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wailable in the ve features @ at low levers Fe are enough indeterminate the structural successfirlly Hence, these and 2-span the exercise succeeding e structural f the whole the section gth. For a d to as the | has been! a collapse urred, the that will 1 general, h limit of DESIGN OF TENSION MEMBERS 341 Introduction Tasion and compression members are members of a system where the forces are purely snialand there are no bending forces. An example for this is the truss system where the joints areidealized as pins and the resulting m The connections at the ends of the m connections, there will be holes at the nembers are either welded or bolted. For bolted of the member ‘There ate two (2) possible types of failure for tension members, namely 1, Yielding Failure 2. Rupture Failure 22 Yielding Failure Yielding failure will happen In the idealized stress-str already elongate indefinitely there excessive deflection of the system ess in the section reaches the yield stress, F eel in Fig. 1.2, theoretically the member will ¢ or lead to unacceptable The failed memberis illustrated in Fig. 2. in that figure that the section will forming @ neck when it yields. This neck will form somewhere al member but not at the connections located at the en of the Figure 2.1 Yielding Failure of Tension Member soerefe, the 5 IBANSCP Eqn S043 Fe Where ross area steel yield stress for LRED is APs with A= 0.90 a strength re arene for ASD is Pal where 2-3 Rupture Failure 1 will tear or rupture. In tis situation, the tnsil hod. Als, the eitial Rupture failure will occur when the s restess Fy ofthe steel 8 Fea cation for fracture tearing failure is where the Fe vominal ese lachrerpture capacity is from NSCP Eqn 5042-2 and given by th =A. = specified minimum tensile strength 0.75 and forthe ASD allowable tens Forte LRFD design tensile strength 0,=2.00 1 will tear when te tensile strength of the mater Rupure failure is when the st as shown Fx 2 The tearing will occur atthe I onal are 2-4 Bolt Holes Design of Tension Members sted in Table 2.1 Table 2.1 Bolt Hole Dimensions (AISC Manual) TABLE J3.3M Nominal Hole Dimensions, mm — Hole Dimensions — far | Oversize | ShortSiot Dia wath Length) Tong-Stot | “mats Length) | © © Standard Hole, (b) Oversized Hole ted Hole and (d) Long-Slotted Hole in Fig. 24 The see i Bott Sem : = 7 <= actual nominal bole diameter =a +200 3m a= y+ 2mm Damaged portion Figure 2.4 Hole Diameters Steel Areas The net area (Ax) isthe gross area (A,) minus arc the bot hole. The hole area isthe produet fhe design hole diameter (d) with the plate thickness. Example 2.1 Determine the net area ofthe plates shown below. The plates are PL 300mm x 10mm and the bolts are 25mm with oversized holes. Solution: Although Table 2.1 doesnot include a 25mm bol, this size is commot Somresponds fo a I-inch bolt. The design hole diameter for this bol is Design of Tension Members The plate has 3 holes in a row. Hence, the net width ofthe plate is Width = 300-363) = 201 mm, 2-6 Staggered Holes The determination ofthe net width and net area becomes abit more complex when the holes re not aligned transversely, i. the holes ar staggered. According to NSCP 504.3.2,"for a chain of holes extending across a part in any diagonal ov zigzag line, the net area shall brained by deducting from the gross width the sum ofthe diameters or slot dimensions les inthe chain, and adding, foreach gage space in the chai, the quanty 4g ‘enter spac hy of any 60 consecutive application of tis rule fr staggered hols is illustrated in the next example rine the net widths ofthe failure paths A-B-D-E and A-B-C-D-E, The holes are 50mm 80mm, 90mm Solution 40mm In Path A-B-D-E, there are two bolt holes. The design hole diameter for 20mm: bolts in standard holes is 20 24mm, Thus, the net width is For Path A-B-C-D-E, there are two diagonals and three holes. The net width is (2% 4 22] = 19331 mm<212 mm Width (2+ 3S] = 19331 mm 712.81 KN. Determine a RFD. The bolts are 16mm diameter. The two plates atthe left are plate atthe right is PL300x16, Use A-36 steel. Therefore, the tensile capacity ofthe splice connection is 712.81 KN, 2-7 Shear Lag When a member is conne thru some of its components only, shear lag occurs, Shear Tag is when the tensile stresses are directed and concentrated only to the component ofthe seeion T that is connected, This is illustrated in Fig. 2.5. he extent of the shear lag is also affected by the number of bolts in the longitudinal direction ich isthe length of the connection. In Fig. 2.5(a), the stresses are concenitated W the swo) only of the angle connection and a bigger portion of the tee Solution: The sum of the thicknesses of the two plates atthe left is 2x10 =20mm. This is thicker than the 16mm plate atthe right. Thus, the plate inthe right is cri ‘The yield capacity ofthe plate is from Eqn. 1. With = 1.67, 16*300)(248)/1.67*10? = 712.81 KN @ o As Fy/2 To obtain the rupture strength, the critical Figure 2.5 (a) Shear lag for connection with two bolts and path must be determined. There is no (6) connection with four bolts ‘mention on the type of hole and these ion becomes inactive and without stresses when the stres holes are therefore assumed to be E contrast, the stresses in Fig. 2.5(b) are transmitted gradually to the bolts, The inactive 3s start to converge on these eke igs ‘5 a in the section is lesser when it starts to converge and it passes the part of the load to the Path A-B-D-E It. Hence, if there are more bolts in a line parallel to the direction ofthe Force inthe ‘ ton, this means more gradual transfer ofthe load and lesser effect of shea lag. et width = 300 - 2(16+2+2) : Shear lag can occur for both bolted and welded connections, For welds orienled in the = 260 mm ransverse dicotion has a more effective way of reducing the effec of shea lag, Longitudinal elds transfers the force through the welds gradually, Thus, the length ofthe weld becomes Batt’A-B-C-D-E: significant with the longer weld transferring the load more gradually and therefore diminishes Net width= 3003020) + 2x4 = 248.89 mm <260 mm Design of Tension Members Table 22 Shear Lag TABLE D3.1 Shear Lag Factors for Connections to Tension Members Factors from the AISC Manual Sa exami} TR E ie 4 le erger [Se aes figer value i per foat Design of Tension Mem! The important factors include the length and width of the connection, the location of the -onnectors, among others. The shear lag facto 04.3.1 and shown in Table 2.2 for different cases are listed in NSCP Table amples showing some ofthe eases in that table are included below. Example 24 Determine the shear lag factors ofthe welded connections in Figures (a) and (b) below. onnections fall under Case 4 category in Table 2.2 Figure (a), U =0.75 since 300/250 Lo and < 15 Figure (b), U= 1.0 since 600/250 = 2.4 > 2.0 Example 25 nine the lightest W12 sections that can be used using LRFD for members in Group A, 4 C in the bottom chord of the truss shown. Th pads P our rows of Kémmd bolts in a can be assumed that there are 3 or more bolts in each row. The 270 KN, Use A-36 steel The vertical reactions atthe supports are R=2.5*270 ~ 675 kN The forces in the groups are as listed below Fx = (G/8)(675) = 506.25 kN Fy=(014)675) = 1518.75 kN Fe =(15/4X675) = 2531.25 kN up A: The required arca for yield failure is Req'd A = £225 1000 = 2268.1 mm 101 mm, t= 5.72 mm Try WI2x14: A =2680 min, d= 302 mm, b i The dby=2.99> 1.5, The shear lag factor from Case 7 is U The rupture capacity ofthe section is A= 2680 ~ 4°5,72%(16+2+2) = 2462.4 mm* T= @AcF,=0.75(0.852462.4)(400)/1000 627.91 KN> 506.25kN (..Use WI2x14) For Group B: The required area for yield failure is Req’d A = 222225 « 1000 = 6804.4 mm Try W12x40: A= 7550 mm?, d= 302 mm, be= 203 mm, t-= | The dbr= 149< 1.5. The shear lag factor from Case 7is U = ( The rupture capacity ofthe section is a= 7550 —4*13.1*20 = 6502 mm’ Ts pA.F, = 0.75(0.90*6502)(400)/1000 =1755.5KN> 1518.75 KN (-.Use W12x40) For Group C: The required area for yield failure is sornas + 1000 = 11341 mm? Try W12x65: A The db Design of Tension Members 307 mm, by=305 mm, t= 154mm The shear lag factor from Case 7 is U= 0.90 The rupture capacity ofthe section is A 2300 -4*15.4°20- AF.=0 2988.4 KN (0.90 11068) 4003/1000 1.25 kN Use W12x65) CHAPTER 02 EXERCISE Determine the critical net width for the staggered bolted connection as shown in the figure. The diameter of the bolts is. 19mm. Use depth 4y = 200 mm. Determine also the value of “x” that will make the Path A-B-C D-E critical ‘A W14x120 is used as a tension member in a truss. The flanges of the member are connected to a gusset plate by 19mm bolts as shown below. Determine the effective net area ofthe section. 3, Forthe figure shown, calculate the net area of the 10x200 mm plate. ‘I connected at its end with two lines of 20 mm bolts. Using LRED, de load P that the angles can carry against tensile yielding in the gross s the tensile rupture in the net section, Use A-36 Steel, Ch. 02 EXERCISES. 4. Two L4x3x1/4 angles are used in a truss member oriented as showin, All joints assumed to be pin-connected with one gage line of 4-20mm diameter bolts Using ASD, determine the load P that the angles can carry against tensile yielding in the gross section and the tensile rupture in the net section. Use A-36 Steel = ed bolted connection as shown in width in chain A-B-C-D 4-22 mm diameter bolts are used in a stag the figure. Calculate the value of "x" such that the net et width of the chain A-B-D. plate is ne the’ ion and determine the ultimate tensile foroe Py that the m the preceding problem ry against tensile rupture in the net section. Use A= 50 steel and LRED. 9 nsile strength for an A36 L66x3/8 : 2 22mmé bolts that are 7. oe 22 ae 5g Ch. 02 — EXERCISE: 7. Using LRFD and ASD, determine the ten parthat is connected at its ends with one line of four ‘on-center in one leg of the angle. Jow. Compute the Lp ‘Anangle is welded to the plate as shown in the figure bel z design tensile strength and the ASD allowable tensile strength of this angle jg using A-50 steel Viti V; — ae igure. Horizontal LSx3xti Angle bars are used for the determinate truss as shown in the s show and vertical members arc L6x4xl/2. Diagonal members ar Determine the adequacy of Members AB and BC based on factored m. Use A-36 Steel. Bolt diameters = 22: Ch. 02 EXERCISES. 10, Determine the adequacy of the tension members of the determinate bolted truss shown below based on the service loads shown. Use A-S0 Steel, Hint There are three tension members in the truss.

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