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SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND -The empire obtained much revenue from

commerce and industries.

-Constantinople was the leading commercial
and industrial center of Christendom.

Middle Ages or the Medieval Times -The language of the Byzantine Empire was
Greek, and its literature was largely influenced by
-period of history between Ancient Times and Greek classical literature was largely influenced by
Modern Times, Greek classical literature. Both Church and State
promoted education.
-consists of the five centuries of the Dark
Ages when the German Barbarians (Huns, -Byzantine science was more advanced than
Visigoths, Vandals, Franks, etc.) plunged Europe that of the Greeks and Romans
into chaos and destroyed the Roman Empire.
-The Byzantine armies had medical units with field
BABARIAN INVANSION hospitals and ambulances

- Had bad and good effects - The Byzantine people showed remarkable skill
- bad effect was that the German in hydraulics, mechanical, and sanitary
barbarians being illiterate and engineering. They had knowledge of military
unsophisticated almost destroyed the chemistry.
Graeco-Roman civilization.
- In fact, they were the first people to use the
- Good is barbarian conquerors laid the
deadly firebombs in warfare.
foundation of a new civilization
- Byzantine Empire excelled in art
EMPIRE: -Byzantine artists developed a new architectural
style, called Byzantine. The striking feature of
Byzantine Empire -arose to carry on the Byzantine architecture was the dome; plain
civilization in Rome exterior of the building; and the mosaic pictures,
marble pillars, gold ornamentation and dazzling
-capital city, Constantinople, was founded by enamels.
Emperor Constantine the Great in 330 A.D.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH -greater role in history
-After the fall of Rome, Constantinople arose as
than the Byzantine Empire
the “New Rome,” a magnificent center of
western civilization and the capital of the -conversion of the barbarians to Christianity.
Byzantine Empire.
-hey carried on the work fostering education during
-mixture of the Greek, Roman, and Asian the Dark Ages. They founded schools and the
cultures. monks became famous teachers.

-Constantinople was the greatest city of the -They promoted agriculture. They transformed
Western world, a splendid center of arts and many desolate districts of Europe into cultivated
letters, and a rich emporium of international fields.
-preserved learning in Europe during the Dark Ages
-Byzantine government was an absolute
monarchy. -copied rare books written by Greek and Roman
scholars and wrote valuable manuscripts on
-Agriculture was the backbone of the Byzantine religion, philosophy, arts, and sciences.
-they were benefactors of suffering people -encouraged the use of new material devices
during the medieval times. They established as well as new ideas.
hospitals for the sick, gave alms to the poor, and
furnished food and shelter for weary travelers. 1. European mariners used the compass, which,
had been invented by the Chinese many centuries
-After the fall of Rome, the bishop of Rome, earlier.
became a powerful ruler
>>enabled them to sail into unknown seas
Two-fold basis: without fear of losing directions.

1. the pope was believed to have inherited 2.Sailors also found useful the astrolabe, which
the authority of St. Peter, the first bishop the Arabs had introduced into Europe. This
of Rome and instrument enabled mariners to estimate altitude.
2. The city of Rome, even after the fall of
the Roman Empire in the West, was the 3.portolani, or mariner’s chart, first used by the
center of the whole of Christendom. Portuguese, also became popular.

-Christian Church split into two parts: 4. Gunpowder, which was known to Chinese in
ancient times, was mentioned by Fr. Roger Bacon
1. Roman Catholic Church in the west -recognizes and was used in the Hundred Years’ War.
the pope as its supreme head
5. Chinese paper
-believes in the veneration of the images of
Christ, St. Mary, and other saints 6. Printing press –invented by John Gutenberg

-uses Latin as its official language, >>possible to produce books in large quantities at
lower cost
2. Greek Orthodox Church in the East- recognizes
the authority of the patriarch of Effects of Renaissance:
-enriched world civilization, particularly in the
-doesn’t believe in veneration of images realm of fine arts, philosophy, literature, and
education. The Renaissance cathedrals,
- Greek language masterpieces of art, and humanistic studies have
become the heritage of mankind.
THE RENAISSANCE -sparked the intellectual revolution. The
invention of printing and writings of the
RENAISSANCE- rebirth Renaissance humanists awakened men’s minds
and destroyed many fallacies and superstitions
-Study of the humanities, promoted arts and of medievalism.
literature, and liberated man’s mind from
medieval superstition -contributed to the geographical discoveries and
maritime exploration
-Renaissance is the transition from the medieval
to modern times -fostered the growth of national states

-glorious finale to the Middle Ages, ushering the -weakened papacy and the nobility
bright dawn of the modern era.


 Law of Gravity


-profound intellectual awakening which changed  Napier’s Bone

man’s concept of the universe and his role in  Logarithms
human affairs
Rene Descartes
 Devised analytical geometry wich
Nicolaus Copernicus
combines Algebra and Geometry
 Formulated HELIOCENTRIC THEORY Andreas Vesalius
CELESTIAL BODIES  Father of Modern Anatomy
 First to use human cadavers for the study
Galileo Galilei
of Anatomy
 Telescope William Harvey
 Discovered satellites of Jupiter
 Observe the spots in the sun  Blood circulation
 Law of Pendulum, Law of Falling Bodies ,
Principles od Acceleration Marcelo Malphigii
 Science of Dynamics (motion)
 Capillaries
Evangelista Torricelli
Caroleus Linnaeus
 Barometer
 Father of Taxonomy
Otto von Guerick (Gascoigne)  Binomial Nomenclature

 Micrometer Matthias Schleiden & Theodore

Christian Huygens
 Cell theory
 Pendulum clock
Robert Boyle
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
 Boyle’s law
 First useful simple microscope
Antoine Lavoisier
Gabriel Fahrenheit
 Father of Modern Taxonomy
* alcohol thermometer and mercury
 Stated that water is composed of Hydrogen
thermometer developing the Fahrenheit
and Oxygen
temperature scale
 Discovered 23 elements in nature
Isaac Newton  Formulated the “Law of Conservation of
 Calculus
Henry Cavendish *Cotton Gin

 Hydrogen James Watt

Joseph Priestly BenjaminFranklin/Luigi

Galvani/Alessandro Volta
 Oxygen

 Electricity
Micheal Faraday
 epic world map
 Mercator projection-designed to help sailors  Electric dynamo
navigate around the globe
Robert Fulton

Industrial Revolution - remarkable change George Stephenson

in man’s life caused by the replacement of
hand labor by machine work.  First steam locomotive(rocket)

-peacefully, without bloodshed and George Eastman

without violence
 Camera
-began in England in the middle of the
18thcentury. Gottlieb Daimler

Scientists and Scholars who invented  First gasoline engine

Rudolf Diesel
John Kay
 Diesel engine
 Flying shuttle
Charles Goodyear
James Hargreaves
 Rubber vulcanization
 Spinning Jenny
Wilbur & Orville Wright
Richard Arkwright
Samuel Morse
 Water Frame
 Telegraph
Samuel Crompton
Alexander Graham Bell
 mule
 Telephone
Edmund Cartwright
Thomas Edison
Eli Whitney
 Greatest American Inventor
 Light bulb Pre-Spanish Period- modern man from the
mainland of Asiafirst came to our land through a
Rene Laenec narrow bridge and first migrated to Batangas
and Palawan.
 Stethoscope
-making tools and weapons using stone
Christopher Shules flakes.

- like sawing and polishing stones

 typewritter
-make adzes ornaments made of seashells
John Edward Lundstrom and practiced pottery

 improved the safety match which was first - Filipinosbegan using metals
invented by Gustav Pasch
-mining copper, gold, bronze, and iron
Elias Howe
-Native Filipinos used gold, pearls, agate, etc.,
for body ornaments.
 sewing machine
- weaving, farming, and shipbuilding
Andre Jacques Garnerin
-started trading goods with the Vietnamese and
 parachute Chinese

Guglielmo Marconi -Filipinos have been known to use plants in

treating different kinds of diseases.
 wireless telegraph
- own alphabet, counting methods, measuring
Montgolfier Brothers system and calendar.

 first balloon used in flight


 mass produced automobiles
- first migrant resembled the java man and
peking man
Francisco Petrarch
- second group ,AETAS
 father of humanism
- fourth MALAYS
Wright Brothers
Spanish Colonial Period
 first airplaine
 Spain conquered the Philippines from
1521, after Magellan discovered our
 led to the growth of science and
technology in the country
 formal education and founded scientific
History of Science and institutions.

Technology in the Philippines

 Parish schools were built were they National Research Council of the
taught Theology, Mathematics, Music,
Philippines (NRCP) – 1933
Reading and Writing.
 trained the Filipinos in agriculture. Institute of Science – 1946
 stablished colleges and universities all
over the country, including the oldest The Science Act of 1958-
University in Asia, the University of Sto, President Carlos P. Garcia
Tomas (UST) in Manila.
 Medicine and Engineering were prioritized -created as a result of a survey that proved that
 built government establishments, scientific research in the Philippines lack the
churches, roads, bridges and forts basic information, support and budget from
the government.
 botanists, chemists, and medical
 focus on trading( GALLEON TRADE) Marcos Era

•He stated in his State of the Nation Address that

The galleon trade had a negative effect on the there is a need for science in public high
economic development in the Philippines. Agriculture schools, thus, he provided equipment for
and industrial development were neglected, since the science teaching for a period of 4 years.
Spaniards prioritized the trade due to its huge profits.
When the Suez Canal was built, trade was directed •In 1968, he recognized that technology
to Spain instead of Mexico. It has led to the greatly influences economic development,
hence, he provided additional funds to support
development of agricultural exports and brought
projects in applied science and science education.
prosperity to the “illustrados” (Filipinos with money and
education). The Filipino “illustrados” were now able to •In 1969, he provided war damage funds to
send their children to universities in Europe. private universities to encourage them to create
programs that focuses on science, technology and
American Period and Post- research.
Commonwealth Era
•In 1968, he proclaimed 35 hectares in
Bicutan, Taguig as the site of the Philippine
-.improvements in science and technology
Science Community
Bureau of Government Laboratories-studies .•In 1970, he upgraded the science curriculum
tropical diseases and laboratory projects and equipment because it is crucial to the
science development program.
-built in July 1, 1901 by the Philippine Commission
•In 1970, he added the Philippine Coconut
Bureau of Science -primary research center in
Research Institute to theNational Science and
the Philippines
Development Board (NSDB) to modernize the
- replaced by the INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE coconut industry

-focused on agriculture, food processing, •In 1972, he mandated the Presidential Decree No.
forestry, medicine and pharmacy. 49 to support the promotion of scientific research
and invention
-bungalow-styled houses were introduced
.•He established the Philippine Atmospheric,
- “The Science Act of 1958 to established the Geophysical and Astronomical Services
National Science Development Board Administration (PAGASA).
•1976, he built the National Academy of Science - restored economic growth and stability
and Technology. - improved science and technology
- 3000 competent scientist and engineers
•1986, he built Philippine Science High Schools - During the 5thRepublic of the
in Visayas and Mindanao . Philippines, 3,500 students, who are
interested in science and technology,
* industrial technology was poor
were given scholarship
- “Magna Carta for science and technology
personnel,” also known as the Republic
Fifth Republic Act No. 8439 was approved. Its main
purpose was to provide incentives to
-Corazon Aquino succeeded Ferdinand Marcos any personnel who made contributions
as president of the Philippines in the field of science and technology.

>>the first President of the Fifth Republic -Joseph Ejercito Estradais a Filipino politician
and former actor who served as the 13th President
>> replaced the National Science and of the Philippines from 1998 to 2001
Technology Authority to Department of Science
and Technology(DOST) >>use of internet was prioritized for the
advancement of schools and industry.
>>Presidential Task Force on Science and
Technology to assist DOST in the fulfillment of its Maria Gloria Macaraeg Macapagal-Arroyo is a
goals. Filipino professor and politician who becamethe
14th President of the Philippines from 2001 until
>>Free Public Secondary Education Act of 2010.
1988, also known as R.A. 6655 was promulgated.
>> RA 9367 or the “biofuels act,” which
>>opened doors to free education up to the promoted the development and usage of biofuels in
secondary level and together with the “Science for the country.
the Masses Program
>> scie and tech reaches its golden age
>> National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) published the Philippine >>higher economic growth
Development Plan for 1987-1992 which
emphasized the importance of science and >> Philippine peso become the best performing
technology in the nature of economy. currency of the year in Asia in 2007

>>stated that the development of science and >>Evat Law

technology should be considered as one of the
Benigno Aquino III is a Filipino politician who
top three (3) priorities of the government in
served as the 15th President of the Philippines
implementing the Philippine Development Plan
from 2010 until 2016.
>>Philippine Inventors Incentive Act” which
>>promulgated a law to promote agricultural
provided assistance to Filipino investors through
and fisheries mechanization development in R.A.
financial aid, patent application assistance, legal
No. 10601, also known as the “Agricultural and
assistance, and to help investors sell their product
locally and internationally
Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law.”


>>Fidel Valdez Ramos, a retired Filipino
general and politician,servedas the 12th President >>honored four (4) scientists who gave huge
of the Philippines contributionsin the field of science and technology,
including Angel C. Alcala, Ramon C. Barba, the Philippines. She also invented the medical
Edgardo D. Gomez and Gavino C. Trono. incubator

Angel C. Alcala, Ph. D. has worked Dr. Abelardo Aguilar –invented Erythromycin,
tirelessly on studying marine species and which he sent to Ely Lilly who stole his idea and
promoting reef conservation.He identified 50 patented it
new species of reptiles and amphibians. He was
behind the invention ofartificial coral reefs that Eduardo San Juan –invented the Moon Buggy
was used for fisheries in Southeast Asia. which allowed greater exploration of the moon

Ramon C. Barba, Ph. D. was recognized Eduardo Quisumbing –was a Botanist and
for his achievements in the field of plant considered as the Father of Philippine
physiology, especially the induction of flowering of Orchidology
mango and micro-propagation or rapid multiplying
FERDINAND MAGELLAN- portugese explorer
of stock plant of important crop species.
who organized Spanish expedition
Edgardo D. Gomez, Ph. D. led theworld’s first
- discovered Philippines
national-scale assessment of damage to coral
reefs, resulting in international conservation EMILIO AGUINALDO- 1ST president of First
initiatives such as the Global reefs and Risk Republic of the Philippines
Analysis, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network
and International Coral Reef Action. MANUEL L. QUEZON- 1ST president of
Philippine Commonwealth
Gavino C. Trono, Jr., Ph. D. was cited for his
outstanding contributions in the field of tropical CONTRIBUTIONS:
marine phycology, focusing on seaweed
-woman suffrage
biodiversity. He was dubbed as the “Father of
Kappaphycus Farming.” He published extensive -National Council Education
studies on the culture of seaweed species that
benefited the livelihood of coastal populations and -approved Tagalog as the National Language of
was the first to report the occurrence of “ice-ice” the Philippines
disease that affected many seaweed farms.
JOSE P. LAUREL – 1ST president of the 2nd
Republic of the Philippines

List of Filipino Inventors: - founder of Lyceum of the Philippines

Engr. Marinto C. Martinez –invented the SEGIO OSMENIA SR – 2ND president of the
Aerogas Catalytic Combustor (ACC), an anti- Philippine Commonwealth
pollution, eco-friendly invention
- the country joined the International
Aisa Mijeno –invented SALT or Sustainable Monetary Fund
Alternative Lighting, an environment-friendly lamp MANUEL A. ROXAS – 1ST president of the 3rd
Atoy Llave –invented the SALAMANDER Republic of the Philippines
Amphibious Tricycle, which can travel both on - reconstruction from war damage and life
land and in water without foreign rule began
Roberto del Rosario –invented the karaoke ELPIDIO R. QUIRINO – 2ND president of the 3rd
Republic of the Philippines
Fe del Mundo –was a pediatrician, and was
considered as the founder of pediatric hospital in
RAMON MAGSAYSAY SR.- 3RD president of 3rd
Republic of the Philippines

- his presidency was GOLDEN YEAR for its

lack of corruption
- second in Asia’s clean and well-governed
- National Resettlement and Rehabilitation
- Philippine is member of Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization

CARLOS P. GARCIA – 4TH president of 3rd

Republic of the Philippines

- Filipino First Policy which favored Filipino

businesses over foreign investors
- Austerity Program focusing on Filipino
trade and commerce
- Cultural arts are revived

DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL- 5th president of 3rd

Republic of the Philippines

- Land Reform Law, purchase of private

- Philippine peso in free currency exchange
market and encouraged exports
- Minimum Wage Law


- Decongesting the Ninoy Aquino

International Airport in Manila
- Freedom of Information Order
- 24 hr compliant hotline,8888
- Smoking ban
- Boracay rehabilitated
- Launched the Build!Build!Build!
INfrastracture Program
- Train Law

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