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The Recovery

Damaged by a
burse a mem- This pamphlet provides information about the law
ber of the
public up to
designed to help the public recover damages. But le-
gal information is not the same as legal advice -- the
application of law to an individual's specific circum-
lending agent?
stances. Although we go to great lengths to make sure
our information is accurate and useful, we recom-
(mortgage officer)
What it is. The main purpose of the Fund is mend you consult a lawyer if you want professional
assurance that this information, and your interpreta-
to compensate members of the public who
tion of it, is appropriate to your particular situation.
have been damaged by a lending Agent’s
fraud, misrepresentation or deceit in a
mortgage transaction, and when the Agent
cannot pay. You may be compensated by the NOTE: for purposes of this pamphlet only,
Fund if the Agent used fraud, misrepresenta- “Fund” refers to the Residential Mortgage Loan
tion or deceit to take advantage of you. Education, Research and Recovery Fund.
How much can you get. If you comply “Agent” refers to a mortgage licensee, that is a
with the process and a court awards you com- mortgage officer, an associate lending manager,
pensation, you can expect to receive from the a principal lending manager, or an entity li-
censed by the Division. To find out if the person
Fund up to $15,000. Regardless of the num- was licensed by the Division you can visit
ber of people seeking compensation
(“claimants”), the liability of the fund may not
Some compensation may be
exceed $15,000 for a single transaction and
available to you through the

Maraly Frandsen, research, 05.28.2009

$45,000 for any one Agent. If the lending agent is not a licensee of the
UDRE, i.e. was an employee of a bank, or an-
How it works. In order to receive a pay- other financial institution, you will have to con-
ment, you must meet the requirements out-
lined in Utah Code Ann. 61-2c. This pam-
tact the Department of Financial Institutions. Residential Mortgage Loan Education,
phlet offers an overview, but for details talk to Research, and
an attorney or read Title 61 Section 2a of the
Utah Division of Real Estate (UDRE)

Utah Code at
Finding help. The Division cannot help
'images from:'
Mailing Address:
you with legal advice. You may hire an attor- Utah Division of Real Estate
ney or ask for free legal help at PO Box 146711

Fund (801) 924-3183.
Phone: (801) 530-6747
Fax: (801) 526-4387
6. Find out if the Agent can pay you 9. Show at the court hearing that you
Make reasonable searches and inquiries yourself have complied with the requirements to
To do list to know for sure if the Agent has money or be paid from the Fund
property that can be used to pay you. Then ex- After the case against the Agent is over, the
ercise reasonable diligence to get paid. You will court will hold a hearing just to determine
1. Sue in Court
have to prove you did so in a court hearing be- if you should be paid from the Fund. Pay-
If you were “damaged,” and the amount of
fore the Fund can pay you (unless you convince ment will depend on compliance with the
the damage, is determined by a court of com-
the court to waive that requirement because it is requirements of the Mortgage Recovery
petent jurisdiction, and not by the Utah Di-
not practical for you based on the circum- Fund Act. This pamphlet offers a simplified
vision of Real Estate. Therefore, if you want
stances). overview of those requirements for infor-
to be compensated from the Fund, you first
mation purposes. Do not solely rely upon it.
have to sue the Agent in court.
For details talk to an attorney or read Title
7. Have a writ of execution issued upon the
61 Section 2c of the Utah Code at
2. Make sure your claim is against a licen-
After you win your case, and if the Agent cannot
Compensation can be made for damages pay you, you must get a “writ of execution” to
caused by an individual or entity having a show that the Agent who damaged you does not 10. Get paid
have money or property which could be used to If the court determines that you should be
license (the Agent). You cannot be the
pay the judgment. In order for the Fund to pay, paid from the Fund, it will enter an order
spouse or representative of the Agent.
the judgment cannot have been discharged in directed to the Division requiring payment.
bankruptcy. The Fund will pay within a reasonable
3. Include a claim for fraud, misrepresen- time, usually 30 days.
tation, or deceit as part of the original
complaint 8. File a verified petition to the court request-
The complaint must be based in whole or in ing that the Recovery
part on fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit. Fund pays you
Upon termination of The Agent’s license will be re-
all proceedings, in- voked. The Division of Real Estate
4. Notify the Utah Division of Real Estate may impose other discipline.
at the time you file the court action, and cluding appeals, you
keep proof of receipt can file a verified peti-
tion in the court where If the Division makes payment from the
Send a signed notification with your claim to
the judgment was en- Fund it will have the right to collect the
the Division of Real Estate at the time you
tered for an order di- money from the Agent. The license of the
file an action against the Agent. Include a
recting payment from Agent shall be automatically revoked. The
copy of the complaint. Within 30 days of re-
the Residential Mortgage Loan Education, Re- Agent may not apply for a new license until
ceipt of the notice, the Division may inter-
search, and Recovery Fund for the uncollected the amount paid, plus interest, has been re-
vene in the action.
actual damages included in the judgment and paid in full to the Fund.
5. Obtain final judgment in your favor still unpaid. A recovery from the fund may not
The judgment must be based on fraud, mis- The repayment in full of all obligations to
include punitive damages, interest, or court the Fund by any Agent does not nullify or
representation, or deceit. costs. Serve a copy of the petition upon the Divi- modify the effect of any other disciplinary
sion of Real Estate and file an affidavit of service proceeding.
with the court.

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