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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII , Central Visayas
North Toledo District , Cluster II
General Climaco (Malubog) , Toledo City

Summative Test in Music 6 No. 2

Name: ______________________________________________ Gr./Sec. ____________________

Learning Competency: Conduct Time Signatures

Learning Objective:
1. Demonstrate the conducting gestures of 2, 3 , and time 4 signatures; and
4 4 4
2. Demonstrate the conducting gestures of time signatures 6.
I – Written Test
Direction: A - Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. Waltz rhythm has a counting pattern of 1, 2, 3. What conducting pattern will

you use for waltz?

A. B. C. D.

2. Conducting patterns and gestures are based on the time signature. Which time signature is
appropriate for march rhythm with counting patterns of 1, 2?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
4 4 4 8

3. Refer to musical phrase above. What part of the beat is the first note?
A. fifth beat B. second beat C. third beat D. fourth beat

4. A conductor uses conducting pattern to lead a musical group. Which is the

conducting pattern for 6 time signature?

A. B. C. D.

5. A conductor uses conducting pattern to lead a musical group. Which is

the conducting pattern for time signature?

A. B. C. D.
Learning Competency: Creating Rhythmic Patterns
Learning Objective:
1. create rhythmic patterns in 2, 3 and 4 time signatures
4 4 4
2. create rhythmic patterns in 6 time signature

B - Direction: Read and understand each item carefully. Write letter of the correct
answer on the answer sheet provided..

II – Performance Test
Direction: Demonstrate the conducting gestures of 2, 3 , 4 and 6 time signatures
4 4 4 8
send your video through messenger @ TinTin Cadorna Fiel.

_______________________________ __________________________
Learner’s Signature/Date Parent’s Signature/Date
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII , Central Visayas
North Toledo District , Cluster II
General Climaco (Malubog) , Toledo City

Summative Test in Art 6 No. 2

Name: ______________________________________________ Gr./Sec. ____________________

Learning Competency: Utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
Learning Objective:
 describe the processes in making own artwork using technology;
 utilize art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software); 
 advocate responsible use of technology in creating artworks; and 
 display pride and appreciation for the works of Filipino artists.

I – Written Test

Direction: A - Read and answer the following.

1. Which of the following do File, Edit, View, and Window belong?

A. menus B. toolbars C. software D. commands

2. Which of these contains icons which are shortcuts to commands otherwise

accessible from the menus or shortcut keys?
A. menus B. toolbars C. software D. commands

3. Which contains the basic set of drawing utilities, particularly those for creating and
editing shapes? A. menus B. toolbars C. software D. commands

4. Where can you see these tools?

A. menus B. toolbars C. software D. commands

5. These tool tips are seen in ________.

A. menus B. toolbars C. software D. commands

Learning Competency:
 Creates personal or class logo as visual representation that can be used as a
product, brand, or trademark
 Explains ideas about the logo (A6PR-Id)
Learning Objective:
Explain ideas about the logo;
Create personal or class logo as visual representation that can be used as a
product, brand, or trademark and explain it;
Display appreciation on the beauty of Art by creating a personal logo; and
Display self- worth by creating an appropriate personal logo.

Direction: B - Below are some important key points to be considered in creating a

personal logo. Identify which of the following points or concepts is correct. Put a check
mark √ if the point is correct. Leave the space blank if it is wrong.

_1) Personal logo is used to brand possessions, achievements, or even one’s identity.

_2) A logo can be free form, that is a combination of lines and shapes.
_3) A logo should not work in different media and application.

_4) The logo design should derive its meaning and usefulness from the quality of what
it symbolizes.

_5) A minimal number of colors is recommended to focus more on the logo concept
rather than the color.

II – Performance Test

Direction: Imagine that your family owns a business. What logo would you like to
design for your brand? Apply what you have learned in creating a logo using Inkscape
software. Recall the steps and the different art elements of logo and the principles
applied for it.

Rubric for the Designed Personal Logo

Criteria 10 8 6 5 4

DESIGN Can apply Can apply Can apply Can apply Can barely
design design design design apply
elements elements elements elements design
(lines, (lines, shapes, (lines, shapes, (lines, elements
shapes, color, color, and color, and shapes, (lines,
and texture) texture) and texture) and color, and shapes,
and principles principles texture) color, and
principles (emphasis or (emphasis or and texture) and
(emphasis or contrast) with contrast) with principles principles
contrast) with near skill fair skill (emphasis (emphasis
mastery level or contrast) or contrast)
but had in the
some drawing

CREATIVITY Can show Can show Can show Some parts The
excellent great attention good attention of the drawing
attention to to detail. The to detail. drawing barely
detail. The ideas/material Imaginative shows shows
ideas/materi s/methods are touches are signs of imagination
als/ methods nearly scattered imaginatio . Can show
are highly mastered in throughout n and can little
visible in arranging the project. show attention on
arranging details and The designs capability arranging
details and combination and of creative
combination of creative combinations arranging designs and
of creative designs of creative creative details
designs designs are designs
fairly arranged and minute

ORIGINALITY Can show Can show Can show Can fairly Barely
originality in originality in originality in show shows
his/ her his / her his or her originality originality
drawing thru drawing thru drawing thru in his or in his or
visual and visual and visual and her her drawing
communicati communicativ communicativ drawing
ve meaning of e meaning e meaning but can
design are (nearly visible) ( visible) visualize
highly visible creative

You can use the rubric as your guide in doing the activity.
(Note: Attach your output together with your answer sheet.)

Republic of the Philippines

Region VII , Central Visayas
North Toledo District , Cluster II
General Climaco (Malubog) , Toledo City

Summative Test in PE 6 No. 2

Learning Competency: Executes the different skills involved in the game (tatsing)
Learning Objective:
 describe the nature/background of the game “tatsing”; 
 execute the different skills involved in the game tatsing; 
 observe safety precautions in playing” tatsing”; and 
 display joy of effort, respect for others and fair play in playing tatsing.

I – Written Test

A – Direction: Put a check (√) if the statement observed safety precaution in playing
“tatsing” and a cross (x) if it does not.

____ 1. Know the procedures of the game.

____ 2. Report immediately if there is someone who is injured.
____ 3. Play tatsing right away to have more time in playing.
____ 4. Pushing or hitting your opponent while playing the game.
____ 5. Always observe your personal space while playing tatsing.

Learning Competency: Executes the different skills involved in the game ( Syato)
Learning Objective:
 describe the nature/background of the game syato; 
 execute the different skills involved in the game syato; 
 observe safety precautions in playing syato; and  display joy of effort, respect for
others and fair play in playing syato.

B – Direction: Directions: Draw a heart ( ) for a true statement and a star ( ) for
_____1. Syato is an example of invasion game.
_____2. Players will use cans, marbles and stones in playing syato.
_____3. The game syato has different names in the different parts of the country.
_____4. Tagalog and Ilocano call syato as pitiw chato/chatong and shatungs in Bisaya.
_____5. The history of syato came from a rural area where peasant and folks in that
area came to play this kind of indigenous stick game.

II – Performance Test

A - Directions: Now, you are going to play “tatsing” and syato. You can play alone, but
if you have a sibling or any family member, you can play together. Have fun! Follow
the Rubrics below that will serve as your guide in scoring your performance. Just
put a check on each box based on his/her performance.
Criteria Achieved Partly Achieved Not achieved
10 5 1
tatsing syato tatsing syato tatsing syato
Execution of the
skills: Endurance
Observe honesty
and safety
precautions in
playing “tatsing”.
Total Score

Republic of the Philippines

Region VII , Central Visayas
North Toledo District , Cluster II
General Climaco (Malubog) , Toledo City

Summative Test in Health 6 No. 2

Learning Competency: Importance of Undergoing Health Appraisal Procedures

Learning Objective:
 explain the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures
 express concern for others by encouraging them to maintain personal cleanliness.

I - Written Test

Direction: A - Complete the sentence with the correct word or words from the box
below. Write the answer on the answer sheet provided.

height and weight vision screening

hearing test dental examination

1. Health examination is important to prevent _________ and to monitor persons’

health status.

2. The measurement of __________ is used to track and monitor the health and growth
of a child.

3. To prevent problems of the ears, the person should undergo __________.

4. The child is suffering from toothache. He or she should undergo__________ for

proper care.

5. Marvin could not see near objects clearly. He went to the specialist for a __________.

Learning Competency: Health Appraisal Procedures

Learning Objective:
 Enumerate health appraisal procedures
 Identify the different health appraisal procedure
 Promote the importance of self-management
 Realize the importance of valuing one’s health

Direction: B - Write Yes if the statement shows undergoing regular health appraisal
procedures and No if it does not. Write the answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. The Grade 6 pupils undergo breast self-examination every month.

2. Angelo undergoes hearing only now in Grade 6.

3. The pupils of Malubog Elementary School undergo height and weight measurement
every beginning and before the school year ends.

4. The pupils of Malubog Elementary School have a dental check-up by the school
dentist every school year.

5. Angel’s eye problem gets worst because it was not detected and treated earlier.

II - Performance Test
Direction: On a 1 whole sheet of short bond paper paste/draw the different health
appraisal procedures.

_______________________________ __________________________
Learner’s Signature/Date Parent’s Signature/Date

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