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Dumlao, Isabela SP.

Gr.12-Our Lady of Guadalupe March 25, 2021

7 Last Words of Jesus Christ

1) Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are

In the middle of his terrible pain, Jesus' heart reflected not on oneself, but on
others. Here we see the unconditional, spiritual essence of his passion.

2) Luke 23:43, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

A criminal crucified with Christ knew who Jesus was and said he was faithful to
him as the Savior. Here we will see the holiness pouring forth of faith, as Jesus
told the dying man of his everlasting forgiveness and salvation.

3) John 19:26-27, “Woman, here is your son… Here is your mother.”

Jesus was always full of a son's feelings about his mother's worldly desires,
gazing down from the cross. There weren't any of his brothers to look after her,
so he gave the apostle John that mission. We simply see the humanity of
Christ here.

4) Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46, “My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?”

Jesus called out the opening lines of Psalm 22 in the deepest time of his
suffering. And though much was implied in terms of this expression, the pain
suffered by Christ expressing alienation from God was very obvious. We are
seeing that the Father turns away from the Son while Jesus bore our sin's
entire weight.

5) John 19:28, “I am thirsty.”

The first drink from vinegar, gall, and myrrh, given to relieve his sufferings, was
denied by Jesus (Matthew 27:34, Mark 15:23). Here we see Jesus upholding
the message contained in Psalm 69:21 many hours later.
6) John 19:30, “It is finished.”

These three terms were whole, for it was not only Christ's earthly life that was
done here that he suffered and died, and not only the payment for sin and the
redeeming of the world – but the very reason and intention for which he came
to earth was completed. He completed his ultimate act of obedience. The
Scripture was accomplished.

7) Luke 23:46, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

Jesus concludes here, preaching to the Father, with the words of Psalm 31:5.
His full faith in the Father is visible. In the same way as he lived everyday of his
life, Jesus entered death, giving up his life as the ultimate sacrifice and
throwing himself in the presence of God.


 Fairchild, Mary. (2020, August 27). 7 Last Words of Jesus. Retrieved from


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