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6th Grade ELA Classroom Expectations (2021-

Miss Bansen

Remind 101-

Personal Statement:

I believe that every student has the ability to learn no matter what their skills are when
they walk through my door. My goal this year is to help you grow as an individual, as
well as help you strengthen your skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Class Materials:
● Charged Chromebook
● Pencil
● Notebook
● Folder
● Earbud Headphones


At the Beginning of Class-

1. Be seated and quiet when the bell rings.
2. Take out your completed homework (if homework was assigned).
3. Begin working on your Weekly Warm-Up. When done, read your book quietly.

At the End of Class-

1. Work until the bell rings.
2. Pick up the area around your desk.
3. Do not leave until you are dismissed.

Bathroom Policy-
1. If you need to use the bathroom in between classes, come to me first and let me
know you are heading to the restroom. If you are late to class I will not mark you
2. If you need to use the bathroom during class, choose an appropriate time like
independent work time (unless there is an emergency of course).

Late Work Policy-

● Homework Pass- Each student will receive one homework pass per trimester.
This can be used to excuse one regular homework assignment. Homework
passes can NOT be used for projects, essays, or other assignments that were
worked on for several days in class. If the homework pass is not used by the end
of the trimester, it can be turned in for 5 extra credit points.
● If you turn in an assignment on time but feel like it could have been done better,
please see me for an opportunity to re-do the assignment.
● If you are absent, you have the same number of days that you were gone to
complete the assignment for full credit. Almost everything will be posted on
Google Classroom, but check the absent bin at the front of class to see if there
was anything that you missed in-person.
Hand Raising Teacher Area Morning Procedures

Homework Pass 6th Grade ELA (Trimester 1)

This homework pass will excuse you from ONE homework assignment for the current
trimester. It must be turned in at the time the assignment is collected. If you don’t want
to use it to excuse you from a homework assignment, you may use it for 5 extra credit
points at the end of the trimester.


Name (print):___________________________________________________________

Signature:____________________________ Date:_____________________________

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