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Held in the Tabernacle

Salt Lake City, Utah

OdoJbsUL 7, 8, and, 9, 1960

With Report of Discourses

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
The One Hundred Thirtieth Semi-annual
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

The One Hundred Thirtieth Semi- system and by television. Thousands,

Annual Conference of the Church of in addition listened to the services on
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints con- the Tabernacle Grounds by means of
vened in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, amplifying equipment.
Utah, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, The proceedings of the General Priest-
October 7, 8, and 9, 1960. hood meeting were broadcast in the
The general sessions of the Conference Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall over
were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., public address systems, and by direct
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and the wire over a public address system to
General Priesthood meeting was held in members of the Priesthood in other
the Tabernacle, Saturday evening, Octo- assemblies throughout the United States,
ber 8, at 7:00. and in Canada and New Zealand.
The proceedings of the general ses- President David O. McKay presided,
sions were broadcast and telecast over and conducted the services at each of
Station KSL and KSL-TV at Salt Lake the sessions of the Conference, including
City, and by arrangement through KSL the General Priesthood meeting.
the following stations made available A full report of Columbia Broadcasting
to their listening or viewing audiences System's Tabernacle Choir and Organ
one or more of the six general sessions: broadcast is also included in this record.
In Utah: KSVC at Richfield, KSUB (See pages 118 to 119.)
at Cedar City, KVEL at Vernal, KVNU Elder Joseph Anderson was Clerk of
at Logan, KDXU at St. George. the Conference.
In Arizona: KGUN-TV at Tucson,
KPHO and KPHO-TV at Phoenix,
KVWM Show General Authorities of the Church
KCLS at Flagstaff, at
KSRO at Santa Rosa,
In California: The First Presidency: David O.
KRDG at Redding, KEEN at San Jose, McKay, J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,* and Henry
KOVR-TV at Stockton, KGO-TV at San D. Moyle.
Francisco, KTTV at Los Angeles. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
In Colorado: KBTV at Denver. Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
In Idaho: KRXK at Rexburg, KID and Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,
KID-TV at Idaho Falls, KPST at Pres- Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley,
ton, KBRV at Soda Springs, KBOI-TV Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Richards,
at Boise. Richard L. Evans, **, Hugh B. Brown,
In Montana: KOOK-TV at Billings, and Howard W. Hunter.
KXLF-TV at Butte, KFBB-TV at Great Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G.
Falls, KXLJ-TV at Helena. Smith.
In Nevada: KSHO-TV at Las Vegas. Assistants to the Twelve Apostles:
In Mexico: KRSN at Los Alamos. Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen,
In Oregon, K-KID at Pendleton. John Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Gordon
B. Hinckley, Henry D. Taylor, William
In Washington: KOMO-TV at Seat- Critchlow, Jr., Alvin R. Dyer, Nathan
tle, KREM-TV at Spokane,KNDO-TV J.
Eldon Tanner,*** Franklin Dewey
at Yakima.
*PresidentReuben Clark, Jr. attended only the
All general sessions of the Conference J.
Sunday morning meeting.
were broadcast in the Assembly Hall on **Elder George Q. Morris was absent because of
Temple Square, in Barratt Hall (60 ***Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner was sustained as
North Main Street), over a loudspeaking one of the Assistants to the Twelve Apostles.
Richards,**** and Theodore Moyle Presidents of Stakes and their Coun-
Burton.***** selors, Presidents of Temples, Patriarchs,
The First Council of the Seventy: High Priests, Seventies, Elders; General,
******, Antoine R. Ivins, Seymour Dil- Stake, and Ward officers of Auxiliary
worth Young, Milton R. Hunter, Bruce Associations, etc., from all parts of the
R. McConkie, Marion Duff Hanks, and Church.
Albert Theodore Tuttle. Mission Presidents: Richard L. Evans,
Temple Square, Salt Lake City; Bryan L.
Presiding Bishopric: Joseph L. Wirth-
Bunker, California; Thomas S. Monson,
lin, Thorpe B. Isaacson, and Carl W.
Canadian; George Z. Aposhian, Central
Atlantic States; Samuel R. Carpenter,
Central States; Frank H. Brown, East
General Officers and Other Central States; Gerald G. Smith, Eastern
Authorities Present States; Alvin R. Dyer, European; Clif-
ford O. Gledhill, Great Lakes; Lincoln
Historian and Recorder: Jo-
Church F. Hanks, Gulf States; Harvey H. Taylor,
seph Fielding Smith, and assistants, A. Mexican; John E. Carr, New England;
William Lund and Preston Nibley. Clement P. Hilton, North Central
Members of the General Welfare Com- States; Warren E. Pugh, Northern Cali-
mittee, Church Welfare Program. fornia; Israel I. Bentley, Northern
Members of the Church Board of Mexican; Richard W. Maycock, North-
Education and Administrator Church ern States; Franklin D. Richards, North-
Board of Education, Directors and Asso- western States; J. Byron Ravsten,
ciate Directors of Institutes, and Semin- Southern States; Fred W. Turley, South-
ary Instructors. west Indian; Ralph E. Brown, Spanish
American; Casper W. Merrill, West
****Elder Franklin Dewey Richards was sustained
as one of the Assistants to the Twelve Apostles. Central States; Leland M. Perry, West
*****Elder Theodore Moyle Burton was sustained Spanish American; Parley A. Arave,
as one of the Assistants to the Twelve Apostles.
* * * * * "Elder Levi Edgar Young was absent because
Western Canadian; David S. Romney,
of illness. Western States.
The first session of the One Hundred eral sessions of the Conference will be
Thirtieth Semi-Annual Conference of the broadcast in the Assembly Hall, and
Church convened in the great Taber- Barratt Hall by television. The general
nacle (Salt Lake City, Utah) Friday sessions of this Conference will be broad-
morning, October 7, at 10:00 a.m. cast as a public service over television
President David O. McKay presided, and and radio stations throughout the West,
conducted the services of the meeting. over 62 radio stations and 45 television
The music for this session of the stations. The names of these stations
Conference was furnished by the Relief have already been announced to the
Society Singing Mothers from the Ogden television and radio audiences. We wish
and Northern Utah Regions, Florence to express appreciation to the owners of
Jepperson Madsen, Conductor, Alexander these stations who render this public
Schreiner, Organist. service. According to a survey that has
President McKay opened the Con- been made, it is possible that over a
ference with the following introductory million people will hear and see the
remarks: proceedings of this Conference. This
figure is based on the ratio of each city
carrying the Conference and the number
President David O. McKay:
of viewers in each city.
This is the opening session of the To this large audience, to the over-
One Hundred Thirtieth Semi-Annual flow gatherings in the Assembly Hall
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ and Barratt Hall, in behalf of the First
of Latter-day Saints. We are convened Presidency, the Council of the Twelve,
in the historic Salt Lake Tabernacle on and the other General Authorities, we
Temple Square. bid you all a hearty welcome.
Yesterday and Wednesday, this house Any important messages that come to
was filled with sisters of the Relief us to persons attending the sessions will
Society. Wecommend the presidency be announced at the dismissal of the
of the Relief Society and the members meetings over the public address system
of the General Board upon the excellent on the grounds.
program they have given to the sisters We are favored this morning in hav-
of the Church. They truly had a spirit- ing the Relief Society Singing Mothers
ual feast. from the Ogden and Northern Utah
All the General Authorities of the Regions, who will furnish the music
Church are in attendance this morning, for the sessions of the Conference today.
excepting three of the leading Brethren It is a joy to have these mothers present

whose absence you all note: President this morning. They were with the Re-
Clark sends his love to all, but heeding lief Society yesterday and the day before.

the doctor's orders he is confined this The lovely Hawaiian flowers, anther-
morning to his room; so is President Levi iums, which you see arranged on the
Edgar Young of the First Council of rostrum and pulpit, were sent by airplane
Seventy and Elder George Q. Morris with the love and affection of the mem-
of the Council of the Twelve. All three bers of the Honolulu Stake. We express
send their love to you this morning and appreciation to them for their thought-
invoke your faith and prayers in their fulness in supplying these beautiful
behalf as they are extending theirs in blooms for our enjoyment during the
yours. Conference sessions. Fifty years ago we
Elder Joseph Anderson is Clerk of the could not have had this pleasure. These
Conference. flowers were blooming in Hawaii yes-
For the convenience of those who are terday and are here in your presence
unable to enter this building, and the today.
building is crowded to capacity, we an- The following is a telegram from the
nounce that these services and all gen- Andes Mission, Lima, Peru:
Friday, October 7 First Day

"Greetings from the Andes Mission. We are pleased also to have our stake
All are well. ." That mission was
. . presidencies, bishoprics, temple presi-
just organized, where they had the dents and general auxiliary officers.
earthquake recently. ". May you have
. . There are present also today our mission
an inspirational conference." Signed by presidents from the United States,
President J. Vernon Sharp. Mexico, Central America, Canada, and
Here one from the North British
Hawaii. To all we extend a hearty
Mission, Manchester: "The missionaries welcome.
and saints of the North British Mission We shall begin this session by the
send their sustaining vote and love Relief Society Singing Mothers render-
and wish you an inspiring General Con- ing, "The Lord Is My Light," conducted
ference. We
shall be there with our by Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen.
prayers and spirit." Signed by President The invocation will be offered by Elder
Bernard P. Brockbank. Ben E. Lewis, president of the East
Sharon Stake.
We desire to acknowledge the presence
with us this morning of the following
prominent persons. I am sure you will The opening musical number was
all be pleased to know who many of rendered by the Relief Society Singing
these are. We have a long list, but Mothers, "The Lord Is My Light."
the following have been observed: Elder Ben E. Lewis, president of the
Brother Ezra Taft Benson is with us, East Sharon Stake, offered the invoca-
the Secretary of Agriculture, a member tion.
of the Council of the Twelve; Senator
Wallace F. Bennett, Senator Frank E.
Moss, Congressman David S. King, Gov- President David O. McKay:
ernor George Dewey Clyde, Lamont F.
Toronto, Utah Secretary of State. Presi- The invocation was just offered by
dent Ernest L. Wilkinson is excused; he President Ben E. Lewis, president of the
is out of the state attending a convention.
East Sharon Stake.
Dr. John L. Clarke, president of Ricks The Relief Society Singing Mothers
College; Dr. William P. Miller, presi- will now sing, "Come, Ye Blessed Of
dent of Weber College. I thnk there are My Father," conducted by Sister Flor-
are others here whom we have not seen. ence Jepperson Madsen. I did not tell
President Olpin I do not see. We miss
you that Alexander Schreiner is at the
Brother Allen Bateman. He usually organ, accompanying these singers.
had his place. You all know that he
was called suddenly home just the other Selection by the Relief Society Singing
day. I don't see Dr. Chase, either, or Mothers, "Come, Ye Blessed Of My
Dr. M. Lynn Bennion. Father."


That is glorious. I am sure you will "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love
agree with me that the singing of these the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
beautiful women, our mothers, bears and with all thy soul, and with all thy
evidence of the truth of the Lord's say- mind.
ing, "The song of the righteous is a "This is the first and great command-
prayer unto me." (D&C 25:12.) God ment.
bless them! "And the second is like unto it, Thou
"But when the Pharisees had heard shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
that he had put the Sadducees to si- "On these two commandments hang
lence, they were gathered together. all the law and the prophets." (Matthew
"Then one of them, which was a 22:34-40.)
lawyer, asked him a question, tempting I am glad that text is in keeping with
him, and saying, the pleamade by Brother Lewis at the
"Master, which is the great command- opening of the session in his invocation,
ment in the law? and that that spirit of faith in God and


love for one's fellows dominates this the Nations," —the moral values. In an
session. interesting and convincing manner, the
Many who deny his divinity declare gentleman presented the fundamental
him to be the one perfect character, ties that unite the different nations of
the peerless personality of history. Mil- the world: First, common knowledge;
lions accept him as the Great Teacher, second, common commercial interests;
whose teachings, however, are not ap- third, the intercourse of diplomatic re-
plicable to modern social conditions. A lationships; fourth, the bonds of human
few accept him for what he really is friendships.
"the Only Begotten of the Father"; who The audience greeted his masterful
came into the world, even Jesus, to be address with a great outburst of ap-
crucified for the world and to bear the plause. As the presiding officer arose to
sins of the world. express his appreciation and that of the
Last Monday morning, October third, audience, a Japanese student who was
the Premier of Soviet Russia threatened doing graduate work at the university
that if the United Nations does not stood up, and leaning over the balcony
reorganize as he demands, the commu- said, "But Mr. Balfour, what about
nist bloc will "rely on their own Jesus Christ?"
strength to block us." He also threat- Mr. Robin E. Spear, to whom Profes-
ened to ignore the United Nation's sor Lang related this incident, writes
peace-making machinery unless the Sec- as follows: "One could have heard a
retary General of the United Nations pin drop in the hall. Everyone felt at
resign, and his position, that is, the once the justice of the rebuke. The lead-
Secretary's position, be replaced by a ing statesman of the greatest Christian
communist-styled, three-man presidium empire in the world had been dealing
armed with veto powers. with the different ties that are to unite
Who is this man who presumes to tell mankind and had omitted the one
the United Nations what to do? He is fundamental and essential bond. And
a man who rejects the divinity of Jesus everyone felt, too, the dramatic element
Christ and denies the existence of God, in the situation —
that the reminder of
who isimbued with the false philosophy his forgetfulness had come from a Jap-
of Karl Marx, whose aim in life was anese student from a faraway, non-
"to dethrone God and destroy capital- Christian land."
ism." He a follower of Lenin, who
is Nearly two thousand years ago,
said, "I want children to hate their Christ's chief apostle on one occasion,
parents who are not communists." The when he was arraigned before the Jews
followers of these men, to gain their for having healed an impotent man,
ends, "resort to all sorts of stratagems, made the following declaration:
maneuvers, illegal methods, evasions, "Be it known unto you all, and to
and subterfuges." This atheistic atti- all the people of Israel, that by the
tude, and the advice to hate others, name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom
even one's own family, is just the oppo- ye crucified, whom God raised from the
site of the spirit of love as manifest dead, even by him doth this man stand
and taught by the Savior. In sessions here before you whole.
in another part of the United States "This is the stone which was set at
are men who believe as I have indi- nought of you builders, which is be-
cated and who are willing to resort to come the head of the corner.
any subterfuge, any scheme, that will "Neither is there salvation in any
further their ends to dethrone God. We other: forthere is none other name
appeal to God, who exists and lives, and under heaven given among men, where-
with whom we are in harmony this by we must be saved." (Acts 4:10-12.)

morning we have met in the name of That was a most dramatic occasion,
his Beloved Son. and it took strength and fearlessness to
About fifty years ago, Lord Balfour, make that statement to those men, some
Prime Minister of Great Britain, deliv- of whom had participated in Christ's
ered a lecture in the McEwen Hall of crucifixion. Peter, on that occasion, bore
the University of Edinburgh, upon the a strong testimony to those people.
subject, "The Moral Value which Unites These officers warned Peter and John
Friday, October 7 First Day

not to preach Jesus Christ and him these thousands of incandescent lamps
crucified, but they heard Peter and John which make Salt Lake City so brilliant
answer as I have read, and they saw the at night, each one of which stands and
impotent man standing before them shines in its own sphere, yet the light
healed. They counseled among them- in it is produced by the same power,
selves what to do. Returning, they cau- the same energy from which all the
tioned Peter and John not to preach other lights receive their energy. So each
Jesus Christ, but Peter, as spokesman individual in the Church stands inde-
under the inspiration of the Lord, an- pendently in his sphere, independently
swered: in the knowledge that God lives, that
"Whether it be right in the sight of the Savior is the Redeemer of the world,
God to hearken unto you more than and that the gospel of Jesus Christ
unto God, judge ye. has been restored through Joseph Smith
"For we cannot but speak the things the Prophet.
which we have seen and heard." (Ibid., "To some it is given," says the Lord
4:19-20.) in the Doctrine and Covenants, "by the
The knowledge that Jesus is truly the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus is the
Son of the Living God had been de- Son of God, and that he was crucified
clared by Peter in the presence of his for the sins of the world." (D&C 46:13.)
Master on an occasion when Jesus and It is to these I refer who stand firm
his apostles were at Caesarea Philippi, upon the rock of revelation in the tes-
when Christ had asked his disciples, timony that they bear to the world. But
". . . Whom
do men say that I the the Lord says further that there are
Son of man am? [a grammatical error, those to whom it is given to believe
by the way, which comes down through upon the testimony of the words of
the ages.] others. Note that. They believe upon
"And they said, Some say that thou the words of others that they may also
art John the Baptist; some, Elias; and receive salvation if they continue faith-
others, Jcremias, or one of the prophets. ful. For all these, however, there comes
"[And Jesus] saith unto them, But a testimony also of daily experience. The
whom say ye that I am?" members of the Church throughout the
"And Simon Peter, [the spokesman, world find confirmation of their testi-
fearless, impetuous by nature answered], mony in every performance of duty.
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the They know that the gospel teaches them
living God. to be better individuals, that obedience
"AndJesus answered and said unto to the principles of the gospel makes
him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, them stronger men and truer women.
[Simon, son of Jona] for flesh and blood
Every day such knowledge comes to
hath not revealed it unto thee, but my them, and they cannot gainsay it. They
Father which is in heaven. know that obedience to the gospel of
"And I say also unto thee, That thou Jesus Christ makes them happier, better,
art Peter [Simon's other name, which and truer husbands, true and honored
means a rock], and upon this rock [of wives, obedient children. They know
revelation] I will build my church; and that obedience to the principles of the
the gates of hell shall not prevail against gospel makes them in every respect ideal
it." (Matthew 16:13-18. Italics added.) home builders. The ideal isthere. They
Comparatively speaking, only a small sense it in their minds. They cannot
group of men and women knew him as gainsay it. They know it, and they know

he really is the Son of God, the Re- that transgression of these principles
deemer of mankind. This testimony has will have the opposite effect upon their
been revealed to every sincere man and individual lives and upon their home
woman who has conformed to the prin- lives. They know that obedience to
ciples of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who the gospel rosters true brotherhood and
has obeyed the ordinances and become fellowship among mankind. They know
entitled to and has received the Spirit that they are better citizens by virtue
of God and that of the Holy Ghost. of obedience to the laws and ordinances.
Every individual stands independent in So, as they go through their daily
his sphere in that testimony, just as activities and apply religion in their

weekly vocations, the truth of the gos- My

testimony, as yours, is that this
pel becomes exemplified in their lives, Church of Jesus Christ can offer to the
thus with a testimony of the Spirit, world all the good things which this
the testimony of reason, and the testi- author is looking for, and more, because
mony of daily experience, members of God has revealed more in the govern-
the Church throughout the world stand ment and conduct of his Church.
impregnable. Brethren and sisters, the testimony
I have always been strongly im- of the gospel is an anchor to the soul
pressed with a statement by Thomas in the midst of confusion and strife.
Nixon Carver in his book, The Religion Knowledge of God and his laws means
Worth Having, wherein he says: stability,means contentment, means
"The church that can say to the un- peace,and with that a heart full of love
churched, 'Our way is best because it reaching out to our fellow men, offering
works best, our people are efficient, the same blessings, the same privileges.
prosperous, and happy because we are a Love will beget tolerance and kindness.
body who aid one another in the pro- Now I suggest that during the next
ductive life; we waste none of our sub- month or so, when our towns and cities
stance in vice, luxury, or ostentation; and states will be more or less stirred
we do not dissipate our energy in by political contention, that we restrain
brawling, gambling, or unwholesome our tempers, control our tongues, and try
habits; we conserve our resources of body to manifest charity and love for one
and mind and devote them to the up- another. Let us not besmear our brother's
building of the Kingdom of God, which reputation. I mean that while we are

is not a mystical, but a real kingdom; urging our particular political belief,
it is a body of people dominated by that we avoid dealing in personalities.
ideas of productivity, which is mutual We cannot afford to hurt our brother's
service. We do not strive for the things feelings and wound him.
that satisfy but for the moment and Leaders in the Church, in fact all
then leave a bad taste; we strive for the members thereof, are striving to estab-
things which build us up and enable lish the kingdom of God. Let us hold
us and our children to become strong, to that fact as the anchor of our soul
to flourish, and to conquer. We strive and then breathe forth charity and love
to make ourselves worthy to receive to those who may not see just as we do.
the world by fitting ourselves to use the
world more productively than others. "Oh, brother Man! fold to thy heart thy
We believe that obedience to God means brother,
obedience to the laws of nature, which Where pity dwells, the peace of God is
are but the manifestations of His will, there;
and we try by painstaking study to ac- To worship rightly is to love each other,
quire a most complete and exact knowl- Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a
edge of that will, in order that we may prayer.
conform ourselves to it. We
that a reverence for God is respect for "Follow with reverent steps the great
these laws; that meekness is teachable- example
ness and willingness to learn by obser- Of Him whose holy work was 'doing
vation and experience. By practicing good';
this kind of meekness or teachableness So shall the wide earth seem our Father's
we believe that we shall inherit the temple,
earth, whereas the unmeek, the unteach- Each loving life a psalm of gratitude.
able, who are dominated by pride of
tradition, shall not. We
offer you hard "Then shall all shackles fall; the stormy
work, frugal fare, severe discipline, but clangor
a share in the conquest of the world Of wild war music o'er the earth shall
for the religion of the productive life.' cease;
Such a church," he continues, "is Love shall tread out the baleful fire of
founded upon the rock of economic ef- anger,
ficiency and the gates of hell shall not And in its ashes plant the tree of peace!"
prevail against it." (John Greenleaf Whittier)
Friday, October 7 First Day
In conclusion, let us stand with our them. I pray for this blessing for all
hearts centered and our aims firmly of us throughout the entire world, and
fixed upon this eternal truth —
that the that each member may carry the re-
gospel of Jesus Christ is among men for sponsibility of his membership in the
the redemption and salvation of the Church preparatory to the establishment
human family. Let us go forth in that of the kingdom of God, in the name of
spirit and deal with our fehow men in Jesus Christ. Amen.
the spirit of love and kindness. Let us
work in our councils, in our quorums,
guided by that same spirit. President David O. McKay:
God grant that we may remain true
to the Church, that we may ever be Our next speaker this morning will
found defending the men whom God be Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to
has called to guide us, and realize that the Twelve. He will be followed by
harmony with them means that we are Elder Marion D. Hanks of the First
in harmony with God, for he sustains Council of Seventy.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brethren and sisters, after lis- is These persons are

installed. known as
tening to President McKay's inspiring "sidewalk superintendents."
message, I feel that all of us, from the Then there is another group belong-
bottom of our hearts, can say, "We ing to this category. While riding in a
thank thee, Heavenly Father, for a car they are continually offering sug-
prophet to guide us in these latter days." gestions to the driver as to how the car
While World War I was raging in should be operated, the speed that should
Europe, there were certain individuals be traveled, when to turn, and the sig-
here at home who would sit back in nals to be employed. These are the
their easy armchairs, surround them- "back seat drivers."
selves with maps, and follow the prog-
The Church becomes an object of
ress of battle by reading the newspapers.
criticism from just such "experts." They
They were extremely critical of the gen- are dissatisfied with the manner in
erals and those who were directing the
which the superintendent manages the
campaigns and were very eager and vocal
Sunday School. They find fault with
in outlining the strategy they would em-
the way the bishop conducts the affairs
ploy if in similar positions of leadership.
of the ward. The stake president does
These individuals were referred to as
not please them, and they criticize his
"armchair generals."
administration. They are unhappy with
Prior to demolition of old buildings or
the way the tithing is disbursed. These
the construction of new buildings, a solid
are the persons who find no fault with
fence is built to protect passersby. It has
theirown actions, but seem willing and
become a practice to bore holes in the
anxious to confess another person's sins.
fence or to instal glass portholes. From
these observation points many pause and The Savior was chastising such groups
as these when he said: "And why be-
watch with interest the demolition or
construction activities. There are those holdest thou the mote that is within thy
among the viewers who would improve brother's eye, but considereth not the
the way the job is run. Some would beam that is within thine own eye? . . .

knock a building down immediately, Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam
while others would have it done bit by out of thine own eye; and then shalt
Then there are those who would thou see clearly to cast out the mote out
make changes in the architectural design of thy brother's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5.)
of the building. Others are critical of I believe that is the same thought that
the manner in which the cement is the poet Burns desired to express when
poured, the bricks are laid, and the glass he penned the lines:


"O wad some Power the giftie gie us act with him as his counselors in the
To see oursels as ithers see us!" Holy Priesthood. It takes this Council
(Robert Burns, To a Louse) of three to constitute the presiding and
I assure you that I am not against governing authority of the Priesthood in
criticism, if it is the right kind. Con- the earth."
structive criticism can be good and help- These brethren, together with the
ful. Destructive criticism can be bad Quorum of the Twelve and others of
and harmful. Many years ago my mis- our Church leaders, are blessed with
sion president gave this sound advice: vision and foresight far beyond normal
"If criticism is just and given kindly, powers and ability. The Lord has de-
accept it and give thanks for it. If it is signed that they should sit in the
just and given unkindly, accept it. But "driver's seat," to use our figure of
if it is unjust and given unkindly, pay speech, and direct the affairs of the
no heed to it." Church. From their vantage point they
A critical and faultfinding
attitude can clearly see the road ahead, which
with the Church, if persisted in, can way to turn, how to avoid the rocks and
easily lead to apostasy. A good motto to the chuckholes, much better than those
adopt and follow is, "If you can't im- of us sitting in the back seat. It is our
prove on silence, say nothing." It is my duty, responsibility, and privilege to up-
deep and firm conviction that the Lord hold and sustain them with our words,
set up his Church in these latter days our actions, and our prayers.
and has selected prophets to lead the How best can we do this? By magni-
Saints. There is but one on earth at a fying them in the eyes of our families,
time called to exercise the keys of the our friends, associates, neighbors, and
Holy Priesthood. He may delegate to even strangers, and allowing no evil
others the power and authority to act for speaking of the Lord's chosen leaders.
him in such capacity as he will, but he We can substitute support for complaint,
alone holds the keys for such actions. commendation and praise for adverse
Today that person is President David O. criticism. We
can pray for them in
McKay. public and in private and in our family
Associated with him in the First prayers, teaching our children to pray
Presidency are two other wise and good for them.
men. Together they constitute the "three It is my sincere desire that each of us
great Presiding High Priests." President will become "lifters" instead of "lean-
Joseph F. Smith made this plain in a ers"; that we will share in the responsi-
talk from this pulpit near the turn of bility of building up the kingdom of
the century, when he declared: "God God here upon the earth, and not shift
has established all things in their order. it to the shoulders of our leaders.
The house of God is a house of order, We shall then never become "armchair
and not a house of confusion. In this generals," "sidewalk superintendents," or
house God himself is the Supreme Head, "backseat drivers," but rather "doers of
and he must be obeyed. Christ is in the the word and not hearers only."
image and likeness of his Being, his If we will follow the counsel and
Only Begotten Son, and he stands as leadership of our President and Prophet,
our Savior and our God. Next unto
. . .
we shall then become eligible for all of
God and Christ, on the earth is placed the blessings promised by the Lord when
one unto whom the keys and authority he said:
of the Holy Priesthood are conferred,
"Wherefore, meaning the church, thou
and to whom the right of Presidency is
shalt give heed unto all his words and
given. He is God's mouthpiece to his
people in all things pertaining to the
commandments which he shall give un-
to you as he receiveth them, walking in
building up of Zion, and to the spiritual
all holiness before me;
and temporal salvation of the Saints. . .

Those who have entered into covenant "For his word ye shall receive, as if

to keep the commandments of the Lord from mine own mouth, in all patience
must hearken unto the voice of him who and faith.
is placed to preside over them; and "For by doing these things the gates
secondarily, to those who are called to of hell shall not prevail against you; yea,
Friday, October 7 first Day
and the Lord God will disperse the President David O. McKay:
powers of darkness from before you, and
He to whom you have just listened is
cause the heavens to shake for your Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to the
good, and his name's glory." (D & C Twelve. Our next speaker will be Elder
21:4-6.) To which I testify in the name Marion D. Hanks of the First Council
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. of Seventy.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My dear brothers and sisters, I am deeply After bearing this great testimony, the
grateful this morning that I can identify people pledged themselves to obedience
in myself at least one virtue commonly and to loyalty. They said to Moses:
associated with those who shall inherit "Go thou near, and hear all that the
the kingdom. I love to hear the angels Lord our God shall say: and speak thou
sing. Thank God for wonderful Latter- unto us all that the Lord our God shall
day Saint mothers, for music, for har- speak unto thee; and we will hear it,
mony, for service, for leadership. I and do it."
rejoice that the spirit of personal convic- Moses gave moving response: "And
tion invoked upon us by President Lewis, the Lord heard the voice of your words,
spoken of by the President of the when ye spake unto me; and the Lord
Church, prayed for earnestly by each said unto me I have heard the voice of
of us in our own closets, may be enjoyed the words of this people, which they
by the least of us, as well as by those have spoken unto thee: they have well
who are greatest among us. I pray for said all that they have spoken.
that spirit as I express my personal wit- "O that there were such an heart in
ness this morning. them, that they would fear me, and keep
While the people of Israel were on all my commandments always, that it
the plains of Moab, in the last part of might be well with them, and with
the fortieth year of the Exodus, shortly their children for ever!" (Ibid., 5:27-29.)
before Moses was taken from them and The scripture teaches us that on that
Joshua led them over Jordan to their occasion Moses "stood between the Lord"
promised land, Moses delivered a series and the people to show them "the word
of marvelous discourses to the people. of the Lord." So President McKay has
He reviewed the experiences and events this day stood between us and the Lord
of the past forty years and admonished to show us His word. Our hearts have
and exhorted Israel to obey and appre- responded. Surely many of us have
ciateand keep faith with Cod, who had covenanted anew, as did Israel of old:
preserved them as a people through their "Go thou near, and hear all that the
wanderings in the wilderness from Sinai Lord our God shall say: and speak thou
to Jordan. He reminded them of the unto us all that he shall speak unto
magnificence of their blessings at Sinai, thee; and we will hear it, and do it."
repeated for them the Ten Command- And as we so affirm our faith and sus-
ments, and said to them: tain our prophet, is there an echo in
"And it came to pass, when ye heard your heart as there is in mine of the
the voice out of the midst of the dark- voice of the Lord to Israel?
ness, (for the mountain did burn with "O that there were such an heart in
fire,) that ye came near unto me, even them, that they would fear me, and keep
all the heads of your tribes, and your all my commandments always, that it
elders; might be well with them, and with their
"And ye said, Behold, the Lord our children for ever!"
God hath shewed us his glory and his The Lord wants more from us than
greatness, and we have heard his voice these moving expressions of conviction
out of the midst of the fire: we have seen and covenant. He wants more than
this day that God doth talk with man, expressions of gratitude and testimony
and he liveth." (Deut. 5:23-24.) and commitment. He wants us to fear


him, to love him, to keep all his com- Remember God's promise to Israel?
mandments always. He wants our Note this: "And ye will not suffer your
hearts. children that they go hungry, or naked;
In the 64th section of the Doctrine neither will ye suffer that they transgress
and Covenants is recorded: ". I, the . . the laws of God, and fight and quarrel
Lord, . require the hearts of the
. . one with another, and serve the devil,
children of men." (D&C 64:22.) His who is the master of sin, . . .

promise to those who give him their "But ye will teach them to walk in
hearts is certainly the same as it was to the ways of truth and soberness; ye will

ancient Israel that we may expect his teach them to love one another, and
blessings to be with us always, and with to serve one another." (Ibid., 4:14-15.)
our children. So have come the marvelous bless-
What a marvelous promise! What a ings and promises of God. In 1833, in
magnificent and moving covenant God Kirtland, after a great outpouring of the

has made with us worth everything Spirit at a conference held there, the
worth our love, our obedience, our faith; Lord gave to Joseph Smith a revelation
worth our hearts. we now know as section 90. In it he
What really happens when Israel gives gave some further counsel relevant to
God its heart? What happens when men our theme, and a marvelous promise.
honor their heritage and divine possi- He said: "Search diligently, pray always,
love him and obey his com-
bilities, and be believing, and all things shall
mandments? There were certain humble work together for your good, if ye walk
Nephites not many decades before the uprightly and remember the covenant
advent of Christ who met this test, who, wherewith ye have covenanted one with
in the midst of affliction and persecu- another." (D&C 90:24.)
tion, followed a course and achieved the Although one does not read in any
objective. read from Helaman, the
I one verse of scripture all that he needs
third chapter, these moving words: ". . . to know, and although there is no simple
they did fast and pray oft, and did wax formula of faith that is any one verse
stronger and stronger in their humility, to the exclusion of all else, for God has
and firmer and firmer in the faith of given us much of his revelation, yet in
Christ, unto the filling their souls with this verse and in these others which
joy and consolation, yea, even to the reflect thepromises of God, there seems
purifying and the sanctification of their to me to be the kernel of the conduct
hearts, which sanctification cometh be- God expects of us if we are to achieve
cause of their yielding their hearts unto the magnificent promise he made to us.
God." (Helaman 3:35.) "Search diligently, pray always, be be-
King Benjamin, in concluding his lieving, walk uprightly, remember your
magnificent sermon, pursued the course covenants."
God has set out for his prophets. He Now I am not one to judge my breth-
instructed, he enjoined, he reaffirmed, ren of the priesthood lightly. I know
he testified, and he promised. He said to the extent my intelligence permits
to the people: ". humble yourselves
. . of the faith in you and the devotion in
even in the depths of humility, calling you and of the wonderful service you
on the name of the Lord daily, standing give. I therefore speak from the stand-
steadfastly in the faith of that which point of appreciation when I say that
is to come, ." and "if ye do this ye
. . there are many among us who have not
shall always rejoice, and be filled with invested enough of themselves in the
the love of God, and always retain a diligent search God requires of those
remission of your sins; and ye shall who know his word and therefore, living
grow in the knowledge of the glory of it,achieve his marvelous promises. We
him that created you, or in the knowl- must search, seek, ask, knock.
edge of that which is just and true. Do you remember the word of the
"And ye will not have a mind to in- Lord recorded in the first section of the
jure one another, but to live peaceably, Doctrine and Covenants? He said in
and to render to every man according this marvelous preface, looking to the
to that which is his due." (Mosiah 4:11- foundation principles of the gospel:
13.) "Search these commandments, for they
Friday, October 7 First Day

are true and and the prophecies

faithful, his witness to the people near the end
and promises which are in them shall of his ministry, he delivered a great
all be fulfilled." (Ibid., 1:37.) sermon on the first principles of the
Nephi, explaining to his people why gospel, and' said: ". after ye have . .

he quoted so freely from the great gotten into this straight and narrow
prophet Isaiah, said to them that he path, ... ye must press forward with a
quoted Isaiah to ". more fully per-
. . steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect
suade them to believe in the Lord their brightness of hope, and a love of God
Redeemer .
." and said ".
. for I did . . and of men and endure to the
. . .

liken all scriptures unto us, that it end, .

." (2 Nephi 31:19-20.) Amulek

might be for our profit and learning." testified of Christ, taught the first princi-
Again, he told them to hear the words ples, admonished the people to pray, and
of the prophet, and "liken them unto then said: ". . . after ye have done all
yourselves." (1 Nephi 19:23-24.) Surely these things, if ye turn away the needy,
this is one of the greatest values of and the naked, and visit not the sick and

scripture that we might learn them afflicted . behold, your prayer is
. .

and liken them unto ourselves, apply the vain, and availeth you nothing, . .

lessons and instructions of the revela- (Alma 34:28.)

tions to our own lives. can we do How We must "walk uprightly." Within
so unless we search, seek, ask, knock, the last few days I was in a meeting in
invest ourselves earnestly, diligently in an eastern city talking with a group of
the effort to acquire and organize and people about youth leadership. During
share a knowledge of the gospel of the discussion one of the professional
Jesus Christ? employees of the Department of Agri-
The Lord said we must "pray always." culture whose civil service rating is not
His promises are wonderful. He has told dependent upon who is Secretary of
us that we may receive the Spirit by Agriculture said: "We don't need to
the prayer of faith; that we must "pray interpret human fitness to our depart-
continually" that we will not be tempted ment. We
don't have to talk about it
beyond what we can bear; that we must a lot. We
have a man who reflects it
"counsel with the Lord" in all our impressively in his own life, as Secretary
doings, night and day; that we must of thedepartment."
"not perform anything unto the Lord" This same group heard our story of
without praying to the Father in the the programs of the Church, of the prin-
name of Christ. His marvelous prom- ciples upon which those programs are
ise is that "he will direct us for good." based, and of those who lead the pro-
We are taught that we must "be be- grams. One said: "Yes, but your situa-
lieving," for all things are possible to tion is not like ours. Out there you
him who can believe. I talked with a have thousands of leaders." Another
group of young people about the Book person, the directing head of one of the
of Mormon last night and quoted to great youth programs in our land, said:
them words of the great Goethe, who "We really can't talk about Utah in
said: "I can promise to be sincere, but the same context with the rest of us.
not impartial." I am not impartial to- There is an influence in Utah not like
ward the Book of Mormon. cannot We any place else on the earth." know We
be impartial toward the gospel and the what the influence is of which she
Lord. If we are to get faith, we must spoke. It is found not only in Utah but
desire faith and seek faith. We must in every place where faithful members
start with an attitude of desiring faith. of the Church live the gospel and
We must "be believing." exemplify its principles.
This also the Lord said: we must "walk With all our protestations, sincere
uprightly." Benjamin, near the end and honorable, with all our expressions
of his great sermon, bore his testimony of conviction and faith and testimony,
to the people, reaffirmed the need for there is required of us that we develop
faith, repentance, humility, and sincere in us the heart that will move us to
prayer, and added: ". and now, if you . . obey all of God's commandments always,
believe all these things see that ye do with the promise that things will be well
them." (Mosiah 4:10.) As Nephi bore with us and with our children always.

The last suggestion of the Lord in the President David O. McKay:

verse quoted from the revelation to the
Prophet was that we remember our Elder Marion D. Hanks of the First
covenants. We
have covenanted in Council of Seventy has just addressed us.

sacred places at the waters of baptism, The Chorus and Congregation
join in singing, "Come, O
Thou King
in holy houses, as we partake of the
Sacrament —not
alone with God but of Kings," conducted by Sister Florence
Jepperson Madsen.
with each other. Consider again the
moving charge that Alma gave the peo- After the singing, we should like to
ple at the waters of Mormon, that they hear a few words from President Frank
were to ". bear one another's burdens,
. .
H. Brown of the East Central States
. mourn with those that mourn; . .
Mission. He does not know about this,
. . .

comfort those that stand in need of com- but he can worry about it while we are
fort, and to stand as witnesses of
. . .

God at all times and in all things and

in all places even unto death,
. . . . .
." The Singing Mothers Chorus and the
(Mosiah 18:8-9.) congregation joined in singing the hymn,
God help us, we who have been "Come, O
Thou King of Kings."
blessed with so much,
to yield our hearts
to him, for while men look at the out- President David O. McKay:
ward appearance, "God looketh upon
the heart." That we may claim his President Frank H. Brown of the East
promises by obeying his commandments, Central States Mission will now address
I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ. us. He will be followed by Elder Harold
Amen. B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve.


President of the East Central States Mission

I sincerely pray that your voices have gracious invitation of President McKay,
been raised to our Father in Heaven in whom I dearly love and revere, and I
my behalf. only wish that momentarily my grand
I have been enjoying the past ten and lovely old father who served in
months with my lovely wife, in presid- a mission in his native land, back in
ing over the East Central States Mission, 1903 and 1904 with President McKay
in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, as a humble missionary, leaving my
West Virginia, parts of Indiana, Ohio, lovely mother and seven children at
Maryland, Mississippi and Illinois. I home in Evanston, Wyoming, could be
bring you greetings from the missionaries here just for this moment, because I
of that mission to you lovely parents recall very vividly as a young man
and express to you their love and their hearing my father, after President
great devotion to the message that has McKay had been to our home as one of
been entrusted to them. Truly they the Apostles, say to myself and mem-
are a great army of youth. love We bers of our family, "I want to give you
them. We
find a great increased devo- a promise that someday you will be
tion. The spirituality that is within able to uphold the hand of David O.
their bosoms goes out to the people who McKay as President of this great Church,
desire to know the truth. and no matter what you do, always
Many people have been brought to sustain the General Authorities." I am
the waters of baptism by a sweet and happy to say that I have tried to do
humble testimony. have encour- We that humbly.
aged the missionaries to teach by the So just before leaving to come out
spirit, that their testimonies bear great here, one of my
missionaries called me
emphasis in the lives of people with on the phone and said, "President
whom they come in contact. Brown, what should we do? We are
Just before leaving to come here at the up here in the smoke holes of West
Friday, October 7 First Dan

Virginia, and we have a minister and of a thousand lovely people to come

his flock of forty-five people that it looks into the Church.
like want all to come into the We hope that under the inspiration
Church. What shall we do?" And I and help of our Father in Heaven, that
said, I won't use his name, bless his we can reach that mark. When Presi-

heart I said, "Elder, if the Spirit gives dent Taylor left, he said, "You will
utterance to you that those 45 people make that, and more."
and the minister want to come into the I am happy to tell you that last month
Church, teach them the Gospel and as a tribute to President McKay, the
baptize them, and praise God for lead- missionaries set a goal to send him a
ing you to them." baptism for every year he was old or —
But he said, "But President, he wants young, President, and we were happy to
to give the Church the chapel." I said, send to him a telegram stating that we
"Let's not go too far about that, let us had through the blessing of our Father
take the spiritual first and we will talk in Heaven, baptized 134 people in the
about that which we worship in later." East Central States Mission during the
I am so grateful to be here. It is not month of August as a tribute to our
my privilege and my
opportunity to leader and our Prophet.
speak longer. I just want to bear you Again I leave you my testimony, plead-
my testimony that I know that God ing with you for your faith and your
lives. I have had peace come to my soul
prayers and your devotion, thanking you
and I could not dare deny the truthful- for your lovely sons and daughters,
ness of the Gospel. I know it with every
whom you have entrusted to Sister
fiber ofmy being. Brown and myself, and know that we
I love the General Authorities. I love
appreciate them, we love them, and they
the remarks of President Henry D. are great individuals. My testimony to
Taylor. I had the rare opportunity of you again is that the Gospel is true, 1
having him as our guest to tour the East love it with all my heart, and I bear
Central States Mission, and what a this humbly to you in the name of Jesus
lovely, gracious couple President Henry Christ. Amen.
D. Taylor and his lovely wife are.
They left that mission field I know en-
dowed with a great conviction that the President David O. McKay:
Church and its membership had a great
mission to perform in the southlands. We have just listened to President
I want to tell President Taylor that at Frank H. Brown of the East Central
this time, we have had 684 baptisms in States Mission. He is one of the group
that mission thus far this year, reaching of mission presidents attending this
out for a goal set by President M. Ross Conference, thirty I believe. Weshall
Richards and his lovely wife, whom I now hear from Elder Harold B. Lee, who
respect and pay a great tribute for the will be our concluding speaker, a mem-
work they did in that missionfield, a goal ber of the Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In these next few moments I trust "So then after the Lord had spoken
that I may, in the testimony which I unto them, he was received up into
shall bear, catch the spirit of this con- heaven, and sat on the right hand of
ference and the radiance of that which God.
has been reflected by our great leader, "And they went forth, and preached
the prophet of the Living God. every where, the Lord working with
One of the gospel writers concludes them, and confirming the word with
his record with this significant statement signs following." (Mark 16:15, 19-20.)
made by Jesus: "Go ye into all the By now, apparently, they were begin-
world, and preach the gospel to every ning to understand what the Lord had
creature . . . said to them on another occasion: "Go

ye therefore, and teach all nations, bap- gation of the gospel throughout the
tizing them in the name of the Father, world." (Dr. John Lawrence Mosheim,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, Vol.
"Teaching them to observe all things 1, pp. 61, 67.)
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, The process by which leaders become
lo, I am with you alway, even unto the spiritual as those disciples were is set
end of the world." (Matt. 28:19-20.) forth in a very simple admonition of
He had demonstrated to some extent the Master. The Savior called fisher-
some of the powers of the Risen Lord. men, and he called tax-collectors and
What they became because of this di- others in various occupations to consti-
vine gift which had been given to them tute his chosen twelve. He gave to each
is described by Dr. John Lawrence Mo- of them the same simple promise:
sheim in his Outlines of Ecclesiastical "Follow me, and I will make you
History, and I shall read only a few fishers of men," or as another writer
sentences which show evidences of a di- puts it, will make you to become
vine power in the acts of the early dis- men." (Matt. 4:19; Mark 1:17.)
fishers of
ciples which attested to what the Master To "comeafter him" is but another
had told them, that he would be with way of "Keep my command-
them, "even to the end of the world." ments," for thus he had explained it
Says Dr. Mosheim: when he said to the Nephites: "There-
"For no sooner had the apostles re- fore, what manner of men ought ye to
ceived this precious gift, this celestial be?" And then he answered his own
guide, than their ignorance was turned question, "Verily I say unto you, even
into light, their doubts into certainty, as I am." (3 Nephi, 27:27.)
their fears into a firm and invincible To become "fishers of men" is just
fortitude,and their former backwardness another way of saying "become leaders
into an ardent and inextinguishable zeal, of men." So in today's language we
which led them to undertake their sa- would say to those who are so to teach:
cred office with the utmost intrepidity "If you will keep my commandments,
and alacrity of mind. This marvelous I will make you leaders among men."
event was attended with a variety of Those who are outsiders and enemies
gifts. . And indeed there were un-
. . of the Church observed these unusual
doubted marks of a celestial power per- gifts given to these early disciples. You
petually attending their ministry. There remember the Jews marveled at the
was, in their very language, an incredi- Master's demonstration of his power,
ble energy, an amazing power of send- and they asked: "How knoweth this man
ing light into the understanding, and letters, having never learned?" To
conviction into the heart. To this were which the Master humbly replied, "My
added the commanding influence of doctrine is not mine, but his that sent
stupendous miracles, the foretelling of me." (John 7:15-16.)
future events, the power of discerning And to Peter, the Master replied after
the secret thoughts and intentions of the Peter had borne his testimony as to the
heart .and all this accompanied
. .
divinity of the Master, as President Mc-
with lives free from all stain, and Kay has quoted, "Flesh and blood hath
adorned with the constant practice of not revealed it unto thee, but my Father
sublime virtue. Thus were the messen- which is in heaven." When Peter and
gers of the divine Savior, the heralds of John had performed marvelous deeds,
his spiritual and immortal kingdom, those who were around about marveled
furnished for their glorious work, as the because they "perceived that they were
unanimous voice of ancient history so unlearned and ignorant men, ." (Acts . .

loudly testifies. ."

. .
Now I want you to hold this last There seems to have been a constant
statement of Dr. Mosheim's in your vigil lest those who enjoyed these special
mind: God-given gifts would arrogate to them-
"The event sufficiently declares this: selves personal superior talents, when in
for without these remarkable and reality these spiritual endowments were
extraordinary circumstances, no rational but outward evidences of divine gifts
account can be given of the rapid propa- given among men who are called to
Friday, October 7 First Day

serve in high places in the kingdom of In our day, we have been told some
God. similar things about the power of the
Peter chided those, you remember, af- Lord among his peoples. In the very
ter he had performed the healing upon first revelation, or the preface to the
the man who was lame from his birth, revelations, the Lord said: "For I am no
when he said: respecter of persons, and will that all
"Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at men shall know that the day speedily
this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh
as though by our own power or holiness at hand, when peace shall be taken from
we had made this man to walk? the earth, and the devil shall have
"The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, power over his own dominion.
and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, "And also the Lord shall have power
hath glorified his Son Jesus: whom ye over his saints, and shall reign in their
delivered up. . . . midst, and shall come down in judg-
"And his name through faith in his ment upon Idumea, or the world." (D &
name hath made this man strong, whom C 1:35-36.)
ye see and know: yea, the faith which One of the ways by which "he comes
is by him hath given him this perfect down among his people" is clearly
soundness in the presence of you all." explained in the revelation in which
(Ibid., 3:12-13, 16.) he defines certain gifts of the Spirit. He
Recall again Peter's rebuke to Simon, enumerates some of the gifts of the
the sorcerer, who wanted to buy the Spirit which men might enjoy: knowl-
gifts of the Holy Ghost which he saw edge, and faith, and discernment, and
demonstrated through Peter: the gift of tongues, and the testimony
"But Peter said unto him, Thy money of knowledge that Jesus is the Son of
perish with thee, because thou hast God, and then he says this:
thought that the gift of God may be ". .unto such as God shall appoint

purchased with money. and ordain to watch over the church,

hast neither part nor lot in ... are to have it given unto them to
this matter: for thy heart is not right discern all those gifts. . .
." (Ibid., 46:
in the sight of God. 27.)
"Repent therefore of this thy wicked- Previously he had said: ". given . .

ness, and pray God, perhaps the if for the benefit of those who love me
thought of thine heart may be forgiven and keep all my commandments."
thee." (Ibid., 8:20-22.) (Ibid., 9.)
John was taught in plainness how he In our day he sounded a warning just
must learn to distinguish between the as these other leaders have sounded a
person who demonstrates spiritual gifts warning, when he said to those to whom
and the giver of those heavenly gifts, these gifts are committed:
even God. When a messenger came to "And in nothing doth man offend
him he fell down at the feet of this God, or against none is his wrath kin-
messenger as though to worship him, dled, save those who confess not his
and the messenger said: hand in all things, and obey not his
"See thou do it not: I am thy fellow- commandments." (Ibid., 59:21.)
servant, and of thy brethren that have Some of the older brethren who re-
a testimony of Jesus: worship God: for member the days of President Joseph F.
the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Smith have told me that frequently
prophecy." (Rev. 19:10.) when President Smith was introduced
And Moses learned that same lesson as the "head of the Church," he was
after he had received the wonderful always quick to reply, "Oh, no. I'm but
visitation from the Lord who had ap- the President of the Church. Jesus
peared in his glory as contrasted with Christ is its head."
the visit from and the appearance of That is something for us to remem-
Satan. In humility he said thoughtfully, ber. When we receive the adulation of
as he pondered this great experience: faithful people, we must never forget
"Now for this cause I know that man that such commendations come, not be-
is nothing, which thing I never had cause of our person, but because of the
supposed." (Moses 1:10.) positions we hold. In conference meet-


ings the mission presidents we

with ministration to a sick person, who said
heard this repeated with variation and, very humbly to this individual, "Now,
as applied to the Church, it might be sister, when you receive the blessing of
said thus: "There is no end to the this administration, do not mention the
amount of good we can do in this names of those through whom the bless-
Church if we are not concerned about ings were given."
who gets the credit for it." Today we are witnessing a great, mar-
It was possibly something like this velous demonstration of the power of
which the Master had in mind when he conversion. Perhaps we are going to see
warned: the most rapid propagation of the gospel
"Woe unto you, when all men shall in the world than we have seen in any
speak well of you! for so did their previous dispensation. We
must make
fathers to the false prophets." (Luke certain that we do not offend God by our
6:26.) In a revelation today, we have failure to confess his hand in all things.
had called to our attention the human We must not forget that it is not by the
tendencies which are in most men: ". . will of men, but is evidence, as in the
but when we undertake to cover our days of the disciples of old, that God
sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain is working with men. It is the only
ambition, or to exercise control or do- explanation we can give.
minion or compulsion upon the souls The suggested missionary procedures
of the children of men, in any degree we have provide excellent guides to
of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens improved study and presentation of the
withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the gospel lessons by missionaries. Sales-
Lord is grieved; and when it is with- manship methods of themselves alone
drawn, Amen to the priesthood or the as applied to the teaching of the gospel
authority of that man. . . . will convince the mind but do not con-
"We have learned by sad experience vert the heart. Conversion is a spiritual
that it is the nature and disposition of process. Paul taught, ". faith com-
. .

almost all men, as soon as they get a eth by hearing, and hearing by the
little authority, as they suppose, they word of God. . How then shall
. .

will immediately begin to exercise un- they call on him in whom they have
righteous dominion." (D&C 121:37, 39.) not believed? and how shall they be-
And he has told us two reasons why lieve in him of whom they have not
men fail to receive what they might heard? and how shall they hear with-
otherwise have obtained: out a preacher? and how shall they
"Because their hearts are set so much preach, except they be sent?" (Romans
upon the things of this world, and as- 10:17, 14-15.)
pire to the honors of men, ." (Verse . . And the Apostle Paul also said:
35.) "I have planted, Apollos watered; but
I remember at a stake conference some God gave the increase," and then he
years ago a young man was called to added in language that sounded like
a high position. When we had asked that statement of Moses after God had
him to express himself, expecting a hum- conversed with him: "So then neither
ble testimony in his acceptance, he stood is he that planteth any thing, neither he

up and in a rather flamboyant, boastful that watereth; but God that giveth the
way gave a dramatic performance. At increase." (I Cor. 3:6-7.)
the close of the service as we walked Modern servants of God may go forth
home, one of the high council whis- if and when they are constantly aware
pered to me and said, calling him by of their own nothingness and place their
name: "When he stood up there in the dependence solely upon the power of
pulpit this morning, he was all alone." Almighty God; for as the Apostle Paul
That is what the young missionary wrote to the Romans: "If God be for
meant who said he had baptized a num- us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:
ber of people but all of them had apos- 31.)
tatized, so he said, "I must have con- My is that we may do our part
verted them all by myself." that weshall qualify to ever have him
I remember one of mybrethren, who for us, us, and that we may
and with
had invited me to join him in an ad- constantly lose ourselves in unselfish
Friday, October 7 First Day

devotion to his cause and thus find ever- As stated at the opening of this meet-
lasting life, which I pray humbly, in ing, the music of this session is furnished
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. by the Relief Society Singing Mothers
Amen. from the Ogden and Northern Utah
Regions. Elder Alexander Schreiner has
been at the organ. The Singing Mothers
President David O. McKay: will be with us this afternoon.
Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council
of the Twelve, has just addressed us.
The Relief Society Singing Mothers
Selection by the Relief Society Sing-
will now favor us with "The 23rd Psalm
ing Mothers, "The 23rd Psalm" (God
(God Is My Shepherd)," conducted by
Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen. The
Is My Shepherd).
benediction will be offered by Elder L. President L. Lloyd Prestwich of the
Lloyd Prestwich, president of the Redondo Stake offered the closing
Redondo Stake, after which this Con- prayer.
ference will stand adjourned until two Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock
o'clock this afternoon. p.m.

The second session of the Conference in the Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall
convened at 2:00 p.m., Friday, October 7, by television.
with President David O. McKay pre- We are pleased again this afternoon
siding and conducting the services. by the presence of the Relief Society
The musical numbers for this ses- Singing Mothers from the Ogden and
sionwere furnished by the Relief Society Northern Utah Regions under the able
Singing Mothers from the Ogden and leadership of Sister Florence Jepperson
Northern Utah Regions, with Florence Madsen, and Roy M. Darley is at the
Jepperson Madsen conducting. Roy W. organ. We
shall begin these services
Darley, Assistant Tabernacle Organist, by the Relief Society Singing Mothers
was at the organ console. rendering "How Lovely Is Thy Dwell-
ing Place."
President McKay made the following
introductory remarks: The invocation will be offered by
Elder Wayne C. Player, president of
the Taylorsville Stake.
President David O. McKay:
Singing by the Relief Society Singing
Members of the Church are convened Mothers, "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in
Salt Lake City in the second session
of the130th Semi-Annual Conference
The opening prayer was offered by
of the This session of the Con-
Church. Wayne C. Player, president of the Tay-
lorsville Stake.
ference, as the one this morning, will
be broadcast as a public service over
television and radio stations throughout President David O. McKay:
the West. The names of these stations
have already been announced to the The invocation was just offered by
television and radio audiences. Again Elder Wayne C. Player, president of
we express appreciation for the coopera- the Taylorsville Stake. The Singing
tion of the managers of these stations and Mothers will now favor us with "Jesus,
their willing and commendable services. Our Lord, We
Adore Thee," conducted
These services are also being broadcast by Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen,

following which we shall hear from President David O. McKay:

President Henry D. Moyle of the First
Presidency. Our first speaker this afternoon will
be President Henry D. Moyle of the
Relief Society Singing Mothers First Presidency. He will be followed
sang the anthem, "Jesus, Our Lord, We by Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
Adore Thee." Council of Seventy.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

President Clark called during the noon mental to the doctrines of the Church
recess and wanted you all to know how is the declaration of Father Lehi:
much he appreciated the inspired mes- "Adam fellthat men might be; and
sage of President McKay delivered at men are, that they might have joy."
the beginning of the morning session, (2 Nephi 2:25.)
and how much he regretted not being The present teachings of our President
present with us here today. He wanted are not the development of a philosophy
me to extend his greeting to you all, and by the wisdom of men that changes with
I am sure that he would appreciate our time and experience. They do not result
united faith and prayers in his behalf from the trial and error of improvement.
that he might yet meet with us before They are not discovered as the result of
the conference is over, in keeping with laboratory experiments on the one hand
his innermost desires. or study of the past, present, or future
It is a great privilege, my brethren and on the other hand. They are eternal
sisters, to be with you this afternoon and truths taught to the children of men by
to have this wonderful opportunity of the prophets of God, ancient and mod-
bearing witness to the truths of the gos- ern. The truths of the gospel are un-
pel. There is one thing in the world to- changeable. They are infallible. The
day above all else which people are —
Savior of mankind our Redeemer, the
seeking after, and that is peace. Son of the Living God, the Lord of lords
The fundamental purpose of the or- and King who rules and reigns
of kings,
ganization of the Church is to establish over this universe, brought peace to this
peace upon the earth. earth as he dwelt among the children
President McKay recently told us that, of men in the flesh. He is the man of
"peace is the exemption from individual peace. He came with a promise: "Bles-
troubles, from family brawls, from na- sed are the peacemakers; for they shall
tional difficulties. Peace does not come be called the children of God." (Matt.
to the transgressor of law. Peace comes 5:9.)

by obedience to law peace to the indi- Except with peace in our hearts we
vidual that he may be at peace with cannot be the children of God. This
God, at peace in the home, and in the follows just as certainly as do all the
neighborhood. The spirit of the world promises given us by our Master in his
is antagonistic to the establishment of Sermon on the Mount. Surely we can-
peace. The law of nature seems to be not expect to see God if we are not pure
the survival of the fittest at all costs. in heart. We bear witness to the world
But peace can come into the world only by virtue of the power and authority of
through obedience to the gospel of Jesus the Holy Priesthood of God which we
Christ." Seek first the kingdom of God bear that the words of his mouth con-
and his righteousness. His teaching re- tained in the sacred Beatitudes were not
garding arbitration as a means of set- platitudes or trite sayings to catch the
tling difficulties, if applied by nations, ear of man, spoken by a humanitarian,
would do away witb war. but on the contrary, they are the
"The gospel is a complete way of life, words of God spoken by his Son Jesus
and the true plan of life brings joy and Christ, upon which all the children of
peace," says President McKay. Funda- men can place their trust unfalteringly
Friday, October 7 First Day
and conform their lives, their thoughts may be, they are given to us to build
and actions, to merit in this life and in usup spiritually. We can draw no hard
the life to come all the blessings prom- and fast line between temporal and
ised those who are faithful and obedient spiritual. All that is good is spiritual.
to his teachings —
not only the Sermon So we can well afford to ask ourselves
on the Mount, but all that he taught the question: Can we expect the bless-
during his ministry here upon this earth ings of peace ifwe ignore the Word of
as he sojourned among men, and all that Wisdom, example? Will we be pre-
he has revealed to his prophets to the pared to take advantage of the ways
present time. and means our Father in heaven may
John, in his Gospel, says: "These make available for us to retain our peace
things I have spoken unto you," [quot- in times of great emergency, indeed at
ing the Savior] "that in me ye might all times, if we are not physically fit?

have peace. In the world ye shall have I have no doubt God will require us to
tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have be sound in mind and body to carry
overcome the world." (John 16:33.) on the work of his priesthood at home
Paul said: ". let the peace of God
. . and abroad, at least as far as we by
rule in your hearts. ." (Col. 3:15.)
. . our own efforts can retain our bodily
Unfortunately, many in the world, and spiritual health and strength. We
both individuals and nations, will ig- cannot be justified in destroying our-
nore the teachings of Christ and deny selves through our disobedience, no mat-
his divinity. With two powers upon ter how limited our conduct in this di-
earth exerting their influence upon man- rection may be.
kind this result is inevitable. They, an inspiration to me, and I hope
It is
through their own conduct, their own it will be to you, to reflect for a mo-
choice, do not qualify for the enjoyment ment upon the teachings we have re-
of peace, and peace will not be theirs. ceived through our inspired prophets in
The history of the world has already al- these latter days. Though times have
together too clearly demonstrated that changed, and conditions in the world
the farther we depart from the gospel of are different, neither the hearts of men
Jesus Christ, the greater is the distress nor the revelations of God to his people
and tribulation under which we live. through his prophets have changed. We
Should those who keep the command- read in the Holy Bible:
ments of God have any fear for their "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
own security and happiness? This is an but he revealeth his secret unto his serv-
interesting question, and this again has ants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)
been answered so often in the recent I know by the testimony of the Holy
ministry of President David O. McKay. Ghost that is in me that this declaration
He assures us that we need have no of Amos is literally true in the ministry
worry. We will never be left in the of President David O. McKay as it was
dark, and we should have no concern in the life of Joseph Smith and those
other than to follow the leadership God who followed the first Prophet in these
has given us here upon the earth. latter-days in this high and holy office.
We are the children of promise as long "It is out of the abundance of the heart
as we keep the commandments of God. that man speaketh," said Brigham
I have no doubt it will take continuous Young, "and the man who tells you
effort, however, upon our part. These words of life is the man who can save
are not blessings which will flow to us you."
automatically merely because we ask for What Joseph Smith said in 1844 in
them. We
will be justified, however, if principle is largely applicable today,
we follow all that God reveals through although our problems are somewhat
his servants, the prophets. We have different and the remedy
been given direction, sometimes thought unique to the solution of the specific
of as temporal in its nature, such as problem that then confronted the na-
tithing, fast offerings, the welfare pro- tion. The nation did not accept his
gram, the Word of Wisdom, chastity, solution, which was inspired of God.
obedience to the law of the land, and Had his direction been given to the
Others, Whatever their temporal aspect problem, we all know what the result


would have been no bloodshed. Both should he go back? It was during these
the Civil War and its aftermath, with days that the Prophet said that he was
us even now, and the economic loss of devoid of offense toward any man, and
both would have been avoided. What that he would be taken as a lamb to
happened to those who followed his the slaughter, but does anybody have
leadership and direction? Even though any doubt in his mind but that the
the Prophet Joseph was martyred, two peace of God was in his heart and in
months after this solution to our nation- his soul and gave him the strength and
al ills was publicly given, the Saints the courage and the power of his priest-
were driven from their peaceful homes hood to fulfil his mission here upon the
in the states to a haven of safety in the earth as God might decree?
fastness of this mountain region. That The other great example, of course,
is where they were when the Civil War supersedes all else in human knowledge
began. and understanding, and that is the in-
Certainly God works in a mysterious tercessory prayer of the Lord and Savior
way, his wonders to perform. Who Jesus Christ as he prayed to his Father
would have ever thought among the in- in heaven in the Garden of Gethsemane.
habitants of Nauvoo in the days of the But there was peace in his heart when
final persecution that they were being he said, "Nevertheless, Father, thy will,
driven from their homes by their ene- not mine, be done." (Luke 22:42.)
mies against their will and against their
better judgment, only to wake up one Now that peace can come into our
day and find that the Lord had pre- no matter what the circumstances
served them in a land of peace, even in may and no matter what process
the midst of the greatest of all civil or what circumstance the Lord may use
wars. Who doubts that the Lord can to bring his faithful people the peace
do what he pleases with his people to- which he has promised them. I have
day? an abiding conviction that if that peace
I have implicit faith in the words of is given to us and we are called upon
the Prophet when he tells us today that to lose our lives or the lives of our loved
all we need to worry about is to keep ones, that we will have the absolute
the commandments of God, and peace assurance, as did the Prophet Joseph,
will be ours. We do not know when that we would die in the Lord, and
or where or what exactly may happen. when we die in the Lord we have ful-
It istherefore foolish and impossible to filled the will of the Master here upon
conjecture on the nature of the relief this earth, to his pleasure and to his
or protection or security designed for the satisfaction, and more can be gained by
future accomplishment of God's purpose. none of us.
This, however, we do know: that God No greater power can exist upon the
lives and in him we can trust, and earth than the power of the priesthood
through our obedience are now free from —
a gift of God to us calling upon us to
fear or doubt or insecurity, and shall re- exercise our power as elders in Israel to
main so always, as long as we retain bring all which permit us within
the right through our faithfulness to call their borders to a knowledge of the
upon him for the blessings which he truth; to draw out those nations, not
has promised the faithful. necessarily physically, but into these
I conceive of peace as something stakes of Zion which are being and will
which we might all enjoy, even in continue to be organized in the various
the midst of future wars. We may countries of the world. These men and
suffer trials and tribulations. We women through their faith, conversion,
may suffer from the loss of our loved and their faithfulness will join with us
ones, but let us stop for a moment and as recipients of these greatest of all bless-
call just two instances to mind. I think ings which the Lord has in store for his
of the Prophet Joseph that night after he chosen people. So, neither they nor we
had left Nauvoo with some of his close need to worry about our security when
brethren and crossed over to the other we know that our welfare will be taken
side of the river to Montrose, and there care of directly from the throne of God
the question was should he go on, or on High.
— .

Friday, October 7 First Day

I quoted from President David

first summary the notable events, the
O. McKay's teachings of a short time marvelous developments, the grand
ago, and now I want to just quote a achievements, and the beneficial inven-
word or two from the other Presidents tions and discoveries, which mark the
of the Church to show how uniform progress of ten decades now left behind
the Lord has revealed his will to his in the ceaseless march of humanity.
prophets in these latter days. The very mention of the nineteenth
Joseph Smith said: century suggests advancement, improve-
"Make honor the standard with all ment, liberty, and light. Happy are we
men. Be sure that good is rendered to have lived amidst its wonders and
for evil in all cases; and the whole shared in the richness of its treasures of
nation, like a kingdom of kings and intelligence.
priests,will rise up in righteousness, "The lessons of the past century
and be respected as wise and worthy on should have prepared us for the duties
earth,and as just and holy for heaven, and glories of the opening era. It ought
by Jehovah, the Author of perfec- to be the age of peace, of greater progress,
tion. ."
. .
of the universal adoption of the golden
Brigham Young said: "Great peace rule. Barbarism of the past should be
have they who love the law of the Lord buried. War with its horrors should
and abide in his commandments. Our be but a memory. The aim of nations
belief will bring peace to all men and should be fraternity and mutual great-
good will to all the inhabitants of the ness. The welfare of humanity should
earth. It will induce all who sincerely be studied instead of the enrichment of
follow its dictates to cultivate righteous- a race or the extension of an empire.
ness and peace; to live peaceably in their Awake, ye monarchs of the earth and
families; to praise the Lord morning rulers among nations and gaze upon the
and evening; to pray with their families, scene on which the early rays of the
and will so fill them with the spirit of rising millennial day gild the morning
peace that they will never condemn or of the twentieth century!
chasten any one unless it is well de- "The power is in your hands to pave
served." (Brigham Young, Discourses, the way
for the coming of the King of
pp. 223, 449.) kings,whose dominion will be over all
It is interesting what John
to see the earth. Disband your armies; turn
Taylor in his day said: "This peace is your weapons of strife into implements
the gift of God alone, and it can be of industry; take the yoke from the necks
received only from him by obedience of the people; arbitrate your disputes;
to his laws. If any man wishes to intro- meet in royal congress and plan for
duce peace into his family or among union instead of conquest, for the ban-
his friends, let him cultivate it in his ishment of poverty, for the uplifting of
own bosom; for sterling peace can only the masses, and for the health, wealth,
be had according to the legitimate rule enlightenment, and happiness of all
and authority of heaven and obedience tribes and peoples and nations. Then
to its laws." (John Taylor The Gospel shall the twentieth century be to you
Kingdom, page 319.) the glory of your lives and the lustre of
Wilford Woodruff said: "Put your your crowns, and posterity will sing
trust in God and rely on his promises, your praises, while the Eternal One shall
living up to the light and knowledge you place you on high among the mighty. . .

possess; and all will be well with you "In the eighty-seventh year of my age
whether living or dying." (Discourses on earth, I am full of earnest desire for
of Wilford Woodruff, p. 260.) the benefit of humanity. I wish all a
President Lorenzo Snow, from a docu- Happy New Year. . . . May justice
ment published in the Deseret News of triumph and corruption be stamped out.
Jan. 1, 1901: And may virtue, chastity, and honor pre-
"A new century dawns upon the world vail, until evil shall be overcome and
today. The hundred years just com- the earth shall be cleansed from wicked-
pleted were the most momentous in the ness. Let these sentiments, as the voice
history of man upon this planet. It of the 'Mormons' in the mountains of
would be impossible to make even a brief Utah, go forth to the whole world, and

let allpeople know that our wish and that are worthwhile come to us only as
our mission are for the blessing and a result of honoring thee and keeping
salvation of the entire human race. thy commandments. The pathway of
"May the twentieth century prove the righteousness is thehighway of peace
happiest, as it will be the grandest, for and happiness."
all the ages of time, and may God be And then finally, to end, I come back
glorified in the victory that is coming to where I began, to the words of Presi-
over sin, sorrow, misery, and death. dent McKay: "The Need of Peace: The
Peace be unto you all." greatest need of this old world today is
Joseph F. Smith said: "There is only peace. The turbulent storms of hate,
one thing that can bring peace into the enmity, of distrust, and of sin are
world. It is the adoption of the gospel threatening to wreck humanity. It is
of Jesus
by rulers and

time for men true men to dedicate —
their lives to God, and to cry with the
people alike." (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel spirit and power of the Christ, 'Peace, be
Doctrine, 1928 ed., page 529.) I love still.' Only in the complete surrender
such words of scripture. of our inner life may we rise above the
And President Grant said: "This gos- selfish, sordid pull of nature. We should
pel of Jesus Christ which the world seek first the kingdom of God and his
says is a delusion, a snare, and a fraud, righteousness. What the spirit is to the
[yet] to each and every man who goes body, God is to the spirit. As the body
out to proclaim it, and who lives an dies when the spirit leaves it, so the
upright and virtuous life, it brings peace, spirit dies when we exclude God from it.
it brings joy, it brings happiness un- I cannot imagine peace in a world from
speakable." (Heber J. Grant, Conference which God and religion are banished."
Report, October 1911, page 22.)
God bless us brethren and sisters, that
At the October conference of 1921
we may follow the admonition and
President Grant presented a "Peace
counsel of these great leaders who have
Resolution," representing the Church as
preceded us and listen intently and sin-
favoring world peace, and invoking
cerely to the words of our present leader,
blessings and "divine guidance of the
that our lives may be sweet in its enjoy-
International Conference of the Limita-
ment, I pray humbly in the name of the
tions of Armaments, that the cause of
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Peace may be thereby enhanced, and
an amelioration of the burdens of man-
kind secured." President David O. McKay:
President George Albert Smith once
prayed: "And, O Father, in the midst Henry D. Moyle of the First
of confusion that is everywhere, and Presidency of the Church has just spoken
uncertainty, bless us in America, that we to us. Elder Milton R. Hunter of the
may repent of our foolishness, our light- First Council of Seventy will now ad-
mindedness and our wrongdoing, realiz- dress us. He will be followed by Elder
ing as we should, that all the blessings William J. Critchlow, Jr.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

In his masterful discourse of the Ser- words about the observance of this com-
mon on the Mount, Jesus gave a vital mandment.
commandment which has been ignored "Judge not," Jesus commanded, "that
almost universally by the human fam- ye be not judged." And then he gave
ily. In many cases where it has not this warning:
been ignored, it has been broken many "For with what judgment ye judge,
times by most people. ye shall be judged: and with what
I believe that we all want to do what measure ye mete, it shall be measured
is right —live near to the Lord —
and so to you again." (Matthew 7:1-2.)
this afternoon I would like to say a few Throughout my life in mingling with
Friday, October 7 First Day

many people of various religious de- Recently one of the General Authori-
nominations I have observed that as a ties said that he was interested at stake
rule it seems as if human beings like to conferences to hear members of stake
gossip. Welike to hear unsavory things presidencies in the Sunday conference
about our neighbors and talk about each sessions tell some of the things that he
other. It seems that ofttimes we get a had talked about the night before. And
certain degree of satisfaction or even then the General Authority said, "Oft-
joy out of saying bad things about other times I cannot recognize that I had
people. We
thoughtlessly and some- talked on the subjects nor said the things
times maliciously judge each other. We that I was reported to have said."
censure our associates sometimes unjust- Now certainly the General Authority
ly, many times unkindly; and most of was not accusing stake presidencies of
the time we speak without having the being dishonest. I think he did not
evidence to back up what we are say- have that in mind at all, but this story
ing. We
seem to forget that James, the illustrates the inadequacy of human
brother of the Lord, warned that the senses.
unbridled tongue is "full of deadly poi- Sometimes we sit in a congregation
son." (James 3:8.) like this one and listen to somebody
I know that even sometimes people speak. While he talks we think many
who are faithful in the Church pass of our own ideas as we hear many of
judgment and condemnation on those the things he is saying. As time passes
with whom they associate without know- we might confuse some of our own
ing the facts. Such is displeasing to thoughts with some of the things the
God. speaker said. Because of the inadequacy
I know that many people's hearts have of human senses, Jesus Christ said, "in
been broken and tears have been shed the mouth of two or three witnesses
because of the unkind and perhaps un- every word may be established."
true things that have been said about (Matt. 18:16.)
them and because of unjust judgments The Savior and the holy prophets have
that we give of each other. told us how to judge when it needs be
As I look into the faces of the mem- that we judge, because ofttimes we must
bers of this congregation, consciencemy judge. In fact, many of you in this tab-
certainly tells me that I err at times. —
ernacle stake presidencies, high coun-
Sometimes I gossip and judge others, and selors, and bishoprics —
are called upon
when I do it I act unrighteously before to be judges. It is your ecclesiastical
the Lord. My
heart tells I would me responsibility to judge. But let me give
like to repent, I would like to overcome the warning that with the same judg-
my weakness of gossiping and saying bad ment that you judge, you shall be judged.
things about other people. I am sure The Lord and the Prophet Joseph
that you feel the same as I do. Smith understood human nature, know-
But one might say: "The man or the ing that we may be tempted to judge
woman from whom I obtained this in- unjustly, and so the following is found
formation is an honest man or woman in the Doctrine and Covenants:
and would not lie." "We have learned by sad experience
Certainly honest and honorable peo- that it is the nature and disposition of
ple would not lie, but we should re- almost all men, as soon as they get a
member that they have to get their little authority, as they suppose, they

information through human senses and will immediately begin to exercise un-
righteous dominion. ."
that human senses are not always a . .

hundred percent reliable; for example, And then this beautiful admonition
if an honest man were standing on a was given us:
corner and another one on the opposite "No power or influence can or ought
corner and two cars crashed in the to be maintained by virtue of the priest-
street, the testimonies of these two men hood only by persuasion, by long-suffer-
might vary, and rightly so. They saw ing, by gentleness and meekness, and by
the accident at different angles, and love unfeigned;
perhaps neither of them saw exactly "By kindness, and pure knowledge,
what happened. which shall greatly enlarge the soul


without hypocrisy, and without guile

— and knowledge; and though I have
(D&C 121:39, 41-42.) all faith, so that I could remove moun-
As I have traveled throughout the tains, and have not charity, I am
Church and have observed those who nothing. . .

have been called and set apart to be And then Paul ended his famous poem
judges, it is my
testimony that they have by saying:
been guided in most cases by the pure
"And now abideth faith, hope, charity,
love of Jesus Christ, by charity, and so
these three; but the greatest of these is
they have rendered righteous judgment.
charity." (1 Cor. 13:1-2, 13.)
As I have suggested, the Savior and
Charity the greatest of all Christian
the prophets have told us how to treat
virtues. as the prophets have said,
It is,
each other. The Master gave us the
the pure love of Jesus Christ. It en-
vital law known as the second great
commandment: "Thou shalt love thy compasses all the virtues that I have
neighbour as thyself." (Mark 12:31.)
mentioned and even many, many other
Christian virtues. In all of our deal-
If all of us would love our neighbors
would love all the people with whom
ings with each other, our hearts should
we associate — as much as we love our-
be filled with charity toward all men.
We should show forth an abundance
selves, we would do no unkind things
of charity toward all the people with
to them.We would not say any harsh whom we associate.
or unkind words to them. We would
not repeat any bad gossip about them. Our Lord Jesus Christ not only taught
But on the other hand, we would show that we should love our friends, but
forth love and compassion at all times. he commanded us to love our enemies.
We would rejoice in their successes, and We should pray for them who despite-
we would weep with them in their fully use us. He not only taught these
sorrows. Under those conditions, a things, but he lived as he taught, there-
glorious spirit of brotherhood, love, and by marking the path for us to follow.
compassion would prevail. While the Master was hanging on the
The Savior also gave us the famous cross, suffering the most excruciating
Golden Rule: ". whatsoever ye would
. . pain that anybody could endure, and
that men should do to you, do ye even while he was listening to the jeers of
so to them." (Matt. 7:12.) the rabble down at the foot of the cross,
Every time we hear something about his heart was filled with compassion
somebody else, if we would stop and toward them. With a fulness of char-
think before we repeated what we heard ity and with an abundance of love in
and take as our measuring rod the fol- his heart for those who had caused him
lowing: "Would I like to have somebody to be crucified, he cast his eyes toward
say that thing about me? Is it just? Is heaven and prayed,
it fair? Would it make the person in- "Father, forgive them; for they know
volved happier if I should repeat it? not what they do." (Luke 23:34.)
Would it make him progress? Would it It is my opinion that this is the great-
add to the beauty and the joy of life?"
est example in history of pure love, of
And if it will not meet these measure- undefiled charity, of actually showing a
ments, then our judgment would not be
fulness of compassion for one's enemies.
righteous if we should repeat what we
heard. It is best under these conditions Micah, one of the great Old Testament
that we keep quiet. prophets, pointed out the way for us to

Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, wrote

live. He said,
a beautiful poem on faith, hope, and "He hath shewed thee, O man, what
charity to the Corinthian Saints. He is good; and what doth the Lord re-
said: quire of thee, but to do justly, and to
"Though I speak with the tongues love mercy, and walk humbly with thy
of men and of angels, and have not God." (Micah 6:8.)
charity, I am become as sounding brass In humility I ask our Father in heaven
or a tinkling cymbal. to pour out his Spirit upon the Latter-
"And though I have the gift of day Saints. May he bless you and me
prophecy, and understand all mysteries, abundantly that we will be filled with

Friday, October 7 first Day

the spirit of charity and love for each homes. Perhaps the final result may
other. May we overcome our evil habit be the loss of your eternal salvation.
of gossiping, of saying unkind and un- Let each of us walk in the path con-
savory things about each other. tinuously that Jesus marked out, having
On the other hand, may we say noth- our hearts filled with charity and love
ing but that which is kind and generous toward our fellow men. May we keep
about all people. May our lives be all of God's commandments, walking by
filled with patience, brotherly kindness, every word that proceedeth forth from
and compassion toward each other at all his mouth. If we will do these things,
times and under all circumstances. we shall have an abundance of joy in
Under those conditions we would right- and eternal life in the presence
this life
fully be children of God with his love in of our Savior after we have completed
our hearts. Then our lives would be our missions here upon this earth.
actuated by godliness. May our Heavenly Father bless us
Permit me to suggest that we hus- that we shall always live as he desires
bands cease criticizing our wives, be- that we should live, I humbly pray, in
cause if we criticize our wives it weakens Jesus' name. Amen.
our love for them. Also, it tends to kill
their love and respect for us.
President David O. McKay:
I would give the following admoni-

tion to wives: Respect your husbands. He to whom we have just listened is

Do not criticize your husbands. If you Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
indulge in such practices it results in Council of Seventy. Elder William J.
bringing about disunity, kills your Critchlow, Jr., Assistant to the Twelve,
spirituality, and tends to break up your will now address us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, my brothers and The Drama of Life has many acts.
sisters: Few of them, however, are as thrilling
Where could you find sweeter voices as the act entitled "A Mission." Let me
than these voices from Ogden and sketchily review for you a few scenes
Northern Utah which have sung for us in an act which I witnessed, just to
this day? I have heard them before, I show how exciting this "Mission Act"
hope to hear them again. I am proud can really be.
of them. The opening scene was called "Miles
"All the world's a stage, Zero."
And all the men and women merely In the missionary's first letter to his
players: folks he wrote:
They have their exits and their en- "Dear Dad: I'm up at Miles Zero on
trances; the Alaskan highway in Dawson Creek
And one man in his time plays many where it is costing me one hundred dol-
parts." lars a week for board and room. ." . .

— Shakespeare, His dad replied immediately, "Dear

As You Like It, Act II, Son: Get off the Alaskan highway! Park
Scene 7, lines 139-142. Avenue, New York, should be cheaper.
Through the years thousands of our Miles Zero is too rich for my blood."
young men and women and many old- The dad's letter and another letter
have been called to play he-
sters, too, from the son crossed in the mail. The
roic roles in the great Drama of Life. son's letter began:
I have enjoyed these past two years the "Dear Dad: The Lord has blessed me
privilege of setting apart many of them, already. A man committed suicide in his
—missionaries of the Church —sending room. It was so ghastly that no one
them forth to perform on the stage of would rent it. I offered the landlord
life with a blessing. forty dollars a month. He took me up


so I in with my companion who

moved tion that only one who had the guid-
is sharing the forty dollars. All my ance of his Father in heaven could
problems are solved." bring. He baptized me. I have a great
Months passed. love for that young man. Elder Critch-
Then, in one of his regular letters, the low, take back to your son a confirma-
son said, "I have twenty-two prospects tion of the love we have for him. In
about ready to join up, but no place to a way to pay the debt tell him that
baptize them. Peace River will be frozen many here within the sound of my
over till June, and before then I shall voice, whom I have had the privilege
be due for a transfer. Wish I could use of teaching have come into the kingdom
a bathtub. They have some large tin of God —through your son."
ones up here. .
.". Those words "through your son"
Weeks passed. were ringing pleasantly in my ears
In another letter the son wrote: still I heard the president who leaned
"Lucky me. The Lord has blessed me toward me to whisper: "He (the mission
again. Two of my
choice prospects, the president) baptized twenty people here
banker and the head of the Masonic in Calgary."
Lodge, who is also the president of the Suddenly, my memory was flooded
Power Board went six hundred miles —
with a maze of words words which my
down Edmonton, and I baptized them.
to son had written years before. Slowly,
That's two down, only twenty more to they assembled into fragments of broken
go. Mypresident is pleased. He is sentences: "That's two down twenty —
transferring me to Bella Coula, wher- —
more to go I'm afraid my twenty pros-
ever that is. Up
here, there are two pects will freeze up before liquid water

kinds of water liquid and frozen, also is available. ... I regret losing them

two kinds of prospects hot and cold. I'll pick them up in Bella Coula —Wish
I'm terribly afraid that some of my me luck."
twenty remaining prospects will 'freeze Well, he didn't pick them up in Bella
up' before liquid water and a baptismal Coula.
font become available. I shall regret They were picked up in Calgary by
losing them, but I'll pick twenty up in one of the "two down" who picked up
Bella Coula. Wish me luck."

the "twenty more to go" "through
Five years after the curtain fell on this your son."
son's "Mission Act," I was sent to a con- Families that have never had a mis-
ference in Calgary, Canada, and in one sionary in the field have missed one of
of the sessions of the conference I lis- the grandest blessings that could come
tened to the stake president praise, as into their homes. Ask the mother who
he released, his stake mission president impatiently awaits her missionary son's
who had baptized twenty converts "right letters, who gleefully reads lines in them
here in Calgary." He called on him to over the back fence to neighbors and
speak. I copied these words from a tape over the phone to relatives and friends.
of his talk. Ask the proud father, the brother, or
"Seven years ago one Sunday in a the sister about the sweet feeling they
converted hut at Miles Zero on the experience when they kneel together
Alaskan highway I met a young man each day in family prayers to ask a bless-
who was to be instrumental in changing ing for their missionary. Before Bobby
the course of my life. He was big, six left for his mission the family skipped
feet. He had a big grin and hands that its prayers occasionally, but while he
were always moving. You could tell he —
was in the field so far, far away from
had the spirit of the gospel. I had met home, they skipped fewer prayers be-
many men before, but never had I met cause Bobby might need the protection
a man who could teach the gospel the and the help of a loving Heavenly
way this man did. He would both fast Father. Never was the family knit more
and pray, and I remember that one time closely together.
he fasted three days and nights, going Recently I told a stake president he
without food and water and praying on needed six thousand stake missionaries.
behalf of the people he was teaching. "Be reasonable," he said, "I've only six
He taught the gospel with an inspira- thousand members in my stake."

Friday, October 7 First Day
"Right, exactly right," I replied, "and curly brown hair looks like a picture
every one of those members is a mis- Eve seen of Captain James Brown who
sionary." led the sick detachment of the Mormon
Every member of our Church is a Battalion into Salt Lake Valley. Lie's my
missionary. Without the formality of a great-grandfather. These obviously are
setting-apart we should be so set-apart the dead. I can almost hear them say:
from the ways of the world that we can "We are the dead,
teach the gospel, which is our Father's Short years ago we lived, felt dawn,
way of life, by the very lives we live. saw Sunshine glow. . . .

Without the oral word of mouth preach- To you from failing hand the torch
ing, the example of our living will al- we throw
ways be effective teaching. A sermon Be yours to hold it high.
seen is better than a sermon heard. If ye break faith with us who die,
Example has more followers than rea- We
son and is more forcible than precept. — —
shall not sleep."
adapted "In Flanders Fields" McCrea.
Yes, the world's a stage;
So is the Church a stage;
I don't really believe, of course, that my
father and mother and my grandparents
And all its members merely players. .

are peeking through the veil, observing

They have their exits and their en-
every scene in which I act, but some-
times I wonder. Just in case, I had bet-
And each member in his time is ex-
ter act, I ought to act, yes, I want to
pected to choose and play a noble part.
act so that they with a feeling of pride
Come up here with me on this stage
will smile and applaud my scenes.
of life and, over the glare of the foot-
lights in this World Theater let's take I love my parents and my grand-
a peek at the audience watching us play parents. They are not dead. They live.
our parts in the great Drama of Life. Sometimes Ithink I almost hear, or
Down there in the parquet whom do rather feel, their prayers for me! Surely
you see? Over the glare of the foot- they must be praying and pulling for
lights I quite distinctly see my wife, my me, otherwise I would not have been so
children, my neighbors, my friends blessed. Again, I ask a merciful Father
across the town and across the country, in heaven to help me and to help you
my vocational associates, my associates to play our scenes so well that we may
in the Church Offices. All who know fittingly deserve applause from the bal-
me, be it ever so well or ever so slight, cony of the dead.
seem to be in this World Theater. And Look again, this time to the gallery.
they're watching, oh, so critically. Yet Over the glow of the footlights I see
if I play my role well — the role of a faces very indistinctly. I recognize none

Latter-day Saint I'm sure there will be of them. These, something tells me,
some applause. But if I slip out of are the spirits yet to come and be em-

character even for a moment or so- bodied on this earth; they who must
some of them, like patrons of any thea- come to take our places. I wonder if
ter, at times, might sneer, perhaps hiss. they do not watch with interest the
These translate into one of the ugliest Drama of Earth Life, and if they are not

words in the English dictionary "hypo- earnestly praying that we will play our
crite." roles well, for they must come to dwell
May our merciful Heavenly Father in the environment we are creating for
help me, help you to play our chosen them. Once upon a time our Heavenly
roles so well that we may deserve the Father's children on this earth became
plaudits and the praise, at least the re- so wicked that he washed them and
spect of those who watch. their wickedness off the stage with a
Now look up to the balcony ... the great flood so that these spirits might
glare of the footlights, whom do you inherit a decent environment. This
see there? On the very first row I see gallery of spirits will certainly applaud
my mother. My father is beside her, my if we play our parts well.

brother beside him. Behind them, I be- High up above the stage in this World
lieve, my grandparents. One man among Theater is a box. Look up. The glare
them with sideburns and a lock of of the overhead floodlights obscures its


occupant. This box is reserved for the President David O. McKay:

Author of the play the Drama of Life.
Elder William Critchlow, As-
He not only is the Author, he is also the J. Jr.,

Critic and the Judge. How glorious sistant to the Council of the Twelve,
could be that day if in its morning has just concluded speaking. The Re-
the morning after the curtain falls his — lief Society Singing Mothers and Con-
gregation will now join in singing,
press would announce: "Well done,
thou good and faithful servant." "How Firm A
Foundation." Sister
Florence Jepperson Madsen will lead us
Yes, the world's a stage, so is the
in the singing, after which Bishop Joseph
Church a stage, and you and I are
L. Wirthlin will address us.
merely players. We've chosen noble
roles in the Drama of Life. Let's play
them well.
The Relief Society Singing Mothers
and the congregation joined in singing
We can preach a better sermon with the hymn, "How Firm A Foundation."
our than with our lips.
lives can do We
more good by being good than by President David O. McKay:
preaching good. Let us so act that our
principle of action shall become a law, Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin of the
not only for the Church, but also for Presiding Bishopric will now speak to
the whole world. Eventually it will be. us, and he will be followed by Elder
May that time be soon, I humbly pray Spencer W. Kimball of the Council of
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. the Twelve.


Presiding Bishop of the Church

President McKay, my brothers and This morning President McKay told

to be here upon this occasion is
sisters, us of the leadership of certain individuals
most inspirational to me as I am sure in the world who, if they had their way,
it is to you. As came
into this remark-
I would destroy our knowledge that God
able building, the events that took place lives and that Jesus Christ is his Son.
at the time of Brigham Young and those I am sure they will never be successful.
who were with him came to mind. my The Lord in his way will handle such
The marvelous revelation that was individuals.
given to the Prophet Joseph on Novem- Of the great men who have gone in
ber 1, 1831, is one that all of us can the past,I think particularly of Brigham
give consideration to, particularly at this Young and the twelve who were called
time when the Lord said to the Prophet to preach the gospel to the people in
Joseph: Great Britain. They were poor men.
"And the voice of warning shall be They started the long trip to England
unto all people, by the mouths of my without the funds to pay their way.
disciples, whom I have chosen in these While they did not have enough of this
last days. world's goods, they knew that Joseph
"And they go forth and none
shall Smith was a prophet of God, and they
shall stay them, for I the Lord have were willing to bear testimony to the
commanded them." (D&C 1:4-5.) world that God the Father and his Son
This revelation calls the disciples of Jesus Christ appeared to the Prophet
the Lord Jesus Christ, and particularly Joseph. With that testimony in their
the apostles in this day as well as in the souls, they accepted that great assign-
time of the Prophet Joseph, to go into ment.
the world and preach the gospel to every At the time Brigham Young left, he
nation, kindred, tongue, and people. was a very sick man. He said, "I could
Under their direction missionary work not walk thirty rods to the river." His
is being done in the world today, and I family, too, was ill. His wife had just
am sure that all enjoy divine guidance given birth to another babe, and she
as they meet this great assignment. was in poor health. However, Brigham
Friday, October 7 First Day
Young and his companions started on to hear the gospel, accept it, and enjoy
their journey. When they reached all of its blessings.
New York, they were helped by the The brethren returned in 1841, after
Saints who raised sufficient funds where- they had done a great missionary work
by they could pay the amount of in Great Britain. Brigham Young made
eighteen dollars to cross the Atlantic the statement that during the period
Ocean. The Saints also gave them food they were there they baptized between
to use while on the ship. They landed seven thousand and eight thousand peo-
in England on April 6, 1840, taking about ple, and that, in and of itself, was a great
a month to arrive there. It was just ten achievement.
years after the Church had been organ- As I said in the beginning, these were
ized. The Lord had sent these men to poor men. The Church was poor. It
England for the purpose of again mak- had no funds, but yet these men had
ing it possible for the English people to great responsibilities. The people in
hear the gospel and organize the Church Great Britain needed to receive the Book
of the Lord Jesus Christ. They arrived of Mormon. They printed five thousand
as poor men. They had no money. The copies of the Book of Mormon, three
sisters made clothing for Brigham Young thousand hymnbooks, two thousand and
as his was worn out. Great conferences fivehundred volumes of the Millennial
were held. They labored in and around Star,and fifty thousand tracts, and all
Manchester. of these were paid for before Brigham
Wilford Woodruff did a marvelous Young returned home.
work. He was preaching in the little Under the direction of another great
town of Handley, and there he found apostle, Brother Harold B. Lee, a stake
that the people were very much inter- was recently organized in Manchester.
ested in what he was telling them in The English people have the same op-
bearing testimony that God lives and portunity and privilege now of attending
that Jesus Christ is his Son. He had these fine stake conferences as we do here
direction from on high, indicating that in Zion.
he should travel to the south. He was With Brother Hugh B. Brown, Sister
not quite sure as to the instructions he Wirthlin and I had the privilege of at-
had received. So, again he made it a tending the Manchester Stake confer-
matter of prayer. The Lord made it ence. The spirit and attitude of the
very clear to him that he should travel people were most inspiring and encour-
to the south. On arriving at the ap- aging. I am sure in the days to come
pointed place, he came in contact with there will be other stakes organized.
some people who were very friendly to Great Britain is growing in the Church.
him and to the word of the Lord that Many thousands of people are anxious
he was preaching. It was an organiza- to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus
tion called the United Brethren. I think Christ. To me that is so impressive
we are all familiar with the history of because I recall the time when we, as
that wonderful group of people. Six missionaries laboring in Germany, had
hundred of them had left other churches to leave Germany during World I War
and organized a church of their own and make our way to London. I recall
because they were dissatisfied. They some individuals who did everything
heard the gospel as it was given to them they could to prevent us from holding a
by an apostle, Brother Woodruff. They street meeting. In fact, the president of
all accepted it with the exception of one the conference said, "I believe we had
member. Among them were forty better go back to the mission home,"
preachers who belonged to this organ- which we did. The crowd followed us
ization, and
they, too, joined the Church, right to the door of the mission home
all evidence that there were many peo- and made the statement, "If we had
ple in Great Britain who were anxious rocks, we would throw them." That was
to hear and accept the gospel of the the spirit in Great Britain forty-six years
Lord Jesus Christ as it was given to ago. While there, we met another apos-
them by one of the Lord's apostles. I tle,Hyrum M. Smith. He assigned each
am sure that today there are thousands missionary to another field of labor.
of people in that great country who want The German submarines were sinking
a —


every English ship possible. Finally, we gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We
heard that the Lusitania was going to have wonderful missionaries there. As
sail. Wewent to President Smith and a result six hundred have accepted the
said, "Now, President, we understand the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the
Lusitania is going to sail," and he said, last eight months, and the president of
"You can go. Not only that, you will that mission indicated that he antici-
arrive home safely." He made that pated before the end of this year there
statement very definite to us. were We would be another six hundred, or ap-
not worried about traveling on the proximately twelve hundred Saints
Lusitania, so we made our way back to converts for 1960. I noticed particularly
New York, and six months later, the in the North German Mission there were
Lusitania was sunk by a German sub- 286 converts, the South German Mis-
marine. President Hyrum M. Smith sion 210, and the West German Mission
was one who had the inspiration and 310, or a total of 806 German people
divine guidance. baptized. That itself is marvelous. In
During the past summer, Bishop the Swedish Mission, they baptized 129.
Buehner, Sister Buehner, Sister Wirth- In the Swiss-Austrian Mission, they
lin, and I had the privilege of visiting in have baptized 594, 300 of whom are
Europe. Elder Alvin R. Dyer is now youth. The young people in these for-
president of the European Mission and eign countries are anxious to hear the
is doing a great and marvelous work gospel. I have talked to the mission-
through divine guidance and inspiration aries on many occasions, particularly in
with very little government interfer- Austria. I asked them this question,
ence. When I was in Germany, we
did "Now, just what do these people say to
not have that privilege. I labored in you about the Prophet Joseph." "Well,"
Frankfurt for a short time when the they say, "these people want to know
police forced me to leave. I then went who Joseph Smith was and what is the
into Stuttgart and the police arrested Book of Mormon." To them, there is
me three times, and the third time I a great interest in the fact that an
had to leave. The same thing happened American prophet made it possible for
in Karlsruhe. Then, the war came and, them to read the Book of Mormon.
of course, we all left the mission. I recall again the time when we were
At the present time in Great Britain, endeavoring to preach the gospel in
Germany, and all parts of Western Eu- Germany that we dared not go into
rope, our missionaries now have the Austria. We only had fifteen members
opportunity of teaching and preaching in the great city of Vienna, but when
the gospel without government inter- we visited there some seven weeks ago,
ference. As I see what is being accom- we had 350 members, and since that
plished, I have been very much interested time Austria has become a mission of
in knowing the number of converts we its own, and they will baptize literally
have in Great Britain. From January 1, thousands of these wonderful people.
1960 to August 31, 1960, there have been So, we come to the conclusion, brethren
baptized in the British Mission and and sisters, the gospel of the Lord Jesus
North British Mission 2,387 Saints — Christ is being made available to many
wonderful number, and I am sure be- nations, but when we are going to have
fore the end of the year they will bap- the opportunity of preaching the gospel
tize many more. Then, I noticed that in to the people in Russia or the people in
the Danish Mission for that period, they India or the people in China, I do not
have baptized 202. In the Finnish Mis- know. But, as the President said this
sion for that same period of time 160, morning, sooner or later all these na-
in the Netherlands Mission 303, and tions will hear the gospel of the Lord
in the French Mission for that same Jesus Christ just exactly as they have
period almost 600! I recall when I was heard it in Great Britain and as they
in the German Mission, we thought that have heard it in the European missions.
to spend any time in teaching and So, in the final analysis, that is a won-
preaching the gospel to the French peo- derful revelation given to us by the
ple was just a waste of time, but the Lord through the Prophet Joseph when
French people have a desire to hear the he said: "And the voice of warning
Friday, October 7 First Day
shall be unto all people, by the mouths to us in 1831, the Lord fully intends
of my disciples, whom I have chosen that all of his sons and daughters
in these last days." (Ibid., 1:4.) over the earth are going to have the
Today, there is difficulty in the world opportunity of hearing the gospel of the
with war and the possibilities of war, Lord Jesus Christ. If they live the gos-
but in the last days, the Lord has made pel, they will enjoy the gift of the Holy
it very clear that his disciples are to Ghost whereby they can testify to the
preach the gospel to all people, and then world that they know that God lives,
he said, "And they shall go forth and that Jesus Christ is his Son, and that
none shall stay them. ." (Ibid., 1:5.)
. . Joseph Smith actually saw the Father
Regardless of what nation they go into and the Son, which I pray will be the
as time goes on as this wonderful testimony of each and everyone of us,
revelation says, ". . . and none shall stay in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
them .," they are going to have the
. .

right,and they are going to have the

opportunity and the privilege to preach President David O. McKay:
the gospel to those not of our faith
wherever they may be in the world. And Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin of the Pre-
the revelation goes on by saying, for ". . . siding Bishopric has just concluded
I the Lord have commanded them." speaking. We
shall now hear from
(Idem.) Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Coun-
In this marvelous revelation given cil of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Some years ago I attended a conference —

permanence a people who for more
of missionaries in a little Arizona town than a millennium have been "as a
which the nearby Indians gave an vessel . tossed about upon the waves,
. .

Indian name signifying "the place where without sail or anchor, or without any-
the people prayed." That was Joseph thing wherewith to steer her. .
." .

City. A month ago I had the privilege (Mormon 5:18.) I saw them beginning
of going into the mission field in the to accept the gospel of Christ.
Southwest Indian Mission, and in an- I saw them reclaiming their forfeited
other city which could well have been blessings which the Lord reserved ". . .

named by the Indians "the city of for the gentiles who shall possess the
hospitality," we held a conference of land." (Ibid., 5:19.) I saw accelera-
the missionaries, and this city was tion in their progress and the time is
Snowflake. at hand when the Lord will ". . re- .

The missionaries of the Southwest In- member the covenant which he made
dian Mission told of their labors among with Abraham and unto all the house
the Indians, and perhaps this is one of of Israel." (Ibid., 5:20.) ".
. and as the

the most foreign of all foreign missions, Lord liveth he will remember the cove-
and is in a land of strange tongues and nant which he hath made with them.
colorful people, a place of high mountain And he knoweth their prayers. ." . .

coolness and near sea level desert heat— (Ibid., 8:23-24.)

a land where a new amalgamation of The work is unfolding, and blinded
peoples and kindreds is taking place, eyes begin to see, and scattered people
and where the gospel of Jesus Christ is begin to gather. I saw a striking con-
neutralizing the centuries of dwindling trast in the progress of the Indian people
unbelief. today as against that of only fifteen
I found evidence of waning super- years ago. Truly the scales of darkness
stition and of growing faith in the gospel. are falling from their eyes, and they are
I saw people who have for centuries fast becoming a white and delightsome
been as chaff before the wind settling people.
down to industry and security and In this mission alone there are 8400-


plus members of the Church. As I elder. A

bishop was called in who
visited this area fifteen years ago, there purchased oil, consecrated it, and ad-
were ninety-four. "Are they faithful?" ministered to the Indian patient. "He
I am asked. And the answer is, "Not all sure had faith in the Lord," said the
of them. They are just about like their bishop. "We talked a little while, and
white cousins in the stakes of Zion." I asked him if he could wiggle his toes,

"Are they making headway?" And the and you should have seen the expression
answer is, "Yes. Perhaps relatively on his face when he tried. Sure enough
greater headway than we ourselves." they moved, and before we left him he
Indians are people, and the longer I could raise the leg, and when I visited
serve with them the more I realize that him last Sunday he could move both
they respond to the same teaching and the leg and the arm."
kindness and love as others do. They The day of the Lamanites is here!
have the same emotions. Some can be Young white missionaries throughout the
godless, but most of them are religious. Church are happy in the service, glad
I found that faith is a basic element in that they were called to this special
their lives. I learned of a Navajo mission, some planning to change their
couple who rushed their baby to the college majors when they return from

mission home for a blessing It was livid their missions so they can work among
white, seemed to be dead. It was soon the Indians.

well and playing around and the In- I see a dependent people becoming in-
dian woman who lost her hearing, who dependent; for example, I see them
received it back through the administra- coming in their pickups to meetings,
tion of the young missionaries; or the whereas a decade ago they needed to be
elder whose Navajo mother asked him picked up by the missionaries, fed, and
if he had faith in Heavenly Father when coddled. Some still must learn, but
the little brother was lying desperately they are making progress; for instance,
ill, and whose little brother was wholly a party was arranged by two mission-
well the next morning after he himself aries —
the Indian people to bring the
had hid in a closet and prayed for his food, the elders to furnish the punch.
brother. When they assembled, they had only
Yes, the Indians have faith a rather— punch to drink. Later another party

was arranged the Indians to bring the
simple, pure, and unadulterated faith, as
evidenced by the Indian mother who food and the elders to bring the punch.
asked the elders to come to the hospital They had both food and drink. They
to bless her sick child. The next day are learning.
the elders called at her home and asked, We called for a picture of the Indian
"How is the little boy?" And she re- elders. Twenty of them came— five full-
joined, "Oh, he's all right," in a tone blood Navajo boys, and fifteen who were
such as to say, "Well, you blessed him, part Navajo and Apache and Ute and
didn't you? Of course he's well." Sioux. One of the Navajo elders whose
And another Indian whose hands mother and family lived less than a
were badly burned was in excruciating hundred miles away in the same mis-
pain. The administration brought al- sion had not asked for leave to go and
most immediate relief, and she was using visit them, and he had served eight
her hands in a day or two. There was months in the mission. One Indian
the Indian family who pleaded with the elder said: "The first missionaries
elders to pray for rain for their crops planted a tree on the reservation years
and for the grass and for the cattle and ago. Now
the tree is bearing fruit
the sheep. "But please be careful," they Navajo elders! The young tree yielded
warned. "The last time the elders little fruit, but the aging tree more
prayed for rain, it came too hard, and fruit —more elders."
the sheep corrals were washed out and There was the Navajo elder who testi-
some of the sheep were drowned." fied of hishappiness and said that when
There was the Hopi elder in a Phoenix in battle —
I think it was in Korea he —
hospital with his arm and leg para- had dreamed one night that he was
lyzed, and with no use or movement. with his parents back on the reservation,
He asked the nurse to find a Mormon but he awakened to find himself in mud
— —

Friday, October 7 First Day
and water and fire. Now he in the
is At one meeting a father and mother
midst of another dream, a dream
so and their sixteen-year-old daughter were
glorious, he said, that he hopes he will present, the little member girl —sixteen
never awaken from it. — sitting between the dark father and
These Indian elders are well-groomed, mother, and it was evident she was
neat, smiling, and equal to their white several shades lighter than her parents

companions handsome and sincere on the same reservation, in the same
some struggling in the acquisition of the hogan, subject to the same sun and wind
difficult English language, and others and weather. There was the doctor in
coming through the Utah Placement a Utah city who for two years had had
Program speaking perfect English and an Indian boy in his home who stated
displaying the best of our own culture. that he was some shades lighter than
White elders feel fortunate when they the younger brother just coming into
are lucky enough to have a Navajo the program from the reservation. These
companion. young members of the Church are
I see these Indian youth praying and changing to whiteness and to delight-
preaching and administering to the sick, someness. One white elder jokingly said
and I remember the statement of the that he and his companion were donat-
Prophet Joseph: "Take Jacob Zundell ing blood regularly to the hospital in
and Frederick H. Moeser and send. . . the hope that the process might be
them to Germany and when you meet accelerated.
an Arab send him to Arabia; when you The missionaries are having great
find an Italian send him to Italy: and experiences in proselyting, in teaching,
a Frenchman, to France; or an Indian, in organizing, in carrying on Primaries,
that is suitable, send him among the Relief Societies. They direct women in
Indians. Send them to the different making quilts and towels and pot
places where they belong." (DHC holders, which they say they can sell
5:368.) faster than they can make them; but
At the Indians are suitable.
last I always a Relief Society bazaar is in their
heard them bear their witness, saw them future plans. They pound up broken
shed tears of joy, heard them express pottery and clay to make new pottery.
their affection for loved ones. I saw They do beadwork, learn cooking; they
Indian boys actually coming in to the are taught first aid, bleeding-stoppage,
president to offer their services as mis- use of splints, resuscitation, moving the
sionaries. That couldn't have happened injured; they are taught to speak and to
a decade ago. As we look into the fu- sing. Three lovely Lamanite sisters
ture, surely we shall see thousands of sang a trio in one of our meetings. Two
Indian missionaries, for through our elders in one area were actually teach-
various agencies we are now training ing the women how to make diapers.
probably three thousand little Indian We find the Indians are learning to
boys in our various departments who are be adaptable and resourceful, and from
growing toward missionary work. Very tradition they are coming to truth, from
soon there will be an Indian boy paired legend to fact, from sand paintings and
off in missionary work with each white sings to administration and ordinances.
boy, and this will happen in the other The Indians are beginning to pay their
Lamanite missions, I am sure. tithes. They are living the Word of
The day of the Lamanites is nigh. Wisdom. They are attending their
For years they have been growing de- meetings. They are having family
lightsome, and they are now becoming prayers, and for a period of this year
white and delightsome, as they were the tithes in that mission are said to
promised. In this picture of the twenty have been more than the budget for the
Lamanite missionaries, fifteen of the mission.
twenty were as light as Anglos; five They are grateful for that which is

were darker but equally delightsome. being done for them. A typical little
The children in the home placement nine-year-old Indian prayed: "Father in
program in Utah are often lighter than heaven, please bless the missionaries so
their brothers and sisters in the hogans their success will be good." A typical
on the reservation. Indian woman pleaded: "When can I

be baptized?" And the answer was, difficult that it is said to have been used
"When you have learned a little more to send code messages in World War II
of the gospel." An Apache saddle maker, because the Japanese could not decode
when given the Book of Mormon les- it. It is heartwarming to hear the young
sons, said: "I know that story. I know Navajo elder struggling with his English
that it is true. My old people told me pronunciation and vocabulary, but never
about it." hesitating to express his thoughts con-
The Indians have legends which might vincingly and bearing his testimony im-
be reminiscent of the three Nephites, of pressively. He had been told by his
the creation, of the flood, of the coming dying mother when he was a little boy:
of the Christ to them. They are be- "Go to Mormon Church. It is true
ginning to recognize the similarity be- church." He choked and struggled with
tween their distorted tradition stories his tears.
and the truth which has been recorded. One devoted missionary couple was

A Jicarilla Apache Indian elder, first stuck in the snowlast winter, and the
counselor in the branch presidency, husband pushed the car while the wife
drives sixty-four miles to his meetings steered it. In doing so he fell and broke
with his family and sixty-four miles his knee and then pleaded with the
home each time, and he seldom misses a president: "Please do not send us home.
meeting, except in blizzard weather. He Put us in the hospital for a little time."
is sharp and clean and handsome and He was given a metal knee and then
conducts the meetings with dignity. He crutches, and Indians who saw him
speaks excellent English, and this is hobbling around said: "Anyone as sin-
again in fulfilment of my own patriar- cere as that ought to be listened to." And
chal blessing, in which I was promised: this mother who now has her children
"You will see them organized and be reared told of her patriarchal blessing
prepared to stand as the bulwark round given long years ago, indicating she
this people." would go on a mission with her hus-
In the temple, in the June excur- band, but since she was tied with her
sion, were a Navajo groom and a Pima large family of little children, her hus-
bride, a Cherokee groom and a Navajo band filled his mission alone and was
bride; and these, typical of the many killed in an auto accident returning
Indians, are taking seriously to the gospel home. How could her blessing ever be
program. When
they were in this con- fulfilled, she wondered, with children
vention, the good Mesa people graciously to educate and sons to send on missions,
took care of their needs, and this again and she in her widowhood? But when
was in fulfilment of the prophecy of the family was educated and the sons
Joseph Smith. He said: had filled their missions, she married
"There will be tens of thousands of another man, a convert, and together
Latter-day Saints who will be gathered they are now fulfilling the patriarchal
in the Rocky Mountains, and there they blessing and filling glorious missions.
will open the door for the establishing The day of the Lamanites has come.
of the gospel among the Lamanites who The Indians of this country, particularly
will receive the gospel and their endow- of the southwest, have many blessings
ments and the blessings of God." (Dis- which are theirs today but which were
courses of Wilford Woodruff, pp. 30-39.) not theirs yesterday. Government agen-
One's heart is touched when he sees cies, other groups as well as ourselves,
thirty or forty little Hopi boys and girls have been conscious of their former
gathered together in Primary, being serious plight. But today the dark
taught by nineteen-year-old mission- clouds are dissipating. Whereas only a
aries, and it is stirring even more to see decade ago tens of thousands of children
twenty little wild Apache Indians gallop- were without schooling, today practically
ing over the hills on their burros to every child has some educational oppor-
attend Primary at Fort Apache. tunity. May I quote a paragraph from
The young missionaries are learning my address to this conference in 1947
the difficult Navajo language, and the regarding these Indians:
older couples are using largely the lan- "The health conditions are deplorable.
guage of love. The Navajo tongue is so They have but one full-time dentist for
Friday, October 7 First Day

63,000 people and no field nurse or be thousands of them on missions.

doctor. The death rate is very high, Nearly all their marriages will be per-
being 16 per thousand as against 6.36 formed in the temples. They will give
for the Church. The large family lives leadership in wards and stakes which
in the dirt hogan being one small circu- will be organized in their areas, and
lar room with dirt floor, no windows, with their white brothers they will be-
and with a stove or fire in the center. come leaders in the kingdom. Groups
All members of the family sleep on of stakes are organized into regional
sheep pelts on the floor. There is no minority missions. About 320 of the
privacy, practically no furniture or 2300 Indians in Brigham City are
equipment. There are no sanitary con- members of the Church, and we have a
veniences inside or out. With a single delightful chapel which President
towel, a common cup, no hot water nor McKay dedicated there.
disinfectants, it is easy to see why tra- At Albuquerque, Riverside, at Chilloco
choma, impetigo, and other skin diseases and at Lawrence in Kansas, at Carson
run through the family, and why dysen- City in Nevada, at Chemawa in Oregon,
tery, venereal diseases, and tuberculosis at Anadarko in Oklahoma, and else-
run rampant. In a survey of thirty-one —
where, our youth hundreds and hun-
families it was found that an average of —
dreds of them are receiving comparable
three in each family had tuberculosis. seminary training. At Aztec, Gallup,
In their scattered condition, and with Richfield, Flagstaff, Holbrook, Snow-
such limited hospital facilities, many lie flake, and Winslow we are training
in their hogans, coughing in the air, them in connection with the govern-
spitting on the floor, to finally die on the ment peripheral schools.
dirt floorwithout medical assistance About 420 Indian children are re-
(See The Improvement Era, May 1947, ceiving the superior training in Utah
p. 348.) homes under the educational placement
But today there are hospitals, doctors, program. These children are being fed,
nurses, and dentists. Many families live housed, clothed, and loved by the self-
in comfortable homes, fairly well fur- less people of Utah who take them into
nished. Disease is disappearing, tuber-
much under control, and
their finest —
homes philanthropic peo-
culosis ple who come to love the Indian children
sanitation greatly improving. In our as their own, and who give them every
recent examination of over four hundred advantage —
cultural, spiritual, and edu-
children in our health clinic as we cational, and who train them in scout-
brought them into Utah for this fall, ing organizational work, in family
we found that there were no positive prayers, in seminary, and in home
resultsfrom our X-ray examinations. activities. I quote from a recent letter
In the 40's these people had an aver- from an authority on Indian life and
age income of about $81 a year. They education:
lived upon land which to most of us "I think you have a very commend-
seemed worthless, barren, and for- able program and one which is prob-
bidding; but the desolate land is pro- ably the only positive approach to the
ducing oil and gas and uranium and Indian problem in the United States.
coal and lumber, and many millions I have spent a great part of my life
of dollars are flowing into the tribal living with or working with Indian peo-
treasury. In early days it was each fam- ple and have yet to see any program
ily for itself; today the Tribal Council which has taken the Indian out of him-
is using wisely these vast sums to build self and started him down the road to
highways and hospitals and schools and progress."
to give scholarships. What a strange As these children complete their grade
paradox, that the land given to the and high school work, Brigham Young
Indians, desolate and unwanted, turns University is ready to receive them, and
out to be the source of many blessings! special guidance courses and training
Was not Providence smiling on these advisers give them leadership, and each
folks and looking toward this day? year now our Indian students parade in
Today we teach the gospel to the cap and gown with the other hundreds
Indian youth, and tomorrow there will of graduates of this great institution.

We have follow-up programs to help Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen. The

the Indian youth gain employment as benediction will be offered by President
they complete their schoolwork. Austin G. Hunt, president of the Amer-
A new class instruction program is ican River Stake, after which this Con-
organized on the reservation, whereby ference will stand adjourned until ten
the little Indians are given religious o'clock tomorrow morning.
training. At present some 2500 little There will be a special Presiding
fellows present themselves weekly or Bishopric's meeting in the Tabernacle
oftener to the young missionaries for this evening at 6:30 o'clock. Expected
religious instruction, assigned by the to attend are bishops and their counse-
parents to the church of their choice. lors, stake and ward committees for
These little ones are being taught in Aaronic Priesthood, those members un-
about sixty classes, and young mission- der 21, and stake committees on ward
aries areproving their mettle in training teaching. Stake presidents and high
them. councilmen are invited to attend.
Two young elders teach 102 children A Welfare Agricultural meeting will
in their classes, and another couple, a be held tomorrow morning at 7:30
Navajo and a white elder, are teaching o'clock. Stake presidents, bishops, agri-
135 little boys and girls together with cultural representatives, and all who are
some of their parents who asked for the interested in agriculture are invited.
privilege of coming. The singing for this session, as you
Not only the southwest Indians, but know, and as you have enioyed, has been
Lamanites in general, are facing an furnished by the Relief Society Singing
open door to education, culture, refine- Mothers of the Ogden and Northern
ment, progress, and the gospel of Jesus Utah Regions. You have enjoyed it
Christ. The Church has spent its mil- and have been inspired. Do you realize
lions in Hawaii and New Zealand and how many hours these mothers have put
other islands to provide schools for the in practicing for our enjoyment? Do
young Lehites. Surely, no descendants we stop to think how many hours Sister
need go now without an education, and Madsen has put in to train these and
schools in Mexico will be followed by other groups throughout the Church? No
schools in other nations. Surely the wonder there radiates from them a spirit
number of deprived ones is being re- which touches the heart. These are our
duced, and opportunity is knocking at mothers. God bless them always, and
their door. Hundreds of Lamanites are all the mothers throughout Israel. They
serving in mission fields in both Amer- deserve our most tender care, husbands,
icas and in the islands of the sea. La- fathers, and may they go from this Con-
manites are exercising their priesthood ference realizing that they have the
and rearing their families in righteous- love and friendliness and the blessing
ness. A new world is open to them, of the men and women who have
and they are grasping the opportunities. joiced in the spirit they have radiated
God bless the Lamanites and hasten through song.
the day of their total emancipation from "Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide," after
the thraldom of their yesterday. which the benediction will be offered by
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. President Austin G. Hunt of the Ameri-
Amen. can River Stake.

President David O. McKay: The Relief Society Singing Mothers

sang the hymn, "Abide With Me, 'Tis
Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Eventide," following which the benedic-
Council of the Twelve has just spoken tion was pronounced by Austin G. Hunt,
to us. The Relief Society Singing president of the American River Stake.
Mothers will now favor us with "Abide Conference adjourned until Saturday
With Me, 'Tis Eventide," conducted by morning, October 8, at 10:00 a.m.
Conference reconvened Saturday morn- the boys from North Dakota arriving at
ing, October 8, at 10:00 a.m., with noon at Salt Lake Municipal Airport
President David O. McKay presiding with sixteen associates from Minot Air
and conducting the meeting. Force Base, North Dakota, to attend
The choral music for this session was Conference, Lieutenant Edington and
furnished by the University of Utah other boys who undoubtedly have come
Choral Society and the Bonneville in to join us, we welcome you.
Strings —
singers from the Institute of As before, this Conference is broad-
Religion and the University Choral cast over television and radio stations
Groups, David Austin Shand, Director. throughout the West. The names of
Frank W. Asper was at the Organ. these stations were announced prior to
President McKay opened the meeting the opening of this session. The session
with the following introductory re- is also being broadcast in the Assembly
marks: Hall and Barratt Hall by television.
Those who are standing in the doorways
President David O. McKay: may possibly find seats in these other
Members of the Church are convened The singing for this session will be
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in furnished by the University of Utah
Salt Lake City in the third session of the Choral Society and the Bonneville
130th Semi-Annual Conference. Strings— singers from the Institute of
We have just been in telephone com- Religion and the University of Utah
munication with President Clark. He Choral Groups, under the direction of
joins in sending love and blessings to Professor David A. Shand, with Frank
you all and appreciates your faith and W. Asper at the organ.
prayers in his behalf. He is feeling We shall begin these services by these
pretty well this morning. I am pleased combined choral groups singing, "There
to extend his love to you all. Is Beauty All Around." The invocation

The Tabernacle is filled to overflow- will be offered bv Elder Albert B. Cran-

ing this Saturday morning and many are dall, president of the Sacramento Stake.
listening by radio and television. We shall now be favored by this

We acknowledge the presence of many group of young people, whom we wel-

stake presidencies, high councilmen, come gladly, singing, "There Is Beauty
bishoprics, temple presidencies, general All Around."
auxiliary officers, mission presidents
from the United States, Mexico, Central The Combined Choral Groups pre-
America, Canada, and Hawaii. We also sented the number: "There Is Beauty All
extend a hearty welcome and express Around."
satisfactionand pleasure in the attend- Elder Albert B. Crandall, president of
ance of prominent men in the nation the Sacramento Stake, offered the open-
and the state. We missed one or two ing prayer.
yesterday, but I have the following:
Senator Wallace F. Bennett, Governor President David O. McKay:
George Dewey Clyde, Governor of the
State of Utah; LaMont F. Toronto, Sec- The invocation was just offered by
retary of the State of Utah; President President Albert B. Crandall of the
Daryl Chase, president of the Utah State Sacramento Stake. The University of
University; President John L. Clarke, Utah Choral Society and the Bonneville
president of Ricks College; President Strings, singers from the Institute of Re-
Howard McDonald, president of Los ligion and the University Choral Groups,
Angeles State College; and undoubtedly will no favor us with, "I Stand All
others, to whom we bid welcome; also Amazed," conducted by Professor David

A. Shand. After the singing, we shall to succeed Arthur Martin Jensen.

have presented changes in Church Offi- West Central States Mission: Grant
cers by the Clerk of the Conference. G. Woolley to succeed Casper W. Mer-

The Combined Choral Groups ren- West Mexican Mission (new mission
dered the selection: "I Stand All to be organized) Harold fi. Turley.

Amazed." Western States Mission: Horace A.

Christiansen to succeed David S. Rom-
President David O. McKay:
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the CHANGE IN MISSION NAME
Conference, will now read the changes Swiss-
Swiss Mission, formerly the
in Church officers, temples, missions,
Austrian Mission.
stake, ward, branch organizations since
April Conference, 1960, and the obitu-
aries of the Church, and such statistics
as should be presented to this Confer- Brigham Young University Second
ence. He will be followed by President Stake organized April 17, 1960 by divi-
Henry D. Moyle, who will present the sion of Brigham Young University Stake.
General Authorities of the Church. Brigham Young University Third
Stake organized April 17, 1960 by divi-
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the sion of Brigham Young University Stake.
Conference, then read statistical data: Napa Stake organized April 17, 1960
by division of Santa Rosa Stake.
Pikes Peak Stake organized September
CHANGES IN CHURCH OFFICERS 11, 1960 from a part of the Western
AND BRANCH ORGANIZATIONS Puget Sound Stake organized June 19,
1960 by division of Tacoma Stake.
Riverton Stake organized September
NEW MISSIONS ORGANIZED 18, 1960 by division of West Jordan
Austrian Mission, by a division of the Taber Stake organized September 11,
Swiss- Austrian Mission.
1960 by division of Lethbridge and Cal-
gary Stake.
MISSION PRESIDENTS APPOINTED Toronto Stake organized August 14,
1960 from a part of the Canadian Mis-
Austrian Mission: W. Whitney Smith. sion.
California Mission: Bryan L. Bunker Tulsa Stake organized May 1, 1960
to succeed Jesse A. Udall. from a part of the Central States Mission.
Eastern Atlantic States Mission (new
mission to be organized) ; George B. Hill. STAKE PRESIDENTS APPOINTED
Florida Mission (new mission to be
organized) Karl R. Lyman.
: Brigham Young University Stake:
French Polynesian Mission: Kendall Wayne B. Hales, to succeed Antone K.
Young to succeed Joseph R. Reeder. Romney.
North Central States Mission: Clement Brigham Young University Second: B.
P. Hilton to succeed Paul C. Child. West Belnap.
Northern States Mission: Richard W. Brigham Young University Third
Maycock to succeed Richard C. Strat- Stake: W. Noble Waite.
ford. Burley Stake: Isaac William Lee, to
Samoan Mission: Joseph R. Reeder succeed Newel P. Baker.
to succeed Charles I. Sampson. Denver West Stake: R. Raymond
South African Mission: O. Layton Barnes, to succeed Thomas L. Kimball.
Alldredge to succeed Glen G. Fisher. East Mill Creek Stake: Wendell J.
South German Mission: T. Quentin Ashton, to succeed O. Layton Alldredge.
Cannon to succeed John A. Buehner. East Provo Stake: L. Flake Rogers, to
Uruguayan Mission: J. Thomas Fyans succeed Sherman T. Hill.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
Holladay Stake: A. Ray Curtis, to Cedar Stake: Cedar Tenth Ward,
succeed Bernard P. Brockbank. formed by division of Cedar First and
Lethbridge Stake: Elmo Eugene Fifth Wards.
Fletcher, to succeed Grant G. Woolley. Cheyenne Stake: Torrington Ward,
Liberty Stake: Carman A. Black to formerly Torrington Branch.
succeed Walter W. Hunter. Cottonwood Stake: Cottonwood Sixth
Murray South Stake: Junior Wright Ward, formed by division of Cottonwood
Child, to succeed Donald W. Challis. Second Ward; Cottonwood Seventh
Napa Stake: Harry S. Cragun. Ward, formed by division of Cottonwood
Nevada Stake: Clair B. Black, to suc- Fourth Ward.
ceed Wendell S. Lambert. Covina Stake: Covina Third Ward,
Pikes Peak Stake: Ralph Miller formed by division of Covina Ward.
Gardner. Davis Stake: Centerville Fourth Ward,
Puget Sound Stake: Herbert S. Ander- formed by division of Centerville First,
son. Second, and Third Wards; Centerville
Riverton Stake: John Harold Berrett. Fifth Ward, formed by division of Cen-
San Jose Stake: Horace J. Ritchie, to terville First, Second and Third Wards.
succeed Vernard L. Beckstrand. East Mesa Stake: Mesa Eighteenth
Santa Rosa Stake: Weston L. Roe, to Ward, formed by division of Mesa Sixth
succeed John L. Murdock. Ward.
Taber Stake: Ray B. Evanson. El Paso Stake: El Paso Sixth Ward,
Tacoma Stake: Owen H. Dickson, to formed by division of El Paso First and
succeed Elvin E. Evans. Second Wards; Carlsbad Ward, former-
Toronto Stake: William M. Davies. ly Carlsbad Branch.
Tulsa Stake: Robert N. Sears. Farr West Stake: Plain City Second
Uvada Stake: Grant I. Clove, to suc- Ward, formed by division of Plain City
ceed Arthur J. Barlocker. Ward.
Young Stake: Glen O. Hamblin, to Gridley Stake: Chico Second Ward,
succeed Clement P. Hilton. formed by division of Chico Ward.
Hayward Stake: Castro Valley Second
NEW WARDS ORGANIZED Ward, formed by division of Castro
Valley Ward.
Atlanta Stake: Atlanta Third Ward, Kearns Stake: Kearns Fifteenth Ward,
formed by division of Atlanta Ward. formed by division of Kearns Twelfth
Auckland Stake: Huntley Ward, form- Ward.
erlyHuntley Branch. Klamath Stake: Medford Second
Ben Lomond Stake: Ogden Sixty- Ward, formed by division of Medford
Second Ward, formed by division of Ward.
Ogden Fortieth Ward; Ogden Sixty- Lake View Stake: Roy Eighth Ward,
Third Ward, formed by division of formed by division of Roy Third Ward.
North Ogden Fourth Ward; Pleasant Lethbridge Stake: Champion Ward,
View Second Ward, formed by division formerly Champion Branch; Lethbridge
of Pleasant View Ward. Fifth Ward, formed by division of Leth-
Brigham Young University Stake: bridge First and Second Wards.
B. Y. Campus Twenty-Seventh Ward, Manchester Stake: Brandford, Dews-
formed from various wards. bury, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds,
Brigham Young University Second Liverpool, Manchester, Oldham, and
Stake: B. Y. Campus Twenty-Eighth Rochdale Wards, formerly branches in
Ward, from various wards. the British Mission.
Cannon Stake: Cannon Eighth Ward, Monterey Bay Stake: Gilroy Ward,
formed by division of Cannon Second formerly Gilroy Branch.
and Fourth Wards. Mt. Jordan Stake: Crescent Second
Ward, formed by division of Crescent
Canyon Rim Stake: Canyon Rim
Third Ward, formed by division of
Canyon Rim and Canyon Rim Second Napa Stake: Napa Second Ward,
Wards; Canyon Rim Fourth Ward, formed by division of Napa Ward.
formed by division of Highland View Oahu Stake: Hauula Ward, formerly
and Highland View West Wards. Hauula Branch.

Olympus Stake: Holladay Sixteenth WARDS AND BRANCHES

Ward, formed by division of Holladay TRANSFERRED
Seventh Ward.
Palo Alto Stake: Mountain View Brigham Young University Second
Ward, formed by division of Los Altos Stake: B.Campus Second, Third,
Fifth,Twelfth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth,
Pikes Peak Stake: Colorado Springs,
Twentieth, and Twenty-Second Wards,
Colorado Springs Second, Pueblo and formerly of Brigham Young University
Pueblo Second Wards, formerly branches
in the Western States Mission.
Brigham Young University Third
Reseda Stake: Simi Ward, formerly Stake: B. Y. Campus First, Fourth, Tenth,
Simi Branch; Thousand Oaks Ward, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Twen-
formerly Thousand Oaks Branch; ty-First, Twenty-Third, and Twenty-
Northridge Ward, formed by division Fourth Wards, formerly of Brigham
of Granada Hills Ward; Reseda Third, Young University Stake.
formed by division of Reseda Second El Paso Stake: Carlsbad, Las Cruces,
Ward. and Silver City Branches, formerly of
San Fernando Stake: Newhall Ward, the Spanish-American Mission.
formerly Newhall Branch. Lethbridge Stake: Claresholm Ward,
San Luis Stake: Rio Grande Ward, formerly of Calgary Stake.
formed by division of Del Norte and Manchester Stake: Bradford, Dews-
Monte Vista Branches. bury, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds,
San Mateo Stake: South San Francisco Liverpool, Manchester, Oldham, and
Ward, formed by division of San Bruno Rochdale Wards; Radcliffe and Wigan
Ward. Branches, formerly of the British
Sandy Stake: Sandy Ninth Ward, Mission.
formed by division of Sandy Eighth Napa Stake: Fairfield, Napa, Napa
Ward. Second, Vacaville, Vallejo First and
Snowflake Stake: Holbrook Second Second Wards; Sonoma Branch, former-
Ward, formed by division of Holbrook ly ofSanta Rosa Stake.
Ward. Pikes Peak Stake: Colorado Springs,
South Idaho Falls Stake: Idaho Falls Colorado Springs Second, Pueblo and
Twenty-Sixth Ward, formed by division Pueblo Second Wards, Canon City,
of Idaho Falls Twenty-Second Ward. La Junta, and Rye Branches, fomerly
Temple View Stake: Lucero Ward, of the Western States Mission.
formerly Mexican Branch. Puget Sound Stake: Bremerton, Brem-
Toronto Stake: Hamilton, Kitchener, erton Second, Chehalis, Olympia, Port
Oshawa, St. Catharines, Toronto, and Orchard, Tacoma Fourth, and Tacoma
Toronto Second Wards, formerly Fifth Wards; Poulsbo and Shelton
branches in the Canadian Mission. Branches, formerly of the Tacoma Stake.
Tulsa Stake: Bartlesville, Tulsa, Tulsa Riverton Stake: Bluffdale, Herriman,
Second Wards, formerly branches in the Lark, Riverton First, Second and Third
Central States Mission. Wards, formerly of the West Jordan
University Stake: University Seventh Stake.
Ward, formed by division of University Santa Rosa Stake: Greenbrae, Novato,
Third, Fourth, and Sixth Wards. and San Rafael Wards, formerly of San
Whittier Stake: Whittier Fifth Ward, Francisco Stake.
formed by division of Whittier Third Taber Stake: Barnwell, Taber First,
Ward; Whittier Sixth Ward, formed by and Taber Second Wards; Bow Island,
division of Whittier First Ward. and Grassy Lake Branches, formerly of
Willamette Stake: Salem Second Lethbridge Stake; Rosemary Ward and
Ward, formed by division of Salem Brooks Branch, formerly of Calgary
First Ward. Stake; Medicine Hat Branch, formerly
Winder Stake: Winder Second Ward, a branch in the Western Canadian
formed by division of Mill Creek Mission.
Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth Wards. Toronto Stake: Hamilton, Kitchener,
Young Stake: Cortez Ward, formerly Oshawa, St. Catharines, Toronto, and
Cortez Branch. Toronto Second Wards; Brantford, Gait
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

and Welland Branches, formerly of the Toronto Stake: Brantford, Gait, and
Canadian Mission. Welland Branches, formerly branches
Tulsa Stake: Bartlesville, Tulsa and in the Canadian Mission.
Tulsa Second Wards; Coffeyville, Fort Tulsa Stake: Coffeyville, Fort Smith,
Smith, Gore, Henryetta, McAlester, Gore, Henryetta, McAlester, Muskogee,
Muscogee, and Miami Branches, former- and Miami Branches, formerly branches
ly of the Central States Mission. in the Central States Mission.
Utah Stake: Spanish- American Branch
WARD AND BRANCH NAME formed from various wards.
Auckland Stake: Temple View Sec- WARDS AND INDEPENDENT
ond Ward, formerly College Ward.
Canyon Rim Stake: Highland View Riverside Stake: Airport Ward, mem-
Second Ward, formerly Highland View bership transferred to various wards.
West Ward. Teton Stake: Cache Ward, member-
Temple View Stake: Lucero Ward, ship transferred to Tetonia Ward.
formerly Mexican Branch.
Union Stake: Pine Valley Branch, THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY
formerly Halfway Branch.
Franklin S. Harris, former President
of theBrigham Young University.
E. Allen Bateman, State Superin-
tendent of Schools for Utah, and member
Cheyenne Stake: Wheatland Branch, of Young Men's Mutual Improvement
formed by division of Torrington Ward. Association General Board.

Chicago Stake: Elgin Branch, form-

erly a branch in the Northern States President David O. McKay:
El Paso Stake: Carlsbad, Las Cruces, President Henry D. Moyle will now
and Silver City Branches, formerly present the General Authorities and
General Auxiliary Officers of the
branches in the Spanish-American Mis-
sion. Church for the sustaining vote of the
General Conference assembled.
Manchester Stake: Radcliffe, Wigan
Branches, formerly branches in the You will note by the number of stakes
British Mission. and missions organized and in prepara-
tion of organization, that the General
Mesa Stake: Maricopa Branch, formed
Authorities need more help, and there
by division of Chandler Second Ward. will be added for your acceptance today,
Orlando Stake: St. Cloud-Kissimmee the following Assistants to the Twelve:
Branch, formed by division of Ellsworth
Nathan Eldon Tanner, president of
Ward. the Calgary Stake.
Pikes Peak Stake: Canon City, La
Franklin D. Richards, of this city,
Junta, and Rye Branches, formerly now presiding over the Northwestern
branches in the Western States Mission.
States Mission.
Richland Stake: Milton-Freewater
Dr. Theodore Moyle Burton, former
Branch, formed by division of Walla
president of the West German Mission,
Walla Ward. now a member of the faculty of Utah
St. Johns Stake: Sanders Branch, form- State University. We
were unable to
erly a branch in the Southwest Indian consult you, Dr. Chase, president of the
Mission. Utah State University, and neglected to
Taber Stake: Medicine Hat Branch, call you. However, we shall get your
formerly a branch in the Western consent afterwards and watch your vote
Canadian Mission. today.


The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revel ator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
J. Reuben Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency.
Henry D. Moyle, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney
Harold Lee
B. LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson George Q. Morris
Mark E. Petersen Hugh B. Brown
Delbert L. Stapley Floward W. Hunter

Patriarch to the Church

Eldred G. Smith

The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch
to the Church as Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne William J. Critchlow, Jr.
El Ray L. Christiansen Alvin R. Dyer
John Longden Nathan Eldon Tanner
Sterling W. Sill Franklin D. Richards
Gordon B. Hinckley Theodore M. Burton
Henry D. Taylor

David O. McKay
As trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The First Council of the Seventy

Levi Edgar Young Bruce R. McConkie
Antoine R. Ivins Marion D. Hanks
Seymour Dilworth Young Albert Theodore Tuttle
Milton R. Hunter

Presiding Bishopric

Joseph L. Wirthlin, Presiding Bishop

Thorpe B. Isaacson, First Counselor
Carl W. Buehner, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith

with A. William Lund and Preston Nibley as Assistants.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with allmembers of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

George R. Hill, General Superintendent
David Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent
Lynn S. Richards, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

Joseph T. Bentley, General Superintendent

George Carlos Smith, Jr., First Assistant Superintendent
Marvin J. Ashton, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Bertha S. Reeder, President

Emily H. Bennett, First Counselor
LaRue C. Longden, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association
LaVern W. Parmley, President
Arta M. Hale, First Counselor
Leone W. Doxey, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.


Church Board of Education

David O. McKay Delbert L. Stapley

J.Reuben Clark, Jr. Marion G. Romney
Henry D. Moyle LeGrand Richards
Joseph Fielding Smith Richard L. Evans
Harold B. Lee George Q. Morris
Spencer W. Kimball Hugh B. Brown
Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter
Mark E. Petersen

Administrator, Board of Education

Ernest L. Wilkinson

Church Finance Committee

Orval W. Adams Glenn E. Nielson
Harold H. Bennett Weston E. Hamilton
Wilford G. Edling

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt


Harold B. Lee John Longden
Delbert L. Stapley Henry D. Taylor
Marion G. Romney Antoine R. Ivins
LeGrand Richards Joseph L. Wirthlin
Alma Sonne Thorpe B. Isaacson
El Ray L. Christiansen Carl W. Buehner
and the General Presidency of Relief Society

General Church Welfare Committee

Marion G. Romney, Chairman
Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director

Paul C. Child LeRoy A. Wirthlin

Mark B. Garff Walter Stover
J.Leonard Love A. Lewis Elggren
William T. Lawrence Donald Ellsworth
Lorenzo H. Hatch Casper H. Parker
Walter Dansie

Tabernacle Choir

Lester F. Hewlett, President

Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
W. Jack Thomas, Tour Manager


Alexander Schreiner
Frank W. Asper
Roy M. Darley, Assistant

President Henry D. Moyle: cess of the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints.
McKay, the voting seems to
President I know you will all be pleased to
have been entirely unanimous in the meet these new brethren whom we have
affirmative. sustained as General Authorities of the
Church. President Tanner, will you
please come forward and say a few
President David O. McKay: words, and the other Brethren be on
hand to follow.
Thank you, brothers and sisters, for President Nathan Eldon Tanner,
this manifestation of your loyalty. God president of the Calgary Stake, Alberta,
bless you and all of us as we go for- Canada, a man who has devoted his
ward in unity and energy for the suc- life to the Church, we welcome you.

Saturday, October 8
Second Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay and and brethren child. I have had that great privilege

sisters, I stand before you this morning of associating closely with him through-
in all humility. I wish to express my out my life.

sincere appreciation of the confidence I should like to express my apprecia-

shown by the General Authorities, Pres- tion to my wife. Probably I could let

ident McKay, and those associated with you know the kind of woman she is by
him, in calling one so unprepared to quoting my mother. She said to me
hold such a high office in this the one day, "You are fortunate, my boy, to
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day have Sarah as your wife. She has been
Saints. No one with any less ability a great support to you as a wife and a
could be called to this position. I would wonderful mother. It is not everybody
like to assure President McKay and
that could live with you as she has and
members of the General Authorities and put up with the things which she has
you my brethren and sisters that I shall
do my best and am prepared to dedicate
We have five lovely daughters, and
I should like to say to them that I ap-
my life and my best to the work of the preciate how loyal and faithful they
have been, how little worry and concern
I know that this is the Church of
they have caused us and how they are
Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God here
prepared to accept any call in the
upon the earth, and I know that I shall
need your faith and prayers, and I ask
Speaking of my family, I suppose I
that I may have them, that I may carry
should tell you that we have twenty-two
on in a way that will become one in grandchildren. I hope and pray that
this responsible position, that I may rep-
they will carry on in the Church.
resent the Church wherever I go in a President McKay, again I wish to
way that will be pleasing to our Heav- thank you sincerely and those who are
enly Father. supporting you in this my call, and again
I should like at this time to express I wish to say that I love the Lord with
my sincere appreciation to my family. all my heart, and I pledge at this time
My paternal great-great-grandfather was that I will serve him and you with all
a very close friend of Joseph the Prophet. my might, mind, and strength, and I
And on my mother's side, you have read pray for your faith and prayers and
of James Brown and his work, and God's blessings, and I do it in the name
you know Hugh B. Brown, who is my of Jesus Christ. Amen.
mother's brother. And I want to thank
all of them, my father, who was one
President David O. McKay:
of the finest men that I ever knew and
my loving mother, and particularly I Elder Franklin D. Richards, now
should like at this time to express my president of the Northwestern States
sincere and deep appreciation to Elder Mission, grandson of Franklin D. Rich-
Hugh B. Brown for the influence that ards, son of Charles C. Richards, will
he has had on my life since I was a now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

What a beautiful song: "I Stand All grateful for the many blessings that have
Amazed at the Love Jesus Offers Me!" been mine. I likewise appreciate the
I feel that way very deeply this morning, noble heritage with which I have been
my brothers and sisters. I, like Presi- blessed, and I appreciate the wonderful
dent Tanner, feel appreciative and family that I have and the devotion

they have to the Church and particularly are in a new era of growth and develop-
the devotion my wife has shown. We ment in the Church of Jesus Christ.
have enjoyed the past nine months in The kingdom of God is going forward
the mission field, more than any other that the kingdom of heaven may come.
time in our lives, and the reason is that We in the Northwest have been
we have been serving the Lord to a blessed abundantly because we have
greater degree than ever before. been active in spreading the gospel and
President McKay spoke yesterday have recognized the importance and
about love being the first and second shortness of time. The Lord has blessed
great commandments of the Lord, that us in many ways. First, by bringing
we must have this love for our Father numbers of people together in groups
in heaven and his Son Jesus Christ, and we have been able to teach the gospel
likewise for our brother and neighbor. to more people. Secondly, as the mem-
I have love in my
heart this morning, bers of the Church have shared the
President McKay, for you and for my gospel with their friends, many more
brethren that are presiding over the people have been brought into the king-
affairs of the kingdom
of God, and I dom of God than otherwise would have
have love in my heart for my fellow been, and those members of wards and
men. I can truthfully say that I have stakes and branches and districts that
no enmity nor hatred toward any man, have shared the gospel have been blessed
and I pray that the Lord will sustain abundantly themselves. And thirdly,
me in this position. spirituality in the wards and branches
I feel wholly inadequate as an indi- has increased; the inactive have become
vidual; however, I feel the way Nephi active; and the people are happy and
did when his father Lehi asked him to are having great joy; and this is as it

go and get the plates, "I will go and should be.

do the things which the Lord hath com- Many have said, "How do you find
manded, for I know that the Lord giveth these people that are interested in know-
no commandments unto the children of ing about the gospel?" We
have asked
men, save he shall prepare a way for the people of the Northwest to ask their
them that they may accomplish the thing neighbors every day, "What do you
which he commandeth them." (1 Nephi know about the Mormon Church?" And
3:7.) whatever their answer may be, our next
I know that through these modern question is, "Would you like to know
revelations and by listening to the words more?" Our missionaries are busy
of inspiration and revelation given by teaching in groups those that would like
our prophets today, that we do receive to know more, and they are so busy that
great strength. I love to read modern they are obliged to use automobiles and
revelation, and I love to sit at the feet do practically all of their proselyting
of the great men who are presiding over and arranging meetings over the tele-
the affairs of this Church and to learn phone. The Lord is greatly blessing the
what we as servants of the Lord should missionaries and the Saints in the North-
do to further God's work here upon the west area, and the gospel is going for-
earth. ward by leaps and bounds as it is in
President Moyle yesterday quoted a practically every other area of the world.
statement from the Book of Mormon I am grateful to my
Father in heaven
wherein the Lord said that "Adam fell that among my other blessings I have
that men might be; and men are, that the opportunity of spending my time
they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25.) and energy in his service. I pledge all
I want to testify to you that the greatest of myefforts, President McKay, to the
joy that can come into the life of any Church and to you as prophet, seer, and
man is to give this "pearl of great price," revel ator, and to the spreading of the
the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of gospel of Jesus Christ. In concluding I
God unto salvation, to others. That is would like to read from one of the
why Sister Richards and I have been modern prophets, President Heber J.
having such great joy this last nine Grant. He said:
months, because we have been giving "The most glorious thing that has ever
the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. We happened in the history of the world

Saturday, October 8 Second Day

since the Savior himself lived on the that the greatest message that we have is
earth is that God himself saw fit to visit that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been
the earth with his beloved, Only Be- restored, the power of God unto salva-
gotten Son, our Redeemer and Savior, tion. I am not ashamed of the gospel
and to appear to the boy Joseph." (Gos- of Jesus Christ. I know that God lives,
pel Standards, p. 16.) And it is our duty that Jesus is indeed his Son, the Re-
above all others to go forth at home and deemer of the world, and that Joseph
abroad and proclaim the gospel of the —
Smith was a prophet of God one of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I know that in order greatest prophets that has lived on this
to do this we must live close to the Lord. earth, according to the word of the Lord
President McKay together with Presi- contained in our holy book of Doctrine
dent Clark and President Moyle in the and Covenants. (See D&C 135:3.) I
beautiful blessing that they gave me know that David O. McKay is the
when they set me apart as president of prophet of the Lord today, and I know
the Northwestern States Mission told that we need a prophet on the earth
me to live close to the Lord and listen today. I propose to sustain President
to his whisperings and have the courage McKay with all of my might and
to execute them. When
Brother and strength. I say this and dedicate myself
Sister Lee were in ourmission field this unto the Church, in the name of Jesus
last summer, they brought many bless- Christ. Amen.
ings to the Saints and the missionaries,
and already we have seen many join President David O. McKay:
the Church who listened to their words.
Likewise Brother and Sister Lee im- We will now hear from Elder Theo-
pressed upon us that we should not be dore M. Burton, formerly president ot
too busy taking care of details and the West German Mission, at present
mechanics to listen to the whisperings —
at the Utah State University we shall
of the Spirit. make such arrangements as are neces-
I testify to you my brothers and sisters sary.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Clark, if he given me why I was called to this posi-
were here, President Moyle, members tion. I do not stand here alone. This
of the General Authorities, my dear call has come to a great many people,
brothers and sisters, this is a humbling people who have influenced my life,
experience. even before I was born. As the other
When President McKay called me this brethren have said, I, too, come from a
morning into his office and asked me long line of forebears who bore responsi-
how told him I was frightened.
I felt, I ble positions in this Church. My great-
I am frightened, but only to this extent grandfather Burton was a member of
frightened that I might not measure up the Church and came into the Church
to the responsibility that has been given with his wife and one of his daughters.
me. President McKay told me that my My grandfather Burton was a young
responsibility would be to principally man only fifteen years of age, who had
bear witness to the divinity of Jesus heard about the Mormons in Canada,
Christ, and this I can do from the bottom and he said that he would disown his
of my heart. I do know that Jesus is parents if they joined the Church. So
the Christ. I have covenanted with him he left them and went down into Ohio,
to be his son. I have covenanted to and there the missionaries contacted
bear that name, and I pray that I might him and brought him into the Church.
always bear it honorably, that I might He then went back, and on his knees
never do anything to bring dishonor apologized to his father and mother for
to that glorious name. his lack of insight, for his lack of under-
I have wondered since the call was standing, and asked their forgiveness.

Grandfather Burton came here with the divinity of Jesus Christ, for which
some of the very earliest pioneers as a Iwill always be grateful.
bugler to Brigham Young, and he be- I came of goodly parents. My father
came one of Brigham Young's constant and mother are people of whom I am
companions, along with Brother Lot very proud. I am grateful for the asso-
Smith and Brother Porter Rockwell. I ciation I have had with my wife. She,
have read Grandfather's journals; I too, comes from a long line of people
know how devoted he was to the who have been in this Church for many
Church. He was a member of the generations. Her father, who is still
Presiding Bishopric for many, many living, over ninety years of age, is still
years. president of his high priests quorum.
He married my grandmother, whose I am grateful to her, for she has stood
maiden name was Garr. The Garrs, by me from the time we were married
too, are wonderful people of whom I and has been loyal and faithful in
am very proud. They were among the every respect.
very first who came into the Church, I am proud of my son. I only have
and Great-grandfather Fielding Garr one son, and so I have to make up in
was one of those seven men chosen to quality what lack in quantity.
I I am
perform that very special burial mission proud of him. When my great-uncle
when the Prophet was assassinated, so I Henry Moyle was patriarch of Alpine
have been told. Grandmother walked Stake, he gave me my patriarchal bless-
across the plains as a young girl eight ing. He told me that we would have
years of age, and said how happy she responsibilities to take upon us. He
was when she got a thorn in her foot told me that my
children would have to
because that was the only time she was bear part of that responsibility, too. So
able to ride on the tailgate of the wagon I pray that my
son will live close to the
until they got the thorn out of her foot. Lord and be able to accept his share
So she was one of those early pioneers of responsibility when that comes.
who helped establish and build this I have just returned from the West
German Mission, and I bring you all
The Moyles have been in the Church the love of those wonderful people. I
for many years. My mother was Flor- have spent just about one-fifth of my
ence Moyle. I am proud of the Moyles. life among German-speaking people. I
Great-grandfather Moyle and Grand- love the Swiss people; I love the Austrian
father Moyle helped build the Salt Lake people; I love those German people with
Temple, and when you see the carving whom I have been working. They are
on the east side of the temple, "Holiness simply marvelous Saints, strong and
to the Lord," Great-grandfather did that stalwart, loyal and true, and they are
as a missionary called to work on the about to strengthen the Church in that
temple. mighty nation so that we will have
I am proud
of the Cannels. They, stakes ofZion there, too. I am hoping
too, into the Church early. Great-
came and praying that I shall also be present
grandfather came here to Utah to protect when that glorious day comes, when
his daughter from the Mormons, and we can establish on the continent of
when he got here he joined the Church
Europe, among foreign-speaking peo-
and was grateful that his daughter found
ples, stakes of Zion. I know that their
such an outstanding man as Grand-
father James Moyle. hearts are filled with love of God as
yours are, and I bring you their greet-
So I am proud of all of these people
who have made it possible for me to ings and their love, and I am proud to

be here. I am grateful to my Sunday be associated with a Church so inter-

School teachers. I am grateful to my national in its character that we can
Primary teachers. In my day we had love people regardless of what language
Religion Class. I am grateful to those they speak, what color they may be,
sisterswho labored with us when we or what nation they represent. We
caused them many hours of trouble and have covenanted to be brothers and
concern, I am sure, but they taught me sisters, and this love that was spoken

Saturday, October 8 Second Day

of before is the love that exists in this President David O. McKay:

Church today.
Without multiplying words, then, We know, President Chase, of the
President McKay, I accept this calling position Dr. Burton holds in the Utah
with humility and pray for your help State University. He will be true to the
and for your instruction. agreements made, but we shall appre-
My brothers and sisters, I will rise and ciate your cooperation.

do better than my best, because I know The combined choral groups and
that I have been called to this position congregation will now sing, "Now Let
by a Prophet of God who speaks in the Us Rejoice in the Day of Salvation,"
name of Jesus Christ. I bear you my conducted by Professor David A. Shand.
testimony that he is a prophet of God. After the singing, President Joseph Field-
I bear you my testimony that Joseph
ing Smith will address us.
Smith is a prophet of God. I bear you
my testimony that these men with whom The Combined Choral Groups and
I have associated in the mission field, the congregation joined in singing the
and these authorities who are sitting hymn, "Now Let Us Rejoice In The
before you today, are prophets, seers, Day of Salvation."
and revelators, for I have seen prophecies
fulfilled that they have made. I bear
President David O. McKay:
testimony that Jesus is the Christ, that
this is the Church of Jesus Christ, pos- I announced yesterday that President
sessing all the authority that is necessary Ernest Wilkinson was excused to attend
to establish and maintain it upon the a convention in the East. I am pleased
face of the earth today. I know it will to note his presence this morning.
grow until all people can recognize and President Joseph Fielding Smith of the
bow their knee and confess that Jesus Council of the Twelve will now speak
is the Christ, and that his kingdom is to us, and he will be followed by Bishop
upon the earth. This testimony I give Carl W. Buehner of the Presiding
you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Bishopric.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I wish to read a part of the instruction end, behold, him will I hold guiltless
given by our Redeemer to his disciples before my Father at that day when I
on this continent just before he left shall stand to judge the world.
them. "And he that endureth not unto the
"And my Father sent me that I might end, the same is he that is also hewn
be lifted up upon the cross; and after down and cast into the fire, from whence
that I had been lifted up upon the cross, they can no more return, because of the
that I might draw all men unto me, that justice of the Father.
as I have been lifted up by men even so "And this is the word which he hath
should men be lifted up by the Father, given unto the children of men. And
to stand before me, to be judged of for this cause he fulfilleth the words
their works, whether they be good or which he hath given, and he lieth not,
whether they be evil but fulfilleth all his words.
"And for this cause have I been lifted "And no unclean thing can enter into
up; therefore, according to the power his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth
of the Father I will draw all men unto into his rest save it be those who have
me, that they may be judged according washed their garments in my blood,
to their works. because of their faith, and the repentance

"And it shall come to pass, that whoso of all their sins, and their faithfulness
repenteth and is baptized in my name unto the end.
shall be filled; and if he endureth to the "Now this is the commandment: Re-

pent, ye ends of the earth, and come

all covenant with him to keep his com-
unto me and be baptized in my name, mandments.
that ye may be sanctified by the recep- I am going to spend a minute or two
tion of the Holy Ghost, that ye may particularly relative to this filthy tobacco
stand spotless before me at the last day." habit. I believe that some of the women
(3 Nephi 27:14-20.) of this country are getting to be worse
I know of nothing that is more im- than the men, and those who advertise
portant or necessary at this time than are seeking to influence the women the —
to cry repentance, even among the Lat- mothers of the children. As I ride through
ter-day Saints, and I call upon them as the streets here of Salt Lake City in
well as upon those who are not members an automobile, I sometimes see women
of the Church, to heed these words of
on nearly every street corner or between
the blocks with cigarets in their mouths
our Redeemer. Now he has stated
definitely that no unclean thing can
—three or four women to every man. I
fear some of them are members of the
enter his presence. Only those who
prove themselves faithful and have
Church. We
cannot afford to turn either
to the right nor to the left from the
washed their garments in his blood
keeping of the commandments of the
through their faith and their repentance
Lord if we want to enter into his
—none others shall find the kingdom of
God. Our
Our bodies must be clean.
We have inducements, enticing fea- thinking must be clean. must have We
tures come before us through the press, in our hearts the desire to serve the
by television particularly, and in other Lord and keep his commandments; to re-
ways to lead our people and all other member our prayers, and in humility
people astray and away from keeping seek the counsels that come through the
the commandments of God. I want to guidance of the Spirit of the Lord. That
raise a warning voice to the members will bring to us our salvation, and we
of the Church, and especially to the will never get salvation through the
youth of the Church. Do not pay heed violation of the covenants and com-
to the wicked and malicious advertising mandments which will bring to us
of tobacco nor of liquor. The advertis- eternal life.
ing of tobacco today is one of the greatest There is not time for me to say more
offenses and crimes before our Father than this. These few remarks will have
in heaven, and those who are guilty of to do. I have a great deal in my mind,
it will one day have to pay the price.
but I can carry those things to the stake
They do it now because of greed, but conferences.
we must not listen to these enticings The Lord bless you all, in the name
and to the wicked advertising of things of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
that are detrimental to the body and
condemned by our Father in heaven
and his Son Jesus Christ, contrary to President David O. McKay:
the gospel they have given to us. President Joseph Fielding Smith,
Now, we have those who are among President of the Quorum of Twelve Apos-
us who are inclined to listen to these tles, has just concluded speaking. We
pleadings and to the entertainments that shall now hear from Bishop Carl W.
are given, all of which are intended to Buehner, a member of the Presiding
lead us into forbidden fields, to partake Bishopric. He
be followed by
of things condemned by the Lord, and Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First
which are not for those who have made Council of Seventy.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day


Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

My dear brethren and sisters, this to every one of us is a very important

me has been a very stirring session of person. wish we could always re-
conference. Wehave heard the vital member and realize how much we
statistics of the Church, and we have are loved by him and reciprocate that
sustained the General Authorities of the love by living close to his teachings.
Church. From among the priesthood The other little story I should like to
have also been chosen three devoted and tell emanated from the Primary Chil-
humble men to take a place with the dren's Hospital. This is one of the
other General Authorities of the Church. great institutions we have in the Church.
I know each of them well. They have Those of you who have been there know
given dedicated service to the work of something about its little patients, some
the Lord, and with all my heart I can of whom are there for an extended period
say to them that their joy will be even of time, even flat on their backs on their
greater as they travel among the people littlebeds, and some more fortunate
of the Church. are in wheelchairs. Very few can get
I am always thrilled to participate around on their own. I have never been
with you in one of these great general in a place where there are happier
conferences of the Church. I keenly patients than those in our Primary
feel, however, that even though con- Children's Hospital. Employed there as
ference time is a wonderful time, it is a nurse is a very lovely woman who lost
even more wonderful for those who her husband and who has a family of
have already spoken. her own to raise. The oldest boy of
Let me tell you a couple of little this woman was old enough to receive
stories that Ithink you may appreciate. a call to go on a mission. The children
I heard one of our fine sisters bear her in the hospital, most of whom have so
testimony in fast meeting not long ago little, had such a love and devotion for

and express her gratitude for four won- their nurse, whose son was now going
derful little boys that had been born into the mission field, that they sent a
into their home. The parents loved little Indian boy, who had a broken

these four little youngsters immensely. leg, but who could get around with
Word came that they were going to have crutches, to solicit a contribution from
another little arrival in the home, and these little patients. You understand
the family all decided that the fifth they have very little, many of them
should be a little girl. They pleaded being there as Church-service cases. I
with our Heavenly Father that this understood they practically cleaned out
might be the case. He heard the plea all of the assets of these children and
of the family, and when the baby was gathered up a total of $6.68. This was
born, it was a girl. This little girl presented to the missionary as their
grew up in this home, knowing how appreciation for his wonderful mother
much she was wanted and appreciated. who was their nurse and to help the
She seemed very much loved by the great missionary program move forward.
four little boys, the father and the We are asked to give two or three
mother. Each poured out his affections pennies for each year of our age an-
upon her. She grew up in this at- nually to help this institution. As you
mosphere, knowing she was very im- catch the spirit of these children, you
portant and very much wanted in the often wish you were a thousand years
home. When she was somewhere old when they come to collect these
between four and five years of age, and pennies. I have frequently said, "God
while she was in the midst of her family bless the Primary and their hospital
and feeling very happy about her home for what they are doing to bless our
and her little brothers, she said, "Mother, children!"
I'll bet you were really surprised when May I say just a word about a lovely
you found out I was a Mormon, too." experience I enjoyed in being able to
In the sight of our Heavenly Father, go back to the land of my birth after

an absence of about and to

sixty years that like thousands of others had the
visit the city where I was bom. I had desire of coming to this great land of
the opportunity of bearing my testi- America.
mony at a district conference in Stutt- I also enjoyed the privilege of going
gart, Germany. I saw a little building into Berlin. Berlin, once a very proud
which more than ago housed
sixty years and beautiful city, is now a divided city.
the Stuttgart Branch. Meetings are not I saw what happens when a city and a
held here any more. They have a people are divided. West Berlin is a
beautiful chapel of their own. It was little island in Russian territory. There
in this little branch chapel that I re- is one highway 110 miles long on which
ceived a name and a blessing. In the supplies are taken to West Berlin by
areas close to Stuttgart, I saw the little truck and car, and there is also a twenty-
villages in which my father and mother mile wide air strip permitting planes to
were born. They later moved to Stutt- fly in and out of the city. When an
gart and were there married. This is airplane for any reason gets out of the
where the missionaries found them and twenty-mile allowed zone, it is over
taught them the gospel. Russian territory.
I was also made very much aware of I admire the faith and stability of the
the fact that Stuttgart today is almost wonderful members of the Church we
a new city. I was told that about seventy have behind the Iron Curtain. After
percent of the original city had been hearing the president of the East German
bombed out during the war. The scars Mission relate a number of spine-tingling
of war are still evident, as you see large experiences, I could not help thinking
buildings with no windows, no doors, how grateful many people must be that
the roofs demolished, and parts of the the gospel touched their lives and
walls destroyed. Many new buildings brought them away from situations such
have been erected. as those being endured by members
I began thinking of my own situation living in this condition.
and giving credit to the great missionary I learned that in the Russian schools
program for my many blessings. The behind the Iron Curtain, children are
scripture in Jeremiah 3:14 says, ". and . . taught that there is no such thing as a
I will take you one of a city, and two God, that everything is material and
of a family, and bring you to Zion." force. These children come home and
I wondered why my father and my challenge their parents and say, "Why
mother were those who were gathered don't you get up to date? In school we
two from a family. This has caused hear every day that there is no such
many serious reflections. I was just at thing as God, and yet you have us kneel
the age when I might have been in- down and pray each night and morning
volved with the two world wars that and ask our Heavenly Father to bless
were fought in that land. The destruc- and watch over us. How can this be
tion of property and the millions of when there is no God?" Because of
people who lost their lives might just such a reaction, many persons have
as well have included the Buehner escaped to the West Zone. President
family. Fetzer indicated that there are strong
I do not know whether my parents and devoted members behind the Iron
responded the first time the missionaries Curtain in almost sufficient numbers to
knocked on their door or the second time organize a stake there. Of course, such
or the third time. I am grateful, how- a stake can never be organized under
ever, that the missionaries knocked on these circumstances. I feel to say, "God
the door of my
parents sufficient times bless those wonderful people there."
to convince them that they had the great As we drove into areas in East Berlin,
message of the age to give to them, the I observed the great industrial area of
story that God had spoken again in this that city, silent and unproductive. There
day to the boy Prophet Joseph Smith was no smoke coming from the large
and through him restored the gospel. smokestacks. There seemed to be no
To me there is nothing more important activity of any kind. I had a feeling,
or nothing greater. I appreciate so much without having had the privilege of
that my
parents accepted the gospel and going into these buildings or even
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

through this area, that the machinery I shall always be grateful for what this
had all been dismantled and taken into missionary program has done for us
Russian territory. I do not know what and our family. Our own family has
the future is for this city, but after been an example of what happens to
carefully viewing the situation, I hope those being gathered one of a city and
the day comes when Berlin can again be two of a family. Even though my par-
reunited as a proud and noble city and ents have been dead for twenty-five
reunite the German-speaking people. years, there are practically a hundred of
In London our guide referred to these us now because of the two that were
areas that had been bombed out as gathered more than sixty years ago. At
"blitzed." As we drove through the city, the rate we are growing, in a few more
every few miles he would say, "Here is generations, we will have a small city
another area that was 'blitzed' during of our own.
the war." It is always wonderful to meet with
All over Europe a tremendous con- you in conference. I bear you my testi-
struction program is underway. People mony to the divinity of this great latter-
seem happy. They seem well-dressed day work and want to tell you that I
and even prosperous. They do not have find great joy in the service of the
enough money to buy automobiles or to Master. I rededicate my life to his serv-
purchase electrical appliances, but there
ice and to help further the purposes of
is full employment, and everyone seems
to be able to live fairly well.
the Almighty. I do it in the name of

I was thrilled, as others have already

Jesus Christ. Amen.
reported, at the tremendous progress mis-
sionary work is making in these Euro-
pean countries. You have already heard President David O. McKay:
what is happening in England I sup- — Bishop Carl W. Buehner of the Pre-
pose probably the greatest activity since
that reported in the very early days of siding Bishopric has just addressed us.
the Church when Wilford Woodruff, We will now hear from Elder Bruce R.
Heber C. Kimball and others served as McConkie of the First Council of the
missionaries. Seventy.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

We in this Church have a solemn lect to do so, we have violated our trust
obligation to carry the message of sal- and failed to comply with a divine
vation to our Father's other children in directive.
the world. To us the Lord has given When we come into the Church, we
this command: "Go ye into all the covenant in the waters of baptism that
world, preach the gospel to every crea- we will do missionary work. enter We
ture, . .
." (D&C 68:8.) into a solemn contract with Deity that
This call to missionary service does we will bear testimony of the restora-
not leave us any choice or option as to tion of the gospel on every appropriate
the course we should pursue. It is not occasion. We
agree "to stand as wit-
merely a permissive invitation which nesses of God at all times and in all
allows us to spread the gospel message things, and in all places" that we "may
on a voluntary basis, or if we find it be in, even until death." (Mosiah 18:9.)
convenient to do so. The decree is man- We are also bound by the command
datory. We
have no choice about it, if that the Lord has given by revelation
we are to retain the favor of God. The in this day, that "it becometh every
Lord has laid upon our shoulders the man who hath been warned to warn
obligation to spread the gospel, to raise his neighbor." (D&C 88:81.) Thus we
the warning voice, to gather in the lost have an affirmative, positive, definite
sheep of the house of Israel. If we neg- obligation resting upon us to do mis-

sionary work. This matter of carrying missions and foreign missions, and we
the gospel message to the world is not would like to see every worthy and
something that we can choose to do or qualified young man in the Church go
not, if and when we may find it to be out in the foreign missionary service.
convenient. We
are under covenant to We have some eight thousand of them
do it "at all times and in all places
. . . out now, and this, incidentally, is one
. . even until death." (Mosiah 18:9.)
. of the great evidences of the divinity of
are indebted, each of us individ- the work in which we are engaged.
ually, to the missionaries who brought There is no other organization of any
the gospel to us or to our ancestors; kind that does or could do what we do
many of us owe these missionaries more in the missionary cause —
call thousands
than we owe anyone else. We
received and tens of thousands of people to leave
from them the pearl of great price. We their employment, their educational pur-
have an obligation to discharge our debt, suits, their families, loved ones, and
and one of the very best ways in which friends, and go out at their own expense
we can do this is to go forth ourselves to carry the gospel message to the world.
as missionaries, or otherwise to use our However, under the circumstances in
talents and our means to see that others which we live, it is not solely a matter
of our Father's children have the oppor- of inviting a young man, when he
tunity to receive that which has been reaches the proper age, to go and serve
restored in this day. in the mission field. Our young men
The Lord has decreed that this gospel, are faced with educational problems,
which has come forth through the in- military service, employment, and other
strumentality of Joseph Smith and others, things; they have the problem of plan-
is the very gospel that is going to be ning and preparing, of getting their per-
preached in all the nations of the earth sonal affairs in order, of being ready, of
as a witness before the Second Coming having the financial requisites to sustain
of the Son of Man. (D&C 133:36-40.) themselves when the time comes for
Since we are the ones who have this their missionary calls.
true gospel, we alone can carry it to the So, the first suggestion I make is this:
world. To carry out this command to We ought to have in every family in the
preach this restored gospel in all the Church a mission savings account. This
world, every one of us should be mis- could well start for every young man
sionaries every day and hour of our when he born, when he comes into
lives, at all times and in all places and this world. takes about $2,000, some-
under all circumstances. do notWe thing in that vicinity, to support a per-
need any particular call or any special son in the mission cause. It takes about
setting apart; we have already assumed $75 a month. Now those of us of modest
the obligation in the waters of baptism means may find it somewhat burden-
to take every honorable opportunity to some suddenly to be obligated in that
tell other people about the glories and amount. But if we have a mission
beauties of the gospel. And there is not savings account for each male child, we
anything in this world that in any way can very easily have available the nec-
compares in importance with the gospel. essary funds when that child arrives at
May I make two specific suggestions missionary age.
which if adhered to and followed will If you would deposit, for instance,
very measurably train and prepare the four dollars and a few odd cents to a
young people of this Church to go out young man's savings account each
and discharge their obligations, to bear month, beginning at his birth, by the
the missionary burden, to do the thing time that he is old enough to go on a
that they are expected to do by virtue mission, without counting any interest,
of Church membership. you would have about one thousand
do our missionary work, all of us dollars accumulated. All of our young
as individuals,by telling other people people as they mature, as they come up
about the Church and the saving truths into their teens in the economy in which
which have been revealed to it. But we we live, are able to get jobs and make
have also the great organized missionary money. Now if our young men would
ventures of the Church. We have stake do this thing, if they could have instilled
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
into their hearts a willingness to de- missions, and that in due course, they
posit one-half of all they make into this might be married in the temple. As a
mission savings account, then without consequence we would instil into their
any question, by the time they are of hearts a desire, a willingness, a deter-
missionary age there would be $2,000 mination to go out and carry the mes-
or more available to support them. This sage and also a determination to be
would remove the worry and burden married in that system out of which the
of financing the missionary, and the greatest blessings grow that it is possible
money would have been accumulated for any mortal individual to inherit.
without any excessive or inordinate ef- We have an obligation. This is not
fort, and all, at least financially, would optional. Weare not just to do it or
be in readiness. not if it is convenient. The Lord has
But in the process of acquiring that commanded us to carry his message to
money, benefits would accrue which the world and to be witnesses of his
would far exceed the monetary sums name. If it takes some preparation and
that might be saved. If a young man schooling, if it takes some conditioning
is saving consistently through his teen- and teaching in order to get ourselves in
age years, and if his family is doing the a condition where we can do this effec-
same, so that he can go out into mis- tively, then in wisdom and in judgment
sionary service, then that young man is and in prudence we ought to undertake
having instilled into his heart the de- the conditioning and make the prepara-
sire and the willingness to serve. It be- tion so that when the time comes we
comes part of his planning. He just will be financially able, and we will be
automatically assumes that he will dis- spiritually prepared to go forth on the
charge part of his missionary obligation Lord's errand.
by spending two or three years in the If I had to choose between the two, I
mission field. He is impelled to live would rather have my sons go on mis-
right, to study and gain a knowledge of sions than have a college education. It
the gospel, to keep himself morally will do more for them temporally and
clean, to be worthy and qualified, so educationally to say nothing of the
that the inspiration will come to his spiritual benefits that are involved.
bishop to recommend him. The Lord said to some people in early
Now the second suggestion which I days what I think applies to us: ". . .

make is this: We
are supposed to be the thing which will be of the most
holding regular family prayer in every worth unto you will be to declare re-
Latter-day Saint home. We
do this pentance unto this people, that you may
twice a day, ordinarily before the morn- bring souls unto me, that you may rest
ing and the evening meals. The parents with them in the kingdom of my
set the example in family prayer. I think Father." (D&C 15:6.)
perhaps we overlook the benefit and In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
value of family prayer in teaching the
doctrines of salvation to our children.
Well, if we as parents would regularly, President David O. McKay:
consistently, frequently (not every time
we pray, because we do not get into a He to whom we have just listened is
ritualistic rote where these things are Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First
involved) but if frequently we would Council of Seventy. He has given a
plead with the Lord when we are mouth good suggestion. I noticed he men-
in family prayer, that all of our young tioned you have in mind that whenever
men may go on missions when they get a male child is born, start to prepare
to be the proper age, and that all of our him for a mission, —
it applies to females

children, male and female alike, when as well. Our girls perform a great work
they get of the proper age, may be mar- in the mission field.
ried in the temple —
if we would do this The University of Utah Choral So-
we would soon find our young children, ciety and the Bonneville Strings, singers
just able themselves to speak, petition- from the Institute of Religion and the
ing the Lord in the same language; they LIniversity Choral Groups, will now
would be praying that they might go on favor us with, "Blessed Are They That

Mourn," conducted by Professor David The Combined Choral Groups pre-

A. Shand. sented the number, "Blessed Are They
The benediction will be offered by That Mourn."
President D. Keith Ricks, president of
the West Boise Stake, after which this
President D. Keith Ricks of the West
Conference will be adjourned until two Boise Stake offered the closing prayer.
o'clock this afternoon. Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

Conference reconvened promptly at ProfessorDavid A. Shand, with Frank
2:00 p.m., Saturday, October 8, with W. Asper
at the organ.
President David O. McKay presiding We shall begin these services by the
and conducting the services. combined choral groups singing, "The
The special music for this afternoon's Lord Is My
Shepherd." Soloists are
session was furnished by the University Sister Laura Shand, mezzo-soprano, and
of Utah Choral Society and Bonneville Ronald L. Christensen, tenor. The

Strings singers from the Institute of invocation will be offered by President
Religion and the University Choral Jay A. Quealy, Jr. of the Honolulu Stake.
Groups, conducted by David Austin
Shand, with Frank W. Asper at the Selection by the Combined Choral
Organ. Groups, "The Lord Is My Shepherd."
President McKay opened the meeting President Jay A. Quealy, Jr. of the
with the following introductory remarks: Honolulu Stake offered the invocation.

President David O. McKay: President David O. McKay:

For those who are unable to gain The invocation was offered by Presi-
entrance or obtain seats here in the dent Jay A. Quealy, Jr. of the Honolulu
Tabernacle on this, the fourth session of Stake. I have no mention of it in my
our Conference, we announce that over- notes, but I have heard it whispered
flow meetings are held this afternoon from some source that the beautiful
in the Assembly Hall and in Barratt song that was sung was either dedi-
Hall. These services are being broad- cated to his daughter, Laura, by Brother
cast by television. Shand, or it had something to do with
This session of the Conference will her. Weappreciate the leadership and
be broadcast as a public service over the fine singing of these young people,
television and radio stations throughout welcome as participants in this glorious
the West. We
are pleased to note the Conference.
attendance this afternoon of prominent They will now sing, "Though Deep'n-
state officials, government officials, ing Trials Throng Your Way." After
leaders in educational circles, to whom the singing we shall hear from Presi-
we extend a hearty welcome; also the dent Alvin R. Dyer, one of the Assistants
stake, ward, mission, temple and general to the Twelve.
auxiliary officers of the Church. To all
of you radio and television audiences
The Combined Choral Groups sang
we wish the joy of partaking of the thehymn, "Though Deep'ning Trials."
spirit that is even now prevalent with
this large audience.
You will all be pleased to know that
President David O. McKay:
we are favored this afternoon by the Our first speaker this afternoon will be
University of Utah Choral Society and Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
Bonneville Strings, singers from the In- Twelve, and at present president of the
stitute of Religion and the University European Mission. He will be followed
Choral groups, under the direction of by Bishop Isaacson.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

With my dear wife and missionary com- confidence in the youth of this Church.
panion, weare most grateful for the I am grateful to say that there is a
privilege of being invited to return at unification in the programs of our mis-
this conference time to be refortified sionary work in Europe. Each and
with the spirit and the strength of these every mission is pursuing the work of
wonderful gatherings. I want to say to proselyting in the same manner, and
the First Presidency of the Church that the faith and the testimony of the mis-
the inspiration of their direction that sionaries who are carrying the gospel
has come to us during the past nine to the peoples of these ancient lands
months has been in large measure the are in evidence. Presaged by the visits
reason for the expanding of the gospel made to Europe by President McKay
of Jesus Christ among the people of at the time of the temple dedications,
Europe. We have been in almost con- followed by other visits by members of
stant contact by telephone, by letter, the Quorum of the Twelve and by Presi-
and by other means, with the inspiration dent Moyle, the visit by Elder Harold
and direction of the First Presidency of B. Lee at the time of the organization
the Church. In standing here this after- —
of the Manchester Stake these have
noon, I do so for and in behalf of the presaged an awakening among the peo-
thirteen mission presidents who are now ple of these ancient lands.
laboring in Europe, and I bring to this In August 1959 all of the European
conference their greetings, as well as to missions combined were responsible for
the parents of their missionaries, and to ten percent of the converts of that month.
all who have served in these many mis- In the month of August of this year, the
sions of Europe. European missions were responsible for
These mission leaders are President thirty-five percent of the converts of the
and Sister T. Bowring Woodbury of the Church for that month, and I only re-
British Mission; President and Sister echo the faith and the testimony of the
Levi B. Thorup of the Danish Mission; mission presidents who are there when I
President and Sister John D. Warner of say that we haven't even scratched the
the Finnish Mission; President and Sister surface. God is touching the hearts of the
Edgar B. Brossard of the French Mission; people, they are listening, and are receiv-
President and Sister J. Henry Volker of ing answers to their desires and their
the Netherlands Mission; President and prayers. I only wish that I had the time
Sister Ray Engebretsen of the Norwegian to tell of the many personal cases of con-
Mission; President and Sister Bernard version that have come to these thousands
P. Brockbank of the North British Mis- of people in the past year, and to reassure
sion; President and Sister Percy K. Fetzer you, my brethren and sisters, that these
of the North German Mission; President people are converted to the gospel of
and Sister A. Gideon Omer of the Jesus Christ. They have answered a
Swedish Mission; President and Sister call that has come to them under the
William S. Erekson of the Swiss Mission; power and the influence of the Spirit
and the new mission recently organized, of God. I have always felt in my heart
President and Sister W. Whitney Smith that when the Holy Ghost bears record
of the Austrian Mission; President and to anyone that he ought to do some-
Sister T. Quentin Cannon of the South thing about that, and we are encouraging
German Mission; and President and our missionaries in all of these lands to
Sister Stephen C. Richards of the West be alert to the reaction of the power of
German Mission. And with them also the Spirit in the minds and the hearts
I bring the greetings of 1700 missionaries of these people, and in that very moment
who are now laboring in Europe. I am to persuade, to encourage, to teach, to
happy to report that I have had the testify, and to challenge that they may
opportunity during these past months be willing to accept the gospel message
to look into their faces, to feel their that has come to them.
spirit, and once again to say within my I would be insensible to what is tak-
heart and to proclaim aloud that I have ing place in these ancient lands if I did

not say that we are witnessing the ful- chapel in all of France, and anyone who
filling of a prophecy— a prophecy made would question the faith of these people
by President McKay at the time I was who have come into the Church would
called to go into the lands of Europe, need only to be there and see the transi-
wherein he stated to me that the time tion that they have made from cathedrals
had come for the gospel of Jesus Christ of worship to halls on second and third
to be expanded in these lands. The peo- floors,and who now are laboring as
ple are ready for the gospel, and we statedwith our other Saints to help in
are finding them responding to the ef- the erection of our own chapels. This
forts of the missionaries as they bear has been true in all of the missions of
record by the power of faith and testi- Europe.
mony of the truths of the gospel unto I think one of the greatest testimonies

those with whom they make this contact. that has come to me in these past
One of the instructions that the First months has been the responsiveness of
Presidency gave to me was to go into all the local members of the Church in
of the lands of Europe, to go into every Europe, where we have nearly 60,000.
mission, and I think it was President We transferred Church leadership to
Moyle who said to me that I might well these local members. While in Febru-
go to the French Mission first. We ary of this year there were nearly 600
heeded this counsel, and with my good of our full time missionaries engaged
wife I went into the land of France and in branch, district, and auxiliary activity,
in association with President and Sister today there are fewer than a hundred,
Brossard, spent some three weeks there and it is the avowed determination of
last February— a land where ninety-two these wonderful mission presidents to
percent of the population belong to the see to it that local leaders be called in
Catholic Church. We found our splen- these also. This accomplished two
did missionaries responsive to motiva- things: It has relieved the missionaries
tion and a new method of contacting that they can do more proselyting, and
the people and teaching them by the it has strengthened the branches of the

power of the Spirit and testimony. Church in these countries.

We labored in that land, and under Let me you of one example which

the inspiration of God the hearts of the is typical.In the tour of the French
missionaries were touched, and I shall Mission, when wevisited the city of
never forget a meeting held in Brussels Nice, we had
several missionaries there
at the close of the tour of that mission all engaged in branch work. One was
with the missionary leaders, who went the branch president, one was a coun-
from that meeting with such faith that selor, another a superintendent of Sunday

it engendered itself into the hearts of School, all were engaged. The thought
every one of the missionaries. We said had been that local brethren were not
to them, "We want you to go back to worthy or capable, but we sought out
the people you have been meeting with, and called the best man we had. That
and where they have not listened to afternoon we interviewed four or five of
you before, to bear your testimony to the local elders, and with Brother Bros-
them, and to do it with all the strength sard selected the one to be president of
and the power that you have." From the branch. We
called in his wife and
that day to this in that mission the Lord asked her to support him. That night
has awakened in the hearts of many we set him apart and others of the local
hundreds the desire to receive the gospel brethren into other positions thus reliev-
of Jesus Christ. For here in a land ing missionaries, and in the very next
rich with great cathedrals have come month these missionaries baptized
over 600 converts to the Church already twenty-one people, two of whom were
this year, to meet in rented halls, but doctors, one an attorney, and the other
who now are looking forward to the a schoolteacher.
time when they can associate with their The Nice Branch today is strong, and
brethren and sisters in the erecting of since that meeting there have been ap-
beautiful chapels to better serve the proximately sixty people come into the
needs of old and new members alike. Church in that one branch, and they
As of today there is not a single LDS are attending their meetings.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

I Trondheim in
stood on the street at she said, "I will never be happy until
Norway where Elder John A. Widtsoe all my friends and all my neighbors
lived and played as a boy, and who later have been baptized," and this wonder-
said that the day would come when ful soul left the chapel and then came
many of the people of that land would back. She said, after entering the chapel
accept the gospel, and we are witnessing again, "I cannot leave, the spirit is so
the continuing of this prophecy in that great in this building. I must shake

land. We
are seeing again the surge hands again," and then she went off
of conversions in Great Britain —
a land down the street with her friends.
that has seen more than 160,000 con- Every Latter-day Saint desires to be a
verts to the Church. Why
would it be missionary. I think that this is in the
incredible that under the inspiration of heart of almost every member; but why
God there could be more of these won- is it, mybrethren and my
sisters, that
derful people accept the gospel and we are so afraid to bear our testimonies
come into the Church? to our neighbors? I think it was the
And in all of the lands of Europe Apostle Paul who said this:
there have been men and women of "For though I preach the gospel, I
great strength and character that have have nothing to glory of: for necessity is

added to the stability of this Church, laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if

and how grateful now to be there in I preach not the gospel!" (1 Cor. 9:16.)
the midst of this new time of awaken- Then another great prophet of Israel
ing that will see more than ten thou- has said this: "So thou, O
son of man,
sand converts come into the Church in I have set thee a watchman unto the
these lands this year; and in consulta- house of Israel; therefore thou shalt
tion with my brethren, these mission hear the word at my mouth, and warn
presidents, we feel that there is no end them from me.
to where we can go under the impetus "When I say unto the wicked . . .

of the power of God as he reaches and thou shalt surely die; and if thou dost not
touches the hearts of the people. speak to warn the wicked from his way,
These new converts are telling their that wicked man shall die in his
neighbors about the gospel. They are iniquity; but his blood will I require
letting their friends know about it. Let at thy hand.
me you of one typical case. When
tell "Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked
I was in Denmark, I shook hands with of his way to turn from it; if he do not
a good sister by the name of Dagmar turn from his way, he shall die in his
Petersen, who had been baptized a iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy
month previously. She had heard the soul." (Ezek. 33:7-9.)
gospel, but she said, "I am too old. All I have often said to the Latter-day
of myfamily would turn against me. I Saints, "If you cannot be a missionary,
know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, then at least be a Latter-day Saint, that
but I do not think I'd better take the you will not stand in the way by your
step." manner of living, of those who will
But thank the Lord for a missionary want to come into the Church."
who had the courage to go to her one Now there are many wonderful things
day when there was a baptismal service going on in Europe. Under the inspira-
and say to her, "Sister Petersen, today is tion of the Lord we have called thirty-
the day of your baptism. The font is four translators in the various countries.
filled. Will you come with me?" She I wish I could tell you the story of
hesitated for a moment, then went with each one, like Sister Charrier down in a
the missionaries, walking the six or little village in France. She heard the
seven blocks to our beautiful little chapel gospel, accepted it. We
learned that
and was there baptized. she had a class of pupils whom she was
In this conference meeting she sat teaching English. Her preparations
with one neighbor on one side and two have enabled her to help us with the
neighbors on the other side of her. The translations into the French language.
one on the one side already had been And she now is working diligently.
baptized, and the other two were to be I am thinking of Immo Luschin Eben-
baptized the following Saturday, and greuth of Graz, Austria, a man who

heard the gospel message from two land, and succeeded also in getting it
missionaries, and said to them before before the Parliament and when it ap-
they got into a lengthy discussion on peared as though we might lose these
the gospel, "I would ask you only five privileges, the Minister of Education of
questions before you go further." He was the country of Norway, who is also the
a confirmed member of the Catholic Minister of Religious Instruction, rose to
Church, and these are his questions: his feet and said, "You cannot stop the
"1. Does this Church believe in mar- Mormon people from doing this work."
riage for all eternity? He said, "I have been to Salt Lake City. I
"2. Does this Church believe in the have met these people. I know what they
punishment for infants who are not do with these films," and he made a de-
baptized? fense for us largely because of the asso-
"3. Do, in this Church, the rich and ciation that had been had with him
the poor have equal opportunity? here and in the land of Norway, and
"4. In this Church, do you baptize by even the head bishop of the state church
immersion for the remission of sin? had to acknowledge defeat in his effort
"5. In this Church do you lay on to prevent us from continuing with this
hands for the receiving of the Holy work.
Ghost?" And so the Lord is watching over the
This man had never met the mission- things that are being done. I am most
and we inquired as to where
aries before, grateful, my brethren and sisters, to
he got such questions. His answer was, report to you that these wonderful mem-
"We have not been satisfied with our bers in the lands of Europe are substan-
faith. My wife and I determined that tially true to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
through prayer and the desire to know I have witnessed in their youth confer-
that we would find out the true Church." ences their adherence to our Church
The missionaries said, "Why, these are customs and patterns and how they re-
our teachings," and thus Brother Eben- vere the ideals and the standards which
greuth was baptized with his wife. This have been set for them by our general
brother is a skilled interpreter. He speaks youth organizations. I have been near
English, I am confident, better than I to their Relief Society meetings and
do, and he now will become a translator have seen how the influence of our
for the Church of the German language. Relief Society organization finds its way
This has been how the Lord has into their thinking, and they have a de-
opened the way for us, so that by the sire to do the will of the Lord. I do
end of this year nearly one hundred not know to what extent we may go in
textbooks and manuals combined in six these lands when they have the instru-
languages will have been translated. mentation and the facility of proper
This has been a tremendous task and buildings which they do not have now.
could not have been done without the I want to say to President McKay and
help of the Lord. President Clark and President Moyle and
Therea wide program of micro-
is the brethren how grateful these people
filming going on
in Europe. This is are for the coming building program
better known by
others than myself, that will see many chapels go up in
although have kept an eye on it, and
I places where they are so sorely needed
have had some indirect connection with to further the Church program and
it. I have seen the advantages to this which also will provide greater tools of
work from heeding the counsel of the missionary work to carry on this great
brethren. They instructed me to meet responsibility given to us as a Church
the ambassadors, the leaders of nations, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
and this has been my purpose, and in unto the people.
each and every country have I taken Let me tell you just briefly of my two
the time to meet these men when I visits behind the Iron Curtain to be in
could. attendance with the Saints at Leipzig
In Norway when the head bishop of where other of our brethren have been.
the state church carried a personal cam- These members live under hardened
paign to the press and elsewhere to conditions. I said to one brother, "How
prevent us from microfilming in that do you stand it here?" He said, "We
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

learn to follow the paths and the trails of the gospel. It is more powerful than
that are laid out for us. Welearn to all other things that we do in our
do what we are told, then we have no missionary work as we look into their
difficulty. Our children are picked up faces and bear record that God has
in the morning by bus at 8 a.m. and raised up a prophet, and they are lis-
are delivered home at night. We
have tening to this message.
no control over their schooling nor over We had a family of seven visited
what is taught them: referred to by recently by the missionaries where the
Brother Buehner in the morning session. woman was about to close the door
I was greatly moved to hear the testi- when the elder said, "I can see you are
monies of our members there. going to close the door. I am very sorry.
One of the district presidents testified We have such a wonderful message,"
what to me is the greatest testimony I and we have told them, "Before any door
have heard in Europe: Under such con- is closed, you bear your testimony." He

ditions "no man," said he, "can tell me said, "Before you close that door I want
how to worship God in my own heart. to bear my testimony to you of these
Although there are nearly five thousand brief things we have stated today," and
members in some thirty-nine branches he bore his testimony. The door closed,
we keep in contact with them as much and the missionaries started for their
as we can." I thought as we enjoyed home to their room, and it was raining.
this wonderful presentation of music They had reached about a half a block
here today, that but a few weeks ago, I when they heard a voice, it was the
listened to a combined chorus of the young boy of the home, fourteen-years-
Leipzig and Dresden districts sing, "Shall old, who said, "Dad wants you to come
the Youth of Zion Falter." The look back," and they went back and the
on the faces of these young people was father said, "I listened to your message
most stirring. All that day in our priest- at the door on the other side as you
hood and leadership meetings, we gave spoke to my wife, and I did not think
encouragement to safeguard to the full- much of it until that young man bore
est extent possible our youth to cause his testimony, and then something came
them to remain true to the gospel be- over me that I have never experienced
cause there are inroads being made. before, and now I have to know what
How grateful Sister Dyer and I have this is."
been to be associated with these people I had the privilege of shaking hands
and with our wonderful missionaries, with this family of seven and hearing
who with clear faces are bearing their them testify that God had made known
testimonies to the peoples of Europe, to them that these things are true. This
and who are receiving these wonderful is the reason why so many are accepting
responses, and I know with all my heart the gospel in the lands of Europe. We
that all this is but the fulfilment of are proclaiming the message by testi-
prophecy. mony and through the Spirit.
I bear you my testimony in all humil- I ask the blessings of our Heavenly
ity that this is the work of God. I have Father upon the great missionary work
seen it in the lives of people. I have and upon our beloved brethren who
witnessed it as it causes men and women lead us, without whose inspiration and
to change their lives, I have seen it direction we could not go forward in
become a motivating force for good, and these lands and throughout the world,
I bear record that Jesus Christ is the I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Son of God, the Redeemer of the world,

the Mediator not as it is preached by President David O. McKay:
these predominant countries of the lands
of Europe. And do you know that this He to whom you have just listened is
is the message we declare when we go President Alvin R. Dyer, president of
to the doors of the people the first time? the European Mission, an Assistant to
It is through the testimony of our mis- the Twelve. Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson
sionaries that the veneer of false con- of the Presiding Bishopric will now ad-
cepts and the antiquities of these peo- dress us. He will be followed by Elder
ple are being laid aside for the acceptance Gordon B. Hinckley.


First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

President McKay, President Moyle, —

been in the service" and it is not un-
President Smith, my dear brothers and usual to find a wonderful boy returning
sisters, I will be very grateful to you for from the service to say, "I have saved
an interest in your faith and prayers my money while I have been in the
while I attempt to speak to you. I have service in the hope that I could go on a
long since come to realize that in and mission."
of myself there is very little that I can A number of them say, "I am glad to
do. Therefore, I shall be dependent sellmy car that I have bought, and
greatly upon the Spirit of the Lord. together with other funds, I am ready
I would like to pay tribute to these to go on a mission."
nearly eight thousand missionaries who Of course, the majority of them tell
came from the ranks of the Aaronic us that their parents will sustain them
Priesthood. Many of them just a few while they are in the mission field. But
years ago were little deacons, teachers, many occasionally say that some good
and priests, and now are in all parts of friend or some neighbor or relative
the world preaching the gospel. I wants the privilege of helping them
should also like to pay tribute to their while on a mission. Others say their
parents and their families, many of them quorum is anxious to help them. These
come from very modest homes. young men feel that it is a great bless-
Since the missionary system of the ing to go on a mission; it is not a
Church was first inaugurated, it is esti- burden. They do not look at it as a
mated, and it is only an estimation, burden, neither do they look at it as a
that there may have been approximately sacrifice. Truly these young men are
one hundred thousand missionaries sent blessed and magnified. We
must realize
into all parts of the world. The mis- that before they left for their mission,
sionary system has undoubtedly been a every one of them had hands laid upon
source of tremendous strength to the their heads by servants of the Lord,
Church throughout its fascinating his- who gave them a blessing and set them
tory. Many of us here today could apart as missionaries.
trace our very presence, yes, our very Sometimes we ask a prospective mis-
membership in the Church, to the work sionary, "Do you have a testimony of
of some wonderful missionary. And in the gospel?" And the young man will
a hundred years from now, when none look at you and say, "Yes, I have a testi-
of us are here, there will probably be mony. It may not be as strong as I hope
millions who will be able to trace their it will be in later years, but I have a

membership in the Church to the work testimony."

of some wonderful missionary. And then we may ask the prospective
We often interview these young men, missionary, "Do you know that Joseph
and we talk to them about going on a Smith was a prophet of God?" And it
mission. One of the questions that we is always a thrill to see a young man

ask them is, "Do you want to go on this look up and say, "Yes, sir! I know that
mission or are you going because some- Joseph Smith was a prophet!" "Do you
one else has urged you to go?" Invariably know that President David O. McKay
we get a very strong answer to the is a prophet?" "Yes, sir!" He looks at
effect, "Yes, I want to go on this mis- you and says, "I know that President
sion. I have been planning on it for David O. McKay is a prophet of the
many years since a small boy." Lord!"
Sometimes we ask them, "Who will Then we may ask these prospective
finance you on this mission?" And we missionaries, "Is there anything in this
get some wonderful answers. A number world that could change you? Is there
of them say that they have been saving anyone who could change your mind
money themselves, as Brother McConkie or change your testimony?" They will
suggested this morning, getting ready for look at you and say, "No, there is not
this mission. Some say, "Well, I have anything in this world that could change
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

my mind, because I know that Joseph soon learned to admire these young men,
Smith was a prophet of God, and I and he listened to them.
know that President David O. McKay He went home, and he told his wife
is a prophet." And they do know it. about these exceptional young men. He
How do they know it? They know it told her some of the things that they
by the power and the gift of the Holy had told him. True, these were not
Ghost that testifies to them that it is so. learned men of science, they were not
They speak as did the Prophet Joseph even men with great experience. But he
when describing his great vision of the learned a great deal from these young
Father and the Son: Mormon missionaries, and he soon recog-
"I had actually seen a light, and in
nized that while they were not men of
science, they were men of God. He
the midst of that light I saw two Per-
learned to listen to them, and it was not
sonages, and they did in reality speak to
long before both he and his wife joined
me; and though was hated and perse-
the Church and are very wonderful
cuted for saying thatI had seen a vision,
and while they were members of the Church today.
yet it was true;
This fine doctor often thanks the Lord
persecuting me, reviling me, and speak-
for these wonderful Mormon mission-
ing all manner of evil against me falsely
aries, because you see, now this doctor
for so saying, I was led to say in my
has six or seven sons of his own, and
heart: Why
persecute me for telling the
he often reminds them that he wants
truth? I have actually seen a vision;
them to be like the fine Mormon mis-
and who am I that I can withstand God,
sionaries whom he met years ago, and
or why does the world think to make me
deny what I have actually seen? For I
who were responsible for teaching him
the gospel and bringing him and his
had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew
wife into the Church.
that God knew it, and I could not deny
it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew
Our missionaries are ever receiving,
that by so doing I would offend God, and and in this they are blessed, but more
come under condemnation." (Joseph important, they are ever giving. They
Smith, 2:25.) receive not to hold for themselves, but
to give to others. In receiving, they are
On many occasions, young men have
like the Sea of Galilee and the Dead
volunteered to me, when I have asked
Sea in Palestine. In giving, they are
them, if there are any circumstances or
like the Sea of Galilee only, which re-
teacher who might change their testi-
ceives and gives, while the Dead Sea
mony, and they have spoken very strong-
receives only to hold to itself, and it gives
ly and said, "I would rather die than
deny that Joseph Smith was a prophet
nothing. The vast difference between
receiving and giving and only receiving
of Godl"
is appropriately described in the follow-
Do you worry about that kind of ing word picture of the two seas of the
young men? No, no! In years to come Holy Land, and I think each of us should
we will see the strength of those great now resolve to be like the Sea of Galilee:
young men. "One is fresh and fish abound in it.

Recently I was told the story of a Splashes of green adorn its landscape.
wonderful physician and surgeon. A Trees spread their branches over it and
few years ago while he was serving in stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of
the army, and at that time he was not its life-giving waters. Along its shores
a member of the Church, he met two children play, as children played when
or three of our young Mormon mission- He was there. He loved it. He could
aries. He did not know them at the look across its silver surface as He spoke
time, and he spoke somewhat disre- His parables. And on a rolling plain,
spectfully to them. One of these young not far away, He fed five thousand peo-
men, very composed, spoke up frankly ple in the miracle of the loaves and
to this doctor and told him who they fishes. The River Jordan forms this Sea
were and what they were doing. The with sparkling waters from the hills. It
doctor listened, and he said he was very laughs in the sunshine, and men build
chagrined and ashamed because of the their houses near it, and birds their
way he had spoken to them. The doctor nests,and every kind of life is happier

because it is there. The River Jordan two years and

three years
as a teacher,
flows on south into another Sea. Here as a priest— the courses of study, we
there is no splash of fish, no fluttering hope, will be prepared and so correlated
leaf, no song of birds, no laughter of little that at the end of these seven years, all
children. Travelers do not pass, unless of these wonderful Aaronic Priesthood
on urgent business which might take boys will have reached that goal of
them there. The air hangs heavy above being prepared to fill a mission. And
its waters, and neither man nor beast during these seven years' experience in
nor fowl will drink of it. What makes the Aaronic Priesthood program, the boy
this mighty difference in these neighbor will be given a training that will carry

Seas? Not the River Jordan It empties him not alone through a mission, but
the same good water into both. Not the throughout his life.
soil in which they lie, nor the country We know there are some young men
'round about. The Sea of Galilee re- who may be on the wrong road. We
ceives and gives but does not keep the would say to you young men, "Turn
Jordan water to itself. For every drop back. Turn back; it isn't too late. We
which flows into it, another drop flows want to help you. You can still find the
out. The receiving and the giving go right road. We want you to know that
on, day after day, in equal measure. the Lord loves you young men. We
The other Sea hoards its income jeal- want you to know and appreciate what
ously. Every drop it gets, it keeps. The is in store for you. We want you to feel
Sea of Galilee gives and lives. The that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the
other Sea gives nothing. It is named greatest stabilizing influence in your
'The Dead Sea.' " (Bruce Barton.) life."
With this comparison between receiv- I want to bear you my testimony that
ing and giving, it is easy to see what I know that God lives. I love the Lord.
the great missionary program can do Iwant to bear testimony to you that we
for your young men, for they forsake all can get close to the Lord, perhaps closer
selfishness, and they turn to the divine than we ourselves may fully realize, but
art of selflessness, as they seek to give it will take humility; it will take effort,
only that they may have a richer store and we cannot be satisfied just to go
from which to give for the blessing of on the road of least resistance. Let us
others. make sure that these thousands of Aaron-
Yes, we think that every deacon, ic Priesthood boys are not neglected.
and priest of the Aaronic Priest-
teacher, What a shame it would be if we failed
hood should prepare to fill a mission. to give every boy proper encouragement,
These choice young men should have training, planning, or if we did any-
proper training. Last year we presented thing that would deny any one of these
over 31,000 individual Aaronic Priest- boys receiving a call for his mission.
hood awards to very choice, wonderful God bless us that we may live up to
young men, which means that every one the responsibilities which are ours, I
of these young, outstanding men is a pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
potential missionary, if we as parents
and leaders do our part. President David O. McKay:
These young men are preparing for
that mission. Parents and Aaronic Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson of the Pre-
Priesthood leaders would do well to siding Bishopric has just concluded
hold as the goal for every Aaronic Priest- speaking. Elder Gordon B. Hinckley,
hood boy the preparation for a mission. Assistant to the Twelve, will now speak

For seven years two years as a deacon, to us.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

If I had the wish of my heart I would 150 curious, intelligent-looking people

ask for the privilege of sitting down and gathered. A boy from Florida, a mis-
having this wonderful choir sing again sionary of this Church, began to speak.
that hymn which they sang so beauti- I then wandered down into the crowd

fully this morning: —

with an army sergeant one of our boys
who was taking us around. A Korean
"I stand all amazed at the love Jesus who spoke some English said in sub-
offers stance to the sergeant, "How long that
Confused at the grace that so fully he young man been here?" "Two years,"
proffers me." —
was the reply. "No he here longer.
Americans here fifteen years and not
seek the inspiration of the Lord. I
I speak our language. Americans not
had prepared a talk, but I think I shall speak Korean like that." I thought of
discuss something else. Brother Dyer the words of the Savior as recorded by
has been speaking of the work in Europe, Mark: ". . they shall speak with new

and I rejoice at the marvelous things tongues." (Mark 16:17.)

that are being accomplished there. I I remember sitting in this tabernacle
wish to say that I feel that the same while I was a university student and
spirit, the power of the Lord upon the hearing one of the brethren say that
people of the earth, is being made mani- peace can come to the world only
fest all over the world where the gospel through acknowledgment of the Lord
is being taught. Jesus Christ. I was at a critical age,

I have recently had the experience, and I doubted the possibility of that
under the direction of the First Presi- ever occurring. I think recently I have
dency, of going through the missions of glimpsed the vision of how it might
the Orient. I cannot deny the miracles happen.
of God, and I think many of the things Not long ago we were in Hiroshima,
I have seen are truly miracles. Japan. We stood in the park and
Not long ago, I sat in an old high green grows the grass at the site where
school gymnasium
in the city of Seoul, on the sixth of August 1945, just fifteen
Korea. Just a short time earlier the years ago, 80,000 lives were taken with
blood of the young people of Korea had the blinding flash of the first atomic
been running in the streets of that bomb. Another 80,000 have since died
strife-ridden city. In our meeting that from the effects of it. It is a sobering
evening there were over 500 young experience to stand in that place.
Koreans. I was told that we have only There is a simple monument about
two married couples who are members the size of this pulpit, and it has in-
of the in all of the Seoul District. scribed on its face in Japanese characters,
Our members there are young, forward- words which say in translation: "Rest in
looking people. Conducting that gather- peace. May this tragedy never again
ing was a sandy-haired, Utah farm boy. come to the world."
He conducted with dignity and spoke There were three of us, the mission
with ease the language of those people, president, a man from Hiroshima, and
and after the meeting, as they came up myself. The man from Hiroshima was a
and put their arms around him, and he Japanese businessman, an elder of the
put his arms around them, I marveled at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
thepower of the gospel of Jesus Christ Saints, a man who had served in the
tochange men's hearts. Japanese Imperial Army for nine years.
then went down to the sad city I was an elder of the Church of Jesus
ofPusan on the southern tip of Korea. Christ of Latter-day Saints from the
We held a street meeting in the park land which had dropped the bomb.
overlooking the harbor. Within a few With emotion and sincerity he said,
feet of a great anti-aircraft gun emplace- through an interpreter, "Thank God for
ment we opened our meeting, and about the missionaries. Last night my wife

and I as we are each

were on our knees, It touches for good the lives of all who
night, to express gratitude for the com- are affected by it.
ing of these two young men who have The work is going forward on the
literally saved our lives. We
had noth- other side of the earth. I recall sitting
ing to live for, no hope here or hereafter, here as a boy and hearing President
and we were drinking ourselves to death. Grant tell of his difficulties in Japan
They came. They taught us. They and of his praying to the Lord to give
brought purpose into our lives. The him another assignment because of his
change in me has been so noticeable discouragement. Do you know that the
that my partner became curious. I have missionaries of the Northern Far East
been teaching him the gospel, and I am Mission have baptized an average of
now going to baptize him." about six converts per missionary so far
That is the way peace will come to this year? Many of these were not
the world. This thing shall spread from Christian people. Our missionaries in
soul to soul, and men in all lands shall this part of the world have taken to
come to acknowledge Jesus Christ as people who are of the Oriental religions
the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, the testimony of Jesus and have con-
our Elder Brother, the Prince of Peace. verted them to this cause. God bless
We sat in a testimony meeting one them for their devotion and their faith-
day a few months ago. A boy stood up fulness. The Lord bless us at home to
with a letter in his hand. He said, "I sustain his work throughout the world
think I am happier than I have ever by the virtues of our lives, I pray, in the
been in my life. I have had many name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
wonderful experiences here, and they
have made me happy, but it is this
letter that has really warmed my heart.
President David O. McKay:
My father, once active, began drinking, You have
just listened to Elder Gordon
and oh, the sorrow my mother has suf- B. Hinckley, Assistant to the Twelve.
fered because of this. After my farewell We shallnow be favored by the Com-
my father said, 'My son, I am going to bined Choral Groups and the Congrega-
try to live worthy of you.' Now," the tion singing, "Oh Say, What Is Truth?"
missionary said, "I have a letter from conducted by Professor David A. Shand.
my father, received yesterday, which After the singing we shall hear from
says that last week he was ordained a the Patriarch to the Church, Elder
high priest and set apart as counselor Eldred G. Smith.
in the bishopric of our ward, and he
has just made a down payment on a
home for the first time in his life." The Combined Choral Groups and
the congregation joined in singing the
These are some of the miracles I have
seen in my
associations with our mis-
hymn, "Oh Say, What Is Truth?"
sionaries. I am grateful, I am more
grateful than I can say for this great President David O. McKay:
program of the Church that I have been
blessed to be associated with. I know Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
it is one of the marks of the divinity of the Church, will now speak to us. He
this work. No other organization in will be followed by Elder LeGrand
this world has anything quite like it. Richards of the Council of the Twelve.


Patriarch to the Church

This is truly an inspiring sight. I have breadth. This is truly a blessed people
thrilled with the messages that have and a choice generation in which to
been given here at this conference. I live.
am thrilled with the progress of the The gospel of Jesus Christ has been
missionary work and the growth of the given to people throughout the earth at
Church throughout its length and various times, even at the time of Adam

Saturday, October 8 Second Day

and the time of Noah and coming down 41 of the Doctrine and Covenants, he
to the time of Abraham, who was given said:
a very significant promise. Speaking to "Hearken and hear, O ye my people,
Abraham, the Lord said: saith the Lord and your God, ye whom
I delight to bless with the greatest of all
"... give unto thee a promise that
blessings, ye that hear me; and ye that
this right shall continue in thee, and
in thy seed after thee [that is to say, the
hear menot will I curse, that have pro-
literal seed, or the seed of the body]
fessed my
name, with the heaviest of
all cursings." (D&C 41:1.)
shall all the families of the earth be
This a strong warning, but I be-
blessed, even with the blessings of the
lieve truly that the Lord means what he
Gospel, which are the blessings of sal-
vation, even of life eternal." (Abraham says. He has given us the blessings; he
continues to pour out his blessings upon
us in rich abundance; and then he
This the time and generation when
gives the warning that we who have
this blessing is being fulfilled. The
accepted the gospel, if we do not live up
blessings of the gospel are coming to all
to these covenants, he will pour out upon
the peoples of the earth. The Lord is
us "the heaviest of all cursings."
truly touching their hearts and opening
I could not help thinking when
the way for them to receive the gospel. Brother Hinckley was speaking about
The Lord is also assisting in other Hiroshima, that this summer I visited
ways which I have mentioned here be- again at Oakridge, Tennessee, and found
fore, I believe,and I cannot help con- that the process which developed the
tinually being grateful for the outpour- atomic bomb which was dropped on
ing of knowledge which has come upon Hiroshima is now so obsolete that that
the earth since the restoration of the process is no longer in operation. If we
gospel, which makes it possible for this think of what might happen to this
gospel to be taught to all the people of world if the people of this world do
the earth through the modern facilities not keep the commandments of the Lord,
that have been developed and prepared we cannot stretch our imagination far
and which continue to grow. I am very enough to imagine what the Lord might
thankful and grateful for these facilities. pour out upon this generation when he
The Church Section of the News re- says, he might pour out upon us "the
cently mentioned the number of copies heaviest of all cursings." All the bless-
of the Book of Mormon being printed ings and all the scientific developments
nearly 500,000 copies are being printed which have been given to us, might be
annually and sent throughout the world. turned upon us to our condemnation.
The facilities that make it possible to I pray the Lord's blessings upon us
send the Book of Mormon to the ends that we will heed his teachings, that
of the earth, among the various peoples we will teach our neighbor and develop
of the earth, as has been indicated here righteousness throughout this earth.
by other speakers, are peculiar to our The history generally given to us in
Church. Not only the Book of Mormon the Book of Mormon and all this world's
but also much other Church literature history is a repetition of righteousness
is being translated into many languages with peace and prosperity, and with
so that not only we of the English speak- unrighteousness there is war and desola-
ing peoples may have the gospel, but tion. This shall be repeated throughout
also many others throughout the earth. the life of this earth, and we are no
This is truly a choice generation. I exception.
am sure there is no blessing given but May the Lord's blessings be with us,
what there is an obligation. Where that we may ever be faithful, keeping
much is given, much is expected. We the commandments of the Lord and
have heard from many speakers at this doing that which he desires of us in
conference of our obligation to teach teaching the gospel to our neighbors,
the gospel, to warn our neighbors, and our friends, our relatives; and so live the
above all to live the gospel ourselves. I gospel that we will be that kind of mis-
would like just briefly to refer to a sionary, I pray in the name of Jesus
revelation given by the Lord. In section Christ. Amen.

President David O. McKay: cilof the Twelve will now speak to us.
He will be followed by Elder A. Theo-
Elder LeGrand Richards of the Coun- dore Tuttle.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I am very grateful to my
Heavenly In that meeting there were some 3,000
Father, brothers and sisters, for the privi- elders of Israel present and the full
lege of attending this conference with Presidency of the Church, President
you, for your faith and devotion, for the Brigham Young, President Heber C.
service you render, and for my
associa- Kimball, and President Willard Rich-
tion with my
brethren of the General ards, seven of the twelve, and most of
Authorities. the General Authorities.
In my heart I welcome the three new President Kimball was asked to speak
ones that have come to us this day. to the brethren present, the elders of
I feel grateful for my membership in Israel, about the purpose of the meeting,
this Church, more than for anything and he told them that they were there,
else in all this world, and I do not many of them, to be called into the
know how I could live without it. mission field, and ninety-eight of them
In President McKay's opening re- were called and assigned to the follow-
marks and in two of the prayers that ing places: The British Isles, France,
have been offered at the commencement Germany, Capital of Prussia (Berlin),
of these meetings, reference has been Norway, Denmark, Gibraltar, Hindoo-
made to the privilege of being here in stan,Siam, China, Cape of Good Hope
this historic building. As we come here (South Africa), Nova Scotia and British
from time to time in our various meet- Provinces in America, West Indies,
ings and gatherings, we hear that ex- British Guiana, Australia, Sandwich Is-
pression, and I would like to make a lands, and parts of the United States.
few comments on what makes this Mind you, that was only five years
building so historic. It is wonderful as after the Saints had gathered here from
we think of the great men, prophets of their drivings in the East and before
this dispensation, who have occupied there were any railroads, and yet they
this pulpit, and of the counsel and the were sent out to these distant lands.
advice they have given and the testi- We heard yesterday from Bishop
monies that have been borne and the Wirthlin some of the sacrifices that
experiences related of the hand-dealings these early brethren made in order that
of the Lord with his people and his this great missionary cause would con-
guidance and direction through the tinue to roll forth. Mygrandfather and
years. Then we recall the wonderful the grandfather of Brother Franklin D.
music and prayers we have heard from Richards, whom you sustained here
time to time, as we have come here, all today, out of the first fourteen years of
of which has made an impression upon his married life, spent ten years of it in
our lives, until we have left this build- the mission field away from his family.
ing with new hope and new ambition That was typical of what many of the
and new desires. brethren did.
I was reading a pamphlet a few days I thought you would be interested to
ago that was given to my
father by hear a statement or two by President
his mother before I was born, and in Kimball to those elders upon the occa-
that pamphlet it reported a special sion mentioned. He declared:
conference held in the Old Tabernacle "I say to those of you who are elected
on the 28th of August, 1852, for the to go on missions, go, if you never re-
purpose of calling missionaries. We turn, and commit what you have into
have heard a lot about missionaries and
missionary work at this conference, but children,

the hands of God your wives, your
your brethren, and your
that is one of our great responsibilities. property."
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
Nearly all of these men were married, Idaho in one of the stakes, I stayed in
and they had only been here a short the home of the stake president, and
time to establish their families. Elder there was this little mother, taking care
George A. Smith, the following speaker, of her baby while that missionary-
said: husband was in the mission field.
"The missions we will call for during The Lord has put into this Church
this conference, are generally not to be the breath of life. He has made it pos-
very long ones, probably from three to sible for people to make the supreme
seven years will be as long as any man sacrifice, almost, in order that this work
will be absent from his family." will go forward in all the earth. You
And then he continued: remember when one came to him and
"If any of the elders refuse to go, they said, "Lord,I will follow thee whither-
may expect that their wives will not soever thou goest," and the answer was,
live with them, for there is not a Mor- "Foxes have holes, and the birds of the
mon sister who would live with a man air have nests; but the Son of man
a day, who would refuse to go on a hath not where to lay his head." (Luke
mission." 9:57-58.) And so, of course, the man
That is quite a statement, and while turned away. Unto another he said,
it seems to us today a little extreme, "Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer
nevertheless, when you travel through me first to go and bury my rather."
this Church and see the sacrifices that And as if the Master would speak to all
are being made —
Brother Isaacson re- coming generations of the importance
ferred to them this afternoon —
to sustain of this great missionary cause, he said:
these somewhat 8,000 missionaries in "Let the dead bury their dead: but go
the field, it is a wonderful thing. thou and preach the kingdom of God."
I would like to relate two experiences (Ibid., 59-60.) Now that spirit has pre-
Ihave had in interviewing missionaries. vailed and carried on this great mission-
A few years back, I interviewed a young ary cause of the Church.
man in southern Utah before we had I remember being in this Tabernacle
discontinued sending young married as a boy when President Woodruff gave
men into the mission field, and when I what I think was his last address to
looked at his recommend papers I saw the people, when he told how mar-
that he was a married man, and I said: velously the Spirit of the Lord had
"Does your wife want you to go on this guided him all through his ministry.
mission?" He said she did, and I said, I remember the story he told about
"Why didn't you bring her?" He said, traveling east on one of his missionary
"I couldn't. She just gave birth to our journeys, and in the middle of the night
first child this morning in the hospital." he was warned by the Spirit to arise
Then I said, "Well, then we will have and move his wagon and team. They
to go to the hospital." And we did, and were fastened by a large oak that
there was that young mother with her had stood possibly a hundred years
firstborn child in her arms. I said, "Do and had never been disturbed, and after
you want this husband of yours to go he had moved the wagon and the team,
on a mission?" She said, "Brother a whirlwind came and took that oak
Richards, I surely do. When we mar- tree up by the roots and threw it right
ried we decided that our marriage should where his wagon had been stationed.
not stand in the way of his mission, and Such testimonies are what have made
my parents are able and willing to care this a historic building. One could
for me and the baby." And so he went hardly say that he did not know that
on his mission and was a wonderful the power of God was in this work, and
missionary. I kept in touch with that that his Spirit operates and guides and
little woman while he was gone. directs. Such things could not be, except
I had a similar experience in Provo. the power of God is with this people.
I interviewed a young man under the In that same address, I remember his
same circumstances, except that his wife telling of bringing a group of immi-
was just expecting a call to go to the grants from England, I think it was,
hospital any moment, to give birth to and when they were about to embark
their first child. Later as I visited in on a boat at New Orleans, and he was

making arrangements with the captain, back to ask for their blessings, because
that same Spirit told him not to go, either they were sent upon this earth before
himself or his company, and so he Elijah came, before holy temples had
excused himself, and they did not go been built, before men could receive
on that boat. And it had only gone up the holy ordinances of the house of the
the river a short distance when it caught Lord for their exaltation.
fire and burned, and everybody onit was I bear my testimony in closing that
killed. He had not listened
said, "If I there is not a man and a woman in this
to the Spirit of the Lord, we would not world — —
in or out of the Church if God
have bishop so-and-so and president so- would only give them the vision to see
and-so," naming them right from this and the heart to understand that would
very pulpit. This is a historic building. not do everything within their power to
The power of God has been and is here. obtain such blessings as these men
I would like to refer to another expe- sought at the hands of this apostle of
rience related by President Woodruff as this dispensation who later became the
he stood here and talked in the con- President of this great Church. This
ference in 1898, and this is recorded in is in keeping with the promise of the
the Conference Report. He said: "I am building of the house of the God of
going to bear my testimony to this as- Jacob in the latter-days in the top of
sembly if I never do it again in my the mountains, and the gathering there-
life that those men who laid the founda- unto from all the nations of the earth
tion of this American government, and to learn of his ways and walk in his
signed the Declaration of Independence, paths. How rich we are in the blessings
were the best spirits the God of heaven of God, and how great have been the
could find on the face of the earth. things that have come out of this his-
They were choice spirits, not wicked toric building.
men. General Washington and all the God grant that we may so live that
men that labored for the purpose were in all our ministry we may be prompted
inspired of the Lord. and guided and inspired by that same
"Another thing I am going to say Spirit, I humbly pray, and leave you my
here, because I have a right to say it: blessing, in the name of the Lord
Everyone of those men that signed the Jesus Christ. Amen.
Declaration of Independence with Gen-
eral Washington called upon me as an
Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ in the President David O. McKay:
temple at St. George, two consecutive We shall hear from Brother Tuttle
nights, and demanded at my
hands that perhaps tomorrow.
I should go forth and attend to the
ordinances of the House of God for
We want to thank these young men
and young women for their presence
them." And he and others did that today. Brother Shand, thank you, the
work for them. singing by your group has been glorious
Such an experience would seem al- and selections appropriate. We are glad
most incredible to the world. The that these young people participated
things of God are understood, Paul says, in this wonderful service this afternoon
by the Spirit of God, and the things of and this morning. And the members
man are understood by the spirit of of the Bonneville Strings have the
man, and the natural man receiveth not thanks and gratitude of a vast audience
the things of the Spirit of God, for they —only part of whom you have seen in
are foolishness unto him. (1 Cor. 2:14.) the Tabernacle. We
thank you and
If God could take Elijah to heaven with- those of the University whom you rep-
out tasting death, if he could promise to resented so nobly and well this morning
send him again, as Malachi declared, and this afternoon.
to turn the hearts of the fathers to the The University Choral Groups, ac-
children lest he come and smite the companied by the Bonneville Strings,
earth with a curse (Mai. 4:5-6), surely will sing, "Praise to the Holiest," with
he could permit such characters as the soloists, Beryl Jensen Smiley, mezzo-
George Washington and the signers of soprano, and Ronald L. Christensen,
the Declaration of Independence to come tenor. The group will be conducted by
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
Professor David A. Shand, after which the west. The Tabernacle Choir Broad-
the benediction will be offered by Elder cast will be from 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock.
Wallace D. Yardley, president of the Those desiring to attend this broadcast
Beaver Stake, following which this con- must be in their seats at 8:15 o'clock.
ference will be adjourned until seven It is requested that the audience remain
o'clock this evening when the General quiet during the broadcast.
Priesthood meeting of the Priesthood of The singing for this session and this
the Church will be held in the Salt Lake morning, has been furnished by the
Tabernacle. Only those holding the University of Utah Choral Society and
Priesthood are invited to be present. the Bonneville Strings, singers from the
Persons not holding the Priesthood will Institute of Religion and the University
kindly refrain from attempting to enter Choral Groups, under the direction of
the building. Professor David A. Shand, with Frank
The Priesthood session will not be W. Asper at the organ.
broadcast. In addition to the meeting We shall now hear the chorus sing,
held in this room, overflow meetings "Praise to the Holiest," with soloists,
will be held in the Assembly Hall, in I repeat, Sister Beryl Jensen Smiley and
Barratt Hall, and relayed by closed Brother Ronald L. Christensen.
circuit to members of the Priesthood
assembled in 271 other Church buildings The Choral Groups, accompanied by
from coast to coast and in Canada. In- the Bonneville Strings, sang an anthem,
cluded in those 271 are three or four "Praise To The Holiest," following
in New Zealand. which the benediction was offered by
The General Sessions tomorrow will Elder Wallace D. Yardley, president of
be broadcast as a public service over the Beaver Stake.
and radio stations throughout
television Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.


The General Priesthood Meeting of these services by the Tabernacle Choir
the Church convened in the Tabernacle, Men's Chorus singing, "Come, All Ye
Salt Lake City, Utah, Saturday evening, Sons of Zion." After the singing, Elder
October 7:00 p.m.
8, at Edwin E. James, president of the Lyman
President David O. McKay presided Stake will offer the invocation.
and conducted the services of the
meeting. Singing by the Tabernacle Choir
The President announced that the Male Chorus, "Come, All Ye Sons of
choral singing for the meeting would be Zion."
by the Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus, The opening prayer was offered by
with Elder Richard P. Condie as President Edwin E. James of the Lyman
Director, and Alexander Schreiner at the Stake.
Organ. The President opened the meet-
ing with the following remarks: President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay: The invocation was offered by Presi-
dent Edwin E. James of the Lyman
This the fifth session of the One
Stake. The Men's Chorus of the Tab-
Hundred Thirtieth Semi-Annual Con- ernacle Choir will now sing,"Seek Thy
ference of the Church of Jesus Christ
God," directed by Elder Richard P.
of Latter-day Saints. Members of the Condie.
Priesthood are gathered in the Assembly
Hall, Barratt Hall, and in 271 other
buildings from Coast to Coast and in The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus
Canada and New Zealand. sang "Seek Thy God."
The singing during this session will
be furnished by the Tabernacle Choir
President David O. McKay:
Men's Chorus with Elder Richard P. Our first speaker tonight is Elder
Condie as director, and Elder Alexander Marion G. Romney, member of the
Schreiner at the organ. We shall begin Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren, this is a great audience. the church and kingdom, and the elect
It might be the largest attended General of God." (D&C 84:33-34.)
Priesthood meeting we have ever held. The Prophet Joseph Smith used to
I have tried to prepare for this, my repeatedly urge the brethren to make
first assignment in such a meeting, but their calling and election sure. There
I am sure that if I say anything worth- is no way to do this except by receiving

while, it will be by the Lord's help. the Priesthood and magnifying it.
Will you please, therefore, give me an But to continue with the revelation:
interest in your faith and prayers. "And also all they who receive this
For my text I have chosen the 43rd priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;
Verse of the 84th Section of the Doc- "And he that receiveth my servants
trine and Covenants. It reads: "And I receiveth me." (D&C 84:35-36.)
now give unto you a commandment to This statement is worth emphasizing.
beware concerning yourselves, to give "He that receiveth my servants re-
diligent heed to the words of eternal ceiveth me." Who
are his servants?
life." As background I shall read a few They are his representatives in the of-
verses which, in the revelation, precede fices of —
the Priesthood the General,
the text. Stake, Priesthood Quorum, and Ward
In the forepart of the revelation the officers. It behooves us to keep this
Lord, speaking of the Melchizedek in mind when we are tempted to dis-
Priesthood, says: "Which priesthood regard our presiding authorities, bishops,
continueth in the church of God in all quorum and stake presidents, etc., when,
generations, and is without beginning within the jurisdiction of their callings,
of days or end of years. they give us counsel and advice. Re-
"And the Lord confirmed a priesthood member that the Lord Jesus said:
also upon Aaron and his seed, through- "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
out all their generations, which priest- have done it unto one of the least of
hood also continueth and abideth for- these my
brethren, ye have done it unto
ever with the priesthood which is after me." (Matthew 25:40.) "He that re-
the holiest order of God." (D&C 84:17- ceiveth a prophet in the name of a
18.) prophet shall receive a prophet's re-
Such is the nature of the Priesthood ward." (Matthew 10:41.)
we bear. But back to the covenant of the
Priesthood: "He that receiveth me re-
"And this greater priesthood adminis-
ceiveth my Father;
tereth the gospel and holdeth the key
of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the
"And he that receiveth my Father
key of the knowledge of God.
receiveth my Father's kingdom; there-
fore all that my Father hath shall be
"Therefore, in the ordinances thereof,
given unto him.
the power of godliness is manifest.
"And this is according to the oath
"And without the ordinances thereof, and covenant which belongeth to the
and the authority of the priesthood, the priesthood.
power of godliness is not manifest unto
men in the flesh." (D&C 84:19-21.)
"Therefore, all those who
receive the
priesthood, receive this oath and cove-
And now I am going to skip a few nant of my
Father, which he cannot
verses and read the covenant that be- break, neither can it be moved." (D&C
longs to the Priesthood. 84:37-40.)
"For whoso faithful unto the ob-
Now, I am tempted to comment on
taining these two priesthoods of which this covenant at length, but since it is
I have spoken, and the magnifying their not the heart of my message, I will say
calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto only that, as I understand it, all of us
the renewing of their bodies. who receive the Melchizedek Priesthood
"They become the sons of Moses and enter into an agreement with our
of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and Heavenly Father to magnify it. On
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

condition that we magnify it, the revelation He gave of Himself to Moses,

Father undertakes to make us equal with Moses tells us that "Satan came tempt-
him in the sense that "all that my Father ing him, saying: Moses, son of man . . .

hath shall be given unto him. But . . . I am the Only Begotten, worship me."
whoso breaketh this covenant after he (Moses 1:9, 12, 19.)
hath received it, and altogether turneth He sought to deceive even the Savior.
therefrom, shall not have forgiveness of You will all remember how he tempted
sins in this world nor in the world to Jesus in the wilderness, on the pinnacle
come." (D&C 84:38, 41) of the temple, and on the high moun-
When I first began to seriously think tain.
about this statement, I wondered if it Satan has sought in all ages to deceive
would not have been better for me the sons of God who have received the
never to have received the Priesthood, Priesthood. He has not been entirely
if failing to magnify it would mean I unsuccessful either, for in all past
would never receive forgiveness in this dispensations he has finally succeeded
world or the world to come. Then I in deceiving them to the extent that he
got to thinking about this next verse, has driven the Priesthood from the earth.
which says: "And wo unto all those who
come not unto this priesthood." (D&C Now we know he is not going to drive
the Priesthood from the earth in this
dispensation because the Lord has said
I finally came to the conclusion that
it is here to stay until the Savior comes.
I was between the horns of a dilemma
But there is no guarantee that he will
and that my only hope was to receive
not deceive a lot of men who hold the
and magnify the Priesthood.
Such is the background for our text:
Priesthood. The Savior, talking about
these days in which we live, said, "For
"And I now give unto you (bearers of
in those days there shall also arise
the Priesthood) a commandment to
false Christs, and false prophets, and
beware concerning yourselves, to give
shall show great signs and wonders,
diligent heed to the words of eternal
insomuch, that, if possible, they shall
deceive the very elect, who are the elect
"For you shall live by every word
according to the covenant (the covenant
that proceedeth forth from the mouth
of the gospel and the Priesthood)."
of God." (D&C 84:43-44.)
(Joseph Smith 1:22.)
Now why should we beware concern- So far as Satan's war against the
ing ourselves? We
should beware con-
Priesthood is concerned, he is making
cerning ourselves because it now is and
no exception in this last dispensation.
has always been the objective of Satan
His objective is still to deceive every
to destroy the Priesthood of God. As
one of us he can and to drive the Priest-
long ago as the war in heaven, he sought
hood from the earth. Satan is very real.
to usurp the power of the Priesthood. As
His power is very real. His influence is
a result of the conflict he there precipi-
felt everywhere. He literally stalks the
tated, he was cast out of heaven. He earth. "The powers of darkness prevail
had to be cast out. There could be no
upon the earth .and, behold, the
. .

peace in heaven until he was cast out.

enemy is combined." (D&C 38:11, 12.)
Banishment from heaven did not, You no doubt heard what President
however, end his attack on the Priest- McKay said in his opening address yes-
hood of God. In the Garden of Eden he terday morning about the power of the
sought to deceive Adam. And he con- Evil One trying to deceive and deprive
tinued his diabolical purpose after the men of their agency. Free agency is the
fall. When Adam and Eve received principle against which Satan waged his
the Gospel and taught it to their chil- war in heaven. It is still the front
dren, Satan came among them and said: on which he makes his most furious,
"Believe it not and they loved
. . .
devious, and persistent attacks. That
Satan more than God. And men began thiswould be the case was foreshadowed
from that time forth to be carnal, by the Lord when he said to Moses:
sensual, and devilish." (Moses 5:13.) "That Satan, whom thou hast com-
When "the presence of God with- manded in the name of mine Only Be-
drew from Moses" following the great gotten, is the same which was from

the beginning, and he came before me, restored Church and its Priesthood, you

saying Behold, here am I, send me, will remember this account of the
I will be thy son, and I will redeem all Prophet as to what happened in the
mankind, that one soul shall not be Sacred Grove as he knelt to pray:
lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore "I had scarcely done so, when imme-
give me thine honor." His plan was to diately I was seized upon by some power
save us all by depriving us of free agency which entirely overcame me, and had
and subjecting us to his will. such an astonishing influence over me as
"But, behold," continued the Lord, to bind my tongue so that I could not
"my Beloved Son, which was my Be- speak. Thick darkness gathered around
loved and Chosen from the beginning, me, and it seemed to me for a time as
said unto me —
Father, thy will be done, if I were doomed to sudden destruction.
and the glory be thine forever. "But, exerting all my powers to call
"Wherefore, because that Satan re- upon God to deliver me out of the power
belled against me, and sought to destroy of this enemy which had seized upon
the agency of man, which I, the Lord me, and at the very moment when I was
God, had given him, and also, that I ready to sink into despair and abandon
should give unto him mine own
power. ." Priesthood is God's power.

myself to destruction not to an imagin-
. .
ary ruin, but to the power of some ac-
That is what Satan is after —
power. He tual being from the unseen world, who
wants it in the form of dictatorship. had such marvelous power as 1 had
"Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled never before felt in any being
—" (Jo-
against me, and sought to destroy the seph Smith 2:15, 16)
agency of man, which I, the Lord God,
Before the Church had been organized
had given him, and also, that I should
six months the Devil was foisting his
give unto him mine own power; by the
counterfeits upon its members. In his
power of mine Only Begotten, I caused
history of September 1830, the Prophet
that he should be cast down;
"And he became Satan, yea, even the
"To our great grief, however, we soon
devil, the father of all lies, to deceive
men, and to lead them found that Satan had been lying in wait
and to blind
to deceive, and seeking whom he might
captive at his will, even as many as
devour. Brother Hiram Page had in his
would not hearken unto my voice."
possession a certain stone, by which he
(Moses 4:1-4.)
had obtained certain 'revelations' con-
You see, at the time he was cast out
cerning the upbuilding of Zion, the order
of heaven, his objective was (and still is)
of the Church, etc., all of which were
"to deceive and to blind men, and to entirely at variance with the order of
lead them captive at his will." This he
God's house, as laid down in the New
effectively does to as many as will not
Testament, as well as in our late revela-
hearken unto the voice of God. His
tions." (D.H.C. 1:109-110)
main attack is still on free agency.
When he can get men to yield their The Prophet was greatly concerned
about it because Oliver Cowdery and
agency, he has them well on the way
to captivity. the Whitmers were sympathetic with
Hiram Page and began to believe his
We who hold the Priesthood must spurious revelation. In response to the
beware concerning ourselves, that we do
Prophet's inquiry, the Lord gave him
not fall into the traps he lays to rob us
the revelation recorded in the 28th Sec-
of our freedom. We must be careful tion of the Doctrine and Covenants.
that we are not led to accept or support
in any way any organization, cause, or
This revelation was directed to Oliver
measure which, in its remotest effect, Cowdery. In it the Lord said to him:
would jeopardize free agency, whether "Thou shalt take thy brother, Hiram
it be in politics, government, religion,
Page, between him and thee alone, and
employment, education, or any other tell him that those things which he hath

field. It is not enough for us to be

written from that stone are not of me,
sincere in what we support. must We and that Satan deceiveth him;
be right! "For, behold, these things have not
As to Satan's direct attack upon the been appointed unto him, neither shall
Saturday, October 8
Second Day
anything be appointed unto any of this before he can drag into daylight this
church contrary to the church cove- hellish influence and unfold it unto the
nants." (D. & C. 28:11-12) world in all its soul-destroying, diaboli-
This revelation straightened Hiram cal, and horrid colors; for nothing is a
Page out, but it did not end Satan's greater injury to the children of men
efforts to deceive the brethren. You will than to be under the influence of a false
remember how they (including some of spirit when they think they have the
the leaders of the Church) fought the spirit of God.Thousands have felt the
Prophet in the days of Kirtland. At the influence of terrible power and bane-
time of one attack on the Prophet when ful effects. Long pilgrimages have been
Brigham Young was present, he arose undertaken, penances endured, and
and said that Joseph was a Prophet and pain, misery and ruin have followed in
he knew it, "and that they who rail and their train; nations have been convulsed,
slander him could but destroy their
. . . kingdoms overthrown, provinces laid
own authority and cut the thread that waste, and blood, carnage and desolation
bound them to the Prophet of God and are habiliments in which it has
sink themselves to hell." clothed." (D.H.C. 4:573)
Referring to the occasion after coming A paramount consideration for us
to Utah, he said: "Some of the leading bearers of the Priesthood today is
men at Kirtland were much opposed to may we combat these onslaughts of
the Prophet meddling with temporal af- Satan? How can we distinguish between
fairs, thinking that his duty embraced his counterfeits and divine truth?"
spiritual things alone and that the peo- the Revelator gave the people of
his day
ple should be left to attend to their this test: "Every spirit that
temporal affairs without any interfer- that Jesus Christ is come in the
flesh is
ence whatever from prophets and of God." (I John 4:2) Such a test was
apostles. In a public meeting, I said: adequate then, for the good reason
'Ye elders of Israel: Now, will some of to accept Christ at that time
was a cap-
you draw the line of demarcation be- ital offense. In light of such a penalty,
tween the spiritual and temporal within obviously no non-believer would confess
the Kingdom of God, so that I may him. It will not do for us today, how-
understand it!' Not one of them could ever, because there is no such
do it. When I saw a man standing in The situation now is that although great
the path before the Prophet, I felt like numbers of people confess Christ, most
hurling him out of the way and brand- of them, judged by their beliefs and
ing him as a fool." practices, deny him.
Brigham Young was never deceived. I would like now to suggest some tests
There were those who were, however, which can safely be used to distinguish
right up until the end of the Prophet's the genuine from the counterfeit. I have
life. Among them you will remember already indicated that many organiza-
the Laws and the Bennetts. Even the tions, causes, and measures may be
Three Witnesses were deceived. You tried by applying the test of free agency.
know, of course, what happened after Anything purporting to pertain to the
the Prophet was gone and Brother Brig- Gospel of Jesus Christ may be put to the
ham took over. Lyman Wight and many following four simple tests:
of the others, strong men who stood by 1. Does it purport to originate in the
the Prophet, were deceived and left the wisdom of men, or was it revealed from
Church. heaven? If it originated in the wisdom
And so it has gone all through the of men, it is not of God. Remember
years. Today is no exception.We have what the Savior said to Nicodemus,
people now who yield to the tempta- "Except a man be born again, he can-
tions and follow the counterfeits of not see . (nor) enter
. . the king-
. . .

Satan. Their sad situation reminds us dom of God." (John 3:3, 5) He also said,
of the statement of the Prophet Joseph "My doctrine is not mine, but his that
who, after recounting some of the work- sent me." (John 7:16) Even Jesus him-
ings of evil spirits in his day, said: "A self did not purport to originate gospel
man must have the discerning of spirits doctrine. One cannot arrive at truth by


reason alone. We have already heard a man then it be the church of a man;
this theme developed in this Confer- but if it be called in my name then it
ence. I need not stress it further. is my church, if it so be that they are
In the Book of Mormon the Prophet built upon my gospel." (3 Nephi 27:4-8)
Jacob said: "O that cunning plan of the From the foregoing it is perfectly plain
evil onel O the vainness of the frailties, that if any teaching purporting to be
and the foolishness of men! When they from Christ comes under any label other
are learned they think they are wise, than that of Jesus Christ, we can know
and they hearken not unto the counsel it is not of God.
of God, for they set it aside, supposing 3. The last phrase of the above quota-
they know of themselves, wherefore, tion gives us the third test. "But if it be
their wisdom is foolishness and it profit- called in my name then it is my church,
eth them not. And they shall perish." if it so be that they are built upon my
Then he adds this lovely sentence: "But gospel." The teaching must not only
to be learned is good if they hearken come under the proper label, but it must
unto the counsels of God." (2 Nephi also conform to the other teaching of the
9:28-29) Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You are all acquainted with Paul's 4. Now the fourth and last test I shall
great doctrine that the things of God are mention is: Does it come through the
understood by the power of God, and proper Church channel? We
read in the
that the things of men are understood 42nd Section of the Doctrine and Cov-
by the wisdom of men. "But the natural enants: "Again I say unto you, that it
man receiveth not the things of the Spir- shall not be given to any one to go forth
it of God: for they are foolishness unto to preach my gospel, or to build up my
him: neither can he know them, because church, except he be ordained by some
they are spiritually discerned." (I Cor- one who has authority, and it is known
inthians 2:14) to the church that he has authority and
We never need to be deceived by the has been regularly ordained by the heads
learning of the world. We can always of the church." (D. & C. 42:11.) In the
with safety refect those doctrines which light of this divinely established order,
are founded in the wisdom of men. how can any man accept the doctrine of
2. Does the teaching bear the proper authority from some secret source un-
label? You will remember that when known to the Church? The Lord could
his Nephite disciples inquired of Jesus not have made it any plainer that one's
what they should call the church, he authority must come through the estab-
"said unto them: Verily, verily, I say lished order of the Church, and the
unto you, why is it that the people President of the Church stands at the
should murmur and dispute because of head of that order. The Lord has placed
this thing? him there.
"Have they not read the scriptures, "The duty of the President of the
which say ye must take upon you the office of the High Priesthood," He says,
name of Christ, which is my name? For "is to preside over the whole church,
by this name shall ye be called at the

and to be like unto Moses " (D. & C.
last day; 107:91) Now
one of Moses' greatest
"And whoso taketh upon him my callings was to be a law-giver, to declare
name, and endureth to the end, the the Word of God. Only the Presi-
same shall be saved at the last day. dent can declare the doctrines of the
"Therefore, whatsoever ye shall do, Church.
ye shall do it in my name; therefore The revelation continues: "The duty
ye shall call the church in my name; of the President of the office of the High
and ye shall call upon the Father in my Priesthood is to preside over the whole
name that he will bless the church for church, and to be like unto Moses
my sake. "Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to be
"And how be it my church save it be a seer, a revelator, a translator, and a
called in my name? For if a church be prophet, having all the gifts of God
called in Moses' name then it be Moses' which he bestows upon the head of the
church; or if it be called in the name of church." (D. & C. 107:91-92.)
Saturday, Octoher 8 Second Day

In the revelation the Lord gave to the I have thought much about that. I
Prophet in answer to his inquiry about remember that counselors in the Presi-
the stone which Hiram Page had, he dency have been deceived. I remember
said, speaking of the president of the that members of the Twelve have been
Church): "Wherefore, meaning the deceived and left the Church, and men
church, thou shalt give heed unto all in every other Council in the Church
his words and commandments which he have been deceived. But there has never
shall give unto vou as he receiveth them, been a President of the Church, and
walking in all holiness before me; according to President Grant, and I be-
"For his word ye shall receive, as if lieve him. there never will be a Presi-
from mine own mouth, in all patience dent of this Church who will lead the
and faith" (D. & C. 21:4-5) people astray.
Such is the obligation of this Priest- Weneed not be led astray, my breth-
hood with respect to our present Prophet, ren. The safest way to avoid being led
Seer, and Revel ator. President David O. astrav is to magnify our Priesthood. We
McKav. "By doing these things the gates should go on our knees, each one of us,
of hell shall not prevail against you; morning and evening, and plead with
yea, and the Lord God will disperse the Almightv God to keep us in the way of
powers of darkness from before vou, and magnifying our callings in this great
cause the heavens to shake for your Priesthood. We
should live righteously.
good, and his name's glory." (D. & C. We should resist every temptation of
21:6) lust. When we harbor lustful thoughts
Now, brethren, if we will keep these and participate in lustful practices, we
things in mind, we shall not be deceived cannot see these great principles clearly,
by false teachings. I remember years and we get into the dark.
ago when I was a bishop I had Presi- If, in addition to living righteously,
dent Grant talk to our ward. After the we will study and learn what the Lord
meeting, I drove him home. At that has said and apply the tests I have sug-
time there was a great deal of criticism gested, we shall never go astray. God
against the President of the Church be- help us, I pray, that we shall remain
cause of a front-page editorial some of true and faithful ourselves, and help all
you may remember. We
talked about
of the members of the Church to see
it. When we got to his home I got out clearly, thereby placing themselves
of the car and went up on the porch among those who take the Holy Spirit
with him. Standing by me, he put his for their guide and are not deceived, in
arm over my shoulder and said: "My boy, the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
you always keep your eye on the Presi-
dent of the Church, and if he ever tells
you to do anything, and it is wrong,
and you do it, the Lord will bless you President David O. McKay:
for it." Then with a twinkle in his eye,
he said, "But you don't need to worry. Our next speaker will be Elder
The Lord will never let his mouthpiece Mark E. Petersen, a member of the
lead the people astray." Council of The Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I am very grateful, my brethren, for the memorized and said over and over again
marvelous opportunity of addressing you so many times that scripture wherein
this evening, sincerely and hum-
and I the Lord said, "Without me ye can do
bly pray that the Lord will guide me nothing," and I pray earnestly tonight
and inspire me because I, with my that he will guide me and help me, be-
Brethren, have learned long since that cause it is a tremendous responsibility
I can do nothing of myself. I have to address so many men. It is a tre-

mendous responsibility to represent this "Shall I go to school, or shall I just wait

Church. until I am drafted? Shall I enlist and
But I glory in this Church. I am so get the military obligation over with?
thankful for it. I pray God that I, with Shall I prepare for a mission, or shall I
Brother Romney, may be faithful even just drift along?"
to the end. I have been so grateful for They know, of course, that just drift-
the Servicemen whom I have seen in this ing does not get them anywhere. If
Conference. I was glad for the telegram we be successful in life we must
are to
President McKay read. I am sure that plan our lives. But some of the boys
you Servicemen and you parents of say, "How can we plan? Our lives are
Servicemen will be very glad to know, planned for us. There is nothing we
and on behalf of our Servicemen's Com- can do about it. We can go to school
mittee which is headed by our wonder- for awhile, and then we will have to
ful chairman, Brother Lee, we would go into the Army. We will have other
like to report to President McKay and obligations too. We cannot plan our
the First Presidency that all of the stake own lives," some boys have told me.
presidents of the Church reported to us A couple of weeks ago I was down
today that they have now taken out near Ft. Ord, California, and talked to
subscriptions to the Improvement Era quite a number of our young Service-
and the Church Section of the Deseret men there. They were very disturbed
News for every person in the military as to what the future holds for them. I

service of this Church. That was com- have told the young men, as well as the
pleted today, President McKay, and we young women of this Church, that they
are so thrilled with it. Under Brother are born to a great destiny, a divine
Lee's wonderful direction we have been destiny. They are in very deed the
working on this, and now we can report children of God.
to you that the stake presidents have re- But there are some who do not believe
ported one hundred percent accomplish- in God. I remember one young man

ment of that wonderful assignment. who came to me and wanted to argue

about this after I had given a discus-
So, brethren, we wish to thank you,
sion in a meeting, and he said, "I have
and we hope that you will continue with
learned in school that there isn't any
the program. Brother Lee asks that I
mention the rest of the program in addi-
God, and I have been fully convinced.

tion to the publications. Be sure, bish-

I no longer believe that there is a God."
ops, to carry on your interviews. Bishops I begin to wonder about young men

and quorum people, will you remember and about people in general who do not
to continue to write to these Servicemen believe in God. There are lots of them.
and encourage them. They need your Do you know that about 75 million
help,and they will be the stronger for Americans do not even belong to any
if you cooperate with
it and so will you, church? Do you know that about 25
this program. million more who do belong to churches
take no part whatever in them, making
I desire to address my
remarks tonight
a total of about 100 million Americans
to the young men of the Church, to the
boys of the Aaronic Priesthood, and to who, for some reason or another, have
the younger men in the Melchizedek almost completely excluded God from
their lives?
Priesthood. When President James
prayed here tonight, opening this meet- When I talk with young people about
ing, he thanked the Lord that we were such a situation, I always like to ask
born at this time, and it is surely some- them to consider the fruits of godless-
thing to be thankful for because it is a ness. What does it do to you to be
marvelous time in which to live. But without God? What does it do to you
it is also a very troublous time, and to be without religion? Can it benefit
many of our young men are very dis- you, or can it hurt you? I ask them

couraged about the prospects which con- to look around and see what kind of
front them. Many of our young men people the godless people are. I read

are quite frustrated, in fact, not know- a very interesting discussion the other
ing how to plan their lives nor what day by one of our great Americans,
to do about them. Some ask themselves, Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, a man whom I
Saturday, October 8 Second Day
respect highly. He pointed out in this Dr. Barker's concluding remarks on
discussion that one of the outstanding that occasion were these: "As the chil-
fruits of godlessness in the world right dren of Israel foreswore the worship of
now is Communism. Communism, he the golden calf and returned to the faith
says, a direct result of godlessness.
is of Jehovah, so we have foresworn the
Men who do not believe in God, who crass mechanistic materialism and re-
fight God, who put God out of their turned to the faith in God of which the
lives, and try to eliminate him from the Psalmist of old sang, 'The earth is the
lives of everybody else are the ones who Lord's and all that therein is.'
produced Communism. The day is past, my young brethren,
Is Communism something that you when we have to be shaken in our faith
would like to take into your life? It is by the pseudo teachings of certain men.
one of the fruits of godlessness. Do you The day is past when we need to doubt
want to have within you the fruits or — that God lives. The great minds of
rather I should say the seeds of Com- the world today now teach there is a
munism? Do you realize that the seeds God. He does live. They teach that he
of Communism are sprouting even now is a great mathematician. They teach
from godlessness? that he is the Creator of the universe,
You know what Communism has done and they say that this great Deity who
to the world. You know how it has made the universe must be a person
spread. You remember Hungary, don't because they see purpose in all creation,
you? And you remember Poland? Do and you cannot have purpose without a
you want to have anything like that in person. Therefore, they say, God, the
your life? Do you want the fruits of Creator, is a person.
godlessness to become a part of you and But we do not take our faith from
your future? do we? We receive our faith in
Is there any real reason to disbelieve God from revelation, and we who live
in God? There are some who say, now, in the words of President James
"Well, I learned in school that there is who offered the opening prayer, may
no God. I have learned that there are well be thankful that we live now be-
other reasons for creation." I was very cause God has appeared in modern times,
interested the other day to read a speech in modern United States of America.
by one of the great scientists of the He has appeared to modern men, and
world. He, with many others of his modern men have seen him, seen his
intellectual attainment, have reached the face and figure, and have written de-
conclusion that all of the arguments in scriptions of him. They have talked
times past to the effect that science has with him face to face. They are compe-
abolished God are false. One of the tent witnesses.
great writers of America has said that There need be no doubt in anybody's
rather than science abolishing God, mind now about God. He lives. He
science is now virtually abolishing has been in the United States in modern
atheism. times, and these competent witnesses
The present day attitude of top scien- leave you their testimony, and we leave
tists was expressed recently by Dr. you our testimony that we know that
Joseph W. Barker, president and chair- he lives because he has been seen and
man of the Research Corporation of heard in America, in these, the last days.
America, and formerly Dean of the We are his children, and because we
Engineering School at Columbia Uni- are his children we may become like
versity. He explained that scientists of him. Because we are his children he
the nineteenth century were misled by has raised us up at this time of the
certain of their observations, and as a world's history to do a particular work,
result came to conclusions which were and the accomplishment of that work is
definitely atheistic. "But now," said the great destiny to which you and I
Dr. Barker, "even the most pragmatic have been born.
materialist in the face of present day We have been placed in the earth
scientific knowledge is led to the in- now to fulfill that destiny. Our destiny
evitable conclusion that the heavens de- is that as his servants we shall prepare
clare the glory of God and the firmament the way for his coming in glory in the
shows of his handiwork." future, not too far distant.


Are you willing, young people, to ac- in the last few weeks hasn't Mr. Khrush-
cept that destiny? Are you willing to chev brought Communism very close to
so live that you may fill this destiny? you? Don't you see in him a personal
Are you going to catch the picture of antagonist, your own personal antagon-
your own identity and know that you ist? Wouldn't he like to destroy you if
are a child of God, and that you are not he could? Wouldn't he like to enslave
a descendant of some monkey or some you? Communism does seem remote
ape, but that you are actually the de- to you, but remember that it can come
scendant of God Almighty on High, awfully close. With one word from
and that you are of the race of divinity? Khrushchev he could cast you into war.
Are you willing to accept that doc- You must give consideration to him.
trine? Isn't it far better to accept the You cannot ignore him. He is more
doctrine that you are a child of God than a name in the world news.
than that you are a descendant of some And crime seems rather remote to
lower form of life not even as high as most of you. Why do we talk about
you? crime? We talk about it because crime,
Yes, we have our destiny, and the like Communism and much else begins
destiny is divine. It is that you and I with the small things. Every little thing
must live and work in this Kingdom, and that you do wrong might lead to a
as his servants accomplish the great criminal tendency. It may seem very
work that he has given us. We were small at first. It may be cheating in
born with a purpose. We must fulfill school. It may be lying to your par-
that purpose. ents. It may be that you take some

But sometimes we allow other things property that doesn't belong to you.
to interfere with our destiny. Are you It may be that you go out on a petting

willing to allow anything to interfere party. It may be that it would be as

with yours? Are you willing to allow terrible stealing the virtue of some
lovely Is that crime?
selfishness, convenience, or so-called
popularity to interfere? Are you will- I like you to know that so far
ing to give up your right to fulfill a as I am
concerned, I think it is worse
great divine destiny because you want to steal the virtue of a girl than it is
to be popular with a given crowd at to rob a bank. —
Crime how does it
school, or because you want to make an start? Are you going to let these things
impression, because you want to make a —
a lie here, a petting party there inter-
"grandstand play?" Is a "grandstand fere with the great destiny that you
play" worth the loss of your birthright? have? Are you going to let your per-
Is popularity with a questionable crowd sonal convenience now interfere with
worth it? your whole plan of life for the future?
This discussion of Mr. Hoover, to Or are you willing to sit down and plan
which I referred, was most interesting. your life? If you don't plan you will
He said there are two great enemies of fail.

America today. They are twin enemies, Somebody once said that to fail to
he said. One is Communism. The prepare is to prepare to fail. That is
other is crime. He said that both of true with our schooling, it is true with
them sprout from Godlessness. As Com- our work, it is true with our dating, it
munism is a threat to America, so is is true with every phase of our lives.

crime. But they both grow out of Young people, as the children of God,
Godlessness. Mr. Hoover appealed to will you plan for success? You do not
all Americans to restore their faith in need to be frightened about the world
God as a safeguard to our nation. He conditions, because if you are true and
actually gave us a warning that either faithful God will protect you, and he
the faith of our fathers will triumph, or will bless you.
this country will be dominated and May I read to you one of the great
controlled by either Communism or promises that the Lord has given? I
crime, or both. put a lot of confidence in this promise.
Well, young people, Communism It isfound in the last chapter of First
to you seems very remote, doesn't it? Nephi. This is why I say I don't fear
And so does crime. I know that. But the conditions of the world too much.
Saturday, October 8 Second Day

If we will do our part, and if we will so you will be protected in these last
fulfill our destiny we will achieve exactly days. God will have his hand over
what the Lord has for us, and we will you, and you can plan your lives in
be protected in doing it. I would like confidence. Every one of you can plan
you to know that in these, the last days, a wonderful life, a wonderful success,
the Lord has predicted that there shall but you must plan.
be two simultaneous movements. One Now what shall we plan for? We
of these movements is the great tribula- must plan to stay with the Church first,
tion that shall come upon the world. last, and always. We
will plan to under-
The wicked will destroy the wicked. stand the doctrines of the Church and
The other great movement which will the proceedings of the Church so that
be going forward simultaneously is that we will understand our true destiny.
there shall be a stone cut out of the We will study the gospel and be in-
mountain without hands, and it shall formed. We
cannot leave ourselves in
roll forth and eventually fill the whole darkness or ignorance about our princi-
earth. The Church to which you and pal assignment in life. We
will plan
I belong is that stone. It has been cut also to go to school and make the most
out of the mountain without hands, and of our educational opportunities, but
your destiny and mine is to help roll we will not allow worldly theories to
it forth. upset our faith.
Now do you suppose for one mo- We will dedicate ourselves to the
ment that the judgments of God are living of the clean life. We
will never
going to interfere with the progress of allow sin to disqualify us for our destiny.
his work? He is consistent, isn't he? We will choose good friends, clean and
Although he will pour out his tribula- faithful like ourselves. They will help
tions upon the wicked, he nevertheless us on to our destiny. We
will be a help
will carry forward his work, and his to them. We
will consider a most im-
people, under divine protection, will roll portant step in fulfilling our destiny
forth that stone until eventually it fills the acceptance of a full time mission for
the whole earth. the Church, and looking toward that
And so, says the Book of Mormon: acceptance we will plan for it over the
"For the time soon cometh that the years. A mission is a must in the
fulness of the wrath of God shall be planning of our lives. We
must not at
poured out upon all the children of any time allow unwholesome acts to
men; for he
will not suffer that the interfere with that planning. It will be
wicked shall destroy the righteous. our first great step in helping to build
"Wherefore, he will preserve the the Kingdom of God.
righteous by his power, even if it so We will plan for a temple marriage.
be that the fulness of his wrath must We can never fulfill our destiny with-
come, and the righteous be preserved, out it. That means we will date LDS
even unto the destruction of their ene-
mies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous
girls — girls as
full of faith as ourselves.
clean as
ourselves, as
will never
need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, let our dating practices put any road-
they shall be saved, even if it so be as blocks in our way as we move on the
by fire." (I Nephi 22:16-17.) road to destiny. We
will be honest with
believe that.
I In the midst of all all other people. We
will be honest
these tribulationsGod will send fire with ourselves and never try to kid our-
from heaven, if necessary, to destroy selves into thinking that we can get
our enemies while we carry forward our away with evil and still make the grade,
work and push that stone until it fills if you will excuse that slang.

the whole earth! We will be true. We

will be true to
Your destiny is to do that very thing, our loved ones, true to our country, true
and this is the kind of protection you to ourselves, and true to our God. We
will have. You do not need to fear will live up to the best that is in us. We
about world conditions. You do not will live up to our trust in God and
need to fear about anybody. Just serve the trust he places in us, for we know
the Lord and keep his commandments that he lives. We
know that he is our
and build the Kingdom, and as you do Father. We
know that we can become

like him. We know

that the Priest- Be honest with yourselves. Live up
hood we have received is authority to to the best that is in you. Do not sell
be his servants in these, the last days, your birthright for a mess of pottage.
to help build the Kingdom, to strengthen Be true to the faith and God will be
others, and to prepare for the Second true to you no matter what the future
Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus may hold.
Christ. This is my testimony to you in the
Young people, you are a people of name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
destiny. You were not born to fail.
You were born to succeed. You were President David O. McKay:
born accomplish a great work here
and now. You were not born to be Elder Richard P. Condie will now
blinded by the sophistries of men. You lead the congregation and the Male
were born to be bright and intelligent Chorus in singing, "Do What Is Right."
and have your eyes open, remembering
that as the glory of God is intelligence,
The congregation and the Tabernacle
so it is the glory of every one of us. It
Choir Men's Chorus joined in singing
is intelligent to believe in God. It is
the hymn, "Do What Is Right."
intelligent to serve him. It is intelligent
to declare our allegiance to him. It is President David O. McKay:
intelligent to take the responsibility
upon ourselves and move forward in the President Henry D. Moyle of the First
great assignment that he has given. Presidency will now address us.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

My beloved fellow workers, I have a are, however, some details pertaining to

humble desire to come before you to- this work which have not permitted us
night, not only those who are here in the past to proceed with as great a
assembled, but those who are gathering, unity as we might.
and have gathered, and are now in the Into this great missionary movement
many meeting places throughout the of the Church have come prominently
United States, Canada, and New Zea- to the fore what we now call referrals.
land. It is wonderful to be a fellow Some of our mission presidents love to
worker with you in this great missionary call it "sharing the gospel," and in
cause of the Church. I am so grateful undertaking to carry out this detail of the
that this missionary endeavor does not work there has seemed to be sort of
confine itself to what we call the mis- a natural inclination upon the part of
sions of the world. It has become and those laboring in the stakes to exclude
is now part and parcel of the work of the full time missions, and I presume
every stake of Zion, as well as every equal thought on the part of the full
mission. It is my hope and prayer to- time missions to preclude sharing their
night that we are not far distant from opportunities with the stake missions.
the time when there will be less and Brethren, this just must not be! Pos-
less differentiation between stake mis- sibly at the root of this difficulty is the
sions and full time missions. question of records, of statistics. We
Brethren, my message to you tonight become proud of our performance. We
is that they are one. We
are one, and want to make a showing. We
want to
all of us who have fellowship in this stand at the head of the list. I wonder
Church are one in promulgating the if it were possible to devise statistics
gospel of Jesus Christ to our fellowmen, which would register what I shall call,
wherever we may be, either at home or for convenience, our unselfishness in this
abroad. Now that message seems so respect? What does it matter whether
simple that you wonder why I would the stake mission or the full time mission
take the precious time remaining in this gets the credit for a baptism? All we
meeting to discuss it further. There are interested in is the conversion of

Saturday, October 8 Second Day

those who will repent of their sins, stake mission, or in other instances by
acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of the labors of the full time missionaries,
God, and accept his gospel as it has have been converted by the joint effort
been restored in these latter days in its of a stake missionary and a full time
fulness to the world through the in- missionary laboring for the time being
strumentality of the Prophet Joseph in the same cause and in the same fam-
Smith. ily, or in the same group.

Brethren, we must rise above any Now, we do not particularly feel it

personal ambitions or desires. How wise to inter-mix or to intermingle our
grateful the General Authorities are for missionaries in this fashion —at least I
those glorious meetings we have held feel a word of caution should be given
with these wonderful mission presidents, except where there is a result to be ac-
as they have come in from the various complished, except that there is a specific
missions of the Church in the United purpose concurred in by the president
States and in Canada, Mexico, Central of the stake mission and the president
America, and Hawaii. of the full time mission.
I had hoped during this Conference,
Mission president after mission presi-
along with my close, beloved associate,
dent reported that they had no trouble
Brother Gordon B. Hinckley, that we
because where they worked conjointly
might have had a meeting of all of the
with the stake missions they shared the
stake mission presidents and the stake
baptisms 50-50, and they did not ask a
presidents and our full time presidents,
question as to whether the success of
in order that we might sit down and
the stake mission equalled the full time
plan a program mutually agreeable by
mission, nor whether the full time mis-
which the greatest possible unity might
sion equalled that of the stake. I was
be brought about in this matter of co-
further thrilled, as were all of my operating and coordinating the work of
Brethren who attended those meetings,
these two branches of our missionary
to see how there had come about such a
close correlation of the activities of these
two great groups of missions. When it Finally, we came to this conclusion,
was possible of an evening for the stake and I am sure in arriving at it we were
missionaries to divide up with the full inspired, that all we needed to do was
time missionaries they would go out to call it to the attention of you breth-
together, and each benefit and profit by ren here tonight, and who might hear
the experience and faithfulness of one us over these 271 stations of this closed
another. circuit network. This is the solution
The stake missionary can bring into
which we propose —
that you get to-
gether without us and work out your
the our young full time mission-
life of
aries a stability and integrity, a devotion,
own problem in unity.
a loyalty, and dedication, that can only This is the order of the Church. To
come to us through years of constant the extent that we can so diversify the
service to the Master. And then on the activities of the Church so that almost
other hand, these young men, thrilled the full load of our responsibilities rests

as they are with their early experiences upon us in the wards and in the stakes
in the mission field of sensing the power of the Church, and we become less and
that there is in the Priesthood which less dependent upon direction, so far
they bear, when they first sense how the as details are concerned, from General
Lord has magnified them in their calling, Authorities of the Church, the stronger
why the thrill of it just sets them on the Church will grow.
fire,and that fire carries over to some I want to say in conclusion that that
of us older ones in the stake missions reaches also to the use of our facilities.
who enjoyed that same fire many years There should never be any hesitancy
ago, and we enjoy coming in such close upon the part of a bishop or his
contact with it now. custodian to make every facility the
And what is the result? Experience Church owns available to the mission
after experience in the mission field president at his single request in order
indicates that those who have not been that we may not have any lost motion
touched by the missionary labors of the in this work. If there are any costs

involved in the use which the full time convert who comes from the mission. I
missions may make of the facilities of hope there is not a bishop in the Church
the wards and the stakes, we want you who will presume to pass judgment upon
bishops and you stake presidents to what a mission president does in deter-
determine whether you would like to mining who should be baptized and who
absorb that locally as part of your con- should not. I tell you solemnly this
tribution to the great missionary cause, evening, my brethren, the presidents of
or want to send the full time missions our missions have read the 37th Verse
a bill for it. of the 20th Section of the Doctrine and
Now we do not want to make that Covenants just as often as any bishop,
decision for you. All we want is that and are just as much impressed with
the facilities which the Lord has blessed the importance of following its mandate
us with in the wards and stakes of Zion implicitly, but when a stake president
be utilized to the fullest extent for the speaks and a convert is baptized, let the
carrying on of the promulgation of the responsibility for that conversion rest
gospel, regardless of what agency may upon the stake president and bishop. It
have need for it at the moment. Let does not lie within the province of any
each agency make its own decision as bishop to challenge it any more than it
to its need of these facilities. A ward would lie in the mouth of a mission
should not make this decision for the president to challenge the judgment of
the bishop under like circumstances.
Let me say in conclusion that I am
sure that as we do this we will not only God bless us, brethren, and let us go
grow and develop the strength of our forward as one, united in the work of
stakes, but we will make it possible for the Lord, I pray humbly, in the name
our bishops to fully fellowship every of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Brethren we have had great mes- the more grateful I am for my parents,
sages tonight. I hope the vast audience for how they lived the gospel in that
will have been aroused to the realization old country home. Father used to preach
that the enemies to truth are just as it, even to visitors who stayed at
active today as they have been since —
the house and that was a stopping
Christ was tempted, and before when —
place for them both father and mother
two powers stood before the Creator and lived the gospel.
each presented his plan. I have realized throughout this con-
I hope there will be just as much ference, as perhaps never before, that
realization that the responsibility to my testimony of the reality of the ex-
teach the truth rests upon the Priest- istence of God dates back to that home
hood of the Church as it ever has done. when I was a child, and it was through
This evening, just before coming to their teachings and their examples that
this meeting, I read a line from the I received then the knowledge of the
Chief Apostle two thousand years ago. reality of the spiritual world; and I test-
He addressed the elders of the Church ify that it is a reality.
and said, "I am also an elder and a It is just as easy for me to accept as
witness of Christ, and also a partaker a divine truth the fact that Christ
of the glory that shall be revealed. preached to the spirits in prison while
Feed the flock of God. Be examples to his body lay in the tomb as it is for me
the flock. Be sober, vigilant, because to look into your faces tonight. His body
your adversary, the Devil, as a roaring was silent. His spirit was in the spir-
lion walketh about seeking whom he itual realm with his father. It is true.
may devour, whom resist, steadfast in And it is just as easy for me to
the faith, knowing that the same afflic- realize that one may so live that he
tions are accomplished in your brethren may receive impressions and direct mes-
that are in the world." Be examples to sages through the Holy Ghost. The
the flock. veil is thin between those who hold
Now, a testimony. The older I grow the Priesthood and those on the other

Saturday, October 8 Second Day
side of the veil. That testimony be- of a father, a loving mother, and so
gan, I repeat, in the home in youth my contribute to the strength of the Church
because of the example of a father by exercising your Priesthood in your
who honored the Priesthood and his — home and in your lives, I pray in the
wife, who sustained him and lived it name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
in the home.
do not know that Peter had that in
I President David O. McKay:
mind particularly when he mentioned
The Salt this evening
Lake Tabernacle
being an example to the flock, but I
know that such a home is a part of that has 7,719 men of the Priesthood. The
flock. The influence you spread in your Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall and
home will go throughout the town, will on the grounds, 1,892. We
have reports
go throughout the county, the wards, —
from 267 of the groups 37,503, making
and the stakes. The most precious thing a total as reported of 47,114 men of the
in the world is a testimony of the truth. Priesthood assembled this night. We
Truth never grows old, and the truth have not heard from New Zealand yet.
is that God is the source of your Priest- I wish to thank the Tabernacle Choir

hood and mine. The truth is that he Men's Chorus, and Brother Condie, for
lives; that Jesus Christ, the Great High the music they have given us tonight
Priest, stands at the Head of the Church and the inspirational singing. They
and that every man who holds the have added dignity to our gathering.
Priesthood, if he lives properly, soberly, Thank you and God bless you.
industriously, humbly and
prayerfully, The session at ten o'clock tomorrow
is entitled to the inspiration and guid- morning will be broadcast as a public
ance of the Holy Spirit. I know that service as usual. The Tabernacle Choir
is true. broadcast will be from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Please be in your seats at 8:15 in the
God help us to defend the truth
betterthan that, to live it. itExemplify
morning. We
plead with those who
will be standing out in the doorways
in our homes. What we owe to our
trying to get in the Tabernacle to be
parents we cannot express. Are you
considerate one of another. Please
going to have that same influence on
your children, parents fathers — and avoid pushing and crowding. Courtesy
is a great virtue, but we lack it on the
mothers? God give you power so to
have that they may be true to the last,
highway in Utah. Let us show to one
another, and especially to our visitors
to death if necessary, to the truth of the
gospel of Jesus Christ that magnifies who are within our city gates, that the
God, our Father, who looks as our people of the Church, at least, are
leader and Saviour, and Redeemer of courteous.
the World, to his Beloved son, Jesus As thousands leave this great Priest-
Christ; that they appeared to the Proph- hood Meeting tonight, let us keep in
et Joseph and revealed themselves mind the admonition that is constantly
in this Dispensation; that his work is
being given us to drive carefully. Let us
established, nevermore to be thrown have courtesy in the city and on the
down or given to another people. highways.
Satan is still determined to have The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus
his way, and his emissaries have power will now sing, "I Need Thee Every
given them today as they have not had Hour." The benediction will be offered
throughout the centuries. Be prepared by President Ernest C. Anderson of the
to meet conditions that may be severe Union Stake.
—ideological conditions that seem reas-
onable—but depend upon that spirit The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus
within. You are entitled to interpret the sang the hymn, "I Need Thee Every
whisperings of the Holy Spirit. They Hour."
are real. God is guiding this Church. Elder Ernest C. Anderson, president
Be true to loyal to it.
it, Be true to of the Union Stake, offered the bene-
your families, loyal to them. Protect diction.
your children. Guide them, not arbi- Conference adjourned until Sunday
trarily, but through the kind example morning, October 9, at 10:00.

Conference reconvened Sunday morn- We are pleased to note the presence
ing,October 9, at 10 o'clock. of President Clark this morning.
(The Tabernacle Choir and Organ The Tabernacle Choir, under the
broadcast was presented from 8:30 to direction of Elder Richard P. Condie
9:00 a.m., in the Tabernacle. See pages with Frank W. Asper at the organ, will
118 to 119 for a full report of this open these services by singing, "How
broadcast.) Beautiful Upon the Mountains." After
The music for this session was fur- the singing the invocation will be of-
nished by the Salt Lake Tabernacle fered by President Lionel M. West of
Choir, Richard P. Condie, Director. the El Paso Stake.
Frank W. Asper was at the organ con-
President David O. McKay, who pre-
The Tabernacle Choir sang the
anthem, "How Beautiful Upon The
sided and conducted the services, made
the following introductory remarks:
The opening prayer was offered by
President David O. McKay: Elder Lionel M. West, president of the
El Paso Stake.
The fifth session of this General Con-
ference was held last evening at 7:00
in this building, with overflow meetings President David O. McKay:
in the Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall,
The invocation was offered by Presi-
and relayed by closed circuit to members
dent Lionel M. West of the El Paso
of the Priesthood assembled in 271
Church buildings in virtually every sec- The Tabernacle Choir will now sing,
tion of the United States and several lo-
"The Heavens Are Telling The Glory
cations in Canada, and as far south as
of God," with a comprising Albert
New Zealand. We
did not have a com-
Fallows, tenor, Clara McMaster, soprano
plete report, but there were reported in
and Lloyd Neal, bass, with Richard P.
attendance between 44,000 and 50,000
Condie, conducting, and Frank W.
members of the Priesthood assembled.
Asper at the organ.
The speakers were President Moyle, Following the singing, we will hear
Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of
from President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
the Twelve, and Elder Marion G. Rom-
ney of the Council of the Twelve; and
the Male Chorus of the Tabernacle Singing by the Choir, "The Heavens
Choir furnished the music. Are Telling The Glory of God."
These services this morning in the
sixth session, will be televised by many
President David O. McKay:
circuits here on the western coast and in
order that they may hear the proceed- President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. of the
ings, we will postpone the usual an- First Presidency of the Church will be
nouncements until after the first hour. our first speaker this morning.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

My brothers and sisters, fellow members The Lord has been good to me in
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- giving me the physical strength to be
day Saints, the only true Church on the with you this morning. I often facetious-
face of the earth at this time: ly say as long as you do not think with
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

your heels, it does not make much pens that, so far as memory goes, for my
difference what they do, it is only when the time, the strictly religious prob-
the Lord or somebody begins to interfere lem has been thrown into the campaign.
with your head (laughter) I am uncer- — Be not disturbed. We
are not concerned
tain on that point, personally. But I am ecclesiastically. have the truth.We
grateful to be with you to mingle my Ours is the priesthood. are the ones We
testimony with the testimony of those whom God has set up under a system of
who have gone before, that this is the government which he revealed, where
work of God, that we are doing his we have one man standing at the head,
service, that we are working under his sustained as I have already said, by
plan, that we are instructing the world your vote, as the prophet, seer, and
in general, and ourselves in particular, revelator of the Lord to his people. No
in the principles of his gospel. one else has any right to declare the
He said to the ancients on this conti- word of the Lord to this people.
nent, "I am
the Law," and such are his Isometimes hear of persons, little
words. We
need to look no further groups, who undertake to direct us along
than to his words to get therefrom the lines that they think would be useful,
guides and the principles which will lead politically. It is time for us to take
us to eternal life. Time and time and notice and act when our prophet, seer,
time again, he said, sometimes involving and revelator tells us what to do. We
the four principles, sometimes three of are not bound by any small group.
them, "I am the life, the light, the way, What a glorious thing it is to belong
and the truth." And such is his message to the Lord's Church. As I have al-
to us. Such are the principles by which ready said, it was the Lord who said,
our lives are to be guided. "I am the light, the way, and
the life,
renew to you this morning the testi-
I the truth," and who said to the people
mony I have given to you for over a on this continent, "I am the law," which
quarter of a century, I believe every meant, of course, that by his atoning
conference, a testimony that God lives, sacrifice he fulfilled all that the law of
that Jesus is his Son and is the Christ, Moses contemplated and provided for,
a testimony that the Father and the and he alone is the one to whom we
Son appeared to the Prophet, thus look.
settling, so far as we are concerned, Never forget those words of his to
forever that the Father and the Son Martha, when she said, "... I know that
were personalities and that Jesus spoke he [Lazarus] shall rise again in the
truly when he said, ". . . he that hath resurrection at the last day."
seen me hath seen the Father; ." . . Christ said to her, "I am the resurrec-
(John 14:9.) tion, and the life: he that believeth in
My brothers and sisters, the way has me, though he were dead, ." (allud- . .

been laid down for us. have no We ing, as I believe, to our ordinances for
choice and no necessity for anything the dead) ". yet shall he live:
. .

beyond his words and the revelations "And whosoever liveth and believeth
of his mind and will which he makes in me shall never die. ." (John 11:24- . .

known to his prophet, who is called, 26.)

ordained and set apart, sustained by "And this said the
is life eternal,"
your vote to be the prophet, seer, and Savior in the great prayer, "that they
revelator of this Church. I renew again might know thee the only true God, and
my testimony that the Savior with the Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
Father came to the Prophet Joseph, that (Ibid., 17:3.)
the Prophet and his associates through And the great purposes of the Lord,
the assistance given to associates, set the great purposes of the Father, were
up thisChurch, the only true Church, declared to Moses: ". this is my work . .

as I have already said, that exists upon

the face of the earth.
and my glory to bring to pass the —
immortality and eternal life of man."
How I wish we could carry this (Moses 1:39.)
thought, this belief, this testimony in How can we, as members of this
our hearts to the exclusion of all others. Church, forget that great principle?
This is a time, nationally, when it hap- How can we fail to keep his command-


ments and to go forward as he has as —

we would read a book I wonder how
directed, for that will bring to us the many of us would have the courage to
immortality and eternal life which God go out to Wendover and pay him a
promised. And I would like to say — visit. And yet if we were not willing,
was about to conclude, to the brethren had not the courage, it is because we
of the Church, but unfortunately I fear have not lived and thought and believed
I must include the sisters: someday, as a as we should. To me, that is one great
beginning to your transgression, you may test of how well I am prepared to meet
have to determine whether a cigaret is my Maker.
worth more than what the Lord prom- The Lord helps us. He will give of
ised; someday, you will have to make his own Spirit even as much as we are
the same determination about a drink prepared to accept. "I am the way, the
of whiskey; someday, you may have to truth, the life,and the light. I am the
determine whether you prefer what the law," said the Savior.
Lord has promised to an illicit date. Let us try always to learn what the
You who have been through the temple Lord wants. If we are living the kind
of Almighty God, know your covenants, of lives we should live, that I hope we
your obligations. Never forget them. do live, we will find that no question
Keep the commandments of the Lord. ever arises in our minds for determina-
Very early in his ministry, the Savior, tion as to whether or not we should do
in that great conversation between him a good deed, take a good course. The
and Nicodemus, said that the Father question comes only when we are think-
sent the Savior to redeem the world, ing of doing something we should not
not to condemn it. The Lord never do. And on that point, may I say just
condemns the individual, except on rare a word. "Prayer is the soul's sincere
occasions. He condemns the sin. And desire." And in praying, no matter what
I can never forget that the most scath- our words may be, there will be in the
ing denunciation that I know of in our back of our minds the real prayer, the
literature, scriptural or otherwise, is real desire, and that will be controlling.
that denunciation which the Savior The Lord is merciful. He overlooks
made, and which is recorded in the much. He has to. Think of his life,
latter chapters of Matthew, against what he did, what he said. That is your
hypocrisy. He leaves one almost with guide. We sometimes think that the
the persuasion that nothing is so bad Savior lived in a Palestine that was free
as that. from trouble, that there were no
And when you think what hypocrisy murders, no robbings, no thievings.
may do— lead you to following a life of Have you ever wondered a little why
falsehood, making you pretend to be it was that Peter on that last night in

what you are not, deceiving your fellow the Garden happened to be armed with
men, sometimes deceiving your wives a sword? His Master's and his own
and your children! But there is one message had never been to fight in that
whom you do not deceive, and that is way. The Savior said he would make
Christ, our Lord. He knows all. Per- families fight among themselves, that
sonally, I have felt that nobody need their real enemy sometimes would be
keep much of a record about me, except —
father or mother but I have always
what I keep myself in my mind, which understood that to mean the warfare be-
is a part of my spirit. Ioften question tween right and wrong, the warfare be-
in my mind, whether it is going to re- tween his sayings and the sayings of
quire very many witnesses in addition the world.
to my own as to my wrongdoing, and I Do you think of the Savior as living
have frequently thought, in making in a Roman civilization with all of the

funeral sermons I wonder how many transgressions, all of the temptations,
of us there are, who, if it became known all of the evils of that great civilization?
that Jesus was out here at Wendover, Yet so it was. And yet you will find
and would be happy to see all who nothing in the New Testament of any
came to see him, Jesus our Lord, who evils the Savior ever did of the many
knows all that we have done, all that existing in the Roman Empire. I do
we have thought, could read our minds not remember any reference, allusion, or
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

statement given in the New Testament petition, "nevertheless not my will, but
showing that the Savior patronized the thine, be done."
Roman circus or the great amphitheaters In that spirit we should always ap-
which almost crowded the Palestine in proach our Heavenly Father in prayer.
which he lived. And when we go to our Heavenly Father
Taking the New Testament alone, you for advice, let us not go to him with
will gain little idea of the kind of life the request that he confirm us in our
the Romans led in Palestine, the kind desires, but ask humbly and in full faith
of life that the Christ condemned, and that he will give to us of our desires, no
yet as I have already said, it has seemed matter what they are or concerning
to me that the one sin that the Savior whom they may be, that which accords
condemned as much as any other was with his will.
the sin of hypocrisy the living of the — I am most grateful to be with you this
double life, the life we let our friends morning, to mingle my voice with the
and sometimes our wives believe, and voices of the other brethren who have
the life we actually live.
testified to you during this conference.
I repeat what I have already said, we I have listened to you during the entire
may think nobody knows of our hy- conference. I have enjoyed what has
pocrisy. As a matter of fact, I doubt been said. I have regretted my
if that assumption can be true. Some- I am grateful that the Lord has per-
body does know. But the Lord also mitted me to come this morning, and I
knows, and we make up the record here thank President McKay for giving me
in our minds —
that part of us which I the opportunity to say the few unpre-
think is part of our eternal souls. We meditated words I have said.
know, and we will never forget.
I pray the blessings of the Lord to be
May the Lord give us strength and upon you and upon all of us. I pray
power to overcome evil. May he give the blessings of the Lord to be upon
to us men the power to magnify our him, the prophet, seer, and revelator of
priesthood. May he give to us the the Church and the President thereof.
knowledge that we hold in our hands I pray that we will give him the full
through our priesthood and the exer- measure of support that we have cove-
cise of faith, the most powerful force of nanted to give him when we sustained
which we have any knowledge. It him by our uplifted hands. That is a
transcends the forces of nature, as the marvelous covenant we make, and as
Lord showed on more than one occasion. we make it here, we bind the Church,
It is the force by which the worlds were
for this is a constituent assembly speak-
made. It is at our command, if we so ing for the Church. God grant his
live that we are entitled to it. But it is blessings may be always with us, to help
my faith and my belief that the Lord us, to build us up, to keep us in the
never gives anyone faith, it being his straight and narrow path, even until
gift, that will defeat his purposes. the end of life, and may he enable us

And when we pray, as I have said to bestow such an impress upon our
to you on many occasions, I am sure, families as will enable them in turn to
pray as he did in Gethsemane. And follow his paths, never forgetting and
have you ever been struck with the applying strictly the great principle he
thought that here was the Son praying announced, "I am the way, the truth,
to the Father to let the cup of crucifixion the life, and the light," and as to this
pass by, ". nevertheless not my will,
. . continent, "I am the law," to the end
but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42.) A that we ourselves and our families after
few days before in the temple, he had us, may be saved and exalted and re-
said, "Father, save me from this hour: united in the hereafter, I humbly pray
but for this cause came I unto this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
hour." (John 12:27.)
I have been struck with the fact that
Deity himself, half mortal for the time, As President Clark turned to
found himself asking that his destiny leave the pulpit, he said,
might be changed, but he finished his "Let me tell a story. I remem-

ber when Sullivan and Kilrain President David O. McKay:

were fighting a championship We have just heard President J. Reu-
down in New Orleans, I believe it ben Clark, Jr. of the First Presidency.
was,when I was a kid, in the 76th We all rejoice in his vigor of youth. His
round, or thereabouts, word came legs may be a little wobbly, but his
heart and head are still sound and clear.
back, as I remember, 'Kilrain is
We welcome him. Our next speaker will
slightly disfigured, but still in the be Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Council
ring. of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I am sure we are all grateful to the Lord Reference has been made in this con-
for the presence here of President Clark, ference to the chaotic condition of the
for the privilege of listening to his in- world on account of communism. While
spiring and dynamic testimony, and for I shall not dwell on this at length, we
his admonition and advice. It is very all know that our world is divided and
humbling indeed to be asked to follow imperiled; that though the Western na-
him. I shall simply add testimony my tions believe in God, or claim to, and
to his, that this is the Church of Jesus in the freedom of men, and the worth of
Christ; the qualifying phrase "of Latter- the individual, there are hundreds of
day Saints" distinguishes its members millions of our fellow men who are
from members of the same Church in being taught that God is a myth and
former times, who are referred to in the religion but an opiate; who are being
New Testament as Saints. indoctrinated, while their minds and
We worship God the Father through bodies are enslaved, to believe in the
his Son Jesus Christ. It is he, the Savior, monstrous supremacy of the totalitarian
who is the Head of the Church, its great state.
High Priest, its Founder, and its Inspira- While we are preaching Christ and
tion. All others, whether they be him crucified, there are millions on the
prophets, apostles, elders, members all — earth who dare not mention his name
others are willingly subservient to him. except in derision and anathema. The
We agree with the Apostle Paul that battlefronts in this cold war are divided
". .there is none other name under
. into sectors: social, economic, scientific,
heaven given among men, whereby we geographic, ideological; but the one front
must be saved." (Acts 4:12.) on which the enemy is concentrating,
We are informed that there are per- the one front which makes him gnash
haps more nonmembers than members his teeth at its very name, is the front
present and listening in. To all of you which may be called "God and religion."
out there we bid a hearty welcome and — —
The war cold or hot will be waged by
wish to include you in the usual Latter- the followers of Christ versus anti-
day Saint greeting: "Brothers and sis- Christ.
ters." That being true, it is incumbent upon
Perhaps many of you would refer to all Christians everywhere, and again I
the Church as the "Mormon" Church; am speaking to you, our friends out there,
while we do not object to that designa- it behooves us to re-examine our creeds,
tion, itmay be a bit misleading. Mor- our fundamental concepts, our basic
mon was an ancient American prophet, faith, and ask ourselves again the mean-
whose name was given to a sacred record ing of the word "God" in our theology,
which he compiled; but though this may and the place of God in our lives. Our
be called the Mormon Church, it is not allegiance must be intelligent and well-
the Church of Mormon, nor is it the defined.
Church of Joseph Smith nor of Brigham Every man should answer for himself
Young, nor of any other man. It is the the question, "What think ye of Christ?"
Church of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 22:42.) I should like to bear

Sunday, October 9 Third Day

my testimony of him and indicate briefly —

body hence, the pity of a friend.
his status in the minds and hearts of But there came forth from that lowly
all Latter-day Saints as background and tomb riches beyond all price. The life-
introductory, or, byway of contrast less body, which was placed there by
for none other, however great, can be loving hands three days previously, came

compared to him may I call attention forth from that tomb triumphant over
for a moment to what the tourist may death, a resurrected, glorified Personage,
see when he goes to Europe or the the first fruits of them that slept. And
Middle East, as he visits the birthplaces the rewards of that victory are to be
and the resting places of the notable shared among all men everywhere, for
ones of the earth —the poets, authors, as Paul said, "For since by man came
soldiers, and statesmen. death, by man came also the resurrec-
The tourist will probably
be impressed tion of the dead.
by the ruins of ancient cities and the "For as in Adam all die, even so in
crumbling monuments and tombstones Christ shall all be made alive." (1 Cor.
of many who are called great. Some of 15:21-22.)
these ancients built and garnished their And what was it that came from that
own sepulchres and gilded their tombs open tomb? Was it merely a spirit?
in order to display their wealth and to He himself answered that question when
indicate their status. The visitor will he stood among his followers who were
be impressed by the Colosseum in Rome, amazed and frightened at his appear-
the Acropolis in Athens, and admire ance. He said to them, ". .are. Why
the work of former masters in art, litera- ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise
ture, philosophy, and government. He in your hearts?
will be reminded of the pomp of the "Behold my hands and my feet, that
Pharaohs in Egypt as he visits the pyra- it is I myself: handle me, and see; for

mids, and may ask: "Why such colossal a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye
expenditure of money and time and lives see me have." (Luke 24:38-39.)
to build a tomb?" He will probably Brothers and sisters, this Babe of
leave without an answer to his question Bethlehem, this Carpenter of Nazareth,
and remember only the inscrutable smile this Man of Galilee, never wrote a
of the Sphinx. book, and yet the story of what he said
But if his tour leads him to the Holy and did during the three short years of
Land, he will be inspired by the thought his ministry, which was faithfully,
that though Rome had her Caesars, her though only partially, recorded by his
master artists, and her geniuses; though humble disciples, has been read and re-
Athens had her conquerors, her states- read by more people in more languages
men, and her philosophers; though than any other book.
Egypt had her pompous dictators and He left no masterpiece on canvas,
her unrelenting Pharaohs, it remained and yet his life and death have been
for little Bethlehem and later for the inspiration for more artists than any
Nazareth and Galilee to give to this other subject. He left no monument in
world its most transcendent personage. stone or bronze or marble, and yet the
In Jerusalem one has the privilege image of his divine manhood has been
of standing before an open tomb — an inspiration to millions down through
the centuries.
tomb that was once closed by a great
stone on which was placed the seal of But we testify of and worship not
Rome and over which a guard was only one who lived and died two thou-
mounted. But that stone was rolled —
sand years ago and we hope you, our
away, that seal was broken, that guard friends, will note what now we say,
was overcome, that tomb was opened for we declare it by authority and by
by an angel of the Lord. That borrowed —
commandment we testify of one who
sepulchre was neither gilded nor deco- was also resurrected from the dead and
rated, and in it was found no earthly is now living —one who comprehen-

treasure, for its temporary tenant was sible, one who has a material, though
destituteof worldly goods. In life he an immortal body as he himself de-
had no place to lay his head, and in clared when he said to his astonished
death there was no place to lay his followers: "Handle me and see." It


was that same body which ascended the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
into heaven out near Bethany when a (Hebrews 1:1-3.)
cloud enveloped him, and to the amaze- Wespeak of him of whom Isaiah
ment and astonishment of his followers, prophesied when he said: ". . . Behold,
he ascended into heaven. Two men in a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son,
white standing by said, "Ye men of and shall call his name Immanuel."
Galilee, why stand ye gazing into (Isaiah 7:14.) That he had reference
heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken to the Babe of Bethlehem is evidenced
up from you into heaven, shall so come by what the angel said to the confused
in like manner as ye have seen him go and bewildered Joseph, whose beloved
into heaven." (Acts 1:11.) Mary was about to bear a child. The
Peter declared that the heaven must angel said to Joseph: "Joseph, thou son
receive him until the time of the ". . . of David, fear not to take unto thee
restitution of all things, which God hath Mary thy wife: for that which is con-
spoken by the mouth of all his holy ceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
prophets since the world began." (Ibid., "And she shall bring forth a son,
3:21.) and thou shalt call his name jESUS:
Yes, we testify of the First Begotten of for he shall save his people from their
the Father in the spirit, the Only Begot- sins.
ten Son of God in the flesh, a member "Now all this was done, that it

of the Holy Trinity, the Creator of the might be fulfilled which was spoken of
world. To prove he was the Creator the Lord by the prophet, saying,
we quote the words of John, the Apostle: "Behold, a virgin shall be with child,
"In the beginning was the Word, and and shall bring forth a son, and they
the Word was with God, and the Word shall call his name Emmanuel, which
was God. The same was in the be- being interpreted is, God with us."
ginning with God. All things were (Matthew 1:20-23.)
made by him; and without him was He himself proclaimed his Godhood,
not any thing made that was made." and his heirship when he was chal-
(John 1:1-3.) That the Word referred lenged by his persecutors after he had
to was none other than the Christ said, "I and my Father are one."
becomes evident when one reads the They wanted to stone him, and he
fourteenth verse: "And the Word was said, ". for which of my works do
. .

made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and you stone me?" And they said, "For a
we beheld his glory, the glory as of good work we stone thee not; but for
the only begotten of the Father,) full blasphemy; and because that thou, being
of grace and truth." (Ibid., 1:14.) a man, makest thyself God." And he
The Apostle Paul also bears testimony answered them, "Say ye of him, whom
of him as the Creator: "For by him the Father hath sanctified, and sent into
were all things created, that are in the world, Thou blasphemest; because
heaven, and that are in earth, visible I said, I am the Son of God?
and invisible, whether they be thrones, "If I do not the works of my Father,
or dominions, or principalities, or believe me not." (John 10:30-33, 36-
powers: all things were created by him, 37.)
and for him: As
to the actuality of the resurrection
"And he is before all things, and by of Christ, his divinity, his universal
him all things consist." (Colossians Godhood, let us hear his own declaration
1:16-17.) and read the testimony of a multitude
We read of him in Hebrews: "God, . . of people on the American continent, to
"Hath in these last days spoken unto whom he appeared just after his cruci-
us by his Son, whom he hath appointed fixion.
heir of all things, by whom also he made This scripture may be new to many of
the worlds; you, but in America, as in Jerusalem,
"Who being the brightness of his there were holy men of God who spake
glory,and the express image of his per- as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
son, and upholding all things by the You will remember reading in Luke's
word of his power, when he had by account of the crucifixion: "And it was
himself purged our sins, sat down on about the sixth hour, and there was a
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

darkness over all the earth until the tude fell to the earth; for they remem-
ninth hour. bered that it had been prophesied among
"And the sun was darkened, and the them that Christ should show himself
veil of the temple was rent in the midst." unto them after his ascension into
(Luke 23:44-45.) And in Matthew: heaven.
"And behold, the veil of the temple "And it came to pass that the Lord
was rent in twain from the top to the spake unto them saying:
bottom; and the earth did quake, and "Arise and come forth unto me, that
the rocks rent; ye may thrust your hands into my side,
"And the graves were opened; and and also that ye may feel the prints of
many bodies of the saints which slept the nails in my hands and in my feet,
arose." (Matthew 27:51-52.) that ye may know that I am the God
Now this thick darkness, which cov- of Israel, and the God of the whole
ered the earth, and the convulsions of earth, and have been slain for the sins
the earth at the time of the crucifixion, of the world.
extended to America. Here the darkness "And it came to pass that the multi-
lasted three days, and it was so thick tude went forth, and thrust their hands
upon all the face of the land that the into his side, and did feel the prints of
people could feel the vapor of darkness, the nails in his hands and in his feet;
and they could make no light. and this they did do, going forth one by
At the end of the period of darkness one until they had all gone forth, and
and upheaval, they who survived were did see with their eyes and did feel with
assembled near the temple. There they their hands, and did know of a surety
heard a voice as if it came out of heaven. and did bear record, that it was he, of
They did not understand it at first, but whom it was written by the prophets,
afterwards understood when the voice that should come.
said: "And when they had all gone forth
"Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I and had witnessed for themselves, they
am well pleased, in whom I have glori- did cry out with one accord, saying:
fied —
my name hear ye him. "Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the
"And it came to pass, as they under- Most High God! And they did fall
stood they cast their eyes up again to- down at the feet of Jesus, and did
ward heaven; and behold, they saw a worship him." (3 Nephi 11:7-17.)
Man descending out of heaven; and he And thus we have the testimony of
was clothed in a white robe; and he eyewitnesses from two continents that
came down and stood in the midst of Jesus is the Christ. We add our testi-
them; and the eyes of the whole multi- mony not only that he did live, but
tude were turned upon him, and they that he still lives. This fact is the
durst not open their mouths, even one greatest hope of this divided and im-
to another, and wistnot what it meant, periled world, for if the Christ still
for they thought it was an angel that lives then the anti-Christ will be de-
had appeared unto them. feated. There can be no peace in a
"And it came to pass that he stretched godless world.
forth his hand and spake unto the peo- But our testimony would not be com-
ple, saying: plete if we did not reaffirm our faith
"Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the in the second coming of Christ, in the
prophets testified shall come into the millennium which is to come when he
world. will reign as King of kings, and Lord
"And behold, I am the light and the of lords. That this climactic event is
life of the world; and I have drunk out
not far distant is indicated by the signs
of that bitter cup which the Father hath of the times, by wars and rumors of
given me, and have glorified the Father wars, by the satanic schemes of evil
in taking upon me the sins of the world, men who would enslave not only the
in the which I have suffered the will of bodies but also the minds of all who
the Father in all things from the be- dare refuse to subscribe to the ideologies
ginning. invented by the anti-Christ.
"And it came to pass that when Jesus May the time soon come when he
had spoken these words the whole multi- again will say to this troubled world,

"Peace I leave with you. My

peace I coast, inthe northwest, and throughout
give unto you; not as the world giveth, the nation, heard President Clark and
give I unto you. Let not your heart be Elder Brown address us.
troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John The Choir and Congregation will now
14:27.) sing, "We Thank Thee, O
God, for a
God grant that we may be prepared Prophet," with Richard P. Condie con-
for that day and in the interim be ducting. After the singing, we will hear
unafraid, knowing that he still lives from Elder A. Theodore Tuttle.
and that as he said of himself: "All
power is given unto me in heaven and The Choir and congregation sang the
in earth." (Matt. 28:18.) Of him I hymn, "We Thank Thee, O God, For
humbly testify in the name of Jesus A Prophet."
Christ. Amen.

President David O. McKay: President David O. McKay:

Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Council Elder A. Theodore Tuttle of the First
of the Twelve has just spoken to us. We Council of Seventy will now address us.
hope that all the television sets and He will be followed by Elder Delbert L.
radios that were tuned in along the west Stapley of the Council of the Twelve.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My dear brothers and sisters, I have men to teach creeds which you, your-
had more compliments on the talk I do not believe, but you have the
did not give yesterday, than I have ever do it.'
social obligation to
had on one I actually gave. I am sure Another man in the same institution,
those who thus commented were think- having about the same academic cre-
ing of the advice that Brother Henry dentials, declared: "Who knows but
Taylor gave yesterday about the re- what in the year 2004 or some other
sponsibility of improving upon silence. year, there will live a man who will live
Last night in priesthood meeting, I more perfectly than did Jesus. Then
missed the voice that has always made we will worship him as the Son of God,
an eloquent plea for unity, and I am rather than Jesus. The reason we wor-
grateful this morning that I heard that ship Jesus as the Son of God is because
voice bear such a powerful testimony to he lived the most perfect life of any
the divinity of this work. [President J. man of whom we have knowledge."
Reuben Clark, Jr., could not attend Does the world need the message of
priesthood meeting.] Mormonism? I think it needs nothing
Where else could you go in the world more than to know the true concept of
and find such certainty and knowledge the Godhead, to have borne upon their
that God lives and that Jesus Christ is souls the testimony that has been borne
his Son. Contrast what we have heard —
here these days of conference the testi-
the past few days with this statement: mony that comes through the gift and
"Several years ago in a seminary power of the Holy Ghost, that bears
recognized as perhaps the greatest in witness to our souls and our hearts that
this country, a doctor of divinity, who God does live. He is real. He is a
had a string of honorary doctoral de- glorified, resurrected Being, and he is
grees and who is on the board of our Father, and he loves us. He ". . so .

directors of one of the largest Protestant loved the world, that he gave his only
churches in America, in lecturing to a begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
large group of students, most of whom in him should not perish, but have ever-
already had bachelor of divinity degrees, lasting life." (John 3:16.)
said, sympathetically: Jesus is the Savior. We
" 'I know that it is difficult for you boldly, yet humbly, to all of the world
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

that he is the Redeemer; that he atoned I would plead with the parents of this

for the sins of man, and he is veritably Church to prepare their sons to bear
the Son of God. this testimony to the world, the only
I am grateful that we have had re- power that will bring peace, because
stored to us today, another witness that peace is rooted in righteousness. When
this is so. This witness comes from the the hearts of men on this earth can be
Book of Mormon. Nephi saw in vision prepared to receive the witness of the
that Mary was to be the mother of the Spirit, all men will be brothers, and
Son of God after the manner of the then peace can come to our hearts.
flesh. (1 Nephi 11:18.) The Book of I pray that we shall hasten this day
Mormon further witnesses that Jesus through our united efforts by whole-
Christ did come to this people on this heartedly supporting these brethren who
continent. They bore testimony that direct the affairs of the Lord on earth,
he lives. and can contribute both service and sub-
I am grateful for the Prophet Joseph stance to help the work of the Lord
Smith, who said he saw two Personages forward. I humbly pray his blessings
stand above him in the air, and that the upon us, and bear this testimony in the
one called him by name and said, "This name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph
Smith 2:17.) And I would add to the
testimonies that have been borne in con- President David O. McKay:
ference, my own testimony. It has come
to me through the gift and power of the He to whom you have just listened is
Holy Ghost. I know that God lives, A. Theodore Tuttle, a member of the
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. First Council of Seventy. shall nowWe
I am grateful for this witness of the hear Elder Delbert L. Stapley, a member
Spirit to my soul. of the Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, it is good to be body provided by them. God grants

here. I think I should like to use as to parents, if they have complied with
the springboard for my message, the his gospel laws and ordinances, the
closing remarks of President Clark and a children born to them in the new and
suggestion just made by Brother Tuttle. everlasting covenant of marriage, or
My message for this conference is di- sealed to them by the authority of the
rected to parents and emphasizes the Holy Priesthood of God as their very
theme introduced to the membership of own throughout the eternities of time.
the Church this year in connection with This knowledge adds joy, happiness,
the stake conferences, "Keep Faith with and glory to joint-heirship with Christ
Your Family." in that the Father possesses, even the
Myremarks apply also to the youth gift of his own spirit children. Every
of the Church, who will be the parents child is born in complete innocence
of tomorrow, for they also should be here on earth. The Lord entrusts these
interested in laying the foundation choice spirit children of his to earthly
values now for the building of ideal parents, with a hope that through proper
Latter-day Saint homes of their own teaching and training they will ever keep
after marriage and parenthood homes — them moral, true, and faithful. God
where love, harmony, and mutual af- has revealed this truth in our day:
fection predominate and the gospel is "Every spirit of man was innocent in
both taught and lived. the beginning; and God having re-
May I begin by reminding you that deemed man from the fall, men became
God extends to earthly parents a choice again, in their infant state, innocent
blessing when he sends a spirit son or before God." (D&C 93:38.)
daughter of his to dwell in a mortal Our Savior, giving his life on the

cross, redeemed us from the effectsof sin be upon the heads of the parents."
the fall; therefore, every soul at birth (Ibid., 68:25.)
stands innocent before God. Parents, therefore, have the responsi-
In the modern revelations the Lord bility of teaching to the understanding
has given important instruction to par- of their children the gospel truths, prin-
ents, detailing their responsibility in the ciples, and ordinances, and to prepare
upbringing of their children. After them for baptism and the laying on of
children come to bless parents with the hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost
joy and happiness of possession, the Lord when they attain the age of eight years,
has admonished that "Every member of the age of accountability before God;
the church of Christ having children is otherwise, the sin is upon the heads of
to bring them unto the elders before the the parents.
church, who are to lay their hands upon To leave no doubt in the minds of
them in the name of Jesus Christ, and parents about their responsibility and
bless in his name." (Ibid., 20:70.)
them accountability to this instruction, the
Here, then, is one of the first duties of Lord continued by saying:
parents: to have their children blessed by "For this shall be a law unto the in-
the elders of the Church. What a privi- habitants of Zion." The teaching of
lege and proper beginning for a child to gospel principles and the preparation of
be blessed by the elders of the Church in children to receive the ordinances of
the name of Jesus Christ! the gospel is not something parents can
Now, God has revealed that "little do only if they want to, because the
children are redeemed from the founda- Lord emphatically declared that it "shall
tion of the world through mine Only be a law unto the inhabitants of
Begotten; Zion. . And their children shall be
. .

"Wherefore, they cannot sin, for baptized for the remission of their sins
power is not given unto Satan to tempt when eight years old, and receive the
children, until they begin to be-
little laying on of the hands." (Ibid., 68:26-
come accountable before me." (Ibid., 27.)
29:46-47.) He did not say that parents could wait
Parents, therefore, have these early, until children are nine or ten or older
golden years of a child's life in which before baptism, neither does he suggest
to teach, train, and mold its character, that parents can permit their children
when Satan is not given power to tempt to grow up to maturity and decide for
or to mislead it. But there does come themselves whether they should be bap-
a time in the lives of children for indi- tized. The Lord said they "shall be
vidual responsibility and accountability, baptized . when eight years old."
. .

a time when they are to act for them- There can be no question about our
selves, and receive the gospel and its understanding of this instruction.
ordinances and to be baptized for a Because some parents have not at-
remission of their sins. tended to this important counsel, many
The Lord has declared that, "No one of their children today and the posterity
can be received into the church of of these children are out of the Church,
Christ unless he has arrived unto the separated from the greatest gift in life,
years of accountability before God, and and thus are denied all of the blessings
is capable of repentance." (Ibid., 20:71.) which they could otherwise have re-
Parents, looking forward to the time of ceived from faithful Church member-
individual responsibility of children for ship.
their own acts, should carefully heed The revelation continues with this
this admonition from the Lord: further admonition
to parents:
"And again, inasmuch as parents have "And they shall also teach their chil-
children in Zion, or in any of her stakes dren to pray, and to walk uprightly be-
which are organized, that teach them fore the Lord.
not to understand the doctrine of re- "And the inhabitants of Zion shall
pentance, faith in Christ the Son of the also observe the Sabbath day to keep
living God, and of baptism and the gift it holy." (Ibid., 68:28-29.)

of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of The Lord closes this particular in-
the hands, when eight years old, the struction to parents, by saying:
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

"Now, the Lord, am not well pleased

I, we have mutual love, respect, admira-
with the inhabitants of Zion, and . . . tion, and loyal devotion between par-
their children are also growing up in ents? Are we observing the Sabbath day
wickedness; they also seek not earnestly to keep it holy? Are we attending to
the riches of eternity, but their eyes are our meetings regularly? Are we taking
full of greediness. our children to Church rather than
"These things," said the Lord, "ought sending them? Are we obeying the
not to be, and must be done away from Word of Wisdom? Are we having fam-
among them. ." (Ibid., 68:31-32.)
. . ily prayer in the home twice daily? Are
To prevent these conditions with their we permitting our children to take their
penalties, parents who desire to abide turn in family prayer? Are we paying
by counsel have no alternative except to an honest tithing? Are we honest and
follow religiously the admonition and truthful in our dealings with our fellow
instruction the Lord has given them in men? Are we obeying the law of chas-
this revelation. He also issued an addi- tity? Are we keeping the commandments
tional warning, which admonishes par- of God fully and always setting a proper
ents of the obligation they have for the example before our children? Are we
spiritual upbringing of their children. responding to ecclesiastical authority
In this revelation, the Lord said that and supporting and speaking well of
"The glory of God is intelligence, or, those who preside over us?
in other words, light and truth. These are just a few of the things that
"Light and truth," said the Lord, "for- decide the kind of traditions in our
sake that evil one." (Ibid., 93:36-37.) homes and determine whether they are
Then he goes on to say that "Every good or bad. Remember that Israel was
spirit of man was innocent in the be- so steeped in the false traditions of their
ginning; and God having redeemed man fathers that they did not recognize the
from the fall, men became again, in Lord Jesus Christ when he came among
their infant state, innocent before God." them to set up the kingdom of God on
(Ibid., 93:38.) earth. They crucified him for no just
And then the warning of the Lord: cause.
"And that wicked one cometh and The traditions of our own homes could
taketh away light and truth, through blind the eyes and minds of our chil-
disobedience, from the children of men, dren against all truth, just principles,
and because of the tradition of their and spiritual values, and could cause
fathers." (Ibid., 93:39.) them to depart from the right course
It is the power of the wicked one or they must follow to earn for them-
Satan to deceive and lead children astray selves eternal joy and happiness.
after they arrive at the years of ac- Now, after calling attention to the
countability, which parents must guard traditions of the fathers, the Lord said
against, not only by teaching their chil- to the parents of the Church:
dren correct principles, doctrines, and "But I have commanded you to bring
life's true values, but also by setting the up your children in light and truth."
proper example before them; otherwise, (Ibid., 93:40.)
false traditions will be built up in the To bring up children in light and
home which children will absorb to truth is to bring them up in an under-
their eternal harm. standing and acceptance of the true word
As parents we should ask ourselves of God. Do our children understand the
this question: What kind of traditions doctrine of repentance, of faith in Christ
are we building up in our home for the Son of the Living God, and the im-
our children to absorb and accept into portance of baptism, its purpose, signifi-
the pattern of their own lives? Like cance, and value to them in their lives?
father, like son; like mother, like daugh- Do they understand the need of receiv-
ter, is so true. What is good enough for ing the gift of the Holy Ghost and what
parents is considered by children to be the powers and functions of the Holy
good enough for them. What parents Ghost are, and the blessings which are
do gives license for children to do. theirs through possessing this divine
Again may I ask, what are the tradi- gift?
tions of our Latter-day Saint homes? Do I will close by quoting a warning the

Lord gave to Frederick G. Williams, conference will be adjourned until 2:00

Second Counselor to the Prophet Joseph o'clock this afternoon.
Smith: Brothers and sisters, in bringing to a
". . You have continued under this
. conclusion this sixth session of the 130th
condemnation; Semi-annual Conference, we express our
"You have not taught your children sincere appreciation to the owners and
light and truth, according to the com- managers of the many television and
mandments; and that wicked one hath radio stations that have offered their
power, as yet, over you, and this is the facilities to us. We are grateful for this
cause of your affliction. wonderful public service. Thirty-two
"And now a commandment I give cities in the West are carrying the pro-

unto you if you will be delivered you ceedings of this Conference through radio
shall set in order your own house, for and television. According to a survey
there are many things that are not that has been made, it is estimated that
right in your house." (Ibid., 93:41-43.) well over a million people are listening
The Lord gave similar counsel and in this morning.
admonition at this same time to other Weare grateful for the attendance of
of the brethren, after which he applied
all here present in the Tabernacle and
the warning to all of us by saying:
in the Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall
"What I say unto one I say unto all; and in other gatherings where this Con-
pray always lest that wicked one have
ference is seen and heard.
power in you, and remove you out of
your place." (Ibid., 93:49.) We have a message this morning from
President Asael T. Sorensen and his
I earnestly pray, my brothers and
wife down in Brazil: "At the close of
that we will not permit the things
our first year in this new mission we now
of the world to lure us away into com-
placency and peaceful contentment and have 102 full time missionaries, 34 part
cause us to fail in these important ob- time missionaries, and more than 1800
ligations imposed upon us by the Lord
members. The work is progressing rapid-
ly, even though the Adversary is hard
in the teaching, training, and proper
at work on every hand." They send
upbringing of our children in the gospel
of Christ, which failure would cause
kindly personal regards. You under-
us to be removed out of our place and stand that in South Brazil a new mis-
sion was just recently formed.
our children to be denied those blessings
which they are entitled to receive from Weare pleased to note the presence
us, their parents, to enrich their lives here this morning, also, of Dr. and Mrs.
here and hereafter. J. Mueller Stalinbausch of South Africa.
God bless us to recognize the responsi- He is editor, author, lecturer, and min-
bility and obligation we have to our ister of the Dutch Reformed Church,
children. God bless us to understand National Chairman of Students of
the gospel and to be able to teach it so Christ and Association of South Africa.
that our children will understand and We desire to acknowledge the pres-
learn to love and desire to obey the ence this morning of the following na-
commandments that the Lord has given tional, state and local authorities, sev-
for their guidance and their blessing. eral of whomwe have noted throughout
This I humbly pray, in the name of the entire proceeding of this Conference:
Jesus Christ. Amen. The Honorable Wallace F. Bennett,
United States Senator; The Honorable
President David O. McKay: Frank E. Moss, United States Senator;
The Honorable David S. King, U. S.
Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Coun- House of Representatives; The Honor-
cil of the Twelve has just concluded able H. Aldous Dixon, U. S. House of
speaking. The closing song by the Tab- Representatives; The Honorable George
ernacle Choir will be "Still, Still With Dewey Clyde, Governor of our State;
Thee," conducted by Elder Richard P. in the educational institutions: Dr.
Condie. The benediction will be offered Ernest L. Wilkinson of the Brigham
by Elder J. Golden Snow, president of Young University; Dr. A. Ray Olpin,
the Taylor Stake, following which this president of the University of Utah we —
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

wish you had heard your singers yester- to all your members our appreciation of
day, they were beautiful, thank them this.
for us again; Dr. Daryl Chase, president I have mentioned already our meeting
of the Utah State University; Dr. Arthur last evening at which members of the
Bruhn, of Dixie College; Dr. M. Lynn Priesthood were assembled in closed
Bennion, Superintendent of Salt Lake circuits throughout the United States,
Schools; Dr. William P. Miller, presi- Canada, Mexico, and New Zealand,
dent of Weber College; Dr. John L. nearly 50,000 men of the Priesthood
Clarke, who is president of Ricks Col- gathered in that Priesthood Meeting.
lege; Dr. Floyd Holm, Director of Snow The Choir will now sing, "Still, Still
College; Dr. Royden C. Braithwaite, With Thee," and President J. Golden
president of College of Southern Utah; Snow of the Taylor Stake will offer the
Dr. Howard McDonald, president of benediction and this Conference will be
Los Angeles State College; Dr. John T. adjourned until two o'clock this after-
Wahlquist, president of the San Jose noon.
State College; and others probably whom
we have failed to recognize, but whom Singing by the Choir, "Still, Still
we welcome with all our hearts. With Thee."
We recognize, too, and are pleased
with the presence of our stake presi- President David O. McKay:
dencies, bishoprics, temple presidencies,
our mission presidents who have been
Members of the Twelve and the As-
sistants to the Twelve will please meet
in session all week, and our general
the First Presidency at 4:30 this after-
auxiliary officers.
noon in the upper room of the Temple.
To all we extend a cordial welcome. I mention it now so that you will make
It is glorious to meet with you and have arrangements during the noon hour if
you partake of the spirit of this great
Conference, and to let us partake of President J. Golden Snow, president
your spiritand feel your support. of the Taylor Stake, will now offer the
We hoped to mention while we were benediction.
on television to the Coast, that these
antheriums which you see arranged on The benediction was pronounced by
the rostrum were sent from Hawaii with Elder J. Golden Snow, president of the
the affectionate greetings of the mem- Taylor Stake.
bers of the Church in the Honolulu Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock
Stake. President Quealy, please express p.m.

The concluding session of the Confer- President David O. McKay:
ence was held at 2 p.m., Sunday, Octo-
ber 9, 1960 in the great Salt Lake Mentioning those whose attendance
Tabernacle, with President David O. we appreciate at this Conference, among
McKay presiding and conducting the the educational circles, we omitted Dr.
services of the meeting. Clifton B. Boyack who is head of the
The singing for this session of the Church College of New Zealand. We
Conference was furnished by the Salt are glad he has been in attendance.
Lake Tabernacle Choir, Richard P. Members of the Church are con-
Condie, Director. Alexander Schreiner vened in the Tabernacle on Temple
was at the organ. Square in Salt Lake City in this con-
Introductory remarks by President cluding session of the 130th Semi-Annual
McKay: Conference of the Church. The Tab-

ernacle is crowded. Those who are Stars," Jay Welch, Assistant Tabernacle
standing will find that overflow services Choir director, conducting.
are being held in the Assembly Hall The opening prayer was offered by
and Barratt Hall. The names of the Elder Grant M. Burbidge, president of
stations over which these services are the Pioneer Stake.
broadcast have already been announced
to the listeners. President David O. McKay:
The music for this session will be
rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with The invocation was just offered by
Richard P. Condie conducting and President Grant M. Burbidge of the
Alexander Schreiner at the organ. We Pioneer Stake. The Tabernacle Choir
shall begin these services by the Taber- will now sing, "Psalm 148," conducted
nacle Choir singing, "Seek Him That by Richard P. Condie. After the sing-
Maketh the Seven Stars." Brother Jay ing, Elder Ezra Taft Benson will speak
Welch, assistant conductor, will direct to us.
that song.
The invocation will be offered by The Choir sang, "Psalm 148."
President Grant M. Burbidge of the Pio-
neer Stake. President David O. McKay:
"Seek Him That Maketh the Seven
Stars," will now be sung by the Choir. Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
cil of the Twelve, will be our first
An anthem was sung by the Choir, speaker this afternoon. He will be
"Seek Him That Maketh The Seven followed by Elder Antoine R. Ivins.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In keeping with the spirit of that master- before by a total and atheistic philosophy
ful opening address by President McKay, of life known as communism.
I desire to discuss a matter that has con- In April, I called your attention briefly
cerned me deeply for several months. to the nature of communism. Let us
Trusting the Lord will approve, I take as remember these basic facts.
my text these sober words of warning Those who subscribe to this philoso-
from an ancient American prophet: phy stop at nothing to achieve their ends.
"And others will he pacify, and lull They do not hesitate to destroy if they —
them away into carnal security, that they are strong enough —whatever
stands in
will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion their way. Our own generation has
prospereth, all is well —and thus the nessed the Russian communists liquidate
devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth millions of their fellow countrymen.
them away carefully down to hell. Even more recently we have seen the
"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at Chinese communists wipe out millions
ease in Zion I of their fellow countrymen no one —
"Wo be unto him that crieth: All is knows the exact number.
well!" (2 Nephi 28:21, 24-25.) To
the true communist, nothing is evil
We must not be deceived all is not — if it is expedient. Being without con-
well. science or honor, he feels completely
We live today in an age of peril. It is justified in using whatever means are
an age in which we are threatened with necessary to achieve his goal: force,
the loss not only of wealth and material trickery, lies, broken promises, mayhem,
prosperity, but also of something far and individual and mass murder.

more precious our freedom itself. The By these ruthless means communism
very thing that distinguishes man from has, in a little over forty years, brought

the beasts man's freedom to act: free- more people under its domination than

dom to choose is threatened as never the total number of Christians now liv-
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

ing in the entire world and Christian- war, not just a struggle for the control
ity, as the world thinks of it, has been of land, sea, air, and even outer space,
in existence for nearly two thousand but total competition for the control of
years. men's minds. Unless we meet it and de-
And what has been the result? feat it, we shall almost inevitably one
the economic area, men and
First, in day face the loss of all that we hold dear.
women have been stripped of their prop- In less than half a century, I repeat,
erty, their savings confiscated, their farms this evil system has gained control over
taken from them, their businesses seized one-third of mankind, and it is steadily
by the state. They work where they are pursuing its vicious goal of control over
commanded to work and for such wages allthe rest of the world. It is time, and
as the state chooses to provide. They past time, for us to be alarmed. "Wo be
cannot quit, take another job, or rebel in unto him that is at ease. Wo be unto him
any tangible way. They are the puppets that crieth 'all is well.' " (2 Nephi 28:24-
of the all-powerful state. 25.)
Second, in the intellectual area, they Latin America does not believe that
are forbidden to listen to radio broad- suppression is the road to freedom.
casts not approved by the state. They Less than fifteen years ago commu-
have little or no access to free world nism was not a powerful force in Latin
books, magazines, and newspapers. They America. Today, it is not only strongly
have no voice in the education of their present there as an enemy to be reckoned
children in the schools. They and their with, it is openly allied with a govern-
children are cast in a communist mold. ment located on an island only about
To write or speak against the state is to ninety miles south of Key West, Florida.
ask for exile, imprisonment, or possibly The only political party now function-
even death. ing in Cuba is the Popular Socialist Par-
Third, in the area of morals, faith in ty, the Communist Party under another

moral principle is ruthlessly ridiculed name.

and stripped of dignity. The belief that Cuba is being used as a funnel through
man has certain inalienable rights, so which communists are infiltrating other
endowed by his Creator, is categorically American republics.
denied. Atheistic communist leaders, True to communist and dictator tradi-
scoffers at God himself, are striving to tion, the Cuban government has de-
blot the Almighty out of the minds of prived its people of the rights of a free
one-third of the world's people. press, free elections, and the protection
To do all this, they rule with iron of other fundamental human rights.
fists. They seek to hammer into obliv- And last August, even as the Organiza-
ion all who would oppose them. Indeed tion of American States met in San Jose,
it is true as the poet said: Costa Rica, Fidel Castro was shouting
defiantly: "We shall be friends of the
"Man's inhumanity to man Soviet Union and the People's Republic
Makes countless thousands mourn." of China."
(Robert Burns, Man Was Made to
How did this situation come about?
Mourn, Stanza 7.) How has it been possible com-
for this
Let us have no illusions about them. pletely warped philosophy in such a
Their leader has told us bluntly their — short time to reach its present position of
purpose is not alone to enslave us they — influence in the world? How is it possible
want to bury us. for communism to be here and now
And while it is apparently true that moving into Africa, pressing upon all of
Chairman Khrushchev is content for the Asia, threatening the Middle East and
time being at least to avoid war as a increasingly becoming a danger in the
means of communist expansion, there is western hemisphere?
little doubt that the leaders of Red China There are, of course, many reasons.
view war as inevitable and await only Some nations have failed to provide for
the propitious moment in which to the advancement and desperate physical
strike. needs of their people. Others have failed
What we face today is not just a cold to recognize the worth of the individual.


But not perhaps true that the biggest

is it necessity of courage, of sacrifice, of vigi-
reason of all is the failure of western lance, of devotion to the cause of free-
civilization to live up to its Christian dom.
ideals? Wemust revivify Western ideals and
Is itperhaps true that, as Dr. Charles in particular the ideals of our own great
Malik, the great Lebanese leader and nation. We
must call back the spirit of
former President of the United Nations the dauntless leaders of the past. We
General Assembly, has said, must meet our present-day challenge not
"The deepest crisis of the West is the with softness and complacency, but with
crisis of faith. . . . Western civilization is the depth, wisdom, and daring that char-
doomed until, jolted out of its compla- acterized America in the days of old.
cency, self-satisfaction and sense of Wehave a rich history to guide us.
apartness, it rediscovers and reaffirms Think back with me a moment to the
what is genuinely human and universal year 1823. In that year James Monroe
in its own soul"? of Virginia was President. John Quincy
Let us examine our own lives and the Adams of Massachusetts was Secretary
life of our own beloved land. of State. These two men formed and
How richly we the people of the announced a policy which has pro-
United States have been blessed! foundly influenced the development of
Truly ours is a choice land a land of — our entire hemisphere.
great favors and opportunities. Yet is Here was the situation that called
it not true that these very blessings —
forth this policy known as the Monroe
could prove to be our undoing unless Doctrine —
in 1823.
our perspective is right and our idealism Several of what are now the Latin
more concerned with eternal standards American Republics had by force of
and values than with material gain and arms newly won their independence
worldly honors? from Spain and Portugal. Among them
How does our nation stand? were Colombia, Mexico, Chile, and
Are not many of us materialistic? Do Brazil.
we not find it well-nigh impossible to Meantime, a number of the sovereigns
raise our sights above the dollar sign? of Europe were seeking to enforce the
Are not many of us pragmatists liv- — "divine right of kings" with the express
ing not by principle but by what we can purpose of putting "an end to the sys-
get away with? tem of representative government."
Are not many of us status-seekers France, accordingly, had proceeded to
measuring the worth of a man by the restore the rule of Ferdinand VII in
size of his bank account, his house, his Spain. Now these countries proposed to
automobile? overthrow the new and independent gov-
Are we not complacent, given to self- ernments in Latin America.
and self-congratulation
satisfaction — This our government refused to per-
willing to co-exist with evil ... so long mit. It said so plainly in the celebrated
as it does not touch us personally? Monroe Doctrine. The heart of the
If the answer to these questions is, Monroe Doctrine consisted of these

"yes" and who can honestly give a dif- words: ". the American continents, by
. .

ferent answer? then surely these are the free and independent condition
among the many reasons why this is which they have assumed and main-
truly an era of peril. tained, are henceforth not to be consid-
Many of us have a tendency to forget ered as subjects for future colonization
the Gracious Hand which has preserved by any European power."
our nation, enriched it, strengthened it. And the doctrine went on to spell out
Many of us imagine in the foolishness clearly just what was meant.
of pride, that our manifold blessings are "The political system of the allied
due not to God's goodness, but to our powers is essentially different from . . .

own wisdom and virtue. Too many of that of America. . . . We owe it, there-
us have been so drunk with self-suffi- fore, tocandor, and to the amicable re-
ciency as no longer to feel the need of lations existing between the United
prayer. Too many have forgotten the States and those powers, to declare that
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

we should consider any attempt on their President Eisenhower said as much in

part to extend their system to any por- his reply to the tirade of Chairman
tion of this hemisphere as dangerous to Khrushchev last summer. But it is not
our peace and safety." enough to say this once, nor is it enough
Now there is a statement which might for the President alone to say it. It
well be engraved in all the capitals of should be repeated again and again and
all the countries in this hemisphere to- again, and it should be supported by all
day. Every word in it is as applicable true Americans speaking as with one
today as it was one hundred thirty-seven voice.
years ago. Moreover, the Monroe Doctrine went
Surely if it were true a century and on: "Nor can anyone believe that our
a half ago that European monarchy was southern brethren if left to themselves,
essentially differentfrom our American would adopt it [this system] of their own
system of representative government, it accord." Here again the words of the
is even more true today that the com- Monroe Doctrine ring true.
munist system is totally different, totally It is almost unthinkable that any
incompatible, totally inimical to our free people would knowingly and wilfully
way of life. take on themselves the yoke of commu-
The ancient American Prophet Moroni nist oppression. No people, no nation,
saw our day. Who can doubt that he had has ever done so yet. If large masses of
in mind the evils of godless communism the Cuban people have done so, it is be-
when he gave this solemn warning: cause they have been duped or coerced.
"Wherefore, O
ye Gentiles, it is wis- This Monroe Doctrine has been the
dom in God
that these things should be continuing policy of our nation for al-
shown unto you, that thereby ye may re- most a century and a half.
pent of your sins, and suffer not that It has been reaffirmed by many Ameri-
these murderous combinations shall get can Presidents.
above you, which are built up to get We are on solid, traditional American

power and gain and the work, yea, even ground in demanding that the commu-
the work of destruction come upon you, nists should not attempt to extend their
yea, even the sword of the justice of the
political system to this side of the At-
Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your
lantic Ocean.
overthrow and destruction if ye shall
In recent years the principles of the
suffer these things to be.
Monroe Doctrine have been strengthened
"Wherefore, the Lord commandeth by various joint agreements among the
you,when ye shall see these things come American nations.
among you that ye shall awake to a In 1947, nineteen American nations
sense of your awful situation, because met in conference in Rio de Janeiro, and
of this secret combination which shall on September 2 of that year signed the
be among you;or wo be unto it, because treaty of Rio de Janeiro in which they
of the blood of them who have been promised to help one another in case of
slain; for they cry from the dust for aggression.
vengeance upon it, and also upon those On March 1, 1954, the tenth Inter-
who built it up. American Conference opened in Caracas,
"For it cometh to pass that whoso Venezuela. When we read now, six
buildeth it up seeketh overthrow the
to years later, the running account of that
freedom of all lands, nations, and coun- conference, it is almost as though we
tries;and it bringeth to pass the destruc- were scanning a preview of history. On
tion of all people, for it is built up by March 4, for example, our late great
the devil, who is the father of all lies." Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles,
(Ether 8:23-25.) urged the American states to stop the
We are eminently justified in declar- communists now.
ing that we should consider any attempt On March 6, the United States
on the part of the communists to extend presented a draft resolution condemning
their system to any part of this hemis- communism as foreign intervention and
phere as dangerous to our peace and calling for joint action against it when
safety. needed.


On March 1954, the

13, conference ther expansion of communism into the
adopted by a vote of 17 to 1 the anti- free world.
communist resolution that had been We can tell our government that we
presented by the United States. Guate- are willing to sacrifice our luxuries in
mala dissented, and Mexico and Argen- exchange for an impregnable defense.
tina abstained. We can support our government in
Referring to the Caracas conference, keeping the flame of freedom burning in
President Eisenhower said, "In this —
the souls of the oppressed wherever
hemisphere we have stressed our solid they may be throughout the world.
understanding with our American neigh- But, above all, we can face up to the
bors. . The American republics agreed
. . decay in our own civilization.
that if international communism were The communists bring to the nations
to gain control of the political institu- they infiltrate a message and a philos-
tion of any American state, this control ophy that affects human life in its en-
would endanger them all and therefore tirety. Communism seeks to provide,
would demand collective action." what in too many instances a lukewarm
Very shortly after the close of the Car- Christianity has not provided, a total
acas conference such a communist threat interpretation of life. Communists are
arose in Guatemala. The pro-communist willing to be revolutionary; to take a
government of Guatemala, aided by stand for this and against that. They
shipments of arms from behind the Iron challenge what they do not believe in
Curtain, had moved very rapidly to the customs, practices, ideas, traditions. They
left. The Organization of American believe heatedly in their philosophy.
States had already convoked a meeting But our civilization and our people
of foreign ministers under the Rio are seemingly afraid to be revolutionary.
Treaty to consider the serious situation We are too "broadminded" to challenge
which had developed, when the Guate- what we do not believe in. We
malans themselves rose up and removed afraid of being thought intolerant, un-
the threat. The meeting never convened. couth, ungentlemanly. We
have become
Fighting broke out in Guatemala, and lukewarm in our beliefs. And for that
the communist government was over- we perhaps merit the bitter condemna-
thrown. tion stated in Revelation 3:16: "So then
All this before the coming to pow-
was because thou art lukewarm, and neither
er of the present leadership in Cuba. cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of
Now the Western Hemisphere faces a my mouth."

new danger a new threat. This is a sad commentary on a civiliza-
tion which has given to mankind the
Our government is alert to the situa-
tion. The Organization of American greatest achievements and progress ever
States has condemned Russian-Chinese known. But it is an even sadder com-
interference in American affairs. These mentary on those of us who call our-
are first steps. selves Christians, who thus betray the
But we must do more. As a nation we ideals given to us by the Son of God
must cease to take Latin American se- himself.
curity for granted. We must lead this Let us awaken to our responsibilities
hemisphere in stimulating and co-operat- and to our opportunities. Again I quote
ing in a program of Latin American eco- Dr. Malik:
nomic development. "The civilization which has been
But even this is not enough. You and blessed and transformed by Christ, needs
I and all true Americans must play our only a mighty hand to shake it out of
part, too. its slumber. And, once shaken, once
What can you and I do? What can really awakened to the world responsi-
we do to help meet this grave challenge bilities which it and it alone can shoul-
from a godless, atheistic, cruelly mate- der, there is nothing it cannot dare and
rialistic —
system to preserve our God- do."
given free way of life? Do we believe that? Then let us live
We can encourage our government to up to that faith! For in that faith and—
stand firm at all costs against any fur- —
through that faith we can rise trium-
Sunday, October 9 Third Day
phant over the menace of atheistic com- God bless the land of Zion, North and
munism. We can and we must! South America, and all the world, I pray
In this dark hour, the fate of the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
seems to rest largely in our hands. We
who live in this choice land, in fact all
President David O. McKay:
of the land of Zion, have the opportu-
nity, the responsibility,and the solemn We have just listened to Elder Ezra
obligation to stand firm for freedom and Taft Benson of the Council of the
justice —
and morality the dignity and Twelve, also Secretary of Agriculture in
brotherhood of man as a child of God. the Cabinet of the United States. We
". . wo be unto him that is at ease
. shall now hear from Elder Antoine R.
in Zion! Ivins of the First Council of Seventy.
'Wo be unto him that crieth: All is He will be followed by Elder Howard
well!" (2 Nephi 28:24-25.) W. Hunter.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My brothers and sisters, I had given up our own hearts and the hearts of our
the expectancy of having this privilege children this testimony to the degree
of bearing my testimony to you this that it will impel them to live true to
afternoon, and I haven't the courage to the principles of the gospel, to the cove-
take time to make an extended speech nants that they have made in the waters
or any extensive remarks. I trust that of baptism and in the temples of God,
the Spirit of God may help me to bear and to the promises that are implied,
a true testimony to the truth of the if not actually made, when one receives
gospel, and when I say testimony, which the priesthood, that the Church will
seems to be the spirit of this conference, never be in danger.
I mean that I testify that Jesus Christ is The power of the Church is in the
the Son of God; that he and the Father administration of the priesthood offices,
appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith; of course, and in the faith that the
that through the visitation of heavenly people have. I believe that testimony
beings and the inspiration that came comes from faith and prayer and right-
from God, a real and true interpretation eous living, and that the best way to
of the plan of life and salvation was re- get it is to live true to the teachings of
turned to the earth; that through heav- the gospel, to pray about it, and to exer-
enly beings there came back to the earth cise our faith to that end. And then I
the priesthood which authorized men to believe further that if we can get that
perform the functions that are essential testimony truly in our hearts, that all
to the exaltation of people in the king- men who accept ordination into the
dom of God; and that to regulate the Melchizedek Priesthood or the Aaronic
use of that priesthood the Church was Priesthood for that matter, will exert
set up according to the will of God and every possible power within them to
the pattern which Jesus Christ gave us magnify that calling. There is not the
when he ministered in the earth. least doubt in my mind that any man
That I honestly and sincerely believe who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood,
to be true, and I feel that the fact of its who lives to magnify that calling, should
truth has been revealed to me by the never yield to any of the temptations of
Spirit of God. The spirit of this con- his satanic majesty.
ference has been testimony. Christ told I feel that whenever men give way to
Peter that upon the revealed testimony those temptations, it is an indication of
that He is the Son of God, he had built really either a weak testimony or a lack
his Church, and the gates of hell could of testimony of these wonderful things.
not prevail against it. We who hold the priesthood have the
I honestly believe, brethren and sis- problem of planting that testimony in
ters, that if we can properly instil into the hearts of others. Wedo it by the

way we live and by what we teach. that Brother Romney

read to you, that
I heard a testimony just a week ago he who receives these callings in the
from a very fine man who has recently priesthood and magnifies them fully can
come into the Church. He was first eventually attain to the powers of God.
impressed by the life of certain mem- That is the incentive, brothers and sis-
bers of the Church whom he met. He ters. When we go to these people, we
became interested and investigated. He must go in love and kindness, helpful
had a son fourteen years of age who as we can in the hope that they will
likewise was interested in the mission- listen to us.
aries and attended their meetings in the I pray that God will bless us that
branch. The son came home one day we may understand individually our
and to the utter surprise of his father own problems, understand that the
said, "Father, I have a testimony," and privileges of membership in the Church
this man said, "Now in our church of Jesus Christ are individual privileges,
nobody ever testifies." and that no man should let the conduct
It is in Christianity a forgotten art of another man prevent his using these
practically, but with us it is the most privileges to his own exaltation. If
essential thing of our whole program, people who come into the Church could
brothers and sisters, that we should gain come understanding that it is an indi-
that testimony; that we should live true vidual problem pure and simple with
to it, and that when we accept re- them, then these other things that they
sponsibility in the priesthood we should observe at times would have no effect
magnify it. upon their lives.
Now we who keep records know that Brethren and sisters, we have the
there is a large percentage of men who problem not only of our own people,
have been ordained to the Melchizedek but also of assimilating and absorbing
Priesthood who are not magnifying their and helping the many people who are
callings. We
have a program, brothers being baptized into the Church. May
and sisters, that we have been advocating God help us to do all these things, I
for sometime, to which reference was pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our
made today, to try those
to interest Redeemer. Amen.
people and bring them to pray and study
that they may come to understand these
President David O. McKay:
things and then go forth to reclaim
their privileges as members of the Mel- Elder Antoine R. Ivins of the First
chizedek Priesthood. Council of Seventy has just spoken to us.
Of course there is plenty of incentive We will now hear Elder Howard W.
for it. To those of you who were here Hunter of the Council of the Twelve.
last night I recommend again the pas- He will be followed by Elder Alma
sages in the Doctrine and Covenants Sonne.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In the nineteenth chapter of John we Joseph of Arimathea was a man of

read the story of an influential man who wealth and station in Jerusalem. We
was secretly a disciple of Christ, but can assume that he had a wide acquaint-
because of fear, was not openly a dis- ance and was a man of influence. He
ciple. Those who declared themselves was a member of the Sanhedrin, the
as followers of Christ were not popular assembly of seventy-one men constitut-
in Jerusalem during this period of con- ing the supreme council of the aris-
troversy. Joseph of Arimathea was se- tocracy which administered the Jewish
cretly a disciple, but his fear of what law. It was because of his membership
others might think or do prevented him in this tribunal that he was referred
from declaring his allegiance until after to as "counsellor." Mark refers to him
the crucifixion of the Master. as "... an honourable counsellor, which
Sunday, October 9 Third Day
also waited for the kingdom
of God, . . I have sympathy for young men and
(Mark He waited in the back-
15:43.) young women when honest doubts enter
ground, doing nothing to support or their minds and they engage in the great
sustain the Master. No doubt he had conflict of resolving doubts. These
heard Jesus and listened to his teachings, doubts can be resolved, if they have an
for we are told that he was a secret honest desire to know the truth, by
disciple of the Savior. exercising moral, spiritual, and mental
When the council was called into effort. They will emerge from the con-
session early in the morning, following flict into a firmer, stronger, larger faith
the Last Supper and the betrayal, Joseph because of the struggle. They have gone
either absented himself from the council from a simple, trusting faith, through
or refused to vote. He took no part in the doubt and conflict, into a solid substan-
proceedings, hoping no doubt to save tial faith which ripens into testimony.
his own conscience. He would not lift The Bible is replete with such examples.
a finger to condemn the Savior, nor We think of Abraham in the Old Testa-
would he defend him openly. ment and Thomas in Christ's time.
There are many like Joseph of Ari- Now to return to Joseph of Arima-
mathea, who do not declare loyalty to thea, the record does not indicate to us
the Lord Jesus Christ, but merely "wait that he doubted as did Thomas. We
for the kingdom." Like Joseph they are are told he was "... a disciple of Jesus,
secret followers of Jesus and halfhearted, but ." (John 19:38.)
secretly for fear.. .

lukewarm Christians. Secret disciples of He because he was

believed secretly
Christ are almost in the same category afraid of public opinion. Among our
as those who are antagonistic. They are own people, in our communities, in our
much the same as persons among us nation and throughout the world, there
today whohave only a halfhearted in- are secret followers of Jesus and half-
terest in our great democratic way of —
hearted Christians onlookers who have
life and are as dangerous to the future a noncommittal attitude. Why is it that
freedom of the world as those who are so many will not commit themselves?
openly avowed to destroy democracy. Joseph of Arimathea was only a secret
We would have greater respect for disciple because of what others would
Joseph, if he had taken a strong position think of him. He would not risk his
in the council and defended Jesus. We social position nor the respect of his as-
cannot assume that this would have sociates. It is fear that causes men to
changed the judgment or saved him be noncommittal. They are afraid to
from the cross, because he stated at the declare their loyalty and assume active
supper that he would shortly leave them. responsibility. The easy way is to let
Nevertheless, we have respect for one someone else be the leader and assume
who stands upon moral convictions and the responsibility. The world needs men
upholds the right. who are willing to step forward and de-
We have more respect for one who clare themselves. The world needs men
honestly doubts than for one who fears who will lift the load of responsibility
to declare loyalty. Thomas doubted. He to their shoulders and carry it high un-
traveled the path from faith through the der the banner of Jesus Christ men —
valley of doubt to new heights of faith. who are willing to defend the right
This is the course that many follow in openly. I am always impressed by the
life. As children we accepted as fact missionaries of this Church. They are
the things which were told to us by our willing to accept the call to serve two
parents or our teachers because of the years or more at their own expense and
confidence that we had in them. A give freely of their time without mone-
little boy will jump from a high place tary compensation, to cry repentance
without fear if his father tells him that and declare that Jesus is the Christ.
he will catch him. The little fellow has This is the type of devotion to principle
faith that his father will not let him that is needed in the world today.
fall. As children grow older, they com- How can men of conscience ignore the
mence to think for themselves, to ques- teachings of the Master in their daily
tion and have doubts about those things affairs, in business, or in government?
which are not subject to tangible proof. We stand by and wink at many things

because we fear to do anything about body, he wrapped it in a clean linen

them. We may be against crime or com- cloth,
munism, but what do we do about it? "And laid it in his own new tomb,
We may be against corruption in govern- which he had hewn out in the rock:
ment or against juvenile delinquency, and he rolled a great stone to the door
but what do we do about it? We may of the sepulchre, and departed." (Matt.
have a belief in the gospel of Jesus 27:58-60.)
Christ, but what are we doing about it? I wonder if there was not a tear in
We need to push fear into the back- Joseph's eye as he placed the body of
ground and come forward with a defi- Jesus in the tomb. Surely he thought of
nite, positive declaration, and assume the events which had taken place earlier
responsibility. on that day, when as a member of the
The pathway to exaltation is well de- Council he had failed to come to the
fined. We —
are told to have faith faith defense of the Master. Should we not
in the Lord Jesus Christ, and repent of search our own souls and inquire of
those things which are not according to ourselves if we are loyal? Are we, too,
his teachings. After this change of men- only secret disciples of Christ?
tal attitude, and with firm resolution, This same Jesus who died on the cross
we must declare ourselves by going into and whose body was placed in the tomb
the waters of baptism, thereby making came forth on the third day thereafter.
a covenant with the Lord to keep his He was resurrected and lives today —the
commandments. Can we thereafter be Savior of the world.
a secret disciple? Can we stand on the This is my witness. He stands before
sidelines and merely observe? This is a us with arms outstretched to our vision,
day for action. This is the time for de- and those same words spoken to the
cision, not tomorrow, not next week. disciples in Jerusalem should ring in our
This is the time to make our covenant ears:
with the Lord. Now is the time for "If any man will come after me, let
those who have been noncommittal or him deny himself, and take up his cross,
who have had a halfhearted interest to and follow me.
come out boldly and declare belief in "For whosoever will save his life shall
Christ and be willing to demonstrate lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for
faith by works. my sake shall find it." (Ibid., 16:24-25.)
We acquire more regard for Joseph of May we be his disciples openly, fear-
Arimathea as we continue to read Al- lessly, and with devotion, I humbly pray
though he was "a disciple of Jesus, but in his name. Amen.
secretly for fear and although he
. .

was one who "waited for the kingdom President David O. McKay:
of God," yet he was finally moved to
action. The account continues: He to whom you have just listened,
"He went to Pilate, and begged the is Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded Council of the Twelve. Elder Alma
the body to be delivered. Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve, will be
"And when Joseph had taken the our next speaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren and sisters, I believe I lay upon the altar any worldly posses-
speak for the Assistants to the Quorum sions they have in order to serve the
of the Twelve when I express my good- Lord in spirit and in truth.
will and my
good feelings towards the I believe in the future of the Church.
three men who have been called to I believe it has a great destiny. I believe
associate with us in our work. I know in its moral standards. I believe its pro-
these men personally. I know they are gram is effective and the Church will
good men. I know they are capable, grow and develop as the missionary ef-
and I know, too, their willingness to fort increases in the world. I believe
Sunday, October 9 Third Day

faith in God the very foundation of

is others who stood valiantly by his side
right living, and I believe in the mis- during the exodus and the colonization
sionary system of the Church, which has effort, also had passed on. Mormonism
proved so successful in recent years, and could not survive, at least that was the
I believe the work will continue to go verdict of those who did not and could
forward. not understand. There was no leader,
I also believe that many of the old they claimed, to take his place. They
barriers and obstacles are crumbling and saw the disruption and disorganization
giving way, and that we have a better of the Church, and many would repudi-
opportunity than we have ever had to ate their allegiance and follow a divided
proclaim the gospel truths. I believe leadership.
there are people in the world who are The enemies predicted the same thing
very anxious to hear the gospel message when the Prophet Joseph and his broth-
as it is proclaimed by humble men and er Hyrum Smith were murdered. The
women sent out from the headquarters great enterprise launched by them, they
of the Church to bear their testimonies. thought, would burst like a bubble, but
I want to read a word from President God will always have in reserve some-
Brigham Young. He said: one to take the place of him who is
"The Lord will never suffer this people gone. Brethren and sisters, God's work
to dwindle down, and be hid up in a will triumph in the earth.
corner; it cannot be; neither does he Speaking of pioneer days, I should
want any person to help them but him- like to read a statement from the journal
self." (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. of Brother Richard Ballantyne, the or-
676.) ganizer of the first Sunday School in the
In other words, God is directing his Rocky Mountains. Brother Ballantyne
work. It is not man-made, neither is it wrote this just five years before his death.
the creation of a human mind. The Speaking of pioneering days, he said:
pioneer prophet Brigham Young was "But those times are now past, and I
race to face with a gigantic task when believe never to return. A brighter day
he undertook to colonize the West and is now awaiting, but it will have its
to keep alive the missionary movement. dangers.
It was not an easy thing to set up a "As wealth flows into the hands of the
commonwealth and to transform a des- Church, and with its learning and re-
ert into cities, towns, and villages, and finement, pride is apt to enter the hearts
to provide homes, schools, and churches. of the children of Zion, as it entered
It required more than ordinary skill to into the hearts of the Nephites.
build up faith and hope and to develop "God has signified by his servant that
a solid citizenship out of a people who the day to favor Zion has come. The
came from many parts of the world. powers of the heavens are to be exerted
Brigham Young could not have done in a way they never were before. The
it without God's help. He knew this, time for the uplifting of Zion has come.
and never once did he claim the credit Kings and rulers will favor her. Her
for this achievement. When he died in beauty and righteousness are beginning
1877, his enemies saw the end of Mor- to appear in the world. She will not be
monism. There was no one, they argued, looked upon as she has been in the past.
to take his place. He had presided over The shadows are passing away, and the
the Church for thirty years. Those who light is breaking in upon us."
had stood by him in the early emergen- I bear my testimony that God's work
cies and difficulties had passed on. will stand, that Joseph Smith was his
Willard Richards had died in 1854. divine Prophet appointed to usher in
Heber C. Kimball, the great prophet, the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.
and a stalwart, who had stood by his I bear testimony that his successors in
side in all the days of colonization and the high office were all men of God,
settlement, had died in 1868. Parley P. and that they were full of faith and
Pratt had met an untimely death in prophecy. I bear testimony that the
1857. George A. Smith, who was re- authorityof the Holy Priesthood is
garded as a great leader of courage and operatingin the Church as it has al-
wisdom, had died in 1875. And many ways done and that it will continue to


do so until every knee shall bend and Choir and Congregation will now sing,
every tongue confess that Jesus is the "Redeemer of Israel." Brother Jay
Christ, the Savior of the world, and that Welch, Assistant Conductor, will guide
the Latter-day Saints comprise his us. After the singing, Elder Richard L.
Church and kingdom about which the Evans will speak to us.
ancient prophets spoke; and that the
Church will continue to grow and ex-
tend itself, even beyond our imagina- The Tabernacle Choir and the congre-
tions, for it will surely reach to the gation joined in singing the hymn, "Re-
uttermost parts of the earth. deemer of Israel," Elder Jay Welch,
I pray that his Spirit may continue Assistant Tabernacle Choir Director,
with us, and that we may serve him conducting.
always with a singleness of purpose, in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay: Elder Richard L. Evans will now ad-
Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the dress us. He will be followed by Elder
Twelve, has just addressed us. The John Longden.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
At this point of the conference many a kind of tongue-in-cheek British
will understand why I remember a economist lecturing here some months

sentence recently read a sentence which —
ago and may be still in the United
said that you can always use more States —who propounded what he called
words to say what has already been said. "Parkinson's Second Law," as I recall,
I shall try not to make the words too which said that "expenditures always
many, but should like to tie back to rise to meet income." We have dis-
two or three points of the conference, covered this to be true.
first, to President McKay's opening ad- The Lord God has said to us ". all . .

dress, of the love of God and the love things unto me are spiritual, and not
of man, and of the peace that can come at any time have I given unto you a law
only through righteousness and the keep- which was temporal; ." (D&C 29:34.)
. .

ing of the commandments. I would plead with all of us, as the work
Secondly, from the reports given from moves forward gloriously, that we should
this pulpit and others that have come in not hinder it by withholding our service
connection with the conference it is very or our substance.
evident that the Church in the stakes Now, third, I should like to tie back
and in the missions is on the move, to what I consider a most remarkable
worldwide. Now it takes service, and it meeting last evening, which I wish
takes means to keep things on the move. everyone had heard, as President McKay
I have read somewhere that service is and Brother Moyle and Brother Romney
the rent we pay for the space we occupy and Brother Petersen spoke. I should
on earth. Not only the service, but the like to make a plea in keeping with
means are necessary. Nothing does it- some of what was there said to the youth,
self. Someone has to do everything that and to all of us, that we do not suc-
is done. cumb to uncertainty. There are prob-
As to tithing, it requires that, too, not lems; there are uncertainties; but always
only as a material matter, but as a spirit- we need to pursue solid purposes.
ual matter also. All we have the Lord The Church is going forward, world-
God has given us, and I consider tithing —
wide in the building of buildings, in
to be an opportunity to express apprecia- missionary endeavor, and in all else
tion for what the Lord God has given. and in our private and personal lives,
Neither the giving of service nor of sub- young and old, we must also individual-

stance is ever or seldom —
completely ly have the faith to go forward. It takes
convenient for any of us. There was courage; it takes prayer and planning


Sunday, October 9 Third Day

and work and there are

faith; but I think it was Ruskin who said, "There
glorious eternal opportunities; and we is no wealth but life." I pray God that
must not wait in uncertainty or suc- we may use that wealth which is life,

cumb to it. The theories and the facts and not waste it away, and pursue
will all ultimately be reconciled; the earnestly the opportunities of time, into
questions will all ultimately be an- the limitless promises and possibilities
swered; the problems will all ultimately of eternity, and I do it in the name of
be resolved; and the promises will all the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
be fulfilled, and we must plan and
prayerfully pursue our plans and go President David O. McKay:
ahead with our lives on solid and firm
foundations, with faith, with cleanli- Elder Richard L. Evans of the Council
ness of conduct, with balanced living, of the Twelve, has just addressed us.
with devotion, with the keeping of the We shall now hear from Elder John
commandments. Longden, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

While I was on my mission, we had a told by a young man in our city who
great mission president, Samuel O. Ben- had made such a test with a survival
nion, who made us conscious of time. kit measuring 9% inches by 6 inches by
He called several conferences of two y/z inches. The test was made in the
districts of missionaries into the city of rough Wind River range country of

Enoch that is in Texas, by the way Wyoming. He had been flown into this
and he would give each of us an oppor- area by plane and then dropped by
tunity to speak. As we approached the parachute with the survival kit men-
pulpit, he would say to each one, "Take tioned. Here are some of the items it
fiveminutes and preach the gospel." contained: a full fifteen-day supply of
From this and other training I have food, first-aid kit, sewing kit, fire start-
been made conscious of time, and I am ing kit, fishing items, knife and stone;
grateful for it. I know there are others a twenty-foot line of nylon cord, and a
today who
have not had this privilege, book teaching its reader how to survive.
and should like to share some of my
I Much research had been done on all
time with them. items contained in the kit. During the
May I give you one or two thoughts test no one heard from this young man
as I bear my testimony of the divinity for two weeks. I listened to his story
of this marvelous work? in fast and testimony meeting and after-
Recently there have been many edi- wards in private. He said, most impor-
torials in newspapers, magazines, radio tant of all in the time he had spent in
and TVdiscussions, also private conver- solitude in the great outdoors was that
sations, in which I have noticed one he had come to understand and appre-
particular word being used many times. ciate more than ever the blessings of the
That word is "survival." Survival! Sur- gospel; to be alone under the stars at
vival from what? an atomic bomb? night, to see the sunshine of the day,
survival from the "C" or "H" bomb? the beauty of nature at its best, the
survival from a Marx, Hitler, Mussolini, natural resources provided by God our
or a Khrushchev, or their satanic teach- Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus

ings and practices or another kind of Christ. There had come into his heart
survival? and soul that testimony more important
The United States military services and precious than all else, the need of
aremost anxious to assist their person- a spiritual survival.
nel to survive, and tests to prolong mor- We
may survive physically and ma-
tal life are being made continually with terially but unless we survive spiritually
various kinds of so-called survival kits. these things avail nothing.
Last July I was interested in the story I believe this has been the theme of
a —


this conference from the stirring, open- ory: "Oh, this is a dream
never realized I
ing address of President McKay to the would be fulfilled to be here in Salt
splendid remarks of Brother Richard L. Lake City attending a general confer-
Evans, just preceding me. I have caught ence." Brother Sproat, one of the many
this spirit through the glorious sessions thousand wonderful, dedicated Latter-
of this conference, receiving reassurance day Saints who live by the precepts of
again that this is the Church of Jesus his spiritual survival kit!
Christ, not the church of any man — Some of us who live so close to the
Church which offers to all men a spir- pattern might not appreciate the design.
opportunity to subdue
itual survival, the I saw the beautiful design of spiritual
the earth and overcome all things for- survival at work today as I had the
eign to enjoying the Spirit of the Lord. opportunity of embracing you, Brother
The survival kit for spiritual survival is Bill, and others from those glorious
equally as small as the one used for islands of the Pacific.
physical survival; let me suggest its size:
God bless us that we may survive
just four books, the Bible, Book of Mor-
spiritually; that we may appreciate the
mon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl necessity of keeping our survival kits

of Great Price the small editions even
complete, tested, and in order constant-
smaller than 9%
inches by 6 inches by
ly, which should include the Lord's
3Y2 inches, but what power they con- word on how to survive contained in
tain 1
the four standard works of the Church,
Just before the commencement of this
for therein are embodied the way, the
afternoon's meeting I met several breth-
truth, and the light of which President
ren from Hawaii, one of whom
I had
J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,
spoke this morning.
not seen for five and a half years at
which time I toured the Hawaiian God help us so to do, I humbly pray
Mission, Brother William (Bill) Sproat, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
a faithful dedicated Latter-day Saint, our Savior. Amen.
one who truly believes in spiritual sur-
vival. I shall always remember being in President David O. McKay:
your home away up there on the peak,
the highline that you ride to do your Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
work, the hospitality that you extended Twelve, has just spoken to us. We shall
to us, the depth of your testimony, the now hear from Elder EIRay L. Christian-
sincerity of your labors to build the sen, also Assistant to the Twelve. You
kingdom of God, and what you said to need not be in such a hurry, because we
me today will always live in my
mem- cannot get in all of them anyhow.

Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I should like to place what I had think it has been outstanding. I thought
thought to say in cold storage, even as I sat here how true it is that we
though by the time I take it out it will cannot be saved in ignorance of God, in
be too cold to use, and just express my ignorance of our relationship to God
gratitude and appreciation for some and I thought that as members of this
things. Church we need not be in ignorance, so
I like the song, "Now, Let Us Rejoice." far as knowledge of our relationship to
In my opinion we do not rejoice enough God is concerned, for surely we are
in this Church. We have so much well taught.
for which to be grateful that we could There prize so great and so val-
is no
rejoice day and night and still not be uable as the truth. In the Church we
sufficiently grateful in our expressions. are taught the truth. are taught We
I am so thankful for what has been the proper way to live the correct, the—
taught us in this great conference today right, the happy way to live. could We
and yesterday and the day before. I search the world over, and we could find
Sunday, October 9 Third Day
no better way to live than the right way, that it revolves about the family and its
and of course the Lord's way is the eternal association.
right way. When went home at noon, I picked

We are taught to know the right in up a letter from a boy written in his
all things —
how to repent, how to change own handwriting. He is eleven years
our ways. We
are taught whom and old.
how to serve. We
are taught the proper (As you know, in the temple the op-
way to enter into the marriage cove- portunity is given to place names of
nant. In fact, the gospel of Jesus Christ those who are ill or afflicted on a roll
is designed to direct us safely through where they are remembered in our
this probationary period, that we "may prayers.) The letter reads:
dwell ... in a state of never-ending "Dear Temple Worker: Will you
happiness" (Mosiah 2:41) with those please enter my dad's name on the
we love. I like that statement from the prayer roll because we want him to be-
Book of Mormon. come a member of the Church and
We are taught that in the true sense take Mom and us kids to the temple.
of the word, God is our Father; that we We sincerely hope and pray that our
are his sons and his daughters, and that Heavenly Father will help him to keep
he loves us, and that he is concerned the Word of Wisdom. His name is
about our welfare and our fortunes and Sincerely your brother,
our misfortunes. He is desirous that when 11 years old."

this earth mission is completed that That tells the story of what is in the
each of us comes home with an honor- heart of a boy who loves his parents,
able release from it to dwell with him who loves them enough to desire their
in a state of happiness and usefulness. association beyond this earth life. Some-
I am not so interested in heaven unless times the children must lead the parents
I may continue my association with on the way.
those I love, and that is all of you, my I am grateful that my
Father in heaven
brothers and sisters, but especially my is a patient Father, if he will stay with
companion, my children, my grandchil- me, I am determined to stay with him,
dren, and my progenitors. to stay with that which is true to the
I am grateful to belong to a Church end of my
that teaches that the relationship God bless us, brothers and sisters,
between the husband and the wife, be- that we may rejoice; that we may receive
tween the father and the mother, and thankfully; that we may live worthy of
between the children and the parents, is the bounteous blessings that God ex-
intended to be and is eternal in its tends to us, that we will share with our
nature, if we will just prepare for that nonmember friends the truth as it has
type of relationship. No principle, doc- been revealed; and that we may bear
trine, or practice is so distinctive or so testimony, not alone in words, but in
appealing to the human reason as is the deeds and in action and in doing good
perpetuity of the family. The more I to others, I pray humbly in the name of
think about the gospel the more I see Jesus Christ. Amen.


We must take time before the closing have surrounded the block and driven
song and benediction to express a word to and fro. You have noticed them on
of appreciation to those who have con- —
every corner their courtesy, their atten-
tributed to the success and comfort of tion, their protecting and guiding care,
those who have attended this great con- and in your behalf, in behalf of the
ference. I wish first to mention the General Authorities particularly, I ex-
officers of this city who have watched press thanks to the city government, and
with care the number of automobiles to the police who have protected your
and their occupants and guided so suc- interests so carefully and so ably.
cessfully the hundreds of cars and taken To the General Authorities we ex-
care of the thousands of people who press deep appreciation for the inspira-

tional messages they have given us. Today we are privileged to have the
We haven't had any better. The Lord Tabernacle Choir! Words cannot ex-
has guided us from this pulpit during press our heartfelt feelings for their
our sessions in the daytime and last devotion to the cause. I met one sister
evening. the other day who was a member for
We must not be unmindful of the many years, but she has retired. Her
reporters for their fair and accurate heart was just overflowing with grati-
reports through our sessions of this con- tude for the opportunity she had had
ference. They have been here daily in singing as a member of this choir.
and given to the people, to their sub- That is the feeling that these sisters
scribers, and to the world a very accurate and the brethren have as they sit under
report, not only in word, but in the the baton of this great leader and his
spirit of the messages given at this assistant, practising hour after hour,
conference. day after day, week after week, month
The fire department and the Red after month, to become efficient in this
Cross have been on hand to render great choral organization. We
do not
assistance and service whenever or say much about it, brethren and sis-
wherever needed. The Tabernacle ushers ters, but we do appreciate what you
have rendered service in seating the are doing!
vast audiences of these conference ses- Too many of us are like that Scots-
sions. We have expressed before, but man of whom
I told you, who had lost
repeat, our appreciation to the radio his wife by death, and his neighbor

and television stations forty-five tele- came in, gave comfort, and said what
vision and sixty-two radio stations a good neighbor she had been, how
throughout our own city and the nation thoughtful of others, what a good wife
have carried the proceedings of this she had been to Jock, who was mourn-
conference. This has been the means ing. Jock said, "Aye, Tammas, Janet
of permitting untold thousands of per- was a guid woman, a guid neighbor as
sons to hear the sermons given during you say; she was a' you say an' mair.
the one hundred thirtieth semi-annual She was aye a guid, true wifey tae me,
conference. They have rendered that and I cam' near tellin' her sae aince
service free. or twice."
We appreciate especially those who We express again our appreciation to
have furnished the singing throughout those who
sent these lovely flowers to
the conference. I remind you again of us. Wewant to thank all those who
the Relief Society Singing Mothers from have contributed in any way to the
the Ogden and northern Utah regions, success and inspiration of this great
who furnished the singing for the Fri- conference.
day morning and Friday afternoon ses- Now, brethren and sisters, may I say
sions; also the University of Utah just a word in conclusion. I have a
Choral Society and the Bonneville deep admiration in my heart for Simon

Strings the singers from the Institute Peter, President of the Twelve Apostles.
of Religion and the University of Utah He said in one of his general epistles:
choral groups, who furnished the sing- ". .to them that have obtained like

ing for the Saturday morning and Sat- precious faith with us through the
urday afternoon sessions. Both those righteousness of God and our Saviour
sessions were inspirational. Think of Jesus Christ:
the hours that the mothers spend prac- "Grace and peace be multiplied unto
tising, and think of those young people, you through the knowledge of God, and
of the hours and hours that they prac- of Jesus our Lord,
tised, and of their willingness to come "According as his divine power hath
and give their talents so impressively. given unto us all things that pertain
And then last evening, the male mem- unto life and godliness, through the
bers of the Tabernacle Choir came in a knowledge of him that hath called us
body, dressed neatly, in a dignified way, to glory and virtue:
and impressed the fifty thousand priest- "Whereby are given unto us exceed-
hood members of the Church with their ing great and precious promises: that
excellent singing. by these ye might be partakers of the

Sunday, October 9 Third Day

divine nature, having escaped the cor- Nor now commands to be nor rich, nor
ruption that is in the world through learned
lust." (2 Peter 1:1-4.) Nor promises reward of peace to these.
That comes from Simon Peter who On all He moral worth bestowed,
was only two and a half years a little — And moral tribute asks from all.

more in the personal presence of his And who that could not pay?
Lord. Before that he did not care much Who born so poor, of intellect so mean
for the Church, but before this writing As not to know what seemed the best
he had a testimony of the divinity of the And knowing might not do?
Sonship of Jesus Christ. More than And He who acted thus fulfilled the law
that, he had experienced that commu- eternal
nion of the Spirit with his Resurrected And His promises reaped in peace.
Lord, and speaks here of being a par- Who sought else (did not do what his
taker of the divine nature. judgment bade or the spirit prompt-
Holdto that thought in the midst ed) sought mellow
of an atheistic world, mentioned by grapes beneath the icy poles,
Brother Benson and others, while there Sought blooming roses on the cheek of
are godless men who deny the resur- death,
rection of Christ, who deny his living Sought substance in a world of fleeting
spirit,and who have taught for forty shades."
years young men and young women to God help us to be partakers of the
deny him. That is a terrible thing when DIVINE NATURE. May the spirit of
you think of it. Some of us thought this greatconference radiate from your
twenty years ago that such a godless hearts to those whom you will meet
organization would break of its own when you go back to your stakes and
weight, and now young men who were wards, and especially may it radiate in
ten years of age when communistic your homes, I pray in the name of Jesus
ideology took possession of so many are Christ. Amen.
now fifty years of age.
Peter says to those who knew Christ,
President David O. McKay:
who had partaken of his Spirit:
"Whereby are given unto us exceed- Tonight the Deseret Sunday School
ing great and precious promises: that Union Conference will convene in this
by these ye might be partakers of the building at seven o'clock. All Sunday
divine nature, having escaped the cor- School workers will wish to be in at-
ruption that is in the world through tendance. The public is cordially in-
lust. vited.
"And beside this, giving all diligence, The Tabernacle Choir will now sing,
add to your faith virtue; and to virtue "Worthy Is The Lamb," and the bene-
knowledge; diction will be offered by President G.
"And to knowledge temperance; and Marion Hinckley of the West Utah
to temperance patience; and to patience Stake, and this Conference will be
godliness; adjourned sine die.

"And to godliness brotherly kindness;

and to brotherly kindness charity. Singing by the Tabernacle Choir,
"For if these things [virtues] be in "Worthy Is The Lamb."
you, and abound, they make you that President G. Marion Hinckley of the
ye shall neither be barren nor unfruit- West Utah Stake offered the benedic-
ful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus tion.
Christ." (Ibid., 1:4-8.) Conference adjourned sine die.

To know God and his Beloved Son

is eternal life.
The choral music for the Friday
I do not know the author, but there morning and afternoon sessions was
comes to my mind now these lines: furnished by the Relief Society Singing
"Admire the goodness of Almighty God Mothers from the Ogden and Northern
He riches gave, intellectual strength to Utah Regions, with Florence Jepperson
few Madsen conducting. The musical pro-

gram for the Saturday morning and for the Sunday morning and afternoon
afternoon sessions was furnished by the sessions, with Richard P. Condie, Di-
University of Utah Choral Society and rector of the Choir, and Jay E. Welch,

the Bonneville Strings singers from the Assistant Director, conducting.
Institute of Religion and the University Accompaniments and interludes on
Choral Groups, David Austin Shand, the organ were played by Alexander
Director. The Tabernacle Choir Men's Schreiner, Frank W. Asper and Roy M.
Chorus presented musical numbers for Darley.
the General Priesthood meeting Satur- Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
day evening, October 8th, with Richard ing of the Tabernacle Choir at the
P. Condie conducting. The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast,
Tabernacle Choir furnished the music Sunday morning at 8:30.
The following broadcast, written and and the sheep: "Listen to the Lambs all
announced by Richard L. Evans, and a' crying . . . He shall feed His flock like
originating with Station KSL, Salt Lake a shepherd and carry the young lambs
City, Utah, was presented from 8:30 to in his bosom listen to the lambs all
. . .

9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 9, 1960, a' crying."

through the courtesy of Columbia Broad- (The Choir sang: "Listen To The
casting System's network, throughout Lambs."—Dett.)
the United States, parts of Canada, and
through other facilities to several points
Some recent weeks ago we spoke of
overseas. The broadcast was as follows:
willing work: its dignity, its healing
(The organ played "As the Dew From power, its power to soften shocks and
Heaven Distilling," and on signal the sorrows —
work which Carlyle called
Choir and organ broke into the hymn, "The grand cure for all the maladies
"Gently Raise the Sacred Strain," sing- and miseries that ever beset mankind." 1
ing the words to the end of the second There is yet another side of this subject
line, and humming to end of verse for of work that should be considered. For
announcer's background.) want of a better word we might call it
Announcer: Once more we welcome the worthiness of work. Work takes our
you within these walls with music and time, and time is the very essence of life,
the spoken word from the Crossroads of and what we give our lives to is of
the West. incalculable consequence. And thus
The CBS Radio Network and its there could be little satisfaction, little
affiliated stations bring you at this justification, in unworthy work work —
hour another presentation from Temple that would undermine men, work that
Square in Salt Lake City, with Richard would mislead men's minds or their —
P. Condie conducting the Tabernacle souls — or their appetites — work that
Choir, Frank Asper, Tabernacle Organ- would in any way impair people. Any
ist, and the spoken word by Richard time or effort or energy used to the detri-
Evans. ment of men, any work which in purpose
The Women's Chorus the Choir
of or in practice pulls men down physically
first recalls Ernest Charles' impression of or mentally or morally, likely isn't
the coming and the going of the incon- worthy work —
regardless of whether it
stant clouds, and their likeness to the is profitable or politic or popular. Work
mystery of "Clouds adrift in the
life: to deceive others, work to produce prod-
summer resemble life as they
sky, ucts that are not good for people, work
wander by. Whence they come and to promote what is unwholesome, work
whither they go we often wonder but to induce men to do what they should
never know Part of the infinite, shall
. . . not do, to partake of what they should
we say, Part of the moment we call not partake, work to lead men into
today." temptation, work that runs counter to
(The Women's Chorus of the Taber- the commandments, isn't worthy work.
nacle Choir sang: "Clouds." Charles- — On this question we would quote some
Deis.) sentences from a significant source:
Announcer: Frank Asper turns first ". . Whoever conceives labor in rela-

today on Temple Square to a triumphant tionship to the divine purpose will . . .

organ theme selected from Benedetto not lend his energies to the manufac-
Marcello's Psalm settings: "The Heav- ture of goods which implicate [men]
ens Declare The Glory of God and the ... in wicked and sinful activities. ." 2 . .

firmament sheweth his handy-work." "The Christian," said this same source,
(Organ Selection: "The Heavens De- "is therefore bound to refuse to partici-
clare." —
Marcello.) pate in the production of wicked and
harmful items which injure or under-
Announcer: The Tabernacle Choir mine the worth of man, as well as to
gives voice now to R. Nathaniel Dett's
thoughtful, moving music for the ^Thomas Carlyle, Address in Edinburgh, April 2, 1866.
2 Carl F. H. Henry, Ph.D., The Dignity
of Work,
scriptural theme of the Good Shepherd Vital Speeches, August 15, 1954.
— )


refuse to buy them. ." 2 "Nor can one

. . Surely goodness and mercy shall follow
reconcile ... the expenditure of labor me all the days of my life: and I will
in the production of worthless prod-
. . . dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
ucts. Drudgery in the production of
worth-while articles may be justified,
(The Choir sang: "The Lord Is My
." 2 [not] "in the production of
Shepherd."— Koschat.
but . .

articles which have no real worth. There (Organ Selection: "Prayer Is The
can be no sense of purpose in making Soul's Sincere Desire." —
trash" 3 —
or, we might add, in working
Announcer: And now with the words
for what is of no worth. The Lord God ofEmmeline B. Wells and the music of
has said that "men should be anxiously Evan Stephens in closing we hear a
engaged in a good cause" 4 not merely — hymn of the western hills, and of the
"engaged," but engaged in "good." Work- hand of God that is over all: "Our
ing for the wrong things manifestly must mountain home so dear, Where crystal
be wrong. To be satisfying, to be ac- waters clear Flow ever free . While
. .

ceptable,work must be more than merely through the valleys wide The flowers
motions, more than merely making on every side, Blooming in stately pride,
money —
it must be moral. Work should
Are fair to see. ... In sylvan depth and
enlighten and lift life, and play its shade, In forest and in glade, wher-e'er
proper part in promoting the peace and we pass .The hand of God we see,
. .

health and happiness of people. In leaf and bud and tree, Or bird or
(Organ Selection: "Supplication." humming Or blade of grass."
(The Choir sang: "Our Mountain
Announcer: From his album of organ
music we have heard Frank Asper pre-
Home So Dear." —Stephens.)
sent one of his devotional organ offer- Announcer: Again we leave you with-
in theshadows of the everlasting hills.
ings: "Supplication."
And now the Tabernacle Choir sings May peace be with you, this day and —
the simple moving words of the 23rd always.
Psalm —
in the simple moving setting This concludes the sixteen hundred
of Thomas Koschat: "The Lord is my twenty fifth presentation continuing the
Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh 32nd year of this traditional broadcast
me to lie down in green pastures: He from the Mormon Tabernacle on Tem-
leadeth me beside the still waters. He ple Square, brought to you by CBS
restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the Radio, and its affiliated stations, origi-
paths of righteousness for His names nating with Radio Station KSL in Salt
sake. Yea, though I walk through the Lake City.
valley of the shadow of death, I will Richard P. Condie conducted the
fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy Tabernacle Choir. Frank Asper was at
rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou the organ. The spoken word by Rich-
preparest a table before me in the pres- ard Evans.
ence of mine enemies; thou anointest In another seven days, at this same
my head with oil; my cup runneth over. hour, music and the spoken word will
3 Treglown, The Christian and
be heard again from the Crossroads of
His Daily Work.
4 Doctrine and Covenants 58:27. the West.
Anderson, Elder Joseph 39
Authorities and Officers Present 1

Authorities and Officers Sustained 43

Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 101
Brown, Elder Frank H 13
Brown, Elder Hugh B 91
Buehner, Bishop Carl W 52
Burton, Elder Theodore M 48
Changes in Church Organizations 39
Choir and Organ Broadcast 118
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 113
Clark, President J. Reuben, Jr 87
Critchlow, Elder William J., Jr 26
Dyer, Elder Alvin R 58
Evans, Elder Richard L Ill
Evans, Elder Richard L 118
(Choir and Organ Broadcast)
First —
Day Morning Meeting 3
First Day—Afternoon Meeting 18
General Authorities and Officers Present 1

General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers Sustained 43

General Priesthood Meeting 72
Hanks, Elder Marion D 10
Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 66
Hunter, Elder Howard W 107
Hunter, Elder Milton R 23
Isaacson, Bishop Thorpe B 63
Ivins, Elder Antoine R 106
Kimball, Elder Spencer W 32
Lee, Elder Harold B 14
Longden, Elder John 112
McConkie, Elder Bruce R 54
McKay, President David 4
(Opening Address)
McKay, President David 85
(General Priesthood Meeting)
McKay, President David 114
(Closing Address)
McKay, President David 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 26, 29, 32,
37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56, 57, 62, 65,
67, 69, 71, 72, 78, 83, 85, 86, 87, 91, 95, 96, 99,
100, 101, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116.

Moyle, President Henry D 19

Moyle, President Henry D 43
(Presentation of General Authorities and Officers)
Moyle, President Henry D 83
(General Priesthood Meeting)


Obituaries 42
Petersen, Elder Mark E 78
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Presentation of General Authorities and Officers 43
Priesthood Meeting, General 72
Richards, Elder Franklin D 46
Richards, Elder LeGrand 69
Romney, Elder Marion G 73
(General Priesthood Meeting)

Second Day Morning Meeting 38

Second Day Afternoon Meeting 57
Smith, Elder Eldred G 67
Smith, President Joseph Fielding 50
Sonne, Elder Alma 109
Stapley, Elder Delbert L 96
Sustaining of General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers 43
Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 118
Tanner, Elder Nathan Eldon 46
Taylor, Elder Henry D 8
Third Day—Morning Meeting 87
Third Day—Afternoon Meeting 100
Tuttle, Elder Albert Theodore 95
Wirthlin, Bishop Joseph L 29
Printed by

in the United States of America

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