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“The Life and Times of Mr.


Michael George Nicholls-Pierce

Liberal Studies

LIBS 390-01

Intellectual Autobiography
Michael Nicholls-Pierce
Intellectual Autobiography
It was January 2014 when I stepped foot on Delaware State University’s campus. Though

I started college in the middle of the school year, my parents were still so proud that their first

born, and only boy, was off to college. Seeing as though my father is Delaware State alumnus,

and I myself am a Delaware native, it was only right that I followed the family tradition and

attended the home of the Hornets. Like most children, I aimed to please my parents and live up

to their expectations. Even if that meant sacrificing my own plan.

A few days shy of registration, I informed my parents that I wanted to be a studio art

major. The year prior to, I took a photography class and instantly found my gift. From light

manipulation to proper angle capturing, my eye was extremely different. My goal was to build

upon that gift and venture into the world of art. Though, my parents disagreed rather quickly.

“Go to school for business,” was my father’s rebuttal. “There is no money in art. You will be

safer that way.” Wanting to do well in the eyes of my parents, I did as suggested.

As the years passed, I developed connections inside the College of Business, and outside

the University. I did well in the field of Economics and was a part of several internships. During

this time, I also joined various extracurricular activities that allowed me to practice my

photography and meet fellow creatives such as myself. During this time, I was eager to expand

in both fields. Regardless of how well my photography improved, my fear of failure and

instability derailed me from attempting to follow my passion, despite my interest.

My junior year of college I returned to school determined. I recall reading the

university’s slogan across the student center, “Make your mark around the world.” I was hungry

to do just that. Little did I know that the world was going to leave its mark on me that year.

After losing 3 extremely close family members over the course of a few months, my mental

Michael Nicholls-Pierce
Intellectual Autobiography
focus was not as strong. My grades plummeted, placing me on academic probation. Following

their deaths, I battled an extensive fight with depression. One in which forced me to receive

professional help from the Wilmington Psychiatric Center on a consistent basis for a period.

After these series of events, my parents moved me out of my off-campus apartment and back

into the home in which I grew up. In some way, I felt as though I was starting over. Later, I

found out that this would be the catapult needed for me to find myself.

During my sessions with my therapist, I was asked a series of questions. One, was what

initiated a shift within me. “What activity or activities make you happy?” Asked the Doctor.

“Photography,” I answered almost instantly. “Good,” the doctor replied. “That is a part of your

therapeutic process- dive into your passion full throttle. Use it as an escape if you must. But

remain consistent.”

Per the doctor’s orders, I did just that. Not a day went by that I did not put my camera

to use. I then began to create story lines through photography, showing the pain that I felt

internally through my lens and onto a printed canvas. Over the course of 6 months, I shot over

100 different themes and concepts with dozens of people who helped me during that time.

Once I felt as though I was back in a good headspace, I decided to host an art exposition

displaying all of the artwork I invested so much time into. “Essence of the Culture,” was the

name of the event, which means Soul of the Arts. Though it was a ticketed event, the expo was

another form of therapy for me- to be able to share my emotion with others. This was my

release. To my surprise, what was medicine for me ended up becoming a sold-out event in my

local city! Through this experience, I was able to find myself. I was able to answer the ultimate

question some people spend their entire lives trying to answer, “Who am I?”. I, Michael

Michael Nicholls-Pierce
Intellectual Autobiography
Nicholls-Pierce, am an innovative, creative, optimist with a voice who has the capability to

change the narrative of anything if willing. Once I found this out, I was determined to use my

voice. This newfound growth was how I was going to make my mark on the world.

After seeing the success of my expo, my perspective of life shifted. I was able to use my

passion for art, background in business, and current state of emotion to create an opportunity

for myself. Worlds that are completely left field from each other, integrated without friction. I

knew then that when I returned to school, my major had to be something more aligned with

being able to solve complex problems using various skills and backgrounds, regardless of their

similarities and differences. More so, I needed something that would focus strictly on one focal

point: change.

In order to understand how the world works, one must understand the theory of

change. Life is forever evolving, advancing across all scopes. Change is very prominent in the

field of business, specifically when dealing with two subdivisions, accounting and management.

Understanding that finance and oversight are two key components to every successful

business, I decided to become a Liberal Studies Major, with these two groups to be my focal


Having knowledge in said disciplines, my overall career goal is to continue to thrive in

the thing that brought me peace, photography. Since hosting my first art event, I have been

able to expand my knowledge, skillset and connections. From traveling internationally, to

formal publication in various fields from entertainment to neuroscience and chemistry. Like any

job, the objective is to solve a problem with the best strategy possible. I have been able to

pinpoint various target markets and provide them with photography/media to promote their

Michael Nicholls-Pierce
Intellectual Autobiography
products/business endeavors in the best light possible. I also am able create art at our

photography studio, which is also open to our clients. While offering these services and be an

“artist” my disciplines allow me to manage oversight and assure that all business components

are taken care of.

As I continue to expand, my future career goals include getting into productions for

larger entertainment companies, partnering with various promotors and distributors to direct

and produce campaigns for different companies of various sectors. I also would love to be able

to partner with a university to help students such as myself find how they can leave their mark

on the world in their own right, oppose to following the status quo. Most importantly, sticking

to the things that bring them happiness, and self-gratitude.

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