we could never have a fulness of joy. "The Day of Reckoning," "The Day
Our spirits were begotten of God in of the Lord," "The Great and Terrible
heaven, and one of the most important Day." For some it will be doomsday,
purposes of our mortal lives is to be but many scriptural passages mention
"added upon" with a body of flesh this day as though it needed no qualify-
and bones. ing phrase. They merely call it "The
This was also one of the important Great Day." It is very interesting that
purposes of the earth life of Jesus. It at any important race the spectators
has always been something of a mys- usually congregate at the finish line.
tery to me why some people are so And what could be more exciting than
insistent in depriving God, the greatest to be at the finish line in the race of
of all, of his body. This is especially life. This is another interesting reason
hard to understand when we know that why we should be ready for "J Day."
it was a part of the punishment for In our own time the Lord has said,
Lucifer's sin that he could never "Therefore .labor diligently ... to
. .

progress beyond the status of a spirit. bind up the law and seal up the testi-
If a body of flesh and bones were not mony, and to prepare the saints for
necessary, it never would have been the hour of judgment which is to
created in the first place. If it were come"; (D&C 88:84.)
Saturday, April 4 First Day

We know
quite a lot about "J Day," and behold, I am alive forevermore . . .

and apparently it is going to be quite a and have the keys of hell and of death."
day. We
know the purpose of Judg- (Ibid., 1:17-18.)
ment Day. We
know what action is What a tremendous point to have
contemplated. We
know who will be clearly in mind, that the Redeemer is
in court. We
know that God will alive. And that he is alive forevermore.
be there. We
know that all of us will be During the last few hundred years,
there. We
know that all of the members the world has been flooded with the
of the Church will be there, and that crucifix. It pictures a dead Christ
all of the nonmembers of the Church upon a cross of pain. But Christ did
will be there. Even Satan, and all of not remain upon the cross. Neither is
his angels will be there. The Prophet the tomb his dwelling place. He is
Jude said, "And the angels which kept alive, and he has the keys of death and
not their first estate, but left their own hell. He also has the keys of eternal
habitation, he hath reserved in ever- life and celestial glory. To make sure
lasting chains under darkness unto the thatwe should understand, this glorious
judgment of the great day." (Jude being said to John, "Write the things
1:6.) which thou hast seen, and the things
which are, and the things which shall
Revelation of John be hereafter"; (Ibid., 1:19.)
In an interesting "time-machine ex-
perience," John the Apostle was per- Pictures Communicate
mitted actually to preview the judg- Anciently men communicated with
ment. This revelation was of such each other by means of pictures. Now
great consequence that thereafter he we usually use words to express thought,
has been called John the Revelator. but we still think in pictures. If some-
However, this revelation was not given one tells us his experience, we can
for John's benefit alone. The Lord understand it best when in our mind's
specifically instructed him to write eye we can actually see him doing it.
down what he saw so that we might The movie film and television have
see it also. John says that while he become popular because pictures are one
was in the spirit on the Lord's day, he of the best ways to get ideas into our
heard a voice behind him. It was a minds. John didn't just get the facts
great voice as of a trumpet "Saying, I about the judgment, he actually saw it
am Alpha and Omega, the first and the as it will someday take place. Then he
last: and, What thou seest, write in a transmitted these ideas to us in words,
book, . .
." (Rev. 1:11.) so that we could reconstruct the picture
John says that he turned to see who in our own minds. How well we de-
spoke to him and he saw ". one like . . develop this mental picturing power
unto the Son of man, clothed with a will largely determine our future.
garment down to the foot, and girt Former Prime Minister Disraeli once
about with a golden girdle.
. . .
said, "Genius is the power to visualize
"His head and his hairs were white the objective." This is especially true of
like wool, as white as snow; and his eternal objectives. If we lack this ability,
eyes were as a flame of fire; we will certainly have trouble. Recently
"And his feet like unto fine brass, as a friend said to me, "I just can't see
if they burned in a furnace; and his myself being active in the Church."
voice as the sounds of many waters." Neither can he see himself getting down
(Ibid., 1:13-15.) on his knees before God. There are
some people who can't see the advan-
The Redeemer Lives
tages of honesty or morality or comply-
This was such a glorious personage ing with the other commandments of
that John said, "And when I saw him, God. This is not because they lack
I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid eyes. What they lack is the picturing
his right hand upon me, saying unto power of a great faith. It will help us
me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: to live more effectively if we project
"I am he that liveth, and was dead; John's words upon the screen of our

minds so that we will be able to see the book of life was cast into the lake
the picture of our greatest day as we of fire." (Rev. 20:15.) What an expe-
will someday actually experience it. rience that is going to bel
John said, "And I saw the dead,
small and great, stand before God; and "New Heaven and New Earth"
the books were opened: and another Then for the benefit of the faithful,
book was opened, which is the book of John says, "And I saw a new heaven
life: and the dead were judged out of and a new earth: for the first heaven
those things which were written in the and the first earth were passed away;
books, according to their works. and there was no more sea.
"And the sea gave up the dead which "And I John saw the holy city, [the]
were in it; and death and hell delivered new Jerusalem coming down from God
up the dead which were in them: and out of heaven, prepared as a bride
they were judged every man according adorned for her husband.
to their works." (Ibid., 20:12-13.) "And I heard a great voice out of
Even hell will be emptied for judg- heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle
ment day. The problem that troubles of God is with men, and he will dwell
our civil courts is that those involved with them and they shall be his people,
cannot frequently agree as to the facts. and God himself shall be with them,
But probably no one will be disposed and be their God.
to argue on J Day. If God could "And God shall wipe away all tears
show Abraham a rerun of his experience from their eyes; and there shall be no
before the earth was created and if he more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
could show Moses the entire history of neither shall there be any more pain:
the world before it happened, we can for the former things are passed away.
be sure that he can show us every "And he that sat upon the throne
detail of our lives exactly as they took said, Behold, I make all things new.
place, with nothing left out. And he said unto me, Write: for these
An ancient American prophet asks words are true and faithful.
this important question. He said, ". . . "He that overcometh shall inherit all
can ye imagine yourselves brought be- things; and I will be his God, and he
fore the tribunal of God with your souls shall be my son." (Ibid., 21:1-7.)
with guilt and remorse, having a
filled My brothers and sisters, what a lot
remembrance of all of your wickedness, of thrilling experiences we haven't yet
yea, a perfect remembrance of all your had! May God help us to be prepared
wickedness, yea a remembrance that ye for them when they arrive, I pray in the
have set at defiance the command- name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
ments of God?" (Alma 5:18.)
President David O. McKay:
Imagine Judgment Day
That calls for an important ability, He to whom we have just listened is
and the best way to avoid possible Elder Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the
tragedy is to focus our imagination Twelve.
upon J Day before we actually get The women of the Tabernacle Choir
there. We can be absolutely certain will now sing, "O Lift Thine Eyes to
that we will all want to be a faithful, the Mountains." Following their sing-
devoted, hard-working, enthusiastic, ing there will be a two-minute organ
full tithepaying member of God's king- interlude, then we shall hear from Elder
dom when we stand before the judg- Mark E. Petersen, of the Council of
ment bar. But we must get the impulse the Twelve, and president of the West
to faithfulness ahead of time; as some- European Mission, who will be our
one has said that hell is "truth seen concluding speaker.
too late."
Concerning those who fail to pass Selection by the women of the Tab-
the final test on J Day, John says, "And ernacle Choir, "O Lift Thine Eyes To
whosoever was not found written in The Mountains."
Saturday, April 4 First Day
Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Living in the great city of London, recently challenged the miracles of

Sister Petersen and I feel as if we are in Christ. A bishop wrote a book in which
the middle of the stage of the world he repudiated the Christian concept of
watching a tremendous drama move Deity and earned for himself the title:
forward. Weare living in a most in- A Bishop without God. Another preacher
teresting period of the world's history. warned his parish not to believe the
Sweeping changes are taking place, and book of Genesis, and certainly not to
events are moving forward with tre- accept the story of Adam and Eve.
mendous speed. A Brooklyn pastor read to his congre-
gation and recommended as good litera-
Revolution ture, excerpts from a book which was
Actually we are passing through a pronounced obscene by the New York
world-wide revolution in thought, edu- State Supreme Court. Another pastor
cation, politics, science, and religion. refused a request to read the 23rd Psalm
Values have changed; aims and ob- at the funeral service of a mother be-
jectives are widely different. cause it was not in the printed liturgy.
In no area is there a more interesting A group of divinity students at Oxford
adjustment going on than in the field University told newspapers in England
of religion. We
are passing through a that the dominant church needed a
modern refonnation, literally. In many "shock treatment," and they proceeded
respects it is similar to that of the to provide it with a book entitled Objec-
sixteenth century, and yet it is totally tions to Christian Belief. As this sort
different in other ways. of thing has grown in the world, it has
The most astonishing thing about it become more than ever apparent to the
is that both Catholics and the major leaders of Christendom that a change
Protestant groups want it and agree is urgently needed to save their
that it is needed. Both are working to crumbling structure.
bring it about, each group trying to
reform its own rituals and dogmas at Reformation, How Accomplished
with serious intentions toward a
first, The puzzling question is: How shall
union of some of the denominations it be accomplished? Among the pro-
afterward. posals are:

Modern Reformation
First —
consolidate the denominations
so that the strong will bolster the weak.
It is significant and encouraging that Second—Make the scriptures more
in this modern reformation both Cath- readable. This point has resulted in a
olics and Protestants have in mind one rash of new translations of both Protes-
great goal: to remodel their creeds and tant and Catholic versions of the Bible
practices in order to bring them back in modern English.
to the teachings of Christ and the Bible. —
Third Reform and modernize the
That Christendom needs such a teachings and rituals originating in the
change, no one will deny. The churches Middle Ages, which are ineffectual now
themselves are the first to admit it, and in holding the interest of space-
are more vocal than any other group in age worshipers.
calling for whatever steps are neces- One of the great Roman Catholic
sary to bring spirituality back to the cardinals, taking a leading part in pro-
people and the people back to the moting this movement, publicly an-
churches. But even some of the clergy nounced that a reformation of his own
have contributed to the weakened church is definitely required to meet
Christian position, which now makes the modern challenge.
this reformation necessary. His Eminence Julius Cardinal Dopf-
ner, who governs the powerful See of
Clergy-weakened Religion Munich in Germany, was one of the
An archbishop in one great church four prelates chosen by Pope Paul VI

to guide the debates in the last session and practices of the church are at vari-
of the Vatican Council. He recently ance with the Bible; for instance, it
voiced the most direct statement yet points out that the baptism of infants
made by any high Catholic official on is not taught in the scripture. It says
the necessity of extensive reforms in that further that baptism in the days of
church. In fact, he asserted, the refor- Jesus was performed by immersion,
mation has already begun, for that is usually in a river, and that it was sym-
the principle aim of the Vatican Council. bolic of the burial and resurrection
Speaking in Munich's Congress Hall, of Christ.
following his return from the meetings Amodern interpretation of the Ten
in Rome, he told an audience of 2,800 Commandments is called for, as well
people that the time has come for the as a revision of the prayer book, which
church to change, and that the adjust- is the basic liturgy of the church. As
ment must be both a reformation and it now stands the prayer book is re-

a renovation. garded as being too characteristic of the

He said that many church members sixteenth century.
have been lost to Catholicism because Phases of the reformation of that
in their eyes the church appeared to be church are being debated currently in
a "superannuated souvenir of a past Parliament which has the last word on
age" which opposes the principle of changes in the form of worship.
human freedom. The Central Advisory Council of the
The church speaks to its members in Anglican Church is presently attempt-
an ancient tongue through incompre- ing to reform the parish system which
hensible rituals, he explained, adding it says is "quaint" since it dates back

that its preaching has little relation to to the seventh century.

present-day life. And then he said:
"The reformation of the church must Infant Baptism
be based on the teachings of Christ and The attitude of some of the clergy in
the Holy Scripture." regard to returning to Bible practices,
You may read a detailed account of especially with respect to infant bap-
his address in the Atlantic edition of tism, is shown in the publication of
Time magazine for February 7, 1964. the Woodford Parish magazine in Eng-
Newsweek magazine for March 30, land for February 1964. In this issue
1964, reports that twenty-seven priests the rector of that church said:
of the Protestant Episcopal Church in "Generations of English babies have
the United States have joined in writ- been nurtured on this hypocrisy. Their
ing a new book about the failure of the first contact with Christ and his
churches. They point to what tbey call church, through infant baptism, is an
"worn-out practices and attitudes" and unreal mixture of humbug and non-
call for a reformation "from top sense. As one vicar said to me, 'I have
to bottom." no desire to increase the number of
When the Douay Version of the baptized pagans walking about in
Bible was revised and published in Lon- this parish.'"
don in 1947, a special introductory note And then the rector continues: "It is
was included to explain that a number high time honesty began again in the
of changes had been made in the foot- House of God. And where better than
notes and annotations because those in the service of Christian initiation,
published in earlier editions "reflected baptism? Why not keep it for grown-
the mentality of the reformation period." ups as in New Testament times, and
have some simpler, more genuine service
Revisions of Doctrines at Variance for babies?
with the Bible "We never read in the New Testa-
The Church of England recently ment of our Lord baptising babies. But
published a book called This Church of we do read of him blessing them.
England. It is intensely interesting
Blessing of Babes
and illuminating. After asserting that
extensive reforms are urgently needed, "Why then don't we adopt this New
it cites specific instances where doctrines Testament practice, the practice of the
Saturday, April 4 First Day
Lord himself, and bring children to Missing Books
church for blessing? Moses spoke of the "Book of the Cove-
"In my church at Woodford we have nant," which we do not have. He also
just such a service. I call it an order of
mentions the "Book of the Wars of
infant naming and blessing, with Israel," which has never been found.
thanksgiving of parents."
And then the good rector continues:
We might not miss reading about
their wars, but it would be most help-
"Do we cling to infant baptism be- ful in a return to God if mankind had
cause we are too superstitious? Let us
the book of the sacred covenants which
never forget that God is as sweetly
the Almighty made with his people.
reasonable as we are. If we think that
The "Book of Jasher," referred to by
a dying baby must be baptized, we must
Joshua, is not in the Bible. The same
look carefully to see whether we have
is true of the "Book of the Acts of
not gone over the border of true re-
Solomon," referred to in First Kings.
ligion into the realm of superstition
The books of Nathan and Gad, both
and magic."
of whom were prophets and seers, are
missing. As inspired men, their writ-
Products of Dark Ages ings would be an enlightening guide on
When the doctrines of Christendom the way of truth.
are studied carefully, it is seen that Ahijah and Iddo were prophets and
much of our present-day worship is a seers likewise.Would their works not
product of the Middle and Dark Ages, inspire modern people if they were
with relatively little of it going back available? But where are they? Can
to the time of Christ. we say that our Bible is actually com-
As a result, any return to Jesus and plete without them?
the Bible will be revolutionary in its The "Book of Jehu" is mentioned in
effect because most of the liturgies of the Old Testament but is not included

today originated long after Christ and in it. Isaiah wrote a second book
centuries after the Bible was compiled. known as the "Acts of Uzziah," but
They would, therefore, have to be where is it? Will anyone say that
discarded if a literal return to the early Isaiah's writings are not inspirational?
Christian Church is seriously considered. His second book might proveto be most
When today's religious scholars speak invaluable if we had it.
of returning to Christ and the Bible we "The Sayings of the Seers," another
are inclined to ask: book of sacred writings, is referred to in
the Bible. Where is it now? Would
Return to Bible? it not be good for today's Christians in
their spiritual meanderings?
Will the church membership respond
Paul wrote letters, in addition to those
to the radical adjustment that will be
we have in our Bible, and speaks of
required to return to Bible practices,
them. He wrote a third letter to the
steeped as they are in tradition?
Corinthians, and at least another one
Does the Bible contain enough detail
to the Ephesians. Where are they?
to instruct them fully regarding the
He also wrote an Epistle to the
original Christian Church and its doc-
Laodiceans, but it is not in our pos-
trines,so that they really may accom- session. Is the Bible then complete?
plish this return? Does it contain all of God's word?
On this latter point, the clerics say Jude wrote another Epistle in addition
that the Bible is sufficient, for it con- to the one in the New Testament. He
tains all of God's word. And yet the also mentions a volume of scripture
Bible itself admits that it is an incom- known as the "Prophecies of Enoch"
plete record and does not contain all of to which he evidently had access, but
God's word. It mentions other books which we do not have today.
of which are not within its
covers and therefore are not available The Saviour's Teachings

for study by anyone seeking the full Then there is the matter of the
truth of the gospel. Savior's teachings. He lived an inten-

sive and full life during the three years doctrines which they have taught all
of his public ministry. He preached to these years differ from the revealed
multitudes repeatedly. He conversed word.
with individuals almost constantly, and The scriptures predicted this de-
gave many intimate instructions to the parture from early Christianity; and
Twelve. when men return to the Bible, we hope
Can anyone say that his three years they will read those predictions in it,
of instruction are contained in the for they are many.
Bible? May they be read in the few But the Bible also foretells a new
hours it takes to peruse what he said revelation in latter days the actual —
in the four Gospels? Can three years revelation which is so greatly needed
of the Savior's eloquent teachings be now to lead men back to Christ. A
condensed into three hours of reading reformation cannot lead them back, but
material? The Apostle John says twice this new revelation can!
in his Gospel that not a fraction of the
Savior's ministry is recorded. New Revelation
Much as we love it, sincerely as we We Latter-day Saints have that new
believe it, can we in all truth say that
the Bible is complete, that it contains
revelation. We
have a new prophet
and new scriptures also, which, added
all of God's word, or even the full text
to the Bible, now point the way. This
of the Savior's instructions?
new revelation brought with it the true
Obviously the Lord gave other revela-
tions anciently. He had prophets in understanding of the nature of God
and a restoration of primitive Chris-
addition to those usually mentioned in
tianity. That restoration is Mormon-
the Bible. They spoke for him. They
ism. It came about through the
gave enlightenment to ancient men,
ministry of the Prophet Joseph Smith,
and they would give us light, too, if
Jun. He saw God and communed with
only we hadtheir writings.
him, even as did Moses. He received
Since men have strayed so far in the
revelations from heaven, as did Isaiah.
past with the Bible in their possession,
Angelic ministers commissioned him for
is it likely that this same Bible by itself
the work, giving him divine authority.
can bring them back to Christ?
The reformers of the sixteenth cen- Through him the Church of Jesus
tury had the Bible, but it did not keep Christ, as it was originally organized on
them from drifting in different direc- the earth, has been restored in our day,
tions and disputing violently among with all its powers and blessings. And
themselves as to which way was right. it is It is the beginning of a
Can the reformers of today do any modern ministry of Jesus the Christ,
better? whom we declare to be the Divine Son
of God; that he lives, and that he has
Revelation Needed been seen of modern men in modern
Have they any more light and under- times in modern America. And this is
standing? If so, where did they get it? the testimony which we bear in the
Further enlightenment, dependable name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
enough to guide men back to God, must
come from God. That means revela- President David O. McKay:

tion prophecy —
If learned men really believe
our to whom we have Just listened
their Bibles to which they now hope is Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Coun-
to return, they will also believe that cil of the Twelve, and also the president

modern revelation must come to rescue of the West European Mission.

them from the morass into which they We shall conclude this opening ses-
have fallen, for that is what the sion of the one hundred and thirty-
Bible teaches. fourth Annual Conference of the
When they seek a return to Christ Church with the Choir singing, "Thanks
and the Bible, they publicly and hon- Be To God," conducted by Elder
estly admit that they have strayed from Richard P. Condie. Following the sing-
him and his teachings, and that the ing the benediction will be pronounced
— —

Saturday, April 4 First Day
by Elder Warren E. Pugh, formerly from the San Jose West Stake in Cali-
president of the Northern California fornia. The daffodils are from the
Mission. This Conference will then Tacoma Stake through the courtesy of
be adjourned until two o'clock this the Puyallup Valley Daffodil Commit-
afternoon. tee. The calla lillies are from the high
We are most grateful for the coopera- priests quorum of the Oakland-Berkeley
tion of the owners and managers of the Stake. All have come to us by airplane.
many television and radio stations in After the singing by the Choir the
offering their facilities as a public serv- benediction will be offered by Elder
ice to make the proceedings of this Con- Warren E. Pugh and this Conference
ference available to millions throughout will be adjourned until two o'clock.
North America, South America, Europe,
Africa, and many other areas in the
world. As a closing number the Choir sang
We are grateful for those who are the anthem, "Thanks Be To God."
with us on television and radio. May
God bless them that the spirit of this President David O. McKay:
session will bring comfort and peace to
their hearts. The Choir will not be here this after-
We appreciate the attendance here of noon, so we take this opportunity of
educators, government officials, church saying "Thank you for your inspiring
and all visitors and members
officials, presence and these beautiful anthems."
who have attended this service this The benediction will be by Elder Pugh.
express thanks and deep apprecia- Elder Warren E. Pugh, formerly
tion for these beautiful flowers which president of the Northern California
decorate the rostrum. The orchids Mission offered the closing prayer.
one thousand of them —have come Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The Conference reconvened promptly We are pleased to announce that a
at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 4, with Selected Youth Choir from Salt Lake
President David O. McKay presiding. and Davis Counties will furnish the
At President McKay's request President music for this session. Jay E. Welch,
Hugh B. Brown, First Counselor in the Assistant Tabernacle Choir Conductor,
First Presidency, conducted the services will conduct, and Roy M. Darley will
of this session. be at the organ.
The music for this afternoon's meet- President McKay has written a note
ing was furnished by a selected youth here regarding these young people
choir from Salt Lake and Davis Coun- which I should like to read. He said:
ties, with Jay E. Welch, (Assistant "I never look at the bright faces of
Director of the Tabernacle Choir) con- young people that I am not reminded
ducting, and Roy M. Darley (Assistant of the poet Longfellow's words
Tabernacle Organist) at the organ
console. 'How beautiful is youth, how bright it
President Brown made the following gleams
introductory remarks: With its illusions, aspirations, dreams
Book of beginnings, story without end
President Hugh B. Brown: Each maid a heroine and each man a
We should like to express again our
appreciation for the lovely flowers It is a great pleasure to have these
which were mentioned this morning. young people with us today. They have

practiced for many months so that they We begin this session by the
could sing their very best for us. Chorus rendering, "Behold, God the
We should like to recognize also some Lord Passed By," from "Elijah." The
of our special visitors who are with us invocation will be offered by Elder J.

today United States Senators, Wallace Vernon Sharp, formerly president of
F. Bennett and Frank E. Moss; United the Andes Mission.
States House of Representatives, Sher-
man P. Lloyd and Laurence J. Burton;
Singing by the Youth Choir, "Behold,
Governor George D. Clyde; Secretary of God the Lord Passed By" (From the
State,Lamont Toronto; Chancellor of Elijah).
the Unified Church School System, Dr. Elder J. Vernon Sharp, formerly
Harvey L. Taylor; Acting President of President of the Andes Mission, offered
the B. Y. U., Earl C. Crockett; Presi- the invocation.
dent of the University of Utah, Dr. A.
Ray Olpin; Superintendent of Salt Lake President Hugh B. Brown:
City Schools, Lynn M. Bennion; Presi-
dent of Weber College, William T. The invocation was just offered by
Miller; President of Ricks College, Dr. Elder J. Vernon Sharp.

John R. Clarke; and President of the The Selected Youth Chorus will now
Church College of Hawaii, Dr. Richard favor us with "The Lord's Prayer."
T. Wooten. There may be some whom
we have not recognized. The Youth Choir sang, "The Lord's
We shall begin this session, under Prayer."
the presidency of President David O.
McKay, who has asked me to conduct President Hugh B. Brown:
this service; and may I express on behalf
of all of us our sincere gratitude to God Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council
that the President is able to be with of the Twelve will be our first speaker
us and was able to handle the Confer- this afternoon. He will be followed by
ence so wonderfully well this morning, Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First
but he feels that he would rather we Council of Seventy and President of
would proceed this afternoon. the Southern Australian Mission.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

For the next few minutes I should like good fruit is hewn down, and cast into
to direct your thinking upon one of the the fire.

great quotations from our Lord and "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall
Master, a quotation which has been know them." (Matt. 7:15-20.)
the text for many a discourse through- I pray that what I may say about that

out the years. The Master said: quotation may be in harmony with the
"Beware of false prophets, which great keynote address, inspired as it
come to you in sheep's clothing, but was and delivered to us so masterfully
inwardly they are ravening wolves. by our beloved President.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Sometimes those who have discoursed
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs upon this text have interpreted this
of thistles?
parable or figure of speech, as you may
call it, as the fruits by which a people
"Even so every good tree bringeth
or a person might be judged, applied
forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree
primarily to temporal growth or to
bringeth forth evil fruit. material gain. This concept is well il-
"A good tree cannot bring forth evil lustrated by a recent article about the
fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring Church which appeared in a national
forth good fruit. magazine known as the Christian Cen-
"Every tree that bringeth not forth tury. This is what the article said:
Saturday, April 4 First Day
"Looking at the phenomenal growth their omnipotent protector and their
of theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter- benevolent guide." Dr. Mosheim speaks
day Saints (Mormon) in recent years, of the fulfilment of the Master's prom-
other churches which view many Mor- ise that he would send to them the gift
mon beliefs and some Mormon practices of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who
as unbiblical and bizarre ask, 'What would "teach them all things, bring all
does it have that we don't?' " (Jan. 23, things to their remembrance and show
1963, p. 102.) them things to come. He would guide
them into all truth and would testify
The "Fruits" of him." (See John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13.)
Then the articlegoes on to enumerate Then the doctor explains that this
the membership growth, the number of fulfilment came on the day of Pente-
missionaries, the number of missions, cost. He records a remarkable change
the new congregations, the number of noticeable in the disciples after this
hospitals, the educational programs, great event in these words: "The con-
church members occupying high posts sequences of this grand event were
in government. Then they go on to surprising and glorious, infinitely hon-
explain that while proclaiming disbelief ourable to the Christian religion, and
in many teachings and disciplines they the divine mission of its triumphant
suggest a reappraisal of methods and author. For no sooner had the apostles
programs such as house-to-house evan- received this precious gift, this celestial
gelism, relief programs for the poor, guide, than their ignorance was turned
education, recreation, and employment into light, their doubts into certainty,
for those who cannot provide for them- their fears into a firm and invincible
selves, the requiring of two years of fortitude, and their former backward-
missionary service without compensa- ness into an ardent and inextinguishable
tion, and the extensive use of laymen zeal, which led them to undertake their
to keep to a minimum the number of sacred office with the utmost intrepidity
professional church leaders as possible and alacrity of mind. This marvellous
explanations of the growth of the event was attended with a variety of
Church. gifts; particularly the gift of tongues,
so indispensably necessary to qualify
True "Fruits" the apostles to preach the gospel to the
The article then concludes with this
different nations. These holy apostles
very significant statement from a book were also filled with a perfect persua-
written by Frank S. Meads entitled sion, founded on Christ's express prom-
Handbook ise, that the divine presence would
of Denominations in the
United States, who declared that perpetually accompany them, and show
the Mormons' "missionary experience itself by miraculous interpositions, as
strengthens both them and their often as the success of their ministry
Church, and offers a model of church should render this necessary. And, in-
service and zeal equalled in very few of deed, there were undoubted marks of a
the other larger churches in America." celestial power perpetually attending
(New York: Abingdon Press, 1956, their ministry. There was in their very

language an incredible energy, an
This lastcomment suggests the true amazing power of sending light into
fruits by which the Church and its the understanding, and conviction into
disciples may best be judged.
the heart." (J. L. von Mosheim, Ecclesi-
astical History, pp. 61, 67.)
"He, the Omnipotent Guide"
The Greatest Strength of the Church
This last quotation recalls something
that was written by Dr. Mosheim in his Today, as it was then, it might well
Ecclesiastical History relative to the be said that the greatest miracles we
mark of the true disciples of the period see are not the healings of sick bodies,
following the crucifixion of the Savior. but the miraculous changes that come
He said, "Historians testify that even into the lives of those who become mem-
after the Master's death, he was still bers of the Church, as all missionaries


will testify. The greatest strength of the fulness, and be glorified in me as I am

Church is not the number of units we in the Father; therefore, I say unto you,
have, not the amount of tithing that is you shall receive grace for grace."
paid, nor the congregations, but the (D&C 93:20.)
greatest strength is the united and fer- In other words, these scriptures are
vent testimonies that are in the hearts repeating what the Master had de-
of church members. And by that same clared: If we would have the good fruits
token, we might say that the greatest of these spiritual gifts, we must make
weapon against all untruth, whether it sure that we keep the tree good.
be in science, so-called, or in the An interesting distinction between
philosophies of the world, or in com- those who bring forth good fruit and
munism, or what not, the greatest those who do not is well illustrated in
weapon is the truth of the gospel of the parable of the sower, as you recall,
Jesus Christ, which preached in power where the Master described the three
will be a bulwark against these false categories of presumably church mem-
ideas in the world today. —
bers those who brought forth fruit
The Master made some applications "some an hundredfold," he said, "some
of the meaning of these spiritual gifts sixtyfold, some thirtyfold." (Matt. 13:8.)
as "fruit" or "fruits." He said, "I am And in the interpretation of Lehi's
the vine, ye are the branches: He that dream in the Book of Mormon, he has
abideth in me, and I in him, the same four categories: those who partook of
bringeth forth much fruit: for without the fruit, you will recall, and remained
me ye can do nothing. stedfast; those who did partake and
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have then were blinded by mists of darkness
chosen you, and ordained you, that ye which arose from the river and lost
should go and bring forth fruit, and their way; those who went so far as
that your fruit should remain: that to taste the fruit and then fell away
whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father because they were ridiculed by those
in my name, he may give it you." living in spacious dwellings, represent-
(John 15:5, 16.) ing the riches of the world; and finally
Speaking of these same gifts, the those who refused to partake of the
Prophet Alma says: "Yea, after having delicious fruit of the tree. (See 1
been such a highly favored people of the Nephi 8.)
Lord; yea, after having been favored
above every other nation, . . .
"Almost, but not quite . .

"Having been visited by the Spirit We were back East a short time ago,
of God; having conversed with angels, and a good bishop made an interesting
and having been spoken unto by the comment about what he called the
voice of the Lord; and having the spirit saddest words that he knows of a man
of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, in high station. He read from the
and also many gifts, the gift of speak- words in the days of the Apostle Paul
ing with tongues, and the gift of when Paul before King Agrippa had
preaching, and the gift of the Holy borne his powerful testimony of his
Ghost, and the gift of translation"; conversion. King Agrippa's reply was,
(Alma 9:20-21.) "Almost thou persuadest me to be a
From the beginning, our prophet- Christian." (Acts
26:28.) Then the
leaders have declared, as did the Apos- bishop said, "The king knew the truth
tle Paul, ". .that your body is the
. but he lacked the courage to do that
temple of the Holy Ghost which is in which would be required; and he could
you, .
." (1 Cor. 6:19) and then he only say then, 'Almost thou persuadest,'
any man defile the temple of
said, "If almost persuaded under certain cir-
God, him shall God destroy; for the cumstances to do the thing the Lord
temple of God is holy, which temple would want him to do."
ye are." (Ibid., 3:17.) And then he characterized some
And again in a revelation in our day, things that he discovered in his own
the Lord said, "For if you keep my com- ward in a short but powerful sermon.
mandments you shall receive of his "In response to the Master, 'Come . . .

Saturday, April 4 First Day

follow me' (Mark 10:21), some members the Lord, and I started to count my
almost," he said, "but not quite, say, blessings instead of thinking that the
'thou persuadest me almost to be hon- Lord was persecuting me personally.
est but I need extra help to pass a test.' Now I go to Sacrament meeting. Now
You young people in the choir might I go to Relief Society. I am visiting the
think of that. sick, and I am taking something that
"Almost thou persuadest me to keep I have cooked when I visit. I am tak-
the Sabbath day holy, but it's fun to ing church books to friends from whom
play ball on Sunday. I had previously been estranged." Then
"Almost thou persuadest me to love she wrote, "I have now climbed from
my neighbor, but he is a rascal; to be the dark depths of despair to the brink
tolerant of others' views, but they are where I can now see the sun. I am
dead wrong; to be kind to sister, but trying to follow the counsel, 'Keep your
she hit me first; to go home teaching, eyes fixed on the stars.'
but it's so cold and damp outside to- A short while ago, Elder Franklin D.
night; to pay tithes and offerings, but Richards and I late at night were asked
we do need a new color TV
set; to by a fine young bishop and his stake
find the owner of a lost watch, but no leaders if we would participate in ad-
one returned the watch I lost; to pass ministering to him. He was facing the
the Sacrament, but I've graduated from possibility of an operation for a fatal
the deacons now; almost thou per- malady. They had in obedience to the
suadest me to be reverent, but I had Lord's command sought in the Lord's
to tell my pal about my date last night; way for help. He was giving all the
almost thou persuadest me to attend service he could as a bishop. He and
stake leadership meeting, but I know his wife had been married in the tem-
more than the leader on that subject, ple, and with his wife they had been
so why should I go. Thou persuadest faithful in having a little family; and
me almost to go to Sacrament meeting, now he had come asking the Lord for
but there is going to be such an un- help. We heard no more about it
interesting speaker tonight. Almost 1
until this last week there came a letter
Almost! Almost but not quite, not
I from his wife that said this:
able quite to reach."
How to Cultivate Good "Fruit"
"They operated and while they found
There are incidents which illustrate masses of what had appeared by
how good fruit can be developed by X-ray to be malignant tumors in the
proper cultivation of the seeds of faith chest cavity, amazingly they were all
through keeping fully the command- found to be benign. As for my husband
ments, and I want to cite just two very and me, one word describes our feel-
briefly, even though at first the quality ings now — —
rededication to each other,
of the fruits of the Spirit was not so. to the Lord, and to our part in build-
I have on my desk a letter, and I shall ing up his kingdom upon this earth.
not tell the name, of course, and no My husband asked me to mention in
one excepting her will know of whom this letter to you that the bishop
I speak, a mother of four who has gone who returns to the people of his ward
through illness, pain that was alleviated is a more humble, compassionate, and
by what was discovered later to be dedicated servant than ever before. It
habit-forming pills, and then came the has taken this experience, though fright-
fight to overcome these devastating ening as it has been, to bring me to the
drugs until she almost despaired of life. full realization of how precious life it-
Then she went to visit a friend, and to self is and how glorious is this gospel
her surprise she found that her friend which unites a love like ours for all
was paralyzed by some cancerous afflic- time and eternity."
tion and the severe medical treatments Through their surmounting sickness,
which had followed. After visiting heartaches, and disappointments, their
this faithful, devoted friend, she went experiences had resulted in better
home. She had a long talk with
said, "I fruit. They had proved their fruit by


thgir works. By
their fruits, the Lord "But there is a cool green path, I said
has proved them. Life and service have me walk there for a time.
taken on an altogether different meaning. No child, He gently answered me,
The green road does not climb.
Development of Spiritual Qualities
The True Fruits "My burden, I said, is far too great,
On a missionary program that I read How can I bear it so?
the other night, words of President My child, said he, I remember its

McKay were quoted that seem appro- weight,

priate to what I am talking about. Presi- I carried my cross, you know.
dent McKay was quoted as having said:
"Man's earthly existence is but a test "But, I said, I wish there were friends
as to whether he will concentrate his with me
efforts, his mind, his soul, upon things Who would make my way their own.
that will contribute to the comfort and Ah, yes, he said, Gethsemane
gratification of his physical nature, or Was hard to face alone.
whether he will make as his life's pur-
suit the acquisition of spiritual qualities." "And so I climbed the stony path,
In short, the President has said to us, Content at last to know
the development of one's spiritual quali- That where my Master had not gone,
ties will determine whether or not his I would not need to go.
has been a good tree, and that to be
determined only by the quality of the "And strangely then I found new friends
fruit, or the spiritual gifts which The burden grew less sore
come therefrom. As I remembered long ago —
He went that way before."
Mortality: Always Pain
A young mother went through the ("In His Steps"- —Leona B. Gates)
trying experience of having a little
child who was killed in an accident, God help us to understand how we
and she came and sought a blessing shall develop sometimes through heart-
for comfort. She asked through her ache, sorrow, and tears those spiritual
tears, "Must there always be pain in qualities except for which none of us
this life?" I thought a few minutes, can achieve to the place of kinship to
and then said, "The Apostle Paul said him who suffered more than any of us
of the Master, the Lord and Savior, may understand, and this I pray and
'Though he were a Son, yet learned he bear you my solemn witness in the
obedience by the things which he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
suffered.' (Heb. 5:8.) I suppose that
the answer is yes; there must always Hugh
President B. Brown:
be pain in this life of travail and sorrow,
and there is a purpose in it all." He to whom
you have just listened
is Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council
"The road is rough, I said
of the Twelve. Elder Bruce R. Mc-
Dear Lord, there are stones that hurt
me so.
Conkie of the First Council of Seventy
And he said, Dear child, I understand, and president of the Southern Australian
I walked it long ago. Mission will now speak to us.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

To all who
love the Lord and desire is whether the prophet of that day was

salvation in his kingdom, I pose this sent of God. Those who faced the
question: Was Joseph Smith called peril of a world-destroying flood were
of God? In every age the great question required to answer this question: Was
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Noah of God?
called Those seeking again from the courts on high; if the
escape from slavery in Egypt were gift of the Holy Ghost is again poured
forced to decide: Was Moses called of —
out upon men what is there in all
God? Those among whom our Lord the earth to compare in importance
himself ministered had to decide, at the with it?
peril of their own eternal salvation, And it all began, for our day, with
whether Jesus of Nazareth was the Joseph Smith and other faithful souls
promised Messiah, the very Son of God. associated with him. In the spring of
And so it is today. In an age when 1820 a spirit of religious revivalism
some people assume that Deity no swept the frontier areas of America.
longer speaks through prophets as he Contending professors of religion were
did anciently, the great question facing crying, "Lo, here is Christ," or
honest truth seekers is: Was Joseph "Lo, there."
Smith called of God? If Joseph Smith Finding himself "In the midst of this
was called of God, the gospel plan war of words and tumult of opinions,"
restored through his instrumentality is Joseph Smith was led by the Spirit to
the mind and will of the Lord and the ask: "Who of all these parties are right;
only way whereby men can gain full or, are they all wrong together? If
salvation in the kingdom of heaven. any one of them be right, which is it,
and how shall I know it?" (Joseph
God has Spoken Again Smith 2:10.)
Accordingly, we announce that God He read in the Epistle of James: "If
has spoken again in our day; that the any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of
heavens are no longer sealed; that God, that giveth to all men liberally,
revelation has commenced anew; that and upbraideth not; and it shall be
the promised era of restoration and given him." (James 1:5.)
gathering has begun. We
teach and Guided by the Spirit, he did ask of
testify that God has restored the fulness God. And since the time had come for
of his everlasting gospel; that the the opening of this final great gospel

Church of Jesus Christ in all its glory, dispensation, and because he was the

beauty, and perfection has again been one chosen from eternity to commence
the work, he received a transcendent
set up on earth; that the very kingdom
of God is again here among men. heavenly manifestation.

He has Conferred Power from The First Vision

"On High" "... I saw a pillar of light exactly
Wespeak with surety of angels com- over my head, above the brightness of
ing to earth to confer priesthood, to the sun," he says, "which descended
bestow keys, to minister to men. We gradually until it fell upon me.
proclaim that an unchangeable God, in ". When the light rested upon me I
. .

whose sight a soul is just as precious saw two Personages, whose brightness
today as it ever was, has again poured and glory defy all description, standing
out upon his Saints the same signs, the above me in the air. One of them spake
same gifts of the Spirit, the same mir- unto me, calling me by name and said,
acles enjoyed of old. We
are witnesses pointing to the other This is My —
that the plan of salvation is revealed Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph
anew, and we are doing all in our Smith 2:16-17.)
power to teach its terms and conditions Then from the lips of the Resurrected
to our Father's children everywhere, so Lord, the young Prophet received the
that they can gain peace in this life command to join none of the sects of
and eternal life in the world to come. the day, and also the promise that if
If all this is true — and we so testify he remained true and faithful he would
(as did the prophets of old of the truth be the instrument in the Lord's hands
and divinity of their messages) there — to restore again to earth the fulness
neither is nor can be any message to of the everlasting gospel.
compare with it. If the voice of God In due course, amid testings and
is heard again; if angels are descending trials, other revelations came. The


Book of Mormon was

revealed, trans- tion of all things and the latter-day
lated, and published as a new witness gathering of Israel.
of Christ and his gospel —
an inspired We say there are on earth today
record of God's dealings with the an- Apostles and prophets in the same literal
cient inhabitants of America. Angels sense in which such men graced this
restored the priesthood and keys so globe in generations gone.
essential to the work of the Lord on We say The Church of Jesus Christ
earth. The doctrines of salvation, as of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of
preserved in the Bible, were confirmed God on earth and that in and through
and clarified by modern revelation. it men may gain the kingdom of heaven
New and knowledge, new revela-
light hereafter.
tion, to meet all the challenges of a
Now, these things are either true or
modern world, were added to the canon false. Either God has spoken again
of scripture. or the silence of centuries remains un-
broken. Either angels have come or
The Church Organized they have not. Either the gospel has
On April 6, 1830, by revelation and been restored or the diverse and variant
commandment, the Church of Jesus forms of a waning Christianity remain
Christ, same organization set up
the the best hope of the world. Either
and perfected by Jesus and his Apostles Joseph Smith was called of God or he
of old, was again established among was not.
men. In it the Lord placed Apostles Joseph Smith was a Prophet, our
and prophets, revelation and visions, professions are true. From that spring
signs and miracles, the gift of the Holy day in 1820 to the present moment,
Ghost, the true doctrines of salvation Joseph Smith's name has increasingly
indeed, all that was enjoyed by those been the center of religious inquiry.
of old who wrought righteousness, ob- Hosts of men have sought to learn
tained promises, and gained eternal life. about his prophetic calling.
To this newly set-up kingdom of our Once when he was in dire and
Lord, the command came to carry the perilous circumstances the voice of God
restored message of salvation to all comforted him with this assurance:
men. With this commission came the "The ends of the earth shall inquire
revealed promise that the gospel would after thy name, and fools shall have
roll forth, as the stone cut from the thee in derision, and hell shall rage
mountain without hands, until it filled against thee;
the whole earth. The present Church "While the pure in heart, and the
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, wise, and the noble, and the virtuous,
with its millions of members and tens shall seek counsel, and authority, and
of thousands of missionaries, is con- blessings constantly from under thy
tinuing the work which will some day hand." (D&C 122:1-2.)
see the fulfilment of this divine promise.
Now, what of all these things? Are His Atoning Sacrifice
they true or false? In the very nature
Certainly salvation centers in and
of things there is no middle ground. comes because of Christ and his atoning
Our position is not like that of other sacrifice. He is the Lord God Omnipo-
organizations or churches. are a We tent, the Creator, the Redeemer, the
peculiar people. Savior of the World. But Christ is
known by and revealed through his
Covenants and Commandments prophets. Joseph Smith was the re-
vealer of Christ and his gospel to the
We say God has spoken from heaven
world for this age. When the ends
giving us covenants and commandments.
of the earth inquire after the name of
We say angels have come from the
Joseph Smith, it is because they seek the
presence of the Lord giving the same knowledge of Christ and of salvation
priesthood possessed by prophets of old. that was revealed through him. In-
We say Joseph Smith was called of deed, the revealed decree of Christ to
God to commence the promised restitu- Joseph Smith is: ". . . this generation
Saturday, April 4 First Day
shall have my word through you." are actually prophets of God on earth
(Ibid., 5:10.) again? Is it possible that God gives
Further: To the newly established revelation today?" To which we say:
Church in this dispensation the Lord "Come and see. Inquire. Investigate.
said, speaking of Joseph Smith: ". . . Learn for yourself. Ask God. Re-
thou shalt give heed unto all his words member the promise: 'If any of you
and commandments which he shall lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
give unto you as he receiveth them, giveth to all men liberally, and up-
walking in all holiness before me; braideth not; and it shall be given
"For his word ye shall receive, as if him.'" (James 1:5.)
from mine own mouth, in all patience In issuing this invitation we know full
and faith." (Ibid., 21:4-5.) well that "the pure in heart, and the
wise, and the noble, and the virtuous,"
The Divine Mission of Joseph Smith among all nations will gain personal
Thus when we bear record of the testimonies of the divinity of this great
divine mission of Joseph Smith, we are latter-day work. They will know as we
also certifying to the divine Sonship of know that Joseph Smith was called of
him whose servant the Prophet was. God, for the Spirit will bear record to
And when men of sobriety and sense them, as it has to us, and as it did to
testify, in all humility and with deep the modern Apostle who, in announcing
conviction, that they know by personal for the Church the martyrdom of the
revelation that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, wrote these words:
Prophet, an obligation rests upon all "Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer
who hear to investigate and learn for of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus
themselves whether that testimony only, for the salvation of men in this
is true. world, than any other man that ever
When Philip learned for himself that lived in it." (D&C 135:3.)
Jesus was the promised Messiah, he In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
sought out Nathanael and bore this Amen.
testimony: "We
have found him, of
whom Moses in the law, and the President Hugh B. Brown:
prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth,
. .Nathanael was skeptical. "Can
." Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First
there any good thing come out of Council of Seventy has just addressed
Nazareth?" he asked. us.
"Philip saith unto him, Come and The Chorus and congregation will
see." now join in singing, "Come, O Thou
Nathanael came, investigated, learned King of Kings," conducted by Jay E.
for himself,
and, speaking directly to Welch, with Roy M. Darley at the
Jesus, bore this testimony: ". thou . . organ.
art the Son of God; thou art the King After the singing Elder William J.
of Israel." (See John 1:41-51.) Critchlow, Jr., Assistant to the Twelve,
will address us.
Restitution of All Things
Similarly, we say to all men every- The Selected Youth Choir and the
where: "We have found the mighty congregation joined in singing the
prophet of the latter days, the one hymn, "Come, OThou King of Kings."
called of God to bring to pass the
promised restitution of all things President Hugh B. Brown:
spoken by the mouths of all his holy
prophets since the world began." (See Elder William J. Critchlow, Assistant
Acts 3:19-21.) to the Twelve, will now address us, and
We know some will be skeptical. he will be followed by Elder Howard W.
They will say:"Can it be that there Hunter of the Council of the Twelve.



Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Once, as my
wife and I were observing eternal family. I want to share with

our wedding anniversary quietly at you eternal life. Please build for all of
home I called across a room to her us a 'mansion in the sky.' Save up for
facetiously: "Mama, where will we it please."
be one million years from now?"

"Oh, pshaw," she said just like that, Eternal Life
without as much as a glance in my Those last three short sentences:
direction. She was busy frosting a
cake. Then, all of a sudden, she My love for you is eternal. . . .

startled me. Laying down her spatula, I want an eternal family.

she turned and came toward me, and, I want to share with you eternal life-
grasping the lapels of my coat, she
pulled herself up on her toes and with comprise the prettiest speech my wife
her lips close to mine, she said tenderly: ever meant to make. Factually she
"I only know I want to be with you, —
didn't speak them save in her heart,
one million years from now. And may but she did inspire them. The
I have the boys (our two sons) home melody was hers; I added the lyrics.
for breakfast every Tuesday, just as we What a melody of love for couples con-
do now? And may I have all of the templating marriage vows -husbands —
grandchildren home for Thanksgiving? — —
and wives others who will pause to
And may I have a big Christmas tree ponder on what eternity may hold for
and logs in the fireplace and all of the them, future-wise.
family home for Christmas —
just as we President McKay must have pondered
do now? And may I have a big home on eternity, else why did he write:
with lots of rooms in it? And will you "love is as eternal as the spirit of man

keep saving up for it just as you are
now? Promise me, promise me, say
... earthly things are typical of

heavenly things, in the spirit world we

yes, say yes, right now say yes." shall recognize our loved ones and
So, I said "yes." I was trapped and — know them as we loved them here . . .

I promised, and I sealed the promise for each of you husbands will recog-
with a kiss. Well, she fairly pounded nize your wife . . and you will love

the promise out of me with her fists, her there as you love her here. . . .

still clenching the lapels of my coat. Why should death separate you when
Besides, a promise with a million years love will continue after death?"
to make it good didn't seem to bother —
(Dedicatory speech Swiss Temple.)
me at that moment and, thinking out The Prophet Joseph Smith, pondering
loud, I said, "If I save only one dollar eternity, said he expected "to take his
a year over a million years, I could relatives and friends by the hand, and
save a million dollars and that should embrace them. Father, son, mother,
buy a mansion." daughter, brother, sister, wife, children
"That's what I want;" she said, "a — these all would be as dear in the
mansion. Jesus said 'In my Father's Hereafter as here." (Joseph Smith an
house are many mansions: (John
. .
American Prophet, John Henry Evans,
14:2) and we'll need one a big—one for p. 261.)
our spirit children. I hope we have many Parley P. Pratt, also pondering eter-
of them. Daddy, your family may not nity, wrote:"The order of God's govern-
all be raised —
one million years from ment, both in time and in eternity, is
now. —
You see, dear," she was still patriarchal; that is, it is a fatherly gov-
talking, and now there was no trace ernment. Each who is raised
of facetiousness in her speech "my — father
from the dead and made a partaker of
love for you is eternal, as is my love for the celestial glory in its fulness will

our children those with us now and hold lawful jurisdiction over his own
those to come hereafter. I want an children and over all the families which

Saturday, April 4 First Day
sprang of them to all generations, for- Wisdom —
is a blessing sometimes lightly
ever and ever." (The Improvement Era, appreciated.
August 1961, p. 580.) Ministrations of the Holy Ghost, to
President McKay, Joseph Smith, and acquaint me with truth and to com-
Parley P. Pratt were obviously speaking fort me in trials and sorrows, are blessings
of souls who faithfully observe the laws I wish I had time to explore with you.
and ordinances of the gospel. Peace of mind is another blessing
My bride and I, pondering eternity, which I must explore briefly.
decided, of course, on a temple marriage. Once when Dr. Joshua Loth Lieb-
Our children came to us under that man was a young man, he "undertook
marriage covenant. The plans for to draw up a catalogue of the acknowl-
building a "mansion in the sky" we edged 'goods' of life ... I set down,"
found in the gospel plan and in that— he said, "my inventory of earthly de-
plan we learned how to build, also how sirables: health, love, beauty, talent,
to save to insure eternal love and eter- power, riches, and fame. When . . .

nal life. my inventory was complete I proudly

My wife, in her pretended pretty showed it to a wise elder. . . .

speech, pleasingly disclosed what the " An excellent list,' he said, 'and
gospel may do for faithful, covenanted set down in not-unreasonable order.
children hereafter, or future-wise. But . you have omitted the most im-
. .

Pertinent to that future state, the portant element of all lacking . . .

Apostle Paul made this cheerful com- which . . . your list [becomes] an in-
ment: ". God, that cannot lie, prom-
. . tolerable burden.'
ised before the world began"; ". in . . "With apencil stub he crossed out
the hope of eternal life" things that "Eye my entire schedule. Then ... he wrote
hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither down three syllables: peace of mind.
have entered into the heart of men,
the things which God hath prepared Peace of Mind
for them that love him." (Titus 1:2; " 'This is the gift that God reserved
1 Cor. 2:9.)
for His special proteges,' he said. 'Tal-
Suppose we now come down out of ent and health He gives to many.
the "clouds of heaven" and pull our
Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare.
thoughts away from "mansions in the
But peace of mind He bestows . . .

sky" and focus them for a minute or

it charily.'
two on the blessings which the gospel " 'This is no private opinion of mine,'
holds for us present-wise, right here
he explained. 'I am merely paraphras-
and now. ing from the Psalmist God, Lord . . .

of the Universe heap worldly gifts

. . .

Blessings of the Present

at the feet of foolish men. Give . . .

First on my
list I've placed: me the gift of the Untroubled Mind.'
The privilege of associating and fel- (Liebman, Joshua Loth, Peace of Mind,
lowshiping with good friends and you New York: Simon and Schuster, 1946,
great leaders. This is a blessing we p. 3-4.)
usually take for granted. I have found Dr. Liebman may yet discover that
such leaders and friends in every stake the gift of an untroubled mind, like
and mission in which I've visited. And happiness, is a by-product of gospel
how I have enjoyed them. living. I do sincerely believe the gospel

Opportunities for service is another of Jesus Christ is a certain, a sure, and

very special privilege and blessing. a true source of peace of mind.
Happiness, a by-product of service, Our Heavenly Father wants his chil-
naturally follows opportunity for serv- dren to be happy, to have joy and un-
ice. Only those who have served will
trouble minds. He didn't send us to
earth to be rid of us. He loves us.
appreciate this blessing. Returned mis-
He doesn't always love the things we
sionaries attest this enthusiastically.
do, but he does love us, and he has
Health through obedience to the provided for us a program, a recipe, if
gospel's law of health, the Word of you please, for our happiness and peace


of mind. We call it the gospel of Jesus organizing or creating the world. He

Christ, a few clear, concise, simple laws was also given the responsibility of
which if observed will provide the joy carrying out his Father's program here
he intended for us. on earth. To assist him in his adminis-
". men are, that they might have
. . trative duties he has chosen administra-
joy," said an ancient prophet. (2 Nephi tive assistants and made them officers
2:25.) in his kingdom. These are they who
hold the priesthood. He has also pro-
Fulness of Joy vided, all through the ages, direct lines
Jesus said, "These things have I of communication to his prophets, the
spoken unto you, that my joy might higher officers in his kingdom, for con-
remain in you, and that your joy might veying instructions in matters con-
be full." (John 15:11.) cerning his kingdom. He has also set
The great American prophet Joseph up transmission lines and service leads
Smith wrote: "Happiness is the object through which the power of God
and design of our existence; and will (priesthood) may flow to all of his
be the end thereof, if we pursue the officers.
path that leads to it; (Teachings . . . The power of priesthood is not in
of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 255.) his officers but through them just as
Trodding that gospel path I have the power of electricity is not in the
found happiness and peace of mind. wire but through it. Carelessness
I commend that path to Dr. Liebman around electric power lines can be sud-
and to others as a "sure fire" remedy for denly lethal. Carelessness around priest-
troubled minds. hood power lines can be slowly lethal,
The gospel answers satisfactorily for producing a lingering, withering, spir-
me problems which have piqued man's itual death.
curiosity and peace of mind throughout The genius of man, employing the
the ages, such as why I am here, from great power called electricity, has made
whence I came, and my status after possible the transmission and reception
death. The gospel has resolved these of sound and sight all over and
problems for me— it will for all who —
around the world perhaps beyond
accept it. who knows. The sets employed are the
telegraph, the telephone, radio, and
Blessings of the Priesthood
TV. But the genius of man is dwarfed
The opportunity to have the priest- by the omnipotence of God, who, em-
hood is, in my
humble opinion, perhaps
the greatest blessing to accrue to me
ploying that great power of God priest-
hood, has created sets that are truly

by virtue of the gospel and my mem- "out of this world," for out of this
bership in the Church. Appraising this world and far beyond, even nigh unto
blessing our Lord and Savior said: Kolob where God dwells, their messages
". .all they who receive this priest-
. are beamed. We call these marvelous
hood receive me. . . . sets, mortal bodies, my body, your
"And he that receiveth me receiveth bodies.
my Father; These souls can dial God in anytime,
"And he that receiveth Father my anyplace, in any circumstances by
receiveth my Father's kingdom; there- merely saying, "Our Father who art in
fore all that my Father hath shall be heaven." And there will never be a
given him." (D&C 84:35, 37-38.) busy line, never any interference, never
Obviously, all that the Father hath a line out of order. God always hears
will not accrue to men here in this and answers the prayers of the faithful.
mortal sphere of everlasting life, but His messages to his children usually
when did our Father ever place a limit come by inspiration or revelation. Oral
on the number of blessings mortal messages are not always exclusively for
men might receive in time and place his prophets.
of need provided they honor their When these human receiving sets
priesthood? are energized with priesthood, by the
To Jesus was given the assignment of laying on of authoritative hands, the

Saturday, April 4 First Day
communication lines are activated and who keep their second estate shall have
the transmission lines are opened to glory added upon their heads for ever
permit the flow of priesthood power. and ever.
And by that power the sick are blessed, "And the Lord said: Whom shall I
the sorrowful are comforted, the abili- send? And one answered like unto the
ties of officers to serve are strengthened. Son of Man: Here am I, send me. And
Men are thus empowered and magni- another answered and said: Here am I,
fied in their callings. send me. And the Lord said: I will
The gospel and my church member- send the first.
ship afford me the opportunity to "And the second was angry, and kept
have the priesthood. It is a very choice not his first estate; and, at that day,
blessing. many followed after him.
My list of gospel blessings is not "And then the Lord said: Let us go

exhausted far from it. Time, however, down, And they went down at the
forbids exploring them. beginning, and they, that is the Gods,
I began this talk with a fanciful little organized and formed the heavens and
speech by my wife on what the gospel the earth." (Abraham 3:22-28; 4:1.)
may hold for her future-wise. I added The Prophet Joseph Smith has sup-
a few things, but only a few, to show plemented Abraham's comment with
what the gospel has done for me and this informative sentence:
may do for you present-wise. May I "Every man who has a calling to
conclude with a word or two about minister to the inhabitants of the world
what the gospel teaches about our bless- was ordained to that purpose in the
ings, past-wise, pre-natal, or pre-earth. Great Council of heaven before the
A comment by Father Abraham, uttered world was." (Teachings of the Prophet
nearly 4,000 years ago, should suffice: Joseph Smith, p. 365.)

Intelligence Before the World Was "Minister to the Inhabitants of

the World"
"Now the Lord had shown unto me,
Abraham, the intelligences that were These comments by Abraham and
organized before the world was; and Joseph Smith give unspeakable joy to
among all these were many of the noble my soul, and they firm up my peace
and great ones; of mind no end because they give as-
"And God saw these souls that they surance that: I, along with you, was
were good, and he stood in the midst judged worthy to come to earth in the
of them, and he said: These I will flesh. We were reserved to come in
make my rulers; for he stood among the greatest dispensation of them all
those that were spirits, and he saw that the "Dispensation of the Fulness of
they were good; and he said unto me: Times."
Abraham, thou art one of them; thou We who bear the priesthood were
wast chosen before thou wast born. ordained in the Great Council of
"And there stood one among them Heaven "to minister to the inhabitants
that was like unto God, and he said of the world." Thus the gospel has
unto those who were with him: We will taught me about great blessings which
go down, for there is space there, and accrued to me before I came to earth
we will take of these materials, and we pre-natal, pre-mortal, pre-earth or past-
will make an earth whereon these may wise as I have already called it.
dwell; So past-wise, present-wise, future-
"And we will prove them herewith, wise or any-wise or way I look at it,
to see if they will do all things what- the gospel is very dear to me. It truly
soever the Lord their God shall com- is a program for happiness and peace

mand them; of mind. It is the Great Physician's

"And they who keep their first estate unfailing prescription for troubled souls.
shall be added upon; and they who keep It's precious. I love it. I love its
not their first estate shall not have author, and I bear mysolemn witness
glory in the same kingdom with those that he is the Son of God, in the name
who keep their first estate; and they of Jesus Christ. Amen.

President Hugh B. Brown: We shall now hear from Elder Howard

W. Hunter of the Council of the
Elder William J. Critchlow, Assistant
to the Twelve, has just addressed us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In the twenty-fourth chapter of Second was stayed from Israel." (Ibid., 24:25.)
Samuel is an interesting story which
contains a great lesson. King David Gift of No Value, No Gift
had caused a census to be taken of all David would not make an offering
the people under his rule. The principle unto the Lord of that which cost him
reason for taking the census was his nothing. He no doubt reasoned that
pride in military strength and power. unless the gift cost the giver something
Because of this sin of pride, the Lord of value, it was not fit or appropriate
sent a pestilence upon Israel and 70,000 to be an offering for the Lord.
men perished from Dan to Beersheba. Christ said it is more blessed to give
The Prophet Gad came to David and than to receive, yet there are some who
said to him: will give only if it costs them nothing.
"Go up, rear an altar unto the Lord This is not according to the teachings
in the threshingfloor of Araunah the of the Master who said: "If any man
Jebusite. will come after me, let him deny him-
"And David, according to the saying self, . .
." (Matt. 16:24.)
of Gad, went up as the Lord com- There are some who will not live the
manded." (2 Sam. 24:18-19.) law of tithing because of the cost. This
When Araunah saw King David com- is in contrast to the reasoning of David
ing with his servants, he went to meet who would not make an offering unto
them and bowed down to the ground. the Lord unless it cost him something.

"And Araunah said, Wherefore is my The moral principles encompassed

lord the king come to his servant? And in the law of tithing are overlooked by
David said, To buy the threshingfloor those who are not tithepayers, and they
of thee, to build an altar unto the Lord, lack the understanding of the law and
that the plague may be stayed from the the reasons for it.

people." (Ibid., 24:21.)

"Tithe," for Sacred Uses
In a great display of generosity,
Araunah offered to give the threshing- The word "tithe" is derived from the
floor to the king so that he might erect Anglo-Saxon meaning "a tenth." It may
the altar. He also offered him oxen for be defined as a tenth of property or in-
the burnt sacrifice, the threshing instru- come which is paid over or dedicated
ments, and the yoke of the oxen for for sacred uses or purposes. The his-
wood. All of these things Araunah tory of the word, as traced through
offered to give to the king without any biblical and extra-biblical history, fo-
cost. David refused the gift and we cuses our attention upon some very
read his classic reply: interesting information.
"And the king said unto Araunah,
Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at
The "Tithe" of Abraham
a price: neither will I offer burnt offer- The first distinct mention of the word
ings unto the Lord my
God of that "tithe" in the Bible is in the very first
which doth cost me nothing. So David book of the Old Testament. Abram,
bought the threshingfloor and the oxen returning from the slaughter of the
for fifty shekels of silver. four kings, was met by Melchizedek,
"And David built there an altar unto king of Salem and priest of the Most
the Lord, and offered burnt offerings High God. Melchizedek blessed him,
and peace offerings. So the Lord was and Abram "gave him tithes of all."
intreated for the land, and the plague (Gen. 14:20.)
Saturday, April 4 First Day
Of Jacob was mentioned by the Prophet Amos
A few chapters later in the same book, and by Nehemiah who was charged
made vow with the rebuilding of the walls of
Jacob, at Bethel a in these
Jerusalem. Shortly thereafter Malachi
"If God
will be with me, and will
began an even greater task of rebuilding
keep me
in this way that I go, and the faith and the morale of a nation.
will give me bread to eat, and raiment
In his supreme effort to strike out
to put on,
against the covetousness of those who
"So that I come again to father's my were religious only in name, he lashed
house in peace; then shall the Lord be them with the accusation of a crime
against God.
my God:
"And this stone, which
have set I for
"Will a man rob God? Yet ye have
a pillar, shall be God's house: and of
robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have
that thou shalt give me I will surely we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
give the tenth unto thee." (Ibid., "Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye
28:20-22.) have robbed me, even this whole nation.
The third mention is in connection "Bring ye all the tithes into the store-
with the Levitical law. The Lord spoke house, that there may be meat in mine
through Moses: house, and prove me now herewith,
"And all the tithe of the land, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not
whether of the seed of the land, or of open you the windows of heaven and
the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is
pour you out a blessing, that there
holy unto the Lord." (Lev. 27:30.) shall notbe room enough to receive it."
(Mai. 3:8-10.)
Of the Levites
Malachi's Charge
Under this Levitical law the tithes
were given to the Levites for their The words of Malachi in which he
maintenance, and they in turn were accused the people of robbing God bring
charged with the paying of tithes on back to my mind the memories of my
that which they received as shown by class in crimes in law school. Larceny
the words of the Lord as he instructed is the unlawful taking and carrying
Moses: away of things personal with intent to
"Thus speak unto the Levites, and deprive the owner of the same. Em-
say unto them, When ye take of the bezzlement is defined as the fraudulent
children of Israel the tithes which I appropriation of another's personal
have given you from them for your property by one to whom it has been
inheritance, then ye shall offer up an entrusted. The distinction between
heave offering of it for the Lord, even a larceny and embezzlement lies in the
tenth part of the tithe." 18:26.)(Num. character of acquiring the possession of
This clearly indicates that the law of the property or money. In larceny
tithing was a part of the Levitical law there is an unlawful acquisition of the
and paid by all people even the — property, while in embezzlement the
Levites themselves who were directed property which belongs to another is
to pay tithing on the tithes which were acquired lawfully and then fraudulently
received by them. converted to the possessor's use.
In order to memorize these distinc-
A Universal Law tions, I pictured in my mind, to repre-
There are some who take the posi- sent larceny, amasked burglar, sneaking
tion that the law of the tithe was only about under the cover of darkness, tak-
a Levitical institution, but history con- ing that which was not his. To
firms the fact that it has been and is a represent the theory of embezzlement
universal law. It was basic in the I thought of a nontithepayer. The
Mosaic law. It had existed from the Lord's share came into his hands law-
beginning and is found in the ancient fully, but he misappropriated it to his
Egyptian law, in Babylonia, and can be own use. This seems to be the accusa-
traced throughout biblical history. It tion of Malachi.

Universal Law Reiterated or the incomea person from any


The words of Malachi close the Old other source. The Lord said it is a
standing law "forever" as it has been
Testament with a reiteration of the law
in the past.
of tithing, indicating there had been no
abrogation of this law which had existed
Obedience Voluntary
from the beginning. The New Testa-
ment dispensation, therefore, com- The tithe is God's law for his chil-
menced under this admonition which dren, yet thepayment is entirely volun-
continued in effect unless denounced tary. In this respect it does not differ
by the Savior. He said in his Sermon from the law of the Sabbath or from
on the Mount: "Think not that I am any other of his laws. We
may refuse
come to destroy the law, or the to obey any or all of them. Our obedi-
prophets: I am not come to destroy, but ence is voluntary, but our refusal to
to fulfil. pay does not abrogate or repeal the law.
"For verily I say unto you, Till If tithing is a voluntary matter, is it

heaven and earth pass, one jot or one a gift or a payment of an obligation?
tittle shall in pass from the
no wise There is a substantial difference be-
law, till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5:17-18.) tween the two. A gift is a voluntary
There are some who make the asser- transfer of money or property without
tion that Jesus denounced tithing in his consideration. It is gratuitous. No one
last public discourse in the temple court owes the obligation to make a gift. If
when he struck out against the prac- tithing is a gift, we could give what-
tices and teachings of the Pharisees. ever we when we please, or
He said: make no It would place our
gift at all.

"Woe unto you, and Phari-

scribes Heavenly Father in the very same
sees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint
category as the street beggar to whom
and anise and cummin, and have we might toss a coin in passing.
omitted the weightier matters of the
Tithing and Debt
law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these
ought ye to have done, and not to leave The Lord has established the law of
the other undone." (Ibid., 23:23.) tithing,and because it is his law, it
This is not a denunciation of tithing, becomes our obligation to observe it if
but a rebuke of the Pharisees and their we love him and have a desire to keep
legalisms. They were paying a tithing his commandments and receive his
of their herbs and vegetables, while blessings. In this way it becomes a
overlooking the great gospel principles debt. The man who doesn't pay his
of judgment, mercy, and faith. tithing because he is in debt should
ask himself if he is not also in debt to
The Law for the Latter-day Saints the Lord. The Master said: "But seek
Not long was restored
after the gospel ye first the kingdom of God and his
in this dispensation, the Lord gave a righteousness: and all these things shall
revelation to his people through a latter- be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33.)
day prophet defining the law and re- Wecan't walk east and west at the
quiring that surplus property be put same time. We can't serve both God
into the hands of the bishop: and mammon. The man who rejects
"And after that, those who have thus the law of the tithe is the man who has
been tithed shall pay one tenth of all not given it a fair try. Of course it costs
their interest annually; and this shall something. It takes work and thought
be a standing law unto them forever, and effort to live any of the laws of
for my holy priesthood, saith the Lord." the gospel or any of its principles.
(D&C 119:4.)
The law is simply stated as "one- The Gift of Value
tenth of all their interest." Interest Are we
willing to keep God's com-
means compensation, increase. It
profit, mandments even though it costs us
is the wage of one employed, the profit something? King David refused the
from the operation of a business, the gift of the threshingfloor and the oxen
increase of one who grows or produces, for the burnt offering because it cost
Saturday, April 4 First Day
him nothing. He wanted to be in the The Gift, With Faith
position of having made the
the gift,
The payment of tithing strengthens
sacrifice, himself. Even tithing is not faith, increases spirituality and spiritual
sufficient if it costs nothing for the
capacity, and solidifies testimony. It
gives the satisfaction of knowing one is
It may be that we make a gift and complying with the will of the Lord.
alsopay an obligation with our tithes.
It brings the blessings that come from
The payment of the obligation is to sharing with others through the pur-
the Lord. The gift is to our fellow men
for the upbuilding of God's kingdom.
poses for which tithing is used. We
cannot afford to deny ourselves these
one thoughtfully observes the prose-
lyting done by the missionaries, the
blessings. We
cannot afford not to pay
teaching program of the Church, the
our tithing. We
have a definite rela-
tionship to the future as well as to the
great educational system, and the build-
present. What we give, and how we
ing program to erect houses of worship,
give, and the way we meet our obliga-
there will come a realization that it is
tions to the Lord has eternal significance.
not a burden to pay tithing, but a great
privilege. The blessings of the gospel Giving, Receiving a Testimony
are shared with many through our tithes.
A testimony of the law of tithing
The Gift, With Love comes from living it. Like all other of
The principle of tithing should be God's laws, when we live them we re-
ceive the blessings. I know God lives,
more than a mathematical, mechanical
The Lord that Jesus is the Christ, and that bless-
compliance with the law.
mechani- ings do come to us by living the law
condemned the Pharisees for
cally tithing herbswithout coming into of the tithe. In the name of the
Savior. Amen.
the circumference of spirituality. If we
pay our tithes because of our love for
the Lord, in complete freedom and President Hugh B. Brown:
we narrow our distance from him
and our relationship to him becomes We
have just heard from Elder How-
intimate. We are released from the ard W. Hunter of the Council of
bondage of legalism, and we are touched Twelve. Elder Gordon B. Hinckley,
by the spirit and feel a oneness also of the Twelve, will be our con-
with God. cluding speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved associates in the work of The Gospel to Ancient Asia

the Lord: I seek the inspiration of the should like to add that a great

Spirit. My has been warmed,

heart work is going on among the people
of the ancient lands of Asia. I have
and my testimony has been strength-
an appointment in the next few days
ened by the things to which we
in Hong Kong, where we shall meet
have listened. in a conference of the Chinese Saints.
I would be remiss in my duty if There will be approximately a thousand
before I get into my text I do not say of them gather in that city, and as I
look into their faces, there will come
a word in behalf of my faithful asso-
into my mind renewed faith and in-
ciates in the missions of the
creased testimony in the power of God
Far East. I was delighted with the
to touch men's hearts everywhere.
reports of President Tuttle and of Elder My heart skipped a beat this morning
Petersen concerning the work in South when I looked into this group and saw
America, the Isles of Britain, and the a man from Korea, one of my beloved
lands of Europe. brethren. The Lord is pouring out


his Spirit upon that part of the world, other. The stresses, the the
and I thank him for that manifestation. tensions in human relationships, the
Now to my text. wars and rumors of wars that con-
stantly afflict us all become evidence
Faith in Revelation that ". . .the wisdom of the wise has
I believe all that God has revealed, failed and the understanding of the
all that he does now reveal, and I prudent is hid." (See Isa. 29:14.)
believe that he will yet reveal many Religion, to be effective, must be a vital
great and important things pertaining and timely force in the lives of men.
to the kingdom of God. (See ninth The people today need a prophet
Article of Faith.) as surely as Israel needed a prophet
This paraphrase of a statement from when it groaned in the toils of Egypt,
the Prophet Joseph Smith is the creed and Moses was called to lead it
and the guide of my life. It is the from bondage.
foundation of the faith of all mem-
bers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Channels of Communication Open
Latter-day Saints. Israel today has a prophet, and we
give our witness to the world that
The "Fount" of Inspiration the channel of communication is open
God is the one sure source of truth. between God and his appointed servant.
He is the fount of all inspiration. It We would not take from men of
is from him that the world must re- goodwill anywhere the standards of
ceive direction if peace is to come to truth by which they live. But we say
the earth and if goodwill is to pre- to all, "Come, feast upon that which

vail among men. This earth is his the Lord has offered in our day. To
creation. We
are his children. Out that which you have and cherish, we
of the love he bears for us, he will invite you to add that which your
guide us if we will seek, listen, and Father has further offered, for there
obey. "Surely the Lord God will do is a prophet in the land today as cer-

nothing, but he revealeth his secrets tainly as there was in ancient Israel."
unto his servants the prophets." There are those who have declared
(Amos 3:7.) that the canon of scripture is full, that
Our world changing.
is live in We revelation ceased with the ancient
an age of great material progress. Can Apostles, that the heavens are sealed.
religion remain static when all else Well might we ask such, "Why, then,
is moving forward? do you pray? If God is unwilling to
true that man's essential nature
It is speak, is unwilling to guide, if there
does not change, and that principles can be no revelation, why seek him?"
laid down centuries ago by the prophets The fallacy of this position is evident;
are as applicable today as they were yet the world would deny the possi-
when they were first enunciated; but bility of modern revelation.
the world evidently knows not how
Today that applica- Opening of Mission in the Philippines
to apply them.
tion the direction of the Al-
needs Three years agoI had the opportunity
mighty certainly as when Jehovah
as of participating in the opening of our
spoke to Enoch and Moses and Isaiah mission in the Philippines. It was an
and Elijah. inspirational experience. We
"For the prophecy came not in old at dawn in the American military
time by the will of man: but holy cemetery on the outskirts of the city
men of God spake as they were moved of Manila. There before us stood
by the Holy Ghost." (2 Pet. 1:21.) "row on row" the crosses that mark
And prophecy, which is revelation, the graves of more than 17,000 American
comes not now, nor will it come in the dead, and inscribed on marble tablets
future, by the will of man, but only we saw the names of some 36,000 more
as men of God speak as they are moved who died in the battles of the Pacific
upon by that same spirit. and whose remains were never found
How poverty-ridden is our world in a grim and solemn reminder of man's
the wisdom of living one with an- foolish inhumanity to man.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Among those who spoke on that the news services dramatically an-
sacred occasion was a young Filipino. nounced the finding of causal relation-
He recounted the story of how, when ships between the smoking of cigarets
he was a child, he had found an old and lung cancer. Lengthy tables of
magazine in a pile of trash. It con- statistics, page upon page of data, were
tained an article on the history of our enumerated to produce the conclusion
people. It spoke of Joseph Smith. It that cigaret smoking is harmful to
described him as a prophet. That word health.
"prophet" caught in his consciousness.
It impressed him. It raised questions in "Tobacco Is Not Good for Man"
his young mind. "Could there really
be a prophet in the earth in this time
I thumbed through that 387-page re-
of the world?" he asked himself.
port, and then I turned to the revelation
of the Lord given through the Prophet
A Filipino Seeks a Prophet Joseph Smith wherein he said simply
but unequivocally, ". tobacco . . . . .

Years passed. There came to his land is not good for man." (D&C 89:8.)
the terrible tragedies of Corregidor and I am grateful for the work of those
Bataan and the death march to Tarlac; scientists who made the report on
the strafing and bombing of Clark smoking. I am confident that their
Field near his home; the hunger and discoveries will save untold suffering
fear and oppression of the enemy occu- and add untold years of useful living
pation; and then, finally, the liberation to those who will heed their counsel.
of the Philippines and the re-establish- But how much suffering, how many
ment of Clark Field as an American air deaths upon which their conclusions
base. He secured employment there. were based, might have been avoided
One day he heard that one of the had those who became statistics for a
American officers for whom he worked government report listened to the word
was a Mormon. There flashed again of revelation given by a prophet of God.
into his mind the word "prophet." He As I reflected on that situation the —
found courage to ask the man if a months of research by able men of sci-
prophet really stood at the head of ence, the vast calculations of electronic
his Church. Without equivocation the computers, the great fanfare of an-
officer replied yes, and there followed nouncements, the background stories,
an explanation, a recounting of the the editorials, the debates, all of this
simple and beautiful story of the ap- and more, in contrast with the simple,
pearance of God the Eternal Father, revealed word of the Lord there came —
and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to to mind the experience of Elijah on
a boy who had come in faith and Mt. Horeb, as sung so beautifully by
prayer to find wisdom. That testimony this chorus at the opening of this meet-
touched this young Filipino's heart. His ing: ". and a great and strong wind
. .

life has been changed by the convic- rent the mountains, and brake in pieces
tion that revelation from God is avail- the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord
able to man in our time. Today he was not in the wind: and after the
holds the priesthood and walks in the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was
dignity of that priesthood, a leader of not in the earthquake:
the Church in his own land. "And after the earthquake a fire; but
Can one doubt the need for revela- the Lord was not in the fire: and after
tion in this day of complex human the fire a still small voice." (1 Kings
problems? Some weeks ago news was 19:11-12.)
broadcast over the country that at a par- Such almost invariably has been the
ticular hour on a particular day the word of God as it has come to us, not
surgeon general of the United States with trumpets, not from the council
would issue a report on the effects of halls of the learned, but in the still
smoking. The release time was carefully small voice of revelation. Listening
planned, presumably to affect the stock to those who seek in vain to find wis-
market least seriously. Then, as President dom and who declaim loudly their
McKay indicated this morning, at the nostrums for the ills of the world, one
appointed hour radio, television, and is prone to reply with the Psalmist,

"Be and know that I am God:

." . . doubt that God is manifesting his will
(Ps. 46:10) and with the Savior, "He through him?
that hath ears to hear, let him hear." God help us to be obedient to his
(Matt. 11:15.) counsel.
Of these truths we testify and invite
Wisdom by Revelation men of goodwill everywhere to listen
I wish to make
clear that I doit and learn and partake of that peace
not disparage education, research, study, and that growth which our Father
counsel. I believe most strongly in would have us enjoy, I humbly pray
these. But I believe more so that this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
troubled world would do well to listen
to the source of all true wisdom, to ac- President Hugh B. Brown:
cept all that God has revealed, all that
he does now reveal, and to believe that Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
he will yet reveal many great and im- Council of the Twelve has just con-
portant things. cluded speaking.
Let it be remembered that "the things
of God are understood by the Spirit of
We have received many telegrams
from many parts of the world. They
God," and that revelation is fruitless are all fully appreciated, but too numer-
unless it be listened to and obeyed.
ous to read. However, the President
We have a simple and marvelous has asked me to read the following
hymn among us. It came from the pen
from President and Sister Quealy, mis-
of an English convert, an orphan boy,
sionaries, and members of the Southern
a man of Sheffield, a cutler in the steel
Far East Mission:
mills, who more than a century ago
wrote out of the testimony of his soul
"The First Presidency: Wesend our
love and greetings to all assembled. Our
this great song of gratitude, "We thank
thoughts and prayers are with you in
thee, O God, for a Prophet to guide
your great conference. May the Lord
us in these latter days."
bless you, President McKay, with health
Revelation for the Atomic Age and strength." And they have added to
it a list of names who join them.
To the world we give our witness that As stated, there is a large number of
there is revelation of the word of God
these telegrams and we would like those
as certainly in the atomic age as there
was in the age of Jeremiah. It is just
who have sent them to know that they
are greatly appreciated.
that simple and just that true.
After some further announcements the
JosephSmith was the anointed of
Selected Youth Choir will sing, "God
the Lord to this dispensation. Well
of Our Fathers," conducted by Jay
might we repeat the words of the
Lord: ". What power shall stay the
. .
Welch, and the benediction will be of-
heavens? As well might man stretch fered by Elder M. Vernon Coombs,
forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri formerly president of the Tongan Mis-
sion, after which this Conference will be
river in its decreed course, or to turn it
up stream, as to hinder the Almighty adjourned until seven o'clock this eve-
from pouring down knowledge from ning when the general meeting of the
heaven upon the heads of the Latter- Priesthood of the Church will be held
day Saints." (D&C 121:33.) Knowledge Lake Tabernacle. Priesthood
in the Salt
has been and is being revealed. Those members only are invited to be present.
who accept it and obey it find that peace This priesthood session will not be
which passeth understanding and that broadcast publicly.
growth which leads to eternal life. In addition to the overflow meeting
As surely as Joseph was a Prophet, in the Assembly Hall, the proceedings
so also is his successor in office, Presi- of the Priesthood Meeting will be re-
dent David O. McKay, who has stood layed by closed circuit broadcast originat-
before us this day. Who, seeing this ing in the Tabernacle, to members of
man of God this morning standing at the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood
thispulpit and speaking to the world assembled in 410 separate locations in
words that would save them, could all parts of the United States and Can-
Saturday, April 4 First Day
ada. It is estimated that approximately The singing for this session has been
12,000 holders of the priesthood will be furnished by a Selected Youth Group
on Temple Square and that more than from Salt Lake and Davis Counties,
58,000 others will gather in other loca- with Jay E. Welch conducting and Roy
tions from coast to coast. M. Darley at the organ. We are sure
The Sunday morning session will be this great audience and our unseen
broadcast by many radio and television audience would wish us to express to
stations in the West, and short-wave these young people our heartfelt appre-
in English over Station WRUL,
beamed ciation for the excellent singing this
by five transmitters near Boston to afternoon. Their singing and presence
Europe, South America, Central Amer- has thrilled us.
ica Africa, and parts of Asia. For the We also express appreciation to mem-
first time the General Conference will bers of the Tabernacle Choir, to Rich-
be televised by Canadian stations from ard P. Condie, conductor, and Alexander
the Salt Lake Tabernacle. The cooperat- Schreiner, organist, for the glorious
ing Canadian stations will be serviced music rendered by them for the broad-
by CTV network, which will take the cast session this morning.
Sunday morning session and transmit it The Youth Choir will now sing,
across Canada, and we express apprecia- "God of Our Father," and the bene-
tion to our Canadian broadcasting diction will be offered by Elder Vernon
friends for their cooperation. Coombs.
The CBS Radio Network Tabernacle
Choir Broadcast, tomorrow morning,
will be from 9:35 to 10:00 a.m. Those
desiring to attend this broadcast must The Youth Choir sang the hymn,
be in their seats not later than 9:15. "God Of Our Fathers."
There will be large crowds attending The benediction was pronounced by
the services on Sunday and we ask you Elder M. Vernon Coombs, formerly
to please be courteous and gracious to President of the Tongan Mission.
each other at all times. Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.


The General Priesthood Meeting of prayer. He is president of the San
the Church convened in the Tabernacle Bernardino Stake.
at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, April 4, 1964,
with President David O. McKay presid- The Men of the Tabernacle Choir
ing and conducting. sang the hymn, "Sweet Is The Work,
The choral music for this meeting My God, My
was furnished by the men of the Taber- Elder Wayne A. Reeves, President of
nacle Choir, Richard P. Condie, Con- the San Bernardino Stake, offered the
ductor; Alexander Schreiner, Organist. invocation.
President McKay made the following
introductory remarks: President David O. McKay:

The invocation was just offered by

President David O. McKay: Elder Wayne A. Reeves, president of
the San Bernardino Stake.
The men of the Tabernacle Choir The chorus will now sing "Seek Thy
will furnish the music tonight. It
promises a great treat for all of us, with
Brother Condie conducting and Brother Singing by the Men of the Tabernacle
Alexander Schreiner at the organ. Choir, "Seek Thy God."
The chorus will sing, "Sweet Is the
Work, My God, My King." Brother That was glorious. (Referring to num-
Wayne A. Reeves will offer the opening ber by the Chorus)

There are approximately 50,000 men of the Churchmaintain high stand-

and boys assembled in priesthood meet- ards that the Lord himself has given

ing tonight 50,000 men imbued with through the Prophet Joseph and Oliver
the spirit of this Church, manifesting by Cowdery as a guide to the priesthood of
their presence the theme of this great

Priesthood Meeting "Advancement in
his Church.
Two young men have been chosen to
the Aaronic Priesthood Means Greater represent the Lesser Priesthood under
Moral Responsibility." Perhaps never the direction of the Presiding Bishopric
before in the history of the Church of the Church. Brother Ronald G.
have so many men and boys in united Plumb, a teacher in the Studio City
faith and cleanliness in mind, been so Ward, Burbank Stake, will speak to the
willing to show by actions, as well as theme which I shall read again, "Ad-
by pretense that they wish to prepare vancement in the Aaronic Priesthood
their lives for a far more and greater Means Greater Moral Responsibility."
service to our God, that they may better He will be followed by Brother Douglas
represent the Lord and Savior Jesus Cowie, a priest from Idaho Falls 28th
Christ who is the head of this great Ward, South Idaho Falls Stake. After
priesthood movement. these two speakers Bishop John H.
Young men who accept Him as their Vandenberg will speak to the same
ideal will unite with those who will
theme applying it to all the priesthood
present the theme of this Priesthood
of the Church.
Meeting. I do not suppose that there
ever has been, since a few people met Brother Ronald G. Plumb, a teacher,
and organized the Church, such a united will now address us. May the Lord
effort on the part of the male members bless you, Brother Plumb.


(A Teacher, Studio City Ward, Burbank Stake)

The greatest opportunity that the Lord passing the Sacrament than knowing
can bless a twelve year old boy with is which rows to go to or how to handle
the Aaronic Priesthood. Herein the the trays. He intended, I am sure, that
Lord gives us certain responsibilities we receive a thrill inside when we pass
and as he advances his responsibilities the Sacrament and assist the people in
are increased. our ward to renew their covenant with
Advancement in the Aaronic Priest- him. He intended that we feel that we
hood means more to me than going become his disciples in this small way.
from a Deacon to a Teacher or Teacher When we go to collect fast offerings
to a Priest. I am sure that the Lord we learn that we are not merely out
intended that the duties given to us passing envelopes and asking for dona-
with the priesthood be a means to tions, for we are assisting the bishop in
prepare for greater responsibility. Each the Welfare Program which takes care
assignment we receive and each duty of the needy.
we perform will develop our ability to A young deacon was given his fast
do our part in this plan that the Lord offering assignment section which in-
has created for his children here on cluded some new families. After this
earth. meeting one of the other deacons said,
As a Deacon we are assigned to pass "Hey, Bob, I'm sure glad you got old
the Sacrament, collect fast offerings, Brother Jones. With his attitude about
and take care of the chapel and donations I sure hated to go up and
grounds. We can learn to pass the knock on his door."
Sacrament, collect fast offerings, and Just then Bob's father walked up and
hoe the weeds out of the church lot, Bob said, "Dad, will you take me over
and we could complain about any one to the other side of the ward to collect
or all of these assignments. But the my fast offering?" Bob's father was like
Lord intended that we learn more from all the other good fathers of the Church,
Saturday, April 4 First Day

and he Bob, I'll take you as

said, "Sure, I hoped that God would forgive me for
long as we are back in time for dinner." the things I had failed to do and the
On the way over to his district Bob mistakes I had made. I was able to

asked his father about Brother Jones. answer yes truthfully to the bishop's
His father said to him, "Well, Son, questions, and was thrilled when I was
some people are so tight that they won't ordained a teacher.
wear rubber heels because they give. Now I have the opportunity to go
But you needn't be afraid of Brother with my father as a home teacher. As
Jones. You are doing what the Lord my father and I discussed our families
wants you to do. When the bishop we decided that if we were to be a good
asked you to assist him in this it is just influence on their lives that they must
the same as if the Lord were asking you trust us, and in order for them to trust
personally to do it." us we would have to be sure that we
As they were riding along Bob were completely trustworthy, not only
thought about this and when his Dad in the things we tell them about the
let him out in front of Brother Jones's Church but in every other way.
house he went right up and knocked A man went one evening to steal
on the door. Brother Jones opened the corn from a neighbor's field and he took
door with, "What do you want?" his small son along tosit on the fence
Bob said, "The Lord has sent me here as lookout. The man jumped over the
to ask you if you will help him assist fence with a large bag over his arms.
the needy people." Before taking any corn he looked all
"You mean to tell me the Lord sent around, first one way and then the
you here?" other. Satisfied, he was just ready to fill
"Yes, through the bishop the Lord his bag. "Father," said the boy, "there
has sent me around to collect fast is one way you haven't looked yet."
offering." Startled the man turned around and
"Oh, I thought I had scared you boys saw his son pointing up. Conscience
all off, but I guess if you feel that the stricken the father took his son by the
Lord sent you here nothing I could say hand and hurried home. The small boy
could keep you from coming. So may- had reminded his father that the eyes
be I had just better help the Lord out of the Lord were always on him be-
a little." holding good and evil.
Every time the bishop calls me in, I have learned many things in my
sitsme down, looks me in the eye and activities in the priesthood. I am grate-
asks me if I am living the gospel I know ful that I know about the Word of
that that good man thinks of me as a Wisdom, for it will help me keep my

son. I know that he wants me to be- body clean and strong. As I tried for
come the finest man and the best mem- basketball and other sports it made me
ber of the Church that it is possible realize how important it is to have a
for me to become. These confidential strong physical body. These sports
interviews with the bishop make me have also given me the thrill of com-
know the things I should do to prepare petition with other boys.
for my advancements in the priesthood. I have come to realize that the Lord
He listens to my problems and en- will always do better for me than I can
courages me to plan ahead. do for myself. If I am honest with him
When I reached my fourteenth birth- in my tithing and fast offeringshe will
day I was old enough to be advanced to see that my efforts are successful.

a teacher. I know that when the bishop I hear every day how delinquent
called me in to see if I was worthy that young people are but I have learned
he would know through the spirit of from my priesthood leaders that if I
revelation if the Lord wanted me to respect my parents and all those who
have more responsibility and more op- are in authority over me that I will
portunity to use his priesthood. I went never be considered a delinquent.
over all the things in my mind that the The priesthood program has taught
bishop had told me and that I had me respect for the rights and properties
learned from my parents and teachers. of others. I have found that everybody

isn't trustworthy, and some of my that can ever blow a tree down in the
friends tell me that they can't trust any- forest until it has decayed inside, rot
one. But as I have worked and ad- begins in the center. I want you to
vanced in the priesthood I have learned keep your hearts pure, your hands clean
that there are those I can trust —my and there will never be any temptation
bishop, my stake president, and my that will overcome you."
father. I know these men would never When we have family prayers at
lead me astray. I can depend on them home my parents always ask the Lord
even though can't rely
I on everything to bless us children that we will live
my school teacher says. worthy to fill missions and accomplish

Even when I am alone I have a other things. I include these same re-
source of truth. The Holy Ghost will quests in my private prayers. In order
always let me know right from wrong. for the Lord to hear our prayers we
Once there was a soldier whose job must be humble and sincere.
was to fire a cannon every evening at A farmer and his son were loading
precisely six o'clock and who often hay for market. They were to be paid
boasted that his timing was correct to for this hay according to its weight. A
the split second. "But how do you know few minutes of water could add several
your watch is always right?" his friend hundred pounds, and if put in the
asked. center of the load would not be easily
"Because," he replied, "every after- detected. The farmer said to his son
noon I check it at the village watch- who was just finishing the load, "John,
maker's shop which is the most accurate throw a few more buckets of water in
clock I have ever seen." the hay and come in to family prayers."
Because the soldier talked so glow- We should not be hypocrites and ex-
ingly about the clock his friend finally pect the Lord to hear our prayers.
went to see it. The watchmaker I am looking forward to going on a
proudly displayed this wonderful mech- mission and finishing school. I know
anism and was asked, "How do you that I can have, through the priesthood,
know it keeps perfect time?" He an- access to the powers that created heaven
swered, "Because I check it every single and earth. I know that this power
night with the gun that is fired at come from God himself. I know that
the fort." through this and because of the atone-
When we have a reliable source of ment of Christ that I may become like
truth we have a security in the end. God if I do my best. I feel within my
I feel that when we hold the priest- heart that these things are true, and I
hood we are set apart from the rest of give you this testimony in the name of
the world. We have more strength to Jesus Christ. Amen.
stand alone if necessary. We develop
this strength automatically if we honor President David O. McKay:
the priesthood. We
will not be swayed
by the opinion of the crowd. When For those who are keeping notes, he
the gang says yes we have the courage spells his name P-L-U-M-B, Ronald G.
to say no if they are wrong. Plumb. He is a teacher from the
More than half a century ago Elder Studio City Ward, Burbank Stake.
Thomas E. McKay, then president of the Our next speaker will be Brother
Swiss-German Mission, later Assistant Douglas Cowie, C-O-W-I-E, a priest
to the Council of the Twelve, told his from the Idaho Falls 28th Ward, South
missionaries: "Elders, there is no wind Idaho Falls Stake.


(A Priest, Idaho Falls 28th Ward, South Idaho Falls Stake)

President McKay, President Brown, It is one of the most humbling ex-

President Tanner, and brethren in this experiences I know to stand before you
body: this evening, and I pray that the Spirit
Saturday, April 4 First Day
of the Lord may be with me tonight of our Father in Heaven. We
are the
that I may express what is in heart. my ambassadors of our Heavenly Father
I know that the priesthood was given and we must live up to this challenge.
to us by resurrected beings. John the This challenge affects me as a priest,
Baptist, in answer to the prayers of and all of us as Aaronic Priesthood
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, came bearers. This is a moral challenge and
to this earth, and he gave to them the responsibility, and through our advance-
authority and the power to act in the ment in the priesthood we can learn to
name of the Lord. With this power follow the right road and the right path
and authority came the thought that to eternal salvation. Our responsibility
they should act not as masters but as as young men of this Church to keep
servants. As stated in Matthew, "And ourselves on the right path and to gain
whosoever will be chief amongyou, eternal salvation is as important today
let him be your servant. Even as the as it was in the time of David, as stated
Son of man came not to be ministered in Ecclesiastes: "Rejoice, O
Young man,
unto, but to minister." (Matt. 20:27-28.) in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer
We might even regard the priesthood thee in the days of thy youth, and walk
we hold as a ambassadorship.
sacred in the ways of thine heart, and in the
We represent our Heavenly Father here sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that
upon this earth just as an ambassador for all these things God will bring thee
would represent his country in a foreign into judgment." (11:9.)
land. He is given the power to trans- If we live a life full and rich in serv-
act the business of his country, and in ice, if we follow the responsbilities
his letter of assignment to a particular that are ours as bearers of this priest-
foreign country, he is given all the hood, what a blessed day we will have
power and the authority to act in be- when Christ comes again, what a blessed
half of the country he represents, just day we will have on our day of judg-
as if the president of this country him- ment.
self were there. Whether good or As a priest, the responsibilities of
whether bad, his actions and his atti- deacon and teacher are multiplied three-
tudes reflect upon the country and the fold, and I know
the full responsibility
president he represents. that the Aaronic Priesthood brings to
So it is with us. We are delegated bear upon us as priests. As I say the
as spokesmen of our Heavenly Father, prayer on the bread and water, a won-
and we must live up this moral derful feeling comes over me, and I
challenge. feel it deep inside. "Keep his com-
As young men of this Church, we mandments which he hath given them,
are given three major responsibilities that they may always have his Spirit to
in the priesthood and as members of be with them." What a wonderful
the Church: promise that can be if we but keep the
One, and above all, to serve our commandments of our Heavenly Father.
Heavenly Father. The office of a priest, to which I have
Two, to work in the service of our been called, is the crossroads to me. It
fellowmen, to work in the service of is at once the culmination of the
our brethren in the Church, in the Aaronic Priesthood and the opening of
priesthood. the door to the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Three,to work toward the better- I am at the crossroads in many ways in
ment of ourselves; to work towards our my life, and many people regard my
goals and towards our ideals. age group as a crucial age. I am seven-
We are watched as young men of teen years old, an age regarded as cru-
this Church, watched by members and cial because I am not a boy, and I am
non-members alike. They watch to still in the process of becoming a man,

see if we as holders of the Aaronic an age regarded as crucial because we

Priesthood live up to the authority as youth are thought to be swayed so
which has been delegated to us here easily. I pray to my Heavenly Father

upon this earth, the wonderful author- that we my have the moral courage as
ity and responsibility to act in the name the youth of Zion that we will not be

swayed by petty desires, that we will not to keep ourselves alert for the right
be swayed by petty actions or petty paths and the right roads to follow.
thoughts. Joshua said, "Choose you The second goal on my list is that
this day whom ye will serve but as
. . . of gaining an education. "The glory of
for me and my house, we will serve the God is intelligence."We as members
Lord." (Joshua 24:15.) of this Church seek after truth, we seek
I am proud of this gospel. I am after light and beauty, and we seek after
proud of The Church of Jesus Christ of intelligence. To gain knowledge and suc-
Latter-day Saints, and I am proud of cess in any field, we must depend upon
the priesthood I hold. And Moses stood our Heavenly Father. I know that the
before the gate and said to them, power of prayer is great in our lives and
"Who's on the Lord's side, and the without our Heavenly Father's help and
sons of Levi came unto him." without the knowledge that you can
I know that through moral courage get on your knees and pray to your
and responsibility we as Aaronic Priest- Heavenly Father and know within your-
hood bearers will not be swayed by the self that he answers your prayers, noth-

pitfalls that might await us. Through ing would be possible.

serving in our priesthood in our Church My third goal on the list is that of
is the only way we can gain eternal temple marriage. Temple marriage is
salvation in the celestial kingdom. necessary if we are to reach the highest
When I first was ordained to the office place in the celestial kingdom. Along
of a deacon I went to my first priesthood with temple marriage comes the thought
meeting and I heard a talk and it was that I must associate with the highest
on "Goals and Challenges." I came caliber of individual. I must associate
home from priesthood meeting and de- with members of this Church. I don't
cided that now was the time for me to think I have ever had a year where I
set up a list of my goals, a list of my have had such a full association. I have
challenges so that I might live and work the opportunity one hour a day of
towards these goals in the years to come. leaving school and going across the
I reached for a sheet of paper and en- street and conversing and talking and
titled it "Goals to Gain," and I listed learning from some of the most won-
my goals on this sheet of paper and derful brethren I know. They are my
pasted it on the wall in my bedroom seminary teachers. And here in semi-
where I could see it everv day so that nary, in my priests cottage meetings, in
I might know what I had to accomplish MIA, and in this Church I have the
here upon this earth. You know my opportunity of associating with the
mother doesn't like sticky things on her highest type individuals. I know a fel-
wall and I had to use the tape rather low at my high school. He will be
sparingly, and you would be surprised nineteen in four months, he is a senior
with what regularity that chart would this year, and he has prepared himself
blow off my wall. But as it fell I would for his mission. He has worked and
pick it up off the floor and tape it up studied and learned. These are the kind
again, because I knew that these are of people I want to associate with. I

goals that I must gain. feel that I should associate with the

Thefirst goal on my list is simply highest caliber of young women in this

the word "Mission." My mission is Church. should associate with young

predicated upon my living up to all of women who have as their only ideal that
the goals that I have set for myself. of virtue and modesty, and whose beauty
I count the time now. I have one year, comes from within in the fact that they
seven months and eighteen days until have a testimony of this gospel.
I can have the opportunity to be called These goals are challenges to me as I
to go on a mission, and I pray humbly advance in the priesthood. I can always
that I might be able to preach the gos- strive a little bit harder and aim a little
pel to the people of this earth. I am on higher. If we aim for the stars, the
the threshold of this wonderful experi- world is ours in conquering them. We
ence, as we all are as Aaronic Priesthood have goals and we have moral obliga-
bearers. We have a moral responsibility tions as members of the Aaronic Priest-
Saturday, April 4 First Day
hood, and we must better ourselves I pray to my Heavenly Father that we
through attaining these goals. as the youth of Zion will not falter,
And so we have a task here upon this that we will accept this Gospel, that
earth. What is our task? we will use it in our lives, that we will
build on it and that we will work and
God says, Your task is to build a better work and work to gain the celestial
world; I answered how kingdom and eternal salvation. I am
This world is such a large, vast place, thankful for this priesthood which I
so complicated now, hold and for the opportunity it gives
And I so small and useless am, there me of serving in the Church, and I
is nothing I can do. say these things humbly, in the name
But God in all his wisdom said, Build of Jesus Christ. Amen.
a Better You.
President David O. McKay:
This is our responsibility as priest-
hood bearers, as members of this Thank you, young men, for your
Church, to build a Better You, to make messages this night. You will never
our one goal here upon his earth the forget this experience! It almost
celestial kingdom. And let us remem- seemed to overwhelm Brother Plumb.
ber too that But didn't you admire him as he stood
there facing an audience of approxi-
Heaven is not gained by a single bound, mately 50,000? He gave a very lovely
That we build the ladder by which we talk. So did Brother Cowie. But the
rise experience of overcoming the fear and
From the lowly earth to the vaulted timidity will stay with Brother Plumb
skies all his life, and he will be thankful
And mount its summit round by round. for his achievement.
I remember that same feeling in fac-
Our obligation as young men of this ing a smaller audience than he faced
Church is to build this ladder and build tonight. I couldn't remember the
it well and build it sturdily; build it prayer on the Sacrament. I could say
through our advancement in the priest- it alone from memory, and intended to

hood; build it through an honest life; ask the blessing on the bread until I
build it on service in this Church; looked at the audience. It was only a
build it upon prayer and build it upon Fluntsville audience, but it was a big
the commandments that the Lord has audience (laughter), but the memory
set for us to keep; build it upon a life of that achievement —
going through
that has been untarnished by unclean —
with it has remained all through the
thought, unclean speech or unclean years.
actions. Build it for the good, remem- Thank you again. You have over-
bering always that advancement in the come fear and you succeeded in giv-
priesthood means greater moral respon- ing the messages, just as I did.
sibility. Bishop John H. Vandenberg, Presid-
Brethren, Ihave a testimony of this ing Bishop to the Church, will now
gospel. I know it to be the truth, and address us.


Presiding Bishop of the Church

Two weeks ago I was flying over the below, and then narrowing his atten-
Hoover Dam as a passenger in a jet tion to the Hoover Dam, exclaimed,
airliner. The person sitting next to me "It seems incredible that such a small
peered out of the window, viewing the dam could control and hold in check
vast reaches and expanse of Lake Mead such a vast supply of water."

Marvels of Men, How Achieved has said, "To prepare the weak for

We marvel at the works of man, but those things which are coming on
sometimes fail to remember the plan- earth, and for the Lord's errand in the
ning, the engineering, and the de- day when the weak shall confound
signing which is necessary to build a the wise, and the little one become a
strong nation, and two shall put their
structure such as the Hoover Dam.
tens of thousands to flight.
Construction of such a work requires
the careful placing of each bar of "And by the weak things of the earth
steel, the perfect mixing of each batch the Lord shall thrash the nations by the
of concrete, the proper control of power of his Spirit." (Ibid., 133:58-59.)
temperatures, and the exact performance The Aaronic Priesthood, with its
of other manifold and critical details to various offices of deacon, teacher, and
achieve the necessary built-in strength priest, is conferred upon worthy men

to insure endurance and permanency and boys in the Church over twelve
to such a gigantic project. Now, just years of age. It is expected that every-
as it is necessary to carefully "build in" one thus ordained will officiate in his
the needed strength to protect the respective office and calling with dig-

safety of a material structure so it is nity and devotion. The office of bishop
necessary to build into the souls of men is conferred by ordination to those
the moral strength that helps mould especially called to administer all of the
character that will protect the safety of affairs of the Aaronic Priesthood in
the individual. the ward.

Priesthood an Active Force for The Office of Bishop

Character Building The office of a bishop is one of the
Tonight, we have heard excellent ad- great offices in the priesthood. It is
dresses given by two young men holding highly important that every bishop in
the Aaronic [Ronald G.
Priesthood. the Church recognize as a prime re-
Plumb, Douglas Cowie]* They have sponsibility his calling and ordination
shown evidence of having built moral in the Lesser Priesthood. The bishop
strength into their character, as they is familiar with God's purposes, for
have touched the hearts of this vast God has said: ". this is my work and
. .

priesthood assemblage. The priesthood —

my glory to bring to pass the immor-
which we bear should be an active force tality and eternal life of man" (Moses
to develop a more effective application 1:39), and the true bishop will resolve,
of moral principles, thereby strengthen- "this is my work and my glory to bring
ing our powers to subdue the adversary. to pass the immortality and eternal life
The great Archimedes of Syracuse ex- of each boy and girl entrusted to my
claimed to his king, "Give me a lever care." To do this requires not only
and a place on which to rest it, and dedication and singleness of purpose
I will move the world." (100 Great but also the necessity of being an exam-
Lives, p. 526.) ple in his own personal conduct. Paul
It is the Holy Priesthood, likened unto counseled Titus, "... a bishop must be
a lever, placed upon and entrusted to blameless, as the steward of God; not
worthy men, that is bringing forth the selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to
mighty work of God. wine, no striker, not given to filthy
"Upon you my fellow servants, in the lucre;
name of Messiah I confer the Priest- "But a lover of hospitality, a lover of
hood of Aaron, which holds the keys good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
of the ministering of angels, and of the "Holding fast the faithful word as he
gospel of repentance, and of baptism by hath been taught, that he may be able
immersion for the remission of sins; ." . . by sound doctrine both to exhort and
(D&C 13.) Thus spoke John the convince the gainsayers." (Titus 1:7-9.)
Baptist as he conferred the Lesser Priest-
Attitude of Bishop
hood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdery. The attitude of a bishop with respect
This was the beginning —as the Lord to his calling may bring about the
Saturday, April 4 First Day

Aaronic Priesthood bearers

rise or fall of strong in the thought that I belonged
in his ward. Advancement in this to the Lord, and that he would assist
priesthood should warrant greater moral me in whatever was required of me. I
responsibility. Advancement to the could not resist the conviction that
office of a bishop means the greatest of other sentinels, stronger by far than I,
moral responsibility not only to his stood by me though invisible to hu-
own life life of each boy and
but to the man eyes.
girl in his ward. "The effect of my ordination to the
deaconship entered into all the affairs of
Assignments of Responsibility my boyish life. I am afraid that some-
I believe every boy looks forward to times I forgot what I was, but I have
being ordained to the office of a dea- ever been thankful that ofttimes I did
con. He has prepared himself to the remember, and the recollection always
best of his youthful ability to receive served to make me better. When at
the Aaronic Priesthood. From this play on the school grounds, and per-
point forward, if he fails to carry out haps tempted to take unfair advantage
the responsibilities involved, it is usually in the game, when in the midst of a
due to his own father's or to his dispute with a playmate, I would re-
This poses an awe- member, and the thought would be as
bishop's neglect.
some thought, but remember the boys effective as though spoken aloud

'I am

must not stand alone, they ". need to . . a deacon; and it is not right that a dea-
have firm limits set for them as they con should act in exam-
this way.' On
grow," counseled Graham B. Blaine, ination days, when it seemed easy for
Jr., "for only in this way can they learn me copy some other boy's work or to
to impose discipline upon themselves; 'crib'from the book, I would remember
without such limits they grow into irre- again, 'I am a deacon, and must be
sponsible, selfish, and conscienceless honest and true.' When I saw other
adults." (Journal of National Associa- boys cheating in play or in school, I
tion of Women's Deans and Counselors, would say in my mind, 'It would be
Nov. 1, 1963, Blaine, Graham B. Jr., more wicked for me to do that than it
"Stress and Distress and Identity Forma- is for them, because I am a deacon.'
tion in College and High School.") "Nothing that was required of me in
the duties of my office was irksome;
A Testimony from Life the sense of the great honor of my
I believe every boy should feel as ordination made all service welcome. I
Elder James E. Talmage did when he was the only deacon in the branch,
was ordained a deacon. He said: "I and had abundant opportunity to work.
was called and ordained one Sunday "The impression made upon my
morning, without any previous notice; mind when I was made a deacon has
and that afternoon was placed as a never faded. The feeling that I was
sentinel at the door of the house in called to the special service of the
which the Saints had met for worship. Lord, as a bearer of the priesthood, has
As soon as I had been ordained, a feeling been a source of strength to me through
came to me such as I have never been all the years. When later I was or-
able to fully describe. It seemed dained to higher offices in the Church,
scarcely possible, that I, a little boy, the same assurance has come to me, on
could be so honored of God as to be
called to the priesthood. I had read of

every such occasion, that I was in
truth endowed with power from heaven,
the sons of Aaron and of Levi who and that the Lord demanded of me that
were chosen for the sacred labors of the I honor his authority. I have been
Lesser Priesthood, but that I should be ordained in turn a teacher, an elder, a
called to do part of the service that had high priest, and lastly an apostle of the
been required of them was more than Lord Jesus Christ, and with every
my little mind could grasp. I was both ordination there has come to me a new
frightened and happy. Then, when I was and soul-thrilling feeling which first I
placed on duty at the door, I forgot that knew when I was called to be a deacon

I was but an eleven-year-old lad; I felt in the service of the Lord." (Course of

Study for the Quorums of the Priesthood: the Lord's fiats on chastity and urge
Deacons 1914, pp. 135-136.) them to explain these things to their
I am sure this testimony of Elder sons whenever their maturity level
Talmage will make us appreciate more would justify.

fully the great privilege it is to hold In the book of Samuel there is an

the priesthood. interesting account of the high priest
Eli. Eli was a judge, a devoted servant
Youth Wants to Be Strong of the Lord in ancient Israel. He was a
There is much evidence to indicate descendant of Aaron through his
that young people want to learn and younger son. Most often we think of
to be strong. A recent report in The Eli through his connection with the
British Journal of Educational Psy-
child Samuel in the temple. But the
chology said: "School children may be sons of Eli were evil and did not keep
more eager to learn than teachers are the commandments of the Lord. They,
to teach them. More than 800 British therefore, knew not the God of Israel
primary and secondary school children but worshiped wickedness. The ac-
were given a list of qualities of good count reads: "Now Eli was very old, and
teachers that had been compiled from heard all that his sons did unto
student essays. They were asked to all Israel; ..." (1 Sam. 2:22.)

grade these qualities in order of im- As a result of their evil acts, they
portance. The children rated the were not privileged to administer the
teacher's ability to teach above all other ordinances of the Lesser Priesthood. It
and also put disciplinary skills
qualities would have been their right to continue
above such personal skills as friendli- in offering the outward ordinances of
ness, patience, kindness, and good the Lesser Priesthood after their father's
humor." death. Instead, they lost not only the
privileges of priesthood service but also
The Body a Sacred Blessing eternal life.

Basically, the right and responsibility The Lord condemned Eli, and he was
of teaching a boy or girl the sacredness no longer among the chosen because
of their bodies is an obligation of par- as a father he did not discipline and
ents. Fathers should be so close to their control his sons. "... I will judge his
sons that many discussions can be held house for ever for the iniquity which
on the subject. It is unfortunate when he knoweth;" said the Lord, "because
a boy holding the priesthood of God his sons made themselves vile, and he
does not feel free to initiate such a dis- restrained them not." (Ibid., 3:13.)
cussion with his father and must satisfy Someone has said: "There is no need
his curiosity by listening to others. of searching out your genealogy if you
did not know where your children were
Cooperation of Parents and Bishops last night." There is no calling in this
Bishops should encourage parents to Church that supersedes that of being
learn the moral standards that have a father. No assignment in the Church
been established by God and urge them should ever be considered as an excuse
to teach such to their children when to neglect the home. The home is the
the children's comprehension level is basic unit of the Church. Teach your
such that it does not become suggestive. sons by example to be loyal and faith-
We have recommended to the bishops, ful to the law, to the officers, to the
for a number of years, that they meet priesthood, and to the authority of
with the parents of every boy who is God. Your family needs your allegiance
approaching twelve years of age to ex- and fidelity to the Church which in-
plain the programs, opportunities, and cludes the home. Refrain from evil
moral obligations of priesthood service. speech; your language should at all
This conference with parents is neces- times be clean and elevating.
sary to bring about greater parental The late Elder Albert E. Bowen said:
encouragement to the boys. It would ". . . one of the marvelous things about
seem that a wise bishop might profitably the gospel is that when a command has
explain to the parents at such a time been given, or otherwise to state it,a

Saturday, April 4 First Day

principle of progress revealed, there

is have been given unto thee in my scrip-
is always incorporated a means for ef- tures for a law, to be my law to govern
fecting its purpose." (The Welfare Plan, my church;
p. 142.) "And he that doeth according to
these things shall be saved, and he that
Aaronic Priesthood, Effective doeth them not shall be damned if he
Principle of Progress so continue.
Now to you boys, we want the "If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive
Aaronic Priesthood to be an effective revelation upon revelation, knowledge
principle of progress in your lives to upon knowledge, that thou mayest know
prepare you for leadership in the the mysteries and peaceable things
Church. This year we included some that which bringeth joy, that whicb
additional goals for you to achieve in bringeth life eternal." (D&C 42:59-61.)
the priesthood program. One of these
is the memorization of specific scrip-
"Young Men, God Loves You"
tures. We
chose them because we be- Let me assure you young men that
lieve they will be helpful for you better God loves you. You are a thousand-
to understand some basic tenets of the foldmore valuable than the works of
gospel. There is no doubt that you can men over which we frequently marvel.
learn them if you will just apply your- God, therefore, expects you to disci-
selves to the task. pline yourselves and to build into your
The other evening, Sister Vandenberg character virtues that will endure
and I were walking down Main Street. forever.
We were about fifteen feet behind two May God bless the Aaronic Priest-
young men in their early teens. The hood of this Church is my humble
smaller of the two was reciting with prayer which I ask in the name of
vigor part of Anthony's "oration over Jesus Christ. Amen.
Caesar's body." I could not help but

overhear he did it so well. As I lis- President David O. McKay:
tened I thought how wonderful is the
exuberance of youth with its ability to Brother Richard P. Condie will now
learn and absorb —
I also thought of lead the congregation and chorus in
the goals we had set for the Aaronic singing, "Do What Is Right."
Priesthood and felt good in the thought
that if this youngster could recite The Men's Chorus and the congrega-
literatureon the street, certainly there tion joined in singing the hymn, "Do
would be no difficulty for the boys who What Is Right."
bear the priesthood of God to memorize
and recite the scriptures as assigned. President David O. McKay:
As I close, let us ponder the promise
of the Lord: "Thou shalt take the President Nathan Eldon Tanner will
things which thou hast received, which now address us.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

My brethren: To me it is a great privi- what the priesthood means to them and

lege and blessing to be able to meet how they are determined to strive to
with the priesthood, and as President live worthy of the priesthood which
McKay said this evening, the largest they bear. It makes me believe that
body of priesthood that has ever met in
they sincerely mean and understand
the history of this Church.
that if they seek first the kingdom of
"Seek ye ."
first. . . God and his righteousness, all these
What an inspiration it is to hear these things which will be for their good will
young men bear their testimonies as to be added unto them. (See Matt. 6:33.)

Bishop's, Father's, Advice and Example I never forget the whipping my


look back over my life, I should father gave me when he came in and
As I
like this evening to pay tribute to and found we had not done the work which
thank my father and my bishop, who we had been assigned. He called me
isthe same man, for the direction and over to him and he said, "My boy, I
help and guidance and example he gave thought I could depend upon you."
me all the time I was going through the That is all he said.

Aaronic Priesthood quorums. He taught

"I Could Depend Upon You"
me all the time, ". seek ye first the
. .

kingdom of God and his righteousness: I made up my mind at that moment

and all these things, my boy, will be that father could never say that to me
added unto you." again as long as I lived and as long as
I remember when I was a deacon, we he lived. And I was happy that he
had no cars, no trucks. We had gave me that experience. trouncing A
wagons and buggies we usually had — wouldn't have done the good that "My
a democrat. When we went to priest- boy, I thought I could depend upon
hood meeting, we had to travel about you" made up my mind then
did. I

eight miles, and we never missed that no one would ever be able to say,
the general stake priesthood meeting "I thought I could depend upon you."
which was held once a month. My I thought as these young men were
father used to try to make those meet- talking here tonight, they should make
ings pay both ways; for instance, he it a matter in their lives that no one

would have a team and wagon full of could ever say, "I thought I could de-
wheat, and I would have a team and pend on you," but could always say,
wagon wheat following him for
full of "There is a boy that I can depend on."
about eight miles, which would take us And we brethren who hold the priest-
just a little better than two hours to hood should be the kind of men on
get to our priesthood meeting. And whom the Lord knows he can depend.
we would go early enough so that we It is an interesting thing that neigh-
could pick up a load of coal to bring bors expect one another to keep their
back after priesthood meeting. But we covenants and to keep their agreements,
never missed priesthood meeting. and if a neighbor makes an agreement

As I think back over that experience with another neighbor and he doesn't
I had with that wonderful man, I can't live up to that agreement, his neighbor
help giving him practically all the immediately rates him way down. But
credit for directing me and teaching me this same neighbor might be and very
to believe that if I would seek first the possibly is not keeping his covenants
kingdom of God and his righteousness, with his Heavenly Father. And I won-
all these things would be added unto der if his Heavenly Father is saying to
me. That was a great lesson for me him, "Son, I thought I could depend
to learn. on you."
remember another thing he taught
I Again I wish to say, if you seek first
me which was very important. As a the kingdom of God and his righteous-
bishop he was not able to spend the ness, all these things will be added
time at home that some men can who unto you.
are not bishops. He
left us one after- I was pleased with this young
noon while he was going out to look man when he was telling what his
after the ward, and my
his flock in goals are. Now he has set those
brother and I were assigned to do goals with a certain class of persons
certain things. He came back a little with whom he wishes to associate.
sooner than he had intended, or than There will be some young people who
we had expected him to come back will listen to that who will sneer. But
anyway, and we hadn't accomplished I want to tell those young people that
what he had asked us to do. had We only as they live the way they should
some calves in the corral we thought will they enjoy life. Never has any
needed riding, and so we went about person at any time found joy in sin
to accommodate those calves. or doing that which is wrong.
Saturday, April 4 First Day

"Have a Good Time" "Serve the Lord in His Way"

I have a little story that I have told If I can serve the Lord in his way,
all over the Church; probably most of and I am saying this to all the boys
you have heard it. My daughter and who can hear me wherever they may
her girl friend were at our house, and be tonight, then I am going along the
they were going to a party; then two path where I will have the greatest
young men came and called for them. success and the greatest joy, if I can
I sat and talked to them. I love young serve him in his way.
people. As I was talking to them, talk- Too many of us, probably some sit-
ing about different things, I enjoyed my ting here tonight, would like to change
visit with them, and just before they the rules, and would like to serve him
were ready to go, I said, "Now, have a in our way, not his way. Some of us
good time, kids." But just as they were wonder why we have to go to church
going out of the door, I stepped over to and keep the Sabbath day holy. Some
my daughter and said, "Now, be- of us wonder about paying a full tithing.
have yourself." Some of us wonder about the Word
And she said, "Well, Dad, make up of Wisdom. Some of us wonder about
your mind." other things —moral living. In fact a
And I said to those young people so young woman came to me the other
they could all hear me, "Have a good day and said, "President Tanner, I have
time, kids, the best time you will ever tried to live the gospel just as nearly
have in your lives, really have a good as I could possibly live it, as I under-
time tonight, but have the kind of stand it. I am a little older now. I am
time, such a good time, that tomorrow, a teacher. I am still single. But I
next week, a month from now or a year think you should know that too many
from now, ten years from now, you can of our young men today are saying,
look back on tonight and say, 'I had a 'Oh what's the difference? What does
good time,' and have nothing to regret it matter? That is a lot of nonsense.'
or be sorry about." And I know young men who are re-
And I think they went and had a turned missionaries, I know young
good time. men who come from some of the best
And that was my slogan for our mis- families who are saying the same thing."
sionaries in the West European Mis- I would to say to you young

sion to have a good time. One young people tonight that such an attitude is
just as far from right as it can possibly
man, after I had been talking to a group
of missionaries over in Germany, came be. You cannot do those things and
up to me and said, "President Tanner, enjoy the Spirit of the Lord and make
I don't think it's right for you to tell progress and be the kind of person who
these missionaries to have a good time will have joy in your future life, and
because the only way they can do it the Spirit of the Lord cannot be with
is to do their work." you, as it is if you are clean-living
I said, "Go, and have a good time." young people.
He was right.
"The Power of God"
Thestory is told of another mission-
ary over there who was discussing the Let us never be ashamed of the gos-
gospel with one of the reverends, and pel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power
the reverend wasn't making the progress of God unto salvation (see Romans
that he thought he should, and finally 1:16), and let us never hesitate to call
he turned to the missionary and said, upon the Lord as these young men told
"Well, at least you will agree that we us tonight that we should do. Stay close
are both trying to serve the Lord." The to the Lord, show your appreciation of
missionary looked at him for a moment the priesthood that you hold. Honor that
and said, "Yes, I think I would you in
your way, and I in his." Now, breth-
— priesthood and thank God that you have
the priesthood. Imagine the priesthood
ren, that might sound impudent, and being taken away from you tonight,
maybe it was, if the story is true. But any young man or any older man,
right there is a real lesson to me. because you are not prepared to live

in the Lord's way, because you won't that point he had received the priest-
honor and respect and magnify your hood, the Aaronic and the Melchizedek;
priesthood. he had been visited by the Angel
Brethren, it is a great privilege to Moroni; he had had the privilege of
magnify the priesthood, and to do the translating the Book of Mormon under
things that the Lord has asked us to direct revelation, and he gave us the
do, and as you do them, you will find priesthood that the Lord gave to him;
joy as you live here, and you will be and he, as you read in the twentieth and
working out your salvation and eter- twenty-first sections of the Doctrine
nal life. and Covenants, told the people what the
responsibilities of the different quo-
A Boy Taught by Heavenly Beings rums of the priesthood were, how trans-
gression should be dealt with, how to
As I think of that young boy, four-
administer the Sacrament, how to bap-
teen years of age, I would like you to
tize,and he gave the prayers.
imagine yourself being that young boy,
Brethren, he was inspired of the
when he went into the grove and Lord. There is no question about it.
prayed to his Heavenly Father, and
And when we think of his receiving the
imagine how he felt when God the
revelation regarding the Word of Wis-
Father and his Son Jesus Christ ap-
dom, and how many young people have
peared to him and God said, "Joseph,
ridiculed that Word of Wisdom and
this is my beloved Son, hear him." (See
said, "You are old-fashioned; every-
Joseph Smith 2:17.) Now that young body is using tobacco." And now one
man after he left that grove was left hundred years later, scientists have
alone for three years. He had no proved beyond any doubt that tobacco
bishop, and he had no teacher. He is not good for man. It is harmful and
had no Sunday School; he had no one thousands of
is taking the lives of
except his family, who believed in him,
to help him live according to the knowl-
edge that he had. He remained true
"Be Obedient"
to the faith, he tried to serve God, and
because he did, he proved true and Brethren, let us be obedient to the
worthy to accept the other blessings Lord; let us be obedient to the priest-
that the Lord had in store for him. hood. Let us magnify our calling so
This young man referred tonight to that it can magnify us. Let us not
John the Baptist appearing, and I cheat as we go along and try to do it
wonder how those two young men, halfway, serve in our way; but let us
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, felt serve in his.
then, as he who baptized the Savior
came and placed his hands upon their
The Folly of Cheating
heads and gave them the priesthood; I think of the young men and the
and then as Peter, James, and John, older men who do this part way, I
Christ's senior Apostles, to them. came think they are cheating. And I won-
Brethren, it was because
they lived der "how can we think to earn a
close to the Lord. They asked the great reward if we now shun the fight?"
Lord for guidance and sought first the How many of you would like to have a
kingdom of God and determined to doctor diagnose your case, if it were a

keep his commandments. serious case, and then operate on you,

Then, as see that same young man
I if he were one who cheated his way
standing up there, twenty-four years of through school? How many of you
age, saying to those who were associated would like to have a pilot who got his
with him, his friends and neighbors, flying license by cheating take you in
"The Lord has chosen me and ordained one of these big jets today? How many
me an apostle, a prophet, a seer, a reve- of you would like to have a pharmacist
lator, and president of His Church here who cheated prepare your prescription,
upon the earth." (DHC 1:75-79.) given by a doctor, when your life de-
Brethren, he could not have said that pended on it?
if the Lord had not chosen him. To How many of us can feel that we are
Saturday, April 4 First Day
safe if we now shun
the fight and fail I know what others may never know;
to honor our priesthood and magnify I never can fool myself, and so,
the calling that is given to us? Whatever happens, I want to be
Self-respecting and conscience free."
"Honest with Yourself" "Myself"—Edgar A. Guest
Brethren, we have to live with our- (From Collected Verse by Edgar A. Guest.
selves. I have a little poem that I
Copyright Reilly & Lee.)

would like to read to you. Keep this Brethren, it is a great privilege to hold
in mind: the priesthood of God. You are the
only people in all the world who are
"I have to live with myself, and so given the privilege to speak in the name
I want to be fit for myself to know, of the Lord, who have been given that
I want to be able, as days go by, authority. I plead with you young men
Always to look myself straight in the to live so that you can enjoy your own
eye; respect of others, and
self-respect, the
I don't want to stand, with the setting so that the Lord will be able to say,
sun, "There is a young man that I can de-
And hate myself for the things I've
pend on. He is a man who can hold
done. any office in the Church and be
a leader."
I don't want to keep on a closet shelf, Let us go forward this night and al-
A lot of secrets about myself,
ways, seeking first the kingdom of God
And fool myself, as I come and go, and his righteousness, knowing that it
Into thinking that nobody else will will bring joy, success, and all things
know for our good. This is my prayer for
The kind of man that I really am;
you, as I bear my testimony to you that
I don't want to dress up myself in
this is the Church of Jesus Christ, that
sham. the priesthood has been restored, and
"I want to go out with my head erect, we are privileged to hold it, which is
the power of God delegated to man to
I want to deserve all men's respect;
act in his stead. May we all be worthy
But here in the struggle for fame and
of it and magnify our calling that it
Iwant to be able to like myself. may magnify us, I ask in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
I want to look at myself and know
That I'm bluster and bluff and empty
show. President David O. McKay:

"I never can hide myself from me; President Hugh B. Brown will now
I see what others can never see; address us.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

Brethren, I feel as weak and hum- young men of their age in certain ac-
ble as did Brother Plumb when he tivities and held up to them certain
looked out at this vast congregation and ideals,but they have in fact been talk-
imagined all of you out there who are ing to all of us. Whatever our age,
listening in. I would like to say to whatever priesthood we hold, whatever
these young men by way of encourage- position in the Church we may occupy,
ment that if they will continue, as they these simple rules of conduct apply
have started, to respond to every call to us.
made of them to stand before congre-
gations for the next sixty years, as I Names and Their Connotations
have been doing, at the end of that Did youever wonder what men think
time they will still be scared to death. when they think of you. Of what do
These young men have instructed you think when I say the words, "George

Washington"? You think of leadership and tempted him to show his power and
and honesty and honor. Of what do authority by casting himself down and
you think when I say, "Abraham Lin- said the angels would hold him up.
coln"? You think of courage, of humil- Jesus resisted that temptation to abuse
ity, of leadership. Of what do you his power. Then Satan took him onto a
think when I say, "Winston Churchill"? high mountain and showed him all
You think of one gifted with oratory the wealth of the world and said, "All
which enables him to weld a nation this I will give to thee if you will fall
into a machine.
fighting You think down and worship me," and Christ
of one with an underslung jaw and a said, "Get thee behind me, Satan."
big cigar, but you get an idea, and you (See Matt. 4:9-10 and Luke 4:8.)
think of something when these men's
names are mentioned. Power —Uses and Abuses
I ask you tonight, "What do your I repeat, with every gift of power
friends think when they think of you?" comes the temptation to abuse it. Each
If they do not think accurately, if they man has within himself the power that
know something that would cause them can destroy him, and that is a fact that
to be ashamed of your acquaintance- each man under the sound of my voice
ship, you can change it. Whatever a tonight should keep in mind. Each
man is at any time in his life is a result man or boy, whatever his age or his
of all the past thoughts and words and station in life, is subject to the tempta-
deeds that have come into his life. I tion to destroy himself by reason of a
am thinking tonight in terms of one of God-given power which all of us have.
the problems which confronts all of us, All of us who know good sometimes
deacon, teacher, priest, elder, seventy, feel within ourselves the possibility of
high priest. I am thinking of one of the evil, and while we may condemn sin-
problems that confronts the world and cerely and without any hypocrisy the
is being introduced among us at an evil in us, we are conscious that at
alarming rate. I am thinking of a cer- times we ourselves are tempted to do
tain course of conduct which is malig- the very thing we hate, and in doing
nant, dangerous, death-dealing, and it we hate ourselves as well as the thing
contrary to the law of God. I am think- we do. I think this caused Paul to
ing of chastity, or its opposite. admit, ". . the good that I would I

do not: but the evil which I would not,

Consecrated Manliness that I do." (Rom. 7:19.)
Let us get a vision of consecrated Real character is formed in the midst
manliness and then conform our lives of the battles for the soul. Christ of-
to that manliness in such a way that fered peace, not in the sense of freedom
we will never yield to the temptations from disturbance, but in the midst of
that would lead us away from virtue disturbance. What we need is to de-
and honor and honesty and manliness. velop within ourselves the kind of self-
"He who profanes the source of life," control that will enable us, in the midst
someone has said, "sins against that of disturbance, to find the peace that
which is indispensable to the very ex- comes into the soul of a man who is
istence of life." Let us then never living as he knows he ought to live.
forget the sanctity of life. With every Charles Wagner said, "Why shrink
gift of power that comes to us, there from responsibility? Can we buy this
comes a temptation to dishonor it, abuse great honour at too dear a price . . . ?
it. You remember when Christ was on Do you know what degradation means
the earth the adversary tempted him, to a soldier? It is to see his rank, his
tried to get him to yield to the tempta- decorations, his epaulets, torn from
tion to use his power to get bread him; to see these signs of his former
when he had been fasting for such a value thrown at his feet! What is
long time, and the Savior reminded death in comparison with this dis-
him that man does not live by bread honour? It is true that in the future
alone. Satan took Christ then to a this unfortunate soldier can sleep; he
height on the pinnacle of the temple will never again mount guard; he will
Saturday, April 4 First Dau
no longer cry, 'to arms; here is the an eye, and we didn't think he had
enemy!' he will never again make an in him anything that would indicate
assault nor hear the bullets whistling that he had any sentiment at all. I was
round him. Very well; to declare
. . . guilty of saying in my heart, though
that a man is irresponsible is to degrade I thinkI didn't speak it out loud, "I
him I Death were better." (Wagner, thank God, that I am not like that
Charles, Courage, Dodd, Mead, and man." (See Luke 18:11.) There was
Co. New York, 1904, pp. 73-74.) another Pharisee once who said that,
and this time I was the Pharisee.
Power of Purity We were in France. This man was
Andso I repeat, plea to the menmy called on duty to examine the mail,
of the priesthood of the Church is to incoming and outgoing mail. (That is
keep yourselves clean. Older men are quite an interesting job; you read some
yielding to temptation, to sin. Younger very interesting letters. For instance, I

men are struggling with themselves. It remember reading a letter from a young
is difficult sometimes for them to un- fellow to his girl, it was undoubtedly
derstand themselves because this God- very sincere, in which he told her of
given power of procreation carries with the good time he was having and how
it a power of destruction. But it has, he missed her and how he loved her.
because of its life-giving nature, the Then, undoubtedly, he was called sud-
possibilities of the greatest glory and denly to duty, because he said, "I am
joy that can come to a living soul. I feeling fine, but I am as lousy as a
believe that every man who is tempted pet coon," and then underneath he
to sin, to commit adultery, to become scribbled, "Hoping this finds you the
unclean in his habits, should examine same.")
himself and see whether he is harbor- Well this unsentimental cuss was on
ing things that will destroy him. duty reading mail, and he read a cer-
I would like to leave with you to- tain letter, a letter from a Mrs. Jock
night an appeal —especially to you stake Anderson out in London, Ontario,
presidents, high
councilmen, bishops Canada. She was writing to her beloved
and counselors, heads of quorums, all Jock, and she said to him, "We are
in presiding positions I would like to— getting on all right, my dear. The ten
leave a plea that you get closer to your little bairns are coming along. I have

young people and older people under — had to wean the baby because I have
your jurisdiction and teach them the to work to support the others, but we
beauty of purity and let them know that are mighty proud of you and proud of
purity is power. Sometimes some of us where you are. But, Jock, dear, our
get the idea that certain people are not neighbor three months ago received
worth our attention. They have gone word that her husband was missing.
beneath and beyond what we thought She said she had rather heard he was
to be worth saving. I would like to give —
dead she said she could hardly stand
you one little story to illustrate how the uncertainty of it." And then she
sometimes we misjudge one another, added, "Jock, my dear, join with me
and sometimes we are guilty of assuming and pray God that I may never get
that the one we are thinking of is not word that you are missing."
as good as we. This unsentimental officer read that
letter but said nothing about it. That
Find Good in Men night there was paraded before him a
It was during World War I. We sergeant and six men who were going
had a man in our regiment who was as out into no-man's land. They called
tough as any man in the regiment; he the roll; the officer heard the name of
was known as the unsentimental cuss; Jock Anderson among those who were
he was the kind of man that nobody going out. They went out, and in
liked. We thought he had no sense of the morning the sergeant and three men
emotion or of sympathy or of under- came back. Again they called the roll,
standing. He could see his comrades and Jock Anderson did not answer.
shot down by his side and never bat The officer said to the sergeant, "Do

you know whereJock Anderson fell?" never had to crawl out on his stomach
The sergeant replied, "Yes, sir, he in the face of almost certain death in
fell on an elevation on which is trained order to bring to a woman he had
the enemy's machine gun." never seen, 3000 miles away, the poor
The officer asked, "Do you think a comfort that her husband was not
man could go out to that body and get missing.
the identification disc off his neck?" And on the bottom of his letter he
To which the sergeant answered, "Sir, wrote, as though it didn't amount to
it would be absolute suicide, but if you much, "As for me, I am off for blighty
say so I will try." in the morning. The doctor says it is
Then the officer said, "I didn't mean an amputation case and may prove
that. I just know."
wanted to fatal. Cheerio."
You know in World War
I you could Since that experience I have tried to
not declare a man dead unless you could believe that every man has something
produce his body or his identification in him worth saving. Let us go out
disc. That night that unsentimental and help the boys and the men who
officerwas missing, and the next morn- are not active. Let us find the good in
ing there came up to the front lines a them and bring them into activity, and
large regimental envelope. When it in the course of all that we do, let us
was opened, there fell out an identifi- keep ourselves pure and unspotted from
cation disc with the name of Jock the sins of the world. I leave you my
Anderson on it and a short note said, testimony and my blessing and ask
"Dear Major: I am enclosing the identi- God to be with all who are in this
fication disc of JockAnderson. Please building and you other thousands out
write to Mrs. Anderson in London, On- there tonight. Make a resolution as
tario, Canada, and tell her God heard these young men have pleaded for us
her prayer —
her husband is not missing." to do, ". as for me and my house, we
. .

That was the man of whom I had will serve the Lord." (Josh. 24:15.) God
said, "I thank thee, God, that I am not bless you, in the name of Jesus
like him." He had the courage which I Christ. Amen.


We have the following telegram from I said I would have my fling,
Eugene K. Mangum, first counselor in And do what a young man may:
the Phoenix West Stake: "At Phoenix, And I didn't believe a thing
Arizona, 590 priesthood holders thrilled That the parsons had to say.
at messages over direct wire." Thou- I didn't believe in a God
sands can say the same. That gives us blood like fire,
I had in mind saying a word sug- Then flings us into hell because
gested by a visit to two fathers in this We answer the call of desire.

room the two fathers of these two
boys who have done so well tonight, And I said "religion is rot,"
and the pride in their sons which they And the laws of the world are nil;
had, the pride which every father has For the bad man is he who is caught
in his sons. My
object in doing this And cannot foot his bill.
was to make boys feel the responsibility And there is no place called hell:
of sonship. And heaven is only a truth,
Instead of referring to that, however, When a man has his way with a maid,
I amgoing to follow the thought men- In the fresh keen hour of youth.
tioned by Brother Brown of keeping
your manhood clean and unsullied. I
And the money can buy us grace,
If it rings on the plate of the church;
do not know whether I can remember And money can neatly erase,
the lines or not, but I shall just refer Each sign of a sinful smirch.
to them and leave the reason of it to For I saw men everywhere,
each of you. Hot-footing the road of vice!

Sunday, April 5 Second Dan

And women and preachers smiled on But not enough of the babes unborn,
them By the sins of their father scarred.
As long as they paid the price.
("The Price He Paid" by Ella
So I had my joy of life: —
Wheeler Wilcox. Courtesy Rand Mc-
I went the pace of the town: Nally & Company.)
And then I took me a wife,
And started to settle down. Men and
boys of the priesthood, every
I had gold enough and to spare member, the admonition of the Lord is
For all of the simple joys
". be ye clean, that bear the vessels
. .

That belong with a house and a home of the Lord." (Isa. 52:11.)
And a brood of girls and boys.
President David O. McKay:
I married a girl with health
And virtue and spotless fame The Chorus will sing, "The Lord
I gave in exchange my wealth Bless You and Keep You."
And a proud old family name. The benediction will be offered by
And I gave her the love of a heart Elder Victor G. Hancock, formerly
Grown sated and sick of sin. president of the Central American Mis-
My deal with the devil was all cleaned sion. We
shall then be adjourned until
up. ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
And the last bill handed in. As thousands leave this great Priest-
hood Meeting tonight let us keep in
She was going to bring me a child, mind the admonition that is con-
And when in anguish she cried, stantly being given us to drive care-
With love and fear I was wild fully. Please obey traffic rules. Cour-
But now I wish she had died.
tesy and patience must be shown by
For the son she bore me was blind drivers in the city and on the highways.
And crippled and weak and sore!
And mother was left a wreck.
Selection by the Men of the Taber-
It was so she had settled my score.
nacle Choir, "The Lord Bless You And
I said I must have my fling, Keep You."
And they knew
the path I would go; Elder Victor C. Hancock, formerly
But no one told me a thing President of the Central American Mis-
Of what I needed to know. sion, offered the closing prayer.
Folks talk too much of a soul Conference adjourned until 10:00 a.m.
From heavenly joys debarred Sunday.

The Sunday morning session of the President David O. McKay:
Conference convened at 10:00 a.m., im-
It is a glorious privilege to welcome
mediately following the conclusion of
all present this morning in the Taber-
the Tabernacle Choir Broadcast pro-
nacle, the Assembly Hall, together with
gram, which was presented from 9:35 to
the vast television and radio audience
10:00 a.m. (See pages 140 to 141 for a
assembled in this the fourth session of
full report of this broadcast).
the one hundred and thirty-fourth An-
The Tabernacle Choir was in attend- nual Conference of the Church. We
ance and furnished the music for this are pleased to note our representatives
session. Richard P. Condie conducted from Congress, the Mayor, Presidents of
the singing; Frank W. Asper was at the Stakes, Secretary of State, Governor, in
great Tabernacle Organ. this vast audience.
President David O. McKay who pre- The invocation will be offered by
sided and conducted the services made President Reed Bullen of the Utah
the following introductory remarks: State University Stake.

The invocation was offered by Elder President David O. McKay:

Reed Bullen, President of the Utah
State University Stake. That was glorious! May we ever
cherish the ideals for which our coun-
President David O. McKay: try stands —
freedom of speech, freedom
of action within boundaries that do not
Theinvocation was just offered by infringe upon the liberty of others, all
Elder Reed Bullen, president of the of which are man's inherent rights
Utah The Tab-
State University Stake. granted by his Creator —
divine gifts
ernacle Choir will now sing, "America essential to human dignity and human
the Beautiful." happiness.
Our firstmorning will be
speaker this
President Nathan Eldon Tanner, sec-
The Tabernacle Choir sang the song, ond counselor in the First Presidency
"America, the Beautiful." of the Church.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

My dear brethren and sisters, it is a mankind, the crucifixion and resurrec-

blessed privilege to be able to partici- tion of our Savior Jesus Christ, who
pate with you this beautiful Sabbath willingly gave his life for you and me,
morning in this inspirational confer- and which event was commemorated
ence, where yesterday we heard the last week in song, prayer, and worship
stirringmessage of our beloved Presi- throughout the Christian world.
dent, which was an inspiration to all It reminds us that ". God so loved. .

of us, and where we were edified by the world, that he gave his only be-
other General Authorities. gotten Son, that whosoever believeth
In this historic building we have held in him should not perish, but have
these inspiring conferences for nearly everlasting life." (John 3:16.)
one hundred years, where the Saints And as he said: "For behold, this is
have been instructed in the ways of the my work and my glory to bring to —
Lord and inspired to better living; and pass the immortality and eternal life
here this famous Salt Lake Tabernacle of man." (Moses 1:39.)
Choir has sung for over sixty years its He invited us to pray to him in these
songs of glory, influencing the lives of words by James: "If any of you lack
people throughout the whole of this wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth
continent and in many countries of the to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;
world. We all enjoy their beautiful and it shall be given him." (James 1:5.)
singing and acknowledge with gratitude And he us with this commitment:
the great contribution they make to "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do
our conferences. what I say; but when ye do not what
All of us assembled here today wish I say, ye have no promise." (D&C
to welcome you who are listening in. 82:10.)
We send you greetings and pray God's TheArticles of Faith which I wish
choicest blessings to attend you. In all to discuss briefly are:
humility and with a feeling of love I "
should like to address my
remarks to "We believe
you this morning. I should like to 1. We believe in God, the Eternal
quote and enlarge on two or three of Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ,
our Articles of Faith and explain what and in the Holy Ghost.
we believe and particularly what sets 3. We believe that through the
us apart from the rest of the world. Atonement of Christ, all mankind may
Before doing so, however, I should be saved, by obedience to the laws and
like to refer briefly to that holy event, ordinances of the Gospel.
the greatest event in the history of 8. We believe the Bible to be the
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

word of God as far as it is translated be born of water and of the Spirit, he

correctly; we also believe the Book of cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
Mormon to be the word
of God. (John 3:5.)
9. We believe all that God has re- And then, as recorded in Revelation:
vealed, all that He does now reveal, and "And I saw the dead, small and great,
we believe that He will yet reveal many stand before God; . . .

great and important things pertaining "And they were judged every man
to the Kingdom of God. according to their works." (Rev.
In God
The God we believe in is a Living The Bible
God with body, parts, and passions, in Also, we believe the Bible and the
whose image we were made, who is the Book of Mormon to be the word of
Father of the spirits of all mankind, God, and we believe that they contain
and under whose direction the world records of revelations which God gave
was created and all things therein. He directly to his prophets in the differ-
is a Loving Father, who is interested ent dispensations of the gospel. In fact,
in us and our welfare and who stands as stated in our ninth article of faith:
ready to answer our call if we will "We believe all that God has revealed,
but go to him. all that He does now reveal, and we
believe that He will yet reveal many
In the Son of God great and important things pertaining
Webelieve that Jesus Christ is liter- to the Kingdom of God."
ally the Son of God, the Only Begotten It is this belief more than any other
in the flesh; that he was born of mortal that sets us apart from the rest of the
mother; that he dwelt among men; world. Protestant churches, as you all
that he gave man the plan of life and know, were formed at the beginning
salvation; that he was crucified, and of, and during the period of, the
that he had power over death and will- Reformation and resulted from the fact
ingly gave his life and was literally that many people were dissatisfied with
resurrected so that man might be saved the teachings and practices of the
and resurrected from the dead and en- dominant church, which they claimed
joy eternal life. had transgressed the laws, changed the
"For since by man came death, by ordinances, and broken the everlasting
man came also the resurrection of the covenant, and therefore had apostatized.
dead. The Protestant churches, therefore,
"For as in Adam all die, even so in were established by men who were
Christ shall all be made alive." (1 Cor. courageous enough to take a stand and
15:21-22. Italics added.) risk their lives, and some of them even
gave their lives, in an endeavor to cor-
In the Atonement
rect the malpractices with which you
And, "We believe that through the are all so well-acquainted.
atonement of Christ, all mankind may I have not the time nor the inclina-
be saved, by obedience to the laws and tion to go into any details about the
ordinances of the Gospel." (Third Arti- malpractices or the Reformation. I do
cle of Faith.) say, however, that these Protestant
Belief in Christ is not sufficient, but churches were formed and organized by
obedience to his laws is essential to men who were dissatisfied with and
salvation and exaltation, for, as re- protested against these malpractices.
corded in Matthew 7:21, Christ him- Though they were good men with high
self said: "Not every one that saith unto ideals and the best of intent, they did
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the not claim any divine revelation or di-
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth rect authority from God to organize
the will of my Father, which is in their different sects. In fact, they
heaven." claimed that there were no such things
And again: "Jesus answered, Verily, as visions or revelations in these days:
verily, I say unto thee, Except a man that all such things had ceased with

the and that there would

Apostles, therefore continuous revelation was
never be any more of them. On the necessary to cope with them.
other hand, Joseph Smith the founder I have always been impressed with
of The Church of Jesus Christ of the way Moses was protected and pre-
Latter-day Saints, claimed that he was served by the Lord, who had chosen
called by revelation and given divine him and through direct revelation pre-
authority direct from God and Jesus pared and directed him day by day as
Christ and had received the keys of the to what he should do and how he
priesthood under the hands of Peter, should prepare to lead the children of
James, and John. Israel out of bondage and out of Egypt;
how the Lord personally instructed
The Bible Reveals the Will of God Moses how to deal with Pharaoh and
Throughout the history of mankind,
how, through God's commands, plagues
from Adam down to the present time,
were imposed and withdrawn by the
Lord; how the Lord protected them
God has revealed his will to his chosen
as they crossed the Red Sea; and how he
prophets; for, as Amos the Prophet
taught: "Surely the Lord God will do
continued to lead and guide and direct
nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto
them as long as they were prepared to
his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)
listen to the prophet and follow
his instruction.
As we look back over the history of
God's dealings with his people and
It was Moses to whom the Lord, by
direct revelation, gave the Ten Com-
read the revelations which he gave to
his prophets to guide and direct them
mandments as a set of rules by which
the people should govern their lives.
and prepare them for the future, we
cannot help marveling at the continued
These remain today as much the word
of the Lord as at any other time and
interest he has shown in his people
and the patience he has shown and the apply equally to the people in these,
the latter days. Yet, while he was
care that he has taken to see that they
receiving these commandments directly
were continually directed in the paths
of truth and righteousness, if they
from the Lord, the people, whom he had
led out of bondage and whom the Lord
would but listen to his holy prophet
through whom he was speaking. had taught through him, turned away
As we read the Old Testament we from the true God and began to wor-
ship idols.
realize that he revealed his will to
Adam, to Seth, to Enoch, to Noah, to The Bible is replete in both the Old
Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and Isaiah, and and New Testaments, with records of
allthe prophets down to Zechariah and revelations given by God to his chosen
Malachi, as they are recorded therein. prophets. God has always stood ready
The Bible testifies that revelation to lead and direct his people if they
began with Adam and Eve, who heard would but listen to his word.
the voice of the Lord God while walk-
ing in the garden. (Gen. 3:8.) God
The Book of Mormon
revealed to Adam his origin, the pur- As recorded in the Book of Mormon,
pose of mortality, his future destiny, Lehi was warned that Jerusalem would
and the requirements for exaltation. be destroyed, and he was advised to
He also gave direction in solving the take his family and leave. As he lis-
special problems of his dispensation. tened to the voice of the Lord and
Though the gospel plan has remained followed his instructions, he and his
the same from the beginning, important family were led out of the city to
safety and into the new world, later
truths have been abandoned and for-
to be known as America, while they
gotten, and therefore it has been neces-
who remained were destroyed or taken
sary from time to time for God to raise into captivity.
up prophets to restore the gospel truths,
While the prophets in the old land
to testify to the people, and to instruct were receiving revelations from God,
them in righteousness. Also, each dis- the people of Lehi on this, the American
pensation faced different problems, and continent, were not left without guid-
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
ance. Prophets were raised up through count of the former inhabitants of this
whom God spoke and directed his continent, and the source from whence
people in all their doings as they would they sprang. He also said that the ful-
listen. He revealed to them also, 600 ness of the everlasting Gospel was
years before Christ's coming, that he contained in it, as delivered by the
would come, that he was the Savior Savior to the ancient inhabitants."
of the world, that he would be perse- (Joseph Smith 2:34.)
cuted and crucified, and that he would
be resurrected. The Gospel Restored
This was foretold clearly by Lehi, Thus we know that the angel, as
Nephi, Alma, and others, including predicted or prophesied by John the
Samuel, to whom it had been revealed Revelator, has flown; that this great
the exact time that Jesus Christ would and glorious gospel has been restored
be born. They were told of the signs in its fulness by the Lord through the
which would be shown on this, the Prophet Joseph Smith to be preached
American continent, at the time of to every nation, kindred, tongue, and
Christ's birth and crucifixion. Every people.
word which had been revealed to them Another revelation recorded in the
regarding these events was fulfilled. Old Testament which refers to these,
Following his crucifixion Christ ap- the latter days, and has reference to the
peared personally to the people on this, Book of Mormon, is that received by
the American continent, and taught Ezekiel wherein he says:
them the truths of the gospel. "The word of the Lord came again
Many of the revelations recorded in unto me, saying,
the Old and New Testaments, as well "Moreover, thou son of man, take
as in the Book of Mormon, refer most thee one stick, and write upon it, For
clearly to these, the latter days. Some Judah, and for the children of Israel
of these are not generally understood his companions: then take another stick,
by the world and can only be under- and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick
stood through revelations which were of Ephraim, and for all the house of
received in these, the latter days, by Israel his companions:
the Prophet Joseph Smith. One exam- "And join them one to another into
ple of these is that of John the Revelator one stick; and they shall become one
who, when looking into the future, said: in thine hand." (Ezek. 37:15-17.)
As I read this, I went to the Inter-
Another Angel preter's Bible, which is written in twelve
"And I saw another angel fly in the volumes, and is a commentary on all

midst of heaven, having the everlasting of the Old and New Testaments. This
gospel to preach unto them that dwell commentary was prepared by thirty-six
on the earth, and to every nation, and consulting editors with over one hun-
kindred, and tongue, and people, dred recognized, capable contributors,
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and deals with all quotations from the
and give glory to him; for the hour of Bible, taking them verse by verse and
his judgment is come: and worship him explaining their meaning and applica-
that made heaven, and earth, and the tion. When I came to Ezekiel, 37th
sea, and the fountains of waters." chapter, verses 15 through 17, which I
(Rev. 14:6-7.) have just read, no feasible explanation
This revelation was fulfilled and was given, but conjectures only were
clearly understood when the Angel made. This is no reflection on the
Moroni did fly in the midst of heaven editors or contributors to this great
and appeared to Joseph Smith and told commentary, as they knew of no way
him of the plates which contained the to get the meaning.
gospel in its fulness. Joseph said that Here again, by direct revelation and
as the Angel Moroni appeared to him, by direct revelation only, do we under-
he called him by name and, told him stand clearly what Ezekiel meant. Here,
that ". there was a book deposited,
. . the stick of Judah as referred to is the
written upon gold plates, giving an ac- Bible, and the stick of Ephraim, which
— —


is written for Joseph and all the house Malachi — that he

testifying [Elijah]
of Israel his companions, is the Book of should be sent, before the great and
Mormon. Through the power of God dreadful day of the Lord come
and by direct revelation, this Book of "To turn the hearts of the fathers to
Mormon, which contains the gospel in the children, and the children to the
its was translated, and it with
fulness, fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten
the Bible, became "one in thine hand." with a curse
How clear and simple the words of "Therefore, the keys of this dispensa-
Ezekiel become if we will but listen tion are committed into your hands;
to the prophet's voice! and by this ye may know that the great
Then again, Malachi records a reve- and dreadful day of the Lord is near,
lation which refers to these, the latter even at the doors." (D&C 110:13-16.
days, wherein the Lord said: "For, be- Italics added.)
hold, the day cometh, that shall burn How enlightening, encouraging, and
as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and consoling it is to be able to read this
all do wickedly, shall be stub-
that revelation and know that Elijah has
ble." (Mai. 4:1.) actually appeared.
And then he said: "Behold, I will The prophecies contained in the
send you Elijah the prophet before the three revelations to which I have re-
coming of the great and dreadful day ferred and as recorded in the Bible,
of the Lord: wherein John the Revelator said, "And
"And he turn the heart of the
shall I saw another angel fly in the midst of
fathers to the children, and the heart heaven, having the everlasting gospel
of the children to their fathers, lest I to preach unto them that dwell on the
come and smite the earth with a curse." earth" (Rev. 14:6), and Ezekiel, where
(Ibid., 4:5-6.) it was revealed to him that the stick of

Again I went to the Interpreter's Judah and the stick of Ephraim should
Bible to see what they had to say about become "one in thine hand" (Ezek.
this passage,and though it had been in 37:17), and Malachi, wherein the Lord
the Jewish scriptures for centuries, they said, "Behold, I will send you Elijah
did not understand it, and therefore the prophet before the coming of the
were unable to explain its meaning. great and dreadful day of the Lord":
I do not mention this to belittle in (Mai. 4:5) have all been fulfilled and
any way this very complete and point up clearly the need of direct reve-
thought-provoking commentary, but to lation in these, the latter days, for the
point out that the full meaning and guidance of the people, and that they
impact of this prophecy and promise might know the will of the Lord.
could in no wise be understood until Without modern revelation the world
Elijah himself actually appeared to would be left in complete darkness re-
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in garding first, the Book of Mormon,
1836. which is a new witness for Christ and
contains the gospel in its fulness; sec-
Appearances of Divine Beings ond, the purpose and importance of
Joseph records four revelations which temple work; third, vicarious work for
he and Oliver Cowdery received in the the dead; and many other things per-
Kirtland Temple. First, the Lord Jesus taining to the kingdom of God.
Christ himself appeared and talked to
them; then Moses, and then Elias ap- Testimony of the Restoration
peared and revealed certain things unto It is my testimony to you that God
them. And then Joseph said: truly lives, that Jesusis the Christ, the

"After this vision had closed, another Savior of the world, who gave his life
great and glorious vision burst upon us; for you and me; that the priesthood of
for Elijah the prophet, who was taken God has been restored; that the Church
to heaven without tasting death, stood of Jesus Christ has been re-established
before us, and said: in these the latter days with the same
"Behold, the time has fully come, organization that existed in the Primi-
which was spoken of by the mouth of tive Church, all by direct revelation;
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

that by direct revelationand the power life, I humbly pray in the name of
of God we have the Book of Mormon Jesus Christ. Amen.
which contains the gospel in its fulness;
that the heavens are as open today as President David O. McKay:
they were in the days of Moses, Abra-
ham, Peter, James, and John, and Paul; We have just listened to President
God still answers the prayers of the Nathan Eldon Tanner of the First
righteous and still reveals his mind and Presidency of the Church.
will through his ordained prophets; The men of the Tabernacle Choir will
that David O. McKay is a prophet of now favor us with "I Need Thee Every
God through whom the Lord speaks Hour." After the singing Elder Frank-
to his people today. lin D. Richards, Assistant to the Twelve,
From the very time that the young will speak to us.
boy Joseph at the age of fourteen, went
into the grove to ask God which church The Choir sang the hymn, "I Need
he should join until today, he and those Thee Every Hour."
who have followed him as presidents
of this Church have been led by revela- President David O. McKay:
tion in all things pertaining to the
kingdom of God. There are things in every human
May we all hold fast to the iron rod, mind that cannot be expressed in words,
which the word of God, and listen to
is but they can be in music, and we have
the prophet's voice and serve God and had that message this morning sung in
keep his commandments that he may the music by the Choir.
continue to lead us in the paths of Brother Franklin D. Richards, Assist-
righteousness to immortality and eternal ant to the Twelve, will now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brothersand sisters, I am men's hearts are troubled and seem to

happy to be with you this Sabbath be failing them. Yet there is a disposi-
morning in this great conference, and I tion even in Christian countries to rule
pray that I may
be guided by the Spirit out of life the mission of Jesus Christ.
of the Lord in speaking to you.
I have been greatly inspired by the
The Godhead
presence and words of our beloved The first statement in the declaration
prophet David O. McKay and of Presi- of belief of The Church of Jesus Christ
dent N. Eldon Tanner. I bring you the of Latter-day Saints is: "We believe in
love and greetings of the missionaries God, the Eternal Father and in His son
and of the Saints of the nine eastern Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost."
American missions, and I am pleased to This belief in God is the life-giving ele-
report to you that there is great growth ment of the Church. Our conception
and development in the kingdom in of God is personal. God in this dispen-
that part of our Lord's vineyard. sation has revealed himself to mankind
In The Church of Jesus Christ of as he has in former dispensations.
Latter-day Saints we call one another Through faith and prayer Joseph Smith
Brother and Sister because we recog- as a young man gained the great bless-
nize that all mankind are sons and ing of beholding God the Father and
daughters of our Father in heaven, his Son Jesus Christ.
therefore,we are all brothers and sisters. In his own words, Joseph Smith said,
This spirit of brotherhood is greatly ". . I saw
. two Personages, whose
needed in the world today. We are brightness and glory defy all descrip-
living in a period when one crisis fol- tion, standing above me in the air.
lows another. Faith in mankind is One of them spake unto me, calling
being disturbed and destroyed, and me by name and said, pointing to the

other —This is My
Beloved Son. Hear ". . . the kingdom of heaven is like
Him!" (Joseph Smith 2:17.) unto treasure hid in a field; the which
I bear witness that God lives, that when a man hath found, he hideth,
Jesus is the Christ, the Only Begotten and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all
of the Father in the flesh, our Savior that he hath, and buyeth that field.
and Redeemer. Also that Joseph Smith, ". . . the kingdom of heaven is like
in fulfilment of prophecy, was a great unto a merchant man, seeking goodly
prophet of God, an instrument in his pearls:
hands to restore the gospel of Jesus "Who, when he had found one pearl
Christ in its fulness as well as the true went and sold all that he
of great price,
knowledge of God and to restore the had, and bought it." (Ibid., 13:44-46.)
Church of Jesus Christ in these latter
days. The Church has been restored President Lorenzo Snow, one of the
here on the earth with the power to prophets of this dispensation, in speak-
act in the name of God and has been ing to the Saints in 1898 had this to
led by prophets since its restoration. say: "We have found the treasure in the
A great prophet, David O. McKay, now field, we have found the Pearl of Great
leads and directs through revelation —
Price and now we have got to give
from God. all that we have for it —
at one time or
another. The Lord has said that he
The Atonement will prove us even unto death to see
Through the atonement of Christ, all whether we will stand by the covenant
mankind may be saved, by obedience we have made with him."
to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. A distinguishing feature of The
The Savior said, "Let not your heart be Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
troubled: ye believe in God, believe Saints is the opportunity for every mem-
also in me. ber to serve in some capacity. Recently
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: while traveling on a plane in the East I
no man cometh unto the Father, but asked the man sitting next to me what
by me." (John 14:1, 6.) Jesus taught he knew about the Church. He replied
that all the law and the prophets rested that he had lived in Salt Lake City for
upon the principle of loving God with a few months some years ago, and be-
all of our heart, might, mind, and came acquainted with several members
strength and our neighbors as ourselves. of the Church. The thing that im-
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan pressed him most was that every mem-
of life that will restore peace to the ber was given a chance to serve by

world remove inner tensions and working in the Church. are told We
troubles and bring happiness and con- plainly and unequivocally that our

tentment the greatest philosophy of greatest opportunity and responsibility
life ever given to man. It is founded
here is building the kingdom of God,
upon the basic principles of love of God Christ's Church on earth. I know this
and man and showing this love in to be true.
service to our fellow men. All mankind
In 1894 Elder Francis M. Lyman, one
must shape their lives upon the simple of the leaders of the Church, gave this
principles he taught and lived to com-
counsel: "It will be profitable to all
prehend him in his power and majesty. Latter-day Saints to make this Church
In the Service of God first in their hearts and affections. Why?
Because the Lord has told us to seek
King Benjamin, a great prophet,
stated: "And behold, I tell you these
first the kingdom of God. have We
sought the kingdom and have found it
things that ye may learn wisdom; that
ye may learn that when ye are in the
— and now that should have our atten-
tion before farming, before merchandis-
service of your fellow beings ye are
ing, and before literary pursuits and
only in the service of your God."
the like.
(Mosiah 2:17.)
Jesus said, ". seek ye first the king-
. .
The Primary Object
dom of God, and his righteousness;
. .
." (Matt. 6:33.) "The welfare of the Church of Christ
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

in the earth and the spreading abroad our all" means giving all of the time,
of the gospel should be our pri- talents, and means necessary to accom-
mary object. plish the righteous objective. In being
"Butis this the case with us? If it asked to give of our time, few are asked
is not, then we have need of reforma- to lay down their lives in building the
tion. If the Church of Christ and the kingdom, but if this were to be re-
principles of righteousness are not quired,we should be willing to do so.
foremost in our hearts, then I say all In many respects it is better to live for
Israel so far as they lack, have need the Church than to die for it. Living
of reformation. for the Church can mean accepting a
"If we have set our hearts upon call as a teacher, a quorum or auxiliary
property, whether it be little or much leader, a bishop, a stake officer, a tem-
(for I presume a man could worship a ple or welfare worker, a home teacher,
little property as well as a great deal), a missionary, or in performing any
then we are idolators, and God has for- service for our fellow men.
bidden us to be idolators. He has com- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
manded us not to bow down to worship day Saints has no paid ministry. As
anything on earth." This counsel is as an example: The bishops of the wards
important and applicable today as it throughout the Church are laymen and
was when it was given seventy years arrange their time and affairs so that
ago, perhaps more so. they can provide and care for their
The Savior said, ". unto whomso- . . families and still shepherd the flocks
ever much is given, of him shall be over which they are placed. This type
much required: (Luke 12:48.)
. .
." of service is truly giving one's all.
As I travel throughout the Church I
am told by the leaders that the most "Teach All Nations"
pressing need today is "Greater dedica-
Jesus told
disciples his
in the
tion on the part of everyone in building
Meridian of Time
that they should,
the kingdom." In the parables referred
"Go . . . and teach
nations, baptiz- all
to, the price of possession of the hidden
ing them in the name
of the Father,
treasure and of the pearl of great price
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
is one's all —complete dedication. We "Teaching them to observe all things
might ask, "How does the Lord inter-
whatsoever I have commanded you:
pret 'giving our all' or 'complete dedi- ." (Matt. 28:19-20.)
. .
cation,' and how will he prove us even
unto death as President Snow stated?"
The Savior has given us this same
charge in this dispensation through
Giving our all or complete dedication
the Prophet Joseph Smith and the

means putting the Church first in our
prophets that have followed him. The
lives. It means to accept every oppor-
tunity to serve. As you accept each Church of Jesus Christ has always been
a missionary Church. At the present
call, recognize the tremendous oppor-
time there are approximately 16,000 full
tunity even though the assignment does
time and stake missionaries working
not appear to be too important, or you
throughout the world. Every member
may feel your inadequacy.
of the Church has been charged with
I heard of a young man who in pre-
diamond his fiancee re- the responsibility of giving the gospel
senting a to
marked, "it isn't very large," whereupon message to his friends and neighbors.
she replied, "it's as big as we make it." There is no greater evidence of giv-
ing your all than that shown by dedi-
So it is with every call to serve that
we accept — it's as big as we make it.
cated missionaries. ask that you We
give heed to their message as you have
Opportunities Many and Varied an opportunity to hear it. The message
Opportunities to serve in building the is —
that the heavens have been opened
kingdom are varied and many. Some and the gospel of Jesus Christ in its
require giving of our time, others re- fulness has been restored. It is indeed
quire giving of our talents, others re- a message of glad tidings, ". the . .

quire giving of our means. When we power of God unto salvation to every
accept any assignment to serve "giving one that believeth; ." (Rom. 1:16.) . .

Investment of Talents in Service Sacrifice Brings Blessings

Some opportunities to serve require Sacrifice brings forth the blessings

the giving of our talents as well as of of heaven,and in this respect financial
our time. The Lord has told us, ". . . means opportunities for great
with some I am not well pleased, for and varied blessings. Certainly the
they will not open their mouths, but sacrifices entailed in contributing to the
they hide the talent which I have given building program of the Church, both
unto them, because of the fear of of time and means, are outstanding ex-
man. . . . amples of giving one's all.
". . . Thou shalt not idle away thy The Apostle Paul in writing to the
time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent Corinthian Saints emphasized the im-
that it may not be known." (D&C portance of our attitude in giving
60:2, 13.) when he said:
Giving our all through the use of our "But this I say, He which soweth
talents exemplified beautifully by
is sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and
the members of the Salt Lake Taber- he which soweth bountifully shall reap
nacle Choir. These dedicated people also bountifully.
spend untold hours rehearsing and "Every man according as he pur-
preparing for and presenting their poseth in his heart, so let him give; not
regular Sunday morning program and grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
their many special appearances through- loveth a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:6-7.)
out the world. The choir is the means Jesus in teaching his disciples coun-
of opening the hearts and doors of mil- seled, "Lay not up for yourselves
lions of people to the gospel message. treasures upon earth, where moth and
Their only remuneration comes from rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
the joy they receive in serving the Lord. break through and steal:
Giving our all as applied to our "But lay up for yourselves treasures
means involves contributing financially in heaven, where neither moth nor
to the growth and development of the rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
kingdom. He who pays an honest tithe do not break through nor steal:
and makes his other offerings as re- "For where your treasure is, there
quired is giving his all as far as these will your heart be also." (Matt. 6:19-21.)
matters are concerned. The widow's
mite is as acceptable as the rich Building the Kingdom
man's abundance. The message of Christianity is to
Taking care of the poor and needy love and to serve, and we truly show
through welfare projects and in many our love by our good works. To attain
other ways requires the giving of our real greatness, the Savior tells us, one
means, and each one of these instances must be the servant of all.
is impressive evidence of one's dedica- The question is frequently asked, are
tion. Building the kingdom also re- people as dedicated today in building
quires the building of chapels, temples, the kingdom as they were in former
schools, other church
hospitals, and times. I feel that generally they are.
buildings in order to take care of the Giving our all today may in some re-
spiritual and physical needs of God's spects be different from heretofore, but
children. I see evidences every day where men,
Many throughout the world have left women, and children are showing their
their homes, much the same as the love of God and their fellow men by
missionaries, to serve in the vast build- their complete dedication. They are
ing program of the Church, furnishing gladly giving their all in time, talents,
much the supervision and labor
of and means. I commend them for it. I
needed. Substantial financial contribu- counsel others to put the Church
tions as well as time are required to first and reap the peace,
in their lives
carry on the worldwide building opera- happiness, and contentment that come
tion. Whenthese buildings are dedicated from giving their all through com-
to the Lord, they are entirely free plete dedication.
from debt. My brothers and sisters, we are en-

Sunday, April 5 Second Day

gaged in the Lord's work. God lives, President David O. McKay:

and Jesus Christ is our Savior and Re-
deemer. I know this to be true. The He who has just addressed us is
heavens have been opened, and prophets Elder Franklin D. Richards, grandson
have been raised up. Joseph Smith was of Brother Williard Richards who was
indeed a great prophet raised up to with the Prophet during the Prophet's
perform a mighty work in establishing last days.
God's kingdom in this dispensation. A number of television and radio
And we have a great prophet at the stations have just joined us. We wel-
head of the Church today, our beloved come all those who have tuned in for

President David O. McKay. All man- thisConference session. shall now We

kind would do well to heed his counsel hear from Elder Robert L. Simpson of
and advice. I bear this testimony to you the Presiding Bishopric. He will be
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. followed by Elder Theodore M. Burton.


First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

I am a father. I share this popular one of our sons could hardly be ex-
title with millions. I would like to do pected, much less appreciated, without
some thinking with all of the fathers some real effort on our part in order to
within range of my voice this morning, merit it.

and we sincerely invite the rest of the So how about it, dads? Let's put
family to listen in.Dads, do you realize our heads together for just a few min-
that we have had one of the truly great utes and determine some ways to im-
compliments of the ages bestowed upon prove our contribution to the partner-
us? It has been wisely stated that "to ship we have with God the Eternal
be trusted is a greater compliment than Father in guiding the destiny of human
to be loved." souls, in this case, our sons.
As choice young spirits have been
sent into our charge, the sacred trust
Love, the Prime Ingredient
that I refer to has been bestowed by Let us place first things first and
Heavenly Father. I would like to have mention love as the prime ingredient.
all fathers join me this morning as we I rather think that Heavenly Father
contemplate the obligations associated would like the idea of love heading our
with this great blessing of fatherhood. list, for his Only Begotten, the Savior
of the world, had unlimited capacity
Obligations and Blessings for love. This single trait of love was
Who among us fathers would not most typical of his brief mortal ministry.
thrill atthe prospects of our son record- In this day the Lord has revealed his
ing of us as a boy prophet recorded will to us concerning our approach to
more than 2500 years ago: ". having . . one another, and I cannot think of a
been born of goodly parents" (1 Nephi single reason why it should not apply
1:1), or perhaps this recording from the especially to the father-son relationship.
pen of our modern-day Prophet, Joseph He speaks of using our power and influ-
Smith, Jun., as he said, "... I love my ence, ". only by persuasion, by long-
. .

father and his memory; and the memory suffering, by gentleness and meekness,
of his noble deeds rests with ponderous and by love unfeigned;
weight upon my mind, and many of "By kindness, and pure knowledge,
his kind and parental words to me are which shall greatly enlarge the soul
written on the tablet of my heart. . . . without hypocrisy, and without guile

"Words and language are inadequate (D&C 121:41-42.)
to express the gratitude that I owe to In acknowledging God's patience with
God for having given me
so honorable the children of Israel, Nehemiah de-
a parentage." (DHC
5, see pp. 125-126.) scribed God as ". ready to pardon,
. .

Such an expression of gratitude from gracious and merciful, slow to anger,


and of kindness." (Neh. 9:17.)

great pattern should be. In that great coun-
The Savior became upset and over- cil attended by you and me along with
wrought on at least one very trying the hosts of heaven, we are told that
occasion. Do you remember the epi- Satan's plan of force and dictatorial
sode in the temple as he drove out the power was rejected. Instead a plan of
money changers? This is compatible freedom and personal choice was de-
with his continued advice as he justifies cided upon, and so it must be in all
you and me: "Reproving betimes with of our human relationships. have We
sharpness, when moved upon by the often heard, "You can lead a horse to
Holy Ghost; and then showing forth water, but you can't make him drink."
afterwards an increase of love toward
him whom thou hast reproved, lest he Persuasion Not Compulsion
esteem thee to be his enemy"; (D&C No, dads, let's face it. The methods
121:43.) of compulsion and dictatorship are not
compatible with the Lord's plan, but
"Follow the Leader" rather kindly persuasion through love
All boys seem to have a favorite and patience as expressed by the poet:
game. They play it most of the time
without even realizing it. It is called "Know this, that every soul is free,
"Follow the Leader" and, dads, whether To choose his life and what he'll be;
we like it or not, this is the way it is. For this eternal truth is given
So maybe we had better decide right That God will force no man to heaven."
here and now to lead right. Can we —William C. Gregg
constantly break promises and teach
our sons integrity? Speak an occasional Communication, Many Forms
falsehood and expect undeviating truth Now getting back to the horse that
from them? wouldn't drink, someone has said,
When was the last time you found "Well, he just didn't know he was
your son looking up at you with that thirsty," so we had to convince him.
look of complete admiration and confi- Here we get into the area of communi-
dence? To them, dad is perfection, cation. If there is one major problem
and we should do nothing to betray in the world today, it is a lack of
the trust and faith that is theirs in us. proper communication. It is not only
We now find ourselves in a great age the cause of international unrest, but
of acceleration, a turn to the left or also family disunity.
right, however slight, can be of great At this very moment, communication
consequence. Surely a five degree devia- satellites circle the globe, and experi-
tion traveling down the road behind mental testing goes on at a feverish rate
old dobbin was not a serious miscalcu- so that nations will be able to talk to
lation, and there was plenty of time to nations both audibly and visually in our
pull the reins and set things right. day. To eliminate gross misunder-
Traveling down the modern highway standing that might trigger an atomic
of life calls for strict attention to detail, bomb without true cause, we read of a
for a slight deviation of our course can hot line from Moscow to Washington,
spell disaster in the fraction of a sec- and you can be sure that understanding
ond. Ours is the most volatile age in the would be checked very thoroughly be-
history of the world. How
important fore anyone pushes a button that
it is that we train well to follow the would send the world reeling into an
white line, to hold fast to the iron rod atomic war.
spoken of by President Tanner. Are we taking as much pain to see
that our family communications are un-
Respect Free Agency
restricted and staticfree? Have you
Our sons are sent to us from our ever had the experience of a hurried
Heavenly Father's presence as free word that was misunderstood only to
agents to be taught and persuaded yes,
to be forced and driven like cattle
— find out later that feelings resulted due
to a misinterpretation of the true
never! It was established even before meaning?
the foundations of the earth what the I heard of a father who decided to

Sunday, April 5 Second Day

leave the car home on Sunday morning important by mother and dad. The
so he and his boy could enjoy a brisk children are not even aware of what
walk to church. Even more stimulat- is happening, and with proper fore-
ing than the exercise which they both thought on some subjects that would be
needed very much was the opportunity of interest to all, plus perhaps a thought-
for casual conversation and the re- provoking question to get things mov-
sulting understanding that grew between ing, this family found itself deeply
them. A
new warm father-son rela- engrossed in interesting, stimulating
tionship that had been slipping away conversation with a greater feeling of
rather rapidly was firmly reestablished. unity than ever before. It is interest-
Are we too busy for a Pack meeting, ing to note that the mother of this
dads? Too little time for a few min- family reports a wonderful by-product
utes of ball throwing before dinner of the plan. Conversation became so
perhaps? Is it inconvenient for you to engrossing and so involved that it com-
rough it for just one night at a Fathers' pletely eliminated the bickering and
and Sons' outing? Maybe we are just contention that was usually a part of

too busy yes, even with church work
sometimes we might become too busy.
the dinner hour.

Any red-blooded father would throw For Boys

back his shoulders and say, "I'd give Now in all of our talking during
my life for my family," but, dads, are these past few moments, most has been
we willing to give up our favorite TV said about father and son. Practically
show in the meantime? How about it, everything expressed could also be said
dads, are we just a little selfish some- about mother and daughter or father
times when it comes to putting first and daughter, and as far as that goes,
things first? Let's think in terms of mother and son. As a bishopric, we
the little day-to-day niceties and not are always impressed with President
so much about the spectacular gesture McKay's kindly admonition. As we
"some day." Just as surely as night find ourselves at times carried away
follows the day, no man will ever make with the boys' programs of the Church,
the big sacrifice without first the little he leans forward with that twinkle in
sacrifices along the way. his eye and in a very kindly way re-
From the beginning of time, dad has minds us, "And, brethren, girls of
been designated as the head of the corresponding ages," and so we would
family. This is further amplified in the remind all of the brethren not to forget
teachings of the priesthood. The father girls of corresponding ages.
who holds the priesthood becomes the
For Girls
president or the head of his family unit
as long as he maintains himself worthy Today is a wonderful day, made pos-
of that sacred trust. As president of this sible through thousands of intelligent
most important corporation in the eyes people with proper attitudes. The
of the Lord, all fathers must find time world today is the product of mothers
to give to it. and dads of yesterday. Our thinking,
Time is always so precious. Can we our judgment, our spirituality are largely
ever find all the hours necessary to earn the product of their good example. Now
a living, do our church work, and be a on the horizon we see tomorrow
good father? The answer is yes, but sparkling and bright, offering a chal-
not without some organization and lenge to our sons and our daughters, a
planning. As we seek for every avail- challenge that exceeds anything the
able minute to accomplish our impor- world has ever known. The attitudes,
tant responsibilities, may I pass on just the leadership, the spirituality of that
one idea given me by a father who day will be in direct measure a reflec-
utilizes the dinner hour as a time tion of the effectiveness of the parental
for better family communications, not guidance we offer today.
in a direct businesslike way but rather
in an indirect but preplanned way. The
To Boys
dinner table discussion is guided skil- Boys, "Honour thy father and thy
fully into those areas thought most mother: that thy days may be long


upon the land which the Lord thy The total companionship of his very
God giveth thee." (Exod. 20:12.) Dads, own dad.
let's not wait for the more convenient Games are outgrown, and toys decay,
time that never seems to come. Give But he'll never forget if you give him
that boy the guidance that only you can a day!"
give as Heavenly Father intended it.
Don't think about the great day way May we provide this time as our
off in eternity sometime when you will Heavenly Father would have us, I pray
give your life. That boy will settle in the name of his Son Jesus Christ.
for a few minutes here, and an hour Amen.
there, and every once in a while per-
haps a full day. An unknown poet President David O. McKay:
has said it better than I:

"What is this gift you will give your

He to whom you have just listened
is Elder Robert L. Simpson of the Pre-
siding Bishopric of the Church.
A glamorous game, a tinseled toy,
A number
of television sets are just
A whittling knife, a puzzle pack,
changing now, and we will listen to
A train that runs on a curving track?
A Boy Scout book, a real live pet? about a minute and a half of organ
No, there's plenty of time for such
things yet.
Give him a day for his very own We do not know how many millions
Just your boy and his dad alone: of people have tuned in on this Taber-
A walk in the woods, a game in the nacle session. You may guess. A new
park, audience is now listening to us.
A fishing trip from dawn to dark; We shall hear now from Elder Theo-
Give him the gift to thrill any lad dore M. Burton, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Literal Resurrection What did Jesus do from Friday

Few things in this world of ideas and
afternoon until Sunday morning when
men have been so thoroughly accepted the two Marys came to the tomb and
and so implicitly believed as was the found it empty?
literal resurrection of Jesus Christ by The great Apostle Peter, who later

his disciples. Their belief in the actual became the leader and spokesman for
resurrection of Jesus Christ led his the Church, gave a very clear state-
disciples, rather than to deny him, to ment of what happened as he wrote:
give up their very lives. Men do not "For Christ also hath once suffered
give up their lives for an idea or con- for sins, the just for the unjust, that
cept unless they know in their hearts he might bring us to God, being put to
that the idea is true and worth such death in the flesh, but quickened by
sacrifice. The disciples believed and the Spirit:
were convinced of the literal resurrec- "By which (that is, in the spirit) also
tion of Jesus Christ. They understood he went and preached unto the spirits
this resurrection to be a reuniting of in prison;
body and spirit to form an eternal soul, "Which sometime were disobedient,
never again to be separated by death. when once the longsuffering of God
A question might well be asked: waited in the days of Noah, while the
"What happened to the Spirit of Jesus ark was a preparing, wherein (which
Christ during the period when his dead means during the days of Noah) few,
body lay in the tomb awaiting its resur- that is, eight souls were saved by water
rection?" Though his body was con- (meaning by baptism)." (1 Peter
fined to the tomb, his Spirit was free. 3:18-20.)
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

Gospel in Spirit World "repentance." This repentance must

Tradition tells us that Noah preached make such a mighty change in our
the gospel of repentance and salvation hearts that we have no more disposi-

for 120 years among his people, but

tion to do evil, but to do good con-
those wicked ones would not listen to tinually. Such faith and repentance
will lead us to make a formal covenant
his warning. In the mercy of God,
following the death of Jesus Christ, with God to accept Jesus Christ as our
Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord, and
those spirits who had been confined
because of their wickedness on earth our Father. This covenant we call
were given a chance to hear and accept baptism and is so necessary that Jesus
told his disciples:
the gospel in the spirit world. It is
doubtful that Noah's preaching could
". .Go ye into all the world, and

have been heard by all the multitude preach the gospel to every creature.
of people then living on the earth. "He that believeth and is baptized
God does love his children and desires shall be saved; but he that believeth
that all will accept his plan of salvation not (and therefore is not baptized)
so they might be numbered among his shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-16.)
children and live as resurrected beings The gospel of Jesus Christ has been
in his presence. in the world from the time of Adam.
Jesus, therefore, preached to these and It was preached and taught and prac-
other spirits in the spirit world and tised by the patriarchs and the prophets.

organized the work of the ministry Baptism in water was also practised as a
there. The scriptures are clear on this token of this covenant from earliest
point that the promise given to David times. However you and I realize that
and cited by Luke in Acts 1:17 was there are many in this world who lived
literally fulfilled. We
might well ask: and died without ever having an oppor-
"Why?" Why was it necessary for tunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus to give the spirits in prison a We know that there are many men and
chance to accept the gospel of salvation? women who die unbaptized, because
Peter answers the question this way: some teacher, missionary, or leader who
should have taught them was so poorly
"That they might be judged" trained, so lacking in faith, and so un-
"For for this cause was the gospel prepared to bear personal witness of
preached also to them that are dead, Jesus Christ that the hearer never
that they might be judged according to understood the message as he should
men in the flesh, but live according to have done. Should such people be
God in the spirit." (1 Peter 4:6.) damned forever for lack of proper in-
Men will be judged by what they struction, because of an accident of
do in this life. We
will be rewarded birth, or because of the inadequacies of
for the good we do on this earth, and others? I say: "No!" God is a God of
we must pay dearly for the sins we justice and love and mercy. Every man
commit. There is altogether too much is entitled to a just chance to know and

disobedience and sin in the world. Sin accept Jesus Christ or to reject him if
is a weakness of the flesh. This weak- he feels the price of acceptance is
ness to some is an excuse to justify too high.
their sins, but to the strong it is a
challenge to overcome this weakness of Opportunity to Covenant
the flesh. This is possible by exercising Thus either in this life or in the spirit
the faith inherent in all men to con- world each man and woman who has
quer temptation and live as God in- lived upon this earth is given an oppor-
tended we should. tunity to covenant with God through
baptism to accept Jesus Christ as Lord
Repentance and Covenants and Father. However, just as Jesus
Jesus invited all men everywhere to taught that there is no marrying in
change from carnal thoughts and ac- heaven, so there can be no baptism in
tions to a life of righteousness. We heaven. Both baptism and marriage
call this change of thought and action are earthly ordinances which must be

performed here. Jesus gave Peter and dred dead in the temples of God
the other Apostles power to seal on erected for that purpose. If our ancestors
earth with the promise that this sealing and kinfolk have the desire to accept
would then be recognized in heaven. the gospel of Jesus Christ even beyond
This same power to seal on earth and the grave, they are free to accept these
in heaven has been given us through redeeming ordinances made in their
the laying on of hands by those in behalf. There is neither force nor com-
authority. Thus baptisms and mar- pulsion in the gospel of Jesus Christ,
riages on earth, sealed by men given only love, mercy, and opportunity.
such divine authority, are recognized
in heaven as valid and are ac- Christ, an Example of Vicarious
cepted there. Service

Ordinances Performed Vicariously The greatnessJesus Christ was

his selfless sacrifice to assist us who
For those who are deceased, such are powerless to assist ourselves. By his
ordinances must be performed by the sacrifice, he opened to us the door to
living for and in behalf of those who life everlasting and made it possible for
are dead. This vicarious work of the us to resurrect our bodies and so regain
redemption of others was cited by Paul the presence of Almighty God, provided,
as another justification for belief in the of course, that we live righteous lives
literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. As to merit this privilege. What Jesus did
Paul explained: was done as an example to show us how
"Else what shall they do which are we too could serve others through our
baptized for the dead, if the dead rise own work and sacrifice. In our vicarious
not at all? why are they then baptized work for the salvation of our dead we
for the dead?" (1 Cor. 15:29.) do follow our Lord and Savior and be-
The reasoning is clear. All men can come ourselves saviors for those who
escape damnation by making such cove- cannot save themselves. It is a beauti-
nants with God to accept Jesus Christ ful principle and one which helps to
with all that action requires of us by establish this Church true as the
way of sacrifice and devotion. That all Church of Jesus Christ. I know of no
would not achieve the same degree of other church which understands this
exaltation was made very clear by Paul principle and which practises those
as he taught of the various heavens pre- early Christian ordinances taught in the
pared for man in accordance with the Bible. It did require revelation from
diligence man shows in earning such God, however, to show us the logic of
glory. Even as one star differs from these practices. With this key of
another in brightness, so shall one man's knowledge we presently wonder why
heaven differ from another's according those passages which appear so clear to
to the service he renders. But the us now should have been so long cov-
chance to receive the highest glory ered in darkness.
which Paul typified by the brightness
of the sun must be given to every man A Work of Love
and every woman. This work work of love and
is a
sacrifice the finest of
Genealogy a Means
Christian in serving others
People not fully acquainted with this where no thanks is either possible or
concept cannot understand the concern expected in this earthly life. invite We
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- all men everywhere to join us in this
day Saints with genealogy. Our ex- Church as we strive toward Christian
penditure of time, money, and effort in perfection. In serving others we save
gathering and organizing the names and ourselves, for we cannot be saved or be
vital statistics of our ancestors is done happy without our kindred dead. This
to identify them properly. We only is a reward which Jesus promised as
gather and correlate these genealogies he taught:
for one purpose, so that we can do the ". . Inasmuch as ye have done ,it

necessary ordinance work for our kin- unto one of the least of these my
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

brethren, ye have done it unto me." dore M. Burton, Assistant to the

(Matt. 25:40.) Twelve.
My brothers and sisters and my The Tabernacle Choir will now sing,
friendswho are watching and listening "Praise to God in the Highest," after
to thisprogram on the air, I bear you which Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant
my solemn witness that God lives, that
to the Twelve, will speak to us.
Jesus Christ is his Son who rose from
the dead and heads this Church today.
I bear my witness to you in love that

these same principles of salvation apply

Singing by the Tabernacle Choir,
not only to us, but to those who are
dead, which testimony I bear in the "Praise To God In The Highest."
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay:
Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
You have just listened to Elder Theo- Twelve, will now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I most humbly give respect and love to of power, and of love, and of a sound
President McKay and all the General mind." (2 Tim. 1:7.)
Authorities and
to the Saints here and Our civilization today is often re-
abroad and to all who are hearing and ferred to as a godless one, primarily
viewing this service. because of the ascendancy of worldly
While we are witnessing the turbu- learning and the diminishing influence
lences of nature, as predicted, wars, of faith or conviction; but it is not a
rumors of wars, earthquakes in divers total loss of faith that we need fear,
places, the sea leaping beyond its but rather a weakening of conviction,
bounds, it is nevertheless in the simple the watering down of devotion which
walks of life that the nobility of man is taking place.

or a lack of it is found. "Philip E. Jacob, Professor of Political

Science at the University of Pennsyl-
Conviction, A Modern Need vania and author of 'Changing Values
Oneof the great needs of our modern in College,' says: 'The vast majority of
civilization, perhaps the most important today's college students profess belief
of all, is a sense of conviction convic- — in God. But there is a "ghostly quality"
tion in a cause motivated by divine to their religion. It is divorced from
truth; a conviction that is greater present-day concerns, lacking in social
than the mere physical knowledge it responsibility.' Another survey, the
may contain. Cornell University Values Study, found:
Through conviction, God can speak '.. little or no evidence of "absolute

to the soul of every individual, giving conviction or adherence" and ended by

direction in all phases of life with calling student belief 'secular religion.'
spiritual and moral courage to meet any (This Week, James DeFoe, "God on the
situation without surrendering ideals Campus," March 8, 1964, p. 6.)
and objectives. Any other type of re-
ligion will be cluttered with the apathy "Tobacco is not good for man"
and misconcepts of human wisdom. In February of 1833, the Prophet
Here is a power that can lead to the Joseph Smith made a statement to the
highest pinnacle of achievement in mor- world which we believe was inspired
tality and to exaltation in immortality. of God. That statement concerned the
The world gropes today for that direc- harmful effects in the use of tobacco on
tion which the Apostle Paul called: the human body. His declaration was
". not
. . the spirit of fear; but
. . . not made with any malice toward any-

one but simply as a benefit to mankind. tions the attitude among so many intel-
Now, after 130 years, we in our present lectuals toward right and wrong.
civilization have progressively reached "In America today, for instance, we
a verdict concerning the deadly effect are being told that, if the end sought
of this narcotic. is good, it is not unmoral to break the
As a Prophet of God, Joseph Smith law." (By permission U.S. News and
was led by divine inspiration and heav- World Report, August 26, 1963, David
enly direction to make other statements, Lawrence, p. 104.)
many of which are more far-reaching But Thomas Aquinas wrote that a
than the one referred to. All have been good intention does not justify an evil.
for the benefit of mankind. He said: "A man cannot rightly steal
One in particular, which is closely because he intends to use the money
related with faith and conviction, he for a good purpose —
to help the poor."
reiterated many times, as recorded in Exemplifying the modern trend,
the Doctrine and Covenants of the Canon Rhymes of England calls ex-
Church. In June of 1829, nearly four plicitly for a "new moral code" based
years before he made the statement upon sympathy for the different needs
concerning the deadly effect of tobacco, of individuals. These needs may require
he proclaimed these words as they had that individuals "may need to break all
been revealed to him from the Lord: Ten Commandments." In turn, the
".. the thing which will be of the most
old morality, as it is now being spoken
worth unto you will be to declare re- of, would have condemned such needs;
pentance. . .
." (D&C 16:6.) the new morality, says he, must respect
in them its own essence.
Recognizing Right and Wrong From the classroom, from some Chris-
tian pulpits, and from the politician's
This the need of America! This is
the need of the world! In the face of platform we are hearing today "all

such urgency, it is timely to ask, how is right" or rather whatever is done
shall we face this problem? First, there must be right. We
see the manifest
is necessity for a changed attitude in evidence of this tirelessly endorsing
recognizing the difference between right whatever actually occurs. Lord Silkin,
and wrong. If we cannot recognize this for instance, apparently distressed at the
difference, then we cannot know what number of "Irregular marriages," re-
to repent of. To live in a society that cently sought to remedy the situation by
does not recognize the volitional right calling them regular. A
Ministry of
of choice in two opposites, of choosing Education's medical officer describes
right over wrong, can only bring the unchastity as not in his view "unchaste."
masses to a state of decay. There seems Thus this supposedly new-found mo-
no question that it is the will of the rality in our modern day destroys the
"evil one" that our choices in life or efficacy of good over bad or of right over
the exercise of agency shall be in be- wrong. The immutable law of God
half of one of two evils, rather than in that man becomes like unto him in
right over wrong. I quote from a chal- knowing the difference between right
lenging editorial of a leading weekly and wrong or good and evil is lost in the
magazine: subterfuge of man's unwillingness to
". one of the leading newspapers
. .
in London —
published on August 8 a
remarkable editorial entitled 'The New
In this regard, William Hard writes
of a "split personality" in America. I
Morality.' was prompted by the sex
It quote:
and spy scandals which have stirred the "Clearly we have achieved a split
indignation not only of the people of personality. We are having a religious
Great Britain, but also of the people of revival and a moral decline.
other countries. [Primarily because such clear that we have not suc-
"I think it

modern behavior is not limited in its ceeded adequately in fusing 'worship'

scope to these scandals.] and 'the world.' We
have not suc-
"What is significant, however, is the ceeded adequately in fusing ritual
manner in which 'The Telegraph ques- and righteousness.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

"If a nation would achieve righteous- Prophet Joseph Smith has declared re-
ness," challenges William Hard, "let peatedly to be of the most worth unto
it first achieve repentance." (Reader's us, that of repentance, which is the
Digest, William Hard, "How Law forerunner of conviction.
Abiding Are We—
Really?" May 1959, The agency of man is not a power
pp. 39-41.) to be left dormant or itself to be moved
In a washed-down
type of conviction, upon solely by exterior forces for good
we seethe image of the unrepentant or evil. Man, if we understand the
church member spoken of by Samuel true meaning and purpose of agency, is
Miller, Dean of the Harvard Divinity to be an agent unto himself, assuming
School: the prerogative of acting as a result of
"Men who want to be sure that their his own volition. Speaking of this the
goodness pays or that there will be a Lord has said:
newspaper notice of their heroism, or "For behold, it is not meet that I
that there is some profit in believing in should command in all things; for he
God, simply do not know what that is compelled the same is
. . . . . .

faith is." (Look, Samuel Miller, "What not a wise servant. . . .

Can I Believe," Dec. 19, 1961, p. 90.) "Verily I say, men should be anxiously
What then is the greatest need of our engaged in a good cause, and do many
present day? Is it not what a prophet of things of their own free will; . . .

God has proclaimed it to be, that the "For the power is in them, wherein
thing that will be of the greatest worth they are agents unto themselves."
unto us in this modern day is to recog- (D&C 58:26-28.)
nize and appropriate the principle For man to know good and evil, which
of repentance?
characterizes him as being in the way
In the areas of mental illness, O. Ho- to become like unto God, and then by
bart Mowrer of the University of Illi- virtue of choice or agency choose the
nois makes this statement concerning good rather than the evil, he experiences
the benefit derived from repentance on the crowning achievement of inward
persons that are emotionally frustrated. mastery. In the exercise of true re-
He says when a person "begins to accept pentance, we vindicate unto ourselves
his guilt and his sinfulness, the possi- the calling and work of Jesus Christ,
bility of radical reformation opens up; for without repentance there is no real
and with this, the individual may legiti- purpose to his mission. Here lies the
mately, though not without pain and measuring stick of achievement in earth
effort, pass from deep, pervasive self- life probation.
rejection and self-torture to a new free-
dom, of self-respect and peace." (The Repentance, Basic Principle of Growth
American Psychologist, O. Hobart Mow-
Repentance, therefore, is a basic prin-
rer, "Sin: the Lesser of Two Evils,"
ciple of our Christian faith; for, if a
p. 304.)
man has a desire in his heart to know
First Principles; First Ordinances the truth, the normal and positive reac-
tion causes him to know that he has
One of our Articles of Faith, the con- participated in acts that are wrong and
tent of which establishes the first prin- therefore sinful. In this respect, all are
ciples of the gospel of Jesus Christ, reads in need of repentance. The Apostle
as follows: James says that if we say we have no
"We believe that the first principles need of repentance, we are liars, and
and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, the truth is not in us. It can be our
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, misfortune if we fail to recognize the
Repentance; third, Baptism by immer- difference between right and wrong.
sion for the remission of sins; fourth, Repentance leads to conviction, but
Laying on of hands for the gift of the is also unalterably connected with for-

Holy Ghost." (Fourth article of faith. giveness; and when forgiveness flows
Italicsadded.) into our consciousness, we experience
May we concern ourselves briefly a feeling of great joy, a release of ten-
with that phase of this article which the sion and frustration. The Lord has


supplied the simple panacea to happi- express her gratitude. She said, as I
ness through repentance. recall, "I have never been so peaceful

"By this ye may know if a man and happy in my life." And the hus-
repenteth of his sins —behold, he will band, how did he feel? Well, I do not
confess them and forsake them." (D&C know fully; but I do recall his words
58:43. Italics added.) to me upon a later occasion, when
There should be no discrimination he said:
against that man
or woman who may "The thing that provokes me is that
have done wrong in his or her life. she did not tell me this years ago. I
Wrong as it may be, unless it is the would have forgiven her then, just the
unpardonable sin, is not always the same as I do now."
tragedy. The real tragedy is when one I have always been impressed with

fails to rise above a weakness to ex- — the fine sensitivity of right that existed
pose that weakness to the light so that in a man that I knew, who, upon his
emotional stress and the dishonor of deathbed, sought not to face his Maker
sin may be banished forever. The with a lie on his lips even though that
unhappiest people in the world are falsehood which he had perpetrated
those who try to hide their sins and against a friend was in his youth. This
then stubbornly will not repent and wrong had stayed with him all his life.
forsake their ways of wrong. When sins are committed, emotional
stress is the result. The inward
Forgiveness machinery is thrown out of calibration.
I recall several years ago, in line with
There is only one way to get a release
from it and this is through repentance.
my responsibilities as a bishop of the
True repentance, may I repeat, is
Church, of counseling with a middle-
"When a man repenteth behold, . . .
aged married couple. Their lives were
he will confess [his sins], and forsake
not happy ones. They wanted to go
them." (D&C 58:43. Italics added.)
forward in the Church, but something
seemed to mar the way. I finally con- "I will remember them no more"
cluded to talk with each one separately.
After a short while, with great difficulty,
Under these circumstances, where the
forsaking element is positive and sure,
the wife told me of a transgression in
the Lord has said: "Behold, he who has
her life which took place during the
first week of her marriage. After this repented of his sins, [and forsaken
terrible mistake, she resolutely tried to
them] the same is forgiven, and I, the
save her marriage by hiding her sin,
Lord, remember them no more."
(Ibid., 58:42.)
and these many years had not told a
soul of this single instance. She suc-
ceeded in keeping their marriage, Conviction of Truth
largely because of the sterling worth of
To conclude my remarks let me say,
her fine husband; but there had built
up inside of her, because of the sin she
what men need today is conviction
conviction in a cause of truth.

had kept hidden, such an emotional
we can attain through the doorway of
stress that she could not find happiness.
repentance, which leads to the noble
Here then, I determined, was the life. That person who cannot recognize
cause for the lack of complete happi- right over wrong and then by agency
ness. What was she to do? I said to choose the right will not see the face
her that when she felt up to it she of God our Heavenly Father.
should confide completely in her hus-
Edward Martin wrote a poem which
band and seek his forgiveness. At first
could help us to make the decision. He
she exclaimed, "I could never do that!"
But somehow she got up the courage to
called it, "My Name Is Legion."

do it after biding her time. The hus-

band, of course, was shocked; but he "Within my earthly temple there's a
forgave her; and this brought peace and crowd;
happiness to that home. There's one of us that's humble, one
Later this woman sought me out to that's proud,
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

There's one that's broken-hearted for his as it is associated with faith and bap-

sins, tism by immersion for the remission of

There's one that unrepentant sits and sins and the laying on of hands for the
grins; gift of the Holy Ghost.
There's one that loves his neighbor as I bear my testimony of the need of
himself, strong convictions and of positive action
And one that cares for naught but fame in forsaking ways of error, of recogniz-
and pelf. ing the issue of right and wrong, and
From much corroding care I should be then, through repentance, of choosing
free the right. And I do this in the name
If I could once determine which is me." of Jesus Christ. Amen.

(Masterpieces of Religious Verse, New President David O. McKay:

York, Harper Brothers, 1948, p. 274.)
Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
Walter Malone in speaking of hope, Twelve, has been our concluding
which could be the ever-present oppor- speaker.
tunity of knowing the difference between We shall conclude this fourth session
good and evil and then to seek with of the one hundred and thirty-fourth
positive desire to choose the good, Annual Conference of the Church with
has said: the Tabernacle Choir singing, "Beauti-
ful Savior, Lord of Nations." Following
"They do me wrong who say I come the singing the benediction will be
no more offered by Elder A. Gideon Omer,
When once I knock and fail to find formerly president of the Swedish Mis-
you in; sion. This Conference will then be
. . . Each night I burn the records of adjourned until two o'clock this after-
the day, noon.
At sunrise every soul is born again!" We express our thanks and apprecia-
tion to the General Authorities who
("Opportunity," A Book of Living have spoken to us, and to the wonderful
Poems, New York: Albert Whitman, Choir for their inspiring singing.
1934, p. 55. Italics added.) We are also grateful to the owners
and managers of the many television
This is a message which The Church and radio stations who have offered
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has their facilities as a public service to
for the world. Our missionaries from make the proceedings of this confer-
the earliest time, following the sacred ence available to millions throughout
consultation which God the Father and South America, South Africa, and in
his Son Jesus Christ had with Joseph many other areas of the world. Just
Smith the Prophet in the Sacred Grove think how different the audience of this
near Palmyra, New York, have pro- annual conference is to what it was
claimed the need of repentance. This fifty years ago! We cannot adequately
they have done and are doing today in express how much the Lord has blessed
nearly every country in the world by us.
the power of conviction and the voice "Beautiful Savior, Lord of Nations."
of testimony. And the benediction will be offered by
to be hoped and prayed for that
It is A. Gideon Omer.
civilization today will heed this call,
and that 130 years more will not be An anthem, "Beautiful Savior Lord —
needed to render a verdict in its behalf. Of The Nations," was sung by the
I have spoken today of but one phase Choir, following which the benediction
of the fourth article of faith of The was offered by Elder A. Gideon Omer,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day formerly President of the Netherlands
Saints. Mission.
"We believe ... in repentance . .
." Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The Sunday afternoon session of the of the priesthood participated in this
Conference convened in the Tabernacle meeting.
at 2:00 p.m. April 5th. This morning's broadcast session was
President David O. McKay was pre- carried by many radio and television
sent and presided at this meeting and stations in the west and by short wave
at President McKay's request President in English over Station WRUL and
N. Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in beamed by five transmitters near Boston
the First Presidency, conducted the to Europe, South America, Central
services. America, Africa, and parts of Asia. We
The Tabernacle Choir was present have received word from Indonesia,
and furnished the choral numbers. Arabia, England, Ireland, Italy, South
President Tanner made the following America, Africa, Turkey, and from
introductory remarks: Communist Cuba, testifying that these
broadcasts are reaching the people.
President N. Eldon Tanner: One letter from Cuba said, "We shall
never accept Communism, because the
Under the direction of our beloved Cuban people only believe in God, the
President McKay, and at his request, only God, true friend of the poor and
I am conducting
this session of this the oppressed, and neither Communism
great conference. Members of the nor any other system will be able to
Church are convened in the Tabernacle change our opinion although they em-
on Temple Square in Salt Lake City in play all the means possible for carry-
the fifth general session of the one hun- ing it out."
dred thirty-fourth Annual Conference The Saturday morning session, in
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- addition to being broadcast direct, was
day Saints. video-taped and released this morning
President McKay has asked me to over many television stations. The
mention the following: Through the Saturday morning session was also
generous cooperation of the owners and video-taped and sent by air to Hawaii
managers many television and radio and was telecast this morning. The
stations have carried and will continue Saturday session, therefore, reached the
to carry to practically every state in the largest audience both in the United
Union and to many foreign countries States and abroad in the history of the
the proceedings of some sessions of this Church.
Conference. These stations are located The service this afternoon is being
from coast to coast. The names of the broadcast in the Assembly Hall by
stations carrying the proceedings of this television. Those standing in the door-
session were announced to the tele- ways and in the galleries may possibly
vision and radio audiences just prior find seats in that building.
to the opening of this meeting. The Tabernacle is filled to overflow-
We appreciate the courtesy of these ing this Sunday afternoon and probably
owners and managers in broadcasting many thousands have tuned in on
the programs of the Conference. radios and televisions. We
extend a
Saturday evening an inspirational hearty welcome to our unseen audience
meeting of the Priesthood of the Church and to all who are gathered in this great
was held in the Tabernacle. The pro- hall. The proceedings of both sessions
ceedings of this meeting were relayed today will be rebroadcast to far distant
by closed circuit broadcast, originating places by Radio Station KSL, April 6,
in the Tabernacle, to members of the 1964 from one o'clock to five o'clock
priesthood assembled in 410 separate a.m.
locations in all parts of the United We again acknowledge with apprecia-
States and in Canada. 83,000 holders tion the presence of our stake presi-
Sunday, April 5 Second Dan

dencies, high councilmen, bishoprics, of the Santa Barbara Stake offered the
temple presidents, general auxiliary offi- invocation.
cers, patriarchs, and others who are here
with us today. We
also extend a cordial President N. Eldon Tanner:
welcome and express satisfaction and
pleasure in the attendance of the special The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
guests and prominent men in the nation us with "The King of Glory," with
and the state. Evans Smith as soloist, con-
Sister Jessie
The music for this session will be ducted by Richard P. Condie.
rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with After the singing, President Hugh B.
Richard P. Condie and Jay E. Welch Brown, first counselor in the First Presi-
conducting. Alexander Schreiner is at dency of the Church, will address us.
the organ.
We shall begin these services by the The Choir, with Jessie Evans Smith,
Tabernacle Choir singing, "O Divine soloist, sang "The King Of Glory,"
Redeemer" conducted by Jay E. Welch, Richard P. Condie conducting.
Assistant Director. The invocation will
be offered by Elder Harry Haldeman, President N. Eldon Tanner:
president of the Santa Barbara Stake.
President Hugh B. Brown, first coun-
The opening number by the Choir selor in the First Presidency of the
was "O Divine Redeemer," conducted Church, will be our first speaker this
by Jay E. Welch, Assistant Director of afternoon, and he will be followed by
of the Tabernacle Choir. Elder Boyd K. Packer, Assistant to the
Elder Harry J.
Haldeman, President Twelve.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

Humbly I seek divine guidance. that something more is required today

TheSavior said: "And this is life than the advice, however good, of our
eternal, that they might know thee the statesmen, and the ability, however
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom great, of our businessmen, that there
thou hast sent." (John 17:3.) are problems to be solved more urgent
and more fundamental than those of
Revival of Religion economics and elections."
The remarks yesterday of President And then he adds: "The organized
Mark E. Petersen and today of Presi- churches offer no solution to these
dent Tanner and others, calling our problems. Men and women look for
. . .

attention to conditions as they exist in an interpreter of their emotions, for

the world, were very challenging. someone who will give expression to
Leaders in both scientific and re- their spiritualconvictions and beliefs,
ligious fields are calling for new light. submerged too long in a materialistic
From a sermon which was recently age. The seed has been sown. It has

preached in England by an eminent sprung up under showers and sunshine.

professor of theology and published to The grain is swollen inside the husk.
the world by Dean Inge, we read: Now the field lies golden and ready for
"How great is the need in Britain the harvest. Where is the man who
today for a man to arise among us to will go in and reap?"
lead a mighty crusade for the revival of In the midst of national and inter-
our religion. For years all Christendom national unrest, confusion, and stress,
has prayed that that revival might be the questions of theology have acquired
near, and according as the need is great, a new importance and urgency. Through-
so great is the opportunity. From end out the Judaeo-Christian world, in fact
to end of the land, north and south the entire world, there is a soul-stirring
and west and east, the feeling is arising search for new meanings in religion


upon which men may ground their sense of loss, frustration, and failure
lives and establish their personal and that are so much a part of modern life.
social values. The hope is expressed that there will be
In recent months an intense theo- a new birth in our time that will restore
logical debate has been waged around something of the meaning and value of
a volume entitled Honest to God, in human existence.
which Dr. Robinson, the Bishop of We have all felt the impact of war
Woolwich of the Anglican Church, and economic depression, the dehuman-
asks the question whether it is possible izing influence of industrialization, the
for modern men to accept traditional overcrowding of our cities, the ever-
Christian faith, to believe in the estab- present and ominous threat of nuclear
lished conception of God, and to accept war with its total destruction, and the
Christ as their Savior. He questions myriad social forces that complicate our
whether Christianity carries with it the lives and affect our values. We share
trappings of an ancient world and cul- the conscience of a world in which
ture, and whether it can be made rele- mass murder has been real and in which
vant to the thought and character of millions go to bed hungry every night
modern scientific man, living in a in the presence of abundance.
rapidly shrinking technological world.
The bishop says, "Our image of God Absolute Confidence in the Gospel
must go," and the Church Times com- While we look forward hopefully to
ments: "It is not every day that a bishop the help we may get from science and
goes on public record as apparently technology in our attempts to solve our
denying almost every Christian doctrine problems, we rely with absolute confi-
of the Church in which he holds dence upon the theology and religion of
office." (The Honest to God Debate, the Church of Jesus Christ for the in-
Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963, spiration and faith to sustain us in this
p. 7.) endeavor, and to this end our spirit-
Dr. Alasdair Maclntyre of the Uni- ual strength is grounded firmly on the
versity College of Oxford says, "Dr. foundation of revealed religion and
Robinson's book needs not only to be the biblical conviction of the reality of
understood as a symptom of our con- the Living God.
dition, but to be sympathized with as a Unlike those whose religious faith is
desperate attempt that cannot succeed," uneasy and precarious in the modern
(Ibid., p. 227) and he adds, somewhat world of expanding scientific knowledge,
cynically, "The creed of the English is we are at home with the most advanced
there is no God and it is wise to pray truths discovered by scientists and with
to him from time to time." (Ibid., 228.) all competent philosophic thought
This book of which I speak is not just —
with truth wherever found because our
the voice of an individual, but it "testi- religion enjoins in us a love of knowl-
fies to the existence of a whole group edge and education, encourages us to
of theologies which have retained a seek understanding through the broad-
theistic vocabulary but acquired an ening of our vision and the deepening
atheistic substance" (Ibid., 227) and one of our insight. This is an eternal quest.
wonders whether they can continue to
co-exist. Newly Revealed Truth Accepted
The Archbishop of Canterbury says, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
". . Dr. Robinson's argument is right,
. if day Saints accepts newly revealed truth,
the traditional views of God are not whether it comes through direct reve-
outmoded, they are simply false." lation or from study and research. We
(Ibid., 217.) deny the common conception of reality
that distinguishes radically between the
A New Birth in Our Time natural and the supernatural, between
The argument that has ensued around the temporal and the eternal, between
these and other questions has engaged the sacred and the secular. For us,
the leading minds in both Europe and there is no order of reality that is utterly
America recently, and they indicate a different in character from the world of
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

which we are a part, that is separated oblivious to the evils of the world, the
from us by an impassable gulf. We do sins of men, and the immeasurable suf-
not separate our daily mundane tasks fering that is daily endured by millions.
and interests from the meaning and Ours is not a superficial faith that sees
substance of religion. We
recognize the only the bright side of life and denies
spiritual in all phases and aspects of the fact of human tragedy. Our con-
living realize that this life is an
and science is wounded by the massive evils
important part of eternal life. We that men have perpetrated in our own
aspire to the best of which we are in- time, by sins that are unspeakable in
trinsically capable and will think our the depth of their horror. But we have
thoughts, fashion our ideals, and pur- the positive faith that places the re-
sue every task firm in the faith that in sponsibility of these sins squarely upon
a very real sense we are living in the the individuals and societies who com-
presence of God here and now. mit them.
We accept the testimony of the sacred
scriptures that the purposes of God are Man, A Child of God, Not Alone
enacted in human history, that he is In our theology, God did not bring
primarily interested in man's condi- the world into being from nothing. He
tion and welfare though he will never organized it from existing materials.
trammel our free agency. His work and We accept the scriptural statement that
his glory is, as the prophets have said, God created man in his own image.
to bring to pass the immortality and ". . in the image of God created he

eternal life of man. him; male and female created he them."

(Gen. 1:27.) He is engaged in a con-
Positive Doctrine of Man stant struggle with the evils of the
Our doctrine of man is positive and world, to overcome whatever brings
life affirming. We
declare unequiv- pain and suffering, frustration and
ocally that by his very nature every failure, and he asks that we co-operate
man has the freedom to do good as with him by keeping his command-
well as evil, that God has endowed him ments, by obeying the laws upon which
with a free moral will and given him all blessings are predicated. This is the
the power to discern good from evil, meaning of the restored gospel of Jesus
right from wrong, and to choose the Christ, that man as a child of God is
good and the right. We refuse to be- not alone in the world, for God shares
lieve, with some churches of Christen- our suffering and delights in our joys.
dom, that the biblical account of the In this community with him we can
fall man records the corruption of
of overcome the world, achieving the
human nature or to accept the doctrine abundant life here, and immortality
of original sin. We
do not believe that and eternal life hereafter.
man incapable of doing the will of
is We shall overcome any seeming
God or is unable to merit the rewards contradictions between science and
of Divine approval; that he is therefore religion if and as we learn to adhere to
totally estranged from God and that the teachings of the restored Church,
whatever salvation comes to him must which have always been dedicated to
come as a free and undeserved gift. We the search for knowledge and intelli-
never tire of proclaiming the inspiring gence, which is the glory of God.
truth of the gospel that man is that he
might have joy. For us the so-called Christianity Relevant to the
fall of man placed the human spirit in Modern World
a world of experience and adventure To the question raised by the Bishop
where evils are real but can be over- of Woolwich, "Is Christianity relevant
come, where free moral decision is a to the modern world?" we find positive
constant requirement, and where choices, and affirmative answers in the un-
freely made, determine the quality of equivocal declarations of the gospel of
life and the eventual condition of Jesus Christ. The gospel does not be-
the soul. long to an antiquated world that has
This does not mean that we are passed away but is a real and power-

ful force in our world here and now. the world, with the sum of all reality.
It invests our individual lives with He is not an "absolute" that in some
meaning and purpose and will yet way embraces the whole of reality in
transform the course of human history. his being. Like us, he exists in a world
When we speak of the unity of the of space and time. Like us, he has ends
Godhead, we refer to the attributes, to be achieved, and he fashions a cos-
powers, and purposes of its members. mic plan for realizing them. He is a
Jesus testified to the unity existing be- concrete, living person, and though
tween himself and his Father on many in our finite state we cannot fully com-
occasions as is recorded in the Holy prehend him, we know that we are akin
Bible and other revealed documents. He to him, for he is revealed to us in the
referred to this unity in his memorable divine personality of his Son Jesus
prayer recorded in the seventeenth Christ.
chapter of John, where he prayed that There has been a marked change in
he and his followers might be one even the teachings of many of the churches
as he and his Father are one. concerning God, and many thinking
(John 17:11.) men and scholars now believe him to
be a personal being and not an abstract
Evidence of Intelligence essence. This is shown in the book
will become clear to any unbiased
It A Century's Change in Religion, where-
reader of the scriptures that the Father in the author, after telling the beliefs of
is a personal being, possessing a definite the churches in America at the begin-
form with bodily parts and spiritual ning of the nineteenth century, says, "It
passions. The Son, who was in the is within the last fifty years that this
express image of the Father, is a separate mighty change or extension of belief
identity by whom the worlds were made has come about. The new thought is
and without whom was not anything the kingdom of God on earth in the
made that was made. (See John 1:3.) Christian society. The church is now
He was, in fact, a revelation of God. dominated by this idea. The gospel of
see everywhere in nature evidence the kingdom on earth is the latest, the
of cause and effect, of means adapted newest, the oldest, and the truest gospel."
to an end, which indicate a given pur- He further adds, "There has been a
pose. This is evidence of intelligence, change in our thought of God from the
and intelligence is an attribute of mind. conception of sovereignty to this con-
We must therefore conclude that it was ception of Fatherhood. The center of
an intelligent mind that built the doctrine has shifted from sovereignty
stupendous universe of God. to Fatherhood.
"God is a person; He is intelligence,
Convincing Knowledge of God
and that is purpose, plan; He is will,
Human reason may not of itself lead and that is realizing purpose; He is
its possessor to convincing knowledge love, that is, He is person related to
of God, yet if properly exercised will person. Whatever more than person-
confirm his inherited instinct toward ality, as we know it, He may be, He
his maker. Truly "the fool hath said is that in perfect degree which our best
in his heart, There is no God." is in imperfect degree." (Harris, George,
(Psalm 14:1.) A Century's Change in Religion, Bos-
We know him to be a living being ton, Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, p. 251.)
with every essential property and attri-

bute of personality that he thinks, He Is Real and Personal
wills, feels that he is a moral being For ourselves, we reaffirm our con-
who demands righteousness and justice viction that God is real and personal,
—but that in his love he is compassion- that Jesus the Christ is his Only Be-
ate, merciful, and longsuffering. gotten Son. We
rejoice to proclaim to
For us God is not an abstraction, he the world that he is omnipotent,
is not just an idea, a metaphysical omniscient, and omnipresent. Our an-
principle, an impersonal force or power. swer, then, to the Bishop of Woolwich
He is not identical with the totality of is that God is real and personal, and
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
we are not concerned as he seems to Times. Hence, we do not share the
be as to whether he is "up there" or fear, uncertainty, and confusion men-
"out there" or whether this is a three- tioned by Dean Inge or the Bishop of
storied universe. We
know that he Woolwich. We
call attention to the
lives, that he can and does appear to biblical image of God in which he is
men. In fact, the whole structure of identified as personal, eternal, un-
Mormonism is based on revelation. The changeable, and everlasting, to which
Father and the Son were revealed to a we humbly bear witness in the name
young man in the state of New
York of Jesus Christ. Amen.
in 1820, and since that time many
glorious revelations have come to re-
President N. Eldon Tanner:
assure us in our faith that he lives. He
declared it to be his work and his glory
to bring to pass the immortality and He to whom we have just listened is

eternal life of man. This is our answer, President Hugh B. Brown of the First
then, to the question whether it is pos- Presidency. Elder Boyd K. Packer, As-
sible for modern men to accept the true sistant to the Twelve, will be our next
Christian faith. It was established by speaker, and he will be followed by
Jesus Christ in the Meridian of Time Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
and restored by him in the Fulness of the Church.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

There has lingered in my mind since Finally in the evening hours her
yesterday morning a sentence from the parents appeared. They hurriedly vis-
inspired voice of President David O. ited for a few minutes in a casual way
McKay. "Pure hearts," he said, "in a and then nervously observed that they
pure home are always within whisper- had a social engagement and left the
ing distance of heaven." This touched little youngster to face her agony alone.
my heart. From it, and from the whis- How well they had taught the lesson
pered prayer of a little youngster this — how enduringly they had impressed
morning, I took assurance and found upon the pliable little mind that she
an unexpected preface for the subject, was an intrusion into their lives. How
"Suffer the little children to come unto unfortunately typical they are of many
me, . .
." (Mark 10:14.) parents who unwittingly, unconsciously,
associate of mine had a little girl merely endure their children.
undergo surgery. They arranged for one It has been my privilege in the past
of the parents to stay with the little to speak to young people and to fathers.
youngster during the period of recuper- Today I address my remarks to mothers

ation for a hospital can be a strange of little children and recall for their
and a frightening place for a little contemplation these words from the
youngster who is injured or ill. Gospel of St. Mark:
Coincidentally she shared a room at "And they brought young children to
the hospital with another little girl him, that he should touch them: and
just the same age who had also under- his disciples rebuked those that brought
gone surgery. During the long, painful them.
hours following the operation, this "But when Jesus saw it, he was much
little girl struggled almost convulsively displeased, and said unto them, Suffer
against the pain, pleading incessantly the little children to come unto me,
for her parents. "Mister," she would and forbid them not: for of such is
beg, "will you please go find my thekingdom of God." (Ibid., 10:13-14.)
mommy?" My friend, and in turn his
wife, found themselves more at the bed
A Sacred Influence
of this little girl than of their own While the responsibility to guide
child, for she seemed to need them more. little children belongs to both parents,


motherhood carries with it a special to-do category —over-surfeiting them-

sacred influence. The program of The selves with activities outside of the home
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day at the expense of their little children.
Saints will not pre-empt your privi- I have never known a mother to re-
leges, Mother. It is structured to gret in the closing years of her life a
strengthen you as a mother. None of sacrifice made for her children or to
it is calculated to diminish your influ- begrudge the cost of guiding them to
ence in the home. But since there are fine Christian citizenship.

good mothers' and better mothers it is — On the other hand, we find almost
patterned to strengthen the very quality universal remorse for neglect of family
of your motherhood. There is a "Home in the growing years or for over-indulg-
Partnership" spirit in all that is done. ing children, which is symptomatic of
How important it is that every mother the most serious type of neglect.
be enthroned as a queen in her home, Mothers, do not abandon your re-
teaching the principles of life and sal- sponsibilities! Be reverently grateful
vation to her little ones. for your little children.
It is a common practice for parents
to purchase insurance policies and open For Children Impaired
savings accounts that the children may I speak a word to mothers who have
attend college or fulfil missions. It is littlechildren who are handicapped,
generally a good thing to do. But, children whose little bodies were born
mothers, in all of your looking into the incompletely formed or whose little
future, you may do well to look to the minds are limited. No one knows the
present. For premiums must be paid depth of agony that you have suffered.
on character, too, not just monthly or By way of consolation, I read from the
quarterly or semiannually, but moment Doctrine and Covenants:
by moment, day by day, year in, year "Ye cannot behold with your natural
out. Character must be built little by eyes, for the present time, the design of
little ". . giving line upon line, precept
your God concerning those things
upon precept; here a little, and there which shall come hereafter, and the
a little; . .
." (D&C 128:21.) glory which shall follow after much
Teaching the Gospel to Children
"For after much tribulation come the
It is not always a solemn and sobering blessings. Wherefore the day cometh
obligation, this teaching of the gospel to that ye shall be crowned with much
the little children; they have a way glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh
of making it pleasant. One mother in at hand." (D&C 58:3-4.)
South Carolina told me of her young- I recall the inspiring words of Elder
ster who was contesting with a neighbor Lee's message yesterday on this subject
child over the question, Which is the and suggest that blessings will be ex-
only true church? Her child finally tended to mothers such as you who
said,"Well, we have a prophet at the have given tender and affectionate love
head of our Church." The other child to handicapped children. Trials such as
conceded finally with the thought, "I these bring a reverence for life, a new
guess ours is a non-profit organization." depth of compassion and motherhood.
There is a trend in the world today
and unfortunately in the Church for — For Fostered Children
women to want to be emancipated. There are lovely mothers, also, who
And we wonder at times emancipated — have fostered children born by other
from what? From domesticity? From women. To such the privilege of
motherhood? From happiness? And to motherhood is twicefold more precious.
what are you in slavery? Your children? And there are many mothers whose love
It isneither necessary nor desirable for extends beyond their own family. In
the mother of little children to become elementary school I learned a great
a drudge or to be relegated to a position lesson in this regard. There were in
of servitude. It is not, however, un- that school several youngsters from a
common to see women— interestingly family which was not blessed with an
enough many in the financially well- attentive mother at home.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

During the school year they were For it stood where the winds stormed by.

afflicted with impetigo, a common Its arms knew the tortuous weight of
disease of the skin which is now very snow.
easily cured. Because they were not Its face knew the sting of the sleet-
bathed and because their clothing was filled sky.
not clean, it quickly spread across their
bodies. "The first tree, so youthfully beautiful

The of the school asked

principal Was a picture the world could all see.
that my mother, who was the room But the artist who climbed to the hill-
mother for our class, visit the home in side grove
the hope that she could encourage the Always painted the other tree."
type of care that these children so badly This morning I was compulsively
needed. "The woman's touch," he said, drawn to turn and look over my shoulder
"may be most helpful here." to see Sister McKay sitting, her face
Although she responded to the re- almost framed by the white orchids that
quest, she failed in her mission, for she had been set there next to her chair. And
found circumstances in that home were to the credit of those who sent those
pitiable. Well I remember the invita- flowers I say that they came near to
tion to bring these little youngsters being as lovely as Sister McKay.
home from school with us. And, I re-
member that they were bathed; medica- The Sphere of Mother
tion was applied to their little bodies; Mothers, teach your children in the
they were dressed in our clothing; and home the principles of the gospel of
in the early evening sent to their own Jesus Christ. Sustain your husband in
home, the next day to return for the his presidency of the home. Draw from
same treatment. Night after night after the Priesthood Home Teaching program,
night I remember my mother scrubbing from the Relief Society, and the other
endlessly with a bottle of disinfectant auxiliary agencies of the Church the
and then boiling clothing against the assistance to bless your family.
possibility that her own family might Teach your daughters the essentials
become infected. But her mother's heart of homemaking. Teach them to be
would not turn them away, for these virtuous. Train your sons for service
were little children, and they were in the mission field. Teach them to be
suffering. worthy. Teach them to know that the
The demands made upon mothers, President of the Church is a prophet
the weariness, the worry, the endless of God.
vigil, all take their toll. But there comes It is easy, mothers, for us to love you,
to you a special beauty transcending because you see the Lord loves you.
even that of the blushing bride. Such Earn, mothers of little children, the
beauty is alluded to in these lines by an witness that Jesus is the Christ, for he
unknown poet entitled simply "Beauty." lives. The gospel of Jesus Christ is
true. In testimony of this, I give you
"Beauty" my witness, in the name of Jesus
"Two pines were born on a hillside Christ. Amen.
One protected, grew straight and tall. President N. Eldon Tanner:
It bore no time or weather marks.
Its figure was slim and virginal. Elder Boyd K. Packer, Assistant to
the Twelve, has just spoken to us. Elder
"The second showed clearly that time Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to the
had passed, Church, will now address us.


Patriarch to the Church

I bear testimony to you, my brothers talked in this conference, know that this
and sisters, that I, like others who have is the kingdom of God, that this is his

Church. I have confidence in this work by which we may grow bigger, stronger;
and in the missionaries who are teach- so we may attain the perfection he has
ing the gospel, for they are teaching planned for us through this life

the truth. in mortality.

A Living, Loving Father Guidance Through Prayer

I know that God lives and that he is I would invite all those who are not
a Loving Father, and that Jesus Christ members of the Church who have a
is his Son. I know he has patience desire to seek God, to seek God through
with me as with all because he is a prayer because he will answer their
Loving Father, that he has gone through prayers. He is a True and Living God.
such experiences previously. Other- He will answer their prayers. He may
wise I would think prayers would be not answer them as you think he may,
useless if he weren't a Living, Loving for our Father has many languages,
Father who could answer them. but he will choose the language which
is best for you. It may come to you
His Son, Jesus Christ through experiences. Some may be
I know that Jesus Christ is his Son difficult, yet they will be a lesson to you
both in the spirit and on the earth, for which will answer your prayers. He
Christ himself testified that God was may answer your prayer in a way
his Father. I know the two both ap- which will make you stronger, help you
peared to Joseph Smith, two separate and give you the burning in
to progress,
Personages, and the Father said to your heart that this is the gospel of
Joseph, "This is My
Beloved Son. Hear Jesus Christ restored in these the
Him!" (Joseph Smith 2:17), putting in latter days.
their proper order of organization which
has always been since the time Adam His Way Best
was driven out of the Garden of Eden. I testify to you that this knowledge
Unto Adam was said as he left that he has come to me, not from just one little
should learn obedience by his own ex- experience but over a lifetime. I have
perience. By partaking of the fruit he often said to myself in my younger
was shut out of the presence of the days, as trials and difficulties came
Father, but all that he should receive along, "The Lord's way is the best
from then on should come through his way." As long as conditions are beyond
Son Jesus Christ. my control, then I leave them up to
the Lord. I worry only about those
Instructions to Us things that are in my control, and those
And so we, as children of Adam, re- things I try to make better and ask the
ceive our instructions from our Father Lord to help me.
through his Son Jesus Christ and are Through those experiences through
here to learn obedience by our own life with that as my guide and wherein
experience. The Lord gives us oppor- the Lord is my guide, I have learned
tunity here for trials through diffi- to know without a doubt that the
culties. Many of us think we have a Father and the Son did appear to
most difficult row to hoe; what comes Joseph Smith; that these truths which
to us seems to be the hardest; but it have been referred to by others in this
helps us because we need that training conference were given to the Prophet
probably. That's what it takes for us Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery;
to attain perfection, for we must be able that the kingdom of God is now estab-
to go through all the trials and difficul- lished upon the earth in this the last
ties in this life which are necessary to Dispensation of the Fulness of Times,
attain perfection. in the Saturday evening of time, never
So the Lord, as a Kind, Loving Father, again to be taken from the earth; and
gives us experiences, stumbling blocks that this is the time of preparation for
to stumble on by which we may be the ushering in of the millennium when
strengthened; problems to overcome by Christ himself will come and reign on
which we may be strengthened; trials the earth.
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
I bear you my testimony that I know Assistant to the Twelve, will address us.
this to be true, I know this is the gospel
of Jesus Christ, and do so in the name The Choir and the congregation
of Jesus Christ. Amen. joined in singing the hymn, "High On
The Mountain Top," conducted by Jay
President N. Eldon Tanner: E. Welch.

Eldred G. Smith,
President N. Eldon Tanner:
patriarch to the
Church, has just spoken to us. The Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to
congregation and Choir will now join the Council of the Twelve, will be our
in singing, "High On the Mountain next speaker, and he will be followed
Top," conducted by Jay E. Welch. After by Elder Victor L. Brown of the Pre-
the singing Elder Henry D. Taylor, siding Bishopric.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In the year 1842, the Prophet Joseph flesh, bones, and spirit.
Smith was invited to submit a statement And fourth. We once dwelt in his
setting forth the beliefs of the newly presence and mayreturn to be again
organized Church of Jesus Christ of with him, provided we do the things
Latter-day Saints. In response to that required to achieve and merit this
invitation, he directed a communication blessed privilege.
now known as the "Wentworth Letter." To these truths the scriptures have
This inspired document contained attested, and inspired men have testified.
among other things, thirteen concise,
comprehensive declarations of belief, "Hallowed be Thy Name"
familiarly called, "The Articles of We have been admonished to "Love
Faith." the Lord thy God, with all thy heart,
The first of these Articles of Faith might, mind, and strength." (See Luke
states:"We believe in God, the Eternal 10:27.) And with this love also goes a
Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, deep respect and reverence for him.
and in the Holy Ghost." Jesus recognized this truth when he
taught his disciples how to pray. As
he addressed the Father in prayer, he
We Believe in God said: ". . Our Father which art in

Now, if we believe in God with all heaven, Hallowed be thy name." (Matt.
our hearts and seek to know him as 6:9.) When Jesus regarded the name
he would have us know him, then he of the Lord as "hallowed," can we do
will be an anchor to our lives, giving less? Should we in any manner pro-
meaning and purpose to them. The fane that hallowed name?
Savior once said, emphasizing this When the Prophet Moses received the
point: "And this life eternal, that
is Ten Commandments midst the thun-
they might knowthee the only true derings and lightnings of Mt. Sinai, the
God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast Lord proclaimed: "Thou shalt not take
sent." (John 17:3.) the name of the Lord thy God in vain;
What do we know about God, our for the Lord will not hold him guilt-
Heavenly Father? less that taketh his name in vain."
(Deut. 5:11; Exod. 20:7.)
First. We are actually his children.
Moses, too, knew by revelation that
He is the Father of our spirits. In our
the name of God is hallowed. And yet,
prayers, we
properly address him as
everyday, we hear thoughtless, uncouth,
our Father in heaven.
irreverent persons violate this com-
Second. We are created in his image mandment as they blaspheme the name
and after his likeness. of our Heavenly Father in profane oaths.
Third. He a glorified, immortal,
is In ancient times, the Higher Priest-
resurrected being, possessing a body of hood was called, "The Holy Priesthood

after the order of the of God." Out

Son "Swearers are behind the times. They
of respect and reverence for the name of are holdovers from a former century.
the Supreme Being and to avoid the "Nowadays anybody who swears is
too frequent repetition of his name, set down at once as being coarse and
they, the Church, called that priesthood vulgar.
after Melchizedek, king of Salem and "The young man who wants to suc-
priest of the Most High God, to whom ceed needs to take advantage of every-
Abraham paid tithes. (See 107:2- D&C thing that may help him on. And
4.) Is it not a striking fact that in all swearing will be a black mark against
periods of the world good men have him in any job he may have. And if
held the name of God in highest he wants to associate with the right sort
reverence? of girl, he must keep his talk clean.
Too often today individuals in fits of "Nobody wants a swearer in the
rage and uncontrollable anger profane office, nor in the workshop, nor on the
the name of Deity, and too frequently train, nor in the hotel. The only place
they do it in ordinary conversation. The swearing fits is in the saloon.
Lord, through one of his prophets, "Swearing means you don't know
warned that: ". the tongue ... is an
. .
how to talk. Your vocabulary is limited.
unruly evil, full of deadly poison." It is a sign of ignorance.

(James 3:8.) However, through the "Swearing means weakness. You will
exercise of self-control and by engag- notice that forceful men, whose words
ing in earnest prayer, it is possible to carry weight, use simple plain words.
learn to govern one's speech or "When you swear it shows your im-
utterances. potence. It is the petty refuge of the
helpless. If you can help a thing, help
Clean and Simple Speech it; if not, keep still; anyway, do
In addition to taking the name of not swear.
God in vain, profanity, cursing, and "Swearing has bad kin. It goes with
oath taking are also displeasing to the ignorance, brutality, cruelty, drunken-
Lord. We
have been counseled to keep ness, licentiousness, viciousness, and
our speech clean and simple. The Lord anger. And you can tell a habit by the
loves a clean mouth as well as a pure company it keeps. . . .

heart. This is evidenced by one of the "To abstain from swearing does not
Master's own powerful statements in mean you are a sissy, it simply means
which he said: "But I say unto you, you are decent.
Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for "To show you are manly, you don't
it is God's throne: have to have a dirty face, nor black
"Nor bythe earth; for it is his foot- fingernails, nor greasy clothes, nor
stool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is touseled hair. You can be manly
the city of the great King. though clean, and you are not showing
"Neither shalt thou swear by thy any manliness by filthy talk. . . .

head, because thou canst not make one "Altogether, swearing is a useless, un-
hair white or black. clean, and offensive habit.
"But your communication be,
let "Quit it!" (Roy A. Welker, Preparing
Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is for Marriage, Independence, Mo.: Zion's
more than these cometh of evil." Printing and Publishing, 1942, pp.
(Matt. 5:34-37.) 190-91.)
A modern-day writer, Frank Crane, It is to imagine such men
has made an interesting observation on as Abraham,Moses, Lincoln, Joseph
the objectionable habit of swearing in Smith, or President McKay profaning
these words, which I quote: the name of God. How would you re-
"The trouble with profanity is not gard them or what kind of opinion
so much that it is wicked, as that it is would you form concerning them, if
just plain dirty. they were guilty of such blasphemy?
"It not so
is much that you shock Try to form in your minds a picture
religious people, as that you disgust of the mother of the human race, or
decent people. . . . the mother of the Savior, or your own
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
mother sprinkling vile oaths through Now a word of encouragement to
her speech. You shudder to think of you, my young friends of the Church
such a thing, but by the very laws of and the world: Make your speech pure
decency, it is no worse for them to do and warm and dignified, devoid of vile-
it than for you. ness and profanity. Let it be of such
a nature and character that the world
Speech Reflects Mind and Heart will be attracted to you because of it.
The writer of Proverbs in referring Make the Lord Jesus Christ your ideal
to man declares: "For as he thinketh and pattern after his speech and his
in heart, so is he."
his (Prov. 23:7.) ways. And as surely as you do this,
What in our hearts
is and minds is he will magnify you and make you
reflected in our speech. mighty before your fellow men, which
Aperson who is striving to pattern I promise you, and I testify unto you

his or her life after that of the Savior that God lives, that the gospel is true,
will be pure in thought and action. His in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
or her speech will then be clean, digni- Amen.
fied, and worshipful. Jesus said: ". . .

out of the abundance of the heart the President N. Eldon Tanner:

mouth speaketh." (Matt. 12:34.) And
". . thy speech bewrayeth thee," de-
We have just listened to Elder Henry
clared someone to Peter, one of the D. Taylor, Assistant to the Twelve.
Savior's Apostles. (Ibid., 26:73.) And a Elder Victor L. Brown, second coun-
heart that is full of goodness, will utter selor in the Presiding Bishopric, will
good and kind thoughts through well- now speak to us, and he will be fol-
chosen words, the symbols that repre- lowed by Elder Spencer W. Kimball of
sent one's thoughts. the Council of the Twelve.


Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

A. B. Wells describes an experience she know much about the place; I grew up
had one time: "The great overland bus on a ranch far out beyond where I
came to a stop. I looked out of the boarded the bus. I'm on my way to
window to see the fringe of a small Fort Worth, but I don't know how to
town. On the other side of the high- find the school, once I am there.'
way, pastureland stretched in many " What school is that? Maybe I can
rolling acres. Cattle nibbled at the help you,' I said.
grass made green by recent rains. " 'It's that real big school; college, I
"Suddenly, I turned from that peace- guess you would call it.' Then he
ful scene to see the reason for our stop. went on gravely, 'You see, I'm just out
One lone passenger entered. The young of the Army, and I'll get to start school.
man, hesitating a bit, looked shyly Servicemen can go, you know, and
around. Noting the vacant place be- Uncle Sam pays for it.'
side me, he asked haltingly, 'Do you " 'You will be a student at Texas
mind if I sit here?' Christian University?' I asked.
" 'Not at
all,' I answered, 'I like com-

pany when I travel. Do sit down.' "Attitude Test"

"He removed his cap and slid into " 'Oh, I don't know just where they'll
the seat. After a moment he inquired, send me, but I'm all excited over having
'Going far, lady?' the chance to go at all. You see I didn't
" 'Only as far as Fort Worth, that is have much schoolin' as I grew up. But
my home,' I replied. 'We will be there before I get started anywhere I have to
in a little less than an hour.' go to the Fort Worth School, an' take
"'Think of that,' he said, with a what they call an 'attitude' test. After
seeming air of relief. 'I've been hoping I take it, they will know where to
I'd run into someone from there. Don't send me.'

" 'Poor dear,' I mused, 'he means habits, which, of course result from
aptitude, but I can't embarrass him by attitude:
explaining.' First, to forget the many good things

"After a short silence he asked en- in life you have and overemphasize the
thusiastically, 'Ain't it wonderful what few things you lack.
they are doing for us guys —
sending us To think that money is more im-
portant than it actually is.
to school?'
"'Well,' I suggested, 'the government To think that you are indispensable.
feels that you did a lot for your coun- To think that you have too much to
try; it is the least the country can do do.
for you.' To think that you are exceptional or
"'Maybe,' he drawled, 'but what's entitled to special privileges.
fighting a few battles amount to, if a To forget that a sense of responsibility
fellow can get educated? I'm getting is essential to a democratic society.
the big end of the deal, lady. I've made To forget others.
up my mind to study real hard. I don't To cultivate a pessimistic outlook.
want Uncle Sam's money throwed away To feel sorry for yourself.
on me.' Let's take this last one: to feel sorry
"Later, we stood in the Fort Worth for yourself. I suppose that almost
bus station. In his shirt pocket was the everyone in this world has one problem
slip of paper on which I had written or another. As a matter of fact, some-
the directions for finding the school that one has said that if we should gather
was to give him his 'attitude' test. all of the problems that we have into a
"With a strong calloused hand he great pile and then be permitted to take
gripped mine. 'Thanks a million, back the one we would like to have, we
ma'am; I feel like I am already on my would probably take back our own.
way to gettin' that schoolin'. Ain't it Whether we are bowed down with
wonderful?' sorrow and gloom or whether we face
"As myself and
I settled my bags in a each day with a smile depends upon our
taxi, I began to review in my mind the attitude. Let me tell you about a young
gratitude and enthusiasm displayed by woman who had a problem and yet
the prospective student. 'Why,' I she greeted each day with a smile.
thought, 'he has the priceless ingredient This young woman was a high school
for success —
a right attitude. Perhaps student, happy, vivacious, loved life.
he used the correct word after all!'" One day, the doctors informed her that
(Sunshine Magazine, September 1963.) it would be necessary to amputate her
With this kind of attitude, this young leg because of cancer. This was done.
man will climb to the pinnacle of suc- She went back to school on her crutches,
cess. Without it, he could fumble still full of life, loving every minute of
along, living a life of mediocrity. it, and then she was informed that her

What kind of attitude do we have? operation had been unsuccessful and

What would happen if we were to that her life was drawing to a close
take an attitude test? May I suggest very rapidly.
that each one of us review his attitude. Now, this young woman's attitude
What motivates us into doing the things could have been one of bitterness to-
we do? Are we really happy and en- ward everything in life, but rather, she
thusiastic about life or is it somewhat was an inspiration to her family and
of a bore? her friends because of her wonderful
attitude. In her own words, she said,
"Count Your Blessings"
"I am thankful for the many blessings
Dr. C. H. Baylor, assistant medical I have received throughout my life and
director of The Texas Company, says for my wonderful parents and family.
that whether one is happy or unhappy I am especially thankful for this won-
is largely a matter of either remembering derful gospel and for those who give
or forgetting to count one's blessings their time to teach it to us. I truly
along the way of life. He lists some of appreciate the teachers I have had in
the most common unhealthy thinking Sunday School, Primary, and MIA."
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
Andshe goes on, "Before my opera- upon the honoring of the priesthood
tion, I prayed that my leg might be as a sacred duty and an opportunity
saved. The Lord told me no, and second to none."
afterward I thought how selfish and About six months after Carl was or-
earthly my prayer had been. I could dained a deacon, it was found that he
only see the present, and it certainly was afflicted with an inoperable can-
didn't seem that there could be anything cerous brain tumor. He was taken to
for the best by losing a leg. The Lord one of the finest hospitals in the entire
can see much more, and he has the country in Washington, D.C. It was
best interests of our whole future and finally determined that medical science
eternity in mind." was unable to help him further.
This was the attitude of a teenager, a At this time, Carl recognized the
lovely girl who had the full knowledge seriousness of his illness and the possi-
that her life was almost over. She had bility that it might be fatal to him. He
no way of knowing how far-reaching refused to be sorrowed by this knowl-
her glorious attitude would be in help- edge and was anxious to pursue all the
ing others improve theirs. learning he could get.
He was tutored at home by a most
Child of Unusual Talents
wonderful teacher and was very well
Letme tell you about some friends along in his eighth grade studies before
of mine who responded to this test so the disease incapacitated him.
wonderfully. Just fourteen years ago, Here was a young man not quite thir-
they were blessed with their firstborn, teen years of age, endowed with ex-
a son whom they named Carl. They ceptional talent, whose attitude was an
were living in Germany at the time. inspiration not only to his family but
Carl's father was a member of the also to allwho knew him. As his father
Armed Forces of the United States. They said, "After Carl finally understood the
were later transferred to the United seriousness of his illness, he refused to
States and subsequently moved from be sorrowed by this knowledge and was
one Army post to another. As little anxious to pursue all the learning that
Carl began to grow, it became obvious he could get."
that he was a child of unusual talents. And what was the attitude of Carl's
At the age of five, he was able to parents? Their eldest son, the joy of
transpose some of the simple pieces of their lives, a boy with brightest of pros-
music from the major to the minor pects for life taken from them just
key. At the age of eight, he sang the before his thirteenth year!
male lead in the school Christmas
musical opposite a girl in the fifth grade. Thankful for Thirteen Years
He began to compose his own musical What bitterness could have enveloped
scores and played in a number of con- them. They could have taken the at-
certs. He became a Cub Scout. He titude that the Lord was unjust. They
won two blue ribbons in the "Pine- had lived good lives. Why did this have
wood Darbies." He played football to happen to a boy with such bright
with his school team. At the age of prospects? But rather, this was their
eleven, he won the outstanding scholas- attitude, in their own words: "We shall
tic award at his school in Ft. Leaven- be eternally grateful for the thirteen
worth, Kansas. He composed several wonderful years that we were privileged
short symphonic pieces and some con- to have him in our midst. We know
certinas. He finished reading the Book that we are blessed in the knowledge
of Mormon before his eleventh year. that we are sealed as an eternal family.
He finished reading the Doctrine and We know that Carl was preparing to
Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, fill a mission. We know that he was
and almost finished the Bible before he prepared for that mission and that he is
was twelve years of age. now filling it." No self-pity here, but
He was ordained a deacon in the ratheran attitude of faith and hope
Aaronic Priesthood on his twelfth and optimism, even under the most
birthday. As his father said, "He looked trying of circumstances!

Attribute of Spirituality McKay, and that if we will develop

There are many who could tell just
the right attitude toward the Master
such stories, many whose attitude has and his teachings, we will be privileged
carried them and their loved ones to return to his presence, in the name
through dark pathways into the sun- of Jesus Christ. Amen.
light. To each of them I express grati- President N. Eldon Tanner:
tude. They are in very deed an
inspiration. He to whom you have just listened is
I bear you my
witness that God lives Bishop Victor L. Brown of the Presid-
and that his Son Jesus Christ is direct- ing Bishopric. Elder Spencer W. Kim-
ing this, his work, through our great ball of the Council of the Twelve will
President and his servant, David O. be our concluding speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters and friends the your grasp is more brilliant than jewels.
world over, we bring you greeting: It will not tarnish nor be subject to
As members of The Church of Jesus market trends. I speak of the greatest
Christ of Latter-day Saints, we declare gift —the gift of eternal life. It may
in all solemnity the reality of God the not be obtained through mere wishing;
Eternal Father and his Son Jesus Christ, it cannot be purchased with money;
as like as any father and son, yet dis- hopeful wishing will not bring it, but
tinct individuals. On more than one it is available to men and women the
occasion the Christ has made known world over. There have been long
that a knowledge and acquaintance with periods of history whenthe total truth
God is basic to exaltation. was not immediately available to the

"This is eternal lives to know the inhabitants of the earth. But in our
only wise and true God, and Jesus day, the whole eternal program is here
Christ, whom he hath sent. I am he." and can carry men to exaltation and
And then his command: "Receive ye, eternal life all the way to Godhood.
therefore, my law." (D&C 132:24.) Jeremiah declared:
Neither the Father Elohim nor the "For my people have committed two
Son Jehovah would alienate himself evils; they have forsaken me the foun-
from the children of men. It is they, tain of living waters, and hewed them
the men, who cut themselves off if out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can
there be estrangement. Both the Father hold no water." (Jer. 2:13.)
and the Son would gladly commune And Amos predicted:
and associate with men. But men must "Behold, the days come, saith the
be Godlike, pure, and perfected to attain Lord God, that I will send a famine
such stature. Even with this high de- in the land, not a famine of bread, nor
gree of worthiness, men must still be a thirst for water, but of hearing the
protected from the brilliance and glory words of the Lord:
of the heavenly personages. "And they shall wander from sea to
sea, and from the north even to the
Prize of Great Worth east, they shall run to and fro to seek
If I were to tell you that in your own the word of the Lord, and shall not
back yard you could find an acre of find it." (Amos 8:11-12.)
diamonds, would you ignore the sug-
gestion and take no trouble to search? Spiritual Famine Ended
Today, I am telling you that in easy After centuries of spiritual darkness,
reach there is a prize of inestimable described by Amos and Jeremiah, we
worth. Diamonds can buy one food solemnly announce to all the world
and shelter. Diamonds can sparkle and that the spiritual famine is ended, the
glitter. Diamonds can embellish and spiritual drought is spent, the word of
decorate. But the prize which is within the Lord in its purity and totalness is
Sunday, April 5 Second Day
available to all men. One needs not "I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
wander from sea to sea nor from the who was crucified for the sins of the
north to the east, seeking the true gos- world, . .
." (Ibid., 35:2. Italics added.)
pel as Amos predicted, for the everlast- There are three Gods: the Eternal
ing truth is available. Father, whom
Elohim, to we pray;
Jeremiahthe prophet again asked Christ or Jehovah; and the Holy Ghost
the question: "Shall a man make gods who testifies of the others and witnesses
unto himself, and they are no gods?" to us the truth of all things.
(Jer. 16:20.) In spite of all the gods Many seem to delight in confusing
which men make for themselves and the matter with their rationalizations
the confusion incident thereto, the Liv- and human calculations. The Father
ing and True God is in his heaven and and the Son, in whose image we are
is available to his children. created, separate and distinct beings,
The Master himself gave the basic have identifed themselves through the
truth that eternal life is available to ages.
those people only who have a knowledge The Christ declared himself to be
of the Father and the Son. the Lord God Almighty, Christ the Lord,
The most important question one the beginning and the end, the Re-
can ask himself is this: Do I really deemer of the world, Jesus the Christ,
know God the Father and Jesus Christ the mighty one of Israel, the Creator,
his Son? And in the answer is the the Son of the Living God, Jehovah.
difference between floundering through The Father Elohim declares Jesus to
indecision or having sureness and be Mine only Begotten Son, the word
certainty. of my power. And twice, at least, at
The Lord promised: the Jordan baptism and then on the
". every soul who
. . forsaketh his Mount of Transfiguration, he declared:
sins and cometh unto me, and calleth "This is my beloved Son in whom I
on my name, and obeyeth my voice, am well pleased." (See Mark 1:11, Luke
and keepeth my commandments, sliall 3:22) and stated that "the worlds were
see my face and know that I am;" made by him: Men were made by him:
(Ibid., 93:1. Italics added.) All things were made by him, and
The Beatitudes of Christ add: "Blessed through him and of him."
are the pure in heart: for they shall see The Bible gives much secular and
God." (Matt. 5:8.) religious history and much in glorious
teachings. But even with the scriptures,
The Way to Celestial Life
confusion continues in the Christian
Celestial life may be had by every world.
soul who will fulfil the requirements.
To know is not enough. One must do. To Know God
Righteousness is vital and ordinances To know God, one must be aware of
are necessary. the person and attributes, power, and
Jehovah proclaims: glory of God the Father and God the
"But no man is possessor of all things Christ. Moses declares he ". saw God . .

except he be purified and cleansed from face to face, and he talked with him. ." .

all sin." (D&C 50:28. Italics added.) (Moses 1: 2.) This experience of Moses
And the Redeemer continues: "And is in harmony with the scripture,
surely every man must repent or suf- which says:
fer. . . (Ibid., 19:4.) "For no man has seen God at any
"... 7, God, have suffered these things time in the flesh, except quickened by
for all, that they might not suffer if they the Spirit of God. Neither can any
would repent; natural man abide the presence of God,
"But if they would not repent, they neither after the carnal mind." (D&C
must suffer even as I; 67:11-12. Italics added.)
"Which suffering caused myself, even It must be obvious then that to endure
God, the greatest of all to tremble be- the glory of the Father or of the glorified
cause of pain. .
." (Ibid., 19:16-18.
. Christ, a mortal being must be trans-
Italics added.) lated or otherwise fortified. Moses, a

prophet of God, held the protecting When physically weak from fasting,
Holy Priesthood: ". and the glory of . . Christ was tempted by Lucifer: "If thou
God was upon Moses; therefore Moses be the Son of God, command this stone
could endure his presence." (Moses 1:2.) that it be made bread." (Luke 4:3.)
Grease on the swimmer's body or a On the temple's pinnacles, the Evil
heavy rubber skin diver's suit may pro- One taunted again, suggesting the un-
tect one from cold and wet; an asbestos warranted use of power: ". Thou shalt . .

suit might protect a fire-fighter from not tempt the Lord thy God." (Ibid.,
flames; a bullet-proof vest may save the 4:12.)
policeman from assassin's bullets; one's On a high mountain the devil tanta-
heated home may protect from winter's lized the Christ, offering kingdoms,
chilling blasts; deep shade or smoked thrones, powers, dominions, satisfac-
glass can modify the withering heat tions of urges, desires, passions, the
and burning rays of the midday sun. glory of wealth, ease, comfort all to —
There is a protective force which God possess on condition that he worship
brings into play when he exposes his Lucifer.
human servants to the glories of his The Lord in his mortality was
person and his works. tempted but resisted: "Get thee hence,
Moses explained that he could en- Satan: ." (Matt. 4:10) he said.
. .

dure the divine presence because ". . . Abraham was tempted; Moses and all
the glory of God," (idem) was upon men must prove themselves.
him. Now came
Satan, contending for the
Jehovah said: "Wherefore, no man subservience of Moses. Satan, also a
can behold all my works, except he son of God, had rebelled and had been
behold all my glory; and no man can cast out of heaven and not permitted an
behold all my glory, and afterwards earthly body as had his brother Jehovah.
remain in the flesh on the earth." Much depended upon the outcome of
(Ibid., 1:5.) this spectacular duel.
In heavenly glorious vision, Moses And again, could the mastermind,
". . . beheld the world . . . and all the Lucifer, control and dominate this
children of men. . .
." (Ibid., 1:8.) Prophet Moses who had learned much
It is significant to note that
the when directly from his Lord? "Moses, son of
protection from such transcendent glory man, worship me," the devil tempted,
was relaxed, that Moses was left weak with promise of worlds and luxuries and
and near helpless. power. But, he courageously:
The scripture says: "And the presence ". . . looked upon Satan and said,
of God withdrew from Moses, that his Who art thou? For behold, I am a son
glory was not upon Moses; and Moses of God, in the similitude of his Only
was left unto himself. And ... he fell Begotten. . .
." (Moses: 12:13.) And
unto the earth." (Ibid., 1:9.) Many Moses knew well his role and was pre-
hours elapsed before he could regain pared for this master-mind:
his natural strength. He exclaimed: ". where is thy glory, that I should
. .

". mine own eyes have beheld God

. .
worship thee?
. . . my spiritual eyes, for my natural "For behold, I could not look upon
eyes could nothave beheld; for I should God, except his glory should come upon
have withered and died in his presence; me, and I were strengthened before him.
but his glory was upon me; and I But I can look upon thee in the natural
beheld his face, for I was transfigured man. Is it not so surely?" he taunted.
before him." (Ibid., 1:11.) (Ibid., 1:13-14.)
"Blessed be the name of my God,
The Tempter for his Spirit hath not altogether with-
There is another power in this world drawn from me, or else where is thy
forceful and vicious. In the wilderness glory, for darkness unto me?
it is
of Judaea, on the temple's pinnacles and "And I can judge between thee and
on the high mountain, a momentous God"; (Ibid., 1:15.) The contrast was
contest took place between two brothers, compelling. Moses the priesthood bearer
Jehovah and Lucifer, sons of Elohim. must be protected to see Jehovah but
Sunday, April 5 Second Day

could face this impostor with his natural "My name is Jehovah. . .
." (Abra-
eyes and without discomfort. What ham 2:7-8.)
a contrast! And Abraham: ". talked with the . .

And with full knowledge now and Lord, face to face, as one man talketh
with great fortitude the prophet de- with another; . . .

manded: "Get thee hence, Satan; . .

." "And he said unto me: My son, my
(Ibid., 1:16.) son . And he put his hand upon
. .

The liar, the tempter, the devil un- mine and I saw those things which
willing to give up this possible victim, his hands had made and I could not . . .

now in rage and fury: ". cried with a . . see the end thereof." (Ibid., 3:11-12.)
loud voice, and rent upon the earth, Abraham was protected so that he not
and commanded, saying, I am the Only only could withstand the glory of the
Begotten, worship me." (Ibid., 1:19.) Lord, but he could see and comprehend.
Moses recognized the deception and The visions which Abraham saw at this
saw the power of darkness and the time before his sojourn in Egypt were
"bitterness of hell." Here was a force beyond all description. Perhaps no
not easily reckoned with nor evicted. soul even with the strongest telescopes
Terrified, he called upon God, then has ever seen the thousandth part of
commanded with new power: "I will what Abraham saw as to this universe
God ...
not cease to call upon for his with all its limitless parts and func-
glory has been upon me, wherefore I tions. He also saw the creation of this
can judge between him and thee." earth, and the Father is quoted:
(Ibid., 1:18.) "And worlds without number have I
". . . In the name of the Only Be- created; and I also created them for
gotten, depart hence, Satan." (Ibid., mine own purpose; and by the Son I
1:21.) created them, which is mine Only
Not even Lucifer, the Star of the Begotten Son." (Moses 1:33.)
Morning, the arch-enemy of mankind How great the power of God, the
can withstand the power of the priest- majesty of God, the glory of God! Again,
hood of God. Trembling, quaking, curs- when Jehovah came to call Saul of
ing, weeping, wailing, gnashing his Tarsus to his mission, the vision was
teeth, he departed from the victorious given to him only.
Moses. "And the men which journeyed with
him stood speechless, hearing a voice,
Protected but seeing no man." (Acts 9:7.)
When properly protected with the But Saul of Tarsus saw Jehovah, the
glory ofGod, and when sufficiently per- glorified Christ, and heard his voice
fected, man
can see God. and conversed with him. Even par-
Again, the glory of the Lord was upon tially protected as he was, the brilliance
him and he heard the promise: ". . . of the light from heaven in which he

— —
thou shalt deliver my people from centered greater than the noonday
bondage. . .
." (Ibid., 1:26.) sun -Paul collapsed to the earth, trem-
". . . and thou shalt be made stronger bling, shocked. The voice said: "I am
than many waters; for they shall obey Jesus whom thou persecutest. . .

thy command as if thou wert God." (Ibid., 9:5.)

(Ibid., 1:25.) So intense and brilliant was the
What a promise. What power! As light that even with such protection,
one hears this promise from the God he was blinded. He said: "And when I
of heaven, one can envision water com- could not see for the glory of that light,
ing from the rock, manna from the being led by the hand of them that were
sky, quails from the bushes, and the with me, I came into Damascus."
waters of the sea rolling back to provide (Ibid., 22:11.)
dry crossing for the refugee children of A priesthood miracle restored sight to
Israel. Paul after three days of total darkness.
A heavenly visitor identified himself The glory of the Lord! How great
to Abraham: "I am the Lord, thy God; and magnificent!
I dwell in heaven. . . . Paul told Timothy: ". . . Christ . . .

".the blessed and only Poten-

. . is shadowed them: and behold a voice
tate, the King of kings, and the Lord out of the cloud, which said, This is my
of lords, beloved Son, in whom I am well
"Who only hath immortality, dwell- pleased; Hear ye him." (Ibid., 17:5.
ing in the light which no man can Italicsadded.)
approach unto; whom no man hath The glory of the contact was more
seen, nor can see: ." (1 Tim. 6:14- . . than they could bear and they collapsed,
16.) falling on their faces. While in this
Enoch also needed protection, for the state unprintable, unspeakable, un-
Lord, speaking to Enoch, said: utterable things were said and done.
"Anoint thine eyes with clay, and The three mortals thus protected sur-
wash them, and thou shalt see. . . . vived even this withering fiery experience.
And he beheld the spirits that God Realizing that death by martyrdom
had created, and he beheld also things was imminent and that a verbal witness
which were not visible to the natural could be forgotten and that his im-
eye; (Moses 6:35-36.)
. .
portant knowledge must be perpetuated
The godless dared not touch him ". . .
down through the ages, Peter bore his
for fear came on all of them that heard solemn witness in writing. No fable
him; for he walked with God." (Ibid., was this, no conjuring of the imagina-
6:39.) tion was this, no imagination of human
Daniel was worried so much so that minds was this ... it was real and
he mourned for three weeks and took no certain:
pleasant bread nor meat nor wine.
Then came his vision which he "Eyewitnesses of His Majesty"
alone saw: "(we) . . . were eyewitnesses of his
"... I retained no strength," he majesty.
said, "For he (Christ) received from God
"Yet heard Ithe voice of his words: the Father honour and glory, when
. . . then was I in a deep sleep on my there came such a voice to him from
face, and my face toward the ground. the excellent glory, This is My beloved
"And behold, an hand touched me, Son, in whom I am well pleased.
which set me upon my knees and upon "And which voice came from heaven
the palms of my hands. we heard, when we were with him in
"And when he had spoken such the holy mount." (2 Pet. 1:16-18.
words unto me, I set my face toward Italics added.)
the ground, and I became dumb." The pattern was established, the
(Dan. 10:8-10, 15.) chart made, the blueprint drawn. Under
special need, at special times, under
Another World proper circumstances, God reveals him-
There is another world with which we self to men who are prepared for such
mortals are little acquainted. It may manifestations. And since God is the
not be far from us. Peter, James, and same yesterday, today, and forever, the
John, the Presidency of the Church, heavens cannot be closed except as
came to know the power of God. These men lock them against themselves
three central figures climbed the high with disbelief.
mountain with the Lord Jehovah, In our own dispensation came another
while he was yet in the mortal world similar grandiose experience. The need
before his crucifixion. In the high was imperative; an apostasy had cov-
mountain was solitude, apartness, and ered the earth and gross darkness the
privacy. people, and the minds of men were
a glorious experience! The Son clouded, and light had been obscured
of God, their Master, "was transfigured in darkness. The time had come.
before them, and his face did shine as Religious liberty would protect the seed
the sun, and his raiment was white as until it could germinate and grow. And
the light" (Matt. 17:2) and heavenly the individual was prepared in the
beings Moses and Elias appeared person of a youth, clean and open-
to them. "... a bright cloud over- minded, who had such implicit faith
— —

Sunday, April 5 Second Dmj

in the response of that the heavens God Father, bearing witness of the Son, as
could not remain as iron and the earth had James, and John on Trans-
as brass as they had been for many figuration's Mount. He had seen the
centuries. person of Elohim. He had fought a
desperate battle with the powers of dark-
The Prophet's Vision
ness as had Moses and Abraham. And
This budding prophet had no precon- like them all, he was protected by the
ceived false notions and beliefs. He glory of the Lord. This young man
was not steeped in the traditions and gave a new concept to the world. Now
legends and superstitions and fables of at least one person knew God without
the centuries. He Had nothing to un- question, for he had seen and heard.
learn. He prayed for knowledge and Again the Prophet reports the veil was
direction. The powers of darkness lifted from their minds and the eyes of
preceded the light. When he knelt their understandings were opened and
in solitude in the silent forest, his he and Oliver Cowdery in the temple
earnest prayer brought on a battle royal saw the Lord Jehovah who said unto
which threatened his destruction. For them:
centuries, Lucifer with unlimited do- "I am the first and the last. I am
minion had fettered men's minds. He he who liveth, I am he who was slain;
could ill-afford to lose his satanic hold. Iam your advocate with the Father."
This threatened his unlimited dominion. (D&C 110:4.)
Let Joseph Smith tell his own story: "His eyes were as a flame of fire;
"... I was seized upon by some power the hair of his head was white like the
which entirely overcame me ... to bind pure snow; his countenance shone above
my tongue. Thick darkness gathered
. . . the brightness of the sun; and his voice
around me, and it seemed to me for a was as the sound of . . . great waters.
time as if I were doomed to sudden . .
." (Ibid., 110:3.)
". . . at the very moment when I was "We Saw Him"
ready to abandon myself to destruc-
. . . And on another occasion, the prophet
tion —
not to an imaginary ruin but to speaks of the Only Begotten Son:
the power of some actual being from the "We, being in the spirit.
. . . . .

unseen world. ... I saw a pillar of light "(we could) see and understand the
exactly over my head, above the bright- things of God
ness of the sun. '(and the) Only Begotten Son.
"... I found myself delivered from 'Of whom we bear record; whom
the enemy which held me bound. When we saw and with whom we conversed
the light rested upon me, I saw two in the heavenly vision." (Ibid., 76:11-14.)
Personages, whose brightness and glory
". and the glory of the Lord shone
. .

defy all description, standing above me round about.

in the air. One of them spake unto "And we beheld the glory of the
me, calling me by name and said, point- Son, on the right hand of the Father,
ing to the other This is Beloved My and received of his fulness;
Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph Smith "And saw the holy angels, and them
2:15-17.) who are sanctified before his throne,
Young Joseph finally recovered his worshiping God, and the Lamb, who
voice and asked the pertinent questions worship him forever and ever.
for which he had come and a conversa- "And now, after the many testimonies
tion ensued, most of which was for- which have been given of him, this is
bidden him to write. He continues: the testimony, last of all, which we
". When I came to myself again, I
. .
give of him: That he lives!
found myself lying on my back, looking "For we saw him, even on the right
up into heaven. ." (Ibid., 2:20.) . . hand of God; and we heard the voice
Joseph had had the same general ex- bearing record that he is the Only
perience of Abraham and Moses and Begotten of the Father." (Ibid., 76:19-
Enoch who had seen the Lord and heard 23.)
his voice. In addition, he heard the "And this we saw also and bear rec-

ord, that an angel of God who was in The music, as you know, for this
authority in the presence of God, who afternoon has been furnished by the
rebelled against the Only Begotten Son Tabernacle Choir. Again their singing
whom the Father loved and who was in has been inspirational, at both sessions
the bosom of the Father, was thrust today and also on Saturday morning
down from the presence of God and when their singing was heard by mil-
the Son, lions. God bless the officers and the
"And was called Perdition, for the members of this great organization. It

heavens wept over him he was Lucifer, would be impossible to estimate the
a son of the morning." (Ibid., 76:25-26.) good that group of singers is doing.
And eternal life again was made Letters and messages testify to the hap-
available to men in the earth, for does piness and inspiration they bring not
not the scripture say: "And this is life only to members of the Church but to
eternal, that they might know thee the music lovers all over the world.
only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Tonight the Deseret Sunday School
thou hast sent." (John 17:3.) And so Union Conference will convene in this
we return to the promise made on the building at seven o'clock. All Sunday
hill in Palestine. "Blessed are the pure School workers will wish to be in at-
in heart: for they shall see God." tendance and the public is cordially
(Matt. 5:8.) invited.
Men who know God and love him It is understood that ward Sacrament
and live his commandments and obey meetings will be held where practicable
his true ordinances may
yet in this life, this evening in the various wards.
or the life to come, see his face and The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
know that he lives and will commune us with the "Hallelujah Chorus" con-
with them. ducted by Richard P. Condie. After the
Our friends, I invite further inquiry. benediction by Elder Cashell Donahoe,
I testifyto these truths, in the name of president of the Virginia Stake, the gen-
Jesus Christ. Amen. eral session of this conference will be

President N. Eldon Tanner: adjourned until ten o'clock Monday

Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the
Council of the Twelve has just given As a concluding number the Taber-
the concluding address. nacle Choir sang the "Hallelujah
The Tabernacle Choir will now favor Chorus," (Handel's Messiah).
us with the "Hallelujah Chorus" from President Cashell Donahoe, President
Handel's "Messiah," conducted by of the Virginia Stake, offered the clos-
Richard P. Condie. The benediction ing prayer.
will be offered by Elder Cashell Dona- Conference adjourned until Monday,
hoe, president of the Virginia Stake. April 6 at 10:00 a.m.

The General Conference of the President McKay made the following
Church reconvened Monday morning, introductory remarks:
April 6, 1964.
President David O. McKay presided President David O. McKay:
and conducted the exercises of the
session. For the information of those who are
The choral music for this Confer- tuned in by radio or television we an-
ence session was furnished by the nounce that we are assembled here in
Brigham Young University Combined the famed Tabernacle on Temple Square
Choruses, John R. Halliday, Conductor; in Salt Lake City in the sixth session of
Frank W. Asper, Organist. the one hundred and thirty-fourth


Monday, April 6 Third Day

Annual Conferencethe Church.

of Good reception in English broadcast
These services are being broadcast in earlier. Brazilian South Mission mem-
the Assembly Hall by television. Those bers and missionaries are grateful for
standing in the doorways may possibly the inspiration received.
find seats in this building, and possibly From President Fyans of the Uru-
not. (Laughter) guayan Mission: "Thousands of Saints
This session of the Conference will in Uruguayan nation listening to and
be broadcast as a public service over being inspired by conference. Our
television and radio stations throughout hearts are with you."
the West. The names of the stations We are pleased to note the attend-
were announced prior to the beginning ance this morning of the special guests
of this meeting. We
again express ap- named. We are also pleased to wel-
preciation for this service that is being come our stake and ward officers from
rendered by these stations. far and near, the temple presidencies,
We are pleased to note the attend- and the general auxiliary officers of the
ance on this week-day session of United Church, and all who are gathered in
States Senators Honorable Wallace F. this historic building and listening in
Bennett and Honorable Frank E. Moss; a vast audience of hundreds of thou-
United States House of Representatives, sands listening!
Honorable Sherman P. Lloyd and Hon- The singing for this morning's ses-
orable Laurence J. Burton. We wel- sion will be furnished by the Brigham
come our Governor, Honorable George Young University Combined Choruses,
D. Clyde; and our mayor, Honorable conducted by Professor John R. Halli-
J. Bracken Lee;
and Honorable Lamont day, with Frank W. Asper at the organ.
F. Toronto, Secretary of State. Educa- We are pleased to have these choice
tional institutions are represented this young men and women with us today,
morning by Dr. Harvey L. Taylor of and want them to know that we deeply
the Unified Church School System; appreciate the efforts they have put
Honorable Earl C. Crockett, acting forth to be with us in this session of the
president of the Brigham Young Uni- conference, and this afternoon.
versity; President of the University of We shall begin these services by the
Utah, Dr. A. Ray Olpin; Dr. James C. chorus singing, "Jesus Christ is Risen
Fletcher, who will take charge of the Today," under the baton of Professor
University of Utah after June 1st; John R. Halliday. The invocation will
President of the Utah State University, be offered by Elder J. Henry Volker,
Dr. Daryl Chase; Dixie College, Dr. formerly president of the Netherlands
Arthur Bruhn; Superintendent of State Mission.
Schools, Dr. T. H. Bell.
We welcome those who are hear-
all The Brigham Young University Com-
ing this historic broadcast in the As- bined Choruses sang "Jesus Christ Is
sembly Hall and on the air. Risen Today."
This session of the conference will be J. Henry Volker, formerly President
broadcast as a public service over tele- of the Netherlands Mission, offered the
vision and radio stations throughout the invocation.
west. Weagain express appreciation for
this service that is being rendered by President David O. McKay:
these stations. Both of the sessions
today will be rebroadcast starting at one The Brigham Young University Com-
o'clock tomorrow morning, and can be bined Choruses will now favor us with,
heard in many parts of the United "He Is Risen," conducted by John
States including Alaska and in Canada, Halliday.
Mexico, the Islands of the Pacific, and in Before we listen to them I wish to
many other parts of the world. make reference once more to the fact
We acknowledge the following tele- that in the year 1820 a young boy
grams: President Finn B. Paulsen of the between 14 and 15 years of age declared
Brazilian South Mission reports, "Ex- that in answer to sincere prayer he re-
cellent reception Portuguese broadcast. ceived a revelation from God. His

declaration was simple but positive he — Elder Joseph W. Anderson, Clerk of the
declared that God is a personal Being Conference, will follow the singing by
who communicates His will to man; the Choir, and he will give a few statis-
and second, that no creed of Christen- tics concerning the Church. He will
dom had the true plan of salvation. It be followed by Elder Orval W. Adams,
was ten years later, 134 years ago today, who will give a report of the Church
that the Church was organized by a Finance Committee. Brother Adams'
group of men and women in obedience presentation of the finances will be fol-
to a commandment of God. They as- lowed by President Hugh B. Brown's
sembled in the house of Peter Whitmer, presentation of the General Authorities,
Sr. in Fayette, Seneca County, New general officers, and general auxiliary
York. They administered the Sacra- officers of the Church for your sustain-
ment, and quoting from the minutes ing vote; and that will be followed by
of that meeting: "The spirit of the Lord President Joseph Fielding Smith, Presi-
was manifest in a very great degree. dent of the Council of the Twelve.
Some prophesied, all praised the Lord, The choir will now sing.
and rejoiced exceedingly."
And now, as has been customary since
the organization of the Church, we shall The Combined Choruses sang the
sustain the General Authorities of the number, "He Is Risen."

Church. A few brief statistical and

financial reports will be given, just prior Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the
to the sustaining of the Authorities. Conference read the following report:


The Presidency has issued the following Statistical Report concerning the
First mem-
bership of the Church at the end of the year 1963.
Number of Stakes of Zion 1963
at close of 389
An increase of 25 Stakes during the year
Number of Wards 3,049
Number Independent Branches in Stakes
of 566
Total Wards and Independent Branches in Stakes at close of year 3,615
Number of Mission Branches at close of year 1,987
Number of Full-Time Missions at end of year
(Not including Area Supervisory Missions) 73

Church Membership, December 31, 1963:

In the Stakes 1,736,567

In the Missions 380,884
Total Membership 2,117,451
A net increase of 151,665 Members during the year

Church Growth during 1963:

Children blessed in Stakes and Missions 56,205

Children of record baptized in Stakes and Missions 49,640
Converts baptized in Stakes and Missions 105,210

Social Statistics:

(Based on 1963 data from the Stakes)

Birth rate per thousand 34.56
Marriage rate per thousand 8.22
Death rate per thousand 5.09

Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1963
Deacons 98,637
Teachers 71,596
Priests 97,602
Total number holding the Aaronic Priesthood 267,835
Monday, April 6 Third Da\<
Members holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, December 31, 1963
Elders 180,332
Seventies 21,196
High Priests 58,560
Total number holding Melchizedek Priesthood 260,088
Grand Total, members holding Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood 527,923
An increase of 24,370 during the year

Auxiliary Organizations:

Relief Society (Membership) 262,002

Deseret Sunday School Union (average attendance) 758,335
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 220,449
Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 272,370
Primary (children enrolled) 403,940

Welfare Plan:

Number of Persons assisted during the year 104,686

Number placed in remunerative employment 11,616
Man-days of work donated to the Welfare Plan 114,749
Unit-days of equipment use donated 7,055

Genealogical Society:

Names cleared in 1963 for Temple Ordinances 1,104,017

Genealogical records microfilmed in 15 countries during the year were equiva-
lent to 134,394 printed volumes of approximately 300 pages per volume.


Number of ordinances performed during 1963 in the 12 operating Temples:

For the living 56,439
For the dead 3,294,133
Total number of ordinances 3,350,572

Church School System:

Total 1963 cumulative enrollments in Church Schools, including
Institutes, and Seminaries 125,922


Number who at the close of 1963 were laboring under calls

of Missionaries
from the
First Presidency in the full-time missions 11,653
Number Local Missionaries (full-time and part-time) who at the close
of 1963 were laboring in these missions 129
Number of Stake Missionaries at the close of the year 5,135
Total number of Missionaries at end of year 16,917
Number of Missionaries who received training in the Missionary Home
during 1963 5,659


Since the 1963 Annual Conference

President Henry D. Moyle, of the First Presidency

Richard R. Lyman, formerly a member of the Council of the Twelve
Elder Levi Edgar Young, of the First Council of the Seventy
H. Loren Allen, President of Mesa Stake
George B. Glade, President of Park Stake
James L. Mortensen, President of Columbus Stake
Golden Romney, President of Lewiston Stake
Gladys Pratt Young, wife of Elder S. Dilworth Young of the First Council of the Seventy

Elder Orval W. Adams

read the fol- by the personnel of the Financial and
lowing report by the Church Finance Auditing Departments of the Church,
Committee. we are of the opinion that the expendi-
tures of funds during the year 1963
March 30, 1964 were made in accordance with the es-
tablished procedures outlined herein.
The First Presidency We congratulate the General Authori-
47 East South Temple Street ties and their associates for the manner
Salt Lake City, Utah in which the finances of the Church are
administered, and we commend the
Dear Brethren: Church Financial Department and the
Church Auditing Department for the
We have reviewed the report of the expert and careful manner in which
1963 financial operations of the Corpora- all financial records are maintained and
tion of the President of The Church of audited.
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well
Respectfully submitted,
as of auxiliaries and other organizations
for which accounts are maintained in CHURCH FINANCE
the Financial Department of the COMMITTEE
Church. Attention was given particu-
larly to the accounting and auditing Orval W. Adams
procedures followed as to funds re- Harold H. Bennett
ceived and to the manner in which Glenn E. Nielson
expenditures are controlled. We
have Wilford G. Edling
determined that the expenditures of such Weston E. Hamilton
funds are authorized by the First Presi-
dency and by budgetary procedures. President Hugh B. Brown:
The budget is authorized by the Coun- (Sustaining of General Authorities of
cil on Disposition of the Tithes com- the Church)
prised of the First Presidency, the Coun-
cil of the Twelve and the Presiding It now becomesour privilege to exer-
Bishopric. cise a right which is not a pro forma
A continuous audit of the financial matter but an important function in
records of the Church is conducted by Church government.
the Church Auditing Department, It is proposed that we sustain the
which is completely independent of all following as General Authorities of the
other departments. Professional audit- Church:
ing firms are employed to audit certain
businesses owned or controlled by the President Hugh B. Brown, First
Church. Counselor in the First Presidency, pre-
Based upon our review of the financial sented for the sustaining vote of the
reports of the Corporation of the Presi- members the General Authorities, Gen-
dent of the Church of Jesus Christ of eral Officers, and General Auxiliary
Latter-day Saints and explanations made Officers of the Church as follows:


The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Hugh Brown, First Counselor in the First Presidency.
Nathan Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney
Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter
Mark E. Petersen Gordon B. Hinckley
Delbert L. Stapley Thomas S. Monson

Patriarch to the Church

Eldred G. Smith

The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch
to the Church as Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne Alvin R. Dyer
EIRay L. Christiansen Franklin D. Richards
John Longden Theodore M. Burton
Sterling W. Sill Thorpe B. Isaacson
Henry D. Taylor Boyd K. Packer
William J. Critchlow, Jr. Bernard P. Brockbank


David O. McKay
as Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The First Council of the Seventy

Antoine R. Ivins Marion D. Hanks
Seymour Dilworth Young Albert Theodore Tuttle
Milton R. Hunter Paul Harold Dunn
Bruce R. McConkie

Presiding Bishopric

John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop

Robert L. Simpson, First Counselor
Victor L. Brown, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund as Assistant.


Priesthood Welfare Committee

John H. Vandenberg. Chairman

Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director
with all members of the committee as at present constituted.

Priesthood Home Teaching Committee

Marion G. Romney, Chairman
John H. Vandenberg, Vice Chairman
Alvin R. Dyer, Managing Director
with all members of the committee as at present constituted.

Priesthood Missionary Committee

Spencer W. Kimball, Chairman of Executive Committee

Gordon B. Hinckley, Managing Director
Boyd K. Packer, Associate Managing Director
with all members of the committee as at present constituted.

Priesthood Genealogical Committee

Howard W. Hunter, Chairman

Theodore M. Burton, Managing Director
with all members of the committee as at present constituted.

Church Board of Education

David O. McKay LeGrand Richards
Hugh B. Brown Richard L. Evans
Nathan Eldon Tanner Howard W. Hunter
Joseph Fielding Smith Gordon B. Hinckley
Harold B. Lee Thomas S. Monson
Spencer W. Kimball Boyd K. Packer
Ezra Taft Benson Marion D. Hanks
Mark E. Petersen Albert Theodore Tuttle
Delbert L. Stapley John H. Vandenberg
Marion G. Romney

Acting Chancellor of the Church School System

Harvey L. Taylor

Church Finance Committee

Orval W. Adams
Harold H. Bennett
Wilford G. Edling
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt


Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

George R. Hill, General Superintendent

David Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Lynn S. Richards, Second Assistant Superintendent

with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

G. Carlos Smith, Jr., General Superintendent

Marvin J. Ashton, First Assistant Superintendent
Carl W. Buehner, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President

Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Porter Holt, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association
LaVern Watts Parmley, President
Leone Watson Doxey, First Counselor
Lucile Cardon Reading, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Tabernacle Choir
Isaac M. Stewart, President
Theodore L. Cannon, Vice President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
W. Jack Thomas, Tour Manager

Alexander Schreiner
Frank W. Asper
Roy M. Darley, Assistant

President Hugh B. Brown: General Authorities, general officers,

and general auxiliary officers of the
President McKay, as far as I can ob- Church. We thank you, brethren and
serve the voting is unanimously in the sisters, for this sustaining vote. May
affirmative. God bless you and all of us that we
may in unity and brotherly love con-
President David O. McKay: tinue in body and spirit in the great
work of the Church commenced by
We have just listened to a report Joseph Smith and his associates 134
from the Clerk of the Conference, Jo-
years ago today.
seph W. Anderson, giving statistical
President Joseph Fielding Smith of
data; from Elder Orval W. Adams who
the Council of the Twelve will be our
gave a report of the Church Financial
first speaker this morning, and he will
Committee; and from President Hugh
B. Brown of the First Presidency who be followed by Elder Bernard P. Brock-
presented for your sustaining vote the bank, Assistant to the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brethren and sisters: I have ord informs us that from that time
chosen a vital subject, that of chastity, forth men became, ". . . carnal, sensual,
if you will give me your attention. and devilish." (Moses 5:13.)
According to the dictionary, chastity Very frequently I have this question
means, "The state or quality of being asked of me: "When Lucifer, or the
chaste, free from sexual impurity; free in devil, was cast out of heaven, why did
thought, modest and free from vulgarity." the Lord permit him to come to this
When our Redeemer was with the earth to tempt and torment us, rather
Nephites on this continent after his than to have been sent with his fol-
resurrection, he emphasized this prin- lowers to an isolated place?" My an-
ciple by saying to them: "And no un- swer to this question has been that it
clean thing can enter into his kingdom; seems clear that the Father permitted
therefore nothing entereth into his rest Lucifer to come here to tempt us and
save itbe those who have washed test our faith. The fact is clear that
their garments in my blood, because Adam and his posterity were not left
of their faith, and the repentance of without divine commandments and
all their sins, and their faithfulness guidance. Angels visited them and in-
unto the end. structed them and commanded them to
"Now this is the commandment: Re- and truth.
raise their children in light
pent, all ye ends of the earth, and come Moreover, the fall was not the terrible
unto me and be baptized in my
name, mistake which so many have been led
that ye may be sanctified by the recep- to believe. It is customary in the re-
tion of the Holy Ghost, that ye may ligious world to speak of the fall as
stand spotless before me at the last day. "man's shameful fall," leaving the im-
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, this pression that had Adam refused to par-
is my gospel; and ye know the things take of the fruit, he and Eve and their
that ye must do in my church; for the posterity would have lived in eternal
works which ye have seen me do that bliss and harmony. The fact is clear,
shall ye also do; for that which ye have however, had Adam not partaken he and
seen me do even that shall ye do; Eve would have lived alone without
"Therefore, if ye do these things posterity. Therefore the fall was a
blessed are ye, for ye shall be lifted necessity, and this was clearly stated by
up at the last day." (3 Nephi 27:19-22.) Mother Eve when she said: "Were it
not for our transgression we never
Repentance Essential should have had seed, and never should
From what we see as we travel from have known good and evil, and the joy
city to city and from what we read in of our redemption, and the eternal life
the public press, we are forced to the which God giveth unto all the obe-
conclusion that repentance from sin is dient." (Ibid., 5:11.)
extremely essential throughout the en-
Mortality Part of Eternity
tire world. In fact, there is seldom a
time in the known history of mankind This mortal life is just an essential
when sexual sin was not prevalent and part of our eternal existence. We
the violation of the divine command- here to be tested and proved by coming
ments was almost universal. It was in contact with evil as well as the good.
not long after Adam and Eve had chil- It is necessary that we be tempted and
dren who began to pair off and estab- tried, but the Eternal Father did not
lish families that the influence of Satan leave us helpless in the midst of evil.
was felt, and the sons and daughters From the very beginning the plan of
forgot the teachings of their parents. salvation was presented to our first
We read that Satan came among them parents. They taught these principles
saying: "I am also a son of God"; and to their children. It is necessary, how-
he commanded them to believe not the ever, that we have trials and temptations,
teachings of their parents, and the rec- as well as the divine commandments.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

Therefore the Father has permitted ters of Zion who, in the latter days,
Satan and his hosts to tempt us, but would be guilty of all kinds of im-
by the guidance of the Spirit of the proprieties in their dress. I will not
Lord and the commandments given quote what he said, but if any are
through revelation, we are prepared to curious enough and wish to read it you
make our choice. If we do evil, we will find it in the third chapter of
have been promised that we will be Isaiah, verses sixteen to the end.
punished; if we do good, we will re- Now, my good brethren and sisters,
ceive the eternal reward of righteous- I am making a plea for modesty and
ness. Every soul has been given the chastity and for the members of the
gift of free agency. It is essential that Church, male and female alike, to be
we learn both good and evil and thus chaste, clean in their lives, and obedient
resistand overcome the evil. If we live to the covenants and commandments
righteously there will come eternal sal- the Lord has given us.
vation and exaltation in the kingdom I would like to quote a few paragraphs
of God. taken from a discourse by President J.
Reuben Clark, Jr.:
Cleanliness and Eternal Existence
"Our very civilization itself is based
Cleanliness of life will bring the re- upon chastity, the sanctity of marriage,
ward of exaltation and an eternal exist- and the holiness of the home. Destroy
ence in the kingdom of God. If we these and Christian man becomes
choose the evil, the reward will be in a brute.
punishment. Eventually every sin will
have to be righted. Our Savior paid Chastity Fundamental
the price of our transgressions if we do "Chastity is fundamental to our life
not sin a sin worthy of eternal death and to our civilization. If the race be-
and humbly keep his commandments; comes unchaste, it will perish. Immor-
otherwise he has said, we must suffer ality has been basic to the destruction
even as did he. of mighty nations of the past; it will
When the children of Israel came out bring to dust the mighty nations of the
of Egypt, the Lord gave them many present. Every one of us who instructs
commandments. Among these command- our youth in whatever place or position,
ments he taught the Israelites that their and in whatever capacity, must teach
bodies were sacred and that they should the young people of today to abstain
not be improperly exposed. Among from unchastity." (CR, Oct. 1938,
these instructions we find this neces- p. 137.)
sary commandment: The following counsel is given by
President David O. McKay:
Not a Lovely Sight
"In this day when modesty is thrust
"The woman shall not wear that into the background, and chastity is con-
which pertaineth unto a man, neither sidered an outmoded virtue, I appeal to
shall a man put on a woman's garment: you to keep your souls unmarred and
for all that do so are abomination unto unsullied from this sin, the consequence
the Lord thy God." (Deut. 22:5.) of which will smite and haunt you
Today it is a common sight, even on intimately until your conscience is
the streets of the cities of the Latter-day seared and your character sordid.
Saints, to see women dressed in pants "Remember, too, the significance of
and suits similar to those worn by men. the Savior's saying that if any shall
We are forced to declare that this is not commit adultery even in his or her
a lovely sight. Moreover, it is also fre- heart, he shall not have the Spirit,
quently the case at parties and places but shall deny the faith and shall fear.
of entertainment that women are ar- "Resist evil, and the tempter will
rayed in what I think they call full flee from you. If you keep your char-
or party dress, thus exposing a part of acter above reproach, no matter what
the body which should be sacred and others may think, or what charges they
not exposed. make, you can hold your head erect,
The Prophet Isaiah without question keep your heart light, and face the
saw our day, for he speaks of the daugh- world undauntedly because you, your-

self, and your God know that you have a loyal wife and family and seeks illicit
kept your soul untarnished." (Ibid., relationship elsewhere, perhaps with a
Oct. 1951, pp. 8-9.) disloyal wife of a neighbor, has previ-
ously poisoned his soul with immoral
"Precious Above All Things" ideas. Disgruntled members of society,
wards and stakes, do not
faultfinders in
Again from President McKay:
" become such merely because of some
'My says the Christ 'will not
dwell in unclean tabernacles.' The cor-
offense, real or imagined. What they
say and do has been preceded by
ruption that is in the world through
selfish desires or unattained ambition."
lust, as mentioned in one of Peter's
(Ibid., April 1951, pp. 96-97.)
Epistles, has its source in thoughts and
In the name of Jesus Christ our
schemes harbored in the individual
Savior. Amen.
mind. A man who takes advantage of
his neighbor in a business deal when
the opportunity offers has prepared him- President David O. McKay:
self for the occasion by dishonest think-
ing. Young couples do not lose their President Joseph Fielding Smith of
chastity, named by the Book of Mormon the Council of the Twelve has just
as 'precious above all things' without spoken to us.
their having previously in thought justi- Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, Assist-
fied the act. ant to the Twelve, will be our next
"The husband who coolly turns from speaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Brethren and sisters: I am thankful for feet, thoroughly furnished unto all good
the gift of the Holy Ghost, and I pray works." (2 Tim. 3:16-17.)
for the inspiration of this great com- I repeat, "All scripture is given by
forter. Isn't it humbling and glorious to inspiration of God." Anyone changing
be an active member of The Church of or placing a personal interpretation that
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? I find changes the true meaning of the scrip-
it a great joy and blessing to visit the tures is placing himself and his abilities
Saints in many parts of the world. It above the God-inspired scriptures.
is a privilege to shake their hands and

to call them brother and sister. I like

"The field is white . .

the the joy that come from

warmth and When the gospel and Church of
Happiness truly
this great family tie. Jesus Christ were restored to this earth
comes from God and his righteousness. in 1830 by a Prophet of God, the scrip-
tures were again restored to their true
"Seek ye first ."
. .
light and meaning. Immediately after
The first great goal of this life was the the great missionary
given by Jesus Christ our Savior, leader, program the Church was com-
and example, when he said, ". seek . . menced. The
Savior said in a revela-
ye first the kingdom of God, and his tion to the Prophet Joseph Smith, ". . .

righteousness; ." (Matt. 6:33.) There

. . behold the field is white already to
is no other goal ahead of this first goal. harvest; ." (D&C 4:4.)
. . Christ said
I would like to speak briefly about when he lived upon the earth that
the scriptures and missionary work. No there were many people to be brought
one ever needs to make excuses or into the Church "but the labourers are
apologize for the scriptures. The Apos- few." (Matt. 9:37.)
tle Paul said, "All scripture is given by Today, 1964, the field is still white
inspiration of God, and is profitable for and ready to harvest. There are mil-
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for lions waiting today for the restored
instruction in righteousness: gospel of Jesus Christ, but the laborers
"That the man of God may be per- are few. We
must find ways to reach


Monday, April 6 Third Day

and teach every creature. I sometimes the great examples and messages of
wonder if we have actually taught one the New Testament, and the artist
percent of God's children. That would under inspiration has created and pic-
be over thirty million. I know that tured this glorious occasion when God
millions have heard about the Church, expressed from heaven that he was
but there is no substitute for the teacher. pleased with his Son.

"By their fruits" Christ- centered

Underthe inspiration and direction The mural continues with Jesus call-
of our Prophet David O. McKay, we ing the fishermen, Peter and Andrew.
have undertaken a great and far-reach- Another picture shows the calling and
ing missionary program in the New ordaining of the Twelve Apostles; Jesus
York World's Fair. Millions of people is also pictured teaching the multitudes
will have the opportunity to hear testi- in Jerusalem; Jesus praying at Geth-
monies and see fruits of the gospel in semane while the apostles slept; Judas
the restored Church
of Jesus Christ. and the betrayal kiss; the crucifixion;
Jesus said, ". by their fruits ye shall
. . the meeting of the Resurrected Christ
know them." (Ibid., 7:20.) The fruits and the apostles after his resurrection;
through the exhibits based upon the the ascension of Jesus Christ and the
scriptures will be shown and taught. two men in white apparel saying, ". . .

this same Jesus, which is taken up from

The World's Fair you into heaven, shall so come in like
Our pavilion and exhibits are built manner ." (Acts 1:11)
. . a most im- —
and designed to give a sacred atmos- pressive mural. The golden-rayed room,
phere and a spirit of rest and peace. built around Jesus Christ, is inspiring,
Our theme is"Man's Search for Happi- soul-searching, and magnificent. Many
ness." We want to show and impress will receive their first inspiration of this
upon all who attend, that happiness Church as they enter this pavilion.
comes from seeking first the kingdom We will briefly show the apostasy
of God and his righteousness. from the teaching of Jesus Christ, that
As people enter the pavilion, they man in many cases substituted his own
will see an Adam and Eve statue and doctrines and programs; men did away
the masterful painting of the ancient with the Twelve Apostles, changed the
prophets. The scriptural messages baptism, and substituted an incorporeal
which will be written in text will show and incomprehensible God for our Liv-
our acceptance of the Old Testament ing, Personal Heavenly Father.
"Another Angel"
The Messages of the New Testament The mural continues to show John
The heroic-sized marble statue of the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos.
Jesus Christ and the inspired painting John in vision saw an angel and said,
of the Twelve Apostles will show that "And I saw another angel fly in the
we accept Jesus Christ, the Twelve midst of heaven, having the everlasting
Apostles, and the scriptures of the New gospel to preach unto them that dwell
Testament. The one-hundred-ten foot on the earth, and to every nation, and
mural, picturing the teachings of Jesus kindred, and tongue, and people,"
Christ, will touch the hearts of the (Rev. 14:6) often quoted and unique to
true Christians. Jesus Christ is shown this Church. Our message to the world
coming up out of the waters of the is that this angel came to the Prophet

River Jordan after being baptized by Joseph Smith and restored the everlast-
John the Baptist. The Holy Ghost is ing gospel, and that it is going forward
represented in the form of a dove, and today to every nation, kindred, tongue,
the voice of God the Eternal Father and people.
saying, ". This is my beloved Son,
. .

in whom I am
well pleased," (ibid., The Restoration
3:17) —a picture that even touches the As we walk into the first vision
heart of the unbeliever. This is one of diorama, we see the boy-Prophet,

Joseph Smith, kneeling in humble times at this conference, "And this is

prayer in the Sacred Grove, and we feel life eternal, that they might know thee
as if we are in that grove of trees wit- the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
nessing his first vision. whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3.) An
inspired moving picture on eternal life
Heavenly Beings has also been created to inspire and
Millions accept Moses, Abraham, touch the hearts of the truth-seeker.
Jacob, Isaiah, and allof the ancient The Tabernacle Choir, a great mis-
prophets of God as prophets of God, sionary, will be at the fair also. Three
and heavenly messengers appeared unto hundred Singing Mothers will be there.
them many times. Millions accept the I heard several fine sermons on
Apostle Peter, John the Revelator, Paul, Easter from prominent ecclesiastical
and the other Apostles of the Lord scholars encouraging the, people to re-
Jesus Christ, and they all had heavenly turn to religion. We already have an
visitations and manifestations. If we abundance of varied religions on this
stay with the God-given scriptures, earth, but all of God's children should
heavenly manifestations are part of turn to the God-inspired scriptures and
God's earth program, and the Prophet to the gospel teachings of Jesus Christ.
Joseph Smith's first vision is in harmony They should seek first the kingdom
with the scriptures. of God.
A twin diorama showing Jesus Christ sisters, we sincerely and
Brothers and
teaching in and around Jerusalem on humbly for your prayers for the
the Eastern Hemisphere and in the success the Lord's work at the
Americas on the Western Hemisphere World's Fair and for the great mis-
is impressive and brings to light his sionary program of the Church, that
statement that he had other sheep which we may more fully teach the gospel of
he must visit. Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred,
tongue, and people, and I ask this in the
Scriptures name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Bible contains the God-inspired
scriptures of the Eastern Hemisphere. President David O. McKay:
The Book of Mormon contains the
God-inspired scriptures of the Western He to whom you have just listened is
Hemisphere. Today men are looking Bernard P. Brockbank, Assistant to the
for evidence of divine power; it can be Twelve.
found in the Holy Bible and in the The congregation and chorus will
Book of Mormon, and among the now join in singing, "Praise to the Man
prophets and Apostles of the Lord. Who Communed with Jehovah."
A showing the restoration of
statue Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson will be our
the priesthood by Peter, James, and speaker following the singing.
John, messengers sent from heaven,
upon the head of the Prophet, will The Choruses and the congregation
portray the restoration of this great joined in singing the hymn, "Praise To
power. One hundred back-lighted The Man Who Communed With
transparencies have been created and Jehovah."
taken from all parts of the world to
show the fruits of the Church. President David O. McKay:
Life Eternal Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson, Assistant
A diorama showing eternal life has to the Twelve, will be our next speaker.
been created around the words of Jesus He will be followed by Elder John
that have been quoted here several Longden.


Monday, April 6 Third Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Brown, believe that most citizens believe in the
President Tanner, President Smith, my two-party system and desire to preserve
beloved brethren of the General Au- it. Sometimes we speak about the op-
thorities, my
dear brothers and sisters: position candidate as if we would like
I would like to testify to you that these to destroy one or the other political
brethren are servants and prophets of party. Recently, I heard two men speak-
God our Eternal Father. I know today ing about a certain candidate of the
we miss Elder LeGrand Richards, Apos- opposite party to which they belonged.
tle LeGrand Richards. I say "apostle" One of the men said, "If he runs, before
intentionally because truly he is an he is through, we will ruin him." Some
Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. We of us can recall where men have been
have missed his sitting here by the side practically ruined because of treacherous
of Brother Romney for these three days. political campaigns. I wonder if any
I with him this morning. He is
visited political office worth that price.
home and looks very fine. He sends Certainly, we can
talk principles and
his love to the people, the Saints, and policies without degrading the integrity
thanks you for your prayers. He does and even the good name and the family
love the Saints, and I can say to him, reputation of any candidate of either
"We love you, too, LeGrand. You are party.
a great soul." As citizens of this great country and
The first and great commandment is: members of both major political parties,
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God we can be thankful for belonging to a
with all thy heart, and with all thy nation under God and for a faith which,
soul, and with all thy mind. if practised, can see us through any
"And the second is like unto it, Thou hour of trouble. The atmosphere of
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." hate and intolerance will likely be
(Matt. 22:37, 39.) partly responsible for sad events

My Neighbor
occurring in this choice country —
choice land!
Now,just who is your neighbor? We
are living in a somewhat complex so- Respect His Good Name
ciety, when things sometimes are not We should
all be thankful and grate-
quite as they seem. And now as we ful that this government is an inspired
are facing a state and national election, form of government and our personal
perhaps we should conduct ourselves rights and liberties will continue un-
and our public statements and accusa- abated. Ours is a free country, and
tions a little differently than we have freedom requires people to think for
done in the past. themselves and develop their own abili-
The Lord has said: ties. Tolerance and respect for the
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. opinion of others should be cherished
"For with what judgment ye judge, and practised. Each of us could learn
ye shall be judged: and with what to distinguish between men and their
measure ye mete, it shall be measured ideas, to disagree without being dis-
to you again. agreeable, and to take no pleasure in
"And why beholdest thou the mote ruining any man or his good name or
that is in thy brother's eye, but con- his future because most of us, if not all
siderest not the beam that is in thine of us, have guilt enough —
each in his
own eye?" (Ibid., 7:1-3.) own way.
Perhaps there is a great lack of toler-
The Opposition's Candidate ance. Weshould not debase and de-
We have two great American political prive those with whom
we may differ
parties in this —
country the Republican by character or custom but realize that
Party and the Democratic Party and I — there is a time and place for everything.

The courage defend the right does

to others' failures. The more one yields
not give one the right to destroy those to this meanness, the meaner one
who disagree. The world is in constant becomes. . . .

conspiracy against brave men. Moral "It is from this base side of humanity
courage has been to a greater or less that spring slander and backbiting, . . .

extent missing or lacking in the Ameri- gross evils in society that produce dis-
can life. cord, distrust, and devilishness that —
Competition in America is keen but cause sorrow and broken hearts.
. . . . . .

that does not justify the attempt to Families are broken up because of dis-
ruin a man's good name in order to trust aroused by faults magnified and
achieve, nor does it justify short cuts virtues overlooked. Ties of friendship
in our taking advantage of the are broken, societies and organizations
other fellow. weakened by dissension and ill will, and
Should Americans set themselves one even governments undermined because
against another in bitterness and suspi- men fail to defend the honor and good
cion? Are we developing tolerance, name of their colleagues and governing
moral courage, patience, etc., or have officials. Much of this is the result of
these virtues become de-emphasized in the failure to look for the good and not
American life? To what degree would for the bad in others.
we go to defeat another?
Gossip's Tongue
Protect His Honor "Looking for the good does not mean
Someyears ago an article written by being blind to the bad. Human nature
President David O. McKay was pub- is full of weaknesses and frailties; . . .

lished, entitled "Protecting One An- But in organized society there are . . .

other's Honor." It might be well for means established whereby weaknesses

each one of us to adapt this article to may be corrected and evils overcome.
ourselves. Today that should be empha- They are only made worse when magni-
sized and practised. Yes, it should even fied and multiplied by gossip's idle
become part of our own life. May I tongue. It is a deplorable fact that the
quote some statements from that article. eye of the gossip and the slanderer sees
President McKay states, and I quote: not only no good in others, but sees
"To defend one's country is a worthy 'evil where no evil exists.' Ofttimes,
deed! Patriotism is a virtue. In pro- many evil, vicious things that are cir-
tecting the good name and holding in- culated exist only in the imagination
violate the word of their country, men of . . . evil-thinking minds. How sordid
in the service of their country may rise must be that person's soul who would
to the heights of true nobility. . . . defame the honor and good name of an
"The same virtue is possessed by him innocent friend or neighbor!
who with unwavering integrity protects "Truereligion as exemplified in the
the honor and good name of his friends gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that every
and associates fyes, even his competi- man should be the defender of his
tors]. It is the best within him ex- brother's good name. It goes even
pressing itself. further by requiring everyone to over-
"In upholding the good in others he look another's trespasses:
makes better his own soul. He that " '. ye ought to forgive one another;
. .

looks for the good shall find it; and he for he that forgiveth not his brother
who protects another's good name makes his trespasses standeth condemned be-
bright his own. fore the Lord; for there remaineth in
"But the opposite is true as well. If him the greater sin.' 64:9.) (D&C
every man is the keeper of his brother's "To pray for power to see things as
good name, he who proves false to his they not as others imagine them to
trust weakens his own good character, be; to cherish charity in our hearts for
stains his own soul. There is a mean our fellow men; to realize that, next to
element in human nature which 'feeds love, sympathy is the divinest attribute
fat' upon seeing weaknesses and faults of the human soul, and to manifest it
in others —
which secretly gloats upon for all things, both great and small; to


Monday, April 6 Third Day

strive by righteous endeavor to hasten seeks to ruin its superiors, are like those
the day when men of all nations shall insect parasites that kill the heart and
live as brothers —
these are some of the life of a mighty oak.
ideals of life which should be empha- "Scandal is one of the crimes of the
sized by all men everywhere. ."
. . tongue, but it is only one. Every indi-
(The Instructor, Vol. 95, June 1960, vidual who breathes a word of scandal
pp. 177-178.) is an active stockholder in a society
for the spread of moral contagion. He
"In a world where sorrow" is instantly punished by nature by hav-

Most men have plenty of trouble ing his mental eyes dimmed to sweetness
anyway. Why
should we add to the and purity, and his mind deadened to
humiliation, embarrassment, sorrow, the sunlight and glow of charity.
and worry of another? Yes, most men "A few words lightly spoken by the
are already carrying a heavy load. Why tongue of slander, a significant expres-
should any one of us wish to add to sion of the eyes, a cruel shrug of the
that already heavy cross? May we put shoulders, with a pursing of the lips
aside bitterness, hate, jealousy, and quit and then friendly hands grow cold, the
judging the other fellow! If we could accustomed smile is displaced by a
have courage to come to the rescue of sneer, and one stands alone and aloof
the man who is being attacked when with a dazed feeling of wonder at the
he is not present to defend him- vague, intangible something that has
self, we could save the heartbreaks of caused it all.
one another. "For this craze for scandal, sensational
May I quote from William George newspapers of today are largely respon-
Jordan: sible. [I am not referring to our news-
"The second most deadly instrument papers.] Each newspaper is not one
of destruction is the gun the first is — tongue, but a thousand or a million
the human tongue. The gun merely tongues, telling the same foul story to
kills the tongue kills reputa-
bodies; as many pairs of listening ears. The
tions and ofttimes ruins characters. vultures of sensationalism scent the
Each gun works alone; each loaded carcass of immorality afar off. From the
tongue has a hundred accomplices. uttermost part of the earth they collect
"The havoc of the gun is visible at the sin, disgrace and folly of humanity,
once, the full evil of the tongue lives and show them bare to the world.
through all the years. . . . "They do not even require facts, for
morbid memories and fertile imagina-
Crimes of the Tongue tions make even the worst of the
"The crimes of the tongue are words world's happenings seem tame when
of unkindness, anger, malice, envy, compared with their monstrosities of
bitterness, harsh criticism, gossip, lying invention. These stories, and the dis-
and scandal. Theft and murder are cussions they excite, develop in readers
awful crimes, yet in any single year a cheap, shrewd power of distortion of
the aggregate sorrow, pain and suffer- the acts of all around them." (The
ing they cause in a nation is micro- Kingship of Self-Control by William
scopic when compared with the sorrows George Jordan.)
that come from the crimes of the tongue. When we look at other men, we
"At the hands of a thief or a murderer may think they have no problems, that
few of us suffer, even indirectly. But they have no worries, no sadness; but
from the careless tongue of friend, the someone said, "Do not judge another
cruel tongue of enemy, who is free? man until you have walked in his shoes
No human being can live a life so true, for a while!"
so fair, so pure as to be beyond the
reach of malice or immune from the
"Nay Speak No 111"
poisonous emanations of envy. The "Nay speak no ill; a kindly word
insidious attacks against one's reputa- Can never leave a sting behind;
tion, the loathsome innuendoes, slurs, And, oh, to breathe each tale we've
half-lies by which jealous mediocrity heard

Is far beneath a noble mind. No lip may tell how brief its span;
Full oft a better seed is sown Then, O the little time we stay,
By choosing thus the kinder plan, Let's speak all the best we can."
For, if but little good is known, —Anon. Hymns, Church of Jesus
Still let us speak the best we can. Christ of Latter-day Saints,
page 116
"Give me the heart that fain would
hide, May God bless us that we may do
Would fain another's faults efface. so, and that we shall never add to the
How can it please the human pride, worries of a friend or a brother, I pray
To prove humanity but base? in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
No, let us reach a higher mood,
A nobler estimate of man; President David O. McKay:
Be earnest in the search for good
And speak of all the best we can. Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson, Assistant
to the Twelve, has just addressed us.
"Then speak no ill, but lenient be
Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
To other's failings as your own.
If you're the first a fault to see, Twelve, will be our next speaker. He
Be not the first to make it known, will be followed by Ezra Taft Benson
For life is but a passing day; of the Council of the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Much has been said about the resur- hearing this statement many times,
rection of Jesus Christ during this con- "Red sky at night, sailors take delight.
ference, and for several weeks past by Red sky in the morning, sailors take
many peoples of the Christian faith as warning."
the Easter season has been commemo- Later, the Savior sat upon the Mount
rated. The resurrection, we testify, is a of Olives; the disciples came unto him
reality. Every testimony-bearing mem- privately, saying: ". Tell us, when
. .

ber of this Church gives this witness. shall these things be? and what shall be
Today, I should like to speak about a the sign of thy coming, and of the end
reality yet to come —
the second coming of the world?
of Jesus Christ. The signs and events "And Jesus answered and said unto
preceding his second coming are clearly them, Take heed that no man deceive
taught in the scriptures and furthermore you.
are being fulfilled now. "For many shall come in name, my
By way of review, while the Savior saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
was upon the earth on one occasion he many.
met with: "And ye shall hear of wars and
"The Pharisees also with the Saddu- rumours of wars: see that ye be not
cees came, and tempting desired him troubled: for all these things must come
that he would shew them a sign to pass,but the end is not yet.
from heaven. "For nation shall rise against nation,
"He answered and said unto them, and kingdom against kingdom: and
When it is evening, ye say, It will be there shall be famines, and pestilences,
fairweather: for the sky is red. and earthquakes, in divers places.
"Andin the morning, It will be foul "And then shall many be offended,
weather to day: for the sky is red and and shall betray one another, and shall
lowering. O
ye hypocrites, ye can dis- hate one another.
cern the face of the sky; but can ye not "And many false prophets shall rise,
discern the signs of the times?" (Matt. and shall deceive many.
16:1-3.) "And because iniquity shall abound,
I well remember as a boy in England the love of many shall wax cold.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

"But he that shall endure unto the the heavens as well as in the earth of
end, the same shall be saved. unusual proportions. To impress his
"And this gospel of the kingdom disciples that these events would surely
shall be preached in all the world for come, the Savior said:
a witness unto all nations; and then "Heaven and earth shall pass away,
shall the end come." (Ibid., 24:3-7, but my words shall not pass away.
10-14.) "But of thatday and hour knoweth
no man, no, not the angels of heaven,
Evidence but my Father only." (Ibid., 24:35-36.)
Think of the signs and events of the Today weapons are being made more

past several weeks world-wide, bearing dreadful than ever known before, and
on these predictions. We
note, then, as fear enters into the hearts of all people.
the time approached for the Savior's Is it so that we are able to see that the

departure from his disciples, he gave sky is red in the morning or in the
them instructions as to their mission, evening and yet fail to see the signs in
to carry the gospel to all the world. He the heavens or in the earth? Surely
also instructed them in relation to con- there will be signs among the heavenly
ditions which would prevail on the bodies before the end shall come. The
earth preceding his second coming. earth will reel, the sun be darkened,
Peoples of the earth would reject him the moon not give its light.
and his mission. Is the airplane flying in the skies

False doctrines would arise and there from one country to another a sign? The
would be wars and rumors of wars be- heavens are filled with them, and
cause of the difficulties that would arise people are fulfilling the prophecy of
in the hearts of men. Nation would Isaiah 60:8. "Who are these that fly
rise against nation. Peace would be as a cloud, and as the doves to their
taken from the earth, but his disciples windows?"
should endeavor to remain faithful and Moreover are not the missiles which
true to their covenants to the end. are shot into the outer space and which
As we review the happenings of the revolve around the earth signs? Will
past few years, we realize the most anyone say that these do not, in a large
dreadful wars of all time have been measure, come under the prediction
fought in this dispensation, and the made by the Lord on the Mount of
end is not yet. There are uprisings in Olives almost 2000 years ago? Surely
many, many countries today. We have they are signs in the heavens, and there
signs in the heavens and in the earth. will yet come other signs as the Lord
Have they become so common we fail has promised.
to recognize them? In recent years, It appears that the trouble brewing

around the world, we have had some in this world in which the hearts of
of the most destructive earthquakes men are failing them is here, and other
of history. Distress in and among na- even greater manifestations of the near
tions is increasing daily. Will anyone approach of the Lord are yet to come.
say that men's hearts are not failing Will we be in a category of the people
them? Today, millions of people sit and in the days of Noah as recorded in
tremble in fear of what may happen. Luke? "And as it was in the days of
The wickedness of the world increases. Noe, so shall it be also in the days of
Nations arc preparing more earnestly the Son of man.
than ever before for the final great "They did eat, they drank, they mar-
struggle. ried wives, they were given in marriage,
Among the wonderful signs which until the day that Noe entered into
would be given to indicate the near the ark, and the flood came, and de-
approach of his advent, there would not stroyed them all.
only be wars but also earthquakes in "Likewise also as it was in the days
divers places, distress among nations, of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they
elements in commotion in tornados and bought, they sold, they planted, they
hurricanes, the sea heaving itself beyond builded;
its bounds. There would be signs in "But the same day that Lot went out

of Sodom it and brimstone

rained fire the Lord himself shall descend from
from heaven, and destroyed them all. heaven with a shout, with the voice of
"Even thus shall it be in the day the archangel, and with the trump of
when the Son of man is revealed." God: ..." (1 Thess. 4:16.)
(Luke 17:26-30.) But the crowning testimony of all is
Or as Peter predicted in 2 Peter 3:3-4: from the Savior of the world himself:
"Knowing this first, that there shall ". I am Jesus Christ, who cometh
. .

come in the last days scoffers, walking quickly, in an hour you think not"
after their own lusts, (D&C 51:20), given by revelation from
"And saying, Where is the promise the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith
of his coming? . .
." in May 1831.
May we be in the category predicted
Time Not Known to Man by the Savior: "But know this, that if
True, the precise time of Christ's com- the goodman of the house had known
ing has not been made known to man. in what watch the thief would come,
Yet I have no fear in my heart. Neither he would have watched, and would not
has anyone with a testimony of the to be broken up.
have suffered his house
gospel of Jesus Christ. By learning to "Therefore be ye also ready: for in
comprehend the signs of the times, by such an hour as ye think not the Son
watching the development of the work of man cometh." (Matt. 24:43-44.)
of God among the nations, and by not- I bear witness that the messages of
ing the rapid fulfilment of significant this conference have been to warn,
prophecies, we may perceive the progres- advise, counsel, and encourage everyone
sive evidence of the approaching event; to prepare and be ready to meet the
but the hour or the day, no man know- Master, whether we are still living in
eth, neither the angels in heaven nor mortality or have completed our mis-
shall they know until he comes. His sions here.
coming will be a surprise to those who May we then observe the signs which
have ignored his warnings and who are so evidentand have the desire to
have failed to watch. Watch, therefore, labor and watch and so live as if the
for ye know neither the day nor the Savior were going to come today, is
hour wherein the Son of man cometh. my prayer in the name of Jesus
Likewise, Peter predicted the Saints Christ. Amen.
also shall hardly escape. Nevertheless
I, the Lord, am with them. (See 1 Pet. President David O. McKay:
4:18.) This is a great promise to those
who will keep their covenants. Another Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
sure sign to take place before his sec- Twelve, has just spoken to us, Brother
ond coming was the restoration of the Ezra Taft Benson, you may sit down.
gospel and kingdom here on earth of (Laughter) We shall hear from you
the Lord Jesus Christ. This we testify this afternoon.
took place 134 years ago. The Brigham Young University Com-
bined Choruses will now sing "Worthy
Scriptural Evidence Is the Lamb," conducted by Elder John
The scriptures are replete with testi- R. Halliday. The benediction will be
monies pertainingto the second coming offered by Elder John E. Carr, formerly
I would have you note
of Jesus Christ. president of the New England Mission,
Job and the Prophet Daniel, also the after which this conference will be
words of the Apostles after the cruci- adjourned until two o'clock this after-
fixion of Jesus: ". . . this same Jesus, noon.
which is taken up from you into heaven,
shall so in like manner as ye have
come The Brigham Young University Com-
seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11.) bined Choruses
sang the anthem,
Timothy had this to say: ". and . . "Worthy Is The Lamb," following
unto them that look for him shall he which singing the closing prayer was
appear the second time. ." (Heb. . . offered by Elder John E. Carr, formerly
9:28.) Likewise the Apostle Paul had President of the New England Mission.
this firm conviction when he said: "For Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.
Monday, April 6 Third Day

The concluding session of the Con- conducting. Frank W. Asper is at the
ference was held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, organ. We
shall begin this service by
April 6th, President David O.
with the Choir singing, "Pilgrim's Chorus,"
McKay presiding and President Hugh after which the invocation will be of-
B. Brown conducting. fered by Elder Clifford O. Gledhill,
The Brigham Young University Chor- formerly president of the Great Lakes
ale furnished the choral music for this Mission.
session. Kurt Weinzinger conducted,
Frank W. Asper was at the organ. The opening selection by the Brig-
President Brown opened the meeting ham Young University Chorale was
with the following introductory remarks: "Pilgrim's Chorus."
Elder Clifford O. Gledhill, formerly
President Hugh B. Brown: President of the Great Lakes Mission,
offered the opening prayer.
Members Church are convened
of the
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in President Hugh B. Brown:
Salt Lake City, Utah, in the seventh and
concluding session of the one hundred The Brigham Young University Cho-
and thirty-fourth Annual Conference of rale will now sing, "I Know That My
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Redeemer Lives." After the singing
day Saints. Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council
This afternoon many television and of the Twelve will address us.
radio stations throughout the western
part of the United States will carry the The Chorale sang the hymn, "I Know
proceedings of this concluding session. That My Redeemer Lives."
We wish to extend a cordial welcome
to all present this afternoon —
to special President Hugh B. Brown:
guests, educational leaders, stake presi-
dencies, bishoprics and members of Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
general auxiliary boards, and to those cilof the Twelve and President of the
listening in. European Mission will be our first
The music for this session will be speaker this afternoon. He will be
rendered by the Brigham Young Uni- followed by Elder Marion G. Romney of
versity Chorale, with Kurt Weinzinger the Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Humbly and gratefully I approach this Have you ever attended a mission-
sacred assignment. wide conference of more than two hun-
As the ancient Apostle declared on dred devoted, enthusiastic, wonderful
the Mount of Transfiguration: ". it . . missionaries? We were in the midst of
is good for us to be here: ." . . a series of such inspiring meetings when
(Matt. 17:4.) President McKay's cablegram arrived.
I am grateful to President David O. In fact, we concluded one of these mis-
McKay, whom I sustain as a prophet sionary conferences in Dusseldorf, Ger-
of God, for inviting Sister Benson and many, only Wednesday, April 1. It
me to attend this great conference, was, I believe, the best April First Day
even though we had not expected it, I have ever spent.

and even though it is not easy to leave We bring you the love and greetings
the mission field. of 2100 of some of the finest young


men and women to be found anywhere, event, the resurrection of the Lord
your sons and daughters. They are not Jesus Christ.
perfect, but I say to you, they are a
credit to their loved ones, their com- Testimony: Jesus Is the Christ
munities, and the Church. I know the I bear witness to you that Jesus is the
Lord loves them and is magnifying Christ, the Saviorand Redeemer of the
them, at times even beyond
which is one
their —
world the very Son of God.
natural abilities, of the He was born the babe of Bethlehem.
most soul-satisfying experiences that He lived and ministered among men.
can come to man. He was crucified on Calvary.
We bring you warm greetings from His friends deserted him.
twelve dedicated mission presidents and His closest associates did not fully
their devoted companions. understand his mission, and they
We also bring you the love and fel- doubted. One of the most trusted
lowship of tens of thousands of faithful denied knowing him.

members many of them new in the A
pagan governor, struggling with his

Church from Norway, Sweden, Fin- conscience after consenting to Jesus'
land, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, death, caused a sign to be erected over
and Germany, who love the Lord and the cross proclaiming him "JESUS OF
his work and rejoice in the brotherhood NAZARETH THE KING OF THE
they enjoy in the Church.
JEWS." (John 19:19.)
It is a high and sacred honor to bear
He asked forgiveness for his tor-
witness to the divine mission of Jesus
mentors and then willingly gave up
Christ; to represent his great Church;
his life.
to be an ambassador of truth to our
His body was laid in a borrowed
Father's children; to be called by a
prophet of the Lord to go into the An immense stone was placed over
world and proclaim the glad tidings the opening.
that God has again spoken from the
In the minds of his stunned followers
heavens: that the heavens are not
over and over echoed some of his last
sealed, that God still communicates
words, ". be of good cheer; I have
. .

with men on the earth, and that the

overcome the world." (Ibid., 16:33.)
pure gospel of Jesus Christ has again
been restored to the earth in its fulness.
On the third day there was a great
earthquake. The stone was rolled back
I rejoice in this glorious privilege,
from the door of the tomb. Some of the
thank the Lord for this rich opportunity
women, among the most devoted of his
and blessing, and bear solemn witness
followers, came to the place with spices
to the truth of these things.
"and found not the body of the Lord
Wemeet here in this great confer- Jesus." (Luke 24:3.)
ence with a prayer of gratitude in our Angels appeared and said simply,
hearts and on our lips for the privilege "Why seek ye the living among the
of living in this choice period when dead?
the light of truth has burst forth. We "He is not here, but is risen."
meet in a great Christian nation a na- — (Ibid., 24:5-6.)
There nothing in history
is to equal
tion with a solid spiritual foundation
a nation departing from its basic
that dramatic announcement: "He is
not here, but is risen."
As a people we have just joined with "He is Risen"
others of the Christian world in the
celebration of Easter. Today flags are The greatest events of history are
those which affect the greatest number
at half mast as we mourn the passing for the longest periods. By this stand-
of a great General Douglas
ard, no event could be more important
MacArthur, and the sweet wife of our to individuals or nations than the
beloved Brother S. Dilworth Young. resurrection of the Master. The even-
It is, therefore, most fitting that we tual resurrection of every soul who has
consider together that most glorious lived and died on earth is a scriptural
Monday, April 6 Third Day

certainty, and is no event

surely there "he was seen of me also." (1 Cor.
forwhich one should make more careful 15:6, 8.)
preparation. Nothing is more absolutely
universal than the resurrection. Every Resurrection, A Glorious Reality
living being will be resurrected. ". . . Yes, Christ's resurrection was abun-
as in Adam even so in Christ
all die, dantly verified. The witnesses are
shall all be made Cor. 15:22.)
alive." (1 many. Throughout the forty days fol-
There are those, however, who act as lowing his resurrection the Lord mani-
though they do not believe in eternity fested himself at intervals and gave
or a resurrection. They cower at the instructions in the things pertaining to
thought of nuclear war, and to save the kingdom of God. Much that he
their own bodies they would have peace said and did is not written, but such
at any price. Yet the best assurance things as are of record, John assures
of peace and life is to be strong morally us, ". .are written, that ye might be-

and militarily. But they want life at lieve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
the sacrifice of principles. Rather than of God; and that believing ye might
choose liberty or death, they prefer life have life through his name." (John
with slavery. But they overlook a 20:31.)
crucial scripture ". fear not them
. . He had told his followers that he
which kill the body but are not able must soon ascend unto his Father in
to kill the soul; but rather fear him heaven. And as the time of his ascen-
which is able to destroy both soul and sion drew nigh, the Lord in that last
body in hell." (Matt. 10:28.) The Lord solemn interview gave his parting in-
could, I suppose, have avoided the war structions to his disciples.
in heaven over free agency. All he And when Christ and the disciples
needed to do was to compromise with had gone, "as far as to Bethany" where
the devil, but had he done so he would Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived, the
have ceased to be God. Lord lifted his hands and blessed them.
While it is more difficult to live the And while he yet spoke he rose from
truth, such as standing for free agency, their midst until a cloud received him
some of us may in the not-too-distant from out of their sight. As the Apostles
future be required to die for the truth. stood gazing steadfastly upward, two
But the best preparation for eternal personages clothed in white apparel
life is to be prepared at all times to appeared by them. They spoke unto
die — fully prepared by a valiant fight the eleven saying, "Ye men of Galilee,
for right. why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
Let us act like men, men who are this same Jesus, which is taken up from
sons of God, men with a sure knowl- you into heaven, shall so come in like
edge that there will be a resurrection manner as ye have seen him go into
and a final judgment. heaven." (Acts 1:9-11, also Luke
Yes, the resurrection of Jesus Christ 24:50-51.)
is a glorious reality. He became the Worshipfully, and with great joy the
first them that slept. He truly
fruits of
Apostles returned to Jerusalem. The
rose from the tomb the third day, as he
Lord's ascension was accomplished. It
and his prophets foretold, and became
was truly a literal departure of a mate-
in very deed "the resurrection and the
life." He
broke the bonds of death for
rial being, as his resurrection had been
all of us. We, too, will be resurrected. an actual return of his spirit to his own
Our spirits will be reunited with our physical body.Now the disciples began
bodies. to comprehend more fully that he
Later the Risen Lord appeared to had truly overcome the world. Not
other women, to the two disciples on that he had displaced Caesar or even
the road to Emmaus, to Peter, to the Pilate who ruled over Judea. The great
Apostles, and "after that," as reported majority of the world's people had still
by Paul, "he was seen of about five not even heard of him. Not that man's
hundred brethren at once." inhumanity to man was suddenly wiped
"And last of all," continued Paul, out. But there was victory over the

grave, always, until then, the final con- they will accept as a reality his glorious
queror of all men. resurrection which broke the bonds of
death for all of us.
His Kingdom Not of This World Yes, we must learn and learn again
Then the realization began to dawn that only through accepting and living
on his faithful followers that his king- the gospel of love as taught by the
dom was not of this world. He had Master, and only through doing his
overcome the world of hate, envy, greed, will can we break the bonds of igno-
and lust. He had shown the way for rance and doubt that bind us. must We
man to break the chains of selfishness learn this simple, glorious truth so that
and vengeance which had bound him, we can experience the sweet joys of the
doomed him to mediocrity, a prisoner spirit now and eternally. We must
of his own misconceptions. His disciples lose ourselves in doing his will. We
were quickened with a realization that must place him first in our lives. Yes,
this was what he had been teaching our blessings multiply as we share his
them. This was what his life had love with our neighbor.
spelled out to them. More clear became To the extent that we stray from the
his ringing words, "Ye have heard that path marked out for us by the Man of
it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy Galilee, to that extent we are failing in
neighbour, and hate thine enemy. our individual battles to overcome our
"But I say unto you, Love your ene- worlds. But we are not without his
mies, bless them that curse you, do help. Again and again he told his
good to them that hate you, and pray disciples, and all of us, "Let not your
for them which despitefully use you, heart be troubled: . .
." (John 14:1.)
and persecute you." (Matt. 5:43-44.)
Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ liberated "If ye shall ask any thing in my
man from the world by the pure gospel name, I will do it." (Ibid., 14:14.)
of love. He demonstrated that man
through the love of God and through "I will not leave you comfortless: . .

kindness and charity to his fellows (Ibid., 14:18.)

could achieve his highest potential. He
lived the plain and sure doctrine of "Peace I leave with you, my peace I

service, of doing good to all men, friends give unto you": (Ibid., 14:27.)
and enemies alike. His charge to return His Comforting Spirit
good for evil is still the greatest chal-
lenge to the mind of man. At the same
We feel his comforting spirit in the
sweet prayer of a child and the quiet
time it is man's greatest weapon. abiding faith of all who have let his
Impact of His Life gospel permeate their lives. What a
priceless gift it is that we can know
No other single influence has had so
him through our own prayers and
great an impact on this earth as the through the sacred and solemn testi-
life of Jesus the Christ. cannot We monies of those that have seen him,
conceive of our lives without his teach-
known him, felt his presence.
ings. Without him we would be lost
in a mirage of beliefs and worships,
On day more than 1900
this spring
years after his resurrection,I give you
born in fear and darkness where the
sensual and materialistic hold sway.
my solemn witness and testimony that
I know that Jesus the Christ lives. He
We are far short of the goal he set
was in very deed raised from the dead as
for us, but we must never lose sight of
we shall be. He is "the resurrection
it; nor must we forget that our great
and the life: . .
." He appeared unto
climb toward the light, toward perfec-
many in the Old World after his resur-
tion, would not be possible except for
rection and according to modern scrip-
his teachings, his life, his death, and tures, sacred to me and to Latter-day
his resurrection. Saints everywhere, he spent three
May God hasten the day when people glorious days before his final ascen-
everywhere will accept his teachings, sion with his "other sheep" here in
his example, and his divinity, yes, when America, the new world.


Monday, April 6 Third Day

By him and through him and his gratefully bear this witness to all men.
gospel, God the Father has made it This message is a world message. It is
possible for you and me to overcome the truth. More than two million
the world. members of the Church throughout the
world bear this solemn testimony.
Yes, my the Christ.
friends, Jesus is
Today thousands of faithful mission-
He lives. He did break the bonds of
aries at home and abroad freely carry
death. He is more than "a great moral
this all-important message to the world.
teacher." He is our Savior and Re-
Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of man-
deemer, the very Son of God. And he
kind, the Redeemer of the world, the
will come again. ". this same Jesus,
Son of God. He is the God of
. .
which is taken up from you into heaven,
this world, our advocate with the
shall so come in like manner as ye have
seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11.)
Today 16,000 missionary-messengers
of truth,and the more than two million
His Church Restored
members of The Church of Jesus Christ
Yes, this same Jesus has already come of Latter-day Saints the — Mormon
to earth in our day. The Resurrected Church—bear witness that God has
Christ — glorified, the God of
again spoken from the heavens, that
this world
under the Father appeared — Jesus Christ has appeared again unto
man, that the resurrection is a reality.
to the boy Joseph Smith in 1820. This
same Jesus who was the God of Abra- Today I testify to the truth of the
ham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of message which they bear and add my
Moses, the Creator of this earth, has solemn witness, in the name of Jesus
come in our day. He was introduced Christ. Amen.
by the Father to Joseph Smith in these
words: President Hugh B. Brown:
"This Is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" The moving testimony to which we
(Joseph Smith 2:17.) have just listened was given by Elder
Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of
The appearance of God the Father the Twelve and President of the Euro-
and his Son Jesus Christ to the boy pean Mission.
Prophet is the greatest event that has Elder Marion G. Romney of the
occurred in this world since the resur- Council of the Twelve will now speak
rection of the Master. As the restored to us. He will be followed by Richard
Church of Jesus Christ we humbly and L. Evans of the same Council.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I would like to say a few things this communicate with God. Revelation is
afternoon about revelation, which un- the means by which God communicates
derlies all that God has done in the with men. Revelation is indispensable
earth with his children. I invite you to an understanding of the gospel of
to join your prayers with mine that Jesus Christ. The very nature of the
while I speak, you and I may both enjoy gospel is such that without the active
the spirit of inspiration. That we do and constant operation of the prin-
so is imperative, because to talk about ciple of revelation, it could not be
revelation without the spirit of inspira- understood nor could it be had.
tion would be futile. The gospel deals with total truth-
". .knowledge of things as they are,

God Communicates with Men and as they were, and as they are to
First, as to the Principle: come." (D&C 93:24.) Such truth is
not to be had through man's ordinary
Prayer is the means by which men learning processes. His sensory powers

are calculated and adapted to deal only nestly Jesus sought to put this point
with the things of this earth. Without over to Nicodemus, repeatedly telling
revelation, man's intellect is wholly in- him that except a man be born again,
adequate for the discovery of the ulti- he could neither see nor enter the
mate truth with which the gospel deals. kingdom of God.
Paul spoke of this to the Corinthians Man is a dual being. He is composed
when he said: of a spirit and a body. His body came
". my speech and my preaching
. . into being with his entrance into this
was not with enticing words of man's world of mortality. His spirit as an
wisdom, but in demonstration of the individual person was begotten unto
Spirit and of power: God in the spirit world. Through a
". . your faith should not stand in
long period of growth and development,
the wisdom of men, but in the power each person's spirit came to know God
of God. and spiritual things, including the gos-
"For what man [continues Paul] pel, obedience to which is a prerequi-

knoweth the things of a man, save the site to attaining eternal life. Men,
spirit of man which is in him? even so however, enter mortality spiritually
the things of God knoweth no man, blind. Never in this life do they re-
but the Spirit of God." (1 Cor. 2:4- cover memory of pre-mortal spiritual
11.) things. What they here learn of them
must be revealed anew.
Opens the Mind and the Spirit
The "To see if they will do . .

principle of revelation is the key

which opens the mind and spirit of man One God's purposes in granting
to an understanding of the gospel. men mortal life is that they might be
There is no other key to such knowl- tested ". to see if they will do all
. .

edge. Thinkers have philosophized; things whatsoever the Lord their God
poets have dreamed; and scientists have shall command them; they who . . .

experimented; but only God speaks keep their second estate [meaning this
with a sure knowledge of all truth. mortal estate] shall have glory added
years ago I listened to a lecturer upon their heads for ever and ever."
who argued long and deviously and (Abraham 3:25-26.)
came to the conclusion that there was Since attaining this glory is condi-
no such thing as religious knowledge. tioned upon obedience to the laws and
Within his premises, he was right. He ordinances of the gospel, and since men
had no religious knowledge, and he come into life ignorant of these princi-
could not obtain any because he had ples and ordinances, justice demands
ruled out revelation. that they be given opportunity to learn
It is my witness to you, however, that about them. God, being not only just
by the power of God, truth concerning but merciful, provided revelation as
the eternal verities with which the the means by which man might be
gospel deals has been in the past, is so advised.
now being, and will in the future con-
tinue to be communicated to men from Moral Agency
heaven by revelation. "Revelation" is The Lord also saw to it that men
the "governing law of conduct" the — were so constituted that by the proper
age-old established rule of action or exercise of their moral agency with
principle by which God communes which he also endowed them, it would
with men. be natural for them to respond to reve-
lation. Otherwise, it would not be
Man Must be Born Again
just to hold them accountable for
Now a word as to the Nature of Reve- their failure to respond thereto.
lation: I know the scriptures say that "the
natural man is an enemy to God, ." . .

Since revelation is by nature spiritual, (Mosiah 3:19.) And so he is when he

man, to receive it, must be spiritually rejects the promptings of the Spirit and
born again. You will recall how ear- follows the lusts of the flesh. But he
Monday, April 6 Third Day

is not an enemy to God when he fol- appeared to you before." (See Alma
lows the promptings of the Spirit. 8:15.)
I firmly believe that notwithstanding We read in the 110th section of the
the fact that men, as an incident to Doctrine and Covenants about the
mortality, are cast out from the presence visitation to the Prophet and Oliver of
of God and deprived of past memories, Moses, Elias, and Elijah.
there still persists in the spirit of every
The Unspoken Word
human soul a residuum from his pre-
existent spiritual life which instinc- Another manifestation of revelation
tively responds to the voice of the Spirit is the unspoken word, a good illustra-
of Christ until and unless inhibited by tion of which is given us by Enos. He
the free agency of the individual. If I says: ". .while I was thus struggling

had time, I could cite many authorities in the spirit, behold, the voice of the
on this point. Lord came into my mind again, saying:
. (Enos 10.) Then he tells us
Manifestations of Revelation what the voice of the Lord put in his
mind. This is a very common means
Now, as to the Manifestations of
of revelation. It comes into one's
mind in words and sentences. With
Revelation comes to men in an un-
this medium of revelation I am per-
sonally well acquainted.
limited number of ways. Three sep-
arate mediums are mentioned in the
Impelling Impulse
firstrecorded account of revelation the — Another medium is an impelling im-
spoken word, the visitation of angels,
and the power of the Holy Ghost. As a pulse of the nature received by the
consequence of his transgression Adam Prophet when he read James 1:5.
was cast out from God's presence. But "Never [said he] did any passage of
he was not forsaken. As he and Eve scripture come with more power to
toiled and prayed, ". they heard the
. .
the heart of man than this did at this
voice of the Lord from the way toward time to mine. It seemed to enter with
the Garden of Eden, ." (Moses 5:4.)
. .
great force into every feeling of my
"And after many days an angel of heart." (Joseph Smith 2:12.)
the Lord appeared unto Adam, . .

(Ibid., 5:6.)

The Holy Ghost

Another means is dreams — Jacob's
ladder, for example, Joseph's dream of
"And in that day the Holy Ghost fell the sheaves, Pharaoh's dream of the
upon Adam, which beareth record of lean and fat years. There were Nebu-
the Father and the Son, ." (Ibid., 5:9.). .
chadnezzar's dream, Daniel's dream,
The spoken word has been heard on Lehi's dream. Joseph, the husband of
many occasions. Moses heard it from Mary, was warned in a dream to take
the burning bush; Samuel in the tem- Mary and Jesus into Egypt.
ple. The Nephites heard the voice of
the unseen Jesus. Visions
Another medium of revelation is vi-
Visitations of Angels sions. You know about Nephi's vision,
As to the visitation of angels, we the Prophet's great vision recorded in
have many examples. One which moves the 76th section of the Doctrine and
me as much as any is the record in the Covenants, and President Joseph F.
third chapter of Ether of the appearance Smith's vision of work for the dead in
of Jesus in his spirit body to the brother the spirit world.
of Jared.
You will Flashes of Ideas
remember how, as Alma was
traveling from Ammonihah to Aaron, Flashes of ideas that come into one's
an angel appeared to him and said, mind represent another type or mani-
referring to the time of Alma's conver- festationof revelation. Listen to this
sion, "I am the same angel that statement of the Prophet Joseph:

"A person may profit by noticing the revelation, the Prophet Joseph Smith
first intimation of the spirit of revela- further said:
tion; for instance, when you feel pure "We consider that God has created
intelligence flowing into you, it may man with a mind capable of instruc-
give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that tion, and a faculty which may be en-
by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled larged in proportion to the heed and
the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things diligence given to the light communi-
that were presented unto your minds cated from heaven to the intellect; . . .

by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; the nearer man approaches perfection,
and thus by learning the Spirit of God the clearer are his views, and the greater
and understanding it, you may grow his enjoyments, till he has overcome the
into the principle of revelation, until evils of his life and lost every desire
you become perfect in Christ Jesus." for sin; and like the ancients, arrives
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, at that point of faith where he is
p. 151.) wrapped in the power and glory of his
Maker, and is caught up to dwell with
"Study it out" Him." (DHC 2:8.)

One of the most familiar types of The Great Exemplar

revelation is the one which the Lord
In qualifying to receive revelation,
took so much pains to teach to Oliver
as in all righteousness, Jesus is our
Cowdery. The lesson begins in the
6th and 8th sections of the Doctrine great exemplar. He so qualified him-
and Covenants and concludes it in the self thathe received through revelation
9th section. Oliver wanted to trans- "a fulness of the glory of the Father."
late, and the Lord finally gave his con- With respect to this point, John the
sent. But Oliver didn't translate Beloved bore this witness:
because he didn't work hard enough. "... I beheld his glory, as the glory
When he complained about it, the of the Only Begotten of the Father, . . .

Lord said: "And I, John, saw that he received

"Do not murmur, my son, for it is not of the fulness at the first, . . .

wisdom in me that I have dealt with ". but continued from grace to
. .

you after this manner. grace, until he received a fulness; . . .

"Behold, you have not understood; "And I, John, bear record that he
you have supposed that I would give received a fulness of the glory of the
it unto you, when you took no thought Father." (D&C 93:11-13, 16.)
save it was to ask me.
Keep Commandments
"Ask be right ."
if it . .
To me, among the most inspiring
passages of all scripture is the comment
"But, behold, I say unto you, that
of Jesus on this testimony of John's,
you must study it out in your mind;
which, as you will remember, was
then you must ask me if it be right,
dictated to the Prophet by the Savior.
and if it is right I will cause that your
After quoting John's testimony, Jesus
bosom shall burn within you; there-
said to the Prophet Joseph Smith:
fore, you shall feel that it is right.
"But if it be not right you shall have "I give unto you these sayings that
no such feelings, but you shall have a you may understand and know how to
stupor of thought. ." (D&C 9:6-9.) worship, and know what you worship,
. .

that you may come unto the Father in

This is the kind of revelation we can
all live by. One need not make serious
my name, and in due time receive of
his fulness.
mistakes in life. Such can be avoided
"For if you keep rnv commandments
by following this formula. It will you shall receive of his fulness, and be
guide us in all our activities if we will glorified in me
as I am in the Father;
become sensitive to it. therefore, I say unto you, you shall
The foregoing are but some of the receive grace for grace." (Ibid., 93:19-20.)
means of revelation. Now this is Christ's promise to the
In connection with this principle of Prophet, and it is his promise to us.


Monday, April 6 Third Day

". . . no man
a fulness receiveth revelation lies in such fields of learning
unless he keepeth his commandments. but rather in the field of religion.
"He that keepeth his commandments
receiveth truth and light, until he is
"God Has Opened the Heavens"
glorified in truth and knoweth all Our message is that we are living in
things." (Ibid., 93:27-28.) the great and last dispensation of the
gospel of Jesus Christ; that God has
Receive Light and Truth opened the heavens anew; that by di-
rect revelation through the means we
We receive a little revelation; we obey have been considering, he has revealed
it; we receive a little more, obey it, and himself, restored his gospel, set up his
repeat the cycle over and over again. Church with power and authority to
This is the pattern by which the preach the gospel and administer the
promise of the first paragraph of this saving ordinances thereof; and that he
great revelation may be obtained. As is now, today, continuing to direct by

you now listen to this promise, let your revelation his great program for the
souls be filled with hope. blessing and the salvation of the hu-
"Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall man race.
come to pass that every soul who for- Our great mission is to declare this
saketh his sins and cometh unto me, message with such simple clarity and
and calleth on my name, and obeyeth inspired conviction that men of all
my voice, and keepeth my command- lands will hearken, investigate, and
ments, shall see my face and know prayerfully seek until, through per-
that I am." (Ibid., 93:1.) sonal revelation to themselves, they
In these remarks I have, as you of obtain a saving witness for themselves.
course have noted, omitted any reference That we may successfully discharge
to revelation in connection with the
this mission, I humbly pray in the name

great advances of science in our age.

of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This I have done deliberately. I know President Hugh B. Brown:
that all men live and learn by the light
of the Spirit of Christ; I know that all He to whom
you have just listened
progress in science and other fields of is Elder Marion G. Romney of the
secular learning is made possible by the Council of the Twelve. Elder Richard
light of Christ. I do not, however, L. Evans of the same Council will now
think that our distinctive message about speak to us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay and my beloved breth- children therein will be trained to keep
ren and sisters: the commandments of the Lord, to be
From the time of President McKay's honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and
opening address until this moment, we virtuous,and to do good to all men."
have been strengthened and refreshed ". the Word of Wisdom
. . goes . . .

in spirit. We
have heard our Presi- deeper than the ill effects upon the
dent's appeal against pernicious, en- body and strikes at the very root of
slaving habits and for preserving the character. . .

integrity of the home and maintain- "No other success can compensate for
ing moral standards. Last night late, I failure in the home."
reread the President's opening address, "The most vicious enemy to home
which I feel was one of his finest. life immorality.

These sentences I have taken from "The word of the Lord to his Church
his text: is: 'Keep yourself unspotted from the
". .that our homes are kept unpol-
. sins of the world!'
luted and unbroken by infidelity; that We have heard Brother Lee's appeal

not to be "almost" only but altogether do some self-searching' and that is —

what we ought to be. what we have been doing these past
And we have heard Brother Hunter's three days.
most interesting analysis of the obliga- One of life's greatest lessons is to
tion and privilege of tithing. I recall learn that there are causes and conse-
in this connection a quotation from quences. God has given us our free
President Moyle, given in the Manti agency and will not violate it, but
Temple not many months before he everything we do has its effect on our
left us, in which he was quoting as I everlasting life. As Samuel Johnson
recall partly himself and partly Presi- said it: "The future is bought with the
dent McKay. He said, "Tithing is as present."
much a law as is baptism itself. We President McKay and several others
are no more compelled to keep the one have mentioned the surgeon general's
than the other." And then quoting report on tobacco and its adverse effects
President McKay: "We have been pray- on human health and length of life.
ing for this day for a hundred years, We may now expect to see much
and if we have the faith to meet the maneuvering to set aside the effects of
needs of the growth of the Church, the these findings.
Lord will provide a way for us to do so. When the evil of an unrestrained in-
The Lord sets the times and seasons of dulgence is under attack, there will be
this great growth." a plea for moderation, for half steps,
Each of the brethren who has spoken, as if to say that a little of something
in his own way and in his own time, that isn't right is all right. It comes
has added to our reminder of the funda- down in another sense to this "almost"
mental position of the Church and its that Brother Lee spoke of. To quote
mission among men and has reminded some words from Nephi: "And there
us of our obligations and opportunities. shall also be many which shall say:
We have been reminded of the prin- . . there is no harm in this;
." . .

ciples that will solve mankind's prob-

(2 Nephi 28:8.) This is in error. If
lems and that will lead us to everlast-
ing life.
it isn't good

let it alone. If it isn't
right- -avoid it, not "almost," but
Repentance —the Principle of Progress altogether.
It has been over 130 years since the
Now, why all this effort and exhorta- answer was given on this subject and
tion? Because time moves swiftly and on many other subjects. Why do we so
is short, and because people are of ever-
long wander in the wilderness?
lasting importance, and because there
Now there are those who would ask
never comes a time when we do not what all this has to do with religion.
need to be taught! There never comes In the Church and kingdom of God, the
a time when we do not need to know practical and the physical are inter-
that repentance is the great principle
of progress and that there is room for all
mingled with the spiritual. We are a
practical Church. Life is a practical
of us to improve.
matter. So is eternal life. There are
And since these things are so, what laws and commandments and physical
a person believes becomes exceedingly facts that pertain to peace and progress
important, because what he believes and health and happiness, and I cannot
determines how he lives. A person will
conceive of a Loving Father's not being
prepare much differently for a short interested in everything that pertains to
journey than he will for a long one,
and he will prepare much differently for
his children —
what they do, what they
eat, what they think, what they learn,
an everlasting journey than he will for how they live, their health, their hap-
one that ends after a short season. piness, their character, their conduct.
Now since eternity is forever, and Conscientious fathers are interested in
since life is going to be lived one way all these things, or should be, and so
or another everlastingly, and since what is our Father in heaven. This is part
we do here has its effect on our eternal of the gospel. It is part of life. It is

opportunities, we ought frequently to —

part of religion to give us peace and
Monday, April 6 Third Day
health and happiness and
to qualify "Another angel . .

us for the highest opportunities of ever- At our World's Fair site in New York
lasting life. a few days ago, with Brothers Lee and
Stapley and Brockbank and others, we
To Enlarge Life saw raised atop the center tower of
the temple a beautiful gold-leafed
In all of life, as Phillips Brooks put
replica of the Angel Moroni. Earnestly
it, there are the "fulfillers" and the

"destroyers" those who build up and
we asked for a variance of the World's
Fair building code so that our temple
those who pull down, and the measure
spires could reach to a height that would
of what is good for man is what it
be symbolic and significant and would
does for him. What isn't good isn't
good. What is good is good. And why

appear in proportion and as we saw
the angel put in place and contem-
should we vacillate between the two?
plated our exhibit with all its planning
I heard President Brown ask this
(the product of many minds and many
question not long ago. I can't recall
men, to whom should be paid personal
the occasion, but I remember the words.
pardon me for using
tribute, and they will receive their
I hope he will

them from him. "Do you want to re-

everlasting credit where it counts, even
pent or rationalize? Repenting means if they worked somewhat behind the
pulling yourself up to a set of standards,
scenes), we
could not help recall these
words from the book of Revelation, al-
and rationalizing means letting your
ready more than once quoted at this
conduct down to your appetites and to
a less worthy inclination."
Weought to turn our attention to
"And I saw another angel fly in the
midst of heaven, having the everlast-
those things that enlarge and fulfil
ing gospel to preach unto them that
life and not those things which enslave
dwell on the earth, and to every nation,
and destroy.
"Man's success or failure, happiness and kindred, and tongue, and people,
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God,
or misery," President McKay has said,
"depend upon what he seeks and what and give glory to him; for the hour of
his judgment is come: and worship him
he chooses."
that made heaven, and earth, and the
Last June in St. Louis at a Rotary
International Convention, Willy Brandt,
sea, and the fountains of waters."
Mayor of Berlin, came to speak there at
(Rev. 14:6-7.)
To the literal fulfilment of this event,
our invitation, and in a significant and
we bear witness, and we have an obli-
challenging talk made this among other
gation to live according to the witness
observations: "Nobody, no system, no that we bear.
ideology can prevail over the future
unless the central interest humanity.
is Joseph Smith Told the Truth
. . . The world is not to be won by Some days ago I was searching in an
disregarding people." autobiography of Dr. John A. Widtsoe,
What he was saying, in his own way, one of my beloved mission presidents
was, in speaking of communism as he —
many years ago scientist, scholar, edu-
was, that unless it changes to serve the cator, and Apostle. And in this book
called In a Sunlit Land, published
highest possibilities of mankind, it can-
shortly before his death, he reviews his
not survive, and if it changes to do this,
beginnings in a far country, on a
it would not be communism.
rocky island off the North Sea coast of
What this says to me is that, here Norway; his birth into another church;
and hereafter, what is good for man is the coming of the missionaries; the
the measure of what is good and the conversion of his mother and later his
ultimate in our Father's plans and pur- own conversion; his going to Harvard
poses, and we must have the wisdom, as an immigrant lad; his going later to
the strength, the discernment to shape Germany to acquire his doctor's degree
our lives toward this end and to cboose in chemistry; his study of the sciences
between what is and isn't good. and of the religions and philosophies of

men; his serving as president of two President Hugh B. Brown:

universities. And then on about the
last page of that book he says: Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
"During this long life, I have had cil of the Twelve has just addressed us.
occasion to test, time and time again, The Choir and congregation will now
the verity of the foundations of The sing "We Thank Thee O God For A
Prophet," conducted by Kurt Wein-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
zinger. After the singing Elder Thomas
Saints. The answer has always been
S. Monson of the Council of the Twelve
the same: Joseph Smith told the truth." will speak to us.
(Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press,
1952, pp. 243-244.) The Brigham Young University Cho-
Joseph Smith did tell the truth. This rale and the congregation joined in
singing the hymn, "We Thank Thee,
is the witness that I would leave with
you, my beloved brothers and sisters,
O God, For A

my beloved family and friends, along President Hugh B. Brown:

with the witness that Jesus is the Christ
and that God our Father did make us Elder ThomasS. Monson of the
in his own image and that it is his Council of the Twelve will be our
purpose to bring to pass our immortality next speaker. He will be followed by
and eternal life, and this I do in the Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Coun-
name of Jesus Christ. Amen. cil of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

"Trust in the Lord with all thine have unsolved problems. Personnel
heart; and lean not unto thine own workers and grievance committees in
understanding. modern industry work long hours in an
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, effort to assist people with their prob-
and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov. lems. One personnel officer assigned
3:5-6.) So spoke the wise Solomon, to handle petty grievances concluded
the son of David, king of Israel. an unusually hectic day by placing
On this the American continent, facetiously a little sign on his desk for
Jacob, the brother of Nephi, declared: those with unsolved problems to read.
". . Look unto God with firmness of
It read, "Have you tried prayer?"

mind, and pray unto him with exceed- What that personnel director did not
ing faith. ." (Jacob 3:1.)
. .
know when he placed such a sign upon
In this dispensation in a revelation his desk was that he was providing
given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, counsel and direction which would
the Lord said, "Look unto me in solve more problems, alleviate more suf-
every thought; doubt not, fear not." fering, prevent more transgression, and
(D&C 6:36.) bring about greater peace and content-
ment in the human soul than could be
"Have You Tried Prayer?" obtained in any other way.
This divinely inspired counsel comes A prominent American judge was
to us today as crystal clear water to a asked what we as citizens of the coun-
parched earth. triesof the world could do to reduce
We live in troubled times. Doctors' crime and disobedience to law and to
offices throughout the land are filled bring peace and contentment into our
with individuals who are beset with lives and into our nations. He care-
emotional problems as well as physical fully replied, "Iwould suggest a return
distress. Our divorce courts are doing to the old-fashioned practice of fam-
a land office business because people ily prayer."
Monday, April 6 Third Day
Family Prayer the greatest man that
ever I have
As a people, aren't we grateful that known. The overwhelming
desire of
family prayer is not an out-of-date my heart is that I might so live that I
practice with us? There is no more might have the privilege of being beside
beautiful sight in all this world than to you and mother and other members of
see a family praying together. The oft- the family in the celestial kingdom."
repeated phrase is ever true, "The family That father has never received a more
that prays together stays together." cherished letter.

The Lord directed that we have fam- Prayer is the Language of Faith
ily prayer when he said, "Pray in your
families unto the Father, always in my As we offer unto the Lord our family
name, that your wives and your chil- and our personal prayers, let us do so
dren may be blessed." (3 Nephi 18:21.) with faith and trust in him. Let us
Will you join me as we look in on a remember the injunction of Paul to the
typical Latter-day Saint family offering
Hebrews: ". for he that cometh to
. .

prayers unto the Lord? Father, mother,

God must believe that he is, and that
and each of the children kneel, bow he is a rewarder of them that diligently
A seek him." (Heb. 11:6.) If any of us has
their heads and close their eyes.
sweet spirit of love, unity, peace fills been slow to hearken to the counsel to
the home. As father hears his tiny son
pray always, there is no finer hour to
pray unto God that his dad will do the begin than now. William Cowper de-
clared, "Satan trembles when he sees
right things and be obedient to the
Lord's bidding, do you think that such
the weakest Saint upon his knees."
a father would find it difficult to honor
Those who feel that prayer might
the prayer of this precious son? As a
denote a physical weakness, remember
teenaged daughter hears her sweet that a man never stands taller than
mother plead unto the Lord that her when he is upon his knees.
daughter will be inspired in the selec- We cannot know what faith is if we
tion of her companions, that she will have never had it, and we cannot ob-
prepare herself for temple marriage, tain it as long as we deny it. Faith and
don't you believe that such a daughter doubt cannot exist in the same mind at
will seek to honor this humble, plead- the same time, for one will dispel
ing petition of her mother whom she so the other.
dearly loves? When father, mother, and If our desire is to discard all doubt

each of the children earnestly pray that and to substitute therefor an abiding
these fine sons in the family will live faith, we have but to accept the invita-
worthy that they may, in due time, tion extended to you and to me in the
receive a call to serve as ambassadors Epistle of James.
of the Lord in the mission fields of the "If any of you lack wisdom, let him
Church, don't we begin to see how such ask of God, that giveth to all men
sons grow to young manhood with liberally, and upbraideth not; and it
an overwhelming desire to serve as shall be given him.
missionaries? "But let him ask in faith, nothing
I am sure that family prayer prompted wavering. For he that wavereth is like
a letter written by a young Latter- a wave of the sea driven with the wind
day Saint girl attending a Denver, and tossed." (Jas. 1:5-6.)
Colorado, high school. The students This promise motivated the young
had been asked to prepare a letter to man Joseph Smith to seek God in
be written to a great man of their prayer. He declared to us in his own
choice. Many addressed their letters words,
to Mickey Mantle, the New York Yankee "At length I came to the conclusion
star of baseball; John Glenn, America's that I . must do as James directs,
. .

first astronaut; the President of the that is, ask of God. I at length came
United States; and other celebrities. to the determination to 'ask of God,'
This young lady, however, addressed her concluding that if he gave wisdom to
letter to her father, and in the letter them that lacked wisdom, and would
she stated, "I have decided to write give liberally, and not upbraid, I
this letter to you, Dad, because you are might venture.


"So, in accordance with this, my de- Canadian Mission, Sister Monson and
termination to ask of God, I retired to I had the opportunity of serving with
the woods to make the attempt. ... It the finest young men and women in all
was the first time in my life that I had
made such an attempt, for amidst all my
this world
your missionary sons and
very lives exempli-
anxieties I had never as yet made the fied faith and prayer.
attempt to pray vocally." (Joseph Smith There sat in my office one day a
2:13-14.) newly arrived missionary. He was
Now if we have hesitated in supplicat- bright, strong, filled with enthusiasm
ing God our Eternal Father simply and a desire to serve, happy and grate-
because we have not as yet made the ful to be a missionary. As I spoke with
attempt to pray, we certainly can take him I said, "Elder, I imagine that your
courage from the example of the Prophet father and mother wholeheartedly sup-
Joseph. But let us remember, as did port you in your mission call." He
the Prophet, our prayer must be offered lowered his head and replied, "Well,
in faith, nothing wavering. not quite. You see, President, my father
It was by faith, nothing wavering, is not a member of the Church. He
that the Brother of Jared saw the finger doesn't believe as we believe, so he can-
of God touch the stones in response to not fully appreciate the importance of
his plea. my assignment." Without hesitating
It was by faith, nothing wavering, and prompted by a source not my own,
that Noah erected an ark in obedience I said to him, "Elder, if you will hon-

to the command from God. estly and diligently serve God in

It was by faith, nothing wavering, proclaiming his message, your father
that Abraham was willing to offer up will join the Church before your mis-
his beloved Isaac as a sacrifice. sion is concluded." He clasped my
It was by faith, nothing wavering, hand in a viselike grip, the tears welled
that Moses led the children of Israel out up in his eyes and began to roll forth
of Egypt and through the Red Sea. down his cheeks, and he declared, "To
It was by faith, nothing wavering, see myfather accept the truth would
that Joshua and his followers brought be the greatest blessing that could
the walls of Jericho tumbling down. come into my life."
It was by faith, nothing wavering,
that Joseph saw God our Eternal Father Faith Generates Action
and Jesus Christ his Son. This young man did not sit idly by,
Now the skeptic may say that these hoping and wishing that the promise
mighty accounts of faith occurred long
would be fulfilled, but rather he fol-
ago, that times have changed.
lowed the example of Abraham Lincoln,
of whom it has been said, "When he
Source of Spiritual Power
prayed, he prayed as though everything
Have times really changed? Don't depended upon God, and then he
we today, as always, love our children worked as though everything depended
and want them to live righteously? upon him." Such was the missionary
Don't we today, as always, need God's service of this young man.
divine, protecting care? Don't we today, At every missionary conference I
as always, continue to be at his mercy would seek him out before the meet-
and in his debt for the very life he ings would ever commence and ask,
has given us? "Elder, how's dad progressing?"
Times have not really changed. His reply would invariably be, "No
Prayer continues to provide power progress, President, but I know the Lord
spiritual power. Prayer continues to will fulfil the promise given to me

provide peace spiritual peace. through you as my mission president."
Wherever we may be, our Heavenly
The days turned to weeks and the
Father can hear and answer the prayer
weeks to months and finally, just two
offered in faith.This is especially true
in the mission fields throughout the weeks before we ourselves left the mis-
world. While presiding under the direc- sion field to return home, I received a
tion of President McKay over the letter from the father of this mission-
Monday, April 6 Third Day

ary. I would like to share it with The humble prayer of faith had once
you today. again been answered.
There is a golden thread that runs
"Dear Brother Monson: through every account of faith from the
"I wish to thank you so much for beginning of the world to the present
taking such good care of my son who time. Abraham, Noah, the Brother of
recently completed a mission in Canada. Tared, theProphet Joseph, and countless
"He has been an inspiration to us. others were obedient to the will of God.
"My son was promised when he left They had ears that could bear, eyes
on his mission that I would become a that could see, and hearts that could
member of the Church before his return. know and feel.
This promise was, I believe, made to They never doubted. They trusted.
him by you, unknown to me. Through personal prayer, through
"I am happy to report that I was family prayer, by trusting in God with
baptized into the Church one week be- faith, nothing wavering, we can call
fore he completed his mission and am at down to our rescue his mighty power.
present time Athletic Director of the His call to us is as it has ever been,
MIA and have a teaching assignment. "Come unto me. ." (Matt.
. 11:28.

"My son is now attending BYU and Italics added.)

his younger brother was also recently In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
baptized and confirmed a member of
the Church.
President Hugh B. Brown:
"May I again thank you for all the
kindness and love bestowed upon my
son by his brothers in the mission field
We have just heard from Elder
during the past two years.
Thomas S. Monson of the Council of
the Twelve. We
shall now hear from
"Yours very truly, Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the same
"A grateful father." Council.


Of the Council of w Twelve Apostles

My brethren and sisters and friends: entirety, makes one more Godlike,

This has been a glorious conference. for God knows and understands all
The messages have been fitting for this things. This blessed condition is
particular day and time in which we what God wants for all his children, for
live. I have been uplifted, benefited he has declared: "For behold, this is my
spiritually, and encouraged to go for- work and my glory to bring to pass —
ward in the progress of the great work the immortality and eternal life of
of our Lord. man." (Moses 1:39.)
When Jesus uttered the words: "And
this is life eternal, that they might know
Truth leads to Eternal Life

thee the only true God, and Jesus Now, where shall we go to discover
Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John the truth, that, when utilized, will
17:3), he expressed a truth at once bring eternal life? Shall we go to the
profound and eternal. world's halls of learning, the labora-
But truth must be sought and under- tories of the sciences, the studios of art,

stood and lived otherwise, it is useless. the dens of metaphysical speculation?
It does not impose itself; it waits to be Was it from such institutions that Jesus
discovered. It waits to be acted upon derived his wisdom respecting mortal
by intelligence, wise judgment; but life, his understanding of eternal life?
when discovered and utilized, it places No, indeed! Although he did not
one on the road to God to enjoy a — condemn these interests of men, he
life like unto that of God, which is eter- never used them. He never even re-
nal life. When truth is known in its ferred to them as essential to life ever-

lasting. He did refer often to the "In this prospective ministration

kingdom of God as the repository of among His gathered saints, Jesus Christ

that truth which makes men free, that is to be at once their God and their
provides one with means of well-being, King. His government is to be that of

perhaps important, yet incidental to the a perfect theocracy; the laws of right-
greater matters of the kingdom of God. eousness will be the code, and control
Jesus declared: "And ye shall know will be administered under one author-
the truth, and the truth shall make ity, undisputed because indisputable."
you free." (John 8:32.) Did he mean (Articles of Faith, p. 363, see pp.
philosophy or the scientific theories 365-368.)
propounded by man? Surely he was Commenting upon verse 55 of section
not opposed to truth no matter from 10 the Doctrine and Covenants:
what source derived, but his source of "Therefore, whosoever belongeth to my

truth was divine and it belongs to the church need not fear, for such shall
inherit the kingdom of heaven," the
kingdom of God. This, no doubt is
the reason for his great admonition, Prophet Joseph Smith had this to say:
". . seek ye first the kingdom of God,
"The Kingdom of Heaven is the
and his righteousness; and all these Church. Sometimes the 'Kingdom of
things [material goods] shall be added Heaven' means the entire domain in
unto you." (Matt. 6:33.) which the government of God has been
established —the kingdom in which
God God is acknowledged to be the Supreme
The Kingdom of
Ruler. This kingdom is, and has always
The Master places great significance been, in 'heaven.' It is now on Earth in
upon the "kingdom of God." And the Church and will be extended over
properly so. Was he not responsible the whole Earth during the Millennium,
for establishing it, with its divine char- and during its glorified state. But in
acter, here among men —
for their good, this passage the Church especially seems
for their glory and their final exaltation? to be meant. The Prophet Joseph uses
He surely knew how ineffectual the the term in that sense, when he says,
institutions of men are when compared 'The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a
with that divine institution, the king- mustard seed. Behold, then, is not this
dom of God, as the means of ultimately the Kingdom of heaven that is raising
perfecting mankind. its head in the last days in the majesty
Reading the four Gospels, one is led of its God, even the Church of the
to marvel at Jesus' numerous references Latter-day Saints?'" (D&C Commen-
to the kingdom of God. It was ever in tary, p. 57.)
his mind. He was constantly anxious President Brigham Young, discussing
that God's children should know of it verse 11 of section 29 of the Doctrine
and its significance. He is just as and Covenants: "For I will reveal my-
anxious to have his disciples and all self from heaven with power and great
others everywhere know and under- glory, with all the hosts thereof, and
stand it in this last Dispensation of the dwell in righteousness with men on
Fulness of Times. earth a thousand years, and the wicked
Truly, then, the kingdom of God is shall not stand," says:
most important for all mankind to seek "It may be asked what I mean by the
after. "But what is that kingdom?" Kingdom of God. The Church of Jesus
one may ask. Christ has been established now for
In the Holy Scriptures, both ancient many years, and the Kingdom of God
and modern, the terms "kingdom of has got to be established, even that
God," "kingdom of Christ," "kingdom Kingdom which will circumscribe all
of heaven," are frequently used inter- the kingdoms of this world. It will yet
changeably. Yet, specifically, there are give laws to every nation that exists
distinctions for each. It is well to be upon the Earth. This is the kingdom
acquainted with these distinctions. that Daniel, the Prophet, saw should
From the writings of Elder James E. be set up in the last days." (Ibid.,
Talmage we read: p. 147.)
Monday, April 6 rhird Day

The late President Joseph F. Smith, however, was the outward manifesta-
defining the kingdom of God, says: tion of the kingdom. In the kingdom
"What I mean by the kingdom of of God there must always be found
God is the organization of The Church the principles, doctrines, and ordinances
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which belong to the kingdom estab-
over which the Son of God presides, lished by the Savior and which must
and not man. That is what I mean. I be fully accepted for citizenship there-
mean the kingdom of which Christ is in. Without attempting to list all the
the King and not man." (Gospel Doc- principles, doctrines, and ordinances,
trine, p. 72.) here are a few by way of illustration:
These great authorities make clear
and dear to us the nature of the king- Principles, Doctrines and Ordinances of
dom of God. the Kingdom
Now, what should God's children on
1. people should have an ade-
earth expect to find in this kingdom to
quate understanding of God and his
recognize it as his kingdom with proper
Son Jesus Christ, who stands at the
authority to act?
head of his kingdom on earth.
Since Jesus has been chosen king to
2. They must have faith in the actu-
rule and reign in the kingdom of God,
ality of both God and Christ, as distinct
we may do well to note the character and separate individuals but united
of that kingdom established by him
in purpose.
while dwelling here among men. Hav-
3. They must recognize their own
ing prepared the way by teaching prin-
status, that, having the right of choice
ciples necessary to man's advancement
in this finite life, they will err in
toward God-likeness, accompanied by a
judgment. To rectify such erring, it is
few simple, yet necessary, ordinances,
important everyone practise the princi-
he effected an organization devoid of
pomp and pageantry, of appeal to pas-
ple of repentance —that profound prin-
ciple of progression and the one which,
sions, of images, idols, or prelates moti-
when fully achieved, guarantees God's
vated by selfish interests or desire for
the plaudits of men. He chose twelve
4. Willingness to submit to the di-
disciples, called Apostles, with himself
vine ordinance of baptism.
at the head. In due time other officials
5. Seek the guidance and direction of
were chosen, set apart, and given au-
the Holy Ghost in order that harmony
thority to act in the name of the Savior,
with God's will and purposes might
in his kingdom. (See Eph. 4:11-12.)
be established and preserved in the per-
During his ministry, the Savior indi-
sonal life of every soul.
cated that Peter was to give leadership
6. An ardent desire to love God and
in the kingdom after he no longer
his Beloved Son with all one's heart
would be personally in their midst.
and soul and to love one's neighbor as
Peter was endowed by Christ with
one's self.
power and authority to act for and in
7. In divine authority bestowed by
his name, which he did courageously
the kingdom of God one must find
and effectively. This divine organiza-
divinely authorized agents, otherwise,
tion endured until the so-called "great
the kingdom is one of men, not of God.
apostasy" when the Lord found it
Stemming from these essentials are
necessary to remove his Church from
other principles and ordinances, simple
the earth.
in application, yet divine, of unchange-
Wemay expect to find in the king-
able character, and ever-enduring. Un-
dom of God today the same type of or-
biased attention to and consideration of
ganization that Christ established when
them will disclose convincing evidence
he was here among men with like —
of their divine origin their belonging
same divine au-
officers possessing the
to the kingdom of God.
thority that those original officers re- What, now, is the function and
ceived. With such an organization the power of that kingdom?
kingdom of God was surely destined The kingdom of God may not be re-
to prosper. The organization alone, garded as an end in itself. It is rather

a means in the hands God and

of "When the Kingdom of God is fully
to help bring about "the immortality set up and established on the face of
and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.) the earth, and takes the preeminence
Since we testify that The Church of over all other nations and kingdoms, it
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the will protect the people in the enjoyment
kingdom of God on earth, we under- of all their rights, no matter what they
stand that the function of one is also believe, what they profess, or what they
the function of the other, and that worship. If they wish to worship a god
which is the power of one is also the of their own workmanship, instead of
power of the other. the true and living God, all right, if
President David O. McKay, discuss- they will mind their own business and
ing the function of the Church or king- let other people alone." (Discourse of
dom of God, said: Brigham Young, p. 440.)
The Function of the Kingdom The late President Joseph F. Smith,
"The mission of the Church is to
following in the same channel of
establish the kingdom of God upon the thought, remarked as follows:
earth, which, in the words of Thomas
Nixon Carver, 'is not a mythical but a Our Mission is to Save
real kingdom. It is a body of people "Our mission is to save, to preserve
dominated by ideals of productivity, from evil,to exalt mankind, to bring
which is mutual service. We do not light and truth into the world, to pre-
strive for the things which satisfy but vail upon the people of the earth to
for the moment and then leave a bad walk righteously before God, and to
taste. We strive for the things which honor Him in their lives and with the
build us up and enable us and our firstfruits of all their substance and
children to be strong, to flourish, and increase that their barns may be filled
to conquer. We
strive to make our- with plenty, and, figuratively speaking,
selves worthy to receive the world by that 'their presses may burst out with
fitting ourselves to use the world more new wine.'" (CR, April 1907, p. 118.)
productively than others. believe We
that obedience to God means obedi- Kingdom of Peace
ence to the laws of nature, which are
but the manifestations of his will; and On another occasion, with the king-
we try by painstaking study to acquire dom of God in mind, he said:
the most complete and exact knowledge
"We carry to the world the olive
of that will, in order that we may con-
branch of peace. We present to the
form ourselves to it." (Gospel Ideals, world the love of God, the word of
the Lord, the Truth, as it has been
p. 102.)
revealed in the latter day for the re-
And again, President McKay has said:
demption of the dead and for the
"There are those in the world who
say that jealousy, enmity, selfishness in
salvation of the living. We
bear no
malice or evil towards the children
men's hearts will always preclude the
of men. The spirit of forgiveness per-
establishing of the ideal society known
vades the hearts of the Saints of God,
as the kingdom of God. No matter what
doubters and scoffers say, the mission
and they do not cherish a desire or
of the Church of Jesus Christ is to
feeling of revenge toward their enemies
or those who hurt or molest them or
eliminate sin and wickedness from the
seek to make them afraid; but, on the
hearts of men, and so to transform so-
contrary, the Spirit of the Lord has
ciety that peace and good will will
possession of their spirits, of their souls
prevailon this earth." (Ibid., p. 103.)
and of their thoughts; they forgive all
President Brigham Young, speaking
upon the same subject, says: men, and they carry no malice in their
hearts toward any, no matter what they
"As this Kingdom of God grows,
have done " (CR, April 1902, p. 2.)
spreads, increases, and prospers in its
course, it will cleanse, thoroughly Examples of such messages could be
purge, and purify the world from multiplied many times, illustrating the
wickedness. . . . function of God's kingdom in the earth.
Monday, April 6 Third Dan
To Stand Against the Adversary of priesthood unto leaders chosen
Making authoritative and mighty, be- of God.
yond the power of evil to hinder or The restoration of his Church and
frustrate, the divine authority of the
is gospel in this last dispensation is no
priesthood inherent in the kingdom. exception as thousands of faithful men
It is so organized as to induce unity and women can and do testify.
of purpose and when righteously used
by those who possess it, guarantees the
safety of the kingdom against all in-
The Gospel "for every nation,
kindred, . .
cursions of the adversary.
The present-day world is threatened Many thousands have testified that
by agencies of destruction. Darkness of the kingdom of God, with its inclusion
mind, hearts shaken by impulses of of the laws and principles provided for
selfishness, the prevalence of error, evil, guidance of life towards salvation and
ignorance of that which is the right exaltation, is that pearl of great price
and the wrong, corruption, sin, and of which Jesus spoke in his story of the
wickedness, all these and more, now, man who sold all his possessions to
as in the historic past, constitute the purchase it.

means by which human society could This thought suggests the value of
destroy itself. That such may not come the kingdom to every living soul. In it
to pass is the ardent hope of all who is nothing to sadden, to lead astray, or
seek righteousness as their way of life. to degrade the children of men. Rather,
Their seeking will not be in vain if therein is everything to gladden, to
they turn to ". .the kingdom of God
guide aright, to uplift the lives of all
and his righteousness ." (Matt. 6:33.)
. .
who accept it. It provides for satisfac-
for a realization of their aspirations. All tions andjoys of group and individual
that the kingdom represents is opposed life alike. And that is the destined end
to the destructive forces which I have of life, for a prophet of the Lord has
enumerated. The righteous, we are said, ". .men are, that they might have

the earth.
told, will inherit That con- joy." (2 Nephi 2:25.) Possessed of that
dition will only be attained when the joy furnished by observing the laws,
kingdom of God, through its saving principles, and ordinances of the king-
power will triumph over evil and dom, everyone belonging to it may
wickedness. experience, unhindered, an enlarge-
Truly everyone desiring salvation and ment of soul, a development which
exaltation are obligated sincerely to
will be its own evidence and witness
seek the kingdom of God and his
of lifegrowing toward Godlikeness. Is
this not a consummation devoutly to
Christ in his time of mortal existence
did not select the churches of the be wished? This surely must be the
Pharisees or Sadducees nor the San- value of God's kingdom in the lives of
hedrin or any other contemporary all people.
church or organization as a basis or Brothers and sisters and friends, I
framework to set up the kingdom of bear humble witness that The Church
God on earth. He referred to such of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
religious bodies with scathing de- God's kingdom on earth. It is here for
nunciation for having so far departed a purpose, and in this last dispensation
the right way that only a dead form of time that purpose is a tremendous
of worship remained. (See Matt. 23.) one. The obligation upon us as mem-
Christ's church is distinctive and bers of the restored Church of Jesus
apart from man-made religious institu- Christ is to see to it that this gospel
tions. In all ages his work has been is preached to every nation, kindred,
established by revelation and the open- tongue, and people, that they may be
ing of the heavens from which source left without excuse in the day of judg-
angels descended to instruct the proph- ment. I bear you this witness in the
ets and to confer the keys and authority name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

President Hugh B. Brown: Authorities, who have

delivered such
timely and inspirational messages.
We have just listened to Elder Del- We appreciate the attention given
bert L. Stapley. by the local and national press repre-
I am going to presume to read some sentatives, and by representatives of
words which the President has penned radio and television in reporting the
— words of appreciation to various sessions of this Conference.

ones and I am doing this in order that We deeply appreciate the cooperation
the voice of the Prophet of God, Presi- of city officials and city traffic officers
dent McKay, may be the last voice to who have handled carefully and ably
be heard from this pulpit at this Con- increased traffic; also the Fire Depart-
ference, except the prayer of benediction. ment and the Red Cross who have been
The music, as you know, for this on hand.
afternoon's session, has been furnished We thank the Tabernacle ushers for
by the Brigham Young University their courtesy and consideration in seat-
Chorale and this morning by the Brig- ing the great audiences of these Con-
ham Young University Combined Cho- ference sessions.
ruses. In behalf of all who have been As heretofore mentioned, we are most
privileged to listen to their singing we grateful to the owners and managers
express appreciation and thanks to these of the many radio and television sta-
choice young students for the beautiful tions throughout the nation and our
music they have rendered in these Con- own who have carried the sessions
ference sessions today. With all our of this Conference from coast to coast,
hearts we say to them, "God bless you." to Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada, and by
We pray that the spirit of this occa- short-wave to listeners in many coun-
sion will remain with you always I tries of the world. Through the exten-
We express thanks and deep appre- sive radioand television coverage of this
ciation to all who have furnished the annual Conference, we have had a po-
singing for the sessions of this Con- tentialaudience of ninety million peo-

ference to the Tabernacle Choir, with ple. How grateful and thankful we are
Elders Condie and Jay E. Welch con- to the Lord for the enlightenment and
ducting, Elders Frank W. Asper and knowledge He has revealed to man in
Alexander Schreiner as organists, for this age, making it possible to bring
their participation in the Saturday the truths of the Gospel to millions
morning broadcast session, the Gen- almost the same instant that we our-
eral Priesthood Session Saturday evening selves hear it.

with the Men's Chorus from the Tab- Just a reminder to be careful as you
ernacle Choir, the Sunday morning drive on the highways.
broadcast session, and also the Sunday Wewish to express again our
afternoon session; the Selected Youth thanks and deep appreciation for these
Choir from the Salt Lake and Davis beautiful flowers that decorate this
Counties who furnished the singing for —
rostrum the orchids, one thousand of
the Saturday afternoon session with them, have come from the San Jose
Brother Jay E. Welch conducting and West Stake in California; the daffodils
Roy M. Darley at the organ; the Brig- are from the Tacoma Stake; the calla
ham Young University Combined Cho- lilies are from the high priests quo-
ruses and the Brigham Young University rum of the Oakland-Berkeley Stake;
Chorale who furnished the music for and the vases in which some of these
the Monday sessions with John R. Hal- flowers are seen have been placed here
liday and Kurt Weinzinger conducting by Indian members of the Polaca Ward
and Frank W. Asper at the organ. in Arizona. We
thank these, our breth-
We express appreciation, also, to all ren and sisters, and pray God's choicest
who have in any way contributed to the blessings may be with them.
success and inspiration of this great The Brigham Young University
Conference: Chorale, after President McKay has
We wish to express appreciation to spoken and left us his admonition and
our beloved associates, the General his blessing, will sing without any
Monday, April 6 Third Day

further announcement, "Glorious Ever- Conference will be adjourned for six

lasting," and the benediction will then months.
be offered by Elder Percy K. Fetzer, It will now be our privilege to listen
formerly president of the North German to the President of the Church, David
and Berlin Missions, after which the O. McKay.


I thank Brother Brown for expressing Let us go from this conference with a
appreciation for those who have partici- prayer of appreciation that we have
pated and made memorable this sons who will take our places some day,
great conference. as you have taken the position now
I sat here looking at the number that your father wished you would take.
of men and boys who occupy the center I think I cannot do better than to
of this Tabernacle audience. Twenty- quote to these young people here who
five or thirty years ago you were just have furnished us such inspirational
boys, anticipating serving the Church. music, to the thousands of others who
You are still just boys. The dearest were present Saturday, and to the young
thing in your life now is your boy. I boys and girls in all the world, a poem
hope that these young boys, who in by Edgar A. Guest in which he ex-
twenty years from now will be occupy- presses appreciation for a son. I think
ing your seats, will give you the satis- it is about one of the best things he
faction that you have given your fathers. has written. He starts out by saying:
I am overwhelmed with the thought
of the thousands, tens of thousands of "We've never seen the Father here, but
young men who were in this Tabernacle we have known the Son,
on Saturday night, and the other halls The finest type of manhood since the
on closed-circuit television and direct world was first begun.
audio line, through the service made And, summing up the works of God,
possible by KSL and kindred means I write with reverent pen,

of communication. The greatest is the Son He sent to cheer

These young people from Brigham the lives of men.
Young University, occupying the seats
in the choir and furnishing the music, "Through Him we learned the ways of
have a great obligation upon them God and found the Father's love;
that they may grow up as conscious The Son it was who won us back to
of their responsibility of being sons and Him who reigns above.
daughters as you would have them The Lord did not come down himself
realize that responsibility. We also had to prove tomen His worth,
a group of young people from
Lake Salt He sought our worship through the
and Davis counties, appreciation for Child He placed upon the earth.
whose attendance Brother Brown has
already expressed. "How can I best express my life?
It is a great thing to be a father of Wherein does greatness lie?
boys and girls. I think it is a precious How can I long remembrance win, since
thing for our boys and girls to realize I am
born to die?
their responsibility, to carry their Both fame and gold are selfish things;
father's name in love and honor. Car- their charms may quickly flee,
lyle, I think it was, said: "In this world But I'm the father of a boy who came
there is one Godlike virtue, the essence to speak for me.
of all that ever was or ever will be God-
like in this world —
the veneration done "In him lies all I hope to be; his splen-
to human worth by the hearts of men." dor shall be mine;
Ninety million people possibly have I shall have done man's greatest work
in their hearts an appreciation of your if only he is fine.
attendance at this conference three — If some day he shall help the world
days of joy and satisfaction! long after I am dead,

In all that men shall say of him my dent of the North German and Berlin
praises shall be said. Missions, offered the closing prayer.
Conference adjourned for six months.
"It matters not what I may win of
fleeting gold or fame, The Lake Tabernacle Choir fur-
My hope of joy depends alone on what nished the musical numbers for the
my boy shall claim. Saturday morning, and Sunday morning,
My story must be told through him; and afternoon sessions of the Confer-
for him I work and plan, ence, Richard P. Condie, Conductor,
Man's greatest duty is to be the father and Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor.
of a man." The Men of the Tabernacle Choir
—"Thoughts of a Father" in The furnished the choral music for the
Path to Home by Edgar A. Guest General Priesthood Meeting Saturday
evening, Richard P. Condie conducting.
Boys in the Mormon Church, boys all Saturday afternoon the musical num-
over the world, remember the obliga- bers were furnished by a selected youth
tions of sonship, the obligation to make choir from Salt Lake and Davis Stakes,
your father and mother happy and with Jay E. Welch, Assistant Director
proud of you. of the Tabernacle Choir, conducting.
We have had a wonderful confer- The choral music for the Monday
ence, and it now draws to a close. morning session was furnished by the
Let us take with us our appreciation Brigham Young University Combined
of being a father, appreciation of being Choruses, John R. Halliday conductor.
a mother. And boys and girls, go with Monday afternoon, the Brigham
the responsibility that you have to bring Young University Choral furnished the
comfort and gladness and thankfulness musical numbers.
to the hearts of your fathers and Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
mothers. ing of the Tabernacle Choir on the
God bless you, fellow workers, you Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast
boys and girls of yesterday; may you Sunday morning.
set a proper example to the boys and Accompaniments on the organ were
girls of today, I pray in the name of played by Alexander Schreiner, and
Jesus Christ. Amen. Frank W. Asper, Tabernacle Organists,
and Roy M. Darley, Assistant Taber-
Singing by the Brigham Young Uni- nacle Organist.
versity Chorale, "Glorious Everlasting." Joseph Anderson,
Elder Percy K. Fetzer, formerly Presi- Clerk of the Conference



The following broadcast, written and (Choir: "An Angel From on High"—
announced by Richard L. Evans, and Tullidge.)
originating with Station KSL, Salt Lake
City, Utah, was presented from 9:35 to Announcer: We spoke last week of the
10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 5, 1964, certainty of everlasting life. But what
through the courtesy of Columbia about the quality, the conditions of ever-
Broadcasting System's network, through- lasting life? ". who can predict the
. .

out the United States, parts of Canada, quality of the life which is coming to us
and through other facilities to several in the great hereafter?" questioned one
points overseas. The broadcast was as quoted source. "Does it not depend on
follows: the quality of this present life? Are we
(The organ played, "As The Dew not today determining, not so much
From Heaven Distilling," and on signal whether we shall live forever, as how we
the Choir and organ broke into the shall live forever? Are we not now mak-
Hymn, "Gently Raise The Sacred ing for ourselves the heaven to which
Strain," singing the words to the end our hopes climb ? There stands the .
. .

of the second line, and humming to end open door but when we have entered,
. .

of verse for announcer's background.) how far shall we go and what shall our
Announcer: Once more we welcome possession be?" 1 In his Epistle to the
you within these walls with music and Corinthians, Paul said: ". the glory of . .

the spoken word from the Crossroads the celestial is one, and the glory of the
of the West.
terrestrial is another. There is one . . .

The CBS Radio Network and its affili- glory of the sun, and another glory of
ated stations bring you at this hour the moon, and another glory of the
another presentation from Temple stars." 2 Obviously there will be differ-
Square in Salt Lake City, with Richard ences hereafter depending upon our de-
P. Condie conducting the Tabernacle
servingness. Somewhere we have heard
Choir, Frank Asper, Tabernacle Organ- this said: If you would be comfortable
ist, and the spoken word by Richard in heaven, you would be there. This
would seem true to this extent: Evil men
From the Old Testament account of would not be comfortable in the com-
the Creation, as God looked out and
pany of good men, and good men would
saw what He had made and it was very not be comfortable in the company of

good the voices of Joan Ottely, Glen evil men. The company we seek and
Johnson and Henry Anderegg sing, with enjoy and choose exceedingly signifi-
the Choir from Franz Joseph Haydn:
cant. But there is yet another very
"The Heavens are Telling the glory different side to this subject, and that
of God; the wonder of His works dis-
concerns the kind of company we are
play the firmament. .". .
when we are solely with ourselves. We
(The Choir sang: "The Heavens Are cite this question from an ancient
Telling"—Haydn.) source: "Why should we move to find
Announcer: Frank Asper, Tabernacle countries and climates
another kind? of
Organist continues on Temple Square What exile leaves himself behind." 3
with a theme arranged from Haydn: The answer is that no one leaves him-
"Truth Divine." self behind. We
ourselves are con-
(Organ Selection: "Truth Divine" stantly in our own company, and should
Haydn.) make of ourselves the best possible kind

Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir of company. We

ought to seek knowl-
now recalls one of the hymns of Parley edge so that we can carry on intelligent
P. Pratt, sung to a tune by John Tul- 1Editorial. The Outlook: "An Easter Meditation."
lidge: "An Angel from on High the April 22, 1905.
2 New Testament. 1 Cor. 15:40, 41.
long, long silence broke." 3 Quoted by Montaigne. Of Solitude, accr. to Horace.
) —


conversation with ourselves. And we (The Choir sang: "God of our

ought always to live so
quiet and comfortable conscience.
as to
have a —
Fathers" Warren.
Announcer: Cyril Jenkins, contem-
isn't comfortable to carry on a conversa-
porary British Composer, has given us
tion with a bad conscience. Said Rich-
this setting for words selected from the
ardson Packe: "There is nothing that a
112th Psalm, and the 7th Chapter of
man can less afford to leave at home than Revelation: "Unto the upright there
his conscience or his good habits. . .
ariseth light in the darkness. . . . These
This is true of traveling in time or in
are they which came out of great tribu-
eternity. "Whatever principle of intel-
lation . they shall hunger and thirst
. .

ligence we attain unto in this life, it

no more and God shall wipe away all
will rise with us in the resurrection." 5
tears from their eyes. Therefore are
The company of others is important, they before the throne of God, and serve
but there is nothing more important
Him day and night in His Temple."
than our own company and companion-
"Light in Darkness."
ship because now and always and
everlastingly we are inseparably with (The Choir sang: "Light in Darkness"
ourselves. —Jenkins)
Announcer: Again we leave you with-
(The Choir sang: "He Died, the in the shadows of the everlasting hills.
Great Redeemer Died" Careless.)— May peace be with you, this day and —
Announcer: Dr. Asper has recalled
This concludes the eighteen hun-
a hymn tune by George Careless which
dred and seventh presentation, and con-
takes its title from the words of Isaac
tinues the 35th year of this traditional
Watts: "He Died, the Great Redeemer
broadcast from the Mormon Tabernacle
on Temple Square, brought to you by
And now the Tabernacle Choir re- CBS Radio and its affiliated stations,
calls these stirring fervent words of originating with Radio Station KSL in
Daniel C. Roberts, sung to the music Salt Lake City.
of George William Warren: "God of Richard P. Condie conducted the
our fathers, whose almighty hand leads Tabernacle Choir. Frank Asper was at
forth in beauty all the starry band of the organ. The spoken word by Richard
shining worlds in splendor through the Evans.
skies, Our grateful songs before thy In another seven days, at this same
throne arise."
hour, music and the spoken word will
be heard again from the Crossroads of
'Richardson Packe (1680-1728). Eng. Author.
Doctrine and Covenants 130:18. the West.

Anderson, Elder Joseph, Clerk of the Conference ...1, 139
Statistical report 101
Auditing Committee Report 103
Authorities and Officers Present 1, 2
Authorities and Officers presented and sustained 103, 106
Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 118
— —
119 Testimony: Jesus is the Christ; 120 Resurrection, a Glorious Reality;
121— His Kingdom Not of this World; 121— Impact of His Life; 121—His
Comforting Spirit; 122 His Church Restored. —
Brockbank, Elder Bernard P 109
109— "Seek ye first ."; 109— "The field is white
. . ."; 110— "By their . .

fruits ."; 110

. . —
The Messages of the New Testament; 110—Christ-centered;
110— "Another Angel"; 110—The Restoration; 111—Heavenly Beings; 111
Scriptures; 111 —Life Eternal.

Brown, President Hugh B. (Sunday Morning Address) 80

80—Revival of Religion; 81 —A New
Birth in Our Time; 81—Absolute Confi-

dence in the Gospel; 81 Newly Revealed Truth Accepted; 82 Positive Doc- —
trine of Man; 82—
Man, a Child of God, Not Alone; 82 Christianity Relevant —
to the Modern World; 83— Evidence of Intelligence; 83— Convincing Knowl-
edge of God; 83 —He is Real and Personal.

Brown, President Hugh B 20, 21, 25, 28, 33, 36, 39, 118, 122, 126, 129, 132, 137

Brown, President Hugh B 54

54 Names and Their Connotations; 55 —Consecrated Manliness; 55—Power-
Uses and Abuses; 56 —Power of Purity; 56 —Find Good in Men.

Brown, President Hugh B. (Presentation of General Authorities and

Officers) 103, 106

Brown, Bishop Victor L 90

90— "Attitude Test"; 91
—"Count Your Blessings"; 92—Child of Unusual
Talents; 92 —Thankful Thirteen Years; 92—Attribute
for of Spirituality.

Burton, Elder Theodore M 71

71— Resurrection; 72— Gospel in
Literal World; 72— "That They Might
Be Judged"; 72— Repentance and Covenants; 72—Opportunity Covenant; to
An Example of
Performed Vicariously; 73
Vicarious Service; 73—A Work
of Love.
a Means; 73 — Christ,

Cowie, Brother Douglas 43

Critchlow, Elder William J., Jr 29
29—Eternal Life; 30—Blessings of the Present; 30—Peace of Mind; 31—Ful-
ness of Joy; 31 — Blessings of the Priesthood; 32—Intelligence Before the World
Was; 32— "Minister to the Inhabitants of the World."
Dyer, Elder Alvin R 74
74 — Conviction, A Modern Need; 74 —"Tobacco not is good for man";
75 —Recognizing Right and Wrong; 76— Principles;
First First Ordinances;

76 —Repentance, Basic Principle of —
Growth; 77 Forgiveness; 77 "I will
remember them no more"; 77 —Conviction of Truth.

Evans, Elder Richard L 126

127— Repentance —The Principle of Progress; 128—To Enlarge Life; 128—"An-
other Angel 128—Joseph Smith Told the Truth.
. . .";

Evans, Elder Richard L. (Choir and Organ Broadcast) 140

First Day
Morning Meeting 3
Afternoon Meeting 20
General Authorities Present 1, 2
General Authorities and Officers Presented and Sustained 103, 106
General Priesthood Meeting 40
Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 36
36—The Gospel to Ancient Asia; 37—Faith in Revelation; 37—The "Fount"

37 Channels of Communication Open; 37 Opening of Mis-
of Inspiration; ——

A Filipino Seeks a Prophet; 38 "Tobacco is Not
sion in the Philippines; 38
— —
Good for Man"; 39 Wisdom by Revelation; 39 Revelation for the Atomic
Hunter, Elder Howard W 33
33—"Tithe" for Sacred Uses; 33—The "Tithe" of Abraham; 34—Of Jacob;

34—Of the Levites; 34 A Universal Law; 34—Malachi's Charge; 35—Uni-
versal Law Reiterated; 35— The Law for the Latter-day Saints; 35— Obedience
Voluntary; 35—Tithing and Debt; 35—The Gift of Value; 36—The Gift,
With Love; 36 —The Gift —with Faith; 36— Giving, Receiving a Testimony.

Isaacson, Elder Thorpe B 112

112—My Neighbor; 112—The Opposition's Candidate; 112— Respect His Good
— —
Name; 113 Protect His Honor; 113 Gossip's Tongue; 114— "In a world
where sorrow ."; 114
. . —
Crimes of the Tongue; 114— "Nay, Speak No 111."
Kimball, Elder Spencer W 93
93—Prize of Great Worth; 93—Spiritual Famine Ended; 94—The Way to
Celestial Life; 94—
To Know
— God; 95—The Tempter; 96— Protected 97— An- ;

other World; 97 "Eyewitness to His Majesty"; 97—The Prophet's Vision.

Lee, Elder Harold B 21
22—The "Fruits"; 22—True "Fruits"; "He, The Omnipotent Guide;" 22—The
Greatest Strength of the Church; 23— "Almost, But Not Quite ." 24 How —

. .

to Cultivate Good Fruit; 24 Rededication; 25 — Development of Spiritual

— —
Qualities The True Fruits; 35 Mortality: Always Pain.

Longden, Elder John 115

116 —Evidence; 117 —Time Not Known to Man; 117 — Scriptural Evidence.
McConkie, Elder Bruce R 25
26— God Has Spoken Again; 26—He has Conferred Power from "On High";
26—The First Vision; 27—The Church Organized; 27 Covenants and —

Commandments; 27 His Atoning Sacrifice; 28 The Divine Mission of —
Joseph Smith; 28 —Restitution of All Things.

McKay, President David O. (Opening Remarks) 3

McKay, President David O. (Opening Address) 3


"Blessed Are They Who Do His Commandments ."; 4 —The Habit
of Smoking; 4 —Strong Drinks and Tobacco are Not


for Man; 5 —In-

creasing Number of Divorces; Chastity.

McKay, President David O. (General Priesthood Meeting) 57

57—"The Price He Paid."
McKay, President David O. (Closing Address) 138
138— "Thoughts of a Father."

McKay, President David 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 19, 20, 39, 43, 50, 54,
57, 58, 64, 67, 71, 74, 78, 88, 106, 109, 111, 115, 117, 129

Monson, Elder Thomas S 129

129— "Have You Tried Prayer?"; 130— Family Prayer; 131—Prayer is the
Language of Faith; 131— Source of Spiritual Power; 131— Faith Generates

Packer, Boyd K 84

84 A Sacred Influence; 85 —
Teaching the Gospel to Children; 85 For Chil-
— —

dren Impaired; 85 For Fostered Children; 86 "Beauty"; 86 The Sphere of —
Petersen, Elder Mark E 16

16 Revolution; —
16-Modern Reformation; 16 Clergy- Weakened Religion;
16 — —
Reformation, How Accomplished; 17 Revisions of Doctrines at Variance
with the Bible; 17— Infant Baptism; 18— Products of the Dark Ages; 18—Re-
— —
turn to Bible?; 18 Missing Books; 18 The Saviour's Teachings; 19 Revela- —

tion Needed; 19 New Revelation.

Plumb, Brother Ronald G 41

Richards, Elder Franklin D 64

— 65—In
64—The Godhead; 65—The Atonement;
portunities, Many and Varied; 66 "Teach All
the Service of God; 66 Op-

Nations"; 67 Investment of

Talents in Service; 67 — —
Sacrifice Brings Blessings; 67 Building the Kingdom.

Romney, Elder Marion G 122

122 — —
God Communicates with Men; 123 Opens the Mind and the Spirit;
123—Man Must Be Born Again; 123— "To see if they will do ."; 124—Mani- . .

— —
festations of Revelation; 124 The Holy Ghost; 124 Visitations of Angels;
124—The Unspoken Word; 124— Impelling Impulse; 124—Dreams; 124—Vi-
sions; 124— Flashes of Ideas; 125— "Study it Out"; 125— "Ask if it be right
. — — —
125 The Great Exemplar; 125 Keep Commandments; 126 Receive
. —
Light and Truth; 126 "God Has Opened the Heavens."
Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 140

Second Day, Morning Meeting 58

Afternoon Meeting 79

Sill, Elder Sterling W 11

11 — —"Time Travelling" by Prophets; 13—
Days Remembered; 11
Future; 12
— Greatest Time
Day; 12
in Mind; 12
of Judgment; 14
Past and

tion of John; 14
Judgment Day;
— Redeemer Lives; 14—Pictures Communicate;
15 "New Heaven, and New Earth."
15— Imagine

Simpson, Bishop Robert L 68

68 — —
Obligations and Blessings; 68 Love, the Prime Ingredient; 69 "Follow

the Leader"; 69 Respect Free Agency; 69 —
Persuasion not Compulsion;
— — —
69 Communication, Many Forms; 70 For Boys; 70 For Girls; 70 To Boys. —
Smith, Elder Eldred G 86
— —
86 A Living, Loving Father; 86 His Son, Jesus Christ; 87 —Instructions to
Us; 87— Guidance Through Prayer; 87—His Way Best.

Smith, President Joseph Fielding 107

— —
107 Repentance Essential; 107 Mortality Part of Eternity; 108 Cleanliness —
— —
and Eternal Existence; 108 Not a Lovely Sight; 108 Chastity Fundamental;

109 "Precious Above All Things."

Stapley, Elder Delbert L 132

132—Truth Leads to Eternal Life; 133—The Kingdom of God; 134— Principles,

Doctrines and Ordinances of the Kingdom; 135 The Function of the Kingdom;

135— Our Mission is to Save; 135 Kingdom of Peace; 136 To Stand Against—

the Adversary; 136 The Gospel "for every nation, kindred. ." . .

Statistical Report 101

Sustaining of General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers 103, 106

Taylor, Elder Henry D 88

88—We Believe in God; 88—"Hallowed Be Thy Name"; 89—Clean and
Simple Speech; 89 —Speech Reflects Mind and Heart.

Tanner, President Nathan Eldon (General Priesthood Meeting) 50
51 —
Bishop's, Father's Advice and Example; 51

"I could depend upon you.";
52—"Have a Good Time"; 52— "Serve the Lord in His Way"; 52—"The
Power of God"; 53—A Boy Taught by Heavenly Beings; 53— "Be Obedient";
53—The Folly of Cheating; 54— "Honest with Yourself."
Tanner, President Nathan Eldon 59
59— "We believe—"; 60—In God; 60—In the Son of God; 60—In the Atone-
ment; 60—The Bible; 61—The Bible Reveals the Will of God; 61—The Book
of Mormon; 62 —
Another Angel; 62 —The Gospel Restored; 63 —Appearances
of Divine Beings; 68 —Testimony of the Restoration.

Tanner, President Nathan Eldon 79, 80, 84, 87, 88, 89, 99

Turtle, Elder A. Theodore 7

— —
7 Greetings from 40,000 members; 7 Conversions in South America; 8
— —
Promises Being Fulllled; 8 Authority by Direct Revelation; 9 Brotherly
— —
Kindness; 9 Search for Truth Brings Freedom; 10 Search for Better Life.
Third Day, Morning Meeting 99
Afternoon Meeting 118

Vandenberg, Bishop John H 46

— —
47 Marvels of Men, How Achieved; 47 Priesthood, An Active Force for
— —
Character Building; 47 The Office of Bishop; 47 Attitude of Bishop;
— —
48 Assignments of Responsibility; 48- -A Testimony from Life; 49 Youth —
— —
Wants to be Strong; 49 The Body a Sacred Blessing; 50 Aaronic Priesthood,

Effective Principle of Progress; 50 "Young Men, God Loves You."
"Sri " ^'


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