Ankit Resume

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600 W, 26th St., Austin, TX – 78705 |, | (+1) - 737.287.4127

University of Texas at Austin September 2021 - present
Master of Science in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Austin, Texas
Coursework: Linear Models, Applied Probability, Linear Programming
Teaching Assistant: Fundamentals of Data Science
Indian Institute of Technology – IIT July 2015 – May 2019
Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Engineering, CGPA: 8.8/10 Roorkee, India
1. Mastercard Advisors, Associate Consultant [promoted from Data Analyst] June 2019 - August 2021
Primary developer for Origin & Destination (O&D) - US & UK for OOH (out of home) advertising
New Product
Identified and developed 68 new audiences for US, 38 for UK; 40 for Japan and 24 for Australia
Limited the overlapping customers b/w audiences to 15%, targeting revenue of $ 1.5 Million/year
Developing advertising insights for 300+ audiences for client-side month-on-month statistics update
Developed 1-click automation to deliver custom audiences to clients: time ↓ from 4 to 0.5hrs
Developed COVID vs non-COVID audience targeting pipeline for US, Australia & Japan markets
Delivered credit-card loyalty solutions and target audience recommendations for a Spanish bank
Data Analytics
Delivered 30+ data-driven marketing campaigns solutions based on customer transaction analysis
2/26 in Idea Competition; Idea: Open-banking to curb price-volatility on e-commerce platforms
Winner: data-analytics competition (1/6 teams); performed RFM analysis & delivered presentation

2. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea July 2018 – Oct. 2018
Project Title: Developing a classification model for cross-country skiing techniques to train amateur skiers
• Framed the problem as a multivariate time-series sequence classification task using signals from wearable sensors
• Performed signal processing on MATLAB; developed a CNN-LSTM model on Python – Keras & Tensorflow
• ↑ accuracy by 12% (79%→91%) and ↓ the no. of sensors for data collection from 21→5; new state of the art
A unified deep-learning model for classifying cross-country skiing techniques using wearable gyroscope sensors, Sensors 2018
Authors: Ankit, A; Jang, J.; Kim, J.; Jang, Y.J.; Kim, H.Y.; Kim, J.H.; Xiong, S, Citations Count: 14
3. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan May 2018 – June 2018
Project Title: Improving the efficiency of supply-chains (SC) by identifying suboptimal stages & decreasing quality cost
• Designed economic model of variables single-state sampling plans with rectifying inspection for multistage SCs
• Derived cumulative distribution function of Cpmk index; solved constrained non-linear optimization on MATLAB
• ↓ quality cost & sample size by 7.8%; ↓ confidence interval size for μprocess by 25% w.r.t previous state of the art
Economic design of variables acceptance sampling plan with rectifying inspection based on advanced capability index
Authors: Ankit, A.; Song, W.T.; Manuscript under review in Intl. Journal of production Research
1. Sparsification of neural networks for deployment on computationally weak systems
• Pruned k% weights and neurons of hidden layers based on L1 and L2 norms of weights; retrained the sparse network
• Results before retraining: [Sparsity, test-time speedup, loss in accuracy] = [50%, 2.40x, 6.86%]
• Results after retraining: [Sparsity, test-time speedup, loss in accuracy] = [90%, 7.06x, 1.94%]
2. Supply Chain (SC) network planning for a glass manufacturer with/without plant upgrade
• Defined the optimization problem as an integer programming problem; solved using Pulp library in Python
• Suggested 3 solutions against the baseline (current SC): new warehouses (WH), new plants (P), new P+WH
• ↑ service (defined as proximity to WH) from 11% (current)à80% (P+WH); with ↑ profit: 27%, ↓ trans. cost: 40%
Languages: Python [Keras, Tensorflow, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas, Numpy], MATLAB, C++ [basic], LaTeX
Big Data Tools, DBMS: Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, SQL

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