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Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243

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Sustainability assessment of U.S. final consumption and investments:

triple-bottom-line inputeoutput analysis
Murat Kucukvar a, Gokhan Egilmez b, *, Omer Tatari a
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The U.S. final demand categories such as household consumption, private fixed investments, government
Received 17 May 2013 purchases and investments, and export of goods and services have a wide range of environmental,
Received in revised form economic, and social impacts. Analysis of these impacts, termed as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), stim-
7 June 2014
ulated a tremendous interest by policy makers over the last decade. Therefore, current research aims to
Accepted 10 June 2014
Available online 27 June 2014
analyze the TBL of U.S. final demands from a systems perspective. To accomplish this goal, the supply and
use tables published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis are merged with a range of environmental,
economic, and social metrics. The results show that household consumption has the largest indirect TBL
Inputeoutput analysis
sustainability impacts compared to other final demand categories with shares that range between 43%
Triple bottom line and 88%. Industrial sectors including manufacturing, utilities, agriculture, construction, transportation,
Final consumption and mining are generally found to be responsible for the highest impacts for most of the environmental
Sustainability assessment impact categories. Service sectors generally have the highest impacts on the economic and social in-
Cradle to gate life cycle assessment dicators of sustainability. Analysis results also indicate that while meeting the household demand,
agriculture, utilities, and manufacturing sectors have relatively more environmental impacts than their
contributions to gross domestic product (GDP), whereas service sectors contribute to GDP with a higher
share than their environmental burdens. Furthermore, it is envisioned that significant reductions in
environmental footprints of U.S. households can be achieved if environmental policies that aim to reduce
the household consumption are also supported with sustainable growth through greener and resource
efficient economy.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction problems. In the plan of implementation of this international

summit, the importance of adoption of effective tools, policies, and
The World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in assessment models based on life cycle assessment (LCA) was
Johannesburg identified the sustainable consumption of goods and highlighted to promote sustainable patterns of production and
services, as well as the protection of social and economic devel- consumption, as well as increase the eco-efficiency of products and
opment as the primary objectives to promote global sustainability services (Hertwich and Peters, 2009). In this regard, LCA gained a
(WSSD, 2002). They identified the unsustainable way of production tremendous interest worldwide to quantify the environmental
and consumption as the major cause of today's complex ecological burdens of production and consumption in a systematic way. LCA
aims to quantify the environmental impacts of products or pro-
cesses from cradle to grave. It primarily consists of goal and scope
Abbreviations: EIO-LCA, Economic Input Output-based Life Cycle Assessment; definition, life-cycle inventory analysis, life-cycle impact assess-
GDP, Gross Domestic Product; GFN, Global Footprint Network; GHG, Greenhouse ment, and interpretation of results (Gradel and Allenby, 2003).
Gas; GOS, Gross Operating Surplus; GPI, Genuine Progress Indicator; GTAP, The
Process-based LCA (P-LCA), economic input output-based LCA (EIO-
Global Trade Analysis Project; MRIO, Multi Region Input Output; P-LCA, Process-
based LCA; TBL, Triple Bottom Line; UNFAO, United Nation's Food and Agriculture LCA), and hybrid LCA are the most widely used LCA approaches in
Organization; WSSD, The World Summit for Sustainable Development. the literature (Suh and Huppes, 2005).
* Corresponding author. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, North Dakota EIO analysis is a widely used methodology, which was theorized
State University, Civil and Industrial Engineering, 202K, 1410 14th Avenue North,
and developed by Wassily Leontief in the 1970s, based on his earlier
Fargo, ND 58102, USA. Tel.: þ1 701 231 7286; fax: þ1 701 231 7195.
E-mail addresses:, works in the late 1930s, for which he received the Nobel Prize
(G. Egilmez). (Leontief, 1970). The EIO analysis consists primarily of financial
0959-6526/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243 235

flows and interdependencies between different sectors of the na- employed a hybrid approach by integrating TBL inputeoutput
tions' economy (Suh et al., 2004). In the literature, single and multi- analysis into life cycle sustainability assessment framework for the
region EIO models are widely used in order to analyze the envi- U.S. residential and commercial buildings.
ronmental impacts of consumption activities (Huppes et al., 2008; Among the TBL sustainability indicators, employment, income,
Hubacek et al., 2009; Wiedmann, 2009; Steen-Olsen et al., 2012). In tax, and work-related injuries were considered as social indicators,
this research, the system boundaries cover all cradle-to-gate envi- while gross domestic product, gross operating surplus, and imports
ronmental, economic, and social interventions for U.S. final demand were categorized as key economic indicators (Hendrickson et al.,
categories such as household consumption, private fixed in- 2005; GTAP, 2008; Wiedmann et al., 2009; Wood and Garnett,
vestments, government purchases and investments, and export of 2010; WIOD, 2012). Tax, which is also referred to as government
goods and services. Since the primary goal of this research is an revenue, is considered as a positive social indicator since collected
analysis of the total sustainability impacts of U.S. final consumption tax are used for supporting the national health and education
and investments at the most detailed level practically achievable systems, public transportation, highways, and other civil in-
(discerning 426 sectors of U.S economy), we used a single-region frastructures (Foran et al., 2005a, 2005b). In addition, the ecological
inputeoutput framework which provides the most detailed anal- footprint is measured in terms of global hectares for several land
ysis for U.S final demands. In this model, products imported into U.S types such as fishery, grazing, forest land, cropland, built-up land,
are assumed to be produced with the same technology as in U.S. and CO2 uptake land (Kitzes et al., 2009). In the literature, the
The importance of using highly disaggregated inputeoutput tables ecological, energy, water, and carbon footprint indicators are also
for environmental analysis of production and consumption has considered as a part of the environmental dimension of TBL, and
already been discussed in previous studies (Huppes et al., 2008; these indicators have already been used as a measure of environ-
Lenzen, 2011). mental sustainability in previous inputeoutput studies (Turner
Environmentally extended inputeoutput analysis has been used et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2009; Blackhurst et al., 2010; Ewing
for analyzing the environmental impacts of household demands et al., 2012; Steen-Olsen et al., 2012; Egilmez et al., 2013; Galli
(Kok et al., 2006). For example, Cohen et al. (2005) analyzed the et al., 2013; Weinzettel et al., 2013).
energy requirements of twelve household consumption categories The Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) database version 8.1
with different income levels in Brazil. Huppes et al. (2008) inves- produces an extensive database of trade-linked inputeoutput ta-
tigated the environmental impacts of consumption in European bles for the world economy, which involves about 57 sectors and
Union using an environmentally extended inputeoutput model. 134 regions in the world (Aguiar, 2013). GTAP is a widely used
Munksgaard et al. (2008) studied CO2 requirement of eight database for the modeling of the role of international trade in goods
household consumption categories in Denmark from 1966 to 1992. and services. In recent studies, GTAP database is combined with
Masanet et al. (2009) developed a carbon footprint estimation environmentally extended inputeoutput analysis in order to
model to analyze the direct and indirect carbon emission associated develop global MRIO models. For example, Weber and Matthews
with energy, goods, and services consumption of households in (2008) analyzed American household carbon footprint developing
California and the United States. In another research, Hubacek et al. a MRIO model considering the impacts of international trade.
(2009) studied environmental impacts of urbanization and life style Ewing et al. (2012) introduced a new MRIO method for conserving
change in China using inputeoutput analysis in combination with the high degree of product detail for calculating ecological and
the ecological and water footprint analysis. Cellura et al. (2011) water footprints. Steen-Olsen et al. (2012) used a MRIO model to
developed an environmentally extended inputeoutput model in assess three environmental footprint categories (ecological, water,
order to quantify the energy and environmental impacts related to and carbon) for the member states of the European Union. Feng
the consumption of the Italian households in the period et al. (2011) used a global MRIO model to calculate water foot-
1999e2006 and to identify the economic sectors involving the print for China. In other study, Weinzettel et al. (2013) developed a
highest impacts. global MRIO model in order to understand the land utilization by
Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept focuses on the three main humans for production and consumption.
pillars of sustainability such as environment, economy, and society As can be seen from environmentally extended inputeoutput
(Elkington, 1998). In addition to the environment, social and eco- studies reviewed here, the land, carbon, energy, and water footprint
nomic dimensions of the sustainability have been integrated with of final consumption have been analyzed from a holistic perspec-
the EIO analysis in order to develop a comprehensive sustainability tive. The same inputeoutput methodology can also be utilized to
accounting framework. Foran et al. (2005a) applied an approach for quantify the TBL sustainability impacts of different final demand
EIO based TBL analysis for environmental, economic, and social categories by quantifying the economic and social impacts in
indicators for the industrial sectors of an entire Australian econ- addition to environment; however there has been a limited
omy. This model has been named as Balancing Act that integrates research considering all of the three dimensions of the sustain-
the supply and use tables with environmental, economic, and social ability, simultaneously. In this regard, this research has several
metrics for 135 sectors. Researchers from the University of Sydney novel elements such as:
established the foundation of the EIO model for the Balancing Act (i) inclusion of several macro-level socio-economic indicators,
study and created a TBL software tool for the Australia, United (ii) analysis of consumption and investments using high resolution
Kingdom, and Japan economies. Several studies were conducted U.S. inputeoutput tables with detailed TBL extensions, (iii) inte-
using the TBL version of the EIO by presenting first examples of TBL gration of ecological footprint categories (defined by the Global
accounting in the EIO literature (Foran et al., 2005b; Wiedmann and Footprint Network) with detailed U.S. inputeoutput tables, and (iv)
Lenzen, 2009; Wiedmann et al., 2009). TBL model of the 426 U.S sustainability analysis of U.S. final demands, including not only
economic sectors, named as TBL-LCA, was also created by Kucukvar household consumption, but also private fixed investments, gov-
and Tatari (2013). This model was initially used to quantify the TBL ernment purchases and investments, and export of goods and
implications of the seven U.S. construction sectors. Later on, the services. Consequently, this paper aims to answer the following
TBL-LCA model was jointly used with multi-criteria decision mak- research questions:
ing tools to analyze the sustainability of food manufacturing sectors
and pavement designs in U.S. (Tatari et al., 2012; Egilmez et al., ▪ What are the environmental burdens of final demands in terms
2014; Kucukvar et al., 2014). In a recent study, Onat et al. (2014) of energy, water, and carbon footprints?
236 M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243

▪ What are the land use impacts of final demands in terms of h i

cropland, forestland, fishery land, and grazing land? k ¼ DðI  BDÞ1 f (3)
▪ What are the contributions of final demand categories to
economy in terms of gross domestic product, gross operating where k represents the total industry output vector, I is the identity
surplus, and import? matrix, and f refers to the total final demand vector for commod-
▪ What are the contributions of final demand categories to society ities. In addition, B is the input requirements for products per unit
in terms of income, government revenue, and work-related of output of an industry matrix, and D is sometimes called as
injuries? market-share matrix. Also, the term [D(I-BD)¡1] represents the
▪ What are the major sectors that contribute the most to the in- total requirement matrix, which is also known as the Leontief in-
direct TBL sustainability impacts of final demand categories? verse. Also, BD is the direct requirement matrix, which is repre-
sented by A matrix in Leontief's model (Leontief, 1970). After
industry-by-commodity inputeoutput framework has been estab-
2. Methodology
lished, indirect sustainability impacts can be quantified by multi-
plying the final demand of a sector with the multiplier matrix.
2.1. EIO Framework
Then, a vector of total sustainability impacts can be formulated as
In this study, the supply and use tables published by the U.S.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (2002), as part of the International h i
System of National Accounts, are merged with a range of TBL sus- r ¼ Edir k ¼ Edir DðI  BDÞ1 f (4)
tainability metrics to develop a holistic EIO framework for the U.S.
final demand categories. We used a single region industry-by- where r denotes the total impacts vector which represents overall
commodity model in which imported commodities are assumed to sustainability impacts per unit of final demand, and Edir matrix
be produced with domestic technology. Similar modeling approach consists of the direct environmental, economic, and social impact
and domestic technology assumption were also employed for values per dollar of output for each industrial sector. Each element
analyzing the ecological footprints of U.K's final consumption of this matrix is calculated by dividing the total direct sectoral
(Wiedmann et al., 2006). In this model, the inputoutput multipliers impact (e.g. carbon footprint, income, tax) with the total economic
represent the total TBL impacts based on per unit of final demand of output of that sector. In addition, the product of Edir and bracketed
commodities produced by industrial sectors. This format is utilized term [D(I-BD)¡1] represents the multiplier matrix.
since the basic inputeoutput model presents the financial flows be-
tween industrial sectors without distinguishing between primary and 2.2. Sustainability indicators
secondary products. By using this format, it is possible to accounts for
the fact that an industry can produce more than one commodity, such This research utilizes the aforementioned inputeoutput model
as secondary products and by-products (Wachsmann et al., 2009). to build a TBL sustainability accounting framework of the U.S.
The Eurostat manual provides a comprehensive and detailed discus- economy using numerous environmental, economic, and social
sion on the use of this framework (Eurostat, 2008). indicators. These indicators are described in Table 1 with their
In this model, the Use matrix, which is usually represented by U, corresponding units and data sources.
gives information on the consumption of commodities by in-
dustries or by final demand categories, such as households, gov- 3. Sustainability assessment of final demand categories
ernment, investment or export. As a component of U, uij denotes the
value of commodity purchase of commodity i by industry j and xj After determining the aforementioned sustainability assess-
represent the total output of industry j including imports. There- ment metrics, we quantify the indirect sustainability impacts of the
fore, bij is the amount of commodity i required for producing one- U.S. final demand categories from environmental, economic, and
dollar output of industry j. By using the total industrial output of social perspectives. The government-related final demand cate-
industry j, the technical coefficient matrix B can be written as gories, including government defense consumption and invest-
(Miller and Blair, 2009): ment, government non-defense consumption and investments, and
" # state and local government education consumption and in-
  uij vestments are analyzed under the government purchases and in-
B ¼ bij ¼ (1)
xj vestments. The economic values of each final demand category are
obtained from the Use table of 2002 benchmark inputeoutput ac-
In addition, the Make matrix, which is denoted as V, provides counts (BEA, 2002). First, indirect TBL sustainability impacts of
detailed information on production of commodities by industries. In different final demand categories are calculated by using proposed
the make table, each row represents the production of commodity by EIO model. These impacts are then grouped under 15 main U.S.
different industries. As an element of V, vji is the value of the output of sectors based on their relative contributions. The following sub-
commodity i by industry j and qi accounts for the total (domestic plus sections discuss the environmental, economic, and social impacts
imported) output of commodity i. Therefore, dji represents the frac- with details.
tion of total commodity i output which is produced by industries,
both as main product as well as by-product. Using the total output of 3.1. Environmental impacts
commodity i, the industry-based technology coefficient matrix D can
be written as (Miller and Blair, 2009): This subsection presents the environmental impacts of each
  final demand category in terms of energy consumption, GHG
D ¼ dji ¼ (2) emissions, water withdrawal, and ecological footprint.
After defining B and D, the industry-by-commodity 3.1.1. Energy consumption
inputeoutput model can be formulated as follows (Miller and The energy consumption of each sector is calculated by sum-
Blair, 2009): ming the energy content of different fossil fuels and electricity from
M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243 237

Table 1
Summary of the sustainability indicators.

TBL indicator Unit Description Data source


GHG Emissions t CO2-eqv The total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of each sector in terms of metric tons (CMU, 2008)
of CO2 equivalent.
Water Withdrawal m The total amount of water withdrawals of each sector. (CMU, 2008)
Energy consumption TJ The total energy (fossil plus electricity) consumption of each sector. (CMU, 2008)
Fishery gha The estimated primary production required to support the fish caught. (GFN, 2010)
Grazing gha The amount of livestock feed available in a country with the amount of feed (GFN, 2010)
required for the livestock produced.
Forest Land gha The amount of lumber, pulp, timber products, and fuel wood consumed by a (GFN, 2010)
country on a yearly basis.
Cropland gha The most bio-productive of all the land use types and includes areas used to (GFN, 2010)
produce food and fiber for human consumption.
Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) $M The capital available to corporations, which allows them to repay their creditors, (BEA, 2002)
to pay taxes and to finance their investments.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) $M The market value of goods and services produced within the country in a given (BEA, 2002)
period of time.
Import $M The value of goods and services purchased from foreign countries to produce (BEA, 2002)
domestic commodities by industries.
Tax $M The government revenue, which includes the taxes on production and imports. (BEA, 2002)
Income $M The compensation of employees, including wages and salaries (BEA, 2002)
Injuries employee The total number of non-fatal injuries related to industrial places. (BLS, 2002)

non-fossil sources. The results show that household category is compared to other final demand categories. This final demand
responsible for the highest amounts of total indirect energy with category is followed by export of goods and services with water
the value of 5.17  107 TJ. This final demand category is followed by withdrawal values of 8.28  1010 m3 (see Table 2). For household
government purchases and investments and private fixed in- consumption and private fixed investments, agriculture and utili-
vestments, respectively (see Table 2). Within the main industrial ties sectors are found to be responsible for over 90% of the total
sectors, utilities, manufacturing, transportation, and mining have water withdrawal. In addition, about 75% of total water consump-
the highest contributions to the net energy consumption related to tion can be attributed to agriculture and utilities sectors related to
household consumption. In addition, manufacturing and utilities private fixed investments. On the other hand, for government
sectors are found to be responsible for the highest energy con- purchases and investments, these sectors are responsible for
sumption associated with private fixed investments and export of approximately 80% of total water withdrawals, while around 20% of
goods and services. For government purchases and investments, total water is directly consumed by the government industry (see
direct energy use from the government industries has the highest Fig. 1).
values compared to other major industries (see Fig. 1).

3.1.4. Cropland
3.1.2. GHG Emissions
The cropland represents the most bio-productive of all the land
The emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxides, methane,
use types and includes areas used to produce food and fiber for
and fluorinated gases from fossil fuel combustion (coal, natural gas,
human consumption, feed for livestock, crops, and rubber. Based on
petroleum, etc.) are also quantified for each sector, and total GHG
the analysis results, household consumption utilizes the largest
emissions are expressed in terms of metric tons of CO2 equivalents
amount of cropland in comparison with other final demand cate-
(CMU, 2008). The results indicate that household consumption
gories. This final demand category is followed by export of good and
results in the highest indirect GHG emissions with the value of
services with cropland consumption value of 4.42  107 (see
4.09  109 t CO2-eqv. This final demand category is followed by
Table 2). For household consumption and private fixed in-
government purchases and investments and private fixed in-
vestments, agriculture and manufacturing sectors are found to be
vestments with GHG emission values of 9.07  108 and 8.16  108,
responsible for over 95% of the total cropland use. Furthermore, the
respectively (see Table 2). For GHG emissions related to household
consumption, industrial sectors, such as utilities, manufacturing,
agriculture, transportation and mining show the highest percent- Table 2
age contributions in comparison to other U.S. sectors, as shown in Environmental impacts of U.S. final demand categories.
Fig. 1. In addition, manufacturing, utilities, construction, trans- Environmental Units HC PFI EGS GPI
portation, and mining sectors are also found to be responsible for indicators
the highest GHG emissions related to private fixed investments. For
Energy TJ 5.17  107 1.19  107 9.00  106 1.28  107
government purchases and investments, direct emissions from Consumption
government industry plus indirect emissions from manufacturing GHG Emissions t CO2-eqv 4.09  109 8.16  108 6.62  108 9.07  108
and utilities make up to 80% of net carbon footprint of this final Water m3 4.04  1011 3.89  1010 8.28  1010 4.04  1010
demand category.
Fishery gha 1.39  107 3.31  105 5.42  105 1.02  106
Grazing gha 3.89  107 5.76  105 4.90  106 2.37  106
3.1.3. Water withdrawal Forest Land gha 2.01  107 1.46  107 5.79  106 5.54  106
The water withdrawal associated with U.S. final demands are Cropland gha 2.90  108 1.84  107 4.42  107 1.93  107
also analyzed. The findings of our research show that household HC: Household Consumption; PFI: Private Fixed Investments; EGS: Export of Goods
consumption utilizes the highest amounts of indirect water and Services; GPI: Government Purchases and Investments.
238 M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243

Fig. 1. Percentage contribution of U.S. industries to energy consumption, GHG emissions, and water withdrawal categories.

construction industry contributes to approximately 50% of total 3.1.5. Grazing land

cropland use for private fixed investments category. When we look The grazing land footprint is calculated by comparing the
at the government purchases and investments related cropland amount of livestock feed available in the country with the amount
use, agriculture, manufacturing, government, and construction in- of feed required for the livestock produced in that year, with the
dustries account for 90% of total cropland use (see Fig. 2). remainder of feed demand assumed to come from grazing land. The

Fig. 2. Percentage contribution of U.S. industries to ecological footprint categories.

M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243 239

Table 3 fish catch for direct human consumption and catch for fish meal
Economic impacts of U.S. final demand categories. (Kitzes et al., 2009). From Table 2, it is apparent that fishery land
Economic Units HC PFI EGS GPI footprint of household consumption is quite larger than the other
indicators final demand categories. After household demand, government
GOS $M 3.0  106 5.38  105 3.02  105 4.62  105 purchases and investments is the second largest final demand
GDP $M 7.4  106 1.67  106 7.99  105 1.95  106 category in terms of total fishery land use. As indicated in Fig. 2,
Imports $M 1.49  106 4.53  105 3.15  105 1.64  105 manufacturing and agriculture represent two main industrial sec-
tors with the highest contributions to overall fishery land footprint.
grazing land footprint results indicate that household demand In general, manufacturing and arts, entertainment, recreation, ac-
consumes the largest amount of grazing land compared to other commodation, and food services are two sectors with the highest
final demand types. This category is then followed by export of contributions to fishery land consumption. For example,
goods and services and government purchases and investments, manufacturing industry consumes nearly 80% of total fishery land
respectively (see Table 2). For all the final demand categories, related to export of goods and services, and the rest of fishery land
manufacturing and agriculture sectors dominate the total grazing is primarily utilized by arts, entertainment, recreation, accommo-
land consumption, and account approximately for 100% of overall dation, and food services sectors.
grazing land footprint, as indicated in Fig. 2.
3.2. Economic impacts
3.1.6. Forestland
The forestland footprint is calculated based on the amount of This subsection presents the economic impacts of each final
lumber, pulp, timber products, and fuel wood consumed by a demand category in terms of GOS, GDP, and imports.
country on a yearly basis. Household consumption is responsible
for the highest forestland use with value of 2.01  107 gha (see 3.2.1. GOS
Table 2). In addition, private fixed investments represent the final GOS, also known as profit, is a positive economic indicator. As
demand category, which has a second highest forestland con- shown in Table 3, household consumption has generated the
sumption value. When we analyzed the percentage contribution of highest amount of GOS compared to other final demands, and
each major industrial sector to overall forest land use, we see that finance, insurance, real estate, and rental accounts for 50% of total
manufacturing and agriculture sectors account approximately for GOS generated by this final demand category. In addition, private
100% of total forestland footprint for all final demand categories fixed investments have generated second largest GOS values
(see Fig. 2). among final demand types. As indicated in Fig. 3, manufacturing,
construction, and finance, insurance, real estate, and rental sectors
3.1.7. Fishery land have played a significant role in this result.
The fishery land footprint is calculated by using estimates of the
maximum sustainable catch for a variety of fish species. Global 3.2.2. GDP
Footprint Network (GFN) used the catch data from the United Na- Contribution of each sector to GDP is assumed to be as a positive
tion's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) which is used to economic indicator since it monitors the health of a nation's
estimate demand on fishing grounds. Current accounts track both economy and includes wages and salaries, indirect taxes less

Fig. 3. Percentage contribution of U.S. industries to economic impact categories.

240 M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243

Table 4 can be seen from Fig. 3, the percentage contributions of other major
Social impacts of U.S. final demand categories. sectors to imports are found to be negligible in comparison with
Social Units HC PFI EGS GPI manufacturing and mining sectors.

Income $M 3.79  106 1.05  106 4.56  105 1.44  106 3.3. Social impacts
Tax $M 6.06  105 8.94  104 4.22  104 4.50  104
Injuries employee 4.51  106 1.33  106 5.56  105 6.80  105
This subsection presents the social impacts of each final demand
category in terms of income, tax, and work-related injuries.

subsidies, and gross operation surplus. In the production approach,

the total output of a particular industry minus its total intermediate 3.3.1. Income
use equals to the contribution of that industry to GDP (Eurostat, Income is a positive social indicator and represents the general
2008; Lenzen and Dey, 2002). According to analysis results, compensation of employees including wages and salaries and
household consumption has the highest contribution to GDP with worker's compensation payments. Analysis results show that
value of 7.40Eþ06 $M (see Table 3). Especially, wholesale trade household consumption generates the largest amount of income in
sector has contributed highly on the total GDP generated by U.S. compared to other final demand categories (see Table 4).
household demand. For all final demand categories, U.S. sectors, Among the U.S. sectors, service sectors are found to be responsible
which have the highest contributions to GOS, also have the largest for over 80% of total income, which is generated by households. For
impacts on the GDP (see Fig. 3). Another important result is that private fixed investments, manufacturing and construction sectors
government industries are responsible for over 50% of total GDP have supported nearly 50% of overall income. Based on the gov-
generated by the final demand category of government purchases ernment purchases and investments related income generation,
and investments. government industries are found to account for around 60% of total
income, and the rest is obtained from other indirect sectors (see
Fig. 4).
3.2.3. Import
Import, which represents the value of goods and services pur- 3.3.2. Tax
chased from foreign countries to produce domestic commodities by In addition to the income, tax which is referred to as govern-
industries, is also selected as another indicator. Import can be ment revenue is chosen as another positive social indicator. First,
considered as a negative economic indicator since excess of imports household consumption produces the highest amount of tax with
can increase the current deficit through the flow of money out of economic value of 6.06  105 $M. After household demand, private
the country. The final demand of U.S. households results in the fixed investments is found to be the second largest final demand
highest import values when compared to other categories (see category in terms of contributions to tax (see Table 4). Based on
Table 3). Especially, manufacturing industry has dominantly Fig. 4, it can be seen that the service sectors have the highest share
contributed to imports for all final demand categories. This industry in tax for all final demand types. In addition, it should be noted that
is then followed by mining and agriculture sectors, respectively. As government and agriculture industries have negative contribution

Fig. 4. Percentage contribution of U.S. industries to social impact categories.

M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243 241

Table 5
Normalized sustainability impacts of U.S. final demand categories.

TBL indicators Units HC PFI EGS GCI

GOS $M/$M 4.02  101 3.18  101 3.72  101 2.34  101
GDP $M/$M 9.91  101 9.87  101 9.84  101 9.82  101
Imports $M/$M 2.00  101 2.68  101 3.88  101 8.29  102
Income $M/$M 5.08  101 6.21  101 5.61  101 7.30  101
Tax $M/$M 8.12  102 5.29  102 5.20  102 2.28  102
Injuries Employee/$M 6.04  101 7.86  101 6.85  101 3.44  101
Energy consumption TJ/$M 6.92 7.04 11.1 6.47
GHG emissions t CO2-eqv/$M 5.36  102 4.82  102 8.15  102 4.60  102
Water Withdrawal m3/$M 1.43  104 6.09  103 2.70  104 5.41  103
Fishery gha/$M 1.86 1.96  101 6.67  101 5.17  101
Grazing gha/$M 5.21 3.41  101 6.03 1.20
Forest Land gha/$M 2.69 8.63 7.13 2.81
Cropland gha/$M 38.8 10.9 54.4 9.80

to the government revenue, since some of the government and environmental impacts from a broader perspective using several
agriculture sectors show a high dependency on government sub- macro-level indicators. Due to the broader scope of analysis, EIO
sidies, which have resulted in negative tax values, as indicated in analysis is utilized in order to provide a holistic framework to trace
Fig. 4. the impacts across the supply chains related to U.S. final demands.
Furthermore, since recent trends also emphasize the inclusion of
3.3.3. Work-related injuries three pillars of sustainability as economy, society and the envi-
Finally, as a negative social indicator, the number of total work- ronment, the proposed sustainability scope fits to the needs of such
related injuries is analyzed in order to investigate the contribution a comprehensive sustainability assessment understanding (Guinee
of U.S. final demands to injuries. The analysis results show that et al., 2010).
household consumption is responsible for the highest numbers of The findings of this study are critical in helping to propose
work-related injuries with the value of 4.51  106. After households, sound policies for sustainable consumption policy, and can be used
private fixed investments are found to be the second highest in to give suggestions to decrease the amount of environmental im-
terms of injuries (see Table 4). For private fixed investments and pacts. The results show that household consumption causes the
government purchases and investments, manufacturing and con- largest overall environmental impacts in the U.S. To give an
structions sectors account approximately for over 50% of total work example, based on U.S. household consumption, utilities represent
place injuries. Furthermore, for export of goods and services, the most significant industrial sector in terms of GHG emissions.
almost half of the work-related injuries are caused by the Especially, power generation and supply sector has the largest
manufacturing industry (see Fig. 4). share among the utilities sectors in respect to total GHG emissions.
Although there is an increasing trend in household energy de-
4. Normalized TBL impacts of the U.S. final demands mands with increasing population, a higher utilization of renew-
able energy sources in electricity grid mix can be good for reducing
In section 3, TBL impacts are presented. Based on analysis re- the net carbon footprint of household consumption. Moreover,
sults, household consumption is found to have the largest impacts manufacturing industry is responsible of high energy utilization,
for all impact categories. Table 5 shows the normalized TBL im- and therefore energy efficiency improvement in industrial pro-
pacts of each final demand category based on per $M economic cesses is necessary and several important energy efficient clean
output. Overall, export of goods and services shows higher amount production strategies are discussed in a research conducted by Dovì
of environmental impacts per $M output in comparison with other et al. (2009). In addition, agriculture and utilities sectors are
categories. When we look at the social indicators, government responsible for high water footprints, and consume more than 90%
purchases and investments produce the largest amount of income, of overall water related to household demand. In particular, power
while household consumption generates the highest amount of generation and supply sector primarily consumes water for cooling
government revenue per $M economic output. On the other hand, purposes (Blackhurst et al., 2010). Increasing efficiency of cooling
private fixed investments are responsible for the highest number technologies and water-conserving agriculture methods can
of work-related injuries compared to others. For economic in- significantly minimize the water footprint of household demand for
dicators, household demand has the highest contribution to GDP future. Therefore, it is important to note that significant reductions
and GOS based on per $M economic activity. Export of goods and in environmental footprints of households can be achieved if
services results in higher imports than any other final demand environmental polices aiming to reduce the household consump-
category. Therefore, it is important to note that although house- tion are also supported by technological improvements in indus-
hold consumption is a dominant final demand category in terms of trial facilities.
overall TBL impacts, other final demand categories are also able to Analysis results also show that for household consumption, the
show higher TBL impacts based on per $M economic activity (see environmental impact share of manufacturing industries are
Table 5). higher than their contribution to GDP, whereas most of the service
sectors have less environmental burdens than their contributions
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This study proposes a comprehensive TBL sustainability addition, utilities sector's water withdrawal share is found to be
assessment framework which includes the social, economic, and 21.5 times higher than its GDP contribution. For energy use,
242 M. Kucukvar et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 81 (2014) 234e243

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