Syrup Prescription in Infants and Children

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Hyoscine (Buscopan) (5/5) ››› 10-20 mL, 1x3.

Use in
Syrup Prescription those ≥6 yr.
in Infants and Children
Ibuprofen (Profen) (100/5) ››› 0.2-0.5 mL/kg, 1x3-
Amoxicillin (Amoxil) (250/5) ››› Mild-moderate → 4.
0.5-1 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3 | Severe → 1.6-2 mL/kg/d ÷
1x3. Ketotifen (1/5) ››› Allergy → [6 mo-3 yr: 0.25 mL/kg
(max 5 mL), >3 yr: 5 mL], 1x1 for 5 d then 1x2.
Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (Amoxiclav) (250/5) ››› ≤3
mo → 0.6 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x2 | >3 mo, mild-moderate → Lactulose (10 g/15) ››› 1-3 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3-4.
0.4-0.8 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3 | >3 mo, severe → 1.6-2
mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3. Loratadine (Lorten) (5/5) ››› [2-5 yr: 5 mL, >5 yr: 10
mL], 1x1.
Azithromycin (100/5) ››› Usual dose → 0.5 mL/kg,
1x1 for 3-5 d | Pharyngitis/tonsillits → 0.6 mL/kg, Mefenamic acid (Ponstan) (50/5) ››› 0.3 mL/kg, 1x4
1x1 for 3-5 d. as needed for <7 d. This drug should be avoided in
Bromhexine (Solvodin) (4/5) ››› [<2 yr: 1.25 mL, 2-
6 yr: 2.5 mL, 6-12 yr: 5 mL, >12 yr: 10-20 mL], 1x3. Metoclopramide (Plasil) (5/5) ››› 0.4-0.8 mL/kg/d
÷ 1x3-4.
Cefixime (Suprax) (100/5) ››› 0.4 mL/kg, 1x2 on day
1 then 1x1 for 13 d. Metronidazole (Flagyl) (200/5) ››› 0.75-1.25
mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3-4.
Cephalexin (Keflex) (250/5) ››› 0.5-2 mL/kg/d ÷
1x3-4. Paracetamol (120/5) ››› 0.4-0.6 mL/kg, 1x4 |
Dropper (100/1) → 0.1-0.15 mL/kg, 1x4.
Chlorpheniramine (Allermine, Tussilet) (2/5) ››› [2-
5 yr: 2.5 mL, 6-11 yr: 5 mL, >11 yr: 10 mL], 1x4-6 Salbutamol (Butadin) (2/5) ››› [2-6 yr: 0.25-0.5
(for Tussilet double the doses). mL/kg (max 5 mL), 6-12 yr: 5 mL, >12 yr: 5-10 mL],
1x3-4 (1x3 in those 2-6 yr).
Cyproheptadine (2/5) ››› Appetizer → 0.6 mL/kg/d
÷ 1x2-3. Simethicone (ColicEZ) (200/3) ››› [<2 yr: 8 drops, 2-
12 yr: 15 drops, >12 yr: 15-50 drops], 1x4 (after
Desloratadine (2.5/5) ››› [6-11 mo: 2 mL, 1-5 yr: 2.5 meals and at bedtime).
mL, 6-11 yr: 5 mL, ≥12 yr: 10 mL], 1x1.
Theophylline (50/5) ››› 1-1.4 (max 2) mL/kg/d ÷
Dexamethasone (Decadron) (0.5/5) ››› Croup → 1.5 1x4-6.
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) (40-
Dextromethorphan (15/5) ››› [2-6 yr: 2.5 mL, 6-12 200/5) ››› Usual dose → 1-1.5 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x2. Severe
yr: 5 mL, >12 yr: 10 mL], 1x3. infections → 2-2.5 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x4. Use in those >2
Diazepam (Valium) (2/5) ››› Febrile seizure
prophylaxis → 2.5 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3 from fever onset Weight (kg) estimation in children
till 24 hr after fever is gone.
<1 yr (0.5 x Age in months) + 4
Diphenhydramine (Samilin, Calmex) (12.5/5) ›››
Cough → [2-6 yr: 2.5 mL, 6-11: 5 mL, >11 yr: 10 mL], 1-4 yr 2 x (Age in years + 5)
1x3-6 | Allergy → 2 mL/kg/d ÷ 1x3-4. 5-14 yr 4 x Age in years
Domperidone (Motilium) (5/5) ››› 0.25 mL/kg,
1x3-4. This drug is not approved in children. If used, The numbers in parenthesis express the amount of the drug (in mg)
per amount of syrup (in mL).
avoid in those <2 yr.

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