The Journal of Arthroplasty: Donald W. Roberts, MD, T. David Hayes, MD, Christine T. Tate, PT, James P. Lesko, PHD

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The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222

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Selective Patellar Resurfacing in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective,

Randomized, Double-Blind Study
Donald W. Roberts, MD a, T. David Hayes, MD a, Christine T. Tate, PT b, James P. Lesko, PhD c
Northwest Surgical Research Foundation, Vancouver, Washington
Department of Physical Therapy, Southwest Washington Medical Center, Vancouver, Washington
Biostatistics and Outcomes Research, DePuy Orthopaedics, Warsaw, Indiana

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: 350 knees were evaluated in a prospective, randomized, double-blinded study of selective patellar resurfacing in
Received 2 June 2014 primary total knee arthroplasty. Knees with exposed bone on the patellar articular surface were excluded. 327
Accepted 16 September 2014 knees were evaluated at a mean follow-up of 7.8 years. 114 knees followed for greater than 10 years were ana-
lyzed separately. Satisfaction was higher in patients with a resurfaced patella. In patients followed for at least 10
years, no significant difference was found. No difference was found in KSS scores or survivorship. No complica-
knee arthroplasty/replacement
tions of patellar resurfacing were identified. The vast majority of patients with remaining patellar articular carti-
resurfacing lage do very well with total knee arthroplasty regardless of patellar resurfacing. Patient satisfaction may be
treatment outcome slightly higher with patellar resurfacing.
prospective study © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
patient satisfaction

Whether or not to resurface the patella at the time of total knee joint [13,16,24–26]. This subset of knees with severe patellar damage
arthroplasty has been controversial since the development of the first may have less optimal outcomes if the patella is not resurfaced. We
patellar prosthesis. The earliest knee arthroplasties did not include pa- chose to study whether or not the patella should be resurfaced in the
tellar resurfacing. The frequent complaint of anterior knee pain stimu- population of knees that had remaining articular cartilage on the patel-
lated the development of patellar resurfacing components [1]. A trend lar articular surface. Considering the reported risk of resurfaced patellar
toward routine resurfacing was accompanied by the rapid recognition complications, we hypothesized that the not resurfaced patella should
of patellofemoral complications related to resurfacing [2,3]. Patellar have a better outcome compared to the resurfaced patella when knees
malalignment, dislocation, avascular necrosis, extensor mechanism fail- with exposed bone on the patellar articular surface are excluded.
ure, loosening, anterior knee pain, and difficulties with fracture man-
agement of the resurfaced patella were reported as the most common
complications of total knee arthroplasty [4,5]. Given the prevalence of Methods
these complications, the benefits of patellar resurfacing are debatable.
Even as recently as 2002 a randomized trial of 220 knees found that Enrollment
10% of the resurfaced patellae required revision [6]. Prior studies were
either inconclusive or failed to agree in the quest for resolution of the From July 1996 to April 2001, the patients of two surgeons at one
resurfacing dilemma [6–21]. Design features of early generations of center were enrolled in a prospective, blinded, randomized study of se-
arthroplasty components appear to have compromised the function lective patellar resurfacing. All patients undergoing primary total knee
and durability of the patellofemoral joint [22,23]. arthroplasty for a primary diagnosis of osteoarthritis were recruited to
We questioned whether a modern implant with a more accommo- participate in this study. Patients with inflammatory arthritis, avascular
dating trochlear design could produce a predictably well functioning necrosis, previous patellar fracture or osteotomy, or who were undergo-
arthroplasty without the complications previously associated with pa- ing revision knee arthroplasty were excluded from participation. Pa-
tellar resurfacing. Additionally, previous randomized studies of patellar tients who were found at the time of surgery to have any exposed
resurfacing had included knees with exposed bone in the patellofemoral bone on the patellar articular surface were excluded. Institutional Re-
view Board approval was obtained prior to the initiation of the study
The Conflict of Interest statement associated with this article can be found at http://dx.
and informed consent was obtained from each patient. An independent physical therapist examined the lower extremity
Reprint requests: Donald W. Roberts, M.D., Northwest Surgical Research Foundation, and obtained a medical history and Knee Society Scores preoperatively.
200 Mother Joseph Place, Suite 210, Vancouver, WA 98664. The same researcher, blinded to the treatment allocation, performed
0883-5403/© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D.W. Roberts et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222 217

Total Knee Patients Screened

496 Patients / 616 Knees
226 Patients / 266 Knees
79 Patients: Inflam. Arth, AVN, PTO, Revision, Fx.
70 Patients: Chose not to participate
77 Patients: Excluded in surgery - exposed bone

270 Patients / 350 Knees
172 NR 178 RS

5 Patients / 7 Knees
Lost Contact: Traveler 1 NR 6 RS
1 Patient / 2 Knees
2 NR 0 RS
Incapacity to Return: Limited Health/Cognition
3 Patients / 6 Knees
Deaths 2 NR 4 RS
6 Patients / 8 Knees
4 NR 4 RS

Final Follow-up: Patients with Minimum 2 year Final

Follow-up (Average 7.8 Years)
255 Patients / 327 Knees

Subset of Patients with Minimum 10 Year Final

Follow-up (Average 10.4 Years)
88 Patients / 114 Knees

Revisions Beyond 2 Year Follow-up Deaths Beyond 2 Year Follow-up

14 Patients / 14 Knees 56 Patients / 73 Knees
9 NR 5 RS 36 NR 37 RS

Fig. 1. Study enrollment and knee accountability flowchart.

postoperative evaluations at 6 weeks, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years and The implant was the DePuy Sigma fixed bearing cruciate-retaining
every subsequent 2-year interval. knee system. The femoral component was externally rotated three de-
Knee evaluations used for this study were a pre-operative evaluation grees from the posterior condylar axis and was placed toward the lateral
and a final follow-up (minimum 2-year) evaluation. All knees with a side of the resected femoral surface.
minimum 10-year follow-up were also analyzed separately to provide Patellar osteophytes were excised. When the patella was resurfaced
a comparison to other reports with 10-year follow-up. the composite patellar thickness was restored to within 2 mm of the
The primary outcomes in this study were patient satisfaction, revi- pre-resection thickness. The patellar component was an all-
sion, Knee Society score and Knee Society function score. Secondary out- polyethylene dome-shaped implant with three fixation pegs. The patel-
comes included active and passive range of motion, presence of anterior lar surface was prepared with standard cementing technique. A lateral
knee pain and stair climbing ability. Satisfaction was documented at retinacular release was performed when the patella was not centered
each follow-up visit on an ordinal scale [27]. in the trochlea with the knee flexed 45° and the medial capsular retinac-
Radiographs were evaluated preoperatively, one year postoperatively ulum unapproximated. The superior lateral geniculate artery was iden-
and at the time of final evaluation. The radiographs were evaluated for tified and preserved when possible.
coronal alignment (whether the patella was located centrally, medially Postoperatively, a continuous passive motion machine was used
or laterally in the trochlea on the Merchant radiograph) Insall ratio, the for the duration of the hospitalization. Weight bearing as tolerated
presence of articular cartilage space on the un-resurfaced patella, whether was allowed immediately; no immobilization devices were used.
the patella was congruent to the trochlea and the angle of patellar tilt. Physical therapy was prescribed three times a week for four to
six weeks.
Surgical Procedure

The surgical procedure was performed under spinal anesthesia. No Randomization

peripheral nerve blocks were used. We employed a midline incision
and a medial parapatellar arthrotomy. The patella was everted and the Prior to initiating the study, the assignment of patellar resurfacing
patellofemoral joint was inspected. If exposed bone was found on the had been made by a random number generator. The assignments
patellar articular surface or grossly evident chondrocalcinosis, the patel- were placed in opaque envelopes and the envelopes were taken in con-
la was resurfaced and the patient was not included in the study. If no ex- secutive order. The envelopes were opened in the operating room after
posed bone was found on the patellar articular surface, an envelope was evaluation of the patellar surface. At that time the patient was assigned
opened instructing the surgeon whether or not to resurface the patella. to the patellar resurfacing or non-resurfacing group. No discrepancies of
If the patient was undergoing a simultaneous bilateral total knee randomization occurred. The treatment allocation was concealed from
arthroplasty, only a single envelope was opened and both patellae the patient. An independent observer who had no knowledge of the
were treated the same. treatment allocation performed clinical evaluations.
218 D.W. Roberts et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222

Table 1
Baseline Demographics and Treatment Group Characteristics (Pre-Operative, Intra-Operative, and Follow-Up).

Not Resurfaced Resurfaced

N Mean S.D. Range N Mean S.D. Range P Value

Age (yrs, at time of surgery) 172 71.3 7.4 48–90 178 70.2 8.7 48–89 0.199
BMI (at time of surgery) 172 29.2 5.0 19.5–44.5 178 29.5 5.4 20.1–43.0 0.584
Pre-op Passive ROM 170 119.3 15.4 74–152 176 116.8 16.6 75–150 0.153
Pre-op Active ROM 171 109.1 15.6 59–141 175 107.8 17.6 47–145 0.494
Pre-op KS Score 164 32.8 18.3 0–87 170 33.5 18.3 0–88 0.740
Pre-op KS Function Score 172 50.2 18.2 0–100 178 51.2 17.4 0–100 0.597
Pre-op KS Stair Sub-score 172 30.7 7.62 0–50 178 31.38 7.32 0–50 0.396
Pre-op Insall Ratio 147 1.07 0.19 0.70–1.80 162 1.05 0.16 0.72–1.61 0.290
Final Follow-up (yrs): Knees with Min 2 yr Follow-up 163 7.4 2.8 1.9–12.2 164 8.2 2.4 1.9–12.0 0.006
Final Follow-up (yrs), Subset with Min 10 yr Follow-up 47 10.5 0.7 9.5–12.2 67 10.3 0.7 9.6–12.0 0.163

Count (%) Count (%)

Gender (Males:Females) 172 89 Males (51.7%) 178 81 Males (45.5%) 0.285

Simultaneous Bilateral Patients 134 34 (25.4%) 138 39 (28.3%) 0.682
Lateral Retinacular Release 172 41 (23.8%) 178 45 (25.3%) 0.804
Pre-op Effusion 170 47 (27.7%) 174 47 (27.0%) 0.904
Pre-op Pain, Walking 172 171 (99.4%) 178 174 (97.8%) 0.372
Pre-op Anterior Pain, Walking 172 30 (17.4%) 178 31 (17.4%) 1.00
Pre-op Pain, at Rest 172 131 (76.2%) 178 138 (77.5%) 0.801
Pre-op Anterior Pain, at Rest 172 18 (10.5%) 178 17 (9.6%) 0.859
Deaths (None related to Study) 172 39 (22.7%) 178 41 (23.0%) 1.00

Statistical Methods group with age, gender and BMI as predictor variables. Interaction
terms were confirmed to be not significant. Each of the Knee Society
For the purpose of statistical analysis, knees were assumed to be in- and range of motion measurements was considered as the response
dependent and all analyses of knees were carried out on a per knee basis variable in an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model with treatment
rather than a per patient basis. Means for interval variables were com- group as a predictor variable and age, gender and BMI as covariates.
pared with a two-sample t-test. Dichotomous variables were compared The purpose of these ANCOVA models was to investigate the impact of
with Fisher’s exact test. A P value less than 0.05 was deemed significant. age, gender and BMI on each of the Knee Society and ROM measure-
Baseline demographic variables, preoperative and intra-operative ments, particularly to see if there was a difference across treatment
knee characteristics, average follow-up times and the proportion of groups after adjusting for these covariate effects. Covariates that were
deaths during the 12.5-year study period were compared to confirm not significant were reduced from respective models stepwise.
treatment group independence. A Kaplan Meier survivorship analysis was carried out to obtain sur-
Postoperatively, study endpoint measurements were compared vivorship estimates and to compare survivorship curves across treat-
across treatment groups for knees with minimum 2-year final follow- ment groups.
up, and on the subset of knees with minimum 10-year final follow-up.
Patient satisfaction was converted to an interval scale, 1 = ‘Definitely Results
Not’ through 5 = ‘Definitely Yes’.
Anterior knee pain while walking was considered as a response var- During the enrollment period, total knee arthroplasties were per-
iable in three separate logistic regression models evaluating treatment formed on 616 knees in 496 patients. Two hundred sixty-six knees in

Table 2
Final Follow-Up Measurements on Knees With Minimum 2-Year Follow-Up.

Not Resurfaced Resurfaced

N Mean S.D. Range N Mean S.D. Range P Value

Minimum 2-year Final Follow-up

Passive ROM 140 126.2 10.1 94–150 139 125.1 12.7 78–152 0.438
Active ROM 139 116.6 10.5 86–142 138 116.2 12.6 72–145 0.774
KS Score 138 84.0 13.2 25–100 135 83.7 12.3 12–100 0.867
KS Function Score 162 60.0 28.8 0–100 164 63.0 27.4 0–100 0.318
KS Stair Sub-score 162 36.0 13.1 0–50 158 36.6 11.2 0–50 0.631
Increase in Passive ROM 138 8.1 12.9 −16 to 49 139 7.7 13.6 −27 to 43 0.832
Increase in Active ROM 138 8.9 13.1 −27 to 47 137 7.3 14.9 −30 to 48 0.371
Increase in KS Score 130 50.1 22.4 −7 to 88 130 51.5 21.4 −6 to 93 0.616
Increase in KS Function Score 161 9.3 26.6 −65 to 70 164 10.9 24.3 −50 to 60 0.558
Satisfaction 162 4.73 0.57 2–5 153 4.85 0.47 2–5 0.039
Insall Ratio 144 1.10 0.18 0.70–1.60 150 1.08 0.17 0.68–1.59 0.366

Count (%) Count (%)

Effusion 145 3 (2.1%) 131 10 (7.6%) 0.044

Pain, Walking 162 20 (12.4%) 158 18 (11.4%) 0.864
Anterior Pain, Walking 162 5 (3.1%) 158 5 (3.2%) 1.00
Pain, at Rest 162 21 (13.0%) 158 21 (13.3%) 1.00
Anterior Pain, at Rest 162 4 (2.5%) 158 5 (3.2%) 0.748
D.W. Roberts et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222 219

Table 3
Final Follow-Up Measurements on Subset With Minimum 10-Year Follow-Up.

Not Resurfaced Resurfaced

N Mean S.D. Range N Mean S.D. Range P Value

Minimum 10-year Follow-up

Passive ROM 43 126.2 10.2 105–142 58 125.5 11.5 83–142 0.748
Active ROM 43 115.4 10.1 97–134 58 116.7 11.4 80–136 0.572
KS Score 42 86.6 11.9 60–100 54 88.0 9.0 62–100 0.506
KS Function Score 47 59.8 26.3 0–100 67 65.6 28.0 0–100 0.266
KS Stair Sub-score 47 36.8 11.1 0–50 66 38.1 10.2 0–50 0.522
Increase in Passive ROM 42 11.1 14.5 −16 to 49 58 10.4 12.9 −12 to 42 0.807
Increase in Active ROM 42 9.6 14.4 −27 to 42 58 10.3 14.3 −25 to 48 0.804
Increase in KS Score 38 53.7 21.2 5 to 88 51 54.6 17.5 10 to 90 0.825
Increase in KS Function Score 47 6.6 25.7 −50 to 60 67 12.9 25.5 −50 to 60 0.198
Satisfaction 47 4.79 0.41 4–5 64 4.91 0.29 4–5 0.096
Insall Ratio 46 1.09 0.21 0.70–1.60 65 1.07 0.18 0.68–1.59 0.679

Count (%) Count (%)

Effusion 44 1 (2.3%) 55 4 (7.3%) 0.378

Pain, Walking 47 6 (12.8%) 66 5 (7.6%) 0.521
Anterior Pain, Walking 47 1 (2.1%) 66 2 (3.0%) 1.00
Pain, at Rest 47 5 (10.6%) 66 5 (7.6%) 0.739
Anterior Pain, at Rest 47 0 (0.0%) 66 2 (3.0%) 0.510

226 patients were excluded. Of these seventy-nine patients had inflam- means for active ROM, passive ROM, Knee Society score, Knee society
matory arthritis, avascular necrosis, previous patellar fracture or function score, and the mean increases in these measurements from
osteotomy, or were undergoing revision knee arthroplasty. Seventy pa- preoperative measurements. In all results displayed in these tables,
tients chose not to participate. Seventy-three patients who consented to the only significant differences across treatment groups were for aver-
participate in the study were excluded at the time of the surgery due to age satisfaction and the proportion of knees exhibiting effusion in
finding exposed bone on the articular surface of the patella. Four pa- knees with minimum 2-year follow-up. Average satisfaction was
tients were excluded based on finding chondrocalcinosis at the time of lower for knees with not resurfaced patella in knees with minimum 2-
the surgery. Of the excluded patients, 40 had simultaneous bilateral year follow-up (P = 0.039); the difference was not statistically signifi-
total knee arthroplasties. cant for the subset of knees with minimum 10-year follow-up. Neither
Three hundred fifty knees in two hundred seventy patients were in- the means of Knee Society and ROM measurements nor the mean in-
cluded in the study: 178 resurfaced knees (denoted RS) in 138 patients, creases from preoperative measurements were significantly different
and 172 not resurfaced knees (denoted NR) in 134 patients. There were across treatment groups.
80 patients who had both knees enrolled into this study. Three logistic regression models were carried out with anterior knee
The flowchart in Fig. 1 shows study enrollment and treatment allo- pain while walking as the response variable (knees with 2-year mini-
cation, indicating knees lost to follow-up throughout the course of the mum follow-up); predictor variables were treatment group and age,
study. In some instances, the patient could not return for a follow-up treatment group and gender, and treatment group and BMI in the re-
visit. These patients were interviewed by telephone. Of the primary out- spective models. Treatment group was not a significant predictor in
comes of the study, the occurrence of reoperation, Knee Society function any of these models.
score and patient satisfaction scores could be obtained, but range of mo- ANCOVA models of Knee Society Function Score, Knee Society Score,
tion and complete Knee Society scores were not available for these pa- active ROM and passive ROM as response variables (knees with 2-year
tients. Sample sizes for Knee Society and ROM measurements are minimum follow-up) were carried out with treatment group as a pre-
indicated in the flowchart. dictor variable and age, gender and BMI as regression covariates. The co-
Of 327 knees with greater than 2-year final follow-up, 273 had an variate adjusted treatment group means were not significantly different
evaluable Knee Society score (138 not resurfaced and 135 resurfaced). in any of these models.
A post-hoc power analysis with Knee Society standard deviation of 13 A Kaplan–Meier survivorship analysis was carried out to analyze revi-
showed that this sample size of 273 knees was large enough to have de- sions for any reason. Knees were followed from the time of surgery until
tected an average Knee Society score difference of 4.5 or larger with 80% the time of revision or the time of censorship, which was the last known
power and 95% confidence. follow-up time or the time of death. Nine of 172 (5.8%) not resurfaced
Table 1 displays means and proportions across trefsatment groups knees were revised during the study duration, and five of 178 (2.8%)
for baseline demographic variables, preoperative and intra-operative resurfaced knees. The results demonstrated a 90.4% survival for not
knee characteristics, average follow-up times, and the proportion of resurfaced knees at 10.5 years and a 91.4% survival for resurfaced knees
deaths during the 12.5-year study duration. Other than average final at 10.4 years (the times when 20 subjects in each respective treatment
follow-up time for knees with minimum 2-year final follow-up, none group remained uncensored; all revisions happened prior to these
of the means or proportions displayed in Table 1 was significantly differ- times). The difference in survivorship between treatment groups was
ent across treatment groups. The average BMI for both groups was 29.2 not statistically significant (log-rank P value = 0.207) (Fig. 2).
The average final follow-up time for knees with minimum 2-year
follow-up was slightly greater (8.2 years) for resurfaced knees com-
pared to not resurfaced knees (7.4 years) (P value = 0.006); the aver- Complications
age follow-up time for knees with minimum 10-year follow-up was
not significantly different across treatment groups. Manipulation
Final follow-up means and proportions are presented in Tables 2 and Six manipulations under anesthesia were performed for limitation of
3 for knees with minimum 2-year follow-up and the subset of knees range of motion in the early postoperative period. Three of these had pa-
with minimum 10-year follow-up, respectively. These results include tella resurfacing and three had not resurfaced patellae.
220 D.W. Roberts et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222

Fig. 2. Survivorship curves for not resurfaced and resurfaced patellae.

Loosening operatively (range 3.6–10.4 years). These patients did not have anterior
No patellar component was found to loosen clinically or radiograph- knee pain. In five knees the patella had been resurfaced and in five
ically. One knee had asymptomatic loosening of the tibial component knees the patella had not been resurfaced at the index operation. All
detected radiographically. One patient with a resurfaced patella of the resurfaced patellae had stable, intact implants present at the
underwent an arthroscopy for removal of a fragment of bone cement time of revision. Considering our absence of complications with patellar
unrelated to the patellar resurfacing. resurfacing, we elected to resurface the previously not resurfaced patel-
lae at the time of revision for polyethylene wear. All ten patients had re-
Fracture lief of their chronic effusions and have not required further surgery.
One patient with a nonresurfaced patella sustained an undisplaced Although we found that there were more effusions in the resurfaced
patellar fracture two years after his knee arthroplasty. This healed un- knees than the non-resurfaced knees, this finding is of uncertain clinical
eventfully with immobilization. No patient with a resurfaced patella significance. These effusions may be due to increased wear debris from
sustained a fracture. the cumulative effect of an additional polyethylene articulating surface
in resurfaced knees.
There was one superficial infection in the immediate postoperative Discussion
period treated with incision and drainage and antibiotics. There was
one deep infection that occurred 2.5 years postoperatively and was When our randomized study was initiated in 1996, patellar compli-
treated successfully with debridement, insert exchange and a six- cations were considered to be the most common cause of failure in total
week course of antibiotics. Both infections were in patients with knee arthroplasty [16,22]. There was controversy whether or not to re-
resurfaced patellae. surface the patella during total knee arthroplasty. Since that time, sever-
al well-designed, long-term, randomized studies of patellar resurfacing
Revisions with mean follow-up of greater than 5 years have been published
There were 14 revisions (9 not resurfaced knees and 5 resurfaced [13,16,24–26,28]. These authors reached differing conclusions regard-
knees), all of which occurred more than 2 years post-operatively. Four ing the advisability of routine patellar resurfacing. One feature of these
knees were revised for anterior knee pain. One patient with a not reports is that all knees were enrolled in the randomization regardless
resurfaced patella had anterior knee pain with stairs that started shortly of the severity of the articular cartilage loss in the patellofemoral articu-
postoperatively. Her patella was resurfaced 3.0 years after her index lation. Many surgeons who selectively resurface the patella do so based
arthroplasty. Her pain did not improve after secondary patellar on the appearance of patellar articular cartilage at the time of surgery.
resurfacing. A second patient with a not resurfaced patella underwent Our study investigates the outcome of this approach to patellar
patellar resurfacing for anterior knee pain 2.9 years after her index resurfacing. We randomized only those knees with no exposed bone
arthroplasty. She was found to have exposed bone on the undersurface on the undersurface of the patella at the time of knee arthroplasty to
of the patella. Her anterior knee pain was not improved after determine whether the outcome of patellar resurfacing outweighed
resurfacing. A third patient with a not resurfaced patella had anterior the potential advantages of leaving the patella not resurfaced in those
knee pain with stairs and arising from chairs. At the time of secondary knees with patellar articular cartilage remaining. We chose this criterion
patella resurfacing, 8.5 years after her index arthroplasty she was for inclusion as it was a simple, reproducible distinction that can
found to have exposed bone on the patellar articular surface. Her knee be made at the time of surgery for stratifying patellar articular
pain resolved after patellar resurfacing. A fourth patient with a non- cartilage damage.
resurfaced patella had patella baja and impingement of the inferior Our results show that the vast majority of patients with remaining
pole of the patella on the tibial polyethylene. The inferior pole of the pa- patellar articular cartilage do very well with total knee arthroplasty at
tella was debrided and the polyethylene insert was trimmed with reso- an average follow-up of 7.8 years whether or not the patella was
lution of his symptoms. The patella was not resurfaced at the time of the resurfaced. No statistically significant difference was found whether or
second surgery. not the patella was resurfaced with regard to anterior knee pain, stair
The remaining ten revisions were for chronic effusions and synovitis climbing ability, active or passive range of motion, Knee Society scores
secondary to polyethylene wear at an average of 7.4 years post- or survivorship. However, we did find a statistically significant
D.W. Roberts et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 216–222 221

improvement in patient satisfaction at final follow-up (average exposed bone. We hypothesized that leaving the native patellar articu-
7.8 years) in patients with resurfaced patellae. Although this difference lar cartilage in this selected population would result in a better outcome
was statistically significant, the clinical significance may be minimal. than previous reports of randomized patellar resurfacing that were not
We separately examined all 114 knees that could be followed for selective as to the condition of the patellar articular cartilage. However,
greater than ten years. This is the largest group of patients reported despite employing an implant with a trochlear groove more accommo-
with 10-year follow-up in a randomized study of patellar resurfacing. dating to the native patella and excluding knees with exposed bone in
These knees were not different than the larger group of patients with the patellar articular surface, resurfaced knees had slightly better pa-
shorter follow-up except that the improved patient satisfaction in tient satisfaction than not resurfaced knees. While we demonstrated
resurfaced patients no longer achieved statistical significance. that excellent results can be achieved with not resurfacing the patella,
As with other reports [13,24,29], our results demonstrated that pa- the absence of complications we found with resurfacing suggests that
tients whose patella was not resurfaced at the index total knee the surgeon can confidently resurface the patella without the risks pre-
arthroplasty tended to have a higher revision rate although this differ- viously associated with patellar resurfacing using older techniques or
ence did not achieve statistical significance. Additionally, our results earlier component design.
confirm that secondary patellar resurfacing for anterior knee pain in
the setting of a previously not resurfaced patella does not necessarily re- Acknowledgments
sult in the resolution of the pain [30–38]. As noted by Burnett [39] there
are many causes of anterior knee pain other than the patellofemoral The authors would like to recognize the contribution and support of
joint. Therefore, in the setting of a not resurfaced patella, the surgeon DePuy Orthopedics, PeaceHealth Southwest Washington Medical Cen-
may recommend patellar resurfacing for persistent anterior knee pain ter and our study coordinators: Lynette Alber R.N., Sherri Tzvetcoff
assuming that the pain is coming from the not resurfaced patella, but and Charlanne Sappington R.N.
if the patella has been previously resurfaced, no operation may be sug-
gested. Managing a patient with a not resurfaced patella and persistent
anterior knee pain may result in a secondary resurfacing because it is an
available option. There is, however, little to offer a patient if the patella is 1. Insall JN, Ranawat CS, Aglietti P, et al. A comparison of four models of total knee-
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