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JAMA Neurology | Original Investigation

Association of Autoimmune Encephalitis With Combined

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment for Metastatic Cancer
Tanya J. Williams, MD, PhD; David R. Benavides, MD, PhD; Kelly-Ann Patrice, MBBS; Josep O. Dalmau, MD, PhD;
Alexandre Leon Ribeiro de Ávila, MD, PhD; Dung T. Le, MD; Evan J. Lipson, MD; John C. Probasco, MD; Ellen M. Mowry, MD, MCR

Editorial page 907

IMPORTANCE Paraneoplastic encephalitides usually precede a diagnosis of cancer and are Supplemental content at
often refractory to immunosuppressive therapy. Conversely, autoimmune encephalitides are
reversible conditions that can occur in the presence or absence of cancer.
CME Quiz at and
OBJECTIVE To report the induction of autoimmune encephalitis in 2 patients after treatment CME Questions page 1040
of metastatic cancer with a combination of the immune checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab and

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A retrospective case study was conducted of the clinical
and management course of 2 patients with progressive, treatment-refractory metastatic
cancer who were treated with a single dose each (concomitantly) of the immune checkpoint
inhibitors nivolumab, 1 mg/kg, and ipilimumab, 3 mg/kg.

EXPOSURES Nivolumab and ipilimumab.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The clinical response to immunosuppressive therapy in

suspected autoimmune encephalitis in the setting of immune checkpoint inhibitor use.

RESULTS Autoantibody testing confirmed identification of anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate

receptor antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of 1 patient. Withdrawal of immune checkpoint
inhibitors and initiation of immunosuppressive therapy, consisting of intravenous
methylprednisolone sodium succinate equivalent to 1000 mg of methylprednisolone for
5 days, 0.4 mg/kg/d of intravenous immunoglobulin for 5 days, and 2 doses of rituximab,
1000 mg, in 1 patient and oral prednisone, 60 mg/d, in the other patient, resulted in
improved neurologic symptoms.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Immune checkpoint inhibition may favor the development of
immune responses against neuronal antigens, leading to autoimmune encephalitis. Early Author Affiliations: Department of
recognition and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis in patients receiving immune Neurology, Johns Hopkins University
checkpoint blockade therapy will likely be essential for maximizing clinical recovery and School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland (Williams, Benavides,
minimizing the effect of drug-related toxic effects. The mechanisms by which immune
Patrice, Probasco, Mowry);
checkpoint inhibition may contribute to autoimmune encephalitis require further study. Department of Neurology, Hospital
Clínic/Institut d'Investigació
Biomèdica August Pi i Sunyer,
University of Barcelona, Barcelona,
Spain (Dalmau); Institució Catalana
de Recerca i Estudis Avançats,
University of Barcelona, Barcelona,
Spain (Dalmau); Bristol-Myers
Squibb, Plainsboro, New Jersey
(de Ávila); Department of Oncology,
Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
(Le, Lipson).
Corresponding Author: Ellen M.
Mowry, MD, MCR, Department of
Neurology, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St,
Pathology Bldg, Ste 627,
JAMA Neurol. 2016;73(8):928-933. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2016.1399 Baltimore, MD 21287
Published online June 6, 2016. (

928 (Reprinted)

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Autoimmune Encephalitis Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment Original Investigation Research

mmune checkpoint blockade for cancer therapy aims to en-
hance antitumor immunity. Nivolumab is a fully human Key Points
IgG4 antibody that blocks programmed cell death protein
Question What is the management of autoimmune encephalitis in
1 and potentiates activation of T cells.1 Similarly, ipilimumab patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment?
is a fully human monoclonal antibody that binds and inhibits
Findings In this case report review of 2 patients with autoimmune
cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–associated antigen 4, an inhibitory re-
encephalitis following treatment for metastatic cancer, withdrawal
ceptor on T cells.2 Both therapies have demonstrated im-
of the immune checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab and ipilimumab
proved tumor-related outcomes in multiple types of cancer.3 and initiation of immunosuppressive therapy resulted in improved
Although these therapies hold great promise in treating neurologic symptoms.
various malignant neoplasms, checkpoint inhibitors uncom-
Meaning The mechanisms by which immune checkpoint
monly trigger varied immune-related adverse events of the cen-
inhibition favors the development of immune responses against
tral and peripheral nervous systems.4-9 We describe 2 pa- neuronal antigens requires further study.
tients who developed autoimmune encephalitis, including
anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encepha-
litis, shortly after treatment with the combination of nivol- mal range, 0-5/μL [to convert white blood cells to ×109/L, mul-
umab and ipilimumab for metastatic cancer. Administration tiply by 0.001; and lymphocytes to proportion of 1.0, multiply
of immunosuppressive therapy and cessation of combina- by 0.01]). Results of cytologic tests showed no evidence of ma-
tion checkpoint inhibition led to marked neurologic improve- lignant neoplasm. Cerebrospinal fluid protein and glucose lev-
ment. Although causality cannot be proven, these cases illus- els, results of cytologic tests, and IgG index were normal. Oli-
trate important factors for consideration in the use of immune goclonal bands were present and matched in the CSF and serum.
checkpoint inhibitors. Results of polymerase chain reaction were negative for herpes
simplex virus in CSF. Results of an extensive evaluation of blood
and CSF revealed no evidence of infection. Serial electroen-
cephalography showed intermittent bilateral slowing, then a
Report of Cases subclinical seizure of left temporo-occipital origin. Continu-
Case 1 ous electroencephalographic monitoring showed intermittent
Written consent was provided by the first patient and the wife periods of rhythmic epileptiform activity in the left temporal
of the second patient, as he was deceased at time of manu- lobe without clinical correlate. The patient remained stupor-
script preparation. The Johns Hopkins University Institu- ous. Subsequent analysis of CSF demonstrated a persistent
tional Review Board waived approval. monocytic pleocytosis (white blood cells, 6/μL; 100% lympho-
A woman in her mid-50s with a history of metastatic mela- cytes, 0% monocytes, 0% neutrophils), resolution of the oli-
noma had previously received adoptive T-cell transfer therapy goclonal bands, and no other abnormality.
(NCT01993719) (Figure 1A) with partial response initially (per Given the high suspicion for autoimmune encephalitis,
the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, guideline paraneoplastic antibody testing was performed using CSF and
version 1.110), followed subsequently by disease progression, serum, and the patient was treated empirically with high-
including new metastases to the brain treated with stereotactic dose intravenous methylprednisolone sodium succinate
radiosurgery. She received 1 dose each (concomitantly) of equivalent to 1000 mg/d of methylprednisolone for 5 days, fol-
nivolumab, 1 mg/kg, and ipilimumab, 3 mg/kg (NCT02186249). lowed by 0.4 mg/kg/d of intravenous immunoglobulin for 5
During the next week, the patient reported fever, generalized days, without significant improvement. Analysis demon-
body aches, nausea, and vomiting. Within 2 weeks, she strated IgG NMDAR antibodies in the CSF only (first per-
developed syncopal episodes, memory loss, gait disturbance, formed by Athena Laboratories, Marlborough, Massachu-
and abnormal behaviors, including unresponsiveness and setts; confirmed in the laboratory by one of us [J.O.D.]). The
inappropriate laughing. The patient was hospitalized. Vital signs patient was treated with 2 doses of intravenous rituximab, 1000
showed evidence of dysautonomia with hypotension and mg, resulting in gradual improvement in mental status for 4
bradycardia. By 18 days after receiving the infusion of nivolumab weeks. The patient’s score on the Montreal Cognitive Assess-
and ipilimumab, results of her neurologic examination revealed ment 6 months after discharge was 28 of 30 (normal, ≥26), sug-
disorientation, inattention, bradykinesia, and hyperreflexia. gesting no cognitive impairment, and she had otherwise nor-
Results of extensive serologic evaluations for metabolic mal neurologic examination results. She experienced an initial
derangements were unremarkable. Computed tomographic scan partial response (per the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid
of the head showed no acute pathologic conditions. Tumors, guideline version 1.110) 4 months after receiving the
During the next few days, the patient became stuporous, checkpoint inhibitors.
with episodic agitation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of The patient received 2 doses of rituximab. One month af-
the brain showed stable encephalomalacia at sites of prior ra- ter the second dose, she developed evidence of disease pro-
diosurgery with no additional metastases (eFigure in the Supple- gression in a single external iliac lymph node, which was
ment). No changes were noted at previously irradiated tumor treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy. The patient
sites on brain MRI. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) demonstrated a has not received further anticancer or immunosuppressive
monocytic pleocytosis (white blood cells, 8/μL; 100% lympho- agents and remains in stable condition 12 months after nivol-
cytes, 0% monocytes, and 0% neutrophils; institutional nor- umab and ipilimumab treatment. (Reprinted) JAMA Neurology August 2016 Volume 73, Number 8 929

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Autoimmune Encephalitis Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment

Figure 1. Timelines of Clinical Courses and Treatments for Patients With Autoimmune Encephalitis Associated With Nivolumab and Ipilimumab

A Case 1: Anti-NMDAR encephalitis

Diagnosis of melanoma MRI shows brain Neurologic

(BRAF mutant) metastases symptoms

PD: metastatic Progression of PR

melanoma lymph node

Time since cancer diagnosis, mo

0 6 12 18 24 30 36

Wide excision and Surgical Rituximaba

lymphadenectomy resection
for primary melanoma IV steroids, IVIGa

Clinical trial: adjuvant Stereotactic Nivolumab 1 mg/kg and

dabrafenib + trametinib radiosurgery for ipilimumab 3 mg/kg
vs placebo for resected brain metastases (NCT02186249)
BRAF-mutant melanoma
(NCT01682083; placebo

Clinical trial: adoptive

T-cell transfer therapy
including CPM, fludarabine,
and IL-2 (NCT01993719)

B Case 2: Autoimmune limbic encephalitis

MRI shows brain
Diagnosis of limited-stage Neurologic
SCLC metastases symptoms

PD: extensive-stage

Time since cancer diagnosis, mo

0 6 12 18 24 30 36 40

Completed 4 cycles Completed 4 cycles Completed Completed Completed Oral corticosteroidsa

chemoradiation cisplatin-etoposide temozolomide paclitaxel irinotecan
plus prophylactic
cranial irradiation
Clinical trial: temozolomide Stereotactic Nivolumab 1 mg/kg and
with or without veliparibin radiosurgery for ipilimumab 3 mg/kg
(NCT01638546; brain metastases (NCT01928394)
temozolomide-only group)

A, Case 1. Anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis in a MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial response
patient with melanoma. B, Case 2. Autoimmune limbic encephalitis in a patient per the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, guideline version 1.1.10
with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). CPM indicates cyclophosphamide; BRAF gene (OMIM 164757).
IL-2, interleukin 2; IV, intravenous; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; Indicates immunosuppressive therapy for paraneoplastic encephalitis.

Case 2 on admission were unremarkable. Serologic studies showed

A man in his mid-60s with metastatic small cell lung cancer that hyponatremia (sodium, 124 mEq/L [to convert to millimoles per
had progressed despite multiple prior therapies was treated with liter, multiply by 1.0]; institutional normal range, 135-148 mEq
nivolumab, 1 mg/kg, and ipilimumab, 3 mg/kg (NCT 01928394) /L), consistent with a history of syndrome of inappropriate
(Figure 1B). Within 4 days, the patient developed short-term antidiuretic hormone (serum sodium, 124-139 mEq/L in the
memory loss and progressive difficulty ambulating. Magnetic preceding 6 months). Results of serologic evaluations of other
resonance imaging of the brain demonstrated new nonspecific metabolic derangements were otherwise normal. Gradual
T2 hyperintensities in the right mesial temporal lobe (Figure 2A). correction of the hyponatremia led to subjective clinical
The patient was hospitalized. Results of neurologic examination improvement, and the patient was discharged home.

930 JAMA Neurology August 2016 Volume 73, Number 8 (Reprinted)

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Autoimmune Encephalitis Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment Original Investigation Research

Within 2 weeks, he was rehospitalized with lightheaded-

Figure 2. Representative Brain Magnetic Resonance Images
ness, disorientation, memory loss, and right arm paresthe- From a Patient With Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis
sias. Results of a neurologic examination revealed lethargy,
poor recall, mild intention tremor, hyperreflexia, and ataxic A Hyperintensity of the B Resolution after treatment
right hippocampus
gait. Results of metabolic and nutritional assessment were no-
table only for hyponatremia (sodium, 126 mEq/L). Results of
subsequent serologic studies for other metabolic abnormali-
ties were unremarkable. Results of repeated brain MRI were
unchanged. No changes were noted at previously irradiated tu-
mor sites on brain MRI. Analysis of CSF demonstrated mono-
cytic pleocytosis (white blood cells, 18/μL; 89% lympho-
cytes, 11% monocytes, 0% neutrophils), an elevated protein
level (98 mg/dL [to convert to grams per liter, multiply by 10.0];
institutional normal range, 15-45 mg/dL), a normal glucose level
and IgG index, matched oligoclonal bands in the CSF and se-
rum, and no evidence of bacterial or viral infection. Cytologic
testing of CSF was not performed. Given the concern for au-
A, Axial T2-weighted images demonstrate subtle hyperintensity of the right
toimmune limbic encephalitis, the patient was treated with oral hippocampus (arrowhead) at the onset of neurologic symptoms in case 2.
prednisone, 60 mg/d, and demonstrated dramatic improve- B, This abnormality resolved after treatment with oral corticosteroids, with
ment in his level of arousal and gait. The hyponatremia also corresponding symptomatic improvement.
resolved. No other metabolic derangements were detected on
serologic analyses. Serum was positive for antiglial nuclear an- tis, as seen in the first patient, is believed to be caused by di-
tibody, with a markedly elevated titer (>1:15,000). No other rect effects of pathogenic antibodies12-15 rather than T-cell–
paraneoplastic autoantibody was detected in serum; CSF para- mediated responses, which are implicated in classic PNDs.
neoplastic autoantibody testing was not performed. The pa- Finally, both patients had marked clinical improvement after
tient was discharged home with a slow tapering regimen of oral immunosuppressive treatment. These features suggest that im-
prednisone, starting at a dosage of 60 mg/d. Nivolumab and mune checkpoint inhibition favored the development of im-
ipilimumab treatments were withheld. One month later, the mune responses against neuronal antigens. That encephalitis
patient’s neurologic functioning was nearly back to baseline. has been reported following use of ipilimumab in metastatic
He experienced a partial response (per the Response Evalua- pancreatic adenocarcinoma may also lend credence to this as-
tion Criteria in Solid Tumors, guideline version 1.110) 8 weeks sociation, although autoantibody testing was not performed in
after treatment with nivolumab and ipilimumab. this report.16 Further studies are required to confirm if there
Nineteen weeks later, MRI of the brain showed resolu- is a causal association between immune checkpoint blockade
tion of the previously noted right mesial temporal lobe abnor- and autoimmune encephalitis.
mality (Figure 2B), but also showed 2 new brain metastases The induction of antibodies to NMDARs in a patient with
(body of the corpus callosum extending along the right sep- metastatic melanoma, as in case 1, is of particular interest. Mela-
tum pellucidum and along the ependyma of the third ven- noma is not commonly associated with PNDs, although there
tricle). Stereotactic radiosurgery was performed, but the pa- are reports of melanoma-associated retinopathy17 and cer-
tient experienced marked functional decline and entered ebellar degeneration.18,19 The identification of anti-NMDAR an-
hospice care and died. tibodies in a patient with melanoma has not been described,
to our knowledge. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors are ex-
pressed on melanocytes20 and anti-NMDAR encephalitis af-
ter excision of melanocytic nevis has been recently described.21
Discussion Furthermore, the GRIN2A gene (OMIM 138253), which en-
We describe 2 patients with metastatic cancer who developed codes the NMDAR subunit GluN2A, is highly mutated in pa-
autoimmune encephalitis after receiving combination therapy tients with malignant melanoma,20 leading to aberrant NM-
with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Although causality can- DAR complex formation. 22 These findings may imply a
not be proven in these cases, several features suggest that these convergence of mechanisms, including aberrant tumor ex-
syndromes were triggered by immune checkpoint blockade. The pression of NMDARs along with a propensity for autoimmu-
timing of the onset of neurologic symptoms after administra- nity caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors.
tion of nivolumab and ipilimumab suggests immune-related More important, both patients had brain metastases be-
adverse events rather than classic paraneoplastic neurologic dis- fore the onset of autoimmune encephalitis. It is difficult to es-
orders (PNDs). Most tumor-induced PNDs are subacute and pro- timate the contribution of this factor to the development of neu-
gressive, commonly preceding the detection of tumor by rologic immune-related adverse events following immune
months to years.11 Here, both patients were treated for meta- checkpoint inhibition. Disruption of the blood-brain barrier or
static cancer for extended periods without evidence of a PND. the damage resulting from stereotactic radiosurgery may have
Both patients received only 1 dose of combination immune facilitated T-cell and B-cell interactions with neuronal epi-
checkpoint inhibitors. Furthermore, anti-NMDAR encephali- topes. This hypothesis will require further investigation. There (Reprinted) JAMA Neurology August 2016 Volume 73, Number 8 931

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Autoimmune Encephalitis Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment

is a growing appreciation for anti-NMDAR encephalitis follow- sociated with numerous PNDs,28 making it less relevant per se
ing infection with herpes simplex virus23,24; herpes simplex vi- to the autoimmune limbic encephalitis observed in case 2. How-
rus was not detected in the first patient’s CSF, nor was there a ever, the notion that immune checkpoint inhibition may have
history thereof. Most cases of anti-NMDAR encephalitis are au- accelerated autoimmune reactions to this and other targets war-
toimmune, with only 38% found in association with tumors, rants further investigation.
most commonly ovarian teratoma.12,25 Previous studies showed
NMDAR expression in ovarian teratomas26; we were unable to
examine whether or not NMDARs were expressed by the mela-
noma in case 1. Nonetheless, the observations in case 1 suggest
a role for T-cell activation in the development of antibody- As immune checkpoint inhibitors are used with increasing fre-
mediated autoimmune encephalitis, such as anti-NMDAR en- quency in patients with malignant tumors, health care pro-
cephalitis. Furthermore, immune checkpoint inhibition may un- fessionals should consider immune-related adverse events trig-
mask or accelerate preexisting autoimmune reactions that target gered by immune checkpoint inhibition among possible
neuronal epitopes, leading to autoimmune encephalitis. Con- diagnoses of new-onset neurologic syndromes of unclear etio-
versely, serum detection of antiglial nuclear antibody, as in case logic causes. Early recognition and management of these neu-
2, is considered a marker of an underlying malignant neoplasm27 rologic immune-related adverse events will be essential for
and was not likely a pathogenic antibody-mediated process in- maximizing clinical recovery and minimizing the effect of drug-
volving this antibody. Antiglial nuclear antibody has been as- related toxic effects.

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932 JAMA Neurology August 2016 Volume 73, Number 8 (Reprinted)

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