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Nama : Muhammad Fauzan

NIM : 2108591
Kelas : IPAI 2021-A


A. Reading Skill (Kecakapan Membaca)

Belief in the

Muslims also believe in the original scriptures revealed by Allah, such as the Scriptures
of Abraham and Moses, the Torah, the Psalms of David and the Gospel of Jesus. The final
revelation to humanity is the Qur'an, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
The Qur'an remains preserved and unchanged since the time of revelation in its original
Arabic text. There is only one version of the Qur'an.
It is recited and memorized by Muslims throughout the world. It contains the final
message to humanity and legislation which both encompasses all spheres of human life and is
also suited to all peoples and all times. Moreover, it contains numerous verses that speak of
the universe, its components and phenomena - the earth, sun, moon, stars, mountains, wind,
rivers and seas, plants, animals, as well as the successive stages of human embryonic
development. One of the miracles of the Qur'an, and evidence of its divine origins, is that
nothing within it contradicts any established scientific fact.

1. Read loudly!

Muslims also believe in the original scriptures revealed by Allah, such as

1. the Scriptures of Abraham and Moses, the Torah, the Psalms of David and
the Gospel of Jesus.
The final revelation to humanity is the Qur'an, which was revealed to
2. Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

The Qur'an remains preserved and unchanged since the time of revelation
3. in its original Arabic text. There is only one version of the Qur'an.

It is recited and memorized by Muslims throughout the world.

It contains the final message to humanity and legislation which both
5. encompasses all spheres of human life and is also suited to all peoples and all
Moreover, it contains numerous verses that speak of the universe, its
components and phenomena - the earth, sun, moon, stars, mountains,
wind, rivers and seas, plants, animals, as well as the successive stages of
human embryonic development.

One of the miracles of the Qur'an, and evidence of its divine origins, is that
7. nothing within it contradicts any established scientific fact.

2. Vocabulary Building

Noun How to spell Meanin

1. Ground 1. ɡround 1. Tanah
2. Grass 2. ɡras 2. Rumput
3. Gold 3. ɡōld 3. Emas
4. Ball 4. bôl 4. Bola
5. Board 5. bôrd 5. Papan
6. Belt 6. belt 6. Sabuk
7. Bookcase 7. ˈbo͝okˌkās 7. rak buku
8. Bucket 8. ˈbəkət 8. Keranjang
9. Carpet 9. ˈkärpət 9. Karpet
10. Chair 10. Cher 10. Kursi
11. Castle 11. ˈkasəl 11. Kastil
12. Clock 12. Kläk 12. Jam
13. Dress 13. Dres 13. Gaun
14. Fan 14. Fan 14. Kipas
15. Frame 15. Frām 15. Bingkai
16. Window 16. ˈwindō 16. Jendela
17. Flag 17. flaɡ 17. Bendera
18. Forest 18. ˈfôrəst 18. Hutan
19. Fruit 19. fro͞ot 19. Buah
20.Fork 20.fork 20.Garpu
21. Glove 21. ɡləv 21. sarung tangan
22. Glasses 22. ɡlasəz 22. kacamata
23. Guitar 23. ɡəˈtär 23. gitar
24. Jacket 24. ˈjakət 24. jaket
25. Hospital 25. ˈhäˌspidl 25. rumah sakit
26. Hotel 26. hōˈtel 26. hotel
27. Jewelry 27. ˈjo͞o(ə)lrē 27. perhiasan
28.Knife 28.Nīf 28.pisau
29. Newspaper 29. ˈn(y)o͞ozˌpāpər 29. koran
30.Notebook 30.ˈnōtˌbo͝ok 30.buku catatan
31. Article 31. artikel
31. ˈärdək(ə)l
32. Address 32. alamat
33. Beach 32. əˈdres 33. pantai
34. Bank 33. bēCH 34. bank
35. Box 34. baNGk 35. kotak
36. Bus 35. bäks 36. bis
37. Card 36. bəs 37. kartu
38.Club 37. kärd 38.klub
39. Coat 38.kləb 39. mantel
40.Desk 39. kōt 40.meja
41. Factory 40.desk 41. pabrik
42. Island 41. ˈfakt(ə)rē 42. Pulau
43. King 42. ˈīlənd 43. Raja
44. Lake 43. king 44. Danau
45. Magazine 44.lāk 45. Majalah
46.Party 45. ˈmaɡəˌzēn 46.Berpesta
47. River 46.ˈpärdē 47. Sungai
48.Shop 47. ˈrivər 48.Took
49.Village 48.SHäp 49.Desa
50.year 49.ˈvilij 50.Tahun

Verb How to spell Meanin

1. Allow 1. əˈlou 1. Mengizinkan
2. Anticipate 2. anˈtisəˌpāt 2. Mengantisipasi
3. Apply 3. əˈplī 3. Memberlakukan
4. Approve 4. əˈpro͞ov 4. Menyetujui
5. Approach 5. əˈprōCH 5. Mendekati
6. Advise 6. ədˈvīz 6. Menasihati
7. Admit 7. ədˈmit 7. Mengakui
8. Adapt 8. əˈdapt 8. Menyesuaikan
9. Arrange 9. əˈrānj 9. Mengatur
10. Assume 10. əˈso͞om 10. Menganggap
11. Attack 11. əˈtak 11. Menyerang
12. Bake 12. bāk 12. Memanggang
13. Beat 13. bēt 13. Mengalahkan
14. Bind 14. bīnd 14. Mengikat
15. Carry 15. ˈkerē 15. Membawa
16. Celebrate 16. ˈseləˌbrāt 16. Merayakan
17. Choose 17. CHo͞oz 17. Memilih
18. Commit 18. kəˈmit 18. Melakukan
19. Climb 19. klīm 19. Mendaki
20.Complete 20. kəmˈplēt 20.Menyelesaikan
21. Cook 21. ko͝ok 21. Memasak
22. Create 22. krēˈāt 22. Membuat
23. Cry 23. krī 23. Menangis
24. Cut 24. kət 24. Memotong
25. Delay 25. dəˈlā 25. Menunda
26. Describe 26. dəˈskrīb 26. Menggambarkan
27. dəˈtərmən
27. Determin 27. Menentukan
28. drīv
e 28.Menyetir
29. draɡ
28.Drive 29. Menyeret
30. dəˈveləp
29. Drag 31. enˈāb(ə)l
30.Develop 32. inˈhans 31. Memungkinkan
31. Enable 33. əˈstabliSH 32. Menambah
32. Enhance 34. inˈSHo͝or 33. Mendirikan
33. Establish 35. ikˈspekt 34. Memastikan
34. Ensure 36. fərˈbid 35. Mengharapkan
35. Expect 37. frēz 36. Melarang
36. Forbid 38. frī 37. Membekukan
37. Freeze 39. fərˈɡiv 38.Menggoreng
38.Fry 40. ˈjenəˌrāt 39. Memaafkan
39. Forgive 41. ɡet 40.Menghasilkan
40.Generate 42. hang 41. Mendapat
41. Get 43. hav 42. Menggantung
42. Hang 44. hir 43. Memiliki
43. Have 45. hīd 44. Mendengar
44. Hear 46. hit 45. Menyembunyikan
45. Hide 47. hold 46.Memukul
46.Hit 48. häp 47. Memegang
47. Hold 49. iˈmajən 48.Melompat
48.Hop 50. īˈden(t)əˌfī 49.Membayangkan
49.Imagine 50.Mengenali
3. Translate!

English Indonesia
Muslims also believe in the original Muslim juga percaya pada kitab suci asli
scriptures revealed by Allah, such as the yang diturunkan oleh Allah, seperti Kitab
Scriptures of Abraham and Moses, the Ibrahim dan Musa, Taurat, Mazmur Daud
Torah, the Psalms of David and the dan Injil Yesus..
Gospel of Jesus.

The final revelation to humanity is the Wahyu terakhir bagi umat manusia
Qur'an, which was revealed to Prophet adalah Al-Qur'an, yang diturunkan
Muhammad PBUH. kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW
The Qur'an remains preserved and Al-Qur'an tetap terpelihara dan
unchanged since the time of revelation in tidak berubah sejak saat wahyu
its original Arabic text. There is only dalam teks aslinya berbahasa Arab.
one version of the Qur'an. Hanya ada satu versi Al-Qur'an

It is recited and memorized by Hal ini dibacakan dan dihafal oleh

Muslims throughout the world. umat Islam di seluruh dunia.

It contains the final message to humanity Ini berisi pesan terakhir untuk
and legislation which both encompasses kemanusiaan dan undang-undang
all spheres of human life and is also yang keduanya mencakup semua
suited to all peoples and all times. bidang kehidupan manusia dan
juga cocok untuk semua orang dan
sepanjang masa.

Moreover, it contains numerous verses Selain itu, berisi banyak ayat yang
that speak of the universe, its berbicara tentang alam semesta,
components and phenomena - the earth, komponen dan fenomena - bumi,
sun, moon, stars, mountains, wind, rivers matahari, bulan, bintang, gunung,
and seas, plants, animals, as well as the angin, sungai dan laut, tumbuhan,
successive stages of human embryonic hewan, serta tahap berturut-turut
development. dari perkembangan embrio

One of the miracles of the Qur'an, and Salah satu keajaiban Al-Qur'an, dan
evidence of its divine origins, is that bukti asal-usul ilahiahnya, adalah
nothing within it contradicts any bahwa tidak ada sesuatu pun di
established scientific fact. dalamnya yang bertentangan
dengan fakta ilmiah yang mapan.
B. Speaking Skill (Kecakapan Berbicara)

What are they like

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

 Choose 3 words to describe your personality?
 Do you have any negative qualities?
 Do you share any of these traits with your family?

Key Vocabulary

honest confident lovely patient

stubborn hard-working shy bossy
friendly lazy rude optimistic
imaginative nervous organised selfish

Work with a partner and put the adjectives in the box into the correct column in the table.

Positive Negative

Which words could you use to describe these people? Try to give reasons.

E.g. A teacher should be very patient and always really friendly with students. They can’t
be nervous at all because they have to talk in front of lots of people.

a judge a secretary a doctor

an architect a manager your job
C.Grammar Skill (Kecakapan Tata Bahasa)


A verb is a word that shows action or state of being. Grammatically, the verb is the
most important word in the sentence; from it are derived sentence form and structure.
Look at the three sentences which follow:
1. Asep rebelled, (intransitive verb)
2. Asep painted his garage, (transitive verb)
3. Asep was an Indonesian poet, (linking verb)

All verbs are one of three types: transitive, intransitive, and linking .

A transitive verb indicates an action on a noun or pronoun. The action may be
expressed in active voice or passive voice. For a verb to be transitive, something
must be done to an object or idea.

Silvia bought some writing paper.
Tina stitched her dress.
Elmer wanted a book.
Bella ate Fried rice.
Cynthia kicked each tire.

An intransitive verb introduces a description of a subject. Descriptive sentences are
not active or passive — they add information about nouns or pronouns.

Desi writes a lot.
Desi is a poet.
Desi giggled.

Notice that the first sentence does not state what is written. There is no object of the
verb, so “writes’ is intransitive in the example. The second sentence “defines” Marta as a
poet. Though a form of “to be” is used, the sentence is not passive because there is no

Linking verbs
Linking verbs are intransitive verbs that connect a subject to a descriptive predicate.
The primary verb or verb phrase is a perception, not an action. Linking verbs are:

 forms of “to be” when followed by a description or definition

 sensory verbs, including synonyms for look, smell, taste, feel, and sound
 empathic verbs, including seem, feel (emotion), and appear
 transformation verbs, including become, evolve, grow, keep, and remain

The following sentences are descriptive, using linking verbs:

The house is white.
The house was pink, until we painted it.
It looks terrible.
His cooking tasted like charcoal.
They seem quite in love.

Verbals: Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles

There are three special forms of verbs: infinitives, gerunds, and participles. The
infinitive of a verb is the word “to” followed by the first person present tense form of the
verb. Verbs ending in “-ing” act as nouns and are known as gerunds. A participle is a verb
used as an adjective.

1. Infinitives
An infinitive is ordinarily preceded by to and is used as a noun, an adjective, or an

To err is human. (Subject}

The survivors had little to celebrate. (To celebrate modifies the noun little.)

To please his children, Jerry bought a new pool. (To please modifies the verb

Sometimes, infinitives omit the word to.

Who dares [to] challenge a champion?
Please [to] go.
Make him [to] turn on the radio.
We saw him [to] leave.

2. Gerunds
Because both gerunds and participles have an -ing ending, they can be harder to
distinguish between. However, a sentence that equates the two presents an error in
parallel structure. If you understand the function of each in the sentence, you will be
sure to spot this error.
A gerund always ends in -ing and functions as a noun.

Writing is very rewarding.
My favorite occupation is binding books.

He now regrets resigning.

After sealing the letter, he went for a walk.

A participle acts as an adjective in die sentence.

The floor invaded by termites was made of oak.
(Invaded modifies floor.)

There are two forms of participles, present and past, Present participles end in -ing;
past participles assume many different forms (e.g., bought, granted, shown,
heard, hung, hidden, shot, torn).

Subject-Verb Agreement

The form of a verb must agree with the number of person, places, things, or concepts
in the subject. If the subject of a sentence is one person, then use a singular verb. If there
are multiple subjects, use a plural verb.

I I walk to the store.
You (one) You walk to the store.
He/She/It He walks to the store.
They/You (group) They walk to the store.
We We walk to the store.

Notice he/she/it is followed by a verb ending in “s” in the examples. All other examples
use the basic form of the verb. Despite “you” being singular at times, like “he” is, it is an
exception to the rule of adding “s” to a verb with singular subject.

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