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A Student Research Presented to CALINAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject









In this present generation we see those students who are struggling about their
Academic Performances.Because of that we are really confused about this because most of
us(OUR GROUP) had already experienced this situation.Because of this confusion we all agreed
that we would like to study the effects of collaborative learnings in grade 9 students.Because
our main objective is to lessen the number of students who struggled about their academic
performances and somehow we want to encourage them and provoke them that by the help of
collaborative learnings we can get or learn some new knowledge,new ideas and also new skills.
And our research want to show that the importance of our research is really a big matter to us
because we want to promote that the collaboration is the key of succession and to provoke
them that we need to be more focused in learning process instead of just a being passive
learners.Because being dependent to our notes will not help us to discover something new
because we are over relaying to it.And it can possibly slowly erode our confidence and interest
to our incoming lesson before it getting started

So now we think that the one who will benefit in our research about the effects of
collaborative learnings in grade 9 students will be also our Co-students. Because they will be
benefited by improving their social skills and relationship with others in the class during
collaboration of each other. And we think that collaborative learning will also helps them to
learn the valuable life skills at the same time developing their wide range of skills.And if they
where given a task they can easily accomplish it by clarification, discussion and evaluation of
ideas so that they have much better chance of succession about their task that where given by
their teacher. As of now we are very focused about our study entitled the effect of collaborative
learnings in grade 9 students. Our expected respondents of our reseach could be around 60+
because we only choose selected classroom and student that we want to be respondents of our
reseach.When we already gather all the data. We want to know how effectively our research
could be to help out Co-students about their struggles in their academic performances.And now
we assumed that many students will benefit to our research because we know that it is very big
help to them so that I expect that most of students will be successful someday because by help
of collaborative learnings. And I expect also that in the next generation many students will
collaborate with each other To get some New knowledge, ideas and skills so that they can
enhance their capability of thinking and lessen the number of students that will fail in their
academic performances.Then they can improve their relationship with others and the class.So I
assumed that our research about the effect of collaborative learnings in the academic
performances of grade 9 students will be successful.


-As far as the researchers know some of our Co students including us are struggling about the
academic performances so that the researchers have a lots of confusion on how to reduce our
problem about it. And because of it our grades are failing Because the researchers are all
alone .So because of it the researchers concluded that collaborating with others is more
effective than being alone in our academic performances.

1.What is the effect of collaborative learnings in the academic performances of grade 9


2.What is the reason why the students need to collaborate?

3.Does the collaboration in academic performances is necessarily needed?

4.Does the students who agreed to collaborate in academic performances have really benefit to
their Classmates?

5.How many students who agreed to collaborate with their Classmates in academic
6.What is the 50 percentile of the students who agreed to collaborate?

Definition of terms

These are the definition of terms used in the research.

•Academics - it is a tradition of the school on how they manage their education

•Collaborate - is helping each other to accomplish their task

•Confidence - it is a kind of feeling that you will not doubt in your self to do your responsibility
and not to depend in others

•Idea - it is in our prior knowledge

•Improve - It is enhacement of ability or knowledge

•Knowledge - is what we learn from our experience

•Learning - the teacher who taught us

•Passive learner - kind of learning that you will not involve performance

Performance - is a kind of task that we have do to get passed

•Skill - it is an activity that you are expert

•Social skill - is on how to communicate to others well

•Students - human who willing to learn and sacrifice and who have a dream to make this come

•Teachers - human who willing to teach different kind of students and the one who ready to
sacrifice their self to do their duty and the one who make us learn not just in academics but also
they teach us a Good Moral and on how to be a respected people

Review of Related Literature

Nowadays, education reforms promote student-centered instruction that develops
thinking, encourages active participation, and arouses interest to explore concepts.Where it is
now basing on how we relate our life to education.Just like our teacher who are not being tired
to teach us not all about in the academic but also in Good Moral. So that we need to inform
most of the students to collaborate with each other, to lessen the problem or struggles of the
teachers when they teaching us.

Collaborative learning is a widely used and popular strategy in many primary

schools(Runners, 2009). In other country collaborative learning is just a natural to their because
collaborate with others is the one who help the student to pass.Unpopular children are known
to have poor communication skills and experience difficulty in collaborative situations.(Murphy,
2000) Just like us, where we are difficult to communicate to others and have a low confidence
to face to our problems and fear

Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that

involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a
product. According to Gerlach, "Collaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a
naturally social act in which the participants talk among themselves (Gerlach, 1994)

Research on collaboration has stemmed from three distinct strands: research

comparing group performance to individual performance, identifying the conditions which
favor or challenge collaboration as more or less effective, and research exploring the
characteristics of interactions that evaluate the impact of collaboration on learning and
achievement including the moderators such as use of new technologies that facilitate
numerous interactions(Lai ,2011)

Teaching and learning in a modern classroom is no longer an act of transferring

knowledge. The act of teaching has become a multidiciplinary enterprize to develop critical
thinking,interaction, and collaboration among learners (Nelson ,1994).

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