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Waste Segregation

Program Name: Visit to a restaurant

Place of Visit:-Master Chef, Sodepur, Kolkata

“Master Chef” is a one stop solution for excellent multi-cuisine preparations in
Sodepur, Kolkata. The restaurant can space out approx. 75 diners at a time.

Types of Waste Generated

Much of the waste created in restaurants is generated from within the kitchen.
As per the observation, the waste generated in this restaurant can be of the
following types:
1. Liquid waste – includes dirty wash water, waste detergents, organic
liquids (from plants or animals sources used in the kitchen) etc.

2. Solid Waste –This can be further broken as:

a. Plastic Waste - Food containers, jars, bottles, shopping / garbage /

polythene bags etc.
b. Paper/card waste – billing papers, packaging materials,
newspapers, magazines, cardboards etc.
c. Tins and metals – storage cans, food wrapping foils, broken
utensils etc.
d. Ceramics and glass – jars and bottles, broken glasses / plates,
decors used in the dining area etc.
Waste Segregation

3. Organic Waste–This is the major chunk of the total waste. All kind of
food waste from dining area and kitchen, fruit and vegetable peels, rotten
meats etc. are part of this.

Segregation of Waste – Bio degradable and Non-Biodegradable

“Biodegradable” things can be easily decomposed by natural agents like water,
oxygen, ultraviolet rays of the sun, micro-organisms, etc.
Materials which cannot be decomposed into the soil by natural agents are
labeled as “Non-biodegradable”.
Basis above definitions, the waste generated in “Master Chef” can broadly be
classified into two categories:
1. Biodegradable Waste (Wet) –This includes but not limited to
 All organic waste
 Liquid waste
 Solid waste like paper products as mentioned above, sewage etc.

2. Non-Biodegradable Waste (Dry) – This includes but not limited to

 All plastic waste
 All ceramics / glass waste etc.
 Tins and metals
 All other recyclable waste

Methods of Disposal of Waste

The method used here for waste disposal is “Sanitary Landfills” wherein all the
waste is deposited in a large land away from living areas through Municipality’s
dumpster. No sorting of waste is not done and all the waste (both Biodegradable
and Non-Biodegradable) are mixed up and deposited. This is a big problem
because glass and plastics take thousands of years to decompose. Additionally,
the landfills soon become full, smelly and unsafe for the environment.

Measures To be taken for Disposal (my view)

Waste Segregation

Proper waste management is not cheap, but absence of it can be catastrophic to our
health and environment. Identifying and separating the waste according to the
biodegradable and non-biodegradable label is very important in proper waste disposal
and its management.
A significant effect can be observed by simply following the “3 R’s”



A Few Tips For Restaurant Food Waste Management

 Performing a food waste audit

This needs to be performed regularly to estimate the actual requirement
 Stocking the kitchen smartly
This can be done basis the report of food waste audit and thus can overall
help in reducing the waste
 Turning waste into compost
It is a simple method to reduce a large portion of food waste. If enough
space is not available then the restaurant owner may reach out to local
community and find out where this compost would best go to use.
 Food donations
A great way to manage surplus food and stock is to reach out to local
charities and donate to them so they can help those in need.
 Involvement of staffs in restaurant food waste management?
. It’s vital to train staffs and make them understand how to minimise
waste during preparation as well as cooking.
Waste Segregation

To end off, restaurant food waste management and restaurant waste disposal is
an important cog in the operations of any upstanding restaurant. Not only is it
important for the business, but also for the environment and community as a

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