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S No Where Do We Aim To Be?

What Do We Do ? What Makes Us Different

Why This Business Is Good Business To Be In? Department Site
Approval Status Approving Authority
S No How It Affects Your Organisation Issue Type Department Site
Approval Status Approving Authority
S No How It Affects Your Organisation Issue Type Department Site
Approval Status Approving Authority
S No Management System Type StakeHolder / Interested Party
Requirements / Needs / Expectations Impact On The Organisation Department
Department Impact Site Approval Status Approving Authority
S No Management System Type Scope Exclusion
Justification For Exclusion Approval Status Approving Authority
S No Product/Service/Project Stages Of Product Description
Control Measure Approval Status Approving Authority
S No Management System Type Issue Type

1 QMS Competitive
2 QMS Cultural
3 QMS Economic
4 QMS Financial
5 QMS Legal
6 QMS Market
7 QMS Natural Surrounding
8 QMS Political
9 QMS Social
10 QMS Technological
11 EMS Air Quality
12 EMS Bio Diversity
13 EMS Climate
14 EMS Existing contamination
15 EMS Global warming
16 EMS Land use
17 EMS Natural Resource Availability
18 EMS Reputation
19 EMS Water quality
20 HSE Dust
21 HSE Hazardous Substance
22 HSE Noise
23 HSE Pressure
24 HSE Radiation
25 HSE Temperature
26 HSE Vibration
S No Management System Type


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