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DIE ZAUBERFOSAUNE For trombone ( + }pans) ana piano
Leichte ftr die Unter'bls l'litt€lstufe Pl"(et flciles Pour let d€butants

(2,and B!$ parts)

Die Zauberposaune . Le trombone magique

for trombone (2'and eb$) and piano

edited and arranged bq

Nicholas Hare

Boosey & Hawkos Music Pubiishers Lld
2, bass clefpart
The Barley Break The Pollceman's Song
En€lish traditional 2 frofiThe Pirutts olPe un e
Arthur Sullivan 8
When the Salnts
American traditional Skye Boat Song
scottish traditional 8
song of the volga Boatmen
Russian traditional 3
Pomp and Clrcumstance
The Joker Theme from Mdr,fi tto.4
Anton Diabelfi ? Edward Elgar 9

Va.latlons on Coe from MA Windot4 Sunrlse from IOO EasA Studies lot piano,
ltun the Fitzwilliam Viqihal Booh op. t3g
Nicholas Hare 4 Carl Czemy lO

Blow Thy Hom, Hunter

William Cornish Royal March of the Llon
froft Carnivdl of the A imals
Ecossaises Camille Saint'Sa€ns l0
Franz Schubert 4

no. 65 fuom Miktohosmos
y;l"rt fi3$"i;1:,#':1. "**
B6la Bart6k 5
Massa's ln the Cold, Cold, ciound
Helas Madame Stephen Foster 12
HenryVlll 5
Honeysuckle Rose
slovalilan Folk Tlrne Fats'waller 12
ftom Fot childrcn, vol.2
B6la Bart6k 6
One Hand, One Heart
Andante crazioso from Wesl Side Slary
fiom piano So:/tata o. 12 it1 A. t€onard Bernstein 13
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6

Ave Marrs stera from the r 610 v.spers l:l|jlot f.".T.[ij' ij*
Claudio Monteverdi 7

Love Song Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

ftom the Liebeslieder waltzes, 0p. 52 from Naru.(o
,ohannes Brahms 7 Aiuseppe Verdi 14

Bt 16 beble delpaftbegiht on p.t5

Th. uEuthoriicd @pying
of rhr rhol€ or .ny p.rt ol
thb publiarion ir ill.s.l
Trombone ,' The Barley Break
Allegrotto moderato English traditional

poco rit.

@coDvrisht t992 by B@sey & Hawkes Music Publishe6 Lrd

When the Saints

With vervo American traditional



@CoDyriehr r992byBooseytHawkesMusicPublishe6L!d.
Song of the Volga Boatmen
Russian traditional

o copyright lgg2byaoosey& H6ules Music Publishe6 Ltd

The loker
Anton Diabelli

poco rit. a tempo ,

@ Copyri€ht 1992 byB@sey & Hawkes MlsicPublishersLid.

Variations on Goe from My Window
f rom the Fitzwilliam Yirginal Book
Nicholas Hare
(b. r940)

O Copyieht 1992 by Boorev A Hawles Music Publishers Ltd

Blow Thy Horn, Hunter

William Cornish
Vivaco (d. t523)

@Copyd€ht 1992 by Boosey e Hawkes Music PublisheE Lid

(Scottish Dances) Franz Schubert
Allogrotio conodo It79?'t8281

@Copyricht 1992 by Boos€y & Haskes MusicPublisheE ltd

.C. al Fine

n0.65 from Mikrokosmos Bela Bart6k
Allogretto (1881- 1945)

O Copyricht 1940 by Havkes & son {London)Ltd

This aiiangement @ Copyright 1992 by Boosey Hawkes Music Publisheb !td.

Helas Madame Henry VIll

lt49 |,1547)

(senza rit.) a

o copynght 1992 by Boosey e Ha*kes Music PublisheE Ltd
Slovakian Folk Tune
B6la Bart6k
no.2 from For Children, vol.2 (1881- l94t)
Andante .J= so

bCoovr eht lo4o bv Be5ev & Hasles ln<

i"L?,i""^""i.', bv Boosev ! ndttes PuDr <LeB L'd
'ao2 ^/'rr
Andante Grazioso
from Piano Sonata No.l2 in A ryo11gsng46adeus Mozart

@ copyrisht 1992 bv Boosev t Hawkes Music Publishe6 Lrd


Ave Maris Stella

from the l6l0 YesPers claudio Monteverdi
u567 -t643)

poco rit. /i

@Copyieht 1992 bv Boosev e Hawkes MuslcPublishersLtd

Love Song
from the Liebeslieder W altzes , op.r2 lohannes Brahms
A[dant€ espressivo u833-97)


@ copy €hi 1992 by B@seye Haukes Mlsic prblishers Lrd

The Policeman's Song
from The Pirates of Penzance Arthur Sullivan
Allegro moderato (r 842- 1900)

ocopyichr 1992 by B@sev t Hawkes Music Pubhshe6 ud

Skye Boat Song

scottish traditional
Andanto con 4oto, espressivo
4 oantabile

c)Copyri€ht 1992 by B.osev a Hawkes MusicPublishe6

Pomp and Circumstance

Theme from March no.4 Edward Elgar
Allogro con fuoco - poco allarg. - -- tt
*;;ij""" ''=

@ coprieht t992 by Boosey e Ha{kes Mlsic publisheG Lld

from 100 Easy Studies for Piano, op.l79 CarlCzerny
Il79 t-t857)

o copyright r992 by Booseya Hawkes Mlsic Publishe6 Lrd

Royal March of the Lion

from Carnival of the Animals Camille Saint-Saens
(183r- l92l )
Allegro non troppo

+f -=: Jff__ f,-

$.so r{o barswnn a.a!co!s to!6 io inir.t.liob's roai(Sinilarry * b.ts 25,29,33 ald 56.)

@ CopyriCht 199? by Bosey a Haul€s Music Pubiishers Ltd.


f ---===: lff==>-

f -_ frt__ frr
from 6 Children's Pieces, no.6 Dmitri Shostakovich
Lively ( 1906-7t)

,IJf ,naraalo

o copyrigh! 1946 by Boosey e Haskes Music PubiisheG Lrd

This arangenent @ copyright 1992 bv Boosev a Hawk6 Mrsic PublisheF Ltd

Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground Stephen Foster

Andalte espressivo

Doco rit. _e tempo poco mJno mosso

tnt _<.
@ --
cooydeht l992by B@sev & Hawkes Musi.Publisherc Ltd

Honeysuckle Rose 'Fats'Waller

Meilium I^t swi. f) f\
-(zail tihe ad libt= lt9o4-43)

11 L--1-,I

@ coDvrieht 1929 by Redwood Music Ltd

* .E- 1.,". "' *.4"-. ru,src I'd to1 Bloce Holse 3 Broce Appro"ch chall Fdrrand soJit Alr'(a
-,iJ- r,*' aeo. 'he ur r.d /'redon t5e P"o.b L ol l etrd cdradd A rstald'ra
c".ouuirl.*try e c. Lrd s,9 Frith stre€r' London w 1v trz for rhe rest of the uorld
One Hand, One Heart
fromWest Side Storq Leonard Bernstein
Adagio (1918-1990)

p dolce

?oao afesa,

> p trunquillo
Cooviiehirenewea.Leonard eernstein MusicPublishlngcompanv LLc publisher' Boosev a Havkes lnc sol€ ssent
htenational coPvrieht secured

Tonight Leonard Bemstein

Allegrg frornW est Side Storq (r 9r8,1990)
ca .labile

rii. meno mosso

g: -€>

Copylieht renewed Leonard Bernstein Music Plblishingcompanv LLc publisher' Boos€v e Hatkes lnc soleagent
lnlehational copy sht secured.

Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

from Nabucco
Giuseppe Verdi
(18 t3-190r )


+- >,



'TL. r*o br.clrot€d passages Dayb. obitled and l.,i ro lh. Pirtist.

@ copyn€hr l992byB@sey a Hawkes Music Publishe6 Ltd

Bb ( treble clef part

The Barley Break The Pollc€manb song

English traditional l6 lromThe Pictet of Pe zance
Arthursullivan 22
lvhen the Salnts
American traditional l6 Skye Boat Song
scottish traditional 22
Song of the Volga Boatmen
Russian traditional I7
Pomp and Circumstance
The loker Theme fuom March no. 4
Anton Diabelli l7 Edward Elgar 23

Vadattons on Goe froh MA Window Sunrlse from 100 Easq Studies lot Piano,
frou the Fitzwilliam Viryi ol Booh op. 139
Nicholas Hare 18 Carl Czerny 24

Blow Thy Horn, Hunter

william Cornish l8 Royal March of the Uon
trom Camii)al ol the Aninals
Ecossalses Camille Saint-Saens 24
Franz Schubert 18
March ftom 6 Chiwrch\ Pierct
DialoSue Dmitri Shostakovich 25
no. 65 from Mihroftosmos
B6la Bart6k 19
Massab in the Cold, Cold, Ground
Helas Madame Stephen Foster 26
Henry Vlll 19

Honeysuckle Rose
Slovalilan Folk TiIne 'Fats'Waller 26
no. 2 frcm Fot Childrcn, vol.2
A€la Bart6k 20
One Hand, One Heart
Andante Grazioso from We5t Sid€ Slory
from Piano So atano.l2in A t€onard Bernstein 27
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 20
Tonlght from West Side Story
Ave Maris Stella from the I6l0 Vespers Leonard Bemstein 27
Claudio Monteverdi 2l

Love Song Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

ttom the Liebesliedetwaltzes, op 52 from Nabucco
lohannes Brahms 2l ciuseppe Verdi 28

Trombone $ The Barley Break

Allogretto moderaio English traditional

pooo rii.

@Copy sht 1992 by Boosey e Hawlcs Music Pub ishe.sLrd

When the Saints

With verve American traditional

o copyirchr 1992 by Boosey a Havkes Musr publisheB Ltd


Song of the Volga Boatmen

Russian traditional

ntf esPtessi?to

@copyishr lgg2byBooseyaHawkesMusi.Publishe6Lrd

The Joker
Anton Diabelli

poco ritr. a te_mpo

oCopvd€ht 1992 by Boosev t Hawk€s Music Publish€ts Ltd


Variations on Goe frornMqWindow

f rom the Fitzwilliam Y irginal Book
Nicholas Hare
Moderato {b. l94o)

1992 by Boosey A Haskes Music


Blow Thy Horn, Hunter William Cornish

Vivace (d. t523)

@ copyricht 1992 by B.osey & Hasles Music Publishe6 Ltd

(Scottish Dances) Franz Schubert
( 1797- I828)
Allogretto comodo

@ copyighr 1992 by Boosey 0 Hawkes Musi. Publish€rc Lrd


h-trr- F;ne

n0.65 from Mikrokosmos 86la Bart6k
Allegrotto J =
ee (188 r-r 945)

@Copyright l94Oby HawkesASon lLondon) Ltd

This;(a;cement o copyrieht l992bvBoo*vO Hawkes Music pubLishes Ltd

Helas Madame
Henry VIll
VigoroBo lt49t-1547)

(senza rit.)

OCopyrieht 1992 by Boosey aHawkes Music PublisheG Ltd


Slovakian Folk Tune

no.2 from For Children, vol.2
86la Bart6k
Andante J = eo

@ Copyi€ht 1946 by Boosey tHawkes.ln.

Thisarangenent @copyi€ht 1992 by Boos€yaHawkes MusicPublishe6 Ltd

Andante Grazioso
from Piano Sondfd No. l2 itt A Amadeus Mo6n
Andante grazioso

@ copyrisht 1992 by Boosey& H:wkes Music Publishe6 Ltd


Ave Maris Stella

from the 1610Vespers
Claudio Monteverdi
i 567 - t643)

@ copyishr I992 by Boos€v 0 Hawles Music Publish€F Ltd

Love Song
from the Liebeslieder W altzes, op .52
Andali€ esprcssivo Johannes Brahms
2 aantand,o {t833-97)

@copyichr r992by Boosey a Havkes Moslc PublisheG Ltd

The Policeman's Song
from The Pirates of Penzance
Arthur Sullivan
Allegro modemto ( 1842- 1900)

7\ (

@ copyright 1992 by B@sey & HaskesMusicPublishets Ltd

Skye Boat Song

Scottish traditional
Aldante con noio' ospressivo

o Copyricht 1992 by Boosey g Hawkes Musi. Plblisherc Ltd


Pomp and Circumstance

Theme from March no.4 Edward Elgar
Alleg.o co fuoco-poco allarg. - - - Maestoso 'J = se

@ Copyri€ht 1992 bt Booset 6 Hawkes Music Publisheis Ltd

from 100 Easg Studies for Piano, op.l79
Carl Czerny
Andanto oon moto ( l79l- 1857)

o Copy €hr 1992 by a.osey a Hawtes Musr. pubtishers Ltd

Royal March of the Lion

from Carnival of the Animals camille Saint-Saens
(r 835- r92 r)
Allogro non troppo

Pirl allegro

*Or It I o_15
rPr.y rwo b..3 wilh . r.ucolr
'!f f, -t-
ronc ro i6 .r. lion's ro.r. (Siritarlt.r b. 2i,29,33.dd 50.)
@ Copyrieht 199! by Boosey A Hart@sMus'c pubiBh€c Ltd

from 6 Children's Pieces, no .6
Dmitri Shostakovich
Lively {1906'75)


o copylisht 1946 by Booset t Hawkes Music PublisheF Lrd

This ariansedent @ copyisht 1992 by Boosev t
Hawkes Musl. Publishets Ltd

Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground

Stephen Foster
Alrdante espressivo u826-64J

rit- a tempo poco mello mosso
rit. rii. ,a

m2 :=>
@copyricht 1992 by Boosey E HawkesMusic Publish€G Ltd
Honeysuckle Rose
Medium Ja,zz swing
.- Fi (19O4-43)

@ Copyrighi 1929 by Redqood Music Ltd

Bypemission of Redwood Music Lrd,lron Bridge House 3B dseApp@ach Chalk Farm
London Nwl 3BD Ior the unned Kincdom. the Republicor |teland, canada. Austalasia and South Alric
campbell conn€lly a co Lrd.3/9 Frith st€el, LondonwlvSTz for the rest of the vorld
One Hand, One Heart
fromWest Side Storu Leonard Bernstein
Adagio (19r8-1990)

nlJfarcsa. f
t neno nosso 4

fi lranqvillo
Copyright r.naed L@nard Demsrejn Musi. Plblisiing Company LLC, p! blrshe. Bes.y A Hawk6 In. .eent
. sole
lnternatloml .opyright s€cu ed

Allegro fromWestSide Storq Leonard Bernstein
(19 t8- r990)

@ copyrlght 19t6. 19t7, l9t3 l9t9 bytheestateoll-eonad Bernst€rn andslephensondheim

Copyrisht renewed Leonard Bernsteli Mlslc Plblishi\gCompany LLc, publisher. BooseytHaskes 1.c., soleasent
International copyrieh! secu!€d

Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

from Nabucco
ciuseppe Verdi
(18r 3- l90l)

----=-- =-

r Th€ t*o bract€ted lassa8€s n.t b. oiitted and l.ft lo th. pianist.

@ Copyrieht 1992 by Boosey e Hawkes MusicPubLhheE Ltd

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