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Compression spring for tension purposes ‘Scanned with CamScanner Symbols Description and Units size factor B Cc spring index diameter of the wire, mm pitch diameter or mean diameter of spring, mm natural frequency of the spring, Hy load on the spring, N (kgf) variable load, N (kgf) average or mean load, N (kgf) spring scale or rate, N/mm (kgf/mm) critical axial load on the spring, N (kgf) maximum load on the spring, N (kgf) Fig minimum load on the spring, N (kgf) the number of active coils in the spring i K stress correction factor K; stress concentration factor Kiz _ fatigue stress concentration factor R reliability factor U resilence of the spring, N mm (kgf-mm) Vv volume of the spring, mm? y axial deflection of the spring, mm r maximum stress in the helical spring, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) stress for static loading, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) stress for completely reversed loads, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) s in shear, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) Ta de Te Elastic limit stre o maximum stress in the leaf spring, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) os stress in the full length leaves, M/Nm? (kgf/mm?) BR stress in the graduated leaves, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) 167 ‘Scanned with CamScanner _ we Spriy, 16s 7 1? opernting deletion Fy ely jacent cil) (i) Lengths, forces and deflections (a) Compression Springs () Dise constants (©) Dise Springs Fig. 11.1: Notati Notations for different ‘ypes of springs ‘Scanned with CamScanner Springs 169 Particular Equation Eqn. No. Cylindrical compression spring: (a) Round section springs: Torsional moment produced in the spring | 7 = 4 FD 11.1(@) (Fig. 11.2) 2 p ‘The internal resisting moment T=%r= (i): 11.10) ‘The shear stress due to torque only ED 11.1¢) nd . 8FDK _ yGdK {ress in the helical s 5 fi ‘The shear stress in the helical spring rox = aa 1a1@ (considering compre the coil and also direct shear stress) The wire diameter, (Table 11.1 and 11.2) f 111@ where K is the stress correction factor According to Wahl, the stress correction K= = ly oss 11.2(a) factor (Fig. 11.3) ie 4 correction factor (Bergstroessar) = s + : ‘ 11.20) where C = (D/d), the spring index 11.26) ays 5) 11.2@ (4) Aviatly loaded (b) Free-body diagram 1 1.2: Helical Compression Spring K Cylindrical compression ‘spring K, Torsion spring round wite Kz Torision spring rectangular [ Ea Stress factor, K 2345 67 8 9 Willi Spring index, C= D/d or C= D/b Fig. 11.3: Stress factors for helical springs ‘Scanned with CamScanner 16F D> _ 5.1FC%S T= TPS de hg 16FDI _ 16ED*i } «the stress factor from 2 in the 11.2(d). the shear stress ‘The angular deflection 9= TGat i A 4 th of the s, pring bat, mm 8FD i 1 ‘The axial deflection of the pring ye ae ‘ of yee inp? 5%) sof |= "KGd ~ 2G 1150) “The axial deflection of the spring in term the shear stress the axis of the spring ing S(¢) The load acting along 1s@ “The shear stress in terms of deflection (y) ‘The number of active coils required aD* 6 Spring scale or rate or stiffness 1176 Ta) 1170) Spring scale (Fig. 11.4) where deflections yj a =y2~ yi and the total d deflections (b) Loads and defle 11.4: Loa ids and deflections in a helical spring ‘Scanned with CamScanner 171 diameter in section Wve Equation 11.10 ere b is the breadth of spring wire, mm and sign or permissible shear stress fable 11.3 and Fig. 11.8) liability factor where t, is the elastic limit stress in shear ticular Equation Eqn, No. resilience of the spring or work done by the spring AEDY Pdi _ alSp'Si2 _ 0.15500! z OG IGG Gat 16K°G 64G G 18 hG Vz adix te 11.9 - ‘ fs size factor for sections above 12.5 mm 11.10@, 1.885 te: For rectangular sections, the value of b or t whichever is smaller is used instead of d in the ‘his the thickness of spring wire, mm Te _ 1.885t6 ‘= RR Rg 11.1006 FCompressed)) _ yal ma F(working) ~~ y . (Table 11.5 to 11.7) y is the deflaction under the working load «a is the total clearance between the spring coils (a ~ 25% of y and then R ~ 1.25) 04 a-(@) x De wire diameter for static loads - 11.12¢) ORF" If there are no space limitations, then the d= ( } os 11.12(b) diameter of the wire in terms of the spring i index Note: For good design, values of C between 8 and 10 are preferred (b) Rectangular section springs: ‘The stress in the rectangular section spring KEDUSh-+0.9b) _ KFD(1.S + 0.9m) 4C-1 0615 . oe). A where K = oy SO Vy ‘ Pie mle wnere = 90-4 *C EEG) _ EDV 3h + 18b) _ FD°%3 + 181m) ~ bh 7Sfe mts pets 2 Se ab, where K = Ty = 2D, C= Fas st ‘Scanned with CamScanner 172 Equation The axial deflection in the rectangular seetion ———— 283K DM? +12) _ 2.83/D3U + m?) Particu DIG - meWG tt oo mhhG Bey ‘The spring rate ZB3DI +m) i According to TM, (Part V1)-1978, for springs made of rectangular cross-section-Design Formulae (i) Shear stress, MN/mm? (kgf/mm?) Ita 4 where, u = stress coefficient, dependent on ratio of cross-section side lengths b/h or Alb, : and on coil ratio C (Fig. 11.5) Bs ore 4.6, Values for y sa : Fig. 11.5: Stress i ig. 11.5: Stress Coefficient based on bfhorh{b ‘Scanned with CamScanner springs 173 Particular Equation Eqn. No. Sx ii) Spring Deflection, mm = xi Gi) Sp ; Y= Dae? 11.14) where, € Elasticity (resilience) coefficient, dependent on ratio of cross-section side lenghts b/h or h/b. (Table 11.8) Pe ive coi BG Number of active coils Git) (i+Ddty+a If the ends are neither ground 1,2 @d+y+a between working coils, mm imber of active coils (Table 11.4) (Fig. 11.6) Fig. 11.6: Va Value of as a function of coil ratio (C) ‘Scanned with CamScanner springs rca Particu Buckling: The critical ani Eqn. No. | Fer = FoKily 11.19(a) | where F, is the spring scale, N/mm | K, is a load factor depending on the ratio 1,/D (Fig. 11.7(a)) Resistance to Buekling: | 1, is the free length of the spring, mm, Relative deflection in percent ( d 11.19¢b) 11.19%) gree of slendeness, ky = Io/D when ko < 2.6 ~ guide is not necessary ho > 2.6 guide is necessary ba) sam a 4 ‘The approximate relation between the (¢ of two concentric springs wound from round | \@ wire of the same material ( ‘The load on the inner spring Fy = mF, 11.20(c) ‘The load on the outer spring F,-—4 ¢ 11.20(4) (l+m) where F; and F> are loads on outer and inner springs respectively D, and D2 ate pitch diameters of outer and inner spring respectively, mm dj and d; are wire diameters of outer and inner spr ively, mm F = Fy + Fy the total maximum spring load and m = Fo/Fi < z % 100 3 mf = 0 og = . | x 60 ; 2 50 t os Built in ends z° 2 (Closed and ground ix square en) = 0 = 10} O12S4S GT ND Degtee of slendemos = L/D = 02 Fig. 11.7(b): Limits of Resistance to Buckling of Heatio yD = ‘Compression Springs. Ends of Backling factor for helical compression springs which are Axially Guided; “The point corresponiting ta the two co-onlinates y’% and ky = L/D lies below the curves (Fig. 11.7(b), then the spring is buckie-proof, Spon ‘CamScanner ‘Scanned 176 SST TS ISI Wire diameter d,mm —> ao , wr Cold Coiled Compression Springs Me Fig, L1.8(a): Permissible Shear Stress ta fo1 Unalloyed Grades 1,2, 3 ae F Pater and Cold Drawn Spring Steel Wires - J fe and {emperdd spring stdel vire| | 00 | {ded and telnpefed jvalye spring wire | a 14 =050y s00 |- i value of ultimate tensile 730 |-—— wceording IS :4454 (Part 1) 700 4H ; T = r i ele Sess 0123 TS OWNRW Mw diameter d, mm —> Fig, 11.8(b): Permissible Shea for Cold Coiled Compression Springs made from Oi Hardened and Tempered. 1 Wire and Valve Spring Wire - Unalloved Grades S10 2 0 Ea 1000 ~ tensile strength according to zs IS : 4454 (Part IV) 22 tet tt { i Ea | F J ity] {ail x 4567 8 9 nis 1 5 16 x Wire diameter d, mm ——~ Fig. 11.8 stainless s" 4 for Cold Coiled Compression Springs made of: 4 ‘Normal Corrosion Resistance, Grades 1 and 2 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Springs 17 (Grnle L according to IS = Grende 2 oul 3 according ta 1S = 341 w a we Wire diaaneter a ig: L1.8(d); Permissible Shear Stress ra for Hot Coited Compression Springs made from Grades 1, 2and 3 Steel Particular Equation Eqn. No. Vibration of cylindrical springs: The natural period of vibration, sec T = JWIFig 1L21 where W is the weight of the oscillating system, i.c., weight of the spring, N (kgf) Fo is the force necessary to deflect the spring 1 mm, N/mm (kgf/m) and g is the acceleration of gravity, 9.81 x 10°mm/sec? The natural frequency of the spring: (vibrations per second) Note: When one end of the spring is at rest, the amplitude of the coils moving back and forth gradualy decreases toward the coil which is at rest. In this case the mass in motion is assumed as one-half the spring ma (Wg). (a) When one end of the spring is at rest (mass = Wg) (b) vhen both 11.2200) (Force = 4F, nds of the spring are fixed nd mass = W/2z) 11.22(¢) {nthe case ofa spring, guided a both ends and periodically compressed hy the stroke hy the natural frequency ‘Scanned with CamScanner 178 Springs No, “Particular Equation Eqn, d 7 For commercial springs made of spring wire | f= 3.59 x 10°55 = 13.5675 Lag having G = 81370N/mm?, then the natural ) frequency where 1, = 2r,, stress range corresponding to stroke ft (amplitude of stress), MN/m? (kfm?) (Refer Fig. 11.9(a) and 11.9(6)) ‘n= stroke (it), that is, difference between two deflections or two load lenghts, mm K = Stress correction factor Conical Springs: (Fig. 11.1(c)) The axial deflection of a spring made of round stock (Fig, 11.1¢) 2iF(D} + D3 + DiD} + D}) _ mir(D3 + D3Di + D2Dj + D}) ye Se ee 11234 whore Dy and Dy are the small and large pitch diameters of the conical spring, mm d is the wire diameter of the spring, mm ‘is the number of active coils 11.23(6) FilFror tyr O.1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 it of fatigue strength Ten-aax N/mm? eyeeeeege8 it of fatigue strength Ter-mia r I Fatigue range Ng 210" © 100 200 300 400 Son Gon ToD B00 0 Lower limit of fatigue strength Faves N/B® Fig. 11.9(b): Fatigue Strength Diagram {or Cold Coiled Compression Springs Made Hardened and Tempered Valve Spring Wit Shot Peened ings made of Oil ed Valve Spring ned ‘Scanned with CamScanner Springs 179 icular Equation Eqn. No. ion Springs: (Fig. 11.1(@) . . K 2T ‘The maximum stress in torsion springs oa pee 11.24(a) where K = Kj or Kp, the stress factor for torsion spring (Fig. 11.3) . A FD M is the bending moment on the wire = ‘Torsional moment (7) = zz x Z = 5@, section modulus, mm? Dis the mean diameter of the coil, mm Ais the cross sectional area of the wire, mm? TLD ‘The deflection, measured by the distance pen 11.24(b) travelled by a point on the pitch diameter of the end coil to which the pull is applied is approximately where L = inD, length of the coil part of the spring J is the moment of inertia of the wire, mm* (i) Round wire spring: 8TKiD The maximum st or = SEGKD +d) in round wire torsion e aii 11.25¢a) springs 4C-1 4C?-C-1 The stress factor for round wire torsion ot wo 11.25(b) springs (Fig. 11.3) (according to Wahl) (ii) Rectangular wire springs: , A A 6k2T | OT ‘The maximum stress in rectangular wire o= at Don 11.26 torsion springs where C = D/b;Z = die, section modulus, mm’; K> = K, stress factor (Fig. 11.3) ‘bis the radial thickness, mm; h is the axial thickness, mm Leaf Springs: (Fig. 11.10) (a) Flat Springs: Jn the case of leaf springs the general expression for— (i) the maximum stress 11.271) GD the maximum deflection 11.27(b) The thickness of the spring plate M276) Bee ith CamScanner ‘Scanned i = } | Equation oy Eqn, y _ i y ~The width ofthe spring plate ( The width of the spring PI ee > the Table 11.9 for different types of oy in Fig. 11.10 bem : (Fig, 11.11) (b) Multi-Leaf Sprins ‘The width of the laminated spring b= bfi I where iis the number of springs or leaves 1h, ‘The load carried by the laminated spring had “The maximum deflection of the laminated ni spring under the load (b) Constant thickness (c) Constant width variable width variable thickness (uniform strength) (uniform strength) f 3 ai | nt cross-section _(e) Constant thie! varfiable width variable thi (uniform strength) (uniform st Fig. 11.10: Beams with a rectangular section ‘Scanned with CamScanner “(e) Laminated leaf springs: (Fig, 11.12) ‘The stress in the full length leaves _ The load on the graduated leaves ‘The load on the full length leaves The total load on the spring (i) Equivalent flat bar jee —— N T (i) Equivalent flat bar Equation = 3iy F ~ Qi, +3ip) F=F,+Fy os (ii) Multi leaf s (a) Uniform cross-section cantilever leaf spi (b) Uniform strength cantilever leaf spring (i) Equivalent flat bar ;— eS Fig. 11.11: Laminated Springs ‘Scanned with CamScanner sus 182 = p i Spri Particular ee eee es and deflec Ea Bending stre (i) Laminated can 11.12(a)) : __ SFL Bir 18F1 ‘he stress in the full Fength leaves On iF a) Ta i al eee) Uy “The stress in the graduated leaves OB, +3) ts ; FP 4 ‘The deflection of the spring TREC, +31) lag (ii) Laminated Semi-elliptic Springs: 11.12(b)) ‘The stress in the full length leaves with no pre-stress 9FI °F FRI, + 3i,) Nar ‘The stre: pre-s in the graduated leaves with no 131g) ‘The deflection of the Spring 1131@) ‘The initial gap between the graduated leaves with pre-st The load on the clip bol gap ‘The maximum stre full-length leaf the initial 1g With the ! 2 ht Rebotind oT clip Conte clip 2F cantilever leaf spring (b) Laminated semielli Fig. 11.12: Laminated leaf springs ‘Scanned with CamScanner springs e CFP K, cedettection of the spring using the y= GPK tion COT EIT 11.32(d) where Ky = 0.7309 for2 20 rifig: 1 = ig + ip, the total number of leaves iy is the number of full length leaves; i, is the number of graduated leaves pise Springs or Belleville Springs: (Fig, 11.1(e)) ‘Te relation between the load F and the axial deflection y of each dise (Fig. 11.1(e)) when the load is applied uniformly around the edge Topoiree l(t $) +] ; 11.33) where jis the Poisson's ratio; y is the axial deflection of each disc Mis a constant which depends on the ratio D,/D; (Fig. 11.13) D, and Dj are the outer and inner diameters of the disc tis the thickness of the disc (Fig. 11.1(e)); is the thickness of the spring (Fig. 11.1(e)) The maximum stress at the inner edge of the | oo = “=” __leyq= p cat] 11.330) dise spri (1 ~ 2)MDGh pring The stress at the outer edge of the dise spring | o = Taio [a i-D- cat] 11.33) where C; and Cp are constants depending on the ratio Dp/D; (Fig. 11.13). [@olDi)- a 11.33(@) mlog,(Do/Di) [ Dol) | M= = — See | | 1133 ~ Flog, (Do/D) [iog(Do/P) 6 [oe] 1.330) = srTog,(Do/D) Scanned with CamScanner Rubber Springs: (a) Rubber in compression: jon of rectangular ig. 11.14) Kye ‘The percentage deformat TE (Essyss) members is given by equation (Fi Nay, where y% is the deformation percent eae Kp is the the form factor or ratio of the long side to the short side of rectangular ‘Ais the loading area, mm? Eis the modulus of Elasticity of rubber, MNJ? (kgf/mm?) (Fig. 11.17) Ess is the modulus of elasticity of $5 durometer rubber, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) ysis the deflection of a 25.4 mm cube of 55 So rubber, percent (Fig. 11,16) 5). The percentage deformation of cylindrical a A, aig Ean) 11349) ‘members in compression Ee. fc is the form factor for cylindrical rubber apression members (Fig. 11.18) - (2 ‘The actual deflection iL q (100) M349 24 sTalals Constant Mt Constant C; and Cz 35 40 45 50° ) Dal D, Ie gcstents Fig. 11.14: Rubber Shear: ‘Scanned with CamScanner si a Equation sae Eqn. Now Eqn. No. iy abbr shear: Pena F ular deformation in radians for a az Teel shear mounting (Fig. 11.14) AG 11.35(a) re where F = applied load, N (kgf); A = cross-sectional area parallel to the applied load, mm? G = modulus of rigidity, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) (Fig. 11.17) . nr @ the angular deformation is less than | y= 19 = 1 3s bare approximate equation to determine AG é (b) the linear deflection in mm where ¢ is the distance between the shearing forces,mm F D, =, ‘te linear deformation for cylindrical rubber | y = xl oe )k LD; 11.35(¢) shear member (Fig. 11.15(a)) LiDo (@ Rubber in torsional shear: ‘The angular deformation in radians of rubber 11.36(a) bushings (Fig. 11.15(b)) where T is the applied torque, N mm (kgf-mm) Lis the effective length of bushing, mm ‘The radial deflection of the inner cylinder 11.36(6) (Fig. 11.15) is approximately where y = radial deflection, mm oc = compressive stress on projected area of inner cy) MN/m? (kgffmm?) Note: Equation 11.36(b) applies to rubber bushings having a wall thickness lssthan D3 and alength greater than 4D, —— ‘Scanned with CamScanner 186 Spring, i References U1] Siegel, M. J., Maley, ¥ national Text Book Co (2] Vallance, A. Co., 1951. 13] Shigley, J.B, [4] Black, PH rd edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. Elements”, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., Maruzen Co. Lid. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 187 et 100 pap tal ae Oe (Va 40 18] eave 0 et . *% 30 2 3 as} 3 a) é E13] é rt ’ ‘ 03 05 ! awl oe. 02 I ‘> 0 0-10 20 80 40) 50" G0 70 60 90 100 110120 ent deformation over original length psD}00_70 20-90 Fig 116: Load deformation curves for Fig. 11.17: Variation of modulus of elasticity and 125 mm cube of rubber rigidity of rubber K, Temperature Factor 92 038 0.40 050 0.60 0.70 080 0.99 1,00 1.10 Ratio = Leaded Areas Tal Surface Fen 18: 8: Form factor for eylindrical rubber compression members Scanned with CamScanner aii Table [1.1 Grades and Sizes of wire 0.2510 10.0 | Used for springs and wire forms subject amoderate load eyeles-Modertely sina 0.2510 10.0 | Used for highly stressed static sings jg springs under moderate to high dynani, stresses and in smaller diameters even fe impact loaded springs 0.2510 10.0 | Suitable for highest stressed static | spi | ibe and moderately stressed dynamic spring ay = Table 11.2 Standard dimensions of wire (mm) mee Stainless steel wire for Cod drama 4 Normal corrosion wire unalloyed increment increment facrement 0.97 10 0.12-0001 0.10, 0.11, 0.125 0.14 to 0.22-0.02 ~ 130t02.10-0.10 025 a 0.28 t0 0.40-0.02 2.40 to 2.60-0.10 0.43, 0.45, 0.48, 0.50 2.80 to 4.00 -0.20 0.53, 0.56, 0.60, 0.63 4.25 to 5.00-0.25 0.65 to 1.30-0.05 5:30, 5.60, 6.00, 6.30 1.40 to 2.10-0.10 6.50 to 11.00 - 0.50 2.25, 2.40, 2.50, 2.60 12.0, 12.5, 13.0, 2.80, 3.00, 3.15 14.0 3.20 to 4.00—0.20 4.25 10 5.00 0.25 5.30, 5.60, 6.00, 6.30 6.50 to 10.00 - 0.50 ‘Scanned with CamScanner “aes 189 springs Table 11.3 Spring Design stresses oY + 2 vie dhuneter rm) Design Stress, MN/m? (kgf/mm?) Severe service | Average Service | Light service Upto 2.10 414 (42.2) 517(62.7) 640 (65.4) 2.10- 4.50 380 (38.7) 476 (48.5) | 586 (59.8) 4.50- 8.00 330 (33.8) 414 (42.2) 510 (52.0) 8.00 - 13.00 290 (29.5) 360 (36.6) 448 (45.7) 13.00 — 25.00 248 (25.3) 310 G1.6) 386 (39.4) 25.00 — 38.00" 220225) | 276081) | 345,35.) Table 11.4 Different types of spring coil ends = = ! { Ae (Square and ) Plain end (b) Groma (©) Say \ ‘ground end Number of Coils Length of Spring Pitch (p) Tipe of Spring Coil Ends |End [Active] «| Solid [oy (to) (mum) cr | Coils| Coils (2) (mm)| 5; Pin Era 5 : i | G+ bd |iptd= (G4 Dd+y+a) | o-a/i [DPinmaciomae tat =D] Ge [CHD = Os Day ve | O/T \OSquarear Close End | 2 | +2] G+3M |p +3d = +d +y + allo = 2 (0 Suir and Ground End) | —F_|@#2| G+ 2d [ip #2 = 0+ 2d +y+ al lo 2A sai y= axial deflection; a = total clearance between working coil a ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘ ‘Table 11.5 Physical Properties of Spring Materials z [__ Analysis “Tensile properties “Torsional properties of wire™ =e = [Ultimate] ‘Modulus [Ultimate] Elastic [Modulus Process of manufacture, sent | stength,| of chief uses, special MN tate, operas — ‘MN/m? oT © o ay [Watch (0221 x 10" (Cold-rolled and heattreated [Spring steel | before forming main springs ‘Mn_|0.15-0.25| 2350. for watches and similar uses (Clock-spring | C |0.90-1.05] 1240 (Cold rolled and heat-trested steel Mn |0.30-0.50| 2340 before forming clock snd motor springs, —miscella- Ineous flat springs for hish stress. “do-__|Cold-rlled oF annealed oF Flatspring | _C [065-080] 1100 | 860 /0206x10"| ~do- seat Mn {o.50.0.90] 2210 | 1930 : tempered miscellnsous Ht i __|springs | Tigh Carbon | © ORS-0.95] 1580-1100 [02065 10°} 1100 | 760 OTRAS XTO"|Cold-rolled or drawn Bigh- wire Mn |0.25-0.60| 1725 | 1450 1380 1035, |grade helical springs or wire : forms. = |Oittempered | C |0.60-0.70| 1070 820 [0.200x 10°] 795 | S515 [0.07845 x 10°|Cold-drawn and heat treated ire Mn |o.60-090| 2070 | 1725 1380 -| "900 before coiling genera spring |Mosiewire[~C]070-1.00] 1725 [1035 [0.206% 10°] 1035 | 620 |0.07845x 10°|Patenied and cokd-drawa i eee Lae oe | de PN ee ‘ rious types high quality. TORS] US [OZOORTO"] BIO] S20 [OOTRAS ATO Patented and cold-dawn | 2060 | 1380 1320 | “90 [ime ures as msi wie bt lower quality wie D, divide the given values by 9.8007 my init... ‘Scanned with CamScanner sk ble 11.5 Physical Properties of Spring Materials (Contd..) [_ >| a) on ain_|0.25.0150) 965 |_358 _—_|springs © [045-055 1240 0 [Cold-roed”oF dawns sper Mn_|0.50-0.80 0.078455 108 ial applications Cr /0.80-1.10 1590 900 V_[ | C_[055-0.65 Horr cold-ollad or dawnt Mn_|0.60-080) the same as chrome the same as chrome jn some applications may be Si |1.802.201 vanadium vanadium used as a lower cost rial in place of ehrome um ©) 1720 as 300 (Cold-rolled or drawn: best ni | 7-10 0.06865%10 corrosion resistance: fair C_ jo08-0.15 1795 965 temperature resistance Mn_| 2max Si_[030-0.75 305 350 (Cald-rolled oF drawn Beat ce | it 0.07551%10° feated after forming. re- ¢ |o25-0.40 1380) 830 lists cortosion when pol ished: good temperature re- Cr | OE 206] [Cold-rlled or drawn for (0.103 x 10° ne 0.03825%10* electrical conductivity at a Zn | balance 4s 44 liow stresses for corrosion z resistance Z CG) 36 350 ae [Cold-rlfed or drawn: Baier 2 zm | 25 760 0.03825x10* quay than brass corosion ni] is 480 resistance "To obiain the values in metric Units (kgfimm?), divide the given values by 9.8067 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Table 11.5 Physical Properties of Spring Materials (Contd...) tet @,o, ® |®)]o] @ a 90 | a1 350] 345 [Cota-rolied or drawn: used | for corrosion resistance and gimxie| . 0.08315%10"cctical conductivity ns | 390 [Seon Si [Cota-rolied or drawn; wed towoare | Snor| small Properties similar io fas substitute for phosphor F ‘Ma | amounts ‘ phosphor bronze bronze where lower cost is & cu_| balance 4 necessary 2 [Monel Ni [SE | BOY S80" TOGO TOF ‘B10 [O0657T > T° |Cotd-olled or dawns ress E cu | 26 | 965 | 830 480 |corrosion; moderate stresses q Mn | 25 to 200° c 3 Fe | 225 Tnconel Ri] 80} 965] 760 ODIO TO"| 660 | 380 [OUTSET x TOP |Cote-rolled or drawn resists ce | 14 | 1210 | 930 830 | 550 lcorrosion; high stresses 10 Fe_| balance lado" Ni] 66 | TIO] 793 O1BD TO] 725 | 450 [OOSSTT x 108|Coldrolled or drawn; pre= cu | 29 | 1240 | 1000 860 | 590 [cipitation hardened by heat- Al | 275 treatment resists corrosion Fe | 090 Ihigh stresses to 230° C iz-nickel Ni 98 [1240 | 900 30 | ae (Cotd-roied or drawa;_pre= cu 0.206 108 0.07551%10 [eiptation hardened by heat- Ma | sma} 1590 | 1180 1035 | 620 treatment; resists corrosion; Fe | amounts high stresses to 290° C Si Sa] 98 | T1Go | 8S] 0.100% TOF} GOO] ~ASO 004120 TOF] Cola-rlied or drawn: corro~ 2 | 1380 | 1035 [0.128% 105| 900 | 660 fo.ossos x 104/sion resistance like copper Since ro [high physicals for electrical Toanaaaniinc’ soll ‘Scanned with CamScanner get 193, gable 11.6 (a) Chemical Composition of Steet for Patent Wire-Unalloyed ted and Cold Drawn Steel a Manganese Sulph Sulphur _ Carbon Silicon Max. max Poospperus +Phos- Copper Grade percent Pe percent percent puis, Phorus max. Percent = max, _percent ar) 0s 0085 [050-070 015-035 10 0.050 0.040 x 020 5 060-085 019-035 08 0.040 0,040 e ae 3, 0.75-1.0 0.15 -0.35 08 0.030 0.030 0.050 0.12 4 0510 015-035 08 0.025 00250040 Table 11.6 (b) Chemical Composition of Steel for Oil Hardened and Tempered Spring Steel wire and Value Spring Wire-Unalloyed Constituent. Carbon Silicon ManganeseSulphur _PhosphorusCopper Quality Grade percent percent percent max. max max. Percent percent _percent Gilbardened and = SW 055 0.10 0.60 0040 © 0.040. tempered spring to to to steel wire 0.75 0.35 0.90 Oil hardened and = VW 060 0.10 0.60 0.020 © 0.025 0.06 tempered value to to to Spring wire 0.70 © 0.25 0.90 Table 11.6 (c) Chemical Composition of Stainless Spring Steel Wire for Normal Corrosion Resistance Constituent, percent by weight one _ Me p Soc oat ONG Tia max, max, max, max, —— 7 un, . 1.00 2.00 0.045 0.030 174 as i A) 0.09 1.00 1.000.040 0.030 u) Oma 7 1257.75 “See ‘Scanned with CamScanner wt ical Properties of Oil Hardened and Tem, ere 5 staple 11.6 ()P Daal rand Valve Spring Wire-Unalloyeg "4 Sp ving se el = Tensile strength, Nim’ Cm) Wire Dia. ON a (Nominal) a 2 : 3 1670 to 1810 1760 t0 1960 (180 to 200) OTR 12010 1570 to 1690 1670 to 1860 (170 to 190) (160 to 17 15010 19) 0 1760(165 to 180) 1520t0 1629 155 ‘ 2.00 to 2.40 ‘ 2 0 t0 175), 14700 1570 (150 50t02.80 1570 to 1720 (16 t0 160) sapie340 1520 to 1670 (1550 170) 143010 1530 (146 ¢6 8 7 eg 1480 to 1630 (151 to 166) 1400 to 1500 (143, 0153) 42510500 1440 to 1590(147 10 162) 1370101470 (140 4 150) 310158) 1340 to 1440 (137 10 to 6.30 1400 to 1550 (14: to 147 ea 10750 1360.0 1510(139 0 154) 1300t6 1400 (133 to 143) 8,00109.50 1290 to 1400 (132 to 147) us 10.010 14.0 1250 to 1400 (128 to 143) _ a ats Modulus of Elasticity, E = 205880 N/mm? Modulus of rigidity, G = 81. \/mm? Table 11.6 (e) Physical Propert of Stainless Steel Wire for Normal Coron | een | Wir Tensile strength, Nomi N/mm? (kgf/mm?) = 2060 (210) 2010 (205) 1960 (200) 1910 (195) 1860 (190) 1760 (180) 1.300 2.00 1670 (170) ~ 2.10103.15 1570 (160) 3.200 5.00 1470 (150) 5.300 8.00 1320 (135) 8.50 t0 10.00 1270 (130) 1S:4454 (Part IV) - 1975 iz — ag lus of Elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, G N/mm ee Tempered Untempered Untempered FOS ae * 4900 180390 = 3075 73530 1960 69610 + 1960 225100 + 4900 190200 « 3990 78430 + 1960 73530 + 1960 q ————— Scanned with CamScanner soit ‘Uncoated wire dia | (Nominal mm) Tensile strength, Nimm? (kgffmm?) | a) Grade1(2) Grade) Grade 3) Grade | r 0.07 _ = 2550 (260) _ 0.08 ad ~ 2540 (259) _ | | 0.09 oo > 2530 (258) _ | | 0.10 _ _ 2530 (258) =_— } oll a - 2520 (257) — | 0.12 _ _ 2520 (257) _ | 0.14 - _ 2510 (256) _ 0.16 _ _ 2500 (255) = | 0.18 _ _ 2500 (255) _ | 0.20 —_ —_ 2490 (254) 2700 (275) | 022 — = 2480 (253) 2680 (273) | 0.25 = = 2470 (252) 2670 (272) | 0.28 _ - 2460251) 2660 (271) | 0.30 1720 (175) 2060 (210) 2460 (251) 2660 (271) | 032 1710174) 2050209) -2450(250) 2650270) 034 1710174) 2050(209) —-2450(250) 2640 (269) } 036 1700173) 2040 (208) 2440249) 2630 (268) 038 1700 (173) 2040(208) 2430248) 2620 (267) 9.40 1700173) 2040 (208) 2430248) (2620 (267) 043 1690(172) -2030(207)-2420(247) 2610 (266) 0.45 1680(171) 2020 (206) 2410 (246) +2600 (265) 0.48, 1680(171) 2020(206) —-2400(245) 2590 (264) 0.50 1670 (170) 2010(205) 2390 (244) 2580 (263) 053 1660 (169) 2000 (204) 2380243) 2570 (262) 0.56 1660169) 2000(204)_-2370(242) 2560 (261) 9.60 1650 (168) 1990203) 2360(241) 2550260) | 9.63 1640(167) 1980(202) 2340239) 2540 (259) a 1640167) 1980292) __-2330(238)_—_—_—540(258) bh ple 1 4.7 Physical Properties of Patented and Cold Drawn Steet Wi ve 195 fire-Unalloyed ‘Scanned with CamScanner 196 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05, 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 ‘Table 11.7 (Contd...) eT eT are aca Grade1@) — Grade@) __Grade34) Grade gg, — 1970 (201) 2320 (237) 2530 (258) 1630 (166) 1620 (165) 1610 (164) 1610 (163) 1590 (162) 1580 (161) 1570 (160) 1560 (159) 1550 (159) 1540 (157) 1530 (156) 1520 (155) 1270 (130) 1260 (129) 1960 (200) 1950 (199) 1930 (197) 1920 (196) 1910 (195) 1900 (194) 1890 (193) 1880 (192) 1860 (190) 1850 (189) 1840 (188) 1750 (178) 1730 (176) 1720 (175) 1700 (173) 1680 (171) 1660 (169) 1640 (167) 1620 (165) 1600 (163) 1570 (160) 1550 (158) 1530 (156) 1510 (154) 1490 (152) ~ his Sorin 2300 (235) 2500 (255) 2280 (233) 2480 53) 2260 (231) 2460 (251) 2250 (230) 2440 (249) 2250 (229) 2420 (247) 2240 (228) 2400 (245) 2210 (225) 2380 (243) 2120223) 2370 242) 2170 (221) 2340 (239) 2140 (218) 2320 (237) 2130 (217) 2300 (335) 2110215) 2290 @34) 2100 (214) 2260 (231) 2080 (212) 2250 (229) 2050 (209) 2220 (226) 2030 (207) 2190 (224) 2010 (205) 2180 (222) 1990 (203) 2160 (220) 1960 (200) -2130(217) 1940(198) 2100 (214) 1910(195) 2070 (211) 1890 (193) 2050 (209) 1860(190) 2030 (207) 1840 (188) 2000 (204) 1830 (187) 1980 (202) 1790 (183) 1960 (200) 1760 (180) 1920 (196) 1750 (178) 1890 (193) 1720 (175) 1860 (190) ‘Scanned with CamScanner ral Table 11.7 (Contd...) Zo Grade1Q) Grade) Grade3@) Gi 400 1250(128) 1480(151)_1700(173) —o 425 1250(127) 1460(149) 1680 (171 cene 450 1230 (125) 1440147) 1660 pete (169) 1800 (184) 4.15 1210123) 1420(145) 1620165) 1770181) 5.00 1190 (121) 1390 (142) 1600 (163) 1750 (178) 530 1170 (119) 1370 (140) 1570 (160) 1720 (175) 560 1150(117) 1350(138)1550(158) 1690 (172) 6.00 1130(115) 1320 (135) 1530(156) 1670 (170) ay 1120114) -1310(134)_1500(153) 1640 (167) 650 1110(113) 1290(132)1480(151)_—_ 1620 (165) a 1090(111) — 1260(129) 1460(149) 1610 (164) 7.50 1070 (109) 1250127) _:1430(146) 1570 (160) ano 1050(107) — 1220(124) 1400143) -——‘1540(157) 8.50 1020104) 1200(122)_1370(140) 1500 (153) 9.00 1000 (102) 1180(120) 1350(138) 1480 (151) | 9.50 990(101) —-1150(117) 1310 (134) _ | 100 980 (100) 1130115) 1290 (132) _ ae — 1100 (112), a ~ no _ 1080 (110) a ~ ma 1040 (106) 3 ~ ee _ 1030 (105) 7 ~ Bo _ 1020(104) 7 _ oat 990 (101) _ 15.0 - 70 Oe - 16.0 _ 960 (98), = - L170 a 97) tt a 44 = 1; 4454 (Past D-1981 M ws of Elasticity, E = 210790 N/mm? Modulus of ulus of rigidity, G = 88370 N/mm’. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 Spring, ‘Table 11.8 Values of € phorh) 10 Ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 99 4 € 559 561 567 5.77 588 6.02 6.17 633 650 668 6g bihorh/b 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 45 28 10.73 So 1119 12.33 ia € 7.26 7.67 8.09 851 8.95 9.39 9.83 1 ie Table 11.9 Constants in beam equations 11.27 and 11.28 Cantilever beam Simple beam Constant Ci-for the stress C2-for the deflection Unit resilience per unit volume i i Table 11.10 (a) The normal sizes oj (Laminated springs for automotive Width (mm) 40 45, 5 65 70 75 90 100 120 150 Thickness(mm) 4 5 810 12 «14 «16 ns of Flat (Laminated springs-Railway Rolling All dimensions in mm Width (mm) 50 ‘Thickness (mm) 10 63 63 15 75 75 75 75 75 10 1 136 8 10 1 13 16 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 NB 16 19 8 10 1 13 16 19 MS 115 16 19 120 120 125 125 125 140 140 150 150 150 Ie 9 0 Bo nn 3 1 BS ‘Scanned with CamScanner (a) Straight torsion bar are 0.5 (shear correction only, ~ C__use for static loading) 17 ‘ 4C +1 _ 0.615 (shear and curvature 7 = 724 tC corrections, use for fatigue loading) Stress correc <= K, Preferred range, fonds not ground 10 index, C = Did rs for Spriny Stress correction facto ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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