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SDSSU Bislig Campus

Education Department
EL 107 -Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skill

 2: An Overview on the Teaching of the Macro Skills

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. test knowledge about the world languages;
2. identify key points on K to 12 Basic Education English Curriculum Guide;
3. reflect on the role of language in human life; and
4. write a reflective essay based on the handout given.


K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM English Curriculum Guide

Language is the basis of all communication and the primary instrument of
thought. Thinking, learning, and language are interrelated. Language is governed by
rules and systems (language conventions) which are used to explore and communicate
meaning. It defines culture which is essential in understanding oneself (personal
identity), forming interpersonal relationships (socialization), extending experiences,
reflecting on thought and action, and contributing to a better society. Language,
therefore, is central to the peoples’ intellectual, social and emotional development and
has an essential role in all key learning areas.
Language is the foundation of all human relationships. All human relationships
are established on the ability of people to communicate effectively with each other. Our
thoughts, values and understandings are developed and expressed through language.
This process allows students to understand better the world in which they live and
contributes to the development of their personal perspectives of the global community.
People use language to make sense of and bring order to their world. Therefore,
proficiency in the language enables people to access, process and keep abreast of
information, to engage with the wider and more diverse communities, and to learn
about the role of language in their own lives, and in their own and other culture

SDSSU Bislig Campus
Education Department
EL 107 -Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skill


The K-12 Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum is anchored on the
following language acquisition, learning, teaching and assessing principles. All languages
are interrelated and interdependent. Facility in the first language (L1) strengthens and
supports the learning of other languages (L2). Acquisition of sets of skills and implicit
metalinguistic knowledge in one language (common underlying proficiency or CUP)
provides the base for the development of both the first language (L1) and the second
language (L2)2 . It follows that any expansion of CUP that takes place in one language
will have a beneficial effect on the other language(s). This principle serves to explain
why it becomes easier and easier to learn additional languages.
Language acquisition and learning is an active process that begins at birth and
continues throughout life. It is continuous and recursive throughout students’ lives.
Students enhance their language abilities by using what they know in new and more
complex contexts and with increasing sophistication (spiral progression). They reflect on
and use prior knowledge to extend and enhance their language and understanding. By
learning and incorporating new language structures into their repertoire and using them
in a variety of contexts, students develop language fluency and proficiency. Positive
learning experiences in language-rich environments enable students to leave school
with a desire to continue to extend their knowledge, skills and interests.
Learning requires meaning. We learn when we use what we know to understand
what is new. Start with what the students know; use that to introduce new concepts.
They use language to examine new experiences and knowledge in relation to their prior
knowledge, experiences, and beliefs. They make connections, anticipate possibilities,
reflect upon ideas, and determine courses of action.
Learners learn about language and how to use it effectively through their
engagement with and study of texts. The term ‘text’ refers to any form of written
(reading and writing), oral (listening and speaking) and visual communication involving
language4 . The texts through which students learn about language are wide-ranging
and varied, from brief conversations to lengthy and complex forms of writing. The study
of specific texts is the means by which learners achieve the desired outcomes of
language, rather than an end in itself. Learners learn to create texts of their own and to
engage with texts produced by other people.
Successful language learning involves viewing, listening, speaking, reading and
writing activities. Language learning should include a plethora of strategies and
activities that helps students focus on both MEANING and ACCURACY. Language

SDSSU Bislig Campus
Education Department
EL 107 -Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skill

learning involves recognizing, accepting, valuing and building on students’ existing

language competence, including the use of non-standard forms of the language, and
extending the range of language available to students. Through language learning,
learners develop functional and critical literacy skills. They learn to control and
understand the conventions of the target language that are valued and rewarded by
society and to reflect on and critically analyze their own use of language and the
language of others.

An effective language art and multiliteracies curriculum satisfies the following

1. develops thinking and language through interactive learning;
2. develops communicative competence and critical literacy;
3. draws on literature in order to develop students’ understanding of their literary
4. draws on informational texts and multimedia in order to build academic vocabulary
and strong content knowledge;
5. develops students’ oral language and literacy through appropriately challenging
6. emphasizes writing arguments, explanatory/informative texts and narratives;
7. provides explicit skill instruction in reading and writing;
8. builds on the language, experiences, knowledge and interests that students bring to
9. nurtures students’ sense of their common ground in using language/s for
communication as present or future global citizens to prepare them to participate in
school and in civic life, and;
10. assesses and reflects the students’ ability to interpret and/or communicate in the
target language.

Source: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English. Retrieved on August 19, 2021. Retrieved

from file:///D:/Downloads/K_to_12_Curriculum_Guide_ENGLISH_Grade_1.pdf

SDSSU Bislig Campus
Education Department
EL 107 -Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skill


Developing the Macro Skills in a Competence-based Curriculum

Read the handout here:

SDSSU Bislig Campus
Education Department
EL 107 -Teaching and Assessment of the Macro Skill

Great job! You have just finished Lesson 2 of this module. Should there be some parts of
the lesson which you need clarification, please feel free to contact your course

Now if you are ready, please proceed to Lesson 3 of this module.


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