14E03 TRB Question Paper EEE 2016

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TRB -14E ZLECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (EEE) me Allowed : 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 190 DO NOT OPENTHE SEAL GIVEN ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE UNLESS INSTRUCTED BY THE INVIGILATOR INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES Read carefully and comply. Fill the details including Name of the Candidate, Roll Number, Question Paper Booklet Series in the OMR Answer Sheet. If you fail to fill the details and sigh.as \fstructed correctly, you will be personally responsible for the consequences arising duriag thy/scanning of your Answer Sheet. ad Alll the 150 questions are of MCQ (Multiple Choice Ques fona)}type. For each Question you will find 4 possible answers marked by the letters A, B, . You have to select only one Pyteach gues given therein. In any correct answer and mark in OMR Answer Sheet as per * case, choose only one answer for each question. In Part=A each question carrying one mark. In Part-B each question carries two marks and PaiCoapeh question carries one mark. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers, In the OMR Answer Sheet for each and every guesiion shade only one answer. If more than one answers are shaded that question pute ted for valuation. Don’t mark anything (including NS ©) in the question paper booklet other yous {ail to fol than space provided for this purpose. ie low this, you will be disqualified. In any event of any mistake in estions, candidates will not be penalized. However no corrections will be juestions during the Examination. ayer, Digital Diary or any other Electronic Instrument ete, Possessing of Mobile Phone, P: js not allowed. There use will result in disqualification, debarment and prosecution. Only two ordinary pens and $21! ticket is allowed in the examination hall. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate circle as per the instructions given in the ‘isc ‘his/her Answer Sheet is liable to be rejected. For marking fis al Point Pen only. Ensure that you darken only one circle overlap with any other circle. examination Hall before the final bell. The OMR Answe to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall e Question Booklet and Carbon copy of the OMR Answe ation. 4 PART - A ie 2 Trangiept current in an RLC circuit is oscillatory when ? R<2y7C (a) R=2fKe (B) RHO oO ro2 Ye (PD) le che it infinil ‘helLaplace tranaform of/a signal is "= = Theses? ted at infinity S4Sel is: (a4) 1 (B) -1 © 0 The discrete - time fourier transform of x(n) = (0.5) “Cj OF is: 075 Sars 0.75 @) 0.25 — cosw @) a) 1+ cosw 125 - cosw Consider a continuous - time LTI .. frequency response is H Go) = f eet 82 siqihe this system is a periodic signal Tels tc -1; 4s5t<8 with period T=8, determi 4; Ost<4 ) i 4sts8 “Sf j 2p eS) Ko zee () |; ast2 ay. 0<|z-3]<1 ‘The singularity of the ey is: (B) A removable singularity (D) A simple pole (A) pole of order 2 (C) An essential sin; ‘The torque prod ingle phase induction motor fed through ac voltage cont speed control is du 2 GL oy even and odd harmonics n a it and even harmonics of ut oo 18, 19. 20. a If 2 =2'9; 9; Zy=1 Mand Zy9=3 0, what is the determinant of admittance matrix ? 1 (a) 5 ® 5 (Ca (D) 3 A 330 0 resistor is in series with the parallel combination of ) resistors. A 100 V source is connected to the circuit. Which resistor has the through it ? (A) 330 © resistor. (B) Parallel combination of three 1 k resistors. © (C) Parallel combination of two 1k® resistors. (D) 1k resistors. © Wwer transfer occurs when the loac In a complex impedance circuit the ma: impedance is equal to: (A) complex conjugate of svurce oe (B) source impedance Sey (©) source resistance (D) reciprocal of source impedan Resolution of a measuri ES tis defined as = (A) Ability to reprodu e uput in the same form as input (B) Ratio of the oS put signal to the change of input signal (©) The smallest n We Je input change Co producing ability |, maximum torque is produced when phase angle between ts () 60" (D) 90° 24. 26. 27. 28. sue is ‘band ? Which among the following filter gives maximum LEO (A) Butterworth (B) Chebyshev type ! (©) Chebyshev type Il (D) Elliptic : id The maximum frequency for a MOD 16 ripple counter with delay of 50 ns an gate delay of 20 ns is : (A) 5 MHz (B) 2MHz (© 36 "®) (D) 143 MHz The maximum value of torque angle a in a Gl electrical. (a) 45 ®) ee (©) between 45 and 90 Db below 60 An RIC series circuit remains mS ny inductive = (A) at resonance frequency motor is_____. degree 4 below resonance frequency (©) above resonance (D) at lower half power frequency or (pf) and total harmonic distortion (THD) is given by : 1 @® PR= J (.+THD)* pe eae =o 30. 31. 32. 33. ‘The connection most widely used for directional overcurrent relays for protection phase faults is : (A) 90° connection (B) 60% connection (©) 30° connection (D) 45° connection ‘A Pmme meter has an internal resistance 200 9 and the current for its full scale deflection is 50 nA. The meter is capable of measuring, on its 0 fmum voltage of (A) 5 mv (B) 10 mV © 5ev 10 nV 2 Which of the following is called as a transparent latch (A) J-K (B) S-R © D © (D) T For the OPAMP circuit shown in figure, the eo OOK Me ss Sp CaaaeN (A) -2x of / (Q -12x (D) -5x Consider the fol Ce : a) 38. 37. 38. 39. In de choppors, the wavefornw for Input and output voltages me ° (I) both continuous dineontinuow (A) disxeontinvious, continue (©) both discontinuous (D) continuous, w are present, how Out ofa 10 bus system, iC there is one slack bus and 4 number 0 trix computation 7 many equations are formed in Newton Raphwon method for (A) 10 (0) 20 (Cy a (D) 12 ‘The reactance of the transmission line ean be deerean a by (A) Reducing conductor diameter, (8) Reducingyeortduetor spacing, (©) Avoiding, bundled conductors, (D) is Ferranti effect mode, ‘The characteristics of a Blectromagnetic ¢ relay that closely matches with that of farses /MCB is hat of : (A) Definite time relay. DMT, relay. (C) Very inverse time relay, Ftremely inverse time relay. ‘The chances of int ruption na. Subsequent current Zero0 (A) Increases in cane of AirbloyCB but decreavew in Oil CB, (B) Decreases in car {CB but increases in Oil CB, (C) Decreases in both (PD) short cireuit current limit ptability Hint 42, The transformer oil should have the property of ; (A) High viscosity and high dielectric strength, (8) High viscosity and low dielectric strength, (© _ Low viscosity and high dielectric strength, (D) Low viscosity and low dielectric strength, 43. The essential condition for parallel operation of two single formers is that they should have the same : (A) Polarity ®) (©) Voltage ratio 44, Three-phase alternators are invariably star cogiiected Because (A) magnetic losses are minimised. of wire are required. (©) smaller conductors can be u: Jher terminal voltage is obtained. 45. Inasynchronous motor, damper @) provided in order to: (A) stabilize rotor. (B) suppress rotor 0: il theorem of {(b)~f(a)=(b~a) f (c) for (x)= ayx? + agx + ay bta b-a 2 © Cs dw v e-t-5 then “Gy at t=ar is equal to: (p) 4 - Se a The vate of [(-ayan + Sydy #1088) achore © be the creche (TP ¥ 7-3, mitng tule's tenn toegul VW To ” © (D) 1258 he ston of te sath wah prion ¥° + Voy, YO)" 2- * “ y= dooms + | winds @ y~ dens © vy } coms Qos @ y- S Applying Cauchy's en is equal to: . (D) ow sy “pon width is equal to ae 2 “«D fae (0) 150° under continuous conduction does not depend on + (B) Applied Voltage (D) Load Inductance 55. 56. 58. If n be the number of nodes and b be the number of branches in a graph then rank of the incidence matrix is : (A) n (B) n-1 (CE b-(n+1) (D) b-1 The Merz - Perice percentage differential protection of @ trAstormer, the C.T secondary connections in the primary and secondary windinys (© ansformer would be in the form of (A) A-Y (B) A-4 @ Y- (Db) Y-¥ If [Ve] =|Vgq|= 66 KV for three phase transmission line © factance is 11 ohms/phase, then the mnaxiniium power transmission per phase cy (a) 132 Mw (B) 396 MW ) ce MW (bd) 36 MW The value of K, for which the rei stable : Rs) ie es (©) 1386 (D) 1200 whet ethay 60. The maximasn phase stitt dust con ive gaoited ty # Sead Cy function Gis) = Le fe: (A) 15° Ow oe Ow 61. Using the frequency shilt property, faexd Zigt) ON Ses Se) 1-ae3 (a+ 7) < ) (a) Ana? nlp) © Th, oP alg) eee, of" gs) 62. In transformer, to carry out shor a> fos sexton, geetereet to tbe shaw ued (A) HV side | gs, The effect of increasing the length of air-gap iin an induction motor will be to increase the (A) power factor (B) speed (©) magnetising current (D) airgap flux 66. To control the speed of DC motor above base speed, armatul trol is not followed because : (A) _ Ibis not possible It is a difficult method | a S (©) Variable voltage source is not available e | (D) Armature coil will be damaged 67. Which of the following connections is best 6 phase, 4-wire service < (D) Star - Delta © M/MVA (D) Mw/My 77. 78. 79, 80, 1. Which one of the following relays has the eapability of anticipating the possible major faults in @ transformer ? (A) Over cuntent relay 0) (©) Buchhots relay Differential relay (D) Overfluxing relay ‘The interrupting timo of @ cikeuit breaker is the period between th (A) initiation of short cireuit and the are extinction on an oj (B) energizing of the trip coil and the are extinetion on an operation (©) _ initiation of the short cireuit and the parting of pr (D) energizing of the trip coil and the parting of prin The rule for eliminating the negative feedback loop is : G 6 Fi cu “ oH © 7=cr e GH ©) {-cH When the specifications are phase nargi c & compensator is : ~~ (A) Nyquist plot Bode plot (© Nichots chart D) None of these band width Wj, the plot used to design Consider a root locus p unity feedback systems with open loop transfer function Kies eae Se) (9+ 2) (s+ 4) (se 26% 2) ‘The meeting point of yptotes On the real axis occurs at: (A) -12 (l = 0.85 © -105 (D) -0.75 Jol al of 4 ™“ dosed system is 83. “The polar plot ofan open Boop sabte syetern ts shown tn figure The hoop’ (A) always stable. (8) marginally stable. (©) unstable with one polle on the RH plane. (D) unstable with two poles on the RH s-plane. ©) eC) ‘time constant of the system. it can be —ey (A) st (®) lest SY 85. Which meter has the highest acc iSby = 5 84. ss. A unity feedback system has open loop transfer function G(s) » The peak vt overshoot in the step input response of the system is approximately equal (A) 50% (B) 10% © 15% (Dy 89, Ineddy current damping systems, the disc employed should be (A) magnetic but non-conducting material (B) conducting but non-magnetic material (Q) conducting and magnetic material © (D) non-conducting and non-magnetic material are usually done at 90, full load current (A) 10% of full load current NS (Q 5% of full load current Soy of full load current 91. Unit of electric field strength E is (A) Volts/meter (B) Newton/coulomb (D) Joule/coulomb Xi: the region of convergence does not contain any + (B) Poles (D) Neither Zeros nor Poles signal x1) =e"*.sin Mtu(t) is: oO eee 4 ) @ra' +o) ces ——, its hes whens the scree a ae at gap tere? moira itn Hreqnemey tm, 1A) bed © Sth © 8 Oe (1 © © Sy (bd * le 98, Conder 4 dimevete tine ayaten 1 with tinpralee reappoint aaa Weiteger “Al watch thant tin) Abin 1) Min) oi mr «© eS m5 16 Which dnatrument de cheapest diereparding the 1) Pew a” n 10) Bleetrodynmmveneter ‘The © factor of 9 call at resonant Dearadwencithy i (A) 225 Mite MIe of an RLC serien ctreuit is 150. The 10 Kite (D) 49 Kite (0) Ry Vp Ve at Vee ed a2 MI, what nthe tie : PART « Bb 101, A410 16 decoder with enable input can be used as (A) encoder (B) 16 to 1 multiplexer ble input (©) 1 to 16 demultiplexer (D) 10 92 ome) 102. A negative edye triyy red V flipflop han a Lav v the th 1 to 0 and time the output is complemented ove bet . Oks clock fi ripple counter that uses these flip Hops tv (A) 500 MHz (B) 333.33 MEz GS 5 Mb (D) 125 MHz ic stand off ratio 90.64 and de 103, Kor an UJT employed for the iG) ang i World trigger when the emitter volt ource voltage Vyy 18 20V. The UN iveu ©) « wy (b) 5Y ly clock goes from juency in an B-bit (B) operating on TRC principle at « frequency of 2 KHz on a 220 V de cy evne is 170, then the conduction period of thyristor in each eyele is : 0.386 ms (C) 0.772 ms ) PWM inverters, the pulse width is 120° for an input voltage of voltage is f (© 202 (D) 185.08 V ibed 106, ‘The state space equation of a system is descri by X =AX + BU Y=Cx Where ‘x’ is state vector, ‘U’ is the input, “Y” is the output and [5 2]e-[Spe-n a The transfer function G(s) of this system will be : 1 s s+ ore 1) Sa ® 36-2 Og () Sr 2) oe 5 107. The feedback system shown in figure oscill d/see. When 7 K (s+1) Stast+2s+1) (A) K=2and a=0.75 (8) K=3 and a=0.75 (C) K=4 and a=05 wale is (A) 0.3 awe (8) 0.6 “WH 24 sec (D) 3sec © (8) X(@)=1-22-! (D) X(Z)21+2Z-143Z-242Z-$ 115, Three generators cormected 19 Jus are tated aa) G10 MVA, 49kY, X= 10% Gy: 150 MYA, 9AKY, KB Gy: 110 MYA, SOK, Ko 12% considering the base ax 200 MYA, 35K the reactance iy Xe, =)017 4 Xe, = 0H Koy 10 2 ; py i 4 Ey, (~) Hy, IG ft - ae ®) . at= os bga” (A) al Xo, y)0 1008 gure shown the magni " agnitude of the negative sequence component of the current in b Tax 10l0° ao am tolee <1b pz < pelo tuse® lane oy Sy ee eee A act Le, % (A) 2.04 (8) 5.78 (© 10 2 (D) ° 118, An insulator string for a 66 KV line has three discs. The IE ae between each unit and metal work is 10% of capacitance of each disc The string efficiency in percentage is : (A) 76.5 (B) 86.7 (C92) (PD) 100 Ne WY ing is a phenomenon often observed <4 119, While using air blast circuit breaker curre ie ESE (A) along overhead line is mitt (B) a bank of capacitors is switch Loi a itched (© a transformer on no load is svi off iS cnemint oh p transfer function at very low frequencies (w0) function at very high frequencies (wo ©) TT in 100", Por an input vagy 1a. In ingle ule dln of PHM verte he ple 4 220 V de the rms. value of output voltage ‘ aay (A) 254.04 V ( 1702V ( 17904 with Re 2 0 122, A single phase bridge inverter delivers power to serie fond : A= w ©L=8 2. For this inverter - Joad combination is possible in ohms is : (A) 10 © 8 © 6 oo Pe G 123. The resistance across AB in the given circuit is: e © 60 Pee te oct 3n (A) 2479 OD, (C 5470 (D) 1.950 o/ following, periodic sigpul : Jig Bom x(n) = u(r) —a(n—3) is w x@=1427 B) X@wrez- tz oO x@)=1-2-1 (D) x(Zar-2-'42"? 426, The positive, negative and zero sequence iypestance are 0 45.0. Ifa single line to ground fault occurs in the system the posit (A) La=3p-v- ) la Sire j © 1710 py. @ lo © ( Oo ~~) 22 427, The Ygg, for the network shown in the figure eS] -j09 505 @ | jos -j08 jos —j04 () ics jo apes ey cure me SVD ETA 300 + j 600 are e vector. ‘The zero sequence components iS : (p) SHbS+) 165.46. A (py 488-) UTA wane 12% A componnator is of the form De ky + — Ka, Kr 05 941" Ky>0; 1,70; ‘This tay (AY lag compensator (B) lead (©) lag-leadt compensator (D) none Oo AND. Given the aystem ; nS ream py SH Mell 0-2} x 4tilu 01 -9 0 S y= [0 0 yr SS Metros gots een . (A) 8842084 248 (B) 8349s? +24s+20=0 (D) None of these . Ui fle)=2 +e? and C is the contour 2=8el, 0. < t < 2m then lie (z) A ads is equal to : (A) (60 +i) (B) (wr +6i) © -«(6r-i) oy eral Lov 4 Peer) : 133. The matrix A is defined as |0 -2 6 then the Fagen fies of 5A2+6A +1 are : 00 3 \ (A) 12,9, 28 ) (©) -19,9, 28 eur =O) 28 Yoh 434, Let the equations of the regress: (aN be expressed as 2x -3y=0 and 4y—5x=8. Then the correlation between x andy 3-3 ney (© 4A (D) 8A 197, rectifier ty) spotrument in 10 400/71 the intemal dyed ina pe ye yovsisventions what would tne the sensitivity ? © so Ko/v (Dy) 22.2 /V The senmivity of a Penn voltrvweter will Wall wave ree (A) 10 b0/ mw 9K/y ‘A eine phinwe 240 'V induction type watt hour nvutut has a meter constant 400 revolution perkWh. ‘The speed of thw meter dive for current of 1OA at 08 lagging, (A) 1612 1pm (B) Wl rpm (C) V8 py D) 2.2 spo , An oscilloscope with bandwidth of 10 Miz can Gey reproduce a sine wave with a Sasteot rive tine of (A) ne @) so m0 Kea (D) 25 n0 The otate diagram giver below US no © 00/0 e y, ON, oy Oy 40/1 Ce : th) nr Adder (H)— bhealy machine rep of Serial Adder @s PART. @ I Vat The Mt ieiont at ty Panel Mave aty I Y AUOMphore jy (A) Carbone th cnite (0) Nivogen () Hydtroyen DN eon a 14 a 14H, Naive the jiwin between Mitjirin ane Annanalat OY (A) Geant (HN) Palghat os) (PD) Bhorghat 149, The Hook ‘on of Poppion’ wan written by aaiom (A) Anita Domi (1) Amaitya «@-<) ‘Amitav: Cheah. (0): Sanirte’Besant m~X, ey $44, The Liternational Mother 1 cxwetibs obwerved on whieh date ? (A) January i Vo +f (B) Hebenary 21 ()) Maveh 1 © (D) None of the above

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