Life Has Given Me A Lot of Happiness and Moments To Celebrate With My Near and Dear Ones

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Life has given me a lot of happiness and moments to celebrate with my near and dear ones.

have celebrated many happy moments by hosting parties for someone and attending other
people’s parties as well.
I have attended many parties on different occasions in my life but the most enjoyable one was a
party that I held to mark my elder sisters twenty-fifth birthday. It was a surprise party that I
planned with the help of my mother. It was on the twenty-fifth of September last year, and I
had started to plan it two days before. After my sister left for work in the morning I started
decorating our garden and installing the setup including the tables and chairs. My mother
started baking her favourite chocolate cake while I called all her friends and our relatives to the
party in the evening. I then proceeded to order snacks and appetizers along with the beverages
for the evening. The celebrations finally commenced and all the guests had arrived before she
came. We welcomed her with the birthday song and hugs from everyone.
We all had an amazing time at the party. Everybody socialized, we played party games, danced
and had a lot of fun throughout the evening. The best part was the fact that everyone was
happy with the celebration and there were smiles all around me. My sister got gifts from
everyone and was all smiles when I gifted her a necklace. She was spellbound and thanked me
profusely for organizing such an amazing party.
At a "serious" party there would probably be a formal vibe. There would be a set time for
dinner, formal dress, an end time to the party, and more formal music. If you are hosting a
formal party and are looking for good music to play at it, think along the lines of classic or
modern jazz.
A more relaxed party with maybe just a few close friends would be much more casual. There
might be snack food, music, informal dress, etc. But you can still make the party great! At my
last party we hired a magician and it was awesome!
Generally, it is understood that a party takes place over a period of time, rather than at a
certain time, and you are welcome to come and go when you wish within that time period.
Often, it is a bit awkward to arrive at the beginning of a party, when there are few people there,
especially if you don’t know the host well, so people often make a point of coming an hour or
so after the appointed time, when the party is more likely to be going in full swing.
Because they’re not really in the mood of going to the party (maybe because they have social
anxiety) or otherwise lack the energy to get up and do stuff (maybe because they’re depressed
and listless) so they procrastinate leaving for the party.
Maybe they think the beginning of the party is going to be lame because it takes a while for a
party to really get going. Maybe they don’t like talking to people, and they don’t want to be
among the first guests and face the awkwardness of that. Maybe they want to wait until the
other guests are drunk.
Maybe they want to stay until late, but they don’t want to spend too much time at the party.
If I come later, it's easier to mix with the crowd and I can always sit in a corner for a mental rest.
I feel I’m obligated to stay until after a certain time and if I go late that means I won't have to
stay as long if it's uncomfortable for me.

Some people lack social skills. If one does not have social skills, one cannot express one’s self.
One is perceived as a bore and a sorrowful person. If you cannot express yourself than no one
will relate to you in the party aka no one will talk, dance, drink, sing with you. People who go to
parties go for a good time. A good time to them means laughing, drinking, talking and being
silly. If a person cannot express such things they are unable to participate and must sit at the
sidelines either talking to other loners, or drinking/smoking alone. As I said before, no one will
try communicate with them because they are perceived as a bore. Hard life of the introvert.
Slightly less that 50% of people are introverts. Their idea of the best party would be a place
where it is quiet and calm enough to have long in-depth conversations with one or two people
at a time. The other kinds of parties they may just not enjoy, though I have seen introverts
enjoy organized activities, such as skits, board games, or ballroom dancing.
Q. What are the differences between a serious party and a friendly party?
Answer: I think that there are many differences between these two kinds of party. In the
former, the attire is often more elegant with guests wearing costumes and ties, while in the
latter, this doesn't always happen and people wear more casual clothes, such as jeans, t-shirts
and so on. In addition, serious parties are often more of a professional type, whilst with friendly
parties, this isn't always the case. For example, a serious party includes a party with a person's
colleagues, employer and boss and in case of a friendly party, some peers, fellow students or
relatives enjoy the party. Moreover, it could be argued that serious parties are mostly held in
restaurants or bars and most of the time are expensive, while friendly parties are held at our
houses or cafeterias and are cost-saving.

Q. Why are some people late for parties intentionally?

Answer: This is a really interesting question and to be honest, I have never thought about it. I
can't find a logical explanation of why someone will do something like that and I would describe
it as an immature and unscrupulous action. But, unfortunately, there are many, who belong to
this category and some of them are friends of mine as well. A reason that comes to my mind is
that someone doesn't want to go to a party but they are forced to do so. Indeed, there are
many occasions and especially related to workplace or parties thrown by relatives where
people are sometimes forced to be present. In this case, the only solution is going many hours
after the commencement of the party. This is the only reason I can think of and partly justify
this action.

Tips: If you are one of them who intentionally go to a party late, just say the reason you do so
and give the best possible explanation you can think of to convince the examiner that your
action is justifiable.

Q. Why do some people like the party while others hate it?
Answer: I don't really know for sure, but I would say that it's a matter of individual character
and preference. Some people are introvert and like to keep a low profile who don't like places
and events which are crowded. Furthermore, if parties are held in houses, the mess is
unavoidable and oftentimes the damages are irreparable, so for the host, it could be said that is
a traumatic experience.

Moving to those who love parties, it could be argued that it's a way in which people come
together and have fun. It's arguably true that due to the excessive working hours and the busy
lifestyle, people have drifted apart and become alienated. Parties are great opportunities for
reunions and substantial conversations. A further reason which is a little ludicrous is because of
the tasteful and delectable food. I can say about some of my friends that - the first thing that
comes to their mind when they hear that they are invited to parties is 'food' and they are
instantly inundated with positive feelings.

Q. What would you do if the guests you have invited to a party feel bored?
Answer: The first thing I would do if my guests are bored at a party that I have hosted is to turn
on the music or change my playlist. Some people don't like conventional and rife types of music
and prefer something else. If music couldn't help, I would ask them what they want to do to
have fun and adjust to their desires and preferences, if possible. Furthermore, if nothing of the
above could produce a positive result and change their mood, I would play a game to attract
their interest or tell some stories from our different experiences and stages of life, which would
definitely lead to some laughter and joy. I would finally arrange some indoor games and would
declare some prizes for the winners to warm up the guests.
Tips: Some other options to cheer up the bored guests in a party could be- changing food and
drinks, sugar and coffee sometimes make someone recharged, introducing each other so that
they can talk, giving them space and autonomy is useful as well because they are free to do
whatever they want without restrictions.

Q. Will there be more and more people to attend parties?

Answer: Yes I think so. I truly believe that the number of party lovers will increase in the future.
The opportunities to gather together with friends and relatives are shrinking in modern days
and people would not want to miss parties where they can meet people, relatives and enjoy
their time. Parties would be a way of relaxing and taking breaks for many busy employees and
the increasing number of party attendees these days gives hints that in the future it will
increase further.

Q. Why do some people like to host parties at a restaurant or hotel rather than home?
Answer: For some, arranging a party at home takes too much effort and time. Decorating the
home, cooking different food items and then worrying whether the guests would like the taste,
as well as cleaning the house, and doing the dishes are difficult. Giving the location of the venue
to guests is not easy either. Moreover, in our modern outset, inviting many guests at a small
apartment is not feasible. So, it's only natural that many people these days prefer to hire a
party centre at a hotel or a community centre to throw a party.

-Wilderness therapy is an experiential form of therapy that combines outdoor experiences and
therapy sessions, can provide an encouraging and understanding environment for self-
- Wilderness therapy involves leaving familiar surroundings to be immersed in nature, where a
combination of outdoor activities and therapy sessions help you discover yourself and address
any issues you might have
- It can help their process negative emotions, give their better control over them, and help
understand themselves better. Wilderness can help them replace negative thoughts and
behaviors with healthier, more positive thought patterns. it can improve their relationships with
family and friends.
-these two picture show Magnificent natural scenery.
1 similarity between these 2 picture is that they are exploring the natural world.
-the people in photo 1 are walking through the jungle.
explore on foot.
Everyone seems to be in a hurry because they are not observing the surroundings, but only
following the footsteps of the person in front.
they are surrounded by dense vegetation. worms will probably touch them
wear short-sleeved t-shirt. maybe the weather there is hot
-the people in photo 2 are in the middle of the mountain range. they are by cycling side by side.
If I were them, I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery below.
when they reach the top, they will be very proud and satisfied with their achievement.
The air will be very cool and fresh

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